#yandere classmates both meet each other
allurilove · 27 days
I hate both classmates lol 😭
I personally LOVE rejection fics so now I think we all need a fic where reader dislikes both of them lol. She has a better temper with the second one(the more submissive one) but absolutely DESPISES the first classmate. He is so annoying bro 😭 if someone broke into my house and then drew photos of me submitting to them I would report that shit to the school and the police on god. Now the second classmate she just doesn’t like because of his appearance primarily. She isn’t a fan of his shaggy hair, or his piercing, or the way he dresses, he’s also too short for her. She’s cool with him though, even if she won’t go out of her way to talk to him.
tbh if the guys I wrote about were real I would hate them too! I think I have a couple of fics where yall are gonna absolutely HATE the yandere 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I have a fic where it’s yandere x yandere and dads best friend x yandere you.
Yandere Classmate
(the submissive one)
You just weren’t interested, period. He decided to confess his feelings for you on the last day of school, hoping that maybe you would like him back, and that you two could start dating. But he felt his heart drop when your expression was stoic. You started to say how you really only think of him as “that guy from math class” or “that guy that always sits near me at lunch”
His face slowly turned pink as he realized you weren’t returning his affections, and he nervously played with his backpack straps. Thankfully the hallways were empty and no one could see him slowly slide down the wall, and sit on the ground in sorrow. After all the years of pining after you… he still wouldn’t say that he wasted his time.
During the summer, he begrudgingly had to go to work. He previously got a job at your favorite ice cream shop, and now he had to actually work. Shit. He had his little ridiculous cone hat on, and a pink and brown stripped shirt with a little name tag in the corner. When he sees you walking around with your friends and you passed the parlor a couple of times, he had to duck down. He was suddenly embarrassed and self aware of what he had done. He confessed, you didn’t like him back and only saw him as a “friend”, and now he has to serve a bunch of whiny kids for the rest of the summer.
He was underneath the counter- just gripping onto his apron in hopes that you wouldn’t fancy an ice cream on a hot summer day.
Yandere Classmate
(the popular one that is the yearbook club leader)
He thought it would’ve been an obvious yes. His hands tightly gripped at the paper he was holding and he had to fake a smile. You outright rejected him in front of the whole school, and he was just trying to ask you to prom. His shoulders are tense as you walk off- not even sending a single glance back at him. His friends surround him and pat him on the back, saying that it was your loss anyways.
After school, your classmate avoided the hallway where you rejected him. Just the memories of that was enough to make him shrink back into his shell. He wanted to see you again, however, you really really did not like him. So what does he do? Get a job at your favorite ice cream place.
Your classmate rolled his eyes as his coworker hid underneath the counter whenever you walked past. He heard that fucker tried to confess his feelings to you too, so he’s a bit bitter having to work with him.
Your classmate perked up as you walked over to the parlor, an automatic smile on his face and he ignored how his coworker popped up from his spot too. Both men were now staring at you. One was a little shy and avoiding eye contact, the other was giving too much eye contact.
You both watch as the yanderes worked in a fervor trying to scoop up the ice cream you wanted. The men having to shove each other out of the way, and the popular one managed to be the winner of that front. However, the loner managed to wack his knee with the ice cream scooper.
In the end both men are panting and hold the ice cream in your face. They say that it’s free of charge, and you happily take the two ice creams.
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ozzgin · 3 months
okay, hear me out: mean girl!reader x nerdy/sub!yandere
nerd!yan who gets bullied by you all the time, with harsh name calling and forcing him to do your homework.
nerd!yan who grows intrigued with you. you’re so confident, so pretty, so cool! how can he not like you?
nerd!yan who’s slowly growing more obsessed. his breath hitches whenever you loom over him with that annoyingly hot smirk of yours, calling him such mean, degrading names
nerd!yan who gets jealous whenever he sees you targeting someone else. you can’t bully them!! you should pay attention to him and only him. oh well, he’ll just have to eliminate the competition, so you can go back to “tormenting” him again.
nerd!yan who’s really such a pervert! he followed you home and was pleasuring himself to your scent that lingered on your clothing… such dirty behaviour!
mean girl!reader who returns home to find one of her classmates in her bedroom, and how can she not smile at the sight? he’s so pretty, such a cute little plaything…
mean girl!reader who had always been aware of nerd!yan’s obsessive tendencies, and played along. but now that he’s been caught red handed…
mean girl!reader who degrades poor nerd!yan for being such a disgusting pervert, but submits to nerd!yan’s fantasies anyway. she plays with him, leaving harsh love bites and scratches over his soft skin, reducing him to a moaning, whiney mess.
nerd!yan who’s basically your pet now, obediently following you throughout school, happily accepting all your orders, no matter how demeaning or gross they are.
people who even dare look your way with romantic interest? they get disposed of in…well, let’s just say, messy. oh, but not that nerd!yan will ever let you see it happen! your precious, beautiful eyes should be shielded from such violent acts. but if you ever ask… tilt your head playfully with a soft smile and ask him to let you watch, he might.
tldr; mean girl and a nerdy yandere that are both equally toxic for each other
have an awesome day!! I would really like to see you write a concept like this <3
A/N: I'm including someone else's request as I think they mesh well together: "a mean bully!reader with a yandere!loser, where reader basically just uses him like a pet and has him do whatever she wants" I'll be doing my best, but do keep in mind this is written by a loser nerd so I can't guarantee accuracy. I also don't want to be too mean, even if it's hypothetical, y'know? 😭
Nerd! Loser! Yandere x Mean Girl! Bully! Reader
They say being in the right relationship motivates you to strive for the best version of yourself. Sometimes, the opposite is true. What happens when your soulmate brings out your most depraved self?
Content: female reader, mildly NSFW, obsessive behavior, violence, bullying, loser is meant in a loving way, yandere consents to everything
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You really aren't that bad of a person. Or at least you weren't before you met the odd man you now call your boyfriend. How did it all begin? For the sake of full disclosure, alright, you have always been somewhat on the mean side. A little too sarcastic, a little too blunt, perhaps a little too harsh. You don't like soft people and have little patience for their stumbling attempts. But, you can hold your tongue as long as it doesn't involve you.
The meeting, at least from your point of view, was entirely accidental. Despite just starting your university year, your charisma had quickly gained you enough friends and acquaintances to have a stable sample of potential group partners. Except for one class. One single missing person, and you were asked to include a name you didn't recognize. Some young man who almost never showed up to class.
Oh, but he did. He was there for every lecture, for every seminar. His, and yours. His first encounter with you was not what most would call romantic. On day one he'd gotten lost. The crowded halls, the new environment, the noise, the smell, everything overwhelmed him, and he found himself wandering in a panic, until at last he bumped into you. The impact sent him straight onto the ground, books pathetically spilling from his trembling arms. You, on the other hand, remained standing as if nothing happened. "Pull yourself together, dumbass", you hissed through your teeth, looking into his eyes for one brief moment before moving on to your friends: "You have to give it to them straight, otherwise they'll think we're still in high school and someone will hold their hand all the time. It's embarrassing! Grown adults!"
He can't remember anything else from that day. Only your voice, your expression, your stance. Somehow, for whatever reason, that "dumbass" went straight to his heart. To think you'd look after him, a complete stranger. You were right, he needed to recollect himself and figure it out. Something even his own mother omitted to mention.
How he wished he could be like you. The way professors relied on you for discussions, the way your friends flocked for advice. But see, he knew you were faking most of it. That overly sweet smile and exaggerated politeness, all of it was a mask you'd learned to wear at any time. It only came off when dealing with people like him. There was a certain pride in that fact: he'd seen the real you. Not your "friends".
The more he thought about it, the more plagued by need he became. The need to hear you speak to him again, in that raw, unfiltered voice, with that disgusted glare piercing through his entire being. Thus, he did his best - as per your advice - to find another opportunity. The group work. One glance at him was enough for you to remember: "Ah, fuck, you're that dumbass from first day", you whined in frustration. Instant arousal.
And so, your unusual partnership began to develop. Or rather, your game of tormentor versus tormented. (Un)Paid actors and nothing more. It didn't take you long to notice his strange reaction to your verbal aggressions, almost as if the man relished in your ruthlessness. He seemed to know exactly what buttons to press in order to anger you. In return, you decided to see how far you could go until he'd finally cave in. From insults, to flicking him in the forehead, shoving him against the wall, ordering him around like a collared dog. You had your suspicions, but it all culminated when you went over to his little dorm room for a final project review. You'd gotten so upset - what did he even do? - that you pushed him hard into the ground and straddled him, holding onto the collar of his jacket and shouting profanities. A horrified grimace struck his face, and you froze. Have you gone too far? Was he finally going to ask that you stop, and put this strange charade behind? "P-please give me a moment, I..." he panted, frantically trying to move you aside. "I need to take care of myself. I'm so sorry." You hesitantly stood up and noticed the obvious erection in his pants.
You have a strange effect on him. He is not incapable; he knows it very well. And yet, the temptation is too great: to pretend, to exaggerate, to fail, anything to have you take the lead and lovingly scold him in the process. "What do you mean you're too anxious to present your part? Christ, you're useless. Utterly, completely useless." He can't wait to pleasure himself later to the memory of your words. Truly addicting. He doesn't mind being a doormat if it's your feet keeping him down. You bring out his most pathetic, perverted, deplorable self.
The same can be said about you. You've never been this mean to anyone. You hadn't even intended to reach this point, yet something keeps riling you up. Maybe it's his pleading pout whenever he's being reprimanded. The hooded, lustful eyes gazing up at you submissively and waiting for the next burning whip of your tongue. He brings out the worst in you and he loves every second of it.
You unlock the door and march into the bedroom (you've since moved in together). Without a warning, you grip his chin tightly and give the man a firm tug, forcing him to pay attention. "You did something, didn't you? I was supposed to meet with a classmate for coffee and he vanished without a trace. Won't answer my texts or calls." He shakes his head in denial at first, wide innocent eyes glistening in fear. Ah, he can't help it. His lips curl in a crooked grin. He's been caught. You shove two fingers in his mouth, and without delay he twirls his tongue around them hungrily. "What a psychotic bitch you are. You want to be the only one, huh? Is that what it is about?" Between the slurps and the whimpers, you can discern a hurried nod.
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scara-writes · 11 months
change of heart
Sugar Mommy Reader X Y! Gold digger Male
Let's make a story about the reader falling in love first :>
Yes, this yandere is an asshole.
Might make a part two?
CW: yandere, manipulation, consensual-smut, gold digger yandere
No proof read. Will edit it later on.
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Sheon wasn't rich nor poor but he wanted an easy money to make his life easier.
He knows he was becoming addicted on spending money. He can't blame himself, he was getting picked on for not having enough money to buy what he wants unlike his rich classmates that will flaunt their items at each other. He even sneak out of his way to take his father's credit card to buy him useless things that would entertain himself for a little bit like games and toys, Sheon would also flaunt them that his parents has the money when in actuality he is in the middle class. Although his arrogance did not last long after his father finds out about it, grounded him for a whole year for that. He still kept on spending money, he was pretty good at accounting which pretty weird coming from someone who spends a lot.
Now that he became a college student, with his major being aligned in accounting. His parents literally forced him to move out and gave him a right amount of allowance every month for him to study from his dream university but it wasn't enough. He just wants more money to spend, either to indulge himself or to avoid being picked on by his peers.
Not until he met you.
A kind person who introduced yourself to him, your cheeks were bright red as you told him that you fell inlove at first sight.
Sheon do look good. He was popular among women around the campus but those said girls can only glance at him as they feel bad that he was only a middle class. So don't blame him when he was surprised at your sudden confession, and he wanted to reject you right away, the red haired doesn't have the time to find a love, he wants money not a freeloader. But when you told him your last name when you introduce yourself to him, it caught him off guard.
"what was...your last name again?"
"(l-l/n)!" You exclaimed as you bashfully waited for his response about your confesion.
There are three siblings that is going to inherit three companies. If he remembered correctly, he saw an article of on one of them inheriting the biggest company once they graduated. Your face is somewhat coincidentally look the same as it is in the article.
A dark idea pop up to his mind. His greed was whispering at him.
If he can be with you. He can get what he wants right?
Easy money is easy life!
"…so… C-can I court you?" Your hands fiddling as you wait for his response. He looked at you up and down. You looked pretty average for his taste. The only thing that is pretty about you is the money you will inherit, but hey that will do if he wants to get what he wants.
The greedy man grinned and traps you between his arms and lean down to meet your face. Not even caring at the other student passing by looking at the both of you by either cringing or looking weirdly.
He boldly gave your left cheek a quick peck before answering your question with another question.
"… If I say yes, what's in it for me love?"
