#why am i being read for relying on pretty when everyone else is relying on ugly
Just finished Season 6 of Drag Race. Pretty sure I'm going to be showering in Australian for a while.
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clownrecess · 11 months
I want to talk about acting whilst being nonspeaking.
I am in my schools drama class/club, and a lot of our drama games, practices, etc. require oral speech. Whether that be for tone practice or reading monologues.
So how do I even participate? Modification! One of the ways we can adapt the activities is by focusing on body language and physical expressions rather than solely relying on oral speech. For example, if we are acting out a scene in class, I can act out the movements, whilst someone else reads it for me, or even just without any reading!
Silent acting has been a thing for a long time, and I think that me having to be a silent actor (unless my character uses AAC! But that hasn't happened yet.) allows me to and gives me the opportunity to communicate whatever strong emotion the character feels, and find a way make the audience feel that, even without words. Its special, and not everyone can do that. That's why I love silent films! The ability to communicate what a character is feeling accurately without any speech or words involved is so powerful in my opinion.
It also makes me think of mimes! When I was little I really liked mimes, I'm pretty sure when I was 6-7 I mimed as a gift for someone, hahah.
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korpikorppi · 9 months
What's in the name: Cloud Recesses
While making the edits for the post about the seats of the five great sects (plus one small definitely-not-a-sect), I found myself going "Why do the Lan always have to be so extra, why not just stick to three characters like everyone else 😫". But looking at the characters used for what is simply translated as "Cloud Recesses" is actually very interesting. Let's see!
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My trusty translation software translates the 云深不知处, yúnshēn bùzhīchù, as "the clouds are deep and unknown" with the 云深, yúnshēn, translated as "Cloud Deep" and the 不知处, bùzhīchù, translated as "I don't know where (something is situated)". So, together they evoke "a place hidden by deep clouds" (hidden in deep clouds), the "Cloud Recesses".
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But looking at the characters in more detail, more layers of meaning emerge. In addition to "not knowing" or "being unaware" of something, the characters 不知, bùzhī, carry the figurative meaning of "to not admit defeat, hardships, tiredness etc." (or so my trusty dictionary says). The character 处, chù, means "a place" but also, when pronouced/read as chǔ, "to dwell". So, put together, "to dwell (in) a place hidden by deep clouds, admitting no defeat, hardships, tiredness etc."? Sounds pretty Lan, if you ask me (and, as a sidenote, the chǔ also has a meaning "to punish"... just saying).
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And there's more. In addition to the "cloud", the character 云, yún, is mentioned to have a literary meaning of "to say, speak", and the character 深, shēn, can also mean "profound". Can that be taken to mean "profound speech" or "to speak profoundly"? As in speaking with great knowledge, showing wisdom and insight, speaking philosophically, or speaking intensely, acutely, with deeply felt words... I might be reaching here but it feels intentional, as speech is something that seems to define the Lan with their silencing spells and all their rules related to speaking. And come to think of it, "speaking profoundly" seems to also define all the main Lan, in one way or another: Lan Qiren, the respected teacher; Lan Xichen, the soft-spoken diplomat; Lan Wangji, who does not speak unless there is something really worth saying, and when he does, speaks almost exclusively in elevated register (a great meta post about that by @hunxi-guilai); Lan Sizhui, speaking for Lan Wangji and speaking with manners and wisdom beyond his years; Lan Jingyi... speaking, and speaking with passion, not afraid to voice his opinions.
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So, it seems to me that the name of the seat of the Lan Clan is layered with meanings beyond the "Cloud Recesses", meanings that cannot be expressed in a simple translation, but that actually also describe the Lan, not just the place they live in.
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However, I need to end this with a disclaimer: as much as I would love to, I do not speak (or know much) Chinese, so as I mentioned I am relying on translation software and dictionaries here, and my speculations may be all wrong. So I would love to hear from native Chinese speakers, or from people who actually know the language, if anything I've mentioned above makes any actual sense or if I'm reading way too much into this 🙂.
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okay legit question. and i'm eager to have this discussion. can you help me understand why you think that izzy scene was comedic? if it's purely based on those pathetic whimpers he made at the end of the scene, i'm honestly not convinced. god knows i've made pathetic noises like that when i've been genuinely upset about something. yeah that shit's awkward but isn't dismissing the noise as comedic sort of relying in the expectation that drama should be pretty?
and this ask wasn't meant to sound dismissive of your opinion btw, or defensive of izzy. (i love that weird and evil little freak for being a weird and evil little freak and thats all.) i'm just confused as to how that scene could be read that way.
Ok so lets start off with that in season 1 Izzy is not granted like even a shred of sympathy in any similar situation. We've seen this man cry before and when it happened Ed and Stede were making sex noises in the background and there was a jaunty little tune over it. Generally when writers and directors want us to be sympathetic to a character they build an emotional connection to that character and they just haven't done that for Izzy.
But moving onto the scene itself: This is the extended joke set up in season one of the disconnect of treating a pirate ship like workplace with HR. They're having like an intervention for Izzy and using the words "unhealthy relationship" and "toxic" to talk about toe chopping, which is excellent. I know the internet vernacular has kind of made these the go to words but you get how "toxic relationship unhealthy boundary setting" is not generally how television characters talk about stuff like this. Jim and Frenchie are out here using modern therapy words.
Then Archie starts talking about how much Rhino Horn Ed does which is incredible. they could have said he's doing weed, they could have said he's doing opium, they could have said he's doing a more modern drug, ofmd doesn't shy away from that, but instead they went with the most esoteric ye olde Viagra pull ever. Ed's doing fucking RHINO HORN???? Superb.
Then there's the the fact that Izzy clearly hates every second of it. Like these teddy bear capybara friend shaped men (Fang and Frenchie) are just like "hey you ok bro?" to a guy who HATES expressing any emotions so much that he spend like a whole season trying to stop Ed from doing it. Like you can feel how bad he wants to throw himself overboard from embarrassment
Then there's Fang. Dionysus an Emmy for that man. He pats Izzy on the shoulder and then Izzy pushes him away with the weakest I'm fine in history and then he goes in and gives him a hug from behind which is very much reminicent of like a hold a medical professional would use to subdue someone who is a danger to themselves or others without harming them. And then he just starts rocking him
And then there's the actual breakdown itself. I want to preface this with that I understand that in real life you might make some weird noises during a breakdown. But this is not real life. Usually when actors have breakdowns on stage or tv they have to decide what choices they're going to make. You can do a pretty cry, you can go overdramatic and comedic, you can make the audience uncomfortable in a veriety of ways. What Con has chosen here is air being let out of a balloon, He snorts like a pig, he whimpers. You know when you blow up a balloon and you pull the valve tight and it makes a screaming sound. His choice to heem heem whimper is histerical. And then he makes the sound and fang gives out a soft "am I crushing you" as if Fang thinks he's making the noise because of physical discomfort.
and then like everyone else's reactions. They're all so uncomfortable. Fang is like It's all right it's all right while Jim looks to Archie like "are you seeing this?" and Archie looks back and forth between them and then Frenchie is doing this with his face
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and then there's the music. My god the music is just the sappiest shit ever over this??? like the whole thing is hillarious. Emmys for all of them
Edit: I forgot the funniest part. This whole thing is this Tweet
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cacaobean760 · 5 months
Soo JK this is part 3 for Leander
ya I um...I kinda forgot that there is a whole nother scene if you choose to go to Leander at the very end so ya, this is part 3 of weird and sus Leander lines!!!
