#that bosom headcanon
edutainer2022 · 21 days
This is a glimpse of my bosom future!headcanon timeline. Just 'cause (I came across a West Wing gif-set, probably why). It also features in Timey-Wimey and Piano Practice. Though, always in flux the future is... Virgil and Kayo have a chat - they worry about Scott. A lot. That's it, that's the story. Some things, old and new, hurt.
Warning: an OC death mentioned in passing (please, read the end note*, if you kindly make it that far).
A gust of wind ruffled his hair - still trademark styled, but more liberally sprinkled with salt and silver now - as Shadow landed on the pad. Kayo still used her trusty old bird for errands and investigative missions, although her flightsuit was a mandatory solid black of the Secret Service now. Ms. Kyrano, Chief of World President's Security Detail, joined him wordlessly at the railings of the rooftop terrace, overlooking the magnificent vista of the Alps, crystal blue sky and the beautiful city below. Virgil sighed.
"I need updates on his BP and heart rate stats twice a day, uploaded to my comm directly. Thrice a day if there's a... situation or Ambassador Lemaire shows up, or the First Lady starts a war or something..."
Kayo suppressed a smile and leaned sideways on the railing.
"Eos gleans his stats every morning and every night before bedtime from all the residences sensors."
"Yeah, but Eos doesn't have access to the situation room. Not that Scott knows of, anyway. And I can't risk..."
Virgil was short for breath and the last words came out as a croak. Kayo squinted and squeezed his arm.
"You don't approve?"
"That he had a cardiac episode after the memorial service and then went on to take the most stressful job in the world? No, I well damn don't approve!"
Virgil's knuckles went white from the grip on the railings. Kayo stayed silent, giving room to his anguish, a hand on his bicep an unwavering anchor. When dark brown eyes next turned back to her, they were glistening with a sheen of tears.
"How does he do it, Kayo? After we lost Jeffy Jr.*? I can't breathe sometimes, it hurts so bad! And I'm just an uncle."
The pain flared readily from an ever fresh wound. Virgil's voice hitched:
"Allie felt so guilty he left for that deep space mission! I'm so scared all the time. How does Scott even cope?!"
Kayo snorted at that.
"Have you MET Scott? He doesn't."
A wide arch of the black clad arm indicated the massive World President Residence and Offices all around and below them.
"He hoisted up the heaviest mantle he could fathom and let duty consume his every waking and sleeping hour, drowning out all other thoughts. There's nothing much heavier than the weight of the actual world, huh?"
"Guess not. That's what worries me most..."
Virgil's sigh was tinged with bottomless rue this time. Keeping busy with International Rescue is the one thing that keeps me from going crazy. The echo of the words biggest brother said to him so many years ago, on a dark, dark snowy night, rippled through memory. He hoped so much they were past... THAT stretch of self-destructive coping. For a blissful while, moreso after Dad got back, they were. Jeffy Jr. and Skye were born. It went unspoken between them all, but Jeffy was their golden chance at a Scott that was happy and carefree, encouraged and inspired by legacy, but not subsumed or crashed by it. But they were the Tracies, so the universe would never let them truly catch a break. Ever, it seemed...
Kayo, ever the psy-ops, ever the bereft family like them all, sensed a need to shift the subject to something brighter.
"Did you get to see Lucy rehearse?"
Virgil's whole face lit up immediately and he beamed at her.
"Oh yes! I was at the dress rehearsal, and she asked me to accompany her after lunch today, for vocal practice before the premiere! Though I think it's more of a courtesy - she's got world class concert pianists at her disposal."
Kayo was smiling fondly in return. Virgil's kids were as much a reflection of his kind and caring nature, and talent, as Scott's son and daughter were that of his consuming drive, focus, and dedication to duty. Okay, maybe not to go there at the moment! Kayo waved the imaginary wisps of hair out of her eyes to blink away unwarranted tears and regroup.
"Have you considered you're maybe Lucy's favorite world-class concert pianist?"
Virgil's smile was impish, yet full of love. A sudden idea occurred, as his glance fell on the Shadow, and made him gasp.
"Please, tell me he's not cowboying it here in Delta-One?!"
Kayo actually let herself laugh at the implication. They certainly wouldn't put it past Scott to ditch the entourage and take his augmented Thunderbird out for a spin.
"Relax! The Joint Chiefs requested an on-the-go meeting, so it's a scenic route across the Atlantic on a GDF bus. No Delta-drive jumps for our favorite Commander today. Besides, the whole media circus tagged along from NYC. Nobody would miss the World President's favorite niece perform Carmen at the Season opening of Vienna Opera."
"Scott doesn't have favorites!"
The response was automatic, which scored another of Kayo's smile. It wasn't quite a secret the family consensus placed Scott a higher ranking Dad in the overarching hierarchy of Tracy parents. Jeff Sr., the proud Grandpa, was more of a partner in crime and a co-conspirator to everyone's endless befuddlement.
Virgil's take-away from her previous statement was, however, unexpected.
"So there IS a situation?! Kayo, I need his stats THE MOMENT they land!"
"Nothing your Casey had warranted worthy of high treason to inform me about. Virgil, it's fine. He'll be fine!"
That was true. Virgil's second youngest was currently the Deputy Chief of Communications of the World President office and, besides Kayo herself, the family's trusty person on the inside. She virtually worshipped the ground her Big Uncle walked and would flag anything potentially too worrisome with regard to his mood or health. Besides, John would probably know in advance anyway if it were Bereznik or any number of regions giving grief du jour (something the World President himself probably didn't need to know about, for plausible deniability and a semblance of restful sleep).
Kayo made a point to amend her reassurance with a shoulder squeeze. Dark brown eyes turned to her were frantic again.
"Look after him, will you?!"
Kayo gave a firm nod in acknowledgement. A pang of an old heartache flared up. But it became a well practiced, tried and true spiel between them, through the years - he was burning himself to light up the world, she was the shadow.
*[spoiler alert] The relentless narrative logic and poetic symmetry part of me dictates that Scott, in the later arch of his journey, would, very likely, have to loose a son to his own legacy and footsteps. The way Jeff dodged a bullet (just barely). But the regular bleeding heart part of me screams in agony in the face of such abject tragedy and comes up with elaborate scenarios in my head how it all could eventually be okay. Dad Jeff couldn't have used up all of Tracy limit of miracles.
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fisheito · 9 months
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Big Agree... how could i have forgotten that olivine has SOCIAL SKILLS?!. he has siblings. He has followers. He knows how to deal with petulance. Of course he has the expertise to inadvertently bribe eiden... something something catch more with honey than threats...
Wait hold on it's like an interview question
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multifandomfix · 1 year
Being Pregnant With Henry Desmond’s Baby Would Include
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Henry was clueless that you were pregnant until Kip found the test in their apartment.
So, Kip was the one to really reveal your news, which might have been a good thing, as it gave him time to pull himself together over the shock.
He’d be so attentive to you during your pregnancy. He’s one of those men that even get Couvade Syndrome (aka sympathy pains and symptoms)
He’s the kind of guy that comes to every appointment and checkup and gets so excited about being a dad that it’s positively adorable to see.
He loves to talk to your pregnant belly so the baby can hear his voice. It’s his favorite thing about you being pregnant and he can’t wait to meet your child.
For anon
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astarioffsimpmain · 6 months
Astarion Headcanons
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Because Astarion consumes nearly every braincell I own, here's some headcanons on how Stari finds comfort in your boobs. 
