#there was no way I wasn't going to do something for Ozma
thirddoctor · 8 months
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rocknroll7575 · 6 months
Raven walked away after she dealt with her daughter, it was rather easy, which was disappointing, still, she let her daughter's team live, and that one girl from that other team had potential, however, those three other weaklings were dead, or sure to die soon. She stabbed the sniper in the kidney, the one with the mace had his chest cut nearly open, and the blonde had been surely killed, she had stabbed him in the chest and then slit his throat.
Raven closed her eyes and sighed, 'Shame though... that girl with the blue hair had such potential with her semblance' Raven thought as she walked to the front entrance. 'Sad that Summer produced a stronger spawn than I did,'
"Hey there!"
Raven's eyes shot open and she looked in front of her only to see the blonde knight in front of her. He had a wicked grin on his face and his armor was indeed bloody. She was shocked, she swore she had killed him! She stabbed him in the chest and then the throat! How could he possibly be alive?
'How is he alive!? Wait... his wounds are completely closed! Not even scar marks... Aura can't do that! Not even an extreme healing Semblance erases scar marks... could it be he possesses magic!?' Raven thought. "You... possess magic!?" She asked.
Jaune chuckled, "In a way I do but I never thought I'd be able to use it while he's stuck deep in my head! But here I am! I could never do this before! Even when Ozma was trying to teach me I couldn't understand a damn thing! But oh man! This! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!" Jaune cried before continuing to talk
Raven glared at him, 'Somethings off... he rambling, spouting almost udder nonsense... Is he high?' Raven asked.
"But Ozma was right! It's easier said than done! I never could do any of this until now!" Jaune cried as he looked the happiest he had ever been. "I finally understand it! I finally grasped it Ozma! The core of my soul! The core of Magic! See Raven! The reason you're going to lose is because you didn't cut off my head!"
Raven smiled and glared at the young boy, "I'm going to lose?" She asked as she pulled out her Katana and took a fighting stance, "You must be joking! You've just barely learned how to use Magic! This fight is just getting started!" She cried with a glare and a smirk.
"Is that right?" Jaune asked before his smile widened, "You could be right... no... no... YOUR SO RIGHT!" Jaune cried.
"Unlike Raven, who was given magic by the previous Maiden, all the knowledge of how to use it was passed on to her, which allowed her to understand how Magic works..."
Raven charged at him with her sword ready to strike him like she had before, however, Jaune's eyes glowed green and he pointed his finger at her and a bright green ball of energy, still smiling.
Reven went wide-eyed as the ball formed and then blasted forward, Raven quickly tried to block it, but the attack pushed her back, sending her flying back
"However, when one who possesses manages to awaken their Magic for the first time... something happens within them..."
The attack disappeared once Raven was sent crashing into a part of the building and Raven grunted in pain, however, she looked forward at the young knight only to see him floating in the sky, as if he was simply floating in the ocean.
"Once one awakens their Magic, they gain an understanding of their soul... they achieve Nirvana for that moment,"
Jaune looked at the sky and simply seemed to be at peace, a soft smile on his face, it was as if he wasn't in a fight, as if he hadn't seen his friends get hurt.
Raven was in awe at how... at ease, the young man seemed.
"However, usually that feeling only lasts a minute, but because Jaune Arc's Soul is far different than most..."
'I'm sorry guys... I don't feel a thing right now... all I'm feeling, is this beautiful world around me, I don't even feel hate, nor do I want revenge, all I feel is pure bliss,' Jaune thought to himself. 'However, I know... I can't let raven go unpunished'
Jaune then looked down at Raven, as if coming out of a daze, and when Raven looked at him, she felt fear strike her very soul.
"Jaune's very soul houses the most powerful and greatest wizard to ever exist and it alone possesses an extreme amount of Aura that surpasses the likes of Ruby Rose and Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch..."
'Something's off...' Raven thought, 'Something is very off...'
Jaune seemed to turn in the air and stand right where he floated and he smiled down at her, then pointed his finger up in the air and one to the ground.
"So that feeling of Nirvana would last a whole 7 hours, and in those 7 hours, Jaune Arc, the host of Ozma the Great..."
"Understand this, Raven..." Jaune began, "Among the heavens and of Remnant, I alone am the honored one," He said softly.
"Was the most powerful being on the face of Remnant!"
Suddenly, Jaune appeared a few feet in front of Raven and summoned his sword in the blink of an eye, shocking the older huntress, Raven prepared to block Jaune's attack, however, the young knight's sword glowed green and he swung, cutting through Raven's sword... and Raven herself...
In that single moment, the weakest student at Beacon had killed the most dangerous woman on Remnant...
A few minutes later, Yang slowly made her way back up to the entrance and that's when she saw a sight that shocked her to the core.
On the ground, cut in two, was her mother.
Yang fell to her knees in shock, she couldn't believe it, her mother, the person she had been searching for her whole life, the person she needed answers from on why she abandoned her... was dead.
She looked away from the body only to see Jaune, standing next to the bodies of his team, all three had green orbs floating over them.
"J-Jaune...?" Yang called out, "What happ-?"
"I killed her,"
Yang's heart stopped, "You... you killed her?" Yang asked, her voice slowly breaking.
Jaune didn't turn to her, he just nodded. "I killed her, I don't regret it," Jaune said. "If you're feeling angry then-"
Suddenly, Yang's fist came at him but was stopped in mid-air, not even close to touching him. The blonde girl's eyes were red and her hair was ablaze, she was seething with anger and it was all focused on the one in front of her.
"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Yang yelled.
jaune finally turned to her with a soft smile, "If that is what you want... you can try," He said.
"There was still 7 hours till Jaune's "Nirvana State" would disappear and it seemed that the fighting was not over..."
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 27 days
We've seen Jaune's extended family and We've seen _NPR's extended family....
What about Ozpin's extended family? I can totally see Gojo and Raiden (MGRR) being openly related to Ozpin. Gojo would DEFINITELY try and hit on Glynda just to piss of Ironwood lmao
Hmm. I dunno about Raiden. It's not just about looks, it's also about Powers, Vibes, and fighting style. Gojo Makes sense, Raiden feels more like a Schnee Cousin or one of Adam's relatives.
Yang: There's no way they're younger than 55.
Nora: Look at them! Look at their smooth skin and brilliant smiles and tell me that they're old!
Ozpin: Frieren, it has been too long since we last talked.
Frieren: It has been. You seem to be doing well.
Ozpin: Indeed I am. My apprentice has been doing well.
Frieren: Oh yes, that Pine boy. How old is he now?
Ozpin: Uhh ... Fourteen I believe.
Frieren: Hmm. "Time does Fly" as they say.
Ozpin: How has Fern Been?
Frieren: Very well. Developing into a fine young woman.
Ozpin: ...
Frieren: ... Your students are following us.
Ozpin: I'm quite aware.
Ozpin: And now, they are not.
Frieren: I can tell. I can also tell that you are Tired.
Ozpin: I have been tired for a long time.
Frieren: ...
Ozpin: ...
Frieren: I will find a way to free you. I haven't stopped looking.
Ozpin: I know. And you know what I'll tell you about that, right?
Frieren: "I know how to free myself, I'm still just figuring it out."
Ozpin: It's good to know your memory hasn't faded with age.
Frieren: I'd say the same, but your wit is lacking it's sharpness, you foolhardy coot.
Ozpin: What can I say? It is nice to see an old friend after so many years.
Frieren: *smiling in silence*
Ozpin: *Smiling with her*
???: *Distantly* EXPLOOOOSION!
Ozpin: Ah, It seem is I may need to check on another visitor. Apologies for cutting our time short, but I know well we are not lacking in it's supply. Good day.
Frieren: A good day to you as well Ozma.
Gojo: *Laying on Ozpin's desk* Hey Hey! If it isn't the most Cursed man himself, and I've got to say, you are looking pretty alright for your age.
Ozpin: Thank you Mister Satoru. Please get out of my office.
Gojo: I'm just checkin' in, making sure you don't have anything you shouldn't. Your office seems clean!
Ozpin: I should certainly hope so. Glynda!
Gojo: Hey hey hey, There's no need to be so rough with your Cousin!
Glynda: *Lifting Gojo with her semblance* You know you aren't supposed to be in here.
Gojo: *Not resisting her* Fine, I'll go at the request of such a gorgeous lady~
Glynda: *Flinging him into the elavator* Out.
Gojo: Wait a minute!
Ozpin: WHAT!
???: *Distantly* EXPLOOOOSION!
Gojo: You should go check on that.
Glynda: ... That girl is infuriating.
Ozpin: Not as much as her teammates.
Marcille: *Shoveling food into her mouth*
Ozpin: You must be hungry.
Marcille: *Gulp* For something Normal? Absolutely! This is like a Cheat day without Senshi to scold me for eating things that aren't balanced. *Overdramatic Sniffle* It's been so long since I had chocolate ...
Ozpin: Well ... just try not to overeat. I know it can be tempting to have more than your fill of luxury, but do try not to make yourself ill.
Marcille: ... *Sigh* Fine. How have you been?
Ozpin: Tired, but things have been improving. It is nice to see you again my dear.
Marcille: "My Dear"? You are old.
Ozpin: Yes, yes I am. How has Falin been recovering?
