#this is ss so its out of order but! my thoughts
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stage transformation really bringing out the big guns!
also future me spoiler: yjh throws kdj ACROSS the bridge this time, and steps on his back as leverage to make it across. tough break for kdj huh.
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 7 months
Lmk ss edits + headcanons, Part 6 (Azure Lion, Peng, Yellowtusk)
(I originally made my own design of Azure and Yellowtusk but wasn't quite happy with how they turned out so I scrapped them, the designs for those two I used in these edits were made by @/erraday_ on twt, with a few minor changes, but Peng's design is my own :) )
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- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Snores so loud, it's insane, Yellowtusk once thought there was an earthquake
- Feels bad whenever he's steps on a ladybug, butterfly etc
- Gives everyone and everything giant bear hugs because he thinks if Yellowtusk can take it, so can everyone else (They cannot)
- Mei once gave him catnip as a joke and he went fucking feral, he's not allowed near catnip anymore
- His hair/fur is actually very soft and curly
- Thought he saw an old friend while out in public and hugged them, it was a stranger
- Wakes up Yellowtusk in the middle of the night to ask stupid questions
- The Brotherhood asked to hear his roar but he got really nervous last second and it ended up being really meek, they never let him forget it
- Coughed up a hairball once and Peng refuses to let him live it down
- Has eaten cat food before and would do it again
- Cannot do the splits and is too scared to try
- Gets really confused by modern slang, MK and Mei abuse the hell out of it because it's funny
- Whenever he's rough housing with people he accidentally hits a bit too hard
- Whenever he walks past anyone playing a game that involves a ball (football, basketball, netball, etc) he somehow always ends up getting hit in the head with it
- If he wasn't sealed away and got a chance to babysit Redson as a kid he wouldn't know what the fuck to do and would be really awkward cause he doesn't know how to interact with children, he'd be able to bond with Redson better when he becomes a teenager though
- No one gossips with him because he always ends up unintentionally outing someone about something
- Ate moldy food once by accident and freaked out, he was absolutely disgusted
- Hates horror movies but loves slashers
- Drinks mouthwash
- Smells like catnip (trust me guys)
- Love language is words of affirmation
- Has horrible bed head, his mane gets tangled really easily and he tosses around a lot at night so his mane takes hours to brush out
- Absolutely refuses to wear shoes, they hurt his feet (paws?)
- The type of person to cry over a movie about a dog getting lost and then finding its owner at the end
- Can somehow eat an entire goddamn buffet and not gain a single pound
- His face always scrunches up when he smiles
- Lost his balance on a hill and fell down like a tumbleweed once, Peng still brings it up
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- They/He (Canon, Peng uses They/Them in the show but is exclusively referred to w/ He/Him in the sets)
- Nonbinary (Canon)
- Starts squaking when he laughs too much
- If you throw a blanket over their head he'll immediately fall asleep
- "look behind you but don't make it obvious" Looks behind him in the most exaggerated, obvious way known to mankind
- Stole food from Wukong's private stash for several months when the Brotherhood was all still together, Wukong still doesn't know
- Wukong gave them cooked chicken once as a joke but he actually liked it
- Constantly argues with Wukong about Macaque not being able to hold his own, yes it got physical
- Their wings have a bunch of scars from the amount of weapons and shit they block with them. Has to consistently clean their wings in order to keep them from getting too damaged, yes this includes softening and preening his feathers
- If they weren't sealed away and got a chance to babysit Redson as a kid they would tape him to the wall like that one meme and call it a day
- Bit off a person's finger once just to see if they could
- Doesn't shop, just steals
- "I hate you so fucking much" as he's handing the person a gift
-  Tried to draw on Wukong's face once but got wacked with his tail
- Absolutely HATES beetroot, will actually gag if he smells it
- Kicks over kids sand castles at the beach
- Can't stand small buzzing sounds
- "I'm not that competitive" is that competitive
- Claims you can trust them with anything but will snitch the second they know it will benefit them
- Probably threatened to eat someone's baby once
- Goes to playgrounds to trip kids
- Smells like Lavender, it just feels right
- Love language is words of affirmation and acts of service
- Has tried sleeping upside down like a bat multiple times
- Hardcore wine aunt vibes
- Had a bunch of ducklings accidently imprinted to him and they followed Peng for hours
- You'd have to pin this bird down to get them to eat collyflower
- Jokingly pushed Azure off a cliff once then remembered they're the only member of the Camel Ridge Trio that can fly
- They have full on concerts at like 3 am, has woken up Azure on multiple occasions
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- He/Him
- AroAce
- Is the calmest one in the Brotherhood
- He uses Peng's head as an armrest sometimes
- He and DBK were actually quite close, he knew and accepted that DBK was in love with a celestial but was very surprised to see they ended up having a child
- Very poor eyesight but doesn't like wearing his glasses because Peng made a joke about them once saying he looked like a grandma
- Uses ":3" and ":D"
- Loves soap opera's
- Hates seafood
- Peng once tricked him into eating fish nuggets once and he still hasn't fully forgiven them
- If he wasn't sealed away and got a chance to babysit Redson as a kid he would definitely be the most responsible one, and probably Redson's favourite uncle
- Eats a snack then forgets he ate it and will bet frustrated when he can't find it
- The therapist of the Camel Ridge Trio, and probably of the whole Brotherhood in the past as well
- Was the only one who felt bad about imprisoning the Demon Bull Family since he and DBK were very close
- He also reprimanded Peng for when they pinned and scratched Redson with their claws after they left the Demon Bull Palace (he's the protective uncle, trust me guys)
- Hates getting hiccups, he despises the feeling and it gives him heartburn
- Wakes up at ungodly hours just to raid the fridge
- Heard a story about a bug crawling in someone's ear while they slept and has worn earplugs to bed ever since
- Loves apples
- Smells like Lilies
- Love language is gift giving
- Is really big on safety, would be the type of person to make sure everyone is wearing their seat belts before the car is even turned on
- Actually really good at cooking
- Makes the best chocolate chip pancakes ever
- Is the kind of person who assumes everyone tells eachother everything and accidently exposes someone because he thought everyone else knew about it already
- Always hears things wrong but doesn't wanna ask anyone to repeat themselves
- Has the most elegant ass handwriting you will ever see, somehow
- The peacemaker of the Brotherhood,  they all would've disbanded way sooner if it wasn't for him
- Uses his trunk as a snorkle when swimming or sleeping underwater (elephants actually do this irl, I just thought it was cute)
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satanwritesfanfiction · 6 months
Paladin Danse x f!reader || Under you || SMUT
Title: Under you
Rating: explicit, smut
Category: f/m
Fandom: Fallout 4
Relationship: reader x Danse (can be read as ss x Danse)
Characters: Danse, reader
Tags/ triggers: smut, pwp, power dynamics in a sense that he outranks her in bos and that's used as a flimsy thread for pwp??, desk time, p in v, doggy, threat of being caught, injury that's basically forgotten halfway through, argument, ooc
Wordcount: 2800
a/n: the first fanfic for fallout and first time writing in a while so its has its issues but we ignore that for the serotonins my boiiii Danse gives me
Opening the door to Danse's quaters onboard the Prydwen, you were greeted with his back towards you, broad shoulders covered by his BOS uniform. It wasn't every day you were faced with the realities of him outside of his armour.
However, you didn't look forward to this conversation given how he had left you at Knight-Captain Cade To get stitched up. His disappointment wasn't without merit, you had disregarded that order but with good reason, the civilians were the priority to you, not your own sensibilities of survival or self preservation.
You cleared your throat as you moved your hands to hook at your back. "Danse."You closed your eyes briefly and took a breath. "..Paladin Danse." You stated, keeping the clench of your teeth out of your voice as best you could ad you took the formal route.
He turned to regard you, eyes raking over you in a way that made you feel small before he took a breath.
"Did Knight-Captain Cade clear you?" He inquired, voice void of emotion as the remnants of the battle still courses through him, the images of your body bruised and bloody, the results still shining on the arch of your brow prominently. It's been a few hours and he's kept busy but it lingers on him, haunts him in a way he hadn't anticipated.
"Yes." You stated. "Well after few days rest, its honestly not even that bad Danse." You pulled against your shirt to reveal the stitched wound on your stomach, slight redness to the skin but nothing that would cause any worry. "Few days and I'll be back to kicking ass like I never even left."
Danse stood frozen for a moment, hands tightening ever so slightly at the clipboard he was holding at the sight of the exposed skin, knowing he shouldn't feel this way and much less when it was such an innocent gesture on your part when all you wanted to do was set his mind at ease. But the problem was that he had imagined it, had imagined his hands curled around that very skin, indenstations on your hips, on the smooth skin.
He knew his duties and what should take precedence but thoughts sometimes got a bit jumbled around you, feeling something growing in his chest, movement within in a way he couldn't decipher, anger at your actions and fear at your failures which he could argue was because of his role as your sponsor but he knew there was more to it and he should probably create some distance... but at the same time he had been elated when you asked him to accompany you on your outtings.
"That's.. uh that's good. "he stated, averting his eyes for a moment to think as he cleared his throat. "We still need to discuss your performance on the battlefield today, (Y/n).“ he took on the professional demeanor as he placed the clipboard on a nearby surface.
"I understand." You stated as you moved a few paces in his direction.
"You failed to follow a direct order." He stated. "You know what I told you when I chose to sponsor you. You are my responsibility and I can't have you-" he sighed and ran his hand over his face as he boiled at the thought. "You have a duty to this team."
It was definitely not an opportune moment as you watched him chastise you to feel the warmth in your body, the firmness in his stance, the power as he spoke. The brief flashes of when he carried your body to safety. Your attraction to the man was your own issue to deal with but it always creeps up when you need it the least.
You had imagined it was the lack of action that had you so wanton for the man but after a few nights with your hand between your legs with his name on your tongue and even a few drunken nights in goodneighbour, you had come to the conclusion that there had to be a little more to it than that but even so, the knowledge didn't stop the way you felt weak with his attention solely on you, it didn't stop your gaze from lingering or the butterflies in your stomach as his voice carried within the room.
You swallowed. "There were civilians, Danse. I could not let them be another casualty of war."
"You shouldn't have disobeyed." He stated firmly, brows furrowed as his voice raised slightly. "We would've-"
"They would've died." You interrupted. "You can't expect me to watch that happen when we could-"
He was always softer when it came to you, he knew that, he would wager that you knew it as well. He dismissed and even ignored many actions that might've seemed harsh in anothers eyes but nothing quite like the action he would commit when his lips met yours, a quick action that his mind couldn't quite compute but at the same time he felt vindicated. An entirely unprofessional offense against much of what he told himself and how he arrived to behave but you felt so real with his hands pressed to the side of your face, so soft pressed to his lips, so warm and pliable when you didn't pull away.
"You need to learn your place." He whispered against your lips as he pulled away, hands falling to your hips and pressing into the flesh. So many thoughts circling that were both impure and against the ideals of the brotherhood when it came to subordinates and colleagues.
You bit into your lip as you looked up at him, not quite the place you saw the conversation moving but it was definitely not unwelcome, just surpising and a little distracting with the way his fingers pressed into you, causing your brain to play catch up and wonder if this was real or not and whether you could push forth in the direction you desperately wanted to go.
"Are you gonna show me where that is?“ you whispered, breathe feeling like it was sucked from your body as you anticipated his reaction. Damn the pulsing between your legs that could have you on your knees in front of this man with a mere motion, a mere sliver that he wouldn't reject it.
He was quick to move you after the question, pressing you against the desk and hovering above you as a few small objects from his desk tumbled to the floor.
"Do you want me to?“ he asked, searching your expression for any sign of discomfort, wondering if he read the situation wrong, part of him wanting you to be the one to stop this so he didn't go against any of the bos ideals but hoping to whatever merciless god was out there that you wouldn't.
"Yeah.."you said softly, pushing through some forced confidence as you cleared your throat, meeting his eyes with a new form of what you hoped was seen as assurance. "Yes."
He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear as his eyes stayed trained on you, an act that felt soft and intimate in the way silence fell until his hand slipped into your hair, grip tightening and crashing his lips to yours once more. You gave as fervently as you got, hands pressed to his chest.
His own hand lingered at your chest, fingers gripping the hem of your shirt and easily pulling it over your head and then came the bra, frustration evident as his need for you grew. An array of pushing and prodding as the frustration lingered in veins at the limitation the pieces of cloth supplied.
Finally he manages to push the small piece of clothing from your body to some place on the floor, watching you sit on his desk like this with an expression that anyone would call wanton. His hand cupped your breast in his hand, watching as you worried your lip between your teeth at the action. Softness even in sound when he ran his thumb over the bud.
