I'm officially and indefinitely opening up an 'ask me anything' thing about my physical and psychological disabilities. If it has to do with my trigeminal neuralgia, DID, ADHD, or anything related to my journey in healing and coping, just drop it into my ask box. Anon is on, so you don't have to attach your username to the question. I'll respond to the best of my ability as quickly as I can, but timing will probably vary some.
Just keep in mind that I've been through a lot of terrible things since I was an infant. I'm also usually pretty blunt about things in the end. I'm not great at, and don't enjoy, trying to sugarcoat things for others' comfort. Please don't come into my ask box all upset because the answer I gave to a question is not a comfortable, poor little cinnamon roll kind of answer. The reason I'm opening up about it is because if talking about my experiences can help others, I'm happy to do it. Plus it gets it off my shoulders more and helps me heal.
-Kite 🪆😺
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sparshcentre · 7 months
10 आम परेशानियाँ जिनका इलाज़ दर्द निवारण क्लिनिक पर किया जाता है -
कैंसर का दर्द
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कैंसर के रोगियों में दर्द सबसे आम लक्षणों में से एक है। यह कैंसर, कैंसर के इलाज या कारकों के संयोजन के कारण हो सकता है। कैंसर के दर्द का प्रबंधन WHO की सीढ़ी के अनुसार किया जाता है, जो मॉर्फिन या फेंटेनल जैसी ओपिओइड दवाओं तक बढ़ जाता है, और कभी-कभी पेट दर्द के लिए न्यूरोलाइटिक ब्लॉक जैसे सीलिएक प्लेक्सस ब्लॉक की आवश्यकता होती है, जो की पैन क्लिनिक पर किए जाते है l
2. पीठ दर्द अथवा सायटिका
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पीठ के निचले हिस्से का दर्द विश्व स्तर पर दर्द के प्रमुख कारणों में से एक है। लगभग 80% वयस्क अपने जीवनकाल के दौरान किसी न किसी समय पीठ के निचले हिस्से में दर्द का अनुभव करते हैं। यह मांसपेशियों में खिंचाव से लेकर इंटरवर्टेब्रल डिस्क के खिसकने तक विभिन्न कारणों से हो सकता है। पीठ के निचले हिस्से में दर्द को एक बहु-विषयक दृष���टिकोण ( मल्टीडाइमेंशनल एप्रोच) द्वारा ठीक किया जाता है जिसमें आसन संबंधी सावधानियां, दवाएं, व्यायाम, फिजियोथेरेपी और कुछ न्यूनतम इनवेसिव हस्तक्षेप जैसे मायोफेशियल ट्रिगर पॉइंट इंजेक्शन, ट्रांसफोरामिनल या कॉडल एपिड्यूरल स्टेरॉयड, लम्बर डोर्सल रूट गैंग्लियन पल्स्ड आरएफए, फेसेट जॉइंट इंजेक्शन और मेडियन ब्रांच ब्लॉक शामिल हैं। सैक्रोइलियक जॉइंट इंजेक्शन, एंडोस्कोपिक डिस्केक्टॉमी भी अब ऐसी स्थितियों के लिए न्यूनतम इनवेसिव डे केयर प्रक्रिया के रूप में लोकप्रियता हासिल कर रही है।
 3. घुटने के दर्द
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ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस (OA) घुटने के दर्द का कारण बनने वाला सबसे आम आर्थराइटिस विकार है। OA के कारण घुटने के दर्द के प्रबंधन के लिए घुटने के व्यायाम और सावधानियों की आवश्यकता होती है। यदि सूजन या जोड़ का बहाव स्पष्ट है, तो इंट्रा-आर्टिकुलर इंजेक्शन की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। ग्रेड 1 या 2 ओए रोगियों को प्लेटलेट रिच प्लाज़्मा इंजेक्शन से लाभ हो सकता है। अधिक उन्नत OA वाले रोगियों में, दर्द से राहत के लिए जेनिक्यूलर नर्व रेडियोफ्रीक्वेंसी एब्लेशन (RFA) किया जा सकता है। जेनिक्यूलर ना आरएफए एक नई तकनीक है जो ऐसे मामलों में घुटने के दर्द से निरंतर राहत प्रदान करती है।
4) गर्दन और बांह में दर्द
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गर्दन में दर्द एक आम समस्या है, दो-तिहाई आबादी को अपने जीवन में कभी न कभी गर्दन में दर्द होता है। गर्दन और ऊपरी पीठ दोनों में मांसपेशियों की जकड़न या ग्रीवा कशेरुकाओं के पास से निकलने वाली नसों के दबने के कारण गर्दन में दर्द हो सकता है। गर्दन के पहलू जोड़ भी दर्द का कारण हो सकते हैं। गर्दन के दर्द को एक बहु-विषयक दृष्टिकोण द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जाता है जिसमें आसन संबंधी सावधानियां, दवाएं, व्यायाम, फिजियोथेरेपी और कुछ न्यूनतम इनवेसिव हस्तक्षेप जैसे नेक मायोफेशियल ट्रिगर पॉइंट इंजेक्शन, सर्वाइकल एपिड्यूरल स्टेरॉयड, सर्वाइकल मीडियन ब्रांच ब्लॉक और थर्ड ऑक्सीपिटल नर्व ब्लॉक शामिल हैं।
