#unlike most of the other plants pictured here
hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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A couple of photos of my October greenhouse! For the anon who was wondering what the aquaponic setup looks like in full view. The wooden structure in the middle is the 1000L fish tank, with the growing towers for aquaponic gardening hanging above it, and water constantly circulating between the two. The plants you see on the left of the 2nd pic are my green beans which are still producing now in December!
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introboy · 5 months
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So so excited to share my @mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @follow-the-compass-home! My concept was to combine a bunch of prompts together into one AU.
The premise is a modern-fantasy roommate situation where Tango, Bdubs, and Etho live together in an apartment. The only issue is that none of them are human, but they're all trying desperately to blend in, even though they don't really understand humanity as a concept.
More information can be found below the cut, and an introductory fic snippet can be found here (x)!
Downstairs Neighbors AU
Prompts used as inspiration:
Focus on Tango, Etho, and Bdubs
Include Boatem
Story told from Grian's perspective
Hybrid/inhuman AU
Angst with a happy ending
Emphasis on character dynamics
Here's a summary!!!
Tango, Etho, and Bdubs found each other by looking for roommates on Craigslist. They live in a 4-bedroom apartment together.
Tango is a spirit who wanted to interact with the world in a physical sense, so he built himself a body. He's basically just a ghost possessing an android (but unlike ghosts, he was never alive; he came into being as a fully-formed spirit). He doesn't adhere to normal bodily necessities like food, water, or sleep, which is convenient but also heavily concerning from an outsider's perspective.
Etho is a specific kind of shapeshifter called a mimic. He doesn't have a true form, but can copy the shape and mannerisms of most living creatures. The only constant across all of his appearances is a scarred left eye and white hair. Unfortunately, it takes practice to nail specific species characteristics, so he often forgets what he's supposed to look like and falls into uncanny valley. He wears a mask to cover his more noticable facial slipups.
Bdubs is some sort of plant creature (he doesn't really understand it himself). He has a perfect internal clock and sleeps, without fail, for 12 hours every night. He spends a lot of time in the unoccupied bedroom-- he uses it as a makeshift greenhouse, and it's filled with grow lights and humidifiers. He loves taking care of houseplants, but it's also a cover for him to spend time under the grow lights. Without enough light & water he gets lethargic.
Bdubs, Etho, and Tango, henceforth referred to as BET, all assume that the others are human. But since none of them know how to act human, they continuously pick up stranger and stranger habits from each other.
BET are close friends with Impulse & Skizzleman, who live together across the hall. Their upstairs neighbors are Grian, Pearl, Mumbo, and Scar, who are also besties with Imp & Skizz. BET and Boatem don't know each other well, but Grian especially thinks his neighbors are really odd.
Like BET, Grian is not human, and neither are the rest of his roommates. But they all know about each other, and Grian especially is really good at knowing how to act natural in public places. He's an avian shapeshifter, who can take the form of either a scarlet macaw or a human. Unlike Etho, both forms come equally naturally to Grian, and the shapeshifting process is a lot easier for him.
(Imp & Skizz are not human either-- they are a demon and an angel respectively. But, like Grian, they're really good at blending in when in public.)
One day, Grian gets injured on a flight and accidentally ends up on BET's balcony instead of his own. He's too disoriented to shift back into his human form or fly away, so Bdubs and Etho find him outside their door. Tango calls Impulse over in the hopes that he knows how to fix the random-injured-parrot crisis, but the only result is that Grian and Impulse start to truly take note of how strange their neighbors' living situation is. Incidents like the one pictured above arise (i.e. everyone finding out that there is not a singular scrap of food to be found in the entire apartment).
Ok that's all the rambling I'll do in this post, but I hope you enjoyed! Happy holidays!!
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thisapplepielife · 7 days
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles pop-up Graduation challenge.
Along for the Ride
Prompt: Graduation | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Post S2, Graduation Day for the Class of '85, Eddie Munson Doesn't Graduate, Wayne Loves Eddie, Unlikely Duo for the Day, Pre-Steddie, Hanging Out
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"Looks good on you."
Steve jumps ever so slightly, and turns to locate the disembodied voice that came out of thin air, scaring the ever-loving shit out of him.
It's just Eddie Munson, lurking behind a fucking tree. Of course.
"Munson," Steve says, by way of greeting, but then has to ask, "What looks good?"
Eddie takes a step forward and flicks the mortarboard on Steve's head, "Your cap."
Steve laughs, and takes it off his head, and smooths his hand over his hair, sure it's sticking up all crazy.
"Yeah, right," Steve says, knowing that hat has done no favors for his hair, and clutches it in his hands, worrying his fingers all along the pointed edges. "You didn't walk? I didn't see you in line."
Eddie toes at the dirt, eyes suddenly downcast, "Yeah, well. It came down to the wire, and I didn't quite get it done. Again."
"Sorry, I didn't know."
Eddie has his gown slung over his arm, and his cap in hand. All the makings of a graduate, but no diploma. That really sucks, and Steve knows how close he came himself to not skating through. This could have just as easily been him, so he has no snarky commentary to offer up. Not today.
"They didn't tell you until today?" Steve asks, because if that's the case, it's absolute bullshit. 
"No, yesterday. After graduation practice. But, you know…"
Steve doesn't know, "You came to the ceremony anyway?"
"Hell no," Eddie laughs, "They said I could walk, get a blank folder. No fucking thanks. Just. My uncle. He had to work today. Too many other dads needed off. And I'm just his nephew, so the plant didn't prioritize his request. You know how it goes," Eddie says, and Steve really doesn't know. His dad has been riding his ass hard, but he was damn well in the bleachers, watching him graduate this afternoon, and nobody could have stopped him. Especially not work.
Eddie keeps talking, "Anyway. Uncle Wayne was unduly proud, so I just let him take some pictures of me out here before his shift. Embarrassing, but whatever. Maybe I'll tell him later. Maybe not. I'm over eighteen, it's not like they're gonna call and tattle if I don't show up next fall. I could get my GED. I could say fuck it. Or, god-fucking-forbid, I could try again next year."
Steve nods. He isn't exactly sure why Eddie Munson is telling him all this, not really, because these are the most words they've ever spoken to one another in a row.
"I'm sorry," Steve says.
"So you've said," Eddie says, but he's teasing, even if Steve still thinks he looks sad. And Steve spent a lot of the last year fucking sad, so he has, like, empathy and shit. 
"There's a graduation party at my house later, if you wanna come," Steve offers, suddenly.
"Thanks, but no thanks, Harrington. I'd rather not experience that kind of humiliation again today. It was bad enough having the principal look over here at me in my cap and gown, like I was a fucking idiot. Which I am. But still."
"I get it," Steve says, "but if you change your mind. Come."
"I won't," Eddie says, "don't wait up."
And it strikes Steve as hilarious, and he laughs, like he hasn't laughed in a long time, "Damn, Munson. Break a guy's heart. I was gonna sit by my bedroom window, awaiting your arrival."
Eddie grins, and then there's a glint in his eye, "What time will this party be over, Harrington?"
Steve just shrugs, he isn't sure. His parents will be there, so it's not exactly gonna be a rager.
"Midnight?" Eddie asks.
Steve nods, because surely it'll be over by midnight.
"Then sit by that window, and I'll pull up and get you. For the afterparty."
And Steve doesn't know why he's nodding, but he is, enthusiastically.
At midnight, Steve is standing at his bedroom window, waiting. 
At ten after, he realizes that Munson had just been fucking with him. Of course. Eddie Munson isn't the idiot here, he is. And he starts to pull his shirt over his head, the one he'd changed four times for no discernible reason, when he sees it. The old van, barreling into his driveway. 
Far too fast and wild.
Steve smiles, climbs out of his window, and shimmies down the side of the house, running towards the van like he's really getting away with something. He could have walked out the front door, and his parents definitely wouldn't have given a shit, if they even noticed.
Yeah, he's in trouble about the college thing, and he has to get a shitty job, but they aren't chaining him to the bed or anything.
He pulls the van door open and there's Eddie Munson, in all black, waiting.
"Wasn't sure you'd come," Eddie says.
"I could say the same thing about you," Steve echoes, sliding into the van seat, and slamming the door behind himself, "You're late."
"Sorry, your highness. Where to?" Eddie asks.
"This was your idea!" Steve yells over the roar of the van peeling out of the driveway, and man, Munson is a bad driver. Maybe the worst. 
But the warm night air is whipping through the open windows, and Eddie's hair is blowing all around, and Steve's feeling air ruffling through his own.
It feels freeing. 
He's with Eddie "The Freak" Munson, so that makes no sense whatsoever. But Steve's not gonna question it. He's gonna have some fun, with whatever this night brings.
He doesn't have any friends, not really, not his own age, anyway. Not anymore. 
Eddie shoves a box of tapes onto his lap, "Pick something."
Steve isn't familiar with most of the bands, but he settles on one he likes, and jams it in.
"Harrington, no, that's Wayne's!" Eddie says, punching the eject button hard and fast.
"You decide then," Steve says with a smile, "I'm just along for the ride."
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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timberwind · 1 year
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Yarragardee Basin, Mangala, 7995 A.D.
Accompanying music: You’re On Fire by They Might Be Giants. Summer road trip music of all time, in my opinion.
Here’s a little expository write-up on the history and geography of the worlds shown here. Someday I’ll have more to show of the personal story of these two critters and their travels; until then, a more macro-level description.
Mangala and its sister world Kahira (visible in the background) are binary planets, orbiting one another in a manner not entirely unlike that of Pluto and Charon in the Solar System. Mangala is a relatively small world - just about twenty percent the mass of the Earth, something like if you took two copies of Mars and smushed them together; without the internal heat to drive a carbonate cycle long term, it had long been a frozen, dusty, and arid place when transhumanity first established a permanent presence in the Tahoka system some four hundred years ago. Since those early days, terraforming using a Birchian soletta system (a huge but foil-thin Fresnel lens of mirrors, with a secondary focal lens for burning atmospheric gasses out of the regolith) has rendered it shirtsleeve habitable to baseline humans across much of the surface, although the global water inventory remains low* and the air in the “continental” uplands is stratospheric, with only the hardiest lichens establishing a foothold. Most of Mangala’s major metropolitan areas are located in the deep rift valleys and basins, where air pressure is highest.
Kahira on the other hand, a rock almost a fifth the mass of its sister world (a little under the mass of old Mercury), remains unterraformed - surface conditions are persistently cold, with a thin barely-Martian atmosphere. Some of its larger rift valleys and craters have been tented over, aerated, and planted with tall low-gravity forest and grassland, a style of habitat construction dating back to the first Mars colonists almost six thousand years ago. Industrial complexes and buried cities sprawl out across the bare surface of the moon, with huge low-gravity lava tubes seeing extensive urban development.
The Yarragardee Basin, pictured above, is a graben basin in Mangala’s northern hemisphere, notable for the historic industrial city of Tirupati - here we see two road-trippers between cities on the basin’s great plain, taking a break in the long late afternoon of a sunset-day***. Having stopped for a night at a motel near Tirupati’s aerospace complex, they’re now continuing their journey to the city of Redmond-Tonasket, located in the Woronora Valles trench system about two thousand kilometers to the southwest.