He had been gentle in the journey to get you somewhat undressed but he hadn't forgotten the comment that lead him here, the boil within his blood at the thought of your actions and the unobstructed sight of the wound now before him. The image of you had not been enough to still the turmoil within him. The kindness he valued in you was the thing that would disregard order and yourself which brought him to this bridge but he could easily show you order, power, even show you your place as he had said. He would not be entirely wrong to say you place was under him but perhaps not in the sense that he would like and would enforce tonight.
He quickly undid the button of your pants, hands wrapping around your hips at a lingering thought, the need growing within him, a grip that lingered but didn't alarm you as he pulled you towards him but then a sudden shift as the direction changed, as he flipped you around, using his body to press you to the desk, hand pressing against against your upper back until you took the position he wanted. The new position added an ache to the wound on your torso, slight hiss that you doubt he even heard.
The desk was cool against your breast, anticipation as you kept yourself pressed to the surface, eyes looking behind at the man and only feeling the anticipation and want grow as his eyes travelled across your body.
"Such disobedience." He murmured as his hands slid down your back, fingers hooking in the waist and of the pants and pulling it over the curve of your ass along with your underwear. "Perhaps I had been too lenient with you." He stated, a tone that didn't quite match the content as his hands spread over your ass and squeezed. He lowered himself over your body, chest ghosting over your back as his lips pressed close to your ear and his own bulge pressing against your back side so temptingly. "I should correct that misstep, shouldn't I. Show you what insubordination gets you." He punctuated the word with the grind of his hips to yours.
You bit your lip as you spread your legs as much as you could given the pants around your thighs limiting your movement. Needing him to touch you in any way he wished, to use your body just as long as he touched you without all the layers between you.
The press of him eased up when he fiddled with his uniform, fighting to pry it from his body as quickly as possible at the sight of your pliable form. He hadn't bothered further than getting it passed his hips. For a moment he was dumbstruck, so many things he wanted but the uncertainty of whether he would get such a perfect opportunity to enact them made him slow to act, pressing two fingers to your entrance and spreading your slick and shallowly pressing into you to test the waters.
A whimper sounded past your lips as you closed your eyes at the feeling. It had been so long since someone else had touched you and though you had the nights where you had came around your fingers at the thought of him, it was miles apart from this, from his warm fingers spreading your cunt.
"That's a good girl."He commented, watching as his fingers disappear into your needy cunt, glistening in the light when he retracted, soft whimpers spilling from your lips and body rocking back against him softly. You were so compliant like this, such a pretty image that he would definitely be revisiting at a later time.
He removed his fingers from you, earning an annoyed sound and a glance back, he couldn't hide his glee at the state he could leave you in but at the same time, he needed to be inside you, needed you to clench around his cock and take him like you were meant to.
His hand wrapped around your hip, the other going to his cock and lining up. He pushed in slowly, groaning at the wetness until he settled, hips pressed to yours. The situation led you to believe he would give the time for you to adjust, he had always been accommodating and he had taken his time with pushing into you but he had other plans, other wants to allowed him to bypass that courtesy.
His hand slipped into your hair and tightened, pressing you to the desk if you just so happen to get any other ideas. His hips snapped, shallowly at first as he got used to the tightness. You cried out at the feeling, the pain that got dwarfed by the pleasure and he quickly pressed a hand over your mouth to silence your cries as he pressed closer to your ear.
"Wouldn't want anyone to come see what's wrong, would we?" He granted against your back, teeth scratching against your shoulder blade as he momentarily slowed his movements. "This is quite the position for a knight to be in."
Your hand wrapped around his wrist as his hips picked up the pace, closing your eyes as you took what he gave, imagining if someone did walk in, perhaps a scribe or Cade or even Maxson, seeing Danse give it to you, perhaps they could corroborate that this was real because it felt like you were floating, like he was splitting your skull in half and all you could do was think about how fucking full of him you felt. Punishment be damned, you needed them to know Danse was fucking you, that he chose you even if just a momentary lapse.
Suddenly he pulled out, flipping you over like you weighed nothing, you bit into your lip at the full sight of him, bare chest and cock at attention. He, on the other hand, had no notions of taking in the moment, taking hold of your legs and pressing them to your chest so he could get easy access to that tight cunt of yours, immediately pressing home at the first opportunity.
You moaned at the feeling, pressing your palm to your lips given his previous comments even with your own voyeuristic fantasies and the need to have him do it, to control every aspect of the situation, to set the perimeter and feel his hand press to the sides of your face as you just laid there and took it.
He could feel his end approaching, hand pressing and prodding at your skin at the thought of losing access, finally lingering at your clit at the thought of you coming on his cock.
"Hold this." He commanded, taking your free hand and wrapping it around your legs. You did as you were told, glossy eyes watching the man before you and then keening when he touched you, thumb rubbing against your clit in fast, tight circles and you knew you were done for.
"Danse.." you cried, hand slipping from your lips as you moaned into the air, neither of you seeming to care at the moment as his hips snapped into you with renewed vigor at the sound of his name falling from your lips. "Please-I.."
"I know." He stated, interuppting your train of thought. "Be a good girl and come for me."
Again, you did as he asked, feeling the warmth spread throughout your limbs as your walls clenched around him. The cry that left your lips would most likely be heard past his door followed by the mantra of his name as you fought through the intense emotion.
He had to fight to keep moving past the the clench of you, giving a few shallow thrusts before he came inside of you, ropes of his come hitting your walls as he stilled deep inside of you with a grunt of your name.
A few moments passed of heavy breathing before he pulled out, watching as his come slipped out of you which he promptly pushed back inside of you with two fingers which elicited a whimper from you.
Coming back to his sensibilities, he retracted from you, softly removing your hand from your legs and setting them to the floor and pulling you to a seating position. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and pulled your pants back over your hips and then picked you up bridal style, wordlessly. He hoped you were alright, that he hadn't made a mistake by giving into his most base desires for you. He cared for you and he hoped for more than the structure provided under this militarristic life but that was a whole other can of worms.
He placed you in his bed, getting in behind you and wrapping an arm around your middle. He could steal this moment, could he not. If you were to resent him for his actions, at least he could pretend in this moment as you fall asleep pressed to his chest.
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bluginkgo · 2 months
Welp, ep7 didn't kill me! ... the depression post ep might- (Theories/Rambles)
Anyways! Ep7 oh boy, it was full of surprises even for me. The animation, the intense battle scenes, everything about it was AMAZING! Of course, that's just my opinion :3 (feel free to yeet it into the stratosphere)
Get ready for word diarrhea and some shaky and loose thoughts on the ending and what may happen next. Fair warning, my theories are pretty wacky, so somethings may sound way out there. XD
Spoilers duh, oh and gore warning? Kinda?
I mean... that scary *ss mother facking thing towards the end- you know what I'm talking about if you watched the ep 😅
This puzzled me a bit, but the more I thought about it, I suppose the more it makes sense (give me a hot minute, I'm slow ok 😅).
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The lockers act as a storage container for the solver drones. But what about the image from ep6? It seemed like they had free reign over the office and could come and go. Even as far as a sentinel cuddling up to Nori. But that's the thing. Later we see that Nori and Yeva were the only ones that have been the MOST successful with the absolute solver experimentation. The others, were either corrupted or were unaffected.
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That means, in the time that the patches were given to the drones experimented on, was the time that they were allowed to be in the office. But as the patches and experimentation progressed, they were moved down for more security.
Soooo V. What are my thoughts on her and her whereabouts? The shot of the hall with the sentinels did not make it into the ep. Sure, it is probably fairly easy for them to get that shot. Especially if they kept the rig of the hall, throw around some sentinel bodies, and make the light go out. But this lack of V is what's making me still believe she's out there. Delusional, I know. But we don't get to see her eldrich form. This is the Absolute Solver that has been chilling in the labs, and simply recreates the hologram of all the drones it was ever a part of.
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If V does not return by ep8, then I will lay her to rest properly. Until then, I'm marking her as MIA. She may be out there, she may not.
Alright, so the crucifix is also recounted as "failsafe USB (606b)" or at least that's how I see it, given the crucifix is just one fancy usb.
Now, the other time we did see the 606 was in the beginning of ep5.
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wdOS_606 is basically the code that kills the drone and its core. So, effectively, that crucifix works as a kill code for the absolute solver. The timeline of events probably happened like this: Nori was showing signs of the Absolute Solver progressing much faster than any other drone the teams have worked with. One time, Nori went Absolute Solver crazy, the placement of the image that is also seen in ep6 suggests that this was the first or one of the first times Nori went rogue. The teams then decided to contain her better and suspended her by the chains, all the while waiting for the failsafe USB to be completed. At least, that was the plan. "Don't all die and almost let it out again lol. We're pretty mad but mostly scared about that." subtitle backs it up.
Now this.
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This entire sequence seems rather interesting. Absolute Solver, at its best, understands emotions on logical level. Its more like a math equation for it. As in: Bad things happen = changed and more subdued personalities. But with N, I suppose it found it rather interesting to watch him. Despite all of the bad experiences he may have had, he remained his happy self. The solver even went as far as quoting him.
That type of innocence, despite the horrors he has seen and committed, most likely amused the solver. So it allowed the team to retain those personalities and traits- also knowing that it could easily get rid of them if it really wanted to.
Uzi's administration rights still hold up. It seems that in this moment, the solver attempted to completely corrupt N and have him as a mindless drone that followed orders. Buuuut Uzi's admin rights denied that, saving him from becoming the solver's puppet and being what he was back on Earth during the massacre of humans.
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Eating is often referred to in this episode. Seems that I was somewhat right in regards to the Absolute Solver being the core of Copper-9 now. It has grown rather large, and taken possession of the entire planet. To maintain that, it needs sustenance. Be it in form of biological and mechanical life, or the planet itself.
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So J destroyed the only means of getting off the planet, and the possibility of saving themselves or the planets for the gang- of course there's still the pod that J is using, but that will not be given up without a fight.
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The issue here I have is... to whom did J give her loyalty to? Couple theories:
To Tessa- J has NO idea this is not Tessa, and is following her old boss just like in the days of the manor.
To Absolute Solver- J knows this is not Tessa, but still is loyal to it.
Issue: If number 1 is correct, then why follow through the plan with destroying the pod? It seems that was the case all along when Tessa told J to "mind her ship." Furthermore confusing to me is her comment.
Tessa: Her (Cyn) last known act was siccing you lot on other human exo-planets.
N: But why?
J: That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo.
J's line can be taken both ways. As 1- J is actually trying to figure out why Cyn is acting up. As for 2- this was simply a cover up for the whole plot.
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It seems here that the drones that were previously worked on simply stayed in their lockers and their corrupted form. But that was something that made me wonder. The drones were all corrupted with the Absolute Solver to some degree. They were all given patches of the solver- some had effect and others didn't. But that still means that there were a lot of drones that had their cores corrupted and look like Heart. Here's the question.
Why didn't they simply leave? Nori's corrupted core is fully sentient, despite being possessed by the solver the most. Of course, there is the possibility that whatever Nori created in the cathedral simply took those cores and dragged them into the center. Further growing itself. Ah, well I kind of answered my own question there.
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So the largest number I could count was 129 on this list. Meaning, there were at least 129 drones experimented on. Seems to follow the crazy theory I had of the Absolute Solver taking control of the core. 129 minus 2 (Nori and Yeva) cores will definitely make a great impact/engrave itself into the planet in such a way and thus manifest the corridors of flesh and hands that go all to the way to Cabin Fevers camp ground.
It also seems that the Absolute Solver, instead of being injected straight into the drones, was done in patches. Now, my knowledge in computer language and science is non-existent, but it does make me wonder. Yeva has 2.1.8 patch, while Nori was still "in progress." This either implies:
Nori had a newer patch and this was the one that caused her to go so berserk they had to restrain her in the cathedral.
Nori did not have a new patch, the one that Yeva has was the latest one and Nori simply was not faring well in the transition.
Something I noticed/finally grasped on my 3rd watch through:
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Who the hell is "they?" Well, my tired brain finally decided to kick in and work. "They" were the scientists. So the crucifix was something that the humans only now figured out how to make. The kill code that would put the Absolute Solver down. That was why the Solver was on Copper-9. It needed that crucifix, so it could get rid of it. "They kept cutting my feed." Most likely referred to when the hosts would become possessed by the solver. Just as seen with Nori, the second they went crazy, it was a quick shut down, thus cutting the feed for the Absolute Solver as it tried to figure out what they were doing.
