#sorry i'm not a robot that can give you all your requests right away
kairiscorner · 10 months
man u guys are funni you don't think i remember this? (tw: dr*gs and ov*r*os*)
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first time? that's rich, right @miguelswifey04
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at least change your wording to make it look more original bro
anyway, please STOP SENDING REPEATED REQUESTS. I AM NOT A ROBOT WHO IS REQUIRED TO MAKE YOUR STORIES. if you want to see it written, write it yourself :> i didn't respond to your request at first because i was uncomfortable with it, there, i said it. i'm sorry, but i cannot and will not fulfil your request. i think i've made it clear in my rules that i will not do disturbing themes, i am not required to, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE REPEATED REQUESTS.
i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're not the same anon spamming me and asking lin (hopefully not other writers) with this very request, i'm gonna tell you right now i am not comfortable with writing this. i'm sorry if i sound angry, bc i am. please respect us writers the same way as we respect you anons; i didn't respond to your previous req so as not to embarrass you or anything, but i can't keep quiet anymore.
sorry for the long ass rant, tl;dr: i'm not gonna write this, and if you send another req EXACTLY LIKE THIS OR HAS THE SAME THEME AS THIS OR ANYTHING TRIGGERING, YOU WILL GET BLOCKED. g'day.
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Hey! Can I request a Clark x reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know Clark is superman. And then superman interacts with them for whatever reason and is flirty bc that's his person!!! But reader is like ☝️ hey buddy back off. I'm HAPPILY taken
this is such a cute request!!!! Argh!!!!
clark kent/superman x gn!reader. fluff, brief danger but r is okay. superman flirting with you but he's dating you? he's just a goober. i lub him <3 PLEASE feel free to imagine maws!clark. I feel like this is very himcore 🥰
Being a florist in Metropolis is good work. Lots of people still buy flowers, which is great. Many actually buy bouquets for Superman and leave them on display as support. Poppies, yellow tulips, and cornflowers. They're one of your favorite arrangements.
The downside to being a florist in Metropolis, however, is that on occasion, your flower display ends up the target of a killer robot.
You're not sure why that is. Mostly, you wish people would stop building killer robots.
You've gone outside to see what the commotion is about when you're grabbed by a metal claw. It squeezes hard, almost cutting off your air. You squirm in terror as the robot stomps down Main Street, crushing cars and asphalt in its wake.
"Help!" you scream when you catch your breath, and the robot squeezes you harder.
A dizzying blur of red, yellow, and blue zips past you. You think of your flowers.
The blur cuts through the metal like nothing. The robot begins to collapse, twitching and groaning. Its metal creaks, grip loosening on your body.
You hardly fall before Superman is there, cradling you to his chest.
"I've got you," he says, tucking you close.
You look up at him, and he beams at you, like saving you from a killer robot has been the best part of his day.
Come to think of it, Superman came to your aid surprisingly fast, even for him.
And he holds you... intimately. Like you've known him for years. Your heart picks up.
"Uh," he says, cheeks flushed. "Are–are you okay?"
You smile politely, arms around his neck. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Superman."
He nods, flying down the street. "Good. I'll get you back to your shop and clean up the flowers."
You tilt your head. "How do you know I'm a florist?"
Superman looks at you, blue eyes wide.
"Oh! I... uh, I've seen your arrangements all over the city. They're beautiful. I'd never forget that they belong to an equally beautiful face."
Goodness. If Superman is this forward with everyone he rescues, it's no wonder your flower arrangements are in high demand.
"I'm flattered," you begin, and Superman once again aims that grin with the power of a thousand suns at you. "But, respectfully, I'm very happily taken, so I would appreciate it if you'd keep this rescue professional."
Superman raises an eyebrow. To your surprise, he smiles wider.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't realize you were taken. My sincerest apologies. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
"No, it's alright. I'm honored, but you couldn't pull me away from my boyfriend even with your super strength."
Superman's cheeks turn pinker. He sets you down in front of your store with the utmost care, not letting go until you have your bearings. He takes a step back, rubbing his neck. The gesture makes your brain itch. You don't know why.
"Well, uh, he must've done something right if he's lucky enough to be with you."
"Luck has nothing to do with it," you say fiercely. You don't know why you're so indignant about defending Clark's reputation to Superman. It's not like Clark will ever hear about it.
"Not at all. He's an incredible person, kind and smart and loving, and if anyone's lucky, it's me."
Superman makes an aborted gesture to take your hand, then redirects and awkwardly pats your arm instead. You squint at him. He quickly moves away.
"Ah. Sorry. Well, I doubt that. I bet you're equally spectacular."
"Oh. Thank you."
You primly take his hand and give it a good shake. Superman bows his head and laughs.
He takes a step back, eyes bright like you've just made his day.
"Well, I wish you the best with your boyfriend. I'm sorry for being so forward. I've seen your Superman bouquets; your reputation precedes you. I make it a point to know reputed people in Metropolis."
"I can't imagine I'm very high on that list," you say.
"Ah, you'd be surprised. Besides, I never forget a face."
Superman darts behind you and moves at neckbreaking speed to clean up your partially maimed flowers. In three seconds, it's returned to its former glory.
"Well, uh, I'll be seeing you," Superman says, hands clasped behind his back. "I mean, I hope not in a circumstance like this! Th-then again, when else would we see each other? Scratch that, I hope there's no reason for us to cross paths because that would mean you're in danger. Uh, but I don't mean that in a bad way! I just—"
You snort and reach over to take a yellow tulip from your display. You give it to Superman, who takes it like you've just handed him a newborn baby.
"I'm still taken," you say. "But you're very sweet, Superman. Take care, alright?"
"Yeah," he says, tucking the tulip into the strap of his cape. "Yes, you too. Goodbye!"
He soars away, the tulip like a star on his cape.
Superman is handsome and kind, no doubt. But he's certainly no Clark Kent.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
I am here w your svarog rec!!
Reader n clara are playing and one of them like, falls or something and gets rlly lightly hurt and just,,, his reaction to that
- 🍓
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ a small trip
⊹ character(s) - svarog ⊹ word count - 1.2k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, reader is implied to be a fighter/be close with svarog and clara, sugary sweet tooth-melting fluff
🍓ANON HI!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SATING MY DESIRE TO WRITE FOR SVAROG !!!!! I really like him a lot he is so sweet <3 ILY TY FOR REQUESTING ( ↀДↀ)✧
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"Bio heat reaction detected — Identifying bio information... Identification result: Y/N. — Hostility level: None. What can I do for you, Y/N?"
That familiar robotic tone greeted you as soon as you had made your way into Svarog's base camp, spotting the glowing red eye you had grown accustomed to.
The robot awaited you and Clara at the top of the steps, and you gently eased the small girl up, giving Svarog a gentle smile.
"Sorry, Svarog. While Clara and I were out, she got a small wound. I was wondering where you keep the medical supplies?"
"Y/N, I'm fine..." the young girl whined, clutching to your hand for a moment longer before walking over to give Svarog a greeting hug (which was really more of her latching onto his leg).
You nodded kindly.
"I know, dear. But if you don't get it looked at, it could get worse. We don't want that, do we?"
Then, you turned your attention to the robotic man.
"She really is fine, but she had quite the tumble, to be honest. Her knee has a slight scrape. Could you show us inside?"
"What happened?" Svarog's head tilted.
"Some Fragmentum monsters appeared out of nowhere. It was just in the scramble to find a hiding place. We're both okay."
"What of the condition of the monsters that encroached on your time together? Where are they found?"
You chuckled. Although his voice was as computerized as ever, you could hear the barest hint of protectiveness seep in every now and then—something that should be impossible, yet, here you were.
"Not to worry. I took care of them before we returned. Clara managed to find somewhere to hide in the scuffle."
"Understood. Come along, Clara."
"But what about Y/N?!" Clara burst out, tears threatening to fill her red eyes as she clutched onto Svarog's pantleg and tugged him back before he could walk away. "They tripped too!"
"Ah, nonsense!" you hurried, laughing nervously. "I'm really all right. I didn't get any injuries from it."
"But if I need to get checked out, you should too! Just in case!"
Children sure are stubborn these days.
You shook your head in resignment, turning again to the tall robot as he scooped Clara into his arm.
"Do you mind if I impose?"
"You are not someone capable of imposing. You are always welcome in our camp," Svarog answered surely, without leaving space for a single question or protest. He moved towards you, offering one hand while his other was occupied holding Clara.
You took it graciously, heading into the small mansion that was Svarog's home.
"Not someone capable of imposing, hmm... Is that all part of your calculations too?" you nudged him as you made your way through the halls, going to the makeshift infirmary set up in the back corner of the estate.
You chuckled lightly. Stoic as always. Then again, he is a robot.
"What if I defected, became a vagrant and went to steal your stockpiled goods for whatever reason?"
"Calculating — Rate of trust towards Y/N exceeds that of the average human. Probability of betrayal, defection, or otherwise malintent: 0.00%. Result identical to previous fifteen calculated results. Existing data will temporarily not be altered."
Your eyes widened a bit of that, and you raised a brow.
"Clara, have you asked him such a thing before?"
"No, I haven't..." she trailed off. You turn to Svarog.
"So, you think about me often, do you?" you teased lightly, knowing the robot would have some sort of calculative response to that.
Svarog did not respond.
In the moment, you shrugged it off, but something tickled the back of your mind about the way he remained silent.
Was there really a way to calculate such a thing with pure logic?
You chose to shove the thought from your mind for now.
Svarog gently sat Clara on the examination table, gathering bandages and ointment. He placed them on the table beside you, standing back and allowing you to gently patch up the small girl's leg.
As soon as you finished, the girl had hopped up at once, hugging you and Svarog lightly as she went to the door.
"I'm going to go check on Pascal. Bye, Mr. Svarog! Bye, Y/N!"
You waved her off with a smile, sighing as you leaned against the wall.
"Please sit on the examination table, Y/N."
The computerized voice cut through your thoughts, and you eyed Svarog, who was very pointedly staring at your knee. You chuckled nervously, waving your arms again.
"Svarog, like I said, I'm fine. I didn't trip that hard—"
"According to observational results, you have a mild limp and a tremble in your left leg. Probability of injury: 96.38%. Probability of injury exceeding average standard of human pain tolerance: 47.92%. Probability of—"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" you huffed, tossing yourself onto the examination table and lifting up your pantleg. Though the gash in your knee was nothing life-threatening even if infection were to encroach, it did hurt, and nothing escaped Svarog's observational eye.
