#yibo went to the wild!!!!!
accio-victuuri · 4 months
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wang yibo - wild aid weibo update
At the end of 2023, in order to shoot a documentary, we went out into the wild. In that week, it can be said that I experienced "nine-nine and eighty-one difficulties." If you want to know what we have gone through, click on the article to read it! In addition to Yebao(s), there is also an important public welfare ambassador for Wild Rescue. Can you guess who he is? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. 💡Tip: He is a character who can ride a motorcycle up the mountain by himself~
Preview: He will send New Year blessings to everyone at 12:00 noon on February 9th . Follow WildAid on WeChat and Weibo and have a front row seat.
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zhansww · 7 months
I had this wild dream that Yibo won his Golden Rooster award and went ahead and thanked his husband in his acceptance speech. And everything was fine afterwards, too, as in they didn't lose their careers. It was a nice dream >.<
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jowi8597 · 4 months
9/02/2024 Yibo Official Weibo update 🏮
Not long ago, Wang Yibo went on a field mission as a public welfare ambassador for Wild Aid.
More surprises, let’s look forward to the eighth day of the Lunar New Year! Happy New Year to everyone!
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hunxi-guilai · 3 years
You mentioned in a previous ask about the line between romantic and platonic, or whether it's a false dichotomy. I've actually been wondering/maybe obsessing about this #theasexuallife and was wondering if you had any recommended reading on that? Also obligatory Untamed question, what do you think of the scene where LWJ puts down his umbrella and puts his face to the rain? ~A long time lurker who only discovered CQL from looking up Classical Chinese on tumblr and loving your blog that much
(that is such a chaotic-academic way of getting into CQL and you are so valid for it, anon)
A gifset went by not too long ago, beneath which I tried (and mostly failed) to get my thoughts and feelings about various umbrella scenes in CQL out in words. The thing is, from a production standpoint, rain scenes are more work-intensive for logistical reasons (rain towers, rain curtains, controlling levels of costume/wig dryness, water-proofing cameras and camera equipment, make-up reapplication between takes, etc), so I’m generally inclined to read the setting of particular scenes in the rain as deliberately significant from a symbolic/narrative perspective since the directors went to such trouble to get a rain scene in the first place.
A list of rain scenes off the top of my head in the show: 
the aftermath of the fall of Lotus Pier
Wei Wuxian buying food / Jiang Cheng’s capture
Wen liberation at Qiongqi Dao, closely followed by
wangxian parting at Qiongqi Dao
wangxian flight from Jinlintai
Guanyin Temple
I don’t think I can offer a Single Coherent Rain Theory, but here’s a wild stab at a Unifying Umbrella Theory:
I’ve seen interviews with the CQL cast members that reference the Qiongqi Dao rain scene--apparently, Xiao Zhan, Meng Ziyi, and Yu Bin all spent the previous day being soaked and miserable, and when Wang Yibo was due to show up the next day, they were all excited (Wang Yibo included) for him to come share the sogginess. 
And then the next day, the directors looked at each other and agreed that “the character of Lan Wangji couldn’t get wet,” which is how we get that lovely shot of Lan Wangji carrying a positively luminous umbrella. 
(Xiao Zhan, reportedly, was not amused)
Lan Wangji, as a character, is one that exists slightly above and beyond all the others--he has an otherworldly quality, a superhuman aura, an untouchable presence. He walks through battlefields wearing white and remains unstained. His sword is named for his virtue: 避尘 Bichen, “to avoid worldly dust.”
And then there’s the confrontation at Qiongqi Dao, and at the end of it, after Wei Wuxian has already gone, Lan Wangji lets the umbrella fall from his fingertips and turns his face up to the rain.
In Wen Qing’s character song, we see the usage of 风雨 fengyu / “wind and rain” as a figurative reference to the worldly conflicts of the show; to a certain extent, rain can take on a similar metaphorical valence as 尘 chen / “dust,” which accumulates on people as they become more and more tangled in human affairs. As a result, Lan Wangji deliberately setting aside the umbrella, letting himself become soaked by the rain, becomes a wordless statement, a symbolic manifesto.
(If Wei Ying will be drenched by the rain, then he will too--)
When Jiang Cheng tears through the doors of Guanyin Temple in episode 47, we get this absolutely stunning shot:
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This umbrella is the one that most closely evokes the one Lan Wangji carries in episode 27--it has the same white-paper, ink-splash aesthetic except this time, there is blood running in streaks and dribbles down its formerly-unstained surface. 
And Jiang Cheng ignores it. Jiang Cheng walks through the rain, letting it soak into his fine robes.
Because what is an umbrella? An accessory, a tool--most importantly, I should think, it is a shield. A buffer, a barrier between yourself and the rain, between the conflicts and worldly dust of a petty mortal world and the spiritual self, capable of impartiality and transcendence.
And Jiang Cheng has been mired in this vicious, bloody world since the fall of Lotus Pier over sixteen years ago. Jiang Cheng has no more need of an umbrella, of shielding--he waded into the dirty, gory mess of battlefields sixteen years ago and never emerged (there once was a war, and in many ways, Jiang Cheng is still fighting it). He has never had the luxury of remaining aloof, untouched, unstained; Jiang Cheng has had his hands full since he was nineteen and a new sect leader. With a sword in one hand and a whip in another, he doesn’t have the time or space for the luxury of an umbrella.