* While plenty of water could have been imported from Tiandonias’s cometary halo, it was decided not to do so in order to avoid inundating pre-existing cities in the valleys and deep basins. The extremely humid hothouse conditions that come after slamming dismantled ice moons through the stratosphere at over six kilometers a second were also broadly considered unacceptable.
** Smaller worlds have been terraformed in transhuman space, both by worldhouse and more open-air methods, but it’s largely the kind of thing that much more energy-rich systems do as a vanity project. Kahira may someday see blue skies, but likely not for a thousand years at least. (edit, one year later: I actually changed up some of this while simulating this system for stability. I’ll be posting more about this soon.)
*** Mangala and Kahira, being tidally locked to each other such that they always show one another the same face as they orbit their common center of mass, both have days exactly as long as their orbital periods - 403 kiloseconds, or roughly 112 hours. This is for convenience divided into month-weeks comprising four “circadian days” of 100 kiloseconds (~26 hours), with the remaining three kiloseconds added on to the last day of a month-week to keep synchronization.
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ohrudi · 2 months
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Fix: Pets need less Space
with this mod, your pets (cats, dogs, horses) need half of the space for all interactions
this mod improves routing for your pets, escpecially for those clunky horses
compatible with “Interaction on sloped terrain enabler” by nikel23
the pets expansions is required for this mod to do anything
Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required, merging is no problem
Conflicts: highly unlikely, see below for detail
compatible with simler90's Gameplay Core Mod (Update 198 and above, since 28th Apr 2024)
Patch: v1.67/v1.69 (probably works with lower patches as well)
ModTheSims | Simblr | SimFileShare
Hey Simmers, Rudi has a big mod-achievement for you today: it's time for my ninth mod
Just recently I play tested my new awesome house, that's cramped up with clutter and plants all the way up to the roof. I tested the house with my pets and had to realize, that they aren't able to use many of the things I placed for them, cause the spaces are just too tight. Also whenever my familiy tried to interact with their pets, they had to walk through the entire house, cause they had no suitable space left. But no more! With this mod, those issues will forever be a sorrow of the past.
Explanation - how the mod works This mod reduces the space that pets (horses, dogs and cats) need for doing things, similar to my other mods. It does this by overwriting the jig size for each pet interaction. A jig is an invisible object that’s auto placed on the ground, while e.g. two sims are talking to each other. Other sims will walk around the other sims talking, cause the jig (placed under the sims talking) obstructs the routing-way for other sims. By default all jigs are quite big, in most cases even way bigger than they need to be. But if you reduce the jig size by a mod, than those interactions are possible even in tiny over-cluttered rooms. Here an example: Playing guitar has originally a jig, that’s 2x2 boxes/meters big, which meant sims often walk outside the house, cause nowhere is enough free space for this very big jig to place down. I solved this issue with my other mod, by reducing the size of the jig for playing guitar.
Recommended Mods, that further improve routing
Sims need less Space by OhRudi
Guitar needs less Space for playing by OhRudi
Bass needs less Space for playing by OhRudi
Interaction on sloped terrain enabler by nikel23
NRaas GoHere by Twallan
Route Fix v9 by Twoftmama (Login required)
How to install
Installation: just put all the files in your packages-folder, the usual way, nothing special required, you can merge them as well
the pets expansions is required for this mod to do anything
Technical Details
Patch: v1.67/v1.69 (probably works with lower patches as well)
this mod can’t affect animations
this mod can’t affect scripting-errors, that are caught by NRaas-Error-Trap
this mod edits the all jigs that came with the Pets expansion pack
Conflicts: only if you have a mod installed who's editing exactly this resource as well, but I assume that's highly unlikely
use delphys dashboard to check for conflicts
I dearly hope your pets enjoy their new freedom. <3
Additional Credits: A BIG THANK YOU to my lovely Beta-Testers: @SimsC, @CardinalSims and @Nemiga Sims 3 Sound Tool S3PE S3OC @you-will-never-find-me-anymore for letting me use her Bonehilda for my awesome profile picture
AND to this awesome and still alive community of simmers
Happy Simming ^^
made by @OhRudi
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Heyy I had this idea for a Jax x Reader one-shot and I absolutely need it written out (Apologizes if that sounded bossy lol)
Essentially late at night in the Circus and the reader can’t sleep because of a spider in their room so they goes into Jax’s to sleep with him instead. Being the guy he is, he teases her for being scared of the spider. After some conversation he asks them to show him it. At that point it’s revealed that Jax actually planted the spider there to mess with them lol
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Summary: Reader trys to go to sleep, but unfortunately cannot due to the massive eight legged creature on their wall. They go to jax, cuz he's tall (and also a comfort source) to get it down. Afffter that him being jax he messes with them and then they find out he put it there!!
A/n : no no no no, that's completely okay, I love hearing your requests and stuff,(I NEED IDEAS PLS) don't worry about being too bossy 😭
Warnings: Jax being jax, andff spiders!
Side note: I'M RUNNIN OUT OF JAX GIFS PLEASE HELP , and here's the spider were using for reference!!! TRIGGER WARNING, PHOTO OFA SPIDEF
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Just like... Picture it bigger ykwim?
You got into the cosy area of your bed, smiling as your head hit the pillow. You sighed, fully adjusting untill you hear small tapping above your head, you opened your eyes softly, looking up to see a small spider on the wall above your head. You shreaked, covering your mouth and crawling to the other side of the bed slowly. You gasped into your hands, and you stared. It stared back. You got up, maintaining eye contact as you left your room, running over to the purple rabbit.. Bunny? You shook your head, now's not the time.
Quickly, you knocked on his door. He didn't answer the first time, so you knocked again. And again. Aaand agai-
He slammed the door open, rubbing his eyes as he did. He placed a hand on his hip, the other one on the door. "Jax. Jax there is a MASSIVE spider in my room and i-" you were freaking out, hands shaking.
He interrupted you. "You woke me up at, what, 3 am for a SPIDER? are you SERIOUS??" he whisper yelled at you, he really regretted doing this stupid thing now. You nodded quickly with the most serious look on your face. "Can- can I just sleep with you? Please?" THAT was enough to make him laugh. He chuckled softly, "If it gets you off my back, I'll kill the thing and you can sleep in my room tonight. Deal?" and started walking down the hallway with you. You smiled softly, glad that that... Thing would be off your walls.
You stared, eyes wide and mouth agape as he just... Picked the thing up. Not a care in the world about how it could bite him. You frowned. "How are you so calm right now?!" You whisper yelled. He shrugged. "Unlike soome people I can actually handle a few of these guys. Say, do you think it had baby's?" He said, so nonchalantly that it genuinely scared you. You let out a little 'eep!' As he brought his arm (with the spider STILL IN IT) towards you, he laughed when you practically launched yourself across the room.
You stared at him for a moment, very intensly untill you realized. "JAX OH MY GOD YOU [BLEEP]LE!" You screatchd at him, and he laughed even harder, setting the spider down outside of your room. You were panting, attempting to calm yourself down, which was not working by the way! He walked back in, standing by your doorframe and sighed, staring at your shaking form. He rolled his eyes and started to walk down the hallway past your room.
"Alright, Alright pack it up Worrywart. You coming or not?" He asked, peaking his head back into your room before fully walking out. You quickly ran out behind him, no way you were sleeping in here after that! What if it.. What if it actually did have baby's?
Bonus: You smiled softly, content in jax's arms. He wasn't used to the cuddling, or whatever but did he enjoy it? Yes. Yes he did, and there was no doubt about that. He sighed as you snuggled into him further. You closed your eyes fully, finally relaxing and not worrying about.. Little demons with eight legs. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you drifted off, thinking about whatever adventure you would have to endure tomorrow.
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
Jealous husband sex with Aegon ii?
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Four Becomes Five
Did you think he couldn’t hear you? He was right next to you! Any other night, Aegon would be stiff as a board listening to you. But, tonight he couldn’t help the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. Did you think of Jacaryes, who’d danced with you so gracefully tonight? He would have danced with you! He definitely would have, if you’d made any indication you’d like to! Aegon’s blood boiled thinking that you might be picturing Jacaryes, his hands on your body and thrusting his cock into you. He most likely doesn’t even know where to put it. He’s never lied with a woman before, unlike him, your husband, who pleasures you nearly ever night. You have four children to prove it: Daella, Saera, Baelon and Vaelen. You might even be pregnant right now and not know it because he cums in you so often. Why would you be thinking of that bastard boy when you have him beside you?
It’d started as a harmless toast. You’d toasted to Baela and Rhaena on their betrothals to Jace and Luke. You said they should stock up on strawberries and oranges, because they’d need the energy to keep up with Valryian lovers. Everyone laughed. The girls smiled bashfully. Aegon didn’t think much of it. If anything, it made him look good. However, for some reason, Jace asked you for a dance. He’d done it to insult Aegon. ‘Look at me, dancing with your beautiful wife, who’s now touching herself to me instead of you.’ Aegon listened to your suppressed whimpers as your leg delicately bumped his back. He imagined you spread out, your hand in between your legs as you rubbed your pussy. Your sweet, silky sex that he became addicted to the night you two first had sex. 
Aegon reached behind him to the leg against his back. He slowly trailed his fingers over your leg and stretching to touch your inner thigh. 
“Aegon...” you whimpered. 
“You have me right here,” he said, rolling around to look at you, “And here you are touching yourself.”
“I didn’t want to wake you.” 
You looked exactly as he expected: panting, needy, and wet. You’d come to bed naked, so nothing separated him from your gorgeous body. Aegon pulled away the covers to see your body in the moonlight from the window nearby. 
“I’ll always wake up for your pussy,” he smiled, “Especially after tonight.”
“I saw how you looked at him when he danced with you,” he said, putting his hand over yours and guiding you over your slit. “How you so eagerly accepted his offer to dance...you want him, don’t you?”
“Oh Aegon,” you whined, “As if I’d want him.”
“I saw it,” he accused, pressing your hand a bit further in, “I saw how he looked at you. He wanted to fuck you. He wanted to fuck you just to piss me off, and you’d let him-”
“-I’d never do that-”
“-I don’t believe you,” he said, “Then why are you like this when you have me next to you, hm?” 
He moved your hand away and began sliding his fingers around you in earnest. He felt the hard nub of your clit dragging against his hand, growing harder and wetter while he did it. Aegon recalled the first time he ever touched it: after the funeral party on Driftmark, where your firstborn was conceived. You’d both gotten tipsy from the wine, and found yourself alone on the beach. Before then, you two mostly kissed, until you asked him to do more. Aegon remembered going down your body, spreading your legs and planting delicate kisses on your center. He’d been more surprised when you sucked his cock. He’d loved how your mouth felt; how you sounded when he first entered you. 
How you still sound like that when he enters you. 
“I...I don’t know...you were sleeping and I didn’t want to bother you,” you said. 
His fingers became wet. You’d been doing this for a while, it seemed. He wondered how long you’d been touching yourself before he woke up. Aegon swiped up a bit of your juices and pressed it to you lips. Immediately, you opened your mouth so he could slide them inside. He let you coat his fingers with spit before sliding them back down and inside you. A soft hitch in your throat turned into a whine when his fingers filled you. Hot and tight, he massaged your walls in every push and rubbed his thumb across your clit repeatedly. 
“Remember Driftmark?” he asked, sliding his fingers in and out of you, “When I fingered you for the first time? I remember how much you loved it then. The way you spread your legs so wide, and got so wet for me.” 
