#<- i consider this in the same vein of shit so. close enough
crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
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*throws the ender king stat block at you then runs face first into a wall trying to run away*
i had lots of fun w this :3c if you have any questions about anything please please please ask !!
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rottingcorps3s · 14 days
god i’m obsessed with men eating box. sue me.
konig is ravenous for some putang. little bit of mean!konig, but not too bad. overstim. mention of bruises. siiiizzeee kink bby.
this was not proofread. who has the time? ENJOY!
i see konig as someone who isn’t fully aware of how strong he actually is to a normal person. like yeah, he obviously knows he’s big and strong, but thats when he’s being compared to other military personnel. it becomes evident once you enter the picture. he doesn’t mean for it to happen. you’re just so fragile and…sensitive in so many ways.
once you guys were ‘official’ is when it started. konig had always been respectful of your space and your body. having never gone out of his way to seek physical contact unless you initiated it first. it was like a light switch had been turned on, day to night within weeks.
his hands were constantly on you in one way or another. first off, his hands are MASSIVE. no matter who you are or what size you may be, his hands will always dwarf your own. he was rough, unintentionally…mostly. the finger print bruises on your hips, your ankles, your ass; the hickeys that littered just below the neck of the shirt you wore. juuuussstttt barely out of sight.
it had started in a play fight, one you had initiated and frankly, weren’t prepared for. konig had just come back from the gym, adrenaline and testosterone still coursing through his veins. he just looked sooooooo good…irresistible, really. sweaty and slightly out of breath from his run back. he b-lined straight for you, like he always did when he arrived home. he yearned for his ‘welcome home’ kiss.
his arms encircled around your waist, his neck craning down to collect what was rightfully his. his eyes flashed with disappointment when his lips made contact with something other than your lips. he thought maybe he had accidentally missed your lips, but when he tried again and was met with your forehead, he pulled back. a shit-eating grin spread across your face.
“fucking kiss me.” he’d demand, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. you had yet to say anything, only offering a quick ‘no’, smile still on your lips. before he had a chance to retaliate, you were gone. running down the hall and disappearing.
he was on you within seconds, he was a professional after all. you had just made it thru the doorway of your shared room, konig grabbed you by your arm, his leg kicking the door closed behind him. he spun you around to face him. his hands now holding both of your biceps, his fingers digging into your soft skin. definitely leaving behind a trail of bruises.
you squealed in pain from his tight grip, “ow! konig you’re hurting me!” you whined, a small pout on your soft lips. his eyes held a dark stare, your small protest not affecting him in the slightest. you’d played the same card in the past, faking being hurt to get him to knock his guard down before you’d strike. he had you this time.
“ooooohhh, schatz…” he said in a fake tone, almost as if he were mocking you, “i’m sooooo sorry…” he apologized, his grip on you loosening slightly, but not all the way. he could see the excitement in your eyes, thinking you had him wrapped around your finger again. “let me make it up to you…” he said, a wicked smile threatening to appear. you only nodded, smiling sweetly at him.
you know what they say about men with big hands…
big tongues 0_0
just the thought of the big…hot…wet appendage toying with your clit for hours…oh brother. and it would be hooooouuuurrrrsssszzz (yes with a z).
he’d pull you by your ankles to the edge of the bed. completely towering over you as he worked on getting your shorts off. which was easy enough considering he was able to maneuver your body in ways no one ever had. your thighs would sit comfortably on either side of his shoulders, his arms wrapped around the backs of your legs, holding them tightly in place as his tongue made its first assault.
your thighs would tremble from the sudden stimulation. broken curses falling from your lips as his tongue would flick your clit back and forth, unrelenting. tears would prick your eyes as your first orgasm approached at the speed of light.
“ko-n-ig,” you pleaded desperately, your fingernails digging into his scalp to try and push him back to relieve some of the pressure. he was as still as a statue and as strong as a bull. his grip around your thighs only tightened.
the pleasure was overwhelming, washing over you like a giant wave, boarding on painful as his pace didn’t falter. tears had now begun streaming down your cheeks. so soft and sweet…one of konig’s favorite spots to kiss…
he didn’t stop, no matter how much you tried to beg and plead your case…i mean he did warn you that he was going to make it up to you…you just never asked how.
only after you had your third orgasm did he stop, his grip on you finally relaxing, his face pulling away from your wet cunt. his face dripped with saliva and cum. his breathing was labored. similar to how he walked into the house earlier, the only difference being his pupils that was blown out to the size of saucers.
oh and the cum on his face.
Oh my gawd i had to force myself to stop writing 😔 would’ve been here for hours.
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sunlightmurdock · 10 months
Older bf Bradley getting all jealous when he finds out you’ve been fucking a frat bro ur own age
“Hey, Bradshaw,” Jake’s voice couldn’t possibly get any more smug. Bradley looks up from the pool table and finds Jake leaning against the pool cue, staring at something behind him. “Isn’t that your girl over there?”
Jake knows exactly what he’s doing by calling you Bradley’s girl. He knows just as well as everyone else here how that had ended. The two of you agreeing that exclusivity just wouldn’t work. The argument that followed.
Bradley straightens up and turns his head. You’re dangling off of some clean-cut swim captain looking asshole at the other end of the bar, looking right at him as this guy kisses your neck.
There are plenty of college boys around, and yet you brought this frat boy here, to the place you knew Bradley would be. Bradley knows what that means. So, when you step outside just briefly to answer a phone call, and Bradley presses himself against your back.
“Shit, Rooster, you frightened the life out of me! — You can’t just—“
He grabs your hips and spins you to face him. He smells so familiar and the harshness of his strength on your body has you leaning into him involuntarily. Salty, sea air fills your lungs with one sharp inhale and Rooster fills every space around you at once. Your senses are all just — him.
“Who’s your friend?” Rooster’s voice damn near makes your knees weak. That low rumble and the dark look in those big brown eyes, it’s a dangerous mix. You’re fighting tooth and nail to keep your wits about you, straightening up and offering him a small smile.
“Just a friend from class.” You know that the vagueness makes Bradley hot, he hates when you keep things from him. His grip on your belt loops tightens as he tugs you tighter into him.
“What kind of friend?” Bradley prompts you, shoving his denim clad thigh between your knees, closing any kind of distance that there was left between the two of you.
Your smile widens. In fact, you’re practically beaming up at him now. You reach out and rest your hand on his thick bicep, giving him the sweetest look that you can muster.
“Same kind of friends that we were.” You grin, patting his arm and ducking around him to leave. Bradley catches your wrist and drags you back to face him again. He looks calm enough, if you don’t know what to look for. The vein on the side of his neck throbs.
He grabs your waist, fingers breaching the hem of your tank top just slightly, feeling your cool skin under his rough fingertips.
“That’s why you brought him here, huh? — Is he not doing it for you, baby?” Bradley takes a step forwards and your bluff is revealed as you stumble, too focused on his pretty face instead of what’s happening. He doesn’t even let you falter, his grip keeping you steady on your feet as he walks you backwards. “You need me?”
Your mouth is dry all of a sudden. You’re far too focused on feeling all of his strength around your middle to even consider where he might be taking you until you bump into the passenger side of his truck.
“I asked you if you needed me, baby,” Bradley tucks your hair behind your neck and leans forwards. Your eyes close and your knees tremble. His mouth presses softly to the pulse point below your ear. “You want me to get you off?”
“Yes.” You practically whimper. One kiss and he’s got you ready to beg for it.
It’s a whirlwind as he crowds over you in the backseat of his bronco, shoving your shorts down your legs and kissing feverishly along your skin.
If you weren’t already moaning, you would have sighed in relief as his mouth comes back into contact with your core. Fuck, you’ve missed him. Draping your legs over his thick shoulders, pressing your heel into the flexing muscle there for leverage as he laps eagerly at your soaking pussy.
“Fuck, Rooster,” You pant out, grabbing a handful of his hair. “I want to cum. I want you to fuck me, please.”
“Oh, I’m going to, baby girl,” Bradley promises, kissing your pussy softly as he curls two fingers into you. “Never letting you out of my sight again.”
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
TUBBO ; colors
summary/prompt ; the world is mostly black and white until you meet your soulmate
warnings & mentions ; language, cheesey end, reader is described to get overstimulated and nonverbal in very excited situations, set in mix like late 2021 around bench trio meetup
word count ; 1.5k
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Meeting up with your friends in real life was like the plot to a corny fanfiction to you. It was so unbelievable, yet true now.
You'd been hoping and planning to make a trip over with Ranboo, but each time, something had gone wrong. Whether it be problems meeting at the same airport or having scheduled other important things prior, school, etcetera. It never seemed to work out until now. Ranboo already got to the UK yesterday, considering you guys sadly couldn't get tickets together so close to the departure date.
Boarding that plane was maybe the scariest thing you've ever done.
The anxiety courses adrenaline through your veins, causing you to nearly stumble over yourself.
The world had been desaturated for as long as you could remember. At least you could enjoy your video games, being in full color. God, it was almost yesterday that Tommy and Tubbo were teaching you all the colors you didn't know yet. It was like training a toddler.
Thank God screens were out of bounds of this weird infection thing. You didn't know what to call if. You loved color, you loved every shade of every color, really. It was that sense of driving out somewhere you don't go often, and you stare out the window to take everything in.
As you sit in your seat, your leg bounces rapidly, your carry-on backpack resting at your feet. You look out the window, seeing one of the wings up in front of you a couple of seats as you mumble to yourself.
"Oh, Jesus Christ, I hate this already"
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Finally, after the longest, and probably most turbulent, flight of your life, you step out into the world, seeing the outside of Brighton airport and it's parking lot. Phil would be here soon to come pick you up, running late due to traffic.
You sit on a bench outside the building, next to the front doors with your nearly month's worth of luggage around you. Your backpack was filled with your laptop, other device needs, and some clothes and hygiene things. Your suitcase, thankfully big enough, heald all your clothes.
You see Phil wave out his window as he pulls up to the curb, shouting a happy hello. You stuff your things in the trunk with Phil's and Tommy's bags, also planning to stay down near Tubbo's at least for the weekend. You then hop in the passenger's seat, being jumpscared by Tommy who was hiding in the back seat.
"Holy shit!"
Tommy laughs, and Phil tries his best to hide the smile tugging at his lips. "Don't scare them to death, Tommy, please"
"Are you so excited right now?" The blonde asks you, you reply with a happy, silent nod, becoming overstimulated already due to the happiness and the chaotic nature of Tommy already, driving you nonverbal. The jet lag and tiredness also did some damage on you, being teleported to a new time zone.