Marcille: Fairly well, Laios has been by her side day and night. He's not been sleeping well, and when he does he has nightmares. I worry for him.
Ozpin: Ah yes, I have a current student that is quite like Mr Touden, though he is a bit more charming with people.
Marcille: "A bit?"
Ozpin: Yes, He's not as well read, but he is somewhat better at reading people-
???: *Distantly* EXPLOOOOSION!
Ozpin: *White Knuckling Long Memory* I swear if my hair wasn't already white- I'm afraid I have to go check Someone Marcille. Please eat until you're full and comfortable, then give Falin, Laios, Senshi, and Chilchuck my greetings and well wishes.
???: Excuse me Headmaster Ozpin, I have an Inquiry.
Ozpin: Oh- Oh hello. I see my reputation proceeds me, What is you're name miss ...
2B: I am referred to as 2B. I am searching for one "Pietro Polendina."
Ozpin: He'll be with the Atlesians, over-
2B: *Sword at the ready* The source of that detonation came from that direction.
Ozpin: Thank you! I will handle this myself, you may go.
2B: Is that an Order?
Ozpin: Yes!
2B: *Sheathing her sword* Very well.
???: Move it Kazuma!
Kazuma: I'm going, I'm going! Calm down.
Ozpin: You two!
Megumin: Aw crud
Ozpin: Have you been launching those explosions off?
Kazuma: Megumin has. Why?
Ozpin: You've been causing disturbances, damaging property, and driving me to near madness!
Kazuma: Well Megumin said she she got perm-
Kazuma: You lied didn't you?
Megumin: ... I didn't think anyone would care ...
Kazuma: Really? Again Megumin!
Ozpin: Mr. Sato, please go on back the dormitories. I will take the young mage here to be written up for her infractions and returned to her cousins.
Kazuma: *Dropping her* Alright, sounds good to me.
Megumin: Jerk!
Ozpin: Come on, Let's get you back to Miss Rose and Miss Xiao-long.
Megumin: *Grumble*
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howlingday · 1 year
For your Hades AU did Ozpin know he had a deity walking around his academy. Or was that something he only found out after beacon fell
"Jaune Arc, report to the Headmaster's office." A voice called on the PA system. "Jaune Arc, report to the Headmaster's office."
"Ooh~!" Nora cooed. "Our leader's in trouble~!"
"Nora." Ren chided.
"You aren't really, are you?" Pyrrha asked. "After what happened in the Forever Fall."
"I'm sure it's fine." Jaune chuckled. "It's probably team leader stuff." Jaune then swallowed a lump as he turned away. "At least, I hope it is."
Jaune passed by fellow students and a few faculty members. The former glanced his way, and some staring at the back of his head as he walked by. The teachers who kept their eyes did little more than shrug. Once he arrived at the elevator, Professor Goodwitch stood in front, as if to greet him.
"Uh, going up?" Jaune offered a sheepish grin.
"I was just coming down." She said. "You seem to have a knack for catching the Headmaster's attention. Something you have in common with Team RWBY." By her tone, this wasn't a compliment.
"Uh, I guess the Headmaster likes me." Jaune timindly chuckled.
"Mm." She then passed by him, allowing him access to the elevator.
The door slid shut, leaving Jaune alone with three options. The first was the intended top floor destination. The second was the open door choice, in which he could ignore the summons and return to his team, and his life at Beacon. The third and final option was the one most interesting to him; a "broken" button leading to the lower reaches of the tower. Where she was resting.
Against his better desires, he pressed the button to the top floor. The cradle shuddered, then lifted into the air. Jaune looked out through the wall, as if it were glass, and watched the souls far below shrink away. He found Team RWBY in their dorm, classes having recently been let out. His team moved down the halls, making their way back to the dorm. They must have stayed behind to wait for him, before heading back to their temporary home.
"Mr. Arc?" A voice called to him. He turned to the open doors, and found the Headmaster seated at his desk in his office of clockwork gears. "Or is it Lord Jaune still?" Jaune huffed and entered the large room.
"Just Jaune is fine for now." Jaune said, his tone having shifted from his awkward teen persona. "Do you prefer Headmaster, Ozpin, or Ozma?"
"Oz is fine." The Headmaster replied.
"Ha ha, no." Jaune shook his head. "We're not that close."
"Even after all the times we've met?"
"Especially after all the times we met." Jaune huffed. "Unless you learned your lesson." The man shifted behind his desk uncomfortably. It was slight, and almost unseen by mortal eyes. "I guess not." Jaune tapped the floor with the end of his shoe. "Especially with who you have locked in the basement."
"What are you doing, Ozma?" Jaune placed his hands on the desk. "Why the hell is the Fall Maiden locked away like a sleeping princess?"
"She is on life support-"
"For a fatal wound that will never heal." Jaune leaned closer. "She needs to die."
"And doing so will grant Salem the Maiden's power."
Jaune was silent. He stood straight once more, before turning away with a puff of air through clenched teeth. Gods were not as all knowing as most of the mortals believed. That didn't mean they enjoyed being outwitted.
"You could warn the people. Rally an army against her."
"Doing so would only damn those very souls to the Grimm." Ozpin argued. And we both know you don't want that."
"I'm not in the mood for games, Ozma."
"Neither am I." The Headmaster shook his head. "That is why I called you here. I thought your name would only be known to those who would meet you when their time is done."
"Normally, yes." Jaune sighed. "But there's something wrong. The balance between life and death is off. There's something, or someone upsetting the balance with magic. That's why I'm here."
"And you believe I am involved in this?"
"Maybe." Jaune glared at him. "You do have a living corpse in your basement."
"Amber is being kept alive with science, not magic."
"Right." Jaune nodded, seriously at first, then mockingly. "And magic is science we don't understand, yadda yadda yadda." He sighed. "But if there's anybody who understood either, it would be the one of two people left on Remnant who still used magic."
"And seeing as Salem is unavailable."
"More untrackable." Jaune corrected. "Her soul has become too corrupted for me to find. That's why I came to find the man who is much more trackable."
"Mm." He nodded. "Then that explains why you're here."
"And now I have another reason." Before he could be asked more, Jaune towered over Ozpin as he stood next to him. He moved with such blinding speed, Ozpin could not react fast enough to stop him. "Let her go."
"I can't." He sighed. "With her killer still alive and unknown, we cannot risk Salem growing more powerful. We need a vessel for the Fall Maiden's power."
"Alright." Jaune's eyes narrowed. "And who exactly did you have in mind?"
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swapauanon · 13 days
"Ozpin lied to Hazel about Salem's plans to trick him into sacrificing himself."
I find it amazing how people can say this and then get shocked when I ask them to tag their Ozpin bashing.
Besides, Hazel was murdering innocent people just to get back at Ozpin, over something his twin sister he constantly infantalizes chose to do.
Like, yes, Ozpin is a self-loathing wreck who blames himself for everything that's gone wrong, but in the end he didn't say ANYTHING about Salem he didn't believe was true.
Remember, what Salem said was: "Why redeem these humans when we can simply replace them with what they can never be?" meaning she was either plotting eugenics and genocide or had horrible grammar. Given that Salem's shown to be EXTREMELY careful and deliberate with her word choice, I'm going to assume it was the former, because it would be REALLY frustrating for the entire conflict of the show to be based on bad grammar.
But NO!!! We need Ozma to be an evil baby-stealing monster who tried to kidnap Salem's children because she wasn't religious enough! Even though, y'know, one of the first things Oz did after coming back to life was disobey Light by seeking out Salem.
But sure! It TOTALLY isn't bashing Ozpin to suggest he just tried to kidnap his daughter's from Salem, let's just ignore the ACTUAL grammatical structure behind Salem's words to make Oz look as evil as possible!
And besides, even if Ozpin DID lie to Hazel, SALEM WAS COMMITTING GENOCIDE IN ATLAS!!! She was siccing her Grimm on civilians at that point! And Hazel was complicit in it, and blaming Ozpin for his choices, claiming it was all in the honor of someone Salem had killed for trying to oppose the "Grimm eating children" party. But sure! Let's erase Hazel's misogyny in order to paint HIM as a poor, helpless victim of Ozpin's manipulations when he desecrated his sister's memory by helping the monster she died fighting destroy even more families!
"No more Gretchens, boy!" said the man who robbed a child of her mother JUST to "stick it to Ozpin", and has left countless Gretchens in his own wake.
Hazel even ADMITS that the only reason he's going after Ozpin is that he can't hurt Salem! So I don't think the show is going to be resolved by Team RWBY deciding "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" when it comes to the whole "How do we deal with Salem?" thing, because every character who's done that has been treated as being IN THE WRONG with no exceptions!
And let's not ignore the fact that, y'know, Oz had just gone through an entire character arc about being more open and honest. Him lying to Hazel to get him to dance to his whims would, from a narrative standpoint, be like if Ilia had joined forces with Salem to get back at Atlas. It would have rendered all of his prior development a waste of time!
So, rather than Salem plotting against the gods, i just think she's learned she CAN'T hurt them and so is doing what so many people (such as Hazel) have chosen to do when coming face-to-face with her, lash out at the people she CAN hurt because she thinks fighting the Brothers is a fruitless endeavor. The show isn't going to close out on vindicating Salem's methods, and she's not a fucking "anti-hero" as I've seen some people unironically call her: She's an unrepentant villain who lashes out at people she believes have no chance of fighting back, because she can't hurt the people who actually wronged her. That is what makes her Ruby's evil counterpart: She gave up while Ruby is still looking for a new solution!
