#they're enemies>friends>lovers>enemies
k-martins · 8 months
Okay, I know I don't talk about Satosugu much, but hear me out. First year Satosugu who doesn't really like each other's faces (Suguru because Satoru is spoiled as fuck and Satoru because Suguru makes him feel things) Then, on a day of heated arguments, this happens. Suguru: Apart from those beautiful eyes of yours, you're nothing more than a spoiled brat who can't take anything seriously. I bet you would die if you tried to be responsible. Satoru: Do you think I have beautiful eyes?
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marzghost · 8 months
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Had to sketch them out. You can't tell me this didn't happen at least once a week while training. Might finish this later since their on my mind and have been steadily taking over.
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vanyaliful · 2 years
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so you mean you watched this episode of the anime and were normal about it afterwards?? we are not the same
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wr1ghtw0rth · 10 months
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AA1 basically.
Maya and Gumshoe were way too much fun to add lmao
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flowery-king · 1 year
So what's Koda's relationship with Philip? Like is it platonic, queerplatonic, romantic, etc.?
As per usual I'm very predictable
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What if you were an emo boy and i was a scene girl and we held hands
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theology101 · 3 months
Fabian and Adaine have me absolutely bewitched and its going to be everyone's problem
Im writing a fic for the two of them were they sorta do the awkward 'are we dating or just Good Friends who spend time together without other Friends' to 'fake date to fix her money problems' and then 'actually we were in love the entire time.' I'm not 100% on my order of events yet but I have a bunch of vignettes stuck in my head and its easier for my brain to expell them at an audience
Moggy the Doggy and the Hangman both go to the Spectral Dog park, Fabian and Adaine want to get Hangman comfortable in his hellhound form (although they respect that he prefers to be a bike)
For some reason whenever Adaine needs new clothes, she goes with Fabian? Something about the good vibes from the Jean Jacket means she thinks he's a lucky charm for clothes
While out in public Adaine has a panic attack, and Fabian swaddled her in the Battle Sheet. She initially thinks its patronizing before realizing - is this shit thread count seven billion?
After the Swaddle Incident, Fig and Kristen start VIOLENTLY shipping them, and that inspires the 'lets get engaged for tax purposes'
Fabian has an additional fund for his betrothed/spouse/SO, and KVX starts giving Adaine three thousand gold pieces a month
Jawbone, Gorthulax and Sandra Lynn are all pretty hype about this development - Sandra Lynn has her fucking eyes on him though. Adaine immediately feels guilty about lying
Hallariel flies home fucking immediately and forces Adaine to spend an entire Weekend with her. I'm talking Spa Day, Dress Fitting, Sword Dueling and a bunch of traditional elven activities
(and Adaine def doesn't cry because she's having the type of elven family experience with Hallariel that she wishes she had with Arianwen Abernant)
Turns out KVX has a similar system as the 'nemesis' system for spouses/signifgant others. Adaine would not be getting her three thousand gold a month unless she and Fabian genuinely did love each other
The reaction from that makes her vomit
The Bad Kids have to deal with Princess Nara being a BITCH. She's Fabian's cousin, wants her fucking sword back, thank you very much, and thinks that the Elven Oracle slumming it at High School and on adventures instead of leading a fucking nation like she's supposed to
Fabian and Adaine are backing each other up with so much passion and authority they kiss about it when they're done
And idk how we get here, but she's proposing herself with rings from the Jacket of Useful Things
I have more that are still half baked but if anyone else has any hit me dog. This shit is going to be 5k words+ a chapter when I'm done with her and I'm debating on 1-5 chapters rn
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k4pp4-8 · 2 months
How do you feel about the ship Elodie x Enid?
I LOVE IT honestly they have such good chemistry together and everytime they interacted i felt like i was gonna go crazy JUST LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!! They have so many feelings for each other you can't convince me otherwise
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pizzazzler · 11 months
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I promised rottmnt that I'd never favor any other hyperfixation over it now I'm here bro what the fuck
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How I see every Godzilla x Mothra ships but in their respective eras?
