#some mysteries will remain unsolved
pushing500 · 1 month
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The solar flare meant Mechi was doing boring stuff like mining, so every time the cooldown for The Monolith or Ms Clarabelle (our sightstealer) was up, he sprinted to do that instead. I don't think he likes manual labour lmao
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Some wild people came onto the map, which Mechi was not thrilled about because one of them was a taukai xenotype (cancer people, I think), and he thought they were hella ugly. A bit rude, but Mechi hates everybody anyway, so it's understandable.
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The grass is quite literally greener on this side of the fence, boomalope (the boomalope is now named Butter, and he is a very good boomalope)
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More silver is always nice, and foggy rain isn't so bad.
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We did not offer help to either of The Accurates.
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caluski · 6 months
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ooo the cumin haters were FUMING....
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Why did Hunter’s original face scar move?? And how? At the beginning of the ep his scar is on the left then at the end after bitchlos take over his body the scar is on the right? Did I miss something??
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wetpapert0wel · 8 months
have any other folks on T been getting wicked bad tummy aches lately or is it just me & my one buddy
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tamayokny · 10 months
i don’t care how old an episode of unsolved mysteries is. if the case has no update/is still unsolved (particularly a murder case), that shit freaks me out
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tstomboy · 1 year
there is one (1) person i used to semi-date that i don't know if they're queer or not. kindergarten boyfriend is gay and every partner since has been trans but what about that one person.
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moteldogs · 2 years
grilled cheese + coffee the morning after borderline blacking out. chef’s kiss
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thebeautifulbook · 6 months
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CIPHER MANUSCRIPT [aka VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT] by Roger Bacon[?] (Central Europe, c.1401-1599) 18th -19th century binding.
‘Scientific or magical text in an unidentified language, in cipher, apparently based on Roman minuscule characters; the text is believed by some scholars to be the work of Roger Bacon since the themes as the illustrations seem to represent topics know to have interested Bacon…. A history of the numerous attempts to decipher the manuscript can be found in a volume edited by R.S Brumbaugh THE MOST MYSTERIOUS MANUSCRIPT: The Voynich “Roger Bacon” Cipher Manuscript (Carbondale, IL, 1978). Although several scholars have claimed decipherments of the manuscript, for the most part the text remains an unsolved puzzle.’ — from an abstract by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale
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source [digitized]
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snapecelebration · 1 year
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“Break out your best hats and robes, because a special event to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts has been announced by the Ministry of Magic. The noblest families of all are expected to attend, from the Malfoys to the Notts, and the soirée promises to be a night to remember.
However, what your humble correspondent knows is really on everyone’s minds is the mysterious wizard whose alleged death took place that same fated 2 May. Severus Snape was left for dead by the Dark Lord. Only following the tragedy did the Wizarding World come to learn of his true allegiance, but even after the dramatic and now mythical revelation, some things remain unsolved. Do not miss Rita Skeeter's most astonishing journalistic feat yet, as she reveals long-hidden truths and exposes lies, aided by a very exclusive source, and theorises on what might have really happened to Severus Snape.”
The Daily Prophet, 23 April 2023
How it works:
Art, writing, headcanons, meta – we’d love to share all of your creations with the rest of the fandom.
The prompts are:
Week 1 - The Muggle: Tobias and Eileen Snape; Childhood; Cokeworth; Friendship; Holiday
Week 2 - The Professor: Potions Master; Head of Slytherin House; Colleagues; Slytherin favouritism; Bullying
Week 3 - The Spy: Secret Society; Unforgivable; Vow; Right-hand Man; Occlumency
Week 4 - The Martyr: Shrieking Shack; Memories; Lonely; Sacrifice; Patronus
Week 5 -  The Survivour: Ghost; Freedom; Retirement; New Identity; Hero or Hunted
Don’t worry about tackling the themes in order, or about being late. In fact, if you have older winter-related works you’d like to show the Snapedom again, go ahead and send them in!
Either submit the post to our blog, or tag your own post using #snapecelebration.
