#yes loki is wearing tony's black sabbath shirt
luckyliesmith · 6 years
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team snark; tony and lady loki 
i can’t believe this is the first time i’ve drawn these two together (in any form) since frostiron is my og otp. tony wearing a floral sport-coat is based on this post ♥
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lightneverfades · 3 years
Of Sweaters and Reindeer
Frostiron Holiday Wishes Challenge ❆ 🎅🎄 Prompts by @kimmycup Fic written by @shinindragon
Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki in Tony's MIT sweatshirt.
When Tony came home in the middle of the night, he just stumbled towards his bedroom, not paying any kind of attention to his surroundings. He just wanted to crawl back into his warm, comfy bed, wrap himself around his boyfriend, bury his face in his soft locks and fall into a state of welcome unconsciousness.
The Avengers had been called away in the middle of the night to deal with Doom, who had thought it was a brilliant idea to wreak havoc in Times Square at a most unreasonable hour. Steve, wide awake and ready for anything, had rudely woken them all and told them to suit up. Tony had wanted to punch him, wipe that irritating awakeness off his stupid face. Who in their right mind was that awake at 1:30 in the morning?! And no, Tony wasn't complaining because he hadn't gotten much sleep when Captain 'I Get Up At 5am Anyway' had pulled him from his sweet, sweet slumber. On the contrary, actually– Loki had made him go to bed early because he had pulled a lab binge and had been awake for nearly three whole days at that point. So they had been passed out in each other's arms in their way too big bed by 10pm.
Loki didn't necessarily stop Tony from his lab binges, because he knew that, when Tony had his mind set on something, he wouldn't be able to rest until he had answers or made something to his satisfaction. The Norse God only intervened when Tony went over the forty-eight hours mark, and Tony did the same when it came to Loki and his reading or magic stuff, because they were both like that, staying awake for too long nurturing their respective interests, and then collapsing and regretting the binge, just to not learn and do it again after having been in a coma for two days. That's why they had made a deal at some point, because it tended to really get out of hand, and that wasn't good for their overall health, or usefulness in battles, or just in general– they wouldn't stop each other from these binges, but when it was longer than two days, they would intervene, insist on a proper meal and rest. It worked. Sure, they still were up for two days straight quite often, but this was easier than intervening after, like, six hours already, because that only made them upset and grumpy. And neither of them liked to be forced to stop tending to their hobbies, but they also knew they couldn't stay awake for a week without it having consequences. The other Avengers (and Pepper and Rhodey) trusted them to look out for each other when it concerned the binges.
And yesterday had been nice.
Tony had been up for a little over fifty hours by the time Loki had come into the workshop and intervened, which was just short for 'he distracted Tony with fleeting, casual touches and kisses and running his fingers through his hair and looking over his shoulder watching him work, until Tony finally snapped and grabbed his hand to go over to the couch to have some fun'.
Yes, a very nice afternoon indeed.
They had fallen asleep on the couch down in Tony's workshop, Tony sprawled out on top of Loki, both very much naked (obviously) and hoping no one would have the questionable luck of entering the workshop and seeing them– which had happened before, poor Clint.
When they had woken up again, they had gotten dressed (Loki's magic really came in handy at times, lots of times) and then had ordered take-out and watched Netflix until Loki had decided it was time to actually get some sleep, and Tony hadn't complained. Going to bed with Loki was wonderful, and he didn't even mean the sex necessarily (which was great, thank you very much). No, one of the best things was that Loki was a cuddler, and falling asleep in his arms was great.
And that's what Tony wanted right now. When Steve had woken them, Tony had to extract himself from Loki's loving embrace, much to the displeasure of the Trickster, who hadn't even been fully awake. Tony had voiced his dismay about having to get up rather loudly and using quite colourful language, including some swear words in foreign languages– Natasha had almost lost it when he had been swearing in Russian, Steve had just stared at him utterly dumbstruck. That look had been worth the disrupted sleep and cuddling, to be honest.
But now he was finally back home, it was a quarter after four, and he just wanted to get back into Loki's arms.
He entered their bedroom and dropped down on the bed, sighing heavily. It was only then that he noticed that the bed was empty. He felt around for good measure, but alas, no Loki.
Tony frowned. "JARVIS?"
"Yes, Sir?" came the voice of his AI.
"Where's Loki?"
"You walked past him, Sir."
Tony's frown deepened. "What?"
"He is on the couch in the living room," JARVIS answered.
So Tony got back up from the bed and walked to the living room, which was only semi-dark now, because JARVIS had turned on the lights but only very dimly, and now he spotted Loki, curled up with a fluffy blanket on the couch. Not just curled up, he was basically a God of Mischief burrito, which was a common occurrence and generally really adorable. Tony smiled and knelt down in front of him and tenderly caressed his cheek.
"Loki," he said gently, brushing some strands of hair out of his man's face and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
Surprisingly, Loki almost immediately woke up, slowly but he did. He blinked a few times and Tony could pinpoint the exact moment he recognized him because he started to smile, it was a very soft, very sleepy smile, and it looked beautiful.
"You're back," Loki mumbled drowsily.
"I am," Tony chuckled, running his fingers through Loki's hair.
"Are you hurt?"
Of course that would be the first thing Loki asked, because no matter how tired, asleep or annoyed by Tony he was, he cared very deeply about him and always worried about him when he went out on missions.
"No, I'm okay." Tony pressed another kiss to Loki's forehead. "What are you doing out here?"
"Waiting for you."
"I'm here now." Tony smiled softly. "C'mon, let's go back to bed."
