#...then your *trans* patients should be your top priority
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Doctors/surgeons should come before a panel of medical experts who are trans before being allowed to administer trans-specific care
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aditi-jagtap-pune · 10 months
Where We Are Going Wrong? Your Heart Health Should Be the Priority - Aditi jagtap pune
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As a Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery specialist, I, Aditi jagtap pune, am deeply concerned about the declining state of heart health among the global population. Despite significant advancements in medical technology and increased awareness about cardiovascular diseases, heart-related conditions continue to be a leading cause of death worldwide. In this article, we will explore some critical factors contributing to this alarming trend and discuss why your heart health should be your top priority.
The Unfortunate Reality:
Heart diseases, including coronary artery disease, heart attacks, heart failure, and various other cardiac conditions, have become a significant public health concern. Numerous studies have shown that lifestyle factors, such as poor diet choices, sedentary behavior, stress, and smoking, are key contributors to the rising incidence of cardiovascular ailments. Despite the availability of knowledge and resources to prevent and manage these conditions, many individuals continue to neglect their heart health.
The Role of Dr. Ranjit Jagtap Daughter :
As a dedicated Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgeon, I have been advocating for better heart health practices through my clinic and various awareness campaigns. My team and I are committed to diagnosing, treating, and preventing heart diseases while emphasizing the importance of a heart-healthy lifestyle. With a patient-centered approach, we aim to provide comprehensive cardiovascular care and empower individuals to take charge of their heart health.
Importance of Regular Checkups:
Routine cardiovascular checkups are essential in identifying risk factors and potential heart issues early on. These checkups may include blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol level assessment, and evaluation of lifestyle habits. Through such preventive measures, we can intervene before a condition worsens and provide timely treatment or guidance to improve heart health.
The Family Connection:
As a Cardiovascular surgeon, my commitment to heart health extends beyond the clinic. I understand the significance of family support and leading by example. In this context, I would like to mention my daughter, Aditi Jagtap Pune, who shares the same passion for promoting heart health. Together, we hope to raise awareness about heart diseases and inspire individuals to prioritize their well-being.
 Lifestyle Modifications:
To protect your heart, adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle is paramount. Simple changes in dietary habits, such as reducing salt and unhealthy fats while increasing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can make a significant difference. Engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, and avoiding tobacco products are also crucial steps to safeguard your heart health.
Balanced Diet: Opt for a heart-healthy diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit the consumption of processed foods, sugary beverages, and foods high in saturated and trans fats.
Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. Activities like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or dancing can improve heart health and overall fitness.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity and being overweight can increase the risk of heart diseases. Strive to maintain a healthy weight through a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, seek support and resources to quit this habit. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart diseases, and quitting can significantly improve heart health.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact your heart health. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or hobbies that bring joy and help reduce stress.
Limit Alcohol Intake: Excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to heart problems. If you drink, do so in moderation (up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men).
Monitor Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: Regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are risk factors for heart diseases, but they can be managed with lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medications.
Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep patterns have been linked to an increased risk of heart diseases.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and maintain proper body function.
Know Your Family History: Be aware of your family's history of heart diseases. Having a family history may increase your risk, but knowing this information can help you and your healthcare provider take proactive steps to protect your heart health.
In conclusion, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases remains a critical concern, but it is not an insurmountable challenge. With the guidance of healthcare professionals like Dr. Ranjit Jagtap news and the adoption of heart-healthy lifestyles, we can improve the outlook for heart health globally. Regular checkups, lifestyle modifications, and increased awareness about the importance of heart health will collectively lead us towards a healthier future.
Remember, your heart health should be your top priority, and by taking proactive steps today, you can pave the way for a longer, healthier, and happier life tomorrow. Let us all strive to build a world where heart health is cherished, protected, and nurtured.
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omeyeandheartcare · 1 year
Best Heart Specialist in Pune — Dr. Priya Palimkar
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Today, it is very modern-day to say the current way of life on the off chance that we don’t focus, this way of life can bring on some issues for us. Our way of life and diet enormously affects our whole body.
Our way of life influences our hearts a great deal. Whenever we say that the patient is experiencing coronary illness alongside that the individual has BP, expanded fatty oils, and dyslipidaemias, this is additionally caused because of an undesirable way of life. The present way of life has become so not the same as the prior way of life, the illnesses which used to end up peopling prior after the age of 40–50, they are going on today just at the age of 20–25. At the age of 20–25, individuals are experiencing heart issues, so the primary driver of these issues are unfortunate dietary patterns or diet and way of life. Every last one of us really should comprehend the results of unhealthy habits. Dr. Priya Palimkar is the best Heart Specialist in Pune, We will guide you properly about healthy habits and unhealthy habits to work on.
There is an opportunity for an individual to get a coronary illness. Coronary illness can be caused because of different reasons. An undesirable eating regimen isn’t the sole justification for coronary illness, different causes can be diabetes, heftiness, stress, and genetics. Being overweight is only one variable that seriously jeopardizes individuals for coronary illness and things like a stroke or cardiovascular failure. A heart-sound eating routine can assist you with getting more fit and lowering your cholesterol, pulse, or fatty substances. To get rid of from Angioplasty in Pune, Visit OM Heart Care.
Yet, what is the connection between diet and coronary illness, that is the issue that generally emerges as a top priority. Along these lines, let us currently comprehend how diet and heart illnesses are connected.
Diet and heart well-being are interlinked to each other. If we don’t follow an eating routine example, then the pressure caused because of work builds which could prompt related heart illnesses. On the off chance that an individual has an inactive way of life and has long working hours. In this way, individuals will generally disregard quality food propensities. They will generally eat prepared-to-eat food or handled food more often than not. If we don’t focus on the nature of food or the supplements that we eat it will by implication show sick consequences for our bodies. The stuffed food that we eat has extremely low supplement content as well as inferior quality. Additionally, it contains trans-fat, and sodium content(salt), which continuously influences our well-being. Stress and absence of action can expand the chance of an individual getting coronary illness. Please Visit, OM Heart Care Clinic for Stress Test in Pune.
