#thank you for the ask you beautiful blog you!!!!
anewcalamity · 2 days
Hello everyone,
This is @stylincheetah, editor of A New Calamity, and friend to its author, Faith / @maldreathezora. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you all of Faith’s passing last week, at 5:30am on June 4th. After nearly a decade of fighting against cancer, her battle came to an end with the sunrise of a beautiful morning outside her window. I was able to visit her and say goodbye just hours before she passed, and I am forever grateful to have been given that opportunity. She is, and always will be, dearly missed. 
I have been given access to the blog and Faith’s creative archive in accordance with her wishes. There are no plans to close the community discord at this time, and this page will be kept open in honor of Faith and her legacy. To all of our incredible readers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting Faith through her journey. ANC has been a massive point of pride, and I know Faith loved working on it dearly. It was my privilege to be able to work alongside her for all of these years. 
I would like to once again highlight Faith’s gofundme on this main blog. Though previously used to bring comfort and care to Faith in her final days, it is now being used to raise money for her memorial service, which her husband is working hard to organize. Please consider donating if you are able.
[If you can, please donate here.]
Additionally, Junior of @growingupgerudo and I will continue selling copies of our tribute ANC fanzine, with all money raised going directly to Faith’s family in this time of mourning.
[Fanzine available here.]
This week has been a difficult one for me, and I cannot imagine how hard it has been for Faith’s family and husband. I ask for everyone’s patience as we navigate this loss. The comic will be placed on an indefinite hiatus in the weeks to come. I hope to find a way to complete the project in the future, as I know Faith would have wanted me to do. However, in the meantime, I will be stepping back to process and pick up the pieces for myself. 
Once again, thank you to everyone for your generosity and overwhelming support. Thank you all for loving Faith and her work. Be kind to yourself. 
Thank you for everything, Faith. Now and always.
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Thank you to @vigoburrito for this lovely tribute piece.
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hellishjoel · 2 days
1.3k / pairing: javier peña x f!reader
main masterlist | notifications blog
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summary: Javier Peña doesn't love in black and white - he loves in red. warnings/information:  MA 18+ (minors DNI), allusions to some smutty vibes but no smut, javi in love, reader is described having hair and wears a dress and heels, but otherwise (I believe) no physical description, no use of y/n A/N: this is for the lovely @janaispunk's 1500 kisses challenge! congratulations baby <3 this is an ode to you! I was dutifully given the prompt of forehead kisses - and if anyone gives good forehead kisses (see example above) it's obviously javi. lastly thank you @saradika-graphics for the banner!
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You’ve got your red dress on tonight. 
The one that paints your body in confidence and allure. Dusted in a silky, satin red. 
Javi’s never had a favorite color until now. 
Your mere presence demands attention and captures the longing gazes of all who inhabit the room you grace with your stride. You dazzle, you shine, and you’re self-assured.
Your anniversary falls on a rainy night in Bogotá. Thunder claps outside, echoing each step he takes up your apartment stairwell. He brings red roses, a fresh bouquet to honor the importance today holds. 
One year. That’s four seasons of love that Javier has never felt before. 
He wraps his rough knuckles against your door and listens patiently to your delicate steps on the other side. 
“Oh, Javi,” you breathe with a pearly smile, “they’re beautiful.” You thank him with a kiss on his stubbled cheek and he squeezes your hip in return, feeling the soft satin of your dress dancing beneath his fingertips. 
That fucking red dress. 
It transports him to a warm summer night, where the sun blazed an orange-yellow hue across the horizon. Ice-cold drinks giving him the courage to ask you for a dance. Your perfume, that smile, those eyes. Dancing in close proximity, your bodies dripping in sweat as Javi took the lead, your heels clicking across the old wood floors of the cantina. But that was many moons ago. The first dress he ever saw you in, still his favorite. 
“Anything for you, hermosa.” 
And he knows you by now. Knows to make a late dinner reservation to allow you extra time to get ready. It’s a process, you’ve told him. He sits at the edge of your bed and watches you in silent admiration. 
Your bedroom is cloaked in darkness, the only illumination coming from the candlesticks, their gentle orange flames flickering in the breeze wafting through the open balcony doors. Outside, raindrops perform a delicate dance on the metal roof, creating a mesmerizing symphony of tinny notes.
