lifeisaboutbeeltits · 18 days
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 20 days
Why Lucifer is A Good Brother
*Somewhat chronologically in order everything is canon and if you want the reference I’ll give it to you*
*Heavy spoilers*
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All angels consider each other siblings but out of the millions, possibly billions of angels. Lucifer chose to take five brothers and a sister (originally) under his wing.
He gave Mammon a challenge to become his apprentice and when he succeeded he welcomed Mammon with open arms and never rejected him afterwards even with all the trouble he caused.
He gave Asmodeus the nickname “Jewel of the Heavens” something he still loves to this day even as a demon.
He made Levi feel seen and useful even after the peace treaty between realms made his position obsolete.
He bonded with Beelzebub who was originally his guard and took him and his twin under his wings. He also introduced Lilith to the twins who became inseparable.
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When Lilith fell in love he visited the Human World to see if this man was good and kind.
When Lilith broke a Celestial Law this man WENT TO WAR WITH AN ENTIRE REALM and GOD to save her. He asked his brothers to side with him and carried guilt for doing so after the war.
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After the war, he pledged eternal loyalty to the man in control of the realm he was at war with for most of his existence all to save his sister despite the humiliation. He saved her even though she wouldn’t remember him and he could never see her again and he carried the burden for thousands of years until MC’s ancestry was revealed.
The Devildom and Celestial Realm hold very strict laws so he took whatever means necessary punishment-wise to correct their behavior. In the Celestial Realm, it was so his brothers weren’t outcast and in the Devildom it was so they weren’t imprisoned or killed.
His brothers believe he’s more loyal to Diavolo than to them but he does this FOR them.
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When the brothers struggled with becoming demons he was there to comfort them.
When he accidentally created Satan he took full responsibility for the absolute murderous maniac and did his best to raise the personification of hatred.
He cared about Satan so much that when the brothers were offered the chance to return to the Celestial Realm, the realm he once ruled, he told them to return and he alone would stay with Satan so he wouldn’t be alone. Even though this decision meant he wouldn’t be able to see his brothers and they’d be seen as enemies, he wanted what he believed was best for them and what they wanted.
Lucifer did everything he could to master new demon magic, insert himself into Devildom politics, and befriend his enemies all for his brothers’ sakes to give them the same position of respect they had in the Celestial Realm.
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In Nightbringer when he was incarcerated in Cocytus the fact his brothers were being held too enraged him to the point he broke free and even fought Diavolo believing he had something to do with it. And when Raphael cried having to sentence him, Lucifer wasn’t angry he felt sorry for Raphael—a former brother.
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Lucifer continuously fights those many times stronger than him all for his family’s sake.
Even though it pained him to see his former angelic brothers for the exchange program he remained cordial even though it was at first awkward and a reminder of all the pain of the past. He did this for his former brothers.
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When Belphegor threatened treason and war, he lied to the ruler of the Devildom and hid Belphegor away to PROTECT him.
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He lashed out at Mc and nearly killed them because he saw them as a threat to his brothers. First when Luke held the Grimoire that could control them and MC got in the way; then threatened them because they were making pacts with all his brothers; then why they betrayed him and found Belphegor because this could reach Diavolo and Belphegor would be punished for treason. In Nightbringer he originally remained suspicious and cold because MC could control his brothers without a pact and then had the grimoire which could control them. Lucifer only attacked MC when he was being protective of his brothers.
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When Lucifer had amnesia he immediately bonded with his brothers again and revealed many things he’d done secretly to help them like pulling strings to get Mammon the car he worked so hard for.
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He was even willing to sacrifice himself to let MC live who became family (or romantic interest—up to you) and his final ask was that they take care of his brothers.
Lucifer’s methods seem strict, unforgiving, and cruel but remember this is HELL, the DEVILDOM. Law only recently was created and Diavolo may be forgiving but who’s to say his father or descendants would be just as lenient? If his brothers don’t behave it could mean the worst and he refuses to lose another family member.
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 20 days
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 months
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Honestly I’m not suprised God. I hate drawing Lucifer 😭
This dummy meme based on photo:
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 3 months
And for fuck sake, re-imagining is THE WORST
It's always ended up with either I'm blank or I get new plot (WHICH ALWAYS ENDED UP WITH DELETING THE DRAFT AND STARTED NEW STORY ANYWAY)
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 5 months
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 11 months
Their onesies... 💕💕
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(creds : meimo019 on tiktok)
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Giving the twins this cuz I ain't finish their NSFW spin wheel story yet (Though the birthday date passed already)
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Yes. This is why. Apparently, the devs zooming Belphie's figure when they take a pic of him. Now as an editor, I'm crying when tried to positioning them.
And you know what's worse?
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Lol let's just crop it later
Next I need to combine the sky color. Surprisingly, that's far more easier than I thought. I just struggling with the layer changing stuff tho.
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You see, I use 3 layer when Im editing this pic. Now I learn that if I blur the third layer, the other two wont get blurred too. The blur only affects the third layer and only them. There is a folder feature to make them easier to be blurred (Without having to combining the layer) but I forgot to use that
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Anyway, it's done already when I realized that so fuck it.
Now we gonna save it, and crop all the mistakes I don't want you all to notice....
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So the original picture frame is 536x537. But for this edited result, I need almost 1350x694 pixel ᕙ(ಠ ਊ ಠ)ᕗ (It's all the zoom and pic gap fault). In the end, I have to rework on their resolution too (Godaaaaaamn ┐(´д`)┌)
Anyway, the resolution repairing don't do much tho, but I will serve you the final result
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Happy birthday Beel & Belphie '23
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( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★ Serendipitously ★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
✎Character: Neutral gender MC (GN!MC), Simeon Obey Me!
