pandawansblog · 4 years
Chapter One
Dark Forest midday spring time rolling in.
I always hated this time of year. Nothing good ever happens around this time.
“Shair, what are you doing? Come on and hurry up, you know Madam hates when we are late.” Goery hates getting yelled at, even if Madam never blames her.
“ Come on you love the Dark Forest, also she sent us here and if we forget the mushrooms she will be very upset”
Goery smiled and gave me a look, we had a conversation within our eyes. All I heard was run, NOW!
“ Race you to the river!”
Before she was done speaking she ran passed me, her long red hair hitting me. I started after her, purposely staying behind. I know I ran faster, but I wanted to see her. The trees making the place dark and the light non-existent. It is mid-day yet dark like nights with no sky light.
My eyes scan the trees, although dark there is still a blue tint to the leaves. Those alone grow bigger then my hands, but the tree fairly short. I feel the breeze and the sweet smell of the river comes near and I catch her looking back.
Her smile.
I melt for her smile ever time. Her body moves through the woods with ease. Her long thin legs, to her hips for days. Her hair falls passed her round firm butt and it hypnotizes me. She could take out any man with one hand. Her strength is not seen on the outside, her muscles are hidden. I was always curious how she does that I don’t know. She always says it’s the fairy woman body, they all look the same but can be very different.
An elf could never understand.
She’s looking at me. Oh no the river!
I fall in with a splash, cold water rushes over me, the river is not deep, but is very dirty right now. I swim up. Then swim to the shore, where Goery is laughing. I crawl out and shake off a little.
“ It’s not nice to laugh at people” I say with a smug tone.
“ Well Shair it’s not nice to stare either is it” she winks with a cheese grin.
She has that sense of when being stared at. I through my hand up in the air and smile. She tries to hide, but it was to late. I flick my wrist and a breeze starts and then a tornado comes. Not a big one, but a mini one for me.
“All dry”
“ Could have warned a girl”
I start laughing as a very mad fairy flies in front of me. Her red hair is a hair hairball and make-up smeared.
She is a small woman even for a fairy, she stands no taller then my armpit.
I flick my wrist again, this time for her hair. Her hair is put into a small windy tunnel. Her hair falls to a long braid down her back.
“ Why didn’t you tell me about the river before I ran right into it. I hope you like your hair”
“ I did you were day dreaming again, I yelled like four times and I guess this will do.”
She pulls her bangs out and they fall short of her chin. I lift her pouty face to look at me and smile.
“I love you, you know it’s hard for me to force around you”
“ Haha are you blaming my butt again.”
My face turns bright red and I shack my head no. She then looks at me as if she knows it’s a lie. I have loved this woman for my whole life and she the same. It wasn’t till I last summer I told her. Our love isn’t aloud here. In other lands it is said to be fine, but here it is forbidden. We are to young to travel and are parents have gone to war so we stay with all the other children at Madam’s. I don’t see the big deal it’s not like our love is any different than others.
I feel warmth on my chest and look down. Goery is there hugging me so tightly. Jokingly I say, “ I can’t breathe” pretending to try and catch my breath. She squeezes harder, oh goodness I think she broke me.
“ oh I’m sorry I think I actually hurt you” her smug look tells me she is everything but sorry. I smile at her.
“ So about those mushrooms? I mean we can just make out here if you want to. I’m good either way”
She flies to eye level a kisses my nose “mushrooms first Hun, also I love you too”
My heart melts for her, but if we don’t get mushrooms we will get yelled at and not make out, that’s not cool. I start looking around my feet and the ground is very wet. Like more then normal river water and not from me cause it is everywhere. Was there a lot of rain, enough for the river to over flow. That doesn’t make sense we are in a drought right now. I point to the North, telling Goery to search up there. I will go South, the river tells the most down there.
I am a Earth Elf I do what the planet does. My parents were Fire and Dark Elf’s. I am a rare Elf, so I pretend I am a Water Elf. Only Goery knows the true me.
I will be able to read the river when I get to my area. We used to play out here all the time. She says she new all along I loved her that’s why we would play out here. That makes me so happy, we could really be us out here. She even learned some Elf stuff and learned to speech Orc, which is really sexy.
