#which I would maybe forgive if she was a good fighter but I don’t even like her attacks all that much
skyward-floored · 29 days
I still think Lana and Shad would really get along. Mythical lady who’s been watching history for all time and a goofy historian with silly socks. Absolute missed opportunity by the developers.
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
The One That Got Away
Yandere Doppo Orochi x Immortal Afab Reader x Yandere Katsumi Orochi
Loosely based off the Age of Adeline. I am so sorry Natsue Orochi, I love you baby girl. Please forgive me.
TW: Cheating, smut mentioned, fingering, and yandere behavior
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The day Katsumi’s lover walked through the door, Doppo’s world came crashing down. What were you doing here and how did you look exactly the same as the day you disappeared?
“(Your name)?” Doppo asked you with wide eyes. He felt such a mix of emotions. Happiness, anger, sorrow, and betrayal were the most prominent but confusion clouded his mind. How were you still so youthful? You should have been nearing your fifties and you didn’t look a day past your twenties. There was no way…
“(Your name)? My name is (fake name), you must have me confused with my parent.” You nervously laugh which made Katsumi and Natsue glare at him. Who on earth was (your name)? They’ve never heard of this mysterious person before…
The four of them had dinner together but Doppo’s eyes were on (your name) the entire time. He couldn’t get rid of the feeling in his gut and he’s never been wrong before. Natsue noticed Doppo’s change in demeanor and shut down a bit. She knew he was in a relationship prior to her but she didn’t know the details of it… she’s heard before that a man never forgot his first love and it made her feel second best. Like Doppo settled for her.
Katsumi held your hand the entire time, his brow furrowed at his father’s strong gaze on you. Just who was (your name) and why was Doppo so insistent they were you? Whatever. You’re his partner and he wasn’t cool with his adopted dad being weird to you.
After the most awkward meal in history, Katsumi beamed at you. “Sorry my parents are awkward today. Usually they’re quite chatty.” Katsumi gave your hand a squeeze. “Why don’t we take a walk for a bit? That way they can talk.”
“Sounds good, Katsumi. Let’s go.” The two of you headed out and made sure to ignore the look Natsue gave Doppo. You should have realized Katsumi’s surname was the same as Doppo’s but Doppo was infertile. So how were you to know he had adopted a kid in the decades you had been absent? It wasn’t Katsumi’s fault nor was it Doppo’s that you were cursed with eternal youth.
Katsumi and you walked together. A frown on your face once you began to think. You’ve been with Katsumi for only a month and he already spoke of marriage… you couldn’t marry him or else the government would discover you… You’ve been stuck at the age of 25 for the last eighty years. How on earth could you give him the love he’d deserved?
“My family home is pretty nice, right?” Katsumi asked you with a big smile. “Would you want to live in a home like that? I make enough to have a big place…” You gave Katsumi a tight smile. Why on earth would he want such a big home for just two of you?
“Don’t you think it’s a bit impractical for just two of us?” You softly asked Katsumi who shook his head. His large hands scooped up yours as his eyes stared into yours.
“Well, I’d like to start a family after marriage. I think two kids would be good… maybe more!” Katsumi smiled brightly at you as he began to ramble. “I could see you nice and round with my kids… you’d be such a good mom. I notice how you longingly look at babies.”
You did your best not to frown immediately. Like father like son. Doppo had wanted to get married just ten weeks into dating while his son was even more impatient. Then again, normal humans didn’t live as long as you have. You were well over a hundred at this point and still not deceased. All because of a freak accident when you were young…
“So what do you say? Would you want that life with me too?” Katsumi asked you with big, puppy eyes, his hands squeezed yours. “I apologize for getting a bit ahead of myself. But you never know if I could be castrated in the fighting ring since the other fighters always go for the nuts…”
You stifled a laugh at his joke. Katsumi certainly wasn’t wrong from the fights you’ve seen in your many years on this earth. He could potentially become infertile, but that wasn’t your problem. Katsumi was simply a place holder to fill the bottomless hole in your heart that could never be filled. The never ending loneliness to your bizarre existence. One of many relationships you’ve had to try to ease the loneliness of eternal life.
“You have big dreams, I’ll certainly admit that.” You told your lover who only smiled at you. How could you ever be mad at a face like his? Katsumi was certainly one of the cuter men you’ve been with. And he wasn’t terrible in bed, a bit inexperienced, but not terrible.
Katsumi grabbed at your hip which made you jolt. “Easy there, tiger. We’re in the great outdoors.” The tow of you shared a laugh before you made your way back to his parents’ house.
Katsumi just gave you a wink. The two of you walked in to find the home empty. Katsumi smiled at you. “I think dad probably took mom out on a date to make her feel better. I’ll walk you home.”
You nodded your head a smiled. Perhaps you really didn’t have anything to worry about?
A few weeks had gone by and Katsumi invited you out to eat with his parents once more. You were a bit reluctant to accept, but you did.
And the dinner wasn’t nearly as awkward as the last one. Doppo and Natsue were much warmer this time. You felt relief wash over you. Thank god… you didn’t want to deal with a (currently) old man you once had a passionate love affair with.
The four of you somehow ended up drinking a few bottles of sake together to ‘melt the ice.’ Katsumi became ever more chatty the more he drank until he was nearly falling over himself while poor Natsue was already fast asleep at the table. Doppo gave you an apologetic smile as he carried her to their room. You, on the other hand, helped Katsumi to the couch where he passed out instantaneously. The poor guy’s cheeks were as red as the bottom of a baboon.
And right before you could leave, Doppo had walked over to you. His hands stuffed in his pockets and his brow furrowed. The eye patch and facial scars made him look much older than 56, but you didn’t want to ask for the stories on them. The two of you no longer had a relationship of any kind for almost three decades now…
Doppo grasped your hand and held it up to his eye. “These scars… I stitched this scratch on your hand twenty nine years ago in the woods when you went with me up the mountain to train.”
“I got these scars from cutting a vegetable-“ you squealed when his fingers pressed into your scar with anger.
“Don’t lie to me. I have a very specific way I stitch and it’s quite ugly.” Doppo clicked his tongue as he dropped your hand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name is (fake name)-“
“Do you take me for a fool?” Doppo asked you as he yanked your skirt up to reveal another scar you had on your thigh. “You got that when you were running about with me too. How are you still so young? You… why did you disappear?”
You glanced over at Katsumi who remained knocked out cold on the couch. It’s not like he was conscious to hear your conversation… “You see how I am… what I am.” You sighed and pinched your nose. “I cannot age. I can’t live a normal life-“
“And yet you’re with my son, Katsumi.” Doppo glared at you with his muscular arms crossed. “Are you going to leave him too? You took his virginity.”
So that’s why Katsumi was a bit clumsier in bed… and his unusual attachment with you. Now you felt like an even bigger piece of shit. “I… I don’t know-“
Doppo grabbed your forearms and leaned forward to press his lips against yours in a rough kiss. Your entire body freezes up at the contact in shock. What on earth?
Doppo pulled away with a sigh of anger. “I… did you know I wanted to marry you? I could have hid you away. I would have hidden you away. We could could worked something out-“
“It’s too many years late for that now.” You frown at him. “You’re married now. You have a family-“
“I just can’t believe you’re fucking my son…” Doppo shook his head. “You’re with my clumsy, arrogant son… you certainly have a type.”
You didn’t even think about how similar they were… Doppo used to be quite arrogant when he was younger too. Yet the years seemed to have made him more humble.
“I guess I do-“
“Does my son at least satisfy you. You used to be quite… hedonistic.” You nearly choked on your spit at what Doppo said.
“Are you saying I’m some sort of lust fueled monster?” You jumped when Doppo’s hands grabbed your hips and pushed your pelvis towards his. You felt a bit of electricity shoot up your spine when you felt something large press against you. You forgot how well endowed this older man was…
“For old time’s sake… don’t you want this one more time?” You whined when he ground himself into you. God dammit, you didn’t need this temptation. Especially not from your boyfriend’s father. “I know I’m packing more than Katsumi is and you also know I’m infertile… it won’t hurt.”
You bit your lip in thought. He wasn’t wrong about him being bigger than Katsumi. Doppo was one of the larger men you’ve slept with and you can count all the men you slept with on one hand.
And before you can even answer, his hand is shoved in the waist band of your pants. His fingers expertly stroke your damp slit as you shudder under his touch. God… Katsumi didn’t know how to touch you like this.
Doppo smirked at you as you leaned forward to grasp onto him as one of his thick fingers sunk into your greedy warmth. Your wanton moans were quiet as tears filled your eyes. You had forgotten what it was like to be fingers by someone who knew what they were doing…
“It feels good, right?” Doppo asked you in a hushed tone. His hot breath tickled the shell of your ear. “And that’s only my fingers… Just imagine what my cock can do.”
You feel a bit of drool drip from your mouth and onto his shirt. Your state of pleasure made Doppo smirk. Here you were once more… under him. Where you belonged.
“Let’s head somewhere more quiet, okay?” Doppo softly asked you as you melted into his arms. His thumb now stroked your clit as a second finger was added inside of you. You were practically dripping puddles on his palm. You greedy little whore.
And you were slept into the guest room. Doppo quickly undoing his pants while you lay on the futon with your bare ass bent high in the air for him to claim once more.
May Katsumi and Natsue forgive you for the sin you were about to commit… the sin of pleasure. A sin you hoped was only a one time deal.
Yet you weren’t aware that Doppo had other plans. Plans to share you between himself and his son. Who decided Katsumi would be the only one to feel that perfect, tight pussy? It’s not like Katsumi knew what to do… not like Doppo did.
You took a sharp inhale when Doppo gave a harsh slap to your rear. An angry hand shaped welt now on your bottom as the older man gave you a wicked smirk.
“Alright, princess. Don’t make a fucking sound.”
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innocentimouto · 1 year
One thing I’ve noticed is that most people in the atla fandom aren’t invested in discussing any trauma experienced directly by war and tend to value “more commonly known trauma”. 
Zuko getting burned? Being unloved? Having anger issues due to it? Desperately wanting his father’s love?
Everyone understands this in the fandom and explains all his behavior through these lenses.
Iroh losing his son. Sokka wanting to prove himself to his father and be a leader is relatable to many kids trying to grow up and fill shoes expected of them. Toph wanting her parents to understand her.
These are all things many people relate to in some way. Without having to have lived through war.
It’s why most Mai haters don’t even hate her for supporting the Fire Nation. Many don’t recognize that’s a problem. They hate her for how she acts around Zuko. Another relationship issue that can exist outside of a war situation.
Sometimes I get the vibe that people hate Mai for supposedly NOT being loyal to the Fire Nation (apparently calling her selfish and uncaring for her own people).
It’s why people have difficulty understanding Ty Lee also participated in taking down Ba Sing Se and harming many people in the process. And why it’s severely problematic that she just joined Suki.
It’s why Zuko’s racist and sexist lines throughout the show get tossed aside because he had a “redemption arc”. You don’t unlearn things you were taught to believe your whole life that quickly. Even the most sincere person would stumble and say something harmful or unwittingly carry harmful and racist beliefs.
It’s why his pathetic apology to Suki for burning her village is glossed over, like actual people couldn’t have died then. Like it’s so easy to forgive losing your home like that.
It’s why Iroh losing his son is so important and connects to his relationship with Zuko, which apparently makes Iroh good. Yeah, Iroh did bad things whatever those were, but it’s all good now. Anyone who is angry at him just lost their way and needs some tea and wisdom. Anger is not the answer.
His actions in the war are an afterthought. Other characters will get headcanons stretching any action in the most negative light:
Azula burning a doll
Aang kissing Katara without permission
Mai not giving in to Zuko’s every whim
Jet wanting Zuko to join the Freedom Fighters
Notice again, none of these things are exclusive to war. Even when people write Iroh negatively, it’s more on how he doesn’t help Zuko or doesn’t offer any help to Azula.
No one questions why he met dragons and still continued to conquer land. Few people discuss how very not wise it was of him to finally stop supporting the fn after his son died.
Even when people say he was indoctrinated and that’s hard to get out of----
then why do you hate on Azula? Why is it not hard for her?
Because she lied to Zuko. Because she worked for Ozai who abused Zuko. This is why Azula is at times more hated than Ozai. It’s not because of her actions in war. It’s because Zuko views her as this big obstacle that he agonizes trying to beat.
Again, not fully related to war.
Zuko and Azula and Ty Lee and Mai worked to conqueror BSS? Azula is the evil one. 
This seems less like the suffering of the victims are being prioritized and more like a character who’s already hated is facing even more hate.
