#that'd be lit af
sasskarian · 1 year
me: you know, we should do the tomato soup cake for our wedding
them: *says nothing*
me: ...i love that you're just. not saying no.
them: if we're gonna do a gimmick cake, i feel like Our Wedding is the way to go
them: i mean
them: when you look at someone and say, "you'll NEVER GUESS what's in the cake,"
them: it should be to a big group of people
me: ...and you say you're not a chaotic little shit
me: we should maybe have a smaller cake, of a more normal flavor, though
them: why?
me: so that we have something for ourselves other than tomato soup cake?
them: ...maybe for us and a very limited People We Love selection
me: yeah, no, we're *clearly* soulmates
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asherloki · 8 months
Sherlock Holmes, SFW alphabets!
Inspired by @starks-hero !
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A-Affection (how affectionate are they?) :-
Honestly, he'd be sitting on his couch for hours and solve cases, even go out with reader still thinking about the case but he's attentive. He'd hold reader's hand if it's needed to cross the road carefully, for example. He'd come home and hug while placing a kiss on her forehead. So he can be affectionate in his own way.
B-Beauty ( what's the part of reader's he likes the most):-
Now he might say he thinks mind is very important but to me he's 'eyes' kinda person. It has always fascinated me that he might get lost into solving the mysteries that a pair of eyes hold. He stares at reader's eyes and compliments it, also observes the story, the joy, the tears behind those pretty eyes.
C-Cuddle (do they likes the idea of cuddling?) :-
He won't admit to others but to reader, yes. But I think the first cuddle has to be from reader, maybe snuggling close on a cold evening and since then he's liked the idea and now after work he comes home and snuggles like a baby or something... being cheesy af ik.
D-Domestic (how domestic they are):-
Now personally I adore domestic Sherlock, or the idea of it. He's not a very social person, so he'd stay inside if he doesn't have cases. He'd either be sitting in his couch or doing experiments on the kitchen table. Reader might get frustrated with the mess, but if I'm the reader then I must say I find him doing his experiments while wearing his dressing gown too domestic and appealing so I'd like that view.
E-Emotional (how are they showing emotions?) :-
He'd know how reader is feeling but he's never showing his true emotions. It's either reader figuring it out or once in a blue moon if he feels like conversing about it he says so. Yet that doesn't mean he doesn't have emotions, he does, just prefers not to be vulnerable by showing it.
F-Flirt (how good are they at flirting?) :-
He's great at flirting when it comes to the sake of a case, but in real, he's either searching for a proper word, or the proper way to say it. Yet his smooth flirting may come out when reader feels lowest, when reader can't see good in herself, that time one smooth flirty line he says to lit up reader's mood.
G-Gentle (how gentle are they?):-
He's cold and tough when it comes to work but at home he's gentle. He'd stroke reader's hair gently and cup reader's face softly and admires the sight. In home he's the most gentle person.
H-Hugs (do they like hugs?) :-
Not from others but his friends and reader. To me he gives readers a hug everyday when he comes home accompanied by a forehead kiss.
I-I love you (how fast do they say the L word):-
He didn't, he kept on taking care of reader secretly developing feelings for reader, he kept on loving without letting the reader know. Because he believes he's not someone to be loved. But the first time he kinda comfesses when he says that he'd die saving reader's life instead of I love you and then when reader confesses he says the same.
J-Jealousy (are they jealous kinda person?):-
Yes! yes he is very jealous. He'd be very jealous if reader pays attention to a male friend of her, especially if he has a crush on her.
K-Kisses ( how's their kisses):-
He kisses mostly on reader's forehead. Also he loves kissing on the cheeks and on the tip of the nose and then on the lips. He's a good, soft, affectionate kisser no doubt.
L-Love (how do they show their love?):-
Absolutely non verbally. One will understand by his actions. And it's nothing extreme like buying big Teddy with loads of roses and all. He'd just see a pretty showpiece and that'd remind him of reader and he'll buy that little thing. He'd ask reader to relax after a hard day and make reader's favourite dish. And eat it together.