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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Dungeon: The Tithing House
For decades the gang of highwaymen known as the Gallerwood Outlaws were famed and feared for equal measure, melting out of the forest to rob merchants, nobles, even mages, before vanishing back into the trees. Even after their awful deaths at the hand of a bountyhunter some years ago folk still sing of their deeds, and of the secret hideaway in which they stored their ill gotten gains.
Adventure Hooks:
Folk have been saying that the ghosts of the Gallerwood outlaws have been stalking the roads near where their bodies were hanged, still looking for one last haul. The party are tasked with investigating rumours after a fearful carter was set upon by these spectres, losing something precious in the process. This provides the excellent framing for a first adventure as each member of the party can be invested in retrieving something different out of the carter's cargo giving them a reason to work in the same direction.
As they investigate, the party will discover that these ghosts are infact local toughs who have dressed up and painted themselves phosphorescent cave lichen in order to shake down passers by. After giving them a thrashing and a Scooby-Doo unmasking, the party can retrieve the stolen goods and return to the inn for celebratory drinking. In the dead of night one of the party awakens to a shadowy figure looming at the foot of their bed, spectral face illuminated by the ghoul-light that flickers in the bowl of their pipe. Evidently the story of the party's antics has spread, and it appears one of the real ghosts of the Gallerwood wants a word.
Frauds and phantoms aside,  entirely possible for the party to stumble across the dungeon while exploring the surrounding swampland, only realizing it served as a bandit hideout after stumbling into the remnants of their camp. 
Setup: The ghost introduces himself as the late Cullen Carver, once founding and now final member of the Gallerwood outlaws. Cullen has an offer for the party, and is willing to guide them to the cache kept by his fellow bandits if they will perform for him a last request. As Cullen explains it, neither he nor the other outlaw spirits will be able to rest so long as there is no end to their tale, and there can be no end so long as the mystery of their hidden treasure remains unsolved in the common imagination.
Cullen is in high spirits despite being dead, so the party should expect some gallows humour as the hanged man leads them through the swamp's hazards, eventually arriving at the outlaw's secret base: The Tithing House, a long abandoned temple of Erathis concealed within the depths of the wilderness that's become infested with all sorts of mire creatures since the thieves met their end.
Challenges & Complications:
The Outlaws kept their treasure in the temple's crypts, and to access these the part are going to need to venture through the gauntlet of dark chambers and traps the bandits set up to keep eachother's hands out of the cookie jar. Cullen can help with some of these, but the whole point of the traps was to keep his fellow thieves honest. The only other way into the vault is through a heavily reinforced door, the key to which is currently in the possession of the bountyhunter who hung the Gallerwoods from trees in the firstplace.
While the party has the pick of spoils, Cullen points out a particular chest kept apart from the rest and calls upon them to fulfill their end of the bargain. This chest was Cullen's nestegg, put aside from numerous heists and robberies to be delivered to his wife and children in the event of his death. With no surviving highwaymen to carry out the promise Cullen's REAL unfinished business comes to light. The party can keep their word, or they can snipe the treasure for themselves, earning the spectre's undying enmity and curse to boot.
To get out of the the Tithing House the party will need to face off with a demon of avarice.. but not in the traditional form of bossfight. He'll approach just as they're leaving the dungeon, taking the form of a plump old man with a grandfatherly smile who wears the spotless robes of an Erathian friar despite the flooded cemetery in which they stand. He is all calm words and politeness, congratulating them on making off with such a fine haul and urging them to never mind that silly old ghost and his wishes, banishing Cullen beneath a nearby grave so that they can talk cordially. The Smiling Friar explains that he had a deal with the highwaymen; feeding off the greed of their crimes in exchange for concealing their hideaway and passage through the forest. There's no reason the party couldn't renew the deal, become the new band of legendary thieves, save that they'll have to forsake their ghostly guide and his last act of charity. Should they turn him down the Smiling Friar will call up the dead of the cemetery to slaughter them, clearing the way for the next band of ambitious treasurehunters.