Like an angel, you float across the room. Where are your wings? Where is your halo? Maybe left long ago in that cantina where you traded them for Javi. But you’re still an angel in his eyes, the most beautiful goddess he’s ever seen, the woman he praises day and especially night. In the lap of his lover, he is never alone.
He notes how articulately you pick your accessories, bringing earrings up to your lobe and seeing how they complement the look. Maybe a necklace—no, the bracelet he bought you a few months back. He smirks at the sight, and you catch his gaze in the vanity mirror. 
Javi wonders why he showers you with gifts - maybe a hint of possession, more so that he thinks you deserve the finer things he can offer you. And you’ve always been so gracious and excited with every gift wrap you delicately tear or ribbon you untie. Money doesn’t matter compared to that million-dollar smile. 
“Javi, pick my perfume for me, will you?” 
And now, getting ready becomes a two-person job. But he likes this part; he likes dressing you up, picking your lingerie in the shops, and choosing which heels you wear. There's an undeniable allure in your reliance on him, allowing him to fulfill the role of being essential in your life. Needed. 
He chooses a sweet-scented perfume—not blossomy, more like vanilla and cinnamon—sweet enough to fit your personality, thick enough to make him drunk on you. With his eyes closed and lost in a room full of people, he could find you. And he would. 
“Heels?” He offers, already opening your closet and staring at the different colored stilettos and slingbacks. 
“Yes, please, baby.” You coo, delighting in his attentive presence as the melody of your perfume fills the air, each spritz a tender caress upon your neck, shoulders, and a playful touch in your tousled hair.
He bends down to one knee and guides your hand on his shoulder. 
You hum sweetly, nails grazing the back of his neck and gently scratching the base of his scalp. His jet-black hair is soft and thick, weaving perfectly between your fingers. 
He wasn’t always like this, so warm. He was all the things he wanted to appear as, strong and confident. But that was all an exterior façade, one that took months to slowly chip away at like a chisel to marble.
A boulder was in place of his heart, only growing larger and harder with trauma. Each painful memory, each betrayal and loss added another layer to the stone, making it more impenetrable and cold. Eventually, the weight of it threatened to crush his spirit entirely, leaving him numb and distant from the world around him.
But then you came along, chipping away at the hardened exterior with your warmth and kindness. Your presence began to erode the layers of pain and sorrow, softening the edges of the boulder. Slowly, bit by bit, you managed to reach the core of his heart, bringing light and hope where there had once been only darkness.
Javier Peña had fallen in love. 
“You’re so handsome, Javi,” you praise, “I love you.” The sentiment never grows old. You feel Javi’s head move in and gently place a kiss on the inside of your thigh, just below the hem of your dress. Goosebumps quickly sprinkle across your skin. He always has such an effect on you. 
“Estoy enloquecido por ti,” Javi purrs as he lifts your ankle and slips the heel onto your foot, careful fingers buckling the strap around your ankle. You point your toes admiringly, allowing him to work on the next heel. 
As he stands, his fingers skim up your sides and his height looms over you. His cologne melts your inhibitions, forcing a subtle sigh from cherry-lacquered lips. 
His forehead rests against yours, letting the magnetic charge between you both finally reach its peak. His nose brushes against your own, mascaraed lashes fluttering closed. 
Just as Javi moves in to place a kiss on your lips, you’re quick to gently rest a hand against his chest. The moment pauses and your eyes dance. 
“I just put my lipstick on,” You whisper and softly giggle. 
Javi breaks into a small smirk. His woman has priorities. 
The lipstick is a fantastic red, soft, and a little dangerous. It's subtle, but also not subtle at all. Like the color was made for you, a perfect shade that heightens your beauty and charisma. You’re an artist, the way you perfectly glide the lipstick across your pillow-soft lips; not a smudge or mistake is made. 
“You’re right, mi querido.” Javier reroutes his path, closes his eyes, and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. The subtle gesture is just as good as a kiss to the lips, maybe even better. It wraps around you like a warm hug and it stays there long after he’s gone. Your insides dance with a delightful flutter, a warmth cascading down your spine, enveloping you in a sensation akin to heaven itself.
You nuzzle your nose against his own and sigh peacefully, feeling Javier’s arms tighten around your waist. 