There is so much contrast and resonance between these two moments, calling back to each other across twenty episodes. Two of the most important people in Wei Wuxian’s life must cross through a storm to get to him. In episode 27, Lan Wangji doesn’t quite get there in time, and it’s not until episode 42 (fleeing Jinlintai, in the rain) that Lan Wangji gets to be as thoroughly soaked as Wei Wuxian is, that the two of them are truly in it together.
In episode 47, well, Jiang Cheng has always been there--from the three of them in episode 16, breaking the news of the fall of Lotus Pier to Jiang Yanli in the pouring rain, somewhere in a forgotten forest, to the reveal in episode 50 that it had been Jiang Cheng who had distracted those Wen soldiers all those years ago in the rain. Jiang Cheng has been there from the beginning, without umbrella or shield.
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baoshan-sanren · 3 years
Best dramas I’ve watched in 2020 so far (and some not so good ones) Part II
part 1 here
Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain - based on Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain by 国王陛下 (translation dropped at chapter 50 out of 884 back in 2017). A combination of satire/comedy with complex themes. The emotional investment sneaks up on you out of nowhere and hits you like a sack of bricks. An interesting twist on the master/disciple relationship. Meh on the special effects. Excellent female characters. Solid plot, endless fanfic potential, all the found family your heart desires. Much more gay than you’d think. Needs Season 2, but Season 1 can be watched over and over again. 9/10
Handsome Siblings - based on Twin Heroes by Gu Long. Feel good ending. A decent amount of angst. The most heartwarming drama I’ve watched all year. Funny and insightful and a joy to experience. Meh on the special effects. They don’t know they’re brothers. Plot drags only in a few places, and not for very long. A variety of female characters, but mediocre on their portrayals. A sect comprised of only female disciples - I would like to see it. Contains one of the three het couples whose happiness mattered to me in the entirety of 2020. An endless well of hilarity and angst. Can be watched over and over again. 8/10
Love and Redemption - based on The Glass Maiden by Shi Si Lang (translation ongoing). A wild ride from beginning to end. Intentionally and unintentionally funny. Gay subtext. Contains one of the three het couples whose happiness mattered to me in the entirety of 2020. A plethora of excellent and complex side characters. A feral bottom snake god. A merman who gets kidnapped once a week. Buckets of angst and frustration and misunderstandings. Gorgeous aesthetics. The male lead is tortured more often than all the other characters combined, but he looks hot while going through it. A+ for the sheer wildness of the plot, C- for all the misunderstandings; there has to be a limit somewhere. 7.5/10
The Rise of Phoenixes - based on The Rise of Phoenixes by 天下归元 (translation ongoing). Contains one of the three het couples whose happiness mattered to me in the entirety of 2020. If you judge the seriousness of the drama by the relative hotness of the Emperor, casting Ni DaHong should tell you everything you need to know. An abundance of court intrigue, suspense, and humor. Complex themes, steady plot progression, no scene time wasted. Costumes and set design out of this world. Smart and witty. The most thought provoking drama I’ve watched all year. Ni Ni is a goddamn goddess and should be worshipped daily. 10/10
Legend of Two Sisters In the Chaos - based on a novel I can’t seem to track down anywhere. Meng ZiYi must have some serious back pain from carrying all forty episodes on her shoulders. Interesting premise, shaky execution at best. Main het relationship did not excite, nor were the acting skills comparable; Meng ZiYi deserved better. Wang ZhuoCheng gives a decent performance. The drama does pack an emotional punch if you stick around long enough to get invested. Forty episodes long, but sometimes seemed twice that. Definitely entertaining, but not engaging. 6/10
The Wolf - also based on a novel I can’t track down. Too much romance, then angst, then romance. The dreaded love triangle. Dropped the drama three times, then went back because Xiao Zhan. Darren Wang gives decent performance, but does not have much to work with. Li Qin’s skills utterly wasted on this role. If you’re not invested in the love story, you’ll get bored. If you’re invested, you’ll be emotionally numb half-way through. Good fight scenes. Not so good special effects. 5/10 for the actors doing their best with what they had.
Dance of the Phoenix - based on Dragons Flies Phoenix Dances by 明月听风 (translation dropped at chapter 27 out fo 85 in May of 2020). Yu Mingye deserved better. Female main character + mostly female side characters. Excellent + complex villains, also female. Judging by the costumes + special effects, not much of a budget to work with. Cop-out in the last few episodes to neatly tie up the plot that was... not very intricate to begin with. Vastly entertaining but not that deep. Buckets of angst, but plenty of humor to ease the pain. Lan JingYi fights with a fan. Good fanfic potential. Godawful ending. 7/10 for the best villain I’ve encountered all year.
