#yay somebody wants to chat with me
jamespotterismydaddy · 2 months
I've been re-reading The House of Hades (right after I had re-read The mark of Athena) and I just thought of a brilliant A.U/concept:
Reader and Luke going on a quest or something and falling into Tartarus 👀 maybe even some of the enemies to lovers trope👀
God this is such a good idea for enemies to lovers
As he falls in, Luke pulls you down with him. Partly because he with his last grasping breath, he wants to cause your suffering and partly because there’s nobody he would rather die with. He claims to hate you with every ounce of his being but in reality, you’re cut from the same cloth; you’re just like him.
Two sides of the same coin doomed to the same fate.
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slasherhaven · 1 year
Yay someone writing for Thomas Hewitt! We love it. I'd love to request Thomas Hewitt being so touched starved and pent up that one day, he and his SO steal a moment together in the barn, kissing, touching, humping things are getting heated and he just cums in his pants. The SO is of course very happy because hoe boy the possibilities this opens up and come on, who doesnt love being the reason a big strong man is weak at the knees! But yeah, you're writing is awesome!
Sneaking Away with Thomas in the Barn (NSFW):
The Hewitt residence wasn't always the best place to find some privacy, even when shut down in the basement or in Tommy's room there was always the looming worry that somebody was just on the other side of the wall.
The barn was a decent distance from the house and the others very rarely walked out to it, it's maintenance being more Thomas' duty. That made it the perfect place to sneak a few private moments together.
Thomas had been out at the barn, fixing it up had become a bit of a project for him, and you had hurried through your morning chores to take him some fresh lemonade. Slaving away in the midday heat like that couldn't be good for him, even if he was used to it.
Thomas had smiled when he saw you, blushed under the edge of his mask when you greeted him with a smile of your own and a kiss. He had sat down when you tutted at him for working too hard and removed his mask before accepting the drink you had brought him.
He only really moved his mask around you, Luda May got the honour of seeing his face from time to time but it was mostly removed when it was just the two of you. He didn't even always take it off when he was alone.
Thomas empty the glass quickly, placing it down safely. You had joined him on the haybale he sat on, your legs crossed under you as you chatted about your chores and how your day was going.
"Luda May won't need me until lunch now, wanted to take my break with you," you smiled, moving to sit closer to him. "I missed you."
He had been gone for a few hours. You had woken up together, eaten breakfast, and he had headed out to the barn. It was nearly noon now. It wasn't a long time, truly, but it was true all the same. You had missed your Tommy and he had missed you too.
"Maybe you could take a break too...with me?" you suggested, lifting yourself up onto your knees, brushing his sweaty hair out of his face.
Of course, Thomas smiled and nodded. Never able to turn down any sort of time with you.
"Nobody's going to come looking for us out here, are they?" you asked, though you already knew the answer. Nobody would care much where you were until lunch came around.
Thomas blushed, so easily flustered when it came to you, when he realised just what you were suggesting. He nodded, hands quickly moving to your waist when you lifted yourself up some more.
His grip on your waist helped you manoeuvre yourself onto his lap, settling down snugly as you cradled his face in your hands and pulled him into a kiss.
Thomas made a low, deep noise in the back of his throat that vibrated through his chest. You hummed, pleased, as you licked the sweet lemonade off of his lips and from his tongue.
It had been far too long since the two of you had managed to get any physical intimacy. Somehow there was always somebody who would end up calling for one of you or banging on the door until somebody answered. It was a privacy issue that never really bothered Thomas until you showed it, it had been normal for him, but now he cherished those little moments of privacy.
It had been far too long and neither of you could help but feel a little frantic, the kiss growing messy as the two of you grasped at each other. Your hands wandered over his broad chest and shoulders, up into his hair, and back down again. Just needing to touch him.
Large hands moved over your waist, squeezing at your thighs and hips. Grasping, tugging you down and forward as your hips rocked of their own accord, making you gasp into his mouth. He was already fully hard beneath you, though you were in a very similar condition.
You weren't sure exactly how it happened but the two of you ended up tumbling off of the haybale, landing in a pile of (thankfully, clean) hay.
Thomas managed to catch himself above you before he could crush you, looking worried and apologetic. You could only laugh before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down into another kiss.
Thomas took the hint, you were fine and still very much wanted him to finish what he started. He lost himself in the sensations, in your kiss, in the press of your body against his. And your bodies did press together, he pressed you down into the hay, his body slotted between your legs.
You wrapped your legs around his hips, tugging him ever closer. You needed to feel more of him, to shrink the world down to just the two of you.
Thomas groaned as he pressed up between your legs, warm and welcoming. Unfortunately fully clothed. Though, Tommy didn't really care, the pressure was still delicious.
You moaned into his mouth as he rutted against you, almost as if he didn't even realise he was doing it. Dirtily humping you in the bard of his family's property.
You let your hands wander, knowing how much Thomas liked to be touched, made to feel wanted and attractive. He was pressed to close to make any real attempt at removing his shirt, but you groped at his strong arms and back, pressing your heels into his lower back to encourage him.
You lifted your hips until you found a rhythm, matching each of his messy thrusts, feeling him groan into your mouth.
Thomas made a strangled sort of sound as he broke away from the kiss, tucking his face against your neck, his warm breath hitting your flushed skin. You curled a hand in his hair and let out a surprised little moan when his thrusts faltered and his hips jolted, rutting against you particularly roughly.
There were another few jolts and twitched before Thomas' body tensed up above you, holding you down against the hay padded floor. His hips remained flush against yours, cradled between your thighs.
You smiled breathlessly to yourself when you realised what happened. It really had been too long since the two of you had the privacy to be together like this.
Thomas made a pitiful little sound as he peeled himself away from you, sitting back on his knees, looking embarrassed and apologetic. He hadn't finished that fast since your first time together, and he hadn't even gotten to touch you, to please you.
"You okay, Tommy?" you asked, pushing yourself up into a sitting position. Thomas just nodded, but frowned as he caressed your cheek. "Aw, Tommy, it's okay," you cooed, pressing a kiss to the palm of his hand, "you did so good."
Thomas huffed, not convinced.
"Seriously, Tommy. It's okay. That was...it was kinda really hot," you confessed, surprising him a little. "It's...a compliment, really. That you like me so much," you teased affectionately, leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
"Made a bit of a mess though," you commented, toying with his belt. "Don't worry we'll get you all cleaned up," you promised, not letting him feel properly embarrassed for even a second.
Though, the whole thing did make you wonder. If you could make him feel like that with just a little grinding on the floor, you wondered what else you could do to him. How much of a mess you could make him. How much you please him and give Thomas everything he deserved.
Thomas sighed again, not looking completely reassured.
"I'm alright, I promise. It's nearly lunch anyway, Luda May will be looking for me," you sighed, matching his disappoint in that area. "You can make me feel good later, I promise."
That seemed to cheer Thomas up a little. He pulled you into a hot kiss before standing and helping you to your feet. He chuckled quietly as he began to pick hay out of your clothes and your hair, making you presentable to return to the house.
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lightwing-s · 5 months
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pairing: wally west x gn! reader
requested: yes summary: when sending a picture goes wrong, the last thing you expect is your coworker at you doorstep looking for cuddles
word count: 1,4k warnings: other than swearing, none
a/n: i unlearned how to write short blurbs today and everything is turning into an imagine. also, two posts in a day. don't get used to it.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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Being single during winter sucks, because you want to get warm cuddling somebody but you don’t have anyone to cuddle with and you end up cuddling your cat. So, there you were now, laid on your sofa, the snow falling down on your window, and many scratches in your arms because your cat didn’t want to cuddle you after all.
Fuck being single. 
Bored out of your ass with the movie you got on tv, you picked up your phone and took a picture of you on the sofa, all covered in blankets, and an evil cat on your feet. Pressing the share button, you looked for your best friend’s contant when a notification popped on your phone but you bluntly ignored it and sent the picture to your friend with a message “no one to cuddle, not even Mr McFluffler”.
However, you didn’t send it to your friend. You sent it on your work group chat. 
