#wreck the maaaan~~
waterfallofspace · 11 months
#23 from my prompt meme with E/lias (maybe P/eter deciding to make Elias sneeze)??
Thank you for the request~~
Gently humming “wreeeckkk the maannn, wreeck the maaan” under my breath~ <3
2.4k, prompt #23 from ~this list~, story under cut!
23. "You really don’t want to do that, trust me."
(References to swearing, and T/MA spoilers, so please proceed with caution for those!)
It wasn’t The Eye that alerted him to the company waiting in his office. Nor was it Rosie, though it should have been. Elias makes a mental note to have a talk with her about her job description. No, unfortunately for the head of the institute, what clued him in was an unmistakable scent of mischief in the air. Mischief tinged with a hint of salt. 
“Peter,” Elias offers with a glance at the figure flicking into focus in the corner. He steps into his office, leaning against the doorframe. “I don’t recall planning a meeting for today.” 
To the untrained ear it would seem a polite yet dismissive greeting, but Peter is well versed in the many tones of Elias Bouchard. As a captain, one has to be able to see each undertow through an otherwise calm surface, a technique not limited to the ocean. 
“Your memory remains sharp as ever, Elias. We did not. However, I’ve come to you with an offer. One I know you can’t turn down.” 
Raising an eyebrow, Elias lets the image of Jon slumped over his recorder fade into the background. Pulling himself to his full height, he strides to his desk and takes a seat behind it. 
“You have my undivided attention.”
“I do, don’t I? What an honour.” The captain sinks onto the desk, a faint smile clinging to the corners of his balanced expression. His gaze falls on Elias, who in turn feels himself starting to slip into the familiar sensation. 
Peter’s eyes aren’t just dark, they’re more… empty. It’s not that the light doesn’t reach them; they aren’t bathed in shadows. Instead, they seem to soak the light from around them and swallow it whole. As they trace up Elias’s figure, it’s as if they’re trying to consume the glow from his own, taking all of him with it. 
“Well? I am quite a busy man. If you would be so kind, present your offer.”
“Oh, I did use that word, didn’t I?” Despite not a trace of illumination, a gleam dances through Peter’s eyes. “My sincerest apologies, I fear it doesn’t quite match my intentions. Perhaps a better term would be… challenge.” 
“And what sort of ‘challenge’ would that be?” 
Within a moment the faint smell of salt is replaced by a burning sort of sweetness. Elias feels his body react before his mind has a chance to catch up, a single finger raising to crush the tip of his nose. The contact only serves to exaggerate the itch, and the hand is quickly dropped back to his side. 
A smile spreads across Peter’s face in response, fingers uncurling to reveal something long, soft, and distinctly floral. His lips part with an inhale Elias finds himself unable to echo as Peter whispers, “An easy one. Don’t sneeze.” 
“Sihhh… hiH-! Simple enough, I suhhppose. And what do I ge- gehh… hH-! get if I succeed?” 
“Whatever you would like.”
“You seem quihhte confident, Peter,” Elias purrs, attempting to maintain a touch of decorum through the maddening tickle as it begins to spread deeper. Peter shifts his position, hand coming to rest against Elias’s knee, the offending blossom inching ever closer.
“Perhaps I am.” 
“I’ll be the first to admit I wahhsn’t expecting it, you caught m- me… hH- off guard,” Taking a pause, Elias swallows hard, willing the tears pooling around his lashes not to fall. With a measured breath, carefully manufactured nonchalance spread across his face, he meets Peter’s gaze. 
“Unfortunately for you, the element of surprise has passed, and I am quite able to fight off this mild irritation.” 
“Is that so? Oh dear, my apologies once more, I’m afraid things just keep slipping my mind today. I forgot to mention there’s one more rule to this little challenge,” Peter hums, the smile haunting his hollow face almost as sickeningly sweet as the fauna he waves around with precise recklessness. 
Elias feels his nose quiver as the pollen spreads through the air, an unfortunate side effect of The Eye presenting itself as each individual grain makes themselves known to him. Peter had paused, presumably for dramatic effect. Though now it’s more likely captivation, eye’s locked on his prey as Elias sniffles with increasing urgency.
“Ahh… hIH-! And what wouhhld that be?” 
“There are no limits to what I can do with my weapon of choice.” 
Gesturing to the flower hanging from his fingers, Peter’s face lights up with a smirk once more. The glow of mischief is not unfamiliar to him, but Elias still can’t seem to shake the unease that settles in his gut. Such a light seems to be at odds with the captain’s very personage in a way that makes his skin crawl. 
“If I rehhfuse?” Elias questions, lifting his thumb to swipe away a stray tear threatening to escape. The action spreads the buzzing deeper into his sinuses, a gasp breaking between his clenched teeth. Peter echos the inhale with a sharp breath of his own, turning the exhale into a chuckle.
“I suppose you could…” The sentence is unfinished, lingering in the air with almost as much irritation as the pollen. Neither need finish it, they both know the unspoken words ring true. But you won’t.
Another hitch breaks through his defenses as Elias feels his eyes start to shut, the familiar itch spreading out through his mind matching the burn in his sinuses. The all consuming itch to observe. To watch. 
“hihH-!” A finger presses against his nose, then two, until his whole palm is pressed against his face in an effort to block the cascade of tickles lining each breath. However before long his wrist is encased in a soft grip, Peter gently pulling it away from his face. 
“You saihhd nothing about not being able t- to… haHh- touch my n- nohh… nose.” 
“That’s because it’s not a rule. But if you’ll recall, I’m allowed to do whatever I desire with my weapon,” Peter chuckles again, wiping another tear that had broken free, Elias feeling his nose give a violent twitch in response. “And your hand was in the way of that.” 
Bringing the blossom up, Peter twirls it between his fingers, a faint horror flashing through Elias’s eyes as a fresh wave of pollen spreads through the air. He wants to hold his breath, but a touch of moisture starts to spread through his nose, the sensation nearly sending him over the edge. Peter isn’t holding his wrist anymore, and yet his hands seem to be frozen in place.
Before he can make a choice, Peter brings the lavender to his face, gently flicking it against one nostril. It manages to touch the inside of his nose leaving his mouth twitching and eyes snapping shut. The constant buzzing of his thoughts are suddenly swarmed with one single word. Sneeze. 
The first crawls out before Elias can raise a hand, but his fingers tighten across his nose in time to stifle the next, “hk’nGT-! ek’gNKT’dieu-!” that seize his breath. From atop the desk he manages to pick up Peter’s voice, though for the life of him he can’t make out any words between shaky gasps.
“Elias, the stifling,” Peter starts, pausing as Elias manages to cast a watery glare. He offers a grin dripping with playful mischief. And yet, a hint of sincerity just below the calm darkness gives Elias the will to stall the impending sneezes long enough for Peter to finish. “You really don’t want to do that, trust me." 
“I’m quihhte.. hh’kngt-! quite sure my n- nohh… eh’dnxt-ngXT’ieu-! nose would disagree,” Elias manages, fingers still tightly gripping said nose. Each stifle brings forth a new wave of irritation, his eyes begging to open between each outburst. 
The Eye never seemed keen on something that would force his eyes shut. Unfortunately for his patron, it seems allergies were not something even body hopping could outrun. Elias often found himself figuring it as some sort of cosmic joke, or perhaps a punishment. Whatever the case, it led to quite famous attacks, no matter what body he found himself in. 
“Actually I believe your nose would be on my side with this matter,” Peter insists, running a single finger down the bridge of said appendage as Elias finds his mouth hanging open, tears now freely streaming from his delicate lashes. “Though your eyes might have a few complaints.” 
“hIHh-! P- Peter I cahhn’t… I’m… I’m gonna-” Elias feels his nostrils flare, each breath bringing a fresh wave of thickly sweetened air. His sinuses practically hiss in response to Peter tracing a single nail across them. “hh’kNGT’ieu-!”  