Not long after, the two of you became official. Your courting lasted around two weeks and that's about it. He always request for you to buy him this and that and you gave it him the very next day as you love him very much and trusted him wholeheartedly. He would taunt the said gifts he received from you to his old peers that he got himself the items that is much worth than their brand. Their frown look satisfies him.
Some of them asked where did he got the money to buy, but he will answer one word. cerise.
No one knows about his plan except for his ex friend, Tyr.
The ex friend of his cut ties off with him immediately after knowing he was using an innocent person like you for his greed.
Oh well his lost! He was about to share his dimes and gold with him.
Sheon thought about what will he give you something back for all the items you gave him. Well, His exchange for everything was himself of course!
His body is probably enough to make you feel something close to heaven. It made you whine out in satisfaction whenever he hit the right spot. Sheon could tell you never experienced this, a virgin at that. The way you moan out his name make his heart swell with pride.
"…is.. this what it..nghh… f-feels..uuhhmm..l-like?" You whimpered when he hit the same spot that made you cried out it on pleasure. Your hands were trembling around his sweaty shoulder, eyes rolling when he hits it again. He leaned to down to peck your parted lips. "… Do you like it?"
He fastened his pace up to chase down the ecstasy that you were feeling. He felt the walls grip of yours tightened around him feeling that you are getting close.
"I… I love…i-it..p-please don't s-stop!" You moaned out, unconsciously digging your nails to his skin. Sheon smirked at your reaction, wiping off your sweaty temple before giving it a soft kiss, then giving what you asked for.
You must be missing out from parties, seeing you had never experience like this before and that's okay. So long as this is a payment to get what he wants.
"Your wish is my command, cerise." He whispered his pet name to you.
"I-I love Sheon." You whimpered as you feel him pulled out when he gave you released. Sheon sighs, his load went through your stomach, giving you one last kiss before cleaning you up. Dabbing the towel around your body, cleaning you gently, asking you if he hurt you too badly. You answered meekly, telling him that you are fine, he was a sweet for giving you an aftercare.
He scoffs at you, teasing you. "It's a bare minimum, cerise. It's normal to take care of their partner after their love making." He carried you at the bathroom of your own apartment. Putting you down at the bathtub as he twist the faucet open.
Sheon joined you in the bath, he gently massage your scalp, making you shudder in relaxation, "do you like it?"
"I love it." You meekly replied leaning your back between his thighs. He wash down the foam around your hair, he rinse the shampoo out after he was done. He took a soap and was about to clean your body too but you insist that you will do it yourself. Sheon stopped and heed your words and starts washing himself up, the male was the first one to finish, he dried himself off by his own towel and starts to wear the pajamas that was already prepared besides the lavatory. After he was done, he told you that he will prepare you a snacks and turn on the tv for the movie you requested yesterday.
The red haired male's relationship with you went pretty well. Of course his body and his face shouldn't be the only thing he could do for you. He needed to act like a good boyfriend, being the fast learner that he is. He found himself, he was rather good at cooking and baking.
He would lie if he say he doesn't enjoy it when he cooks for you.
He would give you your favorites, something you cannot eat in your household. You told him you were on a strict diet ordered by your very own parents. They didn't know your relationship with him, Sheon was a secret affair and you revealed you were in arrange marriage during the time you courted him. It worried him seeing that his source of money will leave him for the arrange marriage.
You held his hand and you promised him that it will never happen, that you will fight for the "love" the two of you had.
The greedy male stared at you for a minute, realizing you are too naïve to think that he actually loves you. Were you that oblivious?
He wanted to laugh at your face but…
Why does his heart starts hammering when you told him that you will fight for him against your parents?
A little guilt went up to his throat before swallowing it by his pride.
The two of you lasted for three years as a couple, graduated and help him out to hire him to your company. His colleagues at his work respected him quickly seeing that he is the boyfriend of their soon-to-be boss, Sheon enjoyed the power he had over them, no more people looking down on him.
It didn't last long because your parents immediately confronted you about him and you had enough of it. It was the first time you neglected your parents orders and Sheon was there to witness it.
"I don't care about the agreement! The arrange marriage, I didn't agree on that! Mother, Father! I've been nothing but a good child since the day I was born! I have never ever went against you and I am obedient child who never goes against your will just so the two of you can be happy! But this is the only time I asked for you to let me have something I want in my life!" He felt the grip of your hands on him. The red haired male stares at your quivering form but he saw how determined you are about him.
He felt guilty knowing he was the cause of why you arguing with your parents right now.
Wait… He's feeling guilty?
"He's using you for your money! Look at your ridiculous amount you spent! From the moment you had a relationship with him!" Your father shouted at you, before glaring at him.
Truthfully, your father wasn't wrong. He used you for your money.
"And so what? I am willing to give everything he wants because I love him!"
Do you love him that much?
"The least I could do for him is to give what he likes because he is the only person who showed me what it feels like to be loved!"
Throughout the heated argument with your parents. He was silent for the whole time until you broke down to tears. Just a droplet from your tears made himself go blank. Sheon didn't know what happened to himself, all he knows that his body act on its own and went to cover your vulnerability from your parents.
You were surprised at his action before letting yourself be buried in his chest.
"I think it's time for us to leave." He told your parents before guiding you out to leave the mansion, not looking back.
He hop you on the passenger seat of his car before closing the doorway after he heard your parents trailing behind him, yelling. He doesn't want you to hear what he was about to say.
His blue eyes glared at them.
"I have never throughout in our relationship witness (Y/n) weep and broken down until this day, I always ensure her happiness on everything I'd done. If we have disagreements we will let each other agree to separate for a little bit until we are calm enough to discuss it again."
His mouth continued to flow out the next words he didn't think he would find himself struggling with his words. Thankfully, he didn't stutter.
"...I love her more than you could ever know. I won't let her cry and force her to do the things she doesn't want to. If she doesn't want something, she will let me know and I will stop because I don't want her to feel sad, bothered and suffocate. Truthfully, your daughter is the most sincere person that I've known in my entire life. She always gives out her best to make everyone happy."
He let out a deep breath. "I cannot believe she went through all her years of her life of enduring your demands and pressures the day she was born. It's no wonder your children are starting to neglect you. Most people might have called an authority because of your abuse if it weren't for the money you have. Every child deserve a parents but not every parents deserve a child." He paused before continuing again.
"If I see her cry again because of the both of you.No matter how much money you used to separate us. I will make sure you will regret it." With that he walk around his car before opening the doorway of the driver seat and drive away from your wrecked family. The whole ride was silent. Sheon never felt his heart rate beating this fast.
What happened to him?
Why did he do that?
What if his job from your company is going to make him terminated from his internship?
You were still on your way to become boss but your parents still owns it as long as they are alive.
"… I-I'm sorry.. you witnessed that." You sniffed as you tried to wipe off your tears trying your best to minimize your hiccups.
"… Don't mention it." He grunted before tossing you a box of tissue carelessly, eyes trained at the road not caring if you catch it or not.
You blew away your snots, as his thoughts were clouded of doubt.
"Stop crying." He said before parking the car after reaching his home. You nodded, trying to minimize your tears.
He exited the car and you did too before following him behind. A small squeak was heard from the car indicating that his car is locked.
Sheon didn't bother on walking beside you as he went to unlock the door of his home.
He went himself in, he doesn't care to tell you to follow because you will.
You sat on the couch and collect your thoughts for bit, staring the tiled floor of the living room. He look at your form and rolled his eyes before changing his clothes. What's next? Are you going to be stuck with him, onwards?
He went to the kitchen and starts to cook. Trying his best figure out something but nothing comes up in his mind.
He put the food in to two plates before serving you a lasagna. "Eat, cerise."
You thanked him and starts to eat your food slowly, your appetite isn't in good shape after your burst of emotion to your parents.
Sheon just picked his food but not eating as he stared at you.
What is he going to do with you now? He can't have you here! You… You need to come back and apologize! What if your parents cut off your card? Most of your money were from your parents! Then what about his money? What about the items you promised him to buy it for him?!
what about your feelings?
…what about her..?..
Stop... Stop making him feel guilty.
He quietly sigh and starts to eat. This mixed feelings are eating him up.
"Does it taste good?" He asked. You nod, sniffing.
"Leave the plate, I'll wash them up later. You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch."
You tried to reason him that you can sleep on the couch but he insisted.
You were stuck with him for three months. Your card was indeed cut off and you and him were evicted temporarily at your company by your mother. At that time he was conflicted whether or not he should just ditch you…. Since you don't have money anymore. You just stay at home.
Seeing you apologize for being inconvenient at his home he felt guilty for thinking about it. But for some reason... he can't bare the thought of you wandering around depending on no one.
Sheon went outside to get a hose to water the outdoor the plants until he saw a man who looks similar to you.
"Hey." The said stranger called for him. He must be one of your sibling, seeing almost all of your resemblance to him, except his demeanor. People would feel intimidated when they look at him but not him, Sheon wasn't scared of him. He is one of the siblings who neglect his parents.
The red haired male raised his eyebrow before walking up to him.
"Yes? Do you need something?"
"… My older sister, (Y/n)? Are you perhaps her boyfriend..?" The way he spoke the word boyfriend. Sheon can feel the distaste from him.
"What about it?"
His (e/c) eyes was staring at his soul. They both of knew they are never gonna be in good terms.
"(Y/n) can go back to the company. Our parents needs her."
"And what? Are they gonna invalidate her again?"
Your brother scoff. "If that were to happen, she can call me right away. They can't complain when it comes to me. They know I don't act like my soft hearted older sister." He tossed an atm card at him. Sheon catches it confused.
"What's this for?"
"Give that to my sister. It's her new card."
Your brother pulled the handle of his own car before going in. "What about (Y/n)? Do you not want to look at her?"
"No need… I'm sure she will be fine."
After that, He left without a bid of farewell.
Sheon looked at the card in his hand. Greed went on his mind to keep the card and hide it from you. Just telling you the details that you can go back to the company. He should get back the payment he used to buy the items he wasted on you for the past few months—
You called to him. Snapping out of his thoughts when he realized he was already in the kitchen, cooking food for the both of you.
"You almost burned the eggs… Is there something wrong?"
Sheon blinked before smiling at you.
"Your brother went to see you but he was in a hurry so… He told me that you can go back. Your parents need you back to the company."
Your eyes lit up."really?"
He went silent. Deciding that he should just give your atm card. It was stupid idea to think of him hiding your card, that will result of him being arrested and making you abandon him. He can't ruin his hardwork for making you his bank.
You blinked when you stiffly take the card from his hand. "What's this?"
"Your new card. Your… Umm.. brother wants to give it to you."
You look at him in the eyes for a second before leaning in to kiss him.
"I love you." You smiled, your eyes were brightened. As if something cleared up your mind and he noticed it.
He gave you a tight grin. "I'll put this on the plate before it actually burns."
Just like his first week on a relationship with you. His life went back smoothly. Everything went back to normal. The next three weeks, the two of you went on a date, suggested by you of course.
The both of you enjoyed the rides at carnival. He laughed when you didn't like the taste of the sweet corn of the nearby shop, telling him you preferred the street food sweet corn he brought on your first date with him. After having a snack,Sheon went to take a picture of the two of you capturing every moment he can find.
You told him that you book a private resort nearby the beach. So he drove there. Enjoying the night ride with him.
His heart fluttered when he hear you humming happily while you were scrolling on the phone, probably buying an item that he request yesterday, you ask him what color he liked on the item. Right now, the red haired doesn't care about it and tells you to keep humming the tune and forget about the item he wanted.
He just found himself, liking the sound of your voice.
The first thing he did when the both of you went inside the resort was to pop out a wine and serve you one before quickly kissing your lips. The both of you enjoyed gazing the night at cozy fireplace lit on the modern table. You cuddled with him and he held you, warming you up. As he sighed, relaxing himself.
You let yourself go on his hold before toying his hands with yours until you let it go."What's wrong?" You look down, staring through his shirt.
"I have… Been meaning to tell you this.. I don't know if it's the right time but…"
Sheon held his breath. Did you find out that he was using you?
He looked at your right hand that is tapping something from behind of your pocket before showing it to you.
A small black box was given to him.
He looked at you confused before he assessed your new gift to him. The box looked liked it could store a jewel.
His world stops when he opened it.
"I know… you went all the trouble of taking care of me when… when I was kicked out from the house but… I never felt so indebt to you after all the love you showered m-me… I-I'm not good with this kind of things… and might even call it corny so….W-would-you-like-to-spend-the-rest-of-your-time-together-with-me?" You fiddle your hand nervously as you look up to him, rushing the last sentence. Awaiting for his response, whether he will reject you or not.
Before you could call his name again. His lips had already met yours, arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you closer.
You were shocked by your boyfriend's action before returning your kiss. Slowly wrapping your arms around his neck.
