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comingouttarot · 1 year
Final 2022 RAW Tarotscopes
Your Final new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.
Your Final new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below. Gay Intentions For The New Moon Wild Unknown Tarot Get Deeper Insights On PatreonGo further into this advice. Search your shadow and uncover hidden trauma. Discover patterns for you to pay attention to or take action…
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osadiafromheaven · 2 months
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
[english & spanish]
DISCLAIMER: this is just a general reading. If it doesn't resonate, let it fly, don't force it!
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♥Fixed signs (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius): Do you want to start something but you're not entirely sure? This is the exact momento to start creating the basis of your projects so that it's sustainable over time. If you don't dare to do it alone, try to have a team to lean on or someone with more experience advise you and clear your doubts. Your only enemy is your negativity and lack of confidence. Believe in yourself. Lucky number: 5
Yes/No/Maybe: possible yes, if you trust in yourself.
Colour: orange.
♥Mutable signs (pisces, gemini, virgo, sagittarius): Winds of change and success are coming, but also of many responsibilities, where you need to keep a balance between the earthly and the emotional. It’s an excellent time to start a new business that you have been having in mind; since the difficult times are over or are about to do so; calm and peace is coming. It’s time to reconnect with yourself and with the things that surround you. Lucky number: 5
Yes/No/Maybe: yes.
Colour: blue.
♥Cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn): Moments of success are to enjoy or celebrate. You have been on streak of good luck in what you set out to do during this time and the cards say that this stage will continue that way. You are in a phase of self-sufficiency, fulfillment, freedom and independence; you are headed in the right direction. You recognize your brilliance and don’t seek approval from anyone, but it is also a call for you to recognize your achievements and effort and congratulate yourself for it. Lucky number: 9
Yes/No/Maybe: undoubtedly yes.
Colour: yellow.
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
AVISO LEGAL: esto es sólo una lectura general. Si no te resuena, déjalo volar, no lo fuerces!
♥Signos fijos (tauro, leo, escorpio y acuario): Tenés ganas de iniciar algo pero no te animas? Este es el momento de empezar a crear las bases de tus proyectos para que sea sostenible en el tiempo. Si no te animas a hacerlo solo, intentá emprender en equipo o que alguien con más experiencia te aconseje y despeje tus dudas. Tu único enemigo es tu negatividad y falta de confianza. Cree en vos.
Número de la suerte: 5
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: posible sí, si es que confías en vos mismo.
Color de la semana: anaranjado
♥Signos mutables (piscis, géminis, virgo, sagitario): Se inician temporadas de éxito, pero también de muchas responsabilidades, en donde tenemos que tener un balance entro lo terrenal y lo emocional. Es un excelente momento para iniciar algún emprendimiento o negocio que veníamos teniendo en mente; ya que los tiempos difíciles han acabado o están a punto de hacerlo; viene la calma. Es tiempo de reconectar con uno mismo y con las cosas que nos rodean.
Número de la suerte: 5
Color de la semana: azul
♥Signos cardinales (aries, cáncer, libra y capricornio): Las etapas de éxito son para disfrutar o celebrar. Se ha venido con una buena racha en lo que te propusiste a lo largo de este tiempo y las cartas dicen que esa etapa continuará de esa manera. Te encontrás en una etapa de autosuficiencia, plenitud, libertad e independencia; vas por la dirección correcta. Reconocés tu brillo y no buscas aprobación de nadie, pero también es un llamado para que te felicites por ello y tu potencial.
Número de la suerte: 9
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: indudablemente sí.
Color de la semana: amarillo
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carolynclairvoyant · 5 months
#weeklytarotscopes #carolyn_clairvoyant #weeklytarot #tiktoktarot
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eunoiaoffo · 2 years
Capricorn Season Taroscopes | The MGC
Capricorn Season Taroscopes | The MGC
photo by Justine Barnhart Hello sweeties n hunnies! It’s Capricorn season, and I feel like this is such an important and impactful time to look at what it is that we need to feel stable and secure. There are so many facets of security; emotional, spiritual, financial, physical… There are different places we can spend some time overhauling, reinforcing. Just as such, there are equally many places…
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zynnfae · 5 years
First week of July 1-7′19 Zodiac
Hey everyone happy new beginnings as we enter the this new month! as usual feel free to check your moon and rising signs as well and if you are interested in hearing how your entire month will go, check out my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qVZ6Ghb2zu-nA6Gb-tKrQ
You are in control as you move toward a situation that will have you juggling multiple priorities. Your End goals have you thinking logically about manifesting a relationship with someone you feel bound to. This could be a person whom you admire and may even be a soulmate. +Affirmation+ “Its make or break time.”