All character and picture belong to: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
🎂 Happy Birthday my malewife angel :D. One shot for you
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"MC, what is that thing you're holding?"
Simeon comes behind you and points at your diary. You're panicked and close the book instantly. "No, it's nothing!"
Simeon innocently just staring at you, "Oh, okay then"
"But, Simeon... What brings you here? ... What is that thing you're holding?" You're curiously looking at the handsome angel that sits in your window
No human in this world would expect a night where they're visited by an angel who brings bedtime stories. But Simeon, being an unexpected angel, does it. He is just laughing at your question, he scratched his ear awkwardly.
"It's actually... Luke's book. I just want to say "Good night" to you. I know I can text or call you, but... I want to say it directly... So... I came here... And forgot that I promised Luke to read one of his favorite stories"
You can't help but laugh at it, how come? Simeon always strikes you as a composed man, and now he's coming rushing to you just to say good night, and accidentally brings his son's book?
"Well then," you said. "You gonna read me a story now? Should I wash my feet first and come to bed, papa?"
"MC...." Simeon hid under his hand, it's so fun to tease him like this.
"Okay, fine. But since you're here, you can't just go off to Purgatory Hall now." You throw your eyes to House of Lamentation's garden, the only visible place in the middle of the dark night, "Wanna take a stroll?" Simeon nodded.
You both walked side by side, to avoid uneasiness, you both talk about the trivia. But in the end, Simeon just telling you a story from Luke's book he holds.
"... So the mama bear told them "It's time to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long adventure" and the babies fell asleep. Such a simple story, don't you think?"
"But, Simeon... Ain't we comin' here so you can escape my tease?"
"Eh, that's right - WAIT, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT-"
Oh, this clumsy angel~
You both sit down at the garden bench, letting the cold night air come and go. Yet, Simeon ear is still red.
"Aren't you cold, Simeon?"
"Y-Yeah, I do. But I can handle it, how about you?"
Seeing you shivering, Simeon's eyes widened a bit. He has nothing in his hand, so he hugs you.
"Ops, sorry. You look cold, so I reflexively hug you"
His wide chest felt so warm, his arm holds you tightly, makes you feel comfortable to lean on.
"Simeon... Why did you being so clumsy today? I mean, I don't mind but... That's just strange, you even come to just to say good night to me"
"Uh... It's a secret"
You turned and looked into his eyes, "Hey, no secret between us"
"But it's... WAH-" Simeon jolted when you raise your arm. Your finger searching for his ticklish place.
"Wahahaha! No! MC, please!"
"Say it or no stop for it!
"Waaaah! No, please....!"
You continue to tickle him until you both fall from the garden bench.
"Oh MC, AHAHAHHA! No, please! I just want you to be the first to say "Happy birthday" for me! AHAHAHAHahaha..."
Now it's your turn to have red ears.
The night air being more cold and cold as the time pass by, but it's the heat who's brushing towards you two
"Sorry, I slipped up. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable..."
Yeah, tomorrow is his birthday, but...
"Well, if you want it so bad, you can ask me tomorrow, no?"
"...Yeah, sorry. I don't mean to bother. Sorry for being so selfish and careless..."
The clock at House of Lamentation faintly tolling. 12 times, but the angel in front of you is busy burying his face behind his hand.
Simeon peeking through his finger, seeing your face just as blushed as himself. He raises his head and hugs you again.
"...MC, it's midnight already... Would you... Wish me the happy birthday...?"
He looked into your eyes with a spark of hope, as if he's ready to cry if you say no. Well, as if you would refuse him in the first place
"Happy birthday, Simeon. I wish you the best for this year. But I personally gonna wish you to be more clumsy"
" ! "
"Heheh, you're far more cute this way"
Now he's ready to dig a hole.
"Ah, uhm.... O-okay... If that's what you want... Thank you, MC"
He averts his gaze from you. You know for sure he's already trying to search for another topic.
"Ah, MC. Look, the moon is beautiful tonight"
"Now, did you just accidentally confess your love for me...?"
"Huh...? Oh! Hehehe, I just remember that was a way human confess their love to each other..."
"Oh, Simeon!"
You two burst out laughing.
Simeon still locks his eyes to yours, a calm gaze, his composed eyes. He's just smiling brightly, there's no voice coming out of his mouth. You're amazed by his tender expression.
"But that one was on purpose though"
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 years
☆⸙͎ ೫` A Little Help to The Lazy Demon's ☆⸙͎ ೫`
✎ Character: Neutral gender MC, Belphegor Obey Me!
Character and the picture belong to: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
⚠️ Notice: 🔞 NSFW STORY 🔞. Contain smut; anal sex and rough play. Not for minors.
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Belphie yawning in his sleep, slowly open his eyes after a long, good afternoon nap. But he instantly panicked when he can't find you beside him, he trying reassuring himself that maybe you just doing some homework in your own room. Maybe, that's the thing...
But he can't help to think "Why should you leave me alone?" He pouting. Is there is something better than him?
Belphie get up and try to look around, 6 pm. Going to the House of Lamentation living room and passing Satan who's chatting with you in the sofa. He hears something like "Cat... Latte art... Fluffy cream...". He tapping your shoulder and you looking back at him. "Oh, you're awake".
"Yeah... Yawns"
Suddenly, Satan standing up and leave the sofa "Well then, I'm gonna go. I have to finish my new book that arrived yesterday."