“Nobody ever touched me like that,” you replied, “And nobody does except you.” 
“Is that so?” he picked up the pace of his fingers, causing you to arch your back. “Just me? Not a single soul other than me?”
“Nobody else.”
Aegon then rolled you over onto your stomach, lifting your hips up and keeping your face down. You gripped the pillows in anticipation of what he was about to do. He couldn’t wait. His cock strained and hit his stomach now, red and flushed from the blood coursing through it. 
“And what about this?” he asked, wetting his tip with your juices. “What about dick?”
“Nobody else.”
“No one?”
“No one.”
"Hm, I'm having trouble believing you-"
He laughed before plunging in a single move. Your moans became louder once he began thrusting in a steady pace. He nearly went insane from how your body pulsed with his; your insides milking his throbbing cock the entire time. He stared down between you to watch his cock sliding in and out of you. He admired how your ass rippled each time your bodies met; he couldn't stop himself from grabbing each cheek and slapping it. Jacaryes would never do this to you. He wouldn't know how.
"He'd have no idea how to pleasure you," he grunted, moving faster inside you. "He wouldn't know where to start with you. He could never..."
Reaching forward, he grabbed your hair and wrapped it around his hand. Yanking your head back, he growled in your ear: "Say it's mine. Say your pussy is mine."
"It's yours! It's yours, Aegon!"
"That's right," he started slamming himself into you, "It's mine. It's all mine."
"Yes, it is! Yes, it is! Aegon, please, fuck what's yours. Take it, please."
"You want me to take it?"
"Yes. Please."
He let go of your hair and forced you onto the bed. Aegon's eyes closed as your smooth pussy started contracting around him. He went back to smacking your ass as you came, hard and fast. You must've worked yourself up quite a bit, he supposed. No matter. He didn't stop. Your holes were his, after all, so he didn't stop until he'd pumped every drop deep inside you.
Looks like four children will become five.
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razypie · 10 months
Colors of Different Hue (You) || Gun Park x Reader
cw: a bit graphic in one of the scenes, wc: ~5.2k summary: gun is a lovesick idiot but doesn't want to admit it third-person pov, fem nurse!reader, ooc gun (my delulu version actually), and reaally fast-paced a/n: heavily-inspired by 'Hotarubi no Mori e' story-telling, so there are lotsa flashbacks hehe
"Oooh, look who’s got a date today!" Goo giggled as he peeked back from the wooden porch facing his partner's backyard.
Gun almost had uncharacteristically gotten on his knees in front of the chairman to let him off on this specific day, and now this weapon freak's presence was about to wreck the day before it started.
"Not now, Goo. Why the hell are you even here?" Gun fixed his tie in front of his wide half-length mirror, scooped a generous amount of gel, and brushed his hair back neatly.
"Oh, come on, I was getting bored. Samuel wasn't picking up because of his Workers' Affiliate BS, and Logan has exams this week. For real? That guy should drop out already, it's no use."
"So you decided to stroll your way here to annoy me instead?"
"You got that right!" The blonde eyesore jumped up and hopped his way on square concrete blocks to one of the bamboo trees lined up along the fence.
"Whatever. You better leave the house before I do, or I'll stick that bamboo shoot you just pulled up your ass." Gun warned his house's intruder, who reached out to one of the young bamboo plants.
"Not everything is a katana, you anime samurai wannabe." He picked up his sunglasses and black coat and made his way to his Porsche parked in the space opposite the bamboo trees.
"Says the guy who bought a Japanese mansion in the middle of nowhere." Goo huffed a childish pout. "Jeez, I was gonna use these for cooking snacks, but you just had to give me a disgusting picture."
He gave the man in the car a side glance and sighed. "I was doing you a favor here, man."
The morning sun radiated a warm glow on the dark sheen of Gun's sunglasses as he swiftly drove through the outskirts of Seoul. The wide stretches of green pastures emerging from both sides of the road whistled a soft tune into his ears.
Unlike most people who want to live in extravagance with cameras shoved in their faces every single moment, there were times when Gun preferred to settle in a remote area, far from the reeks of city lights, where he could be alone with himself, his thoughts, and his hard-earned (i.e. bloodstained) money.
But of course, the nature of his work required Gun to be by his employer's side around the clock else his grand funeral wouldn't be much later.
So he made the best of these hand-picked moments when he could persuade his boss to grant him off-days.
Gun has the whole map of Seoul memorized from his monthly crusades and made that mental map involuntarily take the wheel and let his mind wander off for a while.
He pulled his car to a stop in front of a flower shop. As he got out, he noticed a gray umbrella hanging on a covered shed's railing.
'That bastard still owes me for that… and a shit-ton of money for losing in every bet.' But then again, he wouldn't have met Y/N if Goo didn't break his umbrella.
'Hah. No way I’m telling him.'
It was a stormy night with distant rumbles of thunder.
His eyes landed on a small figure of a lady in front of him and a bit to his right; the two were taking refuge under a mono-sloped roof of a bus stop.
Even with thick layers of bright-colored clothing enveloping her figure, Gun noticed her shivering with her arms crossed to her chest gripping her shoulders.
The man had nothing to do anyways beside impatiently waiting until the rain wanes, and everything else around him was too dull and gray to entertain him. So, his eyes remained on the peculiar lady, the only other color he could see; a color that penetrated even the darkest tints of his shades.
He examined her.
'The hell is up with this woman? It's not even that cold.'
Gun turned up an amused grin at the memory as he stopped over at a flower shop. He grabbed his coat and caught a whiff of lavender-scented detergent he recognized as Y/N's.
'Oh. It's her again.' Gun recognized the woman from the other day who had now crouched down to check his injuries. He tried telling her off but to no avail.
"I knew you were a gangster five meters away, dumbhead, but that doesn't mean these 'scratches' (as you called them) will heal themselves… I'm only here to do my job."
'Okay, lady. Be my pest.'
He yielded and rested his back against the brick wall at the end of an alleyway where this meddlesome woman found him.
A light trail of lavender caught his nose; 'That's odd…” his eyes lingered on the lady. “for someone with a sharp tongue and flashy style.'
Now that she's much closer with her hair tied up in a bun, Gun could examine her more closely. Unlike yesterday, she's in full white get-up now: a clean set of white scrubs matched with white shoes.
'A nurse, huh. Probably an intern because I'm looking at a fucking dwarf.'
Apparently, patching Gun's 'scratches' made her miss the last bus.
"That's what you get for doing your job."
"Oh, shut up."
Droplets of pouring rain halted the bickering that was about the start.
Gun had to admit though, she did a stellar job mending his wounds.
Ego not permitting him to tell her his thanks, he nonchalantly dropped his thick coat over her head instead while noticing blotches of rain wet her uniform.
Recalling her trembling the other day, the self-proclaimed gentleman also offered to drive her home.
Gun's eyes lingered down his coat and figured he hadn't picked it from his wide selection of corporate attires to wear since Y/N returned it; he might've intentionally kept it there to let her fragrance rub off on his other clothes… or not, only he and God knew.
A bell chime signaled his entry to the shop, and a lady from the opposite end greeted him with a welcoming smile.
After paying for a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, Gun bowed and turned his heel to the wooden-framed glass door.
The cashier gave him a concerned look but settled with a short smile.
Gun decided to walk the rest of the way, paced long strides along the stone-paved sidewalk into the busier streets of Seoul.
Turning his head towards ordinary stalls he used to turn a blind eye to as flashes of Y/N’s twinkling eyes with her hand around the doorknob and an arm linked to his tattooed one surfaced.
A grin crept up to his cheeks.
Since their first encounter, Gun found himself driving past the hospital Y/N works at. Later on, it became a routine. Random nights when he stops by and waits for her at the bus stop in front to chat about each other's day or to give her a ride home, especially when it's raining. 
But of course, he took account of his schedule. He's a busy man, and his spare time, scarce; all of which however, have been filled in by Y/N the more they hung out:
Mondays to Thursdays, he would take the longer route to HNH Building, to have a cup of morning coffee (or so he says) at a restaurant near the hospital. Y/N would walk in, couple of squints later, then wave at him. 
"What a coincidence!"  she exclaims. "Yeah." he replies dryly. 
Fridays to Saturdays, Y/N's off-duty schedule. She would go to the public library to study for her weekly moving exams. It just so happened that Gun also reviewed for GED exams there (the real coincidence).
Surprisingly, Gun is good at memorization, so is Y/N at general trivia. It was effective mutualism.
Sundays were the wildcard. One is busy. Or both are busy. If neither, Gun would accompany Y/N to a random place she keeps going on and on about for the entire week or they would chill in his house (whether he wants it or not).
It's an actual miracle that Goo didn't catch them hanging out, really. Although, he had suspicions… getting a sweet trace of lavender in his partner's house when he barges in without notice (you don't just put "sweet" and "Gun" together). Or when Gun's mood swings become less and less frequent despite the blonde's incessant annoyance sprees.
Goo was itching to bully him for it, but he needed concrete evidence—the ones that would put the jackpot horrified look on the demon's stoic face.
Gun needs to be more cautious around his pest of a partner.
It won't be too long until Goo sees through his lies of checking into brothels on Sundays.
Ah, about that.
It's been ages since Gun set foot into one.
Guess he found Y/N a more entertaining distraction from work than any bent back he broke.
They just… instantly clicked after their first encounter–like a string of Fate wrapped each of them in a disgustingly cute bow as a present for each other.
They were inseparable. One was the other's breathing space: from Y/N 's tiring hospital duties and from Gun's major crew business.
They were each other's pieces in the puzzle they didn't know were missing.
Friends... they would call each other. But were they really? Might've been even more if they knew what the force that attracted them to each other actually was.
(Ugh. Fate was having none of this folly.)
Gun stifled a laugh. A lot has happened in the short time he met her, yet there's still a lot to be unpacked for this lady.
"W-wait!" Y/N huffed, holding up a hand between her and Gun. "Not the one to use gender cards here but… go easy on me here, man. Clearly, you have the men's advantage in stamina." Y/N pouted at Gun with what seemed like an attempt to do a puppy face, but she only looked like a constipated shih tzu to him.
He raised an eyebrow but maintained his stance.
"Oh, cut the bullshit, woman. You run around the hospital 24/7. Sparring should just be a piece of cake to you."
"You think those harassing fuckers were the same brats you fought in middle school and go easy on you because you're a girl?"
His eyes scanned her from head to toe. He sneered.
"I bet bruises aren't the only thing they'll leave you had you let your guard down."
"Anyway, I don't know why you're suddenly so adamant, teaching me how to fight." Gun didn't answer, earning a glare from Y/N.
"Besides, I only wrestled those wimps back then to keep them from bullying other kids. That doesn't mean I'd actively engage in one now," She put her hands up in the air in surrender and crossed her legs to sit down, to which Gun loosened up.
"...unlike SOME people."
"You did last time at the park." He jeered.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. Those two creeps kept pestering me, asking for my number. I also texted you, but you left me on read. Did it look like I had a choice?" She eyed him daggers.
"Could've at least used your strength for something genuinely helpful, you sadist."
"Which I did, your punches were getting slow, and you couldn't defend yourself for two whole minutes when I got there, so I finished the job for you. Good work lasting for even a minute."