He pushed tongue inside your mouth, caressing your caverns and sucking your tongue, drinking the sound of your whimpers and moans. He loves the whimpers that you make, it makes him want to keep going.
You tap him by the shoulder, signalling him to halt his actions but he continued to assault your lips until the thirst in him quenched. It was the first time he ignore your orders, but he just can't help himself.
He felt euphoric.
Sheon was grinning, widely. One of his hands went to your buttoned shirt. Slowly unclasping them, one by one.
His cheeks matches the color of his hair. His voice laced with love and affection."I'm officially yours, cerise."
For the first time, he felt genuine towards you. He felt everything was clear. He doesn't know when, where and why he didn't realize it sooner but…
He actually like you more than the money itself..
He loves you that no money can replace you.
Fuck all the items, he got. You're much more valuable, the most treasured thing he wants.
He went to kiss your collarbone before softly gazing on you.
For the first time, your relationship with him. Kaiser uttered the words that are genuine and meaningful from the bottom of his heart.
"…I love you."
This might be a mistake in your part.
He will never let you go now.
Part 2?
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
YANDERE!SatoSugu x Reader
This is mainly based on a post (of @appleblueberry-pie ), that was just complaining that there was rarely any Fluff material from Yandere Poly Gojo and Geto (and that they are mainly seen as bullies of their darling) and holy shit! Is right. So I applied the "if someone else doesn't do it, I'll do it!" I hope you enjoy it.
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral/feminine
WARNINGS: SOFT YANDERE GETO SUGURU AND SOFT YANDERE GOJO SATORU, UNHEALTY MINDSET, OBSESSIVE BEHAVIOR, MANIPULATION, Gojo's god complex (minor), canon Divergent (Geto doesn't get corrupted...complelty), Gojo x Geto x reader, strange amount of domestic fluff towards the end. VERY LONG POST
okay.... you're screwed.
or well not so much.
What Satoru and Suguru have as a Yandere combo is that they balance each other in their worst aspects and end up being much more pleasant than if they were separated (this is more noticeable in the case of Gojo but let's talk about that).
Let's say they meet you at Jujustu High, a new classmate. which precisely stands out because of how innocent you seem, how good you are as a person.
clearly without having gone through the same traumas as most third years by the time you integrate.
You only entered to the Jujustu academy out of a desire to improve your growing skills and help people in the process. something very genuine.
So when they both become interested in you (cutie), they give each other that typical knowing look and proceed to plan how to approach you.
At first they just saw all this as an innocent Crush and in a way something new, welcome.
However, the more they watched you to know how to be close to you, the more they found out about you, the less innocent it seemed and their need to want to know everything was more... morbid to say the least.
Gojo is the first to say out loud his darkest thoughts about it, about how he wants to follow you all the time, to make sure you're safe of course! This world is so dangerous for someone so friendly, he says. They would eat you alive. he says.
However, Geto is the one who puts his feet on the ground, telling him that they must be patient, try to take you to them with caution and tenderness, since under that logic, they cannot tear you away from your world as if nothing had happened. No. you are fragile he says. in general more self-critical about these obsessive thoughts.
Gojo is bad at saying no to Geto, so he reluctantly agrees.
and that was how you officially meet them.
seeing them as pleasant companions who seemed to have a normal attraction towards you. They weren't very subtle, but they weren't as persistent as they would otherwise be(Japon, y'know)
apart from the fact that they make you feel strangely...safe in some way. Having the two strongest students on your side, helping you at every step, made you feel protected by something superior (which was not entirely a lie) and above all as if you were part of that. Like when a young lion joins the pride, that's how you feel.
at first.
because the feelings of simple companionship were slowly evolving through certain gestures, whether it was that they accompanied you home, gave you some compliment on your appearance or when You change something, or because of some lesson learned, no matter what it was, everything together left you quite stunned, but in the good sense!
Besides, they are very good friends! You can vent to them about anything, tell them about ideas you have about future techniques that you want to try (they volunteer, mainly Satoru because of the Infinity theme), if you have any problems with money or something like that, they will give you a hand(Even if You don't ask for it!), etc.
The more they get to know you, the harder they fall, and the more they do, the stronger the obsession becomes.
it can not be helped! Now that they are sure that you are even more perfect than they thought, they cannot risk ruining everything, they must follow the plan little by little in small steps..
If someone tries to bully you, don't worry! either Gojo or Geto (or both) will have a "talk" with that person and 1- they won't even dare to look at you after that or 2- you won't even know what happened to them.
If you ask either of them, they'll just tell you that "he must have left due to lack of talent" or something like that. although the way they speak somberly says otherwise.
although if a comment like this especially stuck, they won't tolerate it, they won't let you think badly of yourself, they will try to cheer you up, either by doing exercises that they know you're good at to show their point or simply going to clear your head by riding a bike.
We could say that in general terms, they do not want you to lose that innocence and purity that characterizes you above all else, you are above that. They don't want to see that shine disappear, God forbid that you ever lose the faith that keeps you standing. You are too precious for this.
I'm assuming you wouldn't have any love interest, because otherwise... you'll most likely have to deal with his recent disappearance or him suddenly walking away from you.
Simultaneously, they themselves became bolder with their advances. giving more direct compliments, or pick up lines, having more trusting physical contact with you (hugs, having an arm around your shoulders, kisses on your cheeks, etc.).
It was a slow process that left you wondering, when the hell did this happen?
but at the same time you noticed several things out of place.
For example, you no longer hung out with anyone but them, NOT EVEN Shoko or anyone, just them. and it's not like you have a chance to be alone to do it, going to the park? Satoru happened to be there, are you staying late at Jujutsu High? Geto finds you because he coincidentally had to clean that room.
Of course, you can talk to them through text messages or calls, but at the same time you have the feeling that it is not worth highlighting these facts, since it would make you look like a paranoid crazy person, right?
If you mention it to either of them (or both of them), Gojo would probably play it off as a joke and brush it off, saying that they are just coincidences and that you shouldn't worry about such trivial things. Geto is more understanding and understands why you might be suspicious, but he reassures you that they would NEVER do anything to harm you and above all, what's wrong with spending time together? They like you, you like them, so what's the problem?
By now, your relationship with them becomes a kind of unofficial romance, somewhat odd, but pleasant. I mean, they are quite cuddly and make sure you don't hurt a hair on your missions, you even get back in touch with some friends now that you seem to accept them.
everything seems perfect.
but then Riko happens.
and Geto and Gojo almost lost it
and you can easily see how bad it affected their mental health. They became more paranoid, less joking, more serious about work.
and Mimiko and Nanako also passed by, although they were some fresh air in comparison (along with a certain Megumi), but you noticed that Geto and Gojo's behavior towards you changed again.
One day, they came to your house, they told you that you had to come with them, it sounded serious and because of the problems they had recently, you didn't have the heart to say no.
They went to Gojo's house, just to talk about what had happened the last few months, both of them in a way opened up to you, saying how much they were now worried that you were going to die because of some enemy that they couldn't handle, that something could happen. tear you away from them, they couldn't handle it.
The though of lost You forever
Or that you could run away...
All of this wasn't a lie, not at all, they feel that way, but Geto and Gojo left several things out, all with the intention of not scaring you so much, but in all the whirlwind of emotions, they let out several terrifying things.
and honestly it's kind of creepy.
but at the same time you realize the situation you are in. alone with the two of them. in the Gojo clan house. probably with Megumi and the twins sleeping peacefully somewhere. with both waiting to see what your next action is in this regard.
and you honestly don't know what to do. I say, these are the strongest Jujutsu sorcerers, even if you are strong, what chance do you have of going against them?
And more importantly.....would it be that bad? In part they are right (or you think they are), the world of Jujustu is ruthless. Who says that eventually you won't see all your companions die? Wouldn't it be better to leave it in favor of a more peaceful life with... them?
You weigh the pros and cons, and you just give up. much to the delight of Gojo and Geto. which is when their tendencies that you suspected come to light more. which in a way only reaffirms your decision (how bad would it have been if you had decided to refuse....).
They're both pretty clingy, but they have some traits that, like I said, contrast each other's negative points and make them a good Yandere combo to have.
Gojo, for example, is a fairly insensitive yandere on his own, or that although he cares about your feelings, he is bad at identifying them, here comes Geto, who helps him be more empathetic with the situation and above all be more patient with you.
e.g. When you first came to "move" with them, if it had been Gojo, the process would have been much faster, but thanks to Geto it was more "pleasant" and he got to know you much better to understand your standards and fit into them. This Yandere Gojo understands better that you are A PERSON unlike the, so to speak, "Canon Yandere Gojo".
Geto is nicer, but he is obsessive and a little delusional when you are already with both of them, something that does not happen with Gojo (at least at the beginning), although he is more in tune with your emotions than Gojo, sometimes he is not in tune with certain needs as a result of your context.
For example, at first he doesn't quite understand why you should inform your family that you are "moving" with them, because in Geto's eyes, they are your family. but Gojo (surprisingly) is the voice of reason and tries to explain your behavior with the fact that you don't want your family to worry, nothing more(translation: You don't want to leave them)
Since the two of them are in this together, they tend to use a certain Good Cop/Bad Cop dynamic, but more like the Indulgent Yandere and Overprotective Yandere type of dynamic. You can't completely blame them after what happened to them with Riko.
Needless to say, you're not a Sorcerer anymore. but at the same time you have a much more powerful position than before, I mean, you are the fiancee of The Strongest's, Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo. You are safe from any target that the big fish may try, for the peace of mind of both of them(and kinda you)
and in a way, it's nice. Mimiko and Nanako keep you company constantly, asking you to play with them, tell them stories, do their hair, etc. quite domestic moments that you feel you've been missing somehow.
Megumi passes by from time to time too, but he is more distant, you understand, but he is a polite boy, apart from if Gojo or Geto are not there (which is strange) he will ask you for help to understand some writing or task, even techniques, well you will have left your career in half, but you're still useful.
If you try to leave without permission, there would be no consequence as such, you would not even be very far from the state until Gojo or Geto (mainly Geto) intercept you. Geto usually takes this as an opportunity to walk together around the state and hear you tell him about your day. Gojo would simply take it as some kind of game, as if you had played hide and seek and he had "found" you.
They are jealous, but their jealousy is not born from a lack of trust in you, ever, but rather a lack of trust in others. You are never to blame for anything.
They have definitely killed those who have tried anything with you after they have you. They just never do it in front of you. although you can assume it when only one of them goes to sleep early with you and the other arrives in the early morning while you listen to the shower tap.
Neither of them like (and in fact, hate), the idea of hurting you, physically or mentally, as I said before, they are much more patient together than apart, so they are willing to wait for you and for you to completely open up to them again.
which leads to time passing, you accepting your situation and Even findind a balance between You and them(which is somehow healty), however falling into a great depression. do not misunderstand! You love your husbands, however it has been a long, long time since you have seen anything but the Gojo State ground and four walls and it is quite depressing.
Obviously they notice this change in attitude, and they are not happy, yes, they want you to be safe, but above all they want you to be happy with them, so, again, they put together a little plan.
One day you see them strangely smiling, while they simply accompany you in your daily activities, at meals, and at some point they convince you to go to sleep earlier than usual. Why? The only response you get at the time is a "secret🤫" sign.
You go to sleep, but in the middle of the morning (it still seems like night) you feel them tenderly waking you up, you know it's them, but you have no idea what they are planning in the middle of the night. Geto and Gojo carry you to either of their cars and leave the state, much to your surprise.
When you ask them where they are going, they simply respond in unison "wherever you want" and you are... shocked, but you can see that it's not a joke. and a very warm feeling blooms again.
They were out most of the morning, going to the places that were open (which being Japan, there were not a few), cute cafes, McDonald's (Gojo's fault), going crazy around in the car, floating with Gojo's infinity or in the Geto's rainbow dragons--
buying slushies at a 7/11 (Geto can't stand the cold much, but he overcomes it for you, Gojo laughs at the expression in his face when he freeze his brain), watching a movie, and before you know it, the sun is already rising.
They stay and watch for a while, while they just talk nonsense or something like that, you're just absorbing all of this while you can, as if this will never happen again.
Geto and Gojo look at you in silence, enjoying seeing the shine in your eyes again, but simultaneously doubt arises in both of them: how are they going to tell you to return home now that you are so happy? and honestly they didn't think much about what to do after this...
but suddenly Geto says that they could make this a monthly thing, since it really was something fun, and that it would be a shame not to repeat it.
Gojo (still somewhat surprised by the improvisation) agrees, Socercer's life is hard, he needs at least once a month to spend it with his two favorite people, right?
You know they're serious when they look at you smiling, and you nod vigorously (you're so shocked by this new but welcome change that you can't even speak).