"See? Nothing too bad. I can take care of it myself back home, you don't need to worry."
"I will treat it."
"Svarog!" you exclaimed as he took the ointment in his large, metallic hand, applying a generous amount. "I really am okay!"
"Clara is worried for your well-being. As am I." The second part of his sentence made you shut up just a bit. That is, until he started rambling again. "Probability of Clara's mental well-being declining as a result of Y/N's injured knee — 93.49%—"
"I got it with the calculations! Just... do what you gotta do," you relented at last, allowing the robot to finish dressing your wound and bandaging you up at remarkable speeds.
Honestly, with how large his hands are, you weren't sure if he'd be up for it. Still, he did a decent job. Better than decent, really.
"Are medical skills also ingrained somewhere in that big computer-like database of yours?"
"I can access all databases relative to Belobog. As there are records of accurate and efficient medical care, I am able to perform these according to written instruction."
"Hmm... Well, thank you, regardless."
"You have my appreciation as well, Y/N, for assisting Clara. It would be appreciated if you would look after her in the future, as well."
You laughed lightly.
"Is that even a question? I'll always be there for you and Clara. No need to worry. Though, I'm sure you'd be able to demolish anyone that threatens Clara with far more ease than I."
"Verifying accuracy of claim — Combat systems—"
"Okay, Svarog, just an observation, no need for an analysis!"
"Very well."
By the time Svarog had led you back outside, Clara had returned, Pascal in tow. She gave you another great, big hug before you left, all while you patted the robot on the arm.
"I'll see you two later."
"Goodbye, Y/N."
"Bye, Y/N! Come back and visit again soon!"
As soon as you were out of earshot, the small girl turned to her father figure, a big beaming grin on her usually timid face.
"Are you and Y/N gonna get married, Mr. Svarog?"
Svarog did not reply aloud, but the whirring of his circuits made it plenty clear to Clara that calculations were running like rampant in his computerized mind.
"Let us go inside, Clara."
She only giggled.
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cnnmairoll · 9 months
hello! i'm the anon that requested for the the moles' beloved miss hehe - just wanted to say that IT WAS ADORABLE AF <3 loved the domestic and homey feeling of the whole fic <33 read your other works and WOHHH I LOVE YOU AS I WRITER <3
if i may, may i request a hurt-comfort for dan heng and luka (separate hehe) ? like, they notice that their s.o, the reader, has become more distant towards them and their shared friend group (the express crew for dan heng, and maybe wildfire for luka). they check on the reader but they just get "i'm okay" as a response. one day, though, they get a letter from the reader, thinking it's the usual love letter that they give, but it's actually a letter of the reader expressing their feelings of being left out, not being enough, and all - kinda like "i know you guys accept me, but i find it hard to accept myself." happy ending ofc hehe
i'm so sorry that the prompt was so long whahsha have a great day/night, as always! <33
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A Letter of Words I Can't Convey
Character(s) : Luka, Dan Heng Genre : Comfort, Fluff a/n : glad u liked the fic anon :thumbsup: here ya go
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Luka had noticed the change in you for weeks now. It wasn't like you to withdraw from the wildfire, your close-knit group of friends that included Luka himself. At first, he thought it was just a phase, a rough patch, but as days turned into weeks, he grew increasingly worried. You had become distant, your smiles less frequent, and your laughter absent from their gatherings.
One evening, after practice at the underground boxing ring, Luka decided he couldn't ignore it any longer. He approached you cautiously, his robotic right arm glinting in the dim light of the gym. You were leaning against the wall, seemingly lost in thought. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his concern.
"Hey there," Luka began, his voice gentle. "You've been… different lately. Is everything okay?"
You glanced up at him, and for a moment, it seemed like you would open up. But instead, you managed a weak smile and replied, "I'm okay, Luka, really. Just going through some stuff, you know?"
He didn't want to push you, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. Luka nodded and patted your shoulder. "Alright, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me, right?"
You nodded, and that was the end of the conversation. Luka walked away, his heart heavy with worry, but he trusted you to reach out when you were ready.
Days turned into weeks, and your distance only seemed to grow. Luka missed your laughter, your warmth, and your presence in their group. He found himself lying awake at night, wondering what had changed between you two.
Then, one day, he received a letter. At first, he thought it was one of your usual love letters. You had a habit of slipping little notes and sweet messages into his jacket pocket. But as he unfolded the paper, his heart sank. It wasn't a love letter; it was a heartfelt confession of your feelings.
I hope you're doing well. I know I've been distant lately, and I'm sorry for that. I want you to know that it's not because of anything you've done. It's me. I've been feeling like I don't belong, like I'm not enough for the wildfire. I know you all accept me, but I find it hard to accept myself. I've been struggling with these thoughts, and it's been tearing me apart.
I hope you can understand. I just needed to get this off my chest.
- [Your Name]
Reading your words, Luka's heart ached. He realized that he had been so focused on trying to make you open up that he had missed how much pain you were in. Without wasting another moment, he set out to find you.
It wasn't easy, but after asking around, he discovered you were at your favorite quiet spot in the park. He spotted you sitting alone on a bench, staring off into the distance. Luka took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions - concern, determination, and love.
Approaching you, he said softly, "Hey there, I got your letter."
You looked up in surprise, and there was a flicker of vulnerability in your eyes before you looked away. "Oh, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly."
Luka sat down beside you and gently turned your face to meet his gaze. "You're not alone in this, you know. We all care about you, and I care about you. Your feelings matter."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you finally let them fall. "I just… I feel like such a burden, Luka."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "You're not a burden. You're a part of our wildfire family, and we stick together through thick and thin. And I'm here for you, no matter what."
You clung to him, your shoulders shaking with sobs. Luka held you close, offering you a safe haven to release all the pent-up emotions you had been carrying. As the tears subsided, he whispered soothing words of comfort and reassurance.
"We all have our struggles, and it's okay to ask for help," Luka said softly. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here to support you, and we'll get through this together."
In that moment, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders, and a glimmer of hope flickered within you. Luka's unwavering support and understanding gave you the strength to face your inner demons. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but with him by your side and the wildfire behind you, you had a fighting chance.
As the sun began to set, you and Luka remained on that bench, talking and sharing your deepest fears and insecurities. It was the first step toward healing, and together, you would overcome the darkness that had threatened to engulf you. In Luka's embrace, you found solace and the reassurance that you were, indeed, enough.
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It had been weeks since you'd last spent quality time with Dan Heng and the rest of the Astral Express crew. Something had shifted, something you couldn't quite put your finger on, and it left you feeling distant, isolated, and overwhelmed by a constant sense of inadequacy. Your once lively presence within the group had turned into an invisible shadow, always there but seldom noticed.
Dan Heng had noticed the change in your behavior, how you'd become distant from the Astral Express crew, including him. He had always respected your privacy and your need for space, but this was different. It was as if you were slowly retreating into your own world, leaving him feeling helpless and concerned.
One evening, as the crew gathered in the common area for their usual card game, Dan Heng noticed your absence once again. He sighed, unable to ignore the growing concern that gnawed at him. With a subtle glance toward the others, he excused himself and made his way to your cabin.
His knock on your door was soft, almost hesitant. He waited for a moment, and just as he was about to turn away, the door cracked open, revealing your face, tinged with surprise. You'd clearly not expected him.
"Dan Heng," you greeted, your voice a shadow of its former warmth.
"May I come in?" he asked, his blue eyes searching your face for answers.
You hesitated but then stepped aside, allowing him to enter your dimly lit cabin. It was a small, cozy space, filled with books and trinkets from your travels. He admired it briefly before focusing on you.
You looked down, avoiding his gaze. "What brings you here?"
Dan Heng took a deep breath, unsure of how to broach the subject. He knew he had to tread carefully. "I've noticed you've been distant lately. We all have. Is everything okay?"
You turned away, your fingers nervously fidgeting with a book on your shelf. "I'm okay. Really."
But he wasn't convinced. He knew there was something deeper bothering you. He couldn't bear to see you like this, shutting everyone out.
He couldn't stand the thought of you struggling alone, and yet, he understood that pushing you for answers wouldn't help. Instead, he decided to give you the time and space you seemed to need, hoping that you would come to him when you were ready.
Weeks passed, and every day felt like an eternity for Dan Heng. He missed the times when you were both alone, your conversations filled with laughter and affection. He yearned for those moments but was willing to wait for you to reach out.
Then, one day, it happened. A small envelope slid under his cabin door, catching his attention. He picked it up, expecting another one of the love letters you often left for him. But when he opened it, his heart sank as he read the words on the paper.
Dan Heng,
I hope this letter finds you well. I know that lately, I've been distant from the crew, and it's been hard for me to explain why. I've been struggling with some things, things I never thought I'd admit even to myself.
You see, despite all the love and acceptance I feel from all of you, I can't help but feel like I don't quite fit in, like I'm not good enough to be part of this incredible group. I know you guys accept me, but I find it incredibly difficult to accept myself.
I've been battling these feelings in silence, and I'm sorry for shutting you all out. It's not because I don't trust you or care about you—it's because I've been struggling to understand my own emotions.
I'm writing this letter because I needed you to know what's been going on inside my head, even if I'm not ready to talk about it in person just yet. I want you to know that I treasure the moments we've shared, and your presence means the world to me. But sometimes, I need to figure things out on my own, and I hope you can understand that.
Thank you for being patient with me, Dan Heng. You mean more to me than I can express in words.
- [Your Name]
Without a moment's hesitation, he left his cabin and made his way to yours. His knock on your door was gentle, a silent plea for you to open up to him. When you did, he saw the surprise in your eyes, but there was also a hint of relief, as if you had been waiting for him.
"Can I come in?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.
You nodded, stepping aside to let him enter. He took a seat on your bed, and you followed suit. There was a moment of silence, neither of you knowing where to begin.
"I got your letter," he finally said, his tone gentle and understanding. "I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. You don't have to go through this alone."