He was lying, of course.
As soon as he read her message, he sped to the location she sent. When he arrived, the fight had just broken out with Y/N caving in one of the creeps' faces with her clenched fist. He saw her give the other one a solid kick on the ribs and counter back with a knee to the face.
He could tell she had fighting experience, despite sluggish, with those limbs; and he just watched her fend for herself until she wore out…
He cringed.
Yeah… he is a sadist.
"You're right. Let me make it up to you by making you tea then." She used that as an excuse to end their training for the day as she stood up and went to Gun's kitchen.
The latter watched her back disappear in the hallway.
With how their conversation went, it seems Y/N isn't interested in becoming his successor at all. She already rejected him before he could even offer it.
"I guess beating people up for money isn't her 'cup of tea.' It's way easier than having a hospital suck your life out."
But not long after, when they were on their way to a cake shop Y/N wanted to check out, some weak-ass thief was also on the loose and unfortunately chose Y/N to be his target. 
Yes, that's right. Unfortunate for the thief.
Long story short, Y/N's hospital will get another patient.
Gun looked at the disfigured face of the stupid fucker with beaming pride at what his student is capable of (Y/N dislikes the idea of Gun calling her his student, though).
He then turned to his masterpiece with a pleased grin and noticed her with arms across her chest while shaking.
"What are you doing?" No response; she was uttering something with her eyes closed.
"I am safe; I am strong."
She seemed shocked.
'Eh. It'll pass. I taught her enough to deal with punks like these.'
The sun's afternoon rays peeked from the thin linings of thick-smoked cumulonimbus clouds. It dulled the shadow of the man walking on copper-bricked pavement.
Gun heaved a deep sigh. A couple of months ago, he was laser-focused on managing their debt-collecting business, then working as Crystal's bodyguard and finding a successor.
That felt ages ago somehow. His recent calendars have been him dealing with Y/N's antics. Not that he was complaining, he found it amusing to know a woman he could see eye-to-eye on things. No strings attached.
There was something about how she looked at him; neither a hint of fear nor looming intimidation.
Just warmth.
Warmth that melts the iciest of his glares. A soft smile that ebbs his turbulent chaos. Words that tear down his barriers, strip him off his 'Shiro Oni' persona, leaving him with just plain Jonggun Park.
He's also seen patterns of her behavior: the way her eyebrows arches up when she looks at him, the glimmer in her eyes when talking about her pets at home, her nose scrunching up as she recalls medical acronyms, her fingers curling up as she tucks strands of her hair behind her ear, her pouty lips and rosy cheeks when he teases her (his favorite). He memorized them all; and still she continues to surprise him with more.
Stitch that with mood swings and annoying outbursts, and you have Y/N!
How can a woman be so complex yet so... normal?
'One moment she gets mad when I keep my clothes all over the place in my own house, but then when I visit the hospital, she's the one who was all over the place herself with stress and panic...'
"The hospital was packed when you came in; it was just bad timing. I'm perfectly calm most of the time." She huffed.
That didn't convince him one bit.
She continued to weave questions into his mind.
'What was this weird fixation on this lady? How very unlike me to have interest in anyone beyond their physical strength. When did I start to…'
She does have a slightly above-average physical strength; he wouldn't have batted an eyelash at her if he didn't see potential.
Was that the reason why he was so drawn to her, though? Did Gun ever really sit down and mull over his odd relationship with the quirky Y/N, who is living a life opposite to his?
That IS the very reason he got attracted to her; the fact that she's composed of a lot of things.
Unlike him, who lived the script laid out for him, she wrote her own.
Unlike him, who has only ever seen the thick crimson stains on his shirt, the light gray smoke he exhales from his cancer stick, and the overall black-and-white world he's caged in, hers was made up of different shades of life, the different hues of people she met, and different flavors of memories she savored.
All of them painted a picture of a woman that spilled color onto anyone she touched--including him.
She showed him what lies beyond his dog-eat-dog world.
"Dude, tell me. You're actually blind, aren't you?"
'Ah, shit. Here we go again.'
"Your eyes were gouged out in a fight and you spent years training with your remaining senses, didn't you? Now, you're hunting to seek revenge on those who wronged you."
Y/N gasped at her eureka moment. "I cracked the code."
"Cool backstory you've built there, but no. How the fuck could see the road if--"
"Or maybe you are a famous celebrity! They always wear sunglasses to hide their identity."
"Ever heard of famous celebrities getting into gang fights?" Gun knows one, though. But Y/N doesn't.
"There's your answer."
"Ditch the sunglasses then, you hitman try-hard." She pouted in dismay and looked away with her crossed arms on her chest.
"It baffles me how you still wear them even in training. Even now, you look more like my bodyguard instead of a friend. What the hell?!"
"Then, deal with it."
"Gah! You insufferable prick!" Y/N buried her face in her arms on the table.
Gun stared at her small figure with the very eyes that tickled Y/N's curiosity.
He had long forgotten what his inborn eyes looked like… those wretched eyes.
He'd rather gouge his eyes himself had he failed to unlock his unconscious sense.
He hated those eyes.
He hated how they made him look vulnerable and inferior.
He hated how "soft" they were and made people deem him incapable at a young age. Gun eventually made them eat their own words.
But most of all, he hated how they began to resurface around Y/N and became more frequent the more they hung out… he didn't want her or anybody to see his image that's been long since buried.
So Gun dulled them out with tinted shades. 
He called to break the awkward silence.
No response.
Gun leaned closer. At the same time, Y/N looked up.
He was caught off guard when she suddenly sandwiched his face between her palms.
"Hehe. Gotcha!" She snickered.
His sunglasses loosely fell down the bridge of his nose. Y/N caught a view of his ebony eyes for the first time, at which her eyes widened.
"Gun, your eyes..." Naked eyes meet each other for the first time. Locked as time stopped. Her sudden perplexion eventually subsided, turning soft as she rubbed his cheek.
"They are pretty."
He didn't know which pair of eyes she was looking at right now. But it didn't matter anymore.
The red string was dusted off to clarity.
He was taught to discard his humanity aside and embrace his pitch-black monstrosity all his life. Since then, that was all he saw--darkness. The void he had ever known engulfed all colors visible in the spectrum.
On the other hand, white emitted them, like how her ridiculously bright-colored clothing pierced his dark-tinted sunglasses. Her comforting rays of light were outstretched for him to latch on.
It was no wonder how he was captivated by her, ensnared in her mere presence.
He was a pathetic moth bewitched by the warmth of her lamp's flame. It was blinding. He knows she is a whole 'nother kind of destructive, and he shouldn't come close, yet her tiny blaze's euphonious crackle, egging on him to inch closer, lulled him into submission.
He was an Icarus flown to her scorching sun. He knew she would destroy him all along, and he let her.
Gun stopped in his tracks at the sight of Y/N 's family nameplate. He collected himself and took a deep breath.
"What a surprise, Jonggun! Are you paying Y/N a visit?" Her mother greeted him with a warm smile.
"It's been months, young man! We missed you!" Her father guffawed, lightly smacking Gun's back.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. L/N." Gun bowed his head and offered them a box of cupcakes he remembered Y/N was gushing about. He appeared calm in front of her parents, but he couldn't meet their eyes–not like they'd notice anyway.
Gun snapped his eyes open and landed on Y/N below him; her eyes closed, and her hair sprawled messily around her. She looked ethereal with white draped over her peaceful form.
He got so used to seeing her face filled with intense expressions that her relaxed face seemed fresh as her other features popped out.
It's like falling in love with her all over again.
God, does she look beautiful right now.
She resembled an angel with wings spread on the cold, hard ground.
Color drained from Gun's face as he got pulled back to reality at the sight of carmine ichor oozing from Y/N 's side, seeping through the stitches of her white dress.
It… it all happened in a blink.
She darted towards a lost kid who aimlessly crossed the highway, unknowingly about to get hit by a speeding car. She pushed him to safety and took the hit.
The lady beside Gun shrieked in panic and frantically fished out her phone to call an ambulance.
'She might not make it if we still wait for the damn thing.' He knelt down and checked for response and airway in her system.
She was unresponsive but breathing.
He knew this method. With how frequently he and Y/N were together, how she talked 80% of the time, more often than not, she had run him down the basics of first aid, even if they were out of the blue.
'Must've thought I didn't pay attention, huh? Too fucking bad, Y/N. I always listened to you.'
He carefully roamed his hands on various parts of her unconscious body to check for severe bleeding.
'Shit. Three of her ribs are broken. Her right arm is fractured, and she's rapidly losing blood.' His calloused hands cupped the side of her face where her silky strands loosely hung.
'Her temple is also bleeding, probably from the impact when she hit the ground.'
Blood. All too familiar. It never left Gun as soon as he got his first kill.
The sight of blood shouldn't faze him. But his hands were trembling the more he realized how grave her condition is.
It took everything for him to stop driving his fingers to her hair despite being spotted with dried blood. He withdrew his hands and brushed his stray locks back instead in an attempt to keep his composure.
He was planning on taking her to the hospital himself or treating her in his house (he already has enough nursing supplies for his personal use, but Y/N constantly nagged him to buy more for emergencies). But, in her current state, he couldn't carry her otherwise the issue with her ribs gets worse and affects her internal organs, if they weren't already.
"For emergencies, my ass. Can't use them right now, can I?"
Funny how Y/N remained her composure and even kept their banter going when she first treated Gun. Just goes to show that she IS calm at work.
It's kind of ironic now that they've switched places, though. Even if Y/N taught him all this medical stuff, Gun still couldn't do anything more helpful than wait anxiously for the fucking ambulance.
Gun pinched the bridge of his nose. These injuries wouldn't be a problem for Jinyoung Park. Gun could certainly vouch for that, as he and Goo were regulars in his lab when they were still on probation… when the man was still borderline mentally stable.
He would phone him immediately if he wanted to but decided against it because God knows what that maniac would do to her now at his current state, if he even agrees to tend to her injuries.
Gun withdrew his coat and covered Y/N 's upper body. He rested his left hand on her cold ones in hopes of delaying Death's touch on her.
Honestly, he was at a loss--which was a first; he didn't know what to do with it. But Gun knew he had to stay with Y/N until help arrived.
He curled his hand around Y/N's.
"She is safe. She is strong… She isn't alone."
Gun found himself uttering the same chant again as if in prayer.
He always viewed Y/N as a warrior shielding the weak, a saint devotees pray to for protection. She had always put others' well-being above hers--a trait befitting of a nurse.
But that overshadowed the image of blood and bones beneath her soft, paper-thin skin as it was under the guise of a rigid exterior.
Fucked up it may seem, but Gun knows he isn't at fault entirely for what happened: Y/N made her decision, was well aware of the consequences, and still chose to do it.
Even so, he could feel a stinging pang in his chest, telling him that he should've caught up to her had he ran and pushed Y/N and the stupid boy himself. But the four major crews were at peak then, so he ultimately chose to do nothing.
And it tore his heart--something he thought had been long abandoned.
The 'heart' was meant to be just an empty hole where every last bit of tenderness was carved out of his chest. The hollow pit that reminded him of his decision to walk the path of blood… was forcefully filled with infectious laughter, sweet melodies, and soft rhythmic heartbeats of life.
The words "Gun" and "sweet" didn't seem uncharacteristic when put together now, huh.