"No," Loki grumbled, taking Tony's hand. "S'ay here, don' wanna ge' up."
Loki in a sleep-drunk state was quite the experience. His speech was very drowsy, a little slurred, swallowing the T's for some reason, and he had just popped the p in 'up'– it was just so totally different from his usual very sophisticated, sometimes posh, tone. Very amusing, too.
"C'mere," Loki purred, followed by a huge yawn, and pulled Tony down on the couch.
Tony chuckled but let Loki do whatever he was doing, because honestly, this side of Loki was just too cute to disrupt. Loki pulled at the sleeve of his shirt, signalling him to lean down, where Tony was greeted with soft lips on his, meeting for a very lazy, rather sloppy kiss, and it felt wonderful.
When their lips separated again, Tony saw that Loki was halfway off to dreamland again, his eyes droopy and his lips slightly parted, which could be from the kiss, but it was also just how he slept. So Tony decided that it just wasn't worth the effort to get Loki awake and up, just to go sleep in bed, and tried to get Loki to open his blanket cocoon for him, which thankfully Loki did, more unconsciously than anything else though– like mentioned, the Loki playing blanket burrito was a common occurrence. Tony slipped underneath the blanket and settled on top of Loki, noticing with a quirked eyebrow the bold letters on the sweater his lover was wearing, which said 'MIT', and he was fairly certain that he hadn't worn that shirt when Tony had left. But it wasn't important right now, he'd just ask about it tomorrow.
JARVIS turned off the lights again, which was Tony's cue to rest his head under Loki's chin. He sighed content and closed his eyes.
"I love you, Loki," he muttered into the darkness.
Arms wrapped around him and a soft hum came from Loki, who was already asleep again, and Tony quickly followed suit.
Tony woke up a few hours later when JARVIS decided it was time to get up and have breakfast, and he did that by opening the blinds covering the window front and let in the daylight, which was just such an evil, devious thing to do. Tony fought against waking up for a bit but ultimately failed and let out an exasperated sigh. Well, Loki was still underneath him, sleeping soundly with a soft, peaceful look on his face, and Tony didn't want to disturb him because, first off, he looked adorable, and secondly, Loki was sleeping after having trouble with it for the past week because of nightmares.
So Tony very slowly, very carefully, like he was on a frozen lake, got up and climbed off of Loki, who had no reaction at all, thankfully. Tony's gaze fell on the MIT sweater the God was wearing and once more found himself raising an eyebrow. Yes, he was absolutely sure that Loki hadn't worn that when they had gone to bed the evening before. He had worn Tony's Black Sabbath T-shirt, which he had nicked a few months ago. Tony didn't mind Loki wearing his clothes, in fact, he loved it. Loki had to make them bigger using his magic or else he would walk around with a crop top, which was a very wild image. Tony was convinced it would look great, very sexy, but he knew Loki would never sink so low, probably. But he wanted to wear Tony's clothes and that was just so unexpected and wonderful.
He covered Loki with the blanket again, which caused Loki to subconsciously curl into himself again, once more turning himself into a blanket burrito. Tony chuckled, kissed Loki's forehead and then silently crept off to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.
A little later, he was sitting in the armchair next to the couch, his legs up, cradling a StarkPad on them and reading the news, about to finish his second cup, when he noticed Loki starting to stir and slowly waking up. He finished his coffee, put the tablet on the table and went back to the kitchen to make Loki a cup of tea. And as he had expected, just as he was about to put a splash of milk into the tea, Loki came padding into the kitchen, immediately wrapping his arms around Tony's waist and nuzzling his hair.
"Good morning to you too, Comet," Tony said smirking and turned his head to let his lips be claimed in yet another lazy, sloppy kiss.
Loki hummed. "Is that another reindeer name?" he asked, his voice still very drowsy from sleep.
Tony smiled. "It is."
"I told you before, Anthony," Loki answered, interrupted by a yawn as he pulled away to lean against the counter, "reindeer have antlers" – he put his hands to his head, mimicking said animal part – "not horns, so the nickname doesn't make sense. Goats have horns, or sheep, or ibex."
Tony grinned at him. "You will always be a reindeer to me, Bambi."
"Bambi was just a regular deer," Loki sighed.
Tony chuckled and just kissed him on the cheek as he handed him his tea. Loki completely forgot the 'reindeer discourse' (which was a regular thing as well) at the sight of his beloved tea and brought the cup up to his face, just to inhale the scent for a moment, before he then finally took a sip and hummed happily.
Meanwhile, Tony leaned against the kitchen island opposite of Loki and stared at him, or rather his MIT sweater. Loki didn't notice as he was distracted by his tea, a very happy, yet still quite sleepy smile on his lips as he drank it with noises of content after every sip. Tony honestly loved watching Loki in the morning, because it was like he was a completely different person, very soft and adorable. To be fair though, Tony got to see Loki from a different side than all the other Avengers anyway, he even bet that Thor didn't know this side of Loki, but he was convinced Thor didn't really know Loki anyway.
When Loki finally finished his tea, after seemingly ages, he put the cup down and looked at Tony.
"Why are you staring at me? Something wrong with my hair?" he asked, instinctively reaching to check if his hair was weird in some way.
Tony shook his head smiling. "No, I'm staring because you're wearing my MIT sweater. Why are you wearing my MIT sweater?"