Jet floods a village. People still hate him more for manipulating Katara. To them he’s not horrible because he flooded a village. He’s horrible because he used Katara first and then he flooded a village.
Jet is seen as the abusive and manipulative boyfriend. Or an out of control angered teenager “whose prejudice killed him”.
There’s little discussion on why he would flood Gaipan. The most common is that he was angry. Or he wanted to spread pain. Nothing about facing actual danger or who was living there or that maybe the Fire Nation could decide to burn the forest if they got fed up.
His trauma is vaguely acknowledged and only to further show how dangerous he is to others. Being suspicious of Zuko is deemed as stalking. Stealing from the ferry is labelled as evil and proof he didn’t change from Book 1 despite being given to other refugees. In fact Jet is the only one seen giving out food.
Jet grew up an orphan in a forest with other orphans under him and a very common take is that he’s like a cult leader trying to get more people to brainwash. He can’t let go of the war because of anger and extremism. His trauma makes him dangerous and not uwu and in need of help and love like Zuko’s.
People think Katara could forgive Zuko easily but not Jet. Because Jet manipulated her. And Zuko just tried to kill her and her brother and capture the Avatar thus taking away hope for winning the war...
These are on entirely different levels. There is also the fact that Zuko invaded her home and made her experience what happened when her mother died all over again.
But that’s okay because Zuko apologized and he was traumatized, and Katara has a big heart. But bring Jet into the equation and it’s not even whether he apologizes or not; most decide Katara would never forgive him. 
Again, trauma and consequences of war are devalued. None of Jet’s trauma beyond anger is acknowledged and still it’s only to condemn him for hating the fn. Which would be entirely understandable if people looked at it through the context of war.
The same way Azula hate would lessen if people were to recognize everything she did was because her nation expected soldiers to. She wasn’t a singular evil, reveling in Zuko’s suffering. She was following orders from her leader and serving her nation.
Which people could recognize if they think “Zuko got his scar from being disobedient” and “maybe the same could happen to Azula”.
“Azula is horrible to her friends” and not she’s the freaking princess they have to obey her by law she completely outranks them she is in fact showing a human side by allowing them room to treat her like a friend.
“Jet needs to let go of his anger” and not witnessing your family and home killed for no reason and seeing dozens of other children face the same thing and then having to fend for yourself in a forest because not even your own people want to care for you and no matter how much anger and grief you feel nothing happens and no one is coming to help you and now it’s your job to protect other children and you never asked for any of this and why won’t this stop and you have every right to be angry
I could go on, but this is also why many don’t relate to Aang. Yeah he lost his people but--
I’m sorry what?
Genocide is something plenty of people can understand and plenty of people don’t and unfortunately the people who don’t tend to make it hard for survivors to speak about it or be angry and want justice.
Aang should have all the justification to be angry. He should have all the justification to run away from his responsibilities. He is a child meant to save the world and everyone he loves is gone. His nightmares of finally facing Ozai are made into a joke about school to be more relatable to kids. Personally I think that even if many kids wouldn’t understand the genocide aspect, they could understand why Aang would be anxious.
Almost all of the fandom loves Toph because she’s always right and rough and amazing and again very few question her line of “not my problem” to helping in the war. Most don’t discuss how her wealthy life would have shielded her entirely from the war, making it difficult for her to understand any of the Gaang’s trauma.
One might say “it’s a kid show so they couldn’t show too much of war”.
They had Zuko burned and screaming. They had Katara about to kill someone in cold blood. They had Toph almost fall to her death. They had Hama in chains in a cell for years. They had animal abuse. They had brainwashing and women with no other role than to be puppets.
Even if they couldn’t show too much of war, they should have toned down the amount of humanization the Fire Nation got. 
Basically I feel like this stems from how people experience trauma outside of war and how it’s become more acceptable to speak about it, but people who have suffering from war and colonization still aren’t welcomed enough and aren’t heard in online spaces and it really shows in this fandom sometimes.
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
yandere hcs ; kouign-amann cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (18/07/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; kouign-amann cookie
outline ; “Yandere Kouign-Amann Cookie hcs please?”
warning(s) ; yandere!kouign-amann cookie, obsessive behaviour, gaslighting, manipulation, threatening behaviour, love bombing
kouign-amann cookie is incredibly frightening as a yandere — not just because of her notable skills as a fighter, but because she’s so unassuming and sweet that nobody would believe you if you tried to ask around for help (she’s a paladin of honour and strength and grace, she’d never do anything to hurt anyone without reason — maybe you deserved it, or maybe you’re you’re just lying)
she doesn’t let you know how deep her obsession with you runs, presenting herself precisely how she was raised to: graceful, polite, lady like, chivalrous and endlessly considerate — all things that excellently hide her dark side from you as your relationship progresses
she makes it very clear to those around you that you’re taken and she won’t tolerate anyone interfering with your relationship (threatening them indirectly by inviting them to watch her train and showing them precisely what she’s capable of) — but she keeps that side of herself mostly secret to you
playing off her threats as playful remarks or genuine attempts at bonding gone wrong (she just wanted to show them that she could keep you safe), emphasising her code of honour whenever she can (she’s a paladin, and the champion of the crème knights at that, you know she’d never harm anyone without good reason), making you doubt what you’ve seen until you’re apologising to her for being cruel (she’d never do something like that, what kind of monster do you take her for?), and smothering you with praise and affection afterwards to make sure you don’t leave her (don’t worry, she could never be mad at you for long, she just loves you too much for that)
before long you’ll be doubting everything you’d seen and heard until you feel like you can only really trust her and her perceptions — which, naturally, leads to you becoming more and more isolated as time goes on (giving her exactly what she wants without her needing to take a life, which she’s more than thankful for as she’d hate to have to get dirty without reason)
this dependence is only made worse by the fact that she insists on spending every free moment she has by your side — the two of you joint at the hip every second that she’s not studying, battling or training (and even then you’re never too far, always a spectator when she’s competing and always there to greet her when the day ends)
but you don’t find yourself complaining even as those concerning behaviours become more and more apparent as your relationship progresses as you’ve already long since gotten used to it — a boiled rabbit far too used to the heat to even recognise the danger that your new ‘normal’ has brought and escape
besides, she’s such a loving and sweet and considerate girlfriend outside of those moments that you find yourself feeling guilty for even feeling concerned at her darker moments — she’s done so much for you and yet you still doubt her every time she falters; you’re a terrible partner, and yet she always reassures you
darling, dangerous, gentle, manipulative, affectionate, obsessive, forgiving, kouign-amann cookie — your love, your darling, your better half — who has you exactly where she wants you
i hope you enjoy your life with her, because there’s no chance of escaping it now
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Guys can we talk more about that pre gen Ninjago 2023 concept. Having the old elementals as the main cast.
What if the show starts off with Krux and Acronix from the present of the original Ninjago, and they’ve just time travelled to before they were even villains and are just quirky nemeses of the main cast (quirky nod to the original show). Also the serpentine wars are probably also going to be mentioned.
The main cast is
- Garmadon: generally a bossy sassy guy who’s always grumpy bc of the venom and tends to be the leader since he’s the oldest. Despite it all he’s got some social skills and is generally well liked for his power. Currently on the side of good bc the venom hasn’t yet taken over. Has powers of destruction and dark energy.
- wu: Garmadon’s worried younger brother who is just trying to make sure Garmadon doesn’t destroy too much stuff. He’s genuine but also genuinely worse at fitting in with the group bc he’s more introverted (I’m riding off the fact that he decided to write Misako a confession letter instead of talking to her, not even after she didn’t get it). His fighting style relies more on technique than magics ability and it’s still ambiguous whether he has similar powers to Garmadon.
- Ray: didn’t realise he was a fire elemental and comes from a long line of blacksmithing. However when villains attacked his village he decided to become a samurai and defend it. Realises his elemental power throughout the series and learns to control it with the help of Maya. Can seem carefree and laidback and a bit of a joker but can also be incredibly stubborn and determined when he gets into it. Also wu and ray are bffs
- Maya: comes from a long line of water elementals and was trained to be a warrior elemental for most of her life. Hence she has a strict way of doing things and everything she does has to be perfect. She feels great responsibility in being the water elemental as it’s an important and sacred element. She’ll probably have an arc at some point where she learns to be messy and doesn’t have to be perfect all the time, and Ray will probably help her be more relaxed or emotional. She’s usually pretty cool headed but uptight. She’s enthusiastic about training and being organised and can be a bit critical when people don’t take it as seriously as her
(There’s not as much things to go off with these other characters so forgive me if everything else is vague)
- lightning: probably a small town girl who just happened to discover her elemental power but had no idea what to do with it. Maybe she was inspired inspired by the group to become a fighter and is generally pretty new to everything. She’s very bubbly and energetic and extremely talkative and is key on keeping the group together in hard times. However she’s also one of the more self indulgent members, and the one most likely to complain about doing super hard training. Despite that it would be cute if her character arc was about her growing into her powers and leading a more purposeful life, like she learns that she wants to fight bc she cares and not just bc she doesn’t know what to do with her powers. Also the thing with Cliff Gordon is like a celebrity crush running gag which then develops into a “Gordon gets damselled a lot and lightning has to save him” running gag bc I think that would be a cute and kinda silly romance dynamic idk
- earth: (Cole’s grandad) he’s a bit older than the other characters (only in an appearance sense to the spinjitzu bros) and he’s a travelling warrior. He was probably a hugely powerful potential ally that it was important for Garmadon and wu to recruit against the villains. I can imagine him seeming like the stern type but is actually just a dad guy yknow. Like he’s secretly a huge softie who hopes to start a family one day. I can see him and lightning having a mentor apprentice relationship yknow. He’s also got that leader esque vibe that I think it would be interesting if at a crucial point in the story he disagrees with one of Garmadon’s plans and kinda challenges his authority and it causes friction within the group. Also I just checked the wiki and apparently he was also manipulated by Chen and hypnotised by hypnobrai to betray the other elementals so that checks out.
- ice: again a bit older than everyone else but he’s kinda mysterious. Hes a renowned wandering warrior who shows up to save random villages from monsters before disappearing without a trace. Bc of this people are both in awe and suspicious of him. He actually comes to the spinjitzu brothers before they attempt to recruit him because he sees visions of the future and bestows them prophecies and is like “and you’re gonna need my help”. He’s cool like that and probably instigates main plot threads with his visions. This does mean he has room for a “don’t shoot the messenger” arc. But you could do many cool things with him and his future vision. Like he looks cool but is secretly in constant existential crises, which will also link into the general time and back in time them with this show being a pre gen and technically the audience also has future visions. And also the spinjitzu brothers are also operating on prophecies
Over all I love them and I want to draw now haha.
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thelordofgifs · 7 months
I was looking through older chapters of tfs and your character beats for Maedhros (and also fingon) are so consistent from early on up to chapter 30!!
"How very like Maedhros, to love people, and doom them for it" chapter 11
"A lot of his general worldview is predicated on Fingon being a good person" chapter 8
"You and him?” Curufin demands.
Right. Maedhros was worried about that secret getting out.
Oh well." chapter 8
"“My father doesn’t want to keep you chained,” she tells him. “Everyone in Beleriand knows what you’ve suffered! He’s only afraid you’ll do something terrible to get this.” She raises the Silmaril again. “And you would, wouldn’t you? Even though you’re afraid to touch it.” “I don’t know,” Maedhros whispers, features crumpling in misery." chapter 3!! he still doesn't know what he would do!!!
I'm going insane your character beats are so good.
Thank you!! A lot of these specific moments had actually slipped my mind lol (maybe I should reread my own fic…). But I have tried to keep characterisation details and character arcs consistent throughout, so this is a rather pleasant surprise.
I DO like the idea that Maedhros cannot see the people he loves with any degree of objectivity, that he completely shies away from the knowledge that Fingon and Maglor are both Kinslayers, and that he does on some level buy into Fingon’s legend, the image of him as the heroic prince and Eagle-rider and dragon-fighter, and forgets the darker parts of him. Which is part of why he’s in such free-fall in part 30: between the kiss (which genuinely hurt him, even if he DOES overreact a bit too) and Turgon’s hard truths, he is being forced to confront the idea that Fingon is capable of doing bad things, which terrifies him.
As for Russingon and secrecy: it’s my general headcanon that they WERE very secretive about their relationship. There was never a time when it was politically convenient, after all. So in the third arc, when I wanted to shake that dynamic up a bit, and make it something more complicated than a symbol of hope and light and steadiness to Maedhros, the secrecy thing felt like the easiest thing to go for.