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*Vivia, Aphex, Melami, and Pucci received a new mission. Apparently, there has been some odd occurrences in the New York Opera theater. Something about a 'haunting' going on over there. Very....odd, but it's a mystery regardless. Head over to the New York Metropolitan Opera house and look into this matter. Leave no mystery unsolved. Good luck, Master Detectives.* @would-you-like-a-scooby-snack
Each looking at the letter soon took off to New York Metropolitan Opera house, they had a new mission and wasn't going to let this mystery remain unresolved.
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"This is the right place, yeah?"
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"Correct, i can't help but feel this case is a bit strange... A haunted place isn't what we typically get. Now where to start?" She started looking around the place.
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ritsusakumawife · 6 months
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Kamisato Ayato x Reader
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I got sick while making this so if some scenes/parts just don't make sense I apologize No, I'm definitely not using my sickness as an excuse for my bad writing
WARNINGS: !!Mentions of Y/Ns mental state!! (Only once at the start) Super ooc, bad grammar, profanity, and full of nonsense
Words: 1484
Part 1, Part 2 (You’re here!)
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It’s been a few months since you left the estate
You still haven’t received any news about Ayato's return, which makes you slightly worried, but hey, at least these past few months, your mental health has gotten better
No Ayato = no unnecessary drama = peace = better mental state
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Your shop has been doing well
The old regulars are now back and happily buying the things they needed but couldn't get due to the market price
Everything is back to normal
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Yeah, no. It isn't completely back to normal
You have quite the reputation and even have multiple names. One popular name is "Two-faced Demon"
Why? There have been rumors circulating that you talked badly about Ayato, your spouse, around others while remaining an innocent doll around Ayato and vice versa
And due to your not-so-favorable reputation, you sometimes get some unwanted customers that want to ruin your business
Thankfully, though, you have some reliable friends that keep unwanted customers out
But even that has downsides
Some people are now wary of your shop and refuse to even look in the same direction as your shop when they pass by it, as they might suddenly get attacked by being an “unwanted customer”. It's pretty stupid to do, but it’s best to be cautious, right?
Reopening the shop has helped you, sure, but even that becomes stressful
It’s hard to manage it all by yourself, and you surely can’t leave it all alone when you go adventuring in the near future
And so you came up with a solution to reduce the overwhelming stress and future problems concerning the shop. Hire employees!
With the help of Thoma and Ayaka, you managed to scout a few trustworthy people who’re perfect for the job
All of them are quick learners and hard workers, which is perfect! With only a few more pieces of guidance, you can peacefully leave everything in their capable hands
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Two months passed quickly, and everyone can now handle everything by themselves, even without your presence
Li Hua, in particular, is quite the master at her job.
You won’t have any lingering worries with her taking care of everything there
And with that, you’re all ready to go back to adventuring!
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“Leaving already?”
“Hm? Oh! Heizou, yup! The unsolved mysteries out there are calling out to me."
“Oh really?”
“I can hear it whispering, “Y/N~ Y/N~~ Come solve this mysterious ancient puzzle!””
“Puzzles..Say, what if I come with you?”
“No, you ca—” You get cut off by Heizou pressing a finger on your lips
“Ah, ah, ah, I promise it’ll be fun! Besides, I can prove to be extremely useful to you when it comes to solving puzzles.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Do you doubt my abilities? If so, that really hurts my poor, poor heart.”
“I know your capabilities better than anyone Heizou. We grew up together.”
“If you know what my capabilities are, then why won’t you let me come then." Heizou pouts.
“You perfectly know why.”
“Do I?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. You have an important job here, Heizou. I can’t just take you with me.”
“I don’t even know when I’ll be back in Inazuma.”
“Y/N! Everything’s already set, just waiting on you,” Beidou semi-whispers.
“I’ll be there soon. Just..Saying some goodbyes to a friend.”
