#theyre both family black sheep
mimiri22-6 · 2 years
I've been on a Batman stint lately and with the kind of fanfics I look for, *cough* angst *cough* Jason, the dead robin, the one that was dead for the longest time by fan request, is a bit of a prominent figure there. And, I admit, I've never read an actual comic in my life(yet). I know a lot of cannon stuff because I fucking love my bats, but one of the prominent things in fanworks is the specific nicknames for the different batfamily members, and I know some of them are cannon and some have been so prominent in the fandom that people forget which are made up, but idk which are which.
BUT ANYWAY, you're probably wondering why this is tagged for Just Roll With It. I was going through the tag, as you do, and a was seeing Jay fanart, as you do, and a sentence crossed my mind, but a single word stuck out in it;
Her family symbol is a bird, Apple is probably a very important bird, her name is Jay, IT JUST-I know she might not like a nickname that makes her think of her family too much, but she carries around her sister's pin and badge(was it a badge or more an metal? Or was it something else? It's been forever since Jay carrying around her sister's stuff was brought up)with her family's symbol in her hair at all times, she's still a Ferin who loves her family name even with it's current turbulent relationships. I don't think she would hate the nickname Jaybird
In this essay I will
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calicos4mmy · 2 days
spn au where monsters angels and demons arent real but the characters still dont change that much because they are mentally ill. sam is schizoaffective and possibly has odd. dean has npd and adhd. theyre both super codependent because their father fell into psychosis after their mother’s death and convinced them that monsters were real (they arent, but its easy to convince his children because they target people like cannibals and gruesome murderers) john was sent to an institution when they were in their early teens, causing sam and dean to be on the run for their whole lives to escape cps. still hate john because he put his children in harms way constantly. cas has ocd, dpd, and insomnia. probably also an ed. he grew up in a cult with many other people who were all convinced they were angels of the lord. demons like meg and crowley and ruby come from the same cult, but were isolated and told they were demons because they didn’t have the same beliefs and values. the ‘demons’ in the cult likely showed symptoms of cluster b personality disorders and were encouraged to be violent and awful their whole lives. lucifer (lucien in this au) was the black sheep and scapegoat of his very very catholic family, and because of that, he was constantly compared to the devil. he did not turn out great because of it. chuck is just some fucking guy who has psychosis and genuinely believes he’s god and convinces himself that he knew everything that happens ever would happen. do u get me
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runin-reads · 6 months
what you were saying about teen pregnanacy prongsfoot made me totally spiral bc i think it would like SO interesting if like. okay you know how theres this massive taboo about teenage pregnancy and the person who go pregnant is made to feel so much shame and guilt for apparently 'ruining their lives'? and theyre only a kid but theyre like being TRAUMATISED by the adults in their lives for making 'bad decisions'? but then i thought what if james went. No. like im not doing that lmfaoo like what if (very scandalously) he LOOOOVES being pregnant, is super excited about, cant wait to get pregnant again, doesnt regret a second of it, WILL punch anyone in the face if they imply he ruined his life and sirius is sooo proud of him like sirius is going to be sooo supportive its so great. i also think theyre both massive assholes so like you said when theyre pulled into mcgonagalls office to have The Talk sirius is just like I knocked up my boyfriend and I Love it and james is just like :) ive been picking out baby names since the moment i found out :3 its really great okay also i think james would be the OPPOSITE of embarrassed about being visibly pregnant like hes just walking around the school during their NEWTS and people are whispering about them sure like 'woah look at potter he totally got knocked up by sirius black' but he just Doesnt Care and the only reason like you said he wears the graduation robes that hide his bump is because the teachers make him (which sirius is annoyed about)
Hiii anon thanks for reaching out!
I love your thoughts on and I do think that's one of the ways James could react.
My take is that he loves being pregnant and enjoys the attentiveness it evokes from the people around him - he's portrayed as confident to the point of being arrogant in canon, plus I imagine his parents and Sirius would support him no matter what. This would lead him to not feeling that much shame despite teen (and trans masculine) pregnancy being very taboo. James is shown to be fine with and oftentimes happy to break the rules e.g. he and the other marauders became unregistered animagi for Remus. Overall, I do think he could take it all in stride! If he did feel ashamed, it wouldn't be for long. As implied by the SWM chapter in OOTP, James does care a lot about what others think and will go out of his way to do things that he thinks will make him look cool. Then again, if he cared that much about retaining his 'good reputation' he probably wouldn't have done half the stuff he got up to as a teen.
As for Sirius, I agree with everything you said haha. He's already the black sheep of his family and ran away at 16 (to live with James!) so I imagine he'd be pretty chill with it too. He would launch into protective guard dog mode and would always prowl around James to make sure he and the baby are safe. I see him as a lot less bothered by what others think. So even when the rumors about them reach their peak and the whole school is talking about 'Black knocking up Potter' he'd take it in stride as well. He knows that James' parents are willing to support them financially but I like to think he'd put a lot more effort into finding a stable career, being more mature etc
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catenation · 7 months
Are there any parallels between Greeds feelings towards Father, and Lings feelings towards the Emperor of Xing in your fic?
as interesting i think thatd be to explore, as it stands i dont Think i have any plans to bring those directly into the spotlight... MEIS feelings towards the emperor though (and by extension the rest of xing in general) have come up at least once so far. theyre both the downtrodden black sheep of their respective powerful but distant families and have (or. had, in greeds case) a more vulnerable but closer-knit group they feel a lot more loyalty to, and using that as a comparison her fear for her clan reflects greeds failure to protect the nest.
theres also somebody else whos going to be Very keen on connecting with lings feelings about his family :^)
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alwayscobrakai · 1 year
helloooo i was just wondering if you have any og cobra headcanons :)))) i like hearing how other ppl interpret them 😖
okayyyy i have so many rubs my little hands together
fsr despite jimmy and johnny being my favs i have the most abt dutch so ill start with him and see how long this gets
first off i think his last name is dutch and im stealing one (1) thing from that one insane kk3 script and its the name martin for him. his full name is martin dutch. he hates being called martin tho and only gets called it by the occasional teacher or sometimes tommy will call him marty to be a dick. maybe he experiments more with going by it as he gets older but i dont think it ever really sticks
ive mentioned this one on here already but its very important to how i view dutch and also kreese so im gonna mention it again. dutch and kreese are related in some way. dutch is the son of a second cousin or something of kreeses. its not a close relation but theyre both aware of it and it affects their personal relationship. kreeses family branch is like. the black sheep/outcast branch which is why their lifestyles are so different but when dutch started training there they recognised each other and mutually agreed Not to acknowledge it around others. but they do acknowledge it a little in private.
dutch has a maaaajor case of absentee parentism and is a Difficult Child TM on top of it so both of his parents checked out emotionally on him pretty early and so when he started training at cobra kai kreese sort of quietly stepped up to take over that role. and after kk1 ended dutch had the hardest time out of all the cobras breaking away from him and spent a while pretty distant from his friends while he tried to work himself out
i think dutch is super mega gay and not particularly quiet abt it also. he Does date girls in high school but also pursues guys actively during those relationships and tells the girls to basically get lost or get used to it <3 and he is so in love with tommy but also completely oblivious to it and doesnt rlly process why hes always seeking his attention all the time
thats like 4 whole paragraphs on dutch and i dont want this to get even longer so im gonna do one quick one on jimmy and call it here. i think jimmy is the newest member of the gang. hes only been part of it for a year or so and joined after moving from a dif part of cali. when he joined the dojo kreese basically told johnny & co that he was part of their group now and the boys went ok boss and part of their group he became. hes pretty quiet still and more studious than the others. hes the sole reason tommy and thru tommy, dutch, are not failing most of their subjects.hes meshed pretty well with the gang and for the most part it feels like hes always been there but he still hesitates to speak up abt things he disagrees with
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a-hunt-for-the-stars · 5 months
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Riverclan and it's Members & Relationships
• Oakwhisper was a Medicine Cat, but was forced to retire after being almost mauled to death by a Skyclan attack, he was blinded and disabled in the attack
• Reedfreckle and Bouldercreek had beef with Froststar since they were apprentices, But Reed never had a filter for what she says so Froststar and her have fights to this day, but luckily for Reedfreckle, she is feared for her spiritual connection because of her father's reputation and that most Riverclan Medicine Cats don't have a super strong connection to Starclan, so Froststar and The Family try to not piss her off too much, they think she can summon thunders or spirits to curse them, but of course she can't actually do that, but they don't know that, so she uses this fear in her advantage, but the tension between The Familly and Reedfreckle has been high with having Sheepblossom as a Medicine cat and him training an apprentice of his own, there are rumors that because of Reedfreckle's rebellious nature against them, she will lose her position, be banished, or even be killed for her actions toward The Family, this made some members anxious to know her fate.