So, just as many have theorized, Nori did cause the core collapse, but not in the way that I expected it. It's rather funny that instead of this being like a full Absolute Solver possession that caused this on purpose, was simply one bad event after another. And I love the show for this. Despite having the route that the Absolute Solver could have just imploded the planet on purpose and on its own (by possessing a host), it was instead a sequence of events that is similar to humans and their downfall. Nothing orchestrated, but just a compiling effect that created one huge problematic black hole.
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So this page does give some insight. The Absolute Solver sent DDs to wipe out the other solver hosts. (I'll touch on this in a different post) And the DDs were either referred to as "pets" by the Absolute Solver (which is more likely, as it called Uzi a "puppet") or a term that Nori coined. "Puppet hosts with nerfed ___ the entity-ensures control" The nerfed ___ is most likely their cores/thought process. As in, Administration CYN is what nerfed their abilities to remember anything regarding their past, and used that to control the DDs.
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This was something I couldn't kind of settle with. Events wise, it can be assumed this is all happening at the same time. Just as Uzi is getting through the mine shafts and picking up the lantern, Tessa is blowing up the computer and nomming on Doll, and N is being dragged through corpse walls and being saved by Heart.
It was Doll- Although, the more I looked at this thought, the less likely this became. Doll's was intact when she came to warn Uzi, and stayed there until Tessa entity ate it towards the end of the episode. We have yet to see an instance where a core entered the Absolute Solver form and returned back to the core form without taking any damage. Specifically in J's case, the solver form was blown up and only then returned to the core form. Nothing was in the mine shafts that could have possibly injured it enough to go back to the core form and sneak back into Doll's body.
Tessa...uhh whatever the fack she is- Based off of Doll's getting attacked scene, the entity seems to have a rather quick ability in switching forms. So I wouldn't put past it that the entity attacked Doll, saw that another part of the Absolute Solver was trying to chase N down, and just went along with the rest of the solver to hunt him down.
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On my first watch through, I was worried that N would go crazy from breaking rule 1 of robotics: Not to injure humans. Granted, in the first watch through, everything went so fast that I barely had any time to grasp anything. After the second watch through, it becomes quite clear and apparent. The Absolute Solver took the rules of robotics out of the DDs. I mean, how else were they supposed to attack and kill the humans back on Earth. Furthermore, Tessa was not a human. So even if N did still have the rules of robotics programmed into him, they might not have set off. Why the "might not?" Because of the sentinel. Perhaps because the sentinels were created by humans, their ai is much simpler, but when that dingo bit Tessa, it had an aneurysm. It detected blood, and thus, the ai deduced that the sentinel just injured a human and decided to alt f4 itself. Would the same happen with N? I'm not quite sure. Given that the solver programmed the DDs, it could be either instance: Take the rules out completely or enhance the rules so that blood isn't what triggers the rule breaking.
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This is something that made me wonder. Did the DD trio go to any other exo-planets previously? I took this scene in two ways:
This has happened before. The solver knows that N will continue to forgive the Absolute Solver because something similar has happened before. As in, the solver is out to kill a planet, it does that, but in return sacrifices any DDs that might have been there to get rid of the potential solver hosts. The backups are booted and sent to a new planet.
This is the first time this happened, but the solver has previous experiences. Just as the solver had made N forget about his time in the mansion and the bloodbath of killing humans, it can do the same thing. Kill N, and make his backup version forget this ever happened.
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This one single frame made me wonder a bit too hard. The little nulls I assumed to be miniature and contained blackholes. But then when N dove under one... there was collision? A black hole, as far as I understand (which isn't very much ;w;), is something that cannot be touched. It warps time and space, so how are you supposed to be able to touch it? But I'm quite sure my tired brain is just thinking too much about simple details.
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For some odd reason, I always thought that the solver wings were more flesh, and thus couldn't take too much damage. Proven wrong again! Uzi withstood N's firing and her wings came out undamaged.
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Main question for me: Why would the Absolute Solver eat the core? Specifically in drone form/possessing a host. If it was the hole that's in the cathedral, I can understand that somewhat better. But what does a solver drone gain from eating another corrupted core?
Perhaps acts as a power boost? Whatever the corrupted core can do, the powers are transfered uhh... somehow?
Simply sustenance, and a way to get rid of Heart, you're thinking too deep into this Ginkgo (more likely option) Plus, backed up by Tessa entity eating Doll's core and being unaffected. Perhaps it just remains in the body as a source of energy.
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IC-0n IS THAT YOU?! XD But in all seriousness, this scene was intense. The animation, the music and sound effects, the lines, everything was executed perfectly and created the monstrosity that may or may not haunt my nightmare tonight :3
My first thought was, "OH YOU! YOU FINALLY SHOWED UP! ...... GO AWAY!" This entity... uh I'm not quite sure what to call it yet, has been teased all the way back to the poster. And I would like to bring back something I said a bit while back. "What if the double x'ed character is someone we already know... but is dead? A character that is confirmed/somewhat confirmed to be dead can return back to life, and their body forced to move by the absolute solver." (I will be delving deeper into debunking this in another post.) Welp, that does it. I had the idea, just didn't know who the fack it was. XD So we get a drone, wearing Tessa's skin.
In hindsight, there was a big fat foreshadowing that I took for granted. This thing.
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The drone body is a WD, and clear as day 1001 written on the core. What does it mean? Ah well, I'm actually not too sure. Going with the 002, 048, 029, etc. numbers, I can only assume 1001 is something the Absolute Solver made and gave it that number, possibly suggesting that there is more of these monstrosities out there.
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So. Another "sacrifice." Why the quotation marks? Well... the first "sacrifice" was V and I'm still calling her MIA. Ginkgo, its clearly shown Uzi is most likely not gonna make it out of this one- shhhhhhhh, there is no war in Ba Sing Se. I will call Uzi MIA as well.
She's dead. The core was charging up behind her, much like it did when Nori's null hand fell, and when IC-0n- I MEAN- Tessa? The entity, jumped in. Uzi might just be the thing that sets the next core collapse- even the planet collapse- off. What Uzi is seeing, is just something that the Absolute Solver might have conjured up as her last memories before the imminent shut down.
She isn't dead. You see, this entire shot has me puzzled (nothing new lol). Your evidence for this one Ginkgo? Two images.
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These scenes might not be much, but I will try to grasp at air here. It's unclear where Heart goes to. I mean there are two routes, one of which sounds more likely. First, she's going into the core because it connects to the entirety of the mine shafts and the core. Second, she's gonna use a door off to the side to go to the mine shafts and the same place that N gets dragged through. Why am I using these as poor evidence? Well, we've had 2 characters enter dark spaces full fo solver flesh and still make it out. Ginkgo, Uzi is literally falling in that scene, there is nothing to stop her fall. Yeah I know, like I said, I'm grasping at air with this one. Buuuut, the mind scape theories sound more fun, promise! ^w^
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First off, where the HELL could this possibly be?
A memory/mind scape the Absolute Solver created: This has to be Copper-9, based off of the two iconic moons to the top right. A memory, because this could be either the first core collapse, or Uzi viewing the destruction of Copper-9 from another solver entity's point of view. Mind scape as in this is where the solver drone minds go to. Every solver drone that has been consumed by the large Absolute Solver in the cathedral, had their own personalities and thoughts. To keep them all from clashing and acting out, perhaps the solver takes the hive-mind plane and creates spaces that the solver drones can warp through.
The "ascension" plane: Ginkgo, that's it, to the hospital you go chop chop. /j Anyways, why am I even bringing something like this up? Well, Uzi's mural says this.
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There are two routes here: succumb to be the host of eternal entity, or ascend. Ascend to... where? And how? Here is where the more intense crack theories enter (or at least for me). This space is the hive-mind of the solver, yes, but this is where Uzi's internal battle against the Absolute Solver will happen. We all know that the last mural will be of N fighting off the Absolute Solver (most likely). But what if he had outside (inside technically?) help. While N may hold out against the solver, he may need help to finally break through and finish it off. Who would be a better candidate than Uzi? She has now, for better or worse, become part of the large amalgamation that sits in the core. Perhaps with the strongest hosts in the hive-mind: Uzi, Nori, Yeva (maybe, I'm not quite settled on her yet), and Cyn, they will all be able to stop the solver for good on Copper-9. This process is the ascension. Instead of succumbing to the Absolute Solver within the hive-mind scape, she will fight once again. This time around, coming out victorious and ascending to uhh... I'm not quite sure yet? Robo-heaven? Returning back into her corporal body? Becoming the next Absolute Solver but with less need to rule the world? (Ah, well she might still actually rule the world just for the fun of it XD) Honestly, it's far too late for me to be thinking any more. I might add on to this later on.
Is it a rather optimistic take on the ending? Perhaps, but I need a little optimism right about now. ;w;
Want more of my stupid rambles? This has 3 other parts! ;w;
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butwhatifidothis · 4 months
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 12 for rhea? :3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Rhea because her story brings with it so many interesting things to think about, and the choices she's made throughout it are also thought-provoking. Yes, she's tried to do the best she could with the options given to her, yes she's tried to do everything in order to bring peace to Fodlan, but that doesn't make her choices any less morally ambiguous or debatable - something she acknowledges, and even wishes to make up for when she's felt she'd made bad choices!
Plus her being fairly shy about mingling with others due to her status making her feel as though she'd bum down the mood gives her a real sweet quality to her lol. Makes me wish even more she was allowed to talk to more characters.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That she put her identity out on blast in Shambhala in order to protect everyone. She also does this during the siege on Garreg Mach, but her initial transformation was away from everyone; in the second time she does is in front of everyone, but she cares about saving people more than her own safety at that moment. Considering how long she hid her Nabatean heritage from the world, it feels like a huge step forward for her, Nabateans, and Fodlan as a whole being able to put behind the horrific massacre of the Nabateans. She isn't deemed a monster by anyone, no one tries to kill her in her dragon form; they all just admire that she went so far to keep them safe! It's just a really good moment (that's uh, fucked by either her dying for sure on VW or her randomly going berserk on SS, but still!).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The above mentioned going berserk thing in SS is easilyyyyyyy my least favorite thing about Rhea's writing (because due to the nature of Rhea's character I don't really find myself outright disliking any aspect of her character). It's stupid, it comes out of nowhere, it makes no sense (even with FEH trying its damndest to throw out a reason), and it just kinda fucks with SS' pacing more than anything. She's only the final boss there because SS needed a unique boss and no other reason and it sucks major ass.
Even the suggestion of her going berserk on VW and Nemesis being the final boss of SS just kinda... moves the problem somewhere else, not actual fix what's wrong with it (the lack of foreshadowing that anything like this would happen, the fact that it doesn't happen on the other route where the exact same thing happens to Rhea but nothing happens to her there, the nonsensical nature of it, etc.). Definitely the weakest part of the writing of her character, imo.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Not the song question 😭😭😭 imma be straight up with you I do not think of any song for any character like almost ever sorry for the lame answer but I don't got shit for this question
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
We both love cats!!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i like when they write her in character I like when fandom allows for Rhea to genuinely grow close to other characters, rare as it is to see happen. She has such an interesting viewpoint and has a lot of similarities to a lot of characters, so seeing that get expanded on and not just have her be The One True Bad Guy Of 3H For Totes For Realsies Pinky Promise is always nice lol
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
On AM/SS after the war she lets herself openly baby Flayn as her aunt instead of withholding outright doting due to her archbishop position + hiding their familial relation. She gives her gifts and teaches her constellations on her star chart and does up her hair and tells funny story about Seteth that make him look silly - she just gets to be family with her niece!!
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beenjen · 4 months
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1// set up more of a plant section in a workout area. Used the table I was working on for my mom before she passed and set my grandmothers ceramic Christmas tree in with the other greenery. It feels right and it is peaceful.
2// C and I revamped my home office - it had become a catch all as I wasn’t working any from the house. I now have a standing desk and changed out my art for a piece mom painted me. I love the progress and am working on a piece to go behind me for video calls. I’m painting a plant/book stand, then maybe mount all my diplomas/certificates?
3// hung the blue painting from my grandmothers. I always loved it, it is only shades of blue and always spoke to me. She gifted it to me when I got my first place and I’ve lovingly tugged it along with me everywhere since 💚
4// hung art in the hall upstairs, only took 12 years hahaha
5// took a leaf out of the dining room table and we are playing with some ideas to split the living room and have some swivel chairs. We had a bench and now it’s all chairs. If is starting to feel more cozy and that’s what we want and what serves us at this time.
6// rearranged some shelves in the living room. I’m feeling more thinning to come, it feels lighter though and that’s a start.
ALSO, I found Js birth certificate and ss card. Then I found Ls ss card, not her birth certificate. I know it’s somewhere, probably stuck to something, however, I just ordered one because I can and it wasn’t as hard as I thought.