I must say that I feel like this also has a lot of lines that when you stop and think about it, seem pretty weird. soooo this is gonna be pretty long because I am only gonna do this one post for the end scene
First up, when we first go to Leander he acts very concerned for us
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Now listen, He might genuinely be concerned for us because we had just gotten into a fight with the roughneck so I feel like this is a pretty normal reaction. But we can't forget about his agenda of getting us to trust him.
And the next line is def creepy
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This next line makes this previous line seem more normal or at least, less creepy but it is still weird
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Once again saying, "hey you can trust me, in fact you should only trust and rely on me". Soooo this line does make the last one seem fine just because when you first read that first line, your mind goes to "oh, is he gonna lock us in the bar" but then you read the last line and you are like "ohhhh, he is at least gonna let us go outside! So it's fine" But it is still unusual to ALWAYS keep someone in your line of sight. I also feel that these lines can be taken two ways, and maybe its both, but Leander either says this to establish more of a relationship and make him seem more concerned about us then he actually is, because as we note, we are not used to this kind of attention so I feel like Leander would know this, thus leading him to say these lines to make us like him more. But also, maybe he actually is worried about us for one reason or another??
For this next part, we mention that we are shocked that all the people we have met already know each other, and Leander says this
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Ok so for all of these, we obviously don't know how much of this is actually what Leander wants out of the goodness of his heart or how much of this is him putting up a front. It could be a mixture of both or it could only be one but thats what all these theories and wondering are about. So Leander could want all of his "friends" to get together just for fun. Orrrr he could have something more devious planned for them, just saying.
I did not take a screenshots for this but something that also stood out to me is when we go to ask about the others LI's, Leander ask what WE think about them, so our first impression of them, and then he says something about them but his response is always a mix of the good and bad about the others. This is weird because Leander does this with every. single. one. of. them. But none of the other LI's do this when you ask them about what they think of the others. So why would Leander do this? is it to see if there is anyone else that we have a good relationship with?????
When you do ask about Kuras, Leander response is
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I know that Leander's whole shtick is that he cares about everyone and wants to help so this line might not seem super important. But if you look at this from a different point of view, for example, reading into everything, I do think that Leander does like Kuras for treating everyone the same but it seems like....he admirers it, Like he does not do the same thing. Or at some point, he himself wont do the same thing even though, currently, it does seem like he treats everyone the same. I also feel like if Leander was as adamant as helping people and being nice to people as he wants others to think, I feel like he would be a lot more excited about Kuras doing the same. Also this is the line he said right before this line which is weird
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Leander is criticizing Kuras in this line and, just like the line about him being cocky or being passive aggressive when he says "for the love of..", which I mentioned in the previous posts, when you take into consideration how he is initially portrayed, this seems out of character. I feel like his face also adds to this because he seems actually angry at Kuras??? Which I feel like someone who is actually nice and friendly to everyone would not care or would not, at least, be this upset about it. And then if we go back to the line above, Now it seems like that line is redeeming him. Like "oh ya, he does this bad thing that I don't like but he treats everyone the same so I guess it's fine." As I mentioned previously I feel like the line above would be more of a focal point if he was actually as passionate about helping people as he is first portrayed. I think the main thing about this sentence that is leading me to this conclusion is the end of it. When he says,"thats something, I suppose." Like, that just feels very lack luster, like "ya I guess it's a good thing". WHEN TREATING AND HELPING PEOPLE IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE BLOODHOUNDS. Or at least, that is their front.
When you ask Leander about his rivalry with Ais, he just brushes it off and says that he is not worried about it at all, in fact he says
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We, the MC, seem very concerned about this even though no matter what background you choose, you have some sort of experience with either fighting or magic. So why are we so concerned and Leander is not, especially when you take into account that Leander did not professionally learn Magic, he did not go to the Senobium. So where is he getting so much confidence from???? Again if we refer back to my previous post, Leander seems to know about Curses even though he never went to school for them. So where is he or where did he learn all this magic and knowledge that makes him so confident, confident enough to take on Ais, A monster, When he is just a mage...Or so we think. Also if you choose the Alchemist background it is noted when we first met Leander that he is an extremely talented mage. Again, how????
Leander goes to take us to a table and it is conveniently the one that has a story, one that has relationships and trust carved into it.
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With super analyzing this, this def seems like a way to leave a good impression on us. Especially when you consider the fact that it was not even open, he made the Bloodhounds move. This table show humanity and relationships and even if it seems insignificant, it's memories like this that make you rethink something and second guess yourself when you doubt or are suspicious of them.
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When we do bring up this damage in the table to Leander and say that the barkeep must love that, Leander says
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I also think it's his face that really pops out to me in this because he does seem like he is actually angry in this. Which again, seems weird for his character and it's also giving...entitlement??? Like you are obviously gonna be charged for damages, like wtf.
But this next line is the real kicker
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We can also go back to my previous posts about Lander kinda and basically ignoring anything he does not like or agree with, like if you choose to refuse the flower. It is obvious that by now, he just does whatever he wants and is very persistent to get what he wants. We can also gather that he does not give up easily and is in it for the long run.
Also, complete side note but I have not mentioned this yet, Leanders front facing spite creeps me the fauq out. Like bro straight up looks like a psychopath. And I do like everyone elses front facing sprite, it's just his that creeps me out.
Then there is this whole set of lines
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I feel like all these lines are VERY self explanatory. Its just screaming to "only trust me and to come to me if you need anything" I MEAN HE LITERALLY SAYS THIS
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So I am just gonna move on because the intent of these lines are very clear
So not only did Leander choose the table that has a story behind it, it is also secluded
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Which I am SUREEEEEE is not planned or what Leander was going for *wink wink*
So now that the MC and Leander are as close to alone as they can be in a bar Leander then continues to try and establish more of a relationship
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He is testing the waters to see how we felt about us holding hands. When you say that you did like it or at least, it was a positive reaction, Leander wants us to get us to hold hands or touch again. When we respond with reluctance, once again, Leander tries to reassure us
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and we react the exact way he wants us to
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So yatt yatta, we touch him, whatever
after this interaction Leander reiterates the fact that he is here for us
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And ask us if we want him to walk us back
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Walking back with someone, especially to your room, implies that you trust them. So Leander already expects us to trust him. But non the less, we turn him down.
OK that is it! I am finally done and these are all the lines that stood out to me and that were def unusual. I hope you guys liked it and I wanna hear your what you guys think and your opinions! I feel like for the last few they were just adding on to what I was already saying so I did not feel the need to go into depth about them.
So Leander is a psychopath but at least he is hot so we can look past it!
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ariesluvz · 2 years
PAC: A letter from "your greatest love"
Disclaimer this is only for entertainment purposes! Only take what resonates and leave what doesn't <3
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♡ 1 ♡2 ♡3
For Y/N
Group 1
(Blueberries and stones)
Hey baby,
I'm shy when I'm writing this. Is this gonna be too cheesy? I don't care love, cuz I'm expressing my love to you thru this. You are mine! Remember. I remember that you told me not to be this possesive baby. But you know you love this me. I won't let anyone take you from me. I'm your black leathet jacket.