M-Morning (how are they in the morning):-
It's either he has work and get's up early, places a kiss on reader's cheek to let her know he's going out. Or he'd be in bed till noon, because of working hard at night. And maybe some rarest days reader gets to cuddle him.
N-Nights (how are they at night):-
Well he's often up late working, but when he gets to bed he puts his arm around reader and brings her closer, like reader is his pillow which he hugs to sleep. And reader doesn't mind it.
O-Open (how do they open up):-
He doesn't actually, he's rather interested in reader opening up to him and state her problems but it's just one gloomy day when he's trying to comfort reader, he starts to open up about himself too and later he discovers this wasn't that bad.
P-Pet names (what pet names do they use):-
He mostly uses 'darling' and 'my dear' while I imagine reader calls him 'honey'. In front of public he either uses reader's name or my dear. With close circle he uses darling but in private he uses something more cute, something like 'cupcake' or 'my sweet'.
Q-Quizzes (how much they knows about reader):-
you kidding me right? he's Sherlock Holmes, he knows everything beforehand anyway. So he remembers every likes and dislikes, secret wishes, dreams everything. that's it!
R-Recall (his favourite memory together):-
This one is a tricky one but maybe the time he first laid eyes on reader, when he first kissed and hugged reader, when reader cooked for him for the first time, you know he likes these small gestures of love and will cherish them all his life.
S-Security (how protective they are?):-
Very protective, even if he saw a small scratch on reader he can get frustrated and worried. Even if a guy checks reader out he immediately get behind her in order to protect her.
T-Try (how much effort they put in):-
He doesn't like lavish dates and stuffs. He puts efforts into making reader happy in his own way, by giving reader gifts, sometimes taking out some time from cases and taking reader to picnic with him, john and Rosie, sometimes he'd even accompany reader while watching a Disney movie. He'd say he didn't like it but he was quite invested into watching it.
U-Upset (how they're like when they're upset):-
He doesn't show he's upset, but it can be understood with a little observation, he'd play violin sadly by the window, he'd be gloomy all the time, I even think he'll snuggle with reader asking for comfort silently and will feel much better after reader strokes his hair.
V-Vaunt (do they like to show off?):-
Ofcourse, especially to every men out there who has a crush on reader, he'd stand by reader smirking at them indicating, "look she's mine, loosers".
W-Whole (how incomplete they're without reader):-
Sherlock is very self sufficient kinda person. He doesn't need anyone to complete him rather I think reader contents him. In his life of solving mysteries reader is a fresh air.
X-X-ray (how well they can read the reader):-
Um hello, he's Sherlock Holmes! he can read anyone like an open book. So it's even out of question.
Y-Yearning (how well do they cope when reader isn't with them?) :-
He copes pretty well, being drowned in work and not getting out of his mind palace. But when he does get out of there he needs reader's full attention on him.
Z- Zzzz (how do they sleep):-
There's no typical type. He can go straight two days without sleeping, he also sleeps late at night if he has too much work. He can even work for whole night and take small nap in any time of the day and he's a light sleeper. I believe his intense work even gives him nightmares so he cuddles close with the reader after waking up from his nightmares.
Should I do the NSFW one too for Sherlock?
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saint-calvin-stw · 1 year
The unknowing was lit af frfr
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Edit; this post has gotten the most notes out of anything on this blog so far and I'm super proud of that I'm trying really hard to get my art off the ground and if y'all's could follow that'd be amazing I promise I'll have designs for the whole main cast out soon thank youuuu
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Jack Skellington x Shy human in disguise reader (sfw)
(Author's note: Every month is spooky month, skulldogs are very gender 🖤)
THIS IS LONG AF, A WHOLE ASS BOOK, don't say i didn't warn ya :)
(Y/n)= your name, obvi lol
(F.s.a.n) = Favorite Stuffed Animal's Name
(C/e/c) = costume eye color
(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(F/C) = favorite candy
Your text is orange
(feel free to imagine a different outfit for it) (Your costume ⬇️)
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Fall, its the best time of the year. Its the perfect temperature outside, the air smells of apple cider and burning fields, and the trees turn those beautiful hues of red, orange, and yellow. And most importantly, its the season of your favorite holiday.