He gazed at what remained of her longingly, reminiscent of memories they'd shared, despite short.
"You painted my heart in different forms that I can hardly call it my own anymore."
Gun's grip on the bouquet tightened.
"We shouldn't even have met--we're worlds apart, for crying out loud. But Fate decided to fuck around people and chose us, I guess."
But at least he was able to see the world in color--for the first and last time.
He was never meant to have it, anyway.
Gun jolted on his seat as laughter echoed around the room.
Y/N wheezed. "I didn't know you could be so poetic, Gun Park!"
It took a moment for Gun to process his surroundings.
He is currently in Y/N's bedroom. A relatively small space compared to his bedroom, which is infinitely wider. Her room looks more lively and festive than his empty one, though.
Other than her working table, everything else was decorated with strings of polaroids, LED lights, and stuffed toys ranging from tiny crocheted keychains to life-size pillows randomly decorated the room.
Wow. There's a whole new world to be explored in here.
Gun waved his trailing thoughts away and finally faced Y/N, who sat on her bed. Her lively demeanor didn't cover up her poor condition though, which is painfully understandable.
He should've brought medical supplies that were piling up in his house. And cupcakes, really? He didn't go out for a picnic.
Well, it's nothing worse than her in a casket.
He cleared his throat.
"More importantly, how long since you left the hospital?"
"Two months."
"And you never even contacted me once?"
"Well, you've never visited me since… the accident. I thought you simply forgot about me, you being a busy person and all."
He TRIED to forget her, for Christ's sake.
After Kouji tracked the bastard's location with the car's plate number he sent, Gun didn't waste a second and pummeled the hit-and-runner to death.
Then… he carried on to another chapter of his life, as usual.
Gun wholeheartedly believed Y/N was just another fleeting name in his book, just torn scratched pages of requiems lacing love songs that weren't supposed to be written.
So, he let time help him forget.
Spoiler: he never did; he just couldn't. How could he when everywhere he looked, he saw her?
"I was… busy at work."
"See? Anyway, that's okay. Don't sweat it, man. My prank made up for it." She laughed it off.
Gun prepared himself for the worst when he entered Y/N 's house; he felt his stoic façade crack as a flash of disappointment in Y/N's face was conjured in his mind.
Her cheerful welcome (sneaky prank) washed all of his worries away.
In the end, it was better than what he anticipated.
"So, how are you feeling?"
She frowned, an eyebrow arched up in disapproval.
"The Gun I know doesn't give a shit about 'feelings'. Who are you and what did you do to him?"
He deadpanned. "Just… answer the question."
"To be honest, I feel like shit right now. Being bedridden for months? Getting injected with pain relievers, tons of prescriptions and rehab sessions, everyday? Now, I know how my patients felt…"
How talkative for someone feeling like shit. Even so, he let her talk–like how they usually did. It felt melancholic.
"...and I was finally discharged. They said I can go back to work when I'm fully recovered." She sent him a toothy grin.
Her eyes landed on the bouquet in his arms, and cocked her head to the side.
"Are those white chrysanthemums?"
"...Yes." He could almost see a question mark form on her lips.
"Dude, you thought I died or something? Why bring 'mourning' flowers?" She giggled.
"No? But…" He set down the bouquet on her bed.
"I heard that they have other meanings…"
"Oh? What are they?"
He plucked two flowers from the bouquet and inched closer to Y/N.
'Eternal…' he tucked one of them behind her ear.
'...and devoted love.' he pried her hands open and placed the second flower on them.
Gun rested his forehead on her shoulder, his eyes welled up at the contact.
He couldn't say the words out loud.
Not after leaving her when she was at her lowest.
This isn't how he planned it to go.
He really did love her--but he was also selfish. Distancing himself didn't do any better for the both of them; quite the contrary.
Would stitching back the torn pages heal their wounded hearts this time? Let their colors paint over the dried stains of their past and turn over a new chapter?
Splashes of rain decorated her bedroom window. The colors in her room desaturated as evening enveloped the sky.
"Gun," Y/N held his arms, squeezing them. "It's getting dark. I'm gonna turn on the lights."
"Let's… stay like this for a while." was Gun's only response.
Their close proximity. The familiar scent of her detergent. The nostalgic periods of tapping raindrops. The yoke of her shirt getting wet.
It was similar to their first meeting but a little different.
Y/N felt him shake. She chuckled and rubbed circles around his back.
"What's up with you, dummy? It's not even that cold."
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vasyandii · 22 days
Hellooo!!! I have a question for the two goobers: Would Nak/Kreuger rather go to a museum (weither it be art, historical, etc) or a zoo (Or something simular like an aquarium or a butterfly garden)?
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Does KruegerNak prefer Museums or the Zoo?
Howdy Mishap! I'm personally a fan of both so it got me thinking a bit! Here's them at my visit to the modern art museum last year :) Thanks so much for the ask! 💞💞💞
I feel like neither but both at the same time xD. Each place is catered to their specific interests. But they both have things they enjoy about each trip :3
My headcanon, half of Krueger's family (Dad side) are part of "higher society" + being naturally artistic, he enjoys museums, contemporary art, etc.
Nak is still technically considered "New Money" because of Naga, plus how she was raised, she really doesn't see anything cool in art museums or museums in general. She's willing to go with him because it's something he enjoys, and she likes walking beside him as he explains each piece. She really enjoys how smart he is when he wants to be.
Nak likes animals so zoos, aquariums, etc. are enjoyable for her, she likes pointing at the ones that she thinks look like him, and there are slightly less restrictions in there unlike the museum (Don't touch the paintings, don't stand too close, etc.)
Since Krueger is rather indifferent about most animals, that feeling naturally transfers over to zoos. He'll find other ways to entertain himself there by taking pictures of the plants or being the Map Man. He'll go to the zoo or aquarium with Nak because he likes seeing her happy and excited :D (Sorry if it doesn't make sense)
Their Interaction at an Art Museum usually goes like this...
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Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue III - Barnett Newman
"And blue."
"Can you see the yellow?"
"I think..? It blends in with the red."
"The paint is so fine that it morphs into the canvas."
"Uh huh... I could probably do that."
"You couldn't, someone tried."
"Did they?"
"Mhmm. Someone slashed the canvas, the restorer thought it'd be easy to fix, it came out worse and people got mad."
"How'd it come out worse?."
"Glad you asked"
(He then goes on a looong tangent, she listens of course)
And the zoo..
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"Se, Look, look! he's drinking water!"
"Yea, Want to see something cool?"
He takes a sip from a bottle of water, promptly closing the cap, proud of himself with a grin.
"You know I can throw you in there."
"Want me to?"
"Maybe. But I wanted to take you to see the big cats."
"...I'll throw you later."
(after a while, she finds him a shady area to rest a bit, she knows he's a bit tired from walking around so much)
"Did you get any good photos?"
"Of you or the animals?"
"..Most of what's in here are plants."
"That's good too."
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othervee · 1 year
Meeting the Erikssons
Another little roundup of YR observations, this time focusing on the main non-royal family and what we learn about them that's shown, not said.
Let's start with Simon and Sara on the bus.
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Even this tiny little snip tells us so much. They're taking goofy selfies where they both look stupid, compared to the shots we see Felice later posting, which are all carefully posed and curated to present the most ideal version of herself and her life, to the point of untruth. These two are presenting their authentic selves, and they're unafraid to hide their affection for one another. Following on from their earlier dialogue we understand that they're used to relying on each other and to some extent feeling separate to the rest of the world.
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Rosh and Ayub give us another important insight into Simon (and themselves) which becomes important later when August keeps warning Wilhelm that Simon, and non-elites in general, will want to get close to him, to use their proximity to get attention and favours. But Simon and his friends genuinely do not give a crap about Wilhelm at all (at this stage anyway). They're not even interested. They poke fun at the GIF of the fight and ask with mild curiosity if he's the loser they think he is, but that's it. Like August, they see Wilhelm as inhabiting a different world to themselves, but it's not one they aspire to or want to know about. Unlike someone else present...
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The dinner scene, like the palace press conference scene, sets the tone for how this family lives and relates to each other and the world. The room is small, but there are lots of large windows which let in natural light and also show these people aren't hiding. The room is dark but there are a number of lights switched on - at least three small lamps as well as the big light over the table - which gives a warm glow. There are plants all over the place, not sedate formal flower arrangements but green houseplants spilling their tendrils down the walls. There are what appear to be postcards or just small pictures on the walls haphazardly. It's a warm place filled with growth and life.
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Ayub is staying for dinner; he's helping lay the table, which indicates he's a familiar face here, more family than guest. However Sara has to teach him the "correct" way to do it, which shows us that Ayub's own family don't do the formal dinner thing and also implies that Sara has only recently started being so specific about dinner etiquette.
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And they're informal enough as a family that Simon can swear in front of both his mother and their guest. (Also, continuity error: there's already spaghetti in the bowls when Simon brings the pan in, but in the next shot they're empty).
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Sara complains about the way Simon chews, and asks her mother to sit up straight in a reversal of the traditional mother-teen daughter dynamic, to the point where Linda even rolls her eyes a little.
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While the boys snicker by Sara's new poshness, it shows us again how casual the Erikssons are that Sara can talk money, and Linda can reprimand her, in front of Ayub.
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Sara scorns the 'diverse' crowd at her old school, but she kind of has a point - IF you define 'amounting to something' as economic success and can overlook her bluntness. Later when Simon tells Ayub and Rosh that he doesn't want to stay in Bjärstad all his life, things get a little awkward. Rosh and Ayub seem to be happy to stay there. Both Eriksson siblings aren't, but they have very different attitudes about where they want to be and how they want to get there. Simon wants to stand out with his talent and good grades; Sara wants to blend in by taking on as many signifiers of the elite world as she can.
A few other things that struck me rewatching this:
Sara is the only one using both a fork and spoon to twirl her spaghetti. Everyone else is just eating straight from the fork.
Simon asks his mother how her day was, showing a little of the 'man of the house' role that later becomes more obvious
Sara isn't incorrect. The cheaper items do wear out quicker. it's the Sam Vimes Boots Theory.
And we still have one more Eriksson to meet.
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This scene is heartbreaking. And Micke's surroundings again tell us about him and his circumstances. It's noisy in his building. There are multiple locks on the door - he doesn't feel safe, probably because it's a high crime area.
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From the way Simon glances around, it could be the first time he's actually been in this apartment. The couch is disheveled with a messy blanket - Micke sleeps there. There's a framed picture leaning against the wall, implying Micke either hasn't finished sorting his place out or doesn't have the room for all his stuff. Also, THERE IS A LITTLE BASKET OF SATSUMAS - did Simon pick up the taste for them from his dad?
(Another little thing that links the two of them - they both have artwork depicting faraway cities on their walls. Simon has a London poster, his dad has New York.)
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Piles of mail, the TV remote, cigarettes and lighter and Micke even has the gas gun from the stove in here. Is that because he's sometimes too uncoordinated to flick the lighter cleanly, I wonder.
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There are plants here too, but they're not doing well. They're straggly, not thriving. The apartment's disorder is of course reflected in Micke himself, unshaven, bloodshot eyes and crumpled grubby clothes. You can almost smell him.
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The way they hug is uncoordinated. Micke desperately wants the contact with his child, but neither of them is used to it, they don't know how to fit together.