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flowercrowncrip · 2 years
I want to talk about trans healthcare in England, and how it's particularly fucked if you're disabled. I think TERFS and their "think of the poor disabled girls" retorique around trans men have a lot to do with this. My ongoing top surgery saga is a pretty good example of what it's like being a disabled person seeking surgery.
My first top surgery was cancelled 4 days before it was due to happen in 2017. It was cancelled purely because I use a wheelchair. They were totally fine with me using crutches and having conditions that actually impact surgery, but using a wheelchair for a different condition was a step too far. My specialists (experts in my condition) didn't see a medical problem with me having top surgery, but my GIC doctor, (who saw the word wheelchair and googled my new condition for all of ten minutes) panicked.
I fought that clinic for three years. It got silly. Here are some real things a qualified GIC doctor told me:
"maybe you're not trans, and you're just sad you can't walk" (I became totally unable to walk age 18, and transitioned when I was 15... I'll let you do the maths)
The Daily Mail will write mean things about us they find out we let you, a poor disabled little girl trans man, have surgery (because apparently right wing newspapers are the definitive authority on trans healthcare /s)
Although my diagnosed mental health problems weren't an issue for them before I started using a wheelchair, simply being a wheelchair user and wanting top surgery was a symptom of a mental health problem so severe it alone disqualified me from surgery. This was because:
being okay with the truly microscopic chance surgery would make my disability worse is apparently "irrational", and shows a disregard for personal safety (it doesn't)
I, a person with experience of both, said that for me crushing dysphoria is a worse experience than getting round in a chair with wheels on it. And having different priorities than the ones my cis, abled doctor expected was somehow "alexithymia" because if I don't know that using a wheelchair is the worst thing that can happen short of dying, I must be totally unable to recognise my emotions (clearly bullshit).
You, a twenty one year old adult, need to bring your parents to your appointments so we can explain to them how unreasonable you're being. (Suspiciously close to TERF arguments about the age of capacity)
In the end I caused a massive schism in my GIC. The psychologists agreed that wanting top surgery while being disabled isn't a mental illness, that I had clear capacity to consent, understood the risks and benefits and that ultimately if I said I needed surgery, I should have it. The medical doctors (the ones that sign the referral) disagreed on every point. It got heated between them towards the end.
The head psychologist realised I was never going to get surgery if I stayed with that GIC, and that would obviously fuck up my mental health, so she wrote a letter to literally every GIC in England asking if they'd take me as a patient. Only one (out of like 7) agreed to take my case.
So I'm now with a new GIC. They're so far way better than the last one, but the bar is low. They re-referred me for surgery pretty much straight away, trusting that I obviously had a better insight into how my disability and my transness affect me than anyone else.
Unfortunately the surgeon they referred me to turned me down (for genuine reasons this time). Basically in the time wasted arguing with my GIC I developed a few new conditions that will actually have an impact on surgery and we've agreed that when I have surgery there has to be an intensive care bed available just in case. (To be clear, this was not the case when my first surgery was cancelled or for the majority of the fight with my previous GIC). Now I'm being referred (referral number three) to one of only two hospitals in the country that do top surgery have access to an intensive care bed
So despite having a date for my top surgery in 2017, I'm still waiting on it because doctors are transphobic, misogynistic and ableist with awful consequences.
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
Call Button - msbp!au
(A/N) hello friends, long time no see. Enjoy this, more exposition.
"Your daughter has what we call Failure to Thrive. We see this often with premature babies, especially considering her low birth weight and the complicated pregnancy. She has shown growth, but she is still very malnourished. I suggest implanting a g-tube, this will help her get supplemental, nutrient-rich formula to support quick growth. It's a very short surgery, she should be able to go home same day or the day after. I'd like to get her scheduled as soon as possible."
"The endoscopy revealed severe swelling and irritation of her stomach walls in the area around the tube, as well as an abscess on the inside of her stomach that we were able to drain. The fluid gathered from that was sent to the lab, and we're awaiting cultures of that as well as a stomach acid sample, and a blood culture to look for sepsis. We replaced the MIC-KEY button with a MIC g-tube, a long tube, so we can adjust it's position in her stomach without having to replace the tube again."
Robert Haywood smiled, "Thank you, doctor, um..." He cleared his throat, "How long can we expect the cultures to take?"
"Most bacteria will grow in 24-48 hours, but sometimes the lab can have testing results earlier. I have Sarah at top priority because of her immunodeficiency," Dr. Manning explained, "We're doing everything we can. We're starting IV antibiotics to prevent sepsis, and both a topical antibiotic around the tube site and an antibiotic through her tube until we find out exactly what strain of bacteria we're dealing with. I'm also hearing some abnormal heart rhythms, so I am going to send Sarah for an MRI, electrocardiogram, and an trans-esophageal echocardiogram to look out for Myocarditis."
"I see," Robert nodded, "Is Myocarditis a strong risk?"
"Yes, in central line patients we see it less often than sepsis, but enough that it's a concern."
"Is there a risk that her tube would become unusable?"
"Not really. Worst comes to worst we would need to allow the site to close, use NG tubes in the meantime, and then reopen the site as soon as she's clear," Dr. Manning smiled at Sarah, "But I'm sure we can get ahead of this bug. You may have some side effects from the antibiotics, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, you've been through this before so I don't expect any surprises."
"Thank you, doctor," He nodded, "You are a great help. Sarah... Doesn't always know to tell me she's hurting. Sometimes she doesn't even know she's hurting! It's terrible when there's no visible symptoms of the problem, and I don't even know what's going on!"