Showa Godzilla and Showa Mothra = ENEMIES (Okay, they're enemies and they both wished to stay each other's asses and their family to ensure the safety and secure of their family clan; still they dislike each other frequently whenever they passed by their homes or just...comment snidely to one another)
Heisei Godzilla and Heisei Mothra = Neutral (Heisei Mothra is married to Heisei Battra and they both raised a son named Leo. )
GMK Godzilla and GMK Mothra = Yeah partners-in-crime (both have family issues and ran away, eventually the two meet each other and become roommates shared in one rented apartment; I supposed they might be enemies but, here's the fact: they both dated each other secretly without getting caught)
Millenium Godzilla and Millenium Mothra = Friends obviously (Millenium Mothra still raising her twin children alone)
MV Godzilla and MV Mothra = MARRIED COUPLE!!! (Childhood friends; both lived in their family clan; inseparable until they were married and moved on to their new home; start raising your future kids would you?!)
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
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ULTIMATE SHIPS CHALLENGE - [2/4] ‘Friends to Lovers’ Ships ↳ “You are the fond object of my affection and my desire. You and you alone are the keeper of the key to my heart. Please, don’t be alarmed. I don’t expect your favor, but I can’t in good conscience not reveal myself. I’m not engaged, nor will I be, unless it’s to you, Anne. My Anne with an E. It always has been and always will be... you.”
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steve and Eddie.
Eddie and Steve.
After Vecna, they're inseparable. They share a bed. Always. Twine their legs together and sleep close. No reason to pretend they don't need each other when they so obviously do.
Eddie loves him. He knows it's stupid. Doesn't know how to protect his heart when Steve is everything.
Spring fades into summer, and between nights spent with entangled limbs, Eddie starts to see more in Steve's hazel eyes; soft fondness and gentle care, a flash of heat. Their physical affection goes beyond casual touches--arms around waists, fingers on hips, faces nuzzling against necks, kisses pressed into hair.
It feels like they have all the time in the world, but Robin asks Steve to move to Indy and Steve never mentions it. Eddie pretends like the silence doesn't hurt. They've only ever been just friends, after all.
Then, one night, "I'm moving to Indy."
"Okay, yeah." Eddie tries to keep his voice even, the tears from spilling. it was always a mistake, falling for Steve Harrington.
"Come with me?" Steve's hands are clenched in the duvet.
"I'm moving to New York." He had no plans until this very moment.
Steve falls quiet. "That's nice, Eddie. That's--yeah, you should do that, if it's what you want."
He nods. Ignores the lump in his throat. "Maybe I can really be somebody."
Steve smiles. Eddie's not sure why it looks so sad. "You'll knock 'em dead, Ed."
They stay friends, of course they do. There's phone calls and visits, and it's not the same, but it's still good.
Eddie tries to get over him. He does. There are dates, men, possibility. But they're not Steve.
Steve meets a girl--nice, pretty, wealthy--the kind of girl made for a King. It sticks. Eddie likes her. And nobody needs to know that he cries himself to sleep, thinking of what might have been.
The invitation comes in the mail. He throws it in the garbage without a thought, before standing against his counter, knuckles going white where he's gripping into the laminate. Tries to remind himself to keep breathing around the shattering of his heart.
He's not going. Knows he can't take it.
Then, a phone call.
"I'm getting married," Steve says.
"Yeah, just got the invite. Congrats!" Bile in his throat threatens to choke him.
"Will you--you'll stand up there with me?"
Eddie smacks his head repeatedly against the wall. "Of course," is the only possible answer.
The wedding is fine. During the ceremony, he tries not to listen to the vows, keeps his eyes on Robin's back and never, ever on Steve. He drinks through the reception. Knows it's too much, knows he's losing control. Can't take watching Steve dance with his new bride, so he sneaks out a side door into an alley, lighting his last cigarette. The nicotine barely hits his lungs before a scuffle of feet interrupts his moment.
"Can I get in on that?" Steve asks.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, handing over the cigarette. "What're you doing out here?"
"Haven't really talked to you at all today."