I tell everyone how proud of myself I am. I don't exist if you are not with me. Yea I'm a baby to you. Only for you. Please love me more than anyone else and I will never let you down. I will fight with the whole damn world for us. The only thing I care is us being together. We are unbreakable. Ok ok now I know you are thinking that this is totally not me 🙄. I always tell you how much I love you na? No matter how cool I am, this is a must princess 😉. You are my treasure 💖.
I can never be tired of praising you and telling you how important you are to me. Ok :D this person (he's talking about me 🥲) is forcing me to stop and say something else 🙄 (how rude man!) You know you shine the brightest! My queen I love you.
Your love,
Black leathet jacket 😉🥲
Group 2
This group has a bad b type of energy. 🥲
(Red scarf and cigarettes)
Hey beautiful. (They are telling me to write something else but that's not pg 🥲)
My rockstar!! My queen! My woman/man you are!! Damn you hottie!!! All I want is to watch you all day, damn you are so effortlessly hot, without doing anything. How can someone look so hot while reading?! My eyes just won't look anywhere else, just your pretty face. Your duality is killing meee.
Ok ok I have flirted alot. But you are gorgeous my love. You shine so bright. It is always so astonishing to me how so small things in life make you smile so bright. How can someone be so cute. You definitely are one in a million, or billion(?). You are the best no matter what. Hey, i know I never tell you how strong you are. Do you feel my love? I always question this. I want to make you happier than ever. In every way. I wanna kiss you whenever I see you. I wanna hold you into my arms. My angel, what did I do to deserve you? My rockstar! My fighter! I wanna hug you so badly.
Yours ever,
Group 3
(Roses and beads)
Dear YN,
You make me crazy. Sorry for starting this way. But what is this you are doing to me? Why do I cry for you? Why do I breakdown for you? I want you by my side...every day when I wake up, when I go to sleep. I want you. Do you feel the same way? Have you ever felt this way for me.. or someone else? Please say its me. I want to protect you, buy you gifts. I wanna know more and more about you. No matter how close we are, you are always a mystery to me.
I hope we understand what we feel for each other. I will care for you. Protect you. We have so much in common. We always look at each other when in trouble. But I look for you all the time. I want to rely on you. I want you in my life. I'm addicted with your presence. How do you get me always? Wow, I have so many questions. Will you please answer them for me? I want you. I love you. If its love, then I love you so much. You are always here for me. I will be the same person for you. I will be there, support you. Unconditionally.
Yours ever,
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baconmoop · 3 months
My argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely Gaster.
Okay, now I’ve had time to drink it all in/actually do things for valentines day, I’m ready to make my argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely our boy Gaster. I’ve been of the mindset that he’s a goofy old man for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to make a video essay to explain my point of view but I've never had the time. This newsletter gave me the push to write this ‘quick’ summary  though. Feel free to fight with me in the notes.
First of all, I am aware that the Japanese version uses Hiragana instead of his normal Katakana. I barely understand English, so I can’t even begin to understand the importance of it. It is my biggest foil, but I don’t think it affects things too much.
My first, easiest bit of evidence, is the fact that Toby has already removed the letter, leaving only this.
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He does this constantly with Gaster stuff. He did it with the tarot cards, he did it with abc123a.ogg. The moment someone posts something online, he removes evidence of its existence. Suspicious, is it not?
Okay, let’s break the letter down shall we?
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This is in line with a lot of things we already know about WDG. Most likely in Wingdings, we have hints in Sans’ lab and the true lab that his handwriting is impossible to read. We don’t know any of these are 100% him, but it makes sense that it would be difficult to read unless you were determined enough to do so (I assume that is what ‘squint your heart refers to?). 
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There are multiple people who know what the ‘delta rune is’, but here to me he is clearly discussing the game, not the prophecy. The only person to ever have interest in our opinions of the experience is the ‘other him’, when he introduced us to the survey program. He also talks in short sentences, Like he does in the initial goner sequence, and pretty much everything else. 
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Okay, so this is something that has plagued my mind for a while, but this has brought it to the forefront. I assume here that he’s referring to Dess being stuck in the code, or whoever it is (See here https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=68.0). I’ve always been of the mind that Gaster genuinely wants to help, partially because of the eggs and partially because he seems to want you to win. He wants you to stop the roaring. I have a bunch of theories about this that probably deserve their own video, but here’s a quick summary:
If you name yourself Suzie in the goner maker scene, he says:
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As far as I know, he doesn’t say this for anyone else, including ralsei, so he clearly has some kind of positive opinion of Suzie. Why would he say this if he was an antagonist to the fun gang?
When you die in the game and press no on the continue screen, the song ‘darkness falls’ plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSn4p1Xx7NU&ab_channel=Palpe). While definitely having Gaster’s leitmotif for starters, Just listen to how melancholy it sounds. It gives me the same bittersweet vibes that it’s raining somewhere else gives me. If this is a reflection of how Gaster feels when you give up, then he’s definitely a bit bummed that you failed.
Someone is clearly helping the secret bosses. While most people assume that he is doing it for some kind of nefarious purposes, I think he was genuinely trying to help, and it backfired. 
Anyway, back to the letter.
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There’s a lot of connections between forgetting and Gaster. Fanon dictates that he’s been completely erased from everyone’s memories, but I don’t want to rely on fanon here. The first thing that comes to mind is obviously ‘Don’t forget’ plastered all over deltarune, which is what I assume he means when he calls it ironic, but that isn’t specifically tied to him. What I do think of however, is goner kid. I’ve already put enough images in this bad boy, but he says "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you...Ha ha... The thought terrifies me." We know so much about how the goners are connected to him, I’m not gonna re-go over it here. Someone also mentioned the Spamton sweepstakes “AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” on the ice page, which could also be relevant here. Is there any other character linked to forgetting as much as he is?
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Okay, now for my most dubious point (sue me I’m not an actual theorist). But… Doesn’t this give you old man papyrus vibes? It’s goofy, It’s in all caps, it puts a smile on my face. To quote my friend outside the fandom, “It’s giving old man texting his grandchildren for the first time”. I know this is one of the biggest contradictions for people, claiming that it’s out of character for gaster to speak like this, but I give exhibit A, from the legends of localisation book: 
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(Ripped directly from https://www.tumblr.com/gasterofficial/715722490333298688?source=share)
I’ve always loved this. It’s probably not canon, but it’s goofy as hell. It was one of the first things that made me want to do a video on my “gaster is a good dude” ideas. It’s the exact same vibes as the letter. 
So what do you think? I could definitely go into more detail about all of this, if people are interested. I just saw something that helped fuel my theories and had to put my opinions out there. Please don’t murder me in the notes for going against the antagonist gaster grain I am very sensitive okay good by!
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maybe-arts · 1 month
For the Kirby OC ask:
for Chiffon, Little Nova, and Beamee!
🍨 (Ice Cream) - The Invader Armour undergoes a drastic transformation depending on its pilot. If they were to wield it, what appearance would their mech take on? What abilities would it have?
Funnily enough, in case of Beamee this is canon! Since Robo (Kirby's Robobot Armor) was rescued and repaired by Tabitha post-KPR, Beamee often ends up piloting it as a means of protection (since like that she will be guarded by it). It switches to Beam Mode variant when Beamee is piloting it, with a difference that Beam works like an electric whip rather than a big projectile.
For Chiffon, it would be a variation of Sword Mode, with laser blades being replaced with long protractable steel needle more suitable for stabbing than slashing on one hand, and a grapple gun on the other.