You met his gaze, your eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, from vulnerability to gratitude. "I… I didn't know how to talk about it," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Dan Heng reached out and took your hand in his, offering you a reassuring squeeze. "You don't have to explain everything right now," he said. "But I want you to know that you are enough, just the way you are. We all care about you deeply, and I care about you deeply."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and this time, you didn't hold them back. You let them fall, letting go of the pent-up emotions that had been tormenting you for so long. Dan Heng pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you close as you cried.
As the tears subsided, you found comfort in his presence, in the fact that he hadn't pushed you for answers but had simply been there for you when you needed him the most. He may not have all the solutions, but he had his unwavering support and affection to offer, and that was enough to start healing the wounds that had been plaguing your heart.
In the quiet of your cabin, beneath the soft glow of the astral stars outside your window, Dan Heng and you began a journey of rediscovery and healing. He continued to listen, to be there for you, and to assure you that you were valued and loved just as you were.
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lonleydweller · 10 months
Hi Dwell! Is it ok if I call you that? (Please let me know)
I'm the anon who requested brittle bones darling with scarecrow and riddler
(Which was amazing as I've mentioned before ♥️)
and I was wondering....
Could you write yandere platonic scarecrow and riddler (again..sorry 😅) with a teenager that they want to make their protégé / and or heir to their work/ villain persona?
Like maby they knew the teen in the past?
(PLEASE Take your time. Remember to stay hydrated and well fed and take breaks regularly your writing is improving so much! Your one of my favourite blogs ♥️♥️)
🥀Platonic Yandere Arkham Knight Riddler and Scarecrow with a teen protégé🥀
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Of course!! Also don't be afraid to give yourself a proper anon name if you want! Assuming by your wording as well that this most likely a kid they snatched off the streets or someone else in this case! And don't worry, I'm probably overhydrated than anything else.
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!Warnings!: this content contains, toxic family dynamic, platonic yandere trope, alluded kidnapping, controlling behavior, emotional manipulation, emotional abuse, gaslighting.
Yanderes are OK in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not example of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. This is for entertainment purposes
●Welp hope you enjoy being trapped in a bunker full of strewn about scrap metal, machinery, robots, and random shit. An absolute mess. It's a surprise he can even meet your basic needs. Your room is most likely a small extra storage closet he emptied out. It's decent, probably the only clean part of the base, granted you're the only one who uses or maintains it. However you barely get privacy.
●He'll force you to be beside him for a good chunk of the day, berating you and lecturing you about topics you barely understand. Forcing you to help a bit with schemes. You'll need the experience after all if you are to take after him aren't you? Maybe if you do something right he'll give you some fatherly praise and encouragement. Otherwise don't expect much from him.
●Correction. You are going to take after him. There is no if. He fully expects you to do so and will drill it into your head. If you have any dreams, any aspirations, any careers you want, he'll shoot them down. Get that nonsense out of your head. No doubt you two get into shouting matches about this topic and the fact he's not your real dad.
●You're allowed very few personal items. A notebook, pencil, puzzles, rubix cubes, crosswords. Things that he believe will help challenge your brain. Maybe if you're lucky he'll gift you something you actually want. No electronics however. Under any circumstance. Nothing that allows you to communicate with the outside world. He isn't a fool.
●Oh, yeah, and he dosen't allow you outside. At all. He says it's for your own good. Which is debatable. All of this is. You should be grateful he didn't leave you on the streets where your brain would inevitably melt from the stupidity! Not to mention the various thugs, criminals, the bat, and other rouges that are just waiting to snacth you up. Really it's safer with him.
●He will absolutely look through your notebook, journal, or any personal belongings while you sleep. Looking around your room to make sure you aren't hiding anything.
●He has many precautions to make sure you can't go sneaking out and running away. Him keeping an extremely close eye on you isn't enough. His robots are stationed at almost every door, roaming around, camreas placed just outside the base, throughout the city, and more than likely a tracker on something you own. Say maybe a pair of shoes or a shirt.
●Overall you're stuck with a controlling, brash, overprotective, overbearing narcissist as a barely father figure.
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●With Dr.Crane at least you get a proper decent room, and a home that's not full of tripping hazard. It's actually somewhat barren. Your needs are met all the same, but don't be mistaken, you're still surrounded by manipulation and villainy.
●He'll let you have more freetime compared to Edward. He'll show you bits of his work here and there. He wants to try and get you interested on your own accord, but he'll give you a nudge if need be. The more your young minds curiosity is peaked, the more he'll teach you about his toxins and work.
●It may seems nice, but of course it's only manipulation. After all if he forced you to do it, you'd resent him, resent his work. Once he was gone, you'd just move on as an adult. If he gets you interested at a young age, ignite the passion for fear in you and engrain it, you'd be more willing to carry on his legacy wouldn't you?
●You're mainly gifted books, art supplies, or other things if you request them and he's deemed you've earned them. However he's strict on electronics as well. Maybe if you prove you aren't going to run away or snicth on him anytime soon he'll give you a phone or laptop. It won't be able to connect to the internet and will be heavily monitored.
●He won't let you outside too much either. Unless you're monitored by him or his men. Even then you won't go far from his domain. He fears Batman or another member of the Rouges Gallery might snacth you up if they realize your association with him.
●He won't really root through your personal belongings unless he feels there a sudden shift in your behavior or some cause for concern. He trusts he's manipulated treated you fairly well enough to where you aren't scheming behind his back.
●He still has security in place. It's Gotham city, many things can go awry. Camreas here and there, thugs, maybe a tracking device if need be. If it really calls for it he'll get the help of the Arkham Knight and his army.
●He'll hides his manipulation under a calm, reasonable, and collected demeanor.
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Dante x Reader
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In which you are the pizza delivery man. Enjoy.
It was 3 AM and you had no idea why you couldn't just go home already. You worked at a pizza joint that the higher ups insisted on having open 24/7. You were on the night shift but you were so bored. After all, who orders food at this time of night? You were fiddling on your phone while your boss came in, surprising you.
It turns out that some mad man actually had requested delivery so you would need to head out once the order was finished being prepared. Twenty minutes later and you grabbed your coat along with the pizza box. "They don't pay me enough for this..." You entered your car and looked down at the handwritten note. "Who the hell doesn't even give an address? I'm supposed to drive all over Red Grave to find some place called Devil May Cry?"
You groaned. This would be a long night. Fourty five minutes of driving and you realized that the place must be in the bad part of town. "No wonder the guy didn't give an address. Who wants to get mugged or stabbed? I better make this quick!" Luckily you kept a pocket knife on you just in case a situation should arise. Another twenty minutes and you finally saw the giant, neon sign.
You glanced at the street to make sure you weren't going to be attacked by some crack head and end up on a world star video. "All clear." You were somewhat relived. "Now to get this over with so I can go home!" You made your way to the door and knocked. No response. "You've gotta be kidding me!"
You went to bang again this time but the door opened and your fist collided with a huge chest. It was so squishy that the recoil knocked your arm backwards, causing you to punch yourself in the face. "You okay man?" You waited for stars to leave your vision so you could get a good look at whatever the hell you just hit. It seemed to be a man in his fourties maybe? You weren't exactly sure how old but his hair was already gray.
He then woke you out of your thoughts. "Oh man. Is that a black eye? I've got some ice if you want it." You shook your head and told him you were fine. You would just be happy as soon as this nightmare was over. "My names Dante by the way." Dante? The same Dante who frequently called up your work over fifty times per week? The employees shuddered whenever they had to slave over another one of his exhausting orders.
"No olives right?" You remembered the last time a coworker accidentally added that ingredient. It's been three months since they were last seen. You opened up the box hesitantly and prayed to every God you could think of. You eventually opened your eyes. Thank God it was just pepperoni. "No olives sir."
You calculated his total and then told him the amount due. "Look, here's the thing. I don't really have money right now. Can I pay you some other way?" Now you were pissed. Who the hell orders food without any money! You then felt your hand be pressed to Dante's Tarzan style. That's when you finally took notice of what he had been wearing. A red thong with a matching velvet, bath robe.
He then started palming your crotch with his other hand. "Now that I think about it, I'd like to add some sausage to my order if you know what I mean..." You were too stunned to move or speak. "I thought this shit only happened in movies!" Just before he could continue, you heard a loud scream from upstairs. "DANTE I SWEAR ON MOTHER'S GRAVE THAT I WILL STAB YOU AGAIN IF YOU DON'T STOP HARASSING THE DELIVERY BOYS! NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME ENJOY WILLIAM BLAKE IN PIECE!"
More shouting soon followed. "HE'S DOING IT AGAIN! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON OLD MAN!" Soon Dante was being dragged away by a younger man who coincidentally also had the same hair colour. He pulled out a robotic arm somehow (you weren't sure why you were still surprised at this point) and switched it with a can of raid.
"FUCK YOU!" Soon Dante was knocked out and laying unconscious on the floor. The younger man then took notice of you. "Shit, sorry about that. How much did he owe you?" He soon pulled out a wad of cash that was at least three times the size of the bill. The man looked at you with a face that said "please don't call the cops!" He shut the door and you went back to your car, trying to process the events you just witnessed. You were never going to be able to enjoy pizza again.
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sillyromance · 5 months
Heres a fun request. How about heatwave being stubborn and clingy to his prey?(aka the reader?)
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm really sorry that it took so long to write this - I was emotionally burn out, so it was hard to force myself doing anything... However, finally, It's finished!
Hope you enjoy!
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The deal.
- Hey, let me out!
- "Earth calls Heatwave!"
- Nope.
- Heatwave, it's not right! I can't sit here all day!
- I said "No"! You'll stay in there as long as it's needed. You're grounded after all!
You kicked the wall in front and frowned, crossing your arms.
Pumpkin head! He won't get away with this...
You almost fell into the fire while helping him and Kade to put it out from a building in the center of the town that morning. You was caught just in time, coughing out smoke getting into your lungs and violently eating your eyes. Though you didn’t quite understand what happened because literally at the next moment you were thrown into the pitch darkness. Something big and wet was moving quickly underneath, efficiently coating you in sticky liquid rapidly pouring into the room. That was a minute when you figured out the situation. But, before you could even think to protest, the bot's glossa bent deftly - you shrieked, sliding down like a skier via icy snow. Your legs and torso were unceremoniously dragged into tight, humid space with a powerful, demanding gulp, your arms securely held to your sides. So, the only thing that could do was to grunt in irritation as your huge robotic partner forced you down his throat, tracing a moving bulge passing through his thick neck and chest - and feeling as you were wriggling grumpily.