Warnings: Nudity; mentions of trauma; nightmares; unintentional puncture wounds
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He loves to use them as his pillows; your bedroll is never your own again after Astarion discovers that you don't mind welcoming him in during the night when he's feeling exceptionally lonely and vulnerable. Not that you mind, what with how he nuzzles his face between your breasts, breathing in your familiar scent and wrapping his arms tightly around your middle. You melt a little inside when the vampire spawn fully relaxes into you after a few deep breaths, and you start running your fingers through his silver curls, always surprised at how downy they are, despite how much they'd been through. A contented shudder goes through his body and he sighs into your skin, his breath the only thing that runs hot about him, sending a shiver through you as well. You can't help but let the corners of your mouth curl upwards and your eyes fall closed at the sensations encircling you. Being entangled in him is just as comforting to you as it is to him, and you know that if you didn't have to arise the next morning in order to continue your journey, you'd be fully satisfied with not knowing where you ended and he began for as long as he allowed. 
He uses them as stress balls (and you cannot convince me otherwise); you've awoken in the middle of the night with a yelp of pain in your chest. There's several seconds of panic before you realize that the source of the pain is Astarion's sharp fingernails digging into your ample breast. He's still asleep, but he's writhing, his brow furrowed and eyes clamped shut. 'Nightmare,' you think to yourself as you gently try to pry his five tiny daggers from your flesh. But he must have felt safety slipping away in his sleep, for his grip only tightened and you had to bite the inside of your mouth as his nails punctured your skin and tiny streams of blood appeared around your areola. "Stari," you mutter, your fingers finding his hair and massaging his scalp gently as you crane your neck down to kiss his damp forehead. The pain is bringing tears to your eyes, but you know trying to toss him off is no good: his grip is like iron on you. So you shush him quietly and tenderly run your warm palms along every bit of skin you can reach, trying to soothe his subconscious horrors from your helpless place beside him. Eventually his hold on you went slack, and you were able to pull his nails from your skin, shuddering in pain as each jagged edge flayed your skin on its way out. 'We're going to have to discuss nail trimmers' you thought humorlessly as you wiped the blood away with your tunic that lay close by. "Mmm, love?" His sleepy voice froze you in your movements, head turning to find him blinking slowly, prying his eyelids open as he returned to consciousness. He reaches for you, hardly even awake enough to know where he is, but still the first thing he wants is you. You can't deny him, so you reach back for him, pulling his face to your bosom and planting kisses in his curls. But he stiffens, and you cringe, realizing that he must have smelled your blood. "Darling, did I-?" He whispers, ghosting his thumb over the clotting nail marks. "You were having a nightmare, my love." You murmur between kisses to the crown of his head, the tips of his ears, his forehead, nose, and cheeks. He tries to pull away, ashamed of hurting you, but you hold him fast, your arms circling his shaking shoulders as you pull him back to you. "I knew what I was signing up for, my darling." You thumb the skin of his shoulders where you hold him and he releases a soft sob into the valley of your breasts. "I hurt you. The one person who's never hurt me." He wails. "My dear heart, I will suffer that and much more to see you smile again. You will never suffer alone again." Gently, you tilt his chin up and wipe the tear streaks from his beautiful face. "I love you," You whisper to him. "I love all of you." Another whimper left his lips and he nodded, burying his head in the crook of your neck and wrapping his arms around you. 'One day,' you thought. 'One day he won't have to hurt like this anymore, and I'll be there to see him smile again.'
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
Hey! Happy to see requests again!
Could I request headcanons of Thor, Poseidon, and Hades getting a lap pillow from their beloved wife?
RoR men + using their wife's lap as a pillow
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Says he doesn’t like it, but actually he does
Being able to set the hammer down, and lay in his wife’s lap, looking up at the endless sky of Asgard is comforting.
It’s the only way he can truly relax anymore.
Able to fall asleep as his wife combs her fingers through his hair.
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He hates it.
It’s undignified, childish, and a waste of time. But, his wife likes it when he does it so he plays along.
Humoring her only on occasion, it is one of the few times he openly talkative as Poseidon would rather fill the space with something that just lay there.
He suspects that’s why she asks to do it.
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Initiator for this event, to the point that he’ll even go find his wife and make her sit down to do it.
Hades’s loves it.
Being pampered and caressed by his wife. Looking up at her (and her bosom) while they ‘sit’ together is a wonderful thing.
Preferred spot to do it is the gardens, although he will settle for really any flat surface area.
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beansricejc · 3 months
Hello 👋 can I pls request boyfriend headcanons for John Constantine? Both sfw and nsfw if you're not uncomfortable? Thanks ❤️
of course nonnie!
cw: possessive behavior, p in v, cursing, smoking
the thing is, i cannot physically imagine this man as a boyfriend. he hates labels. he doesn’t want to over complicate his life and potentially put you in danger by giving you the title of his girlfriend.
“she’s not my girlfriend.” he’d grit his teeth, denying it all together. “i just fuck her, that’s it. well, and we go out, and have dinner at her’s occasionally, and i may have accidentally met her grandma. but she’s not my god damn girlfriend.”
“yeah,” chas would roll his eyes and pass constantine a beer. “whatever you say, dude.”
you two met on somewhat normal of circumstances. that’s why he’s stayed as long as he has, he doesn’t associate his first impression of you with any sort of shitty job. no demons, no half angels, no anything.
i said somewhat.
it was some club that he had been to before in his younger years. he wanted some pussy and to get drunk while doing it. so fuck it. some shit head, a 5’6 dumbass knocked into him and cussed him out in front of the whole bar. turns out, that the short asshole, was your date that night.
the last time he saw that little shit, the dude had walked in on constantine holding you up in the men’s bathroom. his nails dug into the flesh of your ass while he thrusted into your sopping cunt. and the eye contact you two made in that dingy restroom? with his hot breath smelling of gin and cigarettes, you relished in it’s scent while being fucked by constantine, with your date finding himself cucked in the doorway.
what’s a better way to get back at an asshole than fucking his date?
just because you two technically aren’t a couple, doesn’t mean Constantine isn’t a jealous SOB. he doesn’t have much in this world, so anything close to him, he’s stupidly possessive over.
“so, I saw your car at that new bar on Thursday.” constantine would grumble, lighting a cigarette in his weird excuse of an apartment.
“yeah, and? what about it?” you’d reply, changing the channel on the tv to the bachelorette. (he claims he can’t stand that show but will comment his varying opinions on the drama, classic)
“well, what the hell were you up to?” his tone agitated, frowning over at you.
you’d sigh, rolling your eyes. “i was on a date, john.” you ripped the band aid clean off. he’s a grown man, he can handle it.
well, that’s what you assumed.
that’s until your face is pressed into one of his cheap pillows on his bed, his bony hips slapping against the cusp of your ass, as he spanks it over, and over, and over again. the stirring in your core repeats, just on the brink of a blood curdling orgasm. constantine has been denying you of the satisfaction of cumming, he grabs a fistful of your sweaty locks by the base, yanking your head back so you’re forced to look up at him.
“bet he can’t fuck you like me. can he? nah, I’m the only one who knows just how you like it, fuckin’ brat. you don’t deserve my cock, i should have just given you the tip and let you suffer.”
your loud moans and other sinful noises bounce off of the unkempt walls of his dwelling. constantine would pry your mouth open, spitting directly into it, his saliva landing right onto your tongue. yet another power play he can pull, just to humiliate you.