"They're wearing red!" He smiles, "You're wearing red, we're all triplet-ing!"
You all laugh and giggle, which you assume the two were both wearing red. Tommy was wearing his usual red baseball shirt, and Phil had a supposedly red sweatshirt on.
Phil drives you three all the way down to Tubbo's house, maybe an hour of driving max. When you step out of the car and move the seat forward to let Tommy out, you're greeted with a warm hug from behind, gifted from Tubbo.
"Hi! Oh my fucking God, I can't believe you're here!" He smiles, jumping a bit as he looks up at you.
"Hi!" You smile, doing the same as him, wrapping him in another hug just to make sure he was real.
Ranboo, Aimsey, Billzo, and Freddie stand a few feet away, then wrap you guys in a group hug, Tommy and Philza included.
When you open your eyes, now not engulfed by your friends, the world around you was now painted with color. Tubbo's hoodie was painted a nice forest green color, you saw reds, blues, and yellows on Ranboo's hawaiin shirt, and Aimsey's beanie was the famous red it was over the screen.
"Holy shit" You mumble, looking around to take in all the new scenery.
The group look at you in confusion and see your bright stare, able to tell that you'd gained the wonderous sight of color. You hug Tubbo again, just excited to see him before you get your things from the trunk of Phil's car, and he pulls them inside, placing them in the room you'd be sharing with Ranboo.
Phil departs, needing to run some errands and meet up with some other friends before heading to his hotel. He does a little bit where he abandons Tommy and kicks him and his stuff out, and drives off, nearly late for his lunch with Jack, James, and Charlie.
The day is fulfilled with a Halloween stream, and your little friend group being titled the Cricket Crew. You were officially the third, after Aimsey and Tommy, of that group to gain sight of colors, and it was awesome. You never noticed how colorful your wardrobe was, other than outfits you wore on stream.
You don't think about it much, just too caught up with your friends. But the question of who gifted you your new colors stayed on your mind.
It wasn't until you were getting ready to change into pajamas to have a little movie night with Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy, who was going to be picked up around 11 by Wilbur to stay at the hotel nearby, that you thought about the color thing again.
Who the fuck is your soulmate?
Clearly it was one of your friends, but you didn't see any mixed emotions between any of them, at least you could mark off Tommy, obviously, Aimsey, and Bill, who made a joke about how he was thankful he wasn't your soulmate earlier. That left Freddie, Ranboo, and Tubbo. There was just so much happening in that moment that you really couldn't pinpoint one of them.
You decide to leave the detective work for later, wanting to enjoy showing your friends the true masterpiece that is The Breakfast Club. You sit down on the couch in next to Tubbo, who was laying sideways as per usual, whom also made sure to move his legs so you had room to sit. Tommy sat beneath you, leaned against the couch. Ranboo sat criss-cross in front of Tubbo, making sure not to block his view.
Tommy made remarks, jokes, and commentated throughout the movie, causing the other three of you to do the same. After the movie, Tommy leaves, leaving you, Tubbo, and Ranboo to watch Tubbo's choice for the next movie, The Lost Boys. He had it on his watch list for some time now and wanted to watch it.
During the first Act, he ends up making a little comment about all the colors and how cool they looked on the screen. You almost didn't catch it at first, but you did. Ranboo hadn't, though, making pulling Tubbo into the kitchen a little more discreet.
Tubbo tries to act dumb before giving himself up, unable to hide from your pressing nature.
"Uh, yeah, when we hugged, I noticed it. I just didn't say anything cause I was scared and I wanted to focus on us being friends and I don't wanna ruin that-"
You wrap him in a hug, "Sorry"
"For what?"
You shrug, feeling the apology was nessacary.
"You have really pretty eyes by the way" He smiles
You roll your eyes playfully, "Shut up"
"You're supposed to love me! You're my soulmate, you little shit!"
"That's not how that works!"
"Wow, drama" Ranboo speaks from the doorway, leaning against it while holding up his recording phone. "Sorry, I had to record this. I didn't know he'd confess so soon" They shrug.
"Ran!" Tubbo exclaims, cheeks dusting pink.
"You were in on it?" You ask them, which you recieve a nod in response. "You little asshole"
Ranboo raises his hands in defense, "Don't blame me! Tommy was the one to suggest making it special"
You shrug, patting Tubbo's cheek before you three return to the couch. "It was either you two or Freddie, glad it was the best option, I guess"
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The next morning, around seven or so, you sit on the back porch, enjoying the fresh air and the sunrise, which you could finally enjoy in all it's glory. Hues of blue, grey, pinks, purples, and reds fill the sky in which you stare at. You hear the door open and close with a click behind you, and the familiar brunette best friend sits next to you.
"Why are you awake?" He groans, rubbing his tired eyes, "It's too early"
"Says you. You wake up in the evening, if you're lucky"
"I- Quiet, I won't be taking Tubbo slander"
You look back up at the sky with a little smile, "Isn't it just so fucking pretty?"
"Not as fucking pretty as you"
"Get out"
"This is my house!"
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (pt. 7)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard & Reader-Insert
Featuring: Thatch nearly not being yandere before sliding right into it. And Reader showing that they've got both layers and a fair bit of madness. I kept the implied backstory vague as shit, so feel free to project or assume things, I'm kind of curious what you guys will come up with, ngl.
Warnings: platonic yandere behavior and manipulation. If yandere content or anything of that vein makes you uncomfortable, please do block "oh sweet child of mine" as well as any relevant tags for "one piece yandere". Do not tolerate coercion or this manipulative behavior in real like.
Have fun and stay safe!
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Word Count: 2,119
There was something to be said about how vast the ocean was. Sometimes, you’d just… look out at the waves and get lost in the ebb and flow of the tides. It was difficult and chaotic at times, sure, but never not beautiful. On the Grand Line, the weather was notably more erratic than anywhere else. You considered yourself lucky that there had only been a small storm while you’d been on board the Moby Dick so far. And due to the vast size of the vessel, even large storms were unlikely to dump you onto the floor.
It had been almost two months since you’d been taken by Marco. By now, the crew was relatively certain you wouldn’t try and make a run for it on your own so you were mostly allowed to run around at your leisure. Meal times were still strictly enforced, as was bed time funnily enough, but outside of that they seemed to want you to integrate at your own pace. You supposed that even your great reluctance was preferred to swinging an ax at Whitebeard’s head—what the actual fuck Ace?!
You sat on the railing, looking out at the ocean.
You felt… not quite homesick but something close. You missed doing drills with the other ensigns. Running gopher for your commanding officer. You even missed Williams, for all that he was an ass. He was somehow the most tolerable one of the many partners you’d had. You spun the fabric around your wrist, thinking about how hard you worked to better your skills as a marine.
It wasn’t all about fighting after all. Procedure and bureaucratic red tape was a massive part of the job. Unless you had a very high rank, you couldn’t just go wherever you wanted and do whatever. You had to transfer home bases, file paperwork, ensure arrangements for payment were made, and a whole host of other things. And though everyone expected to move around a fair bit, there was a sense of comradery in the marines. You all had to suffer the same dorky uniform and insufferable training.
Everyone was working towards the same thing. More or less. And there was an expectation that you would be doing your best to help others.
But here you were. On a pirate ship seemingly fighting as a one-man-army to not be officially recruited as one of them. To stay a marine. Even if you didn’t feel like one very much these days…
“You look like you’re having a lot of deep thoughts there.” You jerked, head swiveling around to find Twin-Blade clambering up the railing to sit next to you. He left a decent amount of space, thankfully. He settled down and looked at you, grimacing a little with a soft laugh. “Look… I know we got off on the wrong foot—hey! Hear me out now! I just… I just wanted to officially apologize for the tea. Most of the time, new recruits are so wound up they don’t sleep the first night and it’s a rough start for everyone. Considering what I’d heard, I thought you’d need a good nights sleep more than most. I should have asked you though. So… I’m sorry.”
You stared at Twin-Blade for a long moment.
“…Bit more than just a night of sleep.” You commented dryly, causing Twin-Blade to wince.
“Y-Yeah… the tea really shouldn’t have worked that much though. You probably did need the extra hours but that doesn’t make it right.” Twin-Blade apologized again. You gave a soft smile before looking back out at the sea.
“Thanks, Twin-Blade.” You sighed, resolving to not tease him so much from now on.
“Is it me?” You paused, looking back at him as he spoke, his eyes serious. “Have you not joined because of me?”
“No. It’s not because of you. Or at least not all because of you.” You explained stretching until your back popped satisfyingly. “I’m still a marine you know. You can’t be a marine and a pirate. Kinda conflicting job titles there.” You gave him a side glance.
“Why do you still want to be a marine? We’re not exactly like other pirate crews out there. We’re a bit rough around the edges, sure, but we don’t do the whole ‘pillaging’ thing. And we have a lot of power and status. What are you losing by joining?” He asked like he couldn’t imagine a world where his crew wasn’t the best option.
Part of this you excused as all of them being just a little bit batshit crazy. And weird. That too.
“I didn’t ask to be here. I didn’t ask to be rescued or recruited. What other reason do I need?” You pushed back and he pouted.
“But we’d love to have you here with us. We have such a big family that anything you wanted to learn or do would be feasible. You’d never be alone. C’mon, isn’t there anything tempting with us?” He pleaded, unable to wrap his head around your persistent but quiet refusal.
You supposed that for most people, the reasons to not join would be few. Most pirates don’t have a lot of options. Unless you’re clever or strong or lucky it’s a tough way to make a living. Ruthless and cruel at times without even the thin veneer of bureaucracy to hide behind.
A fat raindrop fell onto your nose, breaking you from your thoughts.
You sighed wistfully.
“…I think you forget what it’s like to be small. If you ever knew to begin with.” You watched the sky darken to a soft gray as rain began to fall, your eyes fixed on the dwindling blue horizon. “Nothing to hold onto but a choice—shit as it is—to do something. To one day not be so small after all. All I’ve got are my choices, Twin-Blade. There’s nothing left to go back to. And I know I’m not the only one. Maybe as a marine I could keep someone else from having to make a shit choice too. That’s not something anyone on this ship can give me, though. Might not even be something I can give myself. But what else can I do but try?” You lifted up your legs and turned around, hopping off the railing.
Leaving Twin-Blade behind.
Thatch thought about your words for several minutes as the rain poured, showing no signs of stopping or getting worse.