• when Reedfreckle found a black kitten in Riverclan territory when she was collecting herbs, she decided to adopt the kit and call her Violetkit(shade), but it's against the Medicine Cat Code for her to have kits, so Reedfreckle argued that she didn't birth her, so she couldn't nurse her, Roseheart and Skysight would do that for her and she would still be working, so The Family reluctantly let her adopt Violetkit
• Reedfreckle was also responsible for Pepperpaw entering the clan, with the help of her brother Bouldercreek, they reminded The Family that it's against the Warrior Code to reject a kit no matter their origin, and treated to tell the other clans to stain their perfect image, so The Family let Bouldercreek adopt Pepperkit(paw)
• There's lots of pressure in the The Family to have kits, none of Ice and Milk's children wanted a family, but the only one that hated the obligation was Doveplum, she hates kits, is a huge feminist and feels entitled to her benefits and prestige, shoves it in everyone's faces and expects adoration from the clan, but her family sees this as shameful and unnecessary, they are cunning, objective, threatening, and cold, Dove didn't care so she did not obey, until it was time for her having kits, because of her deviance, they casted her out from The Family and was treated like a rogue, Dove begged to come back, but she would be exiled if she did not obey, so she agreed and her family picked Ravenflight to be her mate to see if he can put some sense into her and make the family look better, they didn't love each other, but they wanted the benefits from the engagement so they stay together
• Shadowpaw and Flikerpaw can tell their not welcomed, The Family ignores them, so they find any way to get attention, by mimicking their father or being the most skilled apprentices, but since they have the entitlement and attitude of their mother, everyone in the clan calls them annoying, or try to teach them how to be better, they never listen and stay like the little brats that they are for attention. They also hate their older cousins since theyre compared to them a lot
• After helping raise both Violetshade and Pepperpaw, Skysight decided that she'll be a permanent Queen of Riverclan, there's a lot of warriors in the clan, she can have this privilege
Their Names & Explanations
OBS: Most of The Family cat's names are themed around cold, ice, and/ or white
Froststar (full name: Frostripple): Frost for his pelt color, Ripple for his gracefulness
Snowglace: Snow for her pelt color and beauty, Glace for her beauty and grace
Reedfreckle: Reed for her brown tail, Freckle for her spots all around her body
Sheepblossom: Sheep for his fur texture, Blossom for the promise that he'll get over his past and let good things bloom in his life
Wolfbristle: Wolf for his body type and to bless him with strength and skill, Bristle for his spiky messy furr
Roseheart: Rose for no apparent reason, Heart for her kindness and love
Skysight: Sky for her eye color that stayed blue, Sight for her ability to see danger far away
Thrushwing: Thrush for his pelt markings, Wing for his speed
Doveplum: Dove for her color, plum for her fire texture
Rookclaw: Rook for his uncommon long and curved claws, Claw for the same reason and for his fighting skills
Violetshade: Violet for the bushes of violets that she was found hidden in, Shade for her pelt color
Bouldercreek: Boulder for his size and strength, Creek for his good fishing skills
Coldfoot: Cold for his pelt color and kinda cold temperature, Foot for his firmness and stubbornness
Pebbletoe: Pebble for his pelt color, Toe for his primness to fix & built dens
Silvermist: Silver for her pelt color, Mist for her good ability to hide and blend in the forest
Ravenflight: Raven for his pelt color, flight for no aperant reason
Hotcoal: both Hot and Coal are for her pelt color
Icebreath: Ice for his pelt color, Breath for his habit of killing his foes with no mercy
Milktail: Milk for her pelt color, Tail for her fluffy tail
Oakwhisper: Oak for his brown stripe on his torso and calm nature, Whisper for his connection to Starclan
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diamondnokouzai · 3 years
jason & roy are in love with each other but neither of them talk to their families very often (or with much emotional openness) and neither of them are that into ceremony so they get courthouse married with kori and artemis as witnesses and it takes upwards of 10 years for anyone else to realize that theyre like married married
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t4tozier · 3 years
autistic losers hcs!!
-major stimmer, vocal and motor stims to the max
-doesn’t get overstimulated easily
-he actually prefers a lot of stimulation at once because it’s very easy for him to feel understimulated
-if it’s something that he doesn’t like though it’s easy to get overstimulated
-for example he doesn’t mind when all the losers are talking/stimming/doing something noisy at once because he feels safe and comfortable with them
-but if he’s at a family event and he’s got a lot of people crowding him and trying to touch and talk to him he’s not okay with that and he’ll have to go somewhere else
-music is one of his favorite stims and eddie is often concerned he’ll blow his eardrums out with how loudly he listens to it
-his favorite texture is denim so catch him rocking double denim way too often
-he wears a baggy denim jacket with patches and pins all over it and it makes him so happy it’s his main comfort object
-can hear fluorescent lights
-special interests in pokémon and five nights at freddy’s with smaller SpIns in computer mechanics and coding
-echolalia extreme
-sonia put him through ABA when he was younger so he’s still trying to unlearn a lot of the harmful things that he was forced to learn
-doesn’t stim and speaks very slowly because he’s trying to speak how he was taught
-richie and bev especially try to get him to let loose and stim bc they know it makes them feel so much better when they don’t have to mask but they can be insensitive sometimes without meaning to be
-bill understands how tough it can be to talk even though it’s for a different reason so he doesn’t pressure him
-sometimes though they can get him on one of his special interests and he’ll ramble and they all try really hard not to bring attention to it because they love when he does this but they don’t wanna make him self conscious
-sticks to a routine wherever he can
-special interests in vintage cars and medicine, specifically pediatric medicine
- between ptsd and autism, she hates being touched
- which is very difficult for richie who stims by touching and being touched but he manages bc he would hate to make her upset
- she stims with loud music and wool
- she crochets little gifts to give the losers
- but for richie and eddie she sews little things out of silk or plush because neither of them can stand the texture of wool
- black and white thinking
- 0 filter
- happy stims to no end (when she's not at home and masking)
- loves to dance and flap/overall physically stim and isn't ashamed even though other ppl try to make her feel bad about it bc theyre assholes
- nonverbal and it's usually by choice but sometimes involuntary
- uses a mix of sign language and communication cards to get by (and ofc the losers learn asl so they can talk to him even if it's more difficult for some of them)
- a lot of people think he's dumb because he never talks but he's very smart and writes beautifully
- writing for communication takes too long and he and the others all get impatient but he writes stories that he'll share with the others
- he'll have mike read most of them because he just has a voice that itches all their brains nicely
-echolalia and flaps but he’s not a huge motor stimmer
-he likes visually stimming
-red is his favorite color so he’s a big fan of making red stimboards
-very bad at making eye contact but he will stare
-also has to stick to routine
-cant hide his emotions whatsoever
-touch-averse if it’s anyone but the losers and even then it’s only sometimes
-has only a few safe foods so he eats a lot of mac and cheese, donuts, and applesauce
-SpIn in medieval architecture
- incredibly routine-based and will have a full meltdown if you change any part of it without letting him know in advance
- doesn't vocal stim often but one of his favorites is imitating different bird calls
- will often get hebrew prayers stuck in his head and will sing softly under his breath and rock on his tiptoes as his 'idle animation'
- special interests in ornithology (obvi) and calculus
- his mom once found him reading a calculus textbook in eighth grade front to back and over again
- very smart but like bill, isn't very verbal so people often underestimate him
- refuses to make eye contact which is one of the only reasons he ever gets in trouble at school (dumb reason but yk those teachers)
- terrible issues with authority in that he cannot break rules so even though richie would love to take him on he and bev's 'adventures' (where they ditch class to go vape under the bleachers), he learned very quickly that that cannot happen
- has a little plushie of a robin that eddie found for him that he keeps in his backpack/whatever bag he has on him as a little comfort object, he rubs it when he's feeling stressed and it helps him relax
- gets overstimulated by "weird" things
- he's been listening to loud machinery and the sounds of sheep and cows and chickens all making noises over each other since he could hear basically, so loud or overlapping noises don't bother him much
- but he doesn't do well with a lot of visual stimulation
- wears sunglasses and/or a hat pretty much whenever they go out because bright lights make him anxious and give him a headache
- sticks to neutral-colored clothing because bright colors also give him a headache
- richie has actually semi-accidentally stolen a lot of his sweatshirts and flannels by taking them to cover up because he Loves wearing bright colors both as a visual stim and just for fun
- his main special interest is d&d and he's roped all of the rest of them into playing with him
- also loves animal crossing
- physically stims by petting/playing with the animals
- will made a rope swing so that he can get his vestibular (?) stimming in too
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
could you perhaps elaborate on kobra and cherri’s dynamic in twitterverse with regard to their like. soft-ish moments of respect and why they keep coming back? maybe???
ah! i can! (and again i know i get rambly feel free to follow up if any of this isnt clear)
okay yeah so as you (im assuming ur the same person thats sent the other twitterverse asks) mentioned yesterday, so much of twitterverse is about like. reputation and perception. and cherri and kobra are somewhat equal in terms of how theyre treated by the rest of the zones.
theyre both addicts, theyre both known to be lethal, kobra's got a bit more of a sociable reputation from racing and sleeping around but hes still like. not necessarily seen as a person by other joys? i touch on it a bit in. i think chapter two or three? when kobra's smoking with that roller after the race and they go "i cant believe im smoking with the kobra kid" (or whatever they say) like. its a weird celebrity worship. cherri has a bit of a worse time of it because waveheads are SO stigmatized in the zones whereas sweet tooths are like. ehhh theyre partiers that took it too far
so like. theres a lot for them to respect about each other and theres a lot of understanding that can come with being these kind of. highly stigmatized individuals and having a way that people do expect them to act. you arent really gonna have the same expectations from a person thats on the same footing as you. and most of their softest (imo) moments come around when theyre having sex bc theres a lot of intimacy inherent in that Anyway (especially once it happens more than once). im Really going benefit of the doubt that ur an adult but i still wont be too graphic here
so for instance, theres a moment where cherri asks kobra if he Actually likes having sex bc up till then (and after still but i think to a lesser degree) kobra is. really performative about how he fucks. and im not gonna say whether or not kobra having this many hookups is good or bad for him bc it varies, but cherri's pretty good at getting a read on people and it can tell that kobra isnt being 100 percent genuine. and this is like. a big moment for kobra bc its a guy that, really has no reason to actually stop and care abt what kobra wants but it still does. its a moment where kobra gets that cherri isnt going to take advantage of him (an earlier draft also touched on this when they were at the radioshack and cherri established that there was something it wouldnt do with kobra while he was high)
so ig thats like. (apart from the fact that it is really nice sex) why kobra keeps coming back? bc he consciously or unconsciously knows that cherri sees and respects him as a person and doesnt really look up to him OR look down on him. just kinda looks at him
as for cherri, its also a lot of being able to feel like its more or less an equal to kobra. like, im not sure how much it came across and if/when i do a followup ill probably explore this more but newsie and chimp (cherri's two closest relationships other than whatever it and kobra have) are SO much more put together than it is. its the black sheep/wavehead/ultraviolent/bad at talking to people/cant even really get itself around the zones without asking for a ride/fuckup of the family (affectionate). theres not really a sense of inferiority that cherri has from this but it is like. newsie takes care of it in a lot of ways and sometimes you're jsut tired of that! kobra isnt gentle with cherri, he treats it like an equal and like someone thats dangerous and capable and desirable and (going back to how stigmatized waveheads are) he treats it like its a person. (i dropped an essay abt cherri and personhood in regards to gender a LONG time ago like before i even started publishing SOA that kinda ties in)
i also hope im not spoiling things for u bc idk how far youve read but i really tried to make sure i never had kobra and cherri insult each other based on obvious insecurities. once cherri clues in to how much kobras reputation as a 'slut' bugs him it never throws that at him, neither of them really throw the waveriding and sugar at each other to try and rile one another up. like yeah, they'd probably be justified and it wouldnt be punching down bc they are, more or less, equals, but i think both of them would feel a) shitty and b) hypocritical for using shit like that as an insult
so um. to sum up its on a shallow level bc they can have really good sex with each other and on a deeper level its the kind of understanding that comes with being outcasts in different but still deeply similar ways.