Before he can even manage a full breath, the tip of the lavender is pressed against his nose, Peter stroking it back and forth in a motion that has Elias damn near moaning. A light chuckle falls from the captain’s lips, the vibrations travelling through his hand into the stem. Elias just gasps in response, not capable of much else at this point. “hehHH-” 
“Much as I’m enjoying watching you prolong your own misery, I’m a bit of a perfectionist. My goal was to make you sneeze, and honestly those little squeaks feel like a hollow victory. I’m going more for the real thing.” 
“heHH-! I- I hhhave to… ahH!”
“Yes, I imagine you do.” With that, Peter sets the blossom back on the desk, pulling Elias’s chair closer until they’re sitting eye to eye. With a single fluid motion Peter secures both wrists, Elias only managing to mutter out a groan of disapproval before his features go slack. “Now, have I earned my show yet, or do you need a bit more convinc-”
“hH’KSHH’ieu-! ek’TISHhhieew-!”
Elias aims for his shoulder, spinning as far as he can manage while Peter holds his wrists hostage. Still polite, even in the midst of an allergy attack, an apology scrapes out before another desperate “heHKZSHHuh-!” 
“See, doesn’t that feel better?”
“My- my haahhh… hands! aH’KNZSH’dieuu-! ”
“Oh right,” Peter says, releasing his arms and grinning again as Elias frantically brings them to his face. Rubbing his nose against a wrist doesn’t seem to relieve the itch. Instead, Elias switches to mashing a palm against it with a groan.
“Can you imagine if people found out the ‘All Powerful Elias’ was completely taken down by a single bloom of lavender?” 
“dTZSHhhuh-!” A wave of irritation flashes through Elias’s face, though it’s unclear whether it’s from the tickle or Peter’s words.
His lashes flutter again, voice hoarse and wavering as he manages to get out a single sentence. “Oh christ, don’t even say the w- word… hh’ETSHhhieew-!”  
“Sorry, sorry. It’s quite amusing though. Not often I get to see this shade of red cross your face.”
“Glad you’re… hehh- hH’INZSH-! entertained,” Elias mutters, rummaging through his pockets with growing urgency. Apparently not finding his prize, he turns an accusatory gaze to Peter. “Do you happ- happen-” 
Elias pauses, stuck in an itchy limbo that seems to consume him. Peter waits a full minute, but soon it becomes clear there will be no progress without interference. With a glint in his eye, he reaches down and runs his nail down the bridge of Elias’s nose.
“hk’TISHH’dieu-! huhhh… heH-”
A breath, cautious sniff, then Elias attempts to resume his sentence, only to groan in frustration as the tickle chooses this moment to resurge. “Thank- eh’KSHH’ieu-! guhh…”  
Holding a wrist up to his nose, Elias coughs lightly, the water in his eyes seeming to take on a luminescent tint. Clearing his throat, he attempts to regain some of his long forsaken propriety. “As I was saying, do you happen to hahh… fuck- ih’GZSH-!”
“Elias Bouchard! What language! Even on my ship we don’t resort to such a foul tongue,” Peter taunts, savouring the scowl Elias aims his way. It’s soon overtaken by another desperately ticklish look as Elias buries his face into his collar for another round. 
“hihHZSHHhiew-! Oh bloody hell- kNGSHH’dieu-!” 
“Bless. Into your collar Elias?”
“I didn’t have much of- of a… ek’NZSH-! choice. Seems I’ve misplaced my handkerchief today.”
“Oh dear, that certainly does seem like an inconvenience,” Peter murmurs, letting his mouth contort into a grin as his tongue traces the outline of his lips. Elias offers an exasperated sigh in return.
“Quite. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. 
“ehH-! Really, agaihhhn?” Rolling his eyes, Elias reaches for his collar as the tickle swells once more, shooting the lavender a pointed glare before his eyes glaze over. “hH’KZSH’ieu-!”
“Blessings. You know what, I think I just so happen to have an extra today. Would you be interested in-” Before he can get another word out Elias has ripped the cloth from his hand, burying his face in the soft folds for another “eh’YIZSHieww-!” 
He lets a couple blows scrape out into the cloth, a heady sigh bursting from his chest as he finishes, managing to actually get some airflow through his nose. The sound leaves them both wincing, but it’s better than nothing. It also seems to mark the end of the fit, though Elias still eyes the blossom laying on the table with more than a hint of caution. 
“Are you planning on… disposing of that?”
Peter follows his gaze, another unsettling laugh spilling out as he crushes the flower in his palm. “I would be happy to. After all, it served its purpose well.”
“Well. In that case, I suppose there’s only one matter of business left to attend to before this ‘meeting’ comes to a conclusion.”
“Oh? And what would that be?” Peter asks, head tilting as he watches Elias dab at his eyes with a clean section of the cloth. Once he’s content, he brings it down to his scarlet tinged nose to give it another deep scrub. Peter gestures to his face with a smirk. “If it’s the handkerchief, you can keep it.”
“How kind. No, I was thinking more of your prize.”
“My prize?” 
“Indeed. You did win the challenge af- after… afterall- hhK’IEZSHuh-!”
Elias lets out another groan, a few curses following on its tail as he blows his nose again, the whole ordeal leaving him sniffling. Peter can’t help but feel a pang in his chest as Elias leans back in his chair with a heavy sigh, letting his eyes close in a way that just looks exhausted.
“How about you owe me a favour. I’m sure I can think of something I’d want,” Peter offers, a softness in his tone that has Elias opening a single eye to observe the captain.
After a long pause, Elias simply nods, returning his head to the back of his chair as his eyes drift shut once more. Peter stands, offering a wave over his shoulder as he doesn’t quite walk out the door, but still exits the room. 
“Thanks for the fun, Elias. Let’s do this again soon.”
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radiosummons · 1 year
My sister has been showing me episodes of OG Trigun--mostly in preparation for Trigun Stampede--but also because it's one of her favorite manga of all time.
And holy SHIT I cannot even begin to explain how fucking batshit this show is. Just hearing Johnny Yong Bosch's voice alone immediately sent me back at least fifteen years.
I have watched all episodes of OG Trigun while drunk, high and sober. And regardless of my state of inebreiation, I was always left with the exact, inescapable feeling of wanting to fucking die from the sheer nostalgic cringe and insanity of it all. I hate this show. I love this show. I'm fucking obsessed.
So, to all those who are curious (or would just like a mini idea of how to compare OG Trigun with Trigun Stampede)--here is my comprehensive list of things that ACTUALLY happened in Trigun that make me go absolutely batshit just thinking about them:
The sheer insanity of the--balls to the walls, barely held together with ducktape, spit and shoestring--of a plot, all with apparently little to no accuracy to the manga whatsoever. This both amuses and horrifies my sister.
The absolute refusal on the part of the anime to actually explain literally anything. Like the fact that the show takes place in space. Or why humanity is on a desert planet. Or what Plants are, why they're important, why they're there, literally ANYTHING.
Seriously, if you've only ever watched the anime you would have no fucking clue what the Plants are or what they even do. And THEY'RE LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BITS OF LORE/A HUGE PART OF THE PLOT OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING MANGA.
A major bit of Trigun's lore/setting is just straight up the events of Wall-E.
Johnny Yong fucking Bosch as Vash's English VA. Enough said.
Vash--by simply existing and (mostly) through no direct fault of his own--is capable of wrecking such sheer and complete utter devastation that there's an actual insurance policy people can file after their town is destroyed in the aftermath of him visiting. Iconic.
Monev is just Spiderman's Venom but with a purple and orange reskin. This was intentional on part of the creator as he is obsessed with Venom. Good on him.