But sure, let's just ignore the structure of the narrative and paint Ozma as a baby-stealing monster who abused his wife for religious reasons and drove her to villainy. Even though, y'know, his rhetoric is completely antithetical to Light's idea of a perfect world and he went out of his way to disobey him at the first opportunity he had.
The narrative has laid out who Oz and Salem are countless times now: Oz is a flawed-yet-well-intentioned man who blames himself for all of the world's ills (regardless of how responsible for them he actually is), and Salem an unrepentant monster who lashes out at the world around her due to being unable to harm those who actually wronged her.
Trying to paint Ozpin as being just as bad as, if not WORSE than Salem ever was is disingenuous at best.
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tumblezwei · 5 months
I do feel like there's some disconnect here, because I don't think what you've said exactly counters my point:
You are right in that Oscar is trying to fight back, but the story the way I see it is pointing strongly towards him having immense difficulty in doing so, and him not being happy about his situation. Ozpin is wholly aware that he doesn't want this to happen, but struggles to fight against his own fate too because he doesn't believe it can be fought.
As such, Oscar's moments are him trying to fight a losing battle unless Ozpin becomes willing to fight back as well, something that the narrative points to him not entirely being there yet.
As it stands, I don't really view my point as being driven by cynicism, but more just that the narrative and themes is highlighting how until they actually address the problem, Oscar is losing his fight. And I sincerely doubt that the God of Light would allow for Oscar to defeat the Ozma collective so easily. I feel as a result that the only way he'd actually be able to stand a chance of truly being free is for Ozpin to actually start fighting back against his condition, and eventually for the two of them to be separated from each other.
That's why I end with what I said in the OP: Because Oscar has basically been dragged into this war against his will, taking what should have been a chance for him to see the world and turning it into a situation where he is at risk of losing his identity completely. That is not being cynical, that is just text.
Hence why him finally being released in the end and going on a new journey to actually live his dreams without the burden is the scenario I see.
I'm gonna go through this point by point in hopes of making my arguments clear.
"You are right in that Oscar is trying to fight back, but the story the way I see it is pointing strongly towards him having immense difficulty in doing so, and him not being happy about his situation. Ozpin is wholly aware that he doesn't want this to happen, but struggles to fight against his own fate too because he doesn't believe it can be fought."
See, this is exactly where I made the distinction in my last post. I don't think Oscar is currently having immense difficulty fighting against Oz. I think he's already past that point in his development. Of course he's still not happy about his situation, and Oz doesn't know if the reincarnation can be stopped, but Oz is changing. And that's where i disagree with this
"As such, Oscar's moments are him trying to fight a losing battle unless Ozpin becomes willing to fight back as well, something that the narrative points to him not entirely being there yet"
because he is there. He wouldn't have put his faith in Oscar and Hazel if he wasn't. We've seen how Oz was willing to forcibly overtake Oscar when he didn't believe Oscar could handle himself, but now he's willing to let Oscar call the shots because he's firm in his convictions and has convinced Oz to belief in hope again. The struggle of his identity may not be over, but he isn't suffering over it.
"As it stands, I don't really view my point as being driven by cynicism, but more just that the narrative and themes is highlighting how until they actually address the problem, Oscar is losing his fight. And I sincerely doubt that the God of Light would allow for Oscar to defeat the Ozma collective so easily. I feel as a result that the only way he'd actually be able to stand a chance of truly being free is for Ozpin to actually start fighting back against his condition, and eventually for the two of them to be separated from each other."
And again, this is where we differ. They have addressed the problem. They've been addressing it since volume 6. I'm not saying that the reincarnation issue is over and done with, but that the narrative is moving in such a clear direction because it's been addressed. Oscar may still struggle with how much time he has left as himself, but he is not struggling with who he is or what he believes. I don't believe that the narrative is highlighting that Oscar is losing the fight, but that he's winning.
As for the GoL, I don't really think that matters. I don't think Oz needs a moment where he clearly states he's going against the gods wishes, we can understand his growth without that. I do not believe for a moment that current volume 10 Oz would hesitate to go against GoL. He wouldn't have come back in volume 7 to save Oscar from falling if he hadn't already decided to throw himself back into the fight. That was his whole speech about the nature of fear.
"That's why I end with what I said in the OP: Because Oscar has basically been dragged into this war against his will, taking what should have been a chance for him to see the world and turning it into a situation where he is at risk of losing his identity completely. That is not being cynical, that is just text."
I'm kind of lost with this one. Yes, Oscar was dragged into this war, but so was everyone else in the main cast. They all started this journey with their own goals and have had to figure out who they are when those goals are no longer attainable or differ from who they've grown into. Oscar's situation is more unique, obviously, but like I've been saying, there's absolutely nothing that I've been shown that convinces me he's losing his identity. Whether or not he knows if he can break the cycle, I know, because the show has shown me where it's headed time and time again.
I see him correcting Ozpin's past mistakes. I see him becoming a better version of himself and growing more confident in his decisions. I see someone who was afraid to become someone he was not, only to grow through this fear and realize Oz could learn from him just as much as he's learned from Oz.
They are going to separate, on that we agree, but I don't think Oscar is going to go on some journey of self-discovery afterwards. Because he won't need to. Like, idk how I can make that clearer. If the trend you see in Oscar's character arc is that he's spiraling into an identity crisis, I don't think we'll ever agree. Him and Oz may still have to worry about their imminent fusion, but I think that struggle has helped cultivate Oscar's identity rather than erode it.
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strqyr · 7 months
Ah. I think we had crossed wires. When I say secrecy I mean the story/narrative is playing keep away with outright saying "Yes Raven went and killed Spring in the Branwen camp/outside/full throated betrayal" while implying it in Volume 5. Raven certainly and probably did kill Spring... At least technically. The question is what value the "Mercy" was. That is the two narrative questions with Raven. Why did she leave originally and what happened to the original Spring because Raven claims mercy.
Summer question is that final mission, which probably ties into at least one of those questions but the only real foreshadowing was Raven's silence on Summer as a topic. There's a reason why Raven being involved was a surprise. An interesting character beat with Raven is how she's one of the extremely few adults to volunteer sensitive information. Especially in regards to Ozpin - with her giving information to Yang about the bird transformations that proves the point that Ozma hides information Raven is in conflict with Ozma. And that puts a decidedly interesting shade to things with the rest of her team being very much loyalists until Summer wasn't. If things are merely as simple as Raven killing Spring for power or for being weak... Well look at how Maiden's being hunted and trapped is a bad thing throughout the series. Raven is the Spring Maiden, she's part of that thematic line. The two points do not line up cleanly if that makes sense.
i mean.. i think they kind of go hand-in-hand? narrative secrecy is only effective as far as the characters have a reason to obscure / lie about / etc. the truth and it fits their character.
raven claims she trained spring without any visible results. so, which is more likely: raven allowing spring—who she considered weak—to partake in a dangerous mission, or that she (presumably) grew frustrated with her and killed her, convincing herself it to be mercy (see: raven's perception of the word "family" being skewed -qrow)?
and to that, i don't know the answer. in both cases, raven would / could feel guilt and / or regret: for bringing spring along on a mission she had no business on, or for reverting into her old self in a heat of a moment, her faults coming to surface.
why raven left in the first place, beyond learning the truth about salem, and why they've kept that reason close to their chest is to me the bigger mystery. if raven helped spring escape, then "it's very noble to want to help your sister" <- would raven not consider helping spring noble? if so, why wouldn't she tell yang the truth about that at least, since it makes her look better? would raven being the spring maiden before she left explain her reasoning, i.e. the burden became too much, finding out the truth, knowing she had the target on her back for the rest of her life and how she would risk her family's safety by staying? in that case, raven wouldn't tell the truth, not in the camp at least, since she had no idea if yang was going to stay or not, whether she would take that information—her being the spring maiden—back to qrow and oz. plus, admitting she was scared would probably be a big no-no for her.
i also wouldn't really say raven's involvement came as a surprise: "family. only coming around when they need something" back in V5 already hints at someone finding raven before yang did; it's not qrow (he says raven finds him, not the other way around), and it's definitely not tai, so that really only leaves summer; "you sound just like your mother" after ruby's speech about working together and having each other is another hint towards the friendship between raven and summer deteriorating rapidly (something something "your teammates have never let you down before"); and in the same moment as qrow leaves the door open for ozpin to have hidden more things from them while being out-of-the-loop about summer's mission, he leaves out raven from the list of people unaware what summer was doing—so if the spring maiden in any capacity was involved, does ozpin know about it? if the spring maiden was gretchen, who do we trust more: ozpin, the person who lies and omits information, who says gretchen died during a training mission but never how, or raven, who keeps secrets but volunteers information (even the type ozpin doesn't think she would) willingly, the only lies she has ever told related to the true identity of the spring maiden?
speaking of gretchen, what about "no more gretchens, boy"? how does that account to all of this? is it related to maidens and their treatment, in which case we also have other examples with pyrrha, penny, and even amber? or is it about the huntsmen academies? if ozpin found and got gretchen to attend beacon specifically bc she was the spring maiden; did he skirt few rules doing so? gretchen was "just a child", she "wasn't ready" -> ozpin invited ruby to attend beacon two years early. he looked the other way re: jaune's faked transcript and his very apparent lack of skill that even glynda notes. was gretchen younger than 17? was she wholly untrained to the point she would not have gotten into beacon under normal circumstances?
this is just a whole lot of questions but um. that's how i like to approach theories lmao. it's mess what it is, but it does leave me with this feeling that nothing is really clicking perfectly in place. there's always something that needs just a tiny bit more explanation, a missing piece of the puzzle we obviously don't have. and it's not made any easier by the fact the we know very little about summer, even know, raven has so many walls built up that she's basically an onion of secrets like good luck trying to figure that one out, and ozpin lies. a lot.