The whole Maedhros-is-scared-of-touching-the-Silmaril thing was a big motif in the very first few parts of the fic, but then he finally holds it when Celegorm dies and is able to touch it which... almost felt like an anticlimax, for a while. But then I managed to work in the idea that he thinks it should burn him, just like he thinks Maglor shouldn't forgive him (these are basically the same concept to him because he is so so so normal about his brother), which drove a lot of his thinking in the third arc and was a pretty fun thread to play with! There is... rather a lot that Maedhros needs to work out about the Oath and also his understanding of himself. Unfortunately I do not think he'll be getting much free therapy atm.
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wretcheddthing · 2 months
Tav ask meme! 1, 3, and 12 for allllllll of your guys >:3c
HIIII THANK U <3 ok here we go
here’s the ask meme post btw for those. who want to also ask :)
Venali Kelvyre (Human wild magic sorcerer)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: A disdainful “What?”, simply an arched brow, or “Make it quick.”
- Neutral: “How can I help?” “Sorry, did you say something?” “Sure, I have a moment.”
- Good: “Good to see you :)” “What do you have for me?” “Always a pleasure.”
- Romanced: Said with all the love in her heart, “There you are.” “How are you, darling?” “Anything you ask.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
A hard one to answer bc her full personal quest can’t be completed during the events of the game. So probably it would have something to do with Finally, after 7 years of searching, discovering what exactly she needs to do to rid herself of her magic. Which I haven’t figured out yet. But also she lied about being a wizard for seven years so Probably something along those lines. The Sorcerous Charlatan or something is that dumb
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes to scars, no to tattoos. She has your general wear and tear of doing field work and then a side of adventuring to search for hidden information (even before being tadpoled), but most notably are the scars on her lips and forehead. She got hit by falling rubble while escaping The Ruin with her remaining friends.
My other friends under the cut
Tozra Cardove (Half-elf college of swords bard)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: “Make it quick.” “Oh, you wanna talk?” “If you must.”
- Neutral: “How’s it going?” “Hail, companion!”
- Good: “Just the person I wanted to see.” “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
- Romance: “Lovely as always.” “Sorry, I’m a bit flustered.” “Forgive me if I swoon.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
“The Would-Be Knight” bc before being tadpoled he did play fights during festivals in Baldur’s Gate. He was well liked by those he entertained, and is actually skilled with his sword. But he is first and foremost an entertainer. Idk the rest of his story yet.
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes, two slashes across his nose. His opponent, both on stage and in real life, didn’t pull his blows. It was an intentional strike that knocked him out for an important show one season.
Mercury (Tiefling battle master fighter)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: “Ugh, what?” “Why don’t I just drop everything?” “Talk.”
- Neutral: “Hey.” “Got something?”
- Good: “My favorite helper.” “Where are we going?” “Shoot.”
- Romanced: “Hey, love.” “You lead, I follow.” “Aren’t you a doll.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
“Her Sister’s Keeper” bc. Well I had to modify her actual lore a bit to make it work in bg3 bc she is Originally an alchemist artificer who makes potion bombs and she lost her sister in a lab accident so I kinda made her into a sort of. Mercenary fighter for the sake of bg3. Idk, she was my first playthrough and I didn’t really wanna start with a whole new chatavyer so I borrowed one of my other ones. Anyway, something to do with that.
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
Yes to both. She’s covered in tattoos of alchemical symbols because she thinks it looks cool, but she also has burn scars all over from her lab exploding.
Clandestine (Tiefling gloomstalker ranger/assassin rogue)
1) What would your Tav’s greetings be (at different levels of approval)?
- Negative: *Disapproving Grunt*
- Neutral: “Hm?”
- Good: “Hm.” (but nicer this time)
- Romanced: “Hello.”
3) What would their character quest be titled? Why?
These are actually really hard to come up with did you know! They’re a huge buff stealth build assassin with the outlander background. Idk her story yet. Maybe something about being an archer. “The Green Archer” perhaps
12) Does you Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
All Sorts of scars from a lifetime of picking (and winning) fights. A notable slash across his face from a particularly difficult job hunting an ogre.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Do you think it's possible that Alysanne treated Viserra like she did because she's angry on behalf of Alyssa? Viserra did want to marry Baelon and so maybe Alysanne didn't like that specifically because Baelon was married to Alyssa? It still wasn't okay but I guess I just want to find a reason for why Alysanne seemed to hate Viserra of all her children.
That also reminds me, why Theomore Manderly or whatever his name? He's some twice or thrice a widower, right? An old man with already some heirs of his own and not even a lord paramount. What advantage would marrying him give them? At least, Daella married a lord paramount and one whom she chose (not to mention Rhaenyra was their granddaughter, so not complaining). But Viserra did not even choose that man. Is it because Alysanne wanted her daughter to marry into the North? If that's the case why not a Stark? Didn't Alaric have two sons?
What is it with parents giving off/wanting to give off their most beautiful children into shitty marriages? First Alysanne with Viserra and then Viserys with Rhaenyra. At least, it's one thing that proves you're Alysanne's grandson after all, Viserys.
Hi there Anon 😊
While I think there could be some merit to your argument, of Alysanne just being very angry because she saw Viserra’s actions as going against her siblings in a kind of weird way (?) I honestly don’t give George that amount of credit given all the incongruences we have in Fire and Blood. As I have said a lot of times the story is plot driven - just trying to get from A to B - and the characters suffer a LOT from it. On this regard, Alysanne was no exception.
Besides Viserra we also have Aemma as an example since Alysanne was outraged at Daella (Aemma’s mother) being a mom at 18, but apparently perfectly fine with Aemma being impregnated at 13. Which makes no sense.
And ignoring Alysanne wanting to “punish” Viserra for causing some type of harm to her siblings by trying to seduce Baelon (and by being overly ambitious), I would still maintain there’s no logical explanation for her to be all about love (allows Aemon to marry Jocelyn instead of Alyssa his eldest sister; allows Alyssa to marry Baelon saying they belonged together; giving Daella her pick of whatever dude she wanted and most were dudes from MAJOR great houses; allowing Vaegon to follow his passion instead of pushing a marriage on him) and then not extending to Viserra the same choice she gave to her siblings. Not to mention being willing to forgive Saera and not extending the same curtesy to Viserra for being “too ambitious” or something.
So at the end of the day I call Alysanne’s behaviour towards Viserra bad writing and characterisation on George’s part. There was no logical way for her to be pushing Theodore Manderly, who yes was a super old widower and had kids and grandkids, on her young daughter. Fifteen by the way. Apparently again a perfectly good age to marry unless you are Daella Targaryen.
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Like let me just pull out Fire and Blood for a sec, and let’s just compare Alysanne’s behaviour in relation to Daella and to Viserra.
“Lord Arryn was the oldest of the three contenders, however; at six-and-thirty, he was twenty years older than the princess, and a father besides, with four children left him by his first wife. Short and balding, with a kettle belly, Arryn was not the man most maids dream of, Queen Alysanne admitted, “but he is the sort you asked for, a kind and gentle man, and he says he has loved our little girl for years. I know he will protect her.” To the astonishment of every woman at court, save mayhaps the queen, Princess Daella chose Lord Rodrik to be her husband.” (Fire and Blood, pg. 309)
“In 86 AC, Queen Alysanne announced the betrothal of her daughter Viserra, fifteen years of age, to Theomore Manderly, the fierce old Lord of White Harbor. (...) His lordship had outlived four wives, however, and whilst still a doughty fighter, he had grown very stout, which did little to recommend him to Princess Viserra.(...) If the princess was intent on marrying her brother, the queen was equally determined to prevent it. Her answer was Lord Manderly and White Harbor. “Theomore is a good man,” Alysanne told her daughter, “a wise man, with a kind heart and a good head on his shoulders. his people love him.” The princess was not persuaded.” (Fire and Blood, pgs. 326 and 327)
While I don’t recall we getting an age for Theomore, we do know that in 55 AC one of his daughters was a companion to Alysanne. His betrothal to Viserra was in 86 AC, so y’all are welcome to do the math and see how freaking old this dude was at this point. Certainly we are talking about a MUCH greater age difference than the one between Daella and Rodrik Arryn. 
So in sum, I blame George most of all. This attitude was not congruent with everything else we see from Alysanne.
Walserys was different. Quoting a previous Anon “this bitch had been hibernating his whole life” but when he decided on something and someone went against him, you had like “Dance of the Dragons Walserys Version” and he remembered he had once been the dude who had claimed Balerion and went like:
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On most things though, he was a doormat :) and he just wanted people to get along. 
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All the best to you, Anon :D
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skye-huntress · 2 years
Ice Queendom Dub Reaction
Episode 4: “Ice Queendom”
Just a quick note that I acknowledge the recent controversy. Maybe I will say my piece on it some other time, but for the time being I have decided I will still support RWBY and creators behind it. So until RWBY is finished or actually cancelled, I will remain subscribed, and for the record I was not interested in RT’s other shows.
Love to see Ruby geek out over the dream version of Crescent Rose. Again, I have to remind myself that Weiss’ subconscious deliberately altered Ruby’s weapon in an attempt to help and guide her.
I can’t tell if it is in my head or not, but sometimes I think I can sense a hint of frustration in Shion’s voice when talking to Ruby, which is completely fair. We’ve all already done the jokes about how quickly Ruby went through her coins.
So we’re calling them “breadcrumbs” now? Okay?
Also on the White Fang, I’ve come to realise that how they are portrayed in Weiss’ dream is actually probably fairly normal. They don’t wear Grimm masks to be portrayed as freedom fighters, most of them chose to embrace the identities of monsters. The only difference with Weiss compared to most people is that she makes the comparison out of hatred instead of fear. When Blake’s Nightmare took over, she became more monstrous while the White Fang stayed the same, just under her control, suggesting that Blake in part viewed them (and herself) in a similar way. Then you compare that to Weiss’ dream version of Blake and its not intimidating or threatening at all, on the contrary it’s a bit silly and even a little adorable.
Don’t worry, Blake, I forgive you. You had a lot to work through yourself, which would have made you as much of ideal target for a Nightmare as Weiss was. Yang on the other hand… She heard firsthand what Shion said to watch for, and she was the one who got a front row seat to Weiss having a meltdown. She was too busy being pissed off on Ruby and Blake’s behalf, even though the former showed no ill will to Weiss, and the latter was starting to come terms with the fact that they were both right and wrong on many things.
Someone sounds like they had fun voicing Batley.
You know those shadow people in the dust shop talking about the Faunus attack, I had wondered if these were the kinds of conversations that Weiss had seen and heard a lot of growing up.
Hearing the English VAs saying “Big Nicholas!” makes it sound even more silly, and that’s okay, great even. It shows a more childish side to Weiss, and Nicholas was her childhood hero and her greatest inspiration.
When Ruby was speaking up about her fear that Weiss didn’t want to see her, the way that she sounded like she was close to crying resonated with me.
It’s a little easier to follow Shion’s little speech though I don’t fully understand the metaphor they’re using.
I don’t know if the English dub is still going to call her Negative Weiss, but now that I’ve seen Negative Blake and can compare the two to the normal selves, I’ve gotten a good understanding of why Nega-Weiss is the way she is. She is an embodiment of most of Weiss’ worst traits without them being balanced out by her best qualities. And just like with Blake, this is a side of Weiss that she herself doesn’t necessarily like, parts of herself she at least knows she needs to reign in at times like what happened with Blake the previous episode. Nega-Weiss lacks Weiss’ ability to empathise and forgive, she also doesn’t seem to share the same level of defiance, allowing her family to pressure her to act a certain way, especially towards Ruby, which would be a likely fear of Weiss’. She’s afraid of being nothing more than a pawn of her father, like Blake is afraid of ending up just like Adam. I think that’s why Weiss’ nightmare version of herself lacks any colour, like how she usually wears red, I would say it is like she has been stripped of her individualism.
All that being said, I get why Nega-Weiss is so annoyed with Ruby. The way she blundered about, destroying the robots and worst of all, gaining the attention of that damn Jacques AI and Batley. It flies in the face of how Weiss was taught a person should behave.
And poor Ruby whom has been struggling to understand Weiss this whole time, is taking everything that happens within a dream, a nightmare, at face value.
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paragonrising · 1 year
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@americashielded​ (you brought up good points that spurred many thoughts so I thought I would tag you in my more thought out response)
This was all too much to put in tags so forgive me XD I cannot speak for various other characters who have unfortunately bore the burden of being exposed to the vacuum of space, but Carol in particular has a few things that protect her and I think take the edge off of the cold, lifeless void of the stars.
