#sorry this is an anti-snape blog
oxydiane · 2 years
honestly people who are insufferable about “the prank” or whatever can eat my entire ass because everyone crucifies sirius for telling snape how to get past the whomping willow but i’ve never seen anybody acknowledge what a fucking idiot snape was for meddling and willingly following somebody he assumed to be a werewolf inside a tight passage under a tree that could murder you during a full moon. what was the little bitch even trying to achieve by following remus? we know from his flashback that he had a hunch about remus being a werewolf, then he was told from a guy he hated and who hated him back the way to get past the tree and actually did what sirius said during a full moon? i’m sorry but that’s just being fucking stupid. i’m like 97% sure sirius did not even expect snape to do what he said because why on earth would he do that and if he had actually died that would have been well deserved because god knows the amount of times harry almost got himself killed by doing dumb things in the books but nothing he ever tried was quite as idiotic as this
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moonlightdancer26 · 5 months
I'm an ex-marauders fan at this point, but haven't yet worked up the nerve to leave :( Wish me luck.
The marauders fandom promises acceptance and tolerance and lighthearted fun, but as soon as Severus comes up, the previously rosy atmosphere turns downright ugly. I've seen so many marauders fans posting or reblogging about how “your trauma is valid”, how “intentions don’t matter if you hurt someone”, and how “apologies don’t count if they’re coupled with an excuse”… who also go out of their way to justify the ‘prank’ because Sirius didn’t /mean/ to almost kill Snape, and how it’s really all Snape’s fault, and why can’t he get over it already since the marauders clearly became better people (even though Snape never received any kind of apology or any indication that they regretted their behavior)?
And these posts live side by side on their dash? Idk just needed to vent as i figure out where to go next in this fandom (or maybe another one altogether)...
Anyway, I totally wish you luck anon. It’s hard switching fandoms and building up the courage to “move to the other side,” but I can tell you that it is 100% worth it when you realise how much the Snapedom differs from the Marauders fandom! As someone who’s been in the fandom for many years, seen what both sides are like, and has a bunch of friends (both online and irl) who don’t always share the same opinion, I can safely say that we are generally far more accepting of different opinions than the Marauders fandom. We tend to steer clear of them because they’re.. very persistent about their opinions and find it amusing to purposefully mistag their anti-Snape posts or to scroll through pro-Snape/anti-Marauders tags and attack the posters. But if you’re not like that and you can accept not always agreeing with friends or fandom members, then we’ll welcome you with open arms <3
And honestly I agree, I’ve seen Marauder stans make excellent and detailed analyses of their favourite characters and articulate their arguments greatly. But then all that reading comprehension shoots out the window when it comes to Snape, and you suddenly see them brush him off as nothing more than a “obsessed incel nazi” and call it a day. I’ve seen similar things happen with Snape fans as well, and I completely understand how you feel.
All I can say is: Just leave the Marauders fandom. Either announce it with a post and say that you no longer wish to be in the Marauders fandom or want to switch to the Snape fandom. Or if you want, you can create another blog altogether. The important thing is that you do it now and get it over with, because simply reading your ask and knowing how it’s negatively affecting you really upsets me. This ask was sent around 2 months ago, so I hope that by now you’ve done something about it, but if you haven’t, this is what I think about the whole situation. I wish you the best ❤️❤️ and if you, or anyone else who’s struggling with anything similar, want to DM me and talk about this, don’t hesitate to do so.
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Obviously hate is never okay and that message is was super shitty, I’m sorry!
But it’s also very obvious that you think canon is superior. Even with the small things— like chocolate chip versus oatmeal raisin in your response. (i know i know it’s silly but…) Based on my experience with your page, you do shit on non-canon ships in your memes and you complain about people who like those ships.
(And before you say that you’re critiquing the ships— it doesn’t feel like you’re doing it in good faith. Good faith critiques come from a place wanting something to improve because you like it and want to be part of it. You’ve made it clear you don’t like these ships and it feels like you don’t want to actually engage in productive discourse)
So It feels like the “if people just tagged correctly” argument is disingenuous. Like how do you tag a character as OOC when they don’t really have a characterization to begin with? Not to mention— I feel like sO many marauders fics are tagged as AUs anyway because they don’t take place in the magical world.