He… actually did know what it was like to be small. He didn’t like to think about it often—if at all. But he remembered. It made him desperate. Cling to every bright spot in his life like it would leave him if he looked away. The idea that you felt small even now made his chest ache.
He wanted you here because Marco wanted you here and because Oyaji accepted your presence. That was all he needed really. Hell, Oyaji’s word was all he needed for Ace, and Ace was a feral little bastard man trying to commit murder daily.
Joining Oyaji’s side made him grow in a lot of ways from that small boy he used to be.
Thatch grinned, resolutely setting his shoulders as he hopped off the railing and headed back inside.
You didn’t feel like you had any real choices in your life. Any connections or anchors aside from your ‘shit choice’. So Thatch would just have to show you how free life is on board the Moby Dick.
Thatch slammed open Marco’s office door.
“We need to throw a party!” Marco gave him a dry look as he picked his pen back up to finish paperwork. “We need to show them how to live a little!”
Marco perked up the moment you were mentioned, naturally.
“Did someone say ‘party’?” Ace ducked his head under Thatch’s arm with a wide grin.
“No, yoi.” Marco grumbled, cutting out the fun Thatch and Ace were starting to have. “You’ve got a mission the day after tomorrow and you can’t go with a hangover.”
Thatch frowned.
“I have a mission?” This was the first he’d heard of it.
“A small supply run for medical. Oyaji’s meds are almost out. The island we stopped at didn’t have any. I’d go but someone needs to bully him into taking what’s left.” Thatch grimaced but didn’t protest any further. “We can throw a party when you get back.”
Thatch grinned, brightening up instantly.
You made goofy kissy noises at Stefan as you played with his ears. The dog amicably withstanding your teasing as he laid over your lap on the main deck. Whitebeard watched on with an amused stare as you ignored his existence. The Yonko pirate would, occasionally, try and talk to you or draw you into a conversation, but you’d been dodging him fairly well so far.
“…My child—”
“Sea king starboard!” Your head whipped up as you gently shoved Stefan off your lap. Instantly, looking towards the area that had been called out.
Whitebeard glared at the sea, his weapon at the ready.
“Go below deck—” Your eyes widened as the sea king raised it’s head over the railing. It resembled an eel in form with large black eyes. Baby blue scales with vivid pink frills running down it’s spine.
“Baby! Look at you~!” You cried out, darting to the railing to hold out your hand. “What are you doing all the way out here~?” You cooed, rubbing your hand on the shocked creature’s chin. The scales were hard as a rock but undeniably warm and softer than an adult’s scales.
You heard several very startled calls of your name but ignored them.
The sea king opened it’s mouth just barely, a low buzzing sound emitting from it as it lowered it’s head to look at you. You were smiling so wide it almost hurt, admiring it’s beautiful scales.
“D-Do you know them?!”
You laughed loudly.
“Ahah~! Not at all, but who wouldn’t want to know a precious baby like you~?” you rubbed your nail under the ridge of it’s jaw, the buzzing sound intensifying as you laughed, absolutely delighted. “You’re so pretty, baby! Look at this cute baby blue! And the pink ruffles! Ah! You look fancy~!” you praised it gleefully.
The buzzing warbled in shared delight.
“Aren’t you just the sweetest thing~? But where is your pod, baby? It’s not safe to swim alone like this!” You cried out, standing on the railing to cradle the massive sea king’s chin. The sound it made vibrated your bones, a deep rumbling call.
“Not safe for who?!”
“Holy shit is that more?!”
You leaned your head back to see several more sea kings just barely poking their head out of the water. You waved excitedly with one arm.
“Hiiii~! Are you cuties going to come up too?”
“Please don’t!”
“Oyaji, stop them!”
You pouted, glaring over your shoulder.
“You’re being rude!” The pirate gaped at you.
“I-I’m being rude?! Those are sea kings!”
“Duh? And I want to pet them and give them love, damnit! Stop! Being! Rude!” You enunciated firmly, ignoring Whitebeard as he laughed. You turned to the shy sea kings, “Ignore them! I’d love to see you~!”
The sea king in your arms buzzed again, withdrawing to sink into the water until it was eye level with you. Pretty black eyes blinking slowly as the pink frills fluttered, lights like an aurora going down it’s spine. You gasped in delight as it opened it’s maw wide. Rows and rows of needle like teeth on full display. It was big enough to probably eat Whitebeard whole, but the only thing you could think of was how impressive the baby sea king was.
“Mmmaaooo~! Mmmmmaaaaooo~!” You stared in awe as it closed it’s mouth and brushed it’s nose against your front, buzzing long and low one last time for good measure before sinking beneath the waves for good.
“Mao? What a cute name, ahah~!” You laughed, spinning on your heel with a skip in your step. “Mao’s so cute~! I can’t wait to see him again!”
Whitebeard fell back into his seat with a laugh.
“Gurarararara! I’m glad you had fun, my child! We don’t run into sea king’s often, but I’m sure you’ll see plenty more soon enough.”
“Ack! O-Oyaji! No!”
You huffed.
“Don’t get it twisted, Whitebeard! I’m still not joining just because that’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to a sea king!”
Whitebeard just laughed again as his children despaired the prospect of encountering more sea kings willingly.
You didn’t get the drama. Sea kings were just darling, in your eyes. More darling than any of the pirates on this ship at least!
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mediocre-stories · 1 month
The Game
TW: some vulgar language
Authors Note: well gang, we made it to the 10 heart event! I’m a little embarrassed about how little I know about sports, and I think you can tell through this story, but other than that I hope it’s good! As always, enjoy and feel free to leave any constructive criticism you have!!
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It was five pm as you walked towards the bus stop. This morning, Shane had shown up at your doorstep, asking if you wanted to go to the Tunnelers game with him in the city that night. You happily agreed, partialy excited to get off the farm for an afternoon, but even more excited to spend time with Shane. Ever since the night on the cliffs, you two had grown close, close enough that you considered him your first real friend in town. You watched him grow from a scared boy, struggling to get by in the world, to a man who loves his family, his chickens, and you.
As you apporached the bus stop, he spotted you. He gave you a small smile and a wave as you walked up to him.
"Hey Y/N, I'm glad you made it!" He pulled you into a friendly hug.
"I wouldn't miss it." You replied.
"After you." Shane gestured towards the bus doors. You laughed and stepped inside. You and Shane picked seats near the back of the bus. You took the window seat while he took the aisle. As the bus began to depart the valley, you watched the hills pass by. The colourful leaves of the trees swayed in the autumn wind. You appreciated the beauty of the nature behind the glass. You looked back towards Shane and found him smiling at you. He quickly looked down, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks. You softly chuckled at his shyness, deciding to break the silence,
"So, why did you ask me to come with you?"
Shane pondered for a moment before he spoke, turning his attention back to you. "You're the first friend I've had in a longtime, and this is what friends do."
"You big sap." You teased, he smiled.
"Oh shut up." He teased back.
You and Shane passed the time by chatting. You found that you two never ran out of things to talk about. Before you knew it, you had reached the stadium. The two of you exited the bus and stepped into the crowded streets of Zuzu City.
"Do you need to hold my hand? Just so you don't get lost in the crowd." Shane asked, that familiar blush spreading across his cheeks. You felt that heat under your face as well as you nodded a yes. He grabbed your hand and led you through the packed stadium. You found your seats in the very first row, closest to the playing turf.
"Holy shit, how much did these cost?" You ask as you sit down.
"You know, ever since I've stopped drinking, I've been saving a lot more money, so these actually weren't too bad. I'm gonna go grab some food, do you want anything?"
"Just a Joja Cola please."
"Coming right up."
It was the last period of the game and the score was tied. Shane bounced his leg nervously, his eyes focused solely on the game. You watched the game intensely, the electricity of the stadium vibrating through your veins. The Tunnelers made their move with only a few seconds on the clock, you grabbed Shane's arm tightly in anticipation. You observed as the players passed the ball down the field, and you could hear Shane muttering under his breath. All of the sudden, the crowd around you erupted into cheers as a Tunnelers player scored with winning goal. You and Shane stood up and the same time. You threw your hands in the air and cheered.
"Goal!!!" Shane hollered. You looked over at him and laughed. He turned to you with a grin and before you knew it, he kissed you.
It was a quick kiss, so quick you didn't have time to close your eyes or register what just happened. As he pulled away, his smile dropped.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry Y/N, I got carried away. I was just so excited I-"
You cut off his nervous rambling by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss. As your lips crashed together you felt the warmth of his hands snake around your lower back. Your ears buzzed as the crowd around you continued to cheer, and your heart thudded in your chest. When you finally pulled away, Shane kept his grip on your waist and smiled down at you.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He grinned.
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hellfirexclub · 2 years
Way more than friends 
Pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
Summary: During a drunken game of truth or dare, Steve, who knows about your massive crush on Robin, asks you to tell them who your crush is.
Warnings: 18+, wlw, making out, titty sucking, oral (giving), praise kink basically, softdom reader kinda, scissoring.
Authors Notes: Another member of the gang joins us! Had to get this one written once I finished my big Eddie fic, cause holy shit Maya Hawke is gorgeous. also I feel like there is seriously not enough robin content so this is for my bi/pan/lesbian/wlw icons who also desperately need to fuck her. also higghhhkey want to write Nancy in the mix too next time...
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Steve was a bastard, officially. You’d become fast friends with him and Robin when you moved to Hawkins, close enough that the three of you spent most of your time together hanging out at one of your places. Steve was going through a bit of a ‘no strings’ phase right now, and yes it had crept its way to him trying it on with you, which flattered you immensely but led to you confessing to him something you didn’t want a soul to find out. That you like Robin, who the both of you knew was absolutely head over heels for Vickie. Steve immediately begged you to tell her, saying the crush of Vickie was just infatuation because she is in band with her so much, if she knew you felt that way she’d surely change her mind. By damn if he couldn’t date you, he was going to make sure Robin could! And this led you to the situation you were presently in, round your flat while the three of you play a stupidly drunken game of truth or dare. Steve was eyeing you from across the circle, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pretends to think about what truth question to ask you.
“Y/n” Steve begins with a slur, dragging it out just make you narrow your eyes at him and shake your bed, mouthing a ‘dont you dare.’ “Tell us the name of your crush” He says, leaning back and crossing his legs, placing his clasped hands on his knees as he raises his eyebrows at you. He was giving you such a shit-eating grin you wanted to leap across the room and smack him, but Robin had perked up muttered some ‘ooohs’ as she takes a swig and stares at you in anticipation to hear what you’d say. You felt your cheeks go warm as she watched you, big goofy smile on her face as she throws out some random guys that she thinks it could be. You almost want to laugh, if only she knew how wrong she was, and Steve was the same, trying to hold in a laugh as Robin goes on. 