You arrived in the fueltank. Being released from the uncomfortably strong grip of the esophagus, you stretched your arms and legs, then curled up, allowing the organ to give you its usual snuggly "check-up". Frankly, it wasn't so bad; you relaxed, adrenaline leisurely washing away from your veins and your pulse normalizing. The walls gleamed with soft blue glow; its deep, calm hue was the best treatment for your sore eyes. Cool air flowing around Heatwave's internals healed your poisoned lungs. The living metal kneaded upon your tiny form, harmless gurgles and confident, measured sparkbeat being soothing and luring as always. You even gave yourself a chance to pass out for a half of an hour or so; this short sleep session refreshed you perfectly after the great distress you experienced.
However... As you woke up, you began to wonder. Time was passing, and so impatience was slowly growing in your chest. Of course, it was good to take a break from everything, but you had never been a lazy butt! Peace, when it lasts for too long, is demoralizing and fatal for a person, especially for as energetic one as you were. So, finally, you couldn't wait any longer. And even if you wasn’t so active – everyone could get bored sitting cooped up and thinking if they were getting out at all!
That was when you two had this short conversation.
You knew, he was just too caring even if he didn't want to admit it. Heatwave could be deadly annoying and irascible, sometimes even rude; despite all his positive characteristics all the people around were absolutely agree on the point that he had an unbearably "hot" temper.
Regardless, no one else could be as thoughtful and caring as he was to those he loved, especially to you. No doubt, dating someone like him could cause terrible headaches... But these relationships truly worth it.
And still, that time he crossed the line.
- Jerk... - You crawled away from the front wall as far as you could and sat down in the corner, hugging your knees. You saw the silhouette of his servo searching for you from the outside, but you was too exasperated to let him touch you now.
Slight swaying of your chamber stopped; he stood still.
- I can hear everything, you know? - The mech grunted; it was simple to recognize he was insulted.
- Very glad to know. Live with it. - You hissed. Temptation to hit him once more was strong, however you kept yourself from this action. There was no need in pushing the limits of his patience.
Heatwave just snorted and continued… whatever he was doing. You could only catch muffed sounds of your friends' voices laughing and chatting outside. Though, it was clear that the building would require modernization; well, Boulder and Graham would be glad to provide good help with that. The fire was gone, all people were safe and sound...
Suddenly, you recalled the moment when that damn board cracked under your feet and you almost collapsed right into the flame. You didn't even have time to get frightened back then. However, the vivid memory made your heart skip a beat. The suit wouldn't let your body to get burnt instantly... But it didn't mean you could escape easily either. What if you was alone? The wall was high enough as well as the risks that you would break an arm or a leg if you truly fell down. Toxic gases, heat, injuries and tormenting death were the real things which awaited you at that hell. So, didn't your lover do the right thing encapsulating you here? Of course, it seemed a little bit extreme. But his reaction was purely logical after all.
While such thoughts were circulating in your head, the atmosphere outside calmed down. Quite soon it became obvious you and Heatwave stayed alone. He was walking; considering the distance between the area of the accident and the location of the base, you felt even more grateful to him for not transforming into the vehicle mode - though it wouldn't do you any damage, such experience couldn't be called pleasant since you would be thrown into the walls for a hundred times...
You gave the fueltank a softer look. You did come here often, actually. This wrinkly, warm room turned into your private spot where Heatwave sometimes hid you from the rest of the world. He wasn't a fan of going out like other couples did; he must be thinking it was ruining his authority and the image of a severe, stoic bot he always tried to be. However, you two found a way to satisfy your great need in cuddles without Heatwave feeling embarrassed – and going even more red than he had already been.
... That was the reason why there were moments when you "disappeared" from the station. Although, everyone knew (or predicted) where you could be found.
It was like a piece of cake to forget about all the troubles while lying in the bed of alive squishy flesh and listening to the sounds of complicated work happening around. The mech didn't admit this, but he liked the sensation of your weight moving around his fueltank and giving him some nice internal rubs; your presence stabilized his thoughts, made him confident and calm because he was "in charge" of the situation. Losing control was Heatwave's the greatest fear. But feeling you inside him, under the layers of his thick armor, in the place no one could reach you provided him with a comforting knowledge of full responsibility. Nothing could go wrong – he wouldn't allow it.
Protection. All the autobots had sworn to protect humanity, but here was an exceptional situation. You inevitably felt that it was safe to rely on the red bot since the very first day of your partnership with Heatwave. He did everything in his powers to defend you no matter secretly or officially. As he was opening up for you and you both were carefully growing feelings for each other, one day it appeared he was constantly nervous about you could suddenly... die. It wasn't a maniacal obsession with the idea, but more likely a hyper-cautiousness. There were so many threats around people who were so small and fragile. Marota's machines reminded him of the war his brothers in arms had to fight in... It was similar to how he watched after Cody. Surely, such attitude seemed offensive to you from time to time - you weren't a child after all! But he was genuinely worried. That made him swallow you in a sec that time too.
And that shall be respected.
You crawled out of your gap and moved closer to the front wall again. Once you gently stroked it with your lap, the place shivered and tightened around you, the fueltank giving you a lovely hug.
He noticed the change.
- Heatwave...
- Hm?
- I'm sorry.
The sparkbeat above you fastened up, though the bot didn't answer. Fighting with anxiety rising deep inside - apologizing was definitely the hardest thing in the universe - you continued rapidly, still caressing slick, blue muscles holding you.
- I really am... I shouldn't have behaved like that. I know you're mad at me being such a clumsy person - I will be more careful next time. Please, don't go crazy about what happened. I promise, I can stand for myself.
The giant remained silent for some more time; his large hand slightly poked at your tiny figure, then laid firmly at his waist – you could sense its comforting pressure from the outside. Heatwave softly chuckled.
- I know. I should apologize too. You're not a baby, you know... Just, watch where you step. Deal?
- Deal.
You smiled, nuzzling into the flexible flesh wrapping you entirely like a thick blue blanket, and didn’t notice as you dozed off again, snuffing peacefully while sleeping...
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nogenderbee · 7 months
Hi again, can I request u, w, z from yandere alphabet for Rui please??
Hello! Of course!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕌, 𝕎, ℤ ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Rui U, W, Z yandere alphabet
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere, stalking, unhealthy obsession, mentions of killing, mentions of tortures, mentions of manipulating, kidnapping and keeping against ones will, mental breakdown
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @indi-has-fallen
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✧ Unsure = How much trust they have in you? What happens if you break it?
Rui would love to say he trusts you and he often tries to convince himself he does but the thought of you leaving him just doesn't want to let go.
He'll definitely not have any trust when you're around other people, maybe he won't stick by your side but he'll at least keep an eye on you. And when your actions include going somewhere without him, he'll let you go because he does trust you but he'll be extremely anxious and may send robot to follow you in the end.
If you do leave him or attempt to, he'll immidietly loose all of his trust for you even if it's one time situation. Of course he'll give you a chance to explain yourself but he'll still be suspicious about your every action. Once you break his trust, he'll follow you everywhere, and if he doesn't he'll always keep an eye on you one way or another. Maybe he won't interrogate you about whatever you did but you can be sure, he'll discover the truth himself and good luck explaining it to him then.
"My darling... could you tell me what were you doing with them AGAIN? You don't have any hidden intentions, right?"
✧ Welcome = Let's say they're Yandere for you but you never had your first meeting... How do they initiate it?
Rui would actually be too nervous to initiate the meeting. Of course he tried... but every time he got close to you, he began panicking and walked past you, pretending it was his path all along.
So your first meeting was actually a pure coincidence! He was just following you like always, he just looked around him to make sure no one's being suspicious of him but also to make sure you're all safe and sounds! That's when he bumped into you because he wasn't looking where he's going...
Of course he outplays it as a simple accident and his act of clumsiness. But he also treats it like a sign from heavens so he doesn't just walks off! Instead, he'll initiate a small talk with you to maybe get your number or your name (as if he didn't already knew your name...) and tries anything that will lead to you spending more time together but isn't intrusive about it either.
"O-Oh! I-I'm terribly sorry! Are you alright? Maybe... I can walk you to the nurse office? Just in case..."
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Rui would not be able to kill you. He may eventually resolve to torturing you but he wouldn't be able to take your life away. Of course he gets those thoughts and he was close to doing it... he might've even come close to you with a knife and was about to do it, but then he saw that look in your eyes and he just couldn't bring himself to finish his action.
He'll eventually force you to stay with him whether you want it or not. It's enough for him if you pretend at this point, he just want's you close. And as time goes, he may even force himself to think it's all fine and that you're like this out of your own will! But he'll definitely have a bit of a breaking moment whenever you ask or try to run away.
"I-I can't... I can't let you go this way or another... I'm sorry..."
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sejmisland · 11 months
prev anon here again!! here's my request (i hope it's okay to mix fandoms?) :}
could you write something involving hux, wheatley, and glados "comforting" (in big quotation marks) the reader who's having a bad bout of the monthly cramps? like, so bad they literally can't walk without crying lmao. i'd love if the reader was already in an established relationship with the bot(s) but you can make it non-romantic if you want!
absolutely, dear. more than okay to mix fandoms <3. i decided to do hcs and small drabbles for all 3. im so sorry this took so long im actually having bad cramps rn. thank you for the request! i had a lot of fun writing this.
established relations with reader below, gender neutral, no pronouns used (afab anatomy).
hux / the singularity. - he is terrible at emotional comfort due to his logical approach, but he tries! its only through words mostly but as time goes on, he gets forms of "treatment" (heating pads, medicine). - it first started when you walked, pain so blinding that you felt tears come to your eyes. he noticed this immediately. - "what is the matter?" he'd ask and you try to explain it to him. you explain that it was monthly cramps as you felt like doubling over. - he simply picks you up with his claw and rests you on a nearby couch.
"growth hurts," he mused as he remained in front of you resting on the couch. his entire body jolted, head ticking to the side with rough movement. he lifted a mechanical leg to rest it on the couch next to your seated position. he hoisted himself up and spun quickly, sitting himself down alongside you. "it often does." you lifted your eyes to him, leaning aside to rest your head against his fleshy, pulsating arm. you closed your eyes, allowing the tears in your eyes to trail down your face. your chest heaved with each quiet sniffle and sob of agony as your stomach sent another wave of contraction. "quit blabbering," you pressed your teeth into your tongue. "it will not help." you opened up your eyes to turn your head up to him. "i know, i'm sorry. it-" you choked on a small whimper. "it just hurts, hux." your voice cracked as you whispered up to him, tears obscuring your vision. the only clear thing were his glowing, red eyes as he stared down at you for what seemed like an eternity. "it will all be over soon. do not fret, my worm."
