#this one is going to ao3
skloomdumpster · 1 year
Terra is skilled at so many things, make up is not one of them and she wants to look good for a date with Kat. Andreas is the father of a daughter who cares very deeply what she loves like. He draws Terra's winged eyeliner on for her
Andreas was having a shitty day, a "close second to being stabbed by my crush" type of shitty day. Beatrix had lost her entire shit on him around breakfast, after he had dared to imply that her friendship with Stella may be more. In hindsight, he guesses trying to be an ally by forcefully telling his daughter to "remove that stick up her ass and get out of the closet" was a little insensitive, but hindsight was always 20x20.
Then Sky had told him to fuck off and die by lunch, when Andreas asked about where his little girlfriend was, which again, he could've used better words. It all had come to a halt when Saul demoted him from the banquette's committee. Whatever, it wasn't like Andreas wanted to participate in a fucking party committee, he was only pissed because he couldn't oversee the menu now.
He was ready to go back to his room and lick his wounds like a normal functioning adult - getting wasted on cheap whiskey and not reminiscing about the good ol' days - when he heard a sniffle. A loud, gross sniffle of someone ugly crying.
It was uplifting that someone was having a worse day than he was.
Curious, he rounded the corner leading up to the fairy hall and found his target hiding inside of a public bathroom, albeit this one was always empty because the two closed stalls had been broken for years now. Empty safe for Terra Harvey, who was leaning against the sink, looking in the mirror and fucking sobbing.
"Harvey?" Andreas frowned and she jumped at the sudden intrusion, dumping something in the sink and cursing, clutching at her chest. Her face was red and there were black tear marks down her cheeks and she looked... She actually looked quite nice. More put together than Andreas was used to seeing her, following her father around like a cute little duckling.
"I- Andreas! I mean, I mean- Professor...Eraklyon...?" She wiped angrily at her cheeks, frowning as she struggled to find a moniker for him. He didn't think they had ever exchange a single word.
"Why the hell are you sobbing in the abandoned bathroom?" he asked, crossing his arms to his chest and Terra made a pouty face.
"I'm not" she insisted, wiping the tears still clinging to her chin, as if he was blind and didn't see the black marks on her cheeks or her bloodshot eyes.
"Harvey" he rolled his eyes, "answer the question."
"I don't actually have to answer you, sir," she said, insolent little thing that she was, "not after how you treated my dad."
"Ben?" Andreas frowned, confused, because of everyone he had bullied in his life, Ben was the one he had a soft spot for, not the opposite. Hell, he was somehow in speaking terms with the man! "Ben and I are friends" alright this was stretching it, Harvey said hi. Sometimes.
"No, you're not" Terra scoffed "and I don't need your help, I'm- I'm fine" would've been a lot more convincing if her voice didn't waver and break at the ending.
He wondered if this was about her missing her father and brother, who had recently left for the Malacoy Academy. If anyone had asked Andreas opinion of it all, he was not very friendly towards Ben leaving his daughter behind, but no one had asked him parenting advice and considering how great his day had gone today, maybe they had a point.
"Kid" Andreas sighed, "make it easier on us both and just tattle, will you?" then after a pause "is this about Ben? I can get you on the phone with him, it's not that hard-"
"It's not about my dad" she said in a little voice.
Well, he didn't have any other guess.
"Then what is it? Spill"
Terra snorted at an unladylike manner, then glared at the sink in front of her, collecting her make up and putting it all in a tiny sage green bag, "it's dumb and you'll laugh."
"Humor me" he pressed on. Andreas wasn't sure why it bothered him so much to see this kid crying, but it did. Maybe because she reminded him of his own daughter, maybe because he had a soft spot for Harvey and his prole. Maybe he was just feeling sentimental after his own children had awarded him as asshole extraordinary today.
"I just... It's just makeup stuff. You wouldn't get it," Terra mumbled, looking down at her little necessaire, "It's just... Why is it so hard? it shouldn't be so hard, I can do everything else - I can fix up people, I can stitch them! I can use my magic to- I can fly!"