Heizou watches from the sidelines as you interact with Beidou. A tinge of jealousy and longing is present in his eyes, but it goes away quickly before anyone can see it
"Soo, I guess this is it. I’ll try my best to keep in contact with you. Promise. And maybe when we meet again, we can have a drink or two? "You held out a pinky finger towards Heizou
Heizou chuckles. “Well then, I’ll hold you up to that promise.” He intertwines his own pinky with yours
Only now, as you say your final goodbyes to Heizou, do you realize how charming your best friend is.
His burgundy hair is flowing in the wind, his light olive green eyes are glistening in the sun, and his charming smile shows a hint of mischievousness.
'I'm sure whoever he'll get together with will be lucky.'
You quickly turn away from him upon realizing what you’re currently thinking
“Hey~ Why’d you turn away from me so harshly? Do you really not want to see my face that badly?" He says in a teasing tone, almost as if knowing what was going on inside your head
“That’s not it. I just—Ugh." You stumble over your words. Now that you think about it, Heizou has always had this effect on you. The man just knew how to make you speechless and stumble on your own words
“Alright, alright, that’s enough teasing.” Beidou interrupts
'Beidou! My savior!'
With that, Beidou drags you over to the Alcor(Crux fleet?? What’s the difference again)
While boarding, you catch a glimpse of platinum blonde hair
After settling down in your temporary room on the ship
You set out to find the owner of the platinum blonde hair. It’s been quite a long time since you last met, after all
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“It seems that fate has once again made our paths cross.”
Oh, how you missed hearing that melodic voice of his
“It seems so..” You sit down next to where he sits at the edge
“Who would’ve thought you’d be here all along?”
Silence envelopes you both
“It hurt a lot, you know..”
Kazuha remains silent and listens attentively
“You suddenly went missing after the shogunate declared you to be an enemy for eternity. I was worried sick. I thought that maybe you’d been killed.”
“I’m sorry” is all that leaves Kazuha's lips. It’s spoken so softly and quietly that one would think it was just a whisper of the wind
There in the back of the ship, hidden away from everyone, you sit by Kazuha as you cry into his arms and whisper the things you’ve always wanted to say to the man, and even the things that are of another matter. The worries and pain you’ve kept to yourself
It's sort of ironic that instead of being open to your husband, you’re much more open to your other friends. Especially this man called Kaedehara Kazuha, he has this air around him that makes you feel secure and relaxed and spill all your secrets and feelings, adding to the fact that you've known this man for much longer than you've known your husband.
You know that whatever secret you tell him, he’ll keep it to himself until his very last breath. That’s how much you trust and confide in Kazuha.
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"Hey..I'm sorry for, y'know, this whole crying thing.."
"It's perfectly fine, dove. It's best to let it all out rather than keeping it to yourself."
"Besides, isn't listening to your troubles also part of my job as your knight?"
"Pfft, my knight, huh? Well, then, Mr. Knight care to tell me why you didn't bother to tell me where you went? As my knight, it's only right for you to report to me."
"That's..I apologize. I had to flee immediately and couldn't risk putting you in danger by contacting you."
"What about contacting me by using another person? Like, I don't know, making Beidou deliver a message to me."
"I'd rather not trouble her with my problems. She's already done me a big favor by letting me hide out here."
"Fine, fine. I won't push the issue any further. Guess you're forgiven for now, Mr. Knight."
"Why, thank you, my liege" he chuckles while giving you a bow
The day ends with your and Kazuha's laughter filling the air
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Once the moon has disappeared, the sun appears again on the horizon.
And the sun signifies that a new day has come.
You woke up to the sounds of the lively crew moving on and about. After getting yourself ready, you begin to head out.
Upon arriving on the deck, you notice how you've almost reached Liyue Harbor. It seems that the sea decided to be kind and didn't cause the voyage to be longer than necessary.
After what felt like hours, you've finally arrived and docked.
Kazuha, being the gentleman that he is, decided to lend you a hand in getting off the ship.