- he cant provide much, but if you like hearing him babble to help distract. - he noticed tears in your eyes as you twisted in your chair in an uncomfortable, painful way. - VERY concerned. he noticed your pain right away! he's scared, almost terrified of seeing you in pain. - "are you okay?! hey, what's wrong? y-you dont need to cry, you know!" and when you explain to him..
"oh, OH! wait, you- oh! hold on, it's okay, oh, please don't cry. don't cry!" wheatley stammered, beginning to tick his ocean blue eye all over the room, as if he was searching for something. "umm, what to do... what to do- i've never done this before. at least, i don't think so-" "wheatley," you rasped out quietly through the mounting pain, smiling as he talked himself through the situation. you glanced up to the sky blue eye that was now dilated, shaking as it focused on you. "shhh, shh, its okay! give me one second! you'll love this." you couldn't help but silently chuckle as you watched the small robot steer himself on the rail with the occasional spark letting loose from his eye plates. "you'll... you'll need to catch me." he gave no further warning; he ejected himself from his rail with an incoherent blabber, crashing into your arms. the force was enough to knock your limbs back, making him slam into your already hurting abdomen. you let out a pained yelp and he returned it with one of his own. "sorry, sorry! j-just a mishap! didn't expect that-" you looked down at him, cradling him into your arms. "butterfingers, ha!"
- much like hux, she is terrible at comfort. she seems cruel but this is in her tone of voice. her comfort? observation. - she didnt notice it at first. so when she saw you walking, tears streaming down your face and mouth screwed in a grimace, she was confused. she thought you were injured. - "what is going on? what happened?" she does sound concerned with a hint of confusion. "what have you gotten yourself into now?" you explain that you're not *injured* but simply in pain from your monthly. - an awkward silence afterward. it doesnt last long.
"your resilience is commendable, but unnecessary." her monotone voice rang out as the yellow pupil stared down at your agonized form. "do not move." all of the panels surrounding the room shift in wave like motions, almost masking a hissing noise from around you. you turned your head from side to side to see glass panels rising up, entrapping you in a transparent cell. she looked on as you panicked, nearly falling against one of the glass panel walls. when you looked back to her, vision blurry from the tears still pooling in your eyes, she swayed aside as if she was monitoring your every move. you blinked several times, attempting to focus your vision. "glados," you hissed out through grit teeth as you squeezed your arms around yourself tighter in hopes to lessen the pain of your contracting muscles. "what are you doing?" "i need to think," she swung her chassis closer to your glass prison, almost completely taking up your clearing vision. you blinked rapidly to gain focus. "observation is crucial."
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are having a great day!! I like your work is so good, so I wanna know if I can request Vash/Knives/Nicholas with a reader like Alita, from Alita Battle Angel. Just like her, reader is a super weapon used in war, by humans. But I want to add something, reader can be controlled by humans, who know the right words to do this (something like winter soldier).
Feel free to ignore this!
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Characters: Vash, Nicholas, and Knives x Gender-Neutral Reader
Synopsis: Vash/Knives/Nicholas with a reader like Alita, from Alita Battle Angel
Warnings: fluff
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𝒱𝒶𝓈𝒽 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓃"
People might think of the odd appearance you have and the stares and whispers you get when you're out in public, but you don’t give a reaction, just stare blankly forward.
Vash understands you; even though you have a rough exterior, you are kind and gentle, giving your life to protect people. It makes him mad that you've encountered many people who have tried to use you for their own gain. How could they use you like a war weapon?!
Vash, seeing that you need to be controlled by someone or ordered to do something he doesn’t like at all, everyone deserves to have a choice in things, and you're no exception. (He tries to make you pick for yourself and not just be ordered to do so.)
You both always get yourself in the middle of gunfire; there have been times you’ve saved Vash’s life, and he is grateful for your strength and speed. Sometimes when you train, he can't help but watch when invited, so teach him a move or two.
You and Vash have a deep sense of justice and a desire to make the world a better place. Some people might call you insane for wanting such outlandish things that are probably impossible to do, but miracles do happen.
Seeing your robotic body for the first time, he was surprised to see your skin reaching until your collar bone and the rest of your body being steel with scratches here and there. He was immersed by your beauty, and he never thought you could get any more beautiful. Oh,  he loves you even if you aren't human; it’s not like he is himself.
𝒩𝒾𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓈 𝒟 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝒻𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇"
Nicholas asks you questions about yourself, but you always give vague answers or say, "What food do you like?" "I don’t know." "How do you know what food you like?" It's the first time he’s met someone so blank.
He doesn’t find your body ugly, really. All that he cares about is personality, so your robotic body doesn’t matter to him, and you're surprised by his laid-back and confident demeanor after meeting people who are just downright cruel. His laid-back personality feels so refreshing.
Somehow, once Nicholas was able to make you laugh, and honestly, for him, it was worth it. You have quite a pretty laugh and smile, and he'll try to make you laugh so he can see it again and tease you about it a little.
You and Nicholas both carry heavy burdens, finding comfort in each other's presence.
Seeing your steel body as you try to fix up any damage or scratch that might be worse in the future, he asks you if it hurts or doesn't even feel anything. His eyes look away, saying it just feels wrong to look. "It’s not as if I’m human, so it doesn’t matter," you tell him, but he won’t look.
𝒩𝒶𝒾 “𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈”
Listening to every command he asks of you is even the most difficult task. After you were made a weapon to act like one for him, you were created to serve him for every purpose.
(I'm sorry, but knives is knives)
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★ Doll x AbsoluteSolver! Infected! Worker Drone Reader ★
My 48 request! Hope you like!
You were a normal Worker drone, like any other in your colony… having a normal routine, living with your friends and girlfriend! Yes! You had a girlfriend!
Her name was Doll, she was a beautiful russian female Worker drone, who with her silent charm hooked your robotic heart. She was so mysterious and sweet, there was no way you couldn't have a little crush on her.
But back to the main subject…
In a short period of time you have experienced many new experiences… What would those be? Well..
Watching your girlfriend turn the prom into a killing spree…
What did you run away with others, being in so much fear and shock in that situation of your own girlfriend… I mean, you weren't a saint, you knew Doll's secret… you were like her after all! You also consumed others of your kind… but only as necessary! You didn't want to do this, but you needed to survive…
That way, we can say that you were quite surprised when Doll showed up at your house, saying how she wanted you to run away with her.. which you agreed to without much resistance- What? You had nothing to lose here!
Anyway, here you were… lying on the floor of an old shack in the middle of nowhere, while in the worst pain of your life besides overheating, suffering it while waiting for your girlfriend to return. Where was Doll you ask? She had been out for a while to get some oil for you two! How sweet of her..
You feel the wings on your back spread across the cold ground, shivering with each sudden movement, in addition to your new tail swinging behind you.
A door crash is heard throughout the cabin, which makes you look up slowly to see Doll standing there, looking shocked by the scene, dropping the backpack she was carrying before running towards you.
" (Т/и)! Ты в порядке? Что случилось?! [(Y/n)! Are you okay? What happened?] " Doll asked quickly with concern, cupping your burning face.
" S-super warming up… " You stammered in a weak tone, gently taking Doll's hand.
" Хорошо- Одна секунда- [Alright- One second-] " Doll spoke quickly, holding your face with only one hand, while the other pulled the backpack with her powers. Doll took a bottle that had oil inside it, quickly removing the cap and holding it to your lips, which you drank in a hurry, almost choking on the black liquid that gushed out. You felt you body cool down, but still felt your body ache, letting go of some coughs, feeling the liquid still run down your throat.
" Прости, что так долго, дорогая… Мне пришлось далеко ходить, чтобы что-то найти.. [I'm sorry it took so long honey… I had to go far to find something..] " Doll apologized in a soft tone, wiping your lips with one of her fingers gently, which you leaned over to her touch.
" It's okay Doll.. it's not your fault.. I'm already glad you came back safe " You said giving a weak smile, giving a few more small coughs before completely clearing your throat. Doll sighed, looking fondly and worriedly at you.
" Давай уложим тебя спать, хорошо? Вы, должно быть, устали после этого [Let's get you to bed, shall we? You must be tired after this] " Doll spoke in a low tone, getting up and soon picking you up carefully bridal style, taking you slowly to the cabin bed, placing you on it carefully .
Doll lay on the bed too, staring into your eyes that looked at her tiredly, then giving you a kiss on the forehead, pulling you right after for a loving hug, which you returned by wrapping your wings and tail around her.
" Спи спокойно моя маленькая летучая мышь [Sleep well, my little bat] " Doll said in a low tone, soon falling asleep next to you.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
How do you think tfp Star scream would deal with being assigned to guard a human after a year of him being with the autobots? (I think this’d be an interesting concept). Side note: The human thinks he’s one of the coolest bots cuz he turns into a Fighter plane.
I already had an idea of ​​OC in this kind of scenario, although it was quite different, since Starscream is Neutral in my version. But, I think I will use this OC, because he's perfect for this situation X). Thank you for your request nesting-dreams ^^!
Sorry for the long wait, I had a moment of blues that demotivated me from everything ^^;...
Fowler shouldn't have worked that day, but he knew his day off didn't have to be one. He quickly grabbed his car keys, then called for a soon ground bridge to return to Nevada.
"You are leaving already…?" a voice asked sadly.
The agent turned to his son, who pulled up his glasses hiding his green eyes behind the lenses, and pushed his red hairs out of his face. William approached him, and took him in his arms, before answering:
“I have an emergency at work, sorry.
- But you hardly ever stay… You promised you wouldn't work this time…
- Sorry…
- … You make excuses better than you make promises…
- Adler…
- No… I know… An emergency is an emergency… But, I thought it would be different this time…”
The little redhead lowered his head, before moving away from his father, and going upstairs. Fowler wanted to follow him, but he heard his phone ringing, and recognized General Bryce's number.
"Yes hello?