Well here we are. Looks up river, looks down river. Nothing weird here either something feels off. Well mushrooms won’t pick themselves. I kneel down and start picking and digging up mushrooms. These yellow one will be so good, can’t forget the purple, ooo or the blue. They’re all good to be real though.
A new smell flows passed me?
Not new and not good. I throw the mushrooms in my pouch and start running North without thought. She is in trouble and she has no idea yet. I hope she’s flying and safe.
I always have to go North, South seems better I am sure Shair is just trying to keep me safe. Always looking out for me and everyone else. Wow! That mushroom is huge, Shair will be so proud and I will only have to pick this one. Dig around the dirt and pull at the base. Shair thought me this we are the same age and we grew up in love not knowing. Shair thought me everything, my parents didn’t really care for me. Got it, now time to fly on to my love. Ooh no this is way heavy. I will have to walk I guess. I love the Dark Forest, I feels like home and like we belong somewhere. Shair creates light sometimes and we have fires.
Noises from behind make Goery jump to look and she sees the ugly beast of the East. With it’s dark wears and it’s huge body it is very scary. Long fingers and arms, with short legs bent to the point they are almost sitting. With no nose, long black hair and this one had one eye. The eye was blue and not a grey weird blue like Madam’s eyes, like a pretty sky opening blue. The skin looked soft and smooth, as a dress draped over its whole body to the knees.
“Sorry, are these your mushrooms” shaking as I hold the mushroom straight up. I heard some of them are nice. They aren’t all beasts.
“ No, it is not what I am here for.” The beast said in a scratchy voice. With a couple coughs to clear there throat.
“ I am Shre, I will not hurt you young one. Have you see a human around?”
I have frozen a human those don’t exist anymore. “No I have never met one either. I didn’t think there was any alive. I am Goery by the way and I am 20 thank you very much. That is not that young for most” For a fairy it is but still rude.
“ I’m in my hundreds Hun, I want you to stay with me till I find the human.”
As I start to speak I hear Shair thumping up behind me. I turn around and see a worried look go to happy.
“You’re safe, who is your friend”
“This is Shre she is looking for a human” Shair looked worried again.
“So it was a human I smelt ” looking at Shre straight on. Shair didn’t show any fear to Shre, it is almost like Shair wasn’t scared of anything. My hero, here to save me once again. Shair showed everyone respect even if they are called a beast.
“Goery are you day dreaming now” I look up to see Shair and Shre were both staring at me. Damn I did day dream again there worried look on there faces says something is wrong.
“ Goery, your in danger and we need to leave. Come on, Shre meet us just East of here in two sky light raises”
Shair grabbed me and carries me. I never seemn this look in those normally playful eyes. It looks like fear and anger. Almost like war time eyes. Shair jumps a little and I feel the ground shimmy. Shair is using land magic to surf across the ground. This must be bad Shair never uses that magic so close to town.
“Shair, I am sorry I wasn’t listening but why are you using magic so close to town. What if your seen.”
Shair stops and sets me down.
“Humans, hate Elf’s and use Fairies in sex houses. We are the only fairy town here and we are not safe”
“ Humans aren’t around no more though. You said so.”
“We were young and I wanted you to feel safe. Are parents have been gone at war fighting them. The war has ended years passed. They have died. I am sorry you are hearing this now, but the paper said they were seen close by.”
Shaking scared, I never thought my parents were coming back and knew the war was done, but never thought they were dead.
“What about Madam? And the others?”
“ They will leave too. We are old enough to get by, we are just still young in the eyes of everyone else.”
Shair grabs my arm and tells me to fly.
“ No matter what you must always be flying now, humans have a weakness to that and fire. Now let’s move.”
We start running and for a moment I think no way all of this is real. Shair is playing a joke on me and we will get home and Madam will set us straight.
What is Shair is telling the truth and we do need to run. Where would we go, how would we pay. Shair is trusting and creature called a beast and we just met her. I smell fire, our home no way it can’t be our home.