This is only specific to the English Dub (we switched to the original sub for the more "serious" episodes, calm down), but HOLY FUCK the absolutely atrocious line deliveries somehow make the show even worse and yet ultimately so much funnier all at the same time!
Millions Knives is the name of Vash's twin brother.
Vash is bisexual. There are multiple occassions where he will call a random male character "Cute" or "Cutie." Somehow, I am not the least bit surprised.
Christianity exists. And the Church trains orphans to be assassins. This makes perfect sense.
In the second episode of the series (English Dub), there's an actual scene where an old man and his grandson LOUDLY lament the absolute devastation of their home in the most inappropriately cheerful and candid way possible. And then the fucking kid follows that up by just singing out of fucking nowhere "~Bad times are here LALALALALA!!!!!~"
Vash is part gun.
According to "company regulations," as insurance workers Milly and Meryl are not allowed to take part time jobs. They later take part time jobs. My broke ass resonated too fucking hard with this bit.
"Oh, maaaan! Why can't I just get a break?! Death and poverty like me so much, they've brought friends!" Fucking. Mood.
At one point, Vash does the crab walk to dodge a barrage of bullets. This is, surprisingly, quite effective.
"I'll whack you, mister!"
Legato's introduction is him sitting down on a bench and then PULLING A HOT DOG OUT OF A PAPER BAG WITH A HUMAN HEAD IN IT!!!!
Legato has his own personal saxophone player that just follows him everywhere???????
"Oh my. I'm about to go down in ~fllaaaaaammeesssss!~"
In EP 16, someone just starts randomly scatting in the background for no reason. No explanation is ever offered.
"My name is .... VASH DA STAMPEDE-DUUUH!!!!!"
Also in EP 16, one of the villains for that episode sounds, deadass, exactly like Jar Jar Binks. I am not joking.
Legato can blood bend.
There's a mini episode dedicated to Milly and Meryl. Vash shows up for five seconds hiding in a trash can. The joke writes itself.
"The DEADLY DODGEBALL HEAD!!! A simple technique to hold the ball in place with INTENSE SUUUCTION!! Try this at home! ;)"
Knives eats an apple, cuts his own hair and enters his impromptu emo arc.
Legato gets horny over the idea of Vash crying. Idk what to tell you, man.
Wolfwood shoots a child. Granted, said child was gonna try to kill Vash and a bunch of orphans. But still.
Vash makes up a dark song about murdering and killing people. The villains of that episode proceed to roast him for his shit lyrics.
Wolfwood doesn't understand why everyone is mad at him for KILLING A CHILD.
"I meditate diligently every morning. The subjects are life and love ... I quit after three seconds."
The actually downright amazing OST, that has no right to be as good as it is. No joke, one of the best anime OSTs I have ever heard in my life.
"And if you're still having doubts, check out my 100% accurate gunmanship!" *proceeds to shoot directly at the sky only then for a black cat to fall directly on his head. The cat's fine btw*
At a certain point, Vash fakes his identity, gets a disguise and goes under a false name. Said false name being "Eriks." He looks like if someone ran Hohenheim through the washer and then hung him on a clothesline for a week. I have ... no fucking words.
"What is this strange phenomena? Is it some sort of strange and twisted Christian science!?"
For as menacing as they make Legato out to be, he sure does shit all in the grand scheme of things. Also he looks like he raids Seto Kaiba's closet on the DL and duels monsters on weekends.
Vash will randomly have Bishie eyes. Arguably, his most Bishie moment is right after Wolfwood punches him in the face. I'll let you infer what you want from this.
Rem randomly appears out of nowhere to taunt Vash with nonsense riddles and haikus. No explanation is ever given until EP 17 for who Rem is, why she keeps reappearing in Vash's mind, if she's even a real person or just someone Vash made up, etc. Because of this, it just looks like Vash keeps receiving American Beauty-style rose shower psychic attacks while a random woman just spouts absolute nonsense at him. There is no way this explanation will prepare you for the actual experience of watching it.
 "I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz-" *prolonged pause* "-Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third. Don't hestitate to call."
Vash gets adopted by an old woman and her granddaughter. It's actually kind of sweet.
A minor villain in EP 18 demands that Vash strip and then act like a dog. He proceeds to do both without a single objection. Wolfwood pulls down his sunglasses and leers at Vash's naked ass. My sister has informed me that this is actually canonical.
Rem is a hyper Christian.
Wolfwood takes personal offense to a burlesque dancer being absolute shit at dancing. Honestly ... I can't even argue with him.
"Hey, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill,' REMEMBER!? WHAT KIND OF CHURCH MAN ARE YOU!!!?"
Vash saves a town's Plant through the power of Bishie.
While trying to save a child, Vash and Wolfwood both get sucked into quicksand. Said child just watches them go into the ground. I would have done the same.
Milly, Vash and Wolfwood decide to share drinks and before any of them even take a single shot, Milly decides to strip naked. Vash and Wolfwood are very pleased by this. Meryl is not.
"WHOSE idea was it to USE THE GRENADE!!!?? He can't be identified for the reward if he's a pile of pulp, YOU DUMBASS!!!!"
Wolfwood calls Vash pathetic. This kickstarts yet another existential crisis within Vash.
"Thank GOD you asked! It's a long story, although it's kind of a short one."
For literally no reason at all, child Knives decides to embrace his Anti-Christ symbolism and goes full Joker mode. This is not at all accurate to the manga.
Vash and Knives are aliens/Plants. Rem thinks they're actual Christian angels. Deadass.
Milly forces Wolfwood to pretend to be her baby daddy for a whole episode. For pudding. Yup.
Vash enters a dom/sub relationship with a Pokemon gym leader looking lady and they engage in extremely explicit pet play.
Anyway, watch OG Trigun. If you've ever watched any sort of anime abridged series, it will definitely make things a little easier for you. There are definitely too many points at which this show feels like a YouTube Poop and I mean in that best and worst possible way.
Also Meryl is Best Girl. I will not budge on this.
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oceansprompts · 8 months
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕪 𝔾𝕠𝕕𝕤: ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝔸𝕔𝕥 𝟙
Quotes taken from Summerfall Studios' Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical, from Act 1's first two opening scenes. . . change pronouns and text as needed. . . I tried to keep this lore-specific spoiler free, but spoiler warning.