5. पोस्ट हर्पेटिक न्यूराल्जिया
हर्पीस ज़ोस्टर के चकत्तों के क्षेत्र में दर्द बना रहना। यह आम तौर पर जलन, शूटिंग, धड़कन या बिजली के झटके जैसा दर्द होता है, और आमतौर पर छाती की दीवार क्षेत्र या आंखों के आसपास चेहरे पर देखा जाता है। प्रबंधन में न्यूरोपैथिक दवाओं, सामयिक मलहम और नर्व इंटरवेंशन का विवेकपूर्ण उपयोग शामिल है।
6) चेहरे की नसो मे दर्द
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ट्राइजेमिनल न्यूराल्जिया अचानक, गंभीर चेहरे का दर्द है। इसे अक्सर तेज शूटिंग दर्द या जबड़े, दांत या मसूड़ों में बिजली का झटका लगने जैसा बताया जाता है। लंबे समय तक ली जाने वाली ओरल मेडिसिन से इसे नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। यदि दवा राहत प्रदान करने में विफल रहती है, तो गैसेरि��न गैंग्लियन आरएफए या गैंग्लियन के बैलून कम्प्रेशन जैसी न्यूनतम इनवेसिव इंटरवेंशनल दर्द प्रक्रियाएं पेश की जा सकती हैं। इस दुर्बल करने वाली बीमारी से निपटने के लिए न्यूरोसर्जिकल प्रक्रियाएं भी उपलब्ध हैं।
7. तंत्रिका संबंधी (न्यूरोपैथी) दर्द
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तंत्रिकाओं की क्षति या अनुचित कार्यप्रणाली से उत्पन्न होने वाले दर्द को न्यूरोपैथिक दर्द कहा जाता है। यह जलन, गोली लगने या बिजली के झटके जैसे दर्द के रूप में प्रकट हो सकता है। इस दर्द को आमतौर पर एंटी-न्यूरोपैथिक दवाओं द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है। कभी-कभी दर्द से राहत के लिए नर्व ब्लॉक की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।
8. फाइब्रोमायल्जिया
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फाइब्रोमायल्जिया शरीर में व्यापक दर्द का एक सामान्य कारण है। इसके साथ थकान, बिना ताजगी वाली नींद, बिगड़ा हुआ एकाग्रता, स्मृति समस्याएं और मूड में गड़बड़ी सहित अन्य लक्षण भी हो सकते हैं। फाइब्रोमायल्गिया का प्रबंधन बहु-विषयक है, जिसमें दवाएं, फिजियोथेरेपी और आहार संबंधी परामर्श शामिल हैं।
9. सीआरपीएस — कॉम्पलैक्स रीजनल पेन सिंड्रोम
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सीआरपीएस एक पुरानी दर्द की स्थिति है जो चोट लगने के बाद आमतौर पर एक अंग (हाथ, पैर, हाथ या पैर) को प्रभावित करती है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह परिधीय या केंद्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र की क्षति या खराबी के कारण होता है। सीआरपीएस के प्रबंधन के लिए पुनर्वास, फिजियोथेरेपी और मनोचिकित्सा महत्वपूर्ण हैं। सहानुभूति तंत्रिका ब्लॉक जैसे स्टेलेट गैंग्लियन ब्लॉक या लम्बर सिम्पैथेटिक प्लेक्सस ब्लॉक की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।
10. कोक्सीगोडायनिया (पूंछ की हड्डी में दर्द)
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कोक्सीक्स दर्द, जिसे कोक्सीगोडायनिया भी कहा जाता है, टेलबोन के क्षेत्र में दर्द है, विशेष रूप से बैठने पर बढ़ जाता है। इसे डोनट (dough nut) तकिया और सिट्ज़ बाथ जैसे सरल उपायों द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जा सकता है। आमतौर पर NSAIDS का एक कोर्स आवश्यक होता है। यदि दर्द बना रहता है, तो स्थानीय इंजेक्शन या गैंग्लियन इंपार ब्लॉक के रूप में मिनिमल इनवेसिव इंटरवेंशन किया जा सकता है।
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Tension in the jaw The Temporal Mandibular Joint (#TMJ) should have an S in it for Sphenoid. The lateral Pterygoid muscle pictured here and the medial (Not pictured) are big players in the movement of the jaw. In fact they’re involved in most movements of the joint. One thing I’ve experienced and seen in clinic, is ear pain caused by this muscle being short and tight. I love looking at the nerves of the referral patterns from #triggerpointtherapy They are telling. Sometimes simple work of the cranial bones provides great relief here. Sometimes emotions and rarely ever is painful release of this muscle required. #facialnerves #trigeminalneuralgia #trigeminal #cranialnerves #cranialnerve #earpain #anatomyartwork #anatomyart #anatomystudy #pterygoidrelease #adaptablepolarity https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxakzdLAT2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kindajd · 1 year