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Okay, talking about Ozpin/Ozma from RWBY here because from the looks of things, no one else is.
Unfortunately the dude's motivations makes some fans hesitant to trust him, if they don't hesitate to villainize him.
His motivations? Unite the world into one of peace, call the gods of said world with four magical artifacts that have a lot of power, because in any other circumstances they would kill everyone, and ask them to please put his very evil ex-wife, aka SALEM, out of her misery that they caused via making her immortal.
Context? Okay so Salem was locked into her tower by her dad, but she sent letters out asking for some kind of help. Ozma didn't hesitate to do so, rescuing her. It was love at first sight for those two. And later on, they even got married.
However eventually Ozma died young. To injury, sickness, maybe a magic curse, it's unknown what the cause is. So Salem went to the gods to try and bring him back. When one denied her because doing so can cause funkiness with the balance of the world, she went to the other one, leaving the part about them being her second choice.
This god, despite being a horrifying god of darkness with a temper, was willing to bring Ozma back because Salem praised him and said he was her first choice. Till his brother, the god of light and calmer of the two, came in, forcibly calmed him down, and explained the way Salem was manipulating him. Afterwards they cursed her with immortality that will only end after she learns to appreciate all aspects of life or something.
So Salem decided to lead a bunch of humans and probably faunus idk if they existed yet in an uprising against them via saying they gods are withholding immortality from them out of revenge. So the gods kill everyone except her, say she'll have to wait for the next batch of sentient life to, evolve I think, without any kind of magic, then vanished. With the god of darkness breaking the moon due to his bad mood.
During the wait Salem jumped into these tar pits that Grimm spawn out of trying to die but it just made her a human with Grimm features. But she can just hide those features! So don't worry about how that could effect her mental state!
Anyways when humanity and fanus were a thing again the god of light found a random human and shoved Ozma's soul into him (without Ozma knowing if I remember correctly), told him to unite humanity or he and his brother will kill everyone after he collects and brings together the four uber powerful artifacts, and that his wife is a freak of nature that must be destroyed. Understandably, Ozma decided to ignore the last part and focus on the first two parts. And he even found his wife again, who clearly wasn't a freak of nature!
Anyways they get married (again) and due to their magic became the rulers of the country they were in because everyone is willing to listen to the two who can kill the Grimm with ease. They even had four daughters! Who, upon showing signs of having magic, Salem went a bit creepy about replacing humanity with their descendants.
Ozma then remembered what the god of light said, so he decided to take the kids out of the castle before going to talk to his wife to ensure that if they came to blows, the kids were away from the crossfire. However Salem caught him doing just that, snapped, and started trying to kill him without giving him time to explain. And would you look at that! Their daughters got caught in the crossfire! Causing Salem to get even angrier! This is when Ozma in a grief fueled rage killed her, only to learn she's immortal and very much looks like a Grimm. Then Salem turns around, cripples his one leg, then kills him.
This is when Ozma learns he has a version of immortality where he body hops into people of a similar mindset as his or something. Anyways for a while he is depressed as fuck, and evading his homicidal ex-wife, so he becomes a drunk hermit. Well, after he used the artifact of knowledge to try and learn how to kill said ex-wife but he was told he can't kill her which made his mental state even worse because the mind of said artifact, in my opinion, is a fucking JERK-
Eventually, with help of others (even if they don't know the full story), he pulls himself together and even starts to hear the voices of those he accidentally body snatches, so he then starts to reach out to those the person originally in charge of the body knows. And apparently their minds/souls start to fuse together after some point so there's that guilt.
Anyways, he starts trying to unite Remnant, and created a secret society to oppose Salem. And because it's implied that everyone he told the truth to betrayed him turned against him, he started to say the absolute bare minimum, including leaving out the fact that Salem was immortal, to avoid that.
So basically, to sum it all up, blame the brothers, Salem despite having a tragic backstory is still not a good person, and Ozpin is traumatized as FU-
GOD that's a lot
I did wonder what was Up with Salem and also I heard something about Ozpin bodyjumping.
But also yo what the FUCK
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merp-blerp · 7 months
Some Tincrow Moments From The Wiz Production I Just Saw While It’s Fresh In My Mind
Note: I had never seen the stage version of The Wiz before last night, so I could be missing things and points. Also, my memory might be just a bit fuzzy on exact details, but I know this stuff mention did indeed happen at some point.
Avery Wilson was Scarecrow and Phillip Johnson Richardson was Tinman. They absolutely killed it. Everyone did. I’m going to need a cast album and pro-shot please!
Scarecrow is a dance God once they get him off the poll in time for “You Can’t Win”. Why they kept Michael Jackson on a damn poll in the movie despite the fact that his dance moves would've been really cool for Scarecrow, I’ll never know.
This is the first direct Oz retelling I’ve seen to give Scarecrow a human backstory (Wicked is more of/better off seen as it’s own thing in my opinion). He was once a scientist who got his brain taken by one of the witches and turned into a Scarecrow. I don’t remember if it’s mentioned if he had a family in this show—it might’ve not been—but if he did I guess he would’ve completely forgotten because he “has no brain”. And I might be wrong, but I think it was mentioned he had a name too, but if so I don’t remember it. I find that interesting and fun to play with, especially if one would be able to compare and contrast that with Nick Chopper’s backstory (and/or whatever the Tinman’s name might be in this version of Oz; guy collects names like candy). I would have to see The Wiz again in order to do that myself, but you know, I like the idea.
Tinman’s backstory is slightly different. He was too gay and sassy for his own good, saying one of the witches was a “rusty” singer, causing her to turn him from a lumberjack into a “heartless” Tinman who gradually lost almost all of his memories outside of the mere fact that he once had a family due to this curse. He thinks he doesn’t have a heart because he can’t remember the ones he loved, just that he used to. Nimmie Amee isn’t a part of his story in this show. That’s about as tragic as the backstory Baum gave him, if not worse.
Give me an angst with a happy ending AU where Tinman and Scarecrow knew each other as humans but both forgot due to their curses, only to rediscover each other through their found families. Imagine Scarecrow having Nimmie Amee’s original role in a way—noooo—
Scarecrow mimicking Tinman’s rusty dance moves while they oil him (he mimicked a lot of people throughout the show—Dorothy, the wizard’s announcers calling his name, maybe etc., so I guess it was just his cute little thing).
When Dorothy’s trying to convince the gang to bring Lion along Tinman says “Are you sure? We already have to bring Captain Brainless?” (or something a lot like that, I'm paraphrasing), thinking they had too many already as if his husband wasn't first in line on the journey before him, only for Scarecrow to say, “I’m captain?!?!” *Insert cute happy head waggles* (Hits different when you know Scarecrow becomes the ruler of Oz after the first book till Ozma’s found, but his leadership wasn't mentioned in The Wiz so maybe that's not on purpose) I adore Avery Wilson’s take on Scarecrow. Tinman has always been my favorite of Dorothy’s friends if I had to pick one, but Wilson’s performance really made Scarecrow stand out even more than usual. I don’t know if I can explain it, it might just have to be seen; pray there’s a slime tutorial out there.
Lion’s kinda gay too, but in solo. And I know Ozma’s not here, so there’s not really any evidence for Dorothy’s queerness… but she is—I can feel it in my lesbian soul, okay!?!?
All of Dorothy’s friends not only want their gifts, but don't see the point in their existences without them. It made me sad for them.
I don’t know where to mention it, but Toto’s not in this show at all—poor guy. EDIT: I just learned that in the original production, Toto was played by a white dog as a joke that there was an all-black cast as opposed to him traditionally being a black/brown dog with a white cast. That is hilarious—why didn't they recreate that???
Tincrow’s only straight-feeling moment is with them both being distracted by the poppies (which caught me off guard in this show because traditionally Scarecrow and Tinman are the only ones not affected by the poppies because they’re not flesh and blood like Dorothy, Lion, and Toto; in this Dorothy was the one to break everyone free from them. I’ve been trying to understand the purpose of this change. Maybe to give Dorothy a bit more agency). The poppies were these sensual flower ladies trying to convince the gang to be lazy, which on it’s own is a fun twist on the flowers that put Dorothy and Lion to sleep. But hey, maybe that makes it not straight, just lazy. I'm all for Bi4Bi Tincrow too.
After the Kalidahs attack they comfort and hype each other and Dorothy up (Dorothy’s their sapphic adopted daughter, in this essay, I will—).
I forget when exactly this happens, maybe during the Kalidahs scene, but at one point they casually cling to each other's arms for no(?) reason. They just met and they’re already married.