He snorted in amusement, "alright, boss, but what is it that you can't do?"
Terra glared at him, eyes once more filled up with tears, "a fucking winged eyeliner. I'm a failure. I thought - I thought I was lame and awkward because I didn't like boys, you know? Not really and I was faking, so now, maybe, since I'm like... Living my truth" she gestured widely and Andreas had to bite down a smile "then it should be easy! It should be natural! But it's just as fucking hard, I can't- I'm so lame."
"All this over eyeliner?" He snorted and walked closer. She let out an offended noise.
"It's not just eyeliner, it's my entire- I just want to be pretty. Once. Okay?" her voice had a sharp edge, something he had heard in Beatrix's voice so many times. That type of deadly insanity that only teenage girls had.
Andreas shook his head fondly, looking Terra up and down. She reminded him a lot of her mother, Rose. Same green eyes, dirty blonde hair and round face. Even the same frown.
"Oh kid," Andreas pushed her hands away from the necessaire and grabbed the eyeliner. He had learned how to do it after Bea had gone through a very similar tantrum, except at the age of 12. He had allowed her to train it on him and everything... His whole heart ached for those days, alone in their safe house, hidden away from all trouble, his daughter leaning over his face and glaring as she struggled to draw a cat eye.
"What are you doing-"
"C'mere" he grabbed her chin roughly, biting the cap of the eyeliner pen and opening it. Terra's eyes were the size of saucers and Andreas smiled, "easy, Harvey. You have hooded eyes" he forced her chin away from his face, so she'd face her reflection "you can't draw a normal eyeliner, it's not gonna work."
"I..." for the first time, she was at loss of words. Andreas rolled his eyes, bit down his lip in concentration as he drew one cat eye, the left one, "there."
She turned to look at her reflection immediately, then opened a huge smile, "How!? HOW!? Mr. Era- Andreas- Prof-"
"Andreas" he corrected her easily, "just Andreas is fine. Draw a straight line here" he drew the bottom of the cat eye, outside her lid "then a straight angle, not forty five like they teach you to do on YouTube, then another one. Like a rectangle. Now connect everything."
Once again she stared at her reflection, shocked and speechless, before throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly- Then Terra jumped back, her whole face aflame, "Sorry, uh- That was inappropriate, sorry - Thanks. Thank you. Thank you so so so-"
"Whatever kid" Andreas shrugged, closing the pen back again and patting her head in an affectionate manner. He walked back to the bathroom door and then paused, leaning on the threshold, "and Harvey?"
"Yes?" She was looking at him as if she had never seen him before, face all hopeful and open and loving.
"You're beautiful, kid," he smiled, grinning even more as she turned beet red and walked out of the bathroom.
Maybe not such a shitty day after all.
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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fonulyn · 9 months
since I've seen it talked about in several places recently:
if you are going to do a whump- or kink- or ANY-tober or other similar challenges please please please don't post them as one fic with 31 chapters unless it actually is one coherent fic. if they're 31 completely separate fics or ficlets then please just make a collection for them or just post them as separate fics. it doesn't matter if they're only 100 words or if you think they're too small or insignificant to post alone, they're not.
and why this?
because if you post all 31 of them in one fic the tagging is absolutely useless. if I look for things to read on ao3 I'm gonna look at the tags, and if the tags include something that's a dealbreaker for me, i won't even click on the fic. I might not even SEE the fic because I've filtered out the nope-tag! so I'm gonna lose out on reading 30 perfectly nice fics because of one fic that my nope-tag applied to.
ao3 is about archiving. it's about clear tagging and being informative. there is nothing informative about it if the tags in the fic apply to random chapters while others have nothing to do with it. it makes so much more sense to have each work as an individual fic with its own individual tags and warnings, so readers can make informed choices.
of course, you do you. I can't police what other people decide to do. but personally, I find it incredibly frustrating to weed through 31 chapters to find the ones I actually want to read. so I don't. I automatically scroll past all works posted like that. and I know some others do, too.
there is absolutely no shame in posting short things on ao3. there is no minimum word count. no one is going to look at you funny if you post a small ficlet on its own, I promise. it's just going to make some readers very happy when they can actually find the things they want to read.
so, please. at least consider the upsides of posting each work as their own fic.
signed, one very frustrated fandom grandma.