“you’re fuckin’ mine, these tits are mine,” his calloused hands pawing at your bosom. “this ass is mine.” SMACK! you shriek in pain, while he hammers his length deeper into you. “this cunt? yeah, that’s mine, and you got the best baby. so tight, so god damn warm, all for me, right?” his grip on the roots of your hair tightens, shooting pain down your scalp.
“yeah! yes yes yes, john, it’s all yours! f-f-fuck!”
constantine would snicker, grabbing his still lit cigarette from the ash tray on the bedside table and taking a long drag. he blew the smoke right back into your face, which makes you cough and wheeze.
“that’s what I thought. no one else’s, just mine.”
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etheries1015 · 5 months
Hiii! I saw you write for Ikemen Prince, and I really like your writing, so I wanted to ask u a bit of self-indulgent headcanon 👉👈
I wanted to ask some headcanons for Chevalier and Silvio with a fem!s/o (or also gender neutral is fine❤️) who is insecure about having small boobies/a flat chest? If you're uncomfortable with it it's fine! And ty for reading this, have a nice day and drink plenty of water!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is probably my first ikemen prince request! YIPPEEEEE <3 heuheuehu.
Fem! MC who is insecure about their small breasts </3
Featuring: Chevalier and Silvio!
general warnings: Afab reader + fem pronouns, mildly suggestive, slight spoilers of Silvios route.
Chevalier could tell by the way you requested your dresses with more ruffles and outfits that hid your chest that something was amiss. It wasn't the first time he realized you had this insecurity, the way you would stare off in the distance at a group of noble women with envy and sadness glinting in your eyes as you took note of their curves, your hands absentmindedly fiddling at the ruffles the top of your dress. This went on for a week, the stares, the off-hand mindless comments about your undergarments, the mannerisms you had at night in your gowns, and the insistence of ones that accentuated the right places (he over heard you speaking to the tailor he had assigned you for.)
He thought this was normal womanly behavior, for every woman seems to find jealousy in others for reasons seemingly ridiculous in his eyes. Always being a man of action Instead of speaking words of affirmation, Chev would do things such as reject certain clothing you wanted to wear to balls and suggest something else that actually seemed to show off your flat-chested outline, or lay out outfits he had chosen rather than allowing you the freedom of that choice. He did not know that the problems were rooted deeper than that until you brought it into the bedroom.
Things were becoming heated when you insisted that you not face him during intimacy, and began covering your chest shyly as he undressed you with typical eagerness for the nights passion. finding himself becoming rather annoyed at your sudden shyness, Chev found himself grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head, moving his eyes right above yours to tower over you.
"I thought I had made it clear," He stated in his usual monotone voice, "That you have no need to be insecure about something as frivolous as your chest." He grunted. Your eyes widened in surprise at his comment and turned your head shyly, your hands struggling to break free from his strong grasp with the automatic response to cover up what you have been trying so desperately to hide. You should have known he would have easily caught onto you.
"I can't help it, King Chevalier," You replied with sadness in your voice, "It's just something you wouldn't understand. Having breasts like this just...feels debilitating as a woman," You felt yourself choke up, Chevalier's eyes squinting ever so slightly as his lips began to lower themselves to your buds.
"You do not need to worry about such drivel," He said, planting a soft kiss against your small mounds before taking a gentle bite, smiling at your eager mewl.
"The size of your chest does not determine your worth," he said with his mouth pressed against your sensitive skin, hands snaking down to your thighs and in between, "Such silliness does not matter. As far as I am aware, one's breast size does not factor in what makes you a woman. You have many more qualities that I would see classify you as such, much more than something like your bosom." He riddled your skin with kisses and teased your breasts with love and attention, bathing you in rare verbal praise to match the marks he left upon your body. Chevalier was certain to prove to you in his actions over and over again that you were his queen, his prized possession, and the most beautiful being he ever had the pleasure of spending the rest of his life with.
Unlike Chevalier, Silvio was a bit more clueless on things such as comparing yourself to other women. He thought he had made it clear to you that his eyes were set upon nobody else but you, for you were the shiniest treasure he ever laid eyes upon. He never actually noticed the jealousy in your eyes at passing women in the halls and simply assumed when your gaze lingered on another woman at balls it was perhaps in interest to their dresses. He didn't notice the way you would ask him to start providing your clothing with a baggier style, thinking to himself perhaps it was a trend you caught onto. Never being a fan of getting to know other women, he seemed to be rather clueless in the comparisons and habits they may make out of insecurity.
He had, however, noticed your silence and lack of enthusiasm whenever you undressed, the way your optimism as of late had dwindled, and how your smile did not seem as vibrant as before. This happened in your shared bedroom with the king, preparing for your nightly bath that became routine with your lover. He noticed the way you stared into the mirror with a look of sadness glinting in your eyes, your arms moving up to cover your chest and sighing.
He was quick to move behind you, snaking arms around your waist and moving his head to kiss you gently against your neck. You tried to give him your normal enthusiastic smile with very little success, groaning in frustration at your low energy.
"What's gotten into ya?" He asked with worry thick in his tone, "Why're ya covering up like that? Let me see you," He purred, turning your body and tilting your chin to reach his gaze. You pursed your lips and gave into your resolve of leaving him out of it, blurting out your honest thoughts to your lover.
"Aren't you...y'know... embarrassed to be with someone with not many..um.." You glanced down at your chest before looking back up at him, "Assets?" Silvio's eyes widened in shock at your sudden inquiry, grunting in annoyance as he lifted you up with great strength and sat you on the counter of the bathroom.
"Hah? What are you on about?" He sneered, furrowing his eyebrows and holding your body close to his, "Ain't nothing wrong with being a bit flat chested- if that's what you're talking about." You looked away with a blush upon your cheeks.
"So you admit that I have small boobs?" You were half teasing your lover, knowing the best way to talk to him seemed to be with playful banter. He raised his eyebrows at this accusation, although his gaze remained sweet and calm seeing through your rouse.
"Well, yeah you ain't gotta lot there. But none of that matters to me, and it shouldn't matter to you."
"I feel like it makes me less of a woman," You pouted, "There's a lot of other women who-" He cut you off with a rough kiss against your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth and moving his hands to cup your breasts. He began to massage it gently, a hum of satisfaction deep in his throat. Silvio pulled away with an arrogant smile at your pout, trailing kisses from your jawline down to the breasts you claimed you detested.
"You better stop all that talk. You should know by now that you are more a woman than any of those plastic noble women will ever be," He placed kisses around your now sensitive mounds, "Now, next time just come out with it and tell me instead of bein' all sulky, alright? I don't care how long it takes or how many times I gotta do it, I'll convince ya time and time again how you're my queen."
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mewpangxin · 11 months
—❝ What is your answer to their devotion? ❞—
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ . ┊FT. Riddle, Azul and Malleus. ┊A headcanon of them for Icy/ @iseethatimicy┊
▍ CW: Suggestive themes, yandere, possessive tendency, toxic, and etc.
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♢˚‧ Riddle Rosehearts ♢˚‧
• “How was I? Am I adequate for you?”
• He suppressed himself to not be evident that he was wary about your views to it.
• Your eyes lit up in awe and you hugged him.
• You were jubilant that he was diligent in this.
• He was helpless when it was to you.
• He was was like a statue once your arms snaked around his neck, he was dusted in pink hues.
• You think he did magnificently—?!
• You agreed with Riddle that he did brilliantly.
• He was unable to contain his revelry. He was genial to be with you. His smirk almost veracious, had it not been for his ominous irises in the few seconds later.