Scarecrow backup-singing a little before everyone else joins Tinman during “What Would I Do If I Could Feel” (at least at my showing, I don’t know if this is a regular occurrence as a part of the show or just something that happened to happen at mine).
Making fun of the Wicked Witch together, calling her smelly, and having Lion join in. Bros, that’s what got you in trouble to begin with—messing with a dang witch!
Interestingly, the idea of Dorothy’s friends having they’re gifts all along isn’t here. Instead, it’s implied that after they kill the last wicked witch the curse is mostly lifted, with Tincrow’s gifts returning to them, but they stay a scarecrow and tin-man for some reason. I like to think they still had them all along though, that idea’s too cute and sweet for me to let go of.
The last time we see them they leave the stage together, Lion going ahead of them to reunite with his mom. I can’t explain why this feels important to me. I guess because usually characters exit the stage individually as like a goodbye queue to the audience, knowing that that last step off the stage will detemand the last impression of the characters. So the fact that the last impression of both of them is them together feels special. Or maybe it’s just me.
They both had such sassy black queer vibes the whole time. The show itself already has such sass, but both of them, Scarecrow especially, were oozing it in different fonts. They were giving off bear x twink—or maybe otter couple vibes.
Gay or not, The Wiz is so great! I recommend it so much!
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Hmm...I dunno.
I feel like something that's been bothering me is that I feel like RWBY is as much about questioning the idea of treating life as a fairy tale.
When we hear about Fairy Tales, as is portrayed by RWBY, it's sometimes seen as either a silly fantasy, or as a necessary morality tale, or as a righteous path to be followed.
Or in the case of Ozma, a means to try to piece together and frame his life and the neverending misery he's in.
But the point about RWBY I've come to the conclusion about is that it's a story that actively questions why we treat people's stories as a fairy tale AT ALL.
Not every story should be so black and white, or at the least it shouldn't be treated so black and white. And it feels like the story is going out of it's way to question why we're so keen on shoving the story into the narratively black and white moral framework of a fairy tale, when it's plainly clear that life isn't a fairy tale at all.
Life is consistently portrayed as messy, complicated, where people can take the wrong meanings from other people's stories, or find inspiration in ways that can be seen by others as overlooking the complicated nature of what really happened.
Take Pyrrha. Her mom framed her ultimate sacrifice as something positive, that she knew what she needed to do and everything.
But the actual Pyrrha was a complicated mess of a person who was put into a terrible situation where there wasn't really a good answer at all. It was no fairy tale, but a tragedy where the moral wasn't straightforward, if it existed at all.
Fairy Tales boil things down to easy morality tales with good and bad examples, while often times conflating or removing the nuances of the situation entirely.
I dunno if I'm doing a good job explaining this or not.
With that in mind, reducing Neo's situation (and arguably even Salem and Cinders' situation) to being a bog-standard "they will be proven completely wrong and used as the bad example in a fairy tale" situation doesn't sit right with me. Because I think the actual situation is going to be substantially more complex than we give it credit for.
Oh it's definitely going to be more complex. It's Neo herself who will simplify it, because that's what she's always done. She took the entire millennia long battle between Salem and Ozma and turned it into her personal revenge story. She repeatedly refuses to consider other people as their own agents and not supporting characters to her protagonist. So of course she's going to decide she's The Hero and ironically condemn herself to the role of minor villain. It's what she's always done.
And while RWBY is more complicated than fairy tales, it is not a stranger to bad examples. Pyrrha dying because she went off on her own, Ironwood dying because he tried to hold up Atlas alone, Ozma dying over and over and over because he wouldn't trust people. The moral of how dangerous it is to see yourself as a lone hero is repeatedly stressed. And I highly doubt Neo is going to break the streak, especially since she's effectively used her Semblance to become her own friends and cut off everyone else. Her character arc and the tone of the story don't support her suddenly getting to cheat her way past the character development the tree demands.
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Team Baddie Besties:
Basically I was like "yknow who Lancer reminds me of. Bowser Jr" and then realized that Bowser would TOTALLY emotionally adopt Lancer after learning Spade King is a sucky dad. Anyway Lance and Jr love going around causing problems together, Jr gets to try out Lance's bike and Lance gets a ride in the Koopa Clown car. They (and sometimes Susie) like to prank Mario and friends a lot and I just think they would be such good friends = It was your average day in Hometown, Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser Junior, who wanted to practice wreaking havoc, showed up to ruin just that. He crashed into Hometown riding his clown car, causing trouble through town as he went. Bored, he broke into the school while class was in session, and there he noticed something strange about the storage closet at the end of the hall. ~ "Huh… is this a warp zone? I bet it goes somewhere super cool…" Unable to resist temptation, Junior opened the door and stepped inside, only to fall right through the floor- and that was how Junior found Castle Town. = Lancer, meanwhile, was languishing in his boredom. Sure, the jack of spades had ways of entertaining himself, but he wanted to do them with Susie, who was still in school. "How long is this going to TAKE?!" he would shout, every time his splat noises compilation ended and Susie still wasn't there yet. ~ "HEY!" = Lancer sat up and looked down to see a kid who looked like a turtle. Or was that a turtle who looked like a kid? Whatever it was, it was pointing at him. ~ "What is this place?!" Junior demanded, glaring as threateningly as he could at the other kid (which wasn't very threatening at all, even though he didn't realize that). "Castle Town! Are you a Lightner?!" Lancer was thrilled. Something was happening! He didn't have to be bored anymore! ~ Junior had no idea what a Lightner was, but to him it sounded like an insult. "No, I'm a prince! The first son of the GREAT and EVIL King Bowser!!! So don't mess with me, unless you want me and my papa to gang up on you!" ! "You're an evil prince with an eviler dad? I'M an evil prince with an eviler dad!!!" ~ >:0 "No way! Do you wanna go be evil together?!" "Heck yeah!!!" = That was how it started. The pair of prankster princes exchanged names and high fives, running off into Castle Town to carry out their improvised evil plots. Ralsei would be in for a surprise.
Team Green Boys:
In the DTLS au, they are best friends: Louie, with his desire to lay around watching TV instead of going on adventures, proved a perfect match for Oscar, who has a lot of feelings about being made a budding wizard against his will. Also, Louie sympathizes with Oscar about how embarrassing Ozpin and Ozma are as parents, and Oscar gives Louie someone who expects nothing out of him. Until they end up looping their way back into their own adventure by trying to find the truth about Roman Torchwick, that is. When you're a Duck or the current twinned soul of an immortal wizard going through a lengthy divorce, you don't get to decide not to adventure. Adventure happens to you whether you like it or not.
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sneverussape · 1 year
Rarepair Tag Game
@snapesnailtape tagged me for this and imma give it a go. thank you, snail! :)
no pressure tags go out to @wellpresseddaisy, @greens-your-color, @momo-t-daye, @mmad-lover and @owlzerness, but anyone who wants to do this, pls feel free.
answers and fic recs under the cut!
i don't have a lot of time or bandwidth to read to read fics outside of my main fandom at the moment (my evergreen trash man, sev) so i'll focus on that. if i think up any other rarepairs from other fandoms, i'll include them, but the fact of the matter is a lot of the other fandoms i'm in don't have quite as diverse a set of characters as this universe, so it's not as easy.
also general disclaimer that i read any and all pairings as long as the plot interests me, so i've probably seen this man shipped with everything at this point :)))
without further ado and in no particular order --
snilch. trust me, i wasn't sure about this pair either but, as with many others, the fic Father to the Man by Delphi absolutely floored me and convinced me of its potential. i think i read The Lad is Gone shortly after and it was just...i was sold. sold, i tell you. adjacent readings that i can recommend is one where filch is the main character but sev shows up a lot in it too: ozma's Squib series on ff net is fantastic. (also features filch accidentally almost killing sev with his newfound powers and rolling in guilt for it)
snetunia. this is just a delightful and guilty little pairing that i absolutely love. they're more alike than they are different, given their personalities and their view of the world. petunia is cynical, hateful and spiteful, and is an excellent mirror to snape and his own flaws. A Part of Yesterday is one of my fave fics for them and so is Abide in Me (Love is Not Enough). A Fish Without a Bicycle satisfied a sense of fluff and Always is a poignant little fic wherein they're all miraculously friends, which was a refreshing change.
snagrid. just rediscovered this quite recently actually because i remember there used to be a site dedicated to this pairing. Thief in the Night rekindled my love for it. there's just something about a gentle giant and an acerbic potions master with their massive size differences and the fact that hagrid really doesn't care for sev's frilled-lizard act that makes for fun reading. they also make for good friendship fics, like in It Was the Tea!
stonks. it was @chiwi-la-capybara's story, The Itch, that really hooked me into this pairing. i loooove the dynamic and potential they have, with tonks being a clumsy and fun-loving cop while sev is just...the way he is. :)) Escape is a good action-filled fic too and has them both playing the roles they're assigned to play.
toby/eileen!!! you know i had to put this in. i count them a rarepair because i'm of the what-if-toby-and-eileen-actually-did-get-along line of thinking. one of the most recent ones i've read is Over the Edge which i think captures their relationship(s) perfectly.
i've lost so many good fics over the years due to forums shutting down and links being thrown to the wind but if y'all have other recommendations for these pairings pls share! :)
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Another fic I wrote. In this one Dorothy has a fever, all her Oz freinds freak out
Dorothy wasn't very concerned when she woke up with a headache, chills, and feeling of fatigue. Sure it had been a while since she’d been sick, but she was used to this type of thing, she always got sick around this time of year back in Kansas so why wouldn't the same thing happen in Oz?