“Do you like my dress, Javi?”
He playfully hums as his fingers teasingly graze the fabric, gently squeezing the globes of your ass beneath it.
“Love it,” he damn near growls. 
You swiftly swat his wandering hands away, sensing his desire to tug at the material. If you stay in your bedroom any longer, you fear you’ll miss the standing dinner reservation you’ve had for well over a week. 
You reward him with a kiss on his neck and you distantly taste his aftershave. 
Javi adores the beautiful mark you leave on his neck, a lingering stain that refuses to be simply wiped away with a napkin and water. It remains a constant reminder of you until he showers, and he thinks about you all over again. You’re forever there, forever his. 
He stares at your figures in the mirror, wrapped up in one another.  
One kiss on his tan skin, and he’s no longer Javier Peña. He’s yours. 
Yours in red. 
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📩 Simblr question of the day: This SQOTD comes with a heavy heart. As I close out SQOTD question submissions, I am delicately resigning my spot in the community as the ~~Official~~ Simblr Question of The Day Blog, and with this resignation, I would like to ask a question that I vaguely recall has been asked before, however I think I think it's worth asking this again, and more. I think love, admiration and inspiration, creation/creativity, and community are beautiful things, Simblr often highlights these attributes well, and I commemorate all of you for bringing such a beautiful and unique aura from each of your own blogs, you all bring a beautiful light to the starry and neverending sky that is Simblr. Which Simblrs do you admire most? Which Simblrs are inspired by most? Which Simblrs inspire creativity, or which Simblrs do you admire the creativity of? Which Simblrs do you feel closest to? Who are you at home with here? Who do you miss in the Simblr community (Deactivated blog/Left Simblr)? Which Simblr did you never expect to become your mutual? What do you admire about Simblr as a whole?
These questions are intended to be optional, you may answer all or pick and choose 💞 I have a post coming out later today to share the reason for my resignation, but additionally, some other things. Thank you, and as the banner says, How are you? (‾◡◝)
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
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latinare · 17 hours
I'm not sure if you've been asked this before, but what's your process for translating modern objects or concepts into Latin? Do you assemble together a new word or choose the closest existing match you can find?
Absolutely love what you're doing with this blog, the blending of silly internet posts with Latin is so beautiful to me
Thank you, these comments bring me so much joy!
I often start by googling a word to see if someone has already come up with something. Latin was the language of science and scholarship for so long that inventing and adapting terms is kind of A Thing. (My favourite online dictionary tells you if a word is ancient, medieval or modern in origin, which is awesome.)
If one doesn't already exist, I might adapt an English word to fit, like tumblrinus, or try to come up with some phrasing that gets the general idea across, like using genera masculina et feminina to describe the modern concept of gender.
I also sometimes look up how something is currently said in Italian and Spanish, since the vocabulary often adapts quite easily.
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 3 days
Gonna repost this from my inactive writing blog cause it's Itachi's bday! 🍡🎂🍡
I have this hc that Itachi wouldn't want to fall in love with someone he thinks has done nothing wrong in their life, cause they'd be too good for him, but... do people like that even exist?
🍡 Itachi x reader, Kisame & reader friendship 🦈
imagine you're a temporary travel companion of Itachi and Kisame, because you have a personal grudge against someone they're on a mission to kill, you're helping them track the person down
you fell for Itachi's classic beauty the moment you met him, and you've been trying to get to know him better, he's just your type, but... you're probably not his... right? he's so quiet around you, so reserved, so professional...
that's what you thought, until Kisame pulled you aside and informed you that "I don't know know if you've noticed, but my partner here is so in love with you it's ridiculous!"
wait, what? so that time when he didn't want to pry into your past, it wasn't out of lack of interest, quite the contrary, he was giving you space? out of love?
and when he didn't let you join him in that fight, it wasn't because he thought you were weak, he just didn't want you to get hurt, or worse, get blood on your hands?
the thing is, Kisame says, Itachi will never make the first move, he's willing to be content with just watching you with his sharingan on when you're not looking
and it was kind of entertaining for a while, but it's not funny anymore, it's clear now that Itachi is denying himself your attention as yet another form of self-punishment for, oh just some stuff he's not proud of, you know?... so, if you reciprocate Itachi's feelings, you had better do something about it
oh... so that's how it is. okay then. of course you'll do something about it, and you know exactly what...
that night, as Itachi prepares to stand guard, you say you don't feel like sleeping either and keep him company
you summon all your courage and begin to tell him about your past, including things you regret, good things you didn't do, bad things you couldn't prevent
basically you try to explain, as subtly as you can, that just because you got screwed over by this person all three of you are after, it doesn't mean your hands are completely clean...