• “....I see. Then you WILL be with me. No buts, no take-backs, I can barricade you away from them.”
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♢˚‧ Azul Ashengrotto ♢˚‧
• “My siren, what do you feel about me?”
• A smile enclosed on his features, it was a manic sign that should have been unequivocal.
• You gazed elsewhere and not wishing to understand the nature within his demeanor.
• The silver haired male became hung up.
• What is it? Has he been too onward to you?
• If so, he will have more inquiries. That should do.
• You were on his lap as he rested his head on your the valley of your bosom, snuggling at you.
• Azul was overwhelmed with excitement as he hooked your face up with his thumb.
• Why can't you always be domesticated?
• “Open your mouth, prefect. Let's use it for something else today, shouldn't we? Be good.”
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♢˚‧ Malleus Draconia ♢˚‧
• The most overprotective fae about you.
• You shall not have your break because he will visit you at your bedroom 😭 to... admire your beauty?
• You got up due to a humming at 4 AM, you were drowsy until— you saw his twinkling green eyes.
• *Having the ugliest screaming ever.*
• And he'd induce you to calm down somehow.
• You were beyond mad at him for that.
• In his defense :( He missed you a lot.
• Malleus extended you a handmade necklace he did for you. It was not that outstanding, of course.
• That was heartwarming.
• You forgave him and sent him back out.
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15-lizards · 1 month
what looks do you think the westerosi are showing off at the Tourney of Harrenhal?
biggest gathering of the year, first inter-kingdom gathering after winter, first King Aerys public appearance in forever, some peeps expecting a secret meeting with rhaegar about taking over for his father — it was THE party!
oh bitch the girls were turning ouuuuuut!
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The Starklings were dressed in very Riverlander-like clothing (early to classic Medieval-ish) for the trip, which were very well made, befitting their status as children of the Warden of The North, but probably way simpler compared to most of the southerners. Probably a muted grey-black-deep blue pallet too, so that Rickard could cement their Serious Stark Vibes at the function. Brandon probably thought it made them look cool. Lyanna had the traditional wide flowing gowns and loose veils that I guess make blonde predators go oh wow I need to kidnap her for a prophecy
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Tywin couldn't have his children looking like bums ofc. Cersei was still in the throes of her teenage Higharden fashions era, with a very high waist, pushed up bosom, and puff sleeves. Jamie's doublets all fitted perfectly and was made sure to have his fur-trimmed overgrown fall at just the right angle. And he probably had the best armor at the tourney, gilded with lions and vines. Because even though Tywin would rather kill Jamie than see him in the kingsgaurd, his son couldn't be caught not looking fresh. The tailors at Casterly were worked so hard they probably had the first ever medieval thoughts of unionizing.
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Rhaegars bitch ass. Probably tended to wear longer coats/gowns/talbards, except for when he was sparring or jousting of course. They were obviously very well made, but were almost underwhelming for the heir to the kingdom, as he tended towards the simplistic side. Also I think they sometimes bordered on feminine bc he was a fairly androgynous figure To Me.
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I think the Daynes were wearing their usual (Turkish) fashions, liking to stand out a bit from the crowd, but didn't stand out so much as the Martells. Ashara was the belle of the ball with her insanely detailed over gowns and fur linings in almost foreign styles. Yes it made Arthur extremely jealous when he saw Brandon and Barrister tripping over themselves around her (yes I'm going with the Dayne incest headcanon sorry). Also, the men in the family wore the traditional tightly wrapped styles as well, except for Arthur who probably slept in his kingsgaurd armor.
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aehtery · 2 months
Roronoa Zoro kink headcanons!!
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dom!character & f!reader 
cw: NSFW, knifeplay & sensory deprivation :)
MDNI, if your age isn't on your profile I will block u.
Everybody saw this one coming but let's be serious, Zoro would LOVE a partner who pushes his boundaries & gets on his nerves.
The thrill of getting to put a bratty sub in their place is exhilarating to him, it's just so amusing to see someone weaker than him attempt to stand up to him, especially his pretty partner.
The quick, intimidating glances he gives you when you make a disrespectful comment toward the man in public are enough to make you MELT.
To Zoro, you publically teasing him & making a mockery is a fun way to signal the security you two have within one another, knowing later on he'll make a pretty little mess out of you while asking you to repeat what you'd said earlier on.
Body worship goes both ways in your relationship, whenever he is the one being worshipped he relishes in the feeling of your hands tracing across his abs, lingering on his scar for a while whispering sweet nothings.
He also adores your soft lips leaving lasting kisses across his torso, making your way up to the mans neck & leaving slight marks all across his collar.
Whenever it is you being worshipped however, he takes his sweet time kissing down & caressing every last inch of your skin, tender yet passionate pecks.
It usually tends to start at your neck, then he longingly makes his way down to your bosom, hands habitually gripping your waist as he leaves gentle, lingering kisses on your chest.
He is not one to speak while admiring his partner, letting his actions and eyes say all that is needed.
This one isn't a common occurrence like the other ones, however, it tends to happen when the two of you have more free time than usual, you'd have to be the one to suggest it for it to even happen though.
(I mean bffr, why date a swordsman if you won't have freaky sword-play?)
He avoids using his swords for this act usually though, he is not fond of drawing blood from his pretty gf at all, if he does accidentally end up drawing blood he immediately drops everything. 
Commonly he'll just use a somewhat dull knife he specifically bought for this, dragging it across your torso & leaving light scratches, kissing your nape from behind as he does so.
Given the dullness of the knife itself, it's not rare for him to just shove it between your thighs, relishing your whimpers and forcing you to get off on it! (Carefully though.)
You cannot convince me he doesn't like wax play, having his partner completely bare & spread out for him as he gets to revel in the sweet little cries you let out whenever another bead of hot wax hits your skin!
Blindfolds are also tied into this, making sure you can't anticipate any of his actions is just so thrilling to him, the adorable little gasps you let out whenever he runs his fingertips over you are enough to make him burst.
When he FINALLY gets to ram into you it's the most intoxicating thing to him, the dried-up wax droplets still stuck to your back, the loud, desperate cry you let out when he unexpectedly slid in? Perfection!
It's also a display of complete trust to him, he cherishes the deep bond you two have with all his heart.
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shadow-is-now-sinning · 3 months
Ganondorf X Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons Continued.
Absent-mindedly wrote more gender neutral Ganondorf x reader instead of what I was supposed to do so I'm cleansing them to this post.
This post is short and NSFW.
He loves comparing himself to you; narrating in his deep booming baritone just how small you are. Wrapping his fingers around your wrists, cupping your thighs, waist, bosom and ass. Encouraging you to reciprocate. Holding his hand, fingers curling around his. Hold his face. He chuckles if you press your hands against his neck in mock of his actions from before.
He makes it clear how he feels about the difference. Describing how this turns him on and how he'd repay you for the pleasure of it.
Aroused and exhausted? Ganondorf can effortlessly lift you. Holding you to his chest to play with your hole and if you're up to it move you on his cock. He particularly enjoys holding your legs in one arm, the other supporting your back as he uses you to get off while standing.
Oot Ganondorf is the easiest to accidentally rile up. He's not shy to initiate. Teasing you about it all the while.
Along the lines of:
"You're doing this on purpose, hmm? All you needed to do was ask."
"Always so needy. You know I have other duties then to tend to this hungry hole of yours."
Ganondorf prefers more classy way to degrade though if you prefer to be called, slut, whore and the like. He'll do it. The Gerudo are highly adaptable.