Dr. Manning nodded sympathetically, "I can imagine that would be difficult," She paused, "You know, there's a ICU Loved Ones' meeting later today at 6pm, over in the Chapel. It's a great resource to tap into, being in the ICU can feel dramatic and scary, and it's helpful to have others' support who are going through the same thing."
Robert nodded, "I suppose I don't need to be here all the time, there are nurses around for a reason!" He chuckled, "Perhaps I'll pop in there for that. Thank you, doctor. Er... Where is the chapel?"
"It's on the first floor, towards the back right of the building, there are signs leading you there, and maps just outside the elevators."
"Thank you. We're not religious, so I've never been."
Dr. Manning nodded, "Alright, well I will come back as soon as I have results, and we'll discuss next steps. Someone will be by to take you for scans shortly. The ECG will be done bedside."
Sarah's dad nodded, and the doctor left the room.
Robert smiled at Sarah, "How about that, kiddo? Top priority, moving up in the world!" He joked, "Just... Don't get too high 'n mighty for your ol' pops here!" He said, his smile faltering as if he was begging, rather than joking.
Sarah looked at him, expressionless. She tried to fight through the fog in her mind to say something, make an expression, anything, but she felt as if she were trying to move through quicksand.
"Heh," Robert gave a weak laugh, then cleared his throat a few times, and coughed, "Eh... Why don't we... Watch a movie!" He regained his composition, "The TV only has so much, but there seems to be at least a few movie selections!"
Sarah nodded slowly, fighting to stay awake amidst the narcotics, the antibiotics, everything. Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay awake.
"Get up, just because you're in the hospital doesn't mean you can sleep all day," Robert said sharply, "Here, let's go to the children's room. You love the children's room!"
"Here's Cinderella!" He noted, "There's not much else that's appropriate for you... You don't need to be watching all this... Swear words, violence..."
The classic Disney castle intro started rolling, and Sarah let herself zone out into a medicated haze.
Walking through underwater quicksand might be easier than this. She felt as if someone might be laying on her, but she could see that there was just a thin hospital blanket on top of her. She couldn't get a full breath, and every breath she did get was wheezed out.
The wheezing, the beeping, and Cinderella put Sarah to sleep.
Sarah woke up as she was being transferred to a stretcher. In her haze, she missed everything the doctors and nurses were saying to her. They rolled her around for what felt like forever, through elevators and doors, and eventually into Radiology. They were greeted by an MRI tech, who assisted in loading Sarah into the machine.
"Alright, you know the drill. We're going to give you extra sedation for your Panic Disorder, and then we'll start it up and have you out in about an hour. We're going to deepen your sedation and do the TEE right after this as well. The ECG will be done bedside when you're back in your room."
She started to fall further into sedation as the machine drew her into its chamber.
"I have some medications for you, Sarie," Her dad whispered, coming back into the room from peering out into the hallway. He prepared a syringe, the kind that screws into her IV line, and screwed it on to the free port of her IV.
He pushed the medication slowly, and Sarah soon felt her heart start to beat faster, and her hands get clammy. She couldn't get enough air into her fragile lungs. Her whole body seemed to shake. The discomfort of the energy building up inside her was enough to make her eyes water.
"Doctor, doctor, wait, she's having a panic attack, she has Panic Disorder-"
Sarah woke up in her room, just as disoriented as she usually was after anesthesia. She didn't know if it had always been like this, as she was too young to remember her first experience under anesthesia.
Her dad glanced over at her, and then huffed, pressed the call button, and went back to his book. Sarah felt a pang of anxiety in her stomach.
When a nurse came by a few minutes later, he simply said, "She's awake."
The nurse nodded, "I'll let your doctors know."
"Thank you," Robert said shortly, and looked back down. He turned the page in his book.
"What's wrong?" Sarah inquired, looking at her dad, "Why are you so angry?"
"Nothing, Sarah, I'm fine," He sighed, and kept reading, before closing his book sharply, "I just wish I was appreciated for all the work I do for you."
Sarah stared at him blankly.
"But of course, you're the sick one, you can suck all the life and energy out of everyone around you without consequences," He pressed on, "I'm just the old man that does every little thing for you."
"I'm sorry?" It came out more like a question.
"Save it," He slammed his book shut, "You always say that. You're just like your mother."
He stood, and stormed towards the door, "You don't like it? Then deal with it alone."
He left.
Sarah sighed, frustrated. Her sigh came out with a cough, and a physical pang of pain in her heart. She'd been getting these pangs, and sometimes an ongoing ache, for the past few months - But this time, it was different. The sharp pang continued, so painful she couldn't catch a breath.
Her monitor started blaring an alarm, and she looked up at it with blurred vision. I need to call.
She flailed for the call button, before realizing it had been moved over to where her father had been sitting. Her wheelchair was far from her bed, and unreachable, especially while clutching her chest. She felt as if she was being stabbed.
Her vision spotted, and her peripherals disappeared. Help me. She scooted onto the floor, which yanked on her PICC line and tore up its clear protective film. Just to the call button. It's red. She shivered in a cold sweat, trying to drag herself across the floor.
"If you ever feel like you need help, you have to press this big red button. It will call someone to come help you."
"What if it doesn't work?"
She felt a sudden tenseness in her neck, and a shooting pain down her left arm. Her fingertips numbed.
A nurse rushed in, and Sarah saw her worried face just as her vision went black.
A/N: Honestly this is still exposition I am so sorry. I swear there will be real beef soon.
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This isn’t about you
The other day I was on the phone to my best friend, she’s a trans girl (important context), and she was asking me if I’d thought more about things to do with my transition. I wasn’t having a good day and didn’t want to discuss those things. After having to shut down conversations about medical transitioning (she was quite persistent that we talk about it and I had to make it very clear that I was NOT in the mood) she moved on to my name.