That's how it is decided, shortly after you fall asleep again, Gojo carries you to the car.Geto and Gojo look at each other, touched by your sleeping figure.
They know they made the right choice. like you.
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obsessive-valentine · 4 months
Yandere!Hockey-Player x GN!Reader
A peak into the darker side of out beloved ice-hockey-jock boyfriend, what he’s willing to do for his darlings happiness. TW bullying and blood from fist fight
Not to proud of this one but wanted to get something out for you guys, promise I’ll post more soon.
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Even though you are now dating one of the more ‘popular’ boys in your new school, not everyone changed up their attitudes towards you. It’s been almost a month but you’re still considered ‘the new student’- trying to find your place amongst people who already know each other. And although it’s easier now with your boyfriend keeping you company most classes, when he’s not around you find it hard to fit in.
It’s one of those days where he doesn’t have many classes with you, he walks you to your class and tells you he’ll meet you outside your class for lunch. For the most part your new classmates are nice to you, you sit comfortably on a table with people who have introduced themselves and offered you a seat on the first day. And the teachers are always welcoming.
But since the start of your introduction one particular boy known for interrupting class to wreak chaos and poke fun at classmates. Recently you found yourself being the butt of most his jokes. Poking and poking waiting for a reaction. You tried to keep your head down, ignore him and let the teacher handle his childish interruptions, but it’s just seems to make the situation worse.
From behind you you felt a quick tug on a few strands of your hair demanding the test answers, you ignored him which only worsened the torment. Then you felt your chair jerk over and over, the teacher to busy to notice him kicking your chair, so you don’t make a scene. He had the gull to tug at your hair again then poke at you with a ruler harder and harder, his friend snickering beside him
After one particularly hard poke you tried to tell him off but the teacher beat you to it, sending him to the back of class after you told her about the harassment. You kept your head down refusing to see the nasty glare he was no doubt giving you.
Leaving class he caught your backpack stopping you in your tracks “you shouldn’t have done that” he scoffed before pulling you back further making you stumble and walking out in front of you. You didn’t dwell on the threat seeing you boyfriend at the door and walking over to him, his face looked troubled “who was that?” Having watched half the interaction “just some idiot who thinks it’s fun to annoy me”
“What’s he done?” His voice sounded unusually serious and his back straightened defensively, making you focus the sheer size of the ice hockey player and how serious he becomes before a game against opposing school team. Sometimes you forget how much of a aggressive battering ram he can be due to his golden retriever personality.
You confided in him, ranting to him about how annoying this ‘class clown’ can be as you both walked to the lunch hall. “What a jerk, I’m sorry babe, he won’t touch you again” before you can question what he means he said “you gotta tell me about stuff like this” as you both settled on a table.
Most days he’d drive you back home after school but today you had a training session in at the ice rink and he didn’t -so you both parted ways “call me as soon as you’re done” he smiled waving goodbye. As soon as you were out of sight he walked back towards the school waiting in the parking lot.
His pupils dilated and practically seethed through his teeth, how dare someone cause stress to such a kind hearted and innocent person, his love. You failed to see the way his hands painfully clenched into fists as you told him about the ruler and the hair tugging, how he ground his teeth and nose flared in disgust.
He now stood expectantly doing all those same things but with a deadly scowl. And there was his target walking with a small group of boys, he let them pass and walked behind them stalking them out the parking lot and to a foot path before pulling on the targets bag, spinning him around and punching him hard across his face.
“Stay out of this” he shouts as his friends come to save him, shoving one in the chest who got to close. At some point they were both on the floor, both bleeding but one much worse than the other “you touch them or even look at them one more fucking time and you’ll be dead at the bottom of a lake that same day” he growled in his year before letting go of his shirt and letting him fall to the pavement.
Satisfied he walked back to his car, his bloody hands hands smearing on the steering wheel as he let out a relived sigh. He cleaned himself up before going into his house his mother questioned the split lip and bruises, worriedly grabbing his face inspecting it “We got a bit carried away in P.E mom, I’m okay” he reassured.
He gave you a similar excuse when you FaceTimed that night, saying he and the team played a few rounds of rugby on the field after school. You didn’t question it and fell asleep on call.
However when he picked you up in the morning and his hands were evidently bruised you began to doubt he was telling the truth about where the came injures from. That isn’t a harmless game of rugby.
And you knew what happened when in class the boy that loves to pick on you, now sat quietly in the farthest seat from you, a violent black eye, multiple scratches and cuts. He refused to look at you, you knew why now. Seeing how bruised your boyfriends knuckles were you could only assume the damage was worse under his clothes.
You couldn’t focus all lesson, would he really do this to someone? So you asked and he apologised promising you that he went to confront him about it but you bully was the one who threw the first punch, he had to defend himself. He saw your face twist in a mix of emotions he reassuringly squeezed your hand “I’m sorry babe, I can’t stand people treating you like that I just wanted to talk -trust me please. I didn’t think it would escalate” he looked like a scolded puppy “I didn’t want to worry you with a little scuffle so I lied” he held both you hands sincerely.
You forgave him, agreeing that boys fight all the time and this wasn’t his fault. Inevitably you’d forget about the incident and choose to believe his reassurances, he doesn’t come across as someone that would start a fight (if only you knew the things he’d do to keep you happy). And once his bruises heal you don’t give it a second thought.
Your adoring boyfriend who drives you everywhere, opens the doors for you, loves his mother, cheers you on during practice and competitions, buys you flowers, falls asleep on FaceTime when he can’t be closer, who just is overall a gentleman -he couldn’t do such a thing. Your sure of it.
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angelsworks · 8 months
Yandere! Edward Cullen Headcannons
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Summary: What Edward Cullen would be like as a yandere
Warnings: 18+ yandere themes, manipulative behaviour, brief mention of violence
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When you moved to forks you didn’t expect much. Much about the town, much about the school or much about your future classmates.
During the summer (if you can even call it that with all the rain), you unpacked and tried to acclimatise to the dreary weather of the town before the start of the next school year.
The first day of school went as well as you’d expect. Everyone was welcoming and friendly, wanting to know about the new family in town.
During the day your arrival had been compared to the last family arrival in forks. The Cullens. A family that kept to themselves despite the curious number of students around them.
Despite the very obvious beauty an allure each of the Cullens had, you weren’t interested. You just wanted to keep your head down and get through your classes.
Your lack of interest came as a welcome surprise to the majority of the Cullens. At least one person didn’t stare at them like a science project.
But the one Cullen who didn’t enjoy it, the one person who wanted your attention more than anything, Edward.
Over the summer he’d watched you move into your home. A home Esme had helped decorate. When he left to hunt he’d check on you afterwards. He’d watch you in your room as you relaxed or slept.
Your thoughts were unlike the other minds he read. They weren’t clouded with him or his family. He found yours a much needed reprieve from the minds of his classmates.
He was waiting for the day when he could finally see you, meet you. Yet all he could feel was disappointment when you wouldn’t even look him in the eyes.
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You shared some of the same classes, but sat next to him in none. You walked the same hallways, but never at the same time. You parked in the same parking lot, but never in a space near his.
A few weeks in he began to lose hope. His obsession was growing while a relationship with you was not.
Finally after the weeks of waiting a group project put the two of you together. Edward couldn’t be happier but he his his feelings of course. Not wanting you to question why the sombre cullen was now alight with joy.
You had a hard time working on the project with Edward. Whenever you set aside time to work together he’d keep you talking. Distracting you from the work at hand.
Having his attention wasn’t a bad thing by any means. In fact his gaze on you sent you blushing and filled you with butterflies. It was the project being incomplete that worried you.
The next time you had a meet up planned with Edward you cancelled. Telling him something had come up. He knew for certain nothing had. In fact you just needed to get your work done before the deadline.
If only you knew that he’d completed the project already. Both your share and his own. Just so you could keep talking.
After the project he’d made excuses to talk to you. Claiming you’d left a pencil or jacket at his house. You found it strange as you were sure you’d seen such items in your hamper earlier in the day.
Any questions floated away with one of his dazzling smiles.
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After enough chatting he’s finally built enough of a friendship with you to ask you out.
From there he slowly started to drop the perfect boyfriend facade. He would ask you were you were when you weren’t with him, who you were with, where you were going. It felt like he was a third parent to you. Albeit a overprotective, helicopter one.
He would text you, call you all hours of the day if you weren’t in class or asleep. Even when you were asleep he was at your house.
Whenever you started to think of his behaviour and how uncomfortable it made you, he would switch it back on. Switch on the perfect boyfriend routine. For a few weeks at least. Making you wonder if you were just imagining it.
He wouldn’t tell you about him being a vampire, not unless he had to.
If such a situation were to arise he would use it to control you. Claiming a vampire had set their sights on you and he needed to take you somewhere safe.
Why would you question him. He was your boyfriend after all. He’d never hurt you before.
If at any point you do think he’s lying he’s not above faking an attack on your family. The traumatic event sending you back into his arms. Making you dependent on him.
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When he’s ready he’ll suggest turning you into a vampire. Making a show of how he loves you and how he only want to protect you.
You of course would agree, wanting to be with him for the rest of your life.
Even as a newborn he’ll keep you isolated. Suggesting that he take you somewhere for your first few months. An idea that the rest of the Cullens can’t agree with fast enough.
He teaches you to hunt and how to use your senses. All the while hiding the fact he can read your mind. So any thought of going exploring or for a run away from him is quickly squished.
You’re his and you have no way of devising an escape or realising what he’s doing while he’s got a window into your head.
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milky-mink · 2 years
Becoming Izana's unwilling girlfriend
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TW: Yandere, Blackmail, Intimidation, Power Imbalance
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You first met Izana when you visit your older brother in Juvie. The reason is that he got caught entering someone’s house with an intent of robbing it
You can’t blame him really, your family has been struggling with money ever since an accident; where your father died due to a car hitting him on the road, making your mother a single parent; trying to juggle both her family and her new job at a marketing firm
Even though her job pays well, it wasn’t enough for the three of you to live by; and often you and your brother go on throughout the day without eating anything or not taking the train to school 
Your older brother, wanting to help your mother, got a part-time job at a local Dagashiya in your neighborhood. Although it helped, it's still not enough for the rest of you to live like you used to.
Slowly but surely, you saw your older brother being discontent in life - him being much more moody and often get into fights in school. You know that one day, he would join a wrong crowd and eventually join a gang
You tried to warn your mother about his behavior, but she just shrugged it off, saying that he was just blowing some steam and would come back to his senses later on 
As you’ve expected, he did not, and eventually joined a gang. You then ask one of your classmates, who has some knowledge about the gangs in Yokohama, about a gang that wore a red uniform and a strange symbol that you saw your brother wearing when he sneaked out of your home at midnight.
Your classmate’s eyes widened as he recognized the symbol that you drew and explained what gang has that symbol, your hands trembled as he further explained the information he knew about that gang
Your hands trembled in fear as he delved into the more heinous acts that the gang your brother has joined in, robbery, assault, drug trafficking. The list goes on. You couldn’t take it anymore and quickly told him to stop, not wanting to hear those terrible things anymore. 
Terrible thoughts filled your mind as you wait for the school to end, wanting to head home as fast as possible, skipping your club meeting just so that you could confront him, and persuade him to quitting that gang
After you came home, you then wait for him to come back home in the living room, not bothering to change your clothes or even cook dinner, determined to catch him. 