“OH! No I’ve totally got it this time, Patrick!” She says animatedly, as you shake your head back at her with a giggle. 
“When would I even have met Patrick let alone have a crush on him” you tease, loving how Robin gets even more crazy when she’s drunk. She leans forward on her knees, shaking her hands at you in excitement
“Who is it then? Tell us!” She begs, giving you some puppy dog eyes that literally make you want to melt. Your heart is beating out of your chest at this point and you’re looking at Steve lost for what to do. You can tell he feels a teensy bit of remorse, but ultimately he just wants the two of you to stop dancing around each other and just get together already.
“Yeah, who is it?” Steve pipes in, and this time you do take a cushion from beside you and lob it across the room at him with a laugh. 
“I can’t guys, it’s embarrassing” you say, cheeks going red and the alcohol making your brain whir as you consider what would actually happened if you confessed. To be fair, Steve had literally confessed to Robin and been rejected and look how strong their friendship was still going!
“Oh come on, you can tell us anything y/n, can’t she Robin?” He says, turning to Robin and motioning at her with his palms when she nods frantically and agrees as if to say ‘see?’ You take a deep breath as you consider it, the drink coursing through your veins giving you a much needed confidence boost.
“What if…” you stomach turns as you begin your sentence, face absolutely scarlet as you continue your sentence. “What if I told you guys it was someone in this room” you say almost in a whisper, eyes wide as you look between your two friends. Robins mouth falls into a wide ‘o’ instantly turning to Steve wide eyed and slapping his leg in congratulations. Steve looks down solemnly into her eyes, making her stop her whooping as she begins to realise this is the face of a man who knows she doesn’t like him. Robin slowly turns back to you in disbelief, eyes scanning your pink cheeks and your eyes for the truth. You slowly nod at her, and you can literally see the cogs working her brain as she tries to process this. 
“You like… me?” She asks breathlessly, making you die hearing her say those words in that sexy sultry voice. 
“Yeah and Robin listen, I know how into Vickie you are so its really okay if you don’t feel the same, you don’t have to take pity on me” You tell her quickly, wanting her to know things did not need to be awkward at all between the two of you. Robin crawls towards you in her drunken confidence, shaking her head at you once she gets close enough with a small laugh.
“I was into Vickie after deciding you were definitely straight” She says with a goofy smile, biting her lip at you, “Which clearly I was wrong about” she says with a breathy laugh. 
“For the record, it was very obvious both of you were into each other” Steve chimes in from where he sat on the couch like a child wanting praise from his teacher. He raises his hands in defence when both of you glare over at him on the sofa, the cough and the blink from the both of you giving him all the indication he needed to head off and give you guys some privacy.
“Alright, alright, I’m going” he mutters with a smirk, “A thanks would be nice, you two would still be pretending you’re not into each other if it weren’t for me” he says with a shake of his head, laughing as you both begin to chuckle. “Thank me later. Use protection kids!” Steve shouts as he stalks out of the house, pausing and giving a confused look when he realises there is in fact no protection to use before throwing his hands in a ‘fuck it’ motion and walking out with a laugh. The tension was thick now that the two of you were alone, your heart beating loud enough she could probably hear it in your chest. But that was okay, because hers was beating loud for you too, wiping her clammy hands on the carpet before gently taking your hands in hers and leaning her face slightly towards you.
“A-are you okay with this?” She stammers, wanting to check with you that you were definitely still into this. You roll your eyes at her with a big smile and close the gap between you, kissing her softly. Robin gasps into your mouth as you begin to kiss her, cheeks aflame before she begins to get the hang of it a little and grow more confidence in her actions. Her hands run up your arms to rest on your shoulders as she kisses you urgently, loving the sloppiness of your lips moving in tandem. You continue making out softly for a while, absolutely obsessed with the feeling of her soft lips against yours, with how delicate and emotion filled her kisses are. You pull apart breathless, panting as you look into each other eyes. You feel a surge of confidence seeing Robins pink cheeks and open mouth, wanting to get her more riled up, gently pushing her to lay down on the floor while you slowly crawl over her. You kiss her again and she moans into your mouth as you lazily play with the hem of her shirt, her own hands finding your waist in an attempt to pull you closer to her. You’re sucking her tongue into your mouth while you slowly creep your hands up to her bra, an eye on hers to make sure she’s okay with that. She nods and moans breathily, and that’s all you need to practically rip her shirt off and expose her bra to you. You kiss her breasts adoringly as you reach around her back to undo her bra, and Robin is already putty in your hands as the bra falls off of her body and you move from the skin of her cleavage to sucking a nipple into your mouth. 
“Oh my god” She throws her head back and moans loudly while you suck on it gently, your other hand reaching up to play with the other, her senses completely overwhelmed by the feeling of someone touching her like this. You swap breasts, taking the other one in your mouth and softly playing with the other one, teasing it between your fingers as Robin mewls and bucks up against you. She arches her back and moans as you squeeze her tits, cheeks red as she looks down to see the hunger your watching her with. God you were making her such a mess already, she couldn’t take how incredible all of this feels, especially with how long she’s been dying to actually get some. Robin is already sweating as you begin to kiss down her stomach, eyes on hers to check she was still okay  with this and also to see how fucking gorgeous she looked coming undone for you. And god, you’d barley even started with her. You tug on her trousers and Robin licks her lips, leaning up on her elbows to begin to unbutton them. You tug your shirt over your head while she busies herself with that and her jaw almost drops open. You weren’t wearing a bra so your tits were fully exposed to her and she felt as though she could’ve died seeing how perfect they were. Robin needed to touch them desperately, it was all she could think of as she pulled you to straddle her lap so she could place her shaky hands onto them. She’d never touched any boobs aside from her own but this was next level, they were so soft and so fucking pretty, and the faces and noises you made while she played with them made Robin want to hear you like this forever. She takes one into her mouth, just like you did before, and moans around it as you make your pretty, breathy noises. Shit she could get used to this. She copies the motions that you had done on her tits that had felt so good, absolutely enthralled by your reactions. Feeling sufficiently teased you kiss her again, your breasts pressing together deliciously as you slowly push her back down on her back so that you’re straddling her hips. You pull away from her lips despite her breathy protests to begin littering soft kisses down her neck, ever so slowly down over her chest until your lips had met her lower stomach, and Robin was an absolute mess beneath you in anticipation of what was to happen. 
“You’re so beautiful” You murmur as you look up at her through your lidded eyes, making Robins heart practically explode out of her chest at your compliments. “Do you want me to continue?” You ask her huskily, licking your lips as she frantically nods and head.
“P-please don’t stop” She manages to rasp out, eyes rolling back as your lips go lower until you press a soft kiss to her clothed pussy. Her hips are already bucking off the bed in desperate need of attention from your mouth, and you chuckle to yourself at how hot her neediness is. You delicately pull her panties down her legs, moaning out loud as your eyes fall on her slick, pretty pussy. You lick your lips, a dark haze of lust taking over your features as you very slowly lick a stripe up her clit. Robin crumbles, a broken moan falling out of her lips at how fucking incredible that sensation was. Nothing could ever have felt as good as this. You start off slow, tongue lapping and sucking at her clit as your finger teases her slit, getting it wet before you slowly push it into her. Robin is a mess already, knuckles white as she tries to grip at the carpet beneath her, eyes screwed shut as your tongue on her cunt makes her toes curl. 
“You taste so fucking good Robin” you moan out against her, the vibrations on her clit making her only able to choke out a groan in response. Her thighs tremble and that’s how you can tell she’s already getting close, pulling your finger out so you can place both hands on her thighs to spread her legs wider, your tongue picking up its pace on her pussy. Your chin is soaked as you flick your tongue back and forth over her, egged on by the little moans that spill past her lips as her orgasm approaches. Your movements get frantic and her legs begin to tremble even more, knees buckling as she lets out a loud, beautiful moan of your name. 
“I think I’m gunna-” Robin’s sentence is finished with a choked out moan, white hot pleasure taking over her senses as she cums on your tongue, rubbing herself against your face as you tighten your grip on her thighs. She pants as she tries to come down from this, looking down at your sexy swollen lips and the slick covering your chin, reaching her hand out to hold yours gently while she comes down from her high.
“That was so fucking hot” you say to her with a wide smirk, wiping your chin with your hand before crawling back up her to kiss her some more. She moans at the taste of her on your tongue, hands desperately roaming your body for purchase. She wants to do the same for you desperately, my god the amount of times Robin has imagined getting to eat pussy, but she needs to catch her breath first, panting into your mouth while you kiss her. You have other plans though, moving back between her knees and sliding your own panties off, biting your lip hard in anticipation as you spread her legs and place one of yours over hers. Robin realises what you’re doing and almost dies on the spot, her pussy already aching for more attention from you, and fuck this was the perfect way for that. You straddle her and slowly bring your pussy to hers, your eyes instantly rolling back as your slick core meets her soaked pussy, begin to grind gently against her. Robin can barely get out a moan let alone say anything, completely pussy drunk and lost in the absolute pleasure that was your pussy pressed right up against hers. You build up a slow, sensual pace, your hips falling into a perfect rhythm as you rock against her gently, mouth agape and panting loudly as you look down at her. She looked so fucking hot like this, an absolute soaking mess for you, willing you to do whatever to her because it just felt so goddamn good. You begin to grind on her faster, mind going hazy from the feeling of her soft cunt on yours, her clit perfectly rubbing against yours. You knew you wouldn’t last long but you didn’t fucking care when it felt this good. Robin’s hands fly to your leg, nails digging in as she desperately trying to get more friction between the two of you. You hum at this, looking over her fucked out expression with lidded eyes and grinding against her harder, swallowing hard as your movements begin to get shaky. 
“You gunna cum for me baby?” You coo to her as she squeezes her eyes shut, hips frantically bucking against yours as the incredible sensation pulls her over the edge again. You groan loudly as you feel her cum against you, keeping up the fast pace against her clit until you too were finally meeting your release, going limp as your hips stutter as you ride out your orgasm on her. Robin lays there motionless, just breathing heavily and red cheeked as you come to lay down next to her. She pulls you into a very soft kiss, smiling against your lips once she finally regains some of her breath back. 