First and foremost, she has her Starforce suit/uniform. It’s shown to be quite resilient and advanced enough to allow for effortless travel underwater, though we do not see if the suit itself can allow for propulsion in space. As afterwards, if she is flying in space on her own accord, it’s with her powers. The suit can even summon a barrier that keeps Carol from drowning. Depending on how it is designed, one can presume performs it has the same sort of functions in space, only it shields her from radiation, sun exposure, sheer cold, sheer heat… having the oxygen sucked out of her lungs…Though maybe in water or planet-side, that barrier may also function as a filter to ensure she has air.
Not sure what it would do on a planet lacking oxygen… rip. 
That’s not an option in space, so that would be a real concern for her if she didn’t have her powers to back her up. She could maybe have a sort of oxygenator built into the suit, but realistically (which is hilarious considering what this suit can apparently already do) that sort of equipment would be bulkier than her outfit allows.
Temperature wise, I think without her powers she is keenly aware of dramatic variables. The suit might protect her from the worst of it, but I imagine it’s perhaps like the combat suits in Mass Effect series. It shields you against the environment for the most part but long enough exposure becomes a real concern as the suit can no longer properly stave off the effects of -50 degrees Celsius and poor Carol is about to suffer the effects of hypothermia.
In Mass Effect it also did not stop anyone from being cold, it just made it so they don’t immediately die from it (or extreme heat, etc.).
As we’ve seen with Loki, Thor, Yondu, Quill, Gamora, and Ebony Maw, people’s reactions to space differ greatly depending on their species and cybernetic upgrades. Ebony Maw died the quickest, meaning he has the same sort of base resilience to space as humanity does—which is, uh, none. Gamora had cybernetics that helped her but we could see the effect happening to her, most notably ice forming. Quill, we saw more human reaction; his eyes became bloodshot, he paled, I think his lips darkened (but that could have been lighting effects), which is indicative of exposure to cold, and he probably nearly died.
Yondu actually did quite well from what I remember, but I’ve only seen GoTG2 once…? So I’ll have to rewatch it. I also won’t claim to know his species either, however, he probably has some cybernetic upgrades which we know from Gamora can help against space, and he’s obviously not human nor whatever Maw is.
Thor did amazing, but interestingly there were implications that a star’s energy was more dangerous to him than space. I imagine eventually he would have perished, but who knows when.
Loki is the reigning champion of falling through space without dying or becoming severely injured by it.
Carol is in that awkward middle ground. She was human until Yon-Rogg gave her the blood transfusion of the century and turned her into a Kree-Hybrid. I personally headcanon the entire process was much more than just a transfusion. But, that still leaves the question of how resilient are Kree to space? And do her powers play a role in her resilience even passively?
We get to see Carol face off (albeit briefly) against space towards the end of the Captain Marvel movie. She drops out of the science vessel, clinging to Yon-Rogg’s fighter. She doesn’t have her powers active at that moment, and you see the suit after a few seconds activate that barrier and protect her from exposure.
And then, presumably protect from re-entry. Which is… hot. In the worst ways imaginable. So just on that basis alone, her suit has to protect her reasonably well from numerous extreme elements.
Her binary form I believe offers a sort of invulnerability that makes it so she doesn’t feel the elements, or the hazards of space at all (especially considering she can move fast enough to make jumps in space). Also somehow provides her with oxygen. Very convenient. I haven’t quite decided how long she can use her powers before that sort of becomes a concern, but I don’t care for the idea that it would be endless. Cosmic energy doesn’t create air.
Generally, I work on that invulnerability making her immune to environments that would otherwise give people problems. If she’s not actively engaging her binary form, I write that differing temperatures and environments do get to her. If she’s on a planet that’s very hot for example, and she comes back to Earth (notably in the northern hemisphere), she feels chilly and will dress to keep herself warmer. Her suit makes her able to withstand hazards for longer, but it’s not perfect. If she were dressed as a civilian, for planet-side hazards, I would say she’s on Steve’s level of withstanding things unless it’s energy/electrical based. She would handle that better simply because part of her abilities revolve around energy absorption and natural deflection.
In space… I mean she’d die eventually. She doesn’t have any cybernetics, so I would say she’d last a little longer than Quill due to the Kree manipulation. Until a movie definitively shows her resilience to space or planet-side dangers, they can and do affect her.  
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
Jesper with s/o who really knows how to kick ass (aka sis was trained by someone)
Jesper with a Trained S/O
a/n - I love the pairing of Jesper and the pet name honey too much aaah. Also this was written over two nights when I was half asleep so forgive me if it isn't top notch xoxo 💗💝
Warnings: fighting, poison, bruises/cuts but no real mentions of blood or anything
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Kaz obviously employed you because of how amazing you are at any type of combat
but when asked the specific reason, he had only responded with a cryptic answer that gave the Crows nothing
"They're an asset to the team. Just as all of you are."
you would train at extremely early hours of the morning, often seen jogging back up the stairs to your room drenched in sweat right when others first awoke
but no one knew what you were actually doing
until Inej caught you in the training room in the Slat, practically beating a punching bag
the funny thing was, you didn't look as though you were a street fighter, one who had developed their own adapted technique that would get them by in a scrap
your punches were calculated, muscles flexing in just the right way and stature perfect
it was the ideal stance for a real fight in a ring
she didn't say anything and instead decided to get up just a little earlier each day in order to observe you
she was caught when she let the door creak accidentally, but instead of kicking her out of the room you only offered to leave so she could use it
she refused and said she'd rather watch you
and she did from then on, you having no protest or apparent problem with it
sometimes, you'd go up against Inej and circle each other warily, not daring to underestimate the other
you had only been on a few low level heists with the Crows at that point, Kaz mercifully easing you into the work
but it was noticed by Nina that whenever it was necessary to run and hide, you could sprint with full stamina and hardly break a sweat unless it was done for a long amount of time
she also noticed your heart rate barely raised
she brought it up once
"Ugh, (Y/N), I'm so jealous, you literally must be super-human, how are you so energised?"
this was said through panting breaths as she bent to rest her hands on her knees, much like the others were doing
this meant in turn it wasn't really registered by anyone
only you
you didn't really mind people knowing you were trained in combat, but didn't flaunt it or let anyone know without them finding out
you would act casually when found out, downplaying your skills
everything was a threat in the Barrel, and saying one wrong thing near one wrong person could cost you your head
you hadn't stiffened when Nina said that, only nodding and grinning, leaning against the wall with your hands in your pockets yet not saying anything verbally
you knew how to play the game and in order to do that, you had to let them subconsciously dismiss the very idea itself
Albert Einstein iq I'm telling you
psychology at its very core
you know
it's all forgotten until they see your skills put to use on a heist
if you've watched now you see me 2 and watched the spectacular card sequence, the next part is basically that
your tactful hand at cards could beat Kaz Brekker himself
on the heist, you know one of Kaz's sacred backup plans
only one, mind you
so, it's like the card sequence
you're all going in as guests but you and Kaz will shoot the card with the information between you and your separate searches
"Hands the other way, ma'am."
Your hands flew the opposite way, palms now facing the guard as the card was quickly flipped between your fingers, and with a single, efficient flick of the wrist Kaz had it in his possession.
"Alright, on your way you go."
Jesper had only seen because he was stationed behind you, otherwise he never would have known it was so seamless
Nina told them later that kind of thing seemed to be a regular occurrence as your heart rate had been completely average
showing how confident you are, go bestie
it was true
you and Kaz had trained for that heist often however barely for any length of time at all
the best part for you was that you had been checking how noticeable it was and flipping the card back and forth between you in meetings
Jesper's eyes had widened comically when he observed the whole thing and his jaw dropped
you laughed as you stepped past and kissed his jaw, making it close promptly as he chased after you, desperate for answers
your cards can also be poisoned
and in another heist they doubted you
because they had seen you help pull something off but not use any as a weapon
you were motioned by Kaz to appear innocent until another signal was given, one of which only you and Inej had been paying attention to and so understood
but after you hissed at Jesper out of the corner of your mouth, he stayed subdued too
you remained eerily silent as they pushed you against the wall and searched your pockets
the cards were brought out and ridiculed, even if you had cleverly concealed knives, now you knew how you would kill these men
after the go ahead was given, you burst into action, swooping downward and catching the man holding you off guard
you collected the cards and grinned as you stepped back, now the front most Crow in your little pyramid formation at the end of the street
"And what are they gonna do?"
A malicious glint appeared in your eye as Jesper tapped your shoulder, thinking you had backed yourself into a corner here.
but then, your hand flew out and struck one clean in the eye, making them wail and drop to their knees as you flung another card, swiping a man's cheek
they did not fall until a minute later, that minute consisting of you whipping cards at them and Jesper tugging on your sleeve
he'd do that a lot, before he knew of your training and maybe after too
it wasn't that he thought you couldn't handle yourself, just that he wanted to protect you in any way possible
so pulling you behind him was a knee jerk reaction, desiring to save his loved one from any possible threat or danger
he would do anything for you, let a bullet pierce his chest, a dagger land in his throat, as long as you emerged okay
it was only later, when you got Kaz to pick up the cards, saying it would be easier to wash them with a cloth than learn how to balance the slightly differing weight of a new pack
you made Kaz do it because he had leather protection and knew of the poison darkening the edges of the cards to an inky black
they were kept in a special and specific packet so there was no possible way of you being hurt unless you were completely careless
that was completely unable to happen because you were wary enough to know what to do and what not to
but Jesper still insisted you left them in his coat after he found out, wanting you to be totally risk free
"What if you're not with me? How will I use my weapons?"
"Well, my darling, that will not be the case," he paused to snicker at his unintentional joke about the container then continued, "because Kaz will absolutely keep us together at all times."
You hummed thoughtfully, "How do you know that?"
There was an immediate answer, no moment of hesitation from your sharpshooter, "He simply can't handle how fantastically amazing I am on his own, knowing I am far superior and so will continue to pair us together to avoid having to face that foe."
"Jes, honey, he could partner you with Inej or Nina or Matthias, you know that, right?"
He was stumped and his mouth opened before closing once more.
the cards were still not handed back though
don't worry, new ones were purchased after Jesper insisted on 'clinging' to the other pack like a lifeline, according to Kaz
he did find out about this after you saved his ass in a fight with them
he was so mad, not that you'd defied him but that you had put yourself in danger with the cards
but after Inej pointed out he had to trust you at some moment in time, he softened
because how could you think he didn't trust you?
he didn't ever want you to have to answer that question and set about trying to rectify the situation
you received breakfast in bed and apology cuddles
"I trust you."
It was the mantra he had been repeating for days and you smiled as your hand came to rest upon his jawline.
"I know, darling. I know."
You were met with a soft kiss to your collarbone as his head dipped to fall into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight but gentle hug.
He hummed before continuing, "Just wanted to make sure, honey."
the cards were left wordlessly on your bedside table, drawing a small sated smile from your lips
after he came to terms with the fact that you were a Dreg, a Crow, someone who would be targeted because you were entwined with him, he became just a little overprotective
not that you minded
just reassuring him often you were okay and he was too
after Wylan came along, you politely requested to know if he could make some kind of thing that would make the cards easier to collect
he came up with the idea of a magnetic substance that could be brushed over the centre of the cards, meaning if you kept one in your hand and waved it over the others, there would be no time delay in which you would have to pick them up
the added weight, even such a small increment, affected the momentum needed and angle necessary
for days, you were flinging your cards at a wall, barely stopping to eat, wanting to be useful
Jesper dragged you back to bed several times in the early mornings with coaxing syllables and sweet words, promises on how you would get it right tomorrow
"Sweetheart, just come back to bed. Wait a few hours and try again. You're so close to getting this. I just know it."
As you wrapped yourself in the comforter his hand came to stroke your cheek, "There you go, see, you were looking half asleep on your feet, doing yourself no good anyway, lovely. Or those cards."
when witnessing your physical combat skills, Jesper would let a surprised chuckle fall, not fully in control of himself
watching you flip an enemy who had underestimated you over your shoulder never got old
neither did seeing your boot swivel slightly on their chest as you proved just how skilled you were
awww such pure and innocent love
"Don't think I won't beat you in a fight again, Lion. Or there won't be another opportunity for you to."
"That's my partner!"
"Alright Jes, bit much but thanks for hyping me up."
Just as you turned and both of you were about to walk away, a cold and clammy hand clamped over your ankle and you instantaneously recoiled.
Then, before Jesper or the Dime Lion knew what was happening, your fist connected with his stomach, hand coming up to cover your false and exaggerated yawn.
"So cool." Was whispered from your sharpshooter as you stalked off, boots clicking on the gravel pavement.
he had forced you into a chair, begging you to let him take care of your now bruising knuckles and you begrudgingly agreed
"Wasn't so bad, huh?"