There are also so many other tags you could filter out, such as any of the ships you don’t like. If you don’t like how Jegulus treats Lily and Harry, filter out fics that having Jegulus raising Harry.
To a casual (but deeply invested observer) it feels more like you miss the focus on the older parts of the fandom and are taking it out on the newer members. If you’re annoyed with the lack of content/focus/popularity, you’re not going to change that with anti posts. You just need to find your people (which you’re doing here!) based on what you all like.
To your jokes about marauders fans not understanding or knowing the canon… many marauders fans grew up reading Harry Potter and have since become uncomfortable with how JKRs views come through in the text. Many of us have since distanced ourselves from the original canon on purpose because of the transphobia, racism, and pro-cop content. (This isn’t me trying to say that canon lovers are endorsing this, but it also doesn’t feel right when canon lovers act like they have more of a claim to fandom spaces… so many people would have loved to continue being in those spaces, but feel like Marauders is a safer space)
I don’t get the impression that people are trying to pretend they invented Harry Potter, but to some degree they largely invented the marauders characters. Obviously some characters have large roles in the canon (you post a lot abt Remadora, which makes sense) but others are barely mentioned or are only shown through specific lenses.
Like I mentioned earlier, how do you tag something OOC when there’s no original characterization? But it’s not an OC, because you’re pulling bits of the character from the world and thousands of other people have the same character (or a similar character) in their heads.
This isn’t supposed to be a gotcha moment. I’m genuinely asking bc it doesn’t really feel like tagging is the root of the issue.
One last big point: Your blog talks a ton about misogyny and fetishization of gay men. These are topics that are much-discussed in so many spaces and not even the most fanon-focused marauders fans can agree on them, but I’d like to give my two cents.
There is misogyny. Of course there is. Even as people try their best, Marauders revolves around a group of boys (it’s in the name) and men will continue to be at the center of it. That will inherently attract and breed misogyny.
However, the canon treatment and characterization of women is also misogynistic. Lily, for example, is very flat in the books. She has a few scenes (in Snapes memories, mostly) and is otherwise talked *about*. She is held up as an idyllic mother and student and person, true, but that is not a well-written character. She isn’t really a person in the books as much as she is a motivation/plot device for men around her. And this is entirely a product of JKR’s inability to write women.
Again, all of this is par for the course, and most people would agree that canon marauders-era characters are often single-note.
What feels unfair about your arguments is that fanon has added so much depth to these characters and flushed them out as real fallible humans. It’s fair to point out that fanon does this more for the men, but it feels reductive to oNLY talk about the misogyny in fandom, when canon is just as guilty by nature of the author.
On the topic of fetishizing: there’s this idea that a bunch of creepy white women are sitting at their computers writing porn about gay teenagers… when that is really a straw man argument. Maybe those people exist, and I would be more likely to believe that that’s true in the broader HP fandom… but a majority of the marauders fic authors I know (including the ones who write filthy smut) are genderqueer (transmasc esp) and are actively experimenting with their sexuality and gender. Marauders fics played a large role in my coming out as transmasc.
It’s not fetishizing if the people writing these things are closeted gay men/nonbinary people. That’s just people writing the experiences they wish they could have had.
And that’s also part of why we—I, at least— distance from canon. JKR looms over a lot. Maybe you don’t feel it, which is great! I’m very glad. But please don’t shit on people who do.
Anyway, I know this is super long and idk if you’ll even read/respond to it, but thank you if you do. If you want to engage in more discussion, I will continue to check back and DM you if you want.
Canon is superior to fanon. I do complain about people who enjoy the ships. Not only because of mistagging. Mistagging is a band-aid for the problem. It solves the immediate issue of having a fanon fandom and a canon fandom under one umbrella. That is the tip of the iceberg.
I do not want to engage in productive discourse as you put it. Not on this page. This page serves a specific purpose for me. Venting. I do not start any post with "let us discuss" or "we need to talk about". Any engagement I get is from asks like this one. People come to me to vent. It is ok.
Because it is not productive to argue about canon versus fanon. I have tried. I have failed. In this fandom it is impossible to have a good faith critique of fanon ships. Too many people treat their fanon ships as markers of their morality or personality. A good faith critique of fanon ship becomes an attack on the shipper. It goes like this:
Them: "Jegulus could be canon IF. Or Jegulus could be canon, BUT"
It is the IF/BUT that makes the discussion impossible. I do not want to talk about IF/BUT. I want to talk about what is.