Legend of Fei - based on Bandits by Priest (translation ongoing). Zhao Liying slays. A variety of compelling female characters. Excellent fight choreography. Interesting premise, steadily progressing plot. Potential for many disaster bisexuals. May contain the fourth het romance I’m invested in this year, but it's still too early to tell. Wang Yibo in his element as Xie Yun, may even produce a better performance than his role in The Untamed. The drama is still only 7 episodes in, will give ranking when finished. ?/10
Looking forward to:
Immortality - based on danmei novel The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by 肉包不吃肉 starring Chen Feiyu and Luo Yunxi
Winner Is King - based on the danmei novel Sha Po Lang by Priest starring Tan Jianci and Chen Zheyuan
A Tale of The Wanderers - based on danmei novel Faraway Wanderers by Priest starring Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun
Douluo Continent - based on xuanhuan novel Soul Land by 唐家三少 starring Xiao Zhan and Wu Xuanyi 
Step By Step Lotus - based on historical novel Return to Ming Dynasty as Prince by 月关 starring Zhang Binbin and Luo Yunxi
Feng Qi Long Xi - based on historical novel of the same name by Ma Bo Yong starring Zhu Yilong and Deng Lun
Sword Snow Stride - based on the xuanhuan novel The Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade by 烽火戏诸侯 starring Zhang Ruoyun and Hu Jun
Heaven Official's Blessing - based on danmei novel of the same name by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - cast unknown
Thousand Autumns - based on danmei novel of the same name by Meng Xi Shi - cast unknown 
Joy Of Life Season 2 - based on wuxia novel of the same name by 猫腻 starring Zhang Ruoyun and Li Qin
A League of Nobleman - based on danmei novel The Society of Four Leaves by Da Feng Gua Guo starring Song Weilong and Jing Boran
Flying Phoenix - based on danmei novel of the same name by 風弄 starring Dai Jingyao and Shu Yaxin
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yibo-wang · 2 years
With the year ending, let's look back at what we did! What are your favorite creations you did or the ones you think deserve more love? Send this to 5 other creators to share the love
hi hello!! ahh let's see
mdzs x pokemon au (I'd been planning to make a crossover for a whole year and I finally got to do it!! this is very dear to me hehe )
words of endearment in urdu x the untamed (made this for the language fest. and it makes me really happy cause urdu is such a beautiful language and being able to combine that with wangxian <33)
light on me (ahh this took really long to make and I'd learned how to do the transition thingy for the first time lmao so k was pretty proud of how it turned out)
the untamed x atla (another au that's very dear to me but more importantly blood bender wei wuxian 🥵)
yibo's birthday set (I cant believe it was this year cause it feels like I made this ages ago lol)
the untamed + halloween creatures (the only reason this exists is cause I wanted vampire! wen qing)
ACE anniversary set (kinda went wild with the overlays but I like it)
Wei Wuxian + liking a character (this turned out really colourful and bubbly)
okay but ngl I didn't realise I made so many things this year lol (it's probably twice since last time)
tagging: @highwarlockkareena @bang-won @aheartfullofjolllly @gege @mrdumpling @yoursfeicheng @petekaos @nyx4 @suibianjie @lanwangiji @lan-xichens @rose-nebulijia @manhasetardis @yiling-recesses @yibocheeks @taeminie @billkinspp 💛 cant wait to see everyones <3
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ceyrann · 2 years
Ok so, idk if u've seen the posts abt BTS V accidentally following Jennie from Blackpink on Insta but its devastating
It was a damn accident but ofc the fans went crazy and harassed Jennie, making thousands of posts about her, calling her names and making stupid arguments abt her stealing V from the fans... It's so pathetic and disappointing and these kinda moments just make me hate humanity even more
And this entire fiasco reminded me of all the times when I would get major backlash from something i couldn't even control
So my question is, how would you act in such a scenario?! genuinely curious
I... knew that BTS members have their own private instagram accounts now but I didn’t know this happened. 
I feel that there's a lot to unpack here, and this situation reminds me of some other issue that happened in mainland China (There were some fics of Xiao Zhan and Wang YiBo on AO3 and some fans dislike a certain theme and they attacked and reported to the point AO3 is now banned in China lol).
These all are "fans of famous artists creating problem", and there’s no way around it. Kpop artists are heavily monitored by their management and fans and haters, which restricts their actions to the point it could definitely harm their mental health.
One thing I’m glad is that I am not some famous people and my actions aren’t being observed much. Which means, I can go wild.
I used to be very conscious about how others view me, and I have to remind myself that I don’t need everyone’s approval. There are only a handful of people who I care about, who I don’t wanna disappoint. And they usually support my decision. Sure, sometimes they would disagree, but they won’t be disappointed in me either way , and that gives me the courage to do whatever I want.
Including talking back to people (managers) who yelled/lectured me, scolding back to who attacked me, etc. I fight back. I don’t have a reputation to uphold, so why not go wild? 
Tbh this kinda situation is p normal in my current workplace where people who are not at fault are getting blamed, that’s why the turnover rate in my company is getting higher cuz people are unwilling to stay in such a toxic environment.
But Jennie has so many things on her plate, a reputation to uphold, focused by oh so many in this world. She had no choice other to step back and let the YG’s PR to deal with the rest. Hopefully that the PR is decent enough to do their responsibility, and her fans can defend her without starting another fanwar.
Fans. Sigh. Toxic fans everywhere.
I hope I answered your question! Also how are you? Are you doing alright? Have a great day/night/week wherever you are!
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China, Season 4, Episode 7
- The figures make a return!!! I love them, they are so cute.
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- Anyway, it’s cute that each of the teams have kind of a common room to chill. Helps with the team atmosphere, I think.
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- Yixing playing the flute/pipe that has a gourd at the top. I recall seeing a video where he’s played it before, so the production crew probably got it so that he could show off a bit.
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- The fact that Han Geng’s having a cooking class is just reaffirming my beliefs that Han Geng would be the best captain to have if I was a contestant. They have the most fun.
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- Yibo is so super serious though. While the other teams are chilling, he’s already thinking of his redemption plan. I’ll be honest, it feels....a little too tense. As a captain, I think he needs to take time for his team to relax and regroup.