Itachi listens patiently and concludes that you must know, then, what it's like to carry the weight of your past wherever you go
and you do, you really do - but you also know that you can't get anything done if you don't put it down sometimes too
you ask Itachi what he'd like to do if he could put his burden down for just a bit
he looks into your eyes, and parts his lips just a little but no answer comes out
"I would let myself be loved", you say, and focus on his lips and nothing else, no looking into his eyes, that just makes him think too much, all he needs to know right now is how much you want him
and he kisses you
it's sudden, intense, full of the passion he had been trying to suppress all this time, and you're more than ready to match it
now that he started he seems to never want it to end, and neither do you, every small break is followed by another kiss, and another, and another, and
Itachi's embrace is protective, desperate, like he's acutely aware that he could lose you as easily as he found you
when you part his eyes are still closed for a moment, his lips still parted, his cheeks flushed, you love this look on him, and you can't wait to see him completely undone
but for now it seems that all he wants to do is just hold you again, you can even feel his heartbeat calm down as you're pressed against him
"Did Kisame have any part in this?" Itachi asks.
"If I said yes... what would you do?"
"Heh. I would have to thank him."
you chuckle, and Itachi plants a kiss on your forehead
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karasuno-planet · 10 hours
Ti amo, Tobio
Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
genre: sooo fluffy, sfw
wc: 0.6k
summary: learning Italian to move to Italy with Kageyama!
a/n: my blog has been getting sm love <333 tysm!! Love you all and hmu with requests!! (gif not mine!)
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It was nothing short of insane to decide to move across the world with your boyfriend. At least, that's what other people seemed to think. Japan had been a beautiful home with many memories, but your relationship with Kageyama took first priority in your life.
It was the most meaningful thing you could say when you asked you, the immediate yes to move across the globe for his passion served as the highest declaration of your love.
But now it was time to act on it. About a month out from your move, you were caught trying to learn as much Italian as possible as quickly as you could. The familiar chirp of duolingo had become all too familiar in your apartment, as you religiously practiced and watched Italian movies in preparation for the big move.
Language hadn't ever come easily to you or Kageyama, but not being able to communicate in a foreign country was a big worry of yours, despite how often you were reassured it would be okay. But, for once, the studying didn't really bother you. Perhaps it's just the ambition for his sport that had rubbed off on you, but at this point, you would seriously do anything for Tobio.
The familiar rustle of keys in the door sent a wave of relief upon you, as it always did. Soon enough, your boyfriend stood in the doorway, freshly showered after practicing. You smiled and greeted him, and he quickly gilled in the spot next to you on the couch.
"Another Italian movie, huh?" He examined the scene, seeing that you were clearly studying the language.
"Yeah! I've been learning a lot..."
"Really?" He gave you a sideways smirk, his way of communicating a smile despite his awful smiling ability.
"Yes, it's um.. a little exciting, in a way..." you explained, sliding closer to him on the couch and resting your head on his shoulder. You quickly noticed his shoulder being tighter than usual, though. And upon looking at his face, you could see unmistakable traces of nerves throughout his body.
He seemed to jolt back to reality, "Y/n?"
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just, thinking about our move...you know."
You rest your head on him again, sighing, "I know." The move had been weighing on both your minds equally, both with excitement and fear.
"I'm just happy I have you to come with me," Tobio expressed as he wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulder.
"Me too...and learning a new language has been sorta fun."
"You think?" He turned to you, amazed at your enjoyment of learning Italian, which in his mind was such a tedious thing to do.
"Definitely. Especially when. I get all the enjoyment of showing you what I learned." You leaned into him, whispering, "Ti amo, Tobio..."
His cheeks flushed pink upon hearing it. "Ti amo, y/n. I love you so much."
