#we support each other in this small fandom community
millidank · 3 months
me whenever I see anyone making Lies of P content in general and I really wanna be friends with them-
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And then I spin happily ✨️spinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspin
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undercovercameron · 1 year
a domesticated rafe cameron
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summary: a bf headcanon for sir rafe m.f. cameron
notes: *NSFW NEAR THE END* i have been seeing so many headcanons for rafe as a bf recently and i used to do these all the time for other fandoms and people and holy fuck i miss and love them.. allow me to indulge myself. also a lot of these are not simply him being touchy or super cute positive ones bc he’s canonically a murderer and drug addict and felon sooo akdjdjd we all of course romanticize him but i just thought i’d say that. lemme know what you think !
tags: rafe cameron x reader
i think rafe is a very complicated kind of lover
he’s a complex ass dude as it is, so that obviously reflects in your relationships
your relationship probably started unconventionally, either because of a fuck up or drunken mistake or maybe even meeting him randomly on a golf course or on the beach and just immediately being drawn to each other
he wants someone that challenges him a Little bit but really just wants someone to go with the flow and let him take the lead
he already gets enough direction and bossy shit from his family
(probably a couple arguments have sparked because of that; he sees too much of rose or ward in you. it’s also something that draws him to you, though, so take it with a grain of salt)
on the topic of arguments, you two are no stranger to them
he always ends up apologizing though, even if you started it—he’d just much rather have your mouth on his than have it yelling at him and knows there’s always a way to get you back on his side
he’s a proud man, so his apologies are usually in the form of him complimenting you or giving entirely hypothetical situations in which he Possibly Might Be Sorry
you take it because it’s probably the best you’re gonna get
he shows his love and affection in a little different ways that other people you’ve dated
of course he’s no stranger to PDA
in fact it only puffs his chest that you want to be seen with him and touch him
he’ll never admit it, but he loves when you kiss his face
like duh,
but not just his lips, he really likes when you kiss him on the temple or just press your face to his cheek or peck at his jaw
he also likes when you hold onto his belt when getting his attention or trying to move him
a lot of your dates involve watching a movie or TV show, because truth be told he is a home body
maybe not his home, but def a home body
your house is a reminder that he is apart of your life; he sees the pictures, the movie tickets, his favorite chips (salt and vinegar, ew i know), or spares of toothbrushes and his clothes in your closet
in any social situation he is either looking at you, thinking of looking at you, touching you, or asking people where you are
he cannot stand to make small talk without his emotional support girlfriend at his side
you’re just so much funnier than all these other people
he prides himself on his ability to make you blush, and does it any chance he gets
he doesn’t really get to laugh a lot, as he is either in distress or about to get punched or reprimanded, so you’re always whispering some joke into his ear to get him to laugh. your success rate is much better than anyone else’s in his life
he knew he loved you when you grabbed his hand during a dinner you were at and some politician walked in with a very apparent and badly concealed nose job. you just mouth “oh my god” and he had to snort to cover up his laugh
you were also all dolled up and cute and sexy that night so that may have had something to do with him knowing he loved you
he is also a great communicator
it’s not in his nature to hide his feelings because they’re so fucking obvious on that expressive face of his
and he never knew he could have so much fun texting until you came along
now he’s a regular emoticon user
weird, right?
now onto spicy things,
you’ve never known a partner to ask you how you feel more than Rafe
it’s a praise thing, you think
he wants to hear that he feels good, that right there, that he fucks you so good, that he’s perfect for you
the nonverbal sign that all those are true is when you throw your head back and a gasp is caught in your throat
the very idea that your breath is stolen every time he does something good makes his heart skip a beat
his cheeks get very red while you’re having sex, so your cool fingers are usually petting them or pressed near them
you have a thing for his legs
i mean come on
he just walks around like that all day
he walks around with a dick like that in his pants all day, and you’re supposed to just ignore it?!
absolutely not
you especially like when he wears those hoochie daddy 5 inch inseam swim trunks, because you get to see where his skin gets a little paler and softer and it makes you get goosebumps at the thought of where it leads
those trunks are a treat usually, saved for a special occasion where he doesn’t have to be around his family and he can have you in his lap, hand trapped between your legs
let’s just say you two fuck like rabbits
two beautiful young adults, what else occupies your time?
it gets a little annoying for other people when you’re apart of their dinner party, because you’re always late, but then learn to just deal with it
it’s better to not have a sexually frustrated rafe cameron that accidentally stabs through his plate of rice and vegetables like that one time at the island club with your parents when you licked up a drop of lemon sauce from your chin and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head
decidedly not a great time or place to act like that
i just think while yours’ and rafe’s relationship def has its ups and downs like all other relationships, your recovery period after an argument is remarkably high
you both know you’re not mad anymore, so it’s not worth it to be bad communicators and make it worse
at the end of the day, there’s always space for you in his bed, and he always welcomes you with a slap on the ass and a whisper of “we’re totally fucking in the shower tomorrow”
(and yes. you do)
notes: i hope this doesn’t seem to scatterbrained, i may or may not end up adjusting or editing this later to be closer to what i think would be him
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
Hi! I'm asking for advice, please. I'm in a small ship fandom, it's so small that most of us know each other here. Having a small, unpopular ship is not an issue in itself and most of us are okay with that, but the ship gets a lot of hate from the bigger ship fandom. I won't say much about the fandom situation, but I'd love to get more people to write for our ship. It's hard because our authors get a lot of hate reviews and our AO3 tag is a mess because the big ship shippers put their hate stories there all the time. I know there are tools to filter this unwanted content, like OTP:true, but people who don't know AO3 very well have a hard time finding the stories written by the few active authors that we still have. Our stories are not lacking in quality, but they're so scarce that readers get discouraged after a while. A similar thing happens to writers because of this situation with the hate comments and lack of interaction. I know that I can't do much about the hate the ship gets, but I would like some advice to motivate people in our fandom to write and support our writers more. I read, comment, and create as much as I can, but it'd be nice to get fresh ideas about improving this situation, maybe planning fan events and similar stuff. I will gladly welcome any helpful tips if you have them, please! I am aware that creating more content would expose our writers to more hate. I know that, but I also think that it's unfair that people have to refrain from enjoying the things they love just because other people hate it. That's why I'm trying to change things for the better, but I need help.
