#( lmao I was going to have it be that Anna invites him over to the tavern but honestly I think Abe seeks her out more often )
cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
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annastrxng asked : ☎– from Anna if you'd like & Maybe Elsie & Mena
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone. / @annastrxng​ -- accepting
NAME: Anna <3
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Black petticoat is up.
LAST TEXT SENT: Cellar in five?
NAME: Elsie-gator
RINGTONE: rip she gets a weezer song
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Want to wrestle with a gator?
LAST TEXT SENT: After my last time in the swamps with you? I’ll pass.
NAME: Philomena
RINGTONE: default iphone ringtone
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Can I ask for your assistance on something, Mr. Woodhull?
LAST TEXT SENT: John Andre isn’t there to help you?
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crosbyism · 6 days
Okay, hear me out:
I’ve been thinking more about Sidney Crosby and his masculinization kink and the Sid/nate of it all. But I think there’s also a universe where Sid needs all the dicks and a large variety. And over 18 years in the league he’s been with quite the array of players. In my mind it goes something like this:
- gets to NHL, finds out someone, likely MAF is bi and that he isn’t the weirdo for liking men and being obsessed with cock. MAF ends up inviting him for a threesome with Vero, Sid is only focused on Marc and vero ends up just watching
- after a nasty game between the pens and flyers, Sid ends up going home with Giroux, who introduces him to daddy kink, but with G as the daddy. It gets Sid real riled up and horny, he realizes he wants to be the daddy for someone else
- queue a few younger players that already worship Sid that he introduces to the world of gay nhl players and daddy kinks, taking each boy to his lake house, slowly corrupting more and more of the league and getting a boy on each team. Note exactly corrupting though, it’s more about showing them that they can be their true selves in the league and that he, as daddy, is there for them in more ways than one.
- Nate happens. He becomes the ultimate corruption project. Nate is absurdly into it as well. Sid doesn’t want to be monogamous, Nate is at first upset until he realizes that he actually likes hearing about Sid’s exploits.
- we get to the 2015/16 draft classes and Sid really gets it going with Marner in particular, but also Draisaitl and Tkachuk.
- the USNDTP boys in 2019 almost break him. Especially Cole Caufield.
okay okay sorry sorry but the last two bullet points took me tf out. i have simply been in hrpf fandom for too long and know too much fandom history. bro i cannot imagine sidney crosby, who rode shea weber’s dick throughout the 2014 olympics, before cole caufield even hit puberty, being broken by those little twinks in any way, shape or form. tzegras didn’t even realise he was dating jamie drysdale before drysdale got traded, man, wdym “they almost break him”, those two guys didn’t even know they liked dick lmao
side note: the mentions of cole caufield and daddy kink reminded me that i have an unfinished pwp that’s cole caufield/shea weber where shea weber goes “come be a good boy and fill daddy up with your big cock” and there’s a bunch of size kink involved. if ur interested i can dig it up for u, seems like it might be up ur alley
HOWEVER i think you live in a beautiful world and i fully support you living your dreams of NHL daddy sidcroz fucking all your blorbos. frankly we do not have enough poly/open relationship sid who is like, allergic to monogamy. even though i think it works great for him! personally i’m not too big on the “all the blorbos are queer” trope, so that’s not necessarily my personal jam, and I tend to think about this more in terms of Sid figuring out his sexuality away from hockey. but i think you should go forth and write all your heart’s desires. have fun! i do think it’s both a hilarious and incredibly fun idea to have sid, as the mid-2010s hit, increasingly have a harem of rookies dying to fuck him. like, they all want him so bad and also know nothing about gay sex. i’m sure you could have loads of fun writing about sid inadvertently becoming a daddy and also a gay sex fairy godfather for NHLers. kind of like in Pass It On but more hands-on, raunchy and way less monogamous or vanilla. he uses the house in montana as a sex house. there’s a sex basement. why not.
i LOVE the concept of sid and nate, non-monogamous partners, dirty talking to each other about the sex they have with other people. there’s one or two fics like this out there already and i’m frankly obsessed with them. those guys are SO horny and they deserve to fuck so much.
i love a loving MAF/vero threesome (although i also love a delicious fraught fuckbuddy situationship with geno before geno met anna). tragically i think Giroux only got daddy vibes with his beard, which happened quite late, post-2015, so I would wager that IF sid got introduced to daddy kink by an NHLer it’d probably be more like. someone on the 2010s or 2014 olympic roster. these were unfortunately the years when claude giroux was greasy AF and was giving more “incel in the basement” than “daddy in the penthouse”(and also either banging danny briere or sad about not banging danny briere anymore. although hm claude being a daddy for danny briere? compelling actually).
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
The Servant and The Prince | Two
Description: This is very much a Cinderella trope because I cannot help myself and I am in love with Loki, chapter two
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader, third person as I may adapt eventually with an OC
Warnings: LMAO kinda smut? No- I don’t know how I managed to do this in the second chapter but I did and I don’t care, they’re soulmates, sue me- it is not graphic and it is important for the plot I swear 
Tags: Fluff, again kinda smut but in the least graphic way, a touch of angst near the end
Word count: 5.2k (why can’t I write essays this fast?)
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The ride to the capitol takes three gruelling days. Each night is spent at a different tavern. It is the same story each time; Estrid and Anna spend the night in a lavish bed and Y/n is left with the horses, curled under her thankfully baggy cloak. It is neither warm nor comfortable, sleeping on the bench seat of the carriage. She never really falls asleep, she only dozes in and out of consciousness. It is almost always interrupted by footsteps or the murmurs of animals or her own mostly empty stomach growling into the night. That one is twofold- usually her stomach is in so much nauseating pain that she cannot sleep but, on the off occasion she can, she is then awoken by the loud roars it makes.
When she does sleep her dreams are plagued by nightmares of drowning in water that tastes of salt. It is always the same, her body sinking slowly to the bottom of what she can only assume is the sea, her lung filling with more and more of the saline water. She has never been to the sea but she has heard stories. She always wanted to go but now she is not so sure.
Each morning she wakes at the crack of dawn, sneaking out of the carriage like a mouse scampering away from the booming footsteps of a prowling cat. Of course she is not allowed to be sleeping in the carriage but it is a liability she must take. She would much rather be punished by Estrid than found by a drunken stable boy. Who would have thought she would miss her simple bed so much. It is just a worn mattress and the last of her mother’s quilts but she longs for it more than anything. She longs for a lot of things in the passing days.
With everyday that passes the anger grows stronger too. She has never been a restless girl but in less than three days it feels like everything she thought she was is wrong. Even while sitting still she feels as though she is pacing in a room that she is completely unfamiliar with. Granted it could be the rocking of the carriage- three days is a long time to be shaken up so- but still it feels different. When she squeezes her eyes closed hard enough she can see those differences. A bed with emerald sheets and a desk pushed against a window. And a man. A tall man who is shrouded in darkness. No matter how hard she squeezes her eyes she cannot make out his features.
She can see what he does sometimes though. He likes to sit at the desk and let the sunlight pour over him. That is the only time she does not feel the overwhelming anger, like daggers, slicing down the insides of her throat. She feels peace in those moments- almost like she is with him, her skin absorbing the sunshine as well. If only it was sunny during the night then maybe she could get a proper night's sleep.
The sunshine is not the only time she feels him, though. It is the best but not all. She can also feel when he digs his fingers through his hair, pulling so hard on the invisible strands that her scalp begins aching as well. She can feel it when he throws his head back, the soundless roar bubbling in her throat. His voice is a mystery to her. Somewhere deep inside her she knows what he sounds like, she just cannot describe it. It is there though, ingrained into parts of her that she also cannot describe. In those moments, if she could scream and know that her voice would sound exactly like his she would do it, if only to truly remember. That is what it feels like- forgetting. She is forgetting something gravely important.
Or she is just losing her everloving mind.
She cannot explain it, whatever it is; all she knows is that she does not understand. The anger is hers but not. The pacing and hair tugging are hers but not. The twinge of familiarity in everything that she sees in her mind. It is all both her own and not hers at all and it is infuriating. What is even more infuriating is to be so angry without reason. If she is to be angry all the time then at least she should know why. She would chalk it up to her situation- there is more than enough in her life to be angry about- but she had never really been angry before. Achingly desperate and mournful, yes. But angry? Before these past few days she never really understood the word.
The anger, then, must be his. But, if it is his, why then is it also hers? This time it is her who slams her hands against her head, digging in desperately. Why does none of it make any sense at all? She squeezes her eyes shut, so hard she sees that little spark of white that must mean her eyes are not supposed to be used so carelessly. She pushes past it- right now it does not matter. She is on a mission to find something out- to find anything out.
Only seconds later does the blackness behind her eyelids shift and she is no longer on the back of the carriage but rather back in his bedroom. The sunlight is pouring in through the window again and she sighs. Thank Odin. The last of her remaining senses that anchor her to the real world fizzle away as she scampers towards the desk where a figure cloaked in all black sits in a wooden chair. One of his shadowy hands is propped up on the desk, his fingers twisting through the rays. For a moment it feels like he is beckoning her to him, curling his fingers like an invitation meant only for her.
Of course she goes to him.
She barely registers the feeling of her feet hitting the stone below her- probably because she is not actually in the room walking towards him. That does not stop her from pretending like she is, gliding to meet him in the sunshine. She stands next to him for a moment, her heart galloping steadily. For once it is not from fear; there is nothing about him that she is afraid of. She wants nothing more than to climb onto his lap and let her body soak in the sunshine as well. It is not fear that makes her heart pound; it is anticipation. It is the looming sadness. She will try to climb into the sunshine- just as she has tried for each of the two days prior- and she will feel nothing. She never feels the warmth of the sun or the warmth of his darkened body. Still, she will try- it is all she can do to try.
She takes a deep breath, the faintest- almost nonexistent- aroma of pine trees and salt tickling her nose. The carriage must be close to the sea. She tosses the thought aside, bracing her hands on the side of the desk. Her fingers land how they are supposed to, splayed against the top, but she cannot feel the smooth plains of the mahogany. Her fingers stop with resistance but it is not tangible. Like every day before, she lifts herself up, placing her knees on either side of his dark lap. She braces for the same easy resistance of air to keep her hovering steadily above him. It will feel almost like nothingness- like only the memory of him is there instead of a real man. It is blissful, like coming home, and devastating, like being barred from entering said home, all at the same time.
She holds herself for a moment longer, not quite ready to feel nothing at all, and that is when it happens- his shadowy face snaps up and she can make out the faintest hint of icy blue in his otherwise misty eyes. She gasps, her heart beating even faster. Can he see her? Can he feel her? It is as though his eyes are boring into hers through her little daydream. It feels so real- like he is actually there and not just a figment of her imagination.
Her hands slip from the edge of the table, her knees jolting against the wooden chair almost painfully. There is a dull thud as she sinks down. That has not happened before. She snaps her gaze down to her legs, her mouth falling open at the sensation of her thighs spreading and pressing against leather. Yes, not the air that she has grown so used to but buttery leather and two warm legs that are covered by the folds of her dress. She could moan from how delicious it feels against her skin- both the supple leather and the feeling of finally being allowed back into her home- but of course she does not. Both because she does not want to risk the man hearing her wanton breaths and because he beats her to it.
Shadowy hands curl over her simple dress, fingers squeezing against her hips. She pulls her gaze back to the man's face, stifling another moan when he does again, almost as if testing the newness of being able to feel her. She supposes that is the answer she is looking for- he can definitely feel her. She watches as his lips- still shrouded in darkness like the rest of him- move frantically. No words form, not even hisses of air. She cannot hear anything he is saying. She can only feel him and his hands as he pulls her higher onto his lap, spreading her thighs even further until she is pressed harder into him. Her body molds into his with each shift, matching each dip and curve with her own, like two puzzle pieces clicking into place.
His mouth keeps moving, his faint icy eyes flicking across her face. Can he see her or does she appear like he does to her- a black mass of nothingness? She tests it the extent of her presence, placing her hands on his chest. Her heart is in her throat as her fingers smooth against the same supple leather, feeling the warm plains of armour and the way his chest heaves when she presses harder. His face tilts down, towards where she touches him, before snapping up to gaze at her. Again he tries to speak, his hands crawling up her back. His touch is heavenly- blissfully gentle against her injured spine- and she sinks back into him. She may as well soak in her daydream to its full extent.
She slides her fingers up to cup his cheeks. She cannot cannot make out the color of his skin but she can feel the heat rolling off him. His stubble bites at her palms, scratching her softly. She giggles, running her forefingers over it, exploring the contours of his face. Her thumbs drag over his cheekbones and he says something again, turning his face into her palm. His lips move against her skin and she wishes more than anything she could hear him. She wants to hear everything he is saying.
She draws his eyes back to hers, shaking her head slightly. He stops talking, his head cocking to the side. She cannot see it but she is almost certain his brows knit together. She is also certain that this man is beautiful, despite having only seen his eyes. If only her imagination were strong enough to fill in the blanks. Perhaps she is damaged- why else would she not be able to fill in a man of her making? His mouth opens again.
Y/n taps two fingers to her mouth and then to her ears, shaking her head. “I cannot hear you.”
She doubts that he will be able to hear her as well but she tries anyway. Her voice comes out soft, jarring against the silence. It is quieter here that she realizes. As expected, his eyes fill with confusion, narrowing slightly. One of his hands moves from her back and she swallows a whines at the rush of cool air that meets the place he had been holding her, immediately longing for the lost contact. Her bottom lip puckers out without her consent. Perhaps he notices, his gaze dropping low. Perhaps his eyes fall past her lips as well, though.
His other arm, the one still around her waist, tightens, sliding until his fingers curl around her opposing hip. Her knees slide even further forward with his actions, knocking into the back of the chair as her chest bumps into his. She shoots her hands out again, grasping onto his sturdy shoulders to keep from toppling off his lap, her thighs squeezing harder around him. Her skin drinks in the buttery material once more and this time she cannot stop the moan from rolling off her tongue, pleasure spiking up her spine. It is like nothing she has never felt before; a bolt of lightning striking right between her legs where her body nestles into his. It zaps her from the inside out, the most blissful heat pooling in the pit of her belly. Gods, the things she would do to hang on to that feeling forever.
He freezes under her, his shadowy arm around her hips stilling. Their faces are inches apart and it is as though she can almost feel his breaths against her lips. That is impossible but still the strange memory of his breath tickles, her mind filling in the blanks with what she assumes it would feel like. She can just barely taste the peppermint, somehow sharp through her dream.
Her hands squeeze harder against his shoulders as she sinks further onto him, her soft body molding again to fit against his hard one. The feeling repeats itself as she does- that wonderful bolt of pleasure- and her eyes flutter closed for a moment, her head falling back. Her mouth draws open as she clings to the growing heat between her legs. She has no idea why it is building or what will happen when it finally overflows but she is more than willing to find out.
His hand finally skims across her cheek, his fingers dipping behind her neck and curling, locking her in place against him. His hand is just as warm as the rest of him, adding a certain heaviness to her eyelids, one that she had been missing for days. He nudges her face gently and she pushes past the sleep and pleasure to meet his stare. He does not speak this time; he must have learned that it would not work. Instead he squeezes her hip, his icy eyes glancing down to where her legs are wrapped around him, before boring back into hers. He shifts again, pressing up and against her, sparking another round of that marvellous lightning in her belly, this time even stronger.
Her veins fill with fire and for a moment she can feel the sunshine on her back and hear the creaking of the chair underneath them as if she were actually in the room with him and not just locked in her own imagination. It does not last long, her newly unlocked senses, and as he relaxes back into his seat the fire in her blood mingles with desperation. She slides her fingers up his neck, tangling them in his soft hair. There is no hint of color, only the same shadows. She needs to see more- feel more.
“Please,” she draws his face up towards her, furiously pulling his darkened body towards hers. The contrast of her skin against his shadowed cheeks increases her drive- she has to see him. “Please do it again. I need more.”
It is futile, her little cries. She knows they will fall soundless on his ears. She can only hope that her actions, choked and frantic as she clings to him, can convey everything her lips cannot. He stares down, his crystal eyes locked on hers, his lips pressed together. His stillness makes her heart hammer rapidly against her ribcage. Please, by Odin, understand; I need you.
She pulls him even closer to her, falling until her back hits the edge of the desk and she is caged between it and him, still perched on his lap. Her dress bunches around her hips, her bare legs secured around his waist and squeezing him to her. Still he does not move, his eyes dragging down until his head is bowed between them, gaze locked on where their hips meet. His hand around her neck tightens, his eyes snapping back to hers, the blue visibly more brilliant. Glowing. He raises a shadowy brow, nodding slowly. Yes you oaf, yes! She would have screamed at him if she knew it would not be pointless. Instead she nods back at him, tugging gently on his hair. When he still does not move she finally snaps.
She springs forward, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, her face pressed against the crook of his neck. She really has no clue what she is doing- at this point she only knows one thing; she wants to be here with him and will do whatever she has to in order to make it happen. She gently runs her nose along the side of his neck, soaking in his warmth, her fingers twisting once more in his silky hair. His chest heaves against hers again and she smiles. That must mean something good, right?
She starts slow, her lips barely glimpsing his skin, testing his reactions to her.
She presses a soft kiss below his jaw.
He wraps his other hand back around her hip.
She brushes her lips lower, harder, kissing his throat.
He squeezes her softly, rolling his head back and revealing more of his neck to her.
She sucks some of his skin into her mouth, letting it go with a pop that sounds as though it echoes through an actual room and not just through her mind.
He pulls her flush against his chest with a groan that just barely grazes her ears, sparking the jagged pieces of her memory to fill in his luscious voice.
She tugs his earlobe into her mouth, biting down a little less gently.
He stands with her still wrapped around him and presses her back against a now fully formed tabletop.