To hear your voice utter such sincere love in the language you had learned just for him was exactly what he needed after a long day. Though he often felt like a burden for seemingly forcing his girlfriend to pack up and move with his untraditional career, there was something about your constant support that he knew would just scream home to him regardless of where life took you.
thank you so much for reading loves ♡ [masterlist]
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Beginnings • A Ranged Blurb
After Hell brought Horror to the Heartland, America’s dirt roads and open woods began to fall to rot and ruin. To prevent further inter dimensional slips, the government dispatched several workers, such as yourselves, to travel the country saving small communities. 
Pairing: special agent!Steve Harrington x special agent!Reader
Wordcount: 1133
Warnings: This is a blurb based on this fic. This is Steve and the Reader's first meeting/assignment. *This blurb contains canon typical violence, including violence toward both main characters, children, and a foster mom. Please read at your own discretion.
This blog is 18+ only. I do not give permission for any of my fics to be duplicated, reposted, or put into AI. Thank you!
Navigation • Masterlist
Moodboard • Episode 00: Prologue
The clacking of your heels was drowned out by the chaos of an office. You straightened your blazer and asked the receptionist to point you in the direction of your new field partner. She extended a long nail and offered a kind smile, and you followed her directions around desks and ringing phones and the toss of rubber band balls to a desk near the back corner. 
A man leaned back in his chair, the aluminum groaning under his weight. His ankles were crossed atop the desk, and he was licking pink yogurt off a plastic spoon. 
“Special Agent Steve Harrington?” You asked.
He looked a bit dumfounded, glancing first around the room before sizing you up. His brown hair was a bit unruly, and his shirt had been unbuttoned to reveal a patch of chest hair and a white tank underneath. “Yeah?”
You introduced yourself, extending a hand. 
Steve scrambled upright, tossing his spoon to the desktop and meeting your gesture with a clammy, but firm grip. He grimaced in pseudo-apology, a frown creased between full brows. 
He towered over you, broad shoulders and long limbs. You’d read his file. He’d been given a handful of medals of honor and bravery for his stint on the battlefield, and it showed in his lithe frame, the muscles that roped his exposed forearms, his hunched shoulders. You think you found further evidence in the dark circles beneath his eyes, the scar etched into his lower lip. 
“Owens speaks highly of you.” He said, offering you a seat at the desk. 
You slid another aluminum chair over and watched him toss his yogurt cup and spoon into a nearby trash can. The sting of strawberries and cream tickled your nose. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Owens say something bad about someone. I think he’d tell a Demogorgon she was beautiful to avoid hurting her feelings.”
Your comment prompted a hesitant smile, and the wag of his head. “Have you been out before?”
“On the field?”
He nodded.
You swallowed. You’d seen one Blight, in your training. Your shoes squelched into barren land. You hadn’t gotten the smell of rot from your nostrils for a week. 
“My expertise is in psychotherapy and deescalations.” You said instead. 
Steve didn’t appear impressed.
You supposed talking people off ledges and removing a shaking hand from a trigger might be a little underwhelming to someone who had fought inter dimensional creatures and people with telekinetic powers. 
“Call came in from Green Bay, twelve-year-old girl convinced her foster brother to eat a box of detergent.” Steve pulled a file from the top drawer and tossed it to the table in front of you. 
Your stomach churned. You’d already read the brief, already seen the photos. This was your job now, time to toughen up.
You nodded. “When do we leave?”
Your hands trembled, aching from the cold. Your snot froze to your upper lip and stung in your nostrils. The wind whipped at your cheekbones, and your boots crunched in the snow. 
“Cora, put the knife down.” The glint of steel shined in your periphery, the knife floating mid-air, held inches from your throat.
Your gaze remained trained on the little girl. The ends of her hair crusted with frost and blood trickled from her upper lip.
The snow around her had been stained red with Steve’s blood. 
“We aren’t here to hurt you,” you explained, hands still raised. “We want to help. We know others like you. Other kids with powers.”
“Meredith told me she would keep me safe,” the girl sobbed, voice echoing across the barren field. 
You released an exhale for the woman you’d found in the kitchen, a foster mom turned puddle. Steve tracked Cora’s bloody footprints across the backyard and through the woods. 
You glanced down at her legs. Her ankles were swollen and purple.