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jubberry · 3 years
oohkay let's go tua with those ship asks: fiveya, horrance and alluther.
thanks el i love you
Send me a ship and I'll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
fiveya obvs i ship this since this is 90% of my tua drawings lol
1. ill wait ill wait (to be the one) by georgiestauffenberg made me ship it cause holy fuck dude. I dont know if i ship them romantically when i saw them onscreen cause first of all, age difference is kinda weird lmao. Second, they dont rlly interact much outside literally the first couple of eps. But he was so soft for her, and i felt like they had so much unexplored history.
so i looked at fanfics cause i was wondering if ppl still ship it, then i liked the description of this one so i gave it a go.
Basically the premise is that vanya dates a much older man who seems to know a lot about her. And it was amazingly in character and just provided their characters some depth that u wouldnt find outside of a romantic relationship between them. (The implication of five pining while she doesnt know who he is, their missed chances when he time travelled, fives missed chances of living and having a 'normal' life bec of his own hubris, vanyas insecurity and being able to open up bec shes with someone whos known her since childhood). Its so sweet and thats how i was like, oh yep i can do so much more with these two, and what has kept me interested in drawing them etc.
2. My favourite things are the shippers cause i made some friends in the fandom who are super cool and supportive! I dont get super involved in fandoms and usually just watch from afar so finding people to talk to and muck around with in this tiny fandom is super cool 😭
Though thats not to say I havent come across some bad apples in this fandom and things that I dont like. I think thats the importance of carving out a place for yourself and ur friends in fandom tho.
Another thing I like about the ship itself, i just like the grumpy person whos soft for one person trope. Its so cute. I like all the little clues in canon on how their relationship as kids is quite warm, which is interesting cause five is basically the star student and he can be quite cold vs vanya who is the black sheep of the family.
I also like how five likes her powers even when she caused the apocalypse he spent the majority of his life in lol. Like its a popular hc that five is just a wife guy and i love that.
I see vanya as the type who has a lot of love to give, and she sometimes has unrealistic expectations of what her partner can give. Betrayal and lies really angers her, but also when her partner cannot meet her expectations of love she gets very upset bec its also an indication of how shes not good enough, or not loveable enough to be able to have this in the relationship (her insecurity means every failing always comes back to her, even if its out of her control).
I feel like five would be a level-headed person enough in the relationship to not be afraid to say 'vanya ur being stupid' (ie. the s2 confrontation lmao). Also, five's personality means she will never have to doubt his actions bec she knows hes the type who will not give u the moment of the day if hes not interested.
Not to mention they also have the whole apocalypse vs. saviour, hero/villain thing. Theres just a lot to explore!
3. I probably have several. But mostly I dont mind five being a dick to vanya bec first, even if the appeal is hes soft to her hes already kind of a dick in canon lmao. Also, vanya isnt a child. Shes grown and she can handle petty af things like five telling her shes not good at cooking lol. I also dont mind it cause I feel like people are getting too afraid to write... conflict for fear or portraying an abusive relationship or smth. Like, chill. Conflict is fine, resolving it is how u get a story. However in saying that, nobody should be obligated to write any way unless you want to! Fanfic is for comfort so if what your doing is making u happy then its good enough!
horrance which i also ship but i love the platonic and romantic relationship equally:
1. I came in tua in general not shipping anything so Im honestly not sure. I do remember someone doing a meta before s2 came out that was basically how ben acted weird when klaus summoned dave in s1 that made me go 👀 Otherwise, tua s2 rlly made me like them cause tua FED horrance shippers. Like..... the fact that klaus didnt want ben to leave him, and ben knows thats why he stayed 😢 or the fact that klaus was all over him for some reason???? Somebody also mentioned gay ben once and I resonate with that deeply. Like i get that jill exists but i resonate with gay ben deeply.
2. I love their bickering, theyre so cute together. I just like ben being angry bec hes self aware that hes got both shit and amazing taste. Shit bec he cant believes he likes Klaus (and also amazing also bec Klaus). I think the idea of them being kind of underdogs, theyre not rlly leader types and dont want to be, helps them bond together even in platonic horrance. They're both down to earth, and even tho they can annoy each other, they also know if they want a space to feel comfortable its with each other. Theyre not pressured by rivalry over leadership, or any sort of competition.
I love the idea that even tho ben is like klaus's ''conscience'', hes also down for chaos and bitchy. I feel like klaus rlly enabled that side of him, its not exactly a good thing but its p funny lol
3. I know some people think their dynamic is unhealthy but i dont care lol
alluther. So id say i dont ship this, mostly due to the fact that im not invested? Just like all tua ships so far I rlly came out not wanting anything but platonic relationships cause I feel tua doesnt do romance very well. With alluther, theyre so cute but im not super invested in either of their chars so they havent stuck for me. I appreciate seeing them and talking about them tho, and I'm def open to exploring them further.
1. I think tua canon romances are just so lackluster 😔 Idk who writes the romances but I was just like 'nice' but afterwards I dont really think about them. I love their dance scene and the message behind it! Otherwise, theyre sweet like most of the tua romances but im not super invested, same with all the non canon ships.
2. I really feel like tua needs to decide on what their relationship is. Like, just say its incest or not and stick with it 👀 Or if you wanna support it or not, just make up ur mind. I think I would've liked it better if I found the characters more interesting. Allison especially I feel like suffers from the fact that tua just doesn't want to make her ''mean''. They want to make her supportive and are less interested in making her flawed (ie. she should've had a conflict with Vanya in s2, but the writers didnt want to write the girls fighting which is stupid imo and not what that conflict is about).
In regards to Alluther, the scene where Allison gets annoyed at Luther for sleeping with someone else felt out of line. Like, how are you marrying other people and moving on but Luther isn't allowed to? But honestly, I don't mind if they actually just acknowledge it and make it a deliberate part of Allison's trait that Allison can expect a certain loyalty automatically from other people (which can tie in to her childhood being a star, and the rumour).
Luther is a big simp for Allison, which is sweet, but at the same time it would be nice to have him explore himself for a bit, and who he is outside of the academy. Then maybe they can rekindle their relationship again as new people and see where they go from there.
3. I don't hate them, but they're ok. I'm not super invested in them, just like all the tua canon romance. But I wouldn't mind making content for them if I were a bit more invested in their characters. I love their dance scene in s1 and I feel like its super a underrated portrayal of what their relationship is meant to be. I know no one talks about it but it's just such a great scene, and I'm pretty sure the choreographer was into interpretive dance? The scene had a lot of meaning that I don't see people dig around with.
Essentially I'm pretty sure the fairy lights are obviously a throwback to their childhood together, spending time outside of Reggie. So the dance scene kind of symbolized that pocket of space they made for each other in their life (even if theyre far away, or with other people, they will always have that space for each other).
The way they danced was more like playfighting than dancing, which means their relationship isn't sensual. It's more ''pure'', and romantic. Its basically two kids rekindling their love as adults. I also think this is a response to the incest, cause in s1 tua klaus literally said that 'thank god Regg is not their real father' right before Allison and Luther meet lmao. So its kinda like saying Allison x Luther isnt supposed to be 'ohh step sibling hot' but two people who experienced the same trauma as kids and finding comfort with each other (and rekindling that love after many years).
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Hamilton!firstprince au
(cross posted from twitter with a couple of edits b/c i couldn’t make them there)
in which i loosely follow the plot of hamilton except its firstprince and alex and henry get a happy ending. inspired by the striking similarities i noted between our favorite first son and his namesake hamilton in the broadway musical
the similarities:
both have/will have a political career
both often talk too much/don't mind their words
both began as lawyers
both extremely motivated but overwork themselves (“nonstop” +  “you have a fire under ur ass for no good goddamn reason)
both had some sort of sex scandal that impacted their career plans
hamilton speculated to be bi
the story
the setup of the colonized country alex lives in is similar to the usa vs england but fictional bc alexs race would have limited his opportunities in america's early years
idk names for either of these countries so its now the colony and the motherland
alex + his mom live alone in the poorer southern part of the colony
but his dad + june live elsewhere + they dont rly contact e/o (tho they do know of e/o’s existence)
june becomes a journalist who writes important pieces abt independence
when alex comes of age his mom reveals she used to be part of the rebellion
thats actually why his dad left to raise june bc it was too dangerous
his parents met in the rebellion but oscar left first for june while ellen stayed until she realized she was pregnant w alex
ellen still has some rebel contacts but she mostly sheltered alex to keep him safe
now tho alex decides to join too + the rebellion sends him up north to the capital for an education bc he's smart + they need people like that
he attends uni + meets like-minded people there
tension grows btwn the colony in the motherland, and alex + his friends write/speak out often and this goes on throughout their schooling
they’re also troublemakers in general too, much to the annoyance of the motherland soldiers stationed in the capital to prevent rebellion
henry is one of those soldiers
he's from a noble family in the motherland but was sent overseas as the sort of black sheep of the family due to his sexuality
the idea was to let him be in charge in the colony + reestablish a reputation there w/o embarrassing the main family back home
henry hates his job + feels bad for the colonists but still does what he's told anyway
alex + fhis riends like to bug motherland soldiers for fun
nothing  enough to put their lives in danger too much (although yes that too esp when drunk)
henry becomes a favorite target of alex's bc he's awfully stoic + statue like + on the way to uni - overall fun to antagonize 
there's also the fact that alex is angry at all the soldiers for oppressing the colony + holding up the motherland monarchs tyranny (but also alex just is the type to fight literally everything and anything) 
it becomes almost a daily ritual for them to argue 
henry wonders why this colonist keeps on picking a fight w him but soon almost looks forward to it
many of the other soldiers know or speculate why henry is in the colony but none make the effort to get to know him; some even call him arrogant or undeserving of his position
alex doesn't 
of course alex also doesn't know him
and alex hates him
but he doesn't whisper behind henry's back
henry comes to read some of the essays alex publishes speaking out against the monarchy + also hears alex speak to crowd in the square
alex is a talented + charismatic public speaker
henry finds himself growing increasingly sympathetic to the colonists cause
at the same time he and the other soldiers are order to be stricter and dole out more punishments
the others gleefully do so which makes henry concerned about alex's safety bc alex often seems to have no self-preservation skills
henry asks alex for a word when he's alone 
“am I in trouble?” “no but you bloody will be if u keep going on like this” 
“this is serious” “so am I” “you can't go around saying things so openly you'll get yourself killed”
alex tries to leave at this point “I think I'll be ok” but henry shoves him against the nearest wall 
“listen to me! stop acting like this is a game! ur putting ur sodding life in danger! I dont bloody care what ur opinions r but why must u declare them around enemy soldiers? how is this helpful 2 ur cause? u cant fight if ur dead” 
“you'd b surprised how effective martyrs are” 
cue enraged henry noises 
alexs gaze turns hard “listen i  appreciate/the advice” he says sarcastically “but I dont need an enemy telling me what to do. I can take care of myself” 
there's a stirring in alexs chest after he removes henry's hand and stalks off that he's pretty sure is anger
like it can't be anything else 
while alex is trying to convince himself of that, the tensions boil over + soon the two sides are on the brink of war then the fighting starts
henry + alex don't talk much for a while bc they're both busy on their sides preparing
school is on hold during the war so alex + his friends are looking to serve + bring glory to their names 
alex esp is recognized for his intelligence + becomes the recognized general rafael lunas secretary
luna is the george washington figure in this case who is impressed by alex wants him as his right-hand man
alex is disappointed his role is not on the battlefield bc he knows he has a good tactical mind + he could change the tide of a losing war + gain honor and status thru it, which would put him in a good position to be elected in the future
as secretary, alex is in charge of a lot of important correspondence eg for more supplies + men, so the motherland soldiers figure ambushing him off the battlefield would make things hard for the colonists
henry overhears this plan + immediately worries for alex's safety but he's cornered by another soldier to talk strategy + misses the chance to take out the men then
henry manages to catch that they're going to attack alex at night when he leaves + henry arrives just in time to kill them in a panic
alex hears the gunshot + yells “drop ur weapon”, drawing his own gun
henry obviously does + alex inspects the scene he keeps a gun fixed on henry
“what's going on?” he asks, eyeing henry w/ suspicion
henry explains everything + looks positively terrified bc he just betrayed his side even tho the motherland and his family has treated him like shit since he came out but still. 