Racing forward tears forming and smoke thickening. Shair grabs me and nods over to the corner. I see Shade what is he out here for? Wait Shade does illusion magic so the fire isn’t real?
“Shade!” I cry out he looks and spirits over with joy in his eyes and arms ready to hug me.
Shair steps in between us, although Shade stands taller Shair wasn’t having him touch me. He stops before hitting us and shakes Shair's hand.
“Madam said you were out and shortly after sending you we got word there are humans heading this way. She told me to put up a force field. To push them away, we are fine to walk through now. Madam is talking with Nzia about what to do. Come one the field is up for a short time.”
Shair and I walk throw the fire. On the other side fairies flying everywhere. Elf wizard Obi was waving Shair over probably to help get the books in order. Shair tapped my back and ran. I walked towards the hall where I saw Madam and Nzia talking. I flutter off my feet and fly to them.
“Hello Madam, sorry we ran late we….” Before finishing she hugs me in the warmth of her is so nice right now. I have always seem Madam as a second mom, well my only mom now.
“I am just happy you two are okay. Where is Shair by the way”
I point and say “Obe’s” she nods
“Nzia, how may I help”
Nzia is a strong male fairy. Standing very tall he towers most in the town. If the elders didn’t have back bend then maybe they would. He is very handsome. His eyes were almost midnight black and hair was always short, but looks soft to the touch.
“We need the child put in those carts, help Madam please. Fairies need to relocate and the Elf men will stay.”
“Madam how about you pack there things and I will help them to the carts.”
Madam nods and turns to the master bows and walks away. She is so traditional that way. She doesn’t look a day older then me but in turn is three times my age. Nzia doesn’t like being bowed at but Madam is a favorite of his. Her hair long and black , falls over her round face. She is no means thin, but no means heavy. Today she is wearing another Dobite, which is a long dress for women of power. Most of them shine bright with no light, also very soft. I have a feeling Nzia gave it to her. The whole town knows they are together, but she wants to help the children more then marriage.
“Haze help get the Orc babies into cart one”
Nzia had walked away before I could joke with him. It was my job as his sister after all. I wish he took me in some days, but he had a lot to do. I understand now that leadership was the path they gave him after our parents died. Now don’t get me wrong I spent a lot of time with him and that is how he met Madam even, but the town needed him with no distractions.
“Children come on no pushing and Ciaz stop running.” Hmm 15, 16, 17…. A explosions at the worship town, but how Shades force field. I rushed the last of the kids on the carts and waved them off. All my friends and people I seem as family riding away.
Tears started to far even though I held them back, I was not strong enough.
“Goery, fly away!” I turn to see no force field anymore. They broke it? How could they have? I scam and see Fairy, Elf and Orc men in full war gear. Who cried out to me who said that. I scam around and see Shade being put in a cage. Next to the cage was a tall man with long hair and white skin, almost pearl colored. There was another with darker skin and shorter hair. They had long arms and thin bodies they couldn’t be the power humans.
Then a bang! half the men fell with one hit. What was that one man was holding something long and heavy looking. Another man pointed at me and started walking towards me.
“Goery!” Shair yelled throwing up a fire wall in between us. Then running up to me, wrapping my arms around I hear Shair’s voice say.
“Run East love, I will kind you no matter what. Just go East.”
I took to the air and looked back for a second. Shair had joined the fighting. I flew high up and East like Shair said to.
Madam, I look back and see Nzia and Obi protecting Madam. I fly over as face as I can.
“Org hiz ah oge!” I shout and then Obi and Madam were gone. Nzia stood with the war dressed men to fight and waved me away.
I told Obi to go to the river and head East. I am glad I speak Orc, humans can’t understand what I am saying. I race for the tree line. They can’t see me if I fly above it. My pour wings never worked so hard in my life.
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I like big boys
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itty bitty boys
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mississippi boys
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inner city boys
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i like the pretty boys with the bow tie
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get your nails did, let it blow dry
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i like a big beard
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i like a clean face 
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i dont discriminate, come and get a taste
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from the playboys 
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to the gay boys
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go and slay boys, you my fave boys
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credit to: say-never for template
dm me for picture credits
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