“Holy shit that was amazing” She says huskily, eyes absolutely glowing with adoration and lust at you. You giggle and kiss her back, playing with the sweaty short tendrils of hair around her beautiful face. 
“Yeah it was.” You mutter back, smiling widely at her. “We really are going to have to thank Steve” you joke, smiling at her as she begins to snort and laugh at your words. 
“We seriously are” Robin agrees with a serious nod of her head, “How long have you liked me?” She asks with a shy smile, poking your nose gently as you bite your lip at her. 
“Since I met you” you answer honestly, giggling as her mouth drops open in shock.
“Well why didn’t you tell me? We could’ve been doing that all this time!” She exclaims with a laugh, devastated you didn’t just tell her earlier so she could’ve made you hers. 
“Well I wish I had now” you mutter as you peck her lips gently, Robin smiling warmly back at you. “I just thought you liked Vickie all this time” you say with a shake of your head at how silly it was now. 
“Who’d have thought my crush on Vickie was actually stopping me from getting laid” she laughs as she shakes her head too, forehead pressed against yours as she stares at you lovingly. You stare back, heart thumping in your chest at the intimacy of it all. “Are we- I mean like, do you wanna be… girlfriends now?” Robin asks quietly, cheeks going red again as you smile at her and pull her into another kiss.
“I would love nothing more” You whisper back to her, pulling her even closer into your side as you snuggle her gently. 
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england-would-fall · 6 months
A Year in Review: Lines that made us proud in 2023!
Thank you to the brilliant and inimitable @anincompletelist for setting this up and tagging me!
This year was an emotional rollercoaster, and I didn’t manage a quarter of the writing I would have liked. I’m looking forward to a new year full of far more words written, read, and shared! Until then, please accept my offer of a few of my favorites from this year’s AO3 posts:
When Stars Align
(Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, Rated G)
Crowley kept his gaze on Aziraphale's shoulder, white shirt more visible for the stars. Perhaps it was the angel himself he feared crossing–or rather, the line he had drawn between them all those decades ago. Snakes don't cry, he told himself, clenching his jaw tighter than the pain in his chest. And demons don't—
Wove in Red for Every Deed
(Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, Rated G)
“Oh, really now. I don’t think it’s all that bad,” Aziraphale chimed, taking the final steps with a miraculously level tea tray in hand. “Perhaps it’s not to your usual style, and a bit of a tuck in the fabric here and there might improve the fit, but truthfully,” he said in much too high a pitch, “I do think nightmare is rather a harsh word.”
“Give you a harsh word,” Crowley grumbled, dropping heavily into an armchair and threatening his empty teacup with a raised eyebrow.
A Man Awake [WIP, Not abandoned]
(BBC Sherlock, Mycroft/Greg, Rated E)
Greg slung his coat over the back of his own chair and sat. They were close enough in height that it fit around him the same way, now that he wasn’t slouched over the table. It was surprisingly comfortable and—
'Matches your tie.' Oh shit. 'I’m so sorry, that was… what I mean to say, well, didn’t mean to say…' He sighed. Fuck it. 'I said the quiet part out loud.'
'I believe you have, yes. And, incidentally, you are correct. They are exactly the same shade of carmine. I see the detective in you is turned on this morning.'
Greg spluttered, tea dripping onto the front of his shirt.
'This is why I always wear a tie.' Mycroft raised a single eyebrow, and Greg could have sworn that was almost a smile hiding behind the fancy china. 'Perhaps you should consider it?'
'Nah,' Greg shrugged, dabbing at the spot on his shirt with a linen napkin. 'Can’t stand the things. Luckily it’s rare I need to look–' he paused. Mycroft Holmes was staring directly into his eyes. Greg felt his mouth open the slightest bit, letting in air that was far heavier than his lungs were used to. If his thoughts were being read, it was only by one of them. One, two, three, four. This must be what a toaster feels like when it’s dropped in the bath. Five, six, seven. Hold.
Yours, As a Magnolia
(Red, White & Royal Blue, Alex/Henry, Rated E)
“Alex?” Henry’s palm still pressed against his jaw, one fingertip rubbing lightly behind his ear.
“Henry.” He hated the break in his voice, which was definitely not caused by creeping insecurity. “Why me?”
“Why you,” Henry echoed, pupils dilating impossibly further in the dim light. “When I bury my hand in your hair,” he began, fingers threading their way up into Alex’s curls, “it grounds me in my humanity. When I look into your eyes,” he said, shifting his body back over Alex’s, his knees grazing the inside of Alex’s thighs, “I see the life I’ve longed to live unfolding endlessly before me. When I kiss your mouth,” he whispered, lowering his lips to brush against Alex’s with every word, “the jagged edges of my defenses are smoothed by your tongue.”
Beneath the Frost, Lay Bare
(Red, White & Royal Blue, Alex/Henry, Rated M)
“I dreamt of you.” The back of Alex’s hand brushed Henry’s cheek, sending his eyelids fluttering closed against an onslaught of emotion. How could his chest compress beneath the weight of calm Alex instilled in him while simultaneously setting every ounce of blood in his veins aflame with desire? How could one man feel so deeply? How could another drive such feeling? It didn’t make sense, and so Henry turned to the one act always able to anchor his runaway mind: he looked Alex in the eye and swallowed him down.
Secret Swiftie
Alex’s eyes widened as he tugged and kicked his pants off. The way he reacted to Henry’s do-as-I-fucking-say voice was too hot to be allowed, and Henry made a mental note to check the Geneva Convention for potential violations.
Sneak Peek: Burning Ground
(Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley, Rating TBD)
‘The…the…kiwis. Which one was first, the little bird running around all cheep cheep cheep or the fruit with the fuzz and the seeds?’
‘Gooseberries,’ Aziraphale said definitively, heading back toward whatever it was he had been doing. Which was likely nothing, really. Crowley had the sneaking suspicion he’d been studying the same leatherbound book for at least some of the rather more than seven days since the thing hadn’t…thinged, and he wasn’t altogether sure he was even reading the words at this point.
‘Wot gooseberries? Wha’d’you talking about “gooseberries”? No one even likes those. Do they? No, they don’t. They must if people sell them? Aw, people’ll sell anything if they’ve got it. Buy anything too, s’long as it’s less than five pound and they can put it in one of those little reusable bags. Maybe I should get one of those little reusable bags. What would I even put in one of those little bags? Oh, yeah! Hey, angel! Which came first, the kiwi the bird or the kiwi the fruit?’
Find me on AO3 @/englandwouldfalljohn
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strawbs-screaming · 8 months
☆how comfy i would be asking the boxers for... Substances™☆
idk if i should maintag this, obv tw for drug use
saw that one "how comfy i would be asking the boxers to hold my drink" post? yeah we're advancing now bitches buckle up
Bottom of the list is...
Little Mac
come on why should i ask a minor for drugs?? of course he would be familiar with drugs from hanging out with soda or just hearing about steroids
dont even bother asking him, his idea of drugs is painkillers & vitamin gummies
Next place is...
Doc Louis
He'd just get worried for you and give you a entire lecture and hint to Mac that you're a shady figure
He would gasp at you like "noo!!! Stay sober!!"
hes gotta be a good parent to Mac and i understand that
next place is...
Piston Hondo
He'd gasp like a conservative grandma finding out you got a piercing, pretty similiar to doc louis (full name doctorate louisana) and he would check up on you often
He would hit you up for some tea & meditation, he means well but still not helpful
Next place is...
Disco Kid
He wouldnt be suprised because he probably witnessed unpleasant stuff at some parties he went to but he wouldnt carry
Of course he wouldnt be like doc and tell you to get help but he wouldnt flat out go "sure broski heres 100 pounds of weed"
He would just say "no" and move on with his day
Next place is...
Super Macho Man
He would only carry steroids and even then, he wouldnt share like the selfish dickhead he is
at best hes just giving you steroids and at worst hes a selfish bitch ass who isnt sharing
Next place is...
Mr Sandman
He would be dissapointed but he would redirect you to a pharmacist and tell you to go convince someone to give you some substances
He couldnt care less and wouldnt think more or less of you
Next place is...
Bald Bull
We're now getting into "knows someone who carries or is carrying" territory
How do you think hes still not dead from a heart attack considering he turns into a fucking smoke machine when he gets angry enough?? theres no correct answer other than substances™
if he didnt use weed he probably would be dead, he would be more on the chill side so if you want something that will make your soul leave your body he isnt your guy
He wont share if youre on his bad side or not close enough to him, anything other than that and hes fine with you, ofc if youre gonna try to blackmail him with it except your life to end very soon
Next place is...
Von Kaiser
hes traumatized, hes old and hes stressed, how couldnt he use substances™?
This grandpa is willing to share as long as you keep quiet & keep it hidden
same case as bull for his reason for using, hes one spot away from being the sore loser, give him a break
next place is...
King Hippo
Hes from a island in the middle of who-knows-where, how could he not be used to that kind of stuff??
He would be generous but whatever he would give you is sure to kill a entire village, if i were you id chuck it off a cliff and let nature handle it
Next place is...
Don Flamenco
look at him SNORT that flower and tell me he hasnt done more, his nose takes up 80% of his face, dont even try to ignore the fact that he felt that flower in his VEINS.
He wouldnt be generous but would give you enough to hold you back for a while
if he can take perfume straight into his nostrils, he can take anything
Next place is...
Bear Hugger
This dude speaks to animals like a Disney princess and boxes with a bear, you dont achieve that without some help
besides, Just look at him inbetween fights, he chugs maple syrup and naps, unless you have some medical problems you dont pass out in a corner during a boxing match after chugging a entire bottle of syrup
Next place is...
Aran Ryan
oh boy, hes sharing but suddenly i feel like going back to when doc was concerned for me
He would probably have some shit that would have your heart climb up your throat and have you meet the grim reaper
if youre wild, go for it, if you wanna stay sane, back off
Next place is...
Great Tiger
hes a magician, hes bound to carry some magical stuff, it would make you see weird shit for sure and wreck you for a few days but other than that, hes okay
hes not generous but hes not that strict either, he knows his stuff well
Next place is...
Soda Popinski
its obvious as day, hes out with it and has a entire ass gimmick including it
hes not sharing his soda, but he'll hook you up on some scientific shit if you know him well
He'll gaslight a pharmacist for you if you can convince him
First place is..
Glass Joe!
He takes beatings everyday like its his last day, how do you think he deals with the pain? both mental and physical i might add since he has a wonderful count of 100 losses. 100 LOSSES.