"Oh, okay. Take care, Satan"
As Satan stepped away, Belphie whispering to your ears "Did you both talking about something?"
"Heheh, nothing in particular, tho."
Belphie silently tck-ing. Oh, c'mon. Why should you hide it? You smiling brightly when you're talking with Satan about anything-you-both-talking-about, is it wrong to ask what kind of thing that can make you this happy?
Is there is something that only Satan would know? Can't it be with him instead?
Satan is his own brother, of course. But Belphie also know that Satan is a clever demon. He know so much wonderful things that make him so popular among demons, not to mention he's attractive... Enough to make you adore his knowledge
But who care? No matter how amazing Satan is, you're his lover. He can't take you in any way. Why should he being jealous about little conversation between you both?
Or, that's what he thought.
But day by day, that jealousy grow even bigger and bigger. Not only Satan, his other brothers, including his own twins seems too close to you! Belphie glaring at nothing, annoyed and jealous at the same time. Why should you stay around them that much?!
He couldn't stand this, he have to prove to himself that if he wants, he could get anything from you too. You are his girlfriend, so he could make you spend so much time with him, much more than his brother could
But since he's kinda annoyed, he plans a revenge, let's just sleep and ignore you for tonight!
That night, you trying to wake Belphie up, but seeing his innocent face make you can't help but to rub his face gently.
Hey, this feels nice, pat me more, Belphie thought
Belphie fighting in his mind
But... But MC are too sweet to be ignored now!
Belphie sighing in silent. Why should he feels hesitated? This way, he can't do anything beside admit it,
He open his eyes. "...Dammit, I'm failed."
"Failed what?"
"I'm too lazy to deal with this jealousy"
You chuckled, you're confused but his cute glare is just so cute "The others invite us to join movie tonight at Purgatory Hall. Wanna go?"
Crowds again??? Now even with other exchange students??? But he need some peace here, spend some time together with you! Just with you!
So Belphie grab the edge of your clothes, feeling the angry burn inside him. The unreasonable jealousy of him wanna keep you all to himself.
If he can't deal with his own jealousy, then he will find someone to cure it. And you're the only and the perfect choice, if you stop making him jealous, he doesn't have to deal with it, right?
He kiss the tip of you ears, and breathing very closely there "Fuck the movie, we stay here"
Belphie kissing your ear gently, a soft kiss then a type of kiss that make you can feel the undeniably hot desires. Then he continue to lick your earlobes, making the juicy sound right in your ears.
"-- haaah..."
His tongue invade both of your earlobe mercilessly, sending a shiver trough the skin.
"Ahhh... B- Belphie..."
"Mhmmm, MC. Does it feels good?"
He doesn't even give you time to answer, he just push you down to the bed. He grabbing your waist up, pulling your back to his chest. He sniffling your hair from your back, while his other hand keep your playing at your nipple.
The sensation of his talented hand playing on the tip of nipple while you still have the clothes on, making something inside yourself roaring for more.
With a loud sound of kissing, Belphie slowly go down to your nape, your back and have his time in your waist. He holds both of your hips while spreading it wider and sucking something in the middle of it, behind that undershirt
You press your face to the bed, it's feels like if you let out a moan, all of Devildom could hear it
"Hmm... Soft... Humnch... It's tasty..." He murmurings.
Belphie is at your back, and the thought of you can't predict what is his next move make your whole body a lot more sensitive.
He suddenly stop, you doesn't know why, but somehow you can feel his gaze, and sense his grin... From up there...?
"Haa... Hahahaha~! MC, that's so cute~ You really give me the reaction I was hoping for. I think I will have a good dream tonight..." He said while watching you pleading under him.
You sneaking to look at him, he's in so much pleasure watching you from up there. You can feel your "things" got wet behind the underwear.
He reach your undershirt and push one finger at that place between your thighs "Forget it, at this point, I wont just sleep and dreaming at all" He poking his finger there without taking off you undershirt, you can feel his finger playing with your things
"Haaah... How could you make me feel this way even though all you do is pleading..."
He reaching your underwear, tucking his finger there, and pull it off, together with every outer you use down there.
Belphie's face blushing, that things now dripping a juicy liquid... You feel embarrassed about it, but when you try to hide it, you can feel a soft fur...
He slightly brushing against your ass with that fur, a jolt and tickles you feel is almost unbearable. He slide something between your thighs up to your belly, you look down and now you can see what is that.
The tail. His tail.
The fur at his tail brushing through your belly, and he pull it, sliding between your thighs. Next thing you know, Belphie trying to brush that things with his fur.
"Hmmh, B- Belphie.. W- what are you doing with... it?"
"I'm just wiping, down here is such a mess, so I clean it" He said, chuckling devilishly.
"I- It's...! It's not!"
"Well, but it's not like what I see"
Belphie inserting two of his finger in your ass
You gasping, and let out a big moan
"Oh, you finally decide to let out your moan? So naughty~"
"It's because y- you suddenly...! Ah...! Inserting your finger... T- there!"
"Yeah, tonight I want you to know how is it feels to be fucked in both side."
He spreading his finger "I'm a lazy demon, but since it's you, I wouldn't mind doing two jobs at the same time"
"There's no need...!"
"C'mon, I don't mind spoiling you with something you obviously enjoy"
You can't stop your own voice, his wild finger sensually dancing inside you, you're at your edge when-
"Don't you dare"
Belphie pulling out his dick "Don't cum before I do" He removes his finger and slide his dick in, you can heard his breath
He put it gently, but it's feels so big until you think there is no way it could enter. A tears dropped from your eyes
"Sorry, it must be hurt... But thanks to shallow it all"
Shallow, that's mean all of it is inside you... "Ah...! Don't squeeze it too hard..!"