Its the day before Halloween, you and your friends decide to play a scary, more intense version of hide and seek. Its basically hide and seek mixed with tag and frightening costumes. After grabbing your favorite stuffed animal, you meet up with them in the nearby forest. Because a scarier setting makes for a more thrilling game.
After a while of catching up, the game starts and you run to find a spot to hide. As you run, you just can't help but laugh a bit at the exciting tension that comes with the game, the thrill of the chase is something you've always loved. But only because you know its your friends playing, if it was someone you didn't know, that'd be a whole different story.
You stumble into a clearing.. a rather peculiar one with trees surrounding you in a perfect circle, all with different holliday themed doors. You look over and see one is wide open, the door is shaped like a pumpkin. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you approach it, and lean inside to get a better look, theres no floor.. its just one big hole.
Before you could actually leave though, the wind pulls you in, and with a startled yelp, you start to fall, with the door closing behind you.
You land in a huge pile of black and orange leaves.. where is this place? You look around to find the ground is a dark grey, but appears purple due to the moonlight, there's strange hills that come to a curled peak, a pumpkin patch with already carved and lit jack o lanterns.
You squeeze (F.s.a.n) close to you as you wander around.. where are you? How aren't you hurt from the fall? How will you get back?
As those questions race through your mind, you look over to what looks like a town in the distance, maybe someone there can help you?
You start towards the town, making sure not to step on any of the jack o lanterns or trip on the vines. You also had a run in with a particularly fat and cuddly black cat with a bright purple and orange collar around his neck.
You reach the entrance to the town, slowly, you step in. Why are you so hesitant? Doesn't something seem off here? The town is almost as dark as the rest of the land that surrounds, but its a bit brighter due to the street lights and lit windows.
As you wander in more you notice a crowd. Is there an event going on? Out of curiosity you step closer, but one of the townsfolk, a rather tall one, seems to have heard you. They turn around and... thats not a person.
You fall back onto the ground out of fear, there's a huge monster in front of you. It has snakes for fingers, long wiry hair, and a snake like head with sharp teeth.
Without thinking you get up and run, using the back alleys to hopefully lose it. You didn't realize he wasn't chasing you.
🖤-Pov change: Thing Under The Stairs-🖤
I watched as the small skull creature got up and ran. If only i was able to say something. But if there's one thing i can do, it's alerting the Pumpkin King about the newcomer. Surely he'll be happy to hear about a new community member... that one had a strange scent though, i must say..
🦴🧡-Pov change: back to Y/n-🧡🦴
You hide behind a wall a few blocks away from the town center, (F.s.a.n) squeezed tightly to your chest. This can't be real, right? You hide in a nearby bush when you hear foot steps, unaware that your tail is sticking out. A group of more monsters pass by none of them noticing you.
None of them... except one. It stops in front of your hiding spot. Its legs are thin, black and white striped pants covering them. Then you hear it speak.
"Hm? A tail, well if i recall correctly none of my plants grow tails." You hear it comment jokingly to itself. You internally curse yourself for not realizing your mistake. Before you can do anything, two large, thin, white hands wrap around your torso, and before you know it, you're lifted 9 feet into the air! Your limbs instinctively retract close to your body, you reluctantly look at what picked you up.
In front of you is a 10 foot tall skeleton staring into your costume's (e/c) eyes. You can't help but shake, small whimpers leave your vocal cords, much to your dismay.
After a few seconds of staring in wonder and curiosity, he speaks again.
"Oh wait, you're the new citizen The Thing Under The Stairs told me about! Its a pleasure to finally meet you, are you alright?"
He gently puts you down with a pat on the head, you just sit there, your limbs still curled close to your frame. He crouches down closer to your level.
"Are you alright? Did i scare you too much? We always love a good scare but we don't want to go too far."
"I-i'm fine.."
"Why don't you come inside, its awfully cold out here tonight." He holds his hand out to you.
Not wanting to anger him, you take his hand and shakily stand up. He then leads you inside his house, which just so happened to be behind the wall you were sitting at earlier.