He wont judge (since hes the one with 100 losses and also french) and will be generous with it
this is probably the first thing he wins (in his life)
Honorable Mentions
Bear Hugger's Squirrel - this little goblin could steal some stuff for you, not much, but its kind
Mrs Bear - Oh my god, she can help 100%. What sane person wouldnt give up their Substances™ after seeing a bear??
Carmen - she can convince don to give her some and give it to you, just keep quiet
Narcis Prince - good heavens NO. He'd scold you, not because he cares, but because "thats ugly people stuff"
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monkiedude · 2 years
My top 5 under-appreciated acting choices by Miles Teller in Top Gun: Maverick
So here is the thing—before this movie, I had literally never seen Miles Teller in anything except the Taylor Swift video. Seriously. None of the Divergent movies, none of the serious roles, and especially not Footloose, a remake I felt personally offended by. Joke’s on me, kids! Now I am sprinting my way through his IMDB and re-watch my 4 favorite Willard scenes on a daily basis (that boy does a very respectable southern accent). I’m honestly just really impressed by his acting and even though TGM is a life-ruiner I do appreciate it opening my eyes to that.
In that vein, here are my 5 fave moments from the movie where this kid acted his butt off:
1. When Mav calls out to him right before the first hop and he ignores him until it can’t be considered anything other than an order and he responds with the most insincere “yes, sir” in the universe. The closed-captioning should really just read “fuck the hell OFF” instead.
2. When Hangman asks him whether he can ask him a personal question…look, obviously, I have THOUGHTS about their relationship, but no matter how you interpret it, the way Miles conveys “even though I know the answer to this and I can’t believe I can still be surprised by you, but who the FUCK do you think you are?!” into the single line “That’s none of your business” is just. Chef’s kiss.
3. When Hangman starts laying into him in the classroom scene, starting with “you’re not. Flying. Fast enough” (also in which Glen Powell sees Matthew McConaughey’s Texas and says “hold my beer” and I giggle and giggle in glee). Right when Hangman says “you’re conservative, that’s all,” Miles looks up like “God help me, this condescending asshole,” and then nods to himself like, “yep, sounds about right,” and it’s just fabulous. (As an aside, SURELY Hangman would get in trouble for ignoring Mav like he did in that scene? Surely?)
4. The beach scene, when he offers his hand to help Mav up from being tackled, like. The complete lack of eye contact screams the negative respect he (tells himself he) has for Mav at this point, even if he’s still going to be a good dude himself and help the man. Don’t know whether this was Miles’ choice or if he was directed to do it, doesn’t matter: ouch.
5. When they’re in the F-14 and facing down the last enemy plane and he, like, note-for-note re-enacts Goose’s “this is NOT good”—same pitch, tone, vocal strain—from the original…someone did his homework.
And of course, since you can’t have 5 without a “+ 1”: *bonk*.
(In other news, hit me up about how surely there is some missing scene that covers Rooster’s completely understandable paranoia about flying over water, let alone ejecting over water, since they telegraphed the shit out of THAT!)
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geometricalien · 1 year
Akashi is the #1 A-list actor who's currently on the rise. With many audiences adoring him & plenty of critics praising his performances in every award-winning film he starred in, he's basically set for life in Hollywood. But when a scandal breaks out involving him having an affair with a married person, his career is threatened to tank down. His only choice to save himself is to stage a (fake) romance & release a statement to the press to dispute said scandal.
Furihata is a former child star who now works as a regular office worker. Having been exposed to the dark side of the entertainment industry when he was 12, he's more than happy to live a normal life & stay away from the spotlight permanently.
But after meeting with Akashi when Furihata was at the wrong place & at the wrong time, he has no choice but to step on the center of the stage & face the cameras again for one last take...
When I first read this I was so excited- you said the magic word- actor AU plus fake dating! Actors fake dating <3 !! And then I thought more about this and what dark side of the film industry this could mean. And it really could be any number of things like seeing a close work colleague give into drugs and alcohol, developing an eating disorder, or even sexual assault by executives or what not... and that's deserves extra thought.
Whichever dark side Furihata would've seen is really up to personal taste, whichever you feel most comfortable writing because each of them will require extensive care. Presuming this would be from Furihata's pov, this event was such a big life changer that it will always be at the back of his mind, influencing his life. I would never fully address it until a pivotal intimate moment between him and Akashi. Personally I'd go with the last one because it's A) the only one I could actually write and B) makes narrative sense with Furihata's character- after the event being unable to perform infront of said executive and unable to stop his nerves dropping out of the production and the spot light is just the next logical step. And it could be a legal action pursued later on by Akashi's legal team.
Second thing my brain is latching on to- AKASHI IS SOMEONE'S MISTER!? I needed time to conceptualize that. He's been in my head as demisexual for years that I needed to rewire my brain a bit jdksaflj Like, whomist even would it be??? Obviously someone else from the industry and probably someone he worked with somewhat recently but- who? It could be just a faceless character but since this is a character that launches them into this act I would rather have it be an OC than that but if it could be a character from the series (or any other sports anime) who would it be?
God this is hard, gotta consider who would be sleazy enough to cheat and/or who would have a compelling dynamic with Akashi.
From knb I'm leaning to Mayuzumi (but he doesn't even seem to like Akashi, but that smex though) or Nijimura- who would bring in more drama later on because I feel like he and Akashi could've had a solid relationship and genuinely liked each other.
From other sports anime... hmm... maybe Semi or Konoha from hq? Those are smooth cool hot guys who are reliable, kinda in the same vein as Nijimura.
Any way god yes please, im obsessed with this already! I'm feeling like Furihata starred in a major horror film in his youth like the kid from sixth sense.
idk why but im getting major- "oh hi, we ran into each other at the same convience store at 2 am." maybe Furi asked for a picture, Akashi said yes. Akashi exits first and is bombarded by a couple of paparazzi both asking about the images of him leaving XXX's house earlier tonight. Akashi quickly realizing "shit, that's why his publicist had been calling him." And behind him Furihata comes out of the store and before he can edge away from the cameras Akashi grabs his hand and gives him these fucking adoring eyes. "Are you ready, dear?" and just the mental projection of please go along with this. And of course, Furihata is a smart observant cookie. He heard the commotion outside, he knows the pressure from press and fans, and he sympathizes, however its just a little too late for this out of job actor. Akashi leans forward and presses a kiss to his cheek and whispers "play along" as he pulls back. And Akashi turns to the paparazzi saying something like, "My Kouki is a huge fan of XXX and he asked me to get his autograph before we wrapped up the film but I forgot. I couldn't return to him without it and that's why I had to make a visit so late." but more eloquently jfdklsajf
NOW Furihata has to deal with an A lister kissing his cheek and knowing his FIRST name- and not react in total shock. But he can't entirely hide his reaction so he leans into it. He turns into Akashi's body, hiding himself from the cameras but his red ears are clearly visible. He makes sure his shaky voice is just loud enough for the photographers to hear, "Y-you know I don't like cameras..."
Matched in volume, Akashi whispers back, "Of course. Excuse us. We must get going." He leads him back to the unmarked black car on the street a little down. And as they walk away Furihata makes sure to once again say in a natural voice that they can hear, "You didn't have to mention how much a superfan I am of XXX. It's so embarrassing."
All the while these two paparazzi are taking pictures until the car is out of sight and turn to each other like- "that guy looks familiar right? What did Akashi say his name was? Kouki?"
and boom- Furihata is once again entangled in the industry and more importantly in one Akashi motherfucking Seijuurou
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bitchkay · 2 years
Spoilers for... alot idk just alot, alot of different things, very vague non-specific but they're there
I need an actual list of how old the court of darkness characters are cus my brain is gonna eat itself
The age gaps are implied like, such and such is the same age as such and such, this character is older than that character, or what's his face and what's his face are close in age, things like that
I automatically assume these bitches are in their 20s so no older than 29, no younger than 20
But I tell you right now, some things do not add tf up🤨🤨
I feel like they only said Lou and mc were around the same age just so they can be like 'nah he's not an old man so yall can date dw'
Which gotta be a fucking lie cus apparently this bitch was the headmaster for the kings aswell so clearly this man is an old geezer💀💀
If we assume they're all the same age then shit is more complicated because who's older then who doesn't line up with their birth months
I think it's safe to assume Qelsum and Avari were the first to produce an heir to the throne, making Toa and Guy the oldest but if we assume they're all born in the same year that would make Guy the youngest cus this bitch born in November💀
Mc gotta be in her mid to late 20s if we assume shes been through college already. not that you cant be in college in your mid to late 20s but yk early twenties is considered 'college age' if you go to college after highschool yk
Thaumaturges live longer then regular humans so we can already throw away the idea that these bitches are in their 20s, they probably old asf and we ain't even know it
A nice ripe age to start having kids is like mid to late twenties, not that you have to have kids in your twenties but health wise if you don't want complications in the future, and yk sometimes in stories the kings are like 'alright your old enough to breed someone... pick one.😐' and have an assortment of young women like this a goddamn candy shop so I dont know, but these bitches live longer than normal so they can full be 50 and popping out bare babies like a goddamn beehive
it was actually the mcs familiar that said Lou was young like 'omg milady he looks like hes the same age as you' no the fuck he's not, that man gotta be fucking 60
Fuck a dilf, that man old enough to be a gilf💀💀
I bet the headmaster is like 70, the kings are in their 50s, and the consorts are like 23-30. Aging is like mad ambiguous so if the headmaster really is old asf I'm asking what his skin care routine is cus-
What if Grayson is actually the youngest one out of everyone--
What if Grayson is actually mad young and everyone else with magic coursing through their veins just has a baby face cus the magic is keeping them youthful
Look at Thoma, then look at Grayson.
What if Thoma is like 30 and Grayson is idk fucking 19 but Thoma has a baby face cus hes a thaumaturge and Grayson just ages faster cus hes not
I think I'm thinking way too hard about this--
No but let's talk-
Lynt and Roy are the same age, Rio is younger than Roy but somewhat close in age but closer to Sherry, apparently Rio has a bunch of siblings, like more than just Teto, Toa is older than Guy but relatively close in age, Guy and Aquia are close in age(or at least closer in age then they are to Zev) Toa and Lynt have to be relatively close in age cus didn't they know each other as kids, well I guess most of the princes knew eachother if not briefly as kids but I swear they're somewhat close, idk where Fenn or Lance fits in here but they're somewhere in between everyone, Lou essentially raised Dia so how old does that make Dia- How is Lou- listen I'm telling you Lou is an old geezer
What is the age gap between the consorts and the mc?!?!
