#wow! signal
wikiweird · 1 year
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Wow! signal -
In 1977, a radio signal was detected from outer space that lasted for 72 seconds. This signal, known as the "Wow! signal," remains one of the most intriguing and unexplained mysteries in the field of astronomy.
The Wow! signal was detected by astronomer Jerry R. Ehman while he was analyzing data from the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. The signal was so remarkable that Ehman circled it on the printout and wrote "Wow!" next to it, giving it its name.
What makes the Wow! signal particularly intriguing is its unusual characteristics. It was a narrowband radio signal that appeared to originate from the Sagittarius constellation. The signal's intensity was over 30 times higher than the background noise, indicating a potential artificial origin.
Despite extensive efforts to re-detect the signal and determine its source, it has never been observed again. Scientists have proposed various explanations, including potential extraterrestrial origins, but no definitive conclusions have been reached.
The Wow! signal continues to spark fascination and speculation, representing one of the most enigmatic and unexplained phenomena in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. It serves as a reminder of the vast mysteries that exist beyond our planet and the ongoing quest to understand the universe.
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Follow for the same picture of the Wow! signal every day!
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world-of-advice · 5 months
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healthsonhit · 11 months
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silicon14blog · 10 months
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Only played the demo so far, but when I heard the reason non-rescue corps castaways were on PNF-404, this image came into my mind.
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doctorsiren · 3 months
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Part 6
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Fellas, is it gay to keep your homoerotic reading material right next to the things that remind you of another man?
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
How much do you think the Signal’s debut shook the supervillains, and indeed all criminals, of Gotham? He destroyed their longstanding definition of a Gotham vigilante. All the rules went out the window. From now on, apparently anything goes.
[Early morning in a plain, modest safehouse. Jonathon Crane cracks his eyes open, yawns, slowly gets up and groggily shuffles to the kitchen/dining area, where he takes out a cup and prepares to use the coffee machine. Behind him his scientific equipment and notes are arranged neatly on the counter. A relaxed Duke is taking photos of them.]
Duke: (jovially) Good morning.
Jon: Good morning.
Jon: Who the hell are you?!
Duke: I’m the Signal! (pats symbol proudly) The newest hero in town.
Jon: (blinks, still half-asleep) Like… the Bat-Signal?
Duke: Yeah, I’ve got this whole light theme going on.
Jon: But - it - it’s 6:30 AM.
Duke: Yep. Turns out crime doesn’t just vanish when the sun comes up, so I patrol in the daylight hours. The night shift has seven people; the day shift should have at least one, right?
Jon: But you’re a Bat! Bats don’t do that!
Duke: Actually, some species of bat, like fruit bats, are diurnal. I got precedent.
Jon, on the verge of a breakdown: Okay, okay, look. I have lost a great deal of sleep lately evading capture by the frankly ridiculous number of vigilantes active at night. You’re a teenager, a student with a very strenuous job. Surely you understand what sleep deprivation feels like.
Duke: I do.
Jon: Just please, please let me have my coffee.
[A weighted pause. Duke narrows his eyes, then softens.]
Duke: You get one cup.
Jon: Thank you.
[He makes his cup of coffee and lovingly inhales the smell. Just as he’s about to drink it, Duke bats it out of his hand like a cat. It smashes on the floor.]
Jon: YOU -
[Duke quickly cuffs him.]
Duke: Stop! Making! Trauma: The Inhalant! That’s all you have to do, man!
[Duke is fighting Poison Ivy in her greenhouse of killer plants.]
Duke, popping out the blades in his escrima sticks: Your vines are no match for my bat-chet blades!
Ivy: Great, another one who puns.
[She sends a new wave of vines, but he gracefully slices and weaves through them. Too gracefully. His reflexes are faster than even Batman’s. Curious as scientists are wont to be, she halts her attack, and then suddenly, silently strikes with a vine straight at the back of his head. He cannot possibly sense it coming. He ducks.]
Ivy: Wait… oh God, you can’t predict movements before they happen with crazy extreme ninja training like Black Bat, can you? I’m not fighting another Bat like that. No way.
Duke: Oh, no, no, no, don’t worry. I’m not nearly as well-trained as Black Bat. I just have superpowers.
Ivy: You what?
Duke: I’m a metahuman. I’ve got superpowers.
Ivy: But you’re a Bat! Bats don’t do that!
Duke: I get that a lot.
Ivy: Well, what superpowers?
Duke: I’m not telling you all about my powers - I’m literally fighting you - but basically I can process light differently. Part of that is seeing where it’s been, the past, and where it will be, the future. I call it ghost vision.
Ivy: How far into the past and future? Hours? Months? Years? Can you see before your birth or after your death? Can you predict other people’s deaths? Watch the rise and fall of civilizations?
Duke, whose ghost vision currently goes under a minute both ways: That’s for me to know and you to… (stares into the middle distance) I believe, never find out.
Ivy: (raises hands) I’ll go to Arkham.
[Duke kicks open the door to Edward Nygma's hideout.]