Now, the name I’m currently using, TJ, isn’t the name I want to end up using for the rest of my life. I know this and so does she. She asked if I’d looked into more names, which I hadn’t. This went on for a bit with her confused at why I had said I had thought more about it but said I hadn’t looked into it more. I had to explain the difference between me thinking about how I feel about my name and looking for a new one.
By now, I’m exhausted. I’ve had a rough day mentally already and she’s been pressing me for information on whether or not I’m going to get my shit together and figure out what the hell I want for a good forty-five minutes to an hour. She tells me a bunch of bullshit about how I need to be looking through this and it’s like I’m not even trying and that it’s like I don’t care. Which I’m now really offended by because a) rude and b) I stuck by her throughout her entire questioning phase where she didn’t talk about it for months at a time but, apparently, I’M taking too long (I’ve been out to her for like nine months but only out to like everyone for a week). I would never have said what she’s said to me, not to her or anyone. It just feels so unfair.
And that’s not even the worst part. She then pulls something along the lines of this: “Look. I’m going to get used to calling you TJ and it will be harder to change to a new name. So you need to-”
I cut her off with a ‘This isn’t about you’ and then accidentally hung up the call. When she called back she changed topics. I’d already ranted on about how it was okay for me to not know and how I’m allowed to take all the time I needed so I don’t really know what else I would have said.
And idk what to really think of this because she’s been, before now, my biggest support. She’s helped me through my darkest moments and been pretty much my therapist. And I’m one of her main supports. And she’s trans too. Like she’s meant to be understanding and patient and you know, not a bitch. But she’s making my name about her and playing it off as if that’s something I should be concerned about. Like her having a hard time should be my top priority.
Boo hoo it’s so hard for you to adjust to using a new name so you want me to hurry up and stick with something, grow up. I had to switch from using she/her and he/him for you when I was around certain people for months before you came out. I had to push aside my anxiety to test out using she/her pronouns around people who didn’t know to see how they would react. I was your spokesperson when you weren’t around and our friends wanted clarification. And what do I get when I come out? You pressuring me every step of the way to rush things to make things easier for you. “At least tell such and such because it’s hard slipping between two names” no shit, I did the same with your pronouns and I never complained or pressured you. But I don’t bring that up because then I sound whinny and rude and disrespectful and you’ll feel bad for having asked me to use your pronouns only sometimes when I was happy to do it.
It just hurts so much coming from her of all people. I should be able to do this in my own time and expect her to support me through it.
My mtf friend is being a bitch about me not knowing what I want to do transition-wise and made me not having decided on a name about her. I feel hurt by it because I supported her through all her lengthy decision making and I expected her to support me. I also feel conflicted because I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining about having had to do that but it sounds like it when the point I’m trying to make is that I know what it’s like to be her but you deal with it anyway because that’s what good friends people do.
Btw for anyone who doesn’t know me who somehow found this rant. Hi. I’m trans non-binary. I use they/them pronouns.
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Ok I'm sending this in bc I'm genuinely confused and want to be corrected if necessary. Why aren't trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it? I've seen posts going around with words like 'its ok to be a trans man and feminine' and I agree because your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance. why can't trans men be men and be feminine why is 'transition' needed? You can be a man with a vagina and that's okay.. I don't understand why that needs to change
Kii says:
If a man is comfortable with his vagina, then there is no reason that anyone should pressure him to change that, but if someone is uncomfortable with a part of their body and that discomfort is affecting their mental health, then they also have the right to change that.
I digress a little, but I think a topic that often gets left out of the body positivity movement is the right to body modification. So, if someone (cis or trans) has small breasts and they feel insecure and that insecurity is affecting their clothing choices, relationships, etc, then they have every right to get breast implants if they feel that is the best way to remedy that discomfort. They shouldn’t be shamed or told that they should learn to love their small chest because if they are resorting to surgery, because they’ve probably tried. Surgery is expensive and painful, so it’s generally not something people decide on overnight.
Many trans people experience dysphoria about their bodies and have experienced that for awhile before they make the decision to pursue physical transition. It’s impossible to know what’s best for a person unless you are that person, so trans people shouldn’t be discouraged from transitioning if that’s what they want, as long as they’re making informed decisions. 
Lee says:
I think people tend to overlook the fact that a lot of trans people don’t medically transition in every way possible, and there are a lot of trans men who have vaginas and choose not to get lower surgery. In fact, I think the majority of trans men don’t get lower surgery.
There are many reasons why trans people might not to transition:
Medical transitioning can be expensive and time-consuming
They may have health issues or disabilities that make it physically unsafe to medically transition with hormones or surgery
They may feel comfortable with how their bodies are currently and just don’t feel the need to change it
They may not want all the changes that come with starting hormones, or the scarring or potential sensation loss or complications that come with surgery
Some trans people don’t have dysphoria so they don’t feel the need to medically transition
Other trans people do have dysphoria, but try to manage it in other ways than pursuing medical transition wearing masculine/feminine clothing, binding/wearing breast forms, packing/tucking, etc.
They may be genderfluid or have a changing gender expression/presentation and not want to change their bodies in a permanent way
Some non-binary people may feel dysphoric no matter what genitals or hormones they have, so they figure it’s not worth it because none of the options are what they want
Some people may not be able to access medical transitioning due to medical gatekeeping
They may be mentally ill and can’t get a letter in support of them and their mental health (hello ableism) and their local medical teams may not do informed consent
They could be larger and a surgeon refuses to operate on them because they aren’t skinny enough (hello fatphobia)
Some people may not be satisfied with the current surgical options available and feel that they aren’t a good choice for them
Younger trans people may not be able to transition medically without their guardian’s permission and many parents/guardians say no
If someone is financially reliant on a transphobic or abusive relative they may not be able to safely medically transition
They may be able to pass without a medical transition so don’t feel the need to bother with it or they may not care about passing or not want to pass
They may be waiting to medically transition until they’re ready emotionally and when they’re in a stable situation
Some people would rather not go through the whole process of getting surgery and going through the recovery
It can be hard to afford to take time off from work to get surgery or keep up with school while recovering from surgery
Trans people who are comfortable with their bodies because their bodies are their bodies even if most people of their gender have a different body are valid
Relevant links:
Here’s What Trans People Who Aren’t Medically Transitioning Want You To Know- Buzzfeed
Transgender people: 10 common myths
On Choosing Not to Medically Transition: what transition has and has not meant for me
How I’m Transitioning Without Transitioning
Are you still transgender if you don’t want, or are scared, to have surgery or hormone therapy?