His voice sounded as if he is also in the edge, he try to move slowly
His hard breath, your moan, the jolt and wet sound, all merges into a noisy yet sexy harmony. Belphie continue to move faster you barely have a time to think about anything.
Your phone is ringing, "Wait, let me take it..." Belphie stopped, but after you click the answer button, he just continue to fuck you, even more harder
"MC? What's happened?"
"N- Nothing..." Belphie smiling mischievously, this gonna be fun
"Where are you...? The movie is about to start"
Belphie rubbing your "things" with his hand, tickle it with his tail
"S- Sorry..." You try to read the contact name behind your tears "Beel.. I don't think I can go..."
His other hand keep squeezing your ass, make it feels more rough yet so hot
He hit every spot in your ass, and his other hand moving seductively in your "things"
"Haaa... Uh.... I... I'm not feeling well..."
Belphie hit all your sensitive spot repeatedly,
"Oh, no... Are you sick MC? Should I bring some medicine"
This is too much, a pleasure from both ways is just too much to handle
You can't hold it, you reach the climax with a loud lewd noises
"MC... You okay..? You sounds... Weird"
"I... I just need some rest, I- I'm okay..." Belphie hold his evil laugh
"Oh, okay then. Rest well, I will be back once this over. I will call Belphie, he doesn't come too so maybe he can watch over you"
"No worry, Beel. I'm here. I will take care of them" Said Belphie
"Oh, you're there...? Then, please do. Me and the others will be back ASAP"
"Yeah, enjoy the movie"
Once the call is over, Belphie pull out his dick "You get turned on by me fucking you during the phone? Interesting"
"Sh- Shut up!"
"You doesn't seems sick like Beel said, huh? You can yell at me like that... Even dare to disobey my order"
You blink your eyes twice when he raise one of your leg and flip you, now you facing his annoyed yet horny face.
"I don't want to do it again, you just cuming by yourself at the end" He stroke his pre-cum dick. "But I'm too lazy to deal with this things, what do you think you could do MC?"
You gulped, knowing what he mean
"Lazy demon don't do cleaning, you know" He raise your body and put it on top of his body while he leaning on the bed
"I'm done playing with your "things" and the hole, now is your turn to clean the mess" He said, he pull your head to his dick "Do your best"
"Morning MC, you feel better?" Ask Beel, coming to your room
"No... My waist is killing me"
"Oh, so last night you scream 'cause it's hurt?"
You blushing immedietly "Y- Yeah"
"I will bring some soup, please wait"
After Beel left, you murmuring to yourself "Glad he doesn't notice it"
"Yeah, Beel trust you so much, so he doesn't think too much about your weird behavior from last night" You jolted, and suddenly find your boyfriend beside you
"So you're really sick this time" He added
"Yeah, thanks to someone who's keep playing some more round even when he said he's done playing with me already last night"
"Well, I'm so lazy to satisfy my jealously, isn't it your favorite activity to satisfy your lazy boyfriend?"
"Stop lying, I know you enjoy it when you being the top for the some round last night" He said "I'm happy to know you're such a diligent lover, you clean all my mess that night, 'til the last drop of my c-"
Belphie laughing loudly when you try to hide your face, that naughty demon...
❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅
Do not repost, but re-blog is allowed. If you want something similar to this you can request it in the comment or ask blog. Enjoy your day❤️
☏ Spin Wheel Story
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 years
✧・゚: ✧・゚: To Protect The Idiot Smiles Part 1 ✧・゚: ✧・゚:
✎ Character: Mammon Obey Me!, MC, Lucifer Obey Me!, Leviathan Obey Me!, Asmodeus Obey Me!, Satan Obey Me!, Belphegor Obey Me!, Beelzebub Obey me!
Character and the picture belong to: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
⚠️Notice: Contain kind of bad parents (?)
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"Onii-Chan! Wake up, wake up!!!!" You shake Mammon's body forcefully. The part of your daily routine; Waking up this sleep-like-he-is-dead. Mammon rubbing his eyes lazily, mumbling in his sleep "Fiiiiveee mooore miiiinuteeee......" Now, he is gonna be late, so you just jump and lay in his body harshly.
"Cmon, you are gonna be late!"
"But you're heavy, dumbass! GET OUT OF ME!"
Your cheeks turn to be red "Im not that fat!!"
Even though he say it, he never let you get up from him, although he try to make you as his bolster. "Heee, MC. Ya fluffy girl... So cute to be hugged like thissszzzzzzz...."
"IM. NOT. FAT. GET UP!" You pinch his cheeks hard, and he is now awake.
He rolling down from his bed. Once he touch the cold floor, he came back to his sense. So he quickly take a shower and rush to get his back.
"You're the one who should hurry, I'm already in the front door!"
Mammon sulking on the way to school, you both always walking to the school together, and doing so much useless discussion.
Under the sunlight, you can see his messy uniform, and bandage everywhere. Your parents is a busy humans. They doesn't know that Mammon is a genius bad guy. Ranked one in calculating lesson and always be the school delinquent's target.
"Gonna meet with that delinquent gank again?"
You know Mammon is strong, he can beat the delinquent. But somehow he never do it. For other nerd studious students who always get top rank in class, he is enemy. For other nerd students, he is also enemy that ain't into something beside money. For other normal students he is nerd and delinquent servant which they choose to avoid.... Or an easy bully target.