"I'd love to show you around, but unfortunately, the Alcor will be leaving soon after getting some resources we need." Kazuha tried to hide his unhappiness by giving you his signature charming smile, but as you've known him since you guys were kids, you quickly saw past his facade.
Seeing Kazuha smile with the sun perfectly behind him, as if purposefully illuminating him, is a breath-taking sight. First Heizou, now Kazuha, why is it only now that you've noticed how good-looking your childhood friends are?
To be fair, Kazuha was quite popular with the ladies; even when you guys were still children, the girls would flock around him as if he were some deity.
'Wait, no, Y/N, stop thinking about these things. You already have a husband! You have to stay loyal, no matter how shitty your husband may be. You can't just cheat or think these things about other people.'
'Well, this is it. A new place, a new life'
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giuwfgeahsjk, this is it for this part! I might make the next part tomorrow, but for now, I need my sleep.
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simpforfandom231 · 4 months
okay to be fair, i'm not familiar with this alpha, omega thing so I tried but kinda shitty. I'll try again when I have more time but hey tips and tricks are always welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the bustling city of Los Angeles, where dreams were woven into reality, Y/n found herself standing before the grand doors of a renowned film studio. The atmosphere was electric as Y/n, an omega on suppressants, had just landed a role in the highly anticipated Mean Girls movie. Little did she know that her life was about to intertwine with that of the charismatic and talented alpha actress, Renée Rapp.
Renée, known for her powerful performances and captivating on-screen presence, had been cast as the lead role of Regina George in the new Mean Girls adaptation. The news of Y/n's casting had reached her ears, creating a buzz of excitement throughout the studio. As the two entered the world of the Mean Girls universe, they were unaware of the unique dynamics that would unfold between them.
On the first day of shooting, Y/n couldn't shake off the feeling that something was different about Renée. Her instincts screamed alpha, but strangely, she couldn't catch a whiff of Renée's scent. Unbeknownst to Y/n, Renée was an alpha who, for some unknown reason, couldn't smell the distinct omega scent emanating from her co-star.
As they gathered for the first table read, Renée couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Y/n seemed to be avoiding her, and Renée couldn't understand why. In a city where alphas and omegas naturally gravitated towards each other, Renée couldn't fathom why Y/n was maintaining a distance.
One day, during a break in filming, Y/n found herself in the same green room as Renée. The tension in the air was palpable as they exchanged awkward glances. Y/n, determined to keep her omega status a secret, tried her best to act nonchalant.
"You know, we're going to be spending a lot of time together on set. It would be nice if we could get along," Renée said, breaking the silence.
"Oh, absolutely! I'm just a bit overwhelmed with everything, you know? This is a huge opportunity for me," Y/n replied with a forced smile, doing her best to keep her secret under wraps.
Renée, oblivious to Y/n's true nature, couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. She wanted to establish a connection with her co-star, but Y/n's avoidance made it difficult. Little did she know, Y/n's reluctance stemmed from her fear of being discovered as an omega.
As the days passed, the tension between Y/n and Renée continued to escalate. The cast and crew noticed the strained atmosphere, adding an unexpected layer of drama to the set. Meanwhile, the director, sensing the lack of chemistry between the two lead actors, decided to address the issue.
In a private meeting, the director sat Y/n and Renée down to discuss their on-screen dynamics. "You two are the heart of this movie. We need the audience to believe in the chemistry between Regina and the new girl. I want you to find a way to connect, to understand each other," the director urged.
Y/n and Renée exchanged hesitant glances, realizing that they needed to set aside their differences for the sake of the film. Little by little, they started to open up to each other, sharing stories and experiences that brought them closer.
As they spent more time together, Renée couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Y/n's behavior. There were moments when Y/n seemed more vulnerable, more genuine. Yet, the mystery surrounding Y/n's omega status remained unsolved.
One day, while rehearsing a particularly emotional scene, Y/n found herself unable to contain her true nature any longer. The suppressants she had been taking to conceal her omega status were starting to lose their effectiveness.
Renée, sensing something was off, approached Y/n with concern. "Are you okay? You seem... different today."