Debunking the ‘Surgery Is a Top Priority For Trans People’ Myth
So yes, there are some trans people who do embrace their body instead of changing it, and people who can’t ever quite embrace their body but still choose to stick with it.
But that doesn’t mean that path works for all trans people. There are trans people who just aren’t comfortable in their bodies, and medically transitioning is the path that will make them the happiest in life. There’s nothing wrong with choosing not to medically transition, and there’s nothing wrong with getting surgery and hormones.
I’m a trans person who has been under the knife more than once. I’ve been through major surgeries, a double mastectomy to give me a flat chest, and a hysterectomy to remove my uterus and cervix and fallopian tubes. That was about 8 hours of surgery and I’ll be going through a much bigger surgery when I get phalloplasty. In total, I’ll be going through at least 4 transitioning surgeries, maybe more (there are multiple stages of phalloplasty). And surgery has risks, it’s expensive, and it’s disrupted my life. I really wish that I didn’t need this surgery because it would make my life easier, but I do.
Trans people sometimes have to take drastic steps to reduce our dysphoria, but we do it because it’s necessary. I had debilitating depression that I had been hospitalized for despite taking antidepressants and being in months of intensive outpatient. Once I got top surgery, I no longer had to spend hours fighting off dysphoria about my chest and my depression decreased and my mental health improved.
Maybe I could live with this body I was born with- but I shouldn’t have to. If I could be happier after surgery, then getting surgery is the right choice for me.
And multiple mental health professionals have agreed with me on this- I’ve actually needed to get multiple official letters from licenced medical professionals according to the WPATH guidelines saying they think surgery is the right choice for me before I could get surgery.
Some statistics:
Suicide rates dropped from 29.3 percent to 5.1 percent when there was access to transition-related treatment. (De Cuypere, et al., 2006)
A meta-analysis of transgender people who transitioned medically demonstrated that the average reduction in suicidality went from 30% pre-treatment to 8% post-treatment, and that 78 percent of transgender people had improved psychological functioning after treatment. (Murad, et al., 2010)
86% of patients who accessed transition were assessed by clinicians at follow-up as stable or improved in global functioning. (Johansson, et al., 2010)
In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients who accessed medical transition, suicide fell from 19 percent to zero percent in transgender men and from 24 percent to 6 percent in transgender women. (Kuiper, Cohen-Kettenis, 1988)
“Although more evidence would be welcome, adequately treated gender dysphoria is likely to be safer than the untreated condition, which is associated with an enhanced risk of depression and suicide. Reassuringly, few transsexuals regret undergoing treatment.” (Levy, et al., 2003)
“Second to social support, persons who endorsed having had some form of gender affirmative surgery were significantly more likely to present with lower symptoms of depression.” (Boza, et al., 2014)
“Studies show that there is less than 1% of regrets, and a little more than 1% of suicides among operated subjects. The empirical research does not confirm the opinion that suicide is strongly associated with surgical transformation.” (Michel, et al., 2002)
Testimony for HRT, by TransActive
WPATH’s statement on the medical necessity for transgender healthcare
AMA Resolution 122, which determined the American Medical Association’s stance on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
The APA’s statement on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
TranScience Project’s Hormone Therapy and Safety, which offers several citations that talk about the medical risks (and overall importance) for HRT
The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for transgender patients, which details their recommendations in full favor of HRT beginning on page 4
More info: What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?
So back to the question. “Why aren’t trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it?”
Well, as I stated before, plenty of trans people choose not to medically transition. And those people aren’t visible enough. There’s a lot of pressure to medically transition and look cis-passing from both cis people and misinformed/misguided trans people (truscum/transmedicalists) because trans people who choose not to transition are often invalidated and misgendered. So yes, your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance, and not medically transitioning is valid and it needs to become part of the mainstream narrative too.
But the trans people who do medically transition have probably tried to embrace their bodies, but that doesn’t always work. It just isn’t the way our brains work, for whatever reason. People who do choose to medically transition do it because it’s what will make our lives the happiest moving forward.
And there are many studies and experts who will attest to the necessity of medical transitioning for the people who need it, as you can see from the sources above.
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fapangel · 7 years
What's your opinion on LGBT issues (gay marriage, transgender rights, etc.)? I'm not attempting to troll or 'gotcha' or anything, but I haven't seen you post anything relating to them aside from your response to the "Trump tweet banning trans in military" hullabaloo.
I really don’t give a shit. And I mean that in the classical liberal, hard-core Federalist style - as Thomas Jefferson famously said, “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” I give about as many fucks as Trump’s giving in this picture about the visible queerness of the dude standing next to him:
No one seemed to notice as he passed through security, he recalled. But Trump spotted the fan shortly after the teachers were led into the Oval Office.
“He said I had good style.”
Giannopoulos grew more confident then — enough that when an aide asked him to put the fan away for his private photo, he raised a small protest.
“I said, ‘I was hoping to pose with this,’ ” he said. “They said, ‘No — just put it away.’ ”
He did, for a minute. But before the shutter snapped, Giannopoulos asked the president if he minded.
“He said, sure.” So the fan came out, the ensemble was complete, “and the rest is history,” Giannopoulos said.