❝ Four hours in a rented gym that still smells like socks and childhood trauma, and where did it get us other than -- bored? ❞
❝ You know, I had a dream where this exact thing happened. Except we were on stage. And naked. ❞
❝ We could be the Naked Band, coming soon to a really private auditorium near you! ❞
❝ I know you've kind of been at loose ends since you left. I was just hoping tonight would cheer you up. ❞
❝ It's... it's just a sobering dose of reality, you know? What if it never get easier? What if I never figure this out? ❞
❝ You will... You're too hard on yourself. ❞
❝ I think you fit. You know that, right? ❞
❝ Is the world too much, or is it just me? ❞
❝ Everything I set upon, unravels at my feet. ❞
❝ Everything I've learnt, wasted on a girl, who doesn't know how to be free.❞
❝ Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I just... I heard you from outside. ❞
❝ I'd give anything to join you. ❞
❝ All the steps I didn't take, and paths proved untrue. Is there any path through? ❞
❝ Though I'm about to wreck, you still have your life ahead of you. ❞
❝ All things that lose their way can find it again. ❞
❝ I also know what it feels like to be lost, to feel as if you have no place to turn. That's why I had to come inside. ❞
❝ I just... I didn't want you to think I was deranged or something. ❞
❝ Weirder things have happened, I guess? ❞
❝ May I ask you why you feel so... adrift? You're so young. Surely your life is just beginning. ❞
❝ Well, you know the story: nothing ever work out like you think it should. Times ten. ❞
❝ I hope to see you again. Perhaps soon. ❞
❝ I didn't know where else... I'm so sorry! ❞
❝ Wh -- what happened? Who did this? ❞
❝ I didn't want to do this to you. I... not like this. I'm so, so sorry. ❞
❝ Oh, um... I can wait. Take your time. ❞
[ sighs ] ❝ She really is dead, huh? Maaaan. ❞
❝ Look, I can see you know squat about this. So I'm gonna explain quick, but then you gotta come with me, okay? ❞
❝ No no no, wait! Where did you bring me? How did we get here! ❞
❝ I'll just wait here, and, uh, not touch anything. ❞
❝ Ha. My, my, you have had quite the day, haven't you? ❞
❝ Someone died in my arms. Where is this? How did I get here? Who are you people? ❞
❝ If you were real, you'd be all-powerful. You wouldn't be hiding, or... ❞
❝ Mm. Don't pay much attention to those old tales about us. They weren't very true to begin with, and... well, truth be told, we've diminished since those days. ❞
❝ That doesn't mean we're helpless, of course! Far from it. Yet, at the end of the day, we too are just people. Trying to get by. ❞
❝ Oh, I know, I know. Once we roamed marble halls, and now? Fashionably appointed apartments. We have wi-fi! ❞ [ chuckles ]
❝ We move with the times. We have to, if we're going to remain hidden and survive. ❞
❝ Oh, no. No, I'm not trying to make you believe anything. Not at all. ❞
❝ The only thing I do need you to grasp is that you are here. This is real and, like it or not, it is happening. ❞
❝ I know this will all come as a shock, and I'm so, so sorry to say it, but... I'm afraid you have to die. ❞
[ laughs ] ❝ What do you mean? What do you mean "you have to die"? ❞
❝ You can't do that. What about a trial? You aren't the police. Wh-why hasn't someone called the police? ❞
❝ You can't hide from this reality. ❞
❝ I'm not hiding! Though, a little lost here... ❞
❝ If you are lost, little girl, this bears explanation. ❞
❝ You must know I didn't do it! ❞
❝ Is this weird this is in song? ❞
❝ Did I... hear that correctly? ❞
❝ You've been quiet this entire time. Why speak up now? ❞
❝ Then we need to find out. Don't you want justice? ❞
❝ Oh, I thought we'd agreed this was justice. What would you have us do? ❞
❝ Wait, wait. I'm going to get some help with this, right? Some direction? ❞
❝ What do you want me to say? I can't possibly do this? This is unfair? You know all that already, right? ❞
❝ So I'll do my best. That's all I've got. ❞
❝ Otherwise, do whatever you must to find the true killer... if they exist. ❞
❝ And do help yourself to a cookie. ❞
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
ugh can you imagine if season 1 luke could’ve seen what could’ve been season 4 luke? where he sees the future he has with julie? a future where she somehow brings them back to life, marries her AND they have kids? you’re telling me that communicates by playing the guitar for the girl who ignored him during a performance ACTUALLY got the girl?? man fuck netflix for taking this away from us because this is exactly what kenny said he had planned for julie and luke 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
either that or somehow they defied science and just chose to make ghost/human baby hybrids but that’s for another day
i’d like to imagine a super dazed look on his face that transforms into a giddy goofy kinda smile and alex and reggie just watch on looking quite alarmed and confused
he gets to live out a life he never could’ve even imagined while still alive let alone after he had died
and with the girl that brought him back to life and who makes incredible music and makes him a better writer and oh also absolute wrecks him with her voice
what more coULD HE WANT
maaaan. netflix
just one scene of this would’ve been enough (kinda)
(lmao @ your last bit tho 😂)
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waterparksdrama · 7 months
maaaan fuck a blackbear collab why cant we get somebody who knows whats up like the wrecks
well considering the things the wrecks have done i don't think they know whats up either
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thezegendofzelda · 2 years
I was thinking the Deception Arc is probably just awful for Tamohara on its own. I mean with Obi-Wan the first person in their entire life to show her kindness faking his death and her not knowing he's actually alive it's got to be so horrible for them. But now I'm thinking for when Grim and Tamohara are both Obi-Wan's padawans. What if they've already trusted each other enough with their pasts? And what if Grim doesn't tell Tamohara about Obi-Wan being alive for the sake of the mission? I mean that's gotta hurt Tamohara. And then while Obi-Wan 's "dead" Grim sneaks off on her own for whatever reason that Tamohara doesn't know and Grim comes back after her encounter with Sidious. Grim who has clearly been tortured and she can't lie her way out of it with Tamohara because Tamohara would recognize Force Lightning injuries anywhere after her time as Bás. So for Tamohara they've just lost her only father figure and suddenly their sister comes back after being tortured by her old master? Then later they find out Obi-Wan is alive and Grim who she trusted with her past flat out lied to her? I feel so bad for Tamohara.
Hi I am grinning like a maniac
you are SO correct. Oh god I didn't know Grim got tortured by Sidious but THAT MAKES EVERYTHING WORSE FOR EVERYONE AND I LOVE IT
Oh maaaan this is going to wreck their relationship for a while isn't it
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zirhlikuzgun · 5 months
January's classic experience: A classic saga of January's good-old adventures (prior to the Pokémon experience) - Part 124 = {Driving Ib and Ib - Part 124 🠊 The Triss team's sitcom show - Part 124 🠊 Parody adventures with Luffe and Sjanne - Part 124 🠊 The Angora guys by night - Part 124 🠊 Fritz and Poul (ft. Split) records their livestream commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab" - Part 124} ▶ [Mr. Müller's audio/video commentary for "January and co.'s hero-brave sad-to-fab quest thru their hero-brave journey from sad to fab"] January's hero-brave journey from sad to fab - Part 124 = [Mr. Schüster's audio commentary for "January and co.'s pre-historic quest"] January and co.'s pre-historic quest - Part 124 = January and co. saves the day, to break the pre-historic spell - Part 33: January and co. fights those crises in Planet Madson - Part 19: January and co. engages their super-hero-brave starmen-slaying struggles - Part 8: January and co. wipes out a lot of starmen, cause they're always getting it together, just like that
And now, back to the show.
7273.7273.7273.January and co. gets together, just like that
7274.7274.7274.January and co. arrives at Saturn Valley
7275.7275.7275."What font is this?"
7276.7276.7276.January and co. heads beyond the falls
7278.7278.7278."3 down, 5 to go"
7279.7279.7279."There's always a desert"
7280.7280.7280.January and co. gets lost in the desert
7281.7281.7281.January and co. goes en route to the real Fourside
7283.7283.7283.January and co. obtains the power of being third
7284.7284.7284.January and co. receives the ace of diamonds
7285.7285.7285.January and co. gets crushed by an epic phucking phailure
7286.7286.7286.January and co. gets crushed by another epic phucking phailure #2 and #3
7287.7287.7287."Let's move on already"
7288.7288.7288."Boing it up, maaaan"
7289.7289.7289.January and co. wipes out those evil statues, and then, they're getting some yogurt, and they're therefore helping some monkeys
7290.7290.7290.January and co. feeds the monkeys
7291.7291.7291.January and co. engages somethin' fishy
7292.7292.7292."Welcome back, January"
7293.7293.7293.Mighty Bear No. #7?
7294.7294.7294.January and co. are coming to Hobby-madson
7295.7295.7295.January and co. are accidentally getting it butchered
7296.7296.7296.January and co. has those bad time, those really bad times
7297.7297.7297."I'm your Venus"
7298.7298.7298.January and co. sees no ninja turtles here
7299.7299.7299.January and co. are going to do this, once again!