OOC and canon characterisation. There are some characters that have almost nothing. Like Evan Rosier. But what we do know is he was killed by Moody. He was resisting arrest. He blew off a chunk of Moody's nose. That does not sound like a spring flower who loves justice and Muggleborns.
I am angry with newer Marauder fans because they have taken these AUs as canon. Some have not read the books by their own admission and seem to be proud of it. How do you talk about canon James Potter if you only have fanfiction? We know enough to piece together a character. We know enough that he hated dark magic, loved Lily, loved his friends. There is never ever mention of Regulus by James.
To say it again. Mistagging is the tip of the iceberg. It can solve an immediate problem. It does not solve the problem of the whole fandom. I cannot solve that. I do not pretend to try to solve that. I am incapable of solving that. I can make memes that make me laugh, make others laugh, occasionally break containment. I have been blocked by loads of accounts. I expected this and am ok with it. I have also said before I will not do this forever. I am angry and taking it out with memes. Instead of going to individual ask boxes or fics or TikTok accounts or Twitter accounts or Discord servers and harassing individuals.
I do filter. The filtering makes certain tags walls of filtered posts. If you filter wolfstar and go to the Sirius Black tag page it is mostly filtered posts. That means the tag is unusable to me.
Filtering fics. This is easy enough in theory. But fanon characterisation has become ingrained. When I filter out all the ships I do not want, I still find OOC characterisation in fics. Overly-dramatic Sirius. Alpha male Lupin. Do-no-wrong Hermione. Stupid Ron. Those are not tagged. I do the sensible thing. I click out of the fic, do not leave a hate comment, do not engage with the author or fic.
Yet I can still be frustrated and make a general meme that is not specific to an author or fic to the best of my ability. Almost everything is tagged anti marauders fandom, anti marauders fanon, or anti ship, or anti X bashing. I make it easier to filter my controversial takes. This page, one more time, is not for discussion. I open discussion with asks but it is up to the asker to discuss with me.
I will push back on your interpretation of Lily. We know more about Lily than James. You pointed out the problem. By focusing on the Marauders (men) it does breed misogyny. But we know more about the Marauders than characters like Mary Macdonald, Dorcas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnon, Hestia Jones, Emmeline Vance. If we have almost nothing for Marauders and even less for the female characters, why is fanon incapable of doing as much for them?
We cannot do anything about the internalised misogyny and transmisogyny by JKR. We can and should criticise her and her dehumanising views. It seems hypocritical to me to say "well, the author is guilty of misogyny so we should be as critical of her."
We are. The reason I push harder on fandom than on JKR is that many parts of fandom are declaring themselves morally superior, morally better, more socially progressive than JKR. Which is true in many ways. But if this is the claim, I expect more from fandom than JKR. If you know better, you do better. The Marauders fandom claims to know better. So I push harder on fandom.
It is good that the Marauders fandom encouraged you to be who you are. It is good that you felt comfortable and supported to come out as transmasc.
However we all have our echo chambers. I am guilty of it. This blog is an echo chamber often. I respond to asks like this one that are in good faith and disagree with me.
Fetishisation to me is not about writing genuine experiences or wishful thinking or wish fulfillment. It is about using an identity as an object for pleasure. Only you can decide which one is which. I have been in fandom for a long while. It is not only middle aged white women who do this. White people fetishise POC. Het people fetishise queer people. Young people fetishise. Old people fetishise. Everyone is susceptible to using another person or identity as an object for pleasure. I have seen it all over many years.
You are welcome to DM me. You are welcome to send more asks. I expect you will find my response to be insufficient or lacking. You may even block me. That is ok.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
Happy New Year!!!
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I know it’s a little late, but I wanted to take my time to write this out.
It’s been just over a year since I started this blog!! That’s crazy… For the last twelve or so months, I have had a blast with so many amazing and wonderful people. I am truly so grateful to have found the brilliant community that I have on here. And I cannot wait to see what the new year brings!
Thank you everyone for all your lovely interactions and support!! I have loved connecting with you! I love writing on here. So thank you for reading and supporting me as well!!