Loki looked at him surprised for a moment and then looked away, very clearly blushing and he started to fidget, which was odd, because there was nothing to be nervous about right now, was there? Yet, Loki very clearly was nervous about something, which was probably him wearing Tony's shirt, and Tony wondered why because it wasn't news? Loki wore Tony's clothes a lot actually, see him having nicked the Black Sabbath T-shirt Tony had worn when he had confronted him here in this very penthouse back in 2012.
Maybe his nervousness was only linked to the MIT sweater? But he wouldn't be nervous about wearing it, he actually liked to show off wearing Tony's clothes, which Tony guessed had something to do with pride and spite, like "Look at me! I have a boyfriend who, unlike all of you, has impeccable fashion sense!"– okay, to be fair, that was Tony's point of view on the situation and wasn't necessarily the truth of why Loki liked to walk around in Tony's clothes. Fact of the matter was though, that he did like it, so why was he nervous now?
Maybe it was the reason why he wore it? Maybe it was more than just 'he is my boyfriend, so I'm gonna steal his clothes and wear them, like every good boyfriend does'? If he was nervous about it, then this option was very likely.
Tony reached out and took Loki's hand. "Loki? Why are you wearing it? I mean, it looks good on you. You know I love it when you wear my clothes."
Loki turned his head to look at him again and flashed him a shy smile. "I… It smells of you, and it comforts me when you're gone," he finally answered, and Tony might just melt because of the answer. "It's not like it is with the other shirts. I only put it on when you're gone and… and you weren't supposed to know, because if you do, you won't continue wearing it, as it is 'legally mine now', as you told me. You stopped wearing all the other shirts I started wearing, and I don't want that to happen with this one. It still smells of you and it comforts me and I need that because I worry so much when you leave to do your hero thing, and I'm scared you won't return or that you get hurt badly, and that just… it upsets me, but I can't stop thinking like that, no matter what I try, and I just–"
Loki gasped surprised when Tony, without any kind of warning whatsoever, cut off his rambling by pressing his still of coffee tasting, soft lips on Loki's, claiming them in a passionate and loving kiss. Loki moaned and closed his eyes, burying a hand in Tony's thick hair (so fluffy!), while Tony moved his hands from Loki's face to his waist and brought their bodies together, so that there was no space left between them.
In Loki's opinion, Tony ended the kiss way too soon. Loki kept his eyes closed, his hands dropped to his sides.
There was a peck on his cheek, and then Tony said, "I love you, Cupid."
Loki rolled his eyes behind his eyelids but smiled nonetheless. He felt Tony wrap his arms around his waist and finally opened his eyes, Tony smiled at him warmly and lovingly.
"I will keep on wearing it if that's what you want," he said and Loki blushed again, which only made Tony smile more and kiss his temple. "I think it's incredibly sweet that it comforts you and I wouldn't want to take that away from you."
Loki smiled and leaned into Tony's embrace.
"Keep the size though," Tony remarked. "Oversized sweaters and hoodies are amazing."
"You don't own any hoodies," Loki pointed out.
Tony gasped. "Then I need to change that!" Loki chuckled. "Or better yet," Tony continued, "we get you a hoodie, and then I get to wear your clothes finally."
Loki laughed. "Our clothes."
"Yeah, exactly, our clothes. Our sweaters and hoodies and T-shirts."
"My leather armor though."
"Yeah, I wouldn't look good in that anyway."
"Oh, I don't know. I think leather would look rather… ravishing on you." Loki smirked and actually had the audacity to lick his lips– his soft, tasty, very tempting, very inviting looking lips!
Tony stared at him and then grinned. "Only one way to find out, I suppose."
"Right you are, love."
Loki took Tony by the hand and went to the bedroom to prove his theory about Tony looking good in leather. (Spoiler alert: he does!)
If they weren't seen or heard of for the remainder of the day, what about it?
If Tony didn't show up for the debrief with Fury, what about it?
If Steve walked in on them having fun because he was upset Tony missed the debrief and didn't answer calls, and also because JARVIS refused to give any information on him, then what about it? The consequential trauma that followed seeing Tony and Loki naked and in the middle of some quite kinky 'fonduing' was entirely on him, okay.
The next day, Tony had JARVIS order an oversized, even for Loki a little, green hoodie with a reindeer on it, which Loki accepted happily and wore proudly. And when it was Tony's turn to wear the hoodie, he chose to smack Steve with the sleeves whenever he inevitably annoyed him, much to the delight of literally everyone around, especially Loki, because he thought that was an excellent choice of non-lethal, not-especially-harmful weapon, and also because he thought Steve deserved to be smacked in the face with hoodie sleeves.
Meanwhile, even though they enjoyed watching Tony smack Steve in the face with sleeves, everyone else was convinced that Tony and Loki were actual five years olds, trapped in the bodies of grown men, one of which was supposed to be a thousand year old Norse God, and the other a genius inventor.
But what did it matter anyway? Tony and Loki were happy, and no one could deny that they deserved it, and it was also a wonderful sight to watch those two idiots be so incredibly in love with each other.
So if they annoyed the other Avengers with their antics sometimes, what about it? They were happy and that's what mattered in the end, alright.
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Like Father Like Daughter (1/?)
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Paring: Tony x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Your nice day off ends up getting flipped and fucked quickly when a new foe declares they want to take earth
Warning: Swearing, Infinity War feel (kinda sorta)
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: Again, this is my first multi-chapter fic. Again sorry if my summary sucks. I really hope you all like it. I got good reviews and stuff on the teaser so I’m hoping you’ll like this too. I’m not too fond of this title so if you have any suggestions for a new title please don’t be afraid to tell me.