She gasps again, not expecting the vast switch but not angry about it either. In fact this is the first time she is not unreasonably angry and she wishes she could hold onto this feeling. This happiness. She giggles up at him as her skirt pools higher around her hips, her body no longer upright and squished between the desk and him. One of his dark arms lands next to her, sliding under her head. The other hand slips under her skirt, his rough fingers a delicious contrast against her smooth skin. He presses down, his thumb circling her hip bone softly, holding her against him. She sinks her head back into his hand, unable to tear the smile from her lips. This must be what home feels like.
She squeezes her thighs, connecting their bodies. He rolls his hip against her, finally giving her the pressure she has been craving, and the building inferno inside her roars back to life. She arches her back off the desk, trying to get even closer to him, and he leans down to meet her, pressing his stomach against hers. He bucks against her again and she can taste the peppermint for real this time- the salt and the pine so sharp that there is no way she can be imagining it.
The lightning spikes through her each time he juts against her. It crackles through her nervous system, flashing in her eyes. With every spark the colors around her become more vibrant, her senses overflowing. She catches glimpses of the emerald bed behind him and some jade strips of leather in his armour. She can hear the steady rocking of the desk, the scraping of the leather against her thighs. Her little sighs are clear, she no longer has to wonder if they are only in her head. She still cannot hear him but she can see the pink in his lips as they form around his words. They look soft and capable and it is all she can do to roll her head back into his hand and pray that he understands the invitation.
He does.
Unlike her he does not start slow. He leans down immediately, pulling her skin into his mouth feverishly and biting down. Her eyes slam shut as he does so, one of her hands falling to the arm anchored beside her. She curls his fingers around his bicep, forcing herself to remain still in the face of one of the most intense experiences she has ever had. She did not know that a mans lips on her skin could feel this way. The sensation is completely foreign- otherworldly. So is the moan that carves its way out of her throat, filling the space between them. It is loud and aching- much like the rest of her- and it rewards her with something that she is not expecting in the slightest. A laugh.
His laugh.
She pushes herself up as soon as the small sound falls against her ears, musical and elegant, her eyes peeling open to the sight of sharp green leather and raven black hair. His skin is still cloaked in the darkness, his hands two shadowy masses as they snake to her thighs, but she relishes in the details that her mind grants her. Her mother’s words ring through her ears. You are so powerful, little dove. That is exactly how she feels right now; powerful. She will pull him through the darkness, little by little, until she can hear the air in his lungs and see the blush in his face. She will do it if it is the last thing she ever does.
He goes to pull away from her, his face dropping and hands releasing. His icy eyes a tinged with worry. As he takes a step back the color in his lips begins to fade, the pink dulling to a soft grey. No! She uses her legs to drag him back against her, hard enough to make him slam his hands onto the desk next to her hips. The sound thunders through the room and she smiles, the whoosh of air that accompanies his movements like a warm summer breeze chasing away the cold spring. The fire in her belly drinks it in, layering it on top of the lightning like a blanket. She wraps her arms around his shoulders again, clinging to him completely.
“Stay please.” She holds his gaze as she pleads with him, every word making the blue in his eyes brighten even more. “Please-” She does not know what to call him, he has no name that she can recall. Only one word sparks in her mind- an old word she used to hear her mother use occasionally- “Surtr.”
Dark one.
His back straightens as the word slips from her tongue, pulling her up with him until he is standing. It is like something inside him snaps- much like it had earlier in her- and he presses her against the stone wall, using his hips to hold her in place as he all but rips the straps off her arms. His mouth finds her skin again, feathering kisses down her shoulders and over the tops of her breasts where they spill out of her loosened dress.
She digs her heels into his back, encouraging him to press harder against her. He obliges, sparking the fire once more. This time, when the lightning strikes she can taste the smoke in her throat. She is so close to overflowing; right there on the edge. The smell of pine trees is overwhelming now- like she is in a forest surrounded by them. The salt is almost as strong. She licks her lips, drinking in as much of it as she can as she meets his thrusts. The only thing she can think is that the feel of the leather between her thighs is her new favourite thing.
“You are the one who must stay.”
His voice is like honey, dripping slowly down her skin. It is utter perfection; sweet and low. Everything she had been imagining and so much more. He lifts his face, now only thinly veiled by the shadows. She can see bits of his skin, flushed but rosy, peaking through. His raven hair falls forward, tickling her cheeks and nose. She drags her fingers through it again, pushing it away from his face. Something inside her roars to life at the sight- at the sounds. His groans and the hitch in his chest and the little slap he gives her thigh that makes her giggle again. All of it combines with the final jut of his hips against hers and then next thing she knows she is falling, like a star from the sky, spiraling straight into the sweetest oblivion anyone has ever known.
The pleasure that fills her body is like nothing she could have ever imagined. That is how she knows it is real. She is not creative enough to manufacture the desperate sounds he makes against her skin nor the feeling of them both sinking slowly down the wall into a pile of woozy limbs and panting breaths. She does not influence the way he curls around her, shielding her as she muffles her screams into his chest- no dream could feel as strong and soft as his arms as he glues their shaking bodies together. No; this is real.
He is real.
But for how long?
“How do I stay?” She intwines her body with his, wrapping around him once more as the pleasure begins to wane. “Please tell me.”
Even as she speaks she can hear her voice fading, losing the sharp edge it had moments ago. The warmth of his body begins to lessen as well, even as she fights to bring herself as close to him as she can. She pulls her face out of his neck, meeting only the faintest of blue in his eyes this time. They dart over her face, his hands fisting in her dress, tugging her closer too. He is fighting as well. She opens her mouth again but no sound comes out, only a hiss of air as she tries to scream. Do not leave me! Tears pour down her cheeks and for once she does not try to stop them. For once there are more important things.
The room around her begins to blur, hazing in and out of focus. Her fingers slip against his hair, no longer able to hold onto him as he, too, fades. That does not stop her from trying to dig her way through the darkness to get him back. Even as the room begins spinning she keeps clawing at his body, searching for anything that she can latch onto. Any little bit of him that she has left. Her fingers catch on something cold and she wraps her fingers around it, saving it from the disintegrating world. She squeezes her eyes shut when everything blurs so fast that bile rises in her throat, the nausea being too much.
“I will find you.” It is the last she hears of his honey voice and, like everything else, she holds onto it, hoping it will be enough to permanently sear him into her memory.
When Y/n cracks her eyes open she is no longer in the room- she is on the back of Estrid’s carriage. She is shaking still, the last dregs of pleasure- the last reminder that it was real- fizzling out and mingling with the motion sickness. The rocking of the carriage does nothing to stave it, she has to rest her head against the metal to keep from wobbling off.
She blinks a few times, clearing the haze from her bones and the blinding light from her return to reality. When she does, she is almost as breathless as she was moments ago. Instead of the usual meadows that she has gotten used to seeing in the last few days, she is greeted with glittering golden towers. They rise all around her, reaching towards the sky like flowers reach for the sun. She has to hold her breath as she her eyes trace up their iridescent stems, dizzy at the mere thought of being at the very top. She has never been that high before. Well, besides this today. That can only mean one thing- she is in the capitol!
She cranes her neck, trying to absorb as much as it as she can. All around her are other carriages. For miles it had been only Estrid’s but now there are dozens, each one just as ornately decorated. Even more so. They are drawn by white stallions that huff at her when they pass, their muzzles ruffling like they have never smelt a servant before. She does not blame their caution- by the looks of things they are probably used to the finer things. She is quite the opposite. If she was a horse perhaps she would huff at herself as well.
The streets are immaculately decorated for the upcoming festivities. The pillars that line the streets are strung with scarlet and jade banners, the railings roped with gold silks. There are little stands selling candied fruits and chocolate. Along the festive streets people mingle in and out of the towers, dressed in fabric more colorful than she has ever seen before. It is the same golds and scarlets and jades that make up the decorations. It looks velvety and luxurious to the touch- perhaps almost as soft as his hair had felt in her hands.
She squeezes her fist at the thought, something hard biting into her palm. Her heart stops. The slight pain draws her focus away from the crowds- most of which she has noticed are comprised mainly of young women. It is incredible how many girls are trying their luck the same way Anna is. That is a thought for another time though, one when she is not preoccupied by magical phenomenon. She glances down at her palm. There is no way. She peels her fingers open slowly- anticipating the let down. She must be dreaming this- she must have dreamt it all.
But no, there it is, a little gold band with a deep set green emerald sitting atop her palm like a little reminder. Like a plea. It sparkles in the brilliant sun, warming on her skin. It calls to her in a voice so honeyed she flinches.
Come find me.
She peers back up at the towering city, her heart clenching. She wants to more than anything and she will do it- she knows she will. There is only one problem.
Where does she even begin to search?
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justinewt · 2 years
White-Out - TWD Rewrite Chapter Ten
Previous chapter / Next Chapter
Summary: It wasn’t perfect but things were settling down, from Anna’s point of view at least. The whisperers were still out there but she wasn’t affected by their actions as she stayed within Alexandria’s walls the whole time. She lived her own lot of difficulties without ever stepping out and it was enough for her right now. She wasn’t ready to experience first hand what was happening on the outside.
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: Season 9 spoilers (episode 14 and 16 specifically), SA flashback (not graphic i couldn’t have written this kinda thing in details wtf), mention of old scars, angst, ANGST, hypothermia, no violence someone just twisted their ankle at some point lmao, memories of negan as a hella protective dad, heart-to-heart talk, little fluff
As Anna walked through the camp, she noticed two new faces in the distance. She narrowed her eyes, staring at them, wondering who they were. They were two young teenagers seated on the steps of a house, that much she was sure of but who they were, no idea. She saw Laura, one of the former Saviors, standing near the two of them. Although she didn’t like her very much, which was obviously reciprocated, she eventually approached the blond tattooed woman in order to ask them about the two newcomers.
“Laura.” She turned her head to Anna and was clearly not expecting her to come to her to talk. The teenagers glanced at the two blond women curiously.
“Anna,” A slight smile raised the corner of her lips. “this is for sure the first time you talk to me willingly.”
“Guess some things change after all.” Anna crossed her arms. “Who are they ?”
“Daryl brought them. He’s, Henry, the son of the Kingdom’s leaders and–”
“Carol and uh, Ezekiel ?” Laura nodded before pursuing.
“And the girl is from an enemy group.”
“Looks like history is repeating itself. Guess some things don't change.” Anna joked. She gave a look at Laura and turning around, she saw Michonne walking over to the teenagers.
“Henry, I need to speak to Lydia.” So, Lydia was it. “Alone.”
“It’s okay. You stay.” Lydia stood up, ready to leave with Michonne but he got on his feet in turn, disagreeing. Curious, Anna stayed nearby and observed the scene, not expecting to get anything really interesting from it.
“No, really, I’ll go.” He looked down at his left leg. A hole in the fabric of his jeans revealed a bunch of stitches on his skin. It would surely leave a scar, but nothing as bad as what Anna had to live with so he would be fine. “I got to move around and make sure these stitches hold anyways.”
Anna turned around, giving a goodbye glance to Laura when she walked away, accompanying Henry to wherever he was going. Anna sped up to walk past them and leave as well but Henry’s voice rose from behind her and she heard him calling out to her.
“Eh, and you, who are you ?” She turned around, walking backwards, a good ten feet away from of them. A wry smile appeared on her face.
“Does Saviors ring any bell ?” Given the way he stared at her, she assumed he had perfectly understood what she was talking about. She bowed dramatically. “Anna, Negan’s daughter.”
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Everyone, or almost everyone, had left Alexandria as today there was a fair organized in the Kingdom settlement. Michonne had asked Anna if she wanted to join them but she had politely declined the invitation. She would feel lonely there because she didn’t know many people and she wasn’t what you call a social butterfly or whatever so, she would rather stay here, and loneliness wasn’t a feeling she wanted to deal with right now. She even asked Michonne if she was allowed to go see her dad instead. It was the first time she had asked her in years, she had never asked for permission before. She said yes and left, so as the day passed, Anna decided to go down there see him at some point. It was early in the afternoon and it was chilly in the basement but not too cold for her. She sat down against the wall in front of the cell’s door.
“You didn’t go with ‘em ?” He asked, looking at her as he closed the book he was reading when she entered.
“Nope. I don’t know anyone there and, well, you know I don’t like things like fairs and stuff.”
“Yes. I sure as hell know.” He nodded. “You used to told me you didn’t want to see anyone from your school, ‘cause they were all little morons but now, they’re not your classmates so, why aren’t you going ?”
“Because, most of them are morons as well.” She retorted. “I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. Some haven’t seen me in a long time, and still have the image of the horrible Negan's daughter, so to speak, imprinted in their fucking mind.” He sighed heavily before changing the topic of the conversation.
“So uh, didn’t you tell me about an Alden, or something like that, once ?” Anna stared at him, in surprise. She had indeed told him about Alden but years ago at least.
“You remember ?”
“Sure I remember. What do you think I do when you’re talkin’ to me ? I listen, very carefully. Try not to miss anything you say so you don’t feel like talkin’ to a damn wall.”
“But, I told you about Alden when we we’re still at the Sanctuary. I probably even only told you once at the most. I mostly told–” He cut her off.
“Dwight. I know. I was a shitty father and you had to find someone else to do what should have been my job. I’m sorry.” She giggled nervously.
“The last time I heard you apologize for something was… well, way before the Sanctuary.” Anna swallowed, tensing her clenched fists remembering why he apologized. Something she though she had wiped out of her memory but it was still there and she just triggered it but it was so long ago and thinking of it now, it felt like someone else had been through that. Back when they were on the road, just the two of them, befroe they found refuge at the Sanctuary, they had crossed path with a group of not very clear guys. They followed them and when they stopped, they jumped on the occasion and while they fought with her dad, one of them had grabbed her and pinned her to the ground. She struggled and screamed. When he tried to get closer to touch her, she bit her ear and ripped it off with her teeth. She had drops of blood on her face but he was in a worse state. In shock, she had crawled against a wall, curling up in silence, staring at her feet with wide eyes. This was when her father came to her, wiped the blood on her face and took her in his arms. He had killed all of them. She had tried to glance at the massacre over his shoulder but he kept her from looking so as not to let her get traumatized any further. She could hear the sound of her cries muffled in his chest. Anna stared at him through the cell bars and he breathed out, worry in his eyes, remembering this day too.
“It’s been a long time since we had a conversation like this.” He stated. “Thanks for visiting your old man. You don’t have to spend all day here though, there’s nothin’ down here.”
“There is you.” She said before eventually getting on her feet. “Do you want me to come back later.”
“If you want.”
“ ‘Kay.” Anna nodded and turned to the door but didn't walk out right away. “Even when it was Dwight that took care of me, I think you already know that but, it was still you and me. It was you and me since mom died. I’ve survived with you, thanks to you. When I ran away, when Rick and Carl rescued me, all I could think about was coming back home. You’re my home.”
“Anna.” He stared at her as he stood up and approached the cell grid, resting his fingers between the bars. She walked closer, standing less than a few inches from him. “I always tried to make sure you were strong, that you had a place to live, because I didn't want shit to happen to you. Despite that, I was wrong all along and you felt the need to leave. When I learned you'd left, I totally freaked out at the idea of ​​something happening to you…”
“But I survived through it.” She breathed out, thinking about the scratches and bites scars she had on her.
“Yep. You did. But you were bit and almost died of hunger. You proved you were strong the hard way and luckily you can tell the virus to fuck off ‘cause, if you were dead… I don’t know what I would have done. I won’t abandon you, and I know what you must think, yes, Judith reminds me of you when you were her age. That’s one of the reasons I get attached to her, but you are my only daughter.” A tear rolled down her cheek and she got even closer to the grid. He slipped his hand through th bar to put it in the back of her head and plced a soft kiss on her forehead.
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Winter was already there. And a storm was inevitably coming over them, threatening the peace they had maitained for some time. The survivors of Alexandria had taken refuge in three houses that had the biggest fireplaces, to keep warm as many people as possible. Of course, Anna was in the same house as her father and Judith. Her father had been restrained to a bed with chains and everyone was keeping an eye on him. For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea to be sarcastic and loud.
“I swear to God, I have memorized every square inch of this room.” An amused smiled rose on his face and he laughed a little. “And it still feels like a party.”
“A never-ending party from hell.” Rosita retorted in a weary tone, as she checked the hold of his restrain to the bed. He had the chain in his hand for some reason.
“I mean, sure, all right. It smells like a goddamn barn in here, all bored shitless, but–”
“Language !” Judith cut him off from the window while she gazed outside, lifting the curtain with her small hand. Anna, who was leaning against the wall by the bed, giggled lightly as she waved her hand at Judith not to stay too close to the window and come over to the fire to keep herself warm. She stepped back slightly letting go of the curtain which fell back on the glass of the window, but didn't move.
“Sorry. Sorry, kiddo.” He replied. “But, I mean, we’ve got ourselves this hot little love quadrangle here to entertain us. It’s like Chritsmas to me.”
“Well, maybe they’re just as miserable at Aaron’s or Barbara’s…” Siddicq said, ignoring Negan. Rosita nodded, arms crossed. Anna listened to her father ranting his bullshit, to piss off the three survivors by the fireplace. She found the show quite funny and comical to be honest. A real reality show of the apocalypse.
“Gabe, your girl’s doc is also your girl’s baby daddy, which kind of begs the question… do you ever wonder what the hell was going on in there when she had her “appointments” ?” Anna sighed in disbelief upo hearing how bad he was trying to start some shit with the sole reason that he wanted to keep himself entertained. Gabriel turned to him and took a few steps towards him.
“You could try to be a little less predictable.”
“Ahh. That hurts, Gabe, truly.”
“You know, we’re all grown-ups here. And none of us would ever let that ruin the longstanding friendship and mutual respect we have.” The former priest explained, thoughtfully.
“You know what ? You’re right.”Anna frowned slightly, she could feel he wasn’t going to let that one go so easily. “That is a very mature attitude, Father “Not The Father”.”