- My boy Yixing recruited my boy MT-Pop T_T He gave him the Baymax to accompany when he’s feeling lonely because apparently MT-Pop said that he missed home often T_T Also Yixing was watching for MT-Pop’s expression except he was emotionless and Poppin’C was like no, don’t worry, he’s always like this XD I thought that Baymax suited MT-Pop too because he likes monsters so I think it’s not a reach to guess that he likes superheroes and comics and cool characters. Also, like Baymax, MT-Pop is also friend-shaped. Anyway, I wonder if he was feeling emotional here because he missed home ;_;
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- Yixing gave Momo the CUTEST cat lamp T_T
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- In the captain interview, Momo asked Yixing if his stomach was alright. I saw in some behind-the-scenes photos that Yixing had a bad stomach that day, so I guess that was why he was so disappointed with his performance. I’d initially thought it was his back problems (because he was shown getting some back massages/chiropractic stuff done to his waist in other behind-the-scenes footage), but I think the back/waist stuff is something that’s been going on for a longer time.
- Lmao Nelson being like “I know girls, they love that cute stuff” XD And he noted how Momo seemed more comfortable with Yixing. To be fair, he’s onto something, I am girl and I love cute stuff and dudes that make me smile. (Though in the end, Momo chose Yibo)
- I thought it was cute that Momo was talking through the wall to MT-Pop, asking if he’d already chosen his team. I love the friendships between the dancer contestants v.v
- Yixing gave copies of his Lit physical album to the Gogo Brothers...all of the fans who couldn’t get their hands on a copy are gonna be mad haha.
- Yixing’s team tried to surprise Gogo Brothers when they joined their team ^^;;
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- This is as wild as Yixing is going to go lol. He was waving the scarves being all “WOOHOO!!”
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- Yixing and Han Geng’s teams shouting for Bozi across however many rooms made me laugh XD Especially because Bozi is such a stoic dude.
- Yixing’s relief at having recruited Bozi. As we know, he doesn’t have much confidence in recruiting dancers.
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- When Bunta and Henry had their interview they were being all “HEYYY MY GUY!!!!” Very buddy-buddy. And then Henry to his team was like “I’ve never talked to Bunta.” The art of faking it gets you far.
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- For the contestants who get to choose between two or more captains, they get an extra blind box with a little doll in it. I wonder what that is. It’s so cute, I want one v.v (I love dolls)
- The rejection on Han Geng’s face XD Is this the first time he’s been outplayed?
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- In addition to getting everyone on his team to sign the card, Yixing also asked Rei from Gogo Brothers to come with him to recruit Bunta, and it worked in the end.
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- Yixing turning the party into a concert being like “MAKE SOME NOISE!!!”
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- Not gonna lie, the performances aren’t the best, probably because they’re just for funsies anyway. It doesn’t bother me that much though, at least they look like they’re having fun. As a wise man once said, fun must be always.
- OMG YES YIXING. He went full memery on this XD
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- There’s so much going on here. The song they danced to was a famous song by Xiaohudui (a Taiwanese boyband). When questioned about their choice of music, Yixing was like “yeah, we’re an international boyband!” We know Yixing is super serious so the fact that they did this cheesy stuff is supremely surprising but also SUPER AWESOME. The other captains were like “you were too serious!” but the reason why this worked was because they were serious tbh. As Psy once said, dress classy, dance cheesy. Anyway, I’m a fan. Look at how fabulous they are.
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- Yibo’s team danced to the Huluwa song. Look at Liangliang’s hair lol.
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- You can’t see this very well but Bouboo carried Yibo away in a fireman’s hold.
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- So this is how Han Geng’s gonna play it, huh
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- There’s just A LOT going on here
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- Henry getting lessons from Xiaoji on how to have swag (ft. Xiao Jie as the teaching assistant).
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- Yixing kept being like “ge, watch the expression!!”
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- You can tell who did and didn’t get their hair done just by looking at who is wearing the headphones properly. Also, I used to be super whatever about cat ear headphones, but now I am so down for them. I want a pair of cat ear headphones even though I never use headphones (prefer earphones).
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- Ok this is cute. Xiao Jie is trying to explain the passage to Bouboo in English, but Xiao Jie’s English is a bit limited. At this part he was trying to explain a watermelon to Bouboo and was like “it’s an apple but it’s bigger and it’s green.” Han Geng and Yibo are just having a ball. Look at how big Yibo is laughing? Boy never laughs like that.
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- Somehow Bouboo understood Xiao Jie’s English, and then Bouboo was like “your English is very Chinese” which prompted another round of laughs. He would know, he’s probably been around a lot of Chinese people trying to speak English to him.
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- Yo, Rochka’s Mandarin pronunciation is REALLY good. He’s really good at replicating the tones.
- Henry, San’er, and Rochka turned their final answer into a song XD
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- Yixing tried to game the system lol. Instead of reciting the whole passage, he picked the easiest words. It wasn’t totally perfect, but his method allowed the players to focus on key words instead of memorizing the small details and preposition words. Smartest catboi (y)
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- We already knew Henry was good at piano (I know he has at least RCM Level 10, probably has his ARCT too), but he’s also appropriately showy about it.
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- OMG ROCHKA SINGING 月亮代表我的心 (ft. Henry harmonizing)
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- Now Boris!
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- Of course this mf had to whip out the violin.
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- Okay so I kept seeing that clip of Yixing dancing to the sexy dance with Ibuki and Qiao Zhi and I had no idea what it was from. NOW I KNOW.