7300.7300.7300.January and co. wipes out that rock candy glitch
7301.7301.7301.January and co. destroys the Kraken
7302.7302.7302.January and co. heads underground into the pyramid
7303.7303.7303.January and co. goes inside the dungeon man
7304.7304.7304.January and co. are still inside the dungeon man… again
7305.7305.7305.January and co. heads onwards to the deep darkness
7306.7306.7306."It only gets worse"
7307.7307.7307.January and co. gets resolved with some shy guys
7308.7308.7308."Okay, so this is creepy"
7309.7309.7309.Fiddle faddle widdle waddle
7310.7310.7310.January and co. gets toughed at a train wreck
7311.7311.7311.January and co. overomces the shyness
7312.7312.7312.January and co. gets battling battling battling!
7313.7313.7313."Go ninja go ninja go"
7314.7314.7314."Look at the size of that thing"
7315.7315.7315."Damn, dawg"
7316.7316.7316.January and co. gets mind tripping
7317.7317.7317.January and co. gets dumbed by a PSI failure
7318.7318.7318.January and co. gets the PSI success... and then, it fails
7319.7319.7319.January and co. gotta get back in time
7320.7320.7320.January and co. wipes out those greedy starmen
7321.7321.7321.January and co. gets skating
7322.7322.7322.January and co. battles with Frank
7323.7323.7323.January and co. defeats the titanic ant
7324.7324.7324.January and co. battles with Everdred
7325.7325.7325.January and co. wipes out those territorial starmen
7326.7326.7326.January and co. battles Mr. Carpainter
7327.7327.7327.January and co. defeats the mondo mole
7328.7328.7328.January and co. wipes out those lip-like starmen
7329.7329.7329.January and co. wipes out those diamonding starmen
7330.7330.7330.January and co. wipes out those rocky starmen
7331.7331.7331.January and co. wipes out those boogey starmen
7332.7332.7332.January and co. wipes out those mini barfs
7333.7333.7333.January and co. destroys Master Belch
7334.7334.7334.January and co. defeats the trillionage sprout
7335.7335.7335.January and co. wipes out those cresty starmen
7336.7336.7336.January and co. wipes out those angering starmen
7337.7337.7337.January and co. wipes out those dirty starmen
7338.7338.7338.January and co. destroys that spooky spook
7339.7339.7339.January and co. destroys the evil Mani-Mani
7340.7340.7340.January and co. plays rough by surprise
7341.7341.7341.January and co. destroys that clumsy robot
7342.7342.7342.January and co. defeats the shrooom!
7343.7343.7343.January and co. wipes out those shattering starmen
7344.7344.7344.January and co. defeats the plague rat of doom
7345.7345.7345.January and co. defeats those thunder aliens and storm aliens
7346.7346.7346.January and co. destroys Kraken
7347.7347.7347.January and co. wipes out those guarding starmen
7348.7348.7348.January and co. wipes out those scaldy starmen
7349.7349.7349.January and co. destroys Master Barf
7350.7350.7350.January and co. eliminates a lot of starmen
7351.7351.7351.January and co. eliminates those deluxe starmen
7352.7352.7352.January and co. defeats the electro specter
7353.7353.7353.January and co. wipes out those chomping starmen
7354.7354.7354.January and co. gets attacked by the carbon dog
7355.7355.7355.January and co. wipes out those care free bombs
7356.7356.7356.January and co. defeats their evil twins
7357.7357.7357.January and co. wipes out those starmen ghosts
7358.7358.7358.January and co. engages another impact
7359.7359.7359.January and co. engages yet another more meteor
7360.7360.7360.January and co. defeats those crooking starmen
7361.7361.7361.January and co. gets going to Onett
7362.7362.7362."I R Smart"
7363.7363.7363.January and co. catch those freebees
7364.7364.7364.January and co. meets Frank
7365.7365.7365."Franky, be good"
7366.7366.7366.January and co. shines in the darkness
7367.7367.7367.January and co. climbs into the giant step cave
7368.7368.7368.January and co. attacks the titanic ant
7369.7369.7369.January and co. shows up with the officer
7370.7370.7370.Some cops attempts to attack January and co.
7371.7371.7371.January and co. recovers from the mashroomization
7372.7372.7372.January and co. explores Twoson
We'll be right back after the break...
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goddamnwebcomics · 6 months
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We get focus on our two protagonists whose names we don't even fucking know. The woman ends up wrecking a wedding gift and...what the fuck is a negligee? Five second research shows it's a transparent dress often worn by women. The joke is giraffes of this world are massive abominations.
Speaking of massives, the Guy Giraffe goes to a porno theater. Maaaan how embarrassiiiiing. I don't care about any of these characters, it's like a bad sitcom. At least Peter and Company let you know the name of the game rather early, there's too much we don't know about to give a shit or even find any of this funny.
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rex101111 · 4 years
me, writing a fic:...aaand they’re crying again...are they doing too much of that?
me: *remembers everything the characters went through in canon*
me:...not crying enough more like...*writes another crying scene*
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jackzarts · 3 years
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My friends and I were looking for a DM to master our party since October 2019... but as we didn’t find one... I started to DM back in April 17 2020. Before we had our first session I got the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Monster Manual, and a Starter Kit. I acknowledge I made a few mistakes while running the first session and it was actually nerve wrecking cus I was very afraid that my players got bored (4 were first time players, and the other 2 had DMed before)... But right now we’re on session 30 and it’s been a fun journey. Changing from player to DM is interesting and you get to learn a lot of things xD (I’ll talk more under a read more as I don’t want to make this post longer)
More of my art: instagram | twitter | patreon
My group of friends were fairly new to D&D, and I had been a player for almost a year. As we didn’t find a DM, I thought I could do it... after all I was the one that had played DnD the most and I listened to different DnD podcasts (Critical Role, TAZ, Dimension 20, and others)
After our first session I kinda learned what our DM felt and went through when the party didn’t follow the planned events... After 30 sessions I think I can now improvise better and the course of the adventure has seen a bit more natural. I believe I’ve grown as a DM and my group of friends as players. Cus when they began, the roleplay was almost null, they usually talked out of character either bc they had never roleplayed before or because of shyness. But after many sessions that has changed. 
It has also been a challenge, because we started this campaign just a bit after quarantine began. So we have only played online, and we only use a voice channel (no video)... and sometimes is difficult to play because everyone’s talking at the same time... and maaaan, how I miss playing irl. My players are also excited for it, and I do hope that when this pandemic is over and we play irl they like it. 
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w0wiie · 2 years
I was compelled to express my love for the game after seeing someone recently mention that it was their favorite Sonic game. I’m real happy where SatBK is loved and adored. Back then, I truly felt alone in the "Dark age" era where many people didn't like the game solely bc it had motion controls! This game made Sonic real magical to me, and I’m going to love all of it to bits and pieces.
Anyway, everyone’s already expressed their love for the story and music. Now, I wanted to showcase more of what I love about SatBK, specifically the gameplay!! I want people to know all about it! More with  g i f s  below the bar (also beware of flashing images)
Feel free to rave with me about gameplay too!! Or anything else about SatBK
The transition as you go to the mission. THAT SWORD ON THE RIGHT SIDE. It is lifted first and starts slashing the screeen. OoOoooOh, that little touch  of creativity SOBBING
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Tangent: Speaking of sword sizes, I forget how tall Caliburn is compared to Sonic. I LOVE IT. LOOK AT THEM SIDE-BY-SIDE. I usually always forget about canon heights bc I like to make things “Sonic-sized” so that everything looks “normal” to the viewer xDD. Caliburn, you’re huge to Sonic. But normal to humans.