He leads you to the couch and you sit down. He then leaves and comes back with mugs of hot apple cider and some pumpkin bread.
"So, whats your name?"
"Oh, I'm (Y/n).." you reply quietly.
"What a beautiful name, very fitting dare I say." He chirps with a smile as he picks up his cup of cider.
"I'm Jack Skellington, also known as The Pumpkin King!"
"You have a nice name too.. so.. mind if i ask where i am?"
He stops at your question with a puzzled look on his visage.
"You don't know?"
You shake your head no, squeezing (F.s.a.n)'s hand in yours. Your fear ramps up a bit when he lets out a chuckle.
"My dear, you're in Halloween Town! No wonder you ran away and looked so frightened, you were lost! No need to worry, friend! I assure you we'll make you feel right at home here!"
You feel relieved, but at the same time concerned. What did he mean by making you feel at home? Another question came to mind as well..
"So... Humans.. what do you guys do if one wanders in here?"
"Well, considering there's no known way out, we would let them stay with us.. on the condition that they become a monster too. Why?"
You pause. Become a monster? Like them?! Maybe its best that you keep on this costume for as long as possible.
"I-I was just curious haha... mind if i ask why that's a rule?"
"Well, while most of us are friendly, there are some of us who are... more hostile. Especially to humans, its for their safety. They keep their personalities and memories, but not their appearance."
"That makes sense.."
"So, what are you?"
"What monster are you?"
"Oh, uh, a skulldog."
"How peculiar.. and cute!"
He eyes you studiously as he sips his cider. You take a small slice of pumpkin bread, open the jaw to your mask as wide as possible and shove your arm in so you can actually eat it, it tastes amazing! All the while, Jack stares with a taken aback expression.
"Thanks for the bread, Jack, this is really good."
"....Oh, No problem! Strange, i didn't know that's how Skulldogs eat, how terrifying!" He exclaims excitedly. Good to know you can eat in your costume without suspicion.
"So.. where do i go then? If i can't leave, then where do i go?"
"Well, i have an extra bedroom you can stay in! It'll be nice to have someone else around. Why, you don't wanna leave do you?"
"Oh, n-no I'll stay if you want, thank you so much for the offer."
"Perfect, because its getting late and everyone needs sleep."
He says in a calm tone as he offers you his hand. You nervously take his hand with a blush. He helps you up then guides you to your room, which is only two rooms away from his. You walk in to find a very large bed with lots of pillows and some stuffed animals, bathed in a black light.
(Basically this, ignore my bad editing skills 🤣)
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"Do you like it?"
"Its amazing! A-are you sure you want me to stay with you though?"
"As sure as ever, tomorrow is a big day! Now then, the bathroom is across from you, and if you need anything, i'm at the end of the hall."
"Thank you Jack, goodnight."
"Goodnight, (Y/n)."
Your newfound friend leaves after giving you a hug. You sit on the bed and set your precious stuffed animal next to you. So you're stuck here forever.. you can't help but sigh at the thought. After a while of contemplating in silence, the fat black feline from earlier jumps on the bed next to you with a mew, startling you out of your thoughts. After a while of laying down with your new fluffy friend on your lap, you drift off to sleep.. maybe its all a dream.. a very weird dream... (Sorry to anyone severely allergic to cats)
💚💜🧡🖤Woohoo, a transition🖤🧡💜💚
You wake up to sunlight shining through the window and a knock on the door. You get up, get a different outfit on, and answer it to see Jack looking down at you with a bright expression.
"Happy Halloween!! We have so much to do today! Oh and i see Beelzebub has taken a liking to you!"
He exclaims as he notices the cat on the bed. 'So thats his name... Beelzebub.. Mister Bubs, i'm calling him Mister Bubs :)'
"Yeah, haha.. How long has he been around?"
"I don't know, exactly. He just showed up one halloween, the whole town loves him, even my dog Zero!"
"You have a do-"
You were cut off by what looks like a sheet ghost except it has ears and a snout with a glowing pumpkin as a nose. It floats over to you and gives you a lick on the face. 'How adorable!'