- Henry is SO MEAN he keeps bullying C-Lil and telling him that if he doesn’t do well he has to go home. STOP BULLYING HIM!!!
- The captains keep roping in team members to do the dances with them haha.
- Waiwai was saying how she’s never seen Bozi and Qiao Zhi smile while breaking and yet they look like they’re having a ball learning the sexy dance.
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- Yibo did some magic tricks. Something I’ve noticed is that Yibo is actually quite good at public speaking. He makes very few mistakes, barely uses any filler words. Anyway, his first magic trick didn’t quite work, but the rest of them did (y) 
- Han Geng performed a dance that he said he learned when he was very young. I remember when he was still doing stuff regularly with Super Junior, people would ask him to show off the ethnic dances that he’d studied. This performance was exactly that, plus some added shenaniganery at the end.
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- I really liked Ma Xiaolong and Rochka’s performances. Ma Xiaolong is such a good singer? Like it’s not just the skill, but he has creativity when he sings. As for Rochka, his performance was just so much fun. He was a good singer too but he also brings such charisma.
- Really sorry to hear about Zyko’s sister :( I can’t be mad, he needs to go home. He looked so down too when he was calling Han Geng. All the best to his family :(  I did really love Zyko on the show. He was so open minded and so easygoing. All the best v.v
- I’m glad that the other contestants got to see him off (AC, Ibuki, Rochka, Ma Xiaolong). Rochka looked so sad. He strikes me as a sympathetic guy, so I don’t doubt that he was troubled by the news too.
- Not gonna lie, the news about Zyko kind of brought my mood down. It’s not that the show is “ruined,” it’s just the idea of his sister being so seriously hurt that’s hard swallow for me. I can’t believe how Zyko must be feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to watch the rest of the show, I guess the news was just a stark reminder that we live in the real world. 
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khaotungsfirst · 3 years
ali‘s embarrassing celebrity crushes throughout the years
thank you to @fengqing for wanting me to expose myself, i hope y’all don’t judge me too much 🥴i had to go through my archive to remember most of these cause as fast as these crushes hit me sometimes, some of them went away just as quickly.
tagging: @schnaf @manhasetardis @morifinwes @xiaodaozhang​ @huigusu​ @yibocrisis​
ok here we go, putting it under a read more cause this got long
MEN (since 2006)
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tom kaulitz nothing more attractive to 10 year-old me than this 15 year-old with dreadlocks and pants that hit the floor askdjhgkjfdg
joseph gordon-levitt i..... can’t even explain this?? lmao.. i mean inception was and is my favourite movie but not because of him so like??
niall horan niall girls unite!! i was a niall girl until i got into larry and then that was all i cared about for a long time ksadjgkdf but i still love him!
dan howell he was funny and british, that’s it
dylan o’brien listen every teen wolf fan was mainly there for him, don’t even lie about it
seb stan holy shit i was crushing on him so hard after the winter soldier came out. he was the epitome of perfection to me! this was a big one for me but it went downhill once he started growing out his hair afgkjdfgjkd retrospectively i’m not sure if i was only thirsting after him because everyone else on my dash was doing it (also does anyone remember political animals??)
dane dehaan oh god..... listen, it’s all the fault of the amazing spiderman 2! also his look is so versatile like in some photos he looks really nice and in others..... 😬yikes lmao skdjgfdk idk man
loïc nottet this was a short-lived crush but he absolutely killed it at the 2015 esc and tumblr went wild over him so... 🤷🏻‍♀️
marc bartra so we’re getting into football players now and just look at him! he joined my favourite team (bvb) and i immediately loved him cause he made such an effort to integrate himself. after the team bus was attacked and he got injured my love for him only increased. he just seems so sweet and nice aaahh
niklas stark idek how i came to know abt him cause he plays for hertha which i don’t care abt aksjgjghjf but he has such a beautiful smile i think that’s what got me
andré silva i just thought he looked neat (still does but he doesn’t blow me away anymore)
héctor bellerín 2016 bellerín?? oof!! don’t look him up on google tho, he’s had a lot of... questionable hair and fashion choices throughout the years 🥴the way we all dragged him for it was really funny tho. i still love him he’s a great guy always supporting good causes
arón piper listen earrings and curly hair maketh the man
matthías tryggvi haraldsson once again a crush resulting from esc. he was my icon before i turned into a mdzs blog. i don’t even think he’s super attractive, i just love the contrast between hatari matti and normal matti
harry styles i’ve given in to the harry supremacy propaganda. he really is my favourite 1d member these days, musically-wise and looks-wise
bill kaulitz we’ve come full circle!! nowadays bill is my favourite kaulitz twin. it’s funny cause they literally have the same face so it all just comes down to how they present themselves and bill is just my preference
MEN (recently/currently)
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wang yibo i don’t even have words!!! his look, his personality, his talent just!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM!! (as we all do) (also big genvy causer)
lesbian yibo this gets a separate bullet point cause i had this realisation like two weeks after falling for regular yibo but oh boi am i gay for her
xiao zhan he’s just.. so pretty and lovely. i thought about putting wwx into the fictional characters category cause i think xz looks the prettiest as wwx but xz as a person just seems so nice and down to earth that i had to put him here
bright (vachirawit chivaaree) a baby!!! his smile is so pretty and overall he gives off very ~soft~ vibes. also how does he look so good when crossdressing??
boun (noppanut guntachai) once again the jewellery got me. boys with earrings really will be my downfall one day... (this is not to say that he isn’t pretty without them, his face is also very much up there on reasons why i stan him)
tul (pakorn thanasrivanitchai) get you a man who is as comfortable in his masculinity and sexuality as tul
felix lee will i ever get over the dissonance between his looks and his voice?? probably not. also he’s just a fucking cutie
hyunjin felix might be my bias (oh god i’m starting to speak in kpop lingo) but i’m also kinda simping for him, what can i say?