We’ve decided to change the kids school this coming year. We had the best of hopes when we started the school we are at, and the principle when we signed up was amazing and progressive. Since he left, it’s not been the same and just isn’t meeting the priorities we have set and the special things the kids have interest in. Too, the rhetoric that is coming to light isn’t lining up with our values. It’s a good change I feel. J is gifted in mechanics/electronics, and that program was cut, plus Lils wants to be in theater, which they only perform one Christmas show a year… we will be best served elsewhere and instead of dread, I feel excitement, so I know it’s the right choice.
Today I gathered all the goodies for the kids valentines, and this will be the last ‘first’ without my mom. Over the weekend I felt almost a crippling sensation of coming out of my skin. I am choosing to look it as growth, and how a snake sheds its skin, I’m becoming a new version of myself? I cleansed the house and opened all the windows. So much forward momentum and positivity is coming and with us, that I can’t help but feel a settled stillness. That life will continue to go on and I will carry her with me, even though she is not here, she’s in everything I do and feel. She’s here even though she’s not.
Peace and happy valentines my lovelies. So much love and prosperity for us this coming year xx
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spamlets · 5 months
iterator logs but make them
with crowns ⬇️
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without crowns ⬇️
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individual ss, some doodles, + some actual (partially incoherent) info about the au below the cut!
rbs appreciated <333
individual ss:
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small doodles i did for the au haha
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more info:
the IL royal au is a silly little au i made up in my head!
basically it goes like this: the ancients created iterators to act as a new form of government in order to prevent govt corruption. cities or “kingdoms” were built around/on top of iterators and rather than them working to solve The Problem, they worked to govern over and make decisions for their people. the societies of these ancients were just as technologically advanced as in canon rain world. dont ask about The Rain (TM), i havent thought that far ahead yet.
cue mass ascension, i havent ironed out the details of that whatsoever but all the ancients die out leaving the iterators on their own (*cue fallen kingdom playing*). perhaps it’s on purpose, perhaps it’s a plague (this one could be pretty interesting actually)
distant frontier does his thing, creates an army of scavs or vultures or whichever else creatures he uses (i think he uses both but i could be remembering wrong) and breaks from his corruption-taboos, which is ofc a spin on the self-destruction taboo and would prevent him from expanding his domain/absorbing other kingdoms.
now the big thing here is that this was originally intended to be entirely centered around toxic yaoi (tr x df) which is partly why their clothes match (also because in general they share a lot of character traits and imo are kinda mirrors of each other in a way). that’s why i dont have much fleshed out—in the beginning it was just “king df and king tr marry and are gay forever” and whathaveyou, but then i thought about it harder and was like OH!!! this could actually be cool!!
if i go the plague route, perhaps tr had a colony of ancients still living inside his structure, but a new strain of the plague infected his people as he began to prepare for war against paradise. or maybe while trying to remove the corruption taboos he gives himself the rot like in il canon but it also ends up spreading to his citizens :headinhands:
this is all just vague ramblings for now, nothing coherent besides a few very striking mental images inside my head:
- tr lying on his deathbed surrounded by rot, the only shining thing in view being the gilded crown resting on his chest
- df on a throne wearing multiple crowns, tr bowing at his feet with a sword against his neck
- df with his artificial legs crossed at the ankles, his sword resting at his side with his karma symbols engraved into the blade
- unbroken promise with his forehead to the ground, surrendering himself and his kingdom to df after his queen ascends
- silent light standing guard in front of an endless library, only half-aware of what he’s guarding and what for anymore
- att practicing sword drills at dawn, falling asleep while standing up, leaning their chin on their sword pommel
but yeah! the basic premise is:
instead of creating iterators to solve the Great Problem, they create iterators to solve government corruption. each kingdom is built with an iterator as its ruler, with careful anti-corruption-taboos set in place to prevent them from acting maliciously towards their citizens, expanding their domain, or going to war. the entire kingdom and its walls are the body of the iterator, but theoretically worm off the string is possible because im a sucker for it and also i can imagine sometimes needing to meet up with other iterators in person for social gatherings because again im a sucker for classic royal au shenanigans 🤷
id like to personally apologize to daszombes sorry for being so autism over your characters i just think they’re neat
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chocoenvy · 2 years
yo i always seen sagau impostor au y/n fanfics about them joining the fatui, living with the monsters or playable characters joining the chaotic hunt ➖👄➖
Sooooo what if INSTEAD reader was spawn near the abyss order camp, they (kinda???)have a feeling that we are the god of teyvat so the abyss mages have sus looks at first so they trap us first, then reported to one of the heralds theennn word got to the prince(ss). They probably wanted to kill us since i mean, ITS THE CREATOR FOE FU- *ahem* they might try to ask things regarding of celestial. Hope enjou will capture me😍
Now this event is either from before we got hunted or during the run
I mean think about it- (thisistotallynotformetoimagineabysstraveler)
yes i too am a simp for abyss traveler thank you very much
HSDLFJASDFSDF butbut would be happy to provide my own thoughts on this!
warnings: Blood! Much much blood and angst <3
You were running blind, the map in game not yet having expanded this far out. The brush scratching whatever skin it could get and snagging onto your clothes. You were no doubt leaving a loud and obvious trail behind you, it was only a matter of time before you were caught and you didn't want to know what they'd do to you once they got you.
Luckily - or perhaps unluckily - right in front of you appeared a portal. You didn't have the time to stop yourself before you were plunging right into the
When you regained your bearings, sitting on the floor, heaving and sweat soaking your entire body, all of your brief relief vanished as you stared up at an Abyss Lector.
You couldn't see his eyes but you could almost feel the contempt radiating from him.
"I've seen lows but this is just a new one." He scoffed before turning to another abyss member, "Fetch their highness."
They nodded without question and scurried off.
You mouthed the twins name unconsciously, your time as an outsider looking in still not worn off. Excitement bubbled in your stomach at the prospect of seeing them, but you quickly realized that this would probably be your final resting place.
You huddled in on yourself, your tears dried from weeks of crying. You didn't even do anything wrong. That's the part that made you most upset. You just wished someone would listen to you-
"Your highness." The lector bowed, "Here they are." He motioned to you.
They stepped up to you with an aura you weren't used to from a face you would often associate with the traveler. Even though they weren't the one you chose, you never saw them with such a cold look on their face before.
You said their name, true and thundering and pleading. You swore you saw them wince.
"How do you know that name?" They interrupted you, "How do you know about me?"
You gulped, their presence heavy on your shoulders.
You couldn't provide them with a quick and easy explanation. There was none. Your throat dried up.
They glared at you, but there was a flicker of something warm and golden in their irises, "How much do you know?"
You opened your mouth, the most damning and secretive piece of information on the tip of your tongue, "The statue of the defiled god in Liyue. The statue of the anemo archon. And the original chaos core being in the ruin guard at Stormterrors lair. Or it was until Dain took it."
Their teeth grit together when you mentioned Dainlief's name so casually. But now there was a new emotion in their eyes. Panic.
"There's only one way you'd know all that information..." They muttered.
"Or when you and your sibling were fighting the Unknown God!" You said desperately, "Their name is Asmodeus! You were taken by them and your twin," You said their name loud and familiar, "was asleep for 500 years."
The emotions swelling in their eyes were enough to make your head swirl. Had you convinced them? That you were a god or whatever? Had you convinced them not to kill you?
The abyss lector gasped, "We've defiled their holiness-!"
A golden sword and a golden nara sliced you cleanly with their blade. Right in your chest where gold spilled out from your chest to perfectly match the star that the twins once were.
The stars that you plucked from the sky.
The abyssal prince(ss)'s golden eyes locked onto the Lector's. Wide and wild they growled, "They were a fraud. Dispose of the body through any means necessary." They removed the sword from your body and flicked the blood off, "Don't try anything stupid."
They left the room, gold blood splattering the golden nara.
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underratedandoverit · 9 months
Nothing But You And I
~4k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
mature content? in my blog?? in my fics??? for once its more likely than you think
warnings for implied sexual content (there is a fade to black), a very soft praise kink, making out, stripping. submissive!kip, theres a few swears, they are handy and suggestive, sexual tension. as i put in the ao3 tags, theres a lot of smoke but no actual fire, they are just spicy ✨
can be read as a follow up to "not even thinking twice" but it also works as a standalone, as theres only few small references to what happens in the other one
this is the spiciest shit you can get out of me honestly. im a very squeamish ace person, but willing to push myself as a writer, so this is a result of that. imm honestly very happy with this one, i honestly think its one of my best, if not personally THE best, to date, sssoooo. theres that. would love to hear what you think if you choose to read it, it would mean a lot! 💜
on ao3
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @ss-trashboat
Kip paced back and forth in the hallway, trying to arrange the words into the correct order in his mind. He didn’t know how long he had been there trying to make sense of everything, the track of time was a foreign concept to him at this point, and the liminal space of the hotel corridor wasn’t really helping him with that. All Kip had was the number of the correct hotel room, and a burning passion to get his title back.
Almost on an instinct at the thought, Kip glanced at his shoulder, his face sinking a little at the lack of gold on it, once again. While people would probably have said that the BTE title didn’t mean much of anything in terms of success or career highlights, Kip heavily disagreed with that statement. Maybe it was because it had been the one title he had held in this company, be it a shoot vlog one or not, but it held a special meaning to him and a special place in his heart.
So not only seeing Orange Cassidy now hold it, but also living with the knowledge that Kip had lost the title specifically to him after everything, it was just something he wasn’t able to handle very well.
Kip stopped pacing for a second, standing in front of the hotel room door, raising his hand up for a stern knock. He didn’t do it though, only groaned in annoyance, returning back to walking in circles. It was late, he was probably asleep already anyway, so Kip wasn’t really sure why he bothered with all of this so much. He could easily sleep on it, or at least try to, and catch Cassidy first thing in the morning, to demand a rematch for the title that should rightfully still be his.
Kip froze in place, the familiar voice catching him off guard. His eyes shot towards it after a split second, staring at the blond standing in the now open doorway that Kip hadn’t heard opening as he had been way too deep in his own thoughts, Cassidy letting out a yawn as he ran a hand through his short hair. There was something in the look he was giving to Kip that he wasn’t quite sure how to decipher at first, but as Cassidy continued to speak, it became pretty obvious.
“Can you stop that? Some of us are trying to sleep here.”
Annoyance. It was definitely annoyance.
Too bad for Cassidy he wasn’t as annoyed by the situation as Kip was, as the Brit stepped closer, getting up to the blond’s face. Cassidy didn’t even flinch, the pair of unamused blue eyes just staring back at him as he yawned quietly again.
“Well wake the fuck up sunshine, I want my title back.”
Cassidy just looked at him, lazily leaning against the door frame without moving an inch. The situation reminded Kip a lot about the way Cassidy had initially coaxed the title match out of him in the first place, just confirming the feeling Kip had had earlier while planning on putting himself into this situation that he had to fall down to similar tactics to best the dastardly Orange Cassidy this time around himself.
“Well what?” Cassidy asked, shrugging his shoulders a little. He clearly wasn’t going to move or give into Kip’s demands, which Kip was sure he already knew. Cassidy was just playing mind games with him at this point, growing the Brit more and more irritated at him with every ignorant statement he made.
“The title! I want a shot!”
Cassidy blinked at him blankly a couple of times, before leaning a bit closer, out of the doorway, glancing around the two of them up and down the empty hallway. Kip watched him, clearly confused, as Cassidy returned back to his original position, shrugging again.
“Brandon’s not here. The stand-ins are not here. I can’t give you a title shot unless it’s official.”
“You think this is a joke, don’t you?”
Cassidy didn’t reply, he didn’t react to the statement at all, but Kip could sense it from him. The blond was making a mockery of the precious vlog title, his precious vlog title, and Kip wasn’t going to stand for it. He stepped closer, as close as he possibly could to Cassidy, eyes narrowing at him as Kip huffed some extremely annoyed energy out of himself, trying his best to ignore the way the tips of their noses softly brushed against one another.
“You’re gonna give me a shot at the title, and you’re gonna give it to me now!”
Kip went quiet, just staring at Cassidy for a second before his brows furrowed, Kip leaning slightly away from him, clearly suspicious about this situation.
“…Okay?” he repeated, trying to work it out in his brain what the blond was on about.
“You can have a shot.”
Kip was still definitely suspicious about all of this, the conclusion came around much easier than he expected, but at the same time he had always known that Cassidy wasn’t made up to be a champion so maybe he was already regretting this and wanted to lose the title to avoid the responsibilities that came with it. Maybe Kip showing this passionate side of him to Cassidy was making the fraud of a current champion realize how much he actually wanted this, making Cassidy regret ever taking it from him. Maybe --
“But you have to earn it first.”