“The issue with being openly queer is our existence is constantly politicized,” he said. “They never stop to think: Oh, maybe that’s just who I am.”
That last line of Giannopoulos’s is perfect - it’s why I can’t find a fuck to give. It’s like caring about people being “visibly short” or something. The only time I think of - or give a shit - about gender issues is when they come up in politics, via the courts or whatever. Niel Gorsuch, the latest conservative on the Supreme Court, summarized my views neatly when he said the courts aren’t the place to advance social or cultural debates. (When Justice Roberts correctly identified Obamacare’s individual mandate as a roundabout tax, he punted it back to Congressional conservatives with a note; “stop trying to use the courts to write your goddamned legislation for you.” It’s much the same principle.) Likewise, most of this can’t simply be legislated away, either, any more than the 13th amendment’s abolition of slavery ended racism or prevented Jim Crow. The entire notion of protected classes that was created to demolish Jim Crow has always been awkward - the result of a legal system with no concept of class divides having to hastily adapt to prevent the reality of such from undermining it - but a lot of what we see ending up in the courts or legislature these days aren’t anything like those weighty issues of law and liberty our Republic’s long sough to reconcile. They’re more shit like that Californian bathroom law that ordered single-occupant restrooms (which anyone of any gender could already use) to put up gender-neutral signage. This changed nothing and helped nobody, but by jove it was fantastic virtue-signalling, wasn’t it? This isn’t going to increase “acceptance” or change anyone’s mind - in fact, it might just foster resentment, achieving the exact opposite. I understand why people in these minority groups choose to make the courts the forum for their cultural debates - the publicity and such - but I really question the wisdom of it. But at the end of the day I don’t have any strong knowledge or interest of their movement’s problems and priorities, so neither do I have strong feelings about how they go about promoting them. Californian businesses having to spend ten bucks on new sign placards is indeed picking their pocket - but it’s ten bucks. Whuppity fukkin doo. 
As for transgender issues specifically, my main concern is that the people aggressively pushing the concept of transgenderism as an “identity” issue are glossing over the biological and mental aspects of it - transgender people suffer from gender dysphoria, a recognized mental disorder that’s seemingly related to disorders like body integrity identity disorder, where people suffering from acute xenomelia (the dysphoric sense that their own limb[s] are not their own,) begin to desire amputating the offending limb. Any way you look at this, this is abnormal. The Usual Suspects argue that the much higher suicide rate of transgender people is solely due to bullying and discrimination - and they might be right - but they never address how gender reassignment surgery doesn’t seem to reduce that horrific suicide rate at all. 
Sex reassignment surgery is a permanent mutilation of the human body, and the details of them are quite gruesome - they are not something to undertake lightly, as they’re irreversible and come with significant side effects. But the left wing only sees it as an Identity Issue to virtue signal over - they’re not just uninterested in the actual effectiveness of sex reassignment surgery as a treatment, they’re actively hostile to any attempt to investigate it (like the surgeon in that Guardian article that declared a proper controlled study would be “unethical.”) 
The permanence of sex reassignment surgery is what alarms me - it cannot be reversed. Encouraging people to undergo a drastic and irreversible surgical procedure which hasn’t been proven to be an effective treatment is fucked up. Considering how drastic bodily alteration for no gain is liable to have grievous psychological consequences of its own - on top of that the patient already suffers - it’s really fucking hard to believe that the people encouraging this (without solid evidence that it works) actually care about transgender people. 
Even worse, it seems unnecessary. If this is truly an identity issue, then there’s no need for body altering surgeries. If gender’s just a social construct, then dress as you want, because it’s a free country. Want to wear a dress? Go for it, it’s a free country. Want to wear a ham sandwich around your neck on a string? Who’s gonna stop you? It’s a free country, you can do what you fuckin want. Want to sexually identify as an attack helicopter? IT’S A FREE COUNTRY, NOBODY CAN STOP YOU. I thought we agreed as a society that mutilating your body to adhere to socially-mandated gender roles was fucked up - like in Iran, where gay men are forced to undergo sex reassignment surgery so they conform to a patriarchal, religious culture’s gender role mandate.
And if it is a biological issue, then why do so many leftists flip their effing lids if you call it a disorder that should be looked at by those people that specialize in brain biology issues - you know, specialist doctors? Why aren’t we putting teams of specialists on studying this, instead of listening to fucking surgeons (the same ones making bank on the sex reassignment surgeries) who say that scientific study and investigation is “unethical?” Why are there voices trying to stop doctors from treating and helping these people? 
I don’t have a dog in this race, and I haven’t taken a deep dive into researching all facets of the argument. My stance on the whole thing is pretty simple: if transgenderism is not a mental illness - then it’s still a free goddamn country, they can do as they damn well please. If it is a mental illness, then we should treat these people to the best of our ability - and find a way to pay for it, too. Nobody asks to be born ill, mentally or otherwise - this wasn’t their decision, or their fault, so they shouldn’t have to suffer for it, either. These people deserve help, and helping them requires remedies that actually work. I don’t give a fuck how we do it, because this isn’t about the how. This isn’t about puffing up someone’s pet policy, this is about getting these people the help they need and deserve. We’re all going to have different ideas about what the best solution is, but we can’t even begin to have that debate until we have properly identified the problem. 
And that’s why people that stand in the way of doing that piss me off. 
So yeah, that’s how I feel about ell-gee-bee-tees. As long as it harms none, yiff whom you will, I don’t give a fuck. And if they’re screaming about their rights being violated, then welcome to the goddamn club, ladies and gentlemen and demiboys - please pick up your complimentary Gasden Flag and concealed carry permit at the desk, and be sure to join us for the Two Minutes REEEEEE every hour, on the hour. 
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meeresbande · 7 years
Recovery from disordered eating/chronic undereating
This is a list of things that has helped us personally - it will likely not be universal or help everyone. We’re also in no way health or nutritional experts - see the Eating Disorder Institute for that (beware of trans- and nonbinary erasing language at that site though).