Very off topic but I have the strange inkling that Lynt was conceived during birthdays sex.
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tanjir0se · 1 year
Ok I’m gonna actually be real for a minute. Now that I’ve unfortunately watched enough anime to consider myself an Anime Fan™ (welcome to cringe city population me) I think I can confidently say that Demon Slayer is on a completely different level.
1. The Animation. This kind of goes without saying. But literally even the early seasons felt alive, even mid range episodes look beautiful, and this most recent season has cemented KNY as being in a completely different league to anything else I’ve watched. BNHA, AOT, even Chainsaw Man and Trigun literally don’t even hold a candle to Demon Slayer when it comes to the animation. The fire and sparks and lightning GLOW from inside whatever screen you’re watching it, I don’t even know how they do it. Attack animations and fight choreography are so gorgeous and well timed and just so fucking beautiful to look at. I could go on forever.
2. The story. This is a controversial one because I have heard some say that the plot is nothing special for a shonen. Which I actually think is a good thing? The setup is simple, the mechanics are easy to understand and make sense, and I don’t have to wait through 19 episodes of lead up before something interesting happens. It’s just a straightforward story about a boy who loves his family. Also, Tanjiro’s power crawl is INSANE, every huge overpowered moment he has feels so earned.
Further in defense of the writing in KNY, the story feels so tight. Like we don’t really waste time with shit in KNY, everything feels focused and purposeful with the exception of maaaybe a few more comedic relief moments especially early on. But even those I don’t mind, they keep the tone light but consistent and develop the kids’ characters.
3. The MUSIC. Holy shit the music. It never stops!!! The way the character and action themes kind of blend into one another throughout the episodes, how hearing the melody of your favorite character start playing at certain moments can just rip your heart out. HOW YOU CAN PREDICT PLOT BEATS BY LISTENING VERY CLOSELY TO THE SOUNDTRACK. Literally unrivaled. LITERALLY unrivaled. It only stops when they purposefully drop it out to emphasize something. The musical beats and stings can build tension like nothing else, I will always be insane about the music in Demon Slayer.
4. In the same vein, the sound design I think is often overlooked. The swords clanging whenever they change position. The roar of Tanjiro’s sun breathing and the hiss of Hinokami escaping through his teeth. The clap of Thunder when Zenitsu breaks out thunder breathing. The way jewelry and chains jingle, the way his earrings clack against his collar, the way jaws snap shut or footsteps crunch in the snow, it’s all such excellent attention to detail that you don’t really notice until you Notice and then it’s always there.
Maybe Aniplex or Ufotable is putting something in their water or maybe I love my blorbos so much it’s making my brain smooth but it really feels like a passion project. It feels like the animators and writers and voice actors just deeply deeply give a shit about the art they’re making. Every single frame just oozes love and care for the source material and it comes through so beautifully. And this season is really taking all of everything I just said to the next level.
Anyway, watch Demon Slayer, love yourselves and turn off BHNA and AOT
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dxringred · 2 years
ok first, you're a GENIUS for both the werewolf and batb au. like truly blessing the ronance fandom w/ your ideas. and second: in your breakdown of the progression of robin and nancy's dynamic as batb, i'm wondering what's the tipping point that shifts them from instinctive hatred to bregrudgingly coexisting. like, is there a final straw that makes them relent and agree to be less hostile than enemies? and in the same vein, is there an event that makes either of them start to consider each other as potential friends/more than friends? sorry for bothering you w/ sm text!
i think, for a while, they have no choice but to unhappily coexist. try as they might to avoid each other, they somehow manage to do a lot of the opposite despite the castle's size, and it often results in one of them getting upset. nancy, repressed as ever, is annoyed at robin just for being there, and robin is annoyed at nancy for being annoyed with her lmao. so there's some arguing and some snide comments. i think it would all go to shit when the urge to go snooping in the west wing finally gets the better of robin.
she wanders the dark halls with their defaced paintings, climbs the winding staircase up the tower, sees the pink rose shining in its bell jar, and- her eyes meet nancy's, there's a breath of silence, and then nancy goes insane. "i told you the west wing is off limits," she growls in a way that makes robin's knees buckle and her lungs close up. "was taking the rest of my castle away from me not enough for you? get out! now!"
robin, whose mouth moves faster than her brain, naively, unwisely, tries, "but i-"
nancy screams. "i said get out!" robin doesn't realize nancy's thrown something at her until it shatters against the wall just beside her ear. "get out!" so, robin does. she runs all the way back down the stairs, all the way through the west wing, and all the way through the castle to the main doors. she hauls them open, races down the path to the gate, and uh-oh! you forgot about the wolves, robin!
she backpedals in a panic and trips over her own uncoordinated feet, putting herself at the mercy of the wolves as they bare down upon her. then, out of nowhere, the blade of a sword glints in the moonlight as it comes swinging out of the dark and slashes at the nearest wolf. who else to her rescue but queen nancy? a cold-hearted bitch worthy of her moniker that robin had thought didn't have a selfless cell in her body, and yet here she is, getting clawed at by wolves in her place. when she finally retreats enough for them to fade into the shadows again, she falls to her knees, exhausted and bloody, and there's only robin around to wordlessly carry her back into the castle and treat her wounds ;)
that's when they start to consider the potential of something more. robin especially.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Spoiled [Shiki x Rebecca x Weisz]
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an: born from a conversation with a friend of both Rebecca and Weisz being lucky with their man, Shiki. It quickly turned into lewd thoughts in my mind and I had to write it down.
pairing: Shiki Granbell x Rebecca Bluegarden x Weisz Steiner
warnings: established poly relationship, set well after the time skip, lil bit of power dynamics, blowjobs, pussy eating, anal fingering, pussy fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, unprotected anal sex, threesome, a Shiki sandwich basically
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The soft hush of the apartment was broken by a low groan that she knew very well - intimately so. The undercurrent of neediness to trace that deep masculine voice brought a knowing smirk to the pink glossed lips of their owner. Rebecca kicked out of her shoes as quietly as possible before padding on arched feet toward the door that stood only slightly ajar at the end of the hall. The apartment was bathed in black velvet from the lateness of the hour, the only light source emanating from the very room she was desperate to slip into. An almost sensually inviting shaft of light spread across the bare floorboards, coaxing her forward with a metaphorical crooked finger. It forced the heart in her chest to palpitate, banging against her ribs as her thigh pressed together. Graced with feline agility, her hips swayed from side to side as the light haze of alcohol dissipated in the wake of carnal intrigue. Her silver sequinned dress rustled from her lithe movements, the tight material hugging around her hips as all manner of indecent images speared through her mind.
There were plenty to choose from, after all, because she could consider herself a truly lucky woman, for she was not blessed with one but two handsome boyfriends at the same time who loved her with all their hearts.
Many would probably call such a relationship blasphemy, but the ash-blond woman could care less what strangers thought about her.
The only thing that counted for her was her own emotions and how she felt for two men that made her every day a dream come true.
Shiki and Weisz were both sweethearts, always looking out for her even though they loved to tease her a lot, often even teaming up against her.
The beginning of their relationship had been difficult indeed, for they had to figure out a lot of stuff, but once all of that had been finished, all three of them could allow themselves to fall into the bliss come true that embraced them constantly.
Weisz loved Shiki and her, Shiki loved Weisz and her and she loved Shiki and Weisz. A three-way relationship that couldn't function any better and she was fairly sure that none of them had expected things to turn out like this.
But in the end, all of them had been really happy about that development and by the lewd noises from their shared bedroom, Rebecca knew her men were currently enjoying the benefits of their circumstances.
Dainty fingers wrapped around the cool metal handle, pressing forward lightly and bringing her other hand up to curl around the frame in hopes of halting the tell-tale squeak of the door.
She felt giddy at her success, exuberance close to dancing through her veins, but it was quickly replaced by rampant arousal as she peered through the larger gap that was created.
The monstrously oversized bed ate up the majority of the space - well, it simply had to be large enough to accommodate two hulking males and a female known for star-fishing in her sleep.
The trio had a tendency to rotate sleeping positions and it was a running joke that the nights where Rebecca slept in the middle would mean little comfort for Shiki or Weisz. Sure, it started out nice and cosy with the boys wrapped around her slender frame but once she was deep asleep, the restless limbs started and so did the kicking.
They often wondered what she dreamed about, feeling sorry for any phantom enemies as she was clearly kicking the shit out of them, but they never found the courage to ask.
Come morning, Weisz and Shiki were droopy-eyed and yawning. Pushed to the very edges of a mattress that should be more than big enough for them all to sleep comfortably.
However, there was certainly no sleeping going on at the moment. Weisz was sprawled at the top of the bed, eyes closed with one arm resting behind his head whilst the fingers of the other danced through a forest of ebony hair. His lightly tanned skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat, only highlighting the tight coil of muscles that spread across his torso.
Shiki lay between his parted thighs, one arm holding him slightly up on the mattress and the other held tightly to Weisz’s powerful thigh, blunt nails leaving tiny crescent indentations in the skin.
The blonde interloper sucked in a breath, lip tucked tightly beneath her pearly teeth at the sight of Shiki’s bobbing head and the way his hips rutted against the mattress.
They were Gods among men; the raw strength displayed by the rippling of honed muscles only bested by the ardent sexual tension and energy that buzzed throughout the grand room. It was headier than any alcohol and she quickly became entranced by the wet slurps mingled with throaty groans.
“Did you have a nice night, kitten?”
The gravel-laced voice of Weisz made Rebecca startle, a vivid blush coating her cheeks as she blinked rapidly and had the decency to avert her gaze as she entered the room fully.
She noted that Shiki had tried to turn his head, shoulders rising until Weisz spoke once more, “don’t stop demon boy, not unless you want us all to go put our pyjamas on and end the fun now.”
There was a muffled whine, a catch in Weisz’s throat before he could regain composure with the dark head moving once more.
“He has been a whiny mess all evening, it was the only way I could think to occupy his mouth,” Weisz offered as an explanation with an almost casual shrug of his shoulders.
Yet, Rebecca knew better.
Knew that Weisz would have worried endlessly over Shiki’s sour mood and sought to change it in any way he could. That it brought them both pleasure, all the better. The thin veil of indifference was close to being entirely cast aside, Weisz’s relationship with the blonde girl and the dark-haired boy had steadily eaten away at his resolve to remain aloof, and it was nice to see the changes.
“Poor baby,” Rebecca cooed.