- Sorry, Fowler, I know it's your week off. But you know-
- These robots never rest, yeah…
- Your son isn't too sad?
- He ended up getting used to it…
- … Join them at the base, they've made quite a mess again. Pay attention to the road.
- I will be carefull."
Adler listened to all this from afar, and frowned. This time, he was going to spend time with his father! Whatever it takes! Secret mission or not! Either way, it was that or school. And frankly, the further he was from this hell the better he was…
Fowler drove down the road, to the meeting point given by Ratchet, so he could open a ground bridge for him. He soon saw the portal open, having called the Autobots to give them his coordinates.
Adler managed to get out of the trunk by one of the rear seats, and had to hide an exclamation of surprise when he saw the scenery suddenly change, becoming a road on an arid desert, far from any city!
The agent heard a noise from behind, and looked in his interior mirror, before braking suddenly. The little redhead gave a gasp of surprise, and fell off the seat, before sitting back down with difficulty. William turned to his son in the back, and exclaimed:
" What are you doing here?!
- I wanted to come with you! replied Adler.
- But you-
- How did we end up here?! What was that portal?!
- I'm the one asking the questions right now! What got into you?!
- … I just wanted to spend time with you…!
- I understand…! But you already know that my job is not the kind you can present at school! So when did you ever think it was a good idea to sneak into my car?!
- I knew it was a bad one, but you're never here with me! I waited a whole month, and all this for what?! So that you don't even stay home a day!
- I have an emergency at work!
- I know! I know your work is important! But we never have time to do anything together, we can barely talk to each other and you already have to leave…! It's as if I again found myself without parents…!
- …”
Fowler shook his head, continued on his way, and turned around, heading towards Jasper. Adler looked surprised, and asked:
"Where are we going?
- You're going to stay with a woman named June Darby, she'll keep you until I come back.
- I don't want to be with that June…! I want to be with you…!
- My job is too dangerous and above all top secret! It's a definite no!"
The bespectacled boy didn't reply, knowing perfectly well that his father was right… But, even if he knew that idea was stupid, he still wanted to try… He was just tired of being alone…
"Why don't you just invite some friends over to be with you? asked William.
- Because it's not the same thing… answered his son. And anyway I don't have any friends…”
That's when the agent heard the sound of a powerful reactor, and braked just in time to dodge blaster fire! He saw through his windshield a flying Vehicon, and swore:
- What's going on?! Why is this plane attacking us?!"
Fowler pressing the accelerator, to dodge the attacks! He swerved violently, knocking him off the road, being chased off the trails by the Decepticon. He quickly sent a distress message to the Team Prime, hoping they would respond.
The Vehicon shot him in the tire, causing him to skid, and spin! The car rolled over, and crashed on the roof! He scrambled out, and took cover behind his vehicle, as the Decepticon flew overhead.
Adler went out in turn, but did not take cover, having absolutely no idea how to react to this kind of situation. The Vehicon quickly noticed the child, and flew straight towards him! The little redhead froze with fright when he saw this huge plane rushing at him!
“Adler!" William exclaimed in horror.
The two humans then saw a jet crash into the Decepticon, which returned to his robot mode on impact, under the increasingly shocked gaze of the little redhead. Fowler caught him, as the F-16 Fighting Falcon fired a missile at the Vehicon!
Adler watched the fight in wonder, as the evil robot-plane that had attacked them somehow dodged the jet's blasts! The Decepticon tried to retaliate, but the airman had no trouble dodging the fire, propelling himself into the sky before returning to the charge!
The F-16 in turn transformed into a robot, and kicked his enemy back, before shooting him right in the head! The little redhead had bright eyes, while a lot of emotions were swirling in him. He didn't even know how to react so much what he saw was surreal.
Starscream sighed slightly, and turned to Fowler, already ready to tease him. He didn't immediately notice Adler, who was behind his father. The Seeker didn't fail to notice the agent's worried expression, and said:
“Hey, it's good, the danger is over. No need to keep that face!
- We have a problem. replied Fowler.
- What? Are there other Vehicons?
- No… Worse…
- … Worse?"
William stood up, followed by his son, and the agent sighed before pointing to Adler. The jet froze in place, not knowing at all how to react… He waved his wings, and squeezed them behind his back, before stammering:
"Oh… scrap…"
"I can't believe you were stupid enough to transform in front of a human! Ratchet cried out angrily.
- You say that as if I had done it on purpose! Starscream said indignantly. I'm not Smokescreen.
- Hey! exclaimed the concerned in the distance.
- In any case, this kid knows about our existence now!
- It's in no way my fault! the Seeker got angry.
- Isn't that you who transformed yourself in front of him?! Hm?!"
The jet raised his wings angrily, before Fowler intervened:
"Ratchet, calm down, it's really not because of Starscream that we're in this situation. It's mine. I should have been more attentive to my son's actions."
Adler watched all of this from a distance, and eventually turned to the other children who were watching him curiously. Miko smiled, then exclaimed:
“So Fowler has a son?! I never would have believed!
- What's your name? Raf asked. How old are you? Where do you come from?
- Stop bombarding him with questions, you look like Miko. laughed Jack.
- I won't allow you! the Japanese girl was falsely indignant.
The little redhead watched all this in silence, then the oldest of the group turned to him and said:
"I'm Jack, and you?
- My name is Adler, and since you asked me I am 12 years old and I come from Detroit.
- Hi! I'm Miko!!
- And me, Raf.
- Nice to meet you. Adler smiled.
- Hey, can I ask you a question? asked the girl.
- Yes?
- How come you and Fowler are so physicaly different to each other? Did you take everything from your mother?"
Jack nudged Miko, indicating her lack of delicacy, and the Japanese girl gave a gasp of surprise, before rubbing her flan in pain.
"What the hell! Are you crazy?! replied the girl.
- This is not the kind of question we ask!
- I don't mind answering it. Adler smiled. The answer is simple, he's my adoptive father.
- Really?!
- Yes."
While the kids had a lively discussion, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Arcee witnessed the confrontation between Ratchet, Starscream, and Fowler. They were all hoping that Optimus would come back soon… They really needed him…
When the leader of the Autobots returned from his rounds, he was greeted by not three but four human children. Fowler and Starscream quickly gave him an explanation, the Seeker blaming it all on the agent. The latter did not deny the accusations, even if he did not appreciate the way of doing of the jet.
"At the same time it wouldn't have happened, if you didn't need me every day! William exclaimed.
- What a stupid idea to have a Sparkling when you do such a job! replied the flyer angrily.
- That's- Ah! Nevermind!
- Come on, calm down. Optimus interjected. An argument is not going to fix anything.
- Nevertheless, we end up with another human being to protect… sighed Ratchet.
- …
- Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead can't be his caretaker, since they're all already caring for a child. The only option is Smokescreen.
- He's not really the only option."
The Prime turned to Starscream as he said this words, and the Seeker wasted no time in catching his gaze. He shook his head vigorously, before exclaiming:
"No! Never! There's no way I'm the guardian of this fleshy!
- I already said fleshy was insulting, Starscream. the agent called to order.
- Yes, well… That brat!
- His name is Adler!
- I have no reason to remember his name since I'm NOT going to take care of him!
- You know what?! You're right! I think it's a bad idea that someone like you is my son's guardian! He probably even has a better chance of surviving with Smokescreen than with you!
- And yet Smokescreen is a stupid brat. added Ratchet.
- I have the unpleasant feeling of being unnecessarily insulted." Smokescreen pointed out.
Optimus shook his head, and brought order, as the foursome were arguing. He finally turned to the little redhead, and took him with him, before putting him down in front of the Seeker and the race car. Prime smiled slightly, before declaring:
“I think it's up to Adler to choose."
The bespectacled boy smiled widely, looking very excited at the idea.
"But Optimus… Why am I an option?! exclaimed the jet, wings low and tight.
- You've been with us for a year now, Starscream. I think you're more than legitimate to be able to protect a human. You've proven it in a lot of situations with Miko, Raf and Jack.
- At the same time, I didn't really have a choice… They always go stupidly into danger…!
- And you always choose to help them.
- …
- I want to be his guardian! smiled Smokescreen. I will be more than capable of it!
- Should I remind you of the stupidity you did with Jack not long ago? Arcee snapped.
- …”
Adler looked between the two robots, and already knew exactly which one he wanted as guardian!
"I want the coolest one!" said the little redhead.
The rookie puffed out his chest proudly, but quickly became disillusioned when the bespectacled boy pointed to Starscream, to everyone's surprise. The Seeker flapped his wings, then leaned towards the child, before asking suspiciously:
- Because you're the coolest!
- …?!
- How did you beat the bad robot earlier, that was so cool! And you're a jet! And that's really sooo awesome!
- You like jets?
- I love it! This is the best military vehicle! There is nothing cooler!
- …”
Starscream waved his wings in flattery, then smiled, before declaring:
“It's good you won, I agree to be your gardian.
- For real?!
- Yes!
- Yeeaah! Awesome!"
Fowler considered intervening, but Optimus gently put a hand in front of him, before shaking his head with a smile. Prime gave a reassuring look, then said:
"Everything will be fine, don't worry.
- … I hope so…
- I'm cool too…" Smokescreen sulked in his corner, while being consoled by Bumblebee, who was holding back his laughter.
Adler for his part kept asking Starscream thousands of questions, wanting to know absolutely everything. The Seeker agreed to answer it, provided that the little redhead gave him at least one compliment per question.
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someone1348 · 1 year
hi K !! i hope you don't mind me requesting again , but i've had this on my mind all week !!
how about a rottmnt!boys x GN!reader who won't tell the boys a secret of some sort ? either it being something they did behind their backs , or just a funny secret they wont share that the boys want to know so bad ?
Hey Jay! I am so sorry this is so late! But regardless I hope you enjoy!
People in this: Ler!Turtles, Lee!Reader
Key: (Y/N)= Your name
Tw: none this is adorable!
With all of that being said enjoyy :]
-K <3
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-If he suspects you are hiding something he's gonna find out no matter the cost!
-He is the King of being sneaky so he can pick up on body language like that!
-be prepared because that secret isn't gonna be kept for much longer
"Heyyyyy (Y/n)~ anything new?" He smirked slinging an arm around your shoulder.
"Hey Leo! Uhh, nothing new! You?" He sighed before looking you in the eyes
"Listen, you and me both know what's going on here sooo either you tell me orr we do things the Leo way~"
"The Leo way?"