He laughs when you tear up from overstimulation or lack of stimulation as he edges you for the umpteenth time.
Pretends not to be easily flustered when the Gerudo women tease him about your guys relationship and sexual endeavors.
He can be somewhat selfish. He won't leave you unsatisfied, unless you're into that. He's more interested in his desires most of the time.
WW Ganondorf is a contrast to this. Melancholic and reflective his only aim during the session is pleasing you. Slow and methodical. Mood setting, foreplay, love making. His big warm hands pulling you close. Whispering sweet words into your ear. Very private about it not that henchman he has would.
HW is more vaunting of it. Everyone knows of it and if you're comfortable probably has witnessed it. Most don't mind.Cia I would be the most perturbed but in high likeability she'll never see it.
TP Ganondorf is a more matured version of Oot. A direct growth. More comfortable with his sexuality and (possibly sadly) much more harder to flustered. I'd like to think the wound/scar is very sensitive possibly very painful when hit. This leads to him having to adapt positions that hold you farther away.
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edutainer2022 · 2 months
I don't speak music at all, that's the one part of education that always eluded me, despite several deliberate attempts. But I do vaguely remember the (rather unsuccessful) attempts to teach me the piano and the bonding time it was with my Dad. So here's a little thing about Uncle Scott, the piano and a little someone, who's struggling with practice. It's set in a future timeline, where absolutely nothing hurts. Virgil gets to walk in at the very end.
Over the years, it had become a well-established and dearly welcome staple of his working hours at the desk - the soft paino music filling the lounge and soaring up to the library balcony, soothing and clearing his mind, usually, while he reviewed stockmarket numbers or filed IR reports for the GDF. This day was no different. Except the familiar notes of "Für Elise" stammered and halted on each try, mostly due to the fact the figures playing them were so small and not yet as well-practiced (virtuoso, the word was virtuoso) as his brother's. That would come in time, no doubt.
A piano key let out a helpless keen as a tiny fist bumped it a little too hard in frustration, as if giving Beethoven a Tracy fix. Scott smiled to himself, saved a file and decided it was high time for a little break. With that he stepped from the desk and closer to the piano. Huge brown eyes were looking up at him, close to tears, brows pinched in a too familiar frown.
"I can't play right, Uncle Scott! Ugh!"
He lowered himself carefully on the edge of the piano bench next to the exasperated six year old, trying his best to appear serious.
"Would you show me what the problem is, sweetie? Maybe we can work it out?"
Chocolate eyes went saucer wide.
"You can play, Uncle Scott?!"
He had to chuckle at that.
"Nowhere as good as your Daddy can. And not as good as you do. But I'll see what I can do. Show me!"
As much as their Mom once did with Scott, Virgil long had given up trying to keep Jeffy* Jr. seated long enough for piano lessons. And little Scarlett was more interested in following her brother into the breakneck adventures of the day (many of which were responsible for Scott's more recent streaks of grey). Virgil had something to mutter about apples and trees on the subject. But his own eldest - Lucy* - was quite obviously a natural. Attentive, persistent and perceptive with sound from a very early age. And sometimes too hard on herself.
Tiny fingers were striking the keys quite deftly, but there were still hitches. Scott shifted his posture to face the keyboard and offered his left hand to provide the span. Virgil's eyes on his little daughter's face shot up in awe and a bit of indignation.
"I's not fair, Uncle Scott! Your hands are HUGE!"
There was a dramatic gesture to illustrate just how huge. Scott was openly laughing at that point.
"Good! You can rely on me, because I'm bigger, for now. Your teeny tiny left hand can rest, and your right hand can practice. Don't think about it, just follow what feels right. I've got you!"
"Okay. Thank you, Uncle Scott!"
He was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek and the music resumed.
Virgil debated interrupting the impromptu music lesson, as he was about to enter the lounge from the hangars, but thought better of it. They'd work on Lucy's technique later, after dinner, maybe, once the stampeding hordes of kids (and some of their parents) were pacified and settled for the evening. For the moment, a holo recording was sent to the family group chats. One to the chat for "Things Scott doesn't need to know and worry about". Another one to the kids' chat, because Jeffy and Skye could always use fresh blackmail material on their Dad as well as extra reasons to adore him.
** I have this bosom headcanon, that (once Scott gets into a headspace to perceive a happy future for himself) Scott and Virgil have a pact - whoever has a son first, gets "Jeff", whoever has a daughter first, gets "Lucy".
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taiyouhimerich · 3 months
aaaalright? lets pretend it can be found as a nice text???? so its gonna be-
RE2!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader
18+, minors do not interact its not even interesting for you (*'▽'*)
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A —— [aftercare]
Honestly? I see this Leon outside of this point. I mean, of course he loves you and all that, but when you finish, he gets so sleepy that his whole body literally refuses to move. He's usually caring, so he'll automatically ask if he can do anything for you, and if you ask him for something, he'll nod and promise to do it, but ask you for a break in a couple of minutes, and then... he'll probably pass out. Of course, if something extraordinary happened after your intimacy (for example, you want to write, but literally can't stand because of him), then he will do everything for your comfort, but this is more the exception than the rule. Don't be mad at him, he's so cute!
B —— [body part]
Leon at this age... is quite influenced by everything that surrounds him, including what his peers, colleagues talk about, what porn shows. He likes any part of your body, if he's even heard that this part can be attractive, like. Are his friends leading a debate between tits and assholes? You'll get his craving for these places from you. Did you see an excerpt from hip sex porn? In the coming days, he will feel your hips and thighs as if this is his favorite place. But I'm pretty sure he loves your cheeks very much. Just for no reason, he likes your round, rosy, soft cheeks.
C —— [cum]
Anywhere but inside! He's too young and obviously 100% sure he's not ready to be the father of an unplanned child, and not at all because he's afraid that you'll freak out if you find out that you're pregnant! He always has enough (a lot, actually) condoms with him so that he can afford safe sex. If he wants to try something like a pearl necklace, he will ask your permission, although if you ask him about it in the process, he will agree, even if it is inside.
D —— [dirty secret]
Sometimes he finds himself thinking that he wants to try to be bottom, like bottom from bottom. But he doesn't want a drop! It's just... like if you were told not to think about a white monkey, you'd probably be thinking about a white monkey, right? The same thing happens to him: he says to himself that he would never make such a blissful face from an artificial penis in his ass, and from this thought exactly such a picture is imprinted into his consciousness, and the more he tries to drive it away, the more annoying it turns in his head. However, although he sometimes finds such thoughts shamefully arousing, he would not want to actually try it. The thought of a foreign object in his ass... just ugh.
E —— [experience]
None. Where would he get it from? There's no one to gain experience with at the orphanage, and you won't really find anyone to date at the police academy in the men's dormitory either, so... you're his first. You were the one he gave his virginity to, and he doesn't regret it a bit. Although he would really like to try everything with you that he knows and what you know, the benefit of his sexual appetite allows him to do this. It's hard to say anything else here, because sexual experience is not Schrodinger's cat: it either exists or it doesn't.
F —— [favourite position]
I believe that he enjoys riding and missionary poses equally. He loves to see your face when his cock moves inside your bosom, and he likes these two poses for two reasons. When you're on top, it's enough for him to pay attention to how you move together, giving each other pleasure with rhythmic movements, he feels your unity as a whole, he likes to feel this connection between you. He would enjoy the way your fingers intertwine, forever, while your weight on his hips allows him to relax and enjoy you.... When you change and he's on top of you, he loves to make you roll your eyes, biting your neck, licking your collarbones, marking you as much as he can, while his hips seem to be trying to heat your ass white so that it melts and is permanently soldered to him. He presses you into the mattress harder because his hunger for you is unquenchable, and his love for you is boundless.