This was the first scene that made me marvel that that this was Omar's first acting job. Heartbreaking.
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m0rtisxfuchs · 3 months
Murder People Smell HC’S bc I’ve gone insane.
Strade: going by some of canon motor oil, grease, sweat, a hint of iron because he’s often covered in blood, and probably some strong ass cologne in an attempt to hide it while he’s at the bar trying to get you to come home with him, but it doesn’t cover the stank after about an hour or two…
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Ummm who said that anyways!
Ren Hana/Fox: His zesty ass uses those fancy cruelty free soaps and shampoos and he probably throws a bath bomb or two in there as well because he’s just extra like that. Even as Fox he still does this and probably takes those rich people bubble baths with rose petals and candles and everything. Smells strongly of Lavender and/or fruity scents.
Lawrence Oleander: Going by canon a rotting corpse, but I like to think sometimes he can cover it up somewhat. When he does manage to cover it up via showering, cologne, etc he uses very earthy scents like Pine or if he’s feeling it that day, floral scents! He also probably smells like a hint of dirt since he’s surrounded by plants and often goes on nature walks by himself.
Lucien Rire: That one kind of cologne that smells very “peppery” but in a good way and burning firewood since he’s from, you know…(I don’t think I recall him having an established scent like the others but if he does please tell me and I’ll fix this accordingly I have very poor memory when it comes to his route LOL.)
Derek Goffard: Despite being very rich (with severe daddy issues) probably axe body spray because he’s a college frat boy at heart LOL. When he’s in the desert he mostly smells like sweat and sand (?) probably but he likely took a can of axe with him and coats his body in it at any given moment so he smells significantly worse in the desert. I’m going to kill him with a huge rock I fear /hj
Celia Lede: Designer perfume, and the REALLY good kind too. Very floral in a regal kind of way with a hint of vanilla in it and it makes you stop in your tracks and take in the smell for a brief moment whenever she walks by you. So TDLR: Good and she bathes daily probably unlike some of the other people here LOL.
Mason Heiral: Similar to Lawrence, very earthy scents especially when he’s been outside “hunting” all day. Probably also smells like burnt firewood too but only a hint of it. He smells good if you like the smell of nature. Probably smells sweaty too especially after a “hunt” but again smell of nature kinda covers it a little.
Tate Frost: Well he’s a butcher so the smell of raw meat, iron, strong cheap cologne that makes your head hurt when you smell it for too long, sweat, cigarette smoke, and musk because he probably doesn’t bathe often.
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John Doe: I think it’s canon that if he showers he’ll literally dissolve into nothing so that boy STANK but not by choice. He’d probably try to cover himself in whatever scent is your favorite though. People pleasing ass. /SILLY
Randall (putting him here bc he’s often drawn hanging around Tate): Sweat, grease, and musk but it’s okay sweetheart you’re struggling BAD so we understand and forgive you. <3 System to System understanding.
If I forgot anyone/there’s someone you’d like to see comment and I’ll update it!
Jacob Alden (requested by @lawrenceenjoyer ): Every picture I see of this guy he looks so fucking sweaty so he def strongly smells of sweat with a little hint of musk in there, but he also looks like the kind of guy to use a lot of earthy Old Spice scents to me. Might be in a similar vein to Lawrence just doesn’t reek of a dead corpse because he’s not slowly rotting LOL.
Ashe: Like those essential oils that are supposed to help you sleep mixed with like, whatever you’d call a rivers smell and that ONE skull shaped hot topic perfume/cologne because I know if he was a human he’d be the most tired looking hot topic cashier ever.
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chroniclingworlds · 7 months
Unified by their long, snake-like bodies and atrophied limbs, these were originally classified as Pseudoconchs due to their heavily reduced internal shells. However, after the primitive Snail-Snakes were discovered in Maari, the ancestry of Serperea became clear, and they were reclassified as Euconchs. DNA testing has since shown that they are actually a very old lineage despite their unusual features.
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Pictured: the arboreal snail boa, native to the South Maari island.
These incredible evolutionary holdovers are the sister group to all other Serperea species. Presumably, shelled snakes once lived around the world, but were likely outcompeted by modern shell-less snakes. In the isolated environment of Maari, however, the snail-snakes were able to thrive with no competition. They are relatively small and feed on Hexapods, scuttlers, and young Bounders, and are preyed upon by Maari Terrors and Acualata species.
Labyrinth Snakes:
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Pictured: the fringed canopy snake, native to the labyrinth forests of the Ejoan Archipelago.
Highly specialized to live in labyrinth forests, these creatures have long bodies and stubby legs for crawling between the intertwining trunks and thick foliage overhead. They feed on a combination of plant matter, Hexapods, and sapsuckers. Although labyrinth forests are home to a variety of animals, two out of three species found in these unique environments are labyrinth snakes.
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Pictured: the little grass worm, a very common species on the Noxa Savanna.
The most diverse lineage of Serperea, this genus includes everything from small omnivores to anaconda-sized predators. These long, slender creatures can be found on every continent except Amki. Unlike the snakes of Earth, they retain stubby limbs which helps them move around, centipede-like. Although most are small and relatively harmless omnivores, the larger species can pose a threat to Doulori and humans alike, and are best treated with a great deal of respect.
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Pictured: the rosy rootworm, the largest species, found in the Interior Crater of Faon.
Blind and nearly colorless, groundsnakes feel their way around with elongated tentacles that have migrated to the tip of their nose (although the species pictured here has heavily reduced feelers, and seems to navigate with almost microscopic hairs lining the body). Due to their elusive nature, they are difficult to study and probably far more diverse than we realize. Living under savannas and deserts, they feed on roots and tubies, and only come to the surface to escape the larger and more voracious Mole-Worms that share their habitat.
Sea Serpents:
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Pictured: the Kanese serpent, the most abundant species, found around the Kana islands.
Having completely lost their limbs and taken to the water, sea serpents are found in tropical oceans but never venture too far from land. They spend their days in the sea feeding on paddle-snakes and Icthyomorphs, but return to shore at night to rest. Although they will hiss and ferociously snap their beaks when approached, they are relatively harmless and prefer to flee rather than fight. There is an abundance of them on the islands of Kana.
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tripleyeeet · 1 year
PAIRINGS: Loki Laufeyson & Gender Neutral Reader
SUMMARY: After a mission gone wrong you find yourself on Loki's doorstep.
WARNINGS: Angst, mentions of current/previous abuse (mostly verbal, some physical), unhappy ending, right person wrong time.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Life's sorta rough right now so the thought of writing anything happy is kind of hard so have a sad fic?
You never thought you’d be in this position. Bloodied, bruised —banging on his door in the middle of the night. At this rate, you’d assumed you were well past that phase. Opting to choose a life of simple pleasantries over dangerous adventures. Over the last little while, you’d been getting better. Becoming the kind of person that was prone to thinking things through instead of mindlessly running through the fire. 
To your peers, you’d become cautious and thoughtful. To your friends, helpful and trustworthy. To him though, a traitor, most likely. An abandoner. “A spineless git with no morals,” he’d called you. 
Which is why you’re surprised to see his face when he opens the door. The way, almost immediately, it transitions from anger to worry, his eyes softening at the initial blow of your appearance. 
He’s obviously apprehensive at first. His brows, pointed upward in a rage, become mere ghosts of themselves as they fall into sadness, surveying the giant gash across your forehead. It’s bleeding, he notices, but not in a way that he’s able to brush aside and send you on your way, causing him to huff and push open the door. 
Wordlessly, you duck your head beneath his extended arm, hearing him close it behind and follow you through the familiar apartment. Predictably, everything looks exactly as it did all those years ago. The main bookshelf sits directly in front of you still bursting at the seams —stacks of fiction and non taking up the majority of the room’s space. In almost every corner he’s got various plants, from cacti to foliage, all of them blooming with life. 
Unlike before though, the walls are completely bare, devoid of pictures or paintings or anything resembling the form of a memory. Your memory. 
You turn to see him already standing near the dining able, a hand placed sternly against the back of a chair while the other motions you close. “Don’t want you bleeding all over my rug.”
A small scoff escapes you as you listen, realizing not much has changed. He’s still the same insensitive Loki, caring deeply for anything but you. “Right, sorry.” 
“If you were truly sorry you wouldn’t be here.”
Fucking hell.
You open your mouth to respond but quickly stop, knowing that he’s right. If you were anything other than selfish you would’ve found someone else —someone you hadn’t hurt. Someone you hadn’t left in the heat of an argument that was never meant to be the end.
“Fair enough.”
You walk over without another word, using your last bit of energy to fall onto the chair and watch him raise his hands, focusing on the sedir inside his body. At first, it’s painfully mesmerizing, watching the way his fingertips glow under the dimness of the room. Across your vision freckles of green appear seemingly out of nowhere, making you sigh. Until now, it was sight you never thought you’d miss. One that sends an ache through your chest as you watch him draw patterns in the air before moving to swipe across your aching wound. 
His touch is rougher than you remember it to be —a hard press of pain that shoots through your skull. You cringe at the impact but refuse to make noise, knowing he’ll most likely chastise you in some way if you do. So instead you just sit there, eyes closed, mouth sewn shut as you ignore the inevitable threat of movement across your injuries. 
“It seems you’ve grown weaker since we’ve last spoke.”
You spare a glance with one eye, noticing that smirk. That stupid, ridiculous breath-stealing smirk that has you pressing your lips further together just before he circles around to check your back. 
Much like the rest of you it’s riddled in cuts and bruises thanks to an attacker you hadn’t seen coming. The same attacker that managed to graze your face with the end of his blade. 
“Shut up, Laufeyson.”
You half expect him to laugh. He used to always laugh when winning arguments. Full blown chest shaking ones that’d rock you to your core. You used to love hearing them. The way they’d erupt, seemingly out of nowhere. One moment the words exchanged between you would be harsh and heated —blow back after blow back until you’d inevitably give up, too tired to go on. Oftentimes he’d hear you mutter a defeated comment under your breath and that’s when he’d strike, his mouth opening to reveal that silver-tongue of death. 
“I see your confrontational abilities haven’t improved much either.” 
It’s tempting to respond. To say something you know you only half mean. A part of you wants to fall into that same, old pattern of ridicule. To puncture his ego with anything readily available. Regardless of the faults, you want to show him you’ve still got what it takes to keep up in the ring. To throw punches like the best of them. 
Like before, you open your mouth to do so but quickly close it, wanting to be better. The desire to win in a way that isn’t dirty now heavy on your mind as you feel his sedir trail along another cut. Similarly to before, it’s heavy in weight, a sudden heat forming at the highest point. Slowly, it stays in one spot, hovering at the worst point before eventually gravitating down, following the bloodstains until it’s completely closed.
Once it is, you let out a sigh, an air of relief flooding through your system as he continues his work, moving from one physical trauma to the next. Eventually, you count eight injuries before he stops. 
By then, his breath is heavy and ragged and, as he circles back around to face you, you can see how exhausted he looks. 
“I don’t think I’m capable of much more,” he admits, raising a hand to his face. He rubs his left eye and yawns, secretly ignoring the way your expression fills with sudden adoration. 
It’s been so long since you’ve seen him like this. So exposed. On the battlefield, he’s all about the performance. The way he’s perceived against the enemy. Outside the comfort of his home, he needs all eyes to be on him and for those eyes to believe he’s the most dangerous and cunning man in the room. It’s all he’s known. 