Please let me know if you want to get tagged in anything. Enjoy! LFLD Masterlist ⌐ Masterlist
It was a pretty uneventful day thus far. Nothing out of the ordinary. Your dad and Pepper went for a small run, Happy hot on their tale saying something about safety and security. It was your day off so currently, you sat undisturbed watching reruns of Friends on the sofa of the common room wearing very a comfortable set clothes consisting of joggers and a long sleeve shirt with a bowl of popcorn and m&m’s. Well, that is until an orange portal appeared out of nowhere and a tall man with a red cape steps out calling you by name. 
“(Y/N) Stark. I’m Doctor Stephen Strange, and I need you to come with me please.” He gives a soft yet pointed look.
“Well this can’t be any good now can it?” You sarcastically ask. “Lemme go change and grab something real quick.” You left without giving the doctor a chance to speak. You always did carry your father’s charming traits. 
Walking back, you were wearing black jeans, the black sabbath shirt you stole from your dad, a black sweater, which you also stole from your dad, and all black converse. The blue light from the nano-tech arc reactor you both made, shining bright on your chest. 
“Alrighty, I’m ready” You threw your hands up in a ta-da like motion. The Doctor sighed and stepped through the portal, beckoning you to follow him. Stepping through, you found yourself in some sort of sanctuary. You looked around in awe. Eyes darting everywhere, trying to take in all the details at once. You turned your attention to the large rails and stairs, until you spotted a giant hole in the center of it. You opened your mouth to question it but another voice behind you beat you to talking.
“(N/N) is that you?” It couldn’t be. After two years of searching and not finding anything, it just  seems impossible. But then again, that hole is big enough to fit the Hulk. You took a deep breath and turned around. There in the flesh was Dr. Bruce Banner, and you couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Uncle Bruce?” You choked out, getting overwhelmed by emotions. Tears pricking your eyes, you gave him a once over. He was wearing black pants, a black shirt, and a torn up blazer/coat. You walked up to him and looked into his eyes. The warm soft brown eyes you once knew, were now dimmed and haunted.  Without warning you threw your arms around his neck. Instantly he reacted and wrapped his arms around you, returning the hug.
“I missed you,” you managed to let out, “So much has happened in the two years you’ve been gone.” Slowly you retracted your arms, still in some shock that he was actually here. Doctor Strange walked up to the both of you.
“I apologize for interrupting but we are on a very strict schedule.” He takes a few steps back and starts making orange things with his hands. Another man in a red robe walks up to you and extends his hand.
“Wong,” you shook his hand, “(Y/N).” You gave a small smile. “Now what exactly am I doing here?” He didn’t answer your question, but pointed to Strange who made another portal. “Holy shit,” you breathed out.
“We just need one more person before we can explain,” Strange pointed to the portal. He stepped through, you cast a glance to Bruce and Wong before curiously stepping just a little closer to the portal. 
“…..Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.” Is what you heard Strange say from your position. 
“I’m sorry, you giving out tickets or something?” You heard your dad respond.
“Is that Tony?” Bruce asked walking up to you. 
“Yeah, think so.” 
“We need your help. Look, it’s not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.” Strange may have sounded serious, but you heard the desperateness in tone.
“Are we walking in? Or do we stay here?” Bruce asked you. You just shrugged.
“And who’s ‘we’?“ You heard you dad ask. You looked to Bruce and gestured to the portal. Both of you stepped through the portal simultaneously. Tony sees you and Bruce step through the portal, giving you a look of shock disbelief. 
“Hey, Tony.” Bruce gave an awkward small wave.
“Bruce,” Your father looked at Bruce incredulously. You turned to Strange, giving them a moment to reconcile. With a heavy sigh you turned and looked up at the doctor.
“How bad is it?” You bit your bottom lip. A bad habit you picked up after Sokovia. Strange looks at the ground a moment before looking back at you.
“Extremely bad and very worrisome.” He turned around and walked back inside the portal. Well that certainly helps. You roll your eyes, spotting Bruce and your dad following after him. You go to step through but someone grabs your arm before you even bring your foot over the orange circle.
“I need you to promise me you’ll try and stay safe,” your eyes lock on with Pepper’s. Worry built in them. 
“I’ll try my best mom. And yes, I’ll keep an eye on dad too,” smiling and giving her a kiss on the cheek you step through the portal. You turn around and wave goodbye right as it was closing. Sighing, you walk and stand right next to your dad.
“Watching TV wasn’t enough for you?” He smirked at you.
“Nah. Avenging sounded way better than just sitting on a comfy sofa with comfy clothes and nice bag of treats,” you chuckled eyeing Stephen. He just shook his head at the two of you. 
“Let’s get started,” Wong started moving his hands, orange sparks and stuff form, using his magic to show the universe and the infinity stones. “From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom! The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.” You stared in awe at the presentation in front of you.
“Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind.” Strange started naming them. He made a gesture with his hands opening the necklace he had. “And time.” The green stone shown before he put his hands down, the necklace closing in the process. You look at Bruce and then to Tony. Clenching your jaw in thought.
“Tell me his name again,” your dad said, walking towards some sculpture thing. You may be a genius but art was never really in your area of expertise.
“Thanos. He’s a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York. That’s him.” Your head whipped to look at Bruce. Your mouth opening slightly, eyes blinking rapidly, and your breath hitching. It’d made sense. You ran a hand through your hair and sighed. Well this is going to be one very interesting mission.