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Back to main subject at hand: also, it’s fun changing the direction Sonic’s facing. The little twist hop, and I honestly don’t know if he speeds up whenever I do this. My eyes aren’t keen to something like that, lol HMMMM. WEEEEEEEEEE
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LOOK LOOK, (it’s not gameplay related, but it’s shown during it. this is just a neat lil thing I loved that Sonic Team did <3) YALL KNOW THE RING AND SPEED BOOSTS ARE CHAO??? CHAO FAIRY, CHAO FAIRY EEEEE. BABIESSSS. YOU CAN SEE THEIR HEAD SHAPE!! EEEK! It’s also how I got my idea that chao are/related to fae in my au
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Of all the let’s plays I’ve seen. I’ve seen people attempting to pull off the homing attack. I can see difficult it can be. You have to press “A” (jump/homing attack) and swing at within a small window of each other in order to pull it off. It’s SUPER satisfying whenever you can pull it off. I’ve gotten the timing down p well if I do say so myself. I love this attack so much. It’s so nice to see the enemies go down C:<  SONIC SLAYIN’
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LOOK AT HIM GO, GO, GO!! That wind swirling and spiraling behind him to keep up with his momentum. UGH. I can hear the sound through this gif. Sonic Team truly captured the beauty that is...the KNIGHT OF THE WIND, LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!
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Oh snap, oh snap! Oh snap, oh snap!! Don’t get me started. I haven’t even gotten to Soul Surge. Oh my gosh!! I’m feeling so pumped, so ecstatic, so JIFSDFJDFSDLF
S O U L  S U R G E  is an aesthetic!! Love how time slows in the gameplay and the surrounding area is a blur as Sonic zips around. Sonic practically becomes a blur as he ZOOMS from one enemy to the next too. The gif doesn’t perfectly depict everything, BUT MAAAAN. Seeing him zip at the same time you swing your Wiimote, UGGGH, brings satisfaction that you’ve killed an enemy! And the SFX just made it feel like I was whirring with him. The CLANG/DING when you perform a perfect surge too AGH. ugghdhdjsjsj THAT RED SLASH ACROSS THE SCREEN WHEN YOU PERFORM A PERFECT SURGE TOO.
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Also Merlina getting wrecked by perfect Soul Surges. MMMMMM
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Swinging a wii-mote is fun yall. My wrist and my arms may be jelly, but this game is hella worth it. Fell in love with this game day 1.
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peachybun-bun · 3 years
Kun is so sexy HOW. I was watching a Nectar fancam AND MAAAAN THAT DUDE HAS PRESENCE. So sexy.
Okay so listen...I'm not sure this man is even real. He wrecks me soooo damn hard. S has fully embraced him as her bias so she doesn't have to deal with the panic like I do.
Nectar does something to a person ya know? Like don't sing to me like that and look like that at the same time?
That should be illegal. Like the way he holds his hands...I'll put them to use sir. I can think of at least 10 different positions this man could get me into and I'd thank him for each one.
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fraks · 3 years
- i can't believe this is the first part of the finale already. @cminerva and i have been speculating about the finale since the episode titles + descriptions were released. well, since before that, really, but the titles and descriptions gave us so much fodder, oh god. my prediction was that they'd do another first/second david job that would wreck us completely. so. you know.
- i watched all eight eps in a row, the night they were released, but @cminerva only got to watch the first two, so i had be very vague and spoiler-free in the texts i sent her when all i wanted to do was YELL, but once i got to the finale, i couldn't possibly be vague anymore, so i stated typing up my reactions in a notes file. that's gonna be super useful for this post now.
- ok let's do this! harry's daughter sneaking out, interesting start. harry's ex is beautiful. but jesus she REALLY traded down.
- harry delivering their mail. :') and eliot fixing the place up. EVERYONE IS SO AT HOME AT THE BASE. 😍 omg sophie's wearing a shirt that could definitely belong to harry.
- uhhhh wasn't tom baker nate's alias? side-eyeing the writers tbh. miss river song—hardison c'mon. LMAO TEDDY BEAR. harry and soph are so delighted, i love it. fjsjfhskdjfjjdjdjd "MISS SOPHIE DEVEREAUX, FROM ALL THE WAY FROM ACROSS THE POND!" harry your accent is ATROCIOUS. but THEY'RE FLIRTING!!! "stop it!" fjakfbskfjksfj HELP ME I AM DYING HERE. (now we've had him saying her name while she's actually in the room, but in a horrible accent, so like. all i want is one soft "sophie" right to her face. bonus points if they're naked.)
- "i need to give you some dialect lessons." - "i'll take 'em." i'm sure you will, harry. 😏 the only time i was ever this eager to learn things from someone was when i was head over heels in love with them, so. just saying.
- nooooooooo. sophie can't leave. SHE CANNOT. ugh parker's reaction is everything. she loves sophie so much and has been fighting to keep her with them since 1x01. and i don't think sophie has realised how much it really means to parker to have her there.
- i also live for harry's reaction. he's so crushed because he thought they had something. not the something he wants, but a friendship, at least. and she just talks so casually about leaving them all behind it crushes him. you can actually SEE his heart breaking.
- and then later he sends parker off with eliot and specifically assigns sophie and himself to a task, TOGETHER. i'm guessing he either hopes he can change her mind or, failing that, he wants to spend what little time they have with her before she goes.
- but first, harry's daughter shows up. lmao because she used the tracking app harry tried to sneak onto her phone to track HIM. :') i like breanna's nerd girlfriend, but if they'd made becky a few years older, breanna would currently be falling all over herself trying to impress HER instead. (yes, this was originally on my wishlist for s2. also yes, i am okay with not getting it.)
- "he never did business with really bad people like—" - "...like i did?" CALLED IT. @cminerva and i figured the strain in their relationship would have been harry's work, and not just the many hours of it, but more that he defended so many evil people. "i get it." oh maaaan it KILLS him to know his daughter thinks so badly of him. because he IS a good man, at his core.
- "what, was the monopoly man busy?" gjajfjskfjekd PARKER!!!
- lmao harry defends ethan so eagerly, sophie's little smirk makes me think SHE thinks harry and ethan might have been an item. before he drops the bombshell of ethan being married to harry's ex, that is.
- breanna going on strike is... idk, i'm torn. it's obviously mostly played for laughs, giving harry and sophie the task of hacking (😂), but also, the last time they weren't sure what to do, they voted, and the majority won. there was never any talk of strikes? it feels kind of weird and ooc to me that breanna just says no and basically abandons them, especially after harry's asked for help. and her attitude about the whole thing... not helping.
- but lmao harry planning to learn hacking from the binders. what a NERD. a clueless, naïve nerd, but a nerd nonetheless.
- "how hard can it be, hacking?" oh sophie, sweetie.
- lmfao "stupid little lawyer man." - "breanna!" - "i did something wrong..." you think, harry? 😂
- omg when eliot and parker come back to the base and ask what happened, sophie says "we (!) tried our hand at hacking", but harry points to himself while she says it. this is one of the many, many reasons why i love this character: he's so absolutely willing to own up to his mistakes—not just the big, obvious ones they're all trying to redeem him from, but just the small ones, too, and i think that's mostly noah's acting choices, i doubt any of that is scripted. it's making me very emotional because it's obvious noah loves this character, too. and the WAY he takes the blame for the things he did wrong just reinforces my headcanon of anxiety disorder harry who has had therapy.
- you REALLY left harry for this dude, grace? really? i mean i know looks don't mean anything in the long run, but jeeeeesus. this dude doesn't even come across as a good guy.
- lmfao parker carding harry i cannot. "oh look, he's human." i love her.
- that red top on sophie looks amazing. my wishlist for s2 had her in another red dress, but i'll take this, too. red on sophie is just... [chef's kiss]
- OUCH. that ethan guy is a piece of work. "i believe in being civil." okay two things. a) i like that harry doesn't, idk, hate his ex and that he didn't make it hard for her to leave and find someone else, someone even he considered "better", cause even back then, he KNEW what he was doing was wrong. b) but also, this "being civil" thing i think might just have been another symptom of his attitude of "never picking a side". it's a really easy way to make sure nothing ever touches you, that no one can ever blame you. if he HAD fought for his ex and made it hard for her to leave him, she could have thrown that back in his face. by staying "neutral" (or as he calls it "civil", cause lbr, there is no true "neutral" in a breakup like that), he made sure none of the immediate blame could fall on him. SHE left him. SHE asked for a divorce. stuff like that. but he knows now that it was precisely that, his INaction, that put the final nail in the coffin of his marriage. which ties in very nicely with what he says to sophie in that one scene in jackal job.