In one of your dumbest moves, you mixed the chats together and sent it by mistake to all of your work mates. The notification, a message from your colleague Wally, had propped the group chat further up on your chats list and you clicked on it accidentally. 
You sent them a picture of you, on your pajamas, crying because you were fucking single. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuuuck.
Luckily, you had fast fingers, deleting the picture faster than the Flash could make it to England. 
No one saw it, Yn. Relax. You were fast, faster than the Flash. Nobody noticed. And if they did, so what, it was just a silly picture. It could be worse, you could’ve sent them nudes. You tried calming yourself up, trying to assure yourself everything was going to be fine, and like clockwork, your superior answered Wally’s message as if yours was never sent.
A couple minutes had passed and you’d already sent a message to your friend, you two laughing over the whole situation, when you heard your doorbell ring. Weird, you hadn’t ordered food nor were you waiting for any visitors.
Jumping up from the sofa, you ran to the window, looking to see who the hell was knocking at your door at this hour, on this day, and in this godforsaken weather.
“Wally?” you asked, rushing to your door. “What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?”
It didn’t make sense. You’d barely speak at work, exchanging a few words every day, but that was it. Wally was fun, joked with everybody and never made you feel uncomfortable, you just weren’t close. 
He did, indeed, make you a feel a bit nervous though, but that was silly, a silly little work crush that would never go anywhere because he he made you so nervous you were never being able to come up with a good comeback to keep the conversation going, usually just smiling like a dumbass and avoiding him for the rest of the day.
“I tracked your phone.” he simply stated, as if it was nothing. Brushing you off, he took off his winter jacket and walked past you inside your home, your eyes wide open and questioning his entire demeanor. “You want a cuddle right?”
“What?!” you nearly screamed, feeling the burn growing on your cheeks, almost running back inside and hiding away in your bedroom.
“You sent a picture, sugar.” he explained nonchalantly. “You wanted to cuddle, because your cat wouldn’t?”
This can be real, you thought, just can’t be. “It was a mistake, I was supposed to send it to my friend and we were just joking.” you tried to explain, the words jumping out of your mouth before you really could process them, too overwhelmed by the sudden situation you found yourself in.
“So you don’t wanna cuddle?” he asked, stopping in his tracks, almost at your living room.
“I-I mean, I would like to cuddle, it’s just…”
“So let’s cuddle then.” he said, disappearing into your house and leaving you frozen at the door. You didn’t understand what made him come all the way to your house, and how fast he had done it. Why would he do that? Why? It was just, so confusing. It didn’t make sense. Your mind was doing turns and turns trying to think, trying to react, trying to process everything that was happening. “You really gonna stay outside in the cold?”
His scream broke you from your thoughts and you closed the door behind you as you headed to the living room to meet him. There, to your surprise once again, Wally had his long ass legs covered with one of the blankets, your cat, that treacherous bitch,  purring on his lap as he caressed his orange fur, an unexpected match with his hair, with one of his hands while the other rested over the couch.
“I’m really confused.” you said, eyebrows crushed together. “Why are you here, West?”
“You ask too many questions, you know that?” he said, completely entertained by the cat on his lap. “You sent a picture complaining you didn’t have anyone to cuddle with. It’s cold, I also don’t have anyone to cuddle with, so I’m offering myself to fulfill your needs. And mine.”
“We’re not even friends…”
“Yn… We’re just gonna cuddle. Or are you thinking of something els…”
“Then come here.” he grabbed you by the arm and onto the sofa, slamming against his chest as you fell down with him. He covered you with the same blanket he had over his legs and pulled you close, too uncomfortably close, and put his arm over your shoulder.
You had to be honest, you felt very comfortable cuddling Wally West, his warmth emanating from his body and embracing yours, making it all just… perfect. You dared to put your hand over his waist, but your cat bit it before you could do so.
Son of a bitch, you told him mentally. Wally’s chuckle stole your attention away, though, as he petted the devil, er, the animal that stretched on his lap. “You can hug me now, Yn. He won’t bother you anymore.”
Blushing, you were reluctant to do so, but Wally’s hand pulled yours to wrap them around his torso. “See, this is fine.”
You rested your head on his shoulder as you felt the hours passing, his own head resting atop yours. You watched two or three movies, cozied up to each other in what was a position you could get more and more used to.
It was then that a loud rumble had you lifting from your position and facing your coworker. “Are you hungry?” you asked, smiling at the awkwardly funny face he was making.
“Can we order pizza?” he asked back, and as you nodded, he stood up from the sofa, typing in a phone number faster than humanly possible and placing his phone on his ear.
“I never asked, but,” you started, following him into your kitchen. “How did you get here so fast?”
Wally’s eyes grew wide as he tried to avoid looking at you, the words missing from his mind as he tried to find an excuse. “I was close by.”
“Oh!” you simply replied.
Fuck it, Wally, he thought. Could’ve been a bit more subtle.
“I was walking by, you know. Just looking for something to do when I saw your message and like, thought it was a great opportunity I couldn’t let pass.”
“An opportunity to cuddle?” you asked shyly.
“To cuddle you, why would I pass on it?” His words made you blush redder than a tomato, looking down at your nails to avoid his eyes. “It was really a great opportunity.”
“Was it worth taking?” you asked again, looking at him innocently.
“Totally.” he stated. “You?”
You listened as the pizza place finally answered the call and he ordered four (!!!) pizzas for the two of you. Fast metabolism, he mouthed and you laughed. “C’mon, let’s go back to cuddling”
Pulling you by the hand, he jumped on the sofa again, this time laying on it and leaving enough space to have you by his side.
“Don’t you think you’re getting too comfortable?” you joked.
“You make me comfortable, Yn. You should get used to it.”
“Used to it?” you questioned, pulling you to lay down on the sofa with him.
“Yeah, used to it.” he repeated. 
Lying down now, you fixed your head placement on his shoulder, a perfect fit once more. A hand placed on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through your palm, you felt his arm pushing you closer till your forehead met his lips.
“If you’re interested, we could do this more often.” he suggested.
“Yeah, I’d be interested.” you said, not hiding the smile spreading on your lips.
“And we could, you know, go out on a date somewhere.”
“Yeah, I’d be interested in that too.”
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Transcribed highlights from Pix and Zloy's "Chicken Block" series [Ep.1 & Ep.2]
Since I've been re-watching this hilarious series, I thought I'd transcribe some of the highlights, because these two are just so damn good together. Funny stuff from episodes 1 and 2 can be found behind the cut.
Zloy: [sings, to the melody of the 'Transformers' theme] "Log chicken. Chicken who's a log."
Zloy: "I'll need you to surround me in a pen with them [the chickens]. Don't worry, I'll blend in." [looks like this, so yeah... he will]
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Pix: "I like the fact that you've just committed to your life in this new chicken commune now." Zloy: "Look, I have a boat. I can escape whenever I want." Pix: "That sounds like what somebody with Stockholm Syndrome would say." Zloy: "This is the prison of my own making!"
Zloy: "Hey! Hey, look! It's our first log that was pooped by a chicken!" Pix: "Nice! Can we call them organic now? Is that what we're allowed to—" Zloy: "Pixlriffs, ALL logs are organic." Pix: [laughs] "Responsibly farmed!" Zloy: "Show me… show me a single log that would not be an organic one." [giggles] Pix: "I wanna make some kind of, like, pithy remark about fossilised wood at this point, but I dunno." Zloy: "Fossilised wood would also be organic! Because guess what? It was still grown as wood. In a tree." Pix: [laughs] "This is a fair point. I concede."
Pix: "I can't tell if these logs inside this enclosure were pooped out by a chicken, or if they are just… logs that fell from this tree." Zloy: "I wanna say it's probably a community effort."
Zloy: "Oh! There's a skeleton! There's a skeleton! There's a skeleton! And it—" Pix: "Oh no…" [skeleton self-yeets off the one-block-wide bridge from the mob-spawning platform] Pix: [loses it] Zloy: "DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Pix: [loses it some more] "It just went! It was like 'Nope! Can't be bothered with you!' It saw you riding a chicken towards it, crown upon your head, glasses on your face, and decided, 'I'm not gonna mess with that guy'."
