#thinking about media
Narrative Weight and Desensitization to Death
Thinking about the end of Destiny 2: Forsaken, and an interesting trend that I've noticed concerning the treatment of death in certain media.
What is it about certain games dancing around the concept of taking a life?
A problem with a lot of poor storytelling in games is the inability to give any serious narrative weight to character death, ESPECIALLY if the player character is indirectly or directly responsible. One of the things I'd like to argue in this little essay is how the mitigation of any responsibility is detrimental as a whole, and that the argument for the infantization of the playing audience is ultimately a weak one.
Warning: Discussion of serious topics including death, murder, and executions.
So let's talk about the ending of Destiny 2: Forsaken as an example. For those who don't know the plot of Forsaken, I will quickly review it with minimal spoilers.
Forsaken is a DLC of the mainline of Destiny 2 which follows the player (known as the Guardian), on a quest for revenge after a man by the name of Uldren Sov kills someone that the Guardian had gotten to know fairly well over the course of the game. Hunting down the forces that Uldren has accumulated around himself, you eventually come before the man himself, who reveals that he has been manipulated by an entity disguised as his assumed deceased sister. But he is still responsible for his actions, and as the entity is defeated, the Guardian goes to kill him with a single shot to the head.
Or at least, that's what you would think, right?
Instead, out of nowhere, an NPC that you have been speaking to for a majority of the questline appears out of thin air and essentially agrees to fire their gun at the same time as you. The question I have is: why?
Why was this considered necessary? To understand why this decision was made, we have to go to the mitigation of psychological trauma in firing squads. Or why firing squads exist in the first place on a psychological level.
Firing squads reduce the psychological trauma of each individual by dispersing responsibility. Essentially, by having every person fire at once, it is uncertain who was responsible for ending the life of the person on the other side. There are also cases of blanks being loaded into the majority of the guns to make it difficult to tell who is responsible. As an individual, you can delude yourself into believing you have no responsibility.
By providing the NPC at the end of Forsaken, Destiny attempts to protect the player from the actions of the story following through... which ultimately makes the ending of the story fall flat. Forsaken is a story of revenge, and I think ultimately its futility. Uldren is dead at the end of the day, but what does that really mean? People are still dead, and your mad crusade has not made them live again. It is your revenge, so it is—it should be—your responsibility to see it through. But with the ending as it is, you can ultimately dust your hands off of any responsibility, and thus the narrative weight of the character's decisions is barely felt.
We see this mitigation of any sort of responsibility everywhere. The refusal to have player characters be responsible for deaths, refusing to develop the person on the other end of a narratively heavy death, the lack of any real consequences for decisions... and that point is the most serious of all.
Lack of responsibility for your actions is not a trait you should foster, yet we see it everywhere. Writers choose to infantize their audiences by pulling punches as conceivably (and inconceivably) as possible, preferring to remove any narrative weight of death rather than shock the person on the other end of the controller. But as a result, this only worsens the desensitization to death by adding another layer of dispersed responsibility to the already existing disconnect between player and character.
This isn't always the case, of course. There are games that aren't attempting to tell a serious story, so they choose to keep it light-hearted. But for a game that is trying to tell a story with heavier topics, it's a cop-out to tell the audience that there are no consequences to their actions.
We have grown afraid of hurting our audience. But in telling a painful, sorrowful story, to reach a person's heart is often to hurt them. For if we can hurt them in this fictional moment, perhaps one day when the danger and pain is real they will know sorrow and know that they too can survive
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floorpancakes · 2 months
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This obviously depends on the TYPE of bad, but it’s my personal opinion that a piece of media thats disappointing is actually worse than one that’s just Bad
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badolmen · 10 months
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
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lackadaisycal-art · 2 months
I'm getting so sick of major female characters in historical media being incredibly feisty, outspoken and public defenders of women's rights with little to no realistic repercussions. Yes it feels like pandering, yes it's unrealistic and takes me out of the story, yes the dialogue almost always rings false - but beyond all that I think it does such a disservice to the women who lived during those periods. I'm not embarrassed of the women in history who didn't use every chance they had to Stick It To The Man. I'm not ashamed of women who were resigned to or enjoyed their lot in life. They weren't letting the side down by not having and representing modern gender ideals. It says a lot about how you view average ordinary women if the idea of one of your main characters behaving like one makes them seem lame and uninteresting to you.