“Oh, god.” Anna mumbled, fighting the laugh that urged to escape. He was impossible.
“Ha !” Her father laughed loudly. “Is that unpredictable for you ? He burst out laughing and Anna  restrained herself from doing the same as she continued to listen. Eventually Siddiq called out to Judith, who had started to watch through the window again. Anna adjusted her beanie on her golden hair gathered in a low ponytail. “Hey, kiddo,” Negan called out to Judith as she walked by him.. “you still worried about that mutt ?”
“Daryl told me to take care of him while he helped the Kingdom move to Hilltop.” Sh said softly. “I don’t where he is.”
“Does anybody else smell something ?” He asked after a brief silence, turning his head around, smelling the air with concern.
“Can you stop being such an asshole ?” Siddicq spoke up, annoyed by him.
“No, really, something’s wrong.” Anna assured.
“It’s a family thing or–”
“No, they’re right.” Rosita said, cutting off Siddicq. “Something does smell funky in here.”
“Get away from there.” Eugene suddenly stood up and rushed at Siddicq and Gabriel, who were bent over the fireplace and he pushed them away. A rumble crawled down the chimney and the moment he pushed them, the fire bursted and a huge flame went out, exploding. Anna covered her face and lost balance, falling on the floor. She felt her father take her by the shoulders, leaning over her, so that they had their backs to the hearth of the fireplace. A few minutes later, they stood up while Eugene peeked into the vent of the chimney with his flashlight.
“As I suspected. The chimney flue is completely gunkified. What siged your nostrils earlier was no doubt a toxic mixture of creosote and H2O.” He crouched down and got out of the chimney, turning to the others. “Blizzard’s done some tearing and blaring. And our chimney’s ventilation capabilities are nil to none. It’d be unwise to spark up another blaze uless we plan on ceasing all respiratory functions, a.k.a smoking and choking.”
“God, I missed you, Eugene.”
“I can’t say the same.” He retorted, shivering. Standing next to her father, Anna waited for something to happen. She looked at Gabriel, Rosita and Siddiq, in the center of the room as they discussed the situation. Gabriel then turned around, addressing everyone in the room.
“Okay, folks, contingency plan. We’re going to Aaron’s house. It’ll be tight quarters but we’ll make it work.” They gathered at the front of the room, near the door, to get ready. Anna had not moved an inch from where she was and neither had her father since he was still attached  with a chain.
“Seriously ?” He was indignant, pointing to the chain. “Not one of you assholes is gonna utie me ?”
“We could tell Michonne it was an accident.” Rosita taunted. They finally untied him and everyone slowly but surely getting into single file in front of the door, holding a rope so that no one could get lost in the blizzard. Eugene went to open the door and the wind howled loudly. Anna was right behind Judith, and her father a little more behind. With Gabriel in the lead, they then walked outside, the sole of their shoes burying themselves in the snow with each step. The wind was howling and blowing violently around them and Anna kept pulling her scarf up over her face to protect it from the freezing cold. Suddenly the barking of a dog in the distance reached their ears and Judith turned her head in that direction.
“Dog ! Wait !” Judith yelled, getting rid of the huge scarf wrapped around her shoulders and running away. “Dog, no !”
“Judith !” Anna called out to her and started after her immediately. She couldn't let her go out into the cold alone, even if that put each of them in as much danger. Some called to the little girl from afar and Anna almost instantly heard her father's voice piercing through the deafening blast of the blizzard.
“Jude ! Anna !” It also took her little time to lose all her bearings and no longer know where she was in Alexandria. Anna was shouting Judith's name out loud, but when she heard her father screaming, she felt awfully far away from them. She looked around her, trying not to panic. As she stepped back, her foot slipped on a patch of ice and sent her back slamming onto the ground. Her head slammed into the snow and she snapped her eyes shut, grimacing. She straightened up and put a first foot away from the patch of ice, but when she stood on her two legs, the right one gave way and made her cry out in pain. She grunted, trying to sit back up. She had twisted her ankle when she fell. She stretched out her arm to grab something to help her stand but she couldn’t focus and found nothing anyways. She tried to get up again, putting as little pressure as possible on her right leg but her feet immediately sank into the snow with each step and she fell face first on the powder snow. She persisted, rising and falling again, crying from the pain and even crawling in the snow sometimes. She walked blindly through the storm and turned in circles, not knowing where she was going anymore. Anna could just hear the blast of the blizzard whistling in her ears and, although she had closed her jacket, she felt the cold freezing her to the core. She had fallen in the snow so much that her clothes were wet from it and she was shaking uncontrollably. Sometimes she heard Judith's name or hers being shouted but she no longer had any notion of distance and was numbed by the cold. She no longer felt her feet or her legs or the rest of her body. She no longer felt pain in her ankle either.
“I need to keep going… I—I must… I mustn’t… mustn’t close my eyes, or… or I’ll freeze to death.” She was pushing her body to its limits. Eventually, her body gave way and she let herself fell in the snow, out of strength. She couldn't hold on anymore. She just hoped they had found Judith. After a while lying in the snow blanket, she felt someone wrap her with a jacket, a coat or whatever and carry her in their arms.
“Eh, eh, Anna, open your eyes. I’m here. Stay awake. Don’t fall asleep, you hear me ?” She heard her father's voice speaking to her, but she felt like it was just a dream. She had been drained with all her might. He lifted her head with his hand, holding her against him. She hurt all over but that was nothing compared to how cold she was feeling. There was a hint of panic in his voice. Anna wanted to be able to say something, to reassure him, but she couldn't speak, it hurt her throat. “Come on, I beg you, open your eyes…”
“I– I’m cold…” She articulated, wincing. His voice was weak. She felt him hug her tighter. She managed to open her eyes slightly as he started walking through the snow and looked at her face. He was staring straight ahead with determination and she could see his jaw clenching. Due to the cold and hypothermia, she did not last very long and lost consciousness. The next day, she opened her eyes and lifting her head slightly, realized that she was in the Alexandria infirmary, under several layers of blankets. She felt all her muscles contract when she wanted to straighten up. The memory of her father, who begged her to be alive, came back to her. When she got her legs out of bed, she saw an elastic band holding her ankle to a sort of plank to keep her straight. Siddicq entered the room the moment she was about to try and get up.
“Oh, no, no, no,” He rushed over to her. “Don’t move. You need to let your ankle rest. Your whole body need to rest, actually.”
“I’m fine.” She grumbled.
“You had a bout of hypothermia and passed out all night long. You've only been really warm for less than a couple hours.” He gently removed the IV and unhooked the plastic bag from the metal perch next to the bed where I was. She frowned when she saw him, she hadn't even noticed that she was hanging on to an IV. To be honest, she had her head a bit elsewhere. She put on her leather jacket and immediately zipped it up, putting a scarf around her neck and putting her beanie on her head. They were dry and it was a pleasure not having her clothes all wet from the snow. “Take this, you really have to avoid leaning on it, otherwise it will never heal. As soon as you can, sit down. It should heal within a month or so if you're careful.”
“Okay. Thanks, Siddicq.” She stood up, taking the walking stick he handed her to use it as a kind of crutch. “Uh, my dad, he–”
“He is in the room I tended to his wound seven years ago. Go, but be careful with the stairs.” Anna nodded, thanking him again on her way out. She went outside and headed towards the house where the room mentioned earlier by Siddiq was. Her ankle handicapped her a lot and slowed her walking pace but she had no choice. She walked up the front steps and walked in and met Michonne on the way. She looked at the stick she was leaning on and then her ankle as she walked down the stairs she intended to climb.
“Are you feeling better ? Siddicq told me what happened last night.”
“Yeah, well, couldn’t be better…” She joked before looking up at the woman. “Can I go see him ?” Michonne nodded before leaving the house. Anna slowly climbed the stairs one by one with the walking stick as a support. Once upstairs, she stopped to catch her breath and then headed for the room where her father was. It was the same as seven years ago and it reminded her of that moment... The moment Rick had slit her father's throat.
[To be continued…]  
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Published (02/06/2022) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
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averyonelovesjack · 3 years
learning to raise a baby ~ daniel seavey
requested: yes:)
Can you please do an cute imagine about y/n and Daniel having a baby together and taking care of the baby and figuring the parenting stuff out together. Ur amazing
summary: follow a few different events in the life of daniel and y/n learning to raise a baby.
warning(s): baby, literally too lazy to edit this i’ll come back later lmao
word count: 2608
author’s note: i have such baby fever omg 
disclaimer: i def need to clarify that i am 18 years old and do not have a baby and i have no close friends with babies (in person, at least) therefore this is purely fiction. i watch a LOT (i mean A LOT) of family vloggers and like teen mom accounts raising their kids, so basically all of my knowledge comes from that. i hope no one takes offence to my depiction of it, but my intention is purely just to write this cute fic idea, and i don’t want to pretend like i know anything about parenting or raising a child or anything like that!! okay that’s all!!
I could barely see my feet as I painfully took in another breath of air and started walking forward. Awoken at 3am with terrible back pain and a pool of amniotic fluid at my waist, Daniel and I now rushed to grab our hospital bag and make our way to the labor and delivery section of our nearest hospital. 
everything went so fast. before i was actively having a child, it felt like my pregnancy would never end, but now that it’s actually happening and i’m having a child, it felt like pregnancy flew by.
just a few days ago, i was sitting on the countertop in my bathroom, impatiently waiting to see if i was pregnant or not in hopes that daniel wouldn’t get home from the studio early and find me. i had just given daniel the surprise of his lifetime when i woke him up at four am to tell him i was pregnant because i just couldn’t keep it from him anymore to do a fun reveal. i remember how we both cried, too excited to even go back to sleep. 
just a few days ago, daniel and i were sitting in my obstetrician’s office as we got to hear our eight week old fetus’ heartbeat for the first time. we both cried. it feels like just a day or two ago we cut into a pink colored cake and found out that our precious baby girl would be coming. all of the breakdowns about what stroller to buy and which crib matches the nursey best felt like just moments ago. and now, all of a sudden, i’m ten hours into labor and i’m ready to push.
pushing was painful, but the thought of holding a sweet babygirl soon just kept me going. daniel squeezed my hand tight, standing by the end of the bed watching our beautiful daughter make her way into the world.
i gave the final push and soon i heard a cry that made everything in the whole world worth it. they say you never truly understand love until you’ve had a child, and as soon as i held our daughter, i felt an overwhelming sense of truth in that statement. i never knew such a distinct moment could be the greatest day of my life, but as soon as i laid my eyes on her, i knew that i would never get a day greater than this one. 
our daughter laid on my chest for a while as daniel sat by my head, holding both my hand and hers. eventually, the nurses cleaned her off a bit and wrapped her tightly in a swaddle for daniel to finally hold his daughter. i watched the tears fall from his bluer than ever eyes that never left her little face. by the way she settled in his arms and fell asleep, i knew i was going to have a daddy’s little girl on our hands. 
it felt like forever, just watching daniel and our baby getting to know each other. soon enough, though, the doctors finished with the stitches and i heard a knock at the door. 
within seconds, both of our parents came into the room, bearing wide smiles. daniel sat in the seat next to me, both of us staring at the beautiful baby in front of us. 
“does she have a name?” keri asks, slowly walking up to the two of us, careful not to be too loud. 
daniel and i look at each other, and then i give him the nod to tell everyone. “callista avery mae seavey.”
“our little baby callie.” i smile at the name. daniel and i both loved the name callie, but wanted it to be a nickname. avery was after his bandmate who really helped us through this whole preparing to be parents thing. mae was a pretty nickname from my side of the family that was good to separate avery and seavey. our little callie mae. 
it was three am and both of us were awake to callie’s loud screaming. turns out that daniel and i had a very colicky daughter who, when awake, wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. daniel was in the nursery trying to grab more diapers and wipes that, out of exhaustion, we forgot to restock last night when we ran out. i held callie in our arms, rocking her gently and trying to get her to go back to sleep. 
“does she have a dirty diaper?” daniel asks, placing the diapers in the corner of our messy bedroom. a few days into callie’s life, we realized we should’ve left the changing table in our bedroom until she was ready to sleep in the nursey, but both of us were too tired to even think about moving the furniture around. so for now the corner of the room was storage and a changing pad on the bench was our late night changing table. 
“i don’t think so.” i answer, giving him an exhausted look. “her diaper isn’t heavy and i tried to feed her, but she doesn’t seem to be hungry. i think she just woke up and is being colicky again.”
“how long did the doctor say the colic will last?” daniel asks. 
“she didn’t.” i sigh, going to take a seat on our bed as i continued to calm callie. daniel sat beside me. “go back to sleep, i got her.”
“no, i know you’ve been awake all night. try to go to sleep, i’ve got her.” daniel says, and then takes callie from me. “did you take melatonin tonight?”
“yeah.” i say. “i know your body goes through a lot of changes postpartum, but i’m really not liking the insomnia.”
“okay, well, you lay down, and i’m gonna sing to you both, okay?” daniel says and then starts to rock callie to sleep as i laid beside them. and then he started to sing softly. 
callie was born a little over three months ago and daniel and i haven’t had a date night since then. when we fearfully realized that last week, jack and anna were both quick to offer some help. we hadn’t felt comfortable leaving callie yet, especially since she wasn’t always the easiest. we had lots of help and people offering, but neither daniel nor i were good at asking for help. that’s definitely something we’re both still working on, especially now that we have a baby. 
finally though, jack and anna convinced us. originally, we were going to leave them with daniel’s parents, but anna and jack were pretty convincing. jack had lots of experience since he himself is a dad, and anna was very close with gabbie when she had lavender. jack also decided to invite zach for some more company, which was cute.
daniel and i had a hard time saying goodbye to callie, even though we really were only going to be out for two hours at most. we knew neither of us could stay away for that long. 
the restaurant wasn’t too far from the house, which was nice because it cut down on our time away from callie. i think both of us were a little nervous to leave her. we both know that she’s three months old and other people are more than capable of watching her for a few hours, but it’s still hard to not be worried about all of the things we could be missing out on.
“oh my gosh, anna just sent a picture of callie.” daniel says in the middle of our dinner, holding up his phone to show up me the picture of our daughter in the adorable pajamas her aunt bought. 
“i miss her.” i admit, knowing he was feeling similarly. “do you think they had a hard time getting her to sleep? i hope she’ll be good for them tonight.”
“i’m sure she was fine.” daniel says, then later . “you know, maybe we should skip dessert. relieve them a little early.”
“she’s growing up so fast.” i tell him. “i’m not ready for her to keep growing.”
“we’re gonna blink and she’s gonna be cursing us out because we wouldn’t let her go out with her friends.” daniel continues. “not that we would do that, because honestly, i’ve always thought we’d be a little cooler than that.”
i laugh at his comment. “oh, we’ll definitely be cooler than that. we’re not gonna be the lame strict parents that doesn’t let their kids go out with their friends.”
“oh definitely.” daniel agrees. “except i will be strict about doors open if someone is over. i don’t care who she’s in her room with, but that door better be open. i am taking no chances.”
“i feel like that’s fair.” i add. “i know we’re parents, but wow, until i think about that future, i kind of forget.”
“i’m very glad that’s a long ways away.” he comments. “i’m barely ready for her to be three months old, we do not need to get ahead of ourselves. take this parenting thing one step at a time.”
“i could not agree more.” i smile, leaning over the table to kiss daniel’s lips gently. 
i walked out of my one year old’s nursery with her in my arms. we watched as daniel and anna hung balloons up around our california apartment. it’s just about an hour before callie’s first birthday party, and now more than ever, i could not be more grateful for daniel’s family’s offer to help us set up. 
rather than fighting with figuring out food for the party, we decided to get it catered. christian and tyler offered to go pick up the food at the restaurant for us, which was extremely helpful. his parents were setting up some decorations around the front of the apartment. 
i had just put callie in her adorable dress that i specifically picked out for this party. we weren’t the type to throw parties, so we weren’t 100% sure what to do or what to expect, but we decided to just stick to family and close friends. callie was too young for us to strictly invite her friends over. at this stage in her life, her friends were whoever was at mommy&me that week. 
the party was going to be small. daniel’s family, my family, daniel’s bandmates and close friends, and then my close friends. 
thankfully, we finished decorating and setting up with about thirty minutes left to spare before the party. rather than worry, i decided to just sit on the couch with anna and daniel. keri took callie from me, wanting to spend some time with her granddaughter, and giving daniel and i a brief break before the party started. 
“i cannot believe she’s a year old.” anna exclaims to me. “you guys have been parents for a year. that’s crazy to think about.”
“it’s definitely a little bit weird.” i giggle in response. 
“you guys make it look so easy, being young parents.” anna says. “i know i’m younger than you guys, but still, i cannot imagine having a kid anytime soon.”
“i didn’t think i would either.” i tell anna. “for me, i wasn’t really ready until i met dani. i realized that i was ready because i wanted to do this with him. it’s different for everyone, i’m sure, but at least personally, that’s how i knew we could be parents.”
daniel wraps his arm around me on the couch, kissing my cheek softly. “yeah, it’s the same for me. when you find someone you want to do everything with, it gets easier to imagine yourself parenting together.”
“that is really cute.” anna says. “this is what i mean, when i say you make it look easy!!”
“it’s definitely not easy.” i laugh. “but it’s a little bit easier when you work as a team. we talk things through and decide together, instead of just making decisions separately. it’s a lot easier to feel like you’re making the right decision when you talk things through.”
“and that is all the parenting advice you get, because while i am most definitely ready to be a dad, i am not ready to be an uncle.” daniel says, getting protective over his younger sister. 
“being an uncle is way easier than being a dad.” anna laughs. “but trust me, i’m not having kids any time soon. at least not intentionally.”
“well, i have to be the cool uncle. someone’s gotta bail the kid out of jail and hide it from you.” daniel jokes.