WOMEN (sadly not as many but you know, heteronormativity)
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scarlett johansson literally everyone on this planet thinks she’s hot and they’re right (yeah she’s kinda problematic but i can still appreciate her looks)
halsey remember when halsey used to kiss her fans at her concerts?? completely unrelated to that, i really wanted to go to one of her concerts..... 🙃 also i once dyed my hair blue bc of her
kiko mizuhara she was fancast as blue from the raven cycle so many times and i was so on board with it cause in my head she fit the character perfectly but maybe that’s just because i thought she was really really beautiful and wanted to see more of her 🤷🏻‍♀️
rihanna i mean... c’mon
michelle phan oh man this goes way back.. she was one of the first youtubers i watched in like 2010 before i even played with makeup myself. she just always gave off such calming vibes and she seems so nice. also look at her 😍
zendaya oof zendaya is a big one for me. she’s just so fucking beautiful just... how?? what??? i- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
lena i started actively following her on ig after she released her last album in 2019 (which is great btw) and... damn girl do i want to be you or date you??
xuan lu oh god she’s so adorable but then also so hot but then also so etheral but then also so cute but then also so beautiful but then also s-
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stefan salvatore (tvd) gotta love how even at 14 i already knew not to make the toxic choice 😊
legolas (lotr) if you didn’t have a legolas phase you’re lying
draco malfoy (hp) if villain bad then why sexy?
anakin skywalker (star wars) if villain bad then why sexy? 2
noora amalie sætre (skam) she’s just really pretty, ok? the red lipstick didn’t help either...
chris p (skam) if villain bad then why sexy? 3 (ok he’s not a villain but he’s an asshole)
tokio (money heist) hhnnnnnnnggggggg girl with a gun make brain go brrr
wen qing (the untamed) funny how in the show i’m simping for wq but irl i prefer xuan lu... someone explain that to me. but anyways, she’s pretty, she’s fierce, and she looks fucking hot in red
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jesuisnilunnilautre · 4 years
y!!! on ice hannibal AU and The Old Guard social media??? Your wips sound great i'd love to hear more about them
thanks so much babe!!! 💞💞💞
yoi hannibal au
ok so this sort of stemmed from me having Emotions TM about dumb distinguished gays hannibal lector/victor nikiforov getting completely swept off their feet by strange anti-social nerds will graham/yuuri katsuki
because like, in canon, before they met their beloved weirdos, they were bored, which for them meant death. for hannibal, because serial killers get careless and then are caught, and for vitya, because skaters get stuck, and then lose all joy from the ice.
plus there’s the physical similarities, with the grey haired eastern european rich ass suited up Very Important And Well Known men, and then their brown hair glasses soft faced loner husbands who love their dogs.
so i went hmmmmmuuushhem together
the result is true crime podcast host/investigative specialist yuuri katsuki hyperfixating on a serial killer who just-so-happens to be viktor nikiforov, the eccentric luthier (??? maybe??? i haven’t decided lol, something to do with music) who has been attemting to woo a blushing and only slightly oblivious yuuri. phichit and chris are clutching each other in the background. i haven’t decided if they’re in on it yet, whichever one has more comedic potential.
tog social media au
this was born from the various posts on this here hellsite about the immortal gang having social media accounts, and booker running a super pretentious booktube/commentary channel, and i couldn’t resist the urge to drabble.
plus, my mom is in various bookclubs, three of which are anti-racist/revolutionary in nature, and she likes to talk to me about who said what and how this one lady didn’t read this month but insisted on talking the whole time, or about how this one dude isn’t quite radicalized yet so he doesn’t know what a proletariat is, or how this one person said this stupid thing, and as a result i’ve taken to imagining with great pleasure how each member of the immortal squad would absolutely flame them.
they are, of course, still immortal vigilantes, so every once in a while they’ll say something that’s normal but slightly to the left, like “nicolo and i have been having this argument for centuries now but i am right and he knows it,” or they’ll make some comment about how oscar wilde was a prick who made terrible tea, or they’ll talk to each other in like a proto-indo-iranian language or something, and since they put subtitles on all their videos and they’re not like, Serious videos, most of their audience is like ‘haha jokes so funny’
but there’s a small group that are like, grad students and super nerds (lead, of course, by copley), who hear that stuff and go wait a damn minute, “there’s literally no record of that thing you said about mozart” or “THAT LANGUAGE HAS BEEN DEAD FOR CENTURIES??? WHAT THE FUCK?????” or “that is an honest to god rodin” or “those weapons sure are suspiciously accurate,” plus all the pictures and paintings of them dating back actual millenia
so they’ve been added to the list of immortals alongside john mulaney, anne hatheaway, hozier, florence welch, paul rudd, jeff goldblum, wang yibo, xiao zhan, keanu reeves, etc. (these people are, in fact, Actual Immortals. they get coffee sometimes and rant about how much english sucks.)