Which is why you think the reason why Mammon doesn't avoid the delinquent is because they are his only friends
You can't make him avoid the friends he got after all this time, right?
Maybe he is just feel lonely.
So, you decide to calling your parents that night. After a bit conversation, they agree to come seeing Mammon receive his trophy. They will come one week before the event.
Your older brother will be attending a school event where he will be announced as the winner of the math competition. And in the next day, you're bragging about your parents will come home tomorrow so they can watch him get the trophy.
"Mom and dad rarely come home these days. And now they're going home to celebrate this, Nii-chan!"
"Huh, never thought 'bout it tho."
You both parents rarely at home, they don't even come to your brother last Christmas. He seemed so sad that time, so maybe today he have to enjoy his day later.
That's before new messages come to your phone, that tell you that your parents have to cancel their plan.
You can feel your cheeks turn red. What the...?! They are promise to come! It's unfair! They can't even cheering them at the competition, yet they still wont come this time too?!!
But you promise Mammon to make your parents celebrate it today...
You're staring at Mammon eyes. Even though he say he doesn't care you both parents come or not, he still smiling. And it's just hurt your heart more.
As time passed by, the week just ended without you telling him anything about that cancelled plan.
Mammon saw your worried place when you both waiting for the event host to announce his name.
You keep quite, hesitated to tell the truth
"....Mother and father doesn't come?"
You shocked, how could he know?!
"N-No...! It's it's just that they are l-late! Y-yeah, that's it!" You make up new lies to hide it
Mammon pouting his mouth, his expression looks so serious. "Stop lying. It ain't work on me, idiot"
You remain silent and start tearing up. Now he know anything, and what should you do? You can't even make him smile when he got his trophy anymore.
Mammon drag you out of the hall where all the competition participant gathering. Mammon look into your eyes confusedly like he is going to say something. Maybe lecturing you about why are you lying? No, you have to apologizing!
"Nii-chan, sor-"
"Stop crying at something that ain't that bad, dumbass"
You both talk at the same time, and then it's become awkward.
"Hey! I need to say something to you first!"
"That's why, STOP IT"
Mammon sighing, "If you're gonna mad at me calling you idiot just now, I'm sorry! Now stop crying! I know some people maybe heard it and you feel embarrassed so I'm S-O-R-R-Y!" He turn his face and you can see his ear reddened. "Now stop crying and here-" He grab your handkerchief and wipe your tears gently "Now your ugly face back to her form, that's better than seeing that tears all over your face" You could hear his tsundere type of affection at his face, totally opposite of his word. "Now, we gotta go back, 'kay?" Say Mammon petting your head, hope that you will feel better
But still, it's still hurt deep down in your heart that you can't bear. You know both of your parent is a workaholic, but ain't this too much? They aren't home at Christmas, at new year, at the competition, even when Mammon get an award like this. That feeling even more hurting when you see the only one boy that doesn't come to their parents after get his trophy is... Mammon.
He don't even have much friend, as if you doesn't have enough with it, you can hear other student whispering "Ha! that bastard parents doesn't come", "That smart boy is all alone, looks like his parents abandoning him...", "Pathetic, study hard for work just to seeing yourself all alone with your trophy..."
Mammon act calmly, totally different with normal days when he fight back, he doesn't say a word
"...Nii-chan, you aren't gonna say anything"
"Just let them be, they always like that"
Always... So they always do that to him?
"Why don't you fight back...?"
"What did ya wish me to say? "YO DUMBASS IT AINT TRUE?" No, they're right. Dontcha think? Our parents is ain't here"
Mammon is right... You feel ashamed, you promise him, your parents will come, and you even lying, and you made him expect more, just to make him feel more alone. You can't keep your smile anymore, you just keep your head down that time.
Suddenly, later that day, Mammon asking "Wanna going home a bit late today?"
Once you both reach a cafe, Mammon entering the them and raising his voice, aloud
"Uh, I'm done taking my nap just for waiting you both" A boy with dark blue hair and looks sleepy glaring at Mammon
"Euwh! No need to scream! You gonna hurt my precious ear" One boy with wavy dark hair closing his ear dramatically.
And the other 4 boys also here
"My friends, we always ended in same bus since we all always being school representative competitors, so let's say we know each other"
Mammon introducing them to you. The sleepy guy is Belphegor, the dramatic boy is Asmodeus, and the other four is Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, and Levi
All of you start hanging out and you enjoying yourself there.
"Your sister is so cute~ Look at them smiling, so lovely~ Stop being so overprotective, dummy!"
"LOL, "Mammon the Math Competition Winner is An Overprotective Brother" Posted!" Say Levi
"Do not screaming, Mammon. You break my mood to drink a black coffee" Say Lucifer.
Satan, who sit, beside you whispering. "He told us that his parents wont come today?"
You gulping "...Yeah"
"He looks so panic when he told us to make some party here. "She's crying!" He says."
"....It ain't that bad though..."Embarrassingly, you turn your head aside
"Then, that's mean he is concerned about you"
Even though you're blaming yourself for this, Mammon doesn't think it your fault. Rather, he is concerned about it. He is the one that need the party but now he make it to comfort you?
"He say he can't cheer you up so he asking us. But now that dumbass is drunk"
"...EH?!!" Now you see Mammon, after he mixing all the coffee and soda, he looks like a drunk man.
Seeing you glance at him, Mammon scream again "YA IDIOT SATAN! NOT YOU TOO FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER THERE!"
"You're the one who's idiot enough to make yourself drunk by it and abandoning them" Shout Satan
"Aww, I envy Satan, flirting to MC like that..." Said Asmo
"I AIN'T DUMB!" You shouting aloud at him.