Pix: "One other thing I will always appreciate about Bedrock Edition over Java is the fact that the sky darkens around you when you're looking directly at the sun, because of how bright the sun should be. It's, like, the one lighting effect that actually makes sense in this version of the game." Zloy: "Also, the eyes don't start bleeding, but that's an… entirely different thing." Pix: "Yes. That's an add-on that I imagine people could make." Zloy: "You look up and there's the Rick and Morty sun, screaming."
Zloy: [to stream chat, as he looks at the assorted chickens] "Okay. Anyone want to give me a breeding pair?" [pause] Zloy: "Anyone who says 'Zloy and Pixlriffs' will be banned from every single channel on Twitch."
[Pix goes out toward the mob spawning platform with a sword] Zloy: "You don't have to wait between the swings." Pix: "I know, I know." Zloy: [giggles] "Hehe. Silly Java players! Hehehe!"
Pix: "I have coal!" Zloy: "YAY! Pix: "I have coal. Can make torch. Will make torch now."
Pix: [having farmed a bunch of wood] "The log chicken just gave me another log, as if to say, 'Why are you even bothering?' [addresses the chicken] I'm bothering 'cause you're not productive." Zloy: "Pick up the speed. Clench your… whatever muscles you're using." Pix: "Tighten your buttcheeks!" Zloy: "Yep. Push, lady. [pause] Don't actually push ladies."
Pix: "There is now a zombie with a gold hat who seems to be… okay, there are two of them; they seemed to have claimed the ship." Zloy: "They boarded the ship!" Pix: "We've been boarded." Zloy: "Oh noes." Pix: [grabs a sword] "I'm gonna go and defend us. I have lost the ability to sprint, though, so I'm not exactly charging into battle, but…" [walks toward the zombies] "GET OFF MY SHIP, YOU DINGUS!" Zloy: [giggles] Pix: "Oh hey, he dropped his hat! Yay! I have armour." Zloy: "You have a crown." Pix: "You have your crown, I have my crown." Zloy: "The matching attire." Pix: "It gives me Fire Protection 1, as if that's even an issue." Zloy: "MINE GIVES ME DIGNITY, DARN IT!" Pix: "I have no dignity."
Zloy: "Hey look! A spider." Pix: [laughs] "It's a string chicken." [they both laugh] Pix: "After a while everything on this map just becomes a chicken to me."
Pix: "I spawned with you in the cauldron. Which looks even more soupy now that it's filled with rainwater." Zloy: "Exactly! We're gonna be delicious!"
Pix: "Every time the honey dripping sound happens, I just feel like it's slime. I'm like, has a slime just spawned? Nope. It's just the scarecrow dripping."
Zloy: "I have, like, twenty dirt. Place it responsibly."
Pix: "Oh, a zombie villager! Haha, yeah!" Zloy: "WHAT? No way!" Pix: "Let's see what we can do about him." Zloy: "I mean, we have a boat." Pix: "Yeah, that is true. That is true." Zloy: "I already decided that his name is gonna be Grephew. Which is a very bad idea, because I can see there's another zombie inside of him. He probably will not survive." [Pix creeps out toward the zombie villager, who self-yeets off the bridge. Pix runs back again] Pix: "There's a tiny one! There's a tiny one behind him! He has a son! There was a child!" Zloy: "Grephew Junior! Yaaaaay! I… don't want to go near him. Okay, Grephew, son of a gun, you're making me do this. Here are full blocks to preserve you." Pix: "Oh man. It's super creepy that baby zombie villagers have the same sound as regular zombie villagers. It's like a child with an unnaturally deep voice." Zloy: "They just have a very deep voice, okay?"
[Zloy builds a shelter around Grephew, out of oak fences with an oak plank roof] Pix: [laughs] "He has a freaking abandoned mineshaft over the top of him now."
Zloy: "A skeleton on this platform. So… potentially bones. And I apologise, but also potentially getting boned, so…" Pix: "Yeaaah… 'bout that… I'm fine taking the risk. I have fire protection on my helmet." [I'm struggling to resist the innuendo on that one…] Zloy: "I also am fine with you taking the risk."
Zloy: [musing] "So, mycelium would be… a log and dirt, all right." Pix: "Consult the notes!" Zloy: "I have them on my lap. The entire whiteboard. It's not a big whiteboard. But it does obstruct my view so I don't see the keyboard and my own teacup. So there's a disaster waiting to happen." Zloy: [laughs; probably at a suggestion from stream chat] "Consult the book of armaments! Oh my god." Pix: [laughs] "Hold thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Four shalt thou not count. Neither countest thou two. Unless, in counting two, thou proceedest to three." Zloy: "Are you still speaking English?" Pix: [laughs] "I'm just quoting Monty Python. Which is probably the most English you can speak." Zloy: "Are you still speaking English, or have you transcended into communicating only in Monty Python quotes?" Pix: "It's touch and go." Zloy: "Yeah."
Zloy: "This is the Grephew Island." Pix: "The Grefuge." Zloy: [cracks up] Pix: [laughs] "I'm sorry!" Zloy: [giggling] "That's going into the episode title. Like, you're ruining my SEO, but that's gonna be the episode title."
Pix: "We have four apples in the chest now. Which is nice. I'm still not eating any of them, because I enjoy chat freaking out about the fact that I have no health left." Zloy: "There is no reason to eat. Just DIE!" [they have Keep Inventory on] [long, awkward pause] Zloy: "There is so much political commentary in that one phrase I just said..."
Pix: [peers across at the spawning platform] "I keep looking at stuff over there and thinking, 'Is that a skeletal chicken?' and it turns out it's just, like, a sapling and I can't really see. Oh, yeah… ENHANCE!" Zloy: [laughs] "Crying out loud, I was waiting for you to remember that one. What do your elf eyes see, Pixlriffs?"
[Zloy is about to boat a chicken along a one-block-wide bridge] Pix: "Do you need a bit more space on the platform, or is that enough?" Zloy: "No, no. But I would appresh you taking out the spooder [spider]. I dragged a shulker this way, through the End, over the void, for thousands of blocks. [whispers] I think I can manage with a chicken. [pause] Mostly because the chicken is not actively trying to kill me."
Pix: "Oh my god! Phantoms have started to spawn, and they're skinless chickens!" Zloy: "WHAT?! NO!" Pix: "I DID NOT EXPECT THIS!" [both start laughing] Pix: "Yes! Oh, this map is good. This map is so good!"
[they kill a chicken-phantom] Pix: "Oh, it dropped feathers! What?" Zloy: "IT DROPPED RAW CHICKEN!" Pix: [absolutely loses it] "So phantoms are actually chickens?! What?! Oh, that's so good." Zloy: "They're regular chickens that came for vengeance!" Pix: [cracks up] "That's incredible." Zloy: "I just realised that they're gonna burn in the daylight and drop cooked chicken." Pix: "I mean, in theory. They could not do." Zloy: "Yeah, they couldn't." Pix: "But yeah, if they drop cooked chicken, that's like… actual genius." Pix: "Look at it dive. Look at it dive, like a graceful swa— [chicken-phantom bursts into flames] Nope, it is burning. Yes!" Zloy: [cracks up] Pix: "Self-cooking chicken!" Zloy: "Yes! We finally found the Kentucky Fried one!"