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writeouswriter · 2 months
People sorting ao3 solely by stats and only clicking on fics with a certain amount of kudos or comments, you will not survive the winter, nor the summer, nor at all, *brings out knife,* run
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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scribefindegil · 1 month
Obsessed with this bit in the preface to the 10th Anniversary edition of Ancillary Justice:
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Specifics aside, "I thought this would be fun and relaxing. It was not." is a great summation of what happens with like 80% of creative endeavors.
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chiptrillino · 4 months
Dunno if it has been requested but no.66?
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( ID in ALT text) i honestly didn't expect somone to still ask about these hahah
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verynonyideas · 11 months
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sofipitch · 1 year
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 162
“So,” Danny drawled from where he was sitting, legs kicking slightly. Really, what a fun reincarnation. A world with heroes and villains where he didn’t have to do shit in and could just vibe with Ellie. 
“So,” Tim responded from where he was typing on his computer, mostly in civilian clothes save for his gauntlets and boots. The Red Robin outfit was haphazardly dropped across the couch and his pole leaning against the end. 
“Technically there’s proper procedures for clones…” Danny motioned to both himself and Ellie from where they sat on the counter, snacking on a plateful of scones. From Alfred, he was certain. 
“Technically, yes… but do we want to actually do that?” 
All three of them smiled, something almost feral in the motion. Of course not. They all had the same memories after all, and Bruce had just returned from the past, from exactly where and when Tim had said he was. Despite no one believing him, hence why they were in his boathouse, and not in the apartment or manor. 
“Think we can pull it off?” Ellie took a sip of tea, mischief swirling in her eyes. 
“Of course we can.” Both Danny and Tim spoke at once, one pulling up a new doc and the other pulling the whiteboard out from under a curtain. 
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colfy-wolfy · 2 months
If I wrote a fic about the aftermath of Surv and Monk's family losing two pups at the same moment, would you guys read it?
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it'll be filled with a bunch of my headcanons about them and I promise I'll make it interesting story-wise.
happy ending? depends on how generous i am. it'll probably only be a few chaps long. simply for fun!!
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Andylind + AU in which they both faked their deaths and are supposed to raise Bea together
Andreas wasn't a man to be easily surprised. Not after everything in his life had so royally fucked up, at this point he was very much a "going through the motions" guy.
Dying and coming back (with one collapsed lung, shh don't worry about it)? Easy peasy. Son kidnapped by ex-lover-bestfriend-murderer? Of course. Surprise baby girl whom he's supposed to raise in secret?... After all, why not?
Rosalind's death is no more a surprise than water being wet. With Luna as the newly appointed queen, Aster Dell being claimed to having been completely overtaken by Burned Ones and Farah (Farah) taking over as the new headmistress... It was like waiting for the clock hand to strike the next hour, completely predictable and expected.
Finding her standing at his porch... Was not.
"You're dead" He said, mouth suddenly dry, head spinning. The woman in front of him looked a mess, in clothes he did not recognize and he was sure she had stolen, with purple marks on her wrists from where the runic limiters had been placed. She looked skinnier too. Gaunt.
"Okay, can I be dead inside?" Rosalind rolled her eyes, pushed him out of the way and forced her way inside.
She was dead, he had seen her funeral be televised, he had... He had drunk himself sick that night and sobbed like a little girl in the old specialist sweater he had. She was dead, he knew it-
And yet the woman entering his kitchen was flesh and bones and very much alive. Opening his fridge and starting to go through his leftovers, "how's the asset?"
"The..." he closed the door, blinking quickly "... What?"
"The baby" she shrugged, biting on the corn cake and drinking straight from the carton of orange juice, "how is it?"
"She," he corrected without thinking, "Bea's fine.... How?"