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foundfamilywhump · 3 months
the question, you see, is not ‘is it too ooc for this character to cry’ but rather ‘what circumstances would push this character to cry’
this is the whump wisdom, go forth and make that character cry
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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andiaquarium-moved · 5 months
ohhg my gohd
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bruciemilf · 3 months
“Bruce is emotionally incompetent and can’t step outside his own morality” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Dick is extremely stubborn and thinks he’s right all the time” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Jason has hypocritical tendencies” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“ Tim is entitled and doesn’t think about people when seeking results, and often acts uncaring” yeah it’s a character flaw.
“Damian is rude and bratty” yeah, it’s a character flaw.
Also, some people may not even regard everything listed above as flaws.
Having negative traits allows incredible flexibility within your characters, what makes them intriguing, what makes them easy to relate to. If you want to write people, then write people. But they can’t be good and clean all the time.
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stil-lindigo · 6 months
an ex-zionist jewish man recently went a bit viral on tiktok for sharing exactly how he sees zionism tie israel to the jewish identity and his personal experience with breaking away from it - I think it’s a really great watch.
He also made a follow up talking specifically about how he learned to humanise Palestinians, and a really integral part of it was his school, which would often bring in Palestinian speakers who’d share their perspective (here’s a link to it).
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goodluckdetective · 6 months
Look, this is what moral OCD is like for me:
I walk past a piece of paper. I don’t pick it up because I had a long day at work and it’s very cold outside. This then becomes my internal monologue:
I didn’t pick up that piece of paper, I should have. Don’t I care about the environment? It’s not my trash, I shouldn’t have to pick it up. But also that’s how these things happen right? We place the blame on others as our environment degrades. It was just a piece of paper, it’s not like it can do that much damage. But also how do I know: I’m not an environmental expert. Maybe stray paper scraps are killing the frogs. You’re literally killing the frogs. You should look up how many frogs die a year so you know how shitty you are-No stop it.
I care about the environment, and I recycle and I joined green activism movements but is that enough? I could be doing more. I should be doing more. I should donate my entire check to charity. But isn’t it self serving to think that my one check could help that much? Do I really think I’m that important, how self entitled and-no stop it, reset! You are obsessing and if you fall for it, you will not eat dinner. Let it go.
Okay it’s just a piece of paper. It’s okay you skipped it this once: it could have had something dangerous on it. Yeah that makes sense. But also, that means I’m putting my own safety over trying to help the environment, which is very selfish of me. I’m just one shitty person: god how could I be so self absorbed. I should have picked up the piece of paper. I’m so selfish, and shitty and-no, no, stop it! This is not helpful. It’s fine.
It’s been a long day and I’m cold, that’s not a crime- no that’s being selfish again, you’re making excuses. You’re just a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t care about others, and selfish and God the fact you’re thinking this much about one piece of paper shows how selfish you are, you care more about if you’re a good person than anything else, you’re a piece of shit, you’re a piece of shit, YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT.
I get home and open up Tumblr. The first post I see says “if you don’t reblog this post about the environment you’re as complicit as an oil billionaire.” I close my computer and resign myself to looking up the state frog populations until I go to bed.
I don’t eat dinner.
The amount of frogs that die a year is somewhere from 200 million to over 1 billion.
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There are many new friends on the archive, and many are young and have only known social media, which is why I wanted to say something!
Ao3 does not have an algorithm! It isn't a social media site, it's an archive.
Posting fics on Tumblr isn't the same as posting fics on Ao3
Ao3 is like a giant virtual bookshelf, and everyone is able to add their own stories to the bookshelf, all stored with different tags and different fandoms. Works are automatically sorted by newest to oldest, but filters, looking at bookmarks, and using the search function can change that.
Certain works are not pushed to the top like social media posts. More kudos and reads don't push a single work to more viewers by some algorithm. Unless otherwise filtered, works will be at the top of the page based on how recent it was posted.
Smaller fandoms get less views, less kudos, less bookmarks, and larger fandoms get more simply because of the number of people inside the fandom.