For Lil Nova... the only thing that'd change from Kirby's would be color - light, slightly iridescent blue instead of pink. It may have stars decorations, too.
🔮 (Crystal Ball) - Out of all the treasures in the Great Cave Offensive, Kirby is letting your OC pick one from his stash to keep! Which one do they pick, and why?
For Beamee, it's most likely to be this:
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with the justification that it can be made into either a decoration on clothing or a pretty jewelry! Beamee is a crafter above all else.
For Chiffon, it would be this:
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and I'd imagine Kirby would be more than happy to gift it to his little princess <3
For Nova, they're drawn to this:
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They can't summon their own Warp Star very well yet, so this would work as somewhat of a "magic feather" for them. (No, Tiff doesn't do it for them this time. Summoning Warp Star in my kirbyverse is Astral-specific spell, and is usually taught by either members of their constellation or from parent to child, and is very rarely given to outsiders.)
💜 (Purple Heart) - If they were corrupted by the Jamba Heart, which negative traits of theirs would be amplified?
For Beamee - insecurity. feeling of alienation. she'd most likely to become hostile to everyone, not truly believing she belongs anywhere. she'd also most likely to cause herself debilitating migraines, since she'd rely more on her half-working Beam than anything else.
For Chiffon - bravery shifting into foolhardiness. she will try fighting things she has no business fighting (I'm talking like things of a Final Boss threat caliber), with no plan or backup. and she will fight YOU if you try to stop her, bc she will also get uncooperative and uncontrollable.
For Nova, Jamba Hearts would actually be DETRIMENTAL. It's the second closest thing to triggering their core memory, after all, so Nova should be kept as far away from magic as such as possible - at least until they're old enough to resist it on their own.
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
iiiiiii am going to leave this question unanswered for now bc that would require me to actually yknow. design shit and braincell is currently not braincelling
that and i still haven't read Dreamy Gear novel so i don't know anything about the setting qwq
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Is there any hint Jaime could possibly have dyslexia or a learning disability in books? I think I've heard that it wasn't, but idk it feels like that's a detail from the show that did well portraying Jaime. Idk maybe it's my learning disability ass but I loved that!! But I also just love looking at Jaimes insecurities. It could be another detail that kept him relying on masking/being ultra warrior bc he probably doesn't think of himself as very smart.
yeah the insecurity regarding his intelligence, especially in terms of book smarts, is present in the books too. he really admires the quality in tyrion, and emulates it, often successfully too [saving brienne from rape, achieving things like manipulating shagwell without the methods he previously relied on (force, or even status at some point doesnt work so he has to really think outside of the box, like again, sapphires), tyrion rescue mission, the riverlands .] he can also be very perceptive. he is pretty good at noticing weak points. he hones in on cat’s relationship with jon, he does the same with brienne, looking out for and noticing all of her insecurities in response to her dehumanizing him, and the same happens with loras & kind of using his relationship with renly to prevent the bloodshed in the yard. he is actually just a good mediator in general. that makes so much sense to me bc of his role in his family. he is the only member that everyone likes, while every other party would love to tear each other to shreds, so his specific role in an abusive household is very clear. anyway, jaime’s most severe insecurity is being viewed as a monster. for this reason, he seeks out that *thing* in everyone else so he is not as vulnerable. he can be very good at reading certain people, this is also why his perspective is so popular among readers imo. like he also has an air of tyrion to him, he can also provide a new, and often clearer, vision of certain characters because of his personality & experience (like his argument with brienne regarding robert). this is also just funny when he has such major blindspots regarding other things (romanticization of cersei and sometimes the old kg, though he goes back and forth w this). i think post aerys, jaime really did resolve to not really make decisions anymore and not being someone with responsibility (he was never that interested in power, even before that, but i think he was not that opposed to responsibility, he was ready to be the heir, he did want to be a kg and a good knight), instead, he dissociated and lived pretty much on autopilot. even when he was a commander he was reckless enough to always be on the frontlines and was okay with dying (see the whispering wood). he was impatient and very impulsive because he dreads facing “knots and tangles” (like the horrid moral knot that the aerys situation was, and its devastating consequences) so instead of even trying to think about them he wants to just make them disappear and cut through them. until he cant. for multiple reasons, external and internal. until he has to sit down and untangle them. and he proves himself capable. i liked the learning disability aspect that he was given in the show, it is a nice dimension, and i think he has attributes that i really relate to as well (like how he can fixate and excel in one thing & put all his focus on it, how he keeps saying “oh tyrion would talk so much about history here haha nerd” and then proceeds to spend 2 pages infodumping loras with kg lore, or that one scene where he gets distracted counting coins lol), but i think a lot of it already makes sense without that being actually canon, idk like i wouldnt actually diagnose him (he has no trouble reading from what we have seen) but i am not about to come for anybody’s headcanons
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jcinkbabble · 2 months
Yo Fox. Are you done now?
TW for self harm/suicide urges and alcoholism. If you can't handle that, please don't read.
There is a painful irony in making a blog like this, in order to call out the harassment campaigns harming people offline, only to be targeted by one myself. The past 24 hours have been pretty educational on just how people react to attempts to change things.
I think this ask perfectly exemplifies it. After a barrage of hate on Tattler, the messages in my inbox, and the asks I've gotten in less than 12 hours, I think making me "done" was the point.
But I am, yes, because after tonight, I need to put the people around me first.
I still believe in a space like this. I still believe in positivity, in change, in doing good. However, the result of just 12 hours was me almost breaking my sobriety. There are bottles of alcohol downstairs right now that I want, that would numb the pain of this. But I am almost 2 years sober, and I fought to stay this way, so I will. The result of the past 12 hours is me remembering where every knife is in this house, and knowing what I could do with them. But I swore off self harm years ago, so many I've lost track, and I won't break that now. And finally, the result of the last 12 hours is knowing exactly how many ways I could kill myself, so no one in this house would have the ability to save me.
To the people sending me threats, wishes of harm, and gleeful desires that I suffer... Y'all are just not okay, are you? I know that pain. I remember being on top of the world, the one doing the hurting, the accusations. It felt good. It made the pain I felt go away, but only when I won. So I had to keep "winning". Which, really translates to just hurting people. Over and over and over until everyone's scared of me, and I feel powerful.
Then I realized that's a shitty fucking high to chase, and all.
I know I made myself a target. I did this to myself. I have no problem accepting that. I'm stubborn, headstrong, and want to make a change for good. I believe honest discussion can make positive change. I still do believe that, but I'm not gonna sit here and continue to let myself and others be harmed for that change.
Yes, anon, I am done now. I know you feel proud of this. I know this is a victory for you. You never really understood that I was never unreachable. You saw me in IC. You knew me. You could have messaged me, talked to me. You could have approached me with your concerns, your frustrations, any response to anything I've said. You chose Tattler, then acted like you had no choice but to sling hate there and in my inbox. Like I made you do that.
But I can tell you right now, not a single one of you has ever approached me about the things said on Tattler tonight, or in my inbox. My first and only intro to the issues an anon stranger has with me, were hate. Hate vitriolic enough to put me on the phone with a crisis line, hate vitriolic to make someone who has endured quite a bit of trauma, flinch this hard. I'm pretty sturdy, but tonight reminded me of the power of hate. Of malice, of gleefully inflicting pain.
You didn't want anything but to drive me - someone you've never interacted with - off the internet and keep Tattler open. I hope you can admit it to yourself. And maybe ask why you chose that route.