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apollowhoo · 2 years
hello, this is my first request so i hope i don't say anything wrong.
fandom: The Owl House
May i request yandere!The Collector x Reader who is like one of the elite people please?
you can ignore if you want
(changed my profile a bit :D)
btw The Collector goers by he/them and i'll be going by ''him''
Yandere!The Collector x Reader
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I don't reallt know what you mean by the ''elite'' thing but i'm guessing the people from the Emperor's Castle???
so one day you were requested to bring ''supplies'' to Emperor Belos. You were pretty nervous but you were not showing it. When you came up to his room, you hear chattering but once you entered the room..there was only one person, who was Emperor Belos. You didn't really mind the situation, i mean he could've been talking to himself, who knows. He kindly asked you to leave the supplies on his table. The moment you putted the box, a lamp fell and almost crashed your fingers. You where obviously confused because that lamp wasn't there before and even if it was how did it fell over? You were certain that you didn't hit the table. You looked at the lamp confused then you started hearing giggling. This sounded like a little boy. You looked around to see no one other then the Emperor. The Emperor asked if you were okay. You answered with a simple nod and left. You waited in front of the door for a few seconds. You started hearing that similar chatting in the room. Perhaps there was someone else, that somebody was probably hiding or something. You didn't wanted to question the situation, you had more important stuff to do anyway.
a few weeks later that incident, your parents asked you to give a note to the Emperor. You (didn't had the right) couldn't say no to your parents. So you went back to the Emperor to give a simple note. This was the second time that you where going to face him. The first time didn't ended well and you know that this mistake shouldn't happen ever again. You knocked...no answer. You knocked again...no answer again. So you slowly opened the door to see that he wasn't there. You quickly came in his room and putted the note on his table. Once you where about to leave, you heard the similar giggle again. This time, you really needed to know who was there. You turned back to see no one. You looked into the empty room for a while. You really thought you were paranoid or something. You really were curious about the giggling but there wasn't anybody there. You decided to leave, you wouldn't want to be seen in the Emperor's room anyway. When you held to the door knob you heard the voice again. ''Aw c'mooon! I wanted to play with someone!''. You looked back confused. The only thing you could've said was ''what?''. You let go off the door knob and started coming back. You really wanted to know what you assumed a little boy. ''Okaaay...where are you then?'' you asked. ''That's for you to find out!'' , it answered. You started gazing the Emperor's room to find anything that might be a clue or something only too see a mirror? You weren't so sure if it was a mirror or not. You picked it up ans started looking at it. It had a moon on it. Then out of nowhere, you saw it. What you thought was a little boy. You weren't sure what it was. It looked like a soul or something. ''Yay! You found me!''.
Ever since then, you guys are friends. I mean you never really had friends because, in The Emperor's Castle there weren't any kids around your age and you're not allowed to leave the castle (for safety reasons). So The Collector was technically your first friend. Buy hey that wasn't something bad, was it? You guys always played games together, chatted, tried new and interesting stuff. You guys were like best friends!! He would often tell you about his memories before well, turned into this form. You really wanted to know his human form too. For obvious reasons, your friendship had to be secret from everybody in the castle, especially from The Emperor. The Collector always fantasied about being with you, only you. He adored you truly, you where is playmate after all! ''When i turn back into my human form, we will live a perfect life! Just you and i, no one else!!'' He didn't understood the point of having a ''crush'' but he certainly had one for you. He always felt the need to protect you. He adored you so much. He also would've got jealous of other people who were talking you, even your parents. He probably is clingy too and you don't have a problem with that, why should you have a problem with it?
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you where shocked. You didn't know what you where expecting but, it wasn't something like this. You hate to admit it but you kinda found him attractive. But you can't feel that way, he's you friend- best friend! This felt wrong and right at the same time. When he first saw you, he was exited! He immediately hugged you tightly. The hug felt very good. This was the first time you felt the heat of you friend. He always talked about how he would hug you when he turned into his human form and there it was. He's probably so exited to be back like this! He also has more control over you. Well you still think that he likes you as a friend and only as a friend but babe, that's not the case at all. He just starts talking about everything that you guys are going to do. You're pretty exited to be with him, you want to be with him forever, there's just that feeling. The Collector by know, realised his feelings as well but he doesn't want to lose his playmate. So after a while, The Collector just can't handle it. Your smile, voice, eyes, lips... everything about you was driving him insane. He needed to confess to you, he really didn't had any other choice. He just came up to you and told you. Simple as that. You where confused as to his confession. You really thought this dude was pulling a prank on you or something but no, he was being serious. After making sure that he was in fact serious, you accepted him with a bright smile!
when you both start dating, he's more obvious with his protective nature. He doesn't want you to be with anyone else. He's kinda selfish with you, doesn't like to share you. You're his and he makes it very clear to you. I think he has a very very soft side to you. He just loves cuddles! He would cuddle you anytime he can. He also kisses you a lot. He kisses your lips, cheeks, hands, neck anywhere he wants. He truly admires you, he's like your number one fan or something. I also think he just picks you up, and go all the way up to the sky and then both of you can watch the starts from a better view. He can be the big or the small spoon (mostly small though). He melts away when you do any kind of physical affection to him. He makes sure no one dares to hurt you. If someone does hurt you, they will suffer for the rest of their very lives. You guys probably play games as usual, nothing that different other than way more cuddling and kisses!
(oh wow i didn't expected to write this long)
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literaticat · 4 months
As an agent, how do you recommend authors handle review spaces? Most writers are also readers, but I understand it's probably looked down upon to go around giving 2-3 star reviews to who are essentially your colleagues. I enjoy having the data to look back on of my reads, but as I plan to be published in the future, I'm wondering if I need to make this private and find a private system.
A bit more broadly than your ask: In my personal opinion, writers may be readers, but reviewing spaces such as GoodReads, etc, are not for them. I would strongly suggest that for mental health purposes, authors not only NOT EVER go on GoodReads, but also block it from their computer like it is a naughty website. NSFW BABE. Don't look up your own reviews, don't look up your friend's reviews, for the LOVE OF GOD don't RESPOND to any reviews of your books or your friend's books you happen to see, and unless you have something glowing to say about a book that will uplift the author, for Pete's sake keep it to yourself. If you have potentially snarky things to say about a book or author, journal about it. Text it to the group chat. But don't post it.
As for your more specific ask: I totally understand wanting to keep book-reading data -- I do! I use the Reading List app, which is private. StoryGraph I just got but it feels like a nice interface, I'll be playing around with it, and I'd happily add books I'm reading, my TBR, etc -- but I would either keep my account private to whatever extent is possible, or I just wouldn't rate the books on that. Other people use cool personal spreadsheets, or cool notebooks. This is MY data -- I'm not keeping it to impress or inform anyone else, so why would it need to be public?
When I find books that I particularly adore, I'm delighted to post about them on socials, but I don't need or want to talk smack about books publicly, that would be totally inappropriate coming from me, and since I know and work with SO MANY editors, other agents, authors, etc -- There's pretty much NO WAY I could get away with that without inadvertently insulting somebody. And while you may be "aspiring" now -- the longer you stay in publishing spaces, the more people YOU will know and meet, too.
TRUE STORY from just this week: I was at a Little Free Library and found an old Sweet Valley High book - BEWARE THE WOLFMAN, #106. It has a hilarious jacket and cover copy, I had no idea that the Wakefield twins went through a paranormal "American Werewolf In London" era, I was obviously obsessed and posted about it on Facebook, with a pic of the front and back of the jacket. Now, this is a book that is WELL out of print, it was published when I was in high school thirty years ago, it was a friends only post and I'm not friends with the author, like, literally who would I be insulting if I made fun of this book? Oh -- well potentially my friend Dan, who chimed in immediately to say that he in fact wrote the funny jacket copy. My friend Elise, who is an agent now, but was Dan's boss in 1994 and in charge of these books. OH ALSO, I am friends with the publisher. Ahahahah OK! Yay! Luckily it truly is a bonkers book and they know that so it was all in good fun and haha teehee, but like -- it could have been WAY worse!
ANYwhoo, you asked what I think, that's what I think. This is just how I approach it. "As an agent" I would never tell my authors what they can or can't do with their lives - but this is MY philosophy: we're all here to SELL books, not bash them, so if you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, because believe me when I say, it's extremely upsetting for all parties when you give a book a shitty review and then are seated next to the author at a publisher dinner later. TRUST ME, I KNOW.