Getting another sudden flashback to how Cassidy had pulled his title shot out of him, Kip bit his lower lip, swearing he could see a little teasing smirk tugging in the corner of Cassidy’s mouth at the sight of Kip’s obviously racing thoughts. Maybe he was also thinking the same thing, how things had happened last week, agreeing to have a repeat of that. Or maybe that was just what Kip wanted out of this, what he wanted to believe.
“Or you can just say no and we can leave it at that and --”
“I-I’ll do anything.”
The words slipped out of his mouth before Kip could stop himself, the desperation in his voice so obvious he couldn’t help but the wince a little afterwards. Of course he meant it, but he wasn’t supposed to show weakness like that, not at a moment like this, not so openly to someone like Cassidy. The blond just looked at him, slowly raising one brow at him, this time Kip being sure there was a smirk accompanying his glance.
Kip slowly nodded. This was the one title that had meant so much to him, the only one he had held in recent memory that made him even somewhat relevant in the eyes of the audience. He craved the compliments he got while carrying it around and wearing it, he missed the weight of it on his shoulders, both physically and metaphorically, he missed the glimmer of gold that was truly his. The one thing that Kip had won, that gave him admiration, attention, a reason. He missed it. Kip missed all of it.
And yes. He was so ready to do anything to get it back. Anything Cassidy threw at him would be worth it, to get that title back on his shoulder, around his waist, to have those feelings of importance and meaning again.
Kip watched, in slight confusion, as Cassidy suddenly turned around on his heels, sluggishly making his way back inside the hotel room, leaving the door open after him. Kip stared at the empty, open doorway for a moment, it slowly dawning on him that this was an invitation for him. He could feel his heartbeat growing faster at the sudden realization that it was just going to be the two of them, at this late of an hour, together in Cassidy’s otherwise empty hotel room.
Kip tried to shake the thought off as he stepped past the threshold and inside the room, slowly closing the door after him. He had to remind himself that he was here for the title, for the shot he deserved to regain it, and that was it. Just because it happened to be with Cassidy was irrelevant. He would have done this with anyone else too. Maybe not like this, maybe he would have been more patient with someone else, but Kip definitely would have demanded a title shot. He --
“Come here.”
Kip looked at him, spotting Cassidy sitting at the end of the bed, slowly patting the spot next to him. Kip hesitated for a moment before he managed to get his feet moving again, slowly approaching the bed and the blond sitting on it. He felt nervous, without really being able to put a finger on why. He forcefully pushed the memory of Cassidy pinning him against the couch a week ago out of his mind, knowing this time wouldn’t be like that. This situation was different, he had no reason to try the same trick on him twice.
Kip finally sat on the bed next to him, watching as Cassidy inhaled deeply, leaning his arms against his legs as he leaned forward on his spot, clearly switching gears into a thinking mode. Kip didn’t bother to ask him anything, it was fairly obvious that he was running through scenarios on how the Brit would be showing that he had earned another title shot after just losing to him. Cassidy wasn’t the kind of person to really plan much ahead, he thought more on the spot, or so Kip had at least noticed throughout the torment he had put the blond through in the past months. So it didn’t really look like he had planned for this either, for Kip coming up to him and demanding a title shot, and being put into this position of having to come up with something.
God he would be such a boring champion.
“Can I ask you something?”
Kip scanned the side of his face, staying quiet as Cassidy didn’t look back at him despite asking the question and waiting for an answer. The silence seemed to be enough for him though, as he continued.
“Are you really here only for the title?”
Kip looked at him, feeling an odd lump in his throat that he was sure wasn’t there before. He nodded his head quickly though, before clearing his voice a little.
“Of, of course.”
Cassidy snorted, still not looking at him, but Kip could see the teasing smile playing on his lips.
“You’re lying.”
Kip didn’t reply to him, only watched as Cassidy finally turned back towards him. The odd combination of both softness and intensity in his eyes was almost mesmerizing, Kip hadn’t really paid much attention to it before if he was being honest. Usually when he saw Cassidy without the sunglasses was inside the ring, in a differently heated moment where he had a reputation and a fighting spirit to keep up to, which was so much different than the sleepy, almost domesticated feel to the look he was giving to Kip here.
“You’re really telling me that you are here, at two in the morning, in my hotel room, when you could have done that at any point tomorrow or even tonight, just through a simple text message or a call, begging for a title shot that barely matters… And that’s all?”
Kip slowly and hesitantly nodded, getting an uncharacteristically emotive chuckle back from Cassidy who just shook his head, the smile now very obvious on his lips as he just kept looking back at Kip.
“You’re a terrible fucking liar.”
Kip opened his mouth to reply, but he had no words. He could have just easily lied about it, but something in his head was preventing him from saying any of that. Something in him didn’t make him want to sit there and lie at Cassidy, not directly to his face, but at the same time he couldn’t admit the true nature of things to him.
He could barely admit it to himself that maybe, maybe there was something a little bit more to this and his impatient passion than just regaining the title. Because Cassidy was right, he could have waited, he could have done this at any point, without being so aggressively over the top about it, without not wanting to waste any chance Kip could get to end up in this position.
The position where Cassidy suddenly, yet clearly deliberately leaned closer towards him while Kip was weighting through his potential replies, with ease cupping one of Kip’s cheeks into his hand as the Brit wasn’t even trying to stop him or resist against the touch, pressing their lips against one another.
Kip couldn’t lie to him, because he wanted this. He had hoped for this. Fuck, he had begged in his mind to put back into this position, and there were no known words on this whole goddamn planet that he could say to make it appear otherwise.
Kip slowly responded to the lazy kiss, Cassidy almost immediately pulling away from him, erupting an annoyed groan from Kip. Cassidy just smiled at him, knowing that he got him in the palm of his hand so easily, both figuratively and literally as his thumb ran over the Brit’s cheek.
“I don’t like it when you lie to me, Kip.”
The way Cassidy said his name sent shivers down Kip’s spine. The soft, yet stern voice put him under a spell he couldn’t escape from. Not that he wanted to, but the hold it had of him was like no other, the soft touch against the heating skin of his cheek just adding a layer to it all that made it feel like a dream Kip didn’t want to wake up from.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
Cassidy tilted his head, almost acting coy before he leaned closer again, trailing a row of soft kisses along Kip’s jawline. He bit his lip to hold back a moan, his breathing tightening as Kip could feel his heart rate increasing against his will at the touch of Cassidy’s lips against the scruff covering his skin while his hands worked to unbutton the rest of the Brit’s shirt with ease. Finally his hot breath tickled against Kip’s ear as Cassidy’s lips reached it, a clear smile in his voice as he whispered, “Good boy.”
Kip flinched a little, pulling away from Cassidy’s touch, taking in a deep breath, much shakier than he expected it to be. Cassidy just looked at him, the smile still playing on his lips, barely visible yet so comforting that Kip couldn’t help but to rush forward, wanting to wipe that look from his face before Cassidy could unlock more embarrassing feelings out of him, pulling the blond into a kiss. Cassidy chuckled at him, giving Kip the moment he needed to deepen the kiss.
The next few moments passed him by in a bizarre haze of passion, Kip feeling the blond moving into his lap with ease, stripping him out of the already unbuttoned shirt, hands moving into his hair to run through it. The few gentle tucks of his hair made Kip moan quietly against the kiss, in the end Cassidy clearly taking the hint as it felt like he was doing it on purpose to work Kip up, letting him barely catch his breath anymore.
As the kiss was finally broken apart, Cassidy stopped to admire his handiwork; the disheveled hair, flustered cheeks, closed eyes, and slightly parted lips as Kip was trying to steady his breathing to stop his head from spinning, looking so euphoric in his state that Cassidy let out a few swears of his own in his mind at the piece of art he had created. He hadn’t stopped before to ask himself if this was the right thing to do, but seeing Kip right there in front of him melting against his touch on more levels than just one, he knew this was what he wanted to begin with. Since last week, in fact. But…
Kip didn’t open his eyes, still trying to steady himself and his spinning head, but he nodded a little in acknowledgment.
“If… If you want to stop, it’s okay. You’ve earned your shot.”
Kip’s brows furrowed but his eyes remained shut, just listening to Cassidy’s words. The blond wanted to make it very clear he wasn’t going to push the boundaries more unless this was a mutual feeling between both of them. Honestly it had started as Cassidy just trying to see how serious Kip was about all of this title shot talk after what Cassidy himself had done to get his shot the week before, but somewhere down the line since Kip had appeared unannounced and clearly so, so desperate on the doorstep of his hotel room, something had changed.
He didn’t want to see how far Kip was willing to go anymore. Maybe it was because the things he would do were becoming fairly obvious, or maybe Cassidy just wanted this to be more… Mutually enjoyable and beneficial moment instead. Something a bit more than just him trying to tease Kip into backing down.
“Unless you… Want to go on.”
“I… I do.”
Kip was still clearly out of breath, but he nodded his head again, Cassidy feeling the fingertips digging into his hips, only now really taking notice where Kip’s hands had been this entire time. “I do. I really… Really do.”
Sensing nothing but sincerity in his words, Cassidy leaned closer again, stealing a soft peck from Kip’s lips before he pushed himself up on his feet from his lap. Kip’s eyes opened as he felt the body heat of the blond disappear from his immediate vicinity, his cheeks flushing even deeper color of red as he saw Cassidy kneeling down in front of him, hands working on undoing his belt.
Kip almost wanted to ask him to stop, a sudden wave of shame and vulnerability washing over him, but as Cassidy continued to undress him without any objections, the clearly careful and practiced movements of his hands tucking the tight jeans down, Kip just found himself biting his lip to stop himself from letting out a single sound, just enjoying the brushes of Cassidy’s rough hands against his exposed skin, just the mere contact making Kip grow slightly more and more insane each time.
As Cassidy struggled a bit with the final pull of the pants, Kip wiggled his way back on the bed, the movement helping to release his legs from the denim trap. There was something almost perverse about it, how Kip was now laying on the unfamiliar hotel bed only in his underwear, watching as Cassidy crawled back on it, still fully clothed, leaning over him as the blond observed every bit of Kip, inch by inch, as if he wanted to consume all of him.
And honestly, Kip absolutely wanted him to do all of that.
Cassidy’s hand traced up his toned midsection, a line of fingers running between his pecs, raising goosebumps on Kip’s skin.
“Has anyone told you that you’re beautiful?”
Cassidy looked straight at him, Kip having to actually turn away to avert the gaze, feeling the words catching in his throat. He wanted to reply something back to him so badly, but Kip was afraid of stammering, saying the wrong thing, making a fool out of himself. Making all of this stop if he said something that Cassidy didn’t want to hear.
Kip could feel Cassidy’s hand climbing up from his chest, pressing onto his cheek, slowly but firmly turning Kip’s face back towards him. Cassidy smiled down at him, “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
Kip’s cheeks were burning, even more so as the blond leaned in for another kiss. Stealing the wind out of his lungs with ease as Cassidy locked their lips together, Kip tried to keep any coherent thoughts going on. Which was extremely difficult for him, as he could feel Cassidy’s soft lips against his, his tongue in Kip’s mouth, his hands wandering around the side of his face and the other in his hair. Kip felt like a mess under his grasp, melting into a puddle of his own wants and desires, drowning in the shows of affection he had been craving for the entire night.
Cassidy pulled away first, Kip leaning up after him, trying to hold onto the kiss for as long as possible. Cassidy hummed a little at his longing for the affection, clearly content with the response he was receiving, pressing a quick kiss on Kip’s cheek instead.
“You’re so beautiful I think I know exactly what I want to do with you.”
Kip was completely at his mercy, feeling Cassidy’s hands leaving his face and his hair, helping the blond hover over his body instead as Cassidy slowly kissed his way down him. First along his jaw, then his neck, leaving little nibbles on the soft skin, erupting almost embarrassingly soft moans from Kip. Cassidy chuckled at him, stopping for a moment to watch Kip throw one arm over his face, his cheeks so hot out of both desire and embarrassment that he didn’t want to think about Cassidy even looking at him.
“Ju-just keep going.” His voice was quiet, almost whiny, demanding. And yet he was begging, like the pathetic, needy one he was. Cassidy just looked at him for a moment, before lowering his lips back against his skin, continuing to kiss down his features all the way down over Kip’s chest and his abdomen, only stopping as his hands brushed against the only piece of garment still covering the Brit, in reaction Kip’s hands shooting closer to tangle into Cassidy’s hair, stopping him in place.
The blond glanced up at Kip from under his brows, clearly curious, watching him breath heavily as Kip contemplated his options. Him stopping Cassidy on his tracks was a reflex, one that he didn’t want to act on but had no other choice, already feeling awkward enough in the situation he was put in. But Cassidy just continued to smile at him, that same smile that Kip had seen from him throughout the night; it was confident, soft, full of comfort and understanding.