I have people relying on me offline. As much as I love the idea of this blog, and want to change things, I can't put them on the backburner for it. And I can't risk my own mental health like this, because they rely on me. Like I told someone else recently, don't stick your hand on the hot stove. You know you're just going to be burned. It's not worth it.
Maybe this blog will make a comeback. Maybe not. Who knows? Maybe some of y'all will make your own, and do a hell of a lot better than I ever did. But if you wanted to make me ashamed, scared, and small, I'm sorry. You failed.
I'm not ashamed. I'm not afraid of you. And if you want to talk to me, I'm right here. Fox Lokison, friends. Come have a chat. I'll still be around, chatting about things. But you'll have to come off anon to actually reach me.
I've posted the last of the positive asks so y'all can reblog and interact with them, because I feel like they're discussions worth having. The people coming here to do good should get their chance at being heard. Turning off anon asks now, though. For all the decent asks, there's multiple bad ones.
To Tattler - your blog has hurt a lot of people. And while I know some of your followers think it's deserved, tonight I almost took my life over the crime of opening a blog criticizing your blog, because of the hate you allowed on your platform, and the people coming from it, into my inbox. I do wonder what crime would have deserved that end. I wonder what you'll do if your blog does push someone past the threshold.
Let's hope none of us find out.
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Being autistic is weird as fuck, because you’ve never experienced NOT being autistic. Like autism is unfortunately measured by how not allistic we are. Like it’s directly proportional. It’s not autistic people decided that were different and that difference is wrong. But HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WERE DIFFERENT?
I’ve never been anyone but myself. How am I supposed to know that I don’t feel things the same way as everyone else? How am I supposed to know that I talk weird? Like how should I know that I can’t read social cues, if I’m unable to read social cues? Hello? My inability to understand the task, makes me unable to understand that I’m unable to understand the task!
Like to get an official diagnosis you have to rely on the fact that other people looked at you as a kid and went “that’s weird, it’s not supposed to do that!” And then their “cure” is to just tell you “well stop doing that.” Like gee thanks bud, never thought of that. If I could just turn off my autism you think I wouldn’t have tried by now? You’re the reason my autism is even stigmatised in the first place!
My autism specifically comes with the complete inability to introspect. Like so much of my problems as a kid would have been solved if I just realised “oh, this is an autism thing” instead of being like “oh, well I just must suck at everything, and this is how everyone feels, so why am I the only one having a mental breakdown?”
But also phrases like “everyone’s on the spectrum” are so harmful, cause they just aren’t true!!!! When I was having anxiety attacks as a kid, my mom would always say “well everyone has anxiety.” Which made me think I was just weak, when in reality I have a mental illness that had treatment options and I could have gotten help the whole time, if people stoped minimising disorders.
“We’ll everyone’s a little depressed.” No- no they are not. There are people out there that have never experienced having a brain with mental illness. But my brains always been sick, and when you can only view the world from a sick brain, how would you ever know there were healthy brains out there?
Especially since things like mental illness and learning disabilities or physical disabilities are all hush hush. We aren’t supped to talk about them because it’s “inappropriate” somehow. And then they make you feel crazy when you do talk about it. Like parents who beg their kids to “just be normal” THIS IS MY NORMAL!!! I can’t be like you because I’m not you, and I don’t know how to pretend to be. And I shouldn’t have to!
You don’t suddenly become autistic when someone slaps the label on you. Which is why I always respect self diagnosis, because you know you better than anyone else ever could.
Another story to prove my point. Let’s talk about being LGBT on top of that. My entire life I always thought everyone was Bi. Like I assumed everyone just happened to end up in straight relationships, because how could people not think boys and girls are both pretty? I had no reference to know otherwise.
And after that, I assumed everyone was asexual. I didn’t have a term for it at the time, but I genuinely though everyone was joking about enjoying sex or being horny. Because I’d never experienced those things before, I couldn’t fathom what they were meant to feel like. And if I didn’t feel it as a “normal” human, everyone must just be playing an inside joke I don’t understand right?
But if I just had labels when I was young, I would have understood these things. People who ask “why would you want to diagnose your kid, they’re so young?” Or parents who withhold a diagnosis cause you think if you ignore it, your kid will be “normal” somehow. That’s not how it works. A diagnosis or label can make the world less scary, and often times it can bring you to people who can help you navigate the world. Instead of trying to force you to see it through their eyes.
Autism isn’t dirty. Mental illness isn’t dirty. Disabilities aren’t dirty. And being LGBTQ isn’t dirty!
Children of all ages should have access to knowledge of these things. Because to the people who are part of these groups, labels and information are vital. They’re a huge part of who we are and they aren’t going to go away just because you don’t want to say the words.
Children should have access to knowledge about how their bodies and brains function. This would help kids feel less ostracised and alone, and prevent a lot of pain and trauma in the world.
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the-all-seeing-l · 1 year
any scarlet hollow theories on the doll in the bedroom closet that keeps on mysteriously moving? 👀 i really hate that thing but i hate that we can’t move it somewhere else!
Spoilers for Scarlet Hollow episodes 1-4
Sorry for the late reply; was busy + had to do some research for this to avoid spewing nonsense (no guarantee though).
I don't think the doll is haunted or able to move on its own since it doesn't move in the first 3 episodes (Keen Eye confirms this).
Episode 1:
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Episode 2:
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Episode 3:
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The first time it has actually moved is if you check in on it at the start of episode 4, because someone was in the closet.
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I actually think the creepy doll is supposed to distract you from that very concerning fact. Keen Eye also tells you who went through the closet:
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So what did he want in there?
I think instead of the doll, we should be focusing on the documents (riveting, I know). It always bugged me that we were never able to at least sift through them, not even with Book Smart. Despite being a huge messy, I don't think Tabitha would leave something actually important in there; that would just be stupid with how careful she's being otherwise. So if Wayne was looking for something in there, he probably didn't find anything. I would be surprised if he actually thought he would though. So what about this: Considering it was him that suggested to explore the estate in the next episode, what if he planted something there for us to find? Maybe even something that would incriminate Tabitha without context. She's definitely hiding something big, but she's also not the villain Sybil is trying to make her out to be (by implying she's "the cat" and all that). Because of the idea of Tabitha being the Big Bad already being pushed on us in episode 4, it would make sense for that to continue in episode 5, until it culminates in the player character finding something really bad in the estate (though I don't think some incriminating documents will be all; I believe it's pretty plausible that we're actually going to find the Entity) and her finally having to talk to us. If it's not too late by then, that is. Because if we find the Entity, it's definitely going to try and manipulate us like it did with Charlie. I think the climax of episode 5 will revolve around whether we trust the Entity and/ or Sybil or Tabitha. If not episode 5 then episode 6 or 7 for sure. That's just a theory though - a gaME TH- Sorry, I'll shut up now. Obviously I don't have any proof for all that apart from it making sense narrative-wise.
Why would Wayne want to incriminate Tabitha though, you ask? Good question; he did seem at least somewhat sympathetic towards her if you brought her along on the ghost hunt after all. He definitely wants us to trust him though, and he's trying to make us stop relying on Stella. His arguments for this make some sense, but Stella also did get an ambulance when the mine collapsed in episode 2 which was helpful if Rosalina got hurt (though the player character could accuse her of running away even back then). I think Wayne is trying to weaken our trust in everyone else enough that we end up relying solely on him so he can use us for whatever it is he's trying to achieve. If you look at it that way, it would make sense for him to try and make Tabitha look suspicious (though she's already doing a pretty good job at that herself). What his motives are and where or if they intersect with Sybil's, the Entity's and Tabby's, I don't know. I am pretty sure he's not the actual Sam Wayne though, as I explained in my main theory post (https://www.tumblr.com/the-all-seeing-l/710559451068973056).