"Don't push it." Was the joking response as his arm slung over your waist, and his thumbs brushed over the bandage he had applied so carefully as his hand covered the one you had let hang at your hip.
"Wouldn't dream of it, darling. Don't have the foggiest why you would assume such of me."
if you ever couldn't handle the entire situation and obtained an injury, Jesper would stay by your side
when a minor one, like a small gash on your forehead appeared, he would insist on personally caring for it
and if major, he would hold your hand, allowing you to squeeze it as hard as you wanted when the pain became too much
the same went for the other way round, you giggling at bandages wrapped all around his head like a bandana
but only after you knew he was alright
if tears filled your eyes, caused by relief, his thumb would come up to brush them away and slightly pull the corners of your mouth into a weak and wavering smile
"I'm alright. I'm okay, honey, you just remember that."
the both of you would press gentle goodnight kisses to each others foreheads or lips, forgetting a bruise or cut
this would end in frantic apologies and inevitable laughter when you kept speaking over one another
basically, Jesper thinks you're so badass, amazing and fantastic, reminding you just how highly he regards you everyday
you will protect him and he will protect you, no matter what
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
Adrien’s Best to Least
Marinette, Alya, Nino, Kagami
Alright, officially four seasons in, we got more on Adrien which wound up to be... something. Let’s get this character study going covering his best to least fit. I apologize if this comes out on the side of salty, trying to be as neutral as possible, but be ready for his issues to be addressed.
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Adrien is a complicated character in his set up, but Adrien himself is not a complex individual. He is, quite literally, one of the more straight forward characters in this show, and is quite stagnant and unchanging. And that is more the fault of the writers who don’t want to change him at all and deem him to be “perfect” while ignoring any flaws. Looking at him as a character without the narrative to act in his favor, there’s actually quite a struggle for him miraculous wise, but two seem to suit him best. 
His best are Turtle and Peafowl. Turtle meets the core who he is, working off his strengths, where he likes to be in the field, and his instincts. And this miraculous actually offers him the growth he really needs, while keeping true to who he is. Peafowl it turn can best adjust to his style and needs, his want to be flashy and dynamic. 
Adrien at the core is a protector, supporter, and follower. Being an incredibly reckless and active character, he thrives to be in the front lines, and has largely always prioritized his partner’s safety over his own, which has become problematic behavior at this point. But that’s what you want for a Turtle, someone who’s ready to be on the front lines and is being conscious of their allies. And out of the 5, this suits him best in who he is and how he works. 
The growth potential comes from the limits of his protection as Shelter can only be used once, and he has to be conscious about timing and how to use it. And typically, Adrien does have good responsive instincts for when he needs to be a protector. While this won’t stop him from diving in, it can afford him more means to do so while also keeping himself safe and in the fight, and it can shape him up to be smarter in how he protects others. This miraculous also counts for self-protection and ideally can get it into his head that his safety matters to. 
Overall, I do see Adrien and Wayzz getting along as Wayzz is friendly, engaging, and will adapt and adopt quirks of his humans so he can quickly bond with them. This sets up for him to click with his kwami a lot sooner, and with Wayzz being a more serious and responsible kwami than Plagg, this can set up Adrien to respect and listen to Wayzz. So when Wayzz calls him out on anything, Adrien is more likely to listen to him and consider his words. Wayzz is a kwami who doesn’t approve of reckless behavior, and that will address one of Adrien’s biggest issues. 
With Peafowl, in comparison to Fox, would be a lot forgiving of Adrien’s quick, responsive, and straightforward thinking. When Adrien makes his golems, they are made with a clear purpose that they will see to. And they will function as he expects them to. This will match his want to play by his own rules, as whatever he wants can come into existence, and for sure, he’d be quite the attention grabber. This miraculous is quite flexible in battle, able to be settled on the sidelines or join the golem in combat. 
Growth wise, this miraculous can inspire a spark of creativity, as while he makes golems to serve out a purpose, thought is required for them. He will also need to learn to be conscious of his resources as each golem is born from a section of his fan, and if he makes too many, he can end up weaponless. 
For him and Duusu, I see them being a very energetic pair, probably borderline chaotic. Duusu would actually probably add onto his flamboyance and encourage him to really let loose and “show his true colors”. She’d also be a source of affection and support, something that he really wants. She could also have Adrien step up in maturity as she can be a goofball. 
Adrien’s 2nd best is Bee. Bee can work off his energy and allow him to remain a mid-to-close-range fighter, though there are concerns to him using it which keeps this from being apart of his best, though he has enough potential and promise to use it well that keeps this from joining the worst. 
Bee will have a lot of the same appeals as Cat that makes this manageable for Adrien. It is direct, involved, allows him to be a teamplayer, and has an aggressive power. But while it has the same appeals to Cat, it has the same issues as Adrien can be reckless with his power and has activated Cataclysm at the wrong time a few times which has led to issues (Aeon’s death being the most iconic example). Chances are even higher that he’d have similar issues with Venom, and be more reckless with Venom as unlike Cataclysm, this is just a temporary paralysis, not pure destruction. Cataclysm requires some level of control and consideration in use. Venom is not the same in its use, so Adrien can end up more reckless with it as there aren’t so severe consequences with it, in theory. And with his tendency to charge and Venom requires some stealth and calculation in use, chances are good that many are going to see his sting coming and prepare for it. 
Growth wise, Bee can help Adrien grow as a team player, as teamwork is a big part of bee society, and while largely good, Adrien does have moments where he has struggled (like pranking his partner during a Lucky Charm use in the beginning of Refleckta, or Glaciator, rejecting to work with his partner due to her not showing up for the maybe date she said she was uncertain of making it to). And by chance he is reckless with Venom, ideally it would eventually click that he needs to be smarter in how he handles it. 
Adrien and Pollen as a pair could end up very problematic or very interesting. The Bee miraculous seems more designed to be used by girls and so far, we’ve only seen Pollen work off girls, we have yet to see how Pollen would engage with a boy as her user. She could be quite critical. But playing off the assumption that Pollen will engage with Adrien the same as we’ve seen in canon with Chloe, this would not be a good match as Pollen would essentially enable Adrien, and I don’t see him prompting the same sort of growth to her as other characters could. 
Adrien’s least fit are Butterfly and Fox. These two make up his greatest weaknesses: empathy and the capacity to plan before acting. 
Adrien can match Butterfly as he can be very supportive and encouraging (Origins and Mayura), but the issue stems that these instances are limited both in number and in depth. Adrien can be very emotionally deaf to the needs of others, often putting his own needs over them, and has made use of guilt to manipulate people (largely Marinette, seen in Syren and Malediktator). Another big issue with Adrien and Butterfly is that Adrien himself doesn’t make connections, he doesn’t include himself in anything. To use this miraculous well, one has to be or become, quite literally, a social butterfly. This miraculous at the core is about emotion and connection, to be aware of the feelings of others, to make connections, to assist and help raise others up. It requires teamwork and being on the same page. To have the user become a leader or teammate. This is not something Adrien is known for. He in general isn’t good at getting a grasp on emotional issues, as seen in Maledicktator, not getting the happiness everyone was feeling and lectured Marientte about it. Possibilities are good that with his tendency to lecture, who can upset the wrong target and end up championless. And with how passive he can be, can it be certain that he can rein in a champion if they go out of control? 
Growth wise, this does offer the most, but at the price that this is one of two that he’d really struggle with at the start. This miraculous can help him learn to branch out, make connections with others, and open his world more to making friends. But until he gets to that point, he’s going to be limited in diversity in champions and is more likely to stick to who he knows, and unfortunately, that’s not a lot. Chances are good that Chloe and Nino could be the only champions to be seen for a while and Chloe would not be inclined to share. 
With Nooroo, on the surface they can be a sweet pair, but being a very gentle and soft spoken kwami, I don’t see Nooroo as a kwami that Adrien will listen to if Nooroo spoke out or voiced his concerns. Nooroo can help Adrien understand and deal with emotional situations he may not have a grasp on, but that’s not a certainty until Adrien actually listens. 
Adrien can match Fox as a risk taker, someone who likes to be flashy, is playful, and wants to put on a show. But that there is where it ends. Adrien at the core is a very reactive character who likes to be in the thick of things and that’s not where Fox is supposed to be. Fox requires creativity, observation skills, and means of manipulating your audience without ever confronting them. Adrien is more offensive-oriented than a good Fox should be. He shares a similar issue with Alya that he would go with the first thing that comes to mind, whether its good or not, or even if he has all the details down needed for a good illusion. Chances are also good that (like Alya), he also waits to hear what illusion his partner may tell him to do than think of one himself. He tends to go with his gut and responds to the first thing he sees. And out of the 5, this is the one most designed to be background oriented, so him joining any fights makes things risky for him as he’s quite limited in fights. And having a Fox seen, enemies get a sense that there’s going to be an illusion soon. 
This would be the 2nd to address issues of his recklessness, but would be far more punishing. If he’s determined to become a good Fox, this is going to force him to step back, observe, and think. But being so action oriented and responsive, and having this instinctive need to act rather than plan (as we really see him struggle and get frustrated in Refleckdoll), its going to take a while before he gets that patience. 
Trixx and Adrien would be a pair that I see to be quite one sided. Passive as he can be, I see Trixx quite easily manipulating Adrien. And depending on one’s stance, this could be good or bad. Trixx is sharp enough to see what his humans desire, and knows what to say to change how think or change their actions. Trixx maybe the best kwami to pair with Adrien as he will assist Adrien in getting what he wants and needs, but is capable of getting Adrien to reconsider his stance or actions, which can improve Adrien’s character and his relation with others. 
Between Ladybug and Cat... honestly Adrien isn’t the best fit for either of them. But if he HAS to have one... it would technically be Cat as the power is more suited to who he is. It’s up his alley, though certain aspects don’t make it ideal. 
it is the same issue and risk as Bee, Adrien is very reckless and reactive. Canonly he has summoned Cataclysm too soon. And then there’s the issue of kwami. Plagg is not a good kwami match up with Adrien. Plagg isn’t a very involved kwami and he relies on his humans to self-sufficient and figure out issues themselves, largely expects a small mention will be enough. Not so with Adrien who needs a more direct personality to listen to, and by the time Plagg realizes he needs to be more direct, Adrien largely dismisses him as Plagg has set himself up as unreliable at the start. 
Between the two, Tikki would be the better kwami for Adrien. She is very involved and engaging, and makes it clear when she has an issue, to a point she’d be hard for Adrien to dismiss. Though chances are slim that he would as she’d be engaging at the start unlike Plagg. Adrien can even get Tikki herself to grow as he needs clearer answers than just a simple call out, forcing her to offer up solutions and alternatives for his own actions. Tikki also would get Adrien to start involving himself in others, if not outright stepping up as a leader, be more conscious of others and help them with their issues. She would’ve been good to help Adrien branch out. Unfortunately, the Ladybug miraculous is confirmed to not be a good fit and there would be a lot of struggles for Adrien at the start. 
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: not much, talk of violence Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
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taglist: @valleyd0ll​ @satingrass-maidensfair​ @guitarfingers​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @peaceisouranthem​ @oblvions​ @hansonobsessed​ @myownparadise96​ @lara-gvf​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies​ @bigblack-catattack​​ @myownparadise96​
You beat Kate to class, getting out the granola bar you’d brought for the two of you to share. She rolled in about three minutes before class was supposed to start, her eyes fixed on you intently. 
She sat down, sliding into her seat in one, fluid motion before turning to you with a dead serious look. 
“Yes?” you asked, wanting to laugh but not wanting to piss her off in case she actually was mad. 
“I was at your house last night, and you didn’t tell me about Trevor? What the hell is going on there?” she asked, leaning in slightly in anticipation for your answer. 
“Oh.” You cringed at her, wringing your hands together under the table. “You mean his eye?”
“Yes, his eye,” she said like it was obvious. 
You let out a sigh, collecting your thoughts. “It really was just an accident. He was being a dick and he touched me so I slapped him.”
You watched her open her mouth to speak a couple of times before her face scrunched up in confusion. “Wait - He what? He touched you? Touched you like, how?”
Nodding back, you spoke again. “Like without my permission. And yeah, and I just sort of. Did it.”
“You hit him hard enough to give him a black eye?” Her tone was incredulous, with an undertone of pride.
“I know, I know. I feel really bad about it,” you admitted, right hand fiddling with your pencil.
She stared toward the front of the room, deep in thought for a moment. “That isn’t what I heard.”
You frowned, eyes popping open wide. “Heard? People are talking about it?” 