becoming an outright traitor is not something henry ever planned + leaving behind everything he's ever known w no hope of ever going back is terrifying
but he also doesn't regret protecting alex
alex questions henry but can quickly tell henry is sincere + is telling the truth
henry explains his change of heart + they have a heartfelt moment in/just outside luna's office.
alex almost died + henry just switched sides, emotions are running high and they escalate into a kiss. the moon is out + it's all very romantic but they don't admit their feelings yet
soon after they go to luna, explain the situation + talk w the other generals/people in charge
henry is sent away on an assignment + is watched closely at first but he proves his loyalty quickly
henry and alex write letters back + forth that turn into love letters 
besides managing correspondence for luna, some of alexs ideas of sneak attacks/stealing supplies help turn the tide of the war andhe also writes to other countries for foreign aid
eventually the colonists win in this huge up start that no one anticipated bc the motherland is known as the most powerful country in the world
he + henry reunite in the capital of once the war is over
alex finishes up his studies + practices law + soon is chosen to be part of the new lawmaking body
things are going pretty well for alex w his legal + political success and his relationship with henry
they dont live together but theyre dating tho no one else knows
alex pretends to be single instead + says he doesn't want to be tied down
it works while he's still in his early 20s but as he gets closer to 30, people start to find it strange + tell him he needs to settle
being married to his work is also not a valid excuse anymore
it turns out alex made quite a few political enemies due to his strong opinions that he always vocalises + can be unwilling to compromise on
they don't like his ideas or more often hate him and hence his ideas too
they look for some dirt on him bc atm he has lunas support which has a lot of sway + decide they need to find out why he hasn't married
they manage to find out about henry + threaten to tell the public
alex is obviously distraught re the consequences personally + politically
so alex and henry discuss what to do 
henry is willing to put alexs political career 1st but firmly explains their relationship can't continue if that's the case
henry gave up his whole life + any possibility of going back to his family so he's not willing to be someone's dirty little secret  
alex doesn't know what to do so he goes to consult luna who he's become very close with over the years
luna is not quite old enough to be his father but he's like an uncle + he always calls alex “kid”, much to alex's annoyance
but alex knows he'll have some good advice
alex + luna end up having a long conversation
like washington luna has always been very vocal abt his regrets re his naivety + desire for glory back in his youth
hes always said that this was his greatest regret in life. but then he tells alex like he had another great regret in life- letting go of the love of his life
alex is surprised bc luna's never mentioned anyone special
“who is she?” 
“he” luna corrects “he was my best friend. we had something a relationship but it was short-lived bc I decided I wanted to join the military + attain glory. i thought thats what i wanted in life. turns out that stuff is meaningless w/o anyone to share it w. nor did I even achieve it. perhaps i did accomplish some things but now in my retirement I have no one by my side. i have found that life is meaningless without love and family.  
“i tried to find my friend to reconnect after all these years even as simply friends but he died in the war. alex, I see many similarities between us. don't make the same mistake that I did, alexander. glory + lasting legacy mean nothing if you're alone in the end
“if you make choices that are motivated by love and family you will be a lot happier”
alex takes his advice even though he kind of hates sort of giving up to his enemies
he decides to choose henry and his own happiness over politics bc in the end he's done a lot of good work and that much is enough
also his enemies probably would try to blackmail him throughout his career if he was doing something against their interests
so he + henry leave the capital and move uptown and the two of them have a quiet retirement + engage in philanthropy for the rest of their lives
separately they've amassed a decent amount of money - henry kept a portion of his inheritance despite being unofficially disowned and alex made a lot of money as a lawyer and then politician
as it turns out alex still has a tangential role in politics when some of his former allies go to him for advice
all in all, alex happy with his final decision to be with henry and step away from politics
the two of them live happy and full lives together
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viktorfm · 4 years
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dont. look at me. i know. anyways if it wasnt obvs i abandoned cupid (n darrow) in order 2 bring the two ocs tht he ws inspired by n ws a combination of bt. theyre better as different ppl methinks.
old tvs and their static, worn tapes, horror movie screams, spilled ink, a sculptor’s hands, clay-stained, chicken scratch handwriting, messy notes, messy hair, scoffs and eye-rolls, bruised knuckles, sore throats, funeral homes and a crying preacher, shattered ceramics, knife fights, high ledges, vertically-striped pants, red lights, the moon shrouded in clouds, cigarette butts, graveyards and half-empty wine bottles, sitting there for hours and talking to nothing, about nothing, a god complex, gold rings adorning both hands, barbwire baseball bats, having never played baseball in your life, deep eyebags and broken mirrors, a permanent chip on one’s shoulder, yearning, longing, wishing.
full name: viktor phillip samuels
nickname(s): icky vicky :/
b.o.d. - january 2nd, 1996
label(s): the black hole, the crepehanger, the impious, the opaque, the tempest, etc.
height: 6′1″
hometown: preaker, vermont
sexuality: pansexual uwu
favorite song: disorder, joy division / it’s getting faster, moving faster / now it’s getting out of hand / on the tenth floor, down the back stairs / it’s a no man’s land / lights are flashing, cars are crashing / getting frequent now / i’ve got the spirit, lose the feeling / let it out somehow
born to mama and papa (preacher) samuels in preaker, vermont - fifteen minutes after his twin sister, tatiana samuels. years later, rosa samuels joined the gang.
was an awkward, quiet kid growing up, he didn’t interact well with others and preferred being left alone to dig up worms and draw on the walls of their childhood home. the only exception was his twin, really.
as he got older he grew out of this, but instead became like … sort of an asshole? maybe to compensate for years of childhood awkwardness. he’s the sort of person who will bite the hand that feeds him & developed into a full time nuisance by middle school, unlike tatiana who was much more subtle about her conniving manners.
always has been a fan of ‘darker’ materials. grim & creepy morbid shit. probably the biggest tim burton fan, ever since he was a kid … not a good look for a preacher’s son, but he never really felt ‘in’ with the rest of his family to begin with. classic black sheep syndrome.
drew disturbing pictures as a kid that probably prompted one or two or five phone calls home to assure everything was fine.
just really had a knack for art at a young age, from drawing to painting to playing with clay. it’s always been his thing and probably is the only thing he’s good at.
being twins with tatiana was hard. they were near opposite besides both being quite mean-spirited. tatiana handled being in public better, left a better image behind - but viktor had talent, more than she did. they loved each other deeply - y’know, those unbreakable twin bonds as cliche as it sounds - but found each other as competition for their parents’ attention. a rivalry for affection.
in high school is when viktor really started to act out. it started extreme, like losing his virginity in their church and vandalism around the neighborhoods. faked being possessed in the middle of sunday service & almost had an exorcism performed on him.
his only redeemable trait was like … just his sheer talent in the arts. was in a 3d art ap course and specialized in sculptures. he could pretty much create anything he wanted with enough dedication.
because he was the problem child, the one who deserved to be disciplined for all his antics, tatiana could sneak away and get away with whatever she wanted much easier. on the bright-side, for her, i guess.
not a very motivated person - wasn’t planning on going to college, much less going to yates but his parents literally wrote & sent his college application for him because they weren’t going to house a deadbeat but had too much heart to kick him out onto the streets. cool!
he’s actually pretty smart but he just doesn’t apply himself. has a minor in english because he didn’t care for an extra course-load, but he’s good at writing & analyzing literature. is going to use it to write and illustrate his own series of children books with a style similar to tim burton’s. not for the kids, but because he likes to leave a trail of terror in whatever he does.
has been experimenting with himself since high school but college is where he really had started to crack down on himself. was out as pansexual & nonbinary by his sophomore year of college just … not to his parents, who don’t really need to know.
if you asked him if he believed in twins having a psychic connection with each other - he’d tell you he wouldn’t know. it felt believable at times, but sometimes he had no idea what was going on inside of tatiana’as head. on the other hand - viktor had always felt oddly transparent to her, like she knew all of his moves before he did. the only person who could predict him accurately.