We have had disordered eating/chronic undereating problems for probably 10 years, but never a full-blown eating disorder or period of clinical starvation. So no guarantees, but here are things that helped me/us:
place a high priority on recovery, on eating enough
stop justifying, excusing or ignoring the disordered eating habits (not as in putting blame on me, but as in eating instead of finding excuses)
this has been a problem for a while, waiting for it to go away on it’s own will only make it worse
you do NOT need to be more sick before recovery is “worth it” or you deserve it - the less sick you are, the easier recovery will be! (if you keep postponing it, that is a sign it’s bad enough.) And everyone deserves to eat enough food.
know that even if there are underlying issues (trauma in our case) that cause/worsen the disordered eating habits, eating enough is the first and most important thing - other issues can be dealth with later or simultaneously
the body needs enough calories and nourishment consistently to work and to feel ok - this includes the brain
your mind and psyche need enough calories and nourishment to be ok and especially to heal
food is important for mental health, concentration, recovery from trauma, to deal with chronic illnesses or acute stressors put on the body (again - this includes the brain/mind)
“physical damage is ongoing and still accumulating unless and until a patient decides to provide enough energy to reverse damage” (accumulating means, it will get worse even if the disordered eating habits stay the same)
realising that my body needs a lot more calories than I thought it did - and I ate less than I thought I did
As a physically healthy person of over 25 years with a lifestyle that’s not particularly physically active, I need 3,000kcal a day.
It would be more for people under 25, who are more active, have a chronic illness, are recovering from an illness, injury or surgery, and especially for anyone who hasn’t eaten enough - so anyone who’s in recovery from disordered eating habits, a diet or similar. All those people need to eat considerably more than 3000kcal a day. 
The 3000+kcal I’m aiming for should be the average, NOT the upper limit! This means I have to eat more than this as often as I eat less.
I haven’t counted calories before and I’m not making it a habit now, but I looked at the calory contents for some ready-made meals to get a feel for how big a proper meal actually is. Turns out those “meals” are usually only half meals - if that! A proper meal includes a second helping and/or a dessert.
3000+kcal - that means three meals of 1000kcal each, plus snacks
or, without any calory counting: three full meals that include second helpings and/or desserts, plus snacks
learning more about how my body works wrt energy needs and weight (I basically learned this from a friend and from this website: www.edinstitute.org)
There is no “healthy” or “normal” weight that’s the same for everybody. Instead, every individual has their own weight set point, which can be very different from one person to the next. The body will return to the individual weight set point and stay within a narrow range of it when it is provided with enough energy/calories. You can’t change your weight set point and you shouldn’t have to.
An energy deficit can happen due to food restriction/not eating enough/purging and/or too much exercise. An energy deficit is always stressful and bad and damaging to your body and mind.
Your body reacts to an energy deficit in two ways: Catabolism (breaking down cells) and metabolic suppression (slowing down, suppressing or stopping biological functions) - BOTH are damaging and that damage accumulates until you recover by eating enough to make up for the undereating (that is, more than someone who is energy balanced would need)
due to metabolic suppression, weight gain can occur during undereating and starvation
“2/3 of those with active eating disorders are not clinically underweight, nor have they ever been“
“Fat is the largest hormone producing organ in the body. It is not a storage unit.”
“your weight is never in your control and when you force it to be in your control, you harm your body and your life“
reactive eating (eating a lot after not having eaten enough) is normal, healthy and necessary for recovery - it should never be suppressed, and it is not an eating disorder
learning and internalising that fat is good - both body fat and dietary fat (fat in our food - including saturated fat)
regularly spending time immersing myself in fat-positivity. This is an ongoing process.
learning and internalising that fat-positivity also applies to ME (not only to everyone else…)
unlearning the messages of starvation culture (also euphemistically known as “diet culture”)
internalise the fact that you NEED calories, sugar, fat (yes, including saturated fats), carbs and proteins and that all of those things are good, necessary and healthy for you
processed and highly processed food is good for you, especially during recovery - it is not “junk”
it is a myth that some food types can be addictive
it is a myth that thirst gets mistaken for hunger
it is a myth that boredom gets mistaken for hunger
it is always bad for you to ignore hunger cues
there are no false hunger cues, but they can take many different forms
even just thinking about food is a hunger cue
it is a myth that eating at night is bad for you (you may want to have a sugar-free snack next to your bed to protect your teeth though)
it is a myth that your body cannot handle an “excess” of food/calories or that our modern eating habits or fast food are too calory dense
excess calories/energy are easy for your body to handle - it will get burned off as heat. It will not make you sick or suffer.
know that a lot of things marketed as healthy are actually pro-starvation propaganda or myths, sadly most things you’ll encounter concerning health, diet and exercise are not backed by good science
learn about the history of weight based discrimination (it was invented by insurance companies trying to get more money from fat people) and exercising (invented by white supremacists who claimed that non-white people were physically stronger/tougher than whites - a claim that was and is used as justification for systemic racist violence and abuse), and/or analysis of these things - it might help you see through them and get more impervious to their constant messages.
changing eating habits:
for habits to change, you need to stick with the new habit for several weeks (4-6 usually) - make that a priority! After it’s become a habit, sticking with it will likely become much easier, so don’t give up! You can do it! You’re worth it!