I'm so sorry your fandom is so awful to your group, anon ❤️ No ship is worth being mean to others over, and especially not worth making an entire group feel unwelcome in a communal space.
I strongly recommend that the authors of your ship restrict comments to logged-in registered users only (you can find this setting in Post a New Work form) and block any commenters who post hate. If anyone circumvents the block, report them to PAC for block evasion. To do so, visit the comment itself (by clicking on the thread button or following the link from the email) and choose Policy Questions & Abuse Reports from the AO3 footer. Don't delete the comment until after PAC have had a chance to read it and investigate.
Now, as for how to encourage more people to create!
It's always worthwhile to celebrate the folks who are already doing the thing. Create recommendation lists and share them around. Write a ship manifesto to encourage people to take a look at the ship if they haven't already. Reach out to fanartists who take requests or commissions and see if they'll make ship art. Get a group of writers together for an exchange.
Bring in new writers by messaging an author who is open to other ships and seeing if they'd be willing to write a oneshot. Post a list of ship-centric prompts and encourage folks to reblog it and fill the prompts. You could even create a prompt meme on AO3.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure the blog will be able to suggest even more. We're here to support you, anon!
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kujakumai · 2 months
would you like to elaborate on the "catastrophic mommy issues"? I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on that lol
Thief King is a child raised by a mass of vengeful tortured souls in the ruined basement where they all died, all of whom are in effect a stand-in for family/community/parents. They are all TKB has left, and they are highly protective of him; they seem not entirely within their right minds, not capable of competent childcare, and they give him explicit instructions on how to destroy and take over the world, which he follows enthusiastically.
I think about this a lot, like a lot a lot, and while we don't see much I think its gotta be a very tangled dynamic. When writing him I tend to use "mom issues" or general references to his mom as an emotional stand in because I think she's probably the most likely person he'd remember clearly when he needs a real face, but that's not necessary. All of Kul Elna is Mom for these purposes.
There is a lot going on here, for example:
>Kul Elna does not seem to leave the temple unless accompanied, or at very least they prefer to stay there. This means TKB probably spent a significant portion of his childhood in the same ruins and possibly the same room where he watched everyone die. Cool! Great!
>Kul Elna appears to be only partially corporeal, limited in their ability to do much besides menace, and TKB says they are "in hell" (unclear what that means). I do not think they are up to the daily tasks of feeding, bathing, or taking care of a small child. I think he probably grew up as an urchin mainly in squalor.
The closest real-life analogue to this is, probably, simply a child in the care of someone who is ill or disabled such that they cannot effectively take care of even themselves without support; so you have a situation where no one has done anything wrong, and this family loves each other very much, and the only real culprit is the society that failed them. But you're still going to end up with a kid who is not getting their needs met, is in a situation that is often stressful and sometimes scary, and that will lead to a rapid Adultification where the kid takes on the role of steward without ever having a proper childhood.
>The Zork-raising instructions were given to TKB by Kul Elna. He tells us this. I am less concerned by Kul Elna's obviously Zork-influenced plan to destroy everything than I am its effect on a 16 year old boy who loves them very much because they're all he has left in the entire world. When did they bring this up? Is it recent? Has it been an ongoing plan for years--has TKB effectively been raised on the idea that he is to be Egypt's own destined apocalypse maiden? How fucked up would that be?
Fandom is hesitant, I think, to ascribe anything malicious to Kul Elna or suggest that their relationship with TKB is sinister--which, for the record, I don't think it is, I think this fucked-up little family has nothing but love for this kid in the depths of whatever humanity they have left--because Kul Elna gets such an unjust treatment in canon it makes us incandescent. Yet the same would apply to TKB--if they want the world in ruins and him at the top, how could he even think anything different? After everything the pharaoh did to them, and to you, of the life they deprived you of? Impossible to suggest something different. You can't tell him they're wrong. What's that old softer world bit; I am a pacifist, and I will be a pacifist until I die, or someone threatens my mother.
>TKB does not need survivors guilt to be an unfailingly loyal Mama's Boy to his ghost family (Ghost's Boy?) but he's got to have it. A simultaneous immense guilt for getting out when no one else did; the immense loss of being left behind, like they all went to become this without him; the weight of being the only one left, the only one who can take revenge not only for you but for them, and if you fail then no one will remember any of their names, or yours. One chance. Avenge them or die a nobody. Don't fuck this up. It's your responsibility, like it or not, because no one else can help, and no one else can help because of what your enemies did to them, which is why you need to do it. It's almost self-justifying.
If you want me to editorialize, I don't think he actually cares much about ruling the world, nor does that goal make sense. I think in the back of his little brain he thinks that if he wins he finally gets to join them somehow.
tldr; I think TKB's relationship with whatever the hell Kul Elna has going on is way, way more complicated and nuanced than even he is consciously aware of and you can love someone very much and still fuck them up immensely (arguably a major them of ygo itself). TKB's has such catastrophic mommy issues he literally tries to end the world. We are talking literal apocalyptic mom issues. Cataclysmic.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hii i love your writing and im wondering if you could please write something fluffy for tommyinnit? maybe y/n is also a streamer/cc and their relationship is well known in the community and theyre always so sickeningly cute that their friends get so annoyed!! i just think that'd be fun.
(also could i be 🌙🌊 anon? thanks!)
yeah of course!! welcome to the family 🌙🌊 anon :) ; and oooo okay, hopefully I did this right! thank you for requesting!