"Andreas" she groaned, "get yourself together, would you? Wake up."
"No!" He finally exploded "I saw your funeral, I watched it! I- ... You didn't leave a single instruction, you just... Just left! You died!"
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "are we done with the dramatics?"
"Fuck you," he spat, but his whole body felt jittery and laughter bubbled up his throat. Fuck, she was alive. Alive and just as impertinent as always, just as arrogant, just as... Everything he had ever wanted, physical, in front of him.
Her lips curled in a smile, one that actually did reach her eyes, fond and amused, "you wish, baby," Rosalind snorted, kicking the fridge closed and crossing the room. Her hands, frail and shaking, bruised, came to cup his face and push his hair back, "O ye of little faith"
He chuckled hysterically, turned his face and mushed his nose in the palm of her hand. She was real. Her fingers traced down his cheek and he bit them as they passed over his lips, "I'm sorry."
He was so ashamed for not believing her. Thomas, demanding to see the wounds, "I'm so sorry."
"It's quite alright," she combed his hair back once more, scratched her nails over the beard he sported, "I'm here now."
Andreas let his eyes slip closed, leaned on her touch and forward, planting his forehead against his general's. She breathed out and he inhaled the orange juice in her breath, leaned in and planted his lips over hers, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing, squeezing until he felt her groan in his mouth, her ribs complain under his hands.
He wanted to sink his fingers in the space between her ribs and tangle them together for good. He settled for allowing her to push him back, much more gentler than Rosalind ever had been.
"So... The asset?"
"Her name is Beatrix" he corrected, tracing his nose against her temple, biting at her ear, burying his face in her hair, "she's asleep."
"You've gotten attached already," Rosalind scoffed, face in his neck and he chuckled, pressed himself even closer to her. Of all of her orders, that was the one he would never be able to fulfill.
She couldn't hand him a baby, a daughter, and tell him to raise it and not love it. Not when it was her passing that child onto him, not when it was the product of her, even if indirectly. Her weapon, his baby girl, their daughter, same thing.
"I'm sorry, ma'am" he whispered in her ear, "sorry, but I have a soft spot for air fairies."
Rosalind laughed, full body laughed still wrapped around him and he felt it rumble in his chest. He hadn't heard her laugh in so long, it stung his eyes and made him squeeze her tighter, want to swallow up those girlish giggles that he hadn't heard in fucking forever, if ever.
"You sentimental fuck" she whispered, then turned her head, kissed him again, "let me go see her."
He followed her back to the nursery and true to his words, Beatrix was asleep. He shared a bed with her, so she didn't have a crib and she was lying on his pillow, so tiny he could hold her with one hand.
His daughter, pride, joy, asset, weapon, weakness. Everything.
"Told ya, she's fucking cute," he leaned on the doorway, crossed his arms to his chest and watched Rosalind sit gingerly at the edge of the bed, inspecting the baby as if it was a lab experiment, not his entire fucking world.
"I guess" Roz relented, smoothing her hand over Bea's peach fuzz ginger hair, "we can't stay here, Andreas. They'll be looking for me."
They. We.
"You're not... You're not gonna take her from me, are you?"
Rosalind whipped her head like a snake, glared at him, "no" she said sharply, meaning don't push it, drop it, "but we have to leave."
"Okay" he nodded, then crossed the room to take Beatrix. She was so soft, curling up against his shoulder like a kitten, little breaths against his neck and tummy pressed to his sternum. He could feel her heartbeat. Andreas planted his lips on top of her head, offered a hand to help Rosalind up from the bed, "car key's are in the kitchen, let's go."
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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"90% of fanfic is terrible and written by angsty teenagers."
Ma'am I'm begging you to log off Wattpad and join the rest of us adults on AO3 in the big girl fandoms
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writeouswriter · 1 year
My followers: And is this “writing” you’ve been “working on” in the room with us right now?
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atinymexicanbird · 10 months
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"Got it! Now you can put me down now"
From the fic "(seep into the wounds) i've been mending" by @cozyqueerchaos
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