G —— [goofy]
It is difficult for him not to joke: it is generally difficult for him not to let some accidentally funny phrase stay inside his mouth during those processes when he should be more serious. For some reason, I can't think of phrases that he could say during sex with the intention of making it playful and that would not turn out to be funny later. Perhaps it's because of his inexperience and the uncertainty between the lines because of this in his words and actions, when he bends down to your ear and purrs something like: “This baby's pussy will drink its fill of thick milk today...” It's hard for you to hold back your laughter when you hear that, seriously! He slows down a little because of this, but it doesn't take much for him to understand what nonsense he said (he will blush with slight shame, but will try to continue so as not to give himself away). After he inserts his penis into you, there will not even be an idea left in his head about trying to be cheesy, no, now he is completely focused on the place where your bodies and souls merge into one.
H —— [hair]
He only shaves for you because he wants you to see him at his best. Be sure that before each of your dates, it will be almost smooth in many places: groin, armpits, chin and neck. At first, he will even shave off a trail of blond hair from his groin to his navel, but if you tell him that you like her, he will leave her alone. He has no requirements for you - he would not call it a requirement, rather a wish: No matter how exaggerated it sounds, there are just no bushes. He will not be confused by a small amount of hair on your body, you do not have to be smooth as a baby's ass in all places of your body, but at least just show your attention to his preferences in this way. Although he's obviously definitely going to be happy to see you completely shaved.
I —— [intimacy]
He is as romantic and intimate as his salary can allow him. Dates in roadside cafes, flowers plucked from a flower bed, postcards with his own hands — this is about him. He's not a stingy guy, you just know, for a rookie cop to allow himself frequent gifts even for his beloved is too much, and he would like to show his feelings for you as much as possible. He will definitely take you for a ride in his patrol car, buy beer and French fries before inviting you to come to him, forcing you to wait a little because he forgot to clean up the apartment, similar to the explosion of the bachelor, but on special occasions he will come to your house with flowers from the store, a bottle of wine, in something similar to a suit, just so that you feel this special thrill when he takes you in his arms, slowly but sensually kissing your neck, leaving a wet trail with his warm lips, which will have time to turn into a small bruise by the time you find yourself in your bedroom.
J —— [jerk off]
Every time you're not around, but he thinks about you. It's something spontaneous and probably related to an overabundance of hormones in his body.: again, it is clearly not possible to masturbate in an orphanage, but in a police academy… Well, other guys, grueling workouts and dumb exams definitely don't excite him, so it's only after graduation that he has the opportunity to devote himself to it. He masturbates like a teenager in puberty when he's sitting at home, missing you because you couldn't go on a date together when he has a lunch break at the department, and you called to chat with him when he's showering and accidentally runs over his penis more times. This is probably due to the fact that he has not yet thrown out all the hormones accumulated from his puberty, with age it will pass.
K —— [kink]
Mommy is a kink. It happens to him suddenly, he doesn't even care if you're older or younger than him, when you climb on top of him, a voice in his head will start yelling, squeaking and whining, begging him to call you mommy. If at some point he gives in, then you will have access to his heightened sense of shame, because even his shoulders will turn red with embarrassment. If you want to take advantage of this weakness of his, then you will bring him to tears, his voice will be squeaky, high-frequency moans will burst out of his chest with each of your movements on his penis, he will beg you to stop, actually wishing that he would stay in his happy place under you until you get tired.
L —— [location]
Fuck, it's either your place or his, there's no exact location. It happened a couple of times in the backseat of his patrol car, but after the police captain scolded him for a long patrol (he obviously guessed everything, but did not say so as not to embarrass the boy, and Leon even realized it), he decided not to experiment anymore, at least not in this car. Secretly or not really dreaming that one day you will come to the department to see him, for example, during a break or at the end of his shift, and then it will turn into a hot pastime.... Although, just not under threat of dismissal.
M —— [motivation]
Well... maybe he could sometimes think that since you agreed to accept him for the first time, then... you must like him very much? He gets turned on by the idea that you don't care what he's bad at or at least not very good at, he likes to think that you think he's perfect, that your loving eyes are completely sincere, because he loves you hopelessly much, believe me.
N —— [no]
Anal sex. No, no and no, okay? Neither way. I already mentioned this in point D, so even if it's with you, he doesn't even want to think about it — or rather, he wants to, but only in theory, the slightest thought of practice or its implementation makes him wince. Because the ass is made to poop, not for someone to stick their genitals in there!
O —— [oral]
He loves it when you give him a blowjob, and it doesn't matter to him whether it's deep or not, although he really likes it when you don't take him completely or choke, this to a certain extent increases his self-esteem for the reason from point X. He has heard that sometimes what goes into your mouth can come out of your nose, and sometimes he thinks about whether he will be able to see his sperm dripping from your nose. Cunnilingus turns out to be a little awkward and clumsy, because he clearly cannot calculate the correct amount of pressure with his tongue, sucking or teeth, but he sincerely tries. If you sit on his face, he becomes even more sloppy and inattentive, but over time he can learn. Oh, and he also can't find a comfortable position for his head and arm when he tries to combine his mouth and fingers.
P —— [pace]
Loves fast sex, trying to push into you as deep as possible. The idea that he's trying to use you as a flashlight comes up to both of you sometimes, but he's not rude or disrespectful to you, so is that... okay? But sometimes he likes it when you do it slowly, for example, when it's too late and you both want to sleep and make love at the same time. Don't let him fall asleep in such a relaxing rhythm, I beg you!
Q —— [quickie]
He does not disdain this and is not shy about it. This happens either when you are in a hurry somewhere, or when the place is not quite suitable for this: a toilet, a car, a secluded dark alley (but only if he had previously conducted a patrol in the area and made sure that there were no drug addicts or other dangerous cattle). It happens the same way every time: he puts his head on your shoulder, whining softly in your ear about how he loves you and wants you, gently kissing your neck, tickling you with his breath until you agree. In fast sex, you rarely get to cum, so he selfishly leaves you unsatisfied. Collect the debt from him later. Sit on it.
R —— [risk]
He'll try it once and promise that he won't do it again, but he will. He is sometimes like a curious kitten, and of course he wants to do all the things that you do when you are consumed with love for each other, even outside your bedroom, but he tries it every time with such naivety and innocence, as if he did not even have an idea about future punishment for such a misdemeanor. A couple of times you were almost caught in the toilet, people already know that you were having fun in a patrol car, to your shame, but sometimes he still can't help himself and sins. But despite all his fantasies, he will never try to have sex with you in the department.
S —— [stamina]
He is young, well-trained physically, full of energy and hormones, of course, he can withstand for a long time, perhaps four hours almost without a break (he will slow down for a little rest, but not stop), if you want to arrange a marathon, after that his body will give up completely. But even if his hormones try to make him fuck until he has no strength left, sperm or his penis starts to burn, you usually don't do it for so long, and it's mostly because of you. The fact is that in the time for one of your orgasms, he can cum twice, and if he does not tune in to continue, he will be attacked by drowsiness, but in this state he is not sure that he will last twice more. He is almost sure that four is his voluntary limit in a free environment, and he does not want to leave you unsatisfied if you do not have a time limit — he loves you too much.