( tw death, grief, overdose / hospitalization beyond this point )
when tatiana disappeared, viktor knew something was up. it was a twist in his gut, pure instinct that something wasn’t right. and it wasn’t right - and when she was proclaimed missing, they couldn’t find her.
and when tatiana died - viktor knew. it felt wrong, something cut so severely in him he could pinpoint her death to the second. he didn’t know how, or why, but he knew it. knew it before anybody else had.
afterwards he went on a sort of bender. he’d begun to struggle with a mild drug addiction late senior year of high school / early college, but he was managing it up until this point.
his mental health had also sunk to an all-time low, when it’d never been great to begin with. (manic & depressive episodes. once fixated on a sculpting project for six months and then knocked it off the table and destroyed it as soon as he finished it for no apparent reason.)
tatiana’s body wasn’t found immediately, and when it was … viktor went off the rails. ended up overdosing & being hospitalized. spent six months in & out of psychiatric care after that.
came back to yates to finish his senior year because … for the reasons above, he hadn’t been able to complete it. just wants to get his credits and get out of here.
is still dealing with a lot of trauma & grief - causes him to spiral and be unpredictable in regards of his mental health. he stopped taking his medication, so. :/ some days are alright, other days are pretty bad.
personality & facts.
the human embodiment of a gremlin that was fed after midnight. a goblin, if you will. one of those cats with a narrow head and really big ears … that’s them!
a big horror & halloween enthusiast. loves the old campy horror movies & probably has an abundance of masks from different movies. dresses like a grimy millennial beetlejuice more than they should because they just … love those black & white vertical-striped pants.
can appreciate the ~urban legends~ at yates and likes to feed into the fear that surrounds them. is probably the cause of a few ‘anomalies’ and ‘paranormal sightings’ because they’re just … a jerk.
fashion alternates between e-boy (they would be tiktok famous if they were 17 & didn’t think that a majorly minor based app was weird.), millennial beetlejuice, and goth in a crop top & sweatpants. big fan of crop tops and a big fan of sweatpants.
they can be really fucking mean? petty, aggressive, a major instigator. will literally spit in your face for little to no reason, you could just look at them the wrong way. the kind of person who will stick their gum into someone else’s hair. other than that? they’re like … sort of okay. they’re not always mean, just a dick about 90% of the time lmao
like okay yeah they’ll call someone a stinky bitch for no reason except they feel like it and believes it. it’s fine, they’re fine, we’re fine.
despite the fact that they’re probably getting into a fight whenever, considers themself to be a lover and not a fighter but that’a primarily because they fuck a lot. uses it as a coping mechanism, like they’re this big fancy carnival show that’s like ‘come one, come all! fuck the dead girl’s twin brother!’ and it’s … a lot. might have a problem with hypsersexuality but they’re not fully aware of it.
the preacher’s whore son, basically :)
pansexual & nonbinary, switches between he & they pronouns often and without a pattern, but they have such a fragile grip on their identity that you could call them ‘dog-faced bitch’ and they’d turn around like. sup.
vastly impulsive … like i said, they destroy their own creations for the fun of it. spends all their money on useless shit, will cheat on someone because they feel like it & likes the thrill, screams into the night sky frequently like a cat in heat.
will also spend months creating useless shit for no reason too. spent six of them sculpting a hollowed out tree the size of them & then took a sledgehammer to it.
they’re very super dramatic. would play the organ at church when nobody was looking after them and service was about to start. would just churn out these super haunting, creepy melodies like they were phantom of the opera. would do the same exact thing at home on their keyboard with the pipe organ setting whenever they got grounded until their parents took it away hbdsjfngkh
will absolutely not talk about their ‘time away’ because it’s not anyone’s business, not even their own younger sister. still refuses to talk about tatiana’s death, or their mental health, or their addiction (fallen back into it but it hasn’t gotten severe … yet :/), or anything involving their own emotions.
will just change the topic abruptly, no warning. asks about the jonas brothers instead and they fucking hate the jonas brothers.
that being said they’re absolutely not over tatiana’s death & it’s to the point of obsession over it. like there’s some kind of secret that needs to be uncovered, even though there just. isn’t. tatiana was their rock and they were pretty much dependent on her. kept them grounded. could control them when nobody else could, got into their head easier than others. it’s sort of like rosa lost two siblings that day because viktor hasn’t been the same since.
emotionally unavailable while also crying twice a day. cries during their brawls but still wins. is stony-faced when they tell you they cheated on you with your much hotter best friend.
will tell you straight up what they want from you, no bullshit & no beating around the bush. just blunt. if they want to fuck, nothing else, then that’s it. if they feel deviation or developing feelings then they’ll ghost in less than a second. is awful like that but feels no shame.
but also emotional as shit and it’s confusing. will cry on a whim and then flip you off if you try to console them or ask them what’s up. will bite you.
they go to therapy but they just fuck around and wastes their therapists’ time … also is fucking their therapist, but that’s neither here nor there. so they’re not really getting the help they need.
likes to be intimidating but not … with their body or anything because they’re a twig but uses their love & knowledge of horror and creepy shit to their advantage. has an abundance of fake blood. has channeled the energy of jack nicholson and used it on tatiana’s boyfriends before (also is a big fan of sfx makeup & has dabbled in it)
probably chases kids around with a chainsaw without the chain on halloween every year.
generally never doing good, both mental health wise & morally. would probably steal candy from a baby for funsies.
i don’t know if there’s a good to them somewhere deep down, but they don’t see any issues with themself either. nothing really breaks through to them anymore because the only person who ever made them stop and think about their actions was tatiana, and well, y’know. :/
an introverted reclusive type who doesn’t like most people or going out, but does so anyway if it means a quick high & a cheap thrill.
pretty observant and likes to analyze people even though they’re often like … partially wrong. judgmental because they like to make people feel bad, not because they’re a righteous mighty person. because they’re not. so like, a hypocrite!
wanted connections.
religious trauma? oh worm ;; three cheers fr <3 guilt <3 anyways uh. just people tht viktor hs known thru the church in some way even tho hes a fkn. freak now. maybe even family friends. 
the horror of our love :/ ;; hmm. any romance tht cld b toxic i think this cld fit. just rly a bad fit. viktor doesnt rly know hw to love so nothing rly lasts bt. maybe they try n try n nothing works bt they keep trying. cld also just be anything unrequited.
little fkn gremlins ;; theyre all evil n mean. bt theyre all friends. <3 
you are nothing ;; uuh. enemy plots. spicy enemies. rly bad enemies. rivals. they r brutal towards each other bcos nothing viktor does is ever soft.
fuck u dont pity me ;; uh. people who try to get close to viktor n he just. bites at them. he’s like no. bc he assumes ppl who r kind in response 2 his vileness r. theres smth wrong w them. n it might hv to do with pity. n he hates pity.
ugh. locals x ;; ppl who also grew up around preaker, vermont. the samuels r <3 well known folks n the uh. hm. the murder is an ongoing case. so they cld know abt it <3
dont tell anybody x ;; this is for soft plots. i dont know much about soft plots but. 
maybe i am part of the problem ;; the problem is chlamydiagate. this is a hook-ups connection. fwbs n one night stands. ppl viktor hs brutally ghosted. he doesnt acknowledge their existence outside of these events, perhaps. 
dont u just wna go apeshit ;; this is where viktor becomes a bad influence.
bt uh. anything. pelase
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Ok so guys i finally got part of it done(like three or four days later buuuut
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I drew two sets of the families for my anxceit au!
Please meet virgil's family the Ravenwoods!
And as curtesy some info about them
Daneil Ravenwood
Hes been raising Virgil and Andy on his own since virge was about 8 and a half and andy was 6 months old
Hes a english and literature professor at the local college(that logan's parents also work at)
Hes in his late 50s early 60s current time( where virgil is 21 and andy is 13)
Hes also a published and well established fiction writer, but he writes under an alias
Hes a super supportive dad and teacher, even if he doesnt understand it he'll 100% support the decisions his kids make (ex: "oh your wiccan now? Cool virgy! Im glad you found a religion that makes you happy, though...can you explain it to me again?" "Oh andy you want to be switched to the art program? No problem! I'll call your counsellors tomorrow ok?" "Oh boyfriend huh? Thats great buddy, when do i get to meet him??")
Hes got a deep hearty laugh that makes you smile
Dad jokes to virgils mortification
Hes a skeptic but loves listening to and talking to virgil about his beliefs
had the philosophy of "the punishment should fit the crime, but you should be allowed to stumble and learn with it" raising the boys and wasnt too strict with them. Also never threatened punishments, only threatened playful embarrassment
The boys got their sass from somewhere, but he does remind them to mind their manners and watch their timing
Gentle giant as he is 6'3
Black hair peppered with grey and white and usually forgets tonshave his stubble
Passionate about his jobs, can get lost in his work
Andy Ravenwood
Virgil's baby brother, and he fucking adores his brother( even sometimes babbles about him to his friends at school and proudly talks about his "youtuber big brother"
This does not stop him from poking fun at virgil of course
Art boi!! Hes the top of his art classes!!
He is the one art kid that always has like three sketchbooks on him at all times
Loves the color purple
Look ok he knows he KNOWS his hair looks like his brothers it wasnt supposed to ok the original plan baCKFIRED AND HE COULDNT TURN BACK
Unlike virgil he doesnt cover his freckles
He has the same color eyes as their dad(grey-blue)
Andy loves animals! Especially raccoons!! Those are his favorite.( he happily took on the responsiblility of taking care of virgils cat when he moved out)
Hes a pretty cheerful kid if hes comfortable around you, but shy if he doesnt know you
Hes got an anxiety disorder but hes still living his best life
Virgil Ravenwood
Our main Cryptid goth( he dialed it down for the family photo)
Hes twenty one and lives on his own in an apartment complex close to downtown, which is a good 15 to 20 minutes from his childhood home so he visits regularly( like three times every other week)
Boi loves his family to bits, and has so SOOOO many good stories he’ll happily talk about 
Has both his own paranormal youtube channel and a joint youtube channel with his boyfriend Ethen where they explore and investigate haunted places(both well known and stumbled across)
He has the same eye color as their mother, blue violet, which stands out a little more than his dad’s or brother’s
He covers his freckles with foundation because hes insecure about them
Did a year of junior college before deciding school wasnt exactly for him anymore, but still goes to events for his best friend Logan
Works at a cafe downtown that stays open pretty late( they do dinner its almost a diner but not) part time, and the other half does youtube for a living
Has a cat that had to stay in his childhood home named Sally that Andy takes care of for him
Has been considering getting another cat for his apartment
Big firm believer in the unknown and the paranormal/supernatural
Hes wiccan and has an alter in his bedroom thats apart of his facecam background
He has a tarot deck but doesnt really do readings other than little ones for himself, as divination isnt his strong suit
Has a big crystal collection hes been adding to since high school
He can sing but doesnt have alot of confidence in his voice so he just doesnt
And also introducing~
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The picani-sanders family! Aka ethen's big ol family
From left to right
Patton Picani
Ethen's older brother(by two years)
Him and ethen are emile's foster kids, but he adopted him when they were like nine and seven.
Patton is 23 and happily works at the library downtown as a librarian and a reader to the kids
He loves music and musicals and all things disney (partially thanks to his boyfriend roman)
He and Ethen come off as complete opposites and they have a very playful relationship, always teasing each other 
He loves his family alot and loves babysitting his little brother Thomas whenever his schedule allows it, especially during times of year Emile and Remy get swamped with work
He loves to knit and sew and make things!!! He makes sweaters and jackets and dresses and customizes clothes!! He could make a living on it if he really wanted!! (but he just does it for friends and loved ones instead- Andy has a hoodie that Patton sew wool on the inside to keep him warm and Andy adores it)
Hes really outgoing and friendly and seems to make friends wherever he goes! 