As the hours passed and the clock indicating that its midnight, he was still nowhere to be seen
Just as when you were about to give up and go upstairs, you suddenly heard the telephone ringing
You quickly pick up the phone and talk to the person who’s calling your house. To your surprise, it was a government worker that phoned you. Your eyes winded in shock as he explained to you the purpose of why he’s calling your house right now
Apparently, your brother got sent into juvie due to robbery and would be held in there for the next three years
Your mother, to her distraught, distracts herself by focusing more on her work, refusing to believe that her sweet son has turned into a delinquent gangster. She even refused to visit him in juvie due to how deep in denial she is of the situation
So here you are right now, visiting your brother in juvie, talking to him and gifting him the home made bento you make
To your surprise, your brother, who has been cold ever since your father died - broke down in front of you
You console him even without touching him due to the clear glass blocking the two of you from physically interacting with each other
The two of you started to communicate, and eventually reconcile with each other
Ever since then, your relationship with your brother has improved, to the point that it's just like before the accident
As you frequently visit your brother in juvie, you also noticed another change in his behavior. He started to become scared as you handed him your usual bento and even refused to open it for some reason
That makes you suspicious since our brother has always looked forward to your bento, and even giving empty bento boxes after he’s done eating its contents 
One day when you are on your usual visit in juvie, your brother suddenly looked at you in the eye, requesting you to not to make a bento that addressed to him and instead naming it to Kurokawa Izana
Your eyes winded, recognizing that name. It's the name of the leader of the gang your brother is in
Knowing the danger your brother is in, you silently nodded in his request and making a mental note of it
And on your next visit, instead of meeting your brother, you’ve arrived and faced someone who’s very unfamiliar to you, but knew his name. To your surprise, he isn’t some gigantic bulky person who you’ve expected a gang leader to be - but instead; you faced a lean and muscular person
He also has a remarkable appearance, light brown skin with silky white hair and striking purple eyes. You are fairly sure that if he isn’t in a gang, he could be scouted as a model or even a male idol
You strike a conversation with him, even though you are intimidated due to the fact that he is a dangerous person
But to your surprise, your first visit to him ends in a normal tone, as if you are just visiting an acquaintance
Weeks passed by as now not only that you visit your brother in juvie but also Izana as well
It was mildly bewildering when the two of you started to be close with each other; you being a normal middle school student, and him being the leader of the biggest gang in Yokohama
You now consider him as a friend, although you are still wary of him due to his occupation
As you started to get to know him further, you noticed that he started to act differently to you; him being much more flirtatious and bold every time you visit him. But you just brushed it off, thinking that he is opening up to you 
But you should’ve noticed it as a red flag as he started to get much more confrontational and possessive to you, being irrationally angry if you speak to someone other than him, even your brother or mother
It caused you to be scared but at the same time being angry at him, why is he acting like that? His attitude makes little sense
The two of you argued so often that eventually you stopped visiting him in juvie
Big Mistake
When you visit your brother again in juvie, you quickly notice painful bruises everywhere covering his body. From his face, his arm or torso, it made you sick on just how he wince in pain every time he accidentally press his arm or stomach 
After your visit to your brother, you then hastily visit Izana, pleading to him to not hurt your brother any longer. You’ll do anything that he asks, as long as he leave your brother alone
When you utter those words, he gave you a bone chilling smile, as if you’ve fallen into a trap
“Hmmm, anything you say? Well, (Y/N), be my girlfriend then”  
You froze in place at that moment, when he said those words, shocked at his request, but you quickly accepted his offer
Ever since then, you’ve officially become Izana’s girlfriend 
Predictably, your brother isn’t beat up anymore and even treated better than before, but you are now subjugated by Izana’s possessive behavior
Him prodding you every single detail about your whole week as you attend your daily visits to him and your brother, forcing you to do actions that a girlfriend would do such as over intricate Bento’s, exchange of romantic words and you kissing the glass that separates you to him, as if giving him kisses on either his lips or cheeks 
The only escape to him is that he is in juvie, which is a relief for you since you have days that you aren’t forced to act into something you don’t like
But those days are blissfully fast since Izana has been let out in juvie, which you only find out when you find him waiting for you outside of your school in his motorbike
Since then, everything is now different for you but not for the better. When the whole school finds out that you became Izana’s girlfriend, you have been avoided by your classmates and even teachers like a plague. You, getting distant from your friends, which eventually became scared of you, just like the others, making you rely on Izana much more, to the point that he is the only one, except your brother and your mother that you’ve talked to for a while
The delinquents in your school have also started to praise the floor that you walked to. Obviously, you have to be extraordinary to become Izana’s girlfriend since many women tried to become one, but they are either ignored or quickly turned down by him. So when you walked down to your school, they immediately walk to with you like bodyguards and clear the path so that you could walk to your destination without someone blocking your path 
Izana, as possessive and obsessive as he is, didn’t raise his hand to you like you would expect him to do. Instead-he treated you like a gentleman. Going into frequent dates, giving you gifts that you know are from high-end stores and even out right giving you money
You accepted it all, afraid of the consequences if you didn’t. Although it helped your family greatly, it still made you uncomfortable on just how you procure it. You knew where his money came from and felt guilty of accepting it and the gifts that he’s been giving to you
Izana swings his arm into your shoulder as the two of you are watching the boxing match in front of you. The two of you are seated in a padded chair while the rest are sitting on the available surface or just standing to watch. He lightly giggled as one of the men falls through the hard pavement while you just winced on just how painful it looks. Although you have been joining Izana on seeing illegal street fighting for months now, you still aren’t used to seeing blood and broken bones being displayed in front of you. You’ve suspected that Izana made you watch these fights with him because you’ve always been clinging to his chest every time you are scared or shocked, which you always did. 
As the fight then continues on, Izana gently grab you, making you lean on his chest as the two of you kept watching the fight
 “Hey (Y/N)”
You looked up at Izana, wondering what he wants right now
“After this, can you make Katsudon for dinner? I’m craving for one”
You nod at his request and reluctantly go back to watching the fight in front of you. It's a common occurrence. Ever since you became a couple, you always cook for him because he refuses the food if you did not cook it. To the point that you aren’t living in your house anymore and instead live in his apartment with another person named Kakucho. Even though he is his underling, he is the one that you could only interact without you being nervous. Unlike his peers, he is actually very polite and respectful and can keep his distance as he needs to be. So you are alright with him, the rest, not so much. They are what you expected a gang member to act, apathetic, cruel and sadistic. So you only interact with them on a surface level, being polite as you need to be. 
While the fight continues on, Izana grips tightly to your shoulder and further pressed you closer to his chest, keeping you closer him. You sigh at his behavior but just focus on the next match, trying to distract yourself, not only to your current situation, but your life in general. You, being a girlfriend to a gang leader that would certainly be a mob boss in the future, and him isolating you to anyone other than himself and the people he approves of and a looming threat dangling in your back if you did something out of line. Although this could be much worse- you are now basically trapped with Izana, without you saying anything to the matter, becoming his pliant girlfriend, just as he wants you to be.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Requested but original requester forgot Anon:
Aged up as usual, takes place some time after high school.
Yandere! Craig Tucker vs Tweek Tweak with Old Classmate! Darling
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry/Poly
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsession, Jealousy, Relationship rebounding, Violence, Poly, Blood, Forced relationship.
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This can go two ways.
One where the two broke up due to something and are trying to move on.
And another where they're still dating and want to make you their third.
Let's talk about the rivalry first.
Craig is still a yandere that's hard as ever to read.
Tweek... well, he gets so nervous about the thought of you.
The growing crush he has on you eats him alive.
The two men had acknowledged you during their time at school.
You had talked with Craig's gang and liked to hang out with them.
You even supported Tweek and Craig's relationship when it was still going on.
You helped them talk out problems, you gave tips on classwork....
You were just a great classmate to them.
By the time graduation rolled around the two had gotten into a fight and broke it off.
You expressed concern for the two and offered to be a shoulder to lean on.
They still had your contact in their phones but were worried they may not see you again.
After all, once you graduate people become busy.
Despite this you made time to speak with them both.
At different times to prevent fighting, of course....
Craig doesn't entirely show it yet he's in a more vulnerable state after Tweek.
He starts to wonder if he fell for you.
He is softer when he talks and you think you're just talking like close friends.
When in reality Craig is trying to see how he can make a relationship with you work in his mind.
Were you always this attractive?
Tweek is the opposite.
Tweek shows his vulnerability to you easily.
He's shaking and sputtering about the break up.
You comforting him makes the shaking calm and he can talk easier.
When he gains a crush on you he feels worried.
Yet... surely you'll accept his feelings because you care for him, right?
He just hopes he can gain enough courage to ask you out.
Both of them are essentially rebounding.
They plan to use your affection and love to forget about the other.
Unfortunately their intentions backfire when they see each other with you.
They fight with each other and one lets it slip that they found someone else.
Which leads to the other admitting the same thing...
Then the moment your name slips from both their lips, they're fighting more.
Poor you... you have no idea the two men have a new reason to fight each other.
It's you.
Tweek gets more clingy with you while Craig is more snappy.
It's going to take some time for you to try and get them to talk about the issue.
Even when one does admit it, what do you even do?
You don't like seeing them fight each other-
There's so much blood to clean up....
You'd still need to choose between the two and you don't know what to do-
You just wish they'd forget about the crush they have on you, their classmate from long ago...
They most likely won't anytime soon.
Then there's the poly scenario-
Starts similar, you're a good friend to the couple.
You support their relationship and help them whenever they need it.
They start to act strange around you, however....
A fantasy the two have is asking you to be their third.
Tweek brought it up at one point and Craig considered it.
You notice them in class trying to sit closer to you.
At one point you end up sitting between them.
You ask them about it and they tell you not to worry about it.
They both wanted to be close to you this time.
They don't reveal their plans until after graduation.
They call you up to meet, somewhere private most likely.
Then they admit they want you to join them.
Not wanting to somehow ruin their relationship, you're hesitant.
You shake your head and try to decline...
But Tweek seems to be shaking more than usual and Craig has a deadly glint in his eyes.
Out of fear you accept, the two smiling before taking your hands.
Tweek holds one hand, Craig holds the other.
They'll be sure to keep you between them and them only.
Anyone who talks about you is targetted....
Tweek is the most affectionate out of the two.
Craig reciprocates if he is given it first.
They love you like they love each other.
Nothing can take you away from them, even if blood coats their hands.
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allurilove · 27 days
How do the classmates react to each other?
Like we HATE yearbook president but can tolerate sub. How do they react to each other on a normal basis? Also how would they react seeing us be friendly with another guy? Even if we aren’t interested in him either.
Yandere Classmate’s
(Honestly maybe they do need names oml)
They tolerate each other at work, well begrudgingly at first. Yandere yearbook guy would be nice to him in front of the customers, but be a total dick in private. Yandere classmate is the only man that gets to see this side of the yearbook guy. They both can sniff out each others true intentions, and yandere classmate knows the yearbook guy is a total phony.
They do team up when they try to get fired/quit from their ice cream job. Yandere classmate just started to hand out free ice creams. And yearbook guy has “principles” so he doesn’t partake in that, instead he flirts with the managers kid and gets fired from that.
At school yandere classmate avoids yearbook guy like the plague. He hates the sight of him, and how he has the whole school wrapped around his finger. Yandere classmate literally has to hold him back from fighting yearbook guy when he purposefully bumped into yandere classmate.
Yearbook guy doesn’t care for yandere classmate- as long as he shuts his mouth about yearbook guys real personality. He thinks it’s funny to bump into the shorter man, I mean he’s built like a damn stick. If yearbook guy breathed on him, he would send yandere classmate flying.
Their beef would be intense. And both men tried to brawl with each other, until yandere classmate decided to play dirty and hit yearbook guy with a rock.
They are both different socially. While yandere classmate prefers to be alone, yearbook guy would be surrounded with his little clique.
Both guys stand there as you talk to another man. Yearbook guy looks at the man up and down, he doesn’t see anything appealing about the other man. He almost feels bad for his retinas for even having to look at him. Yearbook guy sighed and he leans on his locker as he examined how giddy you seemed talking to the other student. He wonders is you are genuinely okay. Like, do you have a fever? Did you hit your head? Because why are you paying attention to that guy, instead of him?
Yandere classmate is more upset about it. This is the only time he can tolerate yandere yearbook guy as they both talk shit about the other man.
“Maybe they fell down a flight of stairs today.” Yearbook guy shrugged nonchalantly. “And it jumbled their brain up.”
“Should I push them down the stairs again? Maybe it’ll snap them out of it…” Yandere classmate mumbles.
Yearbook guy rolled his eyes and smacked yandere classmate on the head, causing yandere classmate to scowl. “Don’t be a dumbass.” yearbook guy groans, and he can’t even believe he’s talking to the twerp.
Your conversation was cut short as you slowly turned behind you to see your two yandere classmates arguing with each other. Yandere classmate tried to yank on the yearbook guys hair, and he just put the smaller man in a chokehold.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
Imagine Yuuta returning from overseas to find Darling and Sukuna's Vessel all buddy buddy.
Darling and Itadori are just watching a new release absolutely awful horror movie and they are making fun of it and Yuta is just like... 0◇0
"When did that happen?!" Yuuta asks the other second years.
"Eh? What are you talking about?" Panda questions.
"Mustard leaf."
"When did Sukuna and Her become close?!"
"Oh. I don't think they are together or anything. Its just hard to dislike the human embodiment of a golden retriever." Maki says, causing him scoff.
tw: yandere, (implied) abuse of power
Then, we get this, again
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I get it, I mean, who wouldn't be friends with Yuji? He doesn't offend other people's boundaries and is considerate of other people's moods. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you will feel comfortable around him, and considering that you both live in student dormitories, you can see each other often.
And Yuta- Yuta is always busy and often travels overseas, such as removing a few curses, bringing a few local souvenirs, and coming back to kiss you. However, jujutsu university rarely gives you tasks. If you have a mission, it's to be there to help after other sorcerers have figured it out, or catch some so, so weak curses like fly heads, so you have a lot of time to rest in the dorms.
They look down on you, you just don't know why.