TOMMYINNIT ; sickeningly adorable
summary ; two streamers publicly dating, who would've guessed
warnings ; language
word count ; 562
y/s/n = your ship name
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You and Tommy finally made yourselves official in late 2021 as the Dream SMP fandom had started dying out. You waited for a while for the hype to go down because of toxic fans and weirdos online who'd care too much about your relationship, and everything turned out fine.
Most of your social media feeds were filled with support, but of course, there were always some hate comments here and there, from yours or Tommy's "fans" about each other. There was a toxic side to every fanbase, and you'd both go to great lengths to try and deal with it. After a while, you both stopped caring and accepted that giving those people attention only drove it further.
But, the toxicity was small, the love and support for you two being together was ten times larger, and that's all you could care about. From fanart and fanfiction to deep dive analysis' on Tumblr connecting your real selves to your characters, it was cute in all honesty. What was even cuter in your opinion was compilations of "adorable y/s/n moments for ____ minutes straight" videos.
You regularly binged those videos, even on stream, even with Tommy. That's what started the constant teasing and bickering from your friends. They were playfully annoyed at the two of you, which also led the community to do the same, which made him trend at #10 on Twitter for the day.
You were both grateful for your communities, and the opportunities and memories you could share online because of it.
But now, you're recording a vlog with Tommy, Freddie, and Tubbo as you hang around an arcade for the day. You split into two teams, You and Freddie v Tommy and Tubbo, to see who could win the most tickets in an hour. You and Freddie quickly went to grinding up tickets on Dance Dance Revolution, while the two T's went to try and get tickets off the basketball shooters.
You look back at Tommy, failing to make a ball in the basket behind you, Tubbo next to him, reminding him of his awful aim. You lightly smile and turn back to Freddie, already judging you with his facial expression.
“What?” You question
The boy with the dyed orange hair looks between you and the blonde across the room, an eyebrow raised.
“You’re both annoying”
You look back at Tommy, lightly chuckling as he and Tubbo begin throwing the balls at each other, aiming for the face. Freddie snaps you back to DDR, wanting to win free lunch.
"C'mon, Y/n/n, I can't carry this myself!" He lightheartedly laughs, pulling you into another round.
As you're playing DDR with Freddie, back to Tommy and Tubbo, the blonde begins to get distracted by you as well. He widely smiles, watching you bounce around on the mat while you focus on the game.
"Look at Y/n" He whispers to Tubbo, watching you with hearts in his eyes. "They're having so much fun"
Tubbo rolls his eyes. "Tommy, we need to get tickets, stop swooning over your partner"
"It can wait!"
"Half of our time is already gone!"
"I'm enjoying my view of my very happy partner, Tubbo. I'm buying lunch anyways"
The shorter brunette groans, "I'm getting a slushie then, have fun staring at them and looking like a creep"
Tommy quickly blinks before running after him, "Tubbo, no, wait!"
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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callie-the-creator · 11 months
boyfriend!coryxkenshin hcs
sfw. this was also posted on my wattpad, so there is no point to accuse me of plagiarism or anything
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• you already know cory is a hopeless romantic aka...the best type of partner! you lucky thing! you scored yourself the best of the best
• cory has not one ounce of toxicity in his very soul
— "he's a good man, savannah, a GOOD man. 😤"
• oh, what's that? you gave cramps either from your menstruation cycle or they just popped out from nowhere?
— this man would do everything in his power to make sure that you're comfortable and have everything you have to make yourself feel better
— he definitely wouldn't make fun of you or belittle you if it was because of your period (unlike those boyfriends😒)
• you already know that you'll make a few special appearances in his videos whether that be sss episodes or playing games specifically made for couples or ones that allow multiplayer
— it takes two, the dark pictures anthology, cuphead, you name it! you'll just have to motivate him enough to finish the games though since that's where he falls short...🫢
• but for the important question! what is his love language?
— personally, it's to each their own on the topic, but this is what i think: as much as i want to say physical touch, i feel like he's more of a quality time type of guy, you know? even if he does youtube, he still takes breaks and you can bet that he'll spend most of that time with you!
• there is not one dull moment as long as you're with him
• wouldn't be able to stop smiling if he caught you wearing his merch or any of his clothes for that matter...just not his puka shell necklace. never his necklace. ☝️ that's a big no-no
• he's definitely the type of bf who would play songs that remind him of you
— *cries into pillow uncontrollably*
• and when he is recording, you are known to bring him snacks or water and wave 'hi' to the camera
— but i'd doubt he'd need any snacks since this main usually has skittles, now and laters, and nutrigrain bars stockpiled in his recording room.
• if you text him randomly, he'll make a big deal about it and be all giddy. you make him so happy! 🥺
— also, if he's too scared while playing a horror game and dashie isn't picking up the phone, you're the second-best option for decisions! but you know what they say..."with great power comes great responsibility"
• personally, i don't think he's neutral on the topic of pda, but he's the subtle type bc he wants to be careful to not make you uncomfortable, especially when you two are out in public.
• since he's known to record really late at night, he'd do anything in his power to be quiet and not wake you up during his 3 scary games or his spooky scary sunday videos
— if he happened to wake you up by his screaming would definitely deadpan the camera and be like, "now why did you have to go and wake up my gf? 😐"
— deny deny deny, as rodrick heffley would say.
• we already know cory likes his anime, so i'm saying that you would binge-watch all types of shows and movies together. but, again, you'll need to motivate and encourage him a lot since he has trouble finishing stuff or gaining interest in shows
• would want cuddles or just to hang out with you if he got too upset over a game
— he has rage quit a few times
• cory would let you sit on his lap while he plays games in his spare time
— he will kiss your head or shoulder randomly. he'd also keep on hand pressed against the small of your back to support you, to make sure that you won't fall off. 💔 you guys are so cute togetherrrr
• his fans love you. i have nothing more to add to this.