Leo smirked again as he walked in front of you "Mhmm Leon's way! So either you tell me the secret or face the consequences~"
"Leo I'm not telling you anything"
"We'll see about that~" He giggled, wiggling his fingers teasingly at you before pulling you into a hug, tickling you all over the tickle spots he could reach "Tickletickletickletickle~"
"Tell me the secretttt or else!" He giggled blowing a raspberry to your neck before moving to your worst spot
He smiled rubbing away the ghost tickles "I'm listeninggg" he booped your nose
You smiled back before sighing "I bought you tickets to a magic show for your birthday"
His heart melted as he hugged you again spinning you around "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!"
"Ahanytime fanboy!"
"Heyyy!" He jokingly pouted before placing you down again.
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-Good luck keeping anything from him!
-Donnie knows everythingg
-He's gonna find out no matter what you try
Donnie approached you with a very stern and serious face "I will not be playing any games with you dove, Tell me what you're hiding from me right now"
"Donnie what I'm not hiding anything" He cocked an eyebrow at your statement
"Ohohokay that's how you want to play, so be it then, I'll give you one last chance (Y/n), Tell me or else"
You thought about it for a second before smirking "or else what?"
Without a second word in from the purple clad turtle two robot arms grabbed yours and lifted you up and in front of him
"Or else this~" he giggled before scribbling alll over your tickle spots leaving no spot untickled
"Spill it now or I'll bring out the big guns~"
"NONOnoho, I caHaNT teLL yOu!" His smirk grew
"Your choice giggles~" he giggled moving to your worst spot
He smiled proudly placing you gently down on the ground rubbing away the ghost tickles "Glad to see you coming to your senses now what was the secret!"
You giggled catching your breath before sighing "I got you a new notebook for your ideas, I was gonna save it for later but you caught me!"
"That is so sweet of you, thank you dove"
"Anytime D Anytime!"
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-After you reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong he is on the hunt to figure it out!
"Baby Baby! You didn't do anything wrong! I promise!" He perked up with a smile before showing you a face of confusion as he gently tilted his head
"Well then what are you hiding?"
"Ihim not telling you thahat, I swore an oath of secrecy!" You replied with a smile before he towered over you with a smirk and crossed arms
"(Y/nnn)~" he dragged out your name, pulling you into a hug before you could get away
"Do you want to tell Raph what happened or do you want to face the consequences~"
"Rahaph I cant! I prohomised!" He smirked before skittering all over your tickle spots
"Your funeral then giggles~"
"NoHoho WahAhaIt RaHapH!"
He giggled along with you "all you have to do is tell me and I will free you but refuse again and I'm gonna have to bring out the tickle monster!" He continued the gentle skitters all over your tickle spots leaving no spot untickled
"I WohoNT sAhaHaY a WohoRD!"
"Fine then, I can do this alll day! Tickletickletickletickle!~" He giggled before tickling your worst spot, skitters, raspberries, everything he could to get you to talk
Raph smiled, rubbing away the ghost tickles "Raph's listening"
"Leheo stole yohour ghost bear jehersey"
"Sorry Leo! Runn!!"
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-This man goes full detective/Dr Delicate Touch on you!
-He is determined to find out the secret no matter what it takes
-I wish you luck my friend, you have made a powerful enemy /j
First thing you know you're sneaking into the lair the next thing you know you're on a chair with a bright light in your face and Mikeys weapon wrapped around you
"Mikey what is happening?"
"Hmm I don't know (y/n), I was about to ask you the same thing! What are you hidingg"
"Mikey I'm not hiding anything"
"Yes you are and I intend to find out! One way or the other~" he smirked at you before speaking again "So tell me (y/n) what are you hiding!"
"I'll never talk!" You played along with Mikeys antics before he wiggled his fingers teasingly at you
"Wrong choice sunshine~" he smiled brightly before tickling alll over your tickle spots leaving no spot untickled
"Tickletickletickletickle come on (y/n) we both know you'll talk eventually might as well spill it all now before things get worse!~" His smirk grew as he moved to your worst spot
"WAHAHAHAIT MIHIHIKEY OKAHAHAY I'LL TAHAHALK!" He giggled unraveling you from his trap
"Im listeningg"
"Ihi drew you a picture, it's in my backpack, I was gonna surprise you with it later" His heart melted before he hugged you tightly
"This is going on the fridge! Front and center!"
Again I apologize for how late this request is and all the others I hope you all enjoyed it regardless because I loved making them!
I am so proud of you, you are so incredible and deserve good things! Never forget that!
-K :]
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letulthi · 14 days
Pinned post time :)
First thing to get out of the way!
I don't tolerate hate speech, get that out of here fr. You lose speaking privileges (get blocked) if you say anything bigoted, racist, transphobic, etc. etc. Be nice or be gone, please and thank you
Now then, onto the good stuff - Asks and Etiquette!
- As per my ask box text, I accept requests for characters, OCs, and general silly ideas :)
- This is ALWAYS OPEN unless I have explicitly turned off asks! Feel free to send me your silly guys, goobers, and ideas, and I shall do my best to deliver!
- On a side note, please don't be rude to me. I am a human person and most people don't appreciate rudeness. Also I won't accept your request if you're mean to me, and repeat offenses will get you blocked
- If I don't respond right away, don't worry! Either I am working on it and it's taking me a while, or I haven't gotten around to answering yet. If it takes more than a week, feel free to send a follow up to make sure Tumblr didn't eat it
- That being said, I will always answer an ask if I can access it - even if that means saying I won't be doing it. I will give you an explanation, but please don't push if I have to deny it (this won't happen often from what I expect, and will mostly be due to rudeness or my own lack of skill to complete what you're requesting! I might come back to it later if it's the skill thing, or you can ask again in a few months to see where I'm at :))
- Your asks don't have to be fandoms I'm into! Or fandom-based at all! If you have a cool OC or a character you like and wanna see them in my art style, feel free to send them in and I will do my best :DD
- As a general rule, anything with hate speech or imagery/symbols will get you immediately blocked and I will not be drawing it. Seriously, don't be hateful or discriminatory (First rule of the blog, again, is no hate speech)
Next up! Facts about me that people might find interesting! (Put under a cut since it's not as important to the blog)
- I use ibisPaint for my art and am currently still learning some of the tools and stuff, so my art style might change or get silly sometimes :P
- I am 20 years old and have been doing art in some way or another since I was 4, so it's been a long road and it'll go longer still
- I like many many games and fandoms, and am always open to finding new things to enjoy. If you think I'll like something, let me know!
- If anyone wants to be friends I do have a Discord btw! You can request it in a message or ask but I don't wanna just post it willy-nilly since it's what I use for convos with irl friends and stuff
- My all time most liked fandoms are Hollow Knight, Rain World, Borderlands, Transformers, and Star Wars! I'll probably cycle through them all eventually but HK is overtaking my brain with silly bugs for now
- I also like general lil things like monsters, aliens, robots, cryptids, and eldritch horrors beyond our mortal comprehension <3 (That being said, I do better with non-human OCs and characters since I draw them more often lol)
- I have sudden spikes of motivation, so most of my art will come in batches or in very slow single works that take forever due to low base motivation levels. There is no in between. Yes it annoys me too and I'm sorry :(
- The emoticons are a very important part of the creative process, trust me >:P
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notgonnaedit · 2 months
Healer's Hands
Chapter 10: Unfinished Business
Master list
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Dusk was settling on Anaxes as the Bad Batch prepared to infiltrate a Separatist fleet. Althea prepped her weapons and med bag as Hunter made his rounds. "Thea, is everything ready?"
The medic nodded. "Yup, Sarge. We are ready." Hunter nodded and walked off.
"Still not sure how we're gonna land on that ship." Tech remarked.
Rex walked over to them. "Don't worry. Echo says he's got a plan."
"That makes me feel so much better." Tech said sarcastically, earning an eye roll from Althea.
"What do you mean by that?" Rex asked.
"To be blunt–" Tech started.
"You're always blunt." Althea interrupted.
"–His kind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him." Tech didn't miss a beat. "We really don't know where his loyalties lie."
Rex's expression hardened. "Yeah. Well, I know. Now, get moving." He boarded the Marauder, Tech and Althea followed soon after with the former getting a punch from the girl.
Tech piloted the ship calmly, an incredible feat when Wrecker sat behind him. "Please tell me we are blowing something up." He asked.
Skywalker chuckled lightly. "Sorry, Wrecker, this is strictly stealth."
The demo man groaned. "I hate that word."
Skywalker placed his hand on Echo's shoulder. Althea didn't approve him for combat yet, but none of the reg medics took her seriously. "Echo, you're up."
The ARC leaned down and plugged his scomp into the plug. "Don't worry. As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship."
"What type of signal are you gonna send?" Hunter asked. "Nothing that'll give us away, right?" The squad all had their worries about Echo, but he seemed oblivious to it.
"As far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing." Echo said it with a suppressed excitement, but Hunter glanced at Crosshair.
"And the regs think we take risks." He remarked. Crosshair nodded and Althea savored this moment. This was one of the few times they ever agreed on anything. The medic hated when she had to clean their wounds, especially Crosshair's. Hunter could throw a mean punch.
Echo furrowed his brow. "Sending the signal...now." They flew through the Separatist fleet, everyone feeling high anxiety. If Echo's plan didn't work, or he betrayed them, they would be blown to bits in an instant.
​​​​​​Everyone breathed a breath of relief as the robotic voice came through the comms. "Roger, roger, Shuttle TC-159. You may approach and land."
Wrecker groaned. "I'd still rather blow it up."
Althea watched as Tech landed on the under belly of the command ship. "I have a feeling you'll get your chance."
As they made their way through the empty halls of the ship, Althea's senses were put on high. Every hair on her body stood on end, despite the quiet. She wondered if this was how Hunter felt all the time, constantly in a state of hyper-awareness. They reached the transmission room where Echo took off his helmet. "Tech, can you rig an interface?"
"I assume that's a rhetorical question." Tech said as he set to work. Crosshair and Wrecker hung back in case droids showed up.
Echo turned to Skywalker. "We should make sure this comm vault has no other entrances."
The General nodded. "I'm on it." He took off down the hall to check, leaving the clones and Althea to themselves. He returned a bit later, reporting that there were no other entrances. 