When you meet a new year 1 classmate and you know the curse on him, you feel bad for him, but you two don't chat. Later, Yuji asked if you could watch a horror movie together, and you said yes, and that was the beginning of friendship. The two of you get to laugh over popcorn and curl up on the couch together because of horror.
While the other students know that your relationship has become so friendly, they also remember Yuta's unintentional possessiveness. Always put you on his lap or wrap his arms around your waist when he's around. During the sister-school goodwill event, the huge amount of cursed energy in him almost got out of control because a high school student from Kyoto tried to ambush you.
After Yuta came back to the dormitory with a souvenir, he saw you and the "new men" (Sukuna and Yuji) being so close. It is conceivable that you are facing his jealousy and anger 🥺
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lazywriters-blog · 2 years
Summary: What if you reject a pro heroes proposal? And who is also willing to force it.
Warning: May contain triggering content, non-consensual touching, and yandere behavior. Enjoy!
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Entering the skyscraper that once belonged to the endeavour agency was a rare experience.
It was only made mandatory for her when her friend insisted that he had something of importance to say. Inviting her to visit him in his busy agency, surprisingly, the building had been empty of any occupants. Rather it was otherworldly and eerily serene. Her footsteps echoed.
Not what she had in mind.
She had consoled herself upon seeing how big the place was, that there would be somebody to assist her if she got lost, but there was no one typing away or receiving distress calls, it was making her anxious.
She carried on regardless, distracting her troubling thoughts with the man himself. Shouto.
She and the youngest son of the todoroki family met online, only astonishing themselves when they came face to face during their final year at middle school, that they knew each other as distant classmates. They bonded more during those last days.
Got to know each other, shared their funny and sad life stories, opened up about their inner struggles, teasing each other, however, it was mostly on her part, shouto wasn't that talkative, she was the one who would go out of her way to get him to freely converse, although she didn't talk much either. Except for when she was around him.
There were bittersweet memories.
After a long moment of locating the elevator, she prepared herself mentally, rehearsing what to say and what not to say, fixing her getup to see if she appeared suitable and proper.
The fresh aroma of roses and the fragrance of expensive cologne greeted her as the elevator doors opened, the place had a warm glow to it with plenty of windows featuring the lanky buildings outside, although she shouldn't be feeling uneasy, her stomach was churning with dread.
Only for it to be weakened when she heard footsteps behind her. Seeing her friend's unique coloured eyes brighten up after sighting her.
"Oh... You came, you could have told me to come to get you, I was starting to get worried." He softly confessed clearing the gap between her. She smiled, reminding herself that she was meeting her friend after a long time. She shouldn't feel uncomfortable for no tangible reason.
"Sorry, you know I am a little slow with grasping things..."
"There's no need to apologise." He muttered, tenderly bringing her hand close and caressing them, she hadn't expected that. Promptly she laughed and dragged her hand back, his touch somehow still lingering on her skin.
"So how have you been?" She gleefully asked, filling in the awkward tension with words.
"I've been good." He replied, his gaze glued to hers undaring to tear them away. She wasn't feeling too good.
"You've grown since the last time I saw you. Guess it's true that boys grow up faster after reaching a certain age." She said fiddling with the strap of her bag to mellow out the sickening feeling in her gut.
He didn't say anything in return, he listened. Then he proceeded to say.
"Let's sit down and talk." She nodded, following him further into the floor.
Silently admiring the scenery whilst shouto simply sauntered to whatever place he wanted her to be. His board back and his double-coloured hairs stole her attention, his hair a little dishevelled, wearing his usual hero costume unlike her, he told her to come up nicely dressed, guessing it was perhaps a get-together with few others.
That doesn't seem to be the case.
Shortly, they both stepped into his office, and he closed the door behind them, the lock clicking in place, she's sure she heard it.
Forcing herself to sit down and calm her nerves, she watched as her friend settled down beside her, something was amiss, and the atmosphere had suddenly gotten tauten. She stared at him.
Wordlessly begging him to finish whatever he had to tell, she pulled her fingers tighter, entertaining cruel notions.
"Will you give me your hand?"
She went stiff. Questioning his intentions. The festering solemnity in his eyes was frightening her. Hesitantly she extended her hand to him, observing the subtle changes in his expression.
"I know it's sudden but, will you marry me?"
Her heart dropped. All she could muster was a, "huh? What...?" Awkwardly wishing to retract her hand back but he tightened his hold.
"I mean it. It's what's best for us both." He sternly whispered. She had to step in.
"I don't think I see you that way, you are like a small brother to me. I don't love you that way." She mumbled. While she was only three months older than him, it gave her the same feeling akin to protecting someone a little less experienced and younger than her.
"I'm sure you'll find someone much better than me." She tried to comfort him, however, she wasn't sure if it helped.
"I'll help you find someone!"
She half-heartedly attempts to pull her hand back, fully aware that the best course of action was either to shift the topic or take her untimely leave. His silence wasn't helping, rather reinforcing more fear in her.
Strongly snatching her hand she gives him a sad smile, wishing it would somehow minimise her denial, walking towards the door with haste, looking back one last time and that was the mistake she had to avoid. He was up on her feet calmly watching her. 
"I'll text you... When I reach home." She forced a grin, turning her back to him, shaking the doorknob when it hit her, he had locked it. Like a mindless idiot, she forgot in that moment of apprehension. She wanted to kill herself.
Would he even be willing to unlock it? She could only try.
"Shouto um... Could you-"
"I don't want to." He instantly replied with a bitter tone, his voice closer than she remembered, dare she say, different. So different.
"Please. I want to go home." She firmly insisted, slightly narrowing her eyes at the male. "Look, whatever I did to mislead you I'm sorry, you were my only friend and I didn't know how friends treated each other."
"Fine." He responded. "I'll open the door for you- only if you accept my offer."
"Shouto... I told you, we are friends!" Her temper was rising, she neared him, "you aren't thinking of keeping me here till I surrender and agree to your marriage proposal, are you?"
"I might." He truthfully admitted, maintaining eye contact with her fiery ones.
"Don't be childish shouto!!" She loudly complained, storming to the door and frantically shaking the knob, slamming her body against it when her tries were rendered futile.
"Shouto, please!! This is not funny!!" She cried out, tears quick to gather in her eyes upon comprehending the sobriety of the implementation. If she couldn't leave, what then? She doesn't wanna be in this room with him any longer.
The knowledge that her friend of 5 years had grown loving of her was hard enough to swallow.
His hand strongly grabbed ahold of hers, dampening her struggle and preventing it from escalating, heaving her by the waist when it proved to be tricky to tow her by the wrist.
She wasn't calming down.
But then he felt her kick him, drawing out a pained grunt, it irritated him, so much. Slamming her body on the table, it ended her attempts for a second, enough time for him to urge her legs apart and force his own between her warm core.
"Stop." He lowly growled glaring down at her.
She stifled her breath, facing away from his double-coloured eyes. It allowed him to muzzle his face into the crook of her neck, and she didn't intend it, kickstarting her struggle once more.
"No!! Stay away from me!" Putting all her strength into pushing his chest away she closes her eyes shut, however, it didn't please him. Prompting him to bite down as hard as he could.
"Am I that undesirable?" He softly whispered near her ear, his breath tickling her skin and pressuring her brain to focus on that spot. "Tell me why you denied me."
"Don't you like me? Am I not good to you?"
"I like you!! I really like you shouto!" She shouted, but anyone would know she was lying.
It was all she needed to say to catch him off-guard, to make him believe, to fool him, and he fell for it. His eyes lid up, hoping this time it was the truth, that this was real and he would be naive enough to accept it.
"Do you mean that?" He chuckled leaning down, trembling from uncertainty she nodded, gently snaking her hand down, feeling the plastic card hanging from his supply belt.
"Yeah-- I shouldn't have tried to prank you like this." She whimpered, tears steadily rolling down her cheek. Her lips curled in and soon let out a pained sob.
She was always the mischievous one, trying to gain a reaction from him many times. Maybe that's what he liked about her...
"I'm sorry..."
Her voice was delicate and soft, weakened, she couldn't be lying, she just couldn't be. Stroking the tears off her cheeks, their nose touching, his eyes wandering to her lips and unhappy eyes.
"I'm sorry- I shouldn't have done that." To tug him further into her deception, before he could doubt her she moved her face to his and connected their lips.
It was quick and short, straight to the point, and that was all she wanted to execute her plan and rudely wake him up from his delusions.
His grip had loosened and this was her chance.
With the back of her palm, she harshly struck him across the face and shoved him off her frame, earning herself a dangerous opportunity. Swiping the card and unlocking the door, she bolted to the elevator.
To her utter shock, ice was creeping up behind her. He was using his quirk. Painting a delicate layer of ice coating the lunette windows. It made her all the more miserable. 
The grand and luxurious office becomes a place of imprisonment with frost cravings, encasing everything it reached into ice sculptures, cold and unwelcoming to the touch. Just like the man once was. It sends a chill down her spine. He would see it that she acknowledge him, see his way, and learn why he is doing so much.
She could see him walking in her direction, steady and menacingly slow, his fist was clenched, his face reflecting all the resentment going through his mind, and it also made her doubt her ability to escape.
She quickly hid, hoping to slowly make her way to the exit as quietly as possible.
The ice softly crunches beneath his pale boots his multicoloured eyes preying on her footsteps, which she almost hadn't managed to evade before the frost could seal her in place and leave her helpless.
Her short heels weren't helping much against the freezing floor, her hands had gone chill and numb her breath sending shivers down her skin and having the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
She couldn't bear the sudden drop in temperature and shouto was a silent predator. It wouldn't take long for him to drag her out of her hiding place.
Quickly wrapping her arms around her chest her body quivering, teeth chattering, she quietly attempted to make some distance with the pro-hero right behind her trail. Her movements were slowing down.
Striving to fight the urge to curl up and shudder, she carried on, how could she survive this predicament? When she feels she's already failing.
She should have kept her mouth shut.
"Ah..." Her eyes quickly widened, falling on her butt when there wasn't enough time to get up and run, gently pushing herself backwards, staring at the looming build of her best friend.
"Please... Please let's talk." She mumbled, drawing in a stiff breath feeling sick from how fast her heart was beating, how her thoughts were growing illogical.
"There's nothing we can talk about." He replied crouching down to her eye level, an ounce of tenderness in his gaze watching her move away from him. "I said what I needed to say, and you didn't react to it well. You rejected my proposal."
His tone grew bitter, stern and hurt, remembering how she smiled and deceived him, let him know he was being unreasonable, that she saw him as her dear friend and brother, her small brother, all this time, he thought she was showing him passionate liking. When, in reality, she didn't love him.
"Tell me, did you enjoy leading me on? Making me fall for you, telling me how you were feeling, what was bothering you. It was all a lie." He snarled.
She was furthering herself away from him.
She wasn't reciprocating his feelings.
His left side had started to tremble, however, he still focused his attention on the girl. Without a second thought, he grabbed her body closer to him, she had begun to scream, shrieking and trying to push him away, but she wasn't going to loosen his hold anytime soon. Not when he was so warm.
"We could get out of here if you want. You only have to say yes, we'll only have each other in the end." He whispered in her ear, nuzzling in the crook of her neck, his breath grazing her skin.
"Stop screaming. You'll hurt your throat."
He quickly brought her closer, forcing her hands to still against his chest, her sweet-smelling scent he'd breathe in every day clouding his thoughts.
He could freeze her to death.
Seizing her hand he took out the ring he had organized for her, slipping it into her fingers and cherishing the way it looked. What it meant.
He returned his gaze to the girl in his arms, letting her quiver and regret whatever she did.
Now, they were engaged.
And closer than ever.
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tennypress · 11 months
Hi! First of all love your writings. second could you pls do a yandere Samuel x fem! reader (with slight mentions of smut) were he becomes even more obsessed after she breaks up with him
Of course my favorite bumblebees!
minors dni
WARNING: kiss and break up, angst, boss x secretary, ex boyfriend, gender neutral reader
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“And you don't seem to understand”
You just look at the apartment with many memories you’d shared with him
On the outside he may seem like a gentleman but deep down inside you, you’d wish you did t meet him in the first time. Especially since you saw his actual side other than his “hot rich ceo” demeanor. How you’d wish you’d never stop to apply to that job
You were just a newcomer to OneMCN company to apply as a new beauty and gamer newtuber trying to earn money to support yourself and your family back in the countryside. You’d enter to get interviewed by him
Yeah you were attracted to him, but who wouldn’t? He’s tall, handsome, and rich(everyone Lookism simps type ever)
You enter the office and sat down. He looked through your files, and then you. At first it looked like he was t interested, but in his mind: he was immediately attracted to you, wanted to be your everything. He’d put on that serious cold face and started your interview.