“Yeah, I heard a kid in the hall saying Josh Kiszka punched him in the face. Apparently, this kid is friends with Trevor, so I could believe it.”
“What, Josh couldn’t-” you started and then cut yourself off. You couldn’t help it if you tried - your jaw slipped open and stayed there as you thought about what she had said. “His knuckles,” you breathed as an image of them flashed behind your eyes. “Oh my god, they were all bruised.”
You nodded, but her tone suggested she already knew.
“When? Where did he supposedly do this?” you asked frantically, heart racing.
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I think I maybe heard it was on campus, but I don’t know where or when.”
The professor entering the room cut the conversation short. Still, even after the class had started, Kate leaned over to you. 
“Ask Josh at lunch,” she whispered. 
“I can’t, he didn’t come today,” you admitted, matching her tone. She gave you a questioning look, so you finished the thought. “Our heat went out last night and he stayed home today to wait for the repairmen. I think I’m going to wait a little bit - maybe he’ll tell me himself.”
She gave you a doubtful look but didn’t press further.
When you returned to the apartment, you were pleasantly surprised to feel that it was comfortably warm. You stripped your jacket off but decided to keep the sweatshirt on. 
“Hey,” Josh greeted, popping his head out of his bedroom. His hair was wet and you watched him rub a towel over it. “How was school?”
You smiled at him, unwrapping your scarf and hanging it up. “Boring. How was here?”
“Good. They came at about 1 and got it working pretty quickly. I’m just getting out of the shower.”
You breathed a laugh at him. “I can see that. What do you want for dinner?”
He hummed as walked the towel back to the bathroom. “I don’t know. Something easy. We really should go grocery shopping.”
“Then let’s,” you agreed, nodding at him. 
In the aisles of the market, you watched him closely. So this man, the one that was currently in the middle of a two-minute conversation with no one in particular about cereal mascots, was supposed to have punched someone on your behalf? You watched as he got onto his tippy-toes to grab something from the shelf. 
Trevor must have been taller than him - you’d never specifically seen them next to each other, but just by guessing, you thought he’d have to be. 
As you helped him bag groceries, you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at his hand. It was more yellowish than purple-grey now, but the evidence was still there. 
Musical mishap, you thought to yourself as your eyes rolled on the way home. 
He made dinner and by the time you were finished eating it, he still hadn’t said a word - not that you actually expected him to. You knew you were going to have to. 
You picked both of your wine glasses up off the coffee table, handing his over. 
You took a deep breath and tried to relax back into the cushions. “Josh,” you started, voice quiet. 
He hummed in recognition, but had his eyes on his plate still, where he was pushing the scraps of his salad around with his fork. 
“How did you really get those bruises?”
That got his full attention, his eyes flicking up to look at you through his fan of lashes. He was silent for a moment while he surveyed your face.
He had a small smirk playing on his lips when he spoke. “You know then?”
“I-” you started but realized you had no idea what you even wanted to say. “You punched Trevor?” 
He nodded at you, huffing a little laugh that made your face go hot. “I did,” he confirmed in a low tone. “And I don’t feel bad about it.”
You weren’t sure what you were feeling - it felt like someone had uncorked you and poured all of your emotions into a blender. You knew you wanted to wring him by the neck for laughing at something like this, that was for sure. 
“Josh,” you breathed, eyes wide. “You punched him so hard you gave him a black eye! Why would you go for his face?”
“Well,” he started, and you instantly knew you were going to hate what he was about to say by the way he was smiling. “I was angry at him, and then he made me angrier. And he deserved it.” 
“You just- I don’t even know what to say to you right now. Did you do it on campus? You could have gotten kicked out of school.”
“I know,” he agreed, far too calm for you. 
“Then why would you do it?” you asked, words coming out a hair snappier than you had meant them to. 
He tipped the rest of his wine into his mouth and then set the glass back down on the coffee table. 
He thought about it for a second, and without a trace of regret, he replied, “Because I didn’t care - don’t care.”
“What? Of course you do,” you insisted. “You were just ready to get expelled? Maybe even arrested? Or what if he had hurt you back?”
“Look, I’ve already done it. No going back from that now.”
You frowned at him, but couldn’t think of anything else to say. He was right, what had been done was done, and - though you would never admit it - the gesture did make you feel a little melty.
He let it fall silent for a moment before speaking again, extra soft. “Are you mad at me?”
You looked up at him from where you had been staring down at nothing in particular. “I want to be,” you admitted. “I never would have wanted you to do that, Josh.”
“I didn’t do it for you, which is why I didn’t ask your permission.” He was smirking at you again, and you physically couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back, even though you were shaking your head. 
It was silent for a long moment while you let him anticipate how you would react. 
“Never, ever do that kind of shit again. You’re a lover, not a fighter.” You were trying to keep your tone strong and strict, but you couldn’t help when it slipped into something softer.
“I can be both,” he replied with a smug look. 
You lovingly rolled your eyes at him. When you looked back up at him, he was staring past you through a missing slat in the blinds. 
“I think you’re about to forgive me,” he said through a more genuine smile. 
“And why would I do that?” 
You turned around in your spot, but it wasn’t far enough to give you a real view of the outside, so you shifted in your seat until you were kneeling on the couch cushion. You peered over the backrest and out the window to see snow falling from the sky. It had only just begun to stick to the grass, making the shrubs outside look like powdered donuts.
“Oh my god,” you breathed. 
“Get your jacket on,” he instructed, gently swiping his hand across your shoulder. You didn’t have to be told twice. 
Outside, you watched as the snow fell, catching drafts on the way down that sent them dancing across the night sky like ballerinas. It didn’t look exactly like you had seen in the movies - the flakes weren’t those fat, heavy ones, more light and powdery. When you turned to look back at him, he was beaming watching you. 
“This is like-” he started and then shook his head like the words were in the process of coming to him. “Watching you experience snow for the first time is like being a kid again.”
“That’s an awfully soft thing for you to say, killer,” you quipped back playfully, just to remind him that you hadn’t forgotten. 
He beamed back at you, teeth white as the snowflakes. 
You received an alarming text from him just before lunch the following day. 
Josh          just now
  Hey I need your help in the theater room. Can I come get you?
You quickly tapped back, I know where it is, I’ll meet you there. 
As you reached the door to the theater room, you could hear his distinct voice muttering angrily. 
When he caught sight of you, he tried to collect himself, but he was in too emotionally compromising of a state for it to be effective.
“What’s going on?” you tried, closing the door behind yourself when he prompted you to. 
“Rachel quit on me. She just quit, and I’m freaking out because I know if my professors found out, they’d pull the production from me,” he explained in a rush, his voice shaky. “I can’t lose this, I’ve worked so hard on it.”
“Hey, you don’t know that they’d take it away from you.” You kept your tone soft and sweet, hoping the mood would rub off on him.
“I just have a feeling. I mean, she was supposed to make all the costumes and she was helping with the set and the choreography. These kids can’t learn all-new steps. The production is in less than a month - they’re so young. They can’t learn them that quickly-”
You could tell that he wasn’t about to calm down any time soon, so you reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders. 
“Josh,” you said calmly, forcing him to look right into your eyes. “Calm down and just breathe with me for a second, okay?”
He nodded quickly, matching your structured breathing until you felt it was safe to let go of him. Once you could sense he was no longer on the verge of tears, you spoke again. 
“I’m going to take the rest of the day off from classes, and so are you. And we’re going to get this figured out,” you stated confidently. He stared at you for a moment and then nodded in agreement. “Okay, you’re going to explain to me everything that she was supposed to do and I’m going to write it down.”
“Okay. She was going to be making all the costumes. There are twenty-five kids, and I have no idea how many she finished. Every time I asked her, she was so vague, and even if she did get them done, I don’t think she’ll give them to me,” he explained. 
“No, no. It’s the school’s budget that buys the supplies, right?” you inquired, a frown on your face.
“The performing arts program, yes,” he corrected. 
“Then we’re going to get it back from her.”
He gave you an unsure look. It was already hard to see him so distressed but to see him look so lost was one of the harder things you had experienced so far this year. 
“Tell me what happened,” you requested. 
“Later,” he replied honestly. “I’m going to buy a lot of alcohol.”
You giggled at that, forcing a smile to his lips. “Deal. Plain and simple, you’re going to go to her and ask her for the steps and costumes. If we can get that, we can do the rest.”
“You’re going to help me?” he asked, eyebrows scrunched together. 
“As much as I humanly can. And Kate will too, I’m sure. She’s an art major, so we can use her for the props if she agrees.”
He let out a long, relieved exhale. “We should get coffee.”
Kate was more than happy to help, of course. It was the end of the day when you asked her to meet you guys, and arrived promptly with a drink carrier full of beverages. 
When she got a look at the props that were left to do, she laughed. 
“Pssh, this part is going to be just fine. We can get this finished in two or three nights if we really commit.”
Josh let out a sigh. “You don’t also know how to sew and dance, do you?”
“Nah,” she replied, putting her hands on her hips. You made a note to ask her at a more appropriate time how she could dress in just a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped-up jeans in temperatures below freezing. “You’re on your own there. But I can pay this Rachel a visit and convince her very nicely to hand over what she has.”
Josh was looking at her with a quirked eyebrow. “I truly fear that you’d kill her.”
Kate laughed, the melodic sound bouncing around the high room. “I wouldn’t kill her, but sometimes you have to rough someone up a little to get what you want. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Josh?”
You couldn’t help but snicker under your breath. He took her ribbing with grace, brushing her off with a charming smile. 
“I’m not sure I catch your very subtle meaning,” he replied sarcastically. And then, after a pause, finished with, “But thank you for your help. Truly.”
By the weekend, things were starting to look up. Kate had tracked down Rachel on Thursday at the end of her Trig class, and though she wouldn’t tell you exactly how she was able to convince her, she returned triumphant. 
Rachel had promised she would drop everything off in the theater room the following morning, and she had delivered. 
When the costumes and untouched fabric got to you, you had to admit, you were rather unimpressed. Ever since you had realized you would need to learn how to sew, you had been watching tutorials, reading articles, and practicing on scraps - you even had the battle wounds on the tips of your fingers to show for your efforts. 
“She sewed almost nothing correctly,” you griped on Saturday morning to Josh as he was starting to make pancakes. 
He was smiling when he turned to you. “I don’t want to laugh, but it’s kind of funny in a cosmic sort of way. A storyline out of a play itself, almost.”
You shot him a look. “Calm down, Micheal Bay. You’re directing a tiny tots rendition of Alice in Wonderland. You’ve got a long way to go before you make it to Broadway.”
He stared at you with a disbelieving smile for a moment. “I’m sorry, do you think Micheal Bay is a theater director?”
You scowled at him teasingly. “No, he’s just the only director I could think of,” you said in your defense. 
It was nice to see him laugh in response the way he did - his nose all scrunched up, his hands bracing himself against the counter. 
“You’re going to burn the pancakes,” you accused, stepping around the kitchen cabinet to grab the spatula and flip it in its pan. 
“I’m sorry, that was just really cute.” When you glanced over at him, he was wiping moisture away from his eyes with the hem of his t-shirt. You could feel your cheeks flushing from the compliment.
“Seriously though, I can’t thank you enough for your help with this. There’s no way I could ever thank you enough.”
You offered him a sincere smile. “Any time you need me.”
As he was sliding a pancake to your plate, he asked, “Hey, what are your plans for Christmas?” 
You gave him a sad smile. “Probably just a video call with my parents.”
The corner of his lips turned down into a frown. “You’re not going home?”
“Fifteen hundred miles?” you reminded him, but it didn’t change his expression. 
“I suppose. That sucks though,” he said apologetically, passing the syrup over as a consolation. 
“It’s really not a big deal. Now, talk to me about this choreography. Are you going to be able to teach them?”
“Well, luckily, Rachel saved all of the steps. And they’ve got it down pretty good so far, so I think it’ll be okay.” He nodded as he spoke, seemingly having dropped the previous topic. 
You giggled. “I’m just picturing you standing in front of a bunch of kids as they try to mimic you. Like little ducklings.”
He smiled dreamily as he watched you cut off your first bite of breakfast. “They’re so cute. I wanna take them all home with me.”
“I could totally see you walking through the door with one in your arm, one on your hip, one latched onto your leg.”
His expression changed then to something a shade more serious. “That’s the dream.”
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teruthecreator · 3 years
sweet surprises
lord forgive me for the cringe i’m about to post. i fully blame this post and this post for planting the seeds of berdley having a crush on kris in my brain. also shouts out to izel for listening to me go insane at 3 AM about this. 
anyways, here’s a thing. 