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daydadahlias · 2 months
Hey Jess, what you think/headcannon each of the 5SOS guys are like drunk? We saw a bit of how they would probably behave in the Cocktail Chats videos, but I'm interested in what you think they'd be like. Mainly for fic writing purposes lol🙃
hi pookie !! so, based on what we've seen of the cuties, i will say that luke is a capital s Slutty drunk. can u explain to me why every single time we see Luke drunk he has his shirt off?? the second luke gets some tequila in him, he's turning into a stripper. a very giggly... very clingy stripper.
calum inevitably turns incredibly touchy (as we have seen from how kissy and touchy he gets when drunk lol) so I always like to think of him and luke drunk together basically just climbing all over each other lol
michael is such a fucking semi-high sleepy drunk. bro gets so chill and relaxed and i feel like all he wants to do when he drinks is take a nap lol. and have somebody to tuck him in.
and then ashton just gets delightfully sober when he's drunk which is so fascinating. like, i think it's because he knows how silly his friends get so he always has to be able to watch out for them, even when he's drunk too. he's also extra squeaky giggly which tears at me <3
speaking of, yknow what my favorite part of cocktail chats is the way that ashton just keeps feeding them drinks dfghjk idk there's something about just seeing his arm extend into the frame and give them their little umbrella drinks while the other guys are like "omg yay drinkie drink" that sends me every time
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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i'm gonna be a little honest here, part of the reason why i've been so reluctant to get back into things is the sort of. Direct Attention i've been getting from people.
i've had to actually go and block somebody because they were just not understanding the boundaries they were crossing--acting overly friendly/assuming our relationship was to the point they could IM my personal at any time with questions about the AU and stuff, and it was just. tiring. and distressing
yall seriously need to understand that i'm just a person doing this shit for fun and kinda just wanna go with the flow for it. i like talking, but i don't want to feel like yall are mining at my brain for lore nuggets or whatever, it doesn't exactly make it fun because i like stuff to be revealed in the story, so when you ask me shit, 90% of the time it'll /be/ answered so i really don't know what to say in response other than 'just wait'
i'm friendly. i'm nice. i don't /mind/ people asking general things for more clarity or whatnot, but you need to realize going to do that on my personal is kind of the equivalent of walking into my house. i MAINLY have IMs open on my personal to talk with /commission clients,/ i don't really use it to Actually Chat With People
i've been dealing with health issues and energy problems, it's not easy for me to juggle this little project while also trying to do commissions (given that i only have so much art energy in a day) so i can actually get things i need since i don't have a job, and while my energy and passion can be admired i suppose, it's not. limitless.
i'm sorry if i seem bitchy about all this, it's just been weighing on my these past few weeks, and i know some of y'all follow the rp twitter and have seen me keep up activity there more or less because it's kind of the most i can manage at the moment
i do want to get back to this, but there's been a lot of IRL stressors as well.
i don't want to go into detail, but something has been happening to my maternal grandmother for the past year and it's just me and my paternal grandparents who can provide more direct support until this summer since the rest of my family lives overseas--and even then, they can only be here for the month of july since my parents work as teachers.
i'll likely be pulled into more intensive duty once july rolls around as it's very clear this year may not be much of a relaxing family visit year and more a... getting things in order and cleaning stuff up kind of visit. so that whole thing is looming over me and it's getting closer and closer, and i KNOW it's going to eat into my energy and availability even more. (my birthday is also in the latter portion of the month, so yay...)
this got. super long and whiny and rambly again and i'm sorry i just. wanted to voice stuff that's been on my mind CONSTANTLY as of late...
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leennaan · 1 year
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A/N this is not my art I got it from pinterest all cred to the artist
A/N also posted on my Wattpad: @ leennaan
I am sorry but this is not proofread
@curiousgalacticsoul here is your request. Sorry that it took me so long but some stuff happend. But anyways here it is:
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Endgame's battle of Earth is done, Nat's alive. Now romanogers can finally retire from superhero life and life a peaceful life, maybe near pepperony's home
Today was the 15th of June 2024.
Almost one year after the war against Thanos.
It was one of the most scary days in Steve’s life and at the same time one of the best.
If somebody had told him a year ago that they would win and get everybody back he wouldn’t have believed it.
But here he was, standing in front of a big window looking over the big garden they shared with Tony and Pepper. A long table was standing in front of the Stark house. He could see Pepper decorating the table. Tony was running around with little Morgan, his arm better but still not fully functional. He smiled while watching the small family outside, preparing for Morgan’s Birthday-Party.
A knock on the bedroom door interrupted his train of thoughts.
“Steve?! Are you ready? Pepper is probably already waiting for us.”
He smiled as soon as he heard the voice. Natasha was standing in the door, arms crossed and a small smile on her lips.
Every time he looked at her, he couldn’t believe that she was really there.
The few hours he believed she was dead, were the worst of his life.
The moment she walked out of one of Stranges portals, with her signature smirk, would be forever burned into his brain. The relief he felt when she hugged him, after they won, when he could feel that she was truly there and not just an imagination of his brain.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
Natasha was now standing directly in front of him, her arms wrapped around his shoulder.
“Just how lucky I am to be standing here today, with you by my side. All our friends joining us today to celebrate Morgan’s sixth birthday. I love you, Nat.”
He bent down and connected their lips in a sweet kiss.
“I love you too. Now common, we really need to get going.”
Together they walked outside and then the short path over to Peppers and Tony’s house. They greeted the small family and congratulated the little girl.
“Auntie Nat, Uncle Steve!
Look what Daddy got me! “ Morgan was running up to them with full speed, a little robot similar to Dum-E following her.
Steve and Natasha kneeled down to greet Morgan and to look at her new friend.
“Daddy says he had one just like me now. I named him Griffin, after Harry Potters House! Mommy let me watch the first one together with Peter last time he visited and I want to be in Gryffindor just like Harry.” Rambled Morgan.
She looked cute like that.
“He looks really nice! Griffin is such a good name for your little friend!” Sayed Natasha while she hugged the girl. Griffin standing next to them watching their interaction.
“Uhh I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter when I watched it with Nat. Next time you visited we should watch the second Movie if your Mother allows.”
“Oh yay! Can we? I am going to ask Mummy right away!”
And before either of the two adults could say anything else, Morgan was running away on her search for her Mother.
Steve stood up from his crouching position and held out his hand to help Nat up.
“Come on, let’s great the others.”
While the couple chatted with the birthday girl, some of the others arrived.
Wanda and Vision where standing with Pepper, a big wrapped box in Wandas hands. Morgan was running up to them happy, to see another aunt and kind of uncle of hers.
Clint, Laura and the kids had just arrived and where now walking the path down to them. “Auntie Nat! Uncle Steve! I missed you sooo sooo much!” Nathaniel was the first who spotted them and flung himself into Steve’s arms, who catched him and hoisted him up on his hip.
“We missed you too buddy! How is school? You have to tell me everything!”
While they talked almost everyone else arrived and the birthday party was in full swing.
Around noon it was time for the cake. Everyone was seated around the table, talking and having fun.
Steve had his arm slung around Natasha’s shoulders, while she was talking to Wanda.
He was so happy, that everything turned out like this. That they could be sitting here together as one big family, celebrating Morgan’s Birthday and just enjoying life. But his thoughts were interrupted by a long whistle and Natasha’s head snapped around, whistling back almost immediately. When he looked up to Natasha’s and his house he could make out a small person, who he knew was Yelena, Natasha’s sister.
Natasha had told him about her in the five years of the blip and after they brought everyone back Natasha had tried to contact her for ages, but no luck. Turned out, someone had told Yelena that Natasha had died while fighting against Thanos and she had gone rought. Trying to find the one she thought was responsible for her death. Long story short around the Easter holidays Clint was visiting New York with his kids and Yelena found him, they fought and Clint told her what really happened and afterwards Yelena and Natasha reconnected again.
Natasha had stood up and was now walking towards Yelena, who he now saw wasn’t standing alone. Another woman was standing next to her, taller than Yelena but he couldn’t say who it was.
When they arrived at the table everyone was joyful to see Yelena again. And while everyone greeted the her the other woman was standing next to Clint and his family greeting them and talking to them. “Everyone, may I Introduce you to the new Hawkeye! This is Kate we met while I was in New York, I helped her with some problems and she helped me with Yelena over here!”
“Hey! She did not help you! She was trying to fight me with Hot sauce!”