"I'm assuming this is Zero then?"
"Yep! Come now, i made breakfast."
Jack walks downstairs as you grab (F.s.a.n). You notice that Zero stayed, he tilts his head at you before flying downstairs, stopping halfway down to look back and see if you were there. What a charming little apparition.
After Breakfast, Jack shows you around and introduces you to everyone, The Mayor, Dr. Finklestein and Sally, The Thing Under The Stairs, The Witch Sisters, Behemoth, everyone. And thankfully most of them seemed to like you, apart from three kids in halloween masks, but hey, they probably can't hurt you.
"Well, dear (Y/n) what do you think?"
"Its very charming here, feels much safer in the day... I'm sorry, Jack."
He paused in his tracks. "Sorry? What for?"
"For being so shy and awkward around everyone, and you especially. You're very nice, in fact you're the best friend I could ever ask for."
"Ah, there's no need to apologize, for quite a few people, socializing is a very scary thing, and not in the fun way. If you need a break from socializing or maybe some help, feel free to call me."
He places a little bat plushie in your hands along with a scrap of paper that has his phone number on it. You give him a hug.
"Thank you so much, Jack.."
"Its no problem, what are friends for!"
You felt a warm feeling in your chest.. oh no.. it seems you're falling for a skeleton, and who know how long you'll be able to keep this act up.
🖤🧡💜Chapter 2, Mishap and Misery💜🧡🖤
The town was aglow with purple, orange, and green, festive decorations were everywhere. Earlier, Jack went over the plans with you after walking in on you singing. Apparently its a tradition for the town to have a big sing-along before giving out awards for certain goals and trick or treating. Since he loved your voice, Jack wanted you to join in, he thought your voice would be a lovely addition to the festivities.
You were NOT a fan of the idea, but you didn't want to protest, what if you hurt his feelings? So reluctantly you accepted. It went well for the most part you got through it all, and even made it to the end without your voice wobbling or stuttering.
It was after the end that it went wrong. As Jack let you down off his shoulder, you new friends came to congratulate you about your first halloween with them. But then you tripped over a vine, you fell forward onto your hands, and even though you weren't hurt too bad, there was one problem... Your costume head fell off.
You roll over in fear to see all of the townspeople including Jack, The Mayor, and your new friends looking back at you with shocked and surprised expressions. You grab your mask and start to crawl backwards away from everyone. You stand up and continue backing away.
"(Y/n), wait-"
But before Jack could finish, you sprinted away. They know what you are now, besides monsterizing you, who knows what else will happen? What if they're mad at you?
🖤💀Pov switch: Jack Skellington💀🖤
Before i could say anything, they ran off. There's probably so much going through their head. Then again, that explains that question they asked when we first met, it explains their fear, it explains a lot. But right now, we need to get them back, they could definitely hurt themselves. With that thought in mind, i get the town's attention.
"It seems our new friend ran off. If its not too much of a bother, i'd appreciate it if you all would help find them. Just think of it as a game of hide and seek."
They all agree, quite a few of them seem excited at the mention of a game to play.
"I have one rule though.." they all look to me. "Be gentle and kind with them please, they're very scared and i don't want to traumatize our dear (Y/n).. alright?"
Once again, they all agree.. except for Lock, Shock, and Barrel, they decided to go do something else. With that, we all split up to look for (Y/n), surely they couldn't have gotten far.
💜🦇Pov change Y/n woooooohoooo-🦇💜
You're sat under one of the hills that come to a curled peak, this one being directly under the moon. The only warmth out here is coming from your gloves, and the ever burning candles inside the Jack'o lanterns. But this is it, you're stuck here, you're trapped here, you'll be a monster if you go back.. but you might get hypothermia out here if you don't. You can't tell which is worse.
You can't help but sob into your gloves thinking about it. This goes on for another five minutes before you hear two sets of footsteps. You automatically go silent, you retreat further under the peak of the hill.
"Y/n?! Y/n, where are you, we're not going to hurt you!!"
"Y/n please come out, we're worried!"