I know this isn't really what you asked for, but I have no self-control and I think it's better than my initial "The doll's not haunted, bye."?
One interesting thing about the doll itself is that it belonged to Alexandra Scarlet, Edwardine's other daughter aside from Mary-Belle. If you read the Coroner's Reports in episode 4, you learn that she went missing at the age of 9 and is presumed dead. Suspiciously enough, she went missing on the same day Enoch died in a "hiking accident". Maybe it had something to do with the same thing Pastor Daniel's daughter Tulip found in the woods, considering Enoch presumably fell off a cliff there (just like Reese) and Alexandra should have been around the same age as Tulip back then... Ok, I lied! This isn't about the doll at all anymore. It's also blind speculation, so I'll really shut up now. I'm flattered you'd ask me for my thoughts though, and I hope this was somewhat interesting and/ or helpful.
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imjustabeanie · 2 months
uhh i may have to organize this or else im gonna ramble lol-
can i have a matchup for hazbin hotel and helluva boss pls :>
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demisexual/demiromantic
Star sign (if that helps-): Leo
Personality type: INFP
I use emoticons a lot as you'll see :>
Favorite colors: Purple and black especially since they work so well together
Very much a night owl :)
Personality: I'm a kind of a fun and laid back person but I do like do cause chaos every now and then. I tend to hyperfixate a lot on random things that i tend to find. At first im very quiet but can get more chaotic as time goes on. I can tend to get hot headed at times or be somewhat irrational every now and then and it takes time for me to calm down. Other times im very hyper. Also i have a slight caffeine addiction so that might be why :D
Moral alignment: true nuetral
Aesthetic: Dark academia-ish along with some glitch core because i just really like the look of both
Hobbies: I play the violin, read, write, draw, and i love listening to music a lot. Probably one of my favorite things to do honestly. I also love chilling and watching tv and binge watching stuff. I also have a habit of just analyzing shit for the fun of it because why not. I also really like learning about greek mythology and i like a few musicals. I also watch horror quite a bit and mysteries because I just think that they're fun. I'm also learning spanish as of currently-
Pet peeves: people who cant take a hint... like at all, or they take the hint and just dont care. it annoys the shit out of me. also really stuck up people who think theyre better than everyone else, like we get it youre a child who never grew up. move on. mouth noises are also just the most annoying thing ever.
Appearance: tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair. i wear glasses sometimes but dont usually because theyre not fit properly and i keep trying to get them fir but it never works so ive just given up-. honestly i mostly wear softer clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, or sweaters/sweatshirts. but sometimes i wear jeans and actually style myself although i usually just keep it casual.
Hi! Thank you for your patience I am sorry for being so slow to answer to this trade. I was very sick last week.
Without further wait...your Helluva match is...Stolas!
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Stolas was a pretty obvious choice for you to be honest. Your interests and aesthetics click and just like you he’s chill but then pulls out the most chaotic actions out of nowhere.
You two met at night at one of those libraries you only see on pinterest. He honestly just came in cuz he was bored and wished to seek a recent human astronomy book. He found you peacefully reading a mythology book in the corner and was gonna leave you alone till he couldn’t help himself but comment on it. You were so laidback and easy going that you two had a nice conversation where he taught you a few things about mythology (given his age and position he does have an interest in those subjects). It was nice and you two decided to do it every month, then every two weeks and you see where it is going. Stolas just likes coming to you to cool off with no repercussions. It’s what made him fall for you. He confessed after inviting you to watch the stars or a movie he thinks you’d like (high chance you already watched it before but shhh). He confess and also tell you real quick about his marriage situation in case you want out.
Stolas is a caring and passionate lover. His love language is mostly affection and quality time but I believe he’ll wait till you’re ready if you catch my drift. He LOVES spoiling you with numerous gifts and dates. He’d be pretty upset (pouty) if he’s not your go to contact when you need help. He wants to be someone you can rely on, a safe space for you just like you are for him. His gifts range from cinema/concert tickets and your favorite snacks (he doesn’t consider any food as a gift) to actual mythological pieces and priceless violons. Sometimes they even come from his personal collection.
Stolas lives for your chaotic moments! He highly encourages them which results in weekly trouble for both of you (you’re always safe dw but he did get you two banned from a few places). When your hot headed side comes out he’s here to calm you down or get angrier on your behalf. There is no in between cuz your couple is pretty much in sinc. It means you either calm the other down or join them.
Despite his extraverted self, Stolas enjoys some home time. Especially with you. He actually purchases a house in the human world and spends most of his time there now. He wants (begs) you to move in with him. This house has a huge library, two studies, a music room and a very much needed coffee corner. Yeah with those machines you see on tiktok with all the material. Stolas isn’t a morning person at all so he needs his daily coffee and only accepts premium quality. He invested in a home cinema and loves binge watching with you. Those are all things he didn’t get to do often so discovering them with you is a priceless experience in his eyes. Horror doesn’t bother him at all and he can show you much better horror tbh. Stolas also likes analyzing things with you (he listens and chimes in) and actually keeps up with your fixations really well. His favorite thing to do at home is to stay glued to your side.
Stolas often drags you to dance with him in the music room. He is attentive to your tastes and shows you his favorite pieces too! In general he is an attentive lover who adapts to your needs without being overbearing. If you accept his flaws your relation will be…stellar.
Your hazbin match is...Husk!
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I did hesitate between a few characters (mainly Vaggie) but in the end Husk won. He’s chill but knows how to have fun. And he’s loyal.
You were at the hotel when you got to know Husk. He was being his usual snarky self but after a few nights (and talks) he slowly became friendlier. He even cracked jokes with you! Music definitely got the two of you to bond. You became someone he felt at ease with. The moment Husk considered sharing some of his problems with you he knew he fell, and fell hard. He started being more attentive to your needs and lost in your voice during your conversations. Everyone knew he was in love so one night they somehow managed to leave the two alone for the night. That’s when he confessed, knowing he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
As mentioned beforehand, Husk is a very attentive boyfriend. His love language is mostly acts of service and some quality time. He makes you your favorite drinks and will even learn the ways of a coffee barista for you. He’s proud of the way he makes you smile and feel loved as well as being your shoulder to vent to. Husk knows he has a way with words and people to make them feel at ease, he’d say it’s a positive trait of his that’s why he wants you to be included in it. Plus he gives good advices for someone with so many bad decisions. Husk likes going on weekly dates with you (besides dinner together every night that he cooks) to watch new movies. He’s mostly a domestic guy so going out in public is something he’d only do for you.
Husk calm demeanor is really helpful when you start getting irrational. He always help you keep a head on your shoulders and is the rational voice. Doesn’t mean he won’t encourage you to go ape shit when someone deserves it. While he prefers the calm, Husk still enjoys your occasional chaotic moments. He knows you try to lessen them for him but isn’t fully opposed to them as long as you’re safe. Low chance he’ll join you but some nagging will work. People are surprised that he’s with someone way more energetic than him but he just shoots some lovey dovey comment and they shut it. Angel is probably your biggest cheerleader in the relationship, he gives a lot of (sometimes helpful) advices to Husk.