I guess I cant take it anymore
Just want to disappear
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ceara2011 · 1 year
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https://gofund.me/bdfa8445 #trigeminalneuralgia #gofundme #gofundmedonations #trigeminalneuralgiaawareness #trigeminalneuralgiawarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CkojIZmptfQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ljinhaengmcb · 4 months
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Yesterday, a person receiving Invisalign orthodontic treatment from Canada visited me for a diagnosis. It seemed to him that MARPE should be used together with Invisalign.(not rapid expansion)
Current orthodontic treatment does not take into account the alignment of the center of the lower jaw with the center of the face.
However, in all orthodontic treatments, full-mouth prosthetics, and dentures, the following problems occur if the lower jaw is not in the center of the face and is twisted.
If the lower jaw is not in the center of the face and is twisted.
1. If there is a problem with the nerve (trigeminal nerve) that distributes to the twisted temporomandibular joint, problems may also occur with other cranial nerves. When making an MCB splint, it is made in a state where there is no contact between the teeth, so even in a situation where there is no nerve transmission to the tooth nerve, it can be confirmed that when the balance of the temporomandibular joint muscles improves, eye movement disappears at the same time.
2. When the lower jaw moves toward the center of the face, the distortion of the sphenoid bone disappears and movement is balanced, and at the same time, the temporal bone begins to move quickly in the opposite direction of the distortion. If the lower jaw is twisted to the left, the right sphenoid bone moves distortedly. The right sphenoid bone continues to send signals indicating that it is out of alignment, but the dentist cannot detect these signals without palpation. I feel through palpation that...
3. If the lower jaw is distorted and a twisting force is applied every time the teeth touch the skull, the face will continue to move in a direction that is prone to distortion, and the entire nervous system will receive a twisting force.
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sushrutbrainandspine · 9 months
"Learn about the debilitating effects of Trigeminal Neuralgia, a chronic pain condition that interferes with everyday tasks such as brushing teeth, shaving and smiling.”
Contact us :-
• Phone: +91 9810324401
• Website :- www.thebrainandspine.com
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healthcare0210 · 9 months
"Revolutionizing Relief: Your Freedom from Trigeminal Neuralgia Begins Here!"
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Imagine a life without the piercing pain of Trigeminal Neuralgia! At Dr. Changule's Face Clinic, we're making this dream a reality with our advanced radiofrequency treatment. Our highly skilled craniomaxillofacial team leverages cutting-edge technology to precisely target and treat the source of your pain. This minimally invasive procedure has transformed countless lives by providing significant, long-lasting relief from trigeminal neuralgia. Don't let facial pain dictate your life. Connect with us at 99231 82345 or visit our website www.drchangulefcrc.com to learn more about our radiofrequency treatment.