Tech tapped his gauntlet and nodded to Echo. He plugged in and his pupils dialated. Althea moved over to him. "Echo, you with us?"
"Yeah." He said. "I have access to everything and good timing. I just scanned a strategy request Trench sent to the Techno Union."
"Wait." Said Tech. "You can't just send a signal from here."
"Why not?" Echo asked.
"We have to make it appear as if you signal is originating from Skako Minor. Otherwise, they'll know we are here." Tech tapped his gauntlet more and gave Echo the all clear, but he spoke up again. "I'm intercepting a transmission. Trench is ordering all of his droids to the assembly complex."
Althea scowled. "All right, Echo, what are you trying to pull?"
Echo smirked. "Don't worry, that's what I told him to do." A ripple of doubt went through the small room.
"But our troops will be vastly outnumbered." Rex said.
"Not when I send them a feedback pulse that shuts down all the droids." Echo said.
"How do we know that's what you're really going to do?" Tech asked suspiciously.
"We have to trust him." Said Rex.
Skywalker nodded. "Rex is right. Echo, we're all counting on you." He stepped away to inform General Windu of the plan. Hunter looked at Tech, then Althea. The three of them shared the silent exchange, questioning the regs and their plan. Echo pressed his hand to his head and an electrical shock was sent up through the antenna. Moments later, Windu's voice clicked through Skywalker's comms. "I am pleased to report that we are in control of the assembly complex, and all of the fronts are falling to the Republic thanks to Echo's plan."
Skywalker smiled. "That's good news, Master Windu. We're on our way back to the base."
"May the Force be with you." Windu clicked off and Skywalker turned to Echo.
"Good job, Echo." He said proudly.
Hunter folded his arms. "Well, I guess you actually are on our side."
"Was there ever any doubt?" The ARC asked with a smirk.
"Some." Tech said.
"A lot, actually." Althea added.
Echo's smirk faltered, but it was replaced with a soft smile. "Well, thanks."
Rex grinned. "Come on, brother. Unplug, and let's get out of here."
Echo pressed his hand to his head suddenly. "Wait, I just scanned a new order from Trench. He's initiated a countdown. There's a bomb hidden at the assembly complex, but it's big enough to destroy most of Anaxes."
Can you stop it?" Althea asked.
Echo furrowed his brow. "Well, I can try."
Skywalker turned to leave. "General, where are you going?" Rex asked.
"If you can't stop the detonation, perhaps Trench can!" Skywalker ran at top speed and Tech contacted Windu.
"General Windu, this is Tech. We've discovered a bomb in the fusion reactor. We need someone to go down there and help disarm it."
"I'm on my way." A few minutes later, Windu's voice crackled through again. "Echo, I found the bomb. Tell me the sequence to shut it down."
"I'm decrypting it now." Said Echo.
Althea's hands twitched for her knife. "You have to unplug. They're going to detect us."
Echo remained scomped in. "No, no, we need these codes."
"Echo, as team medic, I outrank you when it comes to your health. Unplug now." Althea's voice carried power, but Echo ignored her.
"The first number in the sequence is three." He said. He turned the scomp more. "The next one is...one. Eight. Seven."
A wave of electricity shot down the pike. "They're on to us. You need to unplug now!" Tech said, panic was clear in his voice. But Echo didn't stop in time. The electricity shocked him, and a scream was heard from the ARC as he fell. Rex caught him and Althea immeadiately check him.
"Echo?" Said Windu.
"The server overloaded his neural system." Said Althea. "And it was deliberate."
"That means Trench knows we're here." Hunter said.
"Echo, are you there?"
Rex grabbed Echo's comm. "General Windu, Trench took out Echo. We can't get you the last number in the sequence. Sorry, General, but you'll have to disarm the bomb without us."
"Don't worry about me, Captain. Just get your men out of there." 
Obeying the General's orders, Hunter and Tech led the way out as Rex hung Echo over bus shoulders. Althea brought up the rear, ready to blast away anyone who tried to stop their escape. It wasn't long before they ran into Wrecker and Crosshair, both of them firing at a platoon of droids. "We can't blast our way out." Rex said. "There's too many of them."
Wrecker handed his rifle to Hunter and cracked his knuckles. "What's he doing?" Rex asked.
"Time to release the wrecking ball!" Wrecker shouted for joy as he obliterated every last droid.
"I honestly fell bad for those droids." Althea remarked.
"It's all clear!" Wrecked told them when the hall was cleared. But from behind them, more droids flanked them.
"Go." Crosshair ordered. "I'll buy you some time." He threw a mirror puck at one of them, shooting it to create a ricochet and blast the other droids.
"We'll meet you at the infiltration point." Rex said.
"Oh!" Wrecker groaned. "He's gonna try and top me. You watch." They ran off down the hall, twisting and turning the way they came until they reached the rendevouz.
"This is the infiltration point." Said Hunter.
"I'm picking up dozens of droids on my sensors." Tech said. "All heading this way."
As he spoke, Skywalker met up with them. "Hope you're not waiting on me."
"Now all we're missing is Crosshair." Said Hunter. He glanced down the hall and sure enough the sniper was running down, tossing mirror pucks at the wall. 
"You miss me?" He asked. "How touching." As he spoke, several droids filled the hall, twice as many as Wrecker had fought. Crosshair shot one of the pucks, sending a single laser through a entire hall of droids. Wrecker stared in disbelief.
"Relax, Wrecker. You'll top him next time." Althea said as she boarded the Marauder.
"No, he won't." Crosshair countered. Wrecker groaned as they boarded flew away, but Skywalker had something to cheer him up.
"I've got a present for you, Wrecker." He said holding up a detonator.
The demo man grinned. "Oh, seriously? I get to blow it up? The whole stinking thing?!" He wiped a tear from his eye as he took it. "This is the happiest day of my life." With a single motion, Wrecker destroyed the entire fleet in an explosion of colors. Althea watched in awe from the gunner's mount, happy they completed their mission, and happy for Wrecker.
"Captain Rex, Corporal Echo and Clone Force 99, you have all done a great service for the Republic." General Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenob, and Anakin Skywalker stood in front of the team. Windu was congratulating them. "Thanks to your courage and effort, Republic shipyards will soon be up and running."
He turned to walk away, with the other Generals following. "You've got some medals coming your way." Said Kenobi.
"Thank you, General." Said Rex. He began to walk away, and so did Echo, but the ARC turned to the Bad Batch.
"You coming?" He asked.
"Not really our thing." Tech told him.
"Accolades." Said Crosshair.
Wrecker nodded. "Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill."
Althea shrugged. "Eh, I already got one."
Hunter scoffed at her, but he smiled. He turned to Echo. "You sure it's your thing?"
"What to you mean?" Echo asked.
"Your path is different." The Sergeant chuckled. "Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us." He turned away with the other Bad Batchers. Rex came up and talked to Echo, and the Corporal walked to the Marauder with the team. He stopped halfway, turning around to salute to his Captain, his friend, and his brother. The others mimicked him, giving their respect to the Captain, something they didn't give to many.
End of Book 1
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valyrra · 2 years
A Gift. (KAY/O x GN reader)
The night was pretty cold. You were standing on the balcony of the top levels of your headquarters. Thinking about the past mission. How were you so reckless? You didn't think about the consequences of pushing too deep into the enemy base. You got shot. The bullet went through your shoulder. You were lucky your teammates were close and Sage built a wall in front of your body and healed you immediately. Brim was so mad at you for disobeying his orders.
"- You could have compromised the whole mission. What was the problem? Maybe Sabine was right about hiring young agents. Prove me wrong.
- I'll try, sir.- All you could've said."
Yet you can't forget the KAY/O's reaction to you getting shot. He has switched all of his modes to complete 100% kill efficiency. He has completed the mission almost by himself. Of course you've known that he is very sensitive about losing his teammates in battle, but you felt like something was wrong. Did he remember how you died in his universe? He has never told you anything about you from his universe, like he was too hurt. Your thoughts were stopped when you heard metal heavy steps.
- I finally found you, Y/N. - KAY/O said in a low voice.
- I'm sorry. Don't bother to lecture me, Dear. Brimstone has already told me every option I could've died. - You said sarcastically.
- I didn't want to lecture you, though you have scared me during our last mission and you know it.
The words he said wiped your smirk off your face. - Yes, I said I'm sorry...
- And I hope I wasn't scary enough for you to stop our relationship. (Platonic or romantic as the reader wishes tbh)
Wow, the words shocked you. How was he scared you are going to abandon him right after he practically saved you and your mission.
-What are you talking about? KAY/O, please, don't say that.
- Why are you here alone when?
- I'm sorry I'm just not used to follow orders as you can see. - you turned away.
He walked up to you and traced the skin on your shoulder right beside the little scar. This is all that was left from the shot.
- I wanted to give you a present. - He was pleased that Sage has helped you so much that the shot was practically healed and his tone was brightened up.
You faced him. He was so close that you narrowed your eyes from the brightness of his visor. - That is really unnecessary, I fucked up. - You said silently. You blamed yourself for making him feel scared to lose you and the thought of him being mad and sad only because of you was hurting your guts.
He grabbed your arm softly and put a little white bracelet in your hand. - I asked KillJoy to make it it a few weeks ago. I had a strange feeling about giving it to you. KJ called it nervousness. But now I know I want you to wear it. It will give me information about your health status immediately if I request it. You know, like the ones we wear on missions, but more stylish in her opinion.
You watched his big robotic hands carefully put the white minimalistic glowing with blue (in the colour of his Radionite Core) bracelet on your wrist. You smiled at how soft he was with you, he always tells everyone how fragile and delicate the humans are. But you found this tenderness in his robotic heart. He was so protective that you felt your heart melt.
- Do you know how cute you are? - you smirked and placed a kiss on his visor.
- Uhhhg... Do you know calling a killer robot - cute can hurt his killer feelings? - KAY/O said sarcastically.
- Can I hug you? - You looked at him with your best puppy eyes.
- Yes. - he said almost a little shocked and put his arms around you.
You hugged him - a tender "Thank you for everything" escaped your mouth.
His embraces were so warm because of his burning Radionite Core you remembered how chilly it was on the balcony.
- Y/N, let's go inside, I feel your body needs warmth. (He said platonically 😳). I can make your favourite tea.
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