Some sort of change happened where you took action to keep your guard up because you know that bigger change is on its way. because of this one chapter will close and a new one will begin. You will gain clarity and realize this is destiny at play and you will be able to move forward. +Affirmation+ “Expect powerful change.”
You’ve been thinking about an ending that happened that you feel stuck on. Communication is going to come in allowing you to contemplate about looking forward to the future. It will feel like a victory for you because you will finally be able to move on from the burden of the ending that happened. +Affirmation+ “A resolution to your question is closer than you think.”
 Big change happened when you gained clarity about something that made you decide to take action by walking away from a situation without telling anyone. Someone from your past or someone whom you’ve known for years wants to collaborate with you, you will be prepared for any type of breakthrough you gain from this. +Affirmation+ “A time for healing.”
An intuitive message is telling you to keep your guard up over a person who doesn't have a filter when they speak. You’re going to go out and indulge with friends/loved ones but you are going to be responsible with your drinking and be successful at it because someone is going to have a disagreement with you regarding a person whom you have a new romantic opportunity with. +Affirmation+ “A personal issue reaches resolution.”
You are determined to be happy in a relationship. You are going to be in your head seeking inner wisdom and its going trigger an awakening that will create major change and add rivalry in a new romantic opportunity with someone. +Affirmation+ “You’ve turned someones head.”
You feel insecure and powerless about a situation regarding another person. You are going to be using your intuition in making a decision because you think this will just end end before it even happens. You will finally make the choice in speaking the truth to this person who may be your soulmate and you will be satisfied that you did. +Affirmation+ “Face your fears, they may be holding you back.”
Some sort of breakthrough came in that made you happy and decide to think about your love life. A commitment will ensure between you and a soulmate, this is a person you you view as the “person of your dreams” and “spousal material” someone who leaves you very satisfied. +Affirmation+ “A fiery climax approaches!”
You are keeping your guard up because you have anxieties about moving on from a situation. Collaboration is coming in fast and your trying to stay in control because your  intuition is telling you that the person is sneaky, insecure, and may end up betraying you.  +Affirmation+ “It may be best to move to what you want in a sideways manner.”
You may be in a romantic situation with someone who isnt a soulmate and may be acting sneaky. Destiny is taking action and will have you having trouble sleeping at night due to heartbreak and a falling out with someone. +Affirmation+ “Now is a good time to review your plans.”
Communication came in that gave you the strength to overcome your insecurity. You are going to be balanced and in control enough to move on from a toxic situation that gave you anxiety and may have kept you up late at night because it  was a commitment that ended in heartbreak. +Affirmation+ “Its time to release negativity.”
You may be cerebrating because someone from your past that you feel bound to is coming back. This get together will have you taking fast action towards this romantic opportunity. You know this person is your soulmate but you are going to have a hard time making a decision because you feel as though others will disagree of this union. +Affirmation+ “Bring love into the situation.”
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isaloween · 3 years
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tarotetintuition · 3 years
♈ Bélier Décembre 2020 | ❤ Amour Sentimental | 📊 Bilan 2020
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comingouttarot · 1 year
December 2022 RAW Tarotscopes
Your December new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below.
Your December new moon RAW tarotscopes are here! So what intentions might you want to focus on for clarity and confidence in your gay relationship? Find your sign(s) below. Gay Intentions For The New Moon Wild Messengers Tarot Get Deeper Insights On PatreonGo further into this advice. Search your shadow and uncover hidden trauma. Discover patterns for you to pay attention to or take action…
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osadiafromheaven · 1 month
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
[english & spanish]
DISCLAIMER: this is just a general reading. If it doesn't resonate, let it fly, don't force it!
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♥Fixed signs (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius): you’re a very altruistic person, that always tries to help other people, but this time less is more and you have to start taking care of your feelings a little more. Beware of envy and bad intentions of others and also of failing yourself (just as you are capable of doing the impossible for others, why don't you do it for yourself?). Not everything that glitters is gold, you have to learn to balance everything in life. This is a week of heavy energies (possible separations; family and/or friends can be your sturdy shelter).
Lucky number: 5
Yes/No/Maybe: absolutely no.
Colour: brown.
♥Mutable signs (pisces, gemini, virgo, sagittarius): a lot to do and a lot to change. You feel that your emotions overflow you, but don't take it to a toxic side in which you end up isolating yourself by your own will or the other extreme of becoming extremely dependent on the gaze of others, expecting validation or approval. You are what you reflect, not what others believe or think you are. It's time for self-care and self-acceptance, and to balance the spiritual/sentimental and the logical.
Lucky number: 2
Yes/No/Maybe: perhaps.
Colour: light blue.