He’s known Roman since they were kids and was crushing on him all through school until they got together senior year 
He loves to bake and cook and help his dad make dinner whenever hes at home
Hes a sappy romantic and loves cliches
He has a huge collection of stuffed animals that hes been slowly transferring to his and roman’s apartment since he moved out(theres ALOT)
Emile Picani
The dad!! Hes in his mid 50s 
He works as a singular and couples therapist  and can have a bit of a wacky schedule
Hes been raising Patton and Ethen since they were little and loves his kids so damn much
So goddamn supportive of what they do, sometimes to the point its embarrassing(for Ethen)
Hes engaged to Remy Sanders and once their married their just going to combine their last names
He loves cartoons and gardening! And has his own collection of stuffed animals and toys(which hes been sharing with Thomas) 
He loves making dad jokes and him and Patton make them all the time at Ethen
Hes a damn great cook and has been teaching his boys to cook for years now, and loves making big meals 
Not really a strict parent, more of a sit down and talk it out kinda parent
Is part of the PTA of Thomas’s school
Actually used to be a punk in school
Thomas Sanders-Picani
The youngest! Hes 8 years old!
Our boy loves to read and write! He writes tons and tons of stories!
Hes got a huge imagination and likes to daydream
Hes bubbly even though he isnt the most social he still has a good group of friends!
Our lil boi is an actor of course! He loves getting parts in the school plays and in class assignments.
Hes in his schools choir  and gets vocal lessons from Roman’s mama
 His room is filled with toys and books and notebooks and pencils, and even though he tries his best to keep it clean it gets messy every week.(cleaning it is his weekly chore)
He has two best friends named Joan and Talyn that hes been friends with now since kindergarden and theyve been nearly inseperable ever since, its not uncommon for one of both of them to be at each others house on any given weekend
Hes Remy’s kid but has started calling himself by Emile’s last name too since they moved in with the Picani’s
Doesnt have too many memories of his mother but the ones he does have are all happy and pleasant(thankfully)
Calls Emile baba and Remy dada to distinguish them better
Loves his older brothers especially when they play with him, He also loves watching the old videos of Ethen’s theater performances and sometimes pesters him to reenact scenes from them( his favorite is the middle school production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’)
Ethen Picani
Our other main boy, hes also twenty one
He lives with his best and childhood friend Remus Prince in two bedroom apartment across town near the college
Does youtube full time for a living
the “black sheep” of the family as he and Remus call him 
He majored in theater in his two years of college
Loves reptiles but doesnt have any because their apartment complex doesnt allow pets and he doesnt want to get him and remus kicked out since their apartment is close to Remus’s work
Has a car he loving refers to as his “hand me down junk heap” Because he got Patton’s first car when patton got a new one
He loves the old thing though 
Has a good relationship with his parents. He loves his dad Emile and he likes Remy well enough
Him and remy have a very casual, relaxed relationship.( Ex: “ Dad you need to stop letting sleepless bums into the house” “ He’ll stop doing that when he stops letting punk wannabes into his kitchen, now get over here kid.” ) 
Loves his boyfriend Virgil to death and likes to spoil him when he can(even though virgil tells him to save his money for rent)
Hes more of a open skeptic but he’ll happily debate things with Virgil, and enjoys making videos for their joint youtube channel and being proven otherwise
He also has his own solo youtube channel where he does abandon urban exploration( sometimes with Remus tagging along for the thrill)
Remus has been calling him by the nickname “Dee” since middle school when they played Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Remus called him Dee so often he made it stick as a nickname years and years later. He refuses to let it die and Ethen has just accepted his fate
Remy Sanders
Hes around Emile’s age( mid 50′s) and looks the tallest in the family at 6′3
He came into the family later, when the boys were about 20 and 18( when thomas was about 5 or so)
Hes pretty laid back but surprising good at being strict, so he balances out Emile’s parenting style
Hes a divorcee and got guardianship of Thomas, though hes on a friendly and civil relationship with thomas’s mother and takes him to visit her three times a month( theyre currently working out more visitations and possibly thomas staying with his mother a couple weeks every months but thats still in the works)
Hes an insomiac and (usually) works night shifts as a security guard for a security renting business so his working hours can be a little unpredicitble, but he almost always works at least two night shifts and graveyard shifts a week. Hes paid both a salary plus an additional commissions by employers so its well worth it
He spends as much time with his kid and the boys as he can regardless of his wonky sleep schedule
Hes a bit of a tough love kinda person, and hes snarky and mouthy and doesnt hesitate to speak his mind
Loves Emile soooo goddamn much he talks about him alot at work to his fellow security guards. Theyre the ones who helped him pick a ring when he proposed actually
Oh yeah the two are engaged did I mention that?
He fuels Emile’s plushie collecting, even if he knows he probably shouldnt( But oh well, it makes him smile and thats all he wants to see)
Looks punk now but he was the biggest straight laced prep in highschool that comparing him now to him in highschool gives you whiplash
Would fucking die for his family. No one messes with his fiance or his kids, he doesnt care if two of them are fully capable adults 
And its done!! Two of the four main families is finished!
And watch out because im also coloring these digitally(its just taking awhile :/) but those will be getting posted soon...I hope...Im trying
But here you go Virgil’s and Ethen’s families in two cute family photos!
Let me just add im so fucking proud of The Picani-Sanders photo because it was a struggle to fit them all in the picture and get the heights right and the entire side of my arm was grey with pencil lead by the time I was done but it turned out great!
Up next is Roman and Remus’s family the Princes and Logan’s family the Daniels!! 
Art references are credited to @the-pastel-peach​ @aimasup​ and @underdog-arts​ , especially @aimasup​ and @underdog-arts​ for getting 8 year old thomas to look like a kid because im not normally good at drawing little kids but after practicing with some of their art as my reference and inspiration he turned out really well!! 
I hope you guys enjoy!!
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swampgallows · 4 years
the way i cant talk to my family, that we’re all living in this house but they barely acknowledge that i exist, the way i keep wearing ratty oversized pajamas so they dont comment on how im getting fat or how i havent shaved my legs or they make fun of my hair color or my bad skin, that i realize i cant tell them about the majority of my life both because i dont want to and because they dont care. i keep so much of who i am inside of my own brain. i cant act on it. i cant express it. i cant channel anything into the tangible world without being relentlessly criticized and then i’m met with “youre so hard on yourself” and then they joke “wonder where you learned that!” in a congratulatory self-deprecating way, how foolish of you to have inherited our neuroses, how on earth did that happen? isn’t it funny how we’ve poisoned you? isn’t it funny how we’ve given you our sickness? isn’t it funny that you’re never good enough? nobody believes in me, nobody is proud of me, nobody cares about my thoughts or my development, nobody wants me to become independent because then i can challenge them. they derisively call me a “firecracker” because i wear plastic bead bracelets and big pants and that defies their authority without giving me any actual autonomy. the most power i have is in being the black sheep and giant family embarrassment. 
i am afraid that my resentment for my family will consume me. if i ever get away from them i feel like i will never ever come back. i feel like i will never talk to them again. so much of my life is tied up in their bullshit, and i’m so scared to start at zero with nothing. im homeless and penniless without them. i have no property or assets of my own. nothing is in my name. i do not know how anything works and when i try to learn it’s like staring into the sun. i have this enormous mental block where i cant concentrate for even a single second on shit like finances, bank accounts, mortgages, any kind of paperwork shit. my mind just immediately voids. it feels like it’s in 5 different languages all being shouted at me at once.
i do not think i can survive in this world. i really dont. i dont think i can become a grown up, to become self-sufficient. i want to, but even if i could... what point is there? there’s no point in me being alive. there is no reward in me being alive. there is nothing i provide and no satisfaction i get from providing it. nobody really knows me. nobody really sees me. i’m either splayed cunt up on a pedestal or im having my teeth kicked into the curb. nobody ever forgives me. nobody has compassion. nobody seems to understand. they just wince and back away, or attempt to salve with platitudes, or prostrate themselves as sycophants to sugarcoat my every pitfall hoping that if theyre already on their belly that theyll have a chance at suckling from my capitoline teats.
its why i want to fall in love again. i want to impress somebody and to feel a need to impress them. i want to have a positive impact on someone. i want to inspire them. but most of all i need them to inspire me. to take care of myself, to envision a future for myself, to pursue my craft. it doesn’t really mean romantic love, i guess, except that i’m selfish and i want that bond to be exclusive to us. just once, one more time, i want to feel chosen. i want to feel seen. and i’ll do the best i can to get it right. to have my boundaries not to protect myself but to fortify myself, and to have that person help me build them. and that i can lay their foundations, that i can also lift them up and build their bulwark. suiting each other up for the battlefield of life and the miasma of existential uncertainty. to beat down the gates of death. something new. something real. where i am seen, where i am cradled tenderly, where i am roughhoused into submission, where i’m thrown into the air and caught in a bundle. where they wipe the crust from my eyes but still wrinkle their nose at my morning breath.
fucks sake. i just want to fucking exist with somebody. i want to be able to exist without having to ask permission. can a bitch live?