T —— [toys]
Leon probably has a mixed opinion about this. Yes, of course, he wants to try everything, especially with you, and in a fit of excitement he will most likely want to use everything that his hand or imagination can reach. But when he thinks about it with a sober head ... most likely, he will be more against than for. He wants to know that he was the one who gave you pleasure, he wants to know that you're enjoying sex with him, really enjoying it. He's still a pretty insecure teenager inside, so he needs that feeling from you.
U —— [unfair]
Well... he's trying. It turns out every other time. Sometimes it's too funny, sometimes it's too perverse, sometimes it's too serious. He can't find a balance and make sure that his teasers turn you on, but he tries, sincerely tries to achieve the appropriate effect. And even though he never succeeds, his attempts are still very cute. And after that, you can be the one to tease him. In any case, the end is always the same: you will have sex without holding back for too long.
V —— [volume]
Not very loud because he's holding back. In his awareness, when a man moans in sex, it is something like an indicator of his weakness and pity, he likes to listen to your moans more, he does not want to prevent himself from hearing them clearly. And he is also a little shy, considering the sound of his voice at such moments strange. Of course, if you are on top, he will let go of himself, completely giving you control, but in normal times you will not get anything but guttural growls, puffing and sweet things addressed to you.
W —— [wild card]
“Fuck... you're so high, aren't you...?”
He should have seen this coming when he let you stay the night at his place. He should have thought that you'd be too lazy to wear anything but a T-shirt and panties when you wake up, and that you'd decide to make you two a quick breakfast. And what could be faster than eggs and bacon? You two haven't even moved away from the frying pan where the food is still frying, you're too close in the hot surface, but he can't think while your pussy sucks him inside.
His right hand rests on the countertop in front of you, his left presses on your stomach, pressing you closer to him and holding you in place so that your hips do not twitch dangerously close to the pan. He puffs into your hair, tracing your earlobe with his tongue and gently biting your lobe, and can't help but grin softly as he mumbles:
“Damn, you're so hot.... Just don't burn our breakfast, okay?”He moans through clenched lips, burying his forehead in your shoulder, and then laughs softly, muttering. “And of course don't get burned.”
Even if you fail and burn your eggs, be sure you will definitely get a portion of protein for breakfast.
X —— [x-ray]
Well, his physical training guarantees him pretty strong muscles, prominent, but not too much like those ham-like bodybuilders. And if he has no complaints about his body (you obviously don't either), then he's a little demanding about his penis. He was in the communal showers many times after training at the academy and of course often participated in "competitions whose penis is longer/thicker/better" or at least watched them. He was definitely in the first half of the ranking, but such events add up to any guy's certain perception of his penis, and he is no exception. Big enough for you to like, but not big enough for him to feel super confident, probably around 16-17? Uncut, maybe a little bent.
Y —— [yearning]
Very, very, sooooo high, almost breaking the acceptable scale. Again, as I said, he has too many hormones accumulated since adolescence, which his body wants to release as soon as possible, but he will never cross the line. It's not in the nature of this sweet boy.
Z —— [zzz]
He's passing out. As fast as the situation and you can allow him. Especially if you had several rounds at a time. In some cases, if it's lazy sex in the late afternoon, he may accidentally doze off in the process.
yeah shit thats are my pure thoughts idk but I like that ( ・∇・)
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astarioffsimpmain · 6 months
Hello, fellow Astarion simps! I write thoughts into condensed and cohesive ideas sometimes (not often), and I thought I'd keep them here. Feel free to toss in any requests or comments or incoherent screeching my way in my ask box! 😁 All I ask is that if you're a minor, please do not read or interact with any of my NSFW posts, and that everyone please remain nice and civil; no bashing, no hate, no direct OR indirect insults to me or anyone else, or any of the characters (unless it's Cazador; all my friends hate Cazador).
Thanks for stopping by! ❤️💋
If you like what I do, or would like to request a commission or beta read from me, please feel free to
Buy Me a Coffee !
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Things I write:
Fanfiction (fluff, smut, angst, hurt/comfort)
AU (not as often, but I'm open to it if the idea inspires me)
F x M
F x GN
M x GN
Character x Reader
Character x Tav (please specify race for accuracy!)
Who I write:
Astarion Ancunin
Gale Dekarios
Halsin Silverbough
Raphael & Haarlep
Enver Gortash
Shadowheart (coming soon!)
Wyll Ravenguard (coming soon!)
What I Stay Away From:
Non/Con in an established relationship
Degradation kink
Spit/cum swapping orally
Everything else I can think of is a case by case basis, so just ask me!
🌙 Requests are Open 🌙
Commission Blurbs:
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Gortash x GN Plus Size Reader
Raphael x GN Plus Size Reader
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Consternation (angst)
Submerged in Devotion (smut)
~ ~ ~
Persuasion (fluff/smut)
~ ~ ~
Unsolicited Affections (Part 1 - Fluff | Part 2 - Hurt/Comfort)
Halloween with Halsin (fluff)
Halloween in Waterdeep (fluff)
Poly or Multiple Companions/NPCs:
Cushioned Affections - Gale/Astarion/Tav (fluff)
Follow Me to Pleasure - Gale/Astarion/Tav (smut)
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Astarion finds comfort in your bosom
Halsin takes care of you when you're sick (but make it 1st pov)
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Gale cunnilingus (NSFW, obviously)
Gale cooks dinner (NSFW; inspired by @hotnerdywizard )
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
could you write some nsfw headcanons on doppo, rosho, and sasara being reader's first / taking the reader's virginity? either nb reader or fem reader :) ty
Doppo, Rosho, and Sasara taking their fem! s/o virginity
femreader, fluff, praising, teasing (a little)
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-Oh no.. He's so nervous right now.
-Honestly, I'm 60-70% sure he's still a virgin. Or at least have very little experience in bed.
-Doppo actually hopes that you would be the one who would lead in bed.. It surprised him how someone so beautiful and charming can still be untouched..!
-"T.. that's okay.." - he mumbled, and honestly it's hard to understand if he says this to calm down you or himself. - "I'm promising to be as gentle as I can, so don't worry, s/o..!"
-He always acts really shy and caring around you, but now he's even more ashamed, as Doppo's afraid to scare you with his awkward actions.. What if he discourages you from having sex ever in your life?!
-Asking after literally every small touch or kiss if you're alright or want him to stop. And of course he gets more nervous when his arms slowly get closer to your hips, fingers playing with your waistband nervously.
-"O.. okay, are you ready..?" - a hot trembling breath tickles the skin of your neck as Doppo softly kisses you here, trying to calm down your fast-beating heart. He was no less worried as his hands slowly took off your last piece of clothing.
-It doesn't matter if he sees you half naked or absolutely naked before, he would freeze for a moment, too mesmerized with your body. Today is a special occasion, after all, and it feels like you two getting to know each other's bodies all over again, but from different angles..
-So.. Of course, a little bit of praise. Doppo absolutely loves when you compliment him, every one of your sweet kind words he keeps deep in his bosom.. So now he would try to praise you too, knowing how much it soothes him..
-"S/o.. You're the prettiest angel I ever see.." - he mumbled shyly. Ah, who's know it's actually so hard to praise someone?! Especially when your head is always full of negative thoughts.. But Doppo wants to be more romantic with you, trying to think about some more poetic words. - "Y.. you know, It's so hard to believe someone so gorgeous is dating me.. You always make me so happy, both with your gentle behavior and such cute face and magnificent body.. So today I will show you how deeply grateful I am and present you with s.. so much pleasure.."