• fanart and edits!! different youtubers garner different communities, and some are more likely to make fanart than others, but cory's has the best of both worlds! though, his fandom leans more towards the editing side of things, so expect lots to pop up on your fyp
• i feel like there would be a few videos like “3 minutes of cory being soft with his s/o” or, even better: “cory and y/n being the best couple for 8 minutes” compilations going around on youtube, tiktok, reddit, etc.
…that’s all i got! until next time <3
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 8 months
I think a lot of transfemme culture is formed and cultivated by how we were rejected and desperately tried to fit it.
like, take transfemme memes. a lot of memes are about how broad generalizations such as "trans women do this thing", the thing being computer programming or enjoying a particular video game. and while I won't deny that a lot of trans women do those things, the vast majority don't. so why are things like programmer socks and fallout new vegas and bionicals and gundam so popular with trans women despite them not being universally applicable?
I think it might have to do with our being rejected as kids and how we would do everything we could to try and be accepted by others.
maybe this only applies to me. I'm definitely not trying to make a broad generalization to explain other broad generalizations. I'm basing this primarily on my experiences.
but when I was in middle school and high school, I used to lie about watching certain movies or playing certain games even when I didn't. I could have been because my parents wouldn't let me, I couldn't afford them, or I just wasn't actually interested. but most of what I was interested was very niche nerdy things like anime and computers and math and art. but in a desperate attempt to join in conversations and make friends, I would lie and say I was interested in the popular things so other people would accept me.
now, years later, the internet connects us and helps us explore our nerdy interests much more. I remember I was the only person at high school who cared at all about undertale, but then I found tumblr and whole communities online who would talk about the game I played. they also got me interested in things I never would have been into otherwise. transgender people online got me into star wars (which I regret) and evangelion (which I also regret but not as much). and there are some things that I've never experienced, but still know about due to cultural osmosis. I know a lot about fallout new vegas and magic the gathering and ultrakill despite never playing them. I would consider myself part of those fandoms despite never really interacting with the content, just because I have so many online trans friends who are into those things.
I think that the most popular things just happened to become transfemme memes due to how many nerdy trans people unapologetically love them online, and people who have never experienced them but are friends with the people who do love them agree with them to fit in.
I'm not saying this is a bad thing. it's perfectly fine to be part of a fandom or community even if you don't have a huge interest in it just to be with your friends. I'm not super interested in ttrpgs, but I still play just because I like hanging out with my friends.
computer programming is popular in trans women circles not because all trans women are computer programmers. it's popular because it's a booming industry and the small percentage of trans women who are computer programmers really enjoy it and talk about it online, and their online friends support them and agree with them even if they aren't computer programmers themselves.
idk. I forget where I was going with this. I just think it's really nice how trans women, and honestly the entire queer community as a whole, tends to support each other's niche interests and uplift each other.
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shakespeareallanpoe · 4 months
The Things We've Created 🩷
It's crazy how much I see things everywhere about how hateful the internet is and how cruel people are online and etc, etc, social media is ruining our trust in humanity.
And then I come over here, to our little damirae fandom nestled inside a small nook on Tumblr, and- I kid you not- not even three minutes after I make a little post about two fictional characters from a TV show which aired years ago, at least two people whom I will never meet, maybe living in a completely different country, maybe on the other side of the world, have already liked my post or told me how great I am. And then a hundred people do the same.
All I'm saying is that yeah, people can be toxic and sometimes the world is shit, but as a fandom we all created our community together. Born from a common passion that we all share and it's honestly beautiful how we all support each other within it. We may be here for different reasons, or participate in different ways, but look at what we've created guys. We've all gravitated here by some stroke of fate and fostered a community of people who support each other and encourage creativity for our Demonbirds. We did that. We're really doing that. And we continue to do that because despite coming from different places or fandoms we've found something here worth staying for.
So regardless if you are an artist, a headcanon or fanfic writer, a reader, a commenter, or someone who visits occasionally and doesn't leave a like or reblog, this is a shout-out to you. You helped nurture and build this beautiful community. You are the beating heart of our shared love for these characters. And if someone ever asked my opinion on what a genuine community looked like, I'd probably describe something similar to what we have. Something real. Something wonderful.
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buckybarnesevents · 1 year
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IT'S HERE!!!! ShrinkyClinks Double Bang is here with sign ups starting next week!
We've put together an event FAQ/breakdown for you here and also under the cut. This will look very familiar to any Bang participants, but in case this is your first time, we have tried to make the below information as clear and as detailed as possible so you know what to expect.
1. What is ShrinkyClinks? 
“ShrinkyClinks” is defined generally as Winter Soldier Bucky with pre-serum Steve. For the purposes of this Bang, it can also be a “Beefy Bucky”/a Bucky with similar attributes and a “Small Steve”/a Steve with similar attributes. This means it can be canon, canon-adjacent or -divergent, or an AU. 
We ask that you do your best to stick with these attributes, keeping in mind that there are loads of other events for other Bucky/Steve variations and this event is intended to specifically bring more ShrinkyClinks content to the world. If you’re unsure if your idea fits or want to discuss anything, please reach out to a mod.
2. How does a Double Bang work?
In a Bang, a writer submits their fic idea to be claimed by an artist. A Reverse Bang is when the artist submits their work to be claimed by a writer. For the purpose of this event, a Double Bang, we will be accepting submissions for both. 
All submissions are kept ANONYMOUS so in the spirit of the event, please do not post your work anywhere or announce which piece(s) is/are yours. This is a great opportunity to meet new people in the fandom, work with someone new, etc. We will not have a dedicated space for writers vs. artists to discuss prior to claims since this event allows for you to sign up for both roles. 
After claims (August 19th), you are allowed to chat, post snips, and promote your WIPs all you want. You can go nuts in the event channel on Discord or in the creator’s lounge channels. 
3. What criteria do I need to participate in this event? 
Most importantly is that you understand we are a safe space for creators – there is absolutely NO shaming (kink shaming, character bashing, criticism of works, etc.). Respect your fellow creators and do your best to encourage each other! 