You recognize the voice of Sally, and the Thing Hiding Under The Stairs, but you stay put, regulating your breathing so that you can't even hear it.. but then.. The Thing Under The Stairs says something.
"They're close by i know it. Their scent is very strong here."
'Uh, i'm sorry, WHAT?!?!'
Your heart beats faster and your breathing is shaky, are you gonna get caught because of that thing's sense of smell?! Who does he think he is, Tanjiro Kamado?!?!
"Y/n, please! We're worried!"
"Its okay, calm down, Sally. Tell ya what, i'll go get Jack and you just relax for a bit alright? Deep breaths."
"Thank you.." she lets out a sigh as Thing goes back to town. You can't help but feel bad for making her worry this much. After a few seconds of silence, you hear her walking around, you tense up as you hear her walk down the hill. You thought you were safe until you hear her footsteps coming back, this time at ground level.
You shove on your mask, and crawl out of sight over to the opposite side of where sally would be, and curl back up into a ball.
"Y/n, its just me, Sally. Are you here? Are you okay?"
Her footsteps approach again, you get up and start backing up, but once again you trip over a vine. And much to your alarm, the lovable patchwork zombie peeks around the hill and spots you.
"There you are, we were all worried sick! Why'd you run away?"
She rushes up to you and gives you a hug as you start crying again, after a while you calm down enough to speak.
"I- *sniff* I don't wanna be a monster, Sally.. I'm scared.. and not in the fun way." You choke out your feelings, might as well be honest.
"Shhhh, its okay. Why don't you want to join us? Its for your safety."
"W-what if it hurts, what if i'm ugly, what if we do find a way out and my friends *hic* don't recognize me? I'm scared.."
You cover your head with your hands, this is it. You're being Monsterized whether you like it or not.
"Y/n, its okay.. it doesn't hurt, you can choose what you look like, and i'm sure that if you do find your friends, they'll still love you.. but if you want, i can try to talk them out of changing you."
You lift your head up and your mask falls off. You look at sally, her eyes focusing on your (e/c) orbs.
"Do you- *hic* really mean that? You promise?"
"Of course, I'd never break a promise.. not to you at least."
"Thank you... so much.."
You give her a hug as she helps you calm down and stop crying. You then hear an all too familiar voice call out..
Its Jack, both you and Sally look up to see him approaching the hill, he then spots you and Sally. He rushes down and squeezes you both in a hug.
"Oh, goodness, I was so worried.. thank you so much, Sally."
"Its nothing. Y/n can you tell him or do you want me to say it?"
You stop for a few seconds and try to gather some courage to say what you need.
"I-i think i can do it.."
"Okay, i'm proud of you.."
Sally gives you a hug before heading back to town to give you some alone time with Jack.
"Whats wrong, Y/n? You're not hurt, are you?"
"I'm okay.. i just.."
You pause, your eyes welling with tears again.
"Jack, i don't wanna be a monster, I'm scared.."
Your voice breaks as you say that, your feelings spilling out with every word. He looks down at you with a look of condolence as he holds you close.
"I'm so sorry, I.... listen, i can try to talk the Mayor and Dr. out of it considering they're in charge of this. I want this to be your choice, Dear."
"*sniff* thank you Jack.."
As you hold onto him, that warm feeling in your chest appears again.. 'I really do love him don't I...' Your feelings make sense though, ever since you met him he's been nothing but the sweetest person you know.
🖤🧡Chapter 3, Romance and Honesty🧡🖤
You grab onto Jack's shirt as he carries you back to Halloween Town. After Jack explained to everyone that your monsterization situation would be settled later, and everyone agreeing, the two of you went trick or treating, went home, and watched some scary movies. As you munched on your (F/c) next to Jack, you couldn't help but notice that fuzzy feeling in your chest again, its getting more intense every second you're close him... maybe you should say something then.
"Hey... Jack?"
"Yes, my dear (Y/n)?" You blushed at the nickname
"Tonight has been.. really crazy to say the least and.. thanks for sticking with me through it all."
"Why, of course, what kind of friend would i be if i didn't?"