"You big dummy MC" Mammon approach you "Don't cry again..." He said mumbling while hug you. He sounds so worried about you today
It's melt your heart immediately "Thank you, I wont cry again then"
"Mwahahaha! Look guys we get their idiots smile again!" He scream
"...You're tricking me! YYou just wanna make me embarased arent you?!!" You said angrily
"Yeah, so don't stop smiling! Put that idiot smile wherever you go! I'm gonna make sure that idiot smile of ya wont go, I will do everything for it!"
You chuckling, he is so sweet, protecting your heart like this in his way. And it's make you realize something. Whenever he is alone, he always think of a way to make you smile again, despise his feeling.
But this time you ar the one who gonna protect his smile, as you try to calling your parents
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Again, a same mistake, I making too long story 😅I write this on my laptop and imagine how longer this fan fic is at phone, so I think better to split up the part. Check the spin wheel so you can see other story like this
☏ Spin Wheel Story
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 years
≪•◦ ❤️ ◦•≫ Valentine's Date ≪•◦ ❤️ ◦•≫
✎ Character: Solomon and Asmodeus. I will use SoloDeus ship for this story.
All characters and pictures belong to: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
⚠️Notice: Contain NSFW.
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Valentine's Day in the human world arrived, so Solomon decided to make chocolates for someone. He planned to share his ideas with the other residents of the purgatory hall, but they always tried to evade him.
"Besides... Why chocolate? Why don't humans just give something else on Valentine's Day?" Luke complains
"I don't know, but usually they just give out chocolate..." Solomon said innocently, still holding on to his idea of making chocolate
While Simeon and Luke are still trying to keep the MC's health and avoid the idea of making Solomon's chocolate, a call comes in from Asmo.
"Solomon! Help!"
"What is it?"
"Could you please be my Valentine?"
A gasp escaped Solomon's mouth
"...Seriously, Asmo? A confession via D.D.D?"
"Nooooo~, but I need you to enter this special hidden festival in the human world. Some of the succubi talk about it, they have some kind of witch version of valentine there, and I'm so curiouuus. Please?"
"I have a plan to date with MC"
"C'mon, MC will have the others. Just go with me, okay? I need some witch or sorcerer to enter this mysterious festival, so I can't bring MC. And again my witch fans won't let me join even if they know. I need your help!"
At this point, he knows that rejecting Asmo won't do anything
"Yay! Thanks, Solomon! We will go tomorrow, love ya!"
Solomon hangs up the phone, his cheeks suddenly blushing, all he hears is just Asmo saying "Love ya" right in his ear. "Welp, it's just what Asmo does to say thanks... Nothing special, focus, Solomon!" Said Solomon, touching his chest which was still beating fast.
The next day, Solomon came according to the agreement. Asmo came wearing clothes that really exposed his stomach. "Why are you wearing clothes like that?" Asmo smiled cheerfully "I want to take a picture at the party, so of course I have to wear the best clothes! Even though it might make witches melt with my charm". Solomon just shook his head.
When they got to the festival, they mingled with the other witch and sorcerers. Magic with black magic, rare cursed items with a tragic love story behind them, foods with unique shapes and tastes with different side effects... There are many things Asmo wants to try. One of them is a cupcake with a unique decoration and a... Unique smell. Asmo buy one of them and ate it, and then he started groping Solomon's chest.
"Hey! What are you doing? AHAHAHAHAHAH..." Solomon was amused by the touch of Asmo's hand.
It feels... Weird. His heart was beating fast again.
"Hehehe... Your cheeks are so red Solomon... You're an innocent human, aren't you~"
The cupcake seller suddenly asked, "You two are lovers?"
"Uh, that-"
"YAP, we're on a date! Hehehe~" Asmo said. He rubbed his head against Solomon's arm. The cupcake seller just chuckled.
"Young sorcerers are always like that..."
"Hehehe... You don't have to be shy, Solomon~ The look in your eyes can make me fall in love again later~"
Solomon immediately opened his mouth, but his mouth didn't want to deny anything Asmo said. Then Solomon pulled him to another place, feeling he would die of shame if he stayed there.
After recovering, Asmo finally regretted what he had said.
"Gyaaaaa...! Sorry, Solomon!"
"Hey, it's fine... But really you- AHAHAHAHAHAH" Solomon couldn't help but laugh.
"You cruel bastard!" Asmo said while pursing his lips. Solomon looked at him gently. Cute, he thought.
Then they continue to explore the collection of items with a tragic story. Asmo roamed from one stall to another with endless energy.
"Asmo, aren't you tired?"
"I'm tired. Let's go home, it's getting dark and Lucifer will be looking for you"
"Awwww, please. One more place, huh~?" Asmo said with puppy eyes, which made Solomon melt and surrender to him
In the magic place, a lot of amazing magic is on display, a place that is so romantic and becomes the center of attention of this festival.
"Solomon, look! That's amazing magic! Cool! It's heart-shaped!"
Asmo's cheeks reddened with his cheerful laughter, his skin shining under the magic light looked so smooth and beautiful, Solomon couldn't help but stare at him. He heard no more words from Asmo's mouth. He's completely amazed
"Yes..." Solomon said simply. Still fascinated by the face of one of his demons.
"So you really like me?"
Solomon was shocked. But Asmo had already approached him. "That's right, you haven't been listening since. Are you adore me that much?"
Asmo touched Solomon's cheek gently. Looking at him with his eyes that always managed to make anyone fall down. Asmo teased him and started to insert his soft thighs between Solomon's legs. "Geez, the sorcerer I have a pact with has fallen for my charms~"
Solomon turned his head in shame, his face now bright red. "...I can't help it..."