“Meredith called us to help you, Cora. She asked us to take you back with us to our facility in the city. We can introduce you to other kids. We can teach you how to hone your powers.”
“I don’t want to leave!” She screamed, and you felt the weight of the knife against your chest. 
“How’re you doing, really?” Steve elbowed you as you both stepped out of Owens’s office. 
You straightened your blazer, itching at the gauze on your chest.
You signed up for this. You’d done the training. You’d worked with a myriad of mental illnesses in all demographics. You told Owens as much. 
When you didn’t answer, Steve pulled you into an empty board room. That crease etched between his brow, and he leaned to eye level.
“The second you feel like this is too much, I need you to tell me. There has to be trust between us. We’re supposed to have each other’s backs out there and in here.” He emphasized his last words with fingertips to the tabletop. 
You chewed back a remark on how frustrating it had been to travel with him, to work with him, to ask him a plethora of questions that had been shut down. Instead you took a deep breath and said, “How are you doing, Steve? Really?”
He shifted, sat on the table’s edge, crossed his arms across his chest. The shoulders of his blazer raised to tickle the hairs at the base of his neck.
He’d told Owens the same things you had. All in a day’s work. You can’t save everyone. Things that you had echoed despite the churn in your stomach.
Meredith’s body was etched into your eyelids like the blue glow of staring into the sun. You’d slept with four blankets to avoid a chill. 
Steve contemplated your question for a moment before his shoulders released with a sigh. “That sucked. All of those kids will be without a mom. I keep thinking that if we’d gotten there five minutes sooner…”
You shook your head. “There was no way. The flight was delayed. The roads were icy.” You knew better than to blame yourself. You’d been taught better than that.
“You asked me how I was doing,” Steve cut you off. 
You stared back at him, catching the vulnerability in his gaze. You swallowed, nodded. “I keep replaying everything I said to her, wondering if I could have said something different to talk her down.”
Steve shook his head, perfect coif wobbling. “You said all you could. It was actually really impressive.”
Your face warmed at the compliment and shrugged. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
He snorted at this and tapped at your elbow, nodding to a handful of agents walking your way. “Want some lunch? My treat.”
You nodded and let him lead you out of the conference room and down the long hall toward the elevators. Your shoes clacked the whole way. 
Fic Masterlist • Episode 00: Prologue
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carrsu · 1 year
For the Character Bingo: Regalla!
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I’m gonna be honest: I adore her and I don’t think she gets enough attention, and if I’m being SUPER honest the version of her I have in my head is probably wrong because through the entire time I was fighting her, the only thought I had in my head was “muscle women hdhdjdjejdhjejdhejhehehhehgehehhe”
BUT YEAH!! I adore all characters that align themselves with people specifically to further their own goals, it really lets you put them anywhere and they’re very easy to use as a plot device! Regalla herself has a very interesting storyline and I LOVE that I get to fight alongside her during the zenith raid, in which she DOESNT die. she doesn’t. She won’t die if I don’t look at canon.
She’s such a bastard failgirl and has muscles, I don’t know if I want to be her or kiss her but either way!!!! Beautiful character!
Also note: if anyone reading this has fics that are canon-setting non dead-regalla centered I would read the SHIT out of it
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maddymoreau · 2 months
Why is everyone in Fallout 3 extremely hot
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lunamoonberry · 2 months
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wow, 700 naughty followers!?😜😈
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pleasuremehere · 2 months
What are the ways in which people are discriminated against in BDSM and Kink spaces?
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Black people can encounter various forms of discrimination in the BDSM and kink spaces by “immediately being fetishized, as opposed to having social interactions that start neutral and then gradually escalate sexually,” King says.
To help you better understand what racism and discrimination look like for Black people in kink, Dr. Murphy shares the story of a BIPOC woman who experienced at a BDSM/kink event:
“I have heard this from a BIPOC woman in the kink/BDSM community where she was at an event and was suddenly called ‘dark chocolate’ and a ‘chocolate chip’ by a White man. He also told her that he hadn’t been with a Black Woman ‘yet.’ While this may have been intended as a sexy or flirtatious comment (I’m being extremely generous here) from the giver, without explicit consent, this is a racist way to ‘tokenize’ or ‘fetishize’ a human being who isn’t food.”