Here are some specific shout outs to some very amazing people:
@daydream-cement For all the Gwen (especially Larissa content) you’ve made, Darling. You were my role model when I first got on tumblr for writing. Love you dearly, and we are all blessed to have you <33
@suckerforcate One of the first blogs that I interacted with as a writer on here. I loved reading your content, and you made me feel extremely welcomed on here.
@sevsnapes The whole reason I started writing on tumblr was because of you and your Snape content. My deepest gratitude. I hope you’re doing well!!
@littledollll I was so excited when I found you and your Gwen content! You are such a talented writer, love. I hope to have more conversations with you in the new year!!
@rrcenic My love, my bitch, my home. I love you dearly. And I miss you every second we’re apart. Sending love <33
@chaoticstateofaffairs We meet in my comments sections, and have been practically inseparable since. I am so grateful to you, Cat and Cal, you are fucking amazing.
@scream-queenlover Such a marvelous and beautiful soul and writer! Had so much fun writing collabs with you, and I can’t wait for our next adventure.
@weemssapphic My love, I am so grateful to know you!! You are a shining light in this world, and I couldn’t imagine tumblr without you.
@v3nusxsky We’ve shared some lovely conversations over the last months, talking and asking advice. Plus we wrote that really fun collab together! It’s been a treat to know you.
@pro-weems-places /@anti-bright-places You are such a sweetheart, and your blogs are so lovely. I totally have dm’d you on both accidentally multiple times, but alas, you are marvelous nonetheless!!
@storiesofsvu For tagging and inviting me to participate in your holiday 2023 bingo!! Thanks love! Hope to cross paths more often in the new year!!
@athenodora-sulpicia-writer I have loved our talks and your asks!! And you give the best recommendations. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
@milfdilflover Sugar, you have given me unconditional love and I deeply thank you for that. You are a pure soul, and tumblr is so lucky to have you.
@neuroprincess I have loved all our conversations over the past few months!! You are so pleasant to converse with, sweetness. Hope the new year brings only more connecting between us!
@vioartemis My lovely, French girlie. I hope you’re well, and had a lovely New Years. Let’s talk more in the New Year!!
@la-muertas-lover Proud to have known you before you were la-muerta, as I have watched your blog blossom. Will always be here for you if you have questions or need advice, sweetheart!!
@inlovewithgreta My fellow MILF enthusiast, our hearts are both claimed by beautiful women… Honored to be on your New Years Post, that I couldn’t not put you on mine 🥰
@muffintopxs You, Darling, reached out to me, and I can’t get enough of your blog. Such great content. Hope to talk to you even more in the new year!
@clarkiewrites I have been honored to guide you and answer your questions this past year, love. You are so bright and tumblr is lucky to have you.
@agnessharknes Had a couple of conversations, mainly know you in passing, but your writing smashes. Hope you’re well, and sending love!!
And there are so so so many others!!! I’m sorry that I couldn’t mention everybody, but wishing you all a Happy New Years!! 💞💞💞
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flower1622 · 19 days
Hey, sorry that people have been sending you loads of hate/death threats, yikes! I’ve personally received some hate over an anti-Snape post I made. Long story short, it was HARDCORE attacked by this one poster, so I know how you feel! While I disagree with you on your stance with Annabeth, I know it’s not that deep. If there’s anyone who who has been/wants to send this person hate comments: just don’t. Annabeth’s a fictional character. She won’t get hurt, but the person who runs this blog will if the negativity continues. From personal experience, it makes you feel like trash. Not fun. And plus, accept a little biodiversity in the fandom fish pond! This blog hosts a pretty unique AU in it: Pipabeth and Clarercy? Perisse? in the same future AU with grand/kids who eventually get together: where else are you gonna find that? Let people have opinions on the internet! Just because you dislike a viewpoint doesn’t mean you’re being personally attacked. Jeez. Anyway, have a great day, and don’t take any of this to heart. People get angry in the heat of the moment, but I promise you that’s all this hate is: the heat of the moment.