Tags:  @agentpeggybarnes @katbtracy @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @theladyoffangorn @ilovetomatoes3000 @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @writing-for-hours-on-end @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @dianadov @rinthehufflepuff @seasaurusrrex @imma-new-soul @sebbbystaaan @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo​ @blaizeannyt​ @mushyjellybeans​ @honeyvbarnes​
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nessamaurice · 4 years
Simple Ch. 2 (Loki x F!Reader)
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Summary: Tony and the Avengers are in desperate need of something like a “babysitter” to have an eye on Loki and teach him “how to human”. He decided to stay on Midgard over the dungeons of Asgard as punishment for his deeds in New York. That’s where you swoop in. A simple receptionist at the Avengers compound. You have to share an apartment in the compound with Loki and damn, he’s a really tough nut. With your open and kind character it seems that you are slowly cracking his shell. But suddenly things are getting twists that will change your life and your relationships there irreversibly.
Story rating: M
Chapter trigger warnings: n/a
Words: 2492
Your head just did not keep quiet.
Oh my god, what have I done. I don't want to be kicked. I really like my job. Don't fire me, oh lord have mercy with my poor soul.
Your mind went on and on while you followed the famous Hawkeye through corridors of the compound you never saw before. You stepped into a lift and the doors closed. You noticed that he did not push any button but the elevator started to move anyway. You glanced over to him and caught your own reflection in the mirror of the lift wall. Embarrassed you shut your mouth that was still open. You stared at your shoes (which were pretty dirty as you just noticed) and you wished so much you would not be wearing your favorite Star Wars shirt under your cardigan right now (the combination looked really good and the cardigan hid your nerdiness) as the heat in your cheeks did not stop rising.
"You don't have to be nervous."
You audibly gasped as Clint Barton pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked at him from the corner of your eye and saw him smirking. You wished you could bang your head against the wall.
He leant a little over to you and lowered his voice. "You are not in trouble. We just have an offer for you." He leant back again. "But Tony wants to present it to you himself. Typical." He rolled his eyes really hard. He noticed that you had turned your head to him and you must have looked a bit puzzled `cause he said "Well, if you knew Tony you'd understand what I mean."
"Oh, I know." You said out of a reflex and immediately pressed your lips together in regret.
Now he turned his head to you, asking you with his eyes.
"I, uhm, I know him from the TV in interviews and sometimes he crosses the entrance hall, followed by several persons most of the time and, uhm, well, he has a loud voice so it's not hard to hear what he says and how he says it and... uh" You paused to find the right words to say what you were thinking without giving them a reason to fire you now, "I think he likes to set the tone." You smiled a bit as you compared your thoughts with your words and were proud of yourself. Quickly you added "And of course he has every right to do so, he's a genius and deserves every attention he gets."
After a very, very long second of silence, all Hawkeye did was let out a little snorty laugh.
Shortly after the lift stopped. Just before the doors opened, Clint Barton patted you a bit roughly on your back, which made you stumble a small step forwards, and said "Don't worry, you'll do great."
He stepped outside and you just followed him. Eventually he stopped, opened a door, held it open for you and waited for you to get in first. You took a deep breath and went inside.
In the meeting room was a long table with several chairs around it. The left side of the room was just one giant window. In the other corner of the room stood a man in jeans and a dark t-shirt (which turned out to be a Black Sabbath tour shirt) looking out of the window. As you entered, he turned around.
"Ah, you got to be Miss Y/N" he almost sang as he crossed the room quickly to get to you, stretching out his hand. You stared a moment too long at the hand, now being in front of you, before you grabbed and shook it.
"Uhm, yeah, hello Mr. Stark. What an honor to meet you." You stammered while smiling a bit helplessly.
"Oh, let's keep it casual if you don't mind. Tony." He grinned right into your face which just worsened your blushing. You assumed you just reached level tomato red. A very short moment his facial expression shifted just a little bit. He focused on your face, seemed to search certain features. Just as if he knew you from somewhere. But that lasted just like two seconds before he returned to his childish grin.
"Sure!" You cleared your throat; that came out a bit too enthusiastic, "Sure. A pleasure. Oh and of course, it's just Y/N to you."
"Alright! Sit down please."
He gestured you to one of the chairs. While you sat down he pulled a small plastic bag out of nowhere and offered it to you.
You couldn't help but smile and grabbed some, thankful to have something to do with your hands besides fumbling on your clothes.
"Okay. Barton?"
He simply nodded, waved someone to come in and joined you on the chair next to you. You simply smiled at him, chewing on your cashews as you heard the door closing and looked to the entrance again. You literally almost choked on the kernels as you gasped "Whoa fuck!" Right there in front of you stood no one less than Thor himself. You pressed your hand on your mouth to stop you from saying more swearing and spitting the food around.
The broadest of smiles in his face, he just said "Mylady.", leaning slightly forwards into a little bow.
You silently watched him getting closer to you with just a few steps. He took your hand and placed a decent kiss on its back.
Staring at him in all his armour, surrounded by some strange sort of glory, you swallowed hard.
"Hello! Uhm, Thor, I guess?" You smiled nervously. You noticed all the smirking from the other two men.
"You guess right. Your name is Lady Y/N, right?"
"Just Y/N, yes, thank you."
"Okay!" Tony said while clapping in his hands. "Everybody's here. So, Y/N, let me explain what's going on here. Thor, sit down please, otherwise she will just keep staring at your shiny hair." Your brain took a second to process what you were hearing and immediately turned your attention to Tony.
"Fine. Y/N, I am sorry to say that, but over the last month we observed some of our employees without informing them and one of them was you."
"I knew it!" you whispered to yourself, a bit too loud. "I'm sorry. It's okay, I don't mind."