After a while, he tells you that you were hired, you were officially his new secretary. He’d tell you that you start tomorrow, and you were full of glee. You’d thank him and left the building.
You know the next thing people(I know that I sound lazy, but like it’s 4am and I don’t have much to write about 💀, plus this is a one shot :)): you guys grow closer, he’d offer coffee dates, you guys see each other more often, you guys hang out on the weekend, then he’d asked the big question: will you be my one and only. Of course you said yes.
Sure this relationship sounds great, but cmon let’s be honest. This is Sammuel we’re talking about
He’d usually be so cold around you at the office, treating you like his secretary, you’d only respect his wishes by treating him as your boss
But it only got worst a few weeks where he’d lashed out on you, treat you like nothing, he’d ignore you, come home late smelling like alcohol and smoke. Worst of all, there would be situations where he’d harm you for the smallest things: like let’s say you accidentally spilled coffee on his paperwork’s, when you try to apologize he would grab your wrist and yell at you, then would angrily clean up your mess
You knew that this was unhealthy, but he would try to apologize with small gifts to dates where he wouldn’t talk to you.
You knew the sign and eventually would leave. Looking back at his home and left a note
A couple of days were about self care and healing. You’d eventually moved back into your small apartment near the city and eventually went to therapy for it.
You left your job at OneMCN and decided to ask for your classmate Jace for a job at the cafe he worked at. He was hesitant but agreed. You entered your new work environment and worked your hardest
A few months later you’d eventually made enough money to pay rent and send money to your family.
You’d eventually decided to celebrate at a local club and was escatic. You’d danced the night away, and eventually met a nice guy, Byung ho. You’d met him at the club and met him back again at the coffee shop you worked at. You guys eventually hanged out at his place.
While you and him were walking down the street, you both bumped into a familiar tatted man.
He’d just looked at the both of you guys dumbfounded, the look on his face wasn’t looking good. He’d just push Byung out of the way and grabbed your wrist to drag you to your apartment which was conveniently on the way.
He’d just slam the door shut and pushed you against the wall
“Wanna explain this shit to me y/n?” He said while he grabbed your wrist to pin you on the wall
“I left you for good Sammuel, Why come back to me?” You said trying to escape his grasp, but lmao you we’re struggling
“Who said you left me? I didn’t give you any signals who said you can just leave like a rushed car?” He said while his glasses were sliding off his nose bridge while he came closer to you.
You’d managed to kick him just enough for you to push him away, and you just walk away from him
But to your appeal, he just grabbed your wrist slightly, pulling you in into a big embrace
You knew that it was wrong, but it felt sincere.
You just stood there, while he turns you around and kisses you passionately
You’d dint pull back, push him away, or just slap him. You just gave in
The moon shining through your window and how the stars twinkled. You were enjoying the moment.
And that’s how he’d trapped you into your relationship. You’re trap like a fly in a spiderweb
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mysticmellowlove · 2 years
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The Rock Face and the Saxifrage - Unfortunate Circumstance
warnings; yandere behaviour, threatening behaviour
word count; 966
note; who gave the world the audacity to make my november the most appointment-packed piece of shit to ever exist. i just wanna talk. also this bad boy is edited but not deeply proofread, I'm tired man.
Sometimes things happened for no reason. Sometimes things had to have predetermined and sometimes things had to be planned. Having the forensics majors partner up with the art majors had to have been predetermined.
Having the same motherfucker that was stalking you as your partner? That was planned, for sure.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, trying to distract yourself with the sheet of paper in front of you. On it were the instructions for the collaboration. It looked like you were going to be doing headshot depictions as well as aged-up photos of hypothetical cases.
"I was paired up with you for the rest of the semester." Even he sounded unsure, his eyes trained heavily on the desk as his fingers fiddled with the pen in front of him. You still weren't quite sure why the two majors had decided to pair up.
Your lips pursed as you exhaled roughly. If there really was no getting around it then you had to actually do something about the man across from you. Your tongue slid over your teeth as you looked up at him from your paper. Casually you reclined in your seat, for now it was best to look at this relationship as purely transactional.
"Then let's get started on it then." You met his gaze, your mind waiting for the moment he would slip up and piss you off. The chatter of the class around you seemed to melt into the background as you looked at each other.
"Alright." He trailed off, shuffling the papers in front of him awkwardly. You didn't know the full outline of the project from his side but you did know that he'd be directing you in creating a wanted poster of sorts.
The pencil case you usually kept your supplies in rested off to the side, your favourite pencil lying precariously half in and half out. Surprisingly the rest of the class went pretty smoothly. Most of it was spent outlining the project and going over what was expected from both sides.
Turns out the interaction between the two majors was actually pretty minimal, though you had a feeling the man across from you was going to milk it for all he was worth.
"I feel like we can complete the first task right away if you want to sort something out." He hummed, his small voice barely reaching you over the sound of your classmate's words. You bit down on your tongue, this was where it started then.
"Sure, how about we meet over at my place." Despite your mind screaming at you to think things through only one thing came to mind. This man wasn't going to just give up, surely. If you were going to get through to him then you needed to do it right, scare him off properly. He seemed to perk up a little at the news, his eyes shining brightly.
"But first, who are you?" You cut off any excitement that may have been building in his gut. Your words were harsh as the crowd started to disperse. It was then that it hit you, there would be no creepy letter in your locker today.
"Oh... sorry, I'm Bowen." He said sheepishly, his body lax. The casual way he was treating this was making you pissed off, it was like looking at a child that had gotten everything he wanted. To see him acting so high and giddy after all the torment he had put you through... it infuriated you.
"Bowen... do you think this is a joke?" You levelled your stare with him, freezing him in place. He looked back at you, his eyes wide as his mouth dropped open a little. It was clear to see that there wasn't much thought behind his eyes. Still, you maintained your stare, your jaw shifting as annoyance bubbled inside you.
He noticed the subtle movement, because of course he would, and seemed to grow red at the sight. His body shuffled awkwardly from side to side. As he opened your mouth you slammed your hand down onto the table, pretending you were simply going to pick up your pencil case.
"This is coming to a stop, whether you like it or not." His eyes seemed to haze for a moment before a smile rose to his face. Your expression dropped into something more confused. There was a certain maliciousness in his eyes, a glint of danger.
"You won't be able to get rid of me." He drawled, his demeanour shifting a near 180. For that small moment, the feeling that usually accompanied his letters flooded back. That feeling of uncertainty, discomfort, despair...
The inability to hide.
"Why don't we work together? I get you all for myself and you get to live happily." An uncomfortable mixture of both surprise and wariness washed over you. Work together?
"That doesn't benefit me." Your mouth dropped to a frown, it was like arguing with a brick wall. He shrugged, tucking all of his stuff into his bag.
"I love you dearly and I'll get you eventually. I'm giving you the option to choose." He said it like it was so simple, that you should feel comfortable having someone like him around you at all times. Someone who had seen you when you thought you were safe from peering eyes...
Where had the shrewd man gone?
"Come on, we should get home. You know what happens when the sun goes down right." There was a cheerful look on his face as he held out his hand to you.
"The real monsters come out to play." Your eyes skirted to the side as a sigh left you. This was going to be exhausting.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Zutto Kimi no Turn - By Takuma (8/10)
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It's so rare for me to find a comedy I genuinely enjoy. The way relationships, dating, and college life are presented feels realistic as well. The characters are all likeable, and the yandere is a master manipulator who gets worse with each passing page.
Kotaro is an Otaku. With a capital O. He's a contestant in TCG tournaments. He has an anime t-shirt collection. His life revolves around gaming, and he has horrible social anxiety. He's not dumb, but sometimes he sounds a little stupid. He's just not experienced at socializing and it shows.
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He fell in love with a popular guy back in high school. That guy was very nice to him, but he was just acting nice to improve his reputation. To look good in front of girls specifically. Kotaro's first love thought he was a tacky and boring nerd. He...collapsed. He decides to change his looks and personality when he enters college. He pretends to be straight as well.
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He does sign up for a gay dating app. He wants...it all. He wants to live in this weird limbo, where he can be cool and a nerd at the same time. He 100% believes that everybody hates otaku. He also thinks "party animal" guys are popular. Can you guess what the plot twist is? Yeah... Kotaro's popular friends don't like him because he's flashy, loud, and he doesn't shut up about girls. They would actually like him better if he acted like himself.
Oh, the irony.
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This is Tanaka.
His name is totally Tanaka.
Why would he lie about that?
There is something Wrong with this guy. He plays cards in the same local tournaments Kotaro frequents. Tanaka is a little disappointed, because Kotaro has never noticed him. Tanaka approaches Kotaro.
They talk for a little.
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Tanaka immediately confesses, and he also lies. Alot. You see Tanaka is a nerd, but he knows he is attractive. All of his girlfriends thought his gaming hobby was gross. They told him to quit, because he was embarrassing them. He...did not do that. He is the opposite of Kotaro. He did not change to meet other people's expectations.
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Tanaka is a cool nerd. He's really good at Kotaro's favorite game. He is clearly the ideal boyfriend candidate, but Kotaro can't let go of his dream. He's been trying to get a popular, perfect boyfriend for years.
He tells Tanaka he wants to be friends, but nothing more. He even honestly tells Tanaka about the dating app.
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Tanaka lies again. He says he will give up on Kotaro, and download the app as well. When they both have boyfriends he wants to go on a double date. Kotaro is in denial. He doesn't want to admit that he wasted years of his life pretending to be cool. He's super happy with Tanaka, but he runs away.
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Kotaro's app date is absolutely perfect. He's handsome, sweet...and he doesn't think anime is gross. Like most people he thinks it's a normal hobby. Kotaro realizes that he's been clinging to toxic people all along. There are plenty of nice and understanding people in the world, who won't execute you for being a little different. Kotaro's date really seems to like him, but Kotaro can't even remember his name. He can't stop thinking about Tanaka. He runs back to Tanaka's place, and...yeah Tanaka never downloaded the app. He was just psychologically tormenting Kotaro. He wanted Kotaro to think he was going to be off the menu soon, and his plan worked. He also tries to bait Kotaro into a "fake relationship" and "just going with the flow" in order to ensnare him.
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Nakata wants to date Kotaro no matter what. Hilariously, Nakata is Kotaro's classmate. When he's not gaming he dresses well. He's passionate about fashion and gaming, and he's basically flawless. Also popular, but he hid that from Kotaro. He wanted Kotaro to love his nerd side. He dresses like a nerd when his looks stand out too much. It's impolite to dress like a normie at tournaments.
Nakata also knows all about Kotaro's cringe lady killer act.
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So, here's the situation. Nakata has been watching Kotaro for months. He changed his name and used a secret identity to get close to him. After he gets Kotaro POW. He reveals his handsome other side and Kotaro cannot resist him. (They fall in love before the reveal. It's pretty sweet, but Nakata is such a liar. His fashionable transformation is the final step to entice Kotaro.)
I thought this was really sweet and cute at first, but Kotaro has no love experience. Nakata one hundred percent takes advantage of that. He manipulates Kotaro into thinking...how do I put this? Kotaro is starved for friendship and validation. Nakata implies he won't get that anymore if they both start dating other men. He feels...like a real snake. If you read it you'll get it.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
kid obito headcanons
So, I have decided to open my requests in my 6 weeks of holiday at one point again but there will be very specific rules for that since I still have so many requests left.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsession, clinginess, delusions, jealousy
Yandere Kid Obito Uchiha
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🔥Literally everyone knows about his huge crush on you since it is terribly obvious. Whenever he spaces out, it's because he thinks about you and his attention perks up whenever you are mentioned. Obito constantly wants to be around you since he is an attention-seeker and a little show-off. Whenever he has learned a new trick or jutsu, he instantly searches for you since he wants to to show that he has gotten stronger and impress you. He's always blushing when you compliment him. He's nearly inseparable from you since he always tags along, it's no secret to anyone that he is very clingy.
🔥He's way too young to realize that he is quite a bit obsessed with his darling which does make him delusional. Things you gift him for his career as a ninja are never used but instead treasured and he himself tries to court you by gifting you whatever he can effort. Be that flowers he bought or picked somewhere or sharing sweets with you the elder people have given him as a thank you for helping him.
🔥His mood depends on you a lot. When you are in a good mood he will be quick to become happy himself and if you are upset or mad, he'll be just as down as you after a while since Obito is emotional. The Uchiha is in the case of you having a bad day just as determined to make you happy again. Be that by trying to tell you some jokes or be silly around you to elicit a smile, getting you your favorite food with the money he has or proclaiming that he'll have a serious talk to whoever made you upset if it is a person. Obito loves your smile and he'd do so much to keep your smile even if he has to make a clown of himself.