Thank you for the message! That really means a lot to me! I really like when people can get along or at least respect each other even with their different points of view. But, you are right. Some people act by impulse with their emotions, but I hope it will pass. There is no need to hate someone because of some characters that don't even exist. Trust me, PJO fandom is not the only one I had a problem like that either. The only thing a person can do with a post he/she doesn't like is pass it. People shouldn't be afraid to give their opinions. So, thank you! Messages like this can make a person feel so much better! 😊
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ladiesofhpfest · 24 days
Hidden in Plain Sight by @snarkygranger1-blog
Today is a day of boops and rare pairs for the Ladies of HP Fest! Our next fic is from SnarkyGranger1, with Quidditch player Ginny and surviving Severus Snape!
Snippet and link below!
Severus turned around and observed Ginny stare into the glass. He squared his shoulders before walking over to her table and slipped the drink onto the table.
“I’m not interested,” Ginny mumbled.
“No? Miss Weasley?” Severus said smoothly before stepping right in front of her to block the sight of the wand. “Put that away, you foolish woman. This pub is a muggle establishment.”
Ginny’s head popped up at the sound of a voice from the past. She hadn’t heard it in six years. “You are still alive?”
“Obviously, Miss Weasley.” Severus waited for her to put it away. “I don’t even have mine with me.” He arched his brow.
“Oh, sorry.” Ginny put her wand away. “Have a seat because I have questions.”
“Of course you do.” Severus slipped into the seat across from her.
Ginny gave him a soft glare. “So, how did you survive the war? Because last I knew, his snake killed you.”
“Yes, she did bite me,” Severus pulled down his turtleneck to show her his bite. “But I was wise enough to take the anti-venom potion earlier that day.”
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darklinaforever · 16 days
your blog is so weird ... the r3pe jokes and now this... you come off super aggressive and angry
Except that this post once again only tells the simple truth. Sorry she makes you uncomfortable.
Move on ?
Also, I don't see how this post makes me sound angry. Oh, and I find it cheeky to criticize a hater of a character for hating a character in his corner on his blog. Once again, I don't piss anyone off by going to their inbox, rather than sending hate messages on other people's blogs.
Also, you act like my blog only talks about Alicent Hightower, when I also talk about Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemyra. The Velaryon children / boys. The Black faction. The Greens faction.
And while yes, I also make posts about Alicent and the Greens faction in general, but specifically Aegon II and Aemond, well most of the time the majority of my posts about them are actually responses to people who send me requests, generally Greens stans themselves coming to pour out their venom.
On this blog, I also talk about Grisha with more particularly Darklina / Alarkling and sometimes the ship Malina which I don't like, so tag anti.
I also talk about the phantom of the opera with the ship Erikstine.
I'm talking about the ACOTAR book series by Sarah J Mass through more particularly the ship Elriel with other anti Gwynriel and Elucien posts. I also did posts on the Feysand ship from the main trilogy, and the character of Rhysand.
I'm talking about Zutara from Avatar the Last Airbender, and reblogging some analyzes about them. Also, still in this universe, anti Kataang and anti Maiko posts.
I'm also talking about Doctor Who with particularly Nine, Ten and especially Tentoo and the couple of these 3 incarnations formed with Rose. Sometimes I also talk about the Twelve & Clara relationship.
Recently I started posting about Dune and the character of Paul Atreides, some analyzes of which will eventually come out (as much about him, as his relationship with his mother, or even Chani).
I also talk about Star Wars through Kylo Ren / Ben Solo and Reylo.
I have tons of posts dedicated to the film Crimson Peak, or even Titanic with Rose & Jack. The 1986 film Labyrinth with the ship Sareth also has a few positions.
There is also the case of Harry Potter with the character of Severus Snape and the anti James Potter / Marauders posts.
I also talk about the Wednesday series with the ship Wyler. Lockwood and Co also had quite a few positions.
There is also Bridgerton with the ship Kanthony, Polin, and the future seasons of Bénédict and Francesca which I am impatiently awaiting.
The ship Sessrin too, the books series Red queen with Maven character and the Mareven ship.
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, with Charlastor / Radiobelle, Lilith character and Lucilith ship and Stolitz and Fizzmodeus ships.
The Tokyo Mew Mew anime and Kishigo ship. And lots of other things, more minor or future ones, notably on book series reminiscent of Darklina ! Brief !
My blog is dedicated to many things, that I love and hate, and not just on Alicent Hightower who according to some would be the ultimate object of my mind that I would be obsessed with.