“It’s okay,” Cassidy almost purred at him, Kip watching as he carefully untangled his hand from his hair. “Trust me.”
Kip suddenly sat up, Cassidy’s brows furrowing a bit at this sudden change, forcing him to sit back up as well. Cassidy’s hand was quick to cup Kip’s face again, the Brit leaning immediately into the comforting touch, letting out a shaky breath.
“You do want to do this, right?”
Kip nodded, rubbing his cheek against the palm of Cassidy’s hand a little. The smile was fast to return to the blond’s lips, as he leaned closer to Kip, pressing a soft kiss on his lips, followed by his free hand gently pushing Kip back down against the bed.
“So let me handle this. I promise you, you’re in good hands.”
Kip wasn’t denying that, he wasn’t denying wanting this either. He really did, and he knew he just needed to get over that first hurdle of not feeling so ridiculously embarrassed to let someone else take over him. Kip could feel Cassidy’s hands running over the cloth, letting out a soft whine in response. As Cassidy chuckled at him softly, Kip’s head whipped to the side, cheeks burning as he couldn’t look back at the blond again.
“Just relax.” Cassidy’s voice flowed through him, Kip shivering a bit, hoping Cassidy didn’t catch onto it. “Lay back, look gorgeous for me and… Keep moaning.” Kip closed his eyes, inhaling sharply as he could feel Cassidy’s fingers almost impatiently tiptoeing over his underwear. “I like it when you do that. Alright?”
Kip nodded his head, letting out a quiet whine in response.
“Good Kip,” Cassidy whispered, Kip feeling the last garment covering him being slowly stripped off of his body.
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Does Alex have any relationship with Nobleman magazine? Alex’s business relationship has simply become SH’s public relations. He does not offer solutions or services for the alcohol business they have lost. There’s not much He knows how to do. It’s just SH’s tool 🤷‍♀️
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@directorlady If you are interested, I already wrote about his situation you can scroll through my blog. SH’s Sassenach mark was totally refused in the European Union 🇪🇺 (27 states). He can’t register his booze with that name. Also in Europe, in Germany 🇩🇪 (Deutsches Patent-und Markenamt) his trademark “The Sassenach” received total refusal in respect of all goods and services.
@directorlady You’re welcome. The business they have lost has nothing to do with profits but with the market. He may not have a healthy cash book. He thought it was about getting an easy market in the EU, and spent two years in a costly legal battle that he lost and as a consequence did not obtain the expected income that he was counting on. He created misleading information about SS on his company website while he was still in litigation, that SS was available to order in the EU and also mentioned Canada, where SS also does not reach. As you know, trademark rights (like patent rights) are territorial and must be affirmatively established in each country (or region such as the EU) of interest. So unless it’s a super famous brand (which SS isn’t), you’re out of luck in Europe. Its brand is similar to another company previously registered in the EU. They have to change the name of the product to enter the market.
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voidsteffy · 1 year
Hey, could you rank every SSR movie from Absolutely Goated to Still good but worth watch again, and please provide reasons as to why you've ranked them as they are please? Pretty please 🥺👉👈
Ooo, what a task (I'm going to get beat up I'm afraid!)
but here goes, putting my life at risk: SS Rajamouli's movies (not in chronological order) with my ranking
Absolutely GOAT
Eega - Before he was Shyam Singha Roy in the body of Vasu, Nani was Nani in the body of a housefly and I find cinematic poetry in that. + The graphics, the music, the exaggerated comedy... Sudeep knows exactly what he's doing with his lines
Magadheera - (he really has it out for reincarnation stories doesn't he?) Charan's first real role (I hate Chirutha) The grandeur of the sets, the background here and there... Also the mass CGI with the gladiator audience was the new hot toy that SSR introduced. Anaganaganaga crawled so Ettara Jenda could run. (You know i'm right)
RRR - Just for Bheem's intro, it deserves an oscar. I'm one of the people who think Naatu Naatu was good, but not THAT good as they made it out to be. Also, RRR gave me the first himbo couple I could ship openly. My grandma agrees because the only dispute she had with RRR is that Ram had to pee and poop in that cell. No disagreement against RamBheem being the Tollywood IT couple
Chatrapathi - it gave teluguvallu fantastic inside jokes like: a. Tala tintada mondema? (will the shark eat his head or body first?) b. Suridu? YADUNDAVAYYA? SURIDUUU (Suridu, kaha ho? Suridooo) c. OKA ADDUGUUUU☝🏽👣 (one step, I want one step) d. Violin champakura babu (chatrapathi and simhadri kill our brain cells with the violin music in the climax emo moments, i always want to pull my hair out) - but also, Chatrapathi had a good bgs, worked fantastically for hero-uplifting moments like the interval and okka adugu scene
Bahubali: The Beginning - Only and only for the interval scene and the architecture of Mahishmati. TOP TIER. The loopholes and characterization of Avantika could have been way better. Pacha Bottesina was totally unnecessary
Good, Can Watch Again
6. Vikramarkudu - Chintata chita chita chintata TA! (teluguvallu can translate this into literally anything) 7. Yamadonga - just for the RAMBA, OORVASI, MENAKA moment I take away 5 points from the 10 points it earned. Tarak and Priyamani was a pairing I didn't know I needed 8. Maryada Ramanna - Sunil anna I love you anna but this wasn't your movie. This is the cycle's story, and that one song in the train. the screenplay is a cart wheel without the cart. It's funny in some places but Brahmaji dies FOR NO REASON. JUSTICE FOR BRAHMAJI 9. Simhadri - I didn't really feel for the characters. BUT. BUT BUT. I have to say this because it's been stewing in me for so long: Simhadri's interval scene ran so Bahubali 1's ending twist could fly. I said what I said y'all know it's the same vibe we all catching.
Eh, One Time Watch
10. Sye - it doesn't seem like an SSR movie, but it's not that good. Young Adult revenges were in trend when this was made and it fit well with its counterparts. Sometimes I even forget that Genelia and Nithiin did indeed work with Rajamouli 11. Student No. 1 - not that special, honestly early-career Tarak's movies just blend in my head: SN1, Aadhi, Samba... but hey at least SN1 started a long lasting kinship 12. Bahubali: The Conclusion - THAT IS NOT SIVAGAMI! HOW DARE YOU! this is beyond ooc, it's not a character at all. At one point I thought they'd bring out a tantrik doing black magic to change Sivagami... And Devasena is not the best written character in SSR's filmography. This movie makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out. If only my mom had the audacity and hardheadedness to talk to grandma like this. Also... Avantika's leader, who is killed by Bhalla in the seige, IS DEVASENA'S BROTHER. and she just LOOKS as he's getting the life choked out of him? oo don't make me start about this movie I can rant for a loooong time
and so.... *flaps hands* that was it ig? thanks for the ask babu!
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voidwritesstuff · 4 months
Long Way To The Truth
Cw:misgendering (accidental).
Summary: Lucas makes it to Colorado and helps a young kid with their identity.
->chapter 4: Colorado.
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By Next morning he was already in Colorado, as he has breakfast in a small cafeteria, he thinks back on last night. In hindsight,he feels like he just pulled a Wheeler and acted as the guidance counselor of three 20 Year olds. And it didnt bother him one bit.
For lunch, he stops at a small family owned restaurant. Its really quaint with its ochre colored walls, the plants growing from the pots placed infront of the blue framed Windows.
He steps through the double Doors made of some dark brown wood, and the smell of spicy,home made food greets him. He relaxes a little, Rolling Back one of his shoulders instintctually to then take off his army baseball cap.
As he joins the line,he sees a young kid going out to take the trash that Belongs to the stablishment. They have long dyed purple hair in box braids, tied up by a yellow and white bandana, they drag the heavy trash bag as they walk down one of the back area halls, the door to said Hall is Open which is why Lucas can see the kid.
--Thanks son!--Says a male voice from the kitchen. The kid seems to scowl and mutter something under their breath before resuming their walk.
Lucas orders once its his turn, as he eats hes contempt to watch the news since hes written down his entry of the day during breakfast. The news show how in a few months,a New ship was going to be comissioned by Mayer, the SS Thanatos.
"Kind of an edgy name,isnt it " he thinks,munching down on his chili. The spiciness of it all Burning his tongue,but he doesnt seem to care." Though, its interesting,why would mayer comission a New ship? What are they bringing?".
Hes quick to Scribble down his thoughts on his Journal in a small spot between his Many little doodles he had done during a particular terrible traffic jam on the way here.
--Ive told him so Many fucking times-- he hears the kid from before say-- its not- its not son,goddamnit-- Lucas perks up at the voice,filled with anger and sadness. Theres this look in their eyes of feeling misunderstood.
He watches them walk away and outside the restaurant through that Hall they went down earlier. Theres a slight suspicion in his mind as to what the kids discontent had to do with, bit he knows its none of his business.
"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud"
As the News didnt show anything interesting after a while, the owner changed the channel to MTV. Where Bon jovi's "its my life" was playing.
Lucas drums along to the rythm of the song as he walks out of the restaurant. He gets approached by the owner of the restaurant,tall,dark skin and warm brown eyes, he looks worried.
--Hey,Sir. Excuse me- have you seen my son? His-their name is Juniper-- he asked,cleaning his sweaty hands on his apron-- about yay high,purple hair?
It takes him a moment to pinpoint the kid as he puts on his army baseball cap-- uh yeah, why?
--Hes been missing and he hasnt been replying to my calls-- he explains-- he seemed a little annoyed and I wanted to ask him where he was
Always the Smart one, the ex soldier nodds-- yeah,saw 'im by the parkin' lot-- he replied ,gesturing to the opposite side of where the kid had actually gone. The Dad runs away in a panic, and he takes that opportunity to go the actual way the kid left.
He knows he shouldnt have lied,but from experience he knew that sometimes parents would make things worse. And it looks like Wheeler rubbed off of on him because hes on his way to adopt yet another child.
Now that the owner wasnt there,nobody paid him any attention as he snuck into the Hall that the kid left through, it leads down an empty sort of backyard. Theres a small half broken concrete wall that seemed to be the wall that acted as a barrier to a previous,smaller, Back yard and the outside world.
Through the cracks and missing chunks of the wall,he can spot a set of purple hair blowing in the passing breeze. He sighs inwardly and tries to channel Wheeler as he leans on the Fallen wall and says.
--Yer dad's lookin' for ya
The kid gets startled, throwing a small pebble sized Chunk of Fallen wall towards him. He barely ducks out of the way and adds-- nice aim
--Who are you and what do you want?--The kid asks, pressing their knees against their chest. Their locks fall to cover half of their face since the bandana is no longer restricting them.
--'m the guy who told yer dad to go the other way so he didnt piss you off further
The kid looks at him and then looks away, growling-- good. I wouldve ripped his face off.
--Can I at least ask whats pissin' you off before I leave you alone? You look like yer either gonna hurl a piece of debrie at yer old Man or break down cryin'
--You wouldnt get it-- they reply,looking away
--kid, you'd be surprised at the ammount of shit ive seen. Try me
The kid sighs loudly and gets ready to throw another pebble sized chunk. But its not at Lucas, he throws it at a nearby tree stumpt And misses it by an INCH.
--So...so i dont really feel like a boy,or- or a girl-- they start, grabbing another pebble-- I asked my folks recently if they could use well- gender neutral words for me- but they Keep forgetting, especially my dad
"It's my life, it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive"
God,how loud was the TV? He could hear it all the way from here.
Lucas nodds,folding his arms over his chest-- n 'm guessing thats what pissed you off?
They nodd-- its not that hard-- They followed up-- and it hurts when they dont do it- I call 'em ma and pa but they cant use the words I like?
--I get that kiddo-- he replied,looking at the tree stumpt,littered with previous atrempts of hitting it. His eyes narrow as he calculates the distance between them and the stumpt.-- parents can take a while to accept New things 'bout their kids
--How would you know?--his companion asked, throwing the pebble and missing,again,by an inch.
--well,kid-- the ex soldier grabs a pebble and throws it at the stumpt, hitting it dead in the middle--im Bisexual,and a soldier with PTSD,from a family of soldiers who also had....issues . So I'd get it
When the kid sees Lucas hit the stumpt,they look up at him and ask-- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?
he chuckled-- permission to approach?
--Uh,permission granted--They followed along with the joke,a small excited smile.
Lucas sits with them and grabs another pebble,handing it over. Now up close he can see that their eyes are puffy and a little red,and he softens his gaze-- keep your pulse steady-- he starts,showing them how to fix their aim.