“first of all, why would my kid go to jail??” anna asks. “and second of all, you might’ve been first in the race for cool uncle before callie arrived, but since becoming a dad, you’ve fallen behind. the cool uncle can’t have kids, that’s not how that works.”
“well i’ll break that standard, because i’ll be the cool uncle.” 
“i just want to be the aunt that gives good advice at one o’clock in the morning.” i tell them. “someone’s gotta do it. i expect that for callie, anna, so i will do that for your kids.”
“oh, of course. nothing but the best for callie. and future kids.” anna agrees. “speaking of, future kids? any thoughts on that? mom wants me to scope that out.”
“eventually.” i smile. “sooner rather than later.”
daniel took callie on a walk. he’s been really adamant about spending at least thirty minutes a day on a walk with her. now that she’s getting a lot more balance and ability to take a lot more steps, he loves taking her to the playground a few blocks from our apartment. usually, i like to go with them, but today i made up an excuse about things i had to get done at home.
i felt especially grateful for that routine of his today, because i needed a few minutes to myself. i’ve been feeling particularly nauseated recently, and as soon as i woke up the other day, i could feel that i was pregnant again. in the past, i had always thought that when i was paranoid about being late, but now that i’ve actually experienced pregnancy, i can feel that there’s a little fetus inside of me.
daniel and i haven’t exactly been trying, but we haven’t been taking as many precautions as we were when callie was first born. now that she’s over a year old, we feel better about having another baby. we weren’t too rushed, because we lot spending time with just our little girl, but we didn’t want to wait too long and have her grow up without a sibling. having a sibling was always a priority of daniel and i’s. seeing as we both grew up with siblings, we know how important it is to have a sibling. 
my stomach fluttered with butterflies as i followed the instructions on the pregnancy test. after realizing i was pregnant with callie, i had bought a ton of tests that i didn’t end up using because it was so obvious that i was indeed pregnant. that was extremely helpful for right now when i don’t have time to go sit in traffic for thirty minutes just to go to the pharmacy. 
i sat on top of the counter, leaving the pregnancy test face down while i tried to scroll through tiktok and distract myself. it was probably the slowest five minutes of my life, other than finding out about callie. 
the timer went off on my phone. i take a deep breath and carefully lift the pregnancy test off the marble bathroom counter.
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ayeun · 3 years
the only person I respect in Bling Empire is Anna (spoiler alert up to ep 5)
Anna - a queen. stays in her own lane but people keep going into hers and testing her. she’s confident, genuine and nice, expects nothing in return and actually has manners. gives sound advice and wisdom and living her best life.
Kane - on thin ice. i love his unfiltered commentary and social intelligence/awareness but hate the fact he’s a shit stirrer and enables/supports bad decisions knowing the consequences. ofc, the show wouldn’t be what it is without him planting those seeds. he’s v smart on who not to cross. honestly he reminds me of some people in high school i’d never want to befriend LOL..
Kevin - big dumb hetero energies. honestly i don’t think he’s as “hot” as people make him out to be. there’s this look on his face that makes me think “oh this guy isn’t smart”, and he truly isn’t. his face KINDA reminds me of an Asian Joe Rogan lmao. i think the thing that makes him the least attractive for me is him being a horndog and making inappropriate remarks in front of Kelly AND Andrew(no sympathy for Andrew, but who tf says they’re gonna fuck someone’s gf in front of them???) the whole salsa thing was hard to watch because of how fucking CRINGEY it is of how he attempted to dip and kiss Kelly like 3+ times. get a fucking clue, dude, and give her some space?? also hate Kevin’s FAKE vibes w trying to get on everyone’s good side to keep these rich people friends in his circle. Kevin’s supposed to be relatable to the “poor audience” but Kevin has a net worth of over $10M, which is double Kelly’s. yet this mfker pretends to be poor. also him defending Anna and then quickly making it up w Kim even though she still hasn’t apologized for  the shit she did. it kind of feels like Kevin’s shooting his shot at all the “rich and hot” girls just so he has something to go off of and start a relationship w them after this all ends.
Kim - hate her. not only did she invade the space and privacy of someone who graciously INVITED HER OVER AS A GUEST, but she won’t own up to what she did wrong even when politely given the chance to. that shit’s on camera what you did, just own up to it?? also her doing shit bc “haha it’s for the camera” and chucking Anna’s shit out the window. why not just remove yourself from there, bitch? also i can’t stop looking at the bad/unnecessary contouring job on her nose and her face looking like she got an ig filter on it. girl just do ur smoky eye and call it a day. you actually look worse with contouring!!!!!! she’s also got those fake vibes and pretending everything’s cool with everyone when it’s actually not.
Kelly - sure whatever feel bad for her for being in the toxic relationship, but also this bitch leading Kevin on KNOWING that he likes her by accepting going to salsa with him and entertaining his fantasies by responding back. Just say no?? tell him to fuck off??? you’re rich you can distract yourself with thousands of other things and with other people. the feeling i get of WHY she wants to keep dating Andrew is to have that connection to a “well-known actor”, that she’s dating a celebrity, and  that he’s white “to boot”
Christine - hate her fake ass “philanthropist” shit. the reason she’s throwing these events is just to boost her social status/standing amongst the rest of the rich people and showing off her “generosity”. the whole seating drama, inviting Anna over convo was cringe all over. the name dropping and then the trivia? typical holier-than-thou attitude lmao. people who try to flex their knowledge and then not know wtf they’re talking about themselves is just EMBARRASSING. i felt bad for her one point on the getting pregnant thing but then i thought to myself. wow, fuckin bitch. hope she really does have to take care of 5 children in the future but that should be okay for her so that she can brag about having 25th generation Song Dynasty princes and princesses. also her comment towards Cherie was so awkward. “woww you guys are not married and u got kids??? id get shamed for that w my family!” ALSO Baby G’s celebration..there was a fucking ballpit that SHE PUT in there and she gets ANNOYED bc Anna, whom she invited, jumps in and has fun?? LMAO lord...
everyone else i didn’t write about i don’t really care about enough to / they didn’t have enough screen time for me to truly judge
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enjolraspermettendo · 3 years
I was bored so I played Bitlife as Grantaire and added the others as custom characters:
So, I was born as R Grantaire on the 14th of August and my parents are Anna Grantaire (22) and Paul Grantaire (26). The mother has an Italian name so I'm keeping my headcanon that R is Italian
R has Looks at 78% so he's beautiful, suck my dick Hugo
Oh okay, R's three years old and he just got a baby brother named Victor, which, weird, because I didn't put Victor Hugo as a custom person. This is completely random and almost scary
Oh okay, apparently R and Victor hate each other.
Wait I just realized R is blond, of all things. Gonna dye his hair as soon as I can
R is 6 years old and started school; Mme Thenardier is a classmate, definitely staying away...
Oh we're getting bullied. I decided not to react since he always accepts and makes even worse insults to himself in canon
R has low smarts and I can't make him keep good grades :(
R started Jiu-jitsu classes
R is 11 and he just received another baby brother named Noah
I just made R join his Middle school's Politics club LMAO
OH a classmate named Napoleon Bonaparte, who is also a popular kid, just asked R out. I'll accept just because, I mean, I can make R hookup with Napoleon, think about it
Grantaire and Napoleon are officially boyfriends
Grantaire has been elected secretary of the politics club
Cosette and R are classmates!!! Gonna befriend her because Cosette and R friendship is precious
R is 14 and 1) his parents gave him yet another sibling, a sister named Victoria seriously guys, learn how to put a condom on, they've all been caused by it slipping off, and 2) R JUST GOT ELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF THE POLITICS CLUB
R started secondary school and joined the dance club; he also started working as a part time golf caddie
The game said I can't attack him cause he lives in Afghanistan and I am in France???? What???? How does he go to school with Victor???? I'm confused
R and Feuilly are classmates so I made them become friends :)
R is 18 and his parents divorced :(
R started studying arts at university. Eponine is a classmate BUT SHE REFUSED TO BEFRIEND GRANTAIRE
Grantaire and Napoleon broke up 😣
Grantaire came out as gay. Uhm, we been knew honey
classmate Hugo Fontaine asked R out but he got rejected
R and Combeferre are now friends. Eponine keeps rejecting Grantaire
R's mum just married a very rich guy named Rousseu but he hates Grantaire sike. R calls him "bro"
R's dad remarried too, she's normal. R calls her "sis". She has a daughter called Juliette, so now she's R stepsister
Grantaire graduated and started a position as Junior graphic designer!
Grantaire started drinking wine
Oh okay, R and Bahorel are now dating
They broke up
Bishop Myriel asked R out on a date... R refused, sorry it's too weird even for me
R and Montparnasse are dating. Damn R you really go around
They broke up. And R started dating Courfeyrac
They lasted two years
Grantaire and Enjolras are dating!!! (yes It's because I wanted it to be like this shut up)
Okay, I looked at Enjolras's info and I shit you not, he graduated in political science. He's a real estate agent tho
Enjolras came out of the closet as gay
Grantaire proposed to Enj and he accepted 🥺🥺
They got married at the beach and went to Pompeii for their honeymoon 🥺🥺🥺
Feuilly got married to a certain Mila
Grantaire is now an uncle! His brother Victor fathered a baby girl called Camille!
Grantaire and his brother Noah got in trouble for dancing in the middle of a road 😬 they've been declared not guilty tho
Grantaire and Enj adopted a little girl named Iris!!!!
Enjolras and Grantaire have been married for 10 years :)
For some reason the game is not proposing the other custom characters I added sike
They adopted another girl named Eva 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Cosette had a son called David Antoinette. The father is unknown
Grantaire's stepfather died of Hepatitis C
Feuilly pranked R by setting 15 alarms on his phone hours before he was supposed to wake up
Grantaire's brother Noah fathered a boy named Ethan
Eva wants a cockatiel so OF COURSE WE'LL GET HER A COCKATIEL
We got her a cockatiel named Ronda :)
Enjolras and Grantaire have been married for 20 years
Grantaire's father died of leukemia ☹️ Grantaire and his siblings inherited quite a lot
Eva and Iris started secondary school 😭 they grow up so fast
While at a soccer game a brawl started between parents... So of course Grantaire joined in
Feuilly and R went partying. 55 years old and still kicking
Iris and Eva graduated 🎉
Grantaire's mum died of tuberculosis
Ronda the Cockatiel died too of dehydration after her water bottle malfunctioned :(
Eva moved out
Iris is a writer, while Eva is a cadet at the police 😬 imagine the tension at home.
Grantaire just befriended Joly!!!! Joly is married to a Charlotte Clement
Grantaire's stepmother died of Aids
Eva has been promoted to patrolman
Joly and Grantaire are officially best friends
Enjolras retired (both him and R are 62 now)
Eva has been promoted to Trooper. Enjolras must be going crazy
Feuilly has invited R to do mushrooms so of course he accepted
Eva has been promoted to corporal
Grantaire retired (he's 67)
Eva has been promoted to sergeant
Enjolras is nagging at Grantaire to buy a car so R bought a purple lambo 😎
Feuilly keeps inviting Grantaire over for drugs and OMG FEUILLY YOU'RE ALMOST 80 STOP IT
IRIS GOT MARRIED!! To a certain Paul Girard
Iris had a baby girl named Alice 🥺🥺🥺 Grantaire and Enjolras are grandpas 😭😭
Omg, now that Feuilly is dead Combeferre is the one that keeps offering drugs
Iris had another daughter named Olivia 😭😭😭😍😍😍
Eva just had a son named Ethan 😭😭😭 there three grandchildren now omg
4 grandchildren!!!!! Iris gave birth to a girl named Lina!!!!!!
Grantaire's brother Victor just died :(
Omg the grandchildren are starting to go to school, my heart cant
Grantaire's brother Noah died too
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ENJOLRAS DIED IN HIS SLEEP 😭😭😭😭 at 91 tho which is way better than canon
Grantaire died at 93. Game over. Here is the grave:
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pasdedeux-archive · 3 years
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𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐒 𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌? 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍? — Thank you everyone who has applied !! You’re all amazing writers and quite honestly I had no less than three mental breakdowns during the deliberation period.
 To those who were not chosen, please know that this is not a mark against your writing or your characters. I loved them dearly and I would be such an honor if you wanted to join with a different muse. However, I know applications take a very long time and a lot of heart so I completely understand if you do not wish to do so.
With that said, congratulations to those who were accepted. Please make sure you look at the checklist, and send in your character account within 24 hours. I will be sending out discord invitation links tomorrow after I clean up the server a bit (aka making a guide on how we will be using discord to roll and such).
K playing Elizabeth Augusta Sinclair, the luminary; violinist for the Bolshoi Ballet
"It is summer, and the countryside is alive with birdsong and bloom, rays of golden light cascading, warm breeze dusting the ground with the caress of a lover. You are eight, stumbling through the knee high fields of flowers, laughter light and joyful, Aestas come down to Earth."
I loved your portrayal of Elizabeth. Half ghost half girl, there is something incredibly provocative in the way in which she tries to become all that she thinks she can be. I was listening to Swan Lake Act II. No. 10. during your muse sample and it ended just as I finished reading it. Coincidence? I think not. Elizabeth will make a wonderful addition to the group, and I cannot wait to see how her story plays out. I've been thinking about potential subplots for her and wowie my brains a racing.
Amy playing Yelena Andreyevna Kusnetsova, tbd.
“In years past, she’d been able to push down the worry that she was missing out in some way. That true freedom of expression had eluded her, for reasons that had nothing to do with how hard she worked. Often, she’d even convinced herself that she didn’t need freedom at all.”
Yelena has such a presence about her that I can't help but be enamored with her. There is a wistfulness in everything she does, but it does not slow her down. In fact, I would argue it makes her all the more present. She reminds me of a deer, ephemeral but wise and always on the lookout for potential danger. For a person such as herself, I see the workings of a woman afraid to die and afraid of the life she has already been living. Yelena will be such a treat to see develop and I cannot wait to see what kind of shenanigans occur during the story!
Nayab playing Hana Volkova, the veiled; soloist at the bolshoi theater
“It is to no music her wings spread, and she is commanded to fly. In a single, suspended moment in time, Volkov leeches from the depths of her, everything the art once meant to her. Its purity is tainted, and if her heart had not already lost all faith, the sicles Volkov aims to her heart and pierces her with surely bleed her dry of the blood of love.”
When Hana was given a buffet in front of her as threat toward her compliance that pierced me like a knife. Her demotion to soloist as punishment for stepping out of line I think is a beautiful analogy for how girls like her aren't meant to last long: they're meant to be sacrificial pawns so that others may endure and to think that one can be anything other than that is a mistake. Loss which permeates all of one's being is meant to hurt, and Hana has demonstrated one way of being resilient.
Esme playing Marilyn Campbell, the maelstrom; corpse de ballet at NYCB
“You once told a story to your brother, told him that if the sea claims you, it drags you so far away from the shore that you turn into a deadly fish, a fish that could devour the entire world.”
Marilyn is the perfect storm, ready to consume all that which does not heed her. I love how you portrayed her resignation to what she is, and perhaps what she thinks is all that she will ever be, but even her doubts are thwarted by her want, her consuming desire, to become someone else. Much like the Bermuda Triangle, she may be a touch auspicious, but people cannot help but want to be pulled into her destruction. I love the ideas you have for her plot development and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
Georgia playing Fred Baker, the insurgent; head of security at the NYCB
“The brothers bought a radio before they did a bed.”
First of all, holy shit I loved your memes they were. Oh my god, so funny. When I go over apps the first thing I do is look at the meme section, and let me tell you — just that little bit you gave me enticed me to want to know more about Fred. When I finally began to read him my heart SWOONED. Do you hear me? Swooned. He's such an interesting character, filled to the brim with animosity and hurt — he deals with his past the best way he can. I also cannot wait until Fred introduces everyone to the soul of America with his love for jazz.
Taryn playing  Zinaida Petrovna Sabitova, the sacred; principal dancer at the bolsoi theater
“Still, there are some evenings when her mother looks over from her place at the vanity, still all-over aside from the wafts of smoke burning from her cigarette, and seems to be studying her own child. Looking for something. Wondering.”
You wrote in your application is Zinaida good or evil, Odette or Odile — and while I do not have an answer for you right now, I do know that I would love to explore that with you. She's a beautiful girl whose life is tragic in the way only fairy tales can be. The perfect Jewel of Moscow (I did like that name), who while controlled by those above her wishes for her own happy ending despite knowing that her end will be nothing less than fatalistic. Her aversion toward things which reminds her of her own mortality hits home, omg, yes, why must I have this human body. Why must I suffer having lived.
Anna playing Yelena Yuryevna Min, the dream; corpse de ballet at the bolshoi theater
“What Yelena didn’t remember was the hushed arguments her parents would have every other night before he left – how he would say with so much conviction even as her mother begged him not to, “things will be better for us if the state knows we’ll die for her.”
AHHH, that broke me, that line right there broke me. I can so ardently feel the love and happiness her family gave her, their precious daughter, and how they would do anything to give her the world she deserves. Then you went on to talk about her apprehension to go to Vagnova, and my world turned upside down. Her disposition really speaks to me, and her family ties as well. She's also a breath of fresh air, like a sunflower in a meadow that had recently rained. Her optimism and kind disposition really shines through in your app and in your memes.
Claudia playing Eva Miro, the swan; principal dancer at the NYCB
“but lena understood sacrifice, she saw it every day when her mother would come home exhausted, weathered hands cracked and aching so she wouldn’t go hungry. to love something meant giving everything you had, everything you were or could ever be, to feed that love.”
Gonna start my little tangent with wow, your mood-board :cheff kiss: absolute perfection. I don't use extras as a basis for my decision making, merely something I admire from afar, but damn — if I did yours would no doubt be at the front of the line. There were two parts of your application that I wanted to highlight, and the other was half your application lmao. Your muse sample really expanded your character and showed me how much of a Swan Eva can be. I called the Swan skeleton a starling at the beginning, a bird which choses their survival above all else. A transformation of a girl into a star, Eva is a force which cannot be tamed unless you destroy her.