Furthermore, this is a collaboration. Please read the Wants and DNW’s of each slide before committing to claim it, and keep an open line of communication with your partner(s) to ensure that all of your interests and hard work are represented in your final creation. 
The bang will be broken up into NSFW and SFW sections, however, this is an 18+ event due to the nature of some of these works and we cannot moderate/block/control what you may or may not accidentally see. We will, however, make it as clear as possible between these ratings.
4. What can I sign up as? What are the different roles?
Writer: you will either (1) submit a slide/piece to be claimed or (2) intend to claim a piece during claims period and provide writing
Artist: you will either (1) submit a slide/piece to be claimed or (2) intend to claim a piece during claims period and provide art
Pinch Hitter: you are essentially an “on-call” writer or artist. By selecting this role, you agree to be included in future emails throughout the event if a fic or art piece needs to be claimed due to unforeseen circumstances
Beta & Support: you would like to specifically offer beta-reading services, cheerleading, brainstorming, characterization help or sensitivity reading. Please provide what you are willing to provide from this list, or anything else we have missed. 
Original Art 
Manips - (must be skillfully and heavily edited so they are unrecognizable from the source material, we’re not trying to get sued her)
Podfic - at least 2,000 words recorded 
Fanvid - at least 2 minutes
A craft that can be photographed or scanned
*Moodboards or playlists can be included in the final submission but not as standalone art for claims. There is no maximum for this event. 
Kam (@mxaether) is your lead mod for art concerns. 
There is a 3,000 word minimum for the ShrinkyClinks Double Bang 2023. There is no maximum for this event.
HR (@buckyismybicycle) is your lead mod for writing concerns.
On July 2, you will sign up for the event using this form. Please read through both the sign up form and the FAQs/rules above thoroughly.
On August 5, you will SUBMIT your Slide(s) for previews here. Please use this template. If you are submitting more than one work, you can put all your slides on the same slideshow and we will review each slide. While we do not require the completed work, please have enough information/enough of the art done for this to help match you up. 
On August 12, you will be emailed a preview of all the works submitted (so please ensure you enter your correct/active email). This preview will include both fic and art submissions, and both SFW and NSFW. These will be marked accordingly. It is suggested that you think about which slides you want to claim and in what order. On the claims form, you will be asked to enter in your first, second, third and optional additional choices. 
It is recommended you give some variety in case your first choice(s) are already claimed. If all of your choices are already taken, you will receive an email immediately telling you to re-submit your choices. 
On August 19, CLAIMS WILL OPEN! Claims open at 6:30pm EST. For your local time, please see here or see the converter at end of the Word document. Claims will be made through this form.
Claims go on a first come, first serve basis. If you are not around for claims, you can have a proxy - this is someone who will claim on your behalf. They will enter in their own email address and own name and advise us they are just a proxy assisting you with claiming.
There will be two check-in dates at 1 month intervals: September 23 and October 21. Check-ins are very easy and both can be done here. We essentially want to know (1) how’s it going? (2) do you need help? Check-ins are a good time for your team to assess where you’re at, if you think any help might be needed, etc. 
You should aim to have your collaboration done by November 5, 2023 and more or less ready to post. Check with your partner who will be posting the work to which platform - Tumblr, AO3, etc. We recommend that you embed your artwork(s) in your posts. While having a “banner” or “title card”. This will be the final check in before posting week to ensure you’re ready to go or if you need a mod to help with something. 
Between November 12 - 18, you will post your completed collaboration! Please submit your masterpost/completed work using this form. We will be using this, and our “@” mentions to compile our final masterlist.
AO3: AO3 Collection
Tumblr: tag us at @buckybarnesevents 
What if I sign up, and then need to drop out or don’t want to claim something? 
If you sign up and do not claim anything because you don’t vibe with it, not a problem, it happens! 
If you sign up and do claim something but then need to drop out, just let us know as soon as possible. This is a key point of our monthly check-ins, to ensure you’re on track or if you’re feeling like you can’t meet the deadline. This is also where our lovely pinch-hitters can step in and claim the piece you’ve been working on so that your partner(s) can continue in the event. 
If you sign up and you’re running behind but still think you can complete your work(s) with a few additional days, please speak to a mod about an extension, within reasonable limits. 
We are open to hearing any concerns at any time and there is almost always a solution, so do not fret. With that being said, we do ask that you sign up only if you are fairly confident or certain that you can commit to the event. 
I’m an event junkie – can I use this piece as a fill for another event? 
Yes, if your other event allows this as well, you are welcome to cross-post to any and all other events. The only caveat is that you cannot post your work before our posting date (ie: you cannot post your finished product before our posting period of Nov 12 - 18 or without your team’s consent. If you really want to post before Nov 12th in order to make another deadline, please speak with a mod for an exception.)
I don’t have Tumblr or AO3
Not to worry - these are just where Bucky Barnes Events operates out of so it’s easiest for us to reblog on Tumblr or have a Collection on  AO3. If you are posting your fic elsewhere, that’s perfectly fine! Just submit the link through our submission form so we can still include you within our masterlist and do a simple Tumblr post for you. 
4. Does this have to be Bucky/Steve?
For the purposes of this Bang and in the spirit of ShrinkyClinks, yes, your work should focus on the relation between Beefy Bucky and Smol Steve, whether it’s platonic, romantic, or even if they’re rivals!! Their relationships and interactions should be front and centre. You can, however, include side pairings, previous relationships, or even polyamorous relationships so long as your spotlight remains on Bucky and Steve.
The most important thing is to have fun! As always, please let a mod know if you have any questions, concerns, or need some clarification! 