She went to her Aunt Em, told her how ill she felt, and Em felt her forehead.
“You do feel a bit warm.” Aunt Em studied her niece’s face, “have you eaten anything yet?”
“No. I haven’t had much of an appetite this morning.” Dorothy shrugged, and then coughed into her elbow.
Em sighed, “I’d take your temperature, but I dont think Ive seen a thermometer, that wasn't meant for food, since we moved here.”
“I’ll try to catch Ozma and ask her to send one,” Uncle Henry said, putting his hat on, “Em, you take Dorothy back to her room, ‘an make sure she’s resting ‘till we find out if she’s trying to get sick on us or not.”
None of them were too concerned, they’d done this a few dozen times before. Ever since Dorothy first came to live with them they had to deal with the odd cold, fever, and even the flu once or twice.
Dorothy layed in bed while her aunt sat on the end and read a book, looking up now and again to make sure Dorothy was drinking the glass of water on her bedside. Even if she wasn't sick- she still needed to stay hydrated. Or so Em insisted. 
Dorothy was used to this, all it would take was some rest and she’d be back on her feet in no time. Even if she wasn't exactly sick, she’d had ear and sinus infections before, among other ambiguous childhood illnesses. She was used to just waiting them out- due to how Aunt Em and Uncle Henry didn't have much money to go out and visit a doctor, or call one to the farm. They had water, a bed, and vegetables for soup. That helped clear her up all the time before.
But, and perhaps this due to her tired state, she had seemed to of forgotten the large group of friends she had accumulated over her years in Oz. Friends who came from a fairy land where people choose when they age- and the most ill a person got was only when they ate food that was too old, or not made properly.
She shouldn't of been shocked when Uncle Henry came back with The Wizard, carrying a medical bag, half the castle staff, and Ozma trailing behind him. Aunt Em shouldn't of either, yet both were initially confused.
“Evening Dorothy.” The Wizard nodded as he set the medical bag on a desk near her bed and took out a thermometer.
“Uh- ‘evenin, Wizard. Why is-”
“- Why is Ozma and half the castle behind me?” he asked with a half laugh as he cleaned the thermometer. “You remember how Fairy folk don't get sick right?”
“Right.” Dorothy rolled her eyes, how’d she manage to forget that? 
Uncle Henry stood at the end of the bed beside Aunt Em, holding her hand, and shrugged. 
“Your uncle tried to explain it to them but, open please-” he started, taking the Kansas girl's temperature as he continued, “but they insisted on making sure it wasn't some- curse or hex.”
“And even if it wasn't.” Ozma added as the wizard looked at the thermometer, she was turning her scepter over in her hands. “You're a princess, if the princess is i’ll she’s the right to care and assistance till she’s well again.”
“Yep, that's fever temperature.” Aunt Em stated, looking at the thermometer the Wizard handed to her. 
“Looks like you’re not leaving your room for the next few days.” Uncle Henry added.
“And to make sure she’s not hexed or poisoned.” the Wizard said, taking out a bottle of sparkly white liquid, “the thermometer please.” Aunt Em handed the thermometer back. He placed the thermometer in the liquid and swirled the bottle a bit.
Ozma and the castle staff had their eyes on the bottle, tensely waiting for something. Ozma having a mix of concern and sternness on her face, Dorothy knew if it did end up being some kind of poison or charm making her sick Ozma’d be right on her way to both curing her, and finding the culprit. 
And Dorothy knew said Culprit would have none of Ozma’s mercy.
“It’d be a surprise if this turned out to be magic though,” Dorothy thought, “it feels like any ordinary fever.”
The liquid in the bottle turned sky blue.
“She's clear, it's just a plain old fever.” The Wizard confirmed. There was a weak sigh of relief, given the Ozians in the room were not too sure what exactly a ‘plain old fever’ was, they were just glad their princess wasn't poisoned or a target of malicious magic.
“And how is a ‘Fever’ treated? What do people in Kansas do for it?” Ozma asked, walking to the end of Dorothy’s bed, looking from Dorothy to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.
“Well most folk can afford a doctor visit, and if it's really bad they get medicine.” Uncle Henry explained. “But back on the farm we couldn't really afford much of that. So we had her rest, drink water, and eat things like soup.” 
“It's not good to eat real heavy foods during a fever, the stomach tends to be- ‘easily upset’.” Em added.
“Don't forget fruit juice.” The wizard said, packing up the medical supplies. “Growing up, orange juice was always given to kids who were feeling ill.”
“Alright then, I’ll have the chefs start on that right away. Em, would you mind instructing them on what to do while making the soup?” Ozma asked Aunt Em, giving a nod to some of the castle staff to go and inform the kitchen.
Aunt Em looked over to Dorothy.
“Probably best you go as soon as you can, before the inevitable flood of ‘get well soon’ cards flood in when Ozma tells all of Oz that ‘Princess Dorothy is not to be disturbed till she recovers from her illness’.” Dorothy said, doing a haughty voice as she impersonated Ozma in a good natured taunt. Ozma stuck her tongue out at her before smiling, just glad her co-princess was on her way to recovery.
“Fair enough.” Aunt Em shrugged as she stood up and handed Henry the book she was holding, one of the castle hands accompanied her down to the kitchen.
“Is there anything specific you want right now?” Ozma asked Dorothy.
“Not really, apart from rest. The sooner I get over this the better, but do tell Toto where I am for me, will you?”
“Of course, and if you need anything else…” Ozma summoned a silver bell with a green diamond on the end of its handle. “Ring this.”  
“Will do Ozma.” 
The ruler of Oz nodded and made her way out of Dorothy’s room.
“I’ll be helping your Aunt, do you want the window open so you can have som fresh air?” Uncle Henry asked, putting the book away.
“Yes please, but could you pull the curtain closed so the lights dimmed? Its a beautiful bright day outside, but its not helping the headache.” Dorothy asked. Henry nodded and adjusted the windows as she asked. The green curtain flushed the room in a soft green light.
“Take it easy now.” He said as he stood in the doorway.
“I’ll take it as easy as I can, knowing it won't be too long before the others make their way here to check on me.” she stated with a laugh. Henry chuckled,
“Yeah. They’d just be trying to help, they care about you a lot.”
“I know, I’d probably be acting just like Ozma if she was the one sick right now, especially since it be a curse or poison that’d be making her ill.”
“Most likely. I’ll see you ‘round lunch, if nothing else happens.” Henry nodded before leaving, shutting the door behind him and leaving Dorothy in the green lit room.
She laid down, nestling her head on the soft pillows, and did her best to get some extra sleep.
Dorothy wasn't too sure how long she had been sleeping when she felt something fuzzy beside her face. She opened her eyes to a little black mass of fuzz and fur looking at her face sympathetically.
“Hello Toto.” she chuckled as she sat up and hugged him. “I assume Ozma told you I was sick?”
Toto looked up at her with his big black eyes.
“Let me guess, she’s also told all of Emerald City by now, hasn't she?
“What do you think?” Toto sighed as he curled in her lap. Dorothy smiled fondly. 
“Did she bother to explain it wasn't serious?”
“She told them it wasn't magic, that its a normal thing where we come from, and thats all I heard her say.”
Dorothy rolled her eyes.
“How’d our fellow ‘non fairy’ friends react?” She asked, leaning against the pillows like a chair back as she pet the black dog in her lap.
“Hm,” Toto snickered. “As you’d expect, they were sympathetic but otherwise unworried. Hank had to explain what a fever even was to Sawhorse.”
Then his ear flicked, and he lifted his head up to listen.
“What is it?”
Toto listened and then got up and stood on the edge of the bed, ears cocked towards the door as he focused to understand what he was hearing. Then his ears returned to their resting position as he sat down.
“It's your friends.”
Dorothy could hear them now, a set of metallic footsteps, light footsteps that rustled each time they hit the ground, and two sets of four large paws, all walking this way. 
“I was wondering when they’d get here.” she picked Toto back up and held him as she waited for them to walk through her door.
As the footsteps got close she could hear what they were talking about.
“-don't know.” Scarecrow said, apparently just finishing a sentence. “She only ever slept as long as the night was on our adventures- but she wasn't sick then.”
“Tinman, you were human once, right?” Dorothy heard the Tiger ask.
“Yes but I was a Munchkin, not- whatever the people in Kansas call themselves.” the Tinman answered, sounding worried.
“Her Uncle did say she’s had this illness before.” the Lion added. “So she’s bound to recover from it easily. We shouldn't worry that much, right?” 
The footsteps stopped right outside her door. None of them entered or even knocked. 
Dorothy listened as her friends continued talking in the hallway, each a different variation of concern.
“Jellia Jamb said the Wizard confirmed it wasnt magic or poison, I guess this is just a thing people from Kansas go through.” Scarecrow said, Dorothy heard paper rustling, like turning pages. He must be reading something.
Then he sighed, closing whatever he was reading.
“Nothing in that one either?” Tinman asked.