“Come one Yel. We said we wouldn’t talk about it. Anyways. Hey everyone I am Kate. Kate Bishop. Big fan of you guys. Nice to meet you all.”
It was good to see, that eventho the original Avengers we’re slowly retiring, someone else was brave enough to stand up and do the work.
Steve and Natasha had agreed to stop with the avenging and while he had given Sam the Shield, Natasha had a long talk with Yelena and she agreed to step into her sisters shoes, at least for know.
So now they were sitting all together, new and old generation and just talking about the good things in life.
He jumped a bit when ge heard Nat whispering in his ear. “You are thinking really loud.”
He had to chuckle before he answers her. “ Just thinking about how lucky we are. How lucky I am to have this family. That I have you by my side. I Love you Nat.” The smile that she gave him was a real one. One he saw more and more since they retired. “I love you too, Steve. I am so happy to be here with all of you, and especially you.”
When he leaned in to kiss her. He heard none other than Tony wolf whistle. “Get a room you too.”
Yeah. They were lucky to have this. Family.
All was Well.
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freefallingup13 · 1 year
Great I don’t even want to fucking participate in yet another community because of a stupid argument
Over god damn explaining inadvertent racism of all things
In the calmest, most non-judgmental way I could possibly explain it without getting heated
Constantly reassuring people that it’s nothing to be afraid of, you’re not going to get “hounded” or “cancelled” for doing stuff like drawing black hair on a lion *if ya fuckin’ do it correctly instead of slapping them on without using any reference or knowledge how those hairstyles work* because that’s having basic respect for people
I get told I’m “overreacting” when somebody literally *ASKS ME* to explain what a microaggression is and how to avoid doing them when possible
FUCK, dude, the whump community as a whole is like the only big group I haven’t been ousted of. And even then, I got shit on in whump discords, so really, I have been ousted in the whump community! Yay! Writers, Pokemon fans, whump, the lion king- what the fuck am I allowed to just enjoy and share with people that I’m able to have a civil discussion without people jumping down my throat for saying literally anything that gives them pause?
It’s fucking FINE to feel guilty and uncomfortable with a truth like ‘you grew up in a non-perfect world, you have picked up non-perfect things from this world as a result’.
It is fucking FINE to point out not every lgbtq+ is safe yet and you can protect people by not outing them to strangers when you don’t know if they’re publicly out yet.
Fuck I don’t even remember why the fucking art discord decided they didn’t want to hear me talk anymore.
I just fucking hate this, dude, this is why I don’t fucking talk to people and don’t do new things, especially in groups. Nobody sits down and self-reflects on what makes them uncomfortable about themselves, snapping at anyone who brings it up, instead of just. You know. Trying to figure out why they’re uncomfortable about something within themselves and whether they need to change that thing, or reframe their thinking about it. So many people have never done this, and it shows. Especially when they practically lunge at me in chat with gnashing of the fucking teeth, cussing me the fuck out.
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
Almost done with my first week of med school proper. We haven’t gotten into much of the science but touched on a lot of more of the social factors. Obviously one week (albeit multiple hours a day) isn’t long enough to get all the way into social factors like medical racism and anti-racism, identity and intersectionality, social determinants of health, etc, it’s nice that my school opens up with it to really set the tone.
Last night I spent some time talking to a friend who is a peds resident who went through the program at my school (on a different campus) who used disability services. His advice was basically to fight for what you need at every step, because nobody else will advocate for your inclusion and DRS when he was going through clerkships had like no idea how to accommodate his physical disability. He has some good experiences and some shitty ones. Anyway, I felt better about applying after that. The worst they can do is say no, that accommodation is unreasonable, and then not have a suitable alternative. I’m fortunate enough that I don’t think my disabilities would keep me from filling technical standards, so I shouldn’t be kicked out, I would just have a harder time which is exactly where I’m at anyway.
The MS3 (third year student, started doing the clinical stuff recently-ish) that is doing a longitudinal clinic experience at my rural site was in town today and stopped by our lecture hall during my lunch break to say hi and chat. That was really nice. I told him a little about the experience I had with the Dean, and he was supportive of “whatever [I] want to do” (really stressed it’s a personal choice)- and when I said that I WANT to stay but feel pressured to quit, he was all “then FIGHT it, they’re looking for that.” He also said the docs have asked about how I was doing… idk. He is such a nice guy and easy to talk to and somebody I actually feel safe with (very rare I feel safe telling somebody IRL about any of my psych history). I just have such a hard time trusting that the docs there actually cared for me at all. Not that I expect them to actively hate me (hate takes energy; if you don’t care for somebody and are far too busy it makes most sense I think to just not give them any of your mind). But it’s easier for me to think that they’re asking how I’m doing/transitioning into med school proper out of like, a perceived duty due to their position. I have had some bad experiences of “forced kindness,” so while I don’t anticipate any hostile/negative intentions, I also have a hard time believing there are outwardly positive intentions towards me. Like “I’m asking because I genuinely care” seems less plausible than “I’m asking because it’s part of my job.”
Anyway, MS3 recommended I do NOT email but text the primary preceptor about finding a time to call, which has me anxious for other reasons (phone calls are the literal devil if I need to do anything as Me instead of as like, Customer Service Me, you know?). But I will also respect that- like after he said that it made more sense to me because she gave me her # and then also later said that emails get missed so easily because they get bombarded with emails. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I need to text her still, just got busy and need to get over my fear of bothering people.
Oh and I was busy because I actually applied for disability services and accommodations. Yay! I sent in my assessment documents and an application, and they said they will be reaching out to set up a meeting soon. Something I found interesting is that I’ve mentioned accommodations in passing to a few people - one in relation to neurodivergence and clerkships, they didn’t gaf which is totally fine, and the other was that MS3 (just asking if he every used it, he said no). I don’t know entirely what I picked up from them and don’t want to read TOO much into it bc neurodivergence. But I wonder how much of those answers is somehow related to stigma in med Ed. My opinion is very much “fight ableism” in the sense that like, a quarter of people have a disability of some sort and can use legal measures to protect against discrimination and get us a little closer to equity. And it’s not just for me either- I really really do want to fight the systemic BS. And that’s part of why I’m so curious about their motivations for NOT seeking services. If they really feel like there is nothing they need to accommodate and like they don’t have a disability, that is GREAT for them and I won’t tell them how to experience any diagnosis or difference from normative experiences. I’m just unsure if there’s some judgment on my end for seeking it, or maybe if there’s some internalized ableism, or if they were just heavily dissuaded BECAUSE of ableism, idk.
I do feel fortunate to have people around me that care and want to help, though.
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bowbow-the-clown · 1 year
… Hi Hi, BowBow Here …
.. Ummm I Made A DISCORD NOW ..
… ??? 👀✨🎉YAY🎉✨👀 ??? …
… Soo If Anybody Wants To Jump InTo The Pit It's Open …
.. But First, Some Rules ..
.. You Must Be 18 And Up ..(NO Minors .. Sorry Just Nope)
.. Be Nice And Respectful Please .. (NO Bullying Of Any Kind).. No Hateful Anything .. (No Racism, Homophobia/Transphobia, Sexism ETC)
.. No Overly Weird Or Down Right Creepy Behavior .... Um .. Just Have Funie AnD Relaxie ..
.. I Don't Really Have Anything Other ..
To be real, I don't really have friends .. I have been going through some depression, anxiety and other not fun stuff and… I just want somebody to talk to … we can meme or be funny or stuff. I'm down for almost anything.
I'm bow bow, 22 year old clown girl thing, I like movies, video games and fun little weird stuff … I am bad at explaining things, just look through my page to get the vibe of what I kind of am.
I am almost always open anytime, I do work and do other things but I am mostly open
… Sorry About The Ramble Rambling But The Point Is …
... BOOM ...
… There There …
.. If AnyOther Lonely Clowns,Fools,Jesters,MiMes And Other Kind Of PeoPle Wants To Join .. It's Here ..
... And One Last Thing ...
.. Maybe Send Me a Message Before You Join Or If You're Interested ..
... Please And Thank You :0) ...