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anzheshyphae · 3 years
aaahhhhh i was already in a yibo/yizhan mood and just read a great fucking fic and then!!!!!! i log on to see all your yh concert posts!!!!! and! i am! vibrating! out of! my skin!! YIBOOO
omg hahaha!! yeah today has been wild tbh! i totally forgot about the yh anniversary thing and opened twitter and was like WAIT!!!!! and went looking for a livestream lol
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candicewright · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @yibobibo @manhasetardis and @stebeee (and probably more people but I haven't been keeping track, sorry!)
NICKNAMES: I guess Candice is a nickname in a way? But also Cande, Candy, Candle (-_-), Candelita (also -_-).
ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn
HEIGHT: 153 cm. Yes, I'm tiny.
HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor but fuck jk rowling
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Wugan by Wang Yibo (which is annoying bc I can't sing it lol😂 I love it tho)
AMOUNT OF SLEEP: around 9 ideally?
DREAM JOB: something art related but idk what yet😂
WEARING: my pajamas because I suck and I changed as soon as I got back home😂
FAVE SONG: Bohemian Rhapsody
FAVE INSTRUMENT: the hapsichord or the violin!
FAVE AUTHOR: Oscar Wilde
FAVE ANIMALS NOISES: cats purring and birds chirping🥺💜
RANDOM: last year we had a Halloween party with a costume contest and one of thee categories was "most Canadian costume" and my friend went there dressed as a Tim Horton's employee. It was brilliant, but she didn't win and we all thought it was unfair😔 On the other hand, I won scariest costume!
HAVE A RECENT PIC: the amount of hours I've spent playing botw😂😂😂
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Idk who to tag, so please do it if you want to!💜
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aheartfullofjolllly · 3 years
Heyy it's 🦉! Hope you had a lovely Christmas!!🎄 I'm going to send in multiple asks so please don't feel pressured into answering them all at once! (I figured this was the best way to get out the weekly questions since I rarely have free time! 😅) to answer your question, my favorite woman in MDZS is definitely Jiang Yanli! She is. Just. So. Sweet!! 😭 All the MDZS women are amazing but Yanli just has my heart and soul I'll die for her. Also, Wen Qing is definitely crush metarial for me — (1)
She is such a strong headstrong character. I tremble at the sight of her. 😍 Now as for your first question, in MDZS (from the novel or the live-action, donghua, manhua) is there a particular part/scene that you just love?? For me it will definitly be the part where Wei Wuxian learns about Lan Zhan's mother (in the novel) and for the drama it's the all consuming rain scene (I cry even at the mare thought of it!!) tell me yours and why you love them 😁.
Hello it's your 🦉coming in with the second question! 😊 (again feel free to answer whenever!) Who is your favorite cast member of the live action remake? Yes I'm giving you the freeway to gush about the boys (and girls) Go wild!! 😁😁
Heyyy it's 🦉with your third question! This one is going to be very off topic but I'm a music nerd who is looking for song suggestions so there's that. 😅😅 Tell me about your favorite musician(s), favorite album(s) or favorite song(s). 😊😊 
Hellooo 🦉! I had a nice, quiet Christmas which is what I needed, tbh. Hope you had a good one too. 🎄❤️ 
I decided I’ll answer everything all at once considering tomorrow is the reveal hahahaha. 
Is there a particular part/scene that you just love?
Okay, it’s hard to choose just one considering I highlighted so many parts in the novel but drunk!ji in the novel (and cql, lbr) had me laughing so much!!! He was just such a disaster gay. 
But a more heartfelt moment which I also gif’d was that part where wwx and lwj were taking a stroll in yunmeng and wwx was showing lwj all his favourite places, his favourite food to eat, and lastly they went to like a forest and he showed lwj the tree from where he fell when he was a kid and jyl caught him. He then climbed the same tree and let go and lwj caught him and I’m just like 😭😍 STOP IT YOU TWO STOP JUST STOP! 
In cql, nothing sexier than threatening wwx in jinlintai and his iconic “er” which everyone and their mother can hear without actually seeing it hahaha. 
Favorite cast member of the live action remake?
Jeez, I think the obvious answer is Yibo since he’s been my favourite from the get go argh!!!
He’s just so talented and gorgeous and such a gremlin in real life. 
I love his relationship with xz even in a non-ship way! They just get on so well together and get up to so much shit hahahaha. 
I also love Wang Yizhou cos man is gorgeous and HIS DIMPLES KILL ME and he looks tough but his interviews and douyin prove otherwise. Such a softy and I love him sooooo much! 
Tell me about your favorite musician(s), favorite album(s) or favorite song(s)
Omg hahaha my taste in music is such a mix weird aajshd
I mostly listen to emo/pop-punk music like FOB, P!ATD, MCR, TBS, Mariana’s Trench, and Neck Deep to name a few
But then I get in a mood where I listen to my classic rock playlist with choice songs rather than artists hahaha (meaning, I don’t normally listen to all of their albums but I love some of their songs oops)
I’m also very into show tunes HAHAHA. I was in the musical theatre fandom for a couple of years and have been listening to show tunes since I was very young. 
Thank you for these series of asks and I’m excited to find out who you are tomorrow! ❣️
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I love TTXD and WYB so damned much 😭😭
Original text source
How well does Day Day Up (TTXS-Tian Tian Xiang Shang) treat Wang Yibo?
Not sure if everyone has noticed
Actually, as compared to Happy Camp, TTXS has a harder time inviting popular artistes. However, every time a popular artiste comes on the show, the production team, Tian Tian Xiong Di (TTXD), especially Da Zhangwei and Han-ge will cue Yibo more, giving him more chances than normal to perform, let him dance for the guests etc.