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tiphprince · 11 months
Genuinely so annoying when antis wish death on people for ships, someone responds with "Hey that's messed up, you're being a horrible asshole"
and the anti is like "YOU'RE HARASSING A MINOR"
No one had the time to check the profile for age/dni of every person whose post they interact with. Antis are unbelievably entitled to expect that and imo it's a bad faith shield to make threats against irl people consequence free.
I'm sorry that person was being horrible to you. Antis don't belong in the snapedom.
Yeah, I never check people's blogs before I reply, if they make their posts public and add tags then it's assumed that they do want others to see and possibly reply.
On a side note, I also think that I don't give a single fuck about DNIs, legit the only DNI that makes any sense to me is for minors, incidentally. "Bigots DNI" is always particularly hilarious, as if people do go around fully aware and proud that they're bigots. Though I guess DNIs do work in a way with me because no matter the DNI and whether I fit it or not, I assume the person is too immature to be on the internet and will certainly never interact with them.
I didn't think they were being that horrible, but I blocked both so it's all good now.
It's a shame though that even though we are part of a fandom that does get pretty intense hate at times, including threaths, some people lack the mental faculties to think that if it's bad for them to be insulted based on their fictional character, then it's equally as bad for them to do the same to others.
A minor who is capable of saying that others should die and that they'd help make it so, is also capable of being told that what they're doing is disgusting and this behavior doesn't belong in the Snape fandom.
Anyway, stan Snamione, Snarry and every other Snape ship!
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Wich is that we're seeing this guy at his worse and there is more to it. And I still recognize that the things he does are wrong etc, but that is kind of the whole point. Anyway sorry for the rant and I really loves finding this blog because I can't search any pro Snape tag without finding a majority of anti Snape content and it's exhausting. We get it, he's an ass. Let us enjoy our antivillians in peace
Yeah when you find out who he really is then all of his actions make more sense in context. Also antis are attention whores they tag it in the main tag on purpose for fights then play the victim
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snapedefender · 2 years
Hi! Recently discovered your blog and really love it! I've been making my way through your posts (as I'm sure you've noticed, sorry) and I've noticed that some from like 2018ish are still pretty relevant to Snape discussions today. I'm fairly new to the fandom so I was wondering: have the anti snape people just been recycling the same talking points for the past 4-5 years? That would be kind of depressing if so, since so many of these arguments are just bad and you'd think that they'd trickle out as people realize it... Or have you noticed some definite trends in the arguments and talking points surrounding Snape that have changed over the years?
it's funny bc i dont really pay that much attention to notifications (every once in a while i dive in to see if there's any responses/tags i want to respond to, but otherwise they're white noise 2 me) but i can always tell when someone's just found this blog bc a lot of times i'll get so many notifs from them in a row. so no need to say sorry! there's no bigger compliment to me than someone who wants to keep all my opinions about snape lmao.
anyway, hand to god, i'm pretty sure anti-snape people decided on their four arguments about ten years back and have just been recycling them with different wording ever since. there are arguments i remember seeing in ye olde harry potter fandom that are almost unchanged today. the pervasive idea of snape as a creepy stalker, that snape traumatized neville, and that snape willing gave up harry and james to "have" lily are the three i've noticed just have stuck around for so, so, so long. it's VERY frustrating.
to be fair, hp has regurgitated plenty of fandom discourse just by way of being a long-lived fandom with a healthy and quarrelsome fan base. but the snape arguments in particular always seem especially long-lived. i don't think i noticed exactly how repetitive they were until i ran this blog and started seeing them crop up over and over (and over and over).
in the anti arguments, the main thing i've noticed though is the same thing i think everyone's noticed about the way people talk about characters they don't like - there's so many social justice buzzwords thrown in to "prove" a character is "problematic." back in ye olde hp fandom days, there were plenty of people who didn't like snape and there were shipping wars and such (jilly vs snilly and so on) but the vitriol about snape being abusive and problematic and so on is something that's a more recent trend and is really born out of the way people need to make characters they dislike morally bad so they can feel justified in it. (the inverse is also true - the push to make james and the marauders feminists and such all comes from the desire to make characters we like better/less "problematic.") there's been a much steadier shift from "i don't like snape and i think he's mean" to "i think snape is actually the most evil, abusive character who traumatizes children for fun and doesn't mind killing babies" (all arguments i've seen at least once if not multiple times lol).