“No. and that's the third one I brought with me. I know its not an Oz thing but with how many non-fairy people find their way here, not to mention the Wizard- who was the ruler for years, one would think we’d have something about ‘Fevers’ written down by now.” The Scarecrow sounded defeated.
Dorothy didn't mean anything cruel by it, but she had to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing. 
“Are they trying to find a cure of some sort?” she wondered. “Or are they just trying to learn so they can help?” Either way it was a very sweet, if unnecessary, gesture. 
“I mean they have diseases I haven't even heard of in here, rainbow tongue, musical sneezes, reptilian/amphibian transformation, magic hiccups, and- i don't even know how to say that one.” Dororthy heard Scarecrow flip through the book, reading off its contents.
“According to her family- she just needs to rest it off.” the Tiger said.
“I know, I just wish we knew how to help.” Scarecrow said, defeated.
“We know, we’ve always been able to help  her when she needed it before…” Tinman trailed off. 
There was a pause of silence. 
Dorothy listened for what they’d say next, she knew her friends would of been worried but she’s just realizing she underestimated how worried. She was half tempted to get up and tell them it wasn't anything that serious, but when she leaned towards the edge of her bed Toto looked back at her. 
She needed to rest, even if it wasn't sleeping, and she knew he was going to make sure she got it. She leaned back against the pillows and sighed. She could call out but the fever was starting to affect her throat, and she did not want to make it worse by raising her voice.
Besides- even if she told them that a fever isn't that serious, it’d hardly change anything. They were her friends, they had faced peril after peril together. She was sick and they were worried, and nothing was going to stop them from worrying.
She just sat back and listened, her and Toto waiting to see what they were going to do. Then there was a snap, or a close approximation of a snap- given it was made with straw stuffed fingers.
“Let's go and talk to Betsy, Trot, Cap’n Bill, and Shaggy man. They’re bound to know something about this aren't they?” Scarecrow suggested.
“Good idea.” Tinman said.
“I think I saw her and Hank talking by the moat when we started for Dorothy’s room, we should be able to catch them if we go now.” Lion siad. Then the steps of her friends' faded away, the opposite direction of where they came.
“Must've thought I was sleeping.” Dorothy muttered to herself. Toto looked at her, then at the door, and back at here. A question in his eyes.
“Hm. No, it's really sweet they want to learn more about non-fairy stuff just to try and help. You can go and get them once they’re done talking with the others tho.” Dorothy answered. Toto nodded and curled back up on her lap. Dorothy sat there and thought to herself,
“If any of them ever were sick I suppose I’d be the same. I’ll have to make sure I tell them I appreciate their efforts- as unnecessary as they are.”
Unsurprisingly it didn't take long for several bouquets of flowers to be delivered to Dorothy. Each one from a different place in Oz. She had one pile of white and green flowers from people in the Emerald city, one of blue flowers from the Munckinds- who’s were the largest pile, one of yellow and tin flowers from the winkies, red flowers from the quadlings, and several purple bouquets from the gillikins. Most of which were lavender, which smelled very nice but started to take over the room. Dorothy had to ask Ozma to take some away, those ones were put in the guest bedrooms since lavender is known to help with sleep.
Needless to mention the cards attached. When Aunt Em came by with ‘dinner’, a light vegetable soup and apple juice with sliced strawberries in it, she mentioned how Uncle Henry had been helping the castle hands with sorting the cards.
“May as well be a post office down stairs.” she stated.
Not too long after her Aunt stopped by, her friends did as well, this time accompanied by Jack Pumkinhead.
“You dont think pumpkins can catch ‘Fevers’ do you?” Jack had asked when he saw Dorothy. She shook her head.
“Nope, as long as you're from Oz I doubt you can get sick from me.” she told him.
“But-” Scarecrow added, “we can carry germs- even if we can't get sick. So for the sake of our other non fairy friends- we have to stay a distance from Dorothy.”
“I don't think we could get to her past the flowers anyways.” Lion stated looking around at the piles of bouquets.
“I don't mind if any of you keep some of them, I don't have enough room for them.” Dorothy stated but her friends refused. “Speaking of the others, did any of you ask them what Fevers are like?”
“Betsy said they make you tired and give you a headache." Lion stated.
"Trot said she's only had a fever once, and it made her sick to her stomach." Tiger added
"Shaggy man and Capin' Bill said they make you shiver, feel awful, and like things are going in slow motion." Tinman finished with a concerned look.
“All around it sounds miserable.” Jack crossed his arms.
“You’re not wrong, it's no fun at all. But it happens all the time where I'm from. Just a side effect of living in a Non-fairy land I guess.” she told them.
“We’re glad.” Lion stated.
“And we’re gonna stay here till you’re better. So let us know if we can help with anything.” Tinman added.
“I already have the entire castle at my beck ‘n call, though I Suppose it's always been like that since I became a princess. But I'm glad you’re all here, and thank you for wanting to help.” she told them.
“Of course we’d want to help.” Scarecrow stated, almost astonished.
“Apart from being our princess, you're our friend.” Tiger added.
Dorothy smiled at them, 
“Well, can you tell me how Ozma told you I was sick? I've been in this bed all day and to be honest Im more bored than tired.”
Dorothy listened to her friends talk, from them learning of her illness to things she hadn't been present for recently. Such as a small festival in the Winkie country, one Dorothy wasn't able to attend due to her and Ozma dealing with a request from the Queen of Xi that month.
Hours passed and Dorothy was just thankful to be with her friends, even if she felt quite awful they managed to make her smile. Night fell and they all insisted she go to sleep.
She complied, asking that some of her bouquet gifts be sent to be made into wreaths, so they’d take up less space in her room.
The following days were quite similar, Dorothy wasn't allowed to leave her room and her friends came to visit her. Trot and Betsy came by with handkerchiefs tied around their faces to protect them from catching her illness, the three of them talked of their fairy-land friend’s reactions to Dorothy’s current state. Agreeing with Dorothy that their care and concern was sweet, if unneeded. All in all, they were very thankful to be living in Oz.
Ozma was a frequent visitor to Dorothy, after her daily duties were finished of course. They’d sit and talk, Ozma always asking if Dorothy was comfortable or needed anything.
One day Billina stopped by to visit with a handful of her Dorothy Jr’s, both to check in on her friend and to teach her kids a bit of the world they both came from. 
TikTok, the Woggle bug, Scraps, even Polychrome made a quick visit just to check in on her. Scraps tried to cheer her up with some cartwheels and had to be almost dragged out of Doroty’s room when she almost broke two vases. Dorothy promised she’s spend time with her when she was over her fever. The Woggle bug gave her some simple activity books to keep her simulated, cross words, word searches, scrambled word puzzles, things of that nature. TikTok offered to be the one to bring her things from the other non-fairy folk in Oz, since he was made of Copper and copper is one of the few metals known to be self sanitizing. 
One day Dorothy awoke to find Ozma’s magic mirror in her room, most likely to let her see what her friends were doing as she recovered. 
Almost a week later Dorothy was feeling much better, though they still insisted on three more days of rest to ensure the fever was fully gone. She already loved living in Oz, but these few days were just a reminder why she loved it so much.
When she was fully better she was going to hug all of her friends, at least those who enjoyed hugs that is. And was already planning to visit each of the four countries of Oz so she could thank those who sent her gifts in person.
But first, she was going to spend time with her friends. She just had to wait three more days to do so.
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aknolan · 1 year
I think part of the discourse here really stems more from what kind of interpretation of RWBY's story you take away from the whole thing.
Your viewpoint is predicated on the idea that RWBY must completely prove the gods wrong, or it would be a disservice to the story's themes.
To me, however, a large part of the story is kind of a complicated mix, in that the villains and antagonists are PARTIALLY correct, but the issue is how they twist a kernel of truth into a means of abuse and control over domains that they don't really have any right to claim control over.
The Gods ARE correct that Life and Death shouldn't be treated carelessly, but they are consistently shown to be hypocrites who use it as a means to enforce their power over others.
Adam and Sienna WERE correct about the state of Faunus, but the former twisted the cause into satiating his own bloodlust and petty egotism.
Ironwood WAS correct that Salem needed to be known as a villain publicly in order to better combat her, but he refused to acknowledge that he wasn't that important and was twisted by Atlas' pro-conformity and fascistic culture into believing that he knew what was best for the world, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Jacques WAS correct that Ironwood was becoming as much of a danger to his country, but that was fueled out of self-serving greed and his own gain.
The recurring point that RWBY tends to follow is that the Villains are not people without a point, but that they use the point as a means to enforce unjust control and power over others.
But it doesn't make them completely wrong.
And the honest reality is; I think Penny not coming back is not inherently an incorrect or thematically wrong way of doing things, because ultimately she already PROVED that the Gods are full of shit.
She came back to life TWICE despite being killed.
The Gods have already been proven WRONG.
Her final death is just proof of something else; that even when you do everything right, even when you do manage to defy the expectations and possibilities laid out before you, bad shit can still happen anyways. It's literally what happened with Ozma dying from illness after he and Salem got together.
What happened to her last life was not the result of the story going against it's themes; it was just simply the result of poor choices on Penny's part and plain bad luck. That's it.
And Choices are just as much of a theme in the story, and poor choices or lack of choices are too.
The key is not in proving the Gods completely wrong, but in wresting control away from them so that THEY can't be the ones to dictate terms. They are NOT the arbiters of everything despite what the God of Light believes.