- "probably doesn't hurt that because of me, you don't have to pay alimony or child support." YOU LITTLE TWAT. harry has made a LOT of mistakes in his life, but i don't believe for a second that he would've minded paying alimony, let alone child support. i mean, he's a lawyer, for god's sake. if he'd wanted a pre-nup that would've kept him from paying alimony, he probably could've had one. and we KNOW he's loaded. and especially now, he no longer cares about the money. i mean, he's been living in a room in a slightly run-down old theatre with four housemates, basically, instead of staying at his presumably huge and fancy own apartment or house.
- another "sophie". i want harry to say her name all the time thanks. 😭
- EVERYONE EATING TOGETHER AGAIN! lol i can no longer watch these guys (or any other fictional characters) eat chinese food without thinking about the audio commentary for the original show. 😍
- oooh good plan, parker. you go to the platform and take eliot and breanna with you. it'll give harry and sophie some time alone. 😏
- "the security of my family" u g h harry listen. your daughter is your family, OBVIOUSLY. but your ex is not. if anything, this TEAM is your family now. this is what @cminerva i were afraid of, that by making harry's ex's husband a bad guy / mark, the writers would open the door for harry to go back to his ex. and i'm 100% against that, and not only because i ship h/s. that's not even my main reason, actually, though i will admit it plays a big role. no, the main reason is that harry is a different person now. and going back to his ex would throw him back into a life that he once had but left, even just by NOT acting when she left him. and if he's back in that situation again, well. it's very easy to fall back into old patterns once you're back in a familiar environment, isn't it? i'm not saying his ex would drive him to doing bad things, or that she did that when he first went crooked. no, that was HIS choice. but thanks to harry and now ethan, she's always had a certain standard of living that she no doubt wants to keep, and harry would fall over backwards trying to make that happen, and lbr, these guys don't exactly make money from conning bad guys. as far as we know, the original team still lives off their one big score from nigerian job, personally. hardison probably makes sure leverage international has some income for bases and clothes and props and whatnot, but personally, i doubt these guys would take so much as a penny from a mark if that penny could instead go towards helping people. so harry has not had any official income since the beginning of the season. he probably has assets that generate income for him, but the money he got from being a lawyer was probably his main source. and he'd want to make his ex happy, so he'd probably slip back into doing bad things, and i DO NOT WANT THAT FOR HIM. my little baby thief who's been working so, so hard on his redemption.
- SOPHIE WITH A PONYTAIL. i was so looking forward to this and it's just as hot as i expected. what is even hotter than i expected is that PINSTRIPE VEST SHE'S WEARING.
- "why would you be covered in oil?" ghskfhsifhkehfkejf 😂 it only just occurred to me that these bits are 4th wall breaks, in a way. i just hadn't realised because they're DONE SO WELL. (i ususally hate 4th wall breaks.)
- "oil happens." gjskfbksfnksbfjefbjdnfjeke I CANNOT.
- lol i have absolutely no notes about this upcoming h/s scene from the first time i watched the ep, so i'm guessing i was too overwhelmed.
- "i thought i might find you here." SHE LOOKS SO GOOD. and she knows where his ex lives, which i assume is where they used to live together.
- "when i lost grace, i reconciled myself to the fact that i lost her to a better man. a decent man. maybe i didn't deserve her." OUCH. and exactly what i suspected. there's no way that this wonderful, wonderful man doesn't have anxiety over all the bad things he's done.
- "is that it? have you been seeking redemption for grace and becky?" GOT IT IN ONE, SOPH.
- "if you can't use the law as a guideline to show you what's morally right and wrong, then what do you have?" a) leverage asking the TOUGHEST questions since 2008. b) he's not wrong. c) i don't think i can imagine HOW hard it must be for him, this whole redemption process. i mean, he knows he did the wrong things. but how does he know that? because it FELT wrong. and because he saw other people's pain. and then because the crew has been telling him. but the law, the thing he's spent his entire life on, tells him the exact opposite. so all this time, all these months now that he's been with the leverage team, there has always been a part of him that has told him what he's doing NOW is wrong. because it's against the law. and i think a part of him is always going to be struggling with that if he stays with the team.
- "mr. wilson, i think you need to recalibrate your entire thinking about morality. life isn't always as clear-cut as we'd like. life's complicated." THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE DEFINING QUOTE. OF THIS ENTIRE SHOW.
- "how did you recalibrate your thinking about morality?" - "well. there is honour amongst thieves. i started there." i am SOBBING. i know this episode and this entire season really is about harry, but my GOD. sophie has grown SO much, since nigerian job obviously but also since the end of leverage 1.0 and even since the beginning of 2.0—so, so much. talking about harry and his arc comes to me fairly easily, but talking about sophie is just. hard. she means so much to me. i might come back to this in another post. i do want to talk more about her arc in this entire season.
- on a more shallow note, JEEEEESUS gina is gorgeous. and idk if that was a coincidence or ~filming magic, but it's overcast in this scene EXCEPT for the moment when sophie says "there's honour amongst thieves". it's not a lot, but you can tell that the sun comes peeking out for that one second and hits her face and she just GLOWS. JFC.
- also i know it probably doesn't mean anything, but when sophie leaves, the way harry turns and looks back at what i assume is his old house (i.e. his ex and his old life), then turns back to sophie and looks at her and then walks after her DOES THINGS TO ME. it could be such a beautiful metaphor for the way he's being torn in half.
- awwwwman, the kids talking about sophie leaving. "she's gotta find out who she is." !!!!!! I JUST!!!!! i think i've got something about this in my "yell at @cminerva" notes for the next ep, so i'll just. stop for now. but i have all the feelings anyone has ever had about this.
- nooooo i think harry just got all dressed up to meet his ex. GDI WRITERS WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
- yeaaaah they've just tanked the ot3. i am UPSET. "i've always admired you and hardison's relationship." AS IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THAT RELATIONSHIP YOU DUMMY.
- "i think the reason hardison and i work so well is because he's the first person who saw me. i mean, he really knew me." is such a sweet thing to say, parker.
- awwww but. that was an eliot+parker scene that would be SUPER cute family vibes if it weren't for that bitter anti-ot3 aftertaste...
- LMFAO SOPHIE IS HAVING ELIOT'S BABY 😂 i know at least one (1) person who will appreciate this tidbit. i love how sophie just like, goes with the "sweetheart". you can almost SEE her thought process. "ah, eliot's not alone. guess i'm having his baby!" and lmfao breanna "baby?" dhakhfksbdjejd
- harry doing actual lawyering in court? HOT AF. i don't have a secret thing for lawyers or the law, but watching someone—anyone—be super competent is always crazy attractive. (yes, this show makes me sweat a lot.)
- lmfao "how did you meet the missus? was it romantic?" what this episode DESPERATELY needs here is a flashback to the first time eliot saw sophie, playing lady macbeth in chicago back in nigerian job, and a shot of his horrified face.
- ugh harry don't run after grace. if this were any other show, or fanfic, grace would now ask harry about that gorgeous woman in the red dress. "oh grow up, harry. what did you think was going to happen? i was going to leave him and come running back to you?" wow maybe it was harry who deserved better all along. yes, it was naïve and frankly wrong of him to assume or even hope for this. but it was a GENUINE hope, a genuine wish, and i can't blame him for that. if he really HAS been trying to find redemption so his ex would come back to him (which i don't think he has—maybe that was part of it for him, but he's been wanting to be better for himself, too, and above all, for his daughter), it's going to be even harder going forward, knowing that outcome he hoped for isn't going to happen.