Excitement is in the air.
Unlike the usual calm monotony of life at school, things recently have been quite...electric. Not because of the portal to the Dark World hidden behind the door of the closet, or the adventures had by a select group of students through the portal in the Librarby a few days ago. No, this isn’t about that.
This is about the Sadie Hawkman’s Dance. The once-a-year phenomenon where the school puts on its best interpretation of a formal dance for the incredibly small number of students who attend class. Students buzz in excitement for the event, preparing their most formal outfits and getting ready to dazzle their friends and fellow classmates with their dramatic entrances into the auditorium.
And, of course, there’s the all important ritual of asking someone to the dance.
There’s already been a few proposals made this week. Jockington rolled into class like a hula hoop and asked Catti to be his “best bro” for the dance, to which she happily agreed. (And by that, I mean she looked up from her phone, smiled, said not a single word, and went back to typing.) Temmie loudly announced to the class that she would be taking her egg, which was somehow...embarrassed that she mentioned it. And, of course, Noelle finally managed to work up enough courage to ask Susie to the dance. It was done in an incredible display of candy canes that spelled out the phrase: “CAN(E) YOU BE MY DATE TO THE DANCE?” Unfortunately, Susie was about halfway through scarfing the display down before she realized what it said. She then began choking on one of the candy canes out of disbelief, which wound her in the nurse for the rest of the day. But, when she could speak again, she very quietly agreed to Noelle’s proposal (and, if you happened to be a fly on the wall in that room, you could hear a tail thump rhythmically against the doctor’s bench as she did so).
Kris was pleased with everything. They were happy to see their friends so happy together. A long time coming, if you asked them. And they’d be just as happy attending the dance solo, since they’ll undoubtedly be dragged along by Susie. They’d never gone to the dance before--never had a reason to, truth be told. But with their newfound friends, they may just enjoy being a wingman for the night.
...Speaking of wingmen, Berdly will probably be going solo as well. Unsurprising, but Kris makes a mental note to ensure the bird will be in attendance. As much as he is kind of a lot sometimes, he’s their friend. And Kris is going to make sure all of their friends are having fun at that dance!
They walk into class thinking of this (surprisingly early, for a change), which is why they almost miss the massive display sitting boldly atop their desk. They freeze the instant it catches their eye and, for a second, they almost believe it isn’t real. Like some leftover thoughts of the Dark World lingering in their vision. But, after wiping their eyes and seeing that it’s still there, they decide to approach and...investigate.
The display is expertly crafted by someone who clearly knows their way around a glue gun. It is a heart-shaped arch that is decorated with a myriad of printed illustrations of Super Smashing Fighters Melee characters, all having cut-outs to hold different bars of chocolate. There are also numerous origami hearts glued around the characters on the arch, in colors spanning across the rainbow. The arch is painted in swirls of blues, pinks, and reds and covered with a border of glitter that sprinkles onto the desk when Kris reaches out to pluck a chocolate bar from its perch. On the desk itself is a big origami heart that says “TO KRIS” in gold calligraphy. It is by far one of the coolest, nicest, cheesiest things Kris has ever seen.
They look up from the display to see if anyone else is seeing this shit, and that’s when it all clicks.
Because sitting at the front of the classroom, fidgeting way more than normal, is Berdly. He keeps interlocking his ankles underneath his desk before unlocking them and kicking the air, turning around every half-second or so to try and catch Kris’s reaction. From the brief moments Kris can see the front of him, they notice he’s not in his usual white collared shirt and black khaki shorts. Instead, his shirt is buttoned all the way up, with a nice blue bowtie tied around his neck. He also traded out his khaki shorts for a pair of dress pants that look to be a tad too long for his legs. He keeps reaching up to smooth out the feathers on his head, which immediately stick back up from stress.
Now, Kris may be a straight B student, but they’re not stupid. Context clues are a very good thing, and all signs point to Berdly as the culprit of this public display of...affection?
Beyond Berdly is Ms. Alphys at her desk, who shoots Kris a look of deep understanding and maybe...guilt? She looks at Berdly for a split second and shrugs her shoulders, indicating he was probably in here long before she was and so she had no way of stopping him from leaving it there.
Kris looks back down at the display and picks up the large origami heart. As they begin to unfold it, they see a sprawling letter written in the same flashy calligraphy. Kris squints at the letters--they’re dyslexic, so everything kind of just looks like spaghetti on paper. Still, they’re able to make out the largely printed question of “WILL YOU GO TO THE DANCE WITH ME?” with no issue.
Huh, guess they won’t be going to the dance alone after all…? It’s a little confusing as to why Berdly would want to go with them, though. Like, they’ve hung out a little bit--usually whenever Berdly wanted a “worthy rival” to play video games with, he would come over and Kris would whoop his ass for a few hours. And, of course, there were the recent events in the Cyber World; but Kris is pretty sure them and Susie had thoroughly convinced Noelle and Berdley that that was all a dream. So, why them?
They’re lost in this train of thought for so long that they don’t even notice the other kids enter the room until they suddenly hear:
“Yo, Kris???????? What the heck is this thing????” Susie’s voice doesn’t startle them, but it is loud enough to get them to look up. Susie is standing next to their desk, looking at the display with genuine amazement thinly masked by disgust. She’s also loud enough to basically stop the whole class (who were all muttering amongst themselves about it anyway), which gives Kris only a second to gaze around the room before--
The door to the classroom slams shut, leaving one seat unoccupied.
“This thing’s got chocolate on it????” Susie continues to marvel at the display while Kris looks at the door, frowning. They feel...bad. It isn’t Berdley’s fault for trying to fit in with the other kids' proposals; he admitted to feeling like he needs to do more just to stand out enough for people to acknowledge him back in the Dark World. And this thing is really...thoughtful! The characters are all ones Kris typically mains, or ones they know Berdley mains, which means he remembers things about Kris. And the chocolate is a given, but it is nice to be able to stock their personal snack stash with some fancy stuff. Ultimately, it’s very sweet, and Kris can’t help but feel a little guilty for not saying anything immediately.
They turn and lock eyes with Ms. Alphys, who looks extremely out-of-depth with this situation. She makes a number of gestures from them to the door in a flustered way of saying I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on please help me Kris I know I’m asking a lot of you but I don’t know how to deal with teenage angst I’m like thirty-five. They sigh, standing up and walking past Susie (but not before giving her a stare that warns her if a single chocolate bar is gone that they will be holding that over her until the day she dies) and following Berdly out the door.
It doesn’t take Kris very long to follow the trail of labored breathing to where Berdley is--in the abandoned classroom, hyperventilating as he teeters on a breakdown. Luckily, when Kris opens the door, it seems to put a halt to his spiralling because he just kind of...freezes. Like a deer caught in headlights. Or a Berdley caught in Kris-lights. Kris takes this moment to let the door shut behind them, trapping the two in here. Together.
“U-Uhhhhh, hi--he--Um. H-Hello, K-Kris…” Berdly attempts to put on his usual bravado, but his voice betrays him brutally by squeaking and cracking on every syllable. Kris can’t help the smile that comes to their face.
“Uh, hey,” they reply with a wave. Berdley continues to stand there and stare (almost like he wasn’t expecting Kris to care enough to follow him) before the present circumstances return to his mind and he begins breathing hard again.
“I-I-I-I, uh...I was. Um. J-Just, uh. G-Getting some fresh air! Y-Yes! The classroom can be s-so stuffy sometimes, I’m sure y-you--you, uh...you agree?” Berdley makes a valiant attempt at hiding his panic, which Kris almost takes pity on. But they don’t think the monster will feel any better if they just pretend what happened back there never happened.
“Yeah. I liked the display.” Kris says simply. Berdley stands stock-straight at that, looking even worse for wear in the “being normal and completely cool” department.
“O-Oh??????? That ol’ thing????? I, um--well I just--y-you see, I--uh. Um,” You can really hear the gears in his head turning as he attempts to come up with an excuse. “I-I-I just thought you w-would appreciate the craftsmanship of!!! A t-true artisan, such as myself!!! So, I!!! M-Made it!!! COMPLETELY PLATONICALLY, OF COURSE!!!! I-I would never imply that my intentions w-were anything other than for bro-sies, i--You didn’t read that whole card, did you?”
“I can’t read,” They mean this as a joke, but they can see Berdley seriously consider this for a second too long. “Dude, I’m dsylexic. I can’t really read cursive…” Berdley freezes up once more, which makes Kris realize they haven’t really projected that as loudly as they might’ve thought.
“Oh! Right! How could I forget! That you’re! Dsylexic!” Berdley’s smile is stapled to his face as he begins to rhythmically knock on his head. “And I! Wrote! That! Entire! Note! In! Cursive! Which! You! Can’t! Read!!!” Kris steps forward in an attempt to keep Berdley from bashing his own skull in, but that only makes Berdley more tense, so they take a step back. “I-I just--The note isn’t important! None of it’s important actually can we forget this interaction ever happened okay? Okay yes that’s great have a wonderful day Kris I will be returning home to sitinmyroomandneverreturntothecorporealrealmalrightgoodbyeforeverKris--” He attempts to sidestep around Kris and out the door, but is very easily intercepted.
“Stop.” Kris grabs him by the shoulders, which seems to shut him up for a second. “Can you just tell me what’s wrong?” Berdley gapes at them as his face steadily grows redder, which makes Kris feel as if there’s something on their face. But he quickly shakes it off, going from completely neurotic to...dejected.
“I just…” He starts, trailing off immediately. “You deserve to have a big proposal, same as everyone else. I-I see you in the back of the class, just...watching. And I, uh, felt it was time to...give you the spotlight! But that was silly of me, wasn’t it?” He looks off to the side at the floor, smiling sadly. “After all, who’d want to go to the dance with me…? I-I’m alone every year, standing in the background. Just kind of...taking it all in...and th-thinking about how it’d be...nice to be a part of it. But that’s...not probable. It was just nice to think about taking you to the dance because you’re--well, you’re nice to me, and you’re funny, and you actually listen to me when I’m talking, an-and you’re a good person and an incredible gaming legend...but I shouldn’t have put it all on you in front of everyone...I’m. I’m sorry, Kris.” He won’t make eye contact with the human, but Kris can still see the tears collecting in his eyes.
“Berdley, that’s stupid.” Kris says, which Berdley cringes at, “Why wouldn’t I wanna go with you?” That part is...not what Berdley was expecting. He looks up at Kris, unsure of where to go from here.
“U-Um…? Because of all the previously stated things? Like me being a complete loser who nobody likes?”
“I like you,” Kris replies immediately, leaving Berdley’s feathers sticking straight up as he flusters. “And I like your display. It’s...really sweet.”
“E-Even if you can’t read the note?” Berdley’s voice cracks.
“I mean, I could read the: WILL YOU GO WITH ME TO THE DANCE part, so, like. Yeah.” Kris shrugs. “Plus, you got me chocolate. Nice chocolate. Nobody...gets me things like that.” They smile, a light dusting of blush across their face. “I’ll go with you.” Berdley’s entire body seizes up for the third time, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“W-W-w-W-w-w-w-w-W-W-W-w-w-w-Wh-Wha-wh-w-w-wha-wha-w-wh-Wh-Wha-wh-Wha-wha-w-w-W-W-W--” Berdley continues to struggle with the word “what” for a solid minute and a half before he’s finally about to manage a: “What?!” Kris can’t help but laugh.
“I said that, Berdley,” at this, they move their grip from his shoulders to his hands, “I will go to the Sadie Hawkman’s dance with you.”
The circuits in Berdley’s brain struggle with this frequency for an extended moment before his face erupts in the giddiest smile Kris has ever seen the bird monster sport. He even begins to jump up and down, taking Kris along with him, as he cackles. It is a surprisingly cute display that Kris finds themselves blushing a bit at. It’s nice to be this...cared about.
“I-I--We have to start thinking of outfits immediately!” Berdley blurts out, returning to their usual demeanor. “I was thinking of some complimentary color schemes on the way to school today which I will be happy to show you at lunchtime. I’m also a master with a sewing machine, so if you are unable to procure an outfit that meets the color requirements, I would be delighted to take your measurements and--w-wait, don’t read into that phrasing, I just m-meant that I could make an outfit for you! B-But I’d need your measurements, and--Oh, goodness, hasn’t class started already, Kris?! We should head back, but--” He looks from the door to Kris and back again a few times before finally settling on something.
“I’lltalktoyouaboutthislaterseeyouinclassKris!!!!!” He says this right before he gives Kris a solitary peck on the cheek before bolting out of the abandoned classroom, leaving Kris blinking at the Berdley-shaped cloud he left behind. Their hand gently grazes the spot on their cheek--luckily not actually pecked by his beak, but more of a quick-kiss kind of peck--and feel their heart skip a beat.