Y/n hesitated, her eyes flickering with a mixture of fear and vulnerability. In that moment, she made a decision to trust Renée. "I'm an omega," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Renée's eyes widened in surprise, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. The realization hit her – she couldn't smell Y/n because the suppressants had masked her natural scent.
Instead of reacting with shock or judgment, Renée surprised Y/n by embracing her vulnerability. "You don't have to hide who you are. We're a team, and I've got your back," Renée assured, forming a bond that transcended the boundaries of alpha and omega dynamics.
With their newfound understanding, Y/n and Renée's on-screen chemistry blossomed into something extraordinary. The tension that had once lingered between them transformed into a powerful force that captivated audiences around the world.
The Mean Girls movie, enriched by the unexpected connection between its lead actors, became a massive success. Y/n and Renée, both grateful for the experience, forged a lasting friendship that extended beyond the confines of the movie set.
In the end, the tale of Regina George and the new girl became a story not just about high school drama, but about overcoming differences, breaking down barriers, and embracing the true essence of who they were – an alpha and an omega, bound by the magic of the silver screen.
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It ain't over 'til the Old Crow sings.
This is the concluding story to go along with the Two Ravens at the Writing Desk blog event! Please note, I was not able to respond to all interaction requests, as many were submitted after the period of acceptance and/or disregarded other event rules.)
Does Two of us make a Murder of Crows? … Or an Unkindness of Ravens?
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The Newspaper Club's office was a hub of activity. When its door was cracked open, the smell of fresh paper and ink would greet visitors. The murmurs of concentration and furious keyboard clacking of its members, the organization's calling card.
Raven was fond of it.
She tended to skitter on the outskirts of the club, observing as students drifted in and out, sometimes lugging supplies or equipment with them. Too shy to ask if she could pitch in, too scandalized at the thought of the boys staring at her if she entered.
And so she remained, watching.
Raven peered around her secretive corner. Today, there was a cluster of club members outside the office, caught up in a heated debate. One of them--the leader?--had a thick packet in hand and a frown on his face.
"We can't print this," he was saying, waving the papers around.
"If we don't, he'll be on our asses," protested another member. "Let's just suck it up and send it into the printing press."
"Where's your journalistic integrity, man?!" a third demanded.
"We've put out crappier stuff before," a fourth shrugged. "Remember that article about the seven greatest unsolved mysteries on NRC campus? As if most of us don't already know."
"It's not the same thing," the leader shot back. "That was one piece. This is an entire issue. You really want to flush down our rep?!"
Oh dear, it looks like they've run into some sort of trouble. I wonder what's wrong...? Raven leaned a little closer, cupping an ear.
"What are we going to do" The club leader worriedly paced around. "We don't have much time before the deadline comes up on us... Oh, hmm?"
He cocked his head, noticing a flicker of movement around the corner. "Is that...?"
Raven startled. I've been spotted!
"Excuse me!" To her horror, the club leader approached and called out to her. "You are... the headmaster's something-or-other, right? Someone who can speak to him on our behalf."
"Er, yes. I-I suppose that's true." She tried to control her nerves by smoothing out her skirt, but found herself anxiously wringing the hem of it.
"Great! See, the headmaster proposed running a special edition in the campuswide newspaper. In honor of NRC's founding month, he said," the club leader explained. "Front to back, the whole works. The only problem is... well, see for yourself."
He offered his packet. It was about the width of a modest novel and bulged with additional sticky notes and photographs shoved inside of the stack.
One glimpse at the cover page, and Raven instantly understood what was happening.
Oh, Uncle. You just can't stay out of trouble, can you?
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"You wanted the school newspaper to have a Crowley-themed edition for March... Have you gone mad?!"
"I thought it would be an earnest and approachable way for the student body to get to know their headmaster," Crowley faintly defended himself. "And you did tell me to pen some writing by my own hand. Does it not make sense to publish those works in a publicly accessible source?"
Raven held her head in her hands. A migraine was coming on, steady but piercing.