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thecpdiary · 11 months
My Neuralgia Pain
Any form of neuralgia is hard to get past as I continue to struggle with even the simplest of things.
Fresh air, the cold, the wind, brushing my teeth, washing my face, putting on and taking make-up off, has created the pain I feel, which means I can struggle with simple, every-day things. Brain fog is also another issue. Eating, chewing, hot and cold foods can also start an episode. Although it has been confirmed by a holistic clinician, it has yet to be confirmed by a neuro consultant.
A late cerebral palsy diagnosis, a very late autism diagnosis, then 3 years of the pandemic with autism, then losing my twin, now neuralgia. That’s a lot of stones being thrown. I didn't need another stone. I’m struggling under the pressure of the pain, trying not to give up.
As a child my threshold for pain seemed quite high. My first encounter with pain was when I fell down the stairs at the age of 9 and being hospitalised.
But no matter how much physical pain you deal with, neuralgia is one of those pains you never get used to. I do think mine is idiopathic. I am throwing everything at the pain, and continue to take:
Vitamin C and an Omega 3 supplement Vitamin D and Vitamin K Topical Peppermint Oil Topical Neurology Oil that includes four homeopathic remedies Myelin Sheath support supplement (which includes Vitamin B12)
I am continue to take Folic Acid, Vitamin E, and magnesium, which are all good for nerve health. Through these supplements I have reduced my mouth pain and the muscle in my mouth is less tight. My headaches are still there.
If there is anyone out there is dealing with any form of neuralgia, we'd love to hear your story.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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connecticuttm · 1 year
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Are you suffering from TMJ syndrome? We can help! Our team of expert specialists at Connecticut & NY TMJ in New York can provide you with the relief you need. 
From diagnosis to treatment, we are committed to helping our patients overcome the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ. We use the latest techniques to provide personalized treatments for trigeminal neuralgia, migraines, bruxism, and TMJ disorders. So, don't let TMJ syndrome affect your quality of life any longer.
Contact us today to start your journey to a pain-free living!
Reach out to us at 347 494 4618 or, you can visit our website https://tmdtmj.com for further information.
Book your appointment now!
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Um. Ok. This certainly is a... whole post. TRIGGER WARNING for plainly explaining the consequences of being brainwashed throughout all of foster care by the Pentecostals, while dealing with far too much pain and blood.
The rest of this entire post is going under a cut. This is straight up high-octane horror fuel, but I think it deserves to exist as a testament to understanding suffering.
Coping with my fucked up childhood means literally mind-bending myself. To cope with what the pain drove me to do, I have to accept some very disturbing truths about myself. It means that I've had no choice but to accept where humans actually exist in the web of life, and that is not inherently at the top. I was eating my own top layers of skin/fat inside my mouth as far back as I can remember. Swallowed it blood and all, as much as I could when in the middle of it. I was both afraid of the consequences and compelled to keep doing it. There's a lot of fucked up reasons for it, but religion was a much more prominent aspect of it than I gave it credit for.
So on that note... Don't ever, ever try to teach a child suffering from so much pain they dig themselves bloody about the Eucharist. If I'm anything to go by, it's definitely a good example of why you don't do that. I have to cope with a literal taste for myself that will probably exist for the rest of my life at some level. And that means I have to accept the cannibalism for what it is, along with how it came to be.
I'm never going to be even close to the realm of an acceptably normal person. Because of my childhood, I will be seen as inherently immoral and evil to some people. I've decided to focus simply on being as ethical a person as I can, but I know that's not enough for purity culture. Accepting this is hard, because of the emphasis that's placed on moral purity by society at large. I feel like there's always the risk of rejection or judgement any time I decide to be entirely honest about what I went through.
It still absolutely must be understood to be a consequence of fundamentalist Christianity (protestant flavor) and extreme pain, literally just like torture. This isn't some instance of a group of people pretending to be Christians while actually doing so-called 'satanic' rituals instead. They fervently believed themselves to be worshiping God/Jesus, and that my suffering was a good thing.
Did they know how badly they were fucking with my understanding of the world and Christian theology? Probably not, actually. At least, not in the way that they did in terms of not understanding their flavor of nuance. But did they fully expect me to fail and go to Hell? There's not a single doubt in my mind anywhere that they expected me to be tortured as a dirty, evil sinner for all eternity. I think they were convinced I was an actual demon from Hell.