-Will loosen you up with his fingers, really carefully but without any playfulness, as he's not a tease at all. He does think about helping himself with a tongue but at the same time he's too ashamed, knowing he's not that good at it. Also, the way you start clenching around his fingers makes Doppo a little impatient, as he already can imagine how it would feel around his cock.
-Slow and long thrust, as his dick stretches you open wide. You both need some time to get used to this feeling, and Doppo doesn't mind if you will grasp his shoulders too tight or pull his hair, he does understand that even with all his gentleness it's kinda uncomfortable to you.
-Even after you tell him that everything is good now and he can speed up, he continue to be slow and passionate.
-"I..It's your first time, after all.." - Doppo breath heavily, his trembling arm holding your hand tightly. - "And I wants you to remember it as something soft and affectionate… Something full of my love.."
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-Another overnervous guy. Did he really will be your first?!
-But he is good in controlling his emtions, so Rosho would try hard to act as calm as he can, and hide his shaking arms as he smiles at you.
-"Don't worry about that too much, s/o.. I will take care of you and make sure it would be a pleasing experience, okay..?" - you can clearly see thick blush in his cheeks as he breath heavily, trying to calm himself down.
-Rosho is more skilled in this things, I think, and he can be really caring, so expect a full romantic evening, with light dinner full of your favorite dishes and maybe even a bath.
-He know that first time is always awkward and kind embarrassment. Rosho wants you to relax as much as you can, minimize all your fears and anxiety so it's would feel more natural and easy when you two move to bedroom.
-Start with light kisses, asking sometimes is everything good. Your hear beating so fast and loud that he can hear that, and his own heart start beating the same rhythm, is this what they called true intimacy of body and spirit, a fusion of souls..?
-Despite Rosho do tries to act more cool and collected right now, the view of your naked body do makes him lose his act a little. Your skin is just so soft, and these little gasps and whimpers when he touches you slowly.. It's enough to send shivers down his spine.
-"S/o.. You're like a goddess.." - he whispers right in your ear and starts kissing your neck, slowly getting down to your chest and then to your hips. He does have a way with words but right now Rosho feels too light headed, as he can feel how much your inner thighs start to tremble under his touches. - "I.. I want to give you all myself.."
-Definitely will go down to you, moving from slow drags on your folds to licks deep inside you. It will not only help to prepare you a little, but also will greatly please you, as Rosho is still a little bit afraid he wouldn't be able to bring you on edge in the main act.
-He just gets so awkward right after pulling off his pants, whimpering as cold air tickles his already hard dick. All his calmness faded away and now a deep red blush covered his cheeks as he looked right at you in the eyes.
-"T.. tell me immediately if something is wrong, okay..?" - he whispers before slowly sinking inside you. Rosho will not hurry up, let you get used to his length inside without any moves.
-Only after you nod slightly, he starts moving, very gently, as he listens to all your little sounds carefully. He does remember how embarrassed his first time was so he keeps soothing you with light touches and soft kisses.
-"M.. It's feels so good, s/o.." - a quiet whimper escaped his lips as he buried his face in your neck, panting. - "I want this night to be endless.. So I can show more and more pleasure to you today.."
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-More chill about this (but it doesn't mean he didn't feel some tickling pride in his chest as he realizes he's your first)
-He definitely is not a virgin, but he is kinda nervous about ruining the whole romantic mood of your first time with his puns.
-"Don't think about that too much, s/o, there's nothing scary..! Well, if you don't have a fear of intimacy.." - he nodded with a serious face then giggled. - "Or it's kind of a touchy subject?"
-Sasara wants to be chill and goofy about it so you wouldn't get too nervous and will take everything at ease, but at the same time wants to finally show his more passionate and gentle side, his more deep emotions.
-So he would start with small jokes and giggles, kissing you softly and just playing with your clothes, slowly undressing you both. But when things move to a more intimate moment, he suddenly blush, looking you right in the eyes.
-"I really appreciate that you actually trust me so much, s/o.. You can imagine how glad I am that you decided to share this special night with me.." - Sasara whispers as he gets on top of you, hands slowly caressing your smooth skin as he can't look away from your beautiful chest, soft tummy and trembling hips, such a view just for him. - "... I can't even make a joke right now, uh…"
-Well, but even though he actually just opened his sensitive soul to you, it doesn't mean Sasara wouldn't be playful. Who said you can't be a little tease even during your partner's first time? Wouldn't it just to spice up your anticipation?
-Expect some passionate touches and hungry kisses, as he can feel as your body warms up from his games and oh of course he likes it. And the way you look away with bright cheeks after his small teasing comments.. Precious.
-Also would pay more attention to foreplay, fingers deep inside you, pushing your walls as Sasara cooed to you for being good and taking him so well. You look adorable like that, moaning and biting your lips as you fight the urge to beg for more.
-But he doesn't want to play for too long. After all, Sasara's here to lead you in this new world of pleasure, and when he notices how whiny you get, the main act finally begins.
-"Here, s/o.. You already get a little bit impatient..?" - he giggles as his arms slowly spread your legs more. - "But still, don't get too overwhelmed, okay..? If it would hurt, tell me.."
-Start slowly but don't mind speeding up as soon as you ask him for it, but not that much as he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. Of course after all his teasing you were prepared well and it didn't hurt that much, but Sasara does know that he shouldn't get too wild now.. After all, he doesn't want you to remember the next morning after your first time with a sore body.
-"Enjoy it that much already?" - Sasara chuckled and kissed you, tongues dancing together as he thrust into you again and again. - "Then I don't mind staying awake for the whole night just to extend your pleasure just a little bit more.."
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Loving the Goddess of Thunder
Female!Thor x Reader Headcanons
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Thora, the goddess of Thunder, is very much a cuddle muffin. For the fiercest warrior, she sure loves cuddling with you.
Thora will take any chance she can to pull you down onto a couch, bed, chair and hold you in her arms.
Kisses? She can’t get enough of yours.
Nose kisses. Cheek kisses. Full on lip locks. Playful bites to your lip.
She’ll grab you by the collar and pull you into a kiss until the need for air is too great even for her.
Love language: you and her share a similar love language of physical touch. Thora loves holding your hand with one hand and holding Mjolnir with the other.
When she found you after the first battle against Thanos, she was so worried you wouldn’t love her again. She felt like a failure and one with a buzz cut hairstyle.
You just pulled into another fiery kiss and ran your fingers through her short hair, gently expressing every ounce of love you could.
“Thank you” she whispered against your lips.
Hugs? She loves holding you to her chest, nearly burying your face in her bosom. Not that you mind.
After particularly nasty battles, she loves you holding and rocking her gently. Makes her feel safe.
Sleeping arrangements? Thora unsurprisingly loves being the big spoon.
But there are nights that she needs your arms around her.
Your gentle kisses lull her troubled mind off to sleep. She loves feeling your hands tracing shapes into her back.
Who’s in Charge? Well you and Thora view each other as equals despite her being a literal goddess. She takes your counsel to heart.
Who’s in charge? Get her behind a closed door and Thora jumps you. Playfully shoving you to your bed. She keeps you pinned and just tries to express how much she loves you.
You’ll spend countless hours in the night talking about whatever comes to your minds as you enjoy each other’s company.
Loving the Goddess of Thunder is a blessing, one that you treasure each and every day. Thora counts herself blessed to have an amazing lover like you.
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