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King also shares an example in which Black men can also face racism from White BDSM and kink people:
“In other cases, Black men may receive attention based on the ‘big Black cock’ stereotype. People may seek Black men so that they can be dominated or violated by them in some way, which plays off racist archetypes formed during slavery. The ‘Black brute’ caricature is a stereotype of the massively endowed Black man with insatiable and animalistic sexual urges. They were (and still are) seen as brutal, aggressive, and strong, hence, the reason for rough sex fantasies that involve racial undertones.”
The Black community can also contribute to how discrimination forms in kink spaces. There’s the misinterpretation that because Black people aren’t well-represented in the kink community, these “atypical” sexual behaviors and relationships aren’t for them.
“In the Black community, you’ll likely hear ‘that’s just some freaky, ‘White people s***’ when discussing anything kinky,” King explains. “I think kinky sex is referred to as ‘White people s***’ because we recognize that BDSM spaces are predominately white, and that’s what contributes to the way discrimination is formed in these spaces.”
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oopdeathnote · 1 month
Do you think that L/Ryuzaki is in love with Light Yagami or Kira? Or both?
Thank you for the ask @xvalstarinex !
I don't personally ship lawlight, I just like all the stuff people make for it (plus whatever those two have going on, even if it isn't strictly romantic, definitely isn't like normal either), but that aside, I suppose I think Light, or maybe both. The two probably wouldn't have met if not for the Kira case, and I think L thoroughly enjoys their little cat and mouse game, and the Kira investigation certainly allowed different parts of Light to shine through (namely the more uh "morally unique" parts), but I don't really think Kira is enough of a person for L to be in love with.
Obviously smarter people than I have spoken on this, but if anything I see the Kira persona as something Light created to try and wall off being a murderer from his home life or being a top student, etc. and the two aren't separate people outside of Light Yagami's brain, because he struggles (or doesn't want to) conceive of the fact that he could contain both, also because that allows him to reason that Light Yagami isn't a serial killer, Kira is, different person. I think L might find it interesting that that's how Light has chosen to cope, but yeah, I don't think he'd just be in love with Kira.
Fr though if you want better Light analysis maybe go check out @casuistor or @queen--of--maggots lol, I am but a humble shit poster
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good-beans · 7 months
i dont really know anything about milgram besides what ive seen you post about it but i love mahiru she deserves everything. Ive watched her songs and no one else's so maybe I'm biased but. maybe she's just the best who's to say
No no, you're not biased, that is entirely correct 😌👍
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She does deserve everything in the world!!! Her songs are the best of the series!!! She's the best in the series!!! Free my girl she fucked a lot up but who cares!!!!!
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hereschoolstudios · 2 months
WOAH- i didnt know we had 43 followers!?
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humming-fly · 1 year
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this is it this is the funniest spam blog to ever follow me
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sharkboyandlavalieb · 2 months
as a lesbian who grew up in a really repressive conservative community, and had to deal with a lot of self-loathing on top of that, i am a big fan of your characterization of snafu. firstly, it reflects a lot of my internalized feelings that i have to fight against every day, even though im a lesbian rather than a gay male. the sentiment of guiltiness and dirtiness is something that many homosexuals like me can relate to. also what anon doesnt seem to understand is that just because snafu doesnt want to "dirty" eugene, doesnt actually mean that he thinks it's wrong, per se. it could even be that he doesn't want eugene himself to feel dirty even if snafu doesnt really think it is. that could also be the case (but if it isnt THATS OK TOO!!!) like idk if that makes any sense at all but human emotions arent rational. its perfectly logical in an illogical sense. and anon is talking nonsense especially when historical and social contexts are taken into account...
i would have a really hard time enjoying a lot of [chronologically canon] fanfic if the very real feelings and sentiments of the times were just brushed over. i actually LOVE fics that deal with heavy internalized and societal homophobia because that reflects my experiences, and the hurt/comfort is a pattern that my brain can see and understand as "it gets better". fics that are void of homophobia are totally valid and even great, but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the historical reality. i would even argue that it's important.
anyways sorry to get all serious esp because i dont think this was ever meant to be That Deep. But i just wanted to say that i am/was one of those Self Loathing Homosexuals and anon is lacking some perspective perhaps.
(please read this it's breathtaking)
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