They elect to not dwell on that feeling any longer and head back to class. They have to make sure Susie hasn’t eaten all of the chocolate on that display.
They wouldn’t want to make Berdley go through the trouble of re-proposing  just so they could rightfully claim their other sweet surprise.
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Why Elias And Laia Mean So Much To Me
Okay so I’ve been wanting to write this for a while but knew it would be long and that I’d need some time to get my thoughts in order. So without a further ado here is my attempt:
Why is Elaia so important to me. Well to start off, Laia Of Serra in particular is very important and inspirational to me. She is not only a brown girl who is a hero but she is the most realistic hero I’ve ever had the honor of meeting. I’m so used to white female main characters that are badass warriors who are smart, beautiful, strong, special, that everyone is attracted to, and who fight for their people. I grew up on books like that. In which don’t get me wrong I still greatly enjoyed those stories and some of them are still my favorite to this day.
However I could never relate to those characters and it really solidified the belief that I most likely could never be a hero cause I could never fit that mold. And for the longest time I thought I was okay with that and I never really understood how much physical and emotional representation could mean to me until, Laia Of Serra.
Laia is a brown girl that is afraid, insecure, oppressed, sheltered, poor, weak, with no fighting experience, kind, emotional, girly, and self deprecating. She’s scared and second guesses herself all the time. It’s hard for her to phantom that she’s good enough to make the right choices or save anyone or anything. Which is exactly what I struggle with on the daily let alone in the middle of a war. I first read aeita when I was 17, the same age as Laia. So meeting a heroine that made mistakes, berated herself, cracked under pressure, had no clue what she was doing, let herself cry, understood that in a place filled with skilled deathly warriors she was weak, and let people trample over her. It was so relatable and heart wrenching. Especially when I’ve been wired to think girls like her are useless and typically the first to die or used as a stepping stool for the real hero.
Seeing her continue to fight with what she can and however she can made my heart soar. There were so many times she wanted to give up and feared death. However in time she grew and instead of fearing death she embraced the possibility of it in order to fight for what is right and for the people she loved. She stayed true to herself and became a badass without the need of having to kill people. Laia detested killing people especially after having to see how her people got killed all the time. She’s filled with understanding, love, forgiveness, sensitivity, kindness, and determination. No matter how many times she got knocked down she kept getting back up.
She gave and still gives me hope. Hope for who I am today and who I can grow into the future. She’s a symbol that you can be strong in other ways. That physical strength isn’t the only way to be a hero. Her bravery to face things head on, her compassion towards everyone, her determination to reach her goal, and her heart always willing to accept others is what makes her a hero. Even when it came to the final battle. It wasn’t her powers or weapons that got her to win the war. It was her kindness and understanding and love.
I understand people are disappointed that she wasn’t as “brutal” or stabby as other heroines. I love stabby women as well! But I think her depiction of strength and heroism is so important. It really shines a light on the meek and shy and scared and shows that it’s okay to feel like that. How that doesn’t automatically make you weak and how you can be just as important in the world.
I also love that Laia isn’t reduced or or shown as “not like other girls”. Laia loves to dress up, she likes to look pretty, she does think about boys, she is bossy, she is emotional, often has break downs, and she’s just so human. I find that a lot of the most badass heroines are always the ones that don’t like dressing up and finds it a waste of time, doesn’t fit in with other women, is stoic, cold, good with swords but not with words, and violent. Im not saying that these characters shouldn’t be allowed, but I feel like it reinforces the idea that the normal things a woman feels or behaves is considered weak. Not saying that all women are emotional, but we do feel. We do stress and some of us do love to put on make up and dresses. That shouldn’t be demonized or looked down upon.
That’s why I adore Laia. She’s a normal teenage girl that IS like most girls. And she gets praise and stronger because of it. Also people need to realize that at the start of the series Laia is a 17 year old girl with zero survival training skills. Elias and Helene have been training since they were literal children. Their whole lives revolves around fighting. Laia’s didn’t. So it makes sense and is realistic why she isn’t as “strong” or “skilled” as them.
To expect her to be at their level within the three year timeline between these books is impossible. I feel like people are so used to heroines that know how to fight or learn to become the most badass fighter through mere chapter montages that seeing a realistic depiction of a teenage girl that’s never fought in her life is displeasing. But I love that about her. She always becomes stronger in spirit, braver at heart, but at her core she is still Laia. A teenage girl trying her best.
Her needing help or needing a team to fulfill her goals shouldn’t be looked down on. It’s shown through even real history some of the best fighters or leaders needed a team. Needed support, right hand man, etc. Which is why I feel so connected to her and wish she wasn’t so underrated or looked down upon. Cause I feel like she’s a voice for girls like us that so desperately needed a way to be heard. She’s someone I can look up to and remember and find comfort in when times get stressful or dark.
Now as for why Elias and Laia’s relationship mean a lot to me. It’s simple. They’re a healthy brown couple and I love finally seeing a girl that looks and acts like me get praise and love. I love that Elias sees her strength and admires her for who she is. And how he actually finds comfort in a person like her. How he views her at times even stronger than him and everyone else.
Girls/characters like Laia are always reduced to a side character, the best friend, the second choice for the love interest, the death that motivates the main character, and or the character that pops in and out to give moral support. However under Elias’s eyes she IS the main character. She IS the only girl for him. He loves everything about her and was the first to believe she’s strong. He chooses her above all. Above anything and anyone else.
As a brown girl as shallow or dumb as it may sound it really does feel touching to see us described as not only just strong and desirable but loved and wanted by the warrior. The main love interest. That in his eyes this brown girl that others deem as weak, useless, boring, and a waste of time. To him she is everything. She is brave, smart, powerful, beautiful, admirable, and perfect. It means the world to me. Especially with how characters like her especially in fantasy is seen as never good enough or tossed aside.
I also love that Elias shows the struggles on what it means to be “strong”. How a lot of learning to be the best fighter happened through a lot of trauma, shame, and guilt. He does show how physical strength isn’t the only way to be strong. Which is why Laia is his balance. She is the peace and freedom he yearns for while Elias is the strength, power, and love she’s always yearned for. Where she falls in believing herself he is always the first to count his vote on her. They compliment each other perfectly. Countermelodies. True loves.
They show me a healthy version of love. One of the purest and sweetest kinds of love. Elias is always soft, kind, and patient with her. He’s proud of her even if she feels like it’s undeserved. She sees the good in him even if he feels like he’s a monster. They see each other for who they are and love that about each other. They love each other so much and I’d never seen two characters be as in love as these two are. They are utterly devoted to each other and constantly fought for their way back to each other. It’s been five years and rereading their scenes still makes me smile and feel butterflies, like it’s the first time all over again.
Even now seeing any content of them is like a shot of straight up serotonin. They are my comfort ship. Despite the stress these past five years of being with them and shipping them has brought me. They also bring me great happiness and excitement and I wish I never had to say goodbye.
Though here’s to hoping that maybe we can have an Elaia novella, at the least, in the future 👀🤞
♥️♥️♥️ Elaia Forever ♥️♥️♥️
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
I hope the Danvers sisters are reunited in Chapter 3 of the Missing for A Decade fic. I just finished the 2nd chapter and it was good. I also hope that her sisters give her kidnapper hell.
A/N: Nope, they are not reunited yet. But maybe in the fourth Chapter! ;) --- By the time Maggie pulled up to the street, she saw the two patrol cars and the police tape that kept the onlookers and news people distanced from the house. Inwardly she cursed incessantly; how did they know more quickly than she did? Who or what had told them that they had found the girl who had been missing for several years? She was beside herself with her anger, but quickly evaporated through the lump in her throat and the pounding of her racing heart.
The brown-haired detective got out of her car with shaky legs and, with the request for space, squeezed through the crowd that turned into a thick wall around the house.
She knew she had to hide you as best she could from everyone else so that the press wouldn't have anything to popularize. She wanted to keep it a secret, especially since she didn't know what condition you were in and didn't want Kara and Alex to find out through the screen that you were still alive.
She wanted to tell them herself, she owed them that.
She waved her badge to the two police officers and the young brown-haired rookie pulled the tape up so she crawled underneath and thanked him.
The door was wide open when she came to a standstill in front of it to take another breath. All the years in which you disappeared where pure hell for her too, she lost almost everything.
She lost you and her relationship with Alex broke, through the psychological and physical strain of finding you, she almost broke under the pressure and got fired if she wouldn't have pulled herself together. She had lost herself in alcohol after blaming herself for not finding a single hot trail in the first 48 hours that has since been colder than Antarctica, but she caught herself every moment she thought of you and about that you could never forgive her if she got drunk instead of looking for you.
She pushed her thoughts away and took a step over the threshold. The stench of unventilated space and fermented wood stung her nostrils, but she didn't care, she finally just wanted to be able to hold you in her arms again.
She walked down the long hallway which had old, stale wallpaper that was already hanging down and looked scratched off. On the way, following the voices, she also passed the kitchen and a storage room that contained a mattress and a thin wool blanket.
Images settled in her head and the thought of you lying there, trapped in a less than three square meter room and slowly losing hope that you would ever come out alive again gnawed at her inside and made her eyes water.
Finally she arrived in the living room and stopped at the sight.
A starved body stood with the back to her in the middle of the room, holding a little girl. The clothes were dirty and full of holes, parts of the arms and legs that she could see were covered with bruises, scratches and old scars. Your hair was disheveled like a bird's nest and your skin was paler than she remembered it.
"Y/N.." Maggie whispered, hardly believing that she would ever see you again.
Turned around, you stared at her. While your brain told you to run to her immediately and don't let her go again, your body literally defended itself against it like a protective mechanism, that you actually no longer needed. "Maggie."
Your trembling and slightly scratched voice made her stomach upset and sick. 10 years in which she slowly forgot how you sounded and now she believed that she was completely in a dream because she not only heard your voice again, but you stood in front of her.
As if you had grown into the ground, you didn't move an inch. You couldn't, your body simply didn't respond to anything anymore.
Maggie too, was in a rigidity from which she could only find her way out with great difficulty. She ran up to you and hugged you as tightly as she could without hurting the little brown-haired girl in your arms. "It's you. It's really you!"
Tears formed in your eyes and you digged your fingernails tighter into her sweater with your free hand while you buried your face into her chest.
An insane burden fell from her and she too could no longer keep her emotions under control. You both stood there in the middle of the room and took in this moment to the fullest, as if you could both beathe again and drop a load off your shoulders.
Paramedics and forensics, who were notified before they even entered, stood around you both and applauded. It was not often that a missing person, especially a teenager, could be found after years, at least alive.
"Mommy, who is that?" the little one interrupted this moment and Maggie let you go involuntarily.
Her hand found it's place on one of your shoulder blades, the brunettes confused look always alternating between you and the little girl in your arms while she slowly understood and again tears welled up in her eyes. "Mommy?"
You nodded in confirmation.
"This is my daughter, Grace." you smiled at her before you lowered your head to the little one and smiled at her too. "Grace, this is Maggie. She is the wife of one of your aunts."
"One of the good guys you told about?" she asked while she played with a strand of your hair and stared at Maggie with big, hazelnut brown eyes.
"More than that, my darling." you sobbed. "Family."
The little childs fearful look turned into shining eyes and a big grin as it conjured one on Maggies lips as well. She still couldn't believe what was going on in front of her. You had a daughter that no one knew about. You had no one to help you raise her. Kara and Alex had no idea about their niece, hell, they didn't even know that you were still alive.
Her thoughts drove her from grief to total anger at the bastard who did this to you and tore you out of your environment and your life. Inwardly she vowed to bring him to the grave by hand.
"Detective Sawyer?" she was torn from her thoughts. "We will bring them both through the back door into the ambulance and then to the NC hospital where they will be checked and treated."
"I come with you. I won't let them out of my sight again." she spoke coldly and shortly before the paramedic nodded and went on with a few other police officers to the back.
She felt a pull on her sides and watched the little girl clasping her tiny little hands at her black leather jacket. She smiled again when she noticed that Grace spread her arms and wanted to being held by her. "C'mere little Y/N."
Despite the fact that she probably had to watch bad things and was also trapped, she was still trusting. Probably because you told her too much good about the world, your family and about strong fighters that the bad couldn't be outweigh.
The brunette took your daughter tightly in her arms and clasped her before you leaned in her side. She out a protective arm around you and accompanied you to the ambulance with the help of a paramedic.
You were a fighter.
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