Happy Creating,
Your Mods,
HR & Kam
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nariism · 7 months
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links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
thank you everyone for participating <3
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hiii all my lovelies💗 i'd like to give a huge huge huge thank you for 1k followers and friends (!!!), 4.5 months of endless support, and the chance to be a part of such an amazing community of people :')
i've always been on and off with writing because of my self-doubts but i've come to absolutely love writing as a hobby and remember why i enjoyed it so much in the first place back when i was a dweeby 13 year old kid 🫶
i would love to do a small appreciation writing event for anyone who would like to participate. it's open for everyone so don't feel nervous to send an ask! see below the cut for more info.
if you're just stopping by, then i'd like to tell you thank you for everything!! 💐
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info — you choose 1-3 prompts/tropes + a character and i'll write a drabble/one-shot! requests can be sent to my inbox like this (preferably off anon so i can let you know when it's up!)
prompt number: fandom/character: additional info: (ex. tropes you want, angst, fluff, platonic, etc. anything you'd like to add that you want to see!)
i will be closing requests for this event on 13 Nov EDT
the same rules apply as my regular writing rules. please see those before you send a request!
note. all writings will be x gn!reader. i have free creative liberty for anything i write and i may not get around to all of the requests if i can't think of anything for the combination submitted. i am also busy with life stuff so it might take me a bit to finish things. remember, this is all for fun!
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blue lock: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi
genshin impact: open for any characters!
haikyuu: miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, ushijima wakatoshi
other: hayakawa aki, gojo satoru, geto suguru, loid forger (💐)
++ i would consider characters not listed here that you want to see!
1. friends to lovers / childhood friends to lovers
2. forced proximity
3. fake relationship / marriage of convenience
4. soulmates (any rendition)
5. coffee shop
6. roommates
7. accidental confession / accidental kiss
8. handcuffed together
9. hurt & comfort
10. enemies / rivals to lovers
11. mutual pining
12. oblivious pining
13. one bed
14. drunk confession
15. second chance
16. unrequited love
17. matchmaking / matchmaking gone wrong
18. domestic
19. "do we like... hold hands now?"
20. "please, come home."
21. "i could kiss you right now!"
22. "oh no, the power went out, however will we stay warm?!" (/s)
23. "we fell asleep by accident and woke up as a mess of tangled limbs."
24. "i'm done waiting."
25. "i've always needed you!"
26. "you look so beautiful in the moonlight."
27. "i think i'm in love with you."
28. "don't look at me that way."
29. "do you want my jacket?"
30. "wait, don't pull away... not yet."
31. "i can't sleep."
32. "i can't believe it took you this long to admit you like being the little spoon."
33. "your necklace fell off... let me put it back on for you."
34. "i could stay up all night talking to you."
35. "say it again. please."
36. "we're fighting. i'll take the couch tonight." ➡️ (bonus) "we were fighting???"
++ feel free to add any you want! these are just some examples
i'm so thankful to each and every one of you. i hope you enjoy! <3
links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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avastrasposts · 5 months
Some end of year mush for my readers
Below is a longer message that’s more personal so I’ll hide that below the cut for anyone who’s not interested. But before I get to that I just wanted to send a message to all of those who have read my fics this past year. You’re often a bit more anonymous to me than the people I count as friends, but that’s only because I don’t know you yet (seriously, come yell in my inbox, that’s how all friendships here start!).
But I see you all, whether you’re liking your way through 300k+ words of The Pilot and his Girl or just randomly reblogging something short I wrote back in March, I see and appreciate you all. I love hearing what you think about what you’ve read, but if you’re more comfortable just reblogging or liking, that’s more than fine. But I do really notice and appreciate all of you who read and react what I publish. I hope my stories bring a little bit of entertainment and distraction from whatever else your life is. The responses you’ve all given me, it really means the world. Love you all ❤
So to the more personal message.
I want to send a little message out (who am I kidding, I’m unable to keep things short) at the end of the year and tell you all what a difference some things make. But first, to be honest, I haven’t had a very difficult year, I’m ridiculously privileged, and I try to remember and appreciate that. I count my blessings because life hasn’t always been this easy. But I think it makes me notice the difference small actions make, how one act of kindness really creates ripple effects. 
I know others have had very real struggles in 2023 and have overcome, or are still struggling with, real issues and this year has given me the opportunity to see how much of a difference a small online community can make. I appreciate and love everyone of you who has had the guts to open up when things are tough and ask for help, who opened their (digital) arms and inboxes and wanted to help, genuinely help, those who were struggling, by sending a friendly message, by understanding and responding, offering to help, to let them know that they’re not alone. And to let us all have a safe space online where we can be as weird and sad and irrational and deluded (and horny) as we want. 
I know all fandoms have drama but the amount of nice people I’ve met on Tumblr this year by far outweighs any drama. For 99.9% of us, Pedro should be so lucky to have us as his fans! I feel like the goodness that he seems to spread, is emulated among those who go slightly feral (in the best possible way) for him. 
I’ve been fortunate enough to have made a small group of friends this year in the fandom, and these past few months with you guys (you know who you are), have been the best. You’ve made me laugh and cry (and stress out over how the hell I’m supposed to read all of your amazing fics!). I’m constantly amazed by how supportive and kind you are, how, by pure chance, we all stumbled into each other's paths at just the right time and how we now just seem to fit together. Whether it’s about how we’re going to survive the release of Gladiator 2 (seriously, we’re going to need a phone chain or something for welfare checks….) or how to handle any number of just “life” things that we all have to combat. You lot are always there with sage advice, supportive words and encouragement in a way I’ve never experienced with a group of friends before. Seriously, you’re all the best and I’m so happy to be your friend. 
And here's my our sweet Pedro just because this man somehow inspired me to write so many words this year...
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naruhinamain · 5 months
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your favorite content from them: "Lust for Life," "Too Lost in You," "The Ramen Booth," "Opposites" from "Small Doses," and "August - Cultures/Around the world" and "October - Horror" from "Still Falling for You" "I've been reading Chloe's fanfics for a long time, and each one just gets more and more amazing! She's always feeding us with original angsty, juicy, funny, or fluffy plots! She's truly an absolute treasure for the fandom!!!"