Ao3 is a giant virtual bookshelf- there is no algorithm, and there is no man behind the shelf pushing certain books forward.
Happy reading, and if you'd like to have more people notice a fic, why not share it with them! Send a dm to a fandom friend and it might turn into one of their favorite fics!
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redysetdare · 5 days
enough stories about how someone learns to truely be happy through love. i want a story where someone is desperately seeking out love thinking it's the only way to be happy only for them to learn by the end that happiness is what they make of it and they don't need love at all to make it.
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cemeterything · 2 years
i'm such a huge fucking fan of having and using magic requiring effort. whether mental, physical, or both. i'm so fond of magic systems that make you sweat, bleed, cry and get your hands dirty when you use them. i love it when powers are earned, not inherent, through years of study and/or exercizing them like a muscle. and i love it when a seemingly effortless display of power is terrifying because of this.
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hamletthedane · 9 months
Love that Oppenheimer is a deeply disturbing horror movie about a man forced to accept that he is, in a person, the representative manifestation of mankind’s evil in committing one of the greatest horrors of human history - LITERALLY acting as the modern Prometheus, tormented by his sins for the remainder of time. Knowing that he will never be pitied and his actions will forever be utterly unforgivable because the blood of genocide and the potential of total human annihilation will eternally drip from his hands.
But also the simultaneous indictment by the film that to blame a single person for the Manhattan Project is to refuse to accept your own capacity for great evil if the ends ever seem to justify the means, and the culpability of every member of a species that lets itself create something so unspeakably terrible.
Hate that twitter’s take on such a nuanced and brilliantly handled examination of those issues is “movie bad because protagonist not evil enough.”
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horse-head-farms · 4 months
🪼slime-kisser Follow
all these posts like “don’t shop at boatem they support cannibalism” “the evil empire is a crypto scam” “don’t buy at octagon they’re trying to destroy the fabric of the universe” where the FUCK else am I supposed to shop????
🐠xbcrafted Follow
may i recommend horse head farms? we sell a variety items for agreeable prices and have alternate payment plans which mean you don’t have to spend a single diamond! you can find us via the nether hub <3
🪲yeswingsforlife Follow
do NOT shop at Horse Head Farms! Their items are incredibly overpriced (you can find grass, logs, etc for better prices) and this “alternative payment scheme” is actually signing an IOU. If you don’t know what that is, IOU stands for “I Owe You” and is a legal document that, when possessed, someone can force you to do anything. Literally anything. LegalKnight does a great video going into detail about it. According to this article, Horse Head Farms have just invested in building an auction house, possibly to sell off the IOUs they’ve acquired, so scummy CEOs could force you to work at their companies. Not to mention, their owners are incredibly sketchy, xBCrafted regularly tweets conspiracy theories and Hypnotizd invests in crypto
😵‍💫hypnotizd Follow
youre wrong actually, i have had nothing but brilliant service at Horse Head Farms. IOUs arent sketchy theyre normal pieces of paper. #shoptoday
🪲yeswingsforlife Follow
… you’re literally one of the owners
🐸cottagecoreliving Follow
to answer the original question, here’s a list of more reputable businesses that you can support instead!
Tays Trees
Joe Hills’ Flower Stalls
Big Eyes
🥚dragon-tegg Follow
hey not to derail this post or anything but is anyone going to mention how OP literally fetishises slime hybrids???
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🌃elytramoments Follow
hate when i crashland in the lava biome
🐶renrobert Follow
you mean the nether
🌃elytramoments Follow
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i do not
#i think it’s a national park or something #idk its like this for miles #its near boatem
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👁️big-eyes Follow
This weekend at Big Eyes we are having a #SALE of up to 99% OFF! EVERY item has a discount! Don’t waste your diamonds, shop at Big Eyes!
😍sexy-papa-k Follow
sweetfaces! we are going into debt! please buy ❤️❤️💕❤️🍆😭😭😭❤️ -papa k
👁️big-eyes Follow
kerlais why woudl you reblog on that account
😍sexy-papa-k Follow
we need all the reach we can get bubbles! ❤️😝❤️❤️🍆💕 -papa k
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