V playing Alina Vasilieva Filippova, the tbd; ballet master-repetiteur at the bolshoi theater
“She remembers thinking: ‘this will not be the end’.”
All ballet dancers in this RP live and breathe ballet, but Alina is in a realm of her own. I loved how you wrote her to be a ballet master, someone who would put aside their pride of being a "former prima ballerina" to now teaching a group of dancers because ballet is all that she is. Your muse sample really showed me the intense power of a woman who knows what she wants, and who she is — even if all she believes herself to be is something irrevocably intertwined with ballet. I'm very excited to see the relationship she forms with her dancers and with those who are from out of the Union. I'm particularly interested in her second plot development point and would love to explore that in game.
Abby playing Viktor Antonievich Vasylenko; the raconteur, pianist for the bolshoi ballet
No, Viktor had fashioned the resentment into an albatross of his own, hanging limp and heavy from his neck.
What can I say about Viktor other than I'm a fan. He's so gentle and yet so resilient, a mess of cacophonous sounds that melds into a beautiful sonata. There's pain in him, a ghost which lingers from his past, and while resigned to perhaps eternal disappointment he continues. I loved the way in which you developed his reason / background for being in the Bolshoi Theater when he himself could have been a star — still strives to be actually: but more resigned this time in his ambition. I loveee Viktor and I can't wait to see how he develops.  
Principal Dancer: Zinadia, Eva, Soloist: Hana, Yelena (tbd)* Corpse de Ballet: Yelena (dream) , Marilyn Violinist: Elizabeth Bodyguard: Fred Ballet Master: Alina Pianist: Viktor * still talking to writer about a few details.
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that-cunning-mind · 4 years
The Untitled Chuckie Sputterspark Origin Fanfic Pt.1
(Guess who wrote a fanfic for the first time in years lmao...
Read below if you want to see my take on how @based-ducks​ and me thought up of Quackervolt fankid Chuckie Sputterspark’s origin...somewhat)
As the crisp, evening air descended upon the moonlit shadows of St. Canard, a particular purplish protector of the poor found himself investigating a case of deductive interest. A case of shadowy intrigue and mystery. A case that would decide the future of St. Canard in its epic battle between good and evil.
A case of price gouging tickets at a pizza arcade.  
“Twenty dollars for an adult ticket and twelve for kids over ten years old? Why these crooked capitalist crooks, thinking they can force parents to come in here and charge them extra! I should just quit SHUSH and open up one of these places myself! I’ll be richer than Glomgold!” Part-time superhero and full-time parent Drake Mallard grumbled under his breath as he handed over his card to the tired teenager manning the cashier. His daughter, Gosalyn, was busy putting on the paper bracelets on herself and her other father, Launchpad McQuack. 
“It can’t be that profitable,” Gosalyn said, “I mean, they’re taking out all of their animatronics! Can you imagine Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda without Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang? I tell ya, there’s gonna be rioting in the streets after tonight! RIOTS!!!” Launchpad, not expecting the outburst, startled and ripped his flimsy paper bracelet. 
“Eheheh,” he laughed nervously, “you guys got any tape or...”
“Ten dollars to replace any missing or broken bracelets,” said the cashier. 
Launchpad turned to his husband with big puppy-dog eyes, a method that tended to work about 99% of the time. Drake grumbled some more as he took a solitary bill out of his wallet. 
“If it wasn’t for our case,” Drake whispered harshly as they walked inside the pizza eatery, “I’d leave you outside in the car.” 
“Aww,” Launchpad pouted, “but you know how much I love coming here! Plus, I know how much the animatronics scare you, DW.”
Drake scoffed. “Scared? The daring duck detective isn’t scared of any cheaply-made robot! Drakey Mallard, on the other hand, never recovered from that time he thought Cheddar Charles was going to bite him at Elmo Sputterspark’s tenth birthday party.” As he spoke, a run down animatronic of a child-sized rat in blue overalls and a yellow shirt sprang to life, scaring Drake into Launchpad’s arms. Gosalyn just rolled her eyes and sighed. 
A crackly speaker from the animatronic known as Cheddar Charles started. “Hey kids! Pepper Panda and Pie Gang’s Nighttime Spectacular is about to start in ten minutes! Grab a seat now!”
“I’ll go grab us a table,” yelled Gosalyn as she ran to a booth. 
Launchpad let Drake climb off of him, then sniffed and wiped away a tear. “I can’t believe it, after forty years the Pie Gang is going away for good!”
“Launchpad, the case? Remember the case?” asked Drake. 
“We’re here to stakeout the joint and lie in wait for that nefarious thief, Dr. Anna Matronic! Dishonorably discharged from the Imagineers, that raving robotics rascal will be using the Pie Gang’s farewell show to unveil her deadly creations. Little does she know that I, Darkwing Duck, will be waiting for her! Now, any questions?”
“Uhh, can we order the extra-large with cheese?” 
Drake simply sighed as he moved to sit down on the sticky seat. 
“Gee DW, what makes you think she’ll show up with all these people around?” asked Launchpad. 
“Because, as a former Imagineer, she’ll no doubt want to watch such a historic show one last time. Although, I can’t imagine what kind of psyche an adult must have to want to watch Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang willingly.” 
“Come on Megsy! I’m not gonna miss Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang’s final performance because of you!” 
Little did Darkwing Duck know that behind the scenes, his two mortal enemies Quackerjack and Megavolt would be attempting to watch the show as well. However, they were taking a break from their usual crimes and attempting to have their monthly date night, per Quackerjack’s insistence on coming to see the last hurrah of the animatronics he grew up watching. Megavolt, meanwhile, was trying to carry leftover pizza boxes up the scaffolding over the stage as he and Quackerjack prepared to take their seats. 
“You know, I think I kinda remember coming here as a kid,” said Megavolt. Quackerjack was surprised to hear this, as it was rare for Megavolt to remember anything before his fateful transformation into Megavolt. He pressed on with a simple, “Oh?”, demonstrating a rare moment of selfless interest. 
“Yeah,” Megavolt continued, “I think I had a birthday party here once. Mom forced me to invite everyone in my class, so I spent most of the day playing with the animatronics. I even got Cheddar Charles to almost bite this one duck, Jake. Or was it Lake...” Megavolt trailed off as his train of thought was derailed yet again.
“You must have been quite the kid growing up, a public nuisance in the making,” laughed Quackerjack. He looked off to the side in an almost wistful manner. “Though if I was a parent, I wouldn’t force you to hang out with any snot-nosed brats that stuck their faces into an arcade game!” Megavolt twitched, deciding not to tell Quackerjack that he definitely remembered sticking his face into arcade games as a kid, one of the happiest moments in an otherwise bullied childhood. 
But more importantly, Megavolt picked up on Quackerjack’s wistful tone and cursed himself internally for bringing up his childhood. “Come on Quacky,” he whined, “we’ve been through this already. We can’t just-“ 
“Well, so what?” interrupted Quackerjack, “It’s just not fair! Lots of kids have parents that go to jail!” 
“Yeah, but their parents aren’t criminal masterminds guilty of trespassing, theft, vandalism, and littering!” 
Quackerjack pouted, “You throw a banana peel on the ground one time...”
“I’m serious Quacky,” Megavolt frowned, “we can’t just bring a kid into the super-villain business! Do you want to be like Dorkwing and have a pipsqueak get in our way?” 
“Need I remind you,” hissed Quackerjack, “that his pipsqueak is fully capable of handling herself?”
“Ugh,” shuddered Megavolt, “don’t. Remind. Me. I still have the bruise marks from the last hostage attempt...”
“See?! The two of us could totally take care of a kid! All a kid really needs is food, a loving home, a pocket grenade...,” Quackerjack droned on, almost forgetting the point of his argument. Megavolt had to snap him back to reality if he was ever going to finish this conversation. 
“Hey don’t get me wrong, it’d be nice to have some kids that aren’t just the poor, enslaved bulbs of St. Canard,” said Megavolt. “But, don’t tell me you aren’t the tiniest bit worried of screwing the kid up?” At this, Quackerjack pursed his lips and went uncharacteristically still, not daring to look at Megavolt in the eye.  
“Besides,” Megavolt continued, “what if we go to jail without it? How would a normal kid protect itself? What if F.O.W.L or Negaduck found out about them and-“
“Oh alright fine! You’ve made your point, gloomy pants!” Megavolt shut his mouth quickly, turning to get a slice of week-old pizza and hopefully move on from this talk. Quackerjack pulled out his beloved Mr. Banana Brain, in an effort to calm himself before his temper took over. “Some date night this is! I’ve seen better chemistry in a high school science lab!” 
“Butt out, banana boy!” Megavolt grumbled. “Great, could this date get any worse?” 
The explosion that rocked the building answered that question. 
The duck family ducked under their table as dust filled the room, sending screaming families in a panic. A giant hole had opened up in front of the stage, and from it rose a goose in a purple trench-coat honking maliciously. This was-
“Dr. Matronic!” Drake shielded Gosalyn behind himself as Dr. Matronic climbed onto the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” she cried out, “children of all ages! To all who come to this happy place, Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda is now MY Pizza Pagoda! Which means the animatronics are now mine to keep! Mwahonkhonkhonk!”
Gosalyn stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Ugh, you call that an evil laugh? A baby would sound more menacing than that!” 
“Never mind that now,” said Drake, “we’ve got to get these people out of here! Launchpad, Gosalyn, evacuate the building while I keep her busy.” With a plan of action in place, the daring duck of mystery went off to find a broom closet to change in. Unfortunately, it was a very tight squeeze, as Drake tried to change and avoid the brooms at the same time. 
“This night couldn’t possibly get worse...,” muttered Drake. 
“Megavolt! That stupid doctor just ruined our date night!” Quackerjack’s temper had come out in full force, and now he was ready to let it all out. 
“The nerve of some people! I mean, who breaks into a pizza parlor and steals the animatronics??” Megavolt yelled. Sparks started to fly as he locked onto the target of his ire, who was beginning to disassemble the helpless robots. “D’ohhh! Well at least it can’t get any worse.”
The blue smoke cloud that burst out answered that. 
“Gah! Will you stop saying that!” shouted Quackerjack. 
“I am the terror that flaps in the night!”
“I am the cheese pizza that burns on the taste buds of crime! I am Darkwing Duck!” Like clockwork, the purple caped crusader appeared out of the smoke. 
“Oh no. It’s Darkwing Duck. Whatever shall I do,” said Dr. Matronic, not intimidated in the slightest. Failing to frighten his foe, Darkwing pulled out his gas gun as his mood worsened. 
“Listen here doc! I may not like these rusty robots, but there’s no way I’ll let you take them away! Now suck gas, evildoer! Schpadoink!” As he shot off a canister of knockout gas, a Dalmatian puppy came out from behind Dr. Matronic and caught the canister, throwing it away from the doctor. 
“What the-!” 
“So,” Dr. Matronic grinned maliciously, “you don’t like rusty robots, eh? Well, I’m sure you’ll find that they have their uses!” Dr. Matronic pulled a walkie-talkie from her coat, and yelled, “Code 101: ATTACK!!” 
From the crevice, a noise of barking and howling approached, growing louder and louder until from out of the hole, one hundred robotic Dalmatians came bursting out. 
Darkwing gulped, hoping to hide his nervousness. “Alright, you digital dog deviants, prepare to face the might of Dark-AAAACK!!” The dogs never let him finish, immediately pouncing on Darkwing and biting everything that belonged to the flapping terror. 
“Well, since you’re tied up at the moment, I might as well explain my origin story,” said Dr. Matronic as she got to work detaching the Pie Gang from the stage. “You see, those Imagineer fools said it was impossible to make one hundred and one animatronics! They said it was too expensive! That I was a lunatic! Well who’s laughing now, huh?! Mwahonkhon-AHH!” 
Before the doctor could finish her evil laugh, a bolt of electricity from behind the stage curtain zapped her and sent her flying off the stage. In her hands she grasped the Cheddar Charles figurine, the remote controlling the chaotic canines flying off somewhere else. 
Megavolt stepped out onto the stage, a wide manic grin on his face as his hands lit up. “Well, looks like we’re the ones laughing now, and much better at it too! Aheeheeheeheee!” With a flick of a wrist, Megavolt shot another electric bolt at the pack of piranha-like puppies, putting a stop to their attack on the poor, punctured defender in purple as they scattered off.  
“Th-thanks for that...Megavolt,” Darkwing said shakily, as he attempted to stand up and not jostle his wounds at the same time. “Wait a minute, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I swear, if that lunatic toy-maker Quackerjack is here too I’ll-“
What Darkwing would do, Megavolt would never know, for at that moment Quackerjack decided to introduce himself with one of his patented exploding toys. Laughing maniacally, he took out his signature mallet as he attempted to stomp out any robot trying to attack him. Dr. Matronic began turning her attention towards the most annoying threat in the room, directing robot after robot at Quackerjack. 
“What, did all the freaks decide to come out tonight?!” yelled Dr. Matronic, as she whipped out a small flamethrower aimed at Quackerjack. The jester merely giggled and blew raspberries as he dodged all of her flame attacks. Darkwing and Megavolt, however, were not as lucky, and had to hide behind an overturned table to avoid the flames. 
“Oh great,” sighed Darkwing, “the cherry on top of my already lousy sundae. Could this possibly get any worse?” Megavolt let out a yipe and braced himself. 
“Uhh, you alright there Mega-,” asked Darkwing, before Megavolt clasped a hand around his bill. 
“Don’t say that again! The universe has been more vindictive than usual today whenever somebody says that!”
“Alright alright, I’ll stop! Now, either help get me rid of this riddle-some ridicule of our rights, or GET OUT!” Megavolt’s train of thought got back on track, his temper overtaking him as he remembered his terrible night. 
“Uhh, Sparky-“ said Darkwing, before a stray bolt from Megavolt zapped him away as the electric rodent turned back to Dr. Matronic. 
“YOU RUINED DATE NIGHT!!!” roared Megavolt. Darkwing was dumbfounded, for once Megavolt hadn’t responded to his hated nickname of Sparky. Dr. Matronic began to worry, as she was inexperienced against the full force of the Quackervolt duo. Darkwing stepped back, hoping to get the upper hand as the villains fought each other when who should appear but Gosalyn.
“Don’t worry Darkwing, I’ll help ya!” cried Gosalyn. 
“Gosalyn, NO!” Darkwing dived towards his daughter, shielding her from the wayward flames with his cape as he caught the full brunt of the attack. Dr. Matronic took the time to gloat evilly at her fallen foe. 
“Well well well, guess the Pizza Pagoda is serving roast duck tonight! MWAHAHAHAH! How’s that for an evil laugh, by the way?” In her distraction, she failed to notice Megavolt and Quackerjack charging up the remaining animatronics, bringing them back to life. 
“Hey lady, ever heard of the Bite of ‘87!?” they both yelled. 
“The Bite of ‘87? That’s just a-“ Dr. Matronic looked back and saw the looming, terrifying animatronics trudging towards her. She gulped.
“...Just a myth,” she finished quietly. 
As the robots began their attack, Launchpad came in and helped Darkwing to his feet. “Gee DW, how’re we gonna stop those three?” 
“Oww, can’t we jus’...let ‘em kill each other?” Darkwing meekly asked. 
Gosalyn, guilty over her father’s second degree burns, tried to remember about any useful information pertaining to the animatronics. 
“Well, I read online that old robots used to explode from time to time...” she suggested. Inspiration struck Darkwing, reaching into his pockets for a special gas canister. 
“Launchpad, hand me my gas gun!”  With his weapon in hand, Darkwing loaded up the canister and aimed between the animatronics. “Get behind that column,” he motioned. 
Megavolt, taking a break from the action that was almost too exciting to put in words, took a side glance to see Darkwing’s fan club hiding behind a concrete column. As he wondered what was going on, the duck pulled out his gas gun and yelled, “hey Dr. Matronic, see if your pooches can stop this knockout gas!” 
Darkwing shot out the canister towards the animatronics and quickly took cover. As planned, Dr. Matronic took aim with her flamethrower, unable to tell the difference between knockout gas and explosive gas. 
“Dad! Do ya have t’ make sound effects right now?” 
“Oh, right, sorry,” Darkwing sheepishly said. “Well, better make sure no one died or anything.” As the smoke dissipated, he could see Dr. Matronic knocked out on the ground, singed and certainly not triumphant. Quackerjack, who had tried to run from the explosion, was somehow still standing, albeit close to passing out at any second. Behind them, all of the animatronics were nothing more than scrap, their somewhat cute faces now melted and resembling characters in a subpar horror video game franchise. 
Megavolt was nowhere to be seen. 
“Uh-oh, Megavolt?” The prospect of being arrested for manslaughter began to unnerve Darkwing.  “Hey Quackster, you seen your boyfriend anywhere?” 
The only thing Quackerjack heard through his concussion was ‘Megavolt’, and tried to snap out of his daze as best as he could. 
“Megsy! Sparky-poo, where are you!? Ooooh, I’m gonna get you for this Darkwing Duck!” But before Quackerjack could get him, the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance. 
“Mmm, but maybe not today,” said Quackerjack, and then took out Mr. Banana Brain. “Time to hit the road, Toad,” he said in a falsetto voice. 
“MEGAVOLT! See you at the hideout!” And Quackerjack ran backstage, toppling over Launchpad who had attempted to catch him. 
“Ah geez, sorry DW, he got away. Should we go after him?”
“Nah,” said Darkwing, “I’ve got enough on my plate with Miss Robot over here. Also I gotta make sure Megavolt didn’t explode or something,...”
“Ughhh,” groaned Dr. Matronic, “that’s DOCTOR- wait. The animatronics! What have you done to them you fiend?!” Before she could freak out entirely, the police came in, slapping handcuffs on her and leading her away. 
“Why I say I say, ah-thank you Mr. Duck sir.” 