"That's the thing though..."
Jack looked at you in concern and worry.
"(Y/n), are you okay? Whats on your mind?"
"This is hard for me to say.. I...."
You take a deep breath as you avert your gaze, you feel Jack give your hand a light squeeze. you squeeze back before before continuing.
"Throughout the short amount of time we spent together, you've been so kind to me, even after you found out i was human, and.. to be honest, i think of you as.. more.. than a friend... I know it hasn't been very long and you can say no, I understand..."
You trail off at the end, that was a lot for you to say. You glance up at Jack to see him with a surprised look on his complexion, you then go quiet after muttering out an apology.
"Wait, don't be sorry. I appreciate you telling me, i really do, and (Y/n)?"
He gently places his hand on your cheek as he looks into your eyes.
"I love you too. I'm so proud of you for telling me, that must've taken up so much courage.."
You give him a hug and bury your face into his chest, much to his surprise. After letting go you yawn as you check the time on your phone. Its 1:45 AM. Jack seems to sense how tired you are, because he picks you up and carries you to his room.
He tucks you into his bed and crawls in next to you. Without thinking you snuggle into him, and give him a kiss on the cheek. He gives you a kiss on the forehead before closing his eyes.
"Goodnight my dear.."
"Goodnight, Jack.."
🧡💜Transition, tis now morning :3💜🧡
The light of day fills your eyes as they flutter open, along with Jack's figure wrapped around you. He moves around so he could get a better look at you, then brushes the hair out of your face.
"Good morning, my dear.." he says tiredly.
"Good morning, Jack."
As you try to get up, he gently grabs you and pulls you close. You look at him with a questioning gaze.
"Sorry.. i don't want you to have to get up yet.."
What a snugglebug, this of course gives you butterflies in your stomach. He really does love you, doesn't he? Say, why don't we do something for him?
"Okay, i'll stay.. but after a few minutes i need to get up."
"Why, darling?"
"Don't you want some breakfast, or at least some hot cocoa?"
He lets out a small chuckle as he nuzzles into you, jeez who knew a skeleton could be so cuddly?
"You really don't have to do that, you know."
"Its the least i can do, i owe you."
After about five minutes of snuggling then some hot chocolate, you get dressed and go on a walk with him, and you use that time to think about your situation.
🧡Chapter 4, Contemplation and Choices🧡
The air seems chillier than yesterday, the wind is blowing through your hair as leaves fly by. Your walk is interrupted by a leaf hitting your face.
Jack picks it off and brushes your (H/c) locks out of your face. You laugh a bit before thanking him.. but then you run into the Mayor.
"Ah! Well if it isn't (Y/n) and Jack, how are you two?"
"We're great! In fact, little (Y/n) and I are together!"
You blush and hide your face from embarrassment
"Oh, that's just amazing, isn't it! I actually have something important to talk to you two about, mind following me?"
You let go of Jack's hand as you slowly follow, making sure to fall behind before stopping completely. You stare at the ground. You know exactly where the mayor is taking you. The two of them stop in their tracks after they notice you're not following anymore.
"(Y/n), are you okay, dear?"
"No... i know where we're going, and I don't like it.. i don't want to be a monster."
A combination of stress and fear wells in your heart.
"(Y/n), I know how you must feel, i promise it doesn't hurt."
You stay silent, you don't want to follow, you don't want to argue. You don't want to go down kicking and screaming, but if it comes to it, you will.
"Can't they choose for themself, Mayor? Its the whole reason they ran away last night."
"I asked Dr. Finklestein about it like you asked, there's no other way, i'm sorry."
"...can i think about this please? I... need some time.."
"Of course, dear, take your time."
You give Jack a hug before running back to his house. You head upstairs and into the bathroom. You run a bath and add in a bath bomb and some bath salts before getting in. The water is purple and glittery, the scent of eucalyptus fills the air, helping you calm down..
With a sigh, you start to contemplate your choices to try and find a brightside to this, or maybe even a loophole. Because letting fear take over and clouding your mind, which is what you've been doing, isn't the best way to go about things.