"Well. You've been a little busy." He means it to be a joke but it falls very flat, his bitterness too close to the surface.
Steve exhales a cloud of smoke. "Yeah. Didn't realize weddings were so much work."
Eddie doesn't know what to say, so they fall into silence, passing the smoke back and forth until it burns down to the filter.
"You happy?" Eddie asks. Doesn't think he meant to, doesn't want the answer.
"Ed..."Steve swallows.
"So, yes," he chuckles. It's the most hollow thing he's ever heard.
"It's just--It's normal, you know?"
And it's like Steve punched him, to know they never could've been because Eddie--being with Eddie--would never be normal.
"Right, of course, Harrington. Normal."
"That's not what--I'm not saying--"
"What else could you possibly mean?"
"I want quiet. No monsters, no secret dimensions. Something regular. Easy."
"Six-fucking-nuggets, right? Still a pretty lady in the front seat next to you."
"What's wrong with that? Huh? What's wrong with kids and stability and a fucking life. Not bartending until 4am and playing the occasional gig and living with 18 goddamn people."
Eddie straightens at that, fingers twisting in his button-down. "Sorry my life doesn't meet your exacting standards, King. Sorry I can't be what you want."
He storms away, Steve shouting after him, but he leaves him there with his promising and bright and normal future unfurling before him.
They don't talk. One month. Six Months. A Year. Two.
For lack of better to do, for stability, he writes a book. Fantasy. About an Adventurer who helps a group of kids save the world. They're joined by a handsome, mysterious man who seems like an asshole, but helps them selflessly every time. He and the Adventurer are something, but before it's anything real, the stranger is revealed to be their Prince. They save the world, but the Prince has to leave the Adventurer behind.
The book is a hit. Spawns a series. Eddie's somebody.
Eddie comes home from the store, paper bag of groceries balanced against his chest.
Steve Harrington, not looking a day older than at his wedding, stands at his door, hands wringing.
"Steve?" He asks.
"Hey, Ed." The nickname twists Eddie's stomach, but he doesn't say anything.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm getting divorced," Steve says.
Eddie almost drops his groceries, his hands shake so hard. He busies himself with the lock, ushering Steve inside.
"Is that all?" He asks.
Steve blinks at him, dazed expression on his still pretty face. "What?"
"You came all this way just to tell someone you haven't spoken to in almost eight years that you're getting divorced? What's it to me?" He stomps into the kitchen with his groceries.
"I wanted--I thought--"
Eddie snorts, makes it mean because he feels mean, wants to make Steve hurt the way he has for years. "You thought? We haven't spoken since your wedding day, man."
"She was ready for kids, and I realized that she's not--she's not who I picture having a family with."
The words pierce him like shattered glass, and he whirls into the living room, into Steve's space. "What the fuck are you doing?" he hisses.
"I wanted you to know, Ed. After all--"
"Stop calling me that. Stop acting like we're friends, for Christ's sake. And I don't give a damn about whatever realization you had once you realized normal wasn't for you."
"I'm trying to make this right!" Pink splotches highlight Steve's cheeks, his anger spiking to match Eddie's.
"There's nothing to fix, Harrington. We're over. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Steve is breathing hard. "I wanted you so badly, and you fucking ran away--"
"Bullshit! I waited for you. And you moved to Indy with Robin without a thought."
"I asked you to come! You were the one who said no."
"You asked a week before you left!"
"I was scared!"
"Of what, Steve? Not having that normal, easy, life you wanted so badly?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why?"
Steve chuckles, steps back. "I always thought you of all people would understand, and now--"
"Not when you come to my house unannounced to unload on me about your divorce because you expect us to pick up like none of it ever happened."
"That's not what I want!"
Eddie turns, pinching the bridge of his nose to cut off the stinging in his eyes. "I can't do this. I think you should leave, Steve."
"Fine." Steve won't look at him, storms to the door. "This was a mistake."