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maxellminidisc · 5 years
DALLAS= Where all the racist white oil baron nepotism families grow up and all their moms and grandmas have that same big helmet hair, strange almost medieval clan shit going on in the surrounding suburbs and small cities like Keller where warfare and racist aggression is channeled through friday night football...and just straight up racism LMAO
AUSTIN= Where all the "black sheep" oil money kids go to exchange lacoste polo prices for Free People price tags, frame themselves as white hipsters, edgelords, artists and self proclaimed foodies who think theyre not like their families but in fact partake in massive gentrification and racism through their dumb fucking microbreweries, food trucks, and wood pallet restaurants with granpa/daddy's money. They say shit like "I have black friends!" And "well they shoulda come here legally" and think using big words afterwards will absolve their racism
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: still stalking mckenna Joe: what, we can't BOTH like music? Joe: that's gonna be problematic for me tbh Ronnie: mozarts ghost aint gonna possess him in the encore Ronnie: you can fuck off Joe: you can enjoy your night Joe: I'll take my chances Ronnie: take your chances somewhere else Ronnie: or you wont have any Joe: you looking out for me? Joe: not necessary, I promise Joe: you look like you got your hands full as is Ronnie: its a threat Ronnie: shouldnt be necessary Joe: my apologies for making you work harder but its still not cutting it Ronnie: [throws something at him in a dangerous manner watch out everyone] Ronnie: we can both be into cutting Ronnie: not a problem for me Joe: [when he's probably with his flatmate or similar like they will complain honey they basics lmao, meanwhile just like 😏] Joe: careful, people will think you care Ronnie: what fucking people Ronnie: your girlfriend Joe: for one Ronnie: muzzle your bitch or give her shit to sink her teeth into Ronnie: it aint complicated Joe: I don't think not glassing randoms is exactly rocket science either Ronnie: nothing random about you Ronnie: you fucking wish Joe: you want some projection with that Joe: I found you, remember Ronnie: wasnt hiding nancy Ronnie: not still a runaway kid Joe: then don't hide Joe: I weren't looking for you, alright Ronnie: bullshit Ronnie: you said there aint no other bastards Joe: I meant tonight Joe: this is just coincidence, nothing more Ronnie: leave then Ronnie: your buyers remorse is about as welcome as you Joe: hardly Joe: that's not what it is either Ronnie: they were all out of shiny sisters baby Ronnie: take what you can get Joe: I've already got one of them Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: i remember Joe: you don't want a refill then Joe: replace the one you tossed Ronnie: you on the spectrum or do you not wanna read social cues Joe: well I ain't leaving either way but if you don't wanna make the most outta it Joe: 👍 Ronnie: keep putting words in my mouth & see what happens to yours like Joe: what spectrum are you on if you think that constitutes a please and thanks Ronnie: take it up with your ma Ronnie: she wasnt about to teach me how to play nice Joe: not really her forte Ronnie: thats why im still waiting for my plane ticket home yeah Joe: possibly Joe: I don't know Ronnie: 💔 Ronnie: how olds your good sister Joe: jury is out on good Joe: but 14 so we'll wait and see Ronnie: ill fucking drink to that Ronnie: if she was a write off shed already be Joe: depends on your perspective Joe: I try not to have one Joe: [is at bar] Ronnie: depends on your mas Ronnie: we cant all be black sheep Joe: exactly Joe: they don't really get on Joe: but she's probably just dreading the PTSD a teen pregnancy scare will bring Ronnie: should have kept me around Joe: yeah Ronnie: 1 more abortion and your country would offer me a fucking exorcism Ronnie: fun for all the family Joe: some girls have all the luck Joe: would not believe how hard it is for a lad to get one 🙄 Joe: [just putting the drinks for 'em on their table, when Charlie probs gonna flirt with you like oh hey] Ronnie: your girlfriend will let you hold her hand for her 1st Ronnie: stop sticking it in your cello & youll knock her up in no time Ronnie: [just staring at the drink like you've never seen one before] Joe: come on, she's CoE if I've ever seen it Joe: abortions? sure, but exorcisms ❌ Joe: [tryna just walk off but you know they'd be like who are you hello?! 'cos annoying lmao] Ronnie: not in ireland anymore baby Ronnie: [when you walk off like where the fuck have you got to be my dear] Joe: [at least he's not gonna drop the bomb, just being vague af like oh we met once or whatever goodbye] Joe: you gone yourself? 🛫🍀 Ronnie: on whos 💰 Joe: idk, your pals maybe Joe: but I've fucked off so he can at least top up your drink 'cos its long gone too Ronnie: wanker Ronnie: [comes back and punches charlie love you boy] Joe: [just wait 'til you have your own mindblown with that crazy connection boy] Joe: ✊ Ronnie: [gives him the biggest fuck you look ever like I can't believe you typed that] Joe: [just loling a lil 'scuse him company its not at whatever you said] Ronnie: [comes over, ignoring everyone else obvs, to drink his entire drink and walk off again] Joe: [omg stop flirting you two, everyone like what is going on tbh] Ronnie: [dancing with charlie cos he don't take kindly to being punched but you don't wanna answer his questions either] Joe: [save it for later you nosy hoe] Ronnie: [when you see his poor flatmate going to pee and follow her intimidatingly soz bitch] Joe: [this poor girl is in no way prepared lmao] Ronnie: [thinking she's about to get mugged or murdered] Joe: [when you're 18 and its your first time away from home no doubt this poor girl honestly] Ronnie: you deffo she aint catholic Ronnie: could see her in a penguin house Joe: weren't a question on the flatmate icebreakers Joe: shoulda asked for some segregrated accomodation but thought londoners were meant to be post-religion post-everything so Ronnie: 💔 it aint god its you baby Ronnie: shes no londoner Joe: no, I do know that one Joe: she's from Kent, I think Joe: or Surrey? Ronnie: not holy holier than tho Ronnie: u Ronnie: never gonna please a horse girl mckenna Joe: 😏 Joe: I'll not go there then Ronnie: charlies fucking easy to please Ronnie: youve done the 1 drink minimum & youll avoid the pregnancy scare Joe: I think he's the one that does the pleasing Joe: so I've been assured Ronnie: gets him off dont worry like Joe: I'll sleep easy now, tah Ronnie: lullabies are shit but yeah Joe: 🤞 that ain't his encore either Ronnie: if it aint opening an artery to spray the crowd count me the fuck out Joe: I wouldn't hold your breath Joe: though might be more fun Ronnie: [dramatically holds her breath in his direction like kids do] Joe: [just watching 'cos weird and into it] Ronnie: [lowkey going purple probably because you know she won't stop til she hits the deck] Joe: [just watching 'til the last sec when you obvs gonna catch her] Ronnie: [giving him a look when he does like we have to stop meeting like this but then exposing his tattoo wherever that is cos gotta check that really happened] Joe: [I hope you didn't opt for your booty, lol, probably inner bicep moment or something 'cos not that bitch getting those out at any chance] Ronnie: [just touching it like you're not shamelessly flirting with your brother okay then] Joe: [just looking at her face hardcore 'cos you can pretend you're checking her tat too] Ronnie: [when you come back to yourself and remember you're supposed to hate him for being your brother so you push him away unnecessarily hard and retreat to your corner] Joe: [go off to the bathroom yourself boy] Ronnie: [french exit while he's gone even though it'll make Charlie more annoying] Joe: [have fun Joseph] Joe: you missed the bloodbath Ronnie: made my own Joe: safer bet Joe: on all counts Ronnie: safer for your girlfriend Ronnie: & you Joe: you know she ain't my girlfriend Ronnie: no shit you dont wanna claim that conquest Joe: wrong again Joe: not gonna bang my flatmate who pays the bigger part of the rent 'cos she gets the en-suite Joe: give me some credit Ronnie: shed give you some if you gave it up to her Ronnie: but if youd rather pay rent Joe: there's no way I can keep that going 4 years Ronnie: she aint hacking it Ronnie: you can fucking smell the homesickness Joe: its like, down the road init Joe: ugh Ronnie: & Ronnie: she cant fit her horse in the en suite baby Joe: 😂 Joe: true..I'll make some rich friends to move in when she gallops off into the sunset then Ronnie: theyll not slum it with you for 4 years Joe: but I'm so charming Joe: what's the solution then, sis? Ronnie: sell yourself or kill yourself Joe: 👌 Joe: already with ya Ronnie: yeah dead connected us Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: you're the only one that's allowed to be suicidal? Ronnie: oldest cunt gets dibs Ronnie: aint that how this sibling shit plays Ronnie: whatever you wanna do ive already done it Joe: half the time Joe: but the other half is youngest gets away with it 'cos they're cuter so Ronnie: cause theyre a crybaby Ronnie: yeah you can have that soft lad Joe: 😥 bit of a prerequisite for the suicide Joe: so generous Ronnie: i left you alive so you can do yourself in Ronnie: since youve got such a boner for it Ronnie: generosity begins & ends Joe: You can stop thinking about my boners then Joe: that'll be my attempt at the virtue Ronnie: put em away Joe: you tryna expose me Ronnie: you dont need my help Ronnie: flashers keep more hidden than you Joe: really Joe: don't seem like that's something that would bother you Ronnie: youre that special mckenna Ronnie: every fucking thing you do bothers me Joe: 💘 Joe: check facebook some more, I'll keep my events up to date Joe: can avoid each other easy Ronnie: nah you see me you walk the other way Joe: I got places to be babe Ronnie: yeah a&e Ronnie: if you dont get the fuck outta my face Joe: see, you're well about it Joe: I got it, yeah, we're not family Ronnie: were nothing Ronnie: & if thats what gets you off pay for it like the other cunts do Ronnie: not my 9-5 Joe: I found Soho by myself, don't worry Joe: we're good Ronnie: boss Ronnie: stay there Joe: more expensive than Sophie's horse that Ronnie: train her up to be whatever the fuck you want then Ronnie: 4 years in she could probably kiss with tongue like Joe: you gotta ask yourself why you care Joe: 'cos I know Ronnie: i dont have to ask myself fuck all Joe: deny it then Joe: works for me Ronnie: theres no need to deny theres cunts i wanna talk to less than you Ronnie: or i that i gotta have something to do while i wait Ronnie: 💘 Joe: you're all talk Joe: say no more Ronnie: fuck you Joe: yeah fuck me Ronnie: stick your therapy speak in whatever hole you reckon can take it Ronnie: ill reverse over your head before i submit to this psychology bullshit Joe: not what I'm studying Joe: or doing Ronnie: you reckon if you say im all talk itll get you some action Ronnie: dream on motherfucker Ronnie: i dont look like her that much Joe: bold assumption Ronnie: nah Ronnie: charlies more like a brother than you & ive done everything there is to do to that tosser Joe: bold to assume I'm half as fucked up as you Joe: spent long enough telling me I can't be 'cos I got a ma and now I wanna fuck her, okay Ronnie: wearing it on your sleeve aint you though baby Ronnie: saw your arm & yeah i reckon halfs about right Ronnie: but me at 19 wouldve left you in more pieces than that Joe: you must be proud Ronnie: what the fuck of Joe: your 19 year old self Ronnie: youd have liked me better at 9 Joe: alright but a