While your hobbies differ greatly, I can see Husk appreciating them a lot. Especially your artistic side that he fully encouraged. He’s always there when you practice, even when you get frustrated or have an art block. Husk will become your hype man and do his best to motivate you. He probably got the binge watching habit from you much to Alastor dismay and he actually gets into soap operas….it’s funny to watch. Husk likes listening to you analyze or talk about greek mythology. He’s not great at that but tries to participate (he likes listening to your voice).
Husk will lessen his drinking habits with you. He wants to be the best version of himself for you just like you are for him. He’s really trying and it’s commendable. His gambling is another issue and he needs another fixation for him to stop. I guess with you it could become watching tv as it takes up a lot of his time (not saying that in a negative way but you see what I mean). Aesthetically talking, you two also fit together if we judge by clothing type and your personal aesthetic. Overall he might not be the best guy but he’s willing to change for his love.
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adorastarot · 9 months
BTS & YOU - Jungkook & Jade
Jade is the pen name that my lovely client has decided to go with, she was one of my first clients on ko-fi ! Thank you so much Jade for allowing me to share your reading with everyone, I am so grateful that you enjoyed the reading and that it resonated!
♡ Want to order a BTS & You reading? Check out my Ko-fi
Jungkook & Jade
Pen name: Jade,  BTS member - Jungkook
 4 of cups, 7 of cups, the magician in reverse, the empress, 3 of swords, king of cups and 2 of cups.
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I actually feel like both of you together would be very likely to get too caught up on each other to the point where nothing else around you exists. I truly just see this bubble forming around you and nothing else would matter. The song “It’s you” by Jeong Sewoon started playing which in itself is hilarious because I haven’t heard this song in years but it truly describes the vibe of this reading. I do feel like together you two could become a bit toxic…you would both be likely to lose your independence and lose your sense of the self. Jungkook is coming across in this reading as someone who wants this, who wants to get lost in romance and you would not even think twice about it and dive in straight away; which…I fully understand! In the long term, he could actually end up relying on you a lot and you may find yourself taking more of a motherly role and nurturing him. However, he would absolutely put you on the pedestal. He would be the type to ask you all the questions all of the time “How are you feeling” “Have you eaten” “Shall I cook for you?” “ You don’t look well, how can I make you feel better?” He would be the type around you to be very proactive but this is because he would see you as someone who ticks all of the boxes for him. The empress is the queen of all queens, and so this connection would eventually bring a lot of peace to both of you. There would be a lot of healing and growth within both of you. You may both have some pretty bad past relationships which is why you’re so clingy at first?! But with time, you both help these wounds heal. I love how the two of cups came out for you two because this to me is all about growth and being equals. Being equals is so important and the two of you seem to really see eye to eye, and understand each other's needs. It’s funny because I don’t see a lot of touching in this reading even though there is a lot of possessive energy. Instead of touching, I see togetherness. You would sit very close to each other at all times, or walk very close to each other, enough to feel each other's presence.
Jungkook’s thoughts of Jade
8 of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, the moon and the knight of cups.
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Hardworking! Someone who works really hard but who is also very hands-on. You may not be afraid to get down and dirty when you need to and you’re very good at just getting things done. There is a lot of trust coming through, you are someone he would be able to truly rely on. He would also think of you as someone who is very giving and who is willing to work hard for the sake of others, or you may even start a charity together?! Interestingly enough, he would think of you as someone who keeps a lot of secrets or someone who carries a lot of guilt?! Guilt for feeling like you are not doing enough, but could also be associated with your own self-worth. You would likely to put him on a pedestal, but interestingly enough, he would be the type to do the exact same thing to you.
Jungkook’s feelings towards Jade
 2 of pentacles, 10 of wands, 10 of cups, page of swords This connection at first would put him under quite a bit of stress, because on one hand you would balance him and ground him, but on the other hand, he would feel overwhelmed and potentially even feel like he has to carry the connection, almost as if you would be relying on him. Maybe if the two of you were to get together you would move there and he would feel a lot of burdens and responsibilities?! But at the same time the 10 of cups is all about an emotionally fulfilling connection and so I do feel like he would want to grow a family with you and daydream with you. You would be nothing like he would have ever imagined his future spouse to be like and he kind of likes this about you a lot. The fact that you are so different from his type is what draws him in the most.
Will you ever meet? 
4 of wands, the lovers, 3 of wands, 6 of cups
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YESSS!!! YES YES YES, omg definitely! Most likely around 2026. I do see him being the one to come to you, so he could either travel to your country (or somewhere that feels like home to you) and you meet there. I also see the two of you interacting so it could be that you actually get the chance to talk to him. It seems like it will happen after some sort of gathering it could even be after a concert that you spot him.
Thank you Jade, for allowing me to share this reading with everyone! Lots of love my lovely <3
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vergess · 1 year
this is a personal af question that you do not need to answer publicly or at all esp. bc its for fanficish writing purposes but anyway so like how DO you, personally at least, deal with episodes of psychosis? because google tells me that the go to needs to be antipsychotics but 1. the context is a character who does not have regular access to them anyway 2. every one i have looked at has GOD AWFUL PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS that seem to be almost guaranteed to happen? and my doctor oc would not subject that to anybody. the usual psychosis symptoms i write in my current rps are post-ictal and postpartum psychosis specifically because getting information about that from people who actually HAVE THE CONDITIONS is easy, and there seem to be other methods of dealing with them without antipsychotics (plus, you know, magic dnd for one, and pokemon psychic bs for the other) but finding information on how people with other forms of psychosis (in this case, schizotypal ftr) deal with it from their own perspective is almost impossible? it's ALL ableist bullshit from doctors which is why i am hesitant to trust the idea of "antipsychotics are the only way" :/ even reddit is not helpful here lol and i want to get this right? i know it's just tumblr rp/ao3 fanfic/discord rp that nobody important will read but me and my friends are trying to NOT be ableist shitbags on purpose you know?
Boy I really just don't answer tough asks over the winter months, huh.
I started keeping a closer eye on how media that I otherwise recommend depicts psychosis since getting this ask, and I'm disappointed to announce that over the last two months only two (2) pieces of media have been Normal About Psychosis.
So, the first thing to remember when writing a Psycho is: WE ARE WHOLE ASS ADULTS WITH ADULT BRAINS OKAY, we're not small children lost in a fantasy. We're not violent monsters out for blood. We are people who sometimes see, hear, etc things that aren't really there.
Writing a psychotic character competently isn't about curing them, or even about reducing their symptoms. It's about showing how they cope with those symptoms while carrying on with their daily lives.
I'm currently on the lowest possible dose of antipsychotic right now, and I will say two things about that. 1) the meds make reality checks and other coping skills MUCH more effective. 2) Even at a low dose, abstract and creative thinking are hindered. I don't feel hindered; but I have a 24 year long writing portfolio that says I sure as shit am hindered.
Whether a character will benefit from going on meds is going to be a balancing act. But since you aren't actually looking for meds advice, lets talk about those Other Coping Skills.
Broadly, I would split my skills into three categories: stuff for hallucinations, stuff for delusions, and stuff for dissociation.
So, first off, reality checking is my #1 go to for hallucinations.
You pick this skill up pretty quickly as a kid; everyone does. The difference being that where a non-psychotic person eventually gets to stop relying on others to tell them what is real, we get to keep on asking forever.