NO “low calory”, “low sugar”, “low fat” etc nonsense - you NEED calories, sugar, fat (yes, including saturated fats), carbs and proteins
NO tricks to ignore hunger cues, no drinking water or chewing gum instead of eating, no waiting until the hunger goes away, no distractions, no dwelling on pro-restriction thoughts or “common wisdom”, no eating-something-with-less-calories instead
aim to ALWAYS eat something within 20 minutes of getting hunger cues, no matter what form they take
always eat at least enough until you’re full
if you have/had disordered eating habits, you probably need to force yourself to eat more than you “feel like” eating (see above - three full meals plus snacks!)
eat throughout the day - start with a rich breakfast if at all possible, eat lunch and dinner and something before bed, eat during the night if you wake up hungry
use every chance you get for extra calories - drink calorie-dense drinks like protein shakes instead of water, put extra peanut butter on your ramen (which is not a full meal, merely a snack), put extra vegetable oil on your food, augment ready-made meals with extra sugar, oil, cream, ketchup, sauce, etc
make a habit of eating snacks whenever you can, sweeten hot drinks
basically do the opposite of what starvation culture tells you ;)
take vitamin or mineral supplements if necessary, but never as a substitute for enough calories
making it easier to prepare and eat food:
learn to cook, broaden your horizon (especially with a focus on cooking regular and nutritious meals)
learn to cook in big batches to store some in the fridge/freezer for later
learn to cook cheaply if money is an issue - putting priority on recovery includes using money for food first, but if you can get more mileage (calories) out of the money you can spend, all the better
try to always have a wide variety of foods in the house, especially your favourite foods and those you eat regularly
when buying food, aim for the calory-dense choices
always have some snacks nearby (in your room, in your bag when you go out, etc) (here is a recipe for easy and cheap energy bars)
set times, possibly alarms to remind you to prepare meals/eat
try to have a variety of preparation methods available (I know this can be expensive, but it has helped me enormously to get a microwave oven and a blender and a sandwich toaster on top of the fridge, freezer, oven, stove and regular toaster we already had)
do not rule out foods just because you’re not used to them
do not rule out fast foods, ready-made meals, frozen pizzas and the like
stretch and/or augment your ready-made meals
if you can, get someone to help you or cook for you or to cook together (many people actually like cooking together with or for friends!)
find out if you are eligible for any free-food programs or any monetary or other kind of support (where I live, there are food-not-bombs like groups that offer free food and there’s a breakfast group as part of a kind of assisted living program)
if there’s anything in particular that’s hard for you and that you can change, do it. I hesitated so long buying a microwave oven because I thought it was not strictly necessary, but it was important to my recovery. If you already know something that will help you, don’t repeat my mistake – do it/get it!
if eating is associated with anxiety or any other unpleasant feeling, do what you can to lessen that anxiety. Maybe eat while watching tv, or lighting a scented candle, or having mood lighting and soothing music, or whatever makes it easier for you. (Possibly work on anxiety in therapy as well)
Here is a post on how to eat when you have no appetite.
other changes in habits:
throw out/give away clothes that don’t fit anymore, get new ones that fit comfortably and that you like (make use of clothes swaps or thrift stores if money is an issue)
don’t weigh yourself, throw out the scales (maybe the body-length mirror too if it makes you feel worse/question recovery)
talk about food and eating only in positive ways and don’t let people tell you pro-starvation-bullshit – set boundaries
celebrate your successes!
even small ones!
don’t dwell on or be hard on yourself for setbacks or relapses - they happen. They don’t undo what you’ve already achieved. Get back on track to recovery and eating enough as soon as you can and then don’t look back (unless it were to learn how to avoid similar relapses or what triggers them)
pay attention to the signs that you are recovering and celebrate them - are you better able to concentrate? not so tired/weak anymore? skin and hair and nails getting healthier? any other symptoms getting better? Congratulations! Recovery is worth it!
(especially if you have restricted/purged/over-exercised severely, it is possible that some symptoms get worse before they get better, or that you’ll get some new symptoms that will disappear again as you recover more by eating more)
DON’T exercise until you are fully recovered (I think the way to know that is when your weight is stable while consistently eating enough - really enough!)
stay away from fitspo and anything like that
Sorry this got so long - feel free to copy, use, change this (just not for commercial use)
Reblogs appreciated!
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drmaheshkulkarni · 4 years
Unusual Knee Pain: Reasons and Treatment
Should you suffer from discomforting and debilitating unexpected knee pain, then you Aren't independently. As a question of fact, knee pain would be the next top reason for chronic illness amongst Americans. This really is but one of the very painful conditions that may have a massive influence in your everyday life.
 Ignore enjoying with your favorite game or jogging, Occasionally, even Walking inside your home can become exceptionally painful. A lot of people that suffer from abrupt knee pain, experience a radical reduction in their physiological activity also. Keeping the degree of activity whilst undergoing a consistent pain isn't straightforward.
 Although There Are Lots of remedies available, It's Not easy to deal with Knee pain. The majority people hoping to eliminate these knee pain talk about a frequent experience. After getting tossed around involving your health practitioners, specialists and also surgeons, as opposed to losing the annoyance, patients lose their expectation. The problem becomes worse as soon as the health practitioners, pros and also the physical therapists have various approaches. Even in the event that you opt to go under the knife, then there's not any guarantee the knee pain will soon disappear completely following the operation. More frequently than not, the knee pain stems home after operation.
 After trying Virtually Every remedy that exists, It Is Fairly common to get Patients for frustrated and resentful. Lots of folks simply quit. They accept that knee pain can be part of these life today, plus they'll need to live together for the remainder of their lives. Therefore, as opposed to focussing on'fixing' the pain ,'managing' it will become the priority. And now most of us understand it is really a slippery slope.
 Pain control with medication isn't the genuine solution. More frequently than Perhaps not, chronic knee pain contributes patients to harder pain killers which may have any serious effects. Resting becomes the only real solution, and fast, the very busy man becomes severely restricted.
 But in the event the specific situation above describes you, then we've got great information! Everything you Are going to learn in this extensive guide, will change how that you start looking at knee pain. This guide won't only assist you to get immediate respite in the knee pain; it's going to allow you to go a step closer into complete freedom from discomfort.
 One among the most Frequent misconceptions concerning treating