Asmo suddenly laughed. "Hey, I was just kidding, ahahahah!"
Asmo looks at him with satisfied mischief's eyes. But Solomon looked back at him so seriously, giving the tension in the air, then he smirked
"Unfortunately, I didn't. Do you know how terrible your "Innocent human boyfriend" can be when he's being toyed with?"
"Solomon... You're scaring me now... Stop jo-"
"I'm not joking, Asmo... If you really need proof of my love then-" Solomon pulled Asmo into his arms. "Well, there's a motel here, what do you think?" He said while feeling Asmo's tiny and exposed belly
Asmo smiled teasingly, "Well then, as you wish, master".
Solomon immediately took him out of the festival, Asmo playfully holding his solid arm to his waist
"By the way, Solomon"
"I never said this before but... I really mean it whenever I say "I love you"."
"Stop teasing me, are you even aware of what you have done to me..."
"I thought you just say you're tired, huh? Master?" Tease Asmo, more seductivly
Solomon smiles, and they walk away together. Spending a miraculous, sleepless, and romantic valentine's night with just the two of them
❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅
If it's was in order, Im supposed to post Mammon story first, but since the mood today is match with the theme, so why not 🤣 Next I will write the Mammon story, promise.
☏ Spin Wheel Story
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 years
゚🌟 — ➴ The Morning Star and His Little Stars Part 1 ゚🌟 — ➴
✎ Character: Lucifer Obey Me!, MC, Lucien and Lilian as their kids (Not an official character, just for this story)
Some character and the picture belong to: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
⚠️Notice: Contain slight NSFW. In this story MC have neutral gender, but Im still gonna use "mom" so any reader wont be confused
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Lucifer blink his eyes as the sun start rising. He looked beside him and found you, his most beloved life partner still sleeping there. You innocently keep sleeping without noticing his staring. Lucifer smiling and kiss your cheeks.
"...Morning, Lucifer" You said, finally awake.
"Morning, love" Lucifer stroke your hair, kiss it down to your collar bone
You groaning softly "No Lucifer... We already do it all night. I have no energy left today" You try to avoid Lucifer lips.
Lucifer keep ignoring it, he just continue to hug your waist tightly. "I'll go jogging with the kids later, just once..." You chuckled, "Hey, you're gonna jogging after do it? My husband surely have strong energy, huh?" You tease him as Lucifer try to make some kissmark at your shoulder. "Just once before the kids come...." He mumbled
"Daddy! C'mon! We are gonna be late! Wake up, wake up!" They heard little boy voice outside the bedroom. Lucifer looks disappointed, but MC just laughing. So Lucifer go to the door and open it slowly. "Lucien, I have told you to just KNOCK the door SLOWLY, haven't I?" Lucien, their son, just grinning. "Sorry Im just exited, dad! You promise me to go jogging today!"
So your husband decide to go change his clothes, while Lucien go waking up his sister, Lilian.
You decide to help your kids to changing clothes. You put Lucien's favorite hat on him and put Lilian's favorite color shoes on her. When you were done, you stroked the heads of your two children. "Thanks for helping me get your dad to exercise. That was a huge help"
Lucifer, with a very-Lucifer-like style, is still a person who always puts his duties and responsibilities ahead of his own needs. That's what makes you worry about his health.
Being a sweet kid as usual, Lucien took Lucifer jogging today, and it makes you relieved because at least Lucifer can rest and relax today
"No worry mommy! I'm also happy to be able to go for a walk with dad once in a while!"
"What are you guys gossiping about in there about me?" Said Lucifer suddenly. "AAAAAAAH, DAD YOU SHOCKED ME!" Lucien shouted. You grin wittily. "I'm just thanking Lucien for taking you out for sports". Lucifer raised an eyebrow "Well, I also thank him for that. Thank you Lucien, you made me pay a little more attention to my health now"
"Hehe, Lucien is very sweet. He always pays attention to you, Lucifer" You said.
"Yeah, like you" Lucifer said while looking at you gently. "Lucien made me think that I should at least pay attention to myself once in a while, like you do to me" Lucifer's words made you blush.
Quietly, Lilian call his brother. "Onii-chan, nii-chan!" Lillian said slowly. Lucien turned to look at his little sister. "Usually, what do uncle Levi say at times like this?" He said with a mischievous smile. Lucien smiled back. "He'll definitely say "PDA Police!" Hehehehe"
"Come on, kids. We have to go. Don't gossip," Said Lucifer. He picked up his two children and rushed out.
"EEEH?! What about mommy?" Lilian said disapprovingly seeing you remain silent. "Oh, no need, Lili. Your mother exercising great last night" Said Lucifer while putting on a mischievous smile.
"Eh? Why do you exercise at night? Isn't it time to sleep at night?"
"Well, mom's exercise is also called sleep anyway..."
"LUCIFER!" You scream ashamed. Your cheeks turn red at the way he speaks. Lucifer laughed with satisfaction seeing it. "We're leaving, MC. Take care of yourselves while we're not around" Then they immediately left
Lucifer started to run slowly near the park while thinking about many things. About the many things that have happened since the day he and you met at RAD. Find someone who thinks about him until he finally finds someone else who cares about him, your children. It seems he never imagined that he would live in the human world with his own little family and escape the shadows of his past....
"Daddy! Slow down! I'm tired," said Lilian. "Then let's just rest" said Lucifer.