How am I learning to cope at all? By zooming out and away from an anthropocentric view of the world, and understanding that humans are still just animals like any other. There is nothing the human creature can do that is against the laws of nature. Nature cannot go against itself, it's laws are what govern the universe. And those laws are morally neutral. They don't pass judgement on anyone or anything. They ultimately just exist so that reality can exist and be stable at all. Humans came up with things such as ethics and morals to navigate an inherently chaotic and entropic universe.
Humans have mistaken our place of responsibility to the care of the planet, as somewhat self-aware animals, for being the masters of it. We absolutely are not. There's no actual grand purpose to life but to persist, live, and prosper. Any meaning beyond that is ours to create, and that's definitely not going to be universal. We aren't special, we're just sufficiently curious enough to ask why the world works the way it does.
My so-called 'legal guardians' tried to rob me of my humanity by denying me my basic evolutionary, psychological social survival skills. They denied me empathy and compassion first. I take responsibility to heal what I can now that I'm safe enough, but I should never have had to in the first place. They're the ones who tried to turn me into a monster.
There's no good way to end this thing. This is not easy to discuss. And there's nothing satisfying about it except that I avoid bottling it up and letting it fester longer than it already has. Because if that internalized shame stays repressed to fester any longer, I legitimately don't know what could happen.
-Pandemonum 🪁😺
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sparshcentre · 6 months
Sparsh Spine and Pain Centre is offering the highest standard of quality care with most advanced treatments by implementing practice guidelines. We focus on holistic approach for pain management.
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sharingchisiki · 1 year
🔥 Are you struggling with trigeminal neuralgia pain? 🔥
Discover effective exercises and natural remedies to alleviate your symptoms! 💪
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ceara2011 · 1 year
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#gofundme #gofundmedonations #gofundmeplease #gofundmehelp #gofundmecampaign #trigeminalneuralgiaawareness #trigeminalneuralgia #trigeminalneuralgiawarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck89kGdJnZi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phantomfacestuff · 2 years
I wanted to ask anyone out there who uses Fentanyl patches to help with their pain how they get on with them? I find that as it gets to about 65 hours (they normally need to be changed after 72hours) I can really notice them wearing off. I start getting a lot of breakthrough pain and I start to feel quite ill and tired. I find that the Fentanyl has the unpleasant side effect of causing constipation but on the day the patch is due to be changed I get really bad diarrhoea. Does anyone else find the dose doesn’t seem to administer evenly or is it just me? I also have a lot of trouble making them stick! I used to use Tegaderm dressings over the top to keep them on but they ripped my skin so I changed to hyperfix but then you can’t see if there is any water under the patch either from sweat or from having a bath, swimming etc… I’d be grateful for any ideas or feedback. I’ve been on the patches for 18 years and tried different brands but Durogesic seem to suit me the best. The only trouble is that as the dose goes up the bigger the patch and the thicker the patch. TIA xxx
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hannahcrazyhawk · 2 years
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I love my new ice, lavender-infused @releafpack. The strawberry/butterfly pink print is pretty. Thank you to my medical fundraiser supporters, without you I wouldn't be able to afford things that ease my pain. Ice is one of the things that sometimes helps with my #TrigeminalNeuralgia and #Erythromelalgia. I have to keep many packs on hand all the time, especially in the summer. They ease the pain of feeling like I'm being burned alive in acid. They stay cold for a long time! Many of my illnesses are much worse in the heat. I also have #Fibromyalgia, #RheumatoidArthritis, #EDS, & #POTS. I've tried many other ice packs. These are the best and they are handmade. And they're #vegan. Please feel free to ask me anything about them. I'm very thankful for my ReleafPacks! 🍓 🧊 🍓 ➡️ www.gofundme.com/f/HelpHannahSoar ⬅️ (LINK IN BIO) #icepack #therapy #TrigeminalNeuralgia. #autoimmunedisease #sickandtiredofbeingsickandtired #spoonielife #butyoudontlooksick #suicideawarness #invisibleillness #spooniewarrior #releafpack #painrelief #facialpain #spoonies #brainsurgery #neuroscience #neurology #baldisbeautiful #strawberry🍓 #coldtherapy #braintumor #raredisease #chronicallyill www.hannahcrazyhawk.com (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChJ5uNbOE1d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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