His companion tries again and they hit the stumpt dead in the centre. They look all happy and they smile wide.
--Yknow,your old Man worried about you. Even corrected himself when he messed up your pronouns. -- the ex soldier added as the kid tried again.
--did...did he?--They ask,Setting down the pebble.
--Yup, do you go by juniper?
They nodd enthusiastically-- he even remembered my name?
Juniper smiled and stood up, all happy and with a Pep in their step. Lucas noticed the bon jovi black shirt and raised an eyebrow internally. They tie their yellow and white bandana around their purple hair and dust off their black shirt, they flap their hands a little.
--'m gonna talk to him-- they said,walking past Lucas.
--Hey kid, just one thing. Tell yer dad that it makes you feel bad when he doesnt use the right words. Otherwise he wouldntve known I think, but also know that not all parents Will understand New things
The kid puts their hands inside their pockets-- and what If he doesnt understand?
--Well...-- he trails off and points to the air,as if hes pointing at the music hanging on the breeze.
"It's my life
My heart is like the open highway
Like Frankie said I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life"
--I dont like the idea of my dad not understanding though-- Juniper adds, looking a little concerned. Their eyes go to the entrance of the Hall that they came out of.
--i understand but ive realized that well, if it makes you happy then its worth it. Parents be damned-- Lucas stands up,holding Back a wince as his back stings a little. But he manages and leans on the wall-- hell,im drivin' all the way from Florida to Washington
--Why would you do that?--his companion asked-- thats kinda weird --Theres a brief silence and they add-- right,because it makes you happy
--'m tellin' you this cuz when I was your age,I wouldve liked to know that i dont--he makes a pause,hands going to the dogtags around his neck-- that I dont need other peoples approval to be enough.
Juniper nodds,to then perk up as they hear their dad calling out for them-- thanks -- they reply, glancing Back at the ex soldier-- hey by the way,if you go all around over there-- he points at to where Lucas' Back is facing-- youll come out the other way. Just so my dad doesnt think anything weird if he sees you with me
He nodds-- ten four,much obliged-- he tips the visor of his cap like a cowboy would, making the kid laugh at his slight weirdness before leaving for the restaurant.
Lucas goes back to his van through the way the kid told him, and just as he hops into his vehicle, through the outside mirror he sees Juniper and their dad talking. The kid seems dead serious as they talk to their old Man,who nodds and gives them a big hug.
--There we go,happy thoughts kid-- he mutters,seeing a little of his past in the way the father and the kid hug things out. Whenever he would get into dumb arguments with Wheeler,they'd talk it out and hug it out.
He clears his throat,Trying to not get sappy this early in the day,and so he continued his merry way through Colorado.
Switching the radio on, he hears.
"This is for the ones who stood their ground
It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
Luck, it ain't enough, you've got to make your own breaks"
But as he drives he notices something in the rearview mirror,a black SUV following along a few cars away. He squints and decides to take an alternative Route he had mapped for ocassions like this.
Thankfully,he does lose them and by nightfall, he stays on a small inconspicuous motel on the outskirts of the state of Utah. Keeping an eye out on his van and resting in between watches
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tirsynni · 11 months
BotW/TotK Hylian Royal Family meta ahead. 
These are my headcanons based on what I’ve seen from the games. Obviously, everyone has different thoughts on it. No bashing in it and possibly Rhoam-critical but not Zelda-critical. Just headcanons about how the role religion played in Royal Life pre-Calamity.
Also, I’ve barely touched AoC, so this meta is based more on BotW, TotK, OoT, MM, TP, and SS, with the full understanding that this is headcanon and no consistent canon on this matter exists and will never exist... not even between BotW and its direct sequel, TotK.
A major plot point in BotW is Zelda’s inability to connect with her powers. There is no indication that she can do the things Link takes for granted in BotW, like see the Koroks and dragons. I would be surprised if she could. She’s young, frustrated, and her father -- her only living parent -- is pressuring the hell out of her to connect with her powers. It’s clear in the flashback and in his journals that he isn’t acting like a parent and he’s aware of it. He’s acting like a king who knows that he needs a specific weapon and is given a rough rulebook on how to access the weapon. Per their history, Zelda has Goddess blood which gives her access to a weapon which can defeat this grand evil; her ancestor was able to activate it, so obviously Zelda should be able to do the same; Zelda is failing to activate the weapon which should be automatic to her per some ancient rulebooks. It’s unknown how detailed the guidelines for activating this power is or the King is just assuming that of course this is what Zelda needs to do to activate this power. I mean, it was 10k years ago (which seems insane to me, but whatever).
Here’s where more headcanons come into play. I think the power of the Goddess -- and honestly, pretty much everything spiritual -- is completely disconnected from the Royal Family in this era. Per their records, the last time the holy power was needed was a long time ago. I would be shocked if something else hadn’t happened in the meantime (seriously, it’s one hell of a time difference), but for them, the power of the Goddess Blood hasn’t been needed any time recently. Zelda has made it clear that she has no personal connection to it. Her drive is scientific. She has no internal motivation to be connected to the Goddesses. Her motivation to connect to her powers isn’t because she wants to connect to anything on a spiritual level. She wants the power to protect her people and, honestly, because she’s experiencing so much pressure and backlash. Again, per BotW (and TotK, really), we don’t see her do any of the spiritual/divine/extra stuff Link does. Link talks to multiple divine statues. He plays games with the Koroks. In the BotW flashbacks, she is happiest when she’s doing Science(!), and in TotK, she focuses on highly practical things with no stories (that I’ve seen so far) of her doing anything with a spiritual slant. Her focus is rebuilding a school, not rebuilding a church.
It makes sense, though! I think the Goddess Blood and its associated power is more academic than anything. They know Zelda has it. Hell, the Hylian Royal Family relies on that Bloodline to claim their divine right to rule. They know that the power of the Goddess was used by previous princesses to protect the family. With all that said, there is no indication in canon that it has any modern role in their lives. Hell, there is no indication that spirituality in general has any role in the lives of the Royal Family. It seems like the Goddess Blood has two primary roles pre-Calamity: to ensure Divine Right to Rule and to awaken to protect Hyrule from the Calamity. That’s it.
In at least one previous game, it was said that the Hylians’ ears were shaped that way in order to better hear the spirits and the like. We don’t know Link’s own abilities when it comes to this pre-Calamity. I personally enjoy the headcanon that he could hear and see far more than Zelda but didn’t want to say anything because it would hurt her. Would also match with the concept of “keeping his mouth shut helps keeps his ears open.” But there’s no strong evidence that spirituality or anything play a strong role in Hylian daily life pre-Calamity. It might have been something which was also lost through time. That is a major theme in many Zelda games: that important things, including connection with the divine, have been lost. The Zelda games love showing ancient, forgotten things, things whose stories can never fully be told again. The original stories are long lost, and all that exists in the BotW/TotK are modern interpretations, fairy tales, prophecies, etc. For further examples, see the Zonai Survey Teams and how they are excited about their discoveries but can’t connect to them in the way Link casually does.
I read a story once about how a pastor once invited an enthusiastic member of his congregation to lead a prayer one day. He didn’t ask her beforehand. She was always highly motivated, highly social, and a strong believer. He didn’t think anything of his request. It should have been fine! Instead, she walked up to the front of the congregation, stood there for a moment, burst into tears, and fled. Later, he discovered that while she was very religious, she was never taught how to pray. Prayer was a major part of their religion, and as such, it was expected that everyone automatically knew how to do it! Not so! He realized an important lesson that day and didn’t take it for granted again.
Prophecy and Divinity play a significant role in the Royal Family, but do they actually know what to do with it? Zelda is told to pray and she’s told to do it for a specific reason: unlock her powers so she can help defeat the Calamity. We never see the King pray or do anything religious at all. He obviously believes in the prophecies and such but doesn’t actively do anything himself: Hylia favors their family, Zelda has Goddess Blood, etc. etc. etc. Very matter-of-fact things. Nothing he needs to do, actually! Because according to the Prophecies, he just needs to make sure the players are in place! Actual knowledge and practice doesn’t come into play here. No actual internal spiritual beliefs: just practical applications.
So that’s my headcanon as to one of the reasons why Zelda struggled. Would knowing how to pray have helped in the end? Unknown. When her power eventually arose, she was still pretty disconnected from it. It seemed like in BotW and TotK that she never fully connected with it: just used it to fulfill her goal, which was stopping the Calamity from destroying her people. Maybe her daughter or granddaughter or whoever would connect with their spiritual heritage. Overall, King Rhoam, who had probably never really prayed a day in his life and had no real connection to Hylia himself, looked at his daughter, told her that the only way to awaken her powers was to pray, and never thought for a moment that if he didn’t know how to pray, how the fuck should she?
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scarlet-fantasies · 2 years
Anon Requested:
Hi! I love your "shy gf" headcanons with Eren! I was thinking about sfw/nsfw about him with a girl who's a confident introvert. Like I am 😅 She can stick up for herself and isnt shy about mundane things like ordering food but when it comes to intimacy she's de@d. Literally de@d embarrassed, hard for her to believe she's not being played. How would their first time be, w Eren surprised she's a v*rgin and all? And some domestic but intimate things together she needs to warm up to? Sorry if its too much!
Hi anon, sorry this took so long this is long overdue! I hope you're still around to see this. :) If you are please enjoy!
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𝐼𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛 --> 𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
© 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑡-𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠 // 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑙, 𝑟𝑒𝑢𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠. 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑢𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒���� 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒. // 2021-𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡.
💓Okay a lot of you know how much I talk about him liking shy girls (doesn’t mean he doesn’t like other girls) I’m just saying that he loves them bc they are cute and fun to tea$e.
💓So when he found out you were shy about pda he was stoked!
💓But also felt bad because he doesn’t want to push you into things so he may second guess himself sometimes.
💓It’s a really surprise if you didn’t come off as shy with pda too.
💓Like he’s always seen you act confident or whatever so he was like ok.
💓Even when you shared your first k!ss he might not have noticed cause he was like maybe she was just shy because it was just the first k!ss or whatever but the more and more he tried he noticed you were shy about being intimate with him.
💓Every time he held your hand you’d look away but he didn’t say too much about it.
💓He thought it was adorable tbh.
💓But if your hand got sweaty because you were extra nervous that day he had to say something.
💓“Hey, you keep this up you’re really gonna slip away.” He’d laugh, having you question.
💓“Your hands are so sweaty, what are you so nervous about?”
💓“Uhh–I’m not nervous.” You’d defend, pulling your hand away.
💓“Oh really? My hand is covered in sweat because of you.” He’d grin, showing you his hand.
💓“They are not!”
💓“I need a towel to dry them.” He’d laugh making you blush. 
💓“Shut up! That’s not true!”
💓He also loves that you never have the courage to k!ss him bc PDA is something you just can’t do.
💓But Eren loves k!ssing so you need to get used to this.
💓And the fact that you shy away from his k!sses, he’s all for it.
💓He honestly can’t take it tbh, it’s adorable to him.
💓Of course he knows his boundaries tho.
💓But he loves teas!ng you by k!ssing you many times.
💓Like even just forehead k!sses gets you to be shy so he’s going to have too much fun.
💓One time you were face timing with Mikasa and he hadn’t come home yet and when he did he came up to you and k!ssed your cheek.
💓It was so random and it had you blushing, almost wanting to turn off your video cam atm.
💓He really likes it when he catches you off guard with a k!ss, especially if you two are doing something together and you don’t even think of that but he does.
💓Like even if you two are watching a suspenseful show he’ll give you a k!ss.
💓Overall, he doesn’t mind it that pda makes you shy even if its a little surprising.
💓He is hoping you will get used to it at some point but he’s also okay if it stays this way.
💓He doesn’t care if you can’t get used to it because its not like he can force you anyways but he finds it fun to tea$e.
💓As for getting used to the domestic things that you two do together he finds it cute that you are shy with it.
💓But he wants you to know that he likes doing things for you even if he can’t cook lol.
💓He likes driving you/picking you up from work/school.
💓And saying bye to you, yeah he doesn’t think its cringy.
💓He likes doing all these kinds of things with you.
💓I mean here’s a post about the domestic things you two do together.
💓He was confused at first especially because you weren’t the type to typically act that way.
💓So he was like ??
💓But that doesn’t mean he thought it was weird or bad thing he just didn’t understand why you were acting differently.
💓Of course once he finally puts two and two together then he’ll be like 😮ohh.
💓Like sure, you’ve k!ssed him and managed to get through that and whatever but s*x was another story.
💓Like thank goodness he cannot hear your heartbeat at that moment because it would be embarrassing if he knew just how nervous you are.
💓I mean yeah its already enough that he hears your moans and stuff like that, which you’re so freaking de@d embarrassed about.