"Please do not impose your agenda on a student-run organization. It is meant to be a forum that promotes freedom of expression, not for personal vanity projects!!
"There are other avenues you could use for publications if you want an 'earnest and approachable' image. For example..." She produced her phone, pulling up Magicam via an app. Personal blogs, social media accounts... There are many other places.
"Oh." Crowley cupped his chin. "I was not aware."
"Many students are on Magicam, so if you want to be relatable this may be a good starting point. Perhaps it's not the best for posting written works, but surely you could take pictures of your daily activities and briefly caption them."
"Well, why didn't you say so sooner? Nothing could be simpler, my dear niece!" The headmaster beamed, displaying his pointed, pearly canines.
“I wish you’d explored these options first,” she sighed. “Then we could have avoided this almost-disaster altogether.”
Her guardian was already preoccupied with his own phone now. Typing in information, fishing up the most photogenic pictures from his album to slap on. A few minutes into setting up his account, Crowley paused. He eyed his child the same way a hawk might eye a scurrying field mouse.
“… What is it now?” Raven asked, dreading the worst.
“Oh, I was just thinking about what my first post should be. Something that says a lot about me and where my values lie. I know exactly what to use: a family photo!"
She raised a brow.
Crowley shoved the rejected proposal packet back into his niece's hands. He then shuffled next to her, holding his phone out--the camera, flipped--and made a peace sign with the other.
A bolt of panicked realization raced through her. "Uncle... you don't mean--"
"Fufufu. Say 'cheese', Raven-kun!"
The headmaster's first post would go up around midnight. Under the picture of a jovial crow and a befuddled raven was a very telling statement.
So glad to have such bright young minds steering the way to the future~ Proud to be the headmaster of NRC 🐦‍⬛
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kentstoji · 6 months
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(@odditycircus-2002 hey 👉👈)
new era!baraka. the biggest obstacle in a relationship with baraka would be himself. he will always create reasons (quite creative ones by the way) not to have a romantic relationship with you. his biggest fear, certainly, is contaminating you with the tarkat — since the proliferation of the disease remains an unsolved mystery. however, you are patient and stubborn. over time, you learned to counter the pretexts he vehemently created just to have a fleeting chance to have some contact with him.
furthermore, the disease was responsible for a drastic change in the physical appearance of the infected person. naturally, the insecurity was inevitable. baraka was ashamed of his own physical appearance and of having any kind of affection with someone as beautiful as you.
however, if you managed to break down the walls he built around him, he would be a protective partner. if someone looked at you in a way that he thought was strange, he would give a single look. that look. scary dog privilege.
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theunderestimator-2 · 5 months
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Synth-punk legends The Screamers as shot by Richard Alden Peterson in late-'70s San Francisco: whispers of an early punk band that intimidated audiences, dominated stages wherever they performed and packed the hottest punk venues of their time, though “…they never released a record, and disappeared into yellowing fanzine pages, decaying handbills and old VHS copies…" as Jon Savage once said, here as captured in an amazing cinematic photo with Tomata du Plenty in the shadows and so much happening on the front and on the back of the photo that it's impossible for the viewer to not be able to make up some sort of backstory in their mind.
The Screamers, one of LA’s mightiest and most influential early punk bands, still remain one of those unsolved mysterious punk cases: way ahead of its time and having no need for guitars. they released their fury through keyboards and manic art performances, packed the hottest LA clubs of their time, such as the Masque, the Whisky and the Roxy but though on the verge of major success, never released any of their stuff, so only demos can be found, other than fond memories of those who were lucky enough to catch them live.
"Type 'the Screamers' into the search option", said Jon Savage about the band on YouTube, "and you'll find an array of live and studio footage, including 122 Hours of Fear. The total hits for the clips add up to more than 100,000, which is probably 95,000 people more than ever saw or heard the group throughout their career."
If that was the case in 2010 when this was written in The Guardian, today it should be updated into “around a 1.000.000 people more than ever saw or heard the group throughout their career".
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