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basmathgirl · 17 days
We may have passed like two ships in the night, saw each other's light, and then I turned back around to come chat - albeit a few days late! I wanted to thank you for responding to both of my asks, and to tell you that your tags crack me up!
I agree, I'm sure what RTD said was *mostly* said tongue-in-cheek. Though like you said, unless it's Rose, anything is fair game to him. But it's probably just me over-thinking because I was always told death was the one thing you never joke about. Even if it's about fictional characters. Guess we all have a superstition that stays with us somehow! Anywho, thanks again for your time!
Hello kind Anon
*waves at you as you go by*
Sorry for the delay in replying but I wrote out a long answer to this, soon after you sent this; and then hit SHIFT D and accidently deleted the whole lot! I was so incensed, I had to abandon trying again until I could face it.
Anyway. Yay that you like my tags! They're not as cheeky as they used to be, but when something riles or amuses me (like suffering "Spies of Warsaw" did) all that snark comes out.
The thing about Rose is that the name is RTD's lucky charm (has been since he wrote "Bob & Rose" apparently), so I knew he'd work it in somehow. In fact the plot is awfully close to his DW romance, but I chose to ignore it at the time. Moving on...
Here we are told it's unlucky to talk ill of the dead, but joking about death isn't off-limits. Making fun of anything that frightens you is encouraged by my culture (I come from East London, btw) to help break that fear. I'm not sure if that's due to the high mortality rate in the 19th century, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, or the last war.
As for superstitions, do I have any? Hmm. I still do the 'touch wood' phrase while attempting to actually touch wood (or your own head if none is close) when saying something is going very well, etc. And when hearing about two people dying recently, you still hear somebody pipe up, "These things come in threes"; otherwise my life isn't touched by many superstitions, come to think of it.
Well, if my left hand itches, I say/think "I might be getting money" and if my right hand itches, I think "I'l be paying out soon." It tends to be: gain £10, or have to pay out £350 on the car. It's a biased omen, as you can tell.
And I've just remembered that, if I've spilt salt I have thrown a pinch of it over my left shoulder. I don't actually believe a devil is sitting on my left shoulder, but it does no harm to do it. These days I'm more likely to sprinkle salt on the floor to keep away slugs, but that's another matter entirely.
Perhaps that's why the Doctor thought of it in "Wild Blue Yonder"? The TARDIS could be having a slug problem. He obviously swiped that bottle of salt from a greasy spoon café some time ago, as they don't tend to use that cruet set anymore. Or were we supposed to think of a certain eatery scene in S1/2?
*deep sigh*
Funny how everything always comes back to Rose.
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zaenight · 6 months
i skipped to episode 8 , because i had nothing to write for 6&7 , but also 8 actually comes before , because some stuff was mixed up i guess , and the timeline is confusing.
oh yeah...
so excuse any misspelling and that i started writing this at 1 in the morning...
It's been a couple of weeks , Gabriella was with José , Untill they heard lou call for them.
"Whats up lou?" José asked , as they entered the storage room.
As lou told them that the stock had been getting low,and how he only trusted the two of them, the two could only ponder.
And then they were off,little did they know,the police would get involved.
"Practice starts in two minutes , where is everyone?"
"What? nobody told you  rookie's was an optional practice"José said , as Gabriella snickered.
"You!" her father pointed.
"What seeing you in a rush was funny." The only girl in the room laughed.
The men taunted eachother playfully, as carlos said he would workout , while chris said he was going back to bed.
Carlos then stated that he could learn from them , being washington height boys , Him and José playfully fighting eachother , gabriella didn't know if she was happy or scared that her father and boyfriend were bestfriends.
As Her father went to put on his cap , flour covered his head , The men laughed as Carlos shook some off , Gabriella Snickered , being the one who did it , whoops.
"Rookies." José said wrapping an arm around her.
"José , Luca , in my office." Lou stated as The two nodded at eachother , following behind the older man.
"Close the door." Lou said as José closed it , Gabriella stood with a confused look upon her face.
"Whats up lou?" José said , concerned , his arm around Gabriella's waist.
"Uh , situation , somebody on my staff is stealing ." Lou stated as the two teens leaned in.
"You tell me who , I'll break his neck i swear to god." José said , as Gabriella placed her hand on his chest to calm the fired up boy.
"No none of that street stuff , though i appreciate it , i need you two to be my eyes and ears in the clubhouse from now on." Lou said to them.
"Hey don't worry , we'll catch the Son of a bitch lou , you can count on us." Gabriella said.
After chatting to the man , the two teens left the room , questions still lingering in their head.
Little did the two know , that the nypd would get involved.
"Hey lou , hey got your message ,Gabriella's a bit pissed cause i woke her , what's up." José said noticing a cop , staring at him , a grumbling Gabriella behind him.
"We have a detective here who wants to talk to you." Lou said as the teens stared at the man stepping forward.
"About what ." The boy questioned .
"Mr. Marquez do you know a roberto calone , from washington heights?" The detective asked , Gabriella raised a brow , she didn't like this.
"Hey whats this about Lou?" José questioned , His arm wrapping around Gabriella's waist.
"Just answer the man's questions." Lou stated.
This was getting serious.
The man asked again if he knew The guy from washington heights.
"You know how many roberto colone's there are in washington heights." José said with a nervous chuckle , when he gets questioned , he tends to get anxious and fidgety , hence why he kept fidgeting with Gabriella's shirt , the girl noticed placing a hand on his chest to calm him down.
"Well this one was arrested , for selling Empire merchendise , he says he got from you, two game worn jerseys , sound familiar." The detective said.
"Yeah sellin' for like fifty bucks , so what?" José said as Gabriella glanced at the woman stepped forward.
"Mr. Russo says he keeps game jeresy's under lock and key." She said.
"What? , you think he stole from the clubhouse , He would never do that , Lou tell them , is this some kind of joke." Gabriella said.
" the jerseys were all ripped up , he was just gonna throw them out , we know how lou works." José said , it's true that's how lou works.
"Was he gonna throw these out?" The detective asked , throwing a bag on the floor.
"We found these in your locker." The storage woman said , glancing at Gabriella , who was now leaning against José .
"Couple uniforms , warm up jackets , and my favorite , conrad deans signiture bat." The detctive said.
"Look dean gave me that bat." José said as Gabriella nodded , she was there when it happened , the two teens looked at Lou waiting for him to come to their defense.
"He give you these too?" The detective said.
"Old practicing gloves , the webbing is shot." Gabriella said as the detective raised a brow at her.
"Oh so your also apart of this , ain't you tavares's kid." As he spoke , José tightened his grip around her protectivley.
"This came right off my shelves José." Lou said holding a jacket.
"We use those to keep warm when we work late lou , you gotta believe me." José said as Gabriella nodded.
"Mr. Marquez , you and your partner in crime , we're gonna need to continue this down at the station." the Detective said,another guy coming from somewhere.
"Lou tell them we wouldn't do this to you." As José spoke , Gabriella looked into the older mans eyes pleading.
"Just , they'll get this sorted out down town." Lou said walking away , leaving two distraught teens behind.
"Lou you gotta believe us! Lou!" Gabriella exclaimed , the two teens glancing at eachother , feeling betrayed.
"Lou you seen Gabriella and José , we're supposed to go out to eat." Carlos asked the man.
"Police took them down town." Lou said.
"For what! , they took my kid too ? , i gotta get down there." Carlos said waiting for more info , before he stormed into the station.
"Theft problem in the clubhouse , missing supplies." Lou said.
"is he being charged, is my kid getting charged?!" Carlos exclaimed.
"I don't know yet , as for your daughter , i don't even know what to say,Shouldn't you be getting down to the station." Lou said to the man.
"Man i don't believe this , i'll get there let her sit it out." Carlos said to lou.
"Kid had a shot at playing pro , pissing it away for a lousy fifty bucks , Luca was with him , didn't stop him." Lou said angry and dissappointed.
"You grow up were we did , fifty bucks means somthing , you get an oppertunity you grab it , it's a survival thing you know." Carlos said.
"It doesn't make it ok for them to steal my supplies." Lou stated.