The team looked back and saw a rotund rooster in a tacky pizza print suit come up to them, taking Darkwing’s hand and shaking it profusely. “I am the owner of this here establishment, Rolan N. Dough the Third, thought you may call me Mr. Dough. I must congratulate you sir on a job well done!” 
“Ah-yep, yep, yep, all in a day’s work for Darkwing Duck, Mr. Dough!”
“So you’re not mad that he blew up your animatronics?” piped up Gosalyn. Darkwing hurriedly placed his hand over her bill, “Gosalyn! Ix-nay on the obot-ray! Ahaha, kids...” 
“On the contrary, Mr. Duck, I’m overjoyed! Thanks to you, I’m gonna save a fortune on properly preserving those robotic freaks! And receive a rather sizable insurance check! A nice little profit for today’s events!” 
Darkwing soured, remembering his distaste for the Pizza Pagoda once more. “You’re welcome, sir.”  
“I simply must reward you! How does a coupon for a free pizza sound?” 
Launchpad’s stomach rumbled at the sound of that. “Gee DW, can we cash it in now?” 
Darkwing sighed, “Fine, fine, we’re not coming back here anytime soon.”
As Launchpad and Mr. Dough made their way to the pizza station, Darkwing crouched down to check on Gosalyn for any injuries. 
“You ok?” he asked. “I mean, aside from seeing your favorite pizzeria in ruins that is?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed, “I’m just sad the Pie Gang met their end like that.”
“Well it’s an Italian eatery owned by a Southerner themed around China, it was bound to end horribly. You gotta admit though, it was a pretty cool explosion.”
“Okay yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean the way that flamethrower just went GWOOSH and the canister was like SCHPAAAAM! Not too bad from Darkwing and his helpful sidekicks, huh?”
“Oh, that reminds me, you’re still in trouble for running in like that.”
“WHAT? Daaa-uh, I mean, Darkwiiiing!” The two walked away, preparing to stop Launchpad from spending more than $50 on pizza. 
“Hmm, I feel like I’m forgetting something though,” said Darkwing.
“Ah well, I’m sure it was nothing important,” reassured Gosalyn. 
In the subterranean hole where Dr. Matronic had come from, Megavolt had begun to regain consciousness, slowly sitting up as he willed the surroundings to stop spinning. 
“Owwww, that’s it, next date night will be at the mini golf...” 
From below, he could hear the faint voice of Quackerjack at hysterics, then fading away. Then he heard the shrill voice of Dr. Matronic screaming over the ruined animatronics. Megavolt perked up, remembering the explosion with clarity now. 
“NO NO NO! The animatronics! Darkwing Duck and that stupid doctor lady ruined my childhood! This is worse than that reboot of my favorite movie with an all-female cast! Why I oughta-OW!!”
In his rage, Megavolt failed to notice an object in his path, and stubbed his already fragile toe against it. He was prepared to blast it to smithereens, when he noticed something familiar about the object. 
Something metallic. 
“Wait...it can’t be,” he muttered. He crouched down, digging through the rubble until the object was set free. It was Cheddar Charles, banged up a little but perfectly intact. 
“Oh you poor thing,” Megavolt cooed, “you must’ve fallen down here after that mean old Darkwing blew us up!” He cradled the orphaned robotic mouse in his arms, feeling his paternal instinct flare up as he gently dusting the dirt off of it. A ghost of a childhood memory panged within him, recalling a time in his life when he felt safe and loved, unaware of the harsh realities of life that would face him later on.
Was it too insane to believe that he could pass that love on to something else?
He loved Quackerjack. He loved his life of lightbulb liberation. But if Megavolt was honest with himself, maybe there was something nice to the whole family concept. Maybe the idea of taking care of something and watching it grow with someone he loved seemed exciting to him. Maybe Darkwing had the right idea about having a kid sidekick-
Nope. It’d be a cold, day in Hell before Megavolt would admit to being jealous of Darkwing Duck. 
He took out one of his trusty light bulbs to illuminate the scene, when an idea came to him. 
“Wait a minute,” he said, “Quacky and I want a kid. This little guy doesn’t have a family anymore. That means...that means! Wait, where was I going with this?”
The Cheddar Charles let out a shock, charging up Megavolt once more. 
“Oh right! Welcome to the family, new son! This is gonna turn out way better than that time I split Darkwing into two.” He took his son into his arms, already bonding with the temporarily lifeless robot. 
“But ya know, Cheddar Charles is kinda long for a name. How about I call you...Chuckie!” 
Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
“OH MY GOD,” cried out Drake Mallard, “I BLEW UP MEGAVOLT!”
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cobalt-penguin · 4 years
y’know what i’m still feeling annoyed and petty, plus i’m stuck inside and it’s storming out so why not type out a checklist of what everyone in TOW did to me.
since i am mean and manipulative, petty and pathetic, and so much more? why not bring up some old beef and give ya’ll something to eat. 
Gansey: tried repeatedly to instigate drama -- if not actively break up -- my OC ships by encouraging -- through IC shenanigans -- cheating and lying. One of these happened while I was on vacation with my family and i still remember crying about it in a hotel bathroom because i thought one of my few ships in the RP was over and I hadn’t even been asked about it. This also included trying to get his OC Tomas to make IC/OOC (hey you can feign innocence when it’s in that dubiously OOC space, until its receptive in which case you can say it was IC the whole time!) at one of my ship partner’s OCs. Made repeated fat jokes at one of my fat characters (the same one they were clearly trying to get away from their partner...hmm...). Claimed I was always running to vague on my personal. Fair enough, I did, but they did the same thing. In poem form. Never answered my message about leaving the RP group because they felt ‘disrespected” by it. Repeatedly including untagged dubcon/noncon elements on the dashboard and triggering me. Lying to Ivy and me about having a full Overwatch party then trying to say “oh it just emptied you can join now”. hid this “FAR” idea from the rest of the RP community and then played coy when they got found out and asked about it by another anon (not me). Made fun of other RP groups in Tumblr tags then, when I asked them and their friends not to, was told “we’re a step above them.” Saying I was excluding them from things when I asked to play OW with them AND invited them to my horror RP group AND, only months beforehand, were inviting them to my Marvel RP??Trying to emotionally manipulate me through threatening to kill characters they had obviously grown tired of playing (probably because their major connections were to me and not their other friends) -- “haha i’m probably going to kill (my oc) idk but doesn’t that make you upset?? what will (your character) even do??” Engaging in nasty “”IC”” interactions with my character, basically telling me, through them, off, and being supported by the entire community in doing so. All of this really hurt me because I considered Gansey a friend and a major inspiration at one point in my life. Someone I non-jokingly looked up to and trusted. I feel like Gansey left TAR, our first RP group, because of how controlling, self-interested, petty, and mean-spirited the admins there were. That they were limiting other people’s creativity while building up their own narrative -- everyone else just there to be their audience. But you and Roman literally became Usa and Jen. Congrats. You lived long enough to become everything you’d rebelled against. And yes Gansey -- I saw all of your messages to everyone. Emotionally manipulating others -- telling them how terrible you are you don’t deserve their friendship, but would like to -- isn’t an apology. Its a tactic. Do better in the future. And despite me “blocking” you? There were a hundred ways to still reach out to me if that was what you really wanted. But let’s be real. It wasn’t. That was part of your gambit to. Goodbye. 
Rosie: asked literally EVERYONE about what had happened with the ““TOW explosion”” except me. never even asked my side of the story. Rosie I don’t even get because the other admins treated her like shit -- making her do all the coding and technical components for the entire RP -- but she was still defending them to the end. Okay. And then to treat Shelly like utter SHIT even though Reyne was running her passive-aggressive mouth off about people who couldn't even defend themselves? Amazing. Yeah, she’s the bully. Your perspective was so twitested by your biases that you were ready to victim blame Shelly just because Reyne had to run at the sight of someone actually throwing their bulltshit back at them. 
Reyne: Like Gansey, frequently indulged in cheating/cucking scnearios for fun -- again, including my own characters without asking or telling me. Don’t think Reyne ever apologized for this, IC or OOC. Dropped ships with me repeatedly -- leaving the group even -- without a word. Passive-aggressive to the max. Made a ship with Gansey just to play out her Teen Wolf OTP -- something that will never not be funny to me, when she called Gansey’s “character” Stiles. Smooth. 
Frankii: Repeatedly dropped me and my characters from plots. Gave me one of the most hurtful comments of my RP community by essentially being like “maybe if your plots and characters weren’t so confusing than more people would want to RP with you.” Invited to join my horror RP group and never made a character. also told me this after Gansey wrote that enormous callout about me, that Roman piggybacked on while the getting was good: “also I'm not here to advocate on behalf of my friend but I really don't think Gansey was trying to be rude last night, they can come off a certain way when they're stressed.” COOL. The rest of Frankii’s message I really appreciated, at the time, but, surprise surprise, then despite us being “cool” they never spoke to me again. 
Laura: I actually really liked Laura tbh but I guess she didn’t feel the same. Some of our interactions back in TAR were actually some of my favorites. I invited her to join my horror RP group and she never made a character. When I asked about this -- and if she needed any help making someone or wanted to leave -- she said she was working on it. Basically stonewalled me over time. Honestly though? Not a lot to say I actually think Laura is a good writer and pretty cool. Its just obvious who her friends were and I, stupidly, thought I was included in that. 
Anna: Actually I really liked Anna too tbh but I guess I vastly overestimated our friendship? It happens. Dropped me from one of her plots -- after talking to me about including me in one of hers because she felt “obligated” basically, from being featured in my own -- without mentioning why or talking to me about it. Invited to join new RP -- refused (not mad about this, just making note of it). Refused to follow my new account when I lost my old one because “lol they’re such a furry”. 
Roman: lmao where to even start. Roman was condescending and elitist literally from the beginning of TAR. barely acknowledged my existence until he had to.I started a plot with an open invitation to the entire RP group, with a deadline so I could start writing. Roman waits until its over and complains that they were left out. I include him anyway. Roman mocks the fact that I ask to tag or outright remove aphrodisiac dust -- because I don’t like seeing untagged dubcon/noncon on my dashboard, it upsets me a lot -- and then goes on a whole thread about it after I go to bed and can’t even defend myself. Apparently told his friends not to invite me to things because he doesn’t like me??? And then he has the nerve to be like communication is key and you can come talk anytime??? While having me on their public “friends” list with a description about me on his blog??? omfg...I literally can’t. To this day. Actually let this image speak for itself.
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Everything Else: The repeated, childish treatment of strippers as immoral (””your character is stripping?? my character is so upset and is going to protect them!!”). The implication that characters who were stripping were also automatically sex workers. The continued references to my character, who owned this establishment, as being sleazy and manipulative. Also, honestly, what was with ya’ll adopting some random teenager into your OW groups? That was weird af. And then bringing some random person into TOW without asking anyone and trying to pull rank like “we’re the admin team and we can do whatever we want”. and shit-talking Meg and me in your “open forum” when all we wanted to do was get on with out lives. Like? Who cares? Ya’ll didn’t want me, at least, there anyway, clearly. You don’t get to exclude me then talk about how disrespectful and “wrong” the way I left was..........
Me: I didn’t do everything perfectly either. I know I could be passive-aggressive. I could be self-interested. I could make bitter comments. I dealt with feeling angry and upset by making memes -- which, I’m gonna be honest, I get why ya’ll were upset but I don’t regret either. I had spent so long in TAR/TOW with nobody interested in my characters and plots -- originally because I didn’t vid and played furries but, later, well.........see above -- that I did focus on my own narrative. I wasn’t invited to plots. I didn’t have sexy vampires and boy band werewolves. I played weird characters that didn’t fit the common niche of the cast of an angst and hookup filled supernatural YA novel. Maybe my plots were confusing but, honestly? It was because they were always going to be in the background. I wasn’t disinterested in anyone’s stories. I had just been left out of them for so long -- having to beg to even be a mention in a single mention -- that I had to make my own. I wasn’t there to just be an audience member to be aghast by Roman’s newest quirky boy or Gansey’s newest possessed twink. I was a writer. A member of the community. And, at the time? I thought a friend. Someone who deserved appreciation and respect. 
I know who my true friends are now. We did, ironically, exactly what you did -- we have out own group, our own setting, our own community. 
And I still live with the mean and manipulative things YALL said everyday. Even as an adult -- even with everything I’ve accomplished and am so proud of -- I’m still traumatized by being treated so poorly -- for years -- and not even realizing it. Something I’m still working on -- one of the many reasons I still have trust issues to this day. Congrats. That’s your legacy on me. aNYWAY
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kwamiwayzz · 5 years
some frozen fanfic that i wanted to be a frozen tv series at one point
Seeing all this new Frozen 2 content makes me think about the time I spent my early college days (like...3-4 years ago?) writing up a pitch bible for a Frozen TV series and
I wrote maybe about 25+ full pages of just the premise and every single character from the first movie was in it. I kind of planned it to be a 3-arc (3 season) hypothetical tv series where the first season would focus heavily on Elsa and Anna, season 2 would have Hans take over Arendelle while Elsa and Anna were away and supposedly ends with Elsa leaving, season 3 has Anna taking the role as Queen of Arendelle after hearing about Elsa’s “death” while Elsa is trying to find her way back home as well as learn more about her powers
Season 1: There’s a festival going on in the kingdom and a prince from the Southern Isles who calls himself Lars Westergaard visits Arendelle to improve relations with them and bridge the strain between the two kingdoms. Of course, Anna doesn’t trust him due to her trauma with Hans, but Lars tries to apologize on his behalf. 
Prince Lars Westergaard invites Elsa back to the Southern Isles to continue improving relations between their kingdoms. He has also paid a visit to see Elsa’s powers for himself since he finds the idea of magical powers fascinating. Anna is heavily against a prince from the Southern Isles taking Elsa someplace. Elsa is pretty skeptical too, but something about Lars seems trustworthy, and she does want to hear what the King of the Southern Isles has to say. 
Anna feels too anxious letting her sister go to the Southern Isles alone (especially after getting her sister back), and decides to act as a second kingdom official to accompany Elsa to the Southern Isles (idk what you call it but roll with it). Elsa doesn’t think Anna should come because someone needs to watch over Arendelle. General Matthias (I finally found something to cover up my earlier plot hole, pepe.emoji) decides to act as a temporary head of Arendelle and Elsa promotes Kristoff as a Lord to ensure other kingdoms don’t think Arendelle has no power while the Queen and Princess are away. 
Unfortunately, on the way to the Southern Isles, Lars’s ship is caught in a freak wave, causing Elsa and Anna to be lost at sea. When the two sisters wake up they find themselves on an unknown land and find themselves to be foreigners. Not many people of that country really have much favor towards them or even recognize them and the two are just trying to find a way back home (cue Elsa using her powers as performing stunt to get money so they can go back home). 
After getting enough money, however, their goods are stolen by a robber girl (original Snow Queen story, who is actually a robber and a girl and Asian-coded). Elsa and Anna try to find her, they do, turns out the robber girl is part of a gang that steals from the rich and gives to the poor yadda yadda and the robber girl hates royalty and thinks they all give off a patronizing vibe. They get along at some point and offer to find a way to take Elsa and Anna back home.
(yadda yadda adventure, yadda yadda Robber Girl character development, yadda yadda anime references cause im trash)
After who knows how long, Elsa and Anna finally make it back to Arendelle only to find out that it is under a new ruler. It’s not Matthias or Lord Kristoff. 
It’s King Hans. 
Sparknoted Season 2: After coming back to an Arendelle under the rule of King Hans, Anna and Elsa immediately turn their suspicion to Prince Lars, who admits he had no idea Hans had smuggled away on his ship when he went to visit Arendelle. The citizens are under unrest and it doesn’t help that the people of Arendelle think the Queen and Princess died overseas similar to their parents. There are people divided on who they support, the new King Hans or their rightful ruler, Queen Elsa. 
The rest of this season deals with Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff dethroning King Hans. Hans and Anna battle it out and Anna loses an eye (lmao might change this if I ever write this). Seeing Anna critically injured causes Elsa’s powers to go apeshit and almost kills Hans in the process, but Anna stops her.
Elsa becomes even more terrified of the capability she has but wants to learn more about how to use her powers effectively to help people. I think I had some part where she goes with Lars at the end and leaves Anna for awhile so she can hone her skills and help people across the world (when in reality, Lars was lowkey using her as a human weapon). 
And yes, I did think of Elsa leaving and supposedly dying and Anna getting depressed about it with Anna being Queen before I saw anything Frozen 2 related.
Sparknoted Season 3: Due to the trauma that she underwent after the Battle of Arendelle and Hans, including the sudden coronation where she has to rise as a Queen, Anna feels extremely under a lot of pressure and the stress around her life along with thinking Elsa is dead turns her almost into a husk (I feel like I maaayyyy have gone a bit overboard with the angst on her, like think Fire Emblem D/imitri level of angst). She finds out from Lars that Elsa had supposedly died trying to protect one of the kingdoms they were visiting (when in reality she was trying to escape him and warn Anna about Lars’s underlying colonial ambitions). Lars tries to convince Queen Anna 
This was also a season where Elsa and Anna are separated for a long time and don’t reunite until close to the end of the season. Hans is actually locked up in Arendelle prison since his father disowned him, but Anna sometimes visits him just to get the “voices” out of her head and to actually ask for help in ruling a kingdom. Hans and Anna have a bit of complicated relationship, but she eventually releases him from prison to get rid of an incoming threat since she feels as if he could be useful. 
yadda yadda plot (im getting tired of making this too long lmaoooo) 
Elsa returns back to Arendelle finally, reunites with Anna, Hans is redeemed after helping and spending time with Anna and Kristoff. Kristoff and Anna get back together at some point. Elsa knows that Anna is better fit as Queen and Elsa becomes the royal protector. 