🔥Boasts around you a lot that one day he'll become the Hokage and is always majorly flustered when you tell him that you'll believe in him. All of his boasting personality aside, Obito is also a rather jealous kid. Deep down he is insecure about still not having activated his Sharingan and by knowing such talented classmates like Kakashi. He fears to not be able to hold the promises he made to you even if you tell him that you love him either way. Since some people complain all the time about his childish behavior he additionally fears that you'll eventually fall in love for someone cooler than him. His jealousy is a really childish one in that matter anyways since he's still young. He isn't very threatening but more obnoxious and so people tend to not take him serious.
🔥He throws quite a fit when he isn't put in a team together with you since he wanted to protect you and is sulking the entire day because of it. His darling and Rin try to comfort him and Kakashi just gives a passive-aggressive comment that he should finally start acting like a ninja. Obito makes his worries quite clear, especially whenever you have a mission that doesn't have to do with catching cats or helping people inside the village. After every mission he always wants to meet up with you so both of you can tell each other what happened whilst you both were not seeing each other. Now that he can't see you daily anymore due to being busy with missions, he grows more clingy whenever the both of you have time to hang out. He's always particulary excited to meet you when he has had a successful mission and can tell you about his achievement.
🔥Obito is very willing to throw a small tussle with anyone who insults you. You're perfect as you are and he won't tolerate someone spitting bullshit about you. Love makes blind so he always turns a blind eye to your mistakes since none of that matters to him. You're always there for him when he is depressed about something as well even if he does tend to avoid you whenever he is upset about something. It has mostly to do with his own insecurities when he realizes more than ever that he is often more talk than action and that he still has such a long way to go. He'd rather avoid you than looking you directly in your eyes but with time you learn where he usually goes when he is sad.
🔥Villagers tend to gossip how long it'll take for him to confess his feelings to you because Obito still hasn't mustered up the courage to do so. The whole village knows at this rate and Rin, Minato and even the old people he helps out tease him about it a bit here and there. There is no denial that Obito fantasizes about being together with you and taking you out on dates, holding hands and sharing kisses. He wants to get a bit stronger before he confesses to you though simply so he can feel like he has fulfilled some of his promises and declarations he's made to you during the Academy days. Until then he'll just stick with kissing the photos he has of you.
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gabbaclub · 2 years
here’s another legacy challenge!
Welcome to the video game legacy challenge! This challenge is basically your average legacy challenge but each generation is loosely based off of a different game. Feel free to look up the description of each game to learn more about it if you desire, each generation has a  YouTube channel next to it so you can watch a video on the game to understand it for story telling purposes. Each generation is a basic description of the games but obviously changed to make it fit into the sims. for gen 3 since Roblox doesn't have just one main objective I incorporated the main gist of it instead of choosing one specific thing. Now for gen 9 I chose more of a player type path for the generation.
Also you will need a few mods for this which I will link below 
Extreme violence mod: https://sacrificialmods.com/extreme-violence-news.html
Basemental gangs mod: https://basementalcc.com/
Here are the links to each YouTube channel I mentioned:
Kubz Scouts: https://www.youtube.com/c/thekubzscouts
Denis Daily: https://www.youtube.com/c/DenisDaily
lilsimsie: https://www.youtube.com/c/lilsimsie
moresimsie(her stream reupload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/moresimsie
CoryxKenshin: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoryxKenshin
Universal rules:
No money cheats unless stated otherwise
Every heir must live in a different world than they were raised in unless stated otherwise
Heirs and spouses can be of any gender
No adopted children can be heir
Lifespan must be on normal
all careers and aspirations must be completed unless stated otherwise
I hope you have fun playing and don’t forget to enjoy it as it is your game and only you can decide how you play!😊
Gen 1- Yandere Simulator(KUBZ SCOUTS)
You were always a cold hearted child, never showing much emotion just like your mother. Your mother always reassured you that she went through the same thing before she met your father and that you too would feel emotions once you met your "senpai." Well when your parents left you as a teenager to go to America, you finally met your Senpai on your first day of high school, but there was one issue... there is a girl talking to him and they seem close, well what do you do? The only logical answer is to KILL her and every girl that stands in your way obviously.
Traits: Jealous/ Evil/ loner Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Salary person(both you and your spouse need to be in this career) Rules:
must live in MT Komorebi 
you may cheat for a house but set your money to 5000 this will be the amount your parents left you
Meet a classmate that your sim will marry 
Meet 10 other classmates, these will represent the 10 rivals in yandere simulator
Kill all 10 rivals before you become a young adult
Marry the original sim you met in high school once you become a young adult and stay with them till you die
Have at least one child 
Have a basement/attic in your house where you keep your journal that you wrote about the killings in 
Complete simies collection
Gen 2- Phoenix wright ace attorney(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your parents had a very cute love story from what they told you at least, But the older you got the more you started to uncover about your family's history when finally when you turned 18, while you were digging through the family basement you found an old notebook where your mother wrote about all the people she hurt to get to your father, where she also talked about how your grandmother did the same thing...How horrible! your family are murderers! From that moment on you devoted all your time to studying to go through university to become a lawyer and put a stop to all evil, little did you know your biggest lawyer rival would be the perfect sim for you.
Traits: Self assured/ Good/ Perfectionist Aspiration: Academic Career: Lawyer Rules:
Read your mothers journal before you move out
always have a negative relationship with the previous heir after reading the journal
Go to university then join the lawyer career
meet another lawyer and fall in love with them
Have two children(you can have twins if you want)
All children must have good manners
Gen 3- Roblox(DENIS DAILY)
You grew up in a very strict household with both parents being successful lawyers and always wanting to keep you and your sibling out of trouble. You thought it was nice how much your parents cared for you but you knew that with your crazy mind you would rather have a life of chaos rather than a strict safe life.
Traits: Erratic/ Out going/ Goofball Aspiration: Chief of mischief Career: Comedian Rules:
Never have above 2500 simoleons in your house hold funds
date one sim and have a kid with them but break up after and never have any other partners or children
complete 3 collections
never have a close relationship with your child
Only ever have a two bedroom house/apartment 
Gen 4- Mother simulator(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your life growing up was very chaotic and super dangerous, you hated it and wished your mother stuck to your grandmothers rules instead of being so crazy. Because of your mothers crazy ways you moved out with your high school sweetheart immediately after graduating high school and got engaged. You knew your kids were going to have a great life after you and your partner got married and finished university.
Traits: Family Orientated/ Neat/ Cheerful Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Education Rules:
Meet a sim in high school and fall in love
Move out with them after getting engaged 
Have both you and your partner enroll in university
Finish uni and join your careers
Get married after you get one promotion 
after the wedding start trying for a baby
always have 1000 simoleons in the house hold funds unless you have to buy baby things
Gen 5- Stardew Valley(lil simsie)
Your life was great, your parents always had the money to give you and your siblings what you wanted due to them going to uni. When you were a kid you always helped in your mothers small garden and eventually fell in love with it and knew that's what you wanted to do with your life. It was simple and sweet just how you liked things.
Traits: Loves outdoors/ vegetarian/ Lactose intolerant Aspiration: Freelance botanist  Career: gardener  Rules:
Move out to a 40x40 lot or bigger (i recommend moving to Henford on Bagley)
Have a healthy garden
Participate in at least one finchwick fair
have at least one type of farm animal(cows, llamas, or chickens)
Sell canned goods and other baked goods through the selling table
Gen 6- 60 seconds(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Growing up on a farm was fun and all but for you it was all about the city...but your broke so you could only afford the worst apartment in san Myshuno, great. Moving to the city was going to be the best thing ever or so you thought, only a day after moving into the city you were watching tv on a box tv when the news came on in a frantic explaining that there was an atomic bomb that was about to drop on the sim world in 24 hours and the main target was san Myshuno, the news reporter urged every san Myshuno resident to move to Newcrest in the neighbor hood that was abandoned. Right after you saw that there was a knock on the door, It was your neighbor, The attractive one who was franticly telling you to hurry and grab some items and come with them where you two can move into one of the houses together to hopefully survive. Your neighbor only gave you 60 seconds to grab everything you needed before you two took off to a very run down house where you would spend the next few years together waiting out the radio active air.
Traits: Clumsy/ Gloomy/ paranoid Aspiration: Nerd brain Career: none Rules:
Move to 910 Medina Studios
After living in your apartment for one day have your neighbor visit and time your self 60 seconds and put as many items as you need in your household inventory
move to an abandoned house in Newcrest(you can cheat for the house it just cannot have any furniture except a basic kitchen and bathroom)
Never leave the house except when you go to get your care package
only make money from a woodworking table that was left in the house
Max woodworking skill
Receive a “care package” every week that contains fresh ingredients to cook with (these care packages will also have portable furniture like air mattresses)
have twins with your now roommate who you started dating 
once your twins are teens the wasteland will be clear enough for everyday life to resume(you may now unlock the doors and go outside
after your sims are free then you may get married to your partner
Gen 7- Fixer upper(lil simsie)
You and your twin grew up living in a house never going outside till you were teens because of the atomic bomb that went off when your mother and father were very fresh out of high school, they never knew what exactly they were doing but they tried there best to provide for you two in the radio active wasteland. One day after a successful scavenge your mother let you and your twin pick out one magazine each and you chose the décor one not even realizing you would soon fall in love with the idea of renovating houses.
Traits: Neat/ high maintenance/ squeamish Aspiration: Zen Guru Career: Home decorator Rules:
Watch the home decorator channel everyday after you become a teen
after you become a young adult join the home decorator career
you don’t have to finish the aspiration or career but you have to get at least 3 promotions
have at least a 3 bedroom house
Don’t get married till adulthood and have a big wedding
max the wellness skill
Gen 8- Grand theft auto v(idk)
You grew up with a pretty average life, leaving you with a longing for some excitement, this feeling of being bored all the time went away when you met the love of your life who introduced you to their friend group who welcomed you to their life of crime, you weren't excepting too but you thrived on their late night robbing, when you became a young adult a local criminal gang offered you and your now fiancée a spot in their gang, obviously you decided to join where you managed to fall in love with a rival gang member leaving you questioning the last few years that you spent with your fiancée
Traits: Evil/ kleptomaniac/ slob Aspiration: public enemy Career: criminal Rules:
In high school meet a sim and join their friend group
every weekend at night go with your friends and partner to different places and steal at least 2 items
become a drug dealer
stay with your partner and get engaged to them when you become a young adult
move to strangerville
when you’re almost adults meet a rival gang member and fall in love with them
leave your fiancée and start dating the other gang member and have kids with them
move to san Myshuno
complete the poster and snow globe collection
move to sulani after you become an elder
Gen 9- Bitlife(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your parents were infamous gang members and were always running from place to place which never gave you enough time to get to know anyone so you were always meeting new people. When you became a teen you met a sim that you were really interested in, you two started dating but soon you had to move to a new town starting a new school where you met another interesting sim whom you also started dating, but wait you never broke up with that other sim, oh well they won't ever find out so what's the issue? this is how you realized you didn't really care about the feelings of others and you only cared about fulfilling the hole where your heart should be.
Traits: Romantic/ non committal/ hates children Aspiration: serial romantic Career: politician  Rules:
As a teen start dating a sim but never talk to them again when you move to san Myshuno
start dating another sim in san Myshuno but never talk to them again once you move to sulani 
once you become a young adult move to willow creek and never keep a relationship for more than a week
have at least 4 kids but only move your last one in with you but never take care of them
never have a close relationship with your children and only visit them once they are born but never again after that
never marry anyone
You never knew any of your siblings or your parents mainly because you only lived with one and they were only interested in their next date rather than teaching you how to talk. Luckily you were naturally gifted from your parent you never met you assume because it sure wasn't your mother who was smart. You met a nice sim through a close friend after you were almost an adult. You and this sim fell in love and moved very quickly getting pregnant almost immediately after you got married and moved in together. Little did you know moving in with your spouse also meant moving in with their evil grandmother who would lock you in the basement every time your spouse left the house. sadly there was nothing you could do about her because of how much your spouse loved her. good thing she was already one foot in the grave.
Traits: Loner/ creative/ art lover Aspiration: painter extraordinaire  Career: painter Rules:
Move in with your high school sweet heart and their evil grandmother 
have a 100% negative relationship with their grandmother
never have a nice conversation with the grandmother
always get locked in the basement whenever your spouse leaves for work
when you give birth to your first child “escape” from the basement one day when the grandmother is napping and runaway with you and your baby
send divorce papers and a note in the mail to your ex telling them what their grandmother did to you(use mc command center to divorce your sims)
never speak to your ex until the grandmother dies then marry them again
Congradulations! you finished the challenge! I hope you had fun playing, feel free to tweet me your sims from this challenge @gabbaclub​ and if you need another challenge to play then you should check out my tumblr as I have written multiple other challenges
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