It's actually super exhausting to be in a crowded space because most of the nonverbal cues you come to rely on (eg, no one else flinched so that noise probably wasn't real) become INSTANTLY useless. Every noise, movement etc may of may not be real, and your only option is to either gauge other people's lack of reaction, or ask someone you trust for a reality check.
Sounds like an easy way for an abusive shit to control your entire life with no effort? It is!!
Once you know if something is real or not, you can decide to ignore it. Like ignoring anything obtrusive, this is easier if you are in a good mood, physically comfortable, etc. An absurd amount of "coping with psychosis" is just constantly monitoring yourself and others to make sure you are reacting to the right things at the right volume.
Ignoring something that your brain insists is real and a threat is very tiring, so there's also a lot of sleeping.
Delusions are significantly harder to manage than hallucinations, IMO. Not just because, as a multiply marginalized person there are myriad ways that an ambiguous "them" is actually trying to ruin my life for real. Being on terror watchlists due to racism REALLY makes it IMPOSSIBLE to manage my paranoid delusions because some of the more insane shit is just real.
But there are other delusions that are easier to handle. Mostly, this comes down to self monitoring again. I can take an extra second to ask myself, "hang on, statistically speaking, how likely is it that this total stranger ACTUALLY wants to kill me?" The answer, of course, is "violent crime has been trending down for years, and everyone in this area thinks I'm white as long as I don't go outside during the summer, so I'm safe."
It's all about finding the information that helps keep you calm.
Because the absolute certainty that this is a murderer and you are walking into the slaughter will not go away. You just... take it on faith that this time will turn out as safely as the last 399 times.
It's just a shitload of observation, mimicry, and forcing myself to do things that feel dangerous by reminding myself that they aren't.
That shit sounds simple, but it's a CONSTANT fight; it never really gets easier, you just get used to it.
Which brings me back around to my meds again: I think I prefer it this way. My writing sucks, and I keep crying when I read it because it's wrong, it sounds like a field amputation. But god, I went to a cafe during the morning rush a few days ago, and the overload of noise and data only left me bedridden for ONE day. ONE!!! Not a WEEK!
Maybe losing my only art is okay in light of how much less bad things are.
Anyway, I can't remember the name of the 2014 short story about the One Person With Psychosis being wrongfully shunned by her colony because she doesn't feel affective empathy, in spite of her constant and perfectly reasoned moral code ensuring she is, if anything, the least dangerous person in town. I wish I could remember it!! It's a good example!!!
I haven't read it yet, but people I love and trust seem to generally agree that the psychosis in Harrow the Ninth is well written, too, so maybe check that out IDK
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alexandersimpleton · 8 months
In case you haven't read Epithet Erased (go read it it's amazing) the show exists in a world where 1 in 5 people are inscribed, which means they have a single word entwined with their soul that let's them do magic. For example, Molly Blyndeff, the protagonist of the museum arc of the first season and the book, has the epithet dumb, which let's her dumb things down and reduce them, like muting the noise within a small bubble, or reducing damage when you take a hit. Everyone else is a mundie
Now, I am also a massive fan of the series Cursed Princess Club on Webtoon. So, I've thought of Epithets for some of them.
(before the list, I'd like to make some things clear. In Epithet Erased, each Epithet has three scores: stamina, proficiency, and creativity. Stamina is how much they can use their epithet or take a hit, proficiency is how experienced they are with their epithet, creativity is how creative they are in using their epithet. As such I will be grading each and giving reasons for why each is graded as they are. As well as that, there are three classes of ranking. Star is level one, ring is level two, nova is level three. Most of these guys will just be stars, but still)
So, onto the epithets
Frederick: Imagine
Let's the user bring anything they imagine into reality.
Stamina: three stars (Freddy can use this one to his heart's content without so much as a sweat, but he'd probably be knocked out by a pillow hitting him in the face, so it evens out)
Proficiency: one ring, four stars (Freddy uses his epithet to escape reality like, several times per day, and has been for years. He's also taken to using it to impress Gwen on occasion. Only when they're alone because Frederick finds some of them embarrassing)
Creativity: five stars (Frederick is the type of person to imagine a solution to most things. Don't have enough hands? Cute spider people with 8 hands can carry your things! The room is to quiet? A boyband of anthropomorphic mice (that has since gotten a new member: the main singer's cute rat girlfriend))
Other stuff: Frederick does have a habit of accidently using his epithet when he gets strong emotions. When he gets flustered around Gwen he grows little cat ears (which he always gets incredibly embarrassed about, which makes the cat ears harder to un-summon), and whenever he has panic attacks sunflowers start growing on the walls floor and ceiling in whatever room he's in. (Just thought of this as I was writing, note to self: write an au where Frederick is just cursed with cat ears and other cat attributes. His personality and character really went from wet cat to dry cat)
Blaine: charm
Allows the user to convince any person animal or thing to do anything.
Stamina: four stars (he uses it often, but still gets tired of using it by the end of the day)
Proficiency: five stars (he uses it often, but doesn't rely on it like Frederick does)
Creativity: two stars (Blaine only gets that because he sometimes uses it for magic tricks. He just uses his epithet only in the least creative way possible)
Other stuff: He used his epithet to tame a bear once, I guess. If these guys were actually Epithet Erased characters, than I feel like Blaine being the least creative epithet user on the planet would be a running gag.
Maria: Melody
Allows the user to create music with a variety of effects. Most effective while singing, but can be applied to any other form of music
Stamina: two stars (how much energy it takes to use her epithet depends on the effects of the music, but doing anything important takes a good bit of energy)
Proficiency: three stars (she doesn't really practice her epithet. She just casts the same spell over and over again.)
Creativity: one ring, five stars (she doesn't really do it, but she can use her music to pretty much do literally anything. It is very abusable.)
Other stuff: If she leveled up her proficiency to rings, than she could gain a bonus on her epithet by teaming up with people, either with both using their epithets, or working together to create music. The songs she sings on balconies are magic songs. They make music notes appear in the air that disappear when she stops singing. That's it.
Gwen: terror
Allows the user to create a sense of terror in anyone or anything, but inanimate objects aren't as effective
Stamina: one star (any substantial use of it for more than a couple of seconds knocks her out cold)
Proficiency: one star (she doesn't use her epithet. Like at all)
Creativity: one star (again, she doesn't use it. But even if she did, it wouldn't really be lenient to creativity until:)
Other stuff: if she upgraded to rings, she could bring people's fears to life, like an even better Nightmare Fuel. But she won't get to rings any time soon. She still thinks she's a mundie. She has used her epithet on accident on many, MANY occasions. She is very oblivious to emotions. Because of her underleveling, people that trust her enough are almost completely immune to her epithet.
Nell: foresight
Allows the user to occasionally and sporadically predict negative events, with great pain from the user.
Stamina: one star (she basically dies whenever her epithet goes off)
Proficiency: two stars (it's hard to practice it, but how often it goes off got her out of one star)
Creativity: five stars (as much as the pain sucks, her epithet is actually quite useful)
Other stuff: This epithet pretty much works exactly how Nell's curse does in cannon, with the only exception being that Nell can set off a prediction if she tries hard enough. If she upgraded to rings than she could start seeing positive events too. If she upgraded to nova than she could pick any point in the future to see at will. It'd still hurt though, and her accidental prophesies would still happen.
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