After Lars is defeated, Hans visits him (i swear ill explain more later) and tells him he was the only brother he cared for. Lars tells Hans that they were both trapped in the expectations of what their father wanted out of them. He was hoping to be better than their father, but Lars sees that he had become their father unintentionally through colonizing multiple countries and bringing some sort of “peace” to them. Hans sees the same in himself too, but has found peace through Anna and the others accepting him.
The end shows a royal portrait of Queen Anna, Royal Protector Elsa, Lord Kristoff, and Hans much older. 
idk if ill ever write this lmao
i know i overdid the angst in some places but only cause i liked the idea of frozen going over super dark themes. I will admit, making Anna a female D/imitri at one point was overkill lmao
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cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
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honorhearted asked : 💞 Curious how this grumpy dingus shows brotherly/platonic love lol.
Send 💞 for me to describe 5 ways my muse says ‘I love you’ to yours. / @honorhearted​ -- accepting
One: Okay this might be a weird twist because this might not be seen as platonic love, but to some extent: their arguments. Abe will argue with anyone and anything because almost always he sees himself in the right, and I feel like from childhood, he is so used to arguing and having to defend himself and give reasons for his actions, so his stubbornness comes easy to him. But the fact that Abe is willing to forgive Ben easily after an argument or put their differences to the side when they have to work together shows that Abe loves Ben in a platonic way. Abe isn’t going to willingly push something off or work with someone he hates, especially after a heated argument and I think to some extent, Abe is willing to compromise with Ben because he does respect him and his word.
Two: I think in their childhood, Abe and Ben were way closer than they are in the show’s timeline, just because they were around each other a lot more, Ben was more carefree and I think war changed a lot of every character’s personality within the show in one way or another, but I can imagine Abe telling Ben secrets or his deepest emotional turmoils. Whenever he had an argument with his father, Thomas, or felt inadequate within his family, I feel like he would often turn to Ben rather than Caleb. Yes, Caleb can be serious, but I feel like Ben is one to give much more straightforward advice but would also know how to comfort someone to some extent. Caleb and Ben can both be good “hype men” but I think Abe would turn to Ben more often for this stuff. When they were apart, it was a big change for Abe because he didn’t have Ben there to turn to, especially after Thomas’ death, having to cut off his engagement with Anna and instead having to marry Mary. (To some extent this could definitely add some ammunition to Abe’s anger with Ben and how hot tempered he can get around him, but that’s for another time. This is already getting drawn out and long).
Three: I can definitely see these two in a lighter, playful mood and making fun of one another. They would bring up embarrassing stories from their childhood like “Remember the one time you…” So I think playfully roasting each other is a love language between these two lmao.
Four: This one is rather simple but paying for Ben’s food or drink. This would be more probably pre-war but I can see them just hanging out and chilling and Abe offers to buy Ben a drink or invites Ben over for dinner. Sorta random but I can see Ben and Abe getting into shenanigans within Whitehall when growing up.
Five: I can definitely see Abe defending Ben on his behalf. Abe was definitely one of the kids in Setauket that was picked on more regularly with his rather lean body and short stature, as well with how quickly Abe gets angry, but I can definitely imagine Ben, Abe, and Caleb getting mixed up in drama and beating up or pulling pranks on someone who was talking shit about one of their friends. Abe probably got into a fight when someone spoke shit about Ben in front of him, so Abe is more than willing to fight for Ben (literally). I think it was a regular occurrence that Abe had to be held back from punching someone by Caleb or Ben.
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zalrb · 7 years
Surprise! The Sequel. [TVD 1x12 Review]
Welcome to the 12th review of season 1! As per usual, here are the guidelines: Considering that I haven’t sat down to watch a full episode of the past seasons of TVD in a few years and my memory might not be the greatest I will start with my usual disclaimer: I write my thoughts in real time so if I make a mistake at the beginning of this post, it will be corrected by the end. There will be anti-Damon and anti-Delena senitments and I feel the need to say there may be some anti-Jenna sentiments too. I will probably bring up other shows and call attention to misogynoir, racism and anti-blackness. OK. Ready? Let’s go. I love how Stefan and Elena are lying down on her bed, talking about what’s happening in the town, that level of intimacy just in the fact that they’re together on her bed and it isn’t sexual, it’s about how comfortable they are with each other. I still think it’s bullshit that Jeremy would invite the pizza guy in. I also really hate this scene because I want more details, like at least see vampire hoodie dude get into a car with the actual pizza delivery guy bleeding in the backseat. Paul’s jeans fit much better now. Omg Paul is just all chiselled features. This man is beautiful. “Oh yeah, Elena and I had a blast!” You two were barely together. Yay, more lunch! Sorry, I just couldn’t recall when they ever ate lunch so the fact that I’m seeing them eat it makes me happy because DETAILS. If only we got a class other than history that wasn’t in a dream. “If it’s what you and Matt want then it’s not about me.” We don’t ever get a conversation like this about Steroline, like Elena just kept her mouth shut and she never talks about SC as a couple, which I find telling. I also never understood why Nina uses her left hand to brush the right side of her face, like her hair out of her face, I always found that weird. Lol Elena leaves Bonnie with the bill. Of course. And doesn’t say thank you. It really annoys me that the first guy to show interest in Bonnie in the show is just using her. Ugh. Especially since they could’ve been really hot. And cute. I’m annoyed. “It’s because we’re predators, Elena. We hunt, we stalk, it’s often as exciting as the kill.” See, Stefan never once distances himself from the darker aspects of vampirism, so I don’t know where the DErs get of saying he pretends to be a saint. The way he strokes her face, omg. Matt and Caroline are so cute, their almost paint fight and the way he says, “I MEAN I thought you always told everyone else what to do.” OK so Elena and Jenna do have separate cars. “I’m really sorry it won’t be any help for your Diabolical Plan. The Sequel.” I love dry Stefan so much. It’s kind of funny watching Ian’s hyperactive eyebrows against Paul’s pretty stationary ones. “See that’s your problem, Damon, you apply all of your shortcomings to everyone else.” Ha, could say the same thing about DE shippers. So, funny story. When I had cable and would watch my teen dramas, my mother would always complain about them and say how much she hates them but then I would see her standing in the hall watching them over my back. Happened with OTH. Happened with Gossip Girl. And it happened with TVD. So I’m at the scene where Elena is doing her hair and the compass is on her bed. I remember being soooooooo into the scene, like OMG THE SUSPENSE THE COMPASS IS MOVING and then I just hear my mom yell, “She is STUPID. If you’re in a town overrun by vampires and your vampire boyfriend gives you a vampire compass that finds vampires would you not have that damn compass everywhere you go??? SHE’S AN IDIOT. What’s her name? I don’t like her.” Lol. And now eight years later, I tend to agree. It’s funny, in KDramas when a loved one’s number is saved it’s always something like “My Yoon Jae” or “My Gyu-woon” so just seeing “Elena Gilbert” on Stefan’s phone is like … aww, come on, can’t it be “My Elena”??? lol. Although tbh I probably wouldn’t like that. Kdramas get away with a lot of things that American TV can’t. Aww Stefan’s hand on Elena’s leg as they talk about the vampire. So sweet. Simple gesture but it shows his protectiveness and his need to comfort her. And then when Elena slips her hand over his to comfort him for being worried about her. My feeeeeeeeeeeeels. Also Paul is total James Dean here. Who was that person who said Ian was more James Dean than Paul? Like … WHAT? “What’s Damon doing here?” At least Bonnie looks mildly indignant. Also it takes some kind of gall to stand before Bonnie and Caroline, two people who Damon had tried to kill and not feel a type of way. I do still find Elena’s *turn to Stefan* “May I have this dance?” to be hilarious and necessary. And Stefan’s smile is amaaaaazing. Paul’s hands are kinda low on Nina’s hips, lmao. Anna’s hair is a little weird. “You’re doing that thing again, where you pretend we’re dating even though we’re not” LOL that was a little harsh. The way Anna brushes it off is cool though. I actually just noticed that when Matt walks up to Caroline and Bonnie at the Grill he’s actually smiling until Caroline is classist af. Also totally forgot that Stefan and Elena actually have a blast dancing before he pretends he won’t dip her, like they’re smiling SO goofily. And Damon is looking at them jealous for absolutely no reason because he’s hardly spent any time with Elena but seriously, that’s what love looks like Damon. The fact that Damon can call himself Stefan’s legal guardian and none of the adults side eye his relationship with Elena? When she’s supposed to be the Rory Gilmore of Mystic Falls, beloved by the town? “Tonight was so much better on paper.” Just like how the SC relationship was so much better on paper? I get it, Caroline. Lmao I’m watching all these other people dance and yeah Paul’s hands on Nina’s hips has me like mmmhmm. Lol he moved them up to her waist. Oh back to the hips. Their dance kiss is still one of my favourites, like it just shows how much he loves her. The way Damon dances with that blonde is utterly ridiculous. ALSO LOL. “My Boyfriend’s Back” is a song I did a vid to for Steroline and Stelena back in the day, I didn’t realize they played it in 1x12. It’s actually good to see Elena active in a scene. This is one of my favourite Elena’s scenes [when she fights with Noah] One of the things I actually like about the Stefan torturing Noah scene is Damon’s facial expressions in the background because he knows how much Stefan loves Elena so he’s just like lol yeah you shouldn’t play tough because he WILL make you suffer. Also seriously, Stefan’s intensity in this scene, that type of protectiveness over Elena that isn’t shown through “I will break your arm” so much love. I think I really like Mattoline because it reminds me of me and my best friend in high school and it’s really realistic. I also like the Mattoline kiss, it’s very cinematic. Also find it cute that Elena is on her couch and Stefan is making her tea in her kitchen because they’re just so at home with each other. And the way she looks at him giving her the tea, like isn’t my boyfriend so considerate? “It’s going to take a lot more than a road trip and a rescue for me to forget who Damon really is.” Oh, so the necklace was the dealbreaker then? Also, it wasn’t a road trip, he kidnapped you. Also y’all are acting like he hasn’t damaged this town and that he’s just a dick. For Stefan that makes sense but Elena honestly should not be this calm. At least with Spike, Xander and Willow only stop fearing him when there’s a chip in his head that makes it impossible for him to feed on humans so he’s no longer a threat to them. This was a weak ending.
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intimatevoid · 7 years
Also stolen from @notfinlandjosswhedon​ because apparently I’m trying to steal her identity
If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? Pillows and blankets, but probably a bunch of clothes as well.
Are you nice to everyone? I try very hard to be.
Is it possible to be single and happy? Of course.
Is it easy for people to make you cry? Depends on the day, and how bad my mental health is fucking me up.
Did you sleep alone last night? No, I was in Ash’s bed.
Do you play with dead bugs? I mean, if I’m really bored, and they’re there in front of me, and I can’t pull my phone out but still need to fidget
Honestly, are you dating two people? I was until a couple of months ago.
Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? I would like them to.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone other than family?   Of course.
What if you had a baby with the person you like? Then I would wonder how the fuck I managed to produce viable genetic material, all things considered.
Are you happy? pffthahahahahahaha
Have you ever tripped in public? Who hasn’t?
Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? Yeah, a bad breakup last year led to some pretty heavy fallout.
Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? Nope.
What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?   I stole this survey off her! :D
Has anyone called you perfect before? I don’t think so.
Where is the biggest scar on your body? On my right shin.
Have you ever been told you were amazing? Heh, yeah. The words, “Good? That was amazing, I want to fall at your feet” comes to mind.
If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? Hm. Maybe, but make it a year and 5 months and I’d prefer that.
What pissed you off today? Just my pain, and the heat.
What was the last thing you cried about? I thought about animals and for some reason that made me cry.
Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? the person i stole this from lmao
Who sits next to you in English? Hm. Back then, I think it was Anna Seymour and Emily Incsh.
Ever talked to someone who was drunk? Often.
How late did you stay up last night and why? I don’t really “stay up”, I just sleep when I’m tired and wake up when I’m done sleeping.
Do you know how to properly use grammar in a sentence?   In English, absolutely. 私の日本語は貧しいです。
Are your parents very protective of you? Lord no. I mean, considering everything I went through because of them, it’s a miracle I’m still alive.
How many drugs are in your system?   None, I think. I haven’t smoked pot in a fair while. But if it went back that far, it would still only be that one.
Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you? pffthahahahahaha
Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to on the phone? Nope, they were a telemarketer.
Do you think you are a good person? I don’t know if I am, but I know I certainly wasn’t in the past, so now I try very hard to be one now.
Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? Yeah, in my last breakup.
Could you last in a relationship for over a year?   Sure, that’s my current one.
Who were you with on your birthday? I don’t remember. Probably just Ash. I don’t really do anything for my birthdays.
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yeah, I used to have to do it to break into my parents’ house while I still lived there.
First person to talk to you in 2014 I think it was Greg. If I’m not wrong, that was the new year’s eve we drove out to the Postman’s Ridge bus stop with chips and skittles, and watched the fireworks they were setting off at Picnic Point. One of the few memories with him that I actually care about.
Do you miss your past? No, but sometimes I miss my naivety.
It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it? Not a clue. Nobody calls me.
Do you have anything interesting planned for the next week? Not really. I’m probably going to go visit a friend for a cuppa, but really nothing else.
Who was the last person to text you? Do you know when that person’s birthday is? Last message was from Maddie. Third of June, bitch. :P I have a memory for birthdays, what can I say.
What were you doing 4 hours ago? Playing Mass Effect.
Is there a certain song that you can’t stop listening to atm? I think it’d be Smoke and Mirrors, by Poets Of The Fall.
Tell me 3 things that your friends don’t know about you. Oh wow. Most people know a great deal about me. Um... 1) The only perfume I’ve ever liked wearing is a dupe from a shitty pharmacy. 2) I’m exceedingly good at manipulating people but my sense of guilt is too strong to let me do it often. 3) My spiritual beliefs barely make sense to even me.
What is something that people often give to you as a gift? Video games. I seriously get given, at LEAST one or two games every couple of months. Like, for no reason at all except that people like me and want to give me gifts. I am sooooo not complaining. <3
Do you tend to hold on to a lot of stuff you don’t need, just because it has sentimental value? No, I learned to cull my shit fairly brutally. Actually I haven’t done that in a while, and really ought to do it again once I have the spoons.
What is something that reminds you of your ex? the tab i have open of our ongoing conversation, for starters
Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? Yeah, a few times.
Which would you prefer to receive as a gift - flowers or chocolate? I’ve received flowers once and it was sweet, but I much prefer chocolate.
When did you last take a shower/bath? Do you wash your hair every time? Last night, I think. And not always, but usually. Actually I rarely wash my hair, because it doesn’t like it, but I condition it frequently.
Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? Yeah, somewhere cooler.
Do any of your followers on Tumblr have your phone number? I think a few do, yeah.
Will you be going out tonight, or staying in? It’s 3am and I have stayed in aaaaaaall night.
How many times have you been in love? Four times. Two of them are still current.
If you were heartbroken, who would help you pick up the pieces? Probably Ash, Chloe, Dusty and/or maybe Ruin.
How would you feel about dating someone who had a reputation for being a player in the past? Do you think that players will ALWAYS be players, or is it possible that they can change? Like, if they prided themself on being a player then I would probably snub them for doing that when they could perfectly well be polyamorous instead.
Did you sleep well last night? Not great. Woke up in a lot of pain.
Is your bedroom big enough for you? Not in the slightest. There’s barely enough room for my bed and my desk and nothing else. This unit is so small.
Are you looking forward to seeing someone soon? Yeah, although with the people I’d really like to see, I do not have current visit arrangements. I wish more people would come to visit me. That’s always a nice change.
Ever had a one-night stand? Nope.
Is anyone flirting with you? I wish!
Have you ever felt pressure to do anything you didn’t want to, like smoking, drinking, or losing your virginity, before you were ready for it? If so, how did you deal with that? I don’t think so.
Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person? Why/why not? I think I’m pretty average. I have more thorough viewpoints of some things, but I’m also thick as a post about some others, so like, whatever. Intelligence is a lie anyway, it’s about what you value.
Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with? Any of my friends I guess.
Is there anyone you’d HATE to be stuck in a lift with? Any male or masculine stranger.
Have you ever seen your father cry? Yeah, once. I don’t remember why tho.
How would your parents react if you got pregnant? I’m incapable of getting pregnant or getting others pregnant.
Do you/did you keep to your school’s uniform/dress code? Yeah. I found security in it.
If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? Considering that they have a boyfriend as well as me, I would be surprised and a little concerned.
What was the highlight of your summer? The storms.
The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? No, it was because I was deathly ill.
Who was the last person that invited you to their house? Ruin, I think.
Have your parents ever told you about any alternative names they considered for you, or the name they would have chosen, if you’d turned out to be a boy? My parents considered the names Hannah and Reuben for me before I was born.
Are you friends with any of your exes? I’m friends with one of them.
Have you ever had to make an emergency phone call? Nope.
If you’re in a relationship, how is it going? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? I’m in a relationship that’s going well, and I’m looking for someone.
What language do you like the sound of? Japanese, Italian, Gaelic.
Think about the last guy, outside of family, that you had a conversation with. Do you find him sexy? Well considering that I dated him for a year, and would totally still go back for platonic, non-committal smooches if he wanted em? Yeah, you could say that.
What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct? I legit haven’t the faintest idea.
What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? People, not person, and: Their tummy. Her eyes. Their waist. Their hair. And her mouth.
Do you consider yourself to be a strong person? Why/why not? Yeah, I’m tanky as hell. I even like to lift people up when I hug them.
Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. The other day when I was having a bad time so they took me out for bubble tea and ramen. That was a special day.
Do you have any relationship with the state of California? None whatsoever.
What’s something about other people that drives you crazy? People who leave their pegs on the communal clothesline.
What are you doing? This survey.
What are you wearing? Booty shorts and a very light jumper.
Baseball is the best sport hands down…right? um excuse me take your shitty sports out of this house of roller derby
Do you like chocolate? I surely do.