Tony grinned a moment before he continued. "You noticed that, very good. No one else did. I'm honest, you are not our first choice for this job."
"She was mine." Clint interrupted. Tony's answer was just a dark glare before he continued.
"We tried it out with two other employees but none of them could handle the task, they gave up after a few days. I have to admit, this job is not easy. But on the other hand, it is pretty easy. First of all, I have to ask you a serious question and you have to answer it absolutely honestly. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir. Tony. Sorry."
Ignoring your stuttering he sat down on the table right next to you. His gaze turned a bit darker, steadily focusing on your face.
"Is there anything special about you? ... Not like you are not unique and this stuff", he added as you furrowed your brows on that strange question. "I mean, do you have any gifts? Super specialized knowledge we couldn't find out during observation?"
"Oooh" you let out in understanding, "Like telekinesis and stuff? Or a secret PhD in astrophysics? Noo, no, clearly not. I'm totally normal. I'm just a secretary. The only talent I have is that I can draw, well, not that bad."
"She's a very skilled artist" Clint suddenly corrected you. "But that is not important for the mission. No danger here."
"Great! Do you have any responsibilities that bind you to any person? Or maybe a pet?"
A bit confused you said, "Uhm, no..? I'm single and all I have is a salt water aquarium. I don't have any relatives to maybe look after, neither. If that is what you meant. I don't have any relatives at all. ... My family died early and I since had no other relatives to take care of me, a friend of my mother adopted me. But she died some years ago so... yeah. Just me." You added in explanation and stopped your own rambling.
Tony glanced quickly over to Clint who nodded sharply.
"Fish tank, okay that's no problem. In that case, I hand the word over to our big blonde one." Tony said pointing with his open hand at Thor.
"Thank you. Mylady, you surely know of the attack of the Chitauri lately. And I am sure you know that my brother Loki was in account of that. I took him back to our homeworld, Asgard, to obtain justice for all he did. He was offered two choices; to spend the rest of his days in our dungeon as a prisoner or to leave Asgard forever and stay on Midgard. If he would choose the second option, as soon as he would do any harm to Midgard or its people, he would be sentenced to death. At first, he wanted to stay on Asgard. But that... it did not work very well for him. He became more and more miserable, so I convinced him to take the other option. I was able to win our father over to put up that option again and now he is here. But after all he did, it is hard to trust him, especially now at the beginning. So Stark was so noble to offer my brother to stay here. We all got missions to look after, we cannot watch him all the time. So we decided to introduce him to someone to get him used to a life on Midgard."
"Okay, ehm, wow", you started after some awful long moments of processing, words failing you, "But, when I'm allowed to ask, why no SHIELD agent? I guess he's kinda... dangerous? How can you be sure he won't try to trick or kill me?"
"That's simple", Tony said, "because you are just a normal person. Sorry, no insult", he added lukewarm, "Therefore you are of no use for him.” He paused for a second, tilting his head. “I'm... I'm sorry, do we know us from somewhere? I can't shake off the feeling we already met."
"I don't think so? Oh, I'm working here down at the reception, maybe that's why I seem familiar. You never spoke to me but you often cross the entrance hall and I sit there all day. Well, most of the time I'm hiding behind the desk. Not that I want to hide, it's just because I'm in charge of the emails most of the time so my attention is to the screen. Uhm, yeah." You grew so hot you wished you could take of that cardigan without revealing your geek.
"Ah yeah. That'll be it. Are you okay? You look like you would faint."
"What? Oh, no, sorry, it's just a little hot", you held your ice cold hands to your cheeks, "I've never fainted once in my life. Everything's fine."
Tony kept staring at you for just a moment longer before jumping off the desk and turning to the coffee machine next to the door.
"Alright! Any questions?"
Unwieldy you took off your cardigan finally and try to hide the broad STAR WARS writing on it with your arms without looking totally awkward. You failed.
"Uhm, yeah. What exactly do I have to with him? Entertain him? Show him our world?"
With a steaming mug in his hand he turned around again and stared at your shirt for a second before answering.
"Love that shirt. First of all, try not to kill him. That could be the hardest part."
"How does it all work?"
"You will have to move in here. We have something like a little flat. We all live here. And with 'we all' I mean the avengers. Everyone has their own space, but we have a common room with a kitchen and stuff. We're like a big, crazy patchwork family." He grinned quickly before taking a big sip from his mug.
"Oh. Wow. Okay. That's a big move. What happens to my stuff? How long will all this take? Will you fire me completely when I mess this up or can I return to my reception desk when I can't do this? What if the others of you don't like me? What if I'm totally useless for you? How can I be sure your brother, what was his name? Loki? Right. How can I be sure Loki won't kill me?"
"You can take as much stuff with you as you want, we have space enough. We don't know how long it will take, probably several months the least. No, of course not, if you want to quit this you can get back to your emails. Don't worry about the others, when we can handle each other we are able to get along with a regular person. No matter how this will turn out, we will have advantage from learning so there is no chance for being useless. He got a little receiver injected under his skin and you will get a bracelet with an emergency button. If you feel threatened, press it once, we will get notified and be there within a minute. If you are in complete distress, keep it pressed for at least 3 seconds and Loki will get... a little electronic tickle. In that case, we also get notified but he won't be able to move for a few minutes. I know, that sounds fun, but just use this in case of emergency."
While processing what you heard you realized you relaxed completely. Resting the ankle of one foot on the knee of the other, you sprawled out on the chair, eating the cashews from your hand. You immediately snapped back to attention, not wanting to be taken as disrespectful.