He slams it hard enough it makes the walls shake, picture frames rattle. Eddie can't stop the sob that rips out of him. Entitled, selfish, Steve Harrington, the only man Eddie will ever love. Steve Harrington who thinks love comes with strings attached. Steve Harrington who was afraid of asking Eddie to move away with them. And Eddie, always the coward, stifled by the weight of his own impossible love.
Eddie moves on autopilot, just knows he needs to find Steve, to see if there's a chance.
He skids down the stairs, almost falling a time or two, out into the night. His eyes scan the sidewalk, searching for familiar tall hair, but there's no sign of Steve, no sign--
A soft sob cuts through the air and Eddie's eyes fall to the steps in front of him, to the beautiful man sitting with his head on his knees.
"Steve," he says.
He stands, whirling, face a wreck. "Eddie?"
He doesn't know what to say at first, swallowing and swallowing around nothing. "I--I'm sorry I said no, when you asked me to move with you."
Steve's face does a funny, fracturing thing, even as he gives a little laugh. "I'm sorry I took so long to work up the nerve to ask."
Both of them take a step forward, then stumble together in a clumsy, tear-soaked hug.
"I'm sorry I got too drunk at your wedding," Eddie whispers against his friend's neck.
Steve giggles, but quiets quickly "I'm sorry about the 'normal' thing. I didn't mean it. I was--it doesn't matter. I'm sorry."
They hold each other for a long time on the steps of Eddie's building, rocking gently back and forth. When they finally let go, Eddie pushes Steve's hair off his forehead, asks, "wanna order a pizza and catch up?"
The answering smile is blinding as a sun, and Eddie is just as hopelessly in love as he was at 20.
They walk inside, fingers still entwined, lit up with hope.
"Hey," Steve says as they walk up the stairs together. "Are the Adventurer and the Prince going to find each other again? Because it's been four books now, and I'm still wait--"
Eddie twists his fingers into Steve's t-shirt, pushing him against the stained stairwell wall. "Fuck, Steve, I--"
He's interrupted by Steve closing the distance between their mouths, pulling them together in a searing kiss.
"They get forever, sweetheart" is Eddie's answer.
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snixx · 7 months
good god my obsession with infidelity is becoming a little bit concerning but hot women (so like all women) cheating on their mid-ass boyfriends/husbands with either their homoerotic girl best friend or "the other woman" in their relationship (who they used to scorn as cheap and a homewrecker as a scapegoat for the boyfriend's ungratefulness) ESPECIALLY in historical settings will always be a top tier trope for me and i will never not eat it up
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catoscloves · 4 days
random thought but there was once this couple in my junior year biology class who were really sweet towards each other & always laughing with/teasing one another and i honestly couldn't tell if they were a couple or really good best friends (until they confirmed they were a couple later on lmao). and that's honestly the goal for all my fictional ships/hope for my irl serious relationships tbh
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merlin-reboot-when · 8 months
Been thinking about Merlin and Merlin ships a lot again lately and I stumbled upon the same hurdle with Merthur as I always do. Arthur obviously cares about Merlin, but he treats him like shit anyway. Tells him he's stupid and incompetent and a coward. He has admitted before that Merlin is his closest friend, that he values his advice, that he trust him. Then he turns around and dismisses whatever Merlin has to say, reminds him he's merely a servant and doesn't take him serious at all.
And yes, Arthur's under a lot of pressure and was raised a certain way, but that's not really an excuse for his behaviour. He allegedly has learned that servants are worth just as much as nobles (he starts courting Gwen) and that commoners can be just as honorable as nobles (he knights Percival, Gwaine, Elyan and Lancelot), yet somehow he still treats Merlin disrespectfully. The fact that Arthur actually cares about Merlin so much only makes it worse. Why would you treat a friend or any loved one like that?
Arthur has a lot of very good qualities and a lot of the mistakes he makes aren't actually his fault (he just doesn't have all the information), but this? This he should know. Here he should do better.
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wizardsimper · 1 day
Playing as the dark urge and romancing any of the companions is such a good take on the enemies to lovers trope, because you find out that they technically are enemies (at the start at least), but it just so happened that Durge got lobotomised just in time for them to meet as friends instead.
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