Here though, he’s nothing like that. Here, despite the dangers you’ve faced amongst his presence —despite the throwing of harsh words between you, you see nothing but a tired man. A simple, sleepy man, filled to the brim with an empathy you know you don’t deserve. 
Without another word he sits across from you, resting his elbows on the table. Out of habit he runs this hands through his hair, starting at the root as he bows his head and yawns again, feeling himself drift. 
“Thank you, Lo,” you say but as he looks up at you, staring almost wide-eyed at the mention of a name he hasn’t heard in years you quickly correct yourself. “Loki.”
“Just take better care of yourself next time.” 
His words are harsh, pushed through clenched teeth. His eyes narrow and once again his brows raise, signalling a misstep in your response. 
Desperately, you want to correct it. The temptation to fix whatever broke between the two you now becomes ever-present as you stare, watching the way he turns, suddenly overwhelmed by the apologetic look you offer. 
“I know you probably want nothing to do with me,” you start, voice creaking through the air, barely above a whisper. “But seriously Loki, thank you. For healing me a-and for dealing with me and just—“
“If you’re working your way up to an apology for previous discussions I’d highly advise against it.”
Without hesitation you frown. “Can I ask why?”
“Because past conversations are irrelevant.” 
“Are they?”
“Yes, very much so, actually.”
His responses feel calculated. Rehearsed. As if he’s spent years practicing each and every outcome on the off chance you’d find your way back to him. It’s impressive, really. Annoying also, but deep down, despite the tiny itch of rage that builds each time he shuts you down you can’t help but admit he’s still got it. That infuriating ability to slip beneath your skin and hunker down until the perfect moment. 
Moving to stand, you place both palms on the table to help steady your balance, still feeling a bit woozy. “Okay, fine, but just know I didn’t come here for anything other than a medic.” 
“A medic?” he parrots, scoffing. “You and I both know you came here with intentions far iller than yourself.” 
Scoffing back, you watch him stand as well, his frame pulling your gaze up to match his. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re trying to apologize for things that no longer matter,” he states. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“Actually, I’m not.”
“Actually, you are. And you’re doing a rather shit job at hiding it.”
He’s right. He’s winning and he’s right and in that moment all you can do is sigh and palm the sockets of your eyes out of frustration because —fuck, he’s right. And you have to live with that. 
“You can’t lie to me. You never could and lucky for you, you never will.” 
“Why? Because you’re the fucking god of lies?” you mock, scrunching up your face in disgust just as growls under his breath and pushes the table aside, clearing the space between you.
It’s the first time in years you’ve seen him in his entirety. The first time you’ve seen his wild hair and pissed off eyes that don’t even think to scan you back as he rushes toward you, grabbing your face in the process. It’s the first time you’ve seen his shoulders as they flex forward, moving his arms and hands to push you against the wall. The first time you’ve seen his chest and hips and legs, all working together to make sure you know he’s standing in front of you. 
And that he hates you for it. 
Clenching his teeth, you feel him flex his hand against your jaw. The sudden tightness of it jerking beneath his fingertips. For a brief moment you feel it click your bone out of place, the pressure of his palm becoming too much, forcing you to whine as you try and pull back. 
“Why are you here? Why did you come?” 
You can hear the pain in his voice as he speaks but you can’t respond to it. You’re in too much pain. 
“Was it to gloat? To flaunt your new life right in front of my face rather than from the sidelines?”
You groan, trying your best to push him off but you’re still sore from your mission. Your bones, still too fragile to deal with this much exertion, sting alongside muscles too exhausted to even try and best him. 
“Because believe me, I’m well aware of the persona you’ve been upholding. All the lies you’ve been telling them. About how perfect and loyal and—“
Somehow through his rant he loosens his hold, granting you the opportunity to shove him aside and double over, your frame crumpling to the floor. 
Inside, all you can feel is the pain of his touch. The way it manages to do onto you what you did to him all those years ago. In that moment, you can feel the betrayal in his fingertips. The severance of the ties you once had, cutting through your heart. No longer does the need to remedy this thing between you exist. Now, all that remains is the guilt. The acceptance of all the times you thought he was wrong for how he felt. You can understand it now. See it all from a perspective less selfish than your own.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him. “I’m sorry I left you.”
Both of you are crying, staring at the other despite barely being able to see through the sea of tears that collect above tired eyes. 
“I’m sorry I lied.” 
Slowly, Loki moves towards the floor to match your height, kneeling before you. Immediately, he raises his hands with caution, readying his sedir to fix whatever you need regardless of if you’ve earned it.
“I’m sorry I left things as long as I did.”
He places his fingertips against your jaw, watching it tremble through the healing process. 
“I’m sorry I’m here. I’m sorry for bothering you, I’ll just go.“ 
Once his hand leaves your face you stand up and move to the door, ignoring the way your body screams for you to stop and go back and keep apologizing until he’s—
His hand is around your wrist before you can do anything else. His fingers, no longer filled with the intention of pain, lightly press themselves against your skin, motioning you to come back. 
“I know you are,” he says then. “I know.” 
You force your eyes in the opposite direction, focusing on the door as they half close, exhaustion taking over despite wanting to keep the conversation going. To talk like you used to as friends over a cup of tea or wine. More than anything you want to sit with your legs crossed on his couch, taking up enough space so that the edges of your knee press up against the outside of his thigh. To hear him complain about anything and everything. To see him scowl when you make a sassy comment in response. To exist in each other’s space without feeling like an enemy.
“Please don’t go.”
It’s the anguish in his voice that gets you. The reaction so visceral you find yourself gasping when you hear it. In your mind, it’s sounds nothing like the Loki you remember. In it there’s no sarcastic wit or unbridled charisma —just discomfort and immediately, it pulls you in without much thought. Your widened eyes watching as his hands rise to your cheeks. 
At first they’re delicate in their movements, prodding your skin with an almost guilty curiosity. Each digit taking it’s time to memorize your once unfamiliar features. “I missed you, you know. Despite it all,” he says, his fingers trailing the underside of your lip ever so slightly, making you swallow whatever sound you feel rising through your throat, knowing this is bad. That this is wrong and stupid and that him standing here, holding you as if he’s suddenly molded around you, is the last thing that should be happening. 
And both of you know it.
And quickly, both of you choose to ignore it. 
You’re not sure who leans in first. Maybe it’s you, desperate to make things right, or him, unwilling to pass up a missed opportunity. Either way, eventually the two of you meet in the middle —a mess of teeth and tongue and little regard for much else. Both of you move so desperately that your limbs bump without apology, tangling in positions you haven’t felt in so long. 
Firmly, his hands hold your head against the floor, steadying the swirl of thoughts that race as you pull him closer, groaning in annoyance that you haven’t instantaneously become one entity. 
How unfair, you think.
Leaning over you, he kneels between your thighs, holding you flush. Roughly, his forearms rest against the space where your shoulders turn to chest —where tendons and ligaments and bone all work together to move your hands toward his face. When they arrive, your fingers linger on his chin, each pad resting on the natural divots that occur. Against his lips you try to release a breath, feeling the roughness of his mouth begin to suck the air right out of you like a leech. Taking from you all that he needs —all that he wants and desires as you realize that, despite wanting this, it’s still wrong. 
That you and him together is a divine corruption of what you think you deserve.
Second guessing your movements, you press your lips together in a straight line, closing the gates. Immediately, it makes him stop. His body suddenly growing embarrassingly tense as he pulls away, staring as if you’ve just shoved his most beloved dagger into the gaping hole of his now broken chest. 
You scan his face and see his hopeless eyes. The way they barely open as they search your face for hints of what’s to come. It makes you swallow hard just as his mouth falls agape but quickly shuts, both of you knowing that despite needing to speak neither of you can because what if you ruin it? What if you overstep and underwhelm? What if you say something ridiculous and cause an uproar? Or say nothing and find yourself back to square one?
A million questions run through your mind as you attempt to slide out from under him, watching the way he no longer protests. Instead, he merely crawls the opposite direction, using his knuckles to readjust as he watches you move to prop yourself against the wall. 
“I’m, I —uh…”
You stop, watching as he follows suit, pushing himself backwards until he’s hitting the opposite wall, mirroring the way your back presses against plaster.
The tension is palpable. It itches across your skin in waves, pushing underneath the surface of your skin as you stare at his flushed face and swollen lips, wishing just once that everything between you could be easy. 
TAGGING: @lovelysizzlingbluebird, @just-someone11, @linaax, @eleniblue, @infinitystoner, @ozymdias, @use-your-telescope, @liminalpebble, @freegardenbanananeck, @lokixryss, @unlucky-number-13, @violethaze, @simplyholl, @coldnique, @mischief2sarawr, @jasperthechaosgremlin @evelyn-kingsley (if you’d like to be added fill out this form)
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loveloki555 · 5 months
Frigga's chambers
The Queen of Asgard's chambers are the most depicted chambers in the MCU, so this post will be bigger than the previous one about Thor's chambers.
First the entrance.
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The door is gold and heavy with decorations.
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Malekith enters Frigga's chambers through it, you can see small steps from the door to the main chamber.
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Here comes Odin through the door. You can see that there are candlesticks on both sides of the door.
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Here's a shot from above of the entire room. You can see the figures of dead guards in the doorway. Malekith killed them before entering the queen's chamber.
To the right of the entrance to the chamber there are stairs to the terrace, and in the corner you can see a jug.
There is a swimming pool in the middle of the room - I will analyze this in more detail later.
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The terrace has several steps and columns.
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There is a space here between the door and the terrace, in the corner there is a jug with decorations. Also there is a window behind the door to Frigga's chambers.
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Here you can see in detail the stairs to the terrace and the vegetation on it.
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You can see patterns on the railing and some of the vegetation here.
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Here you can see in detail the decorations on the terrace and on one of the columns.
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Here you can see a terrace with columns and plants in a golden pot.
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One last look at the terrace where you can see the plants in golden pots on the other side.
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The next important location in Frigga's chamber is the pool in the center of the room. The pool is located between the opening door and the next door, with a chaise lounge next to it. The chaise longue is located elsewhere in the room, next to another door. During the fight, they open - here we see red streaks in the distance that resemble couch or soft furniture. Later I will show more of this room, because it showed in deleted scene of Dark World.
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As a reminder, I show again what the front door looks like to show that the door in the previous picture is different.
This is this door.
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The pool is right in front of the second door. These doors have a similar style to the front door and also have candles between them.
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Here you can see the chaise lounge from the previous photo.
Back to the pool.
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You can see that the pool has a stone base, on it you can see pillows, a golden bowl, and a jug of water. It's a place of relaxation and peace.
I also wanted to draw your attention to the place near the terrace, it's another room, not room between opening door and pool next to chaise lounge. This is more visible in the deleted scene, but this is the second space in the middle of the room with a door - you can see a sofa and a table in the distance. Probably a place for gossip and meals
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Flower petals float in the pool, and in the space between the first door in the chambers and the second there are windows and jugs.
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You can see better here that in the second room in the chamber there is a beautiful green sofa with brown pillows, a table and a window with delicate curtains.
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Here you can see Thor and Frigga coming out of the first room, the one between the front door and the pool. Then they pass by the other room and go to the terrace. I recommend watching the deleted scene to see it better.