"Relax Y/N. Don't act like I'm the president. I'm just a normal man. With a genius mind and unbelievable abilities, but - just a man."
You caught Clint next to you rolling his eyes, facepalming.
"So, what do you say? Interested? Oh, and of course you will get paid for your service. Catering and all essentials you need are on me. Don't worry about that. And we have room for your fishies."
"Ehm, well, it sounds really exciting. And since nothing ever happens to me, I'm seduced to say yes right away. But,", you held up one finger, "I would like to meet Loki first. Oh, and I want to know why the other two quit."
"We can arrange that. And they quit because he pissed them off too much. No life threat, he can just be a little pain in the ass. Uhm, do you want to meet him now?"
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Loki and the Witchling
TITLE: Loki and the Witchling 
AUTHOR: nekoamamori
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a healer working with the Avengers when Loki comes to join the team
RATING: T (so far) 
NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 click here
     You heard noises in the hall while you were laying on your bed in your room pretending to read a book much later that night. “This is a terrible idea Thor!” Tony yelled as you crept to your bedroom door to listen. “There are at least fifty bedrooms in this place and you decide the war criminal should live across the hall from the kid?”
    “It is the best place,” Thor protested.
    “Tony, Thor does know Loki best. I’m sure he has a reason for his decision,” Cap said logically.
    “Fine, but if he hurts her, it’s on your head!” Tony stormed off, probably to go complain to Pepper.
    “Brother, try to be kind to Lady Y/N. She is a lot like you. I think you could both use a friend. She has been hurt too, for all she tries to hide it from the rest of us.” You rolled your eyes at that. Stupid overprotective Thor. He had decided he was your older brother too sometime during the last six months. Or maybe he had decided it the day he had rescued you.
    You went to the small bookshelf in your room and looked over the books you had collected there. Most of your life could still fit in one small suitcase. The habit wasn’t broken after only six months, and these books had been constant companions for years. You pulled the most ragged and well-worn of the collection and went back to your door to listen. The voices had gone. You still had to be careful, though and cracked the door open. There was no one in the hallway, so you padded across the hall and knocked on Loki’s bedroom door politely. You realized after you had knocked that you had decided to go greet a strange man in your pajamas and swore to yourself never to let Cap, or Tony, or really any of them find out. At least your pajamas were a Black Sabbath t-shirt that Tony was still trying to figure out where it had disappeared off to, and a pair of pajama pants stolen from Clint’s laundry, so it wasn’t like you were indecent. Most of your clothes were handmedowns anyway, so what if you had stolen more from your new housemates? Tony and more importantly Pepper hadn’t figured it out yet that your clothes were all handmedowns. They’d both have an aneurysm if they knew.
    “Go away Thor!” Loki growled from inside.
    “I’m sorry. I should’ve known you didn’t want company tonight. I’ll just leave this here for you,” you called through the closed door. You set the book carefully on the ground in front of the door and headed back to your own room.
    The door opened behind you before you made it back to your room. Loki was standing there in pajama pants and a plain t-shirt. It didn’t look like his usual attire. The chains were gone at least, though he was wearing a piece of Stark tech on his wrist where one of the manacles had been. “Lady Y/N,” he greeted you, a little stiffly, a little wary.
    You gave him a bright smile. “Thor mentioned that you like to read.” Thor talked about Loki all the time. “I know these rooms are pretty bare, so I thought you might like some entertainment,” You’d been here six months and your room was still only slightly more decorated than the day you’d moved in. Nat and Pepper hadn’t seen it, or you had the feeling they would protest.
    “Why are you being kind to me? The others will barely even look at me,” Loki asked, still wary. He seemed so scared of rejection. You’d seen this bruised expression in the other foster kids before. You knew how to deal with it. You were too much of a healer and a gentle heart not to have learned how to soothe the others, even if your powers couldn’t help yourself. Your smile didn’t falter.
    “Thor says you’ve changed. I’ve seen no evidence to prove him wrong. Everyone deserves a second chance. And if half the stories he told me about you are remotely true, it is way better to have you as an ally in mischief,” you grinned at him, the last piece of your little speech teasing. He offered a small smile in return. You went over to him and picked the book off of the floor to hand to him. “You do like to read, right?” you asked him, offering the book.
    He inclined his head. “I do.” He looked over the book quizzically.
    “I thought you might like this one. It’s the story of a young sorcerer. Sorry it’s a bit battered. I’ve had it forever and I’ve kinda lost count how many times I’ve read it,”
    “It must be an excellent tale indeed,” he commented, seeming genuinely interested now.
    You felt that you had worn your welcome annoying the newcomer. “I should get some sleep. As you’ve heard, I have an early day of hell with Nat in the morning. Goodnight, Loki,” you bid him with a wave and made your way back to your own room before he could get annoyed by your presence.
    “Goodnight, witchling.” You heard his reply, noting the odd pet name, but didn’t dare turn back around. It really wouldn’t do to annoy him. If Thor was to be believed, Loki was quite troublesome when he was annoyed or bored.
    When your alarm went off the next morning, you dressed in the workout clothes you’d stolen from Nat’s closet. At least you were roughly the same size so the black sweatpants and sports bra fit you well. On a hunch, you grabbed the next book in the series you had lent Loki before you left your room to grab a quick breakfast before hell with Nat.
    It was early on a Sunday morning, everyone usually slept in. Besides Nat, anyway, since it seemed she never slept. Occasionally, Tony was up, but that was only until he growled something and went to bed, having stayed up all night working on something in his lab.