Like the movie Elf? I cannot stand Will Ferrell.
Ok let’s talk travel, do you like to travel? In theory, yes.
Where have you been? Nowhere, because I am poor.
Next place you want to go? I want to go to Sydney next year to see Dusty, and on my “someday” list is Manitoba to see Chloe.
If you’re quiet what does it mean? It usually means I’m fine.
Something that makes you smile? Animals.
Do you mind watching chick flicks? Not anymore. I used to enjoy them, but now I look at how many problems jealousy and backwards social views on romance cause, and I just want to yell.
When’s your birthday? 23rd of January. (You're welcome, Maddie. :P)
If you need a hug at 3 in the morning, who do you ask? Ash.
Do you mind if people just show up at your house unannounced? If they’re a friend, I’m fine with it.
Do you enjoy rain? More than any other kind of weather.
Are you one of those people who are always tripping over things? Yeah, I’m clumsy as hell.
Would you ever consider taking evening classes in anything? Yeah, I’d like to take proper Japanese classes someday.
Do you like sushi? Yes yes yes!
Have any of your friends gotten engaged recently? Yeah, some friends and family.
Would you ever drop everything and go travelling for several months? If I could afford to, it would be the Dream ;A;
How many bedrooms are there in your house? Two.
Have you ever built a sandcastle? As a kid, yeah.
Do you use an instant messenger? If so, what is it? I like to use Telegram, but I also use FB Messenger because very few of my friends use TG.
Do you watch reba? Never heard of it.
How many more days til your school is out? I have not gone to school in a long time.
Do you drink a lot of soda? Sometimes. Usually with takeaway.
How do you look right now? Like I’m in the middle of a long-term depressive episode, and wouldn’t you know, it’s perfectly accurate lmao
Were you taken last year on Valentine’s Day? Yeah, I was dating Ash and Seb.
Do you remember who you were interested in around this time last year? Yeah. Still interested in them lmao
Would you rather date someone you think is cute, or someone who you think is hot? Honestly the two kind of overlap in my standards.
Do you go to school currently? Nope.
Did you make a best friend in high school? Nope.
You’re currently listening to? My shitty fan struggling to produce a breeze.
Who are you expecting a call from? Nobody.
When will your next kiss take place? Probably in Ash’s bedroom or mine.
Are you afraid of roller coasters? No, although I’ve never been on one.
What were you doing at 7:00 AM? I was awake.
Can you keep a secret? Sure can.
Do Italian/French/Spanish accents turn you on? Accents don’t really turn me on.
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? Nope.
Did you speak to your mother today? Nope.
What’s your favourite coffee shop?: On the rare occasions I drink coffee, Crazy Goat Espresso is a pretty cute place.
Have you ever taken a bath with someone?: As a kid, yeah.
What’s your grandma’s name?: My grandmas are named Valerie and Nancy.
Where is your biological father right now?: Probably at home sleeping.
Do you have any freckles?: Nope, but I wish I Did.
Do you like orange juice?: Lord, yes. Especially with the pulp still in.
Did you watch the Cosby Show when you were younger?: Nope.
Have you ever dated someone as a rebound from your old relationship? Nope.
Which of your exes is the best looking? Ngl, Seb’s grin still makes me melt ^^;
What would you do if your ex broke down and told you they loved you? I would be surprised and would not know how to react.
Does rebounding really help at all? I sincerely doubt it.
Where did your last ex ask you out? Well, we were smooching before he asked me out, so after that is kinda hazy.
Have you ever seen somebody get arrested? Nopee.
Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race? My parents wouldn’t know until they saw happenstance pics. I literally don’t care what they would think.
0 notes
jacrispyretro · 6 years
I went to a party last night and actually had a good time
my friend Maggie who i met through my ex invited me to a party at her place on campus yesterday morning. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go but it was actually good timing because the 14th should’ve been my 6th month w my ex and i was trying not to think about it but yesterday was really hard. and so it was nice to spend it drunk with 30 other people instead of drunk alone in my room
it started at 10:30 but i was worried about being too early so i got there at 11 (people were in and out the whole time so it was fine). maggie was delighted to see me when i got there. it was a vine-themed party so she and sammy o told me to go onto the porch so they could take a video of my vine (it was really loud inside). i had a blanket and sunglasses and was the “all around the world” vine. after that, i went in and anna rae showed me where i could put my stuff and told me to help myself to snacks and the punch maggie made that was very strong (i think anna rae said the word strong about six times in a row to describe it).
so i got a plastic cup full of it - it was just orange punch with orange slices in it and a lot of vodka. towards the end of the cup it was really vodka-tasting but it drank it all. then i had water, and throughout the span of the night, i had two more half-cups of the punch (so 2 cups total the whole night) and about 2 cups of water, if not a little bit more).
i got pretty damn drunk so i don’t remember the order of everything that happened. meg hill found me pretty quick and we chatted for a little. i caught up with joey too. then i just kind of wallflower-ed it near the dance floor while i waited to get drunk. this beautiful beautiful beautiful girl named julia - who gave off major lesbian vibes and who was the “i have the power of god and anime on my side” vine and killed it every time with her homemade pointer wand - came up to me and shook my hand to introduce herself. she was fucking so cute. she’s a junior. she thought i was a first year since she’s never seen me around (im a senior) and she was like “how have i not seen you!” and sam lee was like “you just havent been around when she was hanging out!” and i was like cool sam remembers me
at some point this song came on and seriously like 15-20 people got in the middle of the living room and did the dance that went along with it??? i have no clue what song it was. jean luc was like saying “go forward, go back. go forward...” and like other directions during it. i almost joined in at one point but decided not to, then i saw andy at the other side of the dance group gesture for me to come and join and i said i didnt know the song and he said he didnt either so i went over but then the song ended lmao (side note: forgot i also saw andy before this and said hi briefly)
after this, i don’t remember what song came on a little while later. i was drunker, and kind of dancing a tiny bit. and meg hill gestured for me to dance with them. i think it might have been when Africa came on, or during whatever song played right before Africa. i dunno but that was fun. and i talked to meg a lot which was cool. she’s my year but under 21 so she wasnt drinking (somebody was actually having under 21 people put marks on their hands but most of them were still drinking anyway so i didnt get the point?). she was the “an avocado, thanks” vine, which i found out when i suddenly noticed an avocado in her hand that she had taken out of her pocket. meg asked where i lived and offered her roommate’s bed or a couch to me if i needed to stay somewhere instead of driving home which was so nice. then maggie came over & said she was so into girls and i came out as bi to her because i was apparently drunk enough to do that, so that was cool.
i don’t remember when, i think it might have been shortly after that, that she brought up fred and said she had no idea we had broken up until she mentioned the party to him and she said i was probably gonna be there and that was when he told her (nearly a month after the fact). sammy o was over with us at that point and was apologizing for it and i kind of complained to them that he hadn’t told anyone, not even his dad, and they were like !!! (because we were drunk and everything is extra dramatic then). i told them that he said it was because he couldn’t handle the distance and maggie started talking about how it’s because he’s so sad and he’s never going to be able to have a real long-term relationship because of that and that’s when i said “self-sabotage” which she strongly agreed with. he has literally used that phrase to my face before about himself, including When. We. Broke. Up. he said “i might be self-sabotaging...” WHICH HE 100% was and will do for the rest of his life and just have flings with girls who think they’re gonna live happily ever after, when he knows full well that that isn’t going to happen. i’m adding most of this in right now, i didn’t bring any of this up last night lol. anyway they asked if i wanted to join DND and i said sure, but i don’t know if they’ll even remember. it’s thursday nights which is kind of annoying, but if they bring it up before their next night, i think i might go, i dunno. but then we all started complimenting each other and sammy o and maggie both said i was so cool and i told sammy i thought she was way cooler and so talented and she was so flattered, she’s so cute.
at some point i danced to take on me. jean luc and meg hill and a couple others would shout “AVOCADO THANKS! AVOCADO THANKS!” during instrumentals of the song while meg held the avocado in the air.
this guy elijah from u albany introduced himself to me shortly after his friend joe g did. he was super cool and nice.
eventually, a little after 1, maggie ended the party. i had felt really good and relatively confident all night, and then i cried on the way home over fred. i don’t really know why. maybe i was thinking that if this were last semester, i wouldn’t have to drive all the way home at 1:30, and i’d be sleeping next to him in his apartment bed.
i cried tonight. i felt really welcomed and happy at the party last night, and tonight my friend trevor said it’d be fun if i went out to the bar with him and dave (he even used an exclamation point). and i thought about how nice people were to me last night and how these people seem to kind of like me and i started crying and i guess then i thought about how all these people i want to like me actually like me, but there’s one person i need and he isn’t around. he doesn’t care. and it’s fred and i’m so heartbroken still. tomorrow will be one month since we broke up and i don’t think it will hurt as bad as yesterday but i’m so sad and i want to text him so bad and i want to know he actually misses me and is hurting. i’m so confused. it doesn’t even feel like we dated. i saw a picture of him on facebook earlier and was like “i dated him?” because it just doesn’t even feel like it happened. i wrote down all these memories because im insane and sentimental so like i have these images of us together in my head but it feels like things just got refreshed or something and everything from the last 6 months never happened. and it’s an uncomfortable feeling and i don’t know what to do with it. i loved him and tonight while i was crying i realized i still might and i don’t know what to do. i want to talk to him so bad. maggie said “fuck fred!” last night at the end of that conversation about him and i laughed at the time because i was wasted and felt great but now i have a lump in my throat because i just want him in my life again. im so hurt still and i thought i was doing better but i’m really aching so bad.
wow when i tried to start writing this 6 hours ago it was going to be a happy post but now that i’ve been crying it just sucks.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
HAHN: S4 Ep22~ For the Team *Recap & Review* #HAHN
Episode Rating Scale: (9) Excellent
As we get closer to the finale, what bombshells will explode? Can Charles change Candace bad girl image? Which Cryer will do down for Jennifer's murder? Will Veronica turn Justin's life upside down? Who is going down for Quincy's murder? So many plots, so many twists and so much to look forward to, How will the Have and the Have Nots end?  
This episode wasn't as turned up as I would have liked it to be but it had some interesting moments. I think Katheryn gave me the hardest laugh tho. Hmmm, Jim wasn't too far behind. Them two is something else.  Silly me for thinking through all the heartache, pain and scandals; Jim was ready to put the love back into marriage with Katheryn. As he lay there repeatedly saying I love you, Katheryn, apart of me believes that. Katheryn has endured so much. You can hear it. Between Jim cheating all the time, Amanda's issues, Wyatt's issue and her trying to keep it together; that's a lot. You can't help but wonder why Jim stopped being in love with Katheryn. Where did their marriage go wrong? Katheryn is done with Jim. I guess she just needed that itch scratched.
Jim repeatedly tried to convince Katheryn he loves her and wants their marriage. Katheryn did what most women would do, asked questions that only a man in love would remember. What's my birthday? What's the kids birthday? What's our anniversary?. Jim got two out of three right, what that means? Lol. Katheryn isn't the same person, and Jim has lost her. His sex game couldn't reel her back in. Katheryn too funny. She told Jim she would blow his brains out just as easy as I blew you. If it's that easy, Jim better pays attention. I guess Jim will be joining David in divorce court.
Erica fake abusive fiance has gotten her into David's apartment. As she gets settled in, David calls and check on Jeffery. David is trying to get Jeffrey out of this murder case with Candace. He asked Jeffrey about a set of keys and bracelet the police have as evidence. Jeffrey admits to the keys being his keys but not a bracelet. We all know the bracelet belongs to Benny but does Jeffrey know. I mean, he knows Benny buried the body right?  David reminds Jeffrey to stay away from his mother. David fears that if Veronica continues to push Jeffrey; Jeffrey will snap. This time he might kill his mother. Jeffrey agrees to stay away from his mother. But he asked his father he going to do something to her. David still loves Veronica, and he will never hurt her. After hanging up with David, Jeffrey gets a call from Wyatt. He wears a kool aid hearing Wyatt's voice. I must admit,  seeing Wyatt sober Wyatt too bad. Wyatt invites Jeffrey out to the park with him and Anna. All that Jeffrey has going on him not up to it. However, you can tell Jeffrey is happy that Wyatt is getting his self together. Will he say sober is the true question? Wyatt mentioned Justin being at his house with the DNA. Wyatt tells Jeffrey to stay away from him because he is weird. Justin isn't weird tho. He feels in love with a man, while married to a woman and he is living a double life. A secret he wants to stay a secret. I guess that's what makes him seem off to everyone. Jeffrey calls Justin after talking to Wyatt. As always, Justin dropped what he is doing and headed to speak to Jeffrey.
I like Erica and David together. I wish he weren't a mark for her. I was hoping she feels for him, but I guess her fear of Candace trumps love. As she enjoys the scenery of David's home, they share a drink.  You can tell David is starting to fall for her. He began opening up about Jeffrey and Jeffrey's issues with Veronica. David must have caught himself because he changed the subject. Could David be lonely or is he feeling Erica? Only time will tell. As Erica continues to play her dismal in the distressed card, David invites her into his bed. He makes his clear she will not be on the couch. He wants her to share his bed every night she there. We all know she is not leaving anytime soon, but Erica makes it sound good. She tells David one night at a time. Before they can head out for dinner, David gets a call from Jim. Jim has lost his mind. He wants David to take one for the team because he did. So sleeping with Katheryn was suppose to make her mind clear. Jim hasn't been attractive to Katheryn in years. Somehow he thought sleeping with her would give him control over Katheryn. Wth? Now, David having sex with Veronica. David refused that thought several times. Jim tries to convince David, but that's one for the team David will pass on no matter what Jim said. For some reason, Jim feels Katheryn and Veronica are out of control. But, why does he think him and David can calm this two ladies storms.
Justin arrives at Jeffrey's hotel room. Again, Jeffrey tries to convince Justin to get help to deal with his issues. Sadly, Justin doesn't feel he as an issue. He does have anger issues, but I wonder if that's because he not being who he is. Why is Justin living this double life? We don't know too much about him and his life. That would be interesting to find out. It's a reason he in the closet other than denial. Veronica calls while Justin is there. Jeffrey tries to ignore her calls, but she keeps calling. Finally, Jeffrey answers. Either she is following Justin or her Spidey senses is on 1000. She knew Justin was there. She repeatedly tries to get Jeffrey to come home. Once that doesn't work, she plays the only card she has left. She tells Jeffrey to put the phone on speaker. She makes it clear that if Jeffrey isn't at her house soon, she will be in court explaining why her charges should be dropped. She will expose Justin to his wife and with the pictures to prove it. Justin tells her he is warning her. Too bad Justin doesn't know Veronica, but Jeffrey does. After she hung up the phone, Jeffrey warns Justin that Veronica will do as she said. For some reason, Justin thinks she wouldn't. Justin thinks again. Veronica about to destroy your life honey.
Landon apologizes to Charles for his behavior about his relationship with Candace. Landon did what he was ordered to do. He cleaned Candace internet lifestyle. The escort site has disappeared. Charles thanks, Landon and for once they share a not so tense conversation. Landon congratulations Charles. Charles invited Landon for drinks in the Oval office. Charles then excuses Landon so he can call Candace. As always Candace isn't so nice. She is interested in why Charles called her. The man is just checking on the woman. She did just lose her son. Amazing how she can't handle someone being time enough for her. She tells Charles she is headed to the funeral home. How is that going to go with Hanna and Benny being there? I know Candace has to feel alone right now. I still can't find in me to feel sorry for her.
Benny and Hanna arrive at the funeral home. Hanna isn't ready to view Baby Q's body even though that's why they are there. Katheryn has agreed to pay for Baby Q's funeral. Though Katheryn's is the person paying Hanna is still trying not to get something too expensive. The casket is picked out, and other decisions have to be made. Should the casket be open and close? Is the obituary probably done? So much to do when someone dies. It is so much sadder when that someone hasn't begun to live life. Candace shows up in the middle of the final arrangements for the funeral.  
Now, this chick has truly lost her mind. I know her and Hanna have the worst mother and daughter relationship, but to blame her isn't fair or right. Candace never wants to accept responsibility in nothing. Her actions and lifestyle are the reason why her son is dead. Hanna, Benny, and Mitch could be dead as well. It could be four funerals to prepare for. Despite their differences, Hanna loves that baby. She fought for her grandson. She got on her knees to Candace and begged for her grandson. I know Candace is hurting but blame yourself first. Getting War killed doesn't change that void and that burden. Then again we are talking about Candace. She may or may not have a soul. All the arrangements Hanna made for Baby Q; Candace wants none of it. Hanna picked an inexpensive white casket. Candace wants the expensive blue casket. Finally, Benny gets to see the real Candace. She flips on Benny. Now it's Benny's fault. If Benny wouldn't share his dreams and need for money to make them happen; she wouldn't blackmail Jim. Lmao. This chick is out her mind. I was happy Benny checked her tho. I hope after this he realizes he can't help or save Candace. Benny has been there for Candace just as well. Even now he could be going to jail once they discover the owner of that bracelet. Candace is bickering about everything about the funeral arrangements. She doesn't want Katheryn to pay for anything. She tells the funeral coordinator, she will bring him cash. Everyone knows Candace is broke. That's when Hanna connects the dots. She tells Candace she is blackmailing the guy running for president. Now they know why Benny was in jail. Candace denies it, but Hanna knows her daughter. Candace lashes out backfires. As she repeatedly says, she doesn't want the white casket. She walks to the blue casket and says she wants this one. Her intentions of opening that casket and probably knocking it over backfired. She opened that casket and found her dead son lying there. They were viewing his body. The purpose of the visit to the funeral home. Candace hugs that wall in tears and screams. I still couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for her. Maybe if she showed some remorse, I could. 
As this episode end, I can't help but wonder; what is the finale going to bring. Stay tuned cause I know I will. If you missed any episodes binge on Comcast On Demand. 
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Editor: Lattice Johnson
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