At that time Yibo was still not widely liked, I don’t believe that TTXD had ulterior motives, they just want their handsome little brother to be noticed by more people, he’s no worse than the popular artistes, that he shines brightly too.
Wang Yibo really knows gratitude, now that he has some fame, he’s been on Da Laoshi’s 嗨唱 (Sing or Spin), the song he sung is also Da Laoshi’s song, has helped promote Da Laoshi’s concert, went on Han-ge’s 野生厨房 (Wild Kitchen) (pure version here), has helped promote Feng-ge’s new variety show.
That is, if I were Da Laoshi or Han-ge or Feng-ge or the production team, towards this good kid who was not famous/well-liked yet doesn’t play tricks*, who has gotten famous yet doesn’t forget his roots, I would also definitely like him.
In the comments section someone said when Feng-ge went on another variety show, he spent a day making a wooden motorbike for Yibo 😭♥️
*I’m not sure what 糊而不妖 means exactly, but that’s an approximation
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 18 - Baby!Yunmeng Sibs & thoughts all over the place
Hey there, I’m doubling up today, still super tired, still scatterbrained, still not holding out hope that you’ll get very much insight from me today. I hope you enjoy!
Oh it is going to fuck WN up when he realises exactly what he just encouraged his sister to do.
... that’s not a chicken. Wyd Netflix translators?
A wild SL appears!
I’m not going to make a joke about foreign bodies in eyeballs because Not The Time. But god do I want to.
Those are big fucking needles to go sticking them into someone’s skull.
Is this again a cultural thing I’m missing? My first instinct is to think that WWX is giving his back to JC when he’s spinning his tale about BSSR because he doesn’t have the emotional strength to lie to his brother’s face. But maybe it’s just a Chinese thing to give you’re back to people when you’re the only one eating, idk, in Spain is super rude to not wait until everyone is seated and served to start eating.
Listen, the only reason I’ll accept as to why JC didn’t clock in on the lie and call WWX on his “if I’m ever in a dire situation go up the mountain and ask the immortal for help” bs is because he’s grieving so much right now. He knows his brother lived on the streets as a kid fighting dogs for food, that’s fucking dire and he’s aware of it.
(He’s eating the chicken’s skin, I can’t, chicken skin grosses me out so fucking much. I will eat blood sausage and cow’s tongue, but fuck chicken skin my god)
At this point I’m so deep in fanon that I don’t know if it is true or not. But I remember reading a fic in which JC found out WWX had turned to demonic cultivation because he’d lost his core, to WZL he assumed, and he kept wondering if it was his fault that WWX couldn’t get it fixed because he (JC) used WWX’s name with BSSR. Obviously we all know what happened and I don’t remember if the transplant was revealed or not but yeah, imagine thinking it is your fault your baby brother lost his core and then you went an led an army against him.
And no, I don’t consider the transplant JC’s fault because as the amazing drwcn (god I really want to write is as Dr Wen) pointed out here, his consent was never given, and make no mistake, it should’ve been asked and he was absolutely sound enough of mind to consent. I’ll bring that post up several times, fear not, you’ll get sick of it.
Bless Shijie’s soul, she took a look at baby!WWX and went “MINE. MY BABY. YOU CANT HURT HIM NOW”. (Of course the same happened with JC, but like, when he was born).
(Who tf am I kidding, of course I am, I don’t think anyone can’t watch the “we must always be together and never be parted” scene knowing how it goes and not cry)
You can see that JC and WWX are having two very different conversations when they’re putting Shijie in the carriage. Again going back to my WWX and Jaime Lannister parallel WWX is not afraid Shijie isn’t going to forgive him, he’s afraid that both her and JC will see him as useless when he can’t deliver his usual results. And I know he knows they love him but *points at his trauma conga line* that. Also, at this point he’s fully convinced he’ll meet JC down the mountain and they’ll go hopefully mount an offensive against the Wens; he isn’t thinking about demonic cultivation yet (he probably is, but more in abstract) so he’s probably trying to come up with something that will help him hide he’s coreless.
SL can’t find the words to apologise to his boyfriend and like everyone else in this damn drama why would they communicate like grownups?
It isn’t a particularly helpful observation but at least we can appreciate WQ’s braincell recognising they’re self-sacrificing idiots.
Can I take a second to point out that I love LWJ in a cold fury? Not only is he badass, but he knows where to hit where it hurts the most (stepping on the flag, “you’re not qualified to talk to me”, “what is black and what is white”) yes please I’ll take all of it. Btw same way I think he’s got a Yiling Patriarch kink I’m pretty sure WWX has a HGJ (that’s how I call this iteration of his character) one. And I can’t remember if our gremlin has ever seen him go on his cold righteous rage mode but please, tell me some of you remember and we’ll get WWX’s version of “yes fuck me up please” eyes (you know what I’m talking about, that face LWJ makes when WWX drinks his wine for him at the Jin banquet). I need to know. For science.
(Also, that would’ve made a great incense burner chapter instead of the mess that’s the library one. But then again, I’m basing my dirty thoughts on YiBo’s expression so ignore me. But yeah, can’t believe there isn’t a bunch of smut one-shots written with that scene in mind)
Knowing that JC is going to find out it is all a farce in the future I just want to give him a hug in all these scenes.
That’s all, thanks for reading, I’m gonna go waste the rest of my Sunday. Have a nice day!
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