"Dad, there's ice cream..." Lucien said. His puppy eyes said that he want some but he is too prideful (As his dad) to ask
Lucifer patted his head "If you want it, just buy it. Buy one for Lilian too"
"May I? Thank you!" He shouted happily.
After that, they resumed exercising a little more, and finally decided to go home.
When they get home, you welcome them. "Welcome home! Take a shower, I've prepared breakfast"
"Thanks, mom!" As soon as the kids rushed to take a shower, Lucifer immediately came up to you and kissed your cheek.
"Don't force yourself to work today, your body is still hurt" He said worriedly. He immediately watched you for a long time while carrying you to the sofa. He puts your body next to him so that you can make his body a support
"I'm fine Lucifer, making omelette rice won't knock me out right away..."
He just smiling, and asking a sudden question. "Hey, MC. How about... We visit Devildom today?"
"Eh? All of a sudden? Why?"
"It's nothing... But earlier when we were jogging Lilian and Lucien were talking about my other brother..."
"Oh, so you missed them?" Tease you
"No, anyway why do they have to talk about other people when they're jogging with their dad?" Lucifer's face looks disapproving, and that only makes you want to tease him even more
"Well, maybe it's because they know his father loves his brothers and talking about them in front of you will make you nostalgic until you miss them~"
Not long after, the children finished bathing. Lucifer helped them dry their hair and climbed onto the chair.
"Dad, my hair went into my eyes" Said Lucien
"Then stop moving."
"But I want to eat"
"Let me dry this first"
"I don't want to, I'm hungry"
"Then you won't eat until I'm done"
Little fights like that always make for an interesting show no matter how many times you watch it. They both always look cute when they're fighting. And Lucifer oftenly debating them, either its with his son or daughter
"Dad, I don't want vegetables" Said Lilian
"You have to eat it"
"I don't want it. The eggs have vegetables in them"
"If you don't eat vegetables, they will curse your cheeks to make them puff up as big as balloons." Lucifer said, using the move he always said every time Lilian refused vegetables.
"It's okay, mom said my cheeks are still cute, no matter how they looks like" Said her proundly
Lucifer thought for a while "Then the vegetables will call out Uncle Satan's textbook that you don't like the most"
Being a child who hates books that only contain writing and numbers, Lilian diligently ate every vegetable on her plate.
"Oh, that's right. We are going to visit the uncle's house today"
Both of your children smiled "Really?"
"YEAY!" They shouting
"Hey, don't be like that, your father can be jealous..." You said with a mischievous smile
"Eh..! Dad, don't be angry. We love you, Dad!" Lillian said.
"But yesterday you said you love Uncle Asmo the most in the world"
Lilian thought hard and innocently, and it only made Lucifer unable to hold back his laughter. He doesn't mind about hear his daughter love his brother though, because he also love his siblings to death.
"Then... Daddy is the one I love the most in the world, Uncle Asmo will become a favorite if he just asks! Heheheh"
While they are still chatting you go prepare the items that you will bring to Devildom, meet your other friends while in RAD back then...
❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅
I swear I just make this for my spin wheel challenge, but somehow it's turn out that I need to split it in 2 part since I wont make this too long. I will put the next part on the spinwheel.
☏ Spin Wheel Story
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lifeisaboutbeeltits · 2 years
Writing Based on a Spin Whell
So.... I have decided that Im gonna make some short story based on spin wheel, out of nowhere 😅
But it's sound fun, so why not 😏
There is the seven demon bros, the Devildom crown prince plus his butler, one angel (Not Luke since Im gonna add NSFW content) and one human. So I have to make 11 random theme
Im not added Mephisto, Thirteen, and Raphael yet. Since I just know a bit about them.
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Theme: smut, angst, MC's brother AU, ship (Not a ship with MC ofc), bdsm, soft, on a date, vowing in his wedding, cheating, with his kid, vacation
ᵐⁱⁿ ─────────────────────────○─ ᵐᵃˣ
Im... Im gonna spin it
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Looks like having Satan as a kid isn't for Lucifer 🤣 So he will have a fictional kid with MC.
Links: The Morning Star and His Little Stars Part 1
Here we goes for Mammon
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This is surely will be fun 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 a tsundere brother with his sheep lil sibling
Links: (Coming soon)
Im actually exited if Levi goes to ship theme tho, but I don't get it sadly
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Since the shut-in is on vacation, I will make MC be a Dora the Explorer with him
Links: (Coming soon)
Ooh my Satan :0
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Oh, I promise it's not just gonna be date on library or cat café, then. Too much scenario about it
Links: (Coming soon)
Yosha yosha go Asmo
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If that's a ship then... I will try the most common ship then
Links: Special Confession in Valentine's Day
Spinning for Beel
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Im more exited to just imagine it then write it down now 😹 Imagine hongree boi on wedding
Links: (Coming soon)
Here is for his twinnie
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Sleep boy sleep with you, in two different way. The sleep one and the SlEeP one 😂
Links: A Little Help to The Lazy Demon's
Now for the Devildom crown prince
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Aha, a MC treated as disney Princess 🤣
Links: (Coming soon)
And his butler got this OMD
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Demon Lord cleaner butler in a dirty play? Sounds good
Links: (Coming soon)
And here we go sorcerer
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The sussy sorcerer being more sussy. Watch out, Sol 👀
Links: (Coming soon)
So Simeon automatically will get angst. But Im bored so I spin it again. Unfortunately the Tumblr just fit 10 pic, so I can't add more.
Links: (Coming soon)
Please do not reblog, I will edit this so many time since I need to put the story link. Please keep checking this if u need to get link for the next character 😉
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