on the flip side, from the pro-snape camp, i feel like the arguments around snape have become more nuanced and there's been a lot more mining of material. that said, there's also a lot more defensiveness - whereas before there could be a live and let live attitude about anti snape people, now it really does feel like you have to defend on all sides just to say something about a fictional character you like. so that leads to a lot more snappish discourse than there used to be over snape on both sides tbh.
but aside from discourse, the trend i've really loved seeing is how much more we've pushed to examine snape's identity - the uptick in ace!snape and trans!snape headcanons, the queer shipping with snape, and so on are much more varied than back in the old days where you basically had... snilly as a major pairing and snape as a het white dude and that was it. (at least in my corner of fandom!)
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endversewinchester · 1 year
I’m reading your argument with moonlight and I just wanted to comment on the part where you said she picks fights with marauders Stan’s. It’s actually quite opposite. I don’t want to say marauders Stans because not all of them do this, but the ones that take hating Snape personally like to go on pro Snape blogs and send them hate. “Kys” “n*zi” “racist” etc. or they go on correctly tagged posts to bother us. The reason moonlight even said something to you is because your post is tagged incorrectly. Common tumblr courtesy is to tag hate as “anti” because we don’t wanna see hate in the main tag. Just like we tag our Marauder hate as anti Marauders.
Hi! I wasn’t actually writing meta or bashing your fave. I’ve been reading the books and I’m saving those screenshots of every book for reference to later on actually write meta. That’s all that post is. I am sorry if you guys get jumped a lot. I didn’t even know moon existed until she replied to my post, and I don’t intend to jump anyone. But as long as she is replying to my post, I will reply back trying to explain my POV. That’s all.
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charlotterhea · 1 year
I love reading SSHG and think the two work so well together, but honestly seeing the amount of hate not just for snape but for people who ship this is makes feel almost guilty or like I’m wrong for liking this ship. Even tho I only ship them when Hermione is of age and in like AU situations where Severus survives the war and everyone’s of age. Sorry to dump this on you but I’m curious if you have any advice on how not to care about people being shitty about the ship? Like it’s all fiction so idk why people get so heated about it lol
Hey Anon!
Don't be sorry, it's absolutely fine. :) I'm sorry that the hate the ship gets makes you feel guilty. I'd like to say 'you don't have to' but that's usually not the way it works (although it's true, there are zero reasons to feel guilty for liking a fictional pair of people and even less for hating on people who do). It makes me sad that fandom can get so railed up about some characters that are not even real. Being intrigued by a dynamic doesn't make you a bad person, reading stories about dynamics that are considered problematic in rl doesn't make you a bad person. In rl, nobody would consider someone liking the book 'Lolita' a bad person, and most of the Snamione fics out there are not even remotely close to what happens in that book, not even when they begin with an underage Hermione. That's uniquely a fandom thing, one of the negatives. Since I ended up first and foremost in the Snapedom part of Tumblr (and a little bit more in the Snarry corner of it at that - though I don't know how I got here, I don't even really ship them 😂) I didn't get or witness hate towards Snamione shippers so far. But if that changes I'm pretty sure I will make extensive use of the block button. ^^ I'm too tired to let myself be dragged into some misguided purity bullshit and since I don't want to interact with people that spread hate because of two fictional characters anyway, I would just yeet them out of my field of vision and go on shipping whatever makes me happy.
So that would be my advice for you: Enjoy the things that make you happy and block everybody that wants to spoil them for you. Life's too short to feel guilty over some harmless shipping that doesn't mean anything anymore as soon as you go offline. Look out for people that ship Snamione as well and enjoy the ship with them (me for example, I need more Snamione on my feed 😁). And if you found some Snamione blogs that you like and love to follow - stop looking into the ship tag. It seems like a lot of hate is there, spread by blogs that hate the ship and use the general ship tag instead of the anti tag. I almost exclusively consume the posts on my dashboard and find new blogs through the ones I already follow (which might be the reason for all the Snarry blogs... huh! 😆). So far, that seems to work fine to avoid hate. You are not obliged to read the hate or to expose yourself to it. Use the tools the sites give you to block and/or delete what makes you feel bad. Find your cosy corner and enjoy it. :)
I hope I could help you. And don't hesitate to leave a message! I'm here for the community. 😊
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
Today (or since 3 days ago technically) I was having a jokey-argument with some blog I had never seen before, and after my second most recent reply they chose to say this:
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For context, our exchange was under an ask I answered about which HP characters I think would win in a fist fight (and the anon listed a bunch of characters). For one of them it was Pomfrey vs. Snape, and I thought Snape would win bc he’s obviously much younger and faster. And this person decides to comment that Pomfrey would kick his ass, and I basically responded with dumb comments that weren’t meant to be taken seriously.