The costume obviously won't work anymore, they all know, not only that, The Thing Under The Stairs would be able to tell by your scent that you're still human. You can't just hide forever, you can't run either.
Not much will change other than your appearance if you're monsterized.. you'll still be you, Jack will still love you. Heck, if your friends don't like you anymore because of something as stupid as appearance, maybe its high time that you move on.
You slowly come to terms with your situation as you soak, maybe it won't be so bad? Maybe you'll be okay, how bad can it be? After all you can choose what you look like.
With that thought in mind, you start thinking of creatures and designs. But you're interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Jack's voice.
"My dear, are you alright? You've been in there for a while, now."
"I'm okay, just relaxing in the bath, i figured it'd help clear my head."
"Ah, i see."
After getting out and putting some warm clothes on, you go downstairs to join Jack in the living room. You're ready to talk this out.
"There you are, are you doing alright?"
"Yeah, and... i've been thinking.. What if this isn't as bad as i thought?"
Jack leans closer, listening carefully.
"This whole time I've been letting my mind run, fear clouding my head.. which, isn't exactly smart. But.. maybe i'll be okay, even if I won't be a human..."
Jack hugs you close with a soft smile on his face.
"I'm so glad you feel better, my dear.."
🖤💜🧡Transition woohoo u now a spoopy creechur🧡💜🖤 (aka, a skulldog, except you now have a long striped tail)
You look up at the dark sky, the stars littered all over, freckles on the universe's visage. You bounce slightly in Jack's arms with every step he takes as he walks home. You're no longer human, but you're content.. this isn't so bad.
Fear can do a lot to one's cognition, it can lead someone astray, it can cause someone's undoing, it does a lot. But sometimes, being scared can be fun, though its usually a negative emotion, it is something to celebrate.
You're snapped out of your thoughts by Jack opening the door to your shared home, has it always been this cozy? Beelzebub and Zero hop onto the couch as Jack sits down with you still in his arms.
"... hey Jack?"
Your voice is different now, it has a slight distortion to it. Jack looks into your (e/c) eyes lovingly, willing to hear what you have to say. You open your jaw slightly to give the illusion of a smile.
"I love you."
"I love you too, my dear."
Requests are still closed, sorry :(
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sperotonin · 1 month
I'm finally working on making an inventory for an online shop and craft fair vending.
I'm researching resin so I can make custom charms of my sculptures. Then I'm making some new patterns for boot earrings (gonna have doc inspired earrings and demonias inspired earrings). Finally on the list is making the screens for at least one screen printed patch today, but if I can knock two out or at least make it to the store to buy supplies for the second that'd be lit AF
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duckduckgrem · 2 years
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I am so, so excited with the progress my pixel art has been making. There are still a lot of things I don’t have the technical skill to pull off yet, where a lot of work and practice needs to be put in. Even looking at the newer Elluna sprite, I can spot at least a dozen small things I’d like to fix. But even being able to spot things and go, “Oh, if I do X instead, this’ll look better,” I think is huge. 
Anyway, I’m just really excited to see how far my pixel art has come, because I would play a game with this new sprite. I would look at that and go “yeah that’s cute” and that’s just a really cool feeling :) 
Now I’ve just gotta figure out how to make a three eyed cat and we’ll really be rollin’ 
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izukukuzi · 7 years
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Guess who is going to see Bino again??? 🙋🏼🙋🏼
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cup-of-red-tea · 6 years
@EA can u let people make their own apartment buildings in sims already come on
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mightevenwrite · 4 years
My goal is to actually finish a book and then just to get one print and just have it on my shelf that'd be lit af
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moodboards4u · 6 years
Sup friendo, can I request a uhhhhhhhh Helpy (fnaf) moodboard? That'd be lit af, thanks fam. 👍
Posting now! Hopefully it cooperates with tumblr since it’s a gif ^v^’’
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vampgguk · 7 years
A sudden thought:
BTS performing a Disney World
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juhaku-inspired · 7 years
well the new su episodes were a wild ride wowowowow
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makanvi · 8 years
Yo', imagine a HBCU Hogwarts.
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