♥Cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn): avoiding the problem doesn't mean that it ceases to exist. You have to make the effort to get out of that stage of constant doubts in your life and choose which path to take, because the longer you delay, the worse it will be. What is the need to put yourself in limit situations that only test your emotional stability? It's time to commit to your dreams and plans. "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."
Lucky number: 8
Yes/No/Maybe: yes.
Colour: red.
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
♡ ゜・ 。. 。・ ♡ ・ 。 . 。・ ゜ ♡
AVISO LEGAL: esto es sólo una lectura general. Si no te resuena, déjalo volar, no lo fuerces!
♥Signos fijos (tauro, leo, escorpio y acuario): sos una persona que lo da todo, jamás nada a medias, pero esta vez menos es más y tenés que empezar a cuidar un poco más tus sentimientos. Cuidado con la envidia y las malas intenciones de terceros y también con fallarte a vos mismo (así como sos capaz de hacer hasta lo imposible por los demás, por qué no lo haces por vos mismo?). No todo lo que brilla es oro, hay que aprender a equilibrar todo en la vida. Se presenta una semana de energías tensas (posibles separaciones; la familia y/o amistades pueden ser tu gran refugio).
Número de la suerte: 5
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: rotundo no.
Color de la semana: marrón
♥Signos mutables (piscis, géminis, virgo, sagitario): mucho por hacer y mucho por cambiar. Sentís que tus emociones te desbordan, pero no lleves ese desborde a un lado tóxico en el que te termines aislando por voluntad propia o el otro extremo de convertirte sumamente dependiente de la mirada de los demás esperando validación o aprobación. Sos lo que vos reflejas, no lo que el otro cree o dice que sos. Es momento de autocuidado y autoaceptación, y poner en balance lo espiritual/sentimental y la lógica.
Número de la suerte: 2
SI/NO/TAL VEZ: posiblemente.
Color de la semana: celeste.
♥Signos cardinales (aries, cáncer, libra y capricornio): evitar el problema no significa que deje de existir. Tenés que hacer el esfuerzo de salir de esa etapa de constantes dudas en tu vida y elegir qué camino tomar, porque entre más te tardes, peor la vas a pasar. Cuál es la necesidad de ponerte en situaciones límites que solo ponen a prueba tu estabilidad emocional? Es momento de comprometerte con tus sueños y planes. “Lo que no te mata, te hace más fuerte”
Número de la suerte: 8
Color de la semana: rojo
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carolynclairvoyant · 5 months
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eunoiaoffo · 2 years
December Taroscopes | The MGC
December Taroscopes | The MGC
Hello, and welcome to December! It’s hard to believe that this year has only been a year. It feels as though it has gone by faster than I could muster the energy to notice and also like 5 years were held within its moments. Perhaps that is what we get for a 5 year, though. Changing patterns is no joke and here we are in the last stanza of the energy of this year. While I don’t necessarily…
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aquamystic · 5 years
˗ˏˋ taroscope for 26/08 to 1/09 ♡ ˎˊ✧ ೃ༄
use sun, moon and rising.
aries | there is strong loneliness during this week, Aries. you might feel very disconnected from your loved ones and feel like they dont really care about you anymore. i see you being alone — whether you want it or not - and thinking about what you have lost with this particular person who might have virgo placements or strong air energy. this person may have been manipulating mentally you from a long time and you are both feeling like there is nothing left for the relationship to flourish. you might avoid responsibility on this but you should recognize that you have both sabotaged the relationship somehow. use this virgo season to reflect and ask yourself some questions. losing someone you used to love is hard but it will allow you to move on and recognize who are your true friends at least.
taurus | i see you being in a situation where you lack a lot of balance, taurus. you might be in a situation where you want to move forward but somehow, you don’t because you are not seeing things clearly. are you really emotionally fulfilled? are your boundaries respected? your health might even be affected by this. i think that you are surrounded by hostility and selfishness. it might be someone who you are attached to but who is very selfish to you. be careful about this, this person seems like trouble and takes a lot of energy from you might be a sagittarius. it could be about a sexual relationship too. remember that consent goes both ways and that you need to find an agreement on what you want. i feel like you are detaching yourself from this situation or person but you are not really making actions. why? is this because of laziness? because you idealize it? think about it and make a wise choice.
gemini | it seems that you have been shutting off your emotions in fear of being hurt or attacked by someone. maybe this someone is emotionally immature and keeps annoying you or you are being emotionally immature. you are working on a project, aren’t you? and you are taking small steps at the time while being very focused on it. i am proud of you, gemini, for your hard work but do you need to be such a workaholic? why suppressing your emotions? be aware that you might feel a creative block if you continue this way. reconnect with your inner child and sensitive side as well or you will feel unsatisfied despite reaching your goal. erase negative and paranoid thoughts lovely gemini and open up your heart. be careful with spending a lot of money this week.
