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Coca Cola and PepsiCo, two of the worst contributors to plastic pollution, are cutting ties with the Plastics Industry Asociation. Among other things, the PIA lobbies against plastic bans and other limits on the use of plastic products.
Both PepsiCo and Coca Cola have said that by 2025 all of their packaging will be reusable, recyclable, or compostable. They’ve also pledged to help support and improve the US recycling industry.
While we cannot know for sure why this happened, it’s extremely likely that increasing public pressure and concern about plastic pollution played a large role.
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the 7 r’s of sustainability
1. refuse - if you don’t need it, refuse it. say no to flyers, plastic bags, straws, plastic cutlery etc. invest in a reusable water bottle, slow down and eat in to avoid takeaway containers, make your daily tea or coffee at home and take bags with you when you go shopping
2. reduce - can you cut down on how much you are using? buy food in bulk, eat less meat, don’t buy clothes just because they’re on sale. finding lots of little ways to reduce what you are consuming can have a big impact
3. reuse - can you reuse the product or parts of the product for another purpose? reuse empty glass jars to store food or turn old clothes into cleaning rags
4. repair - if it’s broken try and fix it before you throw it away and buy a new one
5. rot - if you can’t reuse or repair something made of natural materials, compost it. don’t send it to landfill because it can’t decompose buried under other rubbish, the greenhouse gases will just collect
6. recycle - send materials like cardboard and glass off to be chemically repurposed into new products. this process is resource intensive so it is best to reduce your recycling as much as possible, but recycling is always better than sending things to landfill.
7. rethink - if you can’t do any of the above then it’s time to rethink whether you actually need the product. find sustainable alternatives 
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READ:  Top 25 Quotes from Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
…And some simple, yet profound ways to keep the little things from taking over your life.
“Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest desires of the human heart. And those who learn to listen are the most loved and respected.”
“Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking or finishing their sentences. It’s being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.”
“An argument that happened while you were walking out the door on your way to work is no longer an actual argument, it’s a thought in your mind.”
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Daily reminder 🦋
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DIY 3 Ingredient Calming Lavender Soap Foam
Make this sensory play lavender soap foam with just 2 to 3 ingredients.
For other DIY Sensory Play Activities go here.
Find the DIY Calming Lavender Soap Foam Recipe from And Next Comes L here.
And for a calming lavender soap foam video:
For one of my most popular posts ever: DIY Easy 2 Ingredient Sensory Rainbow Bubbles and Foam Tutorial from Fun at Home with Kids here.
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Click here for more DIYs.
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