"Lou Im telling you my kid knows better , and im fifty percent sure she's gonna murder me in my sleep for making her sit in a cell or somthing for this long , and my boy José didn't do it." Carlos defended.
"How can you be so damn sure?" Lou questioned.
"Because i know were your supplies went." Carlos said.
The four rookies , one of which being Carlos , returned the supplies , thinking it was free for the taking , promising to pay for the missing items , a rookie mistake , however , got a very angry Gabriella cursing at them , those men weren't sleeping good tonight , and Carlos swore his kid put curses on them , oh and they were put in a corner , litterly.
Gabriella watched as José shoved everything in his locker into his bag.
The two looked up at lou as spoke to them.
"The drafts coming up , im gonna play pro ball soon , I don't need this place , Sure as hell don't need you." José said as Gabriella spoke up.
"I was doing this for extra credit , Hung around for My dad and José , now im gonna focus on my soccer , better at it then baseball ." She stated as Lou walked closer.
"I just got back from the police station , sorted everything with the cops , and that lady security director , Damn it José , Luca , Im tryna tell you two , i got the cops off your back . " Lou said.
"Yeah well why didn't you get them off our back last night?!" José exclaimed , Calming down as Gabriella placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know , i mean they got badges , what was i gonna do , argue with them?" Lou said.
"Yeah." José said , voice cracking , he might not look it but he was a very emotional person , in fact you could see his eyes watering.
"Look , The thought of being betrayed by the two i trust the most , messed with my head ok , forgot why i hired you in the first place ." Lou said to them , the last sentance towards José.
"Well why did you hire me?" The boy said , his eyes still watering.
"You've got greyhound speed." Lou said , gabriella had no idea what that meant,but it reached José.
"Hey lou i need a - uh oh." Chris cut himself off as he swore Gabriella's eyes turned into slits , and devil horns sprouted out of her head.
"I remember putting you in the corner." She said with a innocently off putting smile , and so he ran.
"Mierda! , Get back here , i just wanna tort- talk to you!" She yelled running after him , Her and José nodding at eachother as she ran off after chris.
José stayed a bat boy , The head bat boy at that , with Gabriella by his side , although the Rookies were forgiven , Carlos swears his daughter still put a curse on them , all of them had rashes in the worst possiable places.
Oh and José and gabriella had a great way of releaving their stress.
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gold-andgranite · 11 months
sweet disaster // the notes + the prologue
hey y’all! ever since finding the tgm community here on tumblr earlier this summer I’ve had a little idea floating around I just couldn’t let go of. after incubating said idea (read: storyboarding and note taking/ visualizing scenes as I’m driving/ having hot girl backyard time/ while washing dishes/ as I am folding laundry/ etc. etc. etc.), I got a first little prologue-y type chapter written up! I have a vague idea of where this fic is headed but I’m allowing myself the creative freedom to not have anything super nailed down yet, and instead just letting this little world evolve however it will. we will find out together! I have missed writing lately, and even though most of my writing over the years has been either academic or free verse poetry, I’m excited to give prose a try! 
a bit of housekeeping: I wrote this initial bit as a second person pov but with a named character (we are JJ). it’s what felt the most comfortable to write, but if it really weirds all y’all out, I’d be willing to accept that constructive criticism and switch to a different pov. I want us to feel immersed, but if it gets clunky (especially with, perhaps, pov changes later on) then I’m willing to change the pov, and that would include tweaking this chapter as well post-posting. 
as far as warnings go? each chapter will have chapter-specific warnings, as needed, but overall this story will touch on mental health issues, a bit of angst, some smut down the road, language, military inaccuracies, etc. basically the usual warnings for most fics on here -- like I said, I will update those warnings for each chapter as they arise. we’re starting off super mellow with just a slight language warning for this teaser trailer appetizer thing. 
okay! I think that about does it for now! I’m really excited to go on this journey with y’all!
-- goldi 
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“JJ, come ON! You have nothing else going on today! You’re taking a day off from working out, you went grocery shopping yesterday, and I know you’re not working later today, either.” She ticks the reasons off on her fingers before throwing a particular withering look your way, dropping her chin to really send the point home. You inhale sharply, lowering the coffee mug from your lips, counterpoints halfway off your tongue, already feeling the words in your mouth – but, well, fuck. As your best friend, roommate, and coworker – you didn’t have counterpoints. And she knew it, fighting her smile at first, being a good sport about it, but you both knew her eyes were twinkling with excitement.
“Okay. Okay.” You put your hands up in surrender, laughing now, as she squeals and rushes forward to throw her arms around you.
“Yay! Yay! Emi said yes, too! I promise, J, it’s gonna be fun. We’ll have fun! It’s something different! And . . .” she smirks, really going heavy on the whole “devil in the angel’s eyes” thing. “I wanna go support our troops, you know?”
At that, you roll your eyes. “Really, Kennedy? This still?”
“YES.” She held your shoulders in her hands, staring directly into your soul. “JJ. My last date was a fuckin’ trainwreck. I can’t do it anymore! I don’t wanna keep sifting through shitty profiles on my phone only to get a go on a lukewarm-at-best, somebody-sedate-me at worst date!!” She’s graduated to shaking your shoulders, a quarter laughing but three quarters serious. Parker, the most recent online dating disaster, was a pretty bad date for her, you knew that – beginning with when he honked and texted “here” to come pick Kennedy up. She hates that shit – you all do, of course. The group chat went feral over that one. 
“I know, Ken. I’m sorry. I’ll go, okay? I’ll be your wingwoman, if you need. I just – I really don’t want you to get hurt, okay? You’ve had your fair share of shitbags, and –”
“JJ, god, I’m not looking for anything serious! This is an attempt at streamlined efficiency more than anything else,” she giggles. “I just wanna go spend my afternoon looking confused at an air show, take in the beauty of the United States military machine” – cue eye roll – “flirt with as many men as possible, and see how many numbers I can get. We’ll be like those women in the USO in the forties! It’s really your patriotic duty, J.”
“My patriotic duty?? USO? Jesus, Ken –” you break off, fully cackling now, coffee set down on the counter a safe distance from where you’re gripping the counter bent over laughing. “Should we bring little American flags to hand out, too?”
That catches her off guard. “I mean . . . I think I’m covered on the tiny flag front . . .” The mischief glints in her eyes over a knowing smile, a language in which only best friends are fluent.
“KENNEDY!” You gasp, pretending to be scandalized. Your best friend could kill a man without laying a single finger on him, you know this, but her penchant for flair still caught you off guard at times. “You are NOT wearing your stars and stripes undies to this air show! I thought you were just getting phone numbers!” 
Kennedy sighs, planting her hands on her hips. “Ohh, but I am, J. I am.” She passes by you, patting your back. “We leave in an hour! Emi is meeting us there!” she sings as she glides down the hallway. “It’s gonna be fuuuuuuuun! You’re gonna have fun, JJ!!”
You turn back to your coffee, threading your fingers through the handle, shaking your head at Kennedy’s antics. You knew she was right; if all you did today was watch your best friend flirt with men in uniform, narrating the encounters documentary-style with Emi, then it’d be worth it. 
Memorable, at the very least.
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Organisms are weird as fuck when you think about it, and not in a good way, like motherfucker why do I gotta BREATHE to stay alive?! That's bitch shit I tell ya!!
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Sorry about her- she got heated in biology class cause we where learning about genes or something- I don't know I didn't pay attention.(Alo me and White made up and where back yay!!) I MISSED MEETING WALLY and I'm SOOOO mad about it!!
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DAMN Nell you didn't need to rant girl! (Go off!!)
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Imma puppet, so my opinion may not hold much weight, but Marble is right organisms ARE gross-
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That is quite mean- what if somebody where to call you gross?☆
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Me, personally, I would say "Thank ya fer noticing!"
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I would simply say "Your insult has been declined!"
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I just formed- What is even going on?-
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Wonderous chat. Now will you all be quiet.
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As a human being i agree, why do i have to do shit to live? It is weird. And also soup with sugar?. . Hmmm no i am tempted to do that just to see how it tastes.
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