Duke: Give it up, Riddler, I've got a... whoa.
[He trails off as he takes the space in. There are papers - plans, to-do lists, riddles, ciphers, trap and gadget blueprints, maps and more - everywhere, in stacks, folders and scattered loose across every surface. A bin in the corner is overflowing with crumpled pages. Intricate model traps line a shelf, one fallen on the floor. One wall bears a large corkboard with green and purple strings connecting annotated pictures of the Batfamily, including a screenshot of Oracle's digital logo. Edward himself has not reacted whatsoever to Duke's entrance. He's hunched over at his desk, typing away at an expensive computer setup. On one side of him sit many energy drinks, on the other is a massive pile of empty cans. All this detail requires Duke's night vision to see, because the lights are off and the curtains are closed, the only light the computer's cold glow.]
Edward: (only briefly looking up to give him a haughty stare) Yes, yes, the Signal, I've heard. Rest assured, it will be my utmost pleasure to obliterate you in a battle of wits. I just need to finish a couple of things.
Duke: When was the last time you slept?
Edward: (slightly hysterical chuckle) Please. I have transcended my mortal weaknesses thanks to intense focus, indomitable drive and the miracle of stimulants, much as I presume you Bats do. You're in no position to lecture me on getting enough sleep. I mean, you're late, so you're clearly not on top of things.
Duke: What?
Edward: You're meant to be a daytime hero. It's a little late for that, isn't it?
Duke: (concerned) It's 8:00 AM.
[Edward blinks and looks at the clock on his screen. He frowns. He stands up, strides over to the window and opens the curtains, flinching at the bright morning light. Duke notices that he has deep bags under his eyes and looks even more tired than Jon did, but his movements are as energetic as ever. He stretches and winces from back ache.]
Edward: Ah. So it is. ...What day is it?
Duke: (more concerned) Monday?
Edward: Monday?!
Duke: Okay, you've clearly been in the zone for a while. And I know being autistic can make it hard to recognize and interpret your body's messages. When was the last time you ate?
Edward: None of your business. I'm perfect condition.
[He picks up another can. Duke punctures it with a batarang. Edward scoffs and throws it down in indignation.]
Duke: I don't think you should have any more of those. (scans the hideout with X-ray vision) Oh my God, there's no food in here. Did you forget to buy it? Listen, if you come quietly, I'll get you a full breakfast on the way to Arkham.
[Edward is distracted, rummaging through his cabinets in search of food.]
Edward: Of course I have food, Duke. It's right... it's somewhere around... (finds the fallen model) oh, I was looking for this!
Duke: No, with my powers I - you know my identity?
Edward: (still distracted, talking increasingly fast) What, like it's hard? I know everyone's except Oracle and the Red Hood. If Jason had survived, he'd be a perfect fit, but he's dead. Now, true, Stephanie is still alive when I distinctly remember visiting her grave, but those are completely different situations. There was a motive to fake her death, to escape the criminal overlords she'd angered with that gang war fiasco; I cannot find any such benefit from Jason's faked death and relocation. Stephanie was gone for, like, a year. Jason has yet to return after most of a decade. Even -
Duke: You visited Steph's grave?
Edward: She was a brilliant adversary, I had to pay my respects. Anyway, even if Jason's death was somehow inexplicably faked, he wouldn't have chosen to live only as Red Hood. Especially who Red Hood was at first. That would mean sacrificing his close familial relationships and becoming his beloved father and big brother's enemy. And why would he ever be a crime lord? It's a radical betrayal of all his values, and based on his backstory, he should resent organized crime. And Batman would never fight his own child. None of it makes any sense! But I can't figure out what else could work. Is he really just a random person the Bats took in in adulthood? So that's been weighing on me. And also -
[He trips over a folder and, weak and lightheaded, crashes to the floor. He's so exhausted that merely lying on a flat surface has him sleeping soundly in an instant, resting his head on a stack of paper. Duke stares at him incredulously.]
Duke: I'm buying you breakfast.
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
Tom & B'Elanna give off closeted gay vibes in that I think if you asked them to describe their ideal woman and man they would respectively describe a swimsuit model (bonus: who's Not Like Other Girls) and the lead in some sort of romantic novel. Nothing even close to a real person. The most generic you can get about straight romantic and sexual attraction.
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akkivee · 2 months
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but i mean if kr can do it, then i-
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tread-octane · 18 days
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‘Bout to challenge this bear to a race out of the woods and back home B)
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 months
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Collecting clips for a gifset, and had to pause here because look at the hair.
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Follow for the same picture of the Wow! signal every day!
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Duke takes it as a personal duty to embarrass his legal guardian at least once per day. Preferably online, where all of Gotham can see.
(If you haven't seen tanaradoublechocolate on tiktok, you're missing out.)
(I giggled the whole time making this.)
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officialtokyosan · 19 days
denying someone's pain HAS to be really high up on the violence scale
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whilomm · 8 months
liking the aesthetics of manly man stuff but trying not to buy from right wing MRA 4channers
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