nonce joke is hardly original Ronnie: neithers wanting to fuck your ma Ronnie: read a book schoolboy Joe: that's you throwing that about Joe: not one I ask the prozzies to act out tah Ronnie: what the fuck else was your lil challenge about then Joe: what was yours? Ronnie: i didnt fire any shots shithead Joe: not true Joe: i got the 🍒 to prove it Ronnie: fuck me youre that cunt Ronnie: 1 sos & i owe you my life yeah Joe: where'd you hear that Joe: what was it, needle not clean or something Ronnie: you dont need to wait for a death that slow Ronnie: fucking do it Joe: why do you do it Ronnie: why do you give a shit what i do Joe: interesting Joe: why do you fuck with your face like that Ronnie: too late to keep it pretty for you Ronnie: should have nancy drewed this shit earlier Joe: you ain't gonna answer Joe: alright Ronnie: cant we both like pain Ronnie: is that your problem Joe: 'course Joe: no monopoly on that shit Joe: its universal, so the books say Ronnie: bullshit do you read fuck all else but sheet music Joe: not no more Joe: but i can read more than scales, like Joe: have to write essays and shit sometimes Ronnie: fucking hell Ronnie: save this riveting shit for your flatmates Joe: she does art Joe: dunno what the lad does, he's out his room less than me Ronnie: horse cocks out of clay like Ronnie: bet shes the professors pet Joe: 🤞 she gets in an ill-advised affair with a pervy prof Ronnie: every other repressed white bitch has done it Joe: my home is safe Joe: hooray Ronnie: til i sleuth your address Joe: then its petrol bombs and dog shit, I know Ronnie: after theres fuck all left to steal Ronnie: 🤡s in films 🔥💸 Joe: and eat six year old's arms Joe: crack on Ronnie: i aint bitten any kids since i was Joe: I'm proud even if you ain't then Ronnie: raise the bar baby Joe: guess the other lad you were with don't technically count no more Joe: actual kids are that annoying Ronnie: kids get to be annoying Joe: lucky ones Joe: the ones that get to be kids Ronnie: no shit Ronnie: youll be born & die a saint Ronnie: such a fucking martyr Joe: when God comes a calling, you can't refuse, obvs Joe: guess that's what she gets for not aborting you, nice bonus for being good Ronnie: yeah Joe: likes a joke as much as the next Joe: gutted for her Ronnie: cant take the scouse sinner out of her however much irish catholic dick shes taken since Ronnie: 💔 Joe: if its only paddys in heaven, I'll lose the invite Ronnie: you better stay in purgatory then Ronnie: dont want you in hell with me Joe: you're just jealous I'll be too busy getting tortured by some other demon Joe: you're alright, anguishing over my wrongs for eternity sounds like a bit of me Joe: I can hack it, more painful than being sodomized with pitchforks or whatever weak shit you're in store for Ronnie: wanna see your cum face even less Ronnie: fucks sake Joe: 😂 Joe: shh, you already know he's got that sick sense of humour Joe: your own clockwork orange moment for eternity now Ronnie: 💘 Joe: you ain't nothing like I thought when I was 🔎🤔 Ronnie: cheers for the romantic cliche you pussy Joe: you're that special Joe: and welcome Ronnie: what did you reckon id be like Joe: like the rest of 'em Joe: complete the cliche Ronnie: fuck off Joe: what, I did Joe: there ain't a bigger compliment, honestly Ronnie: i dont wanna hear your compliments Ronnie: or how big they are Joe: 😏 Joe: you asked Ronnie: cause i cant resist hearing how fucking soft you are Joe: that makes you pretty fucking soft yourself then don't it Ronnie: fuck you Joe: back here, yeah Ronnie: back at get someone else to knock you out Joe: shouldn't be hard Ronnie: depends how hard you are Ronnie: could be a turn on or off Joe: either way, its incentive for them to go harder Joe: can't lose, me Ronnie: enjoy yourself baby Joe: never Joe: if I lose my overwhelming urge to die what have I got Ronnie: new overwhelming urges Joe: won't be that good Ronnie: write it in your diary i didnt ask for your review Joe: you can do that you know Joe: they've all got profiles, like they're a shit local pub or something Ronnie: what a fucking state Joe: won't miss it when I'm in pugatory Ronnie: if i had a shot for every time you cried your eyes out id miss that Joe: you'd miss having a liver Joe: and functioning braincell Ronnie: didnt mean that kind of shot shithead Joe: your aim is for shit, true Ronnie: or that one Joe: ahh Ronnie: you had me at dirty needles 💘 Joe: s'worth being alive for, then? Ronnie: what the fuck waste of a question is that Joe: why? Ronnie: what do you think Joe: reason I'm asking Joe: if its just another slow way to kill yourself then I'm sound but if its more than that then its a potential for the repertoire Ronnie: if it was id have taken a faster way out Joe: its noted Ronnie: why do you wanna die Joe: its not even Joe: I ain't actually sad, soz to burst your 😥 bubble, IOU some shots, whatever Joe: just wanna turn my head off, not have to participate Joe: deal with any of it Joe: but saying you wanna be put in a coma doesn't quite have the same punch Ronnie: underline that note then Joe: yeah? Joe: not like I've never thought about it Joe: think about it a lot, hence the need for a fucking switch Joe: how cliche to look like I'm doing it to spite her though, eh? Ronnie: whatever you take now thats strawberry flavoured childhood bullshit Ronnie: youve found your prescribed dose of working adult medicine Joe: it don't touch it, not worth taking unless you wanna down half a blister at a time and have a decent kip Joe: get me some and I'll pay you 20% for your trouble Ronnie: come over Ronnie: told you im waiting Joe: alright Joe: if I ask for your current location do I give away that I'm not a decent stalker Ronnie: youve fucking shown that card bitch Joe: figured Joe: be obliging then Ronnie: [a location of who the fuck knows where cos we don't need Charlie or Bronson there for this excuse you lads] Joe: [when you need some privacy for your bonding] Ronnie: [when you need some privacy to shoot up your half brother who you ain't even told your other fam about] Joe: [fun and games] Joe: cool Joe: 🤞 i'm there just after the heroin Ronnie: get here before or ill be in no state to keep obliging you Joe: I'm yet to be initiated, my timekeeping skills are 🔥 Ronnie: give a shit about your cv Joe: I'll be there Ronnie: your loss if you aint Ronnie: dont come crying to me Ronnie: i wont hear it for fucking ages Joe: i'm not an idiot Ronnie: it dont matter who or what you are Ronnie: stopped listening after the ill be there Joe: 💘 Ronnie: get it tattooed next yeah Joe: yeah Ronnie: over the real fucker Ronnie: cause you love a cliche Joe: 'course Joe: have to find another dickhead with a gun though Joe: that one did not know his left from his right Ronnie: get what you pay for baby Ronnie: & we didnt Joe: touche Joe: I'll forgo accuracy for that Joe: and the dirty needle, obvs Ronnie: getting to put his hand on my tit will blow the brains he has like Joe: 😏 Ronnie: but if i toss him off thatll get shit back on track Joe: hot Joe: love that you have a plan Ronnie: cute Ronnie: you reckoning im pure chaos Ronnie: not your manic pixie dream skank Joe: ain't planning on being a composer Joe: least not now Joe: don't need to write about you Ronnie: 💔 Joe: make up your mind Ronnie: you aint on my mind mckenna Ronnie: dont get your balls in a twist Joe: do you wanna be on mine or not Ronnie: i know whats on yours Joe: same Joe: makes a change Ronnie: compose a song about your confusion then like Joe: less cliche than a love song Joe: still Ronnie: do it from the pov of the horse Ronnie: be a hit with your flatmate Joe: you just wanna get me stalked Joe: paybacks a bitch, yeah Ronnie: wanna get your habit paid for before you start it Ronnie: throw her a boner Ronnie: whats the fucking drama Joe: i don't fancy her Joe: nor having the convo about where all her moneys going Ronnie: & Ronnie: i dont fancy the cunt with the tattoo gun Ronnie: got fuck all to do with it Joe: & Joe: you're lowering standards, not getting anything up Ronnie: close your eyes & think of gear Ronnie: youll do anything for a horse like that Joe: let me try it first Ronnie: dont need to hear about your trust issues baby Joe: better stop talking now then Ronnie: yeah Ronnie: shut the fuck up Joe: [you know when its like 'removed message' that] Ronnie: 🖕 Joe: what Ronnie: i cant cut your sense of humour out Ronnie: cant live with it Joe: no funny business Joe: just a buttdial Ronnie: charlie aint here but adorable that you 2 homos hit it off Joe: just scousers gotta stick together or did you know him from back home Ronnie: he didnt give you the rundown Ronnie: mustve made him speechless mckenna Joe: too busy trying to work out how I knew you Ronnie: we grew up together Ronnie: & the mime standing next to us Joe: cool Ronnie: nah Ronnie: fucked Joe: I mean that you still know 'em, talk to 'em Ronnie: we aint trying to throw our family away for a new one Joe: like I said, s'cool Ronnie: like i said hes gonna eat that shit up Ronnie: you fawning over his family set up Joe: good to know Joe: not really my type either, call me fussy Ronnie: fucks sake Ronnie: join the god squad now & save yourself the 12 steps Joe: 'cos I don't wanna do a bloke or my horse girl roommate Ronnie: cause you only wanna do your ma Joe: you can't just give me dud options and come to that conclusion Ronnie: we playing fuck marry kill now Joe: not playing nothing with you Joe: cheater Ronnie: crybaby Joe: you'll 😥 when I have to kill your mate Ronnie: you wish Joe: making people cry is your thing Joe: I don't need to fight that claim Ronnie: like you aint been wanting to save me again since the 1st time Ronnie: thats your thing yeah Joe: save you from what? Joe: smack? obviously not Joe: other self-destructive tendencies? try again Ronnie: it obviously dont matter Ronnie: id never seen you & id still never seen a cunt more excited to do a rescue Joe: and I'd never seen you Joe: maybe you'd got all kinds of fucked up 'cos of all the shit I dragged up Joe: basic decency ain't nothing to get excited about Ronnie: i know how to self soothe im a big girl now Joe: didn't need you self-soothing yourself to death on my conscience Ronnie: didnt ask you to give a shit Ronnie: catholic guilts best left at home baby Ronnie: youll never find a place with the cockneys Joe: about myself? Joe: its barely but hanging on by a thread Joe: soz Joe: dead girls fuck you up Ronnie: not your type either then Joe: ultimate type Joe: don't wanna commit right now, tah Ronnie: 🤞 i od & you can finally sort your misery boner out Joe: too giving you Ronnie: im dead i aint giving a shit Joe: put that on the headstone Ronnie: pay for it you write whatever cliche you want Joe: you want a classy picture affair Joe: got it Ronnie: stop getting me Ronnie: it makes me wanna blow my brains out Joe: its obvious you wanna be seen Joe: no spooky sibling connection required Ronnie: fuck off Joe: what's better than ruining a graveyards ambiance for the mourners for the forseeable Ronnie: theres no room in the ground soft lad Joe: they just chuck you in with the old bones Joe: or 'move' them Ronnie: hot Joe: mhmm Joe: plague pit is the way to go Ronnie: fit the horse & the girl Ronnie: how fucking romantic Joe: that's me Ronnie: ill put john in the 💘 for you baby Ronnie: your ma robbed you blind of so many lennon comparisons Joe: still time to be pretentious with soph Joe: fuck off getting out of bed for good Ronnie: smother her with a pillow & fuck her corpse youll be feeling peace & love Joe: 💎🍓💘 Ronnie: playing with emojis & yourself aint getting you here Ronnie: hurry up Joe: can't make you any closer Ronnie: 💔
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