    Your hunch was right, you quickly realized, when you saw Loki sitting on your favorite couch in the livingroom. He was almost done with the first book. “How’s the book?” you asked him as you stepped off the elevator. You set the next book in the series on the end table beside him. He looked up and offered you a tentative smile.
    “It is a very interesting tale, though I do question the wisdom of filling a castle with children learning magic with so minimal supervision,”
    “And hiding the Philosopher’s Stone in said castle?” you laughed, making your way through the livingroom to the kitchen and seeing what you could scavenge for a quick breakfast. “If your idiot brother doesn’t stop eating all of my pop tarts…” you grumbled, throwing another empty box away. You could hear Loki laugh from the other room. “Jarvis, can you order more pop tarts for me?” You had come to like Jarvis. He was quite handy to have around.
    “Yes, Miss,” Jarvis’ voice answered. You glanced down at your phone, a crazy fancy piece of Stark tech, and realized you were running out of time. Granola bar it was. You downed the granola bar, threw away the wrapper, and headed back to the elevator.
    “Enjoy the book!” you called to Loki as you walked past. He looked up from his book and gave a real smile.
    “Thank you, witchling,” he replied. You were going to make him tell you later why he had decided to call you that. You didn’t mind.  It didn’t seem malicious. You were mostly just curious.  For now though, you were running late to meet Nat
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ifearnogod · 6 years
Loki’s (Pepper’s) Makeup
“Hey although I shouldn’t be the one saying this, I’m gonna be late.”
Tony says, flicking his finger and hologram phone screen away; shoving his hand in his pants pocket. Loki appears into the communal living room, black jeans matching with Thor (while a forest green button up shirt contrasts Thor’s white shirt and denim jacket) twisting his hand around and making his hair slick back.
“Brother, why must you flaunt your magic, you’ve already refused to teach me.” Thor says loudly, Loki smirks at him.
“Where is Ms. Potts, she’s never one for lateness.” Loki states, adjusting his collar and making a watch appear on his thin wrist, Clint grins when Tony spots the copy of his watch on the trickster’s wrist and jerks his hand back out to snatch it only for the watch to disappear and Loki to smile innocently.
“She’s going out with her friends for her Outing Trip this week, and she wants to look nice.” Natasha says plainly, her dress looking very pretty in preparation for watching the ballet performance in the afternoon for her Outing Trip with Clint.
“And tell Rhodes I said hello when you see him.” Tony nods and grins at Natasha, knowing that Rhodey would roll his eyes and prompt him to tell her “hi” back, dressed casually in jeans and a faded Black Sabbath shirt and large sunglasses that cover his eyes hanging from his collar, planning on going to catch a sci-fi movie with him (more like horrifically mock the technicalities of it until he gets them kicked out of the theater with Rhodey laughing hysterically  next to him the whole time) after brunch with the team plus Loki and Bucky.
“Ah, could you tell the colonel hello too?” Tony smirks at that, knowing Steve wants to impress his best friend, Bucky rolls his eyes. He grins a sure.
“Sorry for being late! Let’s just get in the car and I’ll put makeup on then.” Pepper announces breezily, shoving a soft clutch in her jacket pocket. Loki looks down at her stuffed pocket, hands twitching.
“Where are you going with your friends?” Bruce asks curiously, fidgeting with the the brim of the hat he’s holding (to hide from any science fans at the museum he’s checking out.)
“Yes, where?” Thor’s voice rings in the larger than normal but still cramped elevator, Loki elbows his side- Thor catching his arm before he could touch him.
“To have fun.” She whispers cryptically and smiling at Steve when he makes an alarmed noise, Tony laughs.
“Captain Righteous is going to to be distracted from baseball if you don’t tell him what you’re going to be doing. Then again I never did and I ended up fine, even more than fine and Rhodey always joined me- Bucky, keep on eye on him to make sure he doesn’t wander off in the middle of the game.”
Tony said, nudging his shoulder and making him laugh at Steve.
Happy pulls up into the sun lit streets and she pulls out her clutch and removes her sunglasses, placing them on her blouse collar. Clint and Natasha smirk at the boys who are staring silently at her, although Natasha sends Clint A Look once she sees Loki’s jealous twist of his lips. She sits silently, eye closed as she did her eyeliner then her mouth slightly open for mascara. She finishes with liquid highlighter, lipstick and a smile in her compact to seal everything together. The boys (minus Loki) are shaken from their trance, arriving at their designated brunch cafe.
And afterwards, once lipstick is reapplied, they part ways.
Clint and Natasha share a look again at the same expression on Loki’s face as he trails after his brother to go sightseeing.
“3 Outings for her to notice and take action.” Clint raises his eyebrow in response.
“Okay then I bet 5 Outings. Winner gets the usual?” She takes his arm and wraps it around hers.
They were both wrong. And nowhere close.
It was early in the morning when Loki gets back. Thor left hours before to rest while he stayed behind and browsed through various makeup and clothing stores around the city. He sighs, it was a pity the times had changed and although it’s better than the Captain’s time, men no longer could wear colored pigment casually. He steps out of the main elevator and stills.
“I still have some SI work left to finish, so let’s do this fast.” Pepper sits in the center of the couch, silhouetted by the New York City lights still bright a few hours before dawn.
“Sit down, let me show you how it’s done in 2018.”
Part. 2 of the Pepper Says Fuck Gendering Objects series 
Part. 1: Pepper’s (Mens) Deodorant
catch me on Ao3 as: so_she_smiled_at_me !
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