"chloelapomme my beloved, your favorite content from them: picking only one would be criminal bc everything she writes Lives within me my own personal sunshine!!!! love you to the moon and back, naruhina style and we need to get back to talking in the tags and in our ao3 comments cause I miss you terribly. thank you for your support and always indulging in my ridiculous sunshine family/siblings shenanigans (they're not headcannons if they're real lmao) bc it makes me want to do them even more. love you forever 💗"
your favorite content from them: Switching Positions "SICK. WICKED SICK. (You probably know who I am already lol) To my soul sister from the other side of the world, I will forever be grateful to have become your friend and for all the fun times and shenanigans we've shared in our little room along with Amma. Stay awesome, stay safe, and stay healthy always! Love you!!! <3"
your favorite content from them: Tie between "Hands" and "Cultures/Around the world" "My Fandom sister ❤️ It's been such a privilege to get to know you thanks to this amazing community and to see you blossom as a writer. Although my favorite works of yours remain some of your earlier works (perhaps by nostalgia), you have kept growing in your writing to offer us better-crafted stories every time. I admire your relentless motivation, will, and creativity, especially when it comes to AUs – which you are the Queen of. Fighting!"
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LINKS: TUMBLR || AO3 @chloelapomme
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talkingwoman · 9 months
Call me Cassandra….*
Having a history of offending members of the Charmie fanhood, many of whom will not even see this post since they blocked me, I will nonetheless state my bona fifes openly. I love Armie Hammer and I love Timothée Chalamet. Being older, more educated, and a practicing professional provides me with apparently annoyingly inconvenient insights when discussing the two men I love and the years since CMBYN changed so many lives. The upset in the fandom occasioned by Timmy’s liaison with the Jenner person compels me to express the following. Believe me, my goal is to soothe rather than irritate.
First and foremost, I have said before and repeat here that one of the worst failings we have made in viewing the Charmie myth is that we tend to conflate Armie and Timmy IRL with their characters in CMBYN, Oliver and Elio. Neither man is much like their movie role at all. Briefly, Elio is sensitive, highly educated and intelligent, as well as emotionally vulnerable. Timmy is, based upon his interviews, observed public behaviors, etc., probably none of these. He is, as he says, an engaging goofball. Often he misuses and/or mispronounces words and creates word salad answers to interviewer questions. He’s a player more than a mensch, and his ambition knows no bounds. Armie is more like Oliver than Timmy like Elio, but without the redeeming affection the movie version of Oliver brought to the mutual seduction. The Oliver of the book was far less open and affectionate than movie Oliver, but both men were emotionally insincere, dishonest, and manipulative. Oliver was having a summer fling before finishing his degree, marrying, and getting on with life in both book and movie. Even more publicly than Timmy, Armie is a player who admits to manipulating and using people as personal convenience items. It’s questionable whether he remembers anything 😉, let alone everything.
Similarly, we are willfully blind to the realities of the profession that introduced us to Armie and Timmy in the first place. Show biz is a relentlessly demanding and often cruel bit of work. Timmy was born into a theatrical family and groomed through auditions and training from an early age. Small wonder that virtually all of the directors he has worked with mention his drive and ambition to succeed. That desire rules Timmy’s life and he is not likely to squander his opportunities as Armie tragically and so unnecessarily did. There is a new article out that captures this essential characteristic, titled the making of a global superstar. Timmy is surrounded by a team that calculates every move the young man makes, scrupulously. For instance, while Armie has loudly proclaimed his heterosexuality, Timmy’s team has assiduously cultivated an aura of androgyny, assuring that both the gay and straight communities can identify with and thereby claim Timmy as one of their own. The revision of Lee in Bones and All from jock to bisexual predatory adventurer is a classic example. So, in short, almost anything in the public eye should be viewed through the lens of this effort to promote Timmy to the highest artistic and popular levels of his profession. Most of you will hate this, but Timmy’s utter and complete failure to utter one supportive word about Armie, once his role model and mentor, throughout the shitstorm that Armie’s professional and personal life became. Many no doubt wish and fervently hope that there is still a viable bond between these men, but if there is, it requires a very steep price from one of them.
Before I go, one little observation that I hope will bring some solace regarding the PDAs seen at the Beyoncé concert. Kissing is an expression of intimacy that is usually accompanied by intense mutual gaze. Both participants in these lip locks looked directly toward the camera the second the kiss ended, not at each other. Telling…,
*Cassandra was a figure in Greek mythology who was reviled and tortured for telling true, but unwanted truths.
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jugul4rv31n · 27 days
WHY I dislike the creepypasta fandom and RP servers
(as a CRP enjoyer.)
So im going to be talking about my experience in the CRP fandom + the roleplay servers behind it. I want to preface before I start, don't harass any servers or people mentioned, it's a shitty thing to do. Also huge content warning for mentions of ableism, grooming, fetishization, and disgusting behaviors in general.
I got my start in the creepypasta fandom when I was around 10-11, mostly stemming from youtube videos. During this time I didn't know there was a fandom for it, only having a small circle of friends who enjoyed the same content as me. As I grew older I ventured out into the fandom, I joined a few servers in 2020 that I don't think are active anymore. One significant one was a college roleplay server and the owners other server, The Mansion, now known as The Horrors Within. This server was abhorrently disgusting. There was ERP channels that minors could access, the owner would be really suggestive in the "SFW" RP areas, and most of their characters would be shipped with canon characters, that were watered down to be pure fetish bait. They would publicly ERP where minors could see it, and talked about fetishes in the general chat. I was 14-16 during my time in this server, the owner was 2 years older than me, being 16-18 when we met and knew each other.
In this server I realized and learned I was a system, this led to immediate arguments since I didn't have full control over my disorder at the time. Me and my alters were treated like actual shit during this time, the owners partners telling me to overdose and to slice to the bone next time. Unfortunately I did attempt using tylenol, but thankfully got sick and vomited it up. The harassment didn't end there either. Another minor was involved in this server, I won't be naming since they are also a minor, but referring to them as X.