Her confidence returned, bolstered by the lustful rake of the blond’s stare. He was stripping her bare with his gaze alone, and it spoke to that dark curling fire in the pit of her stomach.
She strode for the bed, ensuring her hips swayed under the watchful eye of her boyfriend. She knelt on the bed, her dress taut over her plush rump and crawled to a position where she could run her fingers through the feather-soft black locks.
Shiki groaned at the initial touch, rubbing his head against her palm like an especially friendly feline, which was an excellent way to describe the man.
From this angle, she caught an obsidian eye, watched it take in what he could from this position and then roll to the back of his head in delight. Drool was escaping from the corners of his mouth, dripping over Weisz’s heavy balls and sliding to the sheets.
“Why was he in a bad mood?” she asked without taking her eyes off the man in question.
“He wanted to crash your night out, demon boy missed our little kitten.”
“Aww,” she purred affectionately, “you’re so cute Shiki.”
Her nails wandered down his bare spine, tiptoeing until she could swirl circular patterns into his tight butt, enjoying the clinch and appearance of dimples on the cheeks.
“Hmm, indeed,” Weisz groaned, a jolt running through his body at whatever the man being spoken about had just done with his mouth.
“I told him it was girls' night and he wouldn’t stop pouting. Said that we were honorary girls and that you wouldn’t mind. That’s how we ended up here, as you can see our boy is feeling especially needy tonight.”
Weisz gestured to the frantic movement of Shiki’s hips as they ground against the bed, chasing friction in whatever way he could get it.
“I think we should take care of him, don’t you?”
Crystal blue irises met emerald green, and a smirk unfurled on the male’s face as Rebecca batted her lashes in suggestion.
“We’ll spoil him at this rate, but I guess you’re right. But,” he continued quickly, “I want a kiss first.”
Rebecca could hardly deny the smirking blond, crawling further up the bed until her lips ghosted above his own. Caught in the intense burn of green emeralds.
Weisz gripped the back of her head, tugging her into place. Their lips met, firm but not rough. Mouths slanted as the kiss deepened, Rebecca licked into Weisz's mouth and swallowed his answering moan.
"Have I told you how gorgeous you look?" he inquired when they broke apart for air. A slow thumb dragged across her lower lip.
"Only a couple hundred times before I left," she giggled in response, nuzzling her nose against his skin and gazing down at the man making wet slurping noises between Weisz's thighs.
"Shiki, need you."
Eyes of liquorice fixed Rebecca in place, she flushed under the intensity of his stare and the sight of Weisz's saliva-soaked cock appearing from the depths of his throat was sinful.
She was entranced as he raised the back of his hand to wipe at the excess drool that had slid to his chin, crawling up the tanned torso until he could press his lips to hers.
Weisz clutched at the pair of them, a hand on each arm as the blonde girl and the ebony-haired boy made out like horny teenagers. Tongues swirled in the expanse between their joined mouths, tasting and exploring as if it were their very first kiss.
Rebecca found herself pressed between two equally hungry men - her men - she sent thanks up to the heavens for giving her this divine gift.
Shiki pressed urgent kisses to her throat, teeth nipping at her pulse point as Weisz planted open-mouthed kisses on her shoulders and back, sweeping her hair over one shoulder for more access.
Her dress was no longer covering her rump, hitched around her waist - a waist that Weisz was stroking, having seated her fully on his lap. She reached for the aching erection that pressed against her flimsy g-string, fisting from the base and pumping with ease given how slick it was.
Shiki whined, pressing his own throbbing cock against her thigh and leaving a trail of his pre to glisten on her soft skin. The heat was all-encompassing, the trio of lovers trapped in a tornado of fiery lust.
How she found herself pressed to all fours with a steady hold on Shiki's cock, her mouth inching closer, she wasn't truly sure. It had been a whirlwind of movement as Weisz controlled the situation, as he often did.
No longer was he laid back in the bed, he knelt behind Shiki with an arm snaked around his waist, hand exploring along his happy trail before rising to tweak at his darkened nipples.
Emerald eyes peered over the tawny shoulder, twinkling with mirth as Shiki writhed in his hold and forced Rebecca to tighten her grip on his shaft. She could well imagine what the engineer was up to back there, the obvious jerk of hips evidence enough to the prep work that was starting in earnest.
A hand turned Shiki's head to the side, and Rebecca squirmed at the pleasure-inducing sight of her two men kissing. Lips soft and sweet, loving nibbles and breathless moans.
The blonde lowered her eyes away from the hypnotizing sight, pressing kitten licks to the quivering tip of his cock and lapping at the slit to collect more of the pearlescent liquid that emerged.
Her tongue traced along his length until her nose nestled against his pelvis, she traced a hand to cup his balls and met the hand of Weisz. His digits were coated in smooth, silky lube as he worked to open up the male to his touch. She nearly giggled but forgot her amusement when Shiki took advantage of her parted lips, pressing into her wet cavern with a hiss.
The tang of salt enveloped her tongue, working to drench him in saliva as he had done for Weisz. She groaned, knowing the vibrations would reverberate into his body and a hand fell to the back of her hair. He smoothed the waterfall of silky hair, twisting it around his palm until it was fisted tight.
Shiki rocked into her mouth with slow but forceful thrusts of his hips, groans filling the air from the fingers that probed at his rim, slipping inside and spurring him to yank on the makeshift rein of her hair.
Moments like these were always intense - the sense of the air being sucked from the room was heady - everything fogged with the scent and sound of sex.
It was too much, he needed to taste her.
The scene shifted again - Shiki once more on his hands and knees but buried deep between Rebecca's soft thighs, her slip of a dress bunched in the middle of her torso as plentiful breasts strained for attention.
She tasted blissfully sweet, an eager tongue lapped at her slick and nosed at her clit. Lips tugged at her folds and pulled the most exquisite sounding squeals from her throat. A hand in his hair distracted him from the slow pump of Weisz's thick fingers in his ass.
The stretch was just on the right side of pleasure and he needed more and soon. The wet disconnect of his mouth sounded sloppy as he locked gazes with Rebecca - loving how rosy her cheeks were, how her hips rutted against his hand that remained on her needy cunt.
"Weisz, baby."
His voice sounded so desperate, the pressure in every inch of him below the waist was insufferable. Coiling like lengths of ropes until they were taut in his stomach.
"Need something, my King?" the blond cooed in response, buried up to the knuckles and halting all movement as he waited.
How Shiki both loved and hated that pet name, he didn't want to be thought of as more than either Weisz or Rebecca but he couldn't deny it did make him feel a little special. Especially in times such as these when both were working to make him feel so good.
"Please - let me fuck our kitten - please."
Rebecca whimpered and Weisz laughed, his digits twisted and turned to make his insides squirm in anticipation.
"Would you like that kitten?"
Her head bobbed eagerly, lip secured firmly beneath her teeth and eyes glazed in lust.
It was always stomach-clenchingly amazing, that first inch to sink inside. The tip caught against her velvet-lined walls and the slow moan of delight bubbled up her throat.
Shiki was too lost in the moment to appreciate what was happening behind him, the hands that braced either side of his hips seemed to be guiding him deeper into Rebecca's clenching cunt. The first press of something much larger than a finger to nudge at his hole made him gasp.
He stilled, halfway sheathed and heart close to pounding straight out of his chest. Weisz fucked himself delicately into Shiki, forcing him to the hilt inside Rebecca and all three sounded delirious from the pleasure.
The lewd melody of skin slapping was the most erotic symphony, each lost in their world of shared ecstasy. Weisz directed the movements until Shiki regained his composure. His slow thrusts rocked the raven-haired male into Rebecca who keened for the both of them.
She gripped Weisz's thigh, leaving crescent moon marks on the skin whilst tugging on Shiki's hair and arching her spine on the mattress.
Two sets of hips snapped in a harsher tempo, and the men listened to the babbled almost incoherent demands of the blonde twisting in the depths of the bed to go faster, harder.
"Shiki - fuck - right there!"
He was half aware that he was pressing his cock against her front wall in repeated motions, massaging her g-spot just as she liked and it was making her grip on him tighten until it was close to knocking the air from his lungs.
In response his ass clenched, sucking Weisz further into him and a guttural "fuck" bounced off the walls. Sweat glistened on their skin, the squelching noises sounding utterly carnal as they reached the precipice together.
"Ah, shit - fuck - gonna..."
Shiki trembled as his orgasm tightened his balls and shot along the length of his dick, erupting with hot spurts of sticky seed to mingle with the gush of fluids from the limp blonde below.
The blond at his back stuttered, muscles tensing as a low roar poured out and a burst of warmth flooded his insides. He panted as he succumbed to the pressure holding him in place.
Weisz was the first to speak, his dark chuckle sounding almost crazed in the humid room.
"Think we spoiled him enough, kitten?" he asked as his arms wrapped Shiki in a most affectionate embrace for the usually gruff male.
His blond hair flopped against Shiki's shoulder as the three hugged as closely as possible without smothering poor Rebecca completely.
"Never, sweetie. There is always room for more," came the tinkling reply of Rebecca.
The night was still young after all...
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thefathersbride · 1 year
@fenharel tagged me to take this quiz for my OCs, thank you very much! Not tagging anyone in particular this time, but if you are looking for a "tag" for yourself, feel free to consider this IT!
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the ruler.
you probably grew up in an environment where everything was policed, you had almost no control over your own life. now, you need to be in constant control, lest those feelings of helplessness return. however, the ruler is the most easily corrupted of the archetypes, remember that. you might find yourself not only wanting control over your own life, but the lives of others. that in itself is not a bad thing, so long as you’re benevolent and kind, but it’s easy to be tipped a bit too far into your desires. in the same vein, don’t shoulder all of your responsibility alone. while it is ultimately their decision to make, a ruler also has a circle of advisors around them.
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the innocent.
this doesn't necessarily mean you're childish or naive! i think you're more of a hopeful person, maybe even a bit of an idealist. you might be the one who always looks for a silver lining, or tries their best to comfort and cheer other people up when they feel like shit. dont get stuck in a happy personality though, you're allowed to feel other things besides constant cheerfulness.
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the magician.
well, arent you detached from reality. i dont mean in a delusional sense, i mean you purposefully distance yourself from everything and everyone. you have people you're close to, of course, but they're always kept at arms length. you're incredibly driven though, achieving your goals is extremely important to you. you feel trapped in the life you have now, it's not enough for you. you need more, always more. you are so hungry, and if you’re not careful, you’ll only end up consuming yourself.
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