But that doesn't mean life and death will cease to matter. It'll still exist as the tragedy in someone's life.
I don't really disagree with you on like, 95% of this honestly.
I think it's helpful to recognize though, the wider context of the argument. In the simplest form, the fact that I am in that post responding to someone making the claim that Salem was at fault for what happened with the gods. So yeah, my argument there is about how she wasn't wrong for trying to get Ozma back, and Ruby wouldn't be wrong either for trying to get Penny back.
And yeah, life and death shouldn't be treated carelessly, but that's why it's important that this happens in Fairytale Bullshit Land, where Penny's Magic Aura Bullshit Body may have landed. These are very unique circumstances! This isn't gonna end up being a repeatable situation. They are incapable of treating life and death carelessly, and I'm sure that if they manage to bring Penny back with them, there will be a cost.
And the point of the gods has not been refuted yet. Not on screen.
Penny's revival happened off screen, and on the technicality that she wasn't actually dead. She was still on Remnant. Her core was intact, and that's why she could come back. Had she been completely destroyed, she would have been truly very dead.
And the situation with Ambrosius? She wasn't dead.
I consider this cheating death, rather than really being a proper "brought back from dying". Even disregarding that though... it's our protagonists who need to refute the villains.
Pietro revived Penny, team rwby cheated with the staff of creation. But Ruby making the active choice to bring Penny back would be a very clear message that she understands Salem. No moral high ground to keep there, on Salem's original problem with the gods. And when you have an unkillable enemy, that is desperately needed.
I also don't think Penny needs to die to drive home the message you put in bold. Plenty of things went wrong already, like losing both of the relics, and the "one way trip to Vacuo".
Lastly though, as long as the comparison between ruby/penny and salem/ozma exists, the elephant in the room remains as well.
If the comparison holds up... it's reasonable to interpret Ruby and Penny as romantically in love with each other, and then we get back to the writers wanting to avoid playing into the bury your gays trope.
Really though, a lot of what you say about complicated mixes of right and wrong are things I agree with. I also can absolutely see the sort of themes someone could go for with permadead Penny. But I take issue with it on several grounds, including that it feels a lot like fridging (except that the protagonist is also a woman this time, adding some bury your gays flavour). And, you know, I just like Penny and would like to think better of the writers than the fuck-up for her story that is the last three episodes of v8.
And that's just talking about the thematic stuff, not even the allusions or the things that don't add up.
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howlingday · 2 months
The Scare
"You awake in there?" Emerald knocked again on Oscar's door. Usually, he was up before just about everyone else., except for maybe Ruby. He was definitely awake before she was, which was why it was so weird that when she came down for breakfast, he wasn't cleaning his plate or sitting close by with a book. "Oscar?"
She'd knocked enough times. She turned the knob and opened his door, slowly creaking it open just in case he was indecent. But no, he was still in bed, laying flat on his back with his hands folded over his trunk. She snickered at how 'proper' he slept with his hands over the covers.
"Hey, you up?" No response. She gave him a nudge. "Oscar?" She nudged him again, getting a deep inhale and a slow exhale as Oscar rose to a seated position. "You good, Oscar?"
The younger man looked to Emerald, slowly blinking his bleary eyes free from last night's slumber. She took a step back to give him his space. After rubbing his eyes, he stretched his body and let out a loud yawn.
"Good morning, Miss Sustrai."
That wasn't Oscar. To him, it was either 'Em' or 'Emerald'. He'd never called her 'Miss Sustrai' once since they met, or that she knows of since she switched to the 'good guys'. The older girl gave a small gasp, feeling something tight grip her chest. She swallowed before daring to ask.
"No, it's me, Miss Sustrai." Her chest grew even tighter. "I'm allowing Oscar to get some extra rest." She let out a sigh. "Is something the matter?"
"No, no, I just..." Emerald thought for a moment. Why was she so freaked out? She and everyone else knew his body wasn't just one person, though it would eventually be that way in the near future. Still, she was freaked out at the idea that, as it would inevitably happen, Oscar was gone and replaced by the thousands of years old spirit of that Ozma guy. "I thought that Oscar was, y'know..."
"Melded into my subconscious until he existed only in body?"
"I was going to say gone."
"Excuse me." Ozpin swung Oscar's legs from under the sheets. "Unfortunately, tact is something I still have trouble utilizing."
"Yeah, it's not like you had a thousand years to learn, right?"
"Funny." He scowled. "Is there a reason you came to wake up Oscar?"
"He wasn't up before me." Emerald shrugged. "Kinda weird that he'd suddenly decided to be the last one up."
"I guess it would be strange, wouldn't it?" He placed a hand under his chin. "But since we're alone, relatively speaking, I'd like to ask you to do something for me."
"Like what?"
"I'm sure you're as aware as I am as to Oscar's feelings towards you."
"What? Really? This is news to me." He flat tone pretty much gave away that she knew, though there was the possibility that it was still too subtle for him.
"Oscar is still sleeping." Ozpin clarified. "And judging by your sarcastic tone, I'd say you are just as painful aware of his intentions as I am."
"Hard to say, since you guys literally share the same headspace." Ozpin narrowed Oscar's eyes. "Far as I can tell, he's got some kind of puppy love crush on me."
"And what are your feelings on this?"
"It's cute, but kinda naive." Emerald shrugged. "He'll grow out of it eventually."
"And are your feelings the same?"
"That's none of your business."
"I'll remind you that Oscar is still asleep."
"And I'll remind you that you're a shitty liar." Emerald narrowed her eyes. "If there's something Oscar wants to ask me, then he can ask me himself."
With a shake of his head, Oscar's body slumped a bit, shifting from a confident gentleman's seat to the more familiar blushing face and innocent eyes she'd grown used to.
"Emerald?!" He leaned back in shock. "What are you doing in my room?"
"You weren't at breakfast, so I came to check on ya." She leaned forward a bit. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah, I'm fine. I guess I stayed up late last night."
"Yeah? Doing what?"
"Just some reading." He scooted to the side and stood up. "Uh, is everyone else awake?"
"Yup." Emerald walked to the door. "I managed to save you a plate, but it's probably cold by now. That, or Pinkie ate your share."
"She said she wouldn't." He sighed. "I'll be down in a sec."
"Alright." Emerald stepped out, holding the doorknob in her hand. "Don't take too long. Hate to waste a day like this." She smiled, and she watched as his face lit up. As she shut the door and left, she could make out the faintest cheer.
"She smiled at me~!" Emerald chuckled. He'd grow out of his puppy love soon enough, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy how happy she seemed to make him.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
I feel like it's symbolically relevant that every "main" character in the Ever After has their own Ever After "companion" creature of sorts.
Ruby has Little and MAAYBE Curious, Jaune might have the Jackalope, and Neo might have the Jabberwalker.
Not sure what the exact symbolism is, but I vaguely feel like it'll be relevant.
On a side note, what if it turns out the Rusted Knight is Jaune's armor that he discarded after he decided that he wasn't worthy of being the hero and huntsmen that he wanted to be, but reanimated somehow?
i have… two thoughts.
one, while almost everything we know about the girl who fell through the world has come to us filtered through the perception/interpretation of other characters, one line we DO know is “she brushed off her bumps and bruises, for nothing hurt worse than the loneliness in her chest.” alyx is a lonely girl, and the ever after, the story of the ever after, is driven by that loneliness. the ever after is also—as we’ve seen—an intensely kind place. it runs on hope and love and gentleness in the face of anger. i think it probably isn’t possible to be truly alone in the ever after for very long.
second, to elaborate on my niche nonsense, the quote in the linked post is from the frank wildhorn musical wonderland; i do not think rwby is consciously referencing the musical (for one thing, the planning for v9 predates it by a decent margin) but there IS some fictional convergent evolution happening simply because the musical and rwby are both using aaiw/ttlg to interrogate identity in a very similar way. anyway. in the musical, the hatter is alice’s reflection—the personification of “every time someone has broken a promise to [alice] or broken [her] heart,” at once all the things she wishes she was and everything she wishes she weren’t. and because rwby is utilizing aaiw/ttlg in such a similar way and because obviously the symbol of mirror-image and inversion and alternate selves is baked into ttlg, and because the rusted knight/jaune are constructed as hatta/hatter in the op, i think it is VERY LIKELY that something similar is going on with jaune and the rusted knight. (the REASON the musical chose the *hatter* for this role is partly that the hatter lends himself well to a villainous role—he’s very rude even by wonderland standards—and partly, i think, because the hatter appears again in ttlg as hatta, i.e. there’s some textual basis for riffing on hatter and hatter’s reflection.)
i doubt the rusted knight’s armor is literally jaune’s discarded armor—if only because rusty is in full plate and jaune wears only a breastplate and silly spaulders—and in fact i’ve been side-eyeing the suspicious similarity between rusty’s armor and the armor of the knight ozma takes out in lost fable—
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—it’s not identical, but it’s like bad guy/good guy variants of the same armor set and it’s because salem wrote this story and jaune is salem in this essay i will
—ANYWAY, while it may not literally be jaune’s cast off armor, i think there may be some symbolic or metaphorical element of replacement/reflection happening here and i wouldn’t be surprised at all if jaune chose to lose the armor at some point during the course of the volume in connection to…whatever the connection between him and rusty turns out to be.
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