Due to the exposure to ERP at such a young age I thought it was okay to do, and would ERP with X in a private server where we had our own little stories. The stories often involved X roleplaying self-harm, abuse and venting to me without permission.
Last year, I was active in one of the largest CRP servers, having over 3k members. I used my OCs and happened to dig up old art of them, which X must've recognized as me and immediately told the mods that I was a pedophile and groomer. Which is not true at all. I understand my actions are disgraceful but I was also being groomed into believing that behavior was correct when it wasn't. I've attempted to apologize to X and my own groomer in the past, which was seen as "harassment" because of my obsession issues. I was banned on sight with no comment on my side of the story, which contains a lot more dirt on these people, including a whole document against my groomer, who's buddy buddy with X. I had recently found out as well that they had acted predatory towards my friend, who was 14 at the time while they were 19. Attempting to "adopt" them because they didn't have an active parental figure. I immediately told my friend to block them and remove them from the chat they were in, since they did this to me and made me feel as if I had to depend on them.
I've made a document on this person if you'd like to read through it, it appears blurry for some reason. I've tried to fix it but it works.
The amount of shitty drama I've seen in this fandom is outrageous. It's over things that don't even matter. "Oh you don't agree with my headcanon? YOU'RE A SHITTY PERSON!" We're a community, and a relatively small one at that. We shouldn't be tearing each other apart by making small things into big deals and the "drama of the week". We should be putting this energy into outcasting actually disgusting people, such as Offenderman supporters, Sanity's Horror supporters (he's a necrophile who mods for a pedophile don't even try to defend this scum.), and people that actually could harm this fandom and the people within it.
Earlier this year, someone I know was called a lot of horrible things. I won't be naming em because they're probably tired of drama and I don't blame them. But most of the allegations were false, and they're one of the most chill people I know. They don't bash others for disagreeing with their headcanons and they don't take shit from others, and their server is filled with amazing people who were willing to hear out my sides of the issues I was involved in.
This fandom is mostly filled with children, minors. It should be a safe space for them to draw their characters and the characters we love, but instead of I've seen people attack others for not agreeing with their exact version of a character, and called horrible things because they simply don't agree with that headcanon. Which is horrible, people should be able to believe what they want about characters they enjoy.
Ableism is a huge factor in this fandom which sucks. People have watered down the characters illnesses to paint them as abusers and sick individuals who aren't capable of change or deserving of love, when this isn't true at all. People with mental illness are human beings, just like you and me, and we should treat them with respect and properly represent their disorders, not stereotype them.
This was honestly just a rant I've had in mind, but I needed to get it off my chest. This has been bothering me for months now and I've finally put it into words just how much this fandom bothers me.
I still enjoy creepypasta, but don't really consider myself a member of the fandom because of these reasons. This fandom can be great, but it's also got its dark sides, which need to be ignored.
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Time for more Earthspark appreciation! This time let's focus on one of my favorite moments with a new character, Nightshade!
Of course, Spoilers if you haven't seen the show!
Nightshade made quite a stir in the fandom and beyond by being the first explicitly nonbinary bot, and everything about their introduction as such is very carefully crafted. I'd like to point out my favorite details while also squeeing about how utterly adorable they and their siblings are.
First, we get three whole new Terrans, and they're all absolutely precious! Not to mention beautifully designed and way taller than their older siblings!
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OP is absolutely delighted to see them, and immediately drops closer to their level so he can introduce himself, expressing sincere welcome and asking them their names. Much like Twitch and Thrash, they're not quite sure at first. That tracks pretty well considering they're about five minutes old!
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Thankfully Robby and Mo know the drill, and through their connection they're able to help two of their new siblings discover their names.
From this we learn two important things about each bot; their names and their pronouns. Robby introduces Hashtag with she/her, and Mo introduces Jawbreaker as he/him. As an important setup for later, Nightshade introduces themselves with only their name and an incredibly sweet greeting indicating their confused delight at having been brought into existence.
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Look at them, precious little bow and everything. I would die for every single Malto but especially them.
Next, it's time for a plan to rescue Dot, and the new additions to the family are eager to help! Optimus takes them all to a rest stop and they begin forming their strategy with what they have on hand. This results in STILL more cuteness.
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Lookit that little face and Mo's adorable expression of concentration I simply can't ahhhhhhh this show is non-stop sweetness!
Now onto the scene in question, which I wish I could GIF in HD because there's SO MUCH but here we go!
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Nightshade asks to be represented by the bobble head, and looks to Optimus for permission to do so.
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Optimus, being a gigantic dad, happily complies - but hesitates when he realizes he doesn't know how to refer to the young bot. He pauses and looks uncertainly to Mo.
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Nightshade goes quiet and their optics begin to glow, a sign that they're emoting strongly enough for it to go through their connection. They appear nervous as they look to Mo, sitting more tensely and setting their lip in a line as an unspoken communication compels their big sister to nod in understanding.
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Mo speaks for them gently, stating their pronouns with a level of firmness that reads as polite but quite protective. She may only be a fraction of their height, but you can tell she'd fight for her little sibling and their identity. I really have to commend her VA for this and so many other scenes! Nightshade adds a small addendum that he or she simply doesn't fit for them, speaking for themself with the help of their sibling's support.
Optimus, whose respect for pronouns is now canonized, apologizes and makes it a point to address them properly. Nightshade relaxes and the nervous glow in their optics fades as they share another little moment with Mo.
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Then my heart simply exploded from the cute.
I know I'm not alone in being incredibly impatient for more Earthspark, but the introduction of Nightshade and the other Terrans has me on the edge of my seat, and moments like this are the reason why! These characters all care so deeply about one another, every moment they're on screen is such a delight. Thank you for geeking out about the little details with me while we wait!
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