cancer | your emotions are running high this week, cancer, and you might actually let them get the best of you. you may act a bit immature and attention-seeking this week. you are not doing this on purpose but you are being childish and unfair. you might not really see the truth on a situation but will at some point and it will be a bit realization. this situation might be something unresolved in the past coming back. it may hurt for a bit but you will be able to cut away this burden and find the key to the situation. you might deal with a libra this week, perhaps someone from your past or a loved one. you might feel like being treated unfairly but let your ego aside and focus on yourself, it may not be the best time to get in conflict. find the truth.
leo | you might feel a bit powerless and insecure this week, leo. a plan you had been working on might not be working or might be postponed. there might a quick and kind of brutal conversation with a gemini, libra or aquarius about things that were left unsaid or something that made you sad. don’t be conflicting and be the mature one there! be kind and sweet, don’t get into conflict. it might also be with a lover or a friend but i don’t see it as a very problematic situation, it might be a burden for a while but will end up in peace. do not keep everything to yourself as well. if something is annoying you, make sure to say it - calmly. be open to changes as well and be kind. you might travel.
virgo | happy season virgo! the keyword is awareness this week. you are more in tune with your emotions and with what you want, you finally feel reborn! things are moving quickly and you can feel it in the air. with the new moon in your sign, make sure to manifest what you want. you may find new energy coming your way, just be mindful to not let this energy run too freely, you don’t want to exhaust yourself too quickly. i feel like you have been scared to move on from a situation in which you feel blocked and oppressed, it might be about family or about a relationship you thought had great foundation but it turned out it wasn’t enough and you may have realized it but you were unable to go. now is the time to really let this behind yourself. the deep and profound emotions you have been feeling are getting happier and more positive, yes! the person i am talking about could have fire energy and be very selfish and stuck in their way but it could also be you so be careful lovely virgo! you might celebrate it a bit lowkey, like feeling happy while being with yourself and that’s great.
libra | there is something burdening you and that you wish to be gone, libra. do you feel like you are the only one who make efforts towards others but that you don’t get rewarded? you feel a bit lost and you don’t know where to go now. we know you have a generous heart, libra, but you don’t have to carry this burden and to be always there for others, especially if they don’t give it back to you. you are always trying to become a better person for others but they still leave you. take some time for yourself and to think. is this all really worth it? why are you doing this for? sometimes, we stay close to people because it is our comfort zone but recognize when something is dead, libra. it could be about your family or friends (with virgo?).
scorpio | there is a lot of worry and fear for you, scorpio. it may be about an idea you just had or about being loved. are you desperate for it? are you seeking the attention of a person with earthy qualities? be careful not to overindulge. take your time for this project you are thinking of, the best things take time to be made. you are loved and you will find love, alright? there is someone coming your way who you are meant to be with. worrying won’t help much, patience will. you are full of compassion and kindness, give it to others who deserve it. find balance in your emotions.
sagittarius | you feel confident and bold, don’t you? but please, be careful not to overwork yourself or you will end up feeling exhausted. are you running away from your problems and acting super confident? this is why you feel like you aren’t moving forward. you are too impatient. stop it. confront your problems and slow down. Why is is the beginning of virgo season and it is perfect for you to follow the advice of the hermit: take some time for yourself, reflect and go within yourself. understand where you come from and why. read a book. go out in nature.
capricorn | you don’t feel like fighting anymore, capricorn. but why are you still avoiding this important change in your life? you are embarking on a new journey, feel excited rather than scared. open yourself to changes. you are strong and mature. you have so much to give. step out of your comfort zone and meet new people. be free-spirited, let yourself live. enjoy it and share your great qualities. it will feel good in the long-term.
aquarius | you are finally seeing things clearly and your options are now very clear. it is the time to surrender and take a break from this. look what is going on within the connection and what is unhealthy. you might feel like things aren’t moving, that is getting boring and that you are stuck. someone is being childish and selfish. is this about your lover? check out. see things without biased eyes. is there faith between you two? think about it.
pisces | there has been conflicts lately. you have been refusing to see that things are different with someone and you are avoiding this change. it has made you heartbroken and disappointed but you are finally healing from it and although you don’t know what to do, you don’t want to abandon this connection. you will need to both talk about it and make a plan. be smart. dream. things can get better but it needs work and maybe a bit of time to both think of what’s going wrong. perhaps you need to work on something that has been lingering for a while but that you were to scared to see. a travel might not go as you expected.
if it doesn’t resonate, let it fly! this is a general reading and the message might apply to someone else.
i wanted to try this out and i really liked doing it! please tell me if it resonated or not, that would really help me.
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