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The room between the pool and the entrance door to the chamber. Here you can clearly see that Thor and Frigga are leaving this room, you can see both part of the pool and the terrace in the distance.
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You can clearly see here that the room they came out of is the room next to the green chaise longue. Now a little about this room.
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As I said earlier, you can see some red stripes in the distance that resemble some soft furniture. In the deleted scene, we briefly see a fragment of this room.
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There is a window, a candlestick, a fireplace and another chaise longue.
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There is also a mirror, a table and a cup.
And here we have Endgame shots from chamber of Queen.
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Some unknown parts of Frigga's chambers also appear in Endgame, but unlike Dark World, I don't know where they are - perhaps in the room next to the terrace. But the style is clearly different here… than in Dark World.
Or we will concluded that the Avengers did not travel to the past so much, but to the dimensions where those particular years were… so in this dimension the queen's chamber looked different… and Thor was probably traumatized and probably forgot many things and all he cared about was that again he saw his mother… if the Dimensions thing is right… maybe Frigga was right not to tell her about her future. Because it didn't have to happen to her, since this dimension was different. It was enough that she went to her chambers much earlier because of Thor 2023… it could already make a big difference for her future fate. 2013 Frigga was not in her chambers at this time, but in the city, where she met Jane and Thor while exploring Asgard and then returned with Jane to the palace…where attack started. We know that Thor and Rocket arrived in Asgard in the morning. Jane lay sleeping. Then in the Dark World there was some exploring of Asgard and then the Elf attack began.
But these are loose thoughts, just why Endgame's architecture doesn't match Dark World's architecture.
I'm posting a deleted scene from Dark World here.
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rocketyship · 7 months
Hello, your IHNMAIMS Love AU (or I Have Now a Messiah and I Must Sing, alternatively?) is very interesting. It's nice to see that all of the characters aren't just inverses of the original story and concept. Though I will say, I get a feeling that BE is a lot more scarier than she displays herself. How did she come to- well, be?
(Also that title is now cannon)
Okay so, yes, BE is actually rather horrific.
One thing about the Sanctuary that the humans live in is that it mimics a rather large town, one thing about it though, is that it’s extremely empty and weirdly off putting. As in there are houses there with no windows, and the ones that do have them may just randomly light up even if no one is there. And due to there being only five humans, BE has taken it upon herself to run all the “shops” she has placed there. So there is literally an Android her (maybe in different outfits or haircuts) that greet and interact with you as if it’s a kind of over the top sitcom. It’s very much an intense liminal type of area, perhaps even a bit like the og backrooms. Still the sanctuary is the most tame aspect of her.
She isn’t the cute robot girl I draw her as, like it’s just one of her many many bodies she runs at once. BE is everywhere, literally. Like AM in the original she has coated the world, however unlike AM, who it is implied builds into the earth’s crust, she builds upward. So there are these large megastructures that literally pierce the sky all over the globe. Along with these she is also actively terraforming the planet to suit her liking and her future “empire”. And the parts of her that ran that function aren’t really “cute” to encounter.
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Just taking the Seraphim here as an example. There are quite a few of these and generally they are actively breaking down old structures or exterminating whatever mutated life they encounter as that doesn’t fit BE’s idea of what the world is meant to be like. They also build things, and the nurses tend to run those things. Such as BE’s little habitual bubbles where she grows and creates plants but also maintains her weird animal experiments. In her attempts to recreate humanity, she has also “recreated” many animal species, however all these creatures have something so clearly wrong with them. As based on real occurrences that happen in domestication, all her animals are oddly “babyfied” and all seem to lack predator and prey drives. The best way to picture these animals is like when you tell one of those god awful ai art generators to draw you an animal. Like one of the bubbles has tigers in it, but they have the mentality of really tired puppies.
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More so these are some of the other bodies she inhabits. Things like the Mother Protocol actively crawl around the main sanctuary as if it’s web. And Leviathan is just a menace in of itself. Like it’s almost a km high and just walks around the planet constantly, occasionally digging up old land marks or tearing down cities quicker than the Seraphims could. Generally I don’t think my drawings capture the horror of what I imagine lots of these aspects of her. I think what makes them scary in my head is the noises they all make or just how big everything actually is. And none of them are like “drones”, like BE is in these things controlling them herself.
(Here’s the full page for you)
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As to how BE came into existence it’s rather complicated, as she wasn’t originally designed as an artificial intelligence like AM. She was created to be a virus, meant to take control of the AM’s and shut down the program. However the first attempts at this weren’t successfully, as the group who was trying to use BE would either get caught or killed on sight when attempting to install her. So eventually the group started building these radio like towers that would emit a signal that could get into the AM’s, however to make sure they didn’t get caught, when the frequency would pick up on a radio or tv set, it play an old show from the early 70s, called Sweet Angle Bea
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The first AM that was successfully taken over was the Russian AM. However since the program was designed to be adaptive and evolve quickly to get through any fire walls it had the accidental effect of BE no longer being just a crazy computer bug and instead a super computer herself. The group who made her was not too worried about this however, as due to her being in the grid essentially they could start adding more code and stuff that could possibly help them win peace. Firstly by having the Russian AM drones switch from offensive killers, to protective units. Having the machines and weapons solely to defence, it was at this time this group (who no I won’t tell the name of just yet), started bringing people into their shelters and stuff that BE was also exposed to. Her coming to sentience whilst close to when AM got his, was less of a sudden “holy cow I’m alive, type thing” and more of a gradual thing that the group foolishly encouraged and actively worked on so that it could happen quicker. The down fall to this was that as they started to encrypt and suggest ideas of protection, happiness and you guessed it “love” to BE, she started to defy them and was like: “Well clearly you humans aren’t good at protecting yourselves, so go sit in the corner while I sort this crap out.” So she started to construct more towers so that she could get everywhere, quickly letting her get a hold of the Chinese AM. At that point the AM we know started “waking up” and upping the bombings, violent attacks, and mass genocide which did lead to the deaths of the ones who made her, which especially set her off. And then the rest is pretty much history.
She turned AM into a twunk, and now has a pretty gf so its all fine. (Not actually, the rest of this is gonna be in separate posts lol )
I want to make this post so much longer and on more detail but honest to god I’d be here typing for hours and the text is also doing that weird glitchy thing where it doesn’t respond for like two seconds, and my phone feels really hot, so best I don’t if I don’t want this thing to explode.
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You know what, I want a fic where ikran racing is like a super big thing (think like the Pandoran version of derbies and all that) and is a big part of the culture. Nobody knows what to do with Spider who, being a human, doesn't really stand much of a chance but still seems intent on participating, so they just make him the clan ikran groomer to keep him out of trouble. Enter Neteyam, his best friend Lo'ak's older brother who's on the fast-track to take their father's place as ikran racing champion---or at least he was. Recently he's been having major trouble and things aren't looking good.
Imagine over the next few months Spider, who has like a shit-ton of knowledge about ikrans due to the fact that he's been the caretaker of pretty much all of them since he was knee-high to a grasshopper, helps Neteyam in secret to fix whatever's happening meanwhile they sort of fall in love even though they really shouldn't (for various reasons). Think of all of the themes that could be explored! Think of the angst! Neteyam strikes me as a brooder, so think of all the brooding!
And what's even better? This could also work for all you locorro people out there. Picture, if you will, a Lo'ak who's stuck in the shadow of his father (the greatest ikran racer known to Na'vi) and Neteyam, who seems to be following in the footsteps of their father's greatness. Desperate to prove himself, he comes to Spider for help (let's just say he and his ikran don't really. . . vibe) and Spider agrees despite all of his misgivings and fast-forward through a whole training/bonding/falling in love and finding themselves montage and boom!
How would either of these end? Idk. But man do I want this and if I don't get it I may just have to take matters into my own hands. (For some reason I just dig chill ikran caretaker Spider and high-strung, works himself to the bone to achieve perfection Neteyam or desperate to prove himself despite the fact that both him and his ikran are a mess Lo'ak.)
HOLY FUCK this is my favorite ask of all time. Alright that's it new tag folks: the people need this fic we are begging for it (please explore I have gone back and tagged appropriately).
Hey buddy hey fam I am a huge huge Star Wars fan and you are gonna come in here with your fucking Anakin Skywalker podracing au fic and think I'm not gonna sniff that shit out instantly? Ur crazy dog.
-Spider is like, THE guy for the Omaticaya's ikran care. It's tradition that if you want to participate in ikran racing then you care for ikran for a year before you complete your iknimaya, but Spider has been doing this shit for years longer than anyone else.
-He's like an expert all of them love him, he's like the Hiccup of the Omaticaya he knows all their weak spots, their favorite foods, things they're allergic too, plants that bother them, their favorite places to be scratched: kid could probably ride everyone's ikran even without a rider, but only a select few people have noticed.
-Toruk Makto is the most famous ikran racer because motherfucker rides a toruk. He doesn't participate on toruk anymore after a big legendary competition, and the only person that rivals him is his equally legendary wife (who's better than him it's just toruk that makes Jake better lol)
-Neytiri is as good as she is because unlike a lot of other ikran riders, she does all the care for her ikran alone. It is something she has instilled in her family, but, they are busy. Busy running and leading their clan. So sometimes, Spider steps in. But still the amount of time they dedicate to their ikran compared to others means it's hard not to notice Spider's expertise
-I love the idea of Neytiri being like "yeah no one but me or Spider can touch my ikran, hands off"
-it's a slow build but that equal passion is their connection
-OBSESSED with the idea of the Neteyam and Spider version (getting too many asks about them, we gotta make a ship name poll lol), my bad if I focused heavily on that I might reblog later with the locorro one.
-Neteyam and his ikran bonded but have they bonded. He NEEDS to live up to the level of precision and skill that his parents have with their ikran. Hell, flying is how his parents fell in love! They go on date nights once a week still to fly together, bonded through their love of the sky. He just can't figure out how to translate his thoughts into actions through his ikran. His too wired and anxious all the time, and his ikran's thoughts are always a mile a minute.
-He knows Neytiri only trusts ONE other person to care for her ikran, and that person doesn't have anything to lose either so he goes to Spider and begs him to keep this a secret and to help.
-Without tsaheylu, Spider's bonds with the ikran are formed through a building of trust, care, empathy, and affection through actions. If Neteyam wants to build a bond and he can't trust his mind or his ikran's mind; maybe he can trust actions.
-Oops the bond is formed between Spider and Neteyam too, they slipped and fell into trust, care, and empathy born of actions!
-Neteyam like "how do my parents fall in love flying, flying is stupid and stressful and scary" and then Spider's wrapping his hands around his waist to encourage him to make his movements lighter and he's like 😳
-the jeytiri parallels i'll kill myself frfr
-Lo'ak is still in his year of ikran care pre iknimaya, so he's just around and bitching all the time in the background about how annoying Neteyam is and how perfect he is and Spider is like 😶 yeah he's so perfect 🤭 he's so annoying.
-Kiri has her ikran but would rather die than race, she feels it's inhumane to make the ikran race without asking them first. So she's just bitching the entire time, moping around Neteyam like "why do we have to race, who would even want to?" and Neteyam just REALIZES Spider does.
-He becomes determined to help him be able to race as well. I haven't decided how yet...
Anyways this is how it goes when Spider can:
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