- "where's harry? all his stuff is gone, he cleaned out his room." oh shit they're doing it THEY'RE REALLY GOING THERE THIS IS FIRST DAVID ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY IN REVERSE. oh jesus christ i did not expect this.
- PARKER+SOPHIE CUDDLE I CAN'T. 😭 I LOVE THESE PEOPLE SO MUCH. "you always knew that this was gonna be my last tour. i'm just not the same person i used to be. i need to go and figure out who the person is that i'm going to be." I AM A WRECK THANKS.
- and so is eliot ugh. these people threw him a baby shower like, YESTERDAY. leverage redemption really not pulling ANY punches, are they?
- oh fuck. OH FUCK. "well, let's just say that i've decided to recalibrate my entire way of thinking about morality." OH FUUUCK.
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 11 (12/02/21)
(prox chat is on) Skizz: Did we decrease the kill cooldown or something? Cuz you guys- That was like machine gun killing. Tango: Uh, I don’t think so. Let’s see. *pause* Tango: Kill cooldown is 27.5 seconds. So nope, they just wrecked our faces.
Impulse: My keyboard broke, I can’t bring up my map. Tango: Your keyboard broke? Impulse: Yeah… Tango: Did your face break too? *kills Impulse* Impulse: OH it did!
Etho: *calls meeting* Etho: I really want us to vote Tango out here. Impulse: Okay! Done! Tango: Why? WHY?! Joker: Cuz he didn’t die first? Etho: No, cuz he killed poor Endless and he should suffer for that.
Etho: Did you go up or down, Astro? Astro: I went down from upper engine to reactor. Joker: Then you came from reactor after stopping it, came over to creepily breathe heavily over my shoulder as I went up. Astro: Yeah :)
Impulse: Don’t kill me on lights, Joker! Joker, deadpan: I would NEVER.
Impulse: Did we just get murdered? Joker: I think so.
Tango: Do I need to be quieter? I can be quieter. Skizz: No no no, even when you whisper, you- Tango, louder: I’m getting angry, that’s all. Impulse: Take the microphone out of your mouth, Tango. Tango, even louder: RARARARARARAR Skizz: Jeez… *Tango is voted off* Tango, deafeningly loud: OH MY GOOOOOD! Joker: Oh GOD! Endless: Somebody needs a compressor. Skizz: Oh my goodness gracious! Brody: He DOES need a compressor. Tango, almost just as loud: YOU ARE DUMB! Etho: My ears! Brody: That’s EXCESSIVE. Joker: Wow…!
Impulse: I definitely saw Evil kill Skizz. Impulse: Er, not Evil. Etho! I saw ETHO kill Skizz. Impulse: I had a genuine name mixup, cuz they both start with ‘e’ and ‘e’s are hard. Endless, you’re next.
Impulse: Is [Tango] still mad at you? For real? Endless: Yeah. It’s entertaining.
Etho: I might know who did this. Kinda tempted not to say who, just cuz… Impulse: Nah, let’s speedrun it. Etho: We’re speedrunning? Okay, it’s Tango. Impulse, voting for Tango immediately: Sweet. Buh-bye.
*Endless kills Joker in front of three people* Endless: Awww maaaan, what happened? How did that happen? Impulse, did you do that? Skizz: WOW. Endless: Look, what did you expect? There’s, like, five of you hanging out together all the time. Impulse: You had a chance. Endless: There was no chance. Tango sucks.
*Skizz is drumming through the meeting* Brody: Is that drums? Is somebody drumming? Impulse: It’s Skizzleman. This is him not listening to the meeting. *drumming abruptly stops*
Impulse:*doing the telescope task* Etho: Hi, Impulse. Impulse: Hey, Etho. Was it really you? Etho: *kills Impulse* It was :)
Etho: *kills Tango* Tango: OHH!!! IT’S ETHO! ETHO’S THE KILLER! ETHO’S THE KILLER! ETHO KILLED ME, HE’S THE IMPOSTER! Impulse: We kinda know that already, Tango, cuz we’re all dead. Tango: HEY, ETHO’S THE KILLER, JUST WANNA LET YOU ALL KNOW!
*Evil is voted out* Evil: OH you’re right, I wasn’t shooting asteroids. I was stabbing Astro. Brody: THERE you go.
*Skizz is being voted off* Skizz: You guys are killing me! Tango: Well yeah, we are, actually. Skizz: Alright, you know what? Zip it, red guy.
Skizz: Hey Mister Joker! Joker: Hi. Impulse: Have you recovered mentally from last round, Joker? Joker: Dude, between the two of you, I’ve got so much to talk to my therapist about.
Tango: Impulse, Impulse. Do me a favour and kill Brody for me. Impulse (NOT the imposter): Okay. Is this a kill order? Tango: It’s a kill order. Operation Kill Brody. Impulse: We need a word, like… a special secret word. Tango: Uhh… uhhh… picklesauce. Impulse: Picklesauce it is. Just say picklesauce when you need me to- Tango: Code picklesauce Brody! Impulse: Okay! Operation Picklesauce. Impulse: *runs down south* Have you guys seen Brody? *Brody’s body is reported* Impulse: Nailed it! Picklesauce! :D Tango: *laughs hysterically* IMPULSE I LOVE YOU!
Skizz: I think it’s Astro! Joker: Me too. Tango: Why do we think it’s Astro? Astro: Cuz I wanted Brody to sing to me and he wouldn’t and I’m upset. Tango: Well, now he will. Astro: No he won’t, because I gave him a chance and he told me no. Impulse: So you killed him because of that? Astro: No I killed him SO he would sing to me. Tango: Hold on, what’s your defence right now?! Do you even HAVE a defence?! Evil: That’s his defence. Astro: No, I have- Tango: Your defence is “I wanted to kill him”? Joker: He’s pleading guilty for a shorter sentence. Astro: I stabbed him so that he would sing me his song and he flat-out refused. *Astro is voted out* Joker: Just dip one foot in the lava, not the whole body.
Joker: Impulse, were you legit gonna kill me? Impulse: Yeah, I was gonna take you to a secret room and kill you. Joker: God, dude…
Tango: *reports a body* Tango: EvilNotion is dead in labs. I killed him. Skizz: What is WRONG with you, Tango?!
*Mrs Tango reports seeing Joker kill* Tango: Does anyone else believe Mrs Tango on this? Brody: I kinda believe her but it’s Joker so I’d say yes anyway. Joker: You know what, Brody? Nobody cares what you think.
*Skizz is voted out* Skizz: Oh my goodness! Alright! Mister Joker, you’re a dumb-dumb. Pay attention. Joker, laughing: Wh-What?! Skizz: Evil’s laughing! Joker: What do you mean “pay attention”?! The body fell over and you were running away! Evil: You called him a dumb-dumb! Of course I’m laughing!
Endless: Can I just say one thing? This game is dumb and you all suck and I don’t wanna ever play with you again. Tango: Thank you, Endless. Evil: Can I just say something? These nights are awesome and I absolutely love playing with you guys. Endless: I hate you! Skizz: Can I say something? Tango: I hate everything about this game. Skizz: Endless, I think you’re wonderful and I love you, buddy. Endless: You shut your face! Brody: My turn. I think you’re- *leaves the game, cutting off the prox chat*
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oheckitsg · 2 years
I was watching the live band version of Secrets and maaaan, it's better than the studio version?? The only downside is that papa bear shownu isn't there😭 now im confused who's my fave coz everyone's been bias wrecking lately ugh. 😂😂😂
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fearlesslymarta · 3 years
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