After my second comment, that screenshot is what they responded with. And honestly I think that says it all about his antis 💀 they literally have no decent arguments and use “omg ew you like (oh sorry, *worship, like he’s some kind of god) Snape?” as a last resort, and it’s much funnier when you remember that they’re the ones who come onto our posts and start with their shit. My post wasn’t even tagged as pro-snape, I just used general tags for everyone, and this person decided to single him out and insult me for liking him even though my post could’ve just as easily been written by a Snape anti/skeptic. They were unable to come up with a decent witty response and chose that while thinking it was a non-embarrassing reply.
And for your information, one of those dumb comments included me saying that Snape has a black belt in Shodokan Karate, and after that they straight up asked “is this canon or just snape fandom?” I genuinely can’t tell if that was a poor attempt at sarcasm or sincere curiosity, but either way it also shows how little they can recall when it comes to canon.
So, Snape antis, how about you guys just… don’t bring “loving SniVeLLuSssS” into an argument or discussion you know you’ve lost? You’re quite literally just making a fool out of yourself.
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rosemelodyshah · 2 months
How many blogs do you have and what are each for? Different blogs of yours show different numbers
Hi Anon! I saw this a while back but it took forever to actually answer (sorry for that)
Twelve blogs
The first is this one, ofc, for everything and everyone, kinda.
@prongsfoot4life -- James/Sirius blog.
@angstyprongsfoot -- Angsty James/Sirius blog.
@hpfanficsworld -- my hp fanfiction, posts and alerts about it.
@hp-debates-ramblings -- hp debates, ramblings, fights and rants.
@jamesisgreat -- pro James anti Snape
@prongshc -- James Head canons
@writingrelatedthings -- writing related things (a lot of memes).
@art7crafts -- my art works.
The other blogs that, from what has happened to others, are better left as stand-alone blogs.
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undesirab1e · 1 year
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#UNDESIRAB1E              —              an independent roleplay blog for harry potter .              anti jkr .              i write exclusively in first person .      mutually exclusive.      minors dni .          tales told by eden ( 29 ) .              rules under the cut .
— harry is mostly headcanon based because fuck those poorly written books and also fuck that terf trash. my harry has many au aspects. i am currently going back through the books and once i've completed that i will put up a document about all my au changes.
— harry is one of the first characters i ever wrote ( neville longbottom being the first ) over 10 years ago now so he has a very near and dear place to my heart. these books were my autistic special interest growing up. so with that being said i will criticize all aspects of this universe but please know any comments on characters is never me hating them... unless their names are snape or dumbledore in which case its true. i hate them.
— i write in first person because my voice just comes more naturally in first person . i do not expect anyone to match me .
- i would like to write on this blog with the intention of development . what i mean by that is , i think indie has really demotivated me because things are seldom replied to , never mind finished . i can’t remember the last time i got to really dive into any the plots i’ve done & i want to get back to that . while i understand life happens & muse comes & goes , please keep in mind to be considerate of this .
- i’m pretty open to who i follow back so long as your blog looks like a friendly place. however , there are a couple characters i’m not interested in writing with who are as followed : billy hargrove , severus snape, cody fern fc ( he didn’t do anything i just have personal bad experiences sorry ) , ansel elgort fc , & tyler lockwood .
- there will be minimal nsfw here . the most i’d probably post is a meme .
- this blog is strictly mutuals only . i will generally soft block anyone i decide not to follow back though so it shouldn’t be an issue .
- the best way to start interacting with me is simply to send me a meme & continue it . i think they’re a great place to start & they generally work out better than starter calls for me . please note that absolutely anyone is allowed to send in memes whether the meme is platonic or based around established relationships or romantic . 9 times out of 10 we can make anything work (’: so don’t be nervous about it .
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mollysails · 3 years
does your brain ever just go
✨james potter✨
cause same
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