💓But him realizing that you’ve never done this before just makes it worse.
💓He only really realized when it looked like you weren't sure of what to do.
💓That's where he tried to initiate things gently but seeing how you reacted, he figured he should stop in case you were unsure.
💓He figured to just sit up on the bed next you and talk.
💓He’d turn to look at you and ask kinda surprised, “So you’ve never–”
💓“Eren.” You’d say, not wanting him to finish the sentence.
💓“Sorry, I’m not judging, I’m just surprised.” 
💓“That’s judging.” You’d frown before averting your eyes.
💓“Babe, I’d never judge you.” He’d say giving you a smug grin before pulling you close to his side.
💓You’d smile a little, “Thanks.”
💓Giving you a k!ss he’d ask, “We’ll do what ever you want, so we can stop.”
💓You bit the inside of your cheek, slightly suggesting what you wanted, “But I already know what I want.”
💓Idk if its just me but I'd never be able to directly state what I want, lol.
💓 “I’ll take that invitation as a yes.” He looked at you with a sm!rk before pushing you on the bed causing you gasp.
💓Before you could say anything he had you pinned to the bed with his l!ps on yours. 
💓And you know, you could imagine the rest.
💓This post is not much different than my initial post about losing your v!rginity to him. If you want you can view that here. Don’t worry it doesn’t go in depth, I’m always brief about this subject because I know how it can be a little to much for some audiences, including myself.
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Hollyleaf getting off easy in Shattered stars
Ok so a person commented on my fanfic that they thought Hollyleaf was getting off easy from punishment. Its been itching in my brain all day so I’ve decided to talk about it. 
She’s not getting off easy. Not at all and not in any way. Compared to Canon Hollyleaf I feel like SS Hollyleaf suffers a lot more for her actions or at least she is forced to confront what she’s done far more. So lets compare. 
In canon Hollyleaf runs away at the end of Sunrise to the tunnels. She stays there for several seasons while everyone presumes her dead. She does this almost immediately after revealing the secret at the gathering. In fact she leaves the gathering pretty quickly after telling the truth. She gets to see a bit of the fallout from it but its mostly focused on her immediate family. She doesn’t get to see its effects on her clanmates or how it effects Thunderclan. Now to be fair it really doesn’t harm Thunderclan in the long run in the canon cause the Erin’s suck at writing but there are a few scenes we see the fallout from her actions. Such as Breezepelt trying to murder Jayfeather at the moonpool. But by the time she returns in Forgotten warrior its been so long since the gathering not too many cats are bothered by it anymore. They are glad to have her back. There’s no mention of them having any animosity towards her for revealing the secret. Now they do get a little miffed when they figure out/ she reveals that she killed Ashfur. However, that it is quickly squelched by Brambleclaw who says it was self defense. A few cats like Foxleap in canon show a strong dislike for her calling her an odd one, but he is one of the very few. In fact if I remember correctly he’s almost immediately reprimanded by Millie I think? So even then she doesn’t face justice technically for what she’s done. Hollyleaf basically doesn’t face any repercussions for what she’s done, outside of her own self exile. Hell her trying to kill Leafpool with death berries is never even mentioned again outside of the scene itself! Now to be fair her self exile and almost successful suicide attempt are pretty heavy punishments for what she’s done, but she does it to herself. The action of going into the tunnels and disappearing are basically the only ‘punishment’ she ever really faces in canon. That and dying in the Great battle. 
Now let’s compare that to SS Hollyleaf.
Now unlike Canon Hollyleaf, SS Hollyleaf has a power. Not only that but its extremely powerful. So she spends most of Shattered Stars trying to do what she thinks is right and do what she thinks is best for Thunderclan. That includes becoming keeper of the code. In keeping with her similar canon counter part, ss Hollyleaf’s main driving force for her actions are her sense of purpose, her faith in the warrior code , and her own sense of self importance from being in the prophecy. Now like in Canon she finds out about her true heritage and her sense of purpose, self worth and faith in the warrior code is shattered. However instead of flipping out and murdering Ashfur, she does things very differently. She appoints herself keeper of the code, in order to help keep secrets and possible code breaking relationships out of Thunderclan. Through her work she finds out that yes there are such things in Thunderclan and she is able to help stop it. It feeds her ego, purpose and faith. So she continues to try and stop wrong doings. Similar to Dany from Game of Thrones, every time she succeeds she grows more and more determined and more self assured that she’s doing the right things. She’s a ticking time bomb.  By the time she reveals the secret at the gathering she so sure what she’s doing is right! Also she isn’t just the one to reveal the secret she uses her POWER to FORCE every cat she feels has done wrong to reveal what they’ve done! Then everything falls apart. 
Similar to in canon she watches a bit of the aftermath of her revelation and then runs away however there are some important key differences here. The peace between the clans is shattered as Hollyleaf revealed more than just the half kit secret. She also revealed that Ashfur tried to kill them and Brambleclaw was working with Hawkfrost a long time ago who tried to kill Firestar. She watches as the clans are about to rip one another apart for the actions of their clanmates (also Breezepelt tries to rock her shit). Then when she does run away, Sorreltail goes after her and brings her back to the camp. Hollyleaf gets back and SEES just how upset her clanmates are not only at her but the entire situation! Their faith in not only her, but their faith in THEIR ENTIRE CLAN IS DESTROYED. She gets to watch as Ferncloud’s family implodes right in front of her as Ashfur is exiled. She gets to watch as Brambleclaw goes from being well respected warrior to the ‘son of Tigerstar’ once again as he’s forced down from being deputy. She gets to watch as Thunderclan implodes in on itself. AND SHE KNOWS ITS HER FAULT. SHE’S THE ONE WHO HAS DONE THIS, BY USING HER POWER. Her entire life her driving force/purpose has been using her power to uphold the code and use her power for good and be a part of the prophecy. When she finally does, she fucks it up. She fucks it up hard. She destroys everything she loves and everything she’s worked for. Adding onto this she loses not only her position as the Keeper of the code, but also is relived of her warrior duties. Hollyleaf loses everything. Her life purpose, her faith in the prophecy and her own self worth. She also loses her her clanmates faith in her and her family. She’s left with nothing. Zilch. Nada. Nothing but guilt and regret for what she’s done. 
So she tries to run away like in canon, but she fails because of Lionblaze and Jayfeather. And listen yes they saved her because she is their sister, but the three’s relationship is DAMAGED. Its been damaged and they’ve grown distant from each other for quite a bit of SS and its gonna take time to rebuild. 
Anyways, all of this weighs on Hollyleaf and she doesn’t get to run away from it. She has to go home and face it. And let me tell you the guilt she feels is going to EAT AT HER BAD. Like no punishment Firestar could give her could ever compare to guilt, self hatred and self punishment she’s going to give herself. 
Spoilers for Dark winter. 
Because of her actions at the Gathering Onestar refuses to honor the agreement for Thunderclan to share territory for Leaf-bare. Thunderclan ends up facing starvation. Hollyleaf can’t do anything to help, because she’s technically grounded and it’s all her fault that her clanmates are starving. So what does she do? She stops eating. Completely. In her mind she doesn’t deserve to eat, because its her fault Thunderclan is in this position and if she can’t help to hunt to fix the situation then she doesn’t deserve to eat. I won’t go into too much more detail cause you get the point and also spoilers. 
So does Hollyleaf get off easy in SS cause she doesn’t get to run away into the tunnels? HELL NO. She loses her family, friends, her friend’s respect, her entire life purpose and her faith in the one thing that's guided her through her life: The prophecy. She’s forced to face what she has done, not only to her family but to her clanmates as well. Her Dark Winter chapter will focus a lot on her facing the backlash that she’s caused. So while it may seem like she got of easy. She really hasn’t, her punishment has just begun. 
Thank you for listening to my insane rambling lol. 
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feelo-fick · 6 months
Scarab & Prismo & Snufkin & Muddler for the character bingo!
(doesn’t have to be all of these of course. But can be)
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anyways i find him relatable.. something something vulnerability hard and shit yada yada but ALSO i make weird squawking/squeaky noises when im annoyed and i like to imagine he does that with the chirping... its funny
ALSO THE FANDOM KEEPS MAKING HIM SUFFER AND I LOVE IT AND WANT MORE BUT ALSO OW FUCK THAT HURTS WHY OW OW OW everything about his - concerning - respect (kneel for your life.) for authority (he was only following orders.) and isolation (he was never invited to those parties.) from the rest of. well everyone (he doesnt need them. he enjoys being alone. he doesnt need anyone else. he doesnt want it, he doesnt want it, he promises he doesnt.) is just SO. augh.
and the self sabotaging aspect of it. no one will love you, youve accepted that, so you stop sanding down your teeth. you bite and claw at any attempt to soothe your aches and stroke your spikes down, theyre only trying to find a soft spot near your belly.
your worst fears come true. youll never let it happen again. youll stand straight, youll make yourself seem bigger to scare off anyone who tries to come close to you. which leads to anyone who couldve helped you being dissuaded and backing off. serves them right, you never needed fixing. you never needed anyone. ...the clycle begins again. it aches. why? it shouldnt. that isnt allowed.
they should stop that, stop poking at the weak spots. it hurts to feel. you KNOW its to help. you dont want to be helped. stop it, stop. everyones going to know. they cant know it aches. theyll use it against you. keep kneeling, head lower, arch your back. maybe theyll be amused enough to give you mercy.
...cough. well anyways. im gonna stop here before this turns into a full on character analysis and MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ONEEEE WOO
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(youll start to notice a pattern that i express love for characters by wishing to kill them cough)
i honestly love his aesthetic i dont know why. the tv/light/dream shit has a lot of potential methinks. i love the thought of a job swap au where prismo uses light/tech as a way to interact with the world while still being stuck somewhere else... and also the visual funkiness of him being projected onto many many tv screens brings me joy. i want that gender...
also. in general i love it when gods are depicted ss being really mortal-like... like, youre a cosmic being with power and omnipotence over the multiverses you watch over, and yet. you like sandwiches and pools and games and hanging out wih friends and its just. on every level but literal you are mortal and alive and wholly r e a l. but youre not. youre a dream, a projection, youre not even in the dimensions of the people you (love) watch. youre an outsider and its very clear. youre THIS CLOSE to being just like them. but youre not. and you never will be.
youre admired by those who are like you, but you dont really care for it. but those who you do care about either dont see you as anything more than a tool to manipulate the multiverse or see you as too grand to be able to connect with in a way that isnt "you are god and i am not". youre stuck in a prison you yourself control. but a prison is still a prison. people want what you have- how you wished they had it instead of you! maybe then, youd be loved. maybe then, things wouldnt be so ear-deafingly quiet. silence sticks out like a sore thumb in the yearning- the wish to not be alone.
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okay this time im not gonna intensely analyse his character. hopefully.
AHEM . SNUFKIN!!!! my best friend i love him so so much.......... i need to absorb his fucking vibes and gender so hard what the hell. LIKE BROTHER. HOW DO YOU PULL OFF THAT MUCH SWAGGER WITHOUT EVEN TRYING oh and also there are so many things wrong with you are you like okay bud...
i like to think that "omg hes just like me frfr" but the fact that i get so excited about that thought proves that I actually kin moomintroll nsnxjsjjsj WHICH MAKES SENSE. makes a lot of sense
i love how people interpret his personality... and i love seeing all the potential angst/drama/whatever you call it that could pop up because of how avoindant he is... and his relationships with the other characters... the way he so easily distances himself from others while (i know this isnt about him but once you talk deeply about one of them i suppose you cant leave out the other) moomintroll clings a little too hard onto him...
ill be honest im a bit rusty on anything moomin related, so forgive my poor memory + hesitation, but i do love em a lot still!!! no hyperfixation is dead, just dormant, as they say........... havent thought about them in a while but i should really brush up on everyones characters and the way they interact ... would be really helpful for some analysis and application to my own work and- YEAH WHATEVER YOU GET IT NEXT ONE
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OKAY SO I HAVENT HEARD TOO MUCH ABOUT MUDDLER (aside from bloom's stuff - bless you bloom) BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT HES VERY RELATABLE AND FUNKY AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT... button collector.... so me fr............
im quite neutral on account of the fact that (again) i havent seen much of him, but i think hes really neato and also(!) i actually used him as inspo for my sona design... ITS JUST THAT, his design fucks so hard so so hard its such a good design. PEAK. absolute peak...
IDK ! i think muddler is such a nice and cool little critter... i would love to have more content of him!!! i need to know more about him!!! honestly atp someone could tag me on muddler content id be happy to have it... i think id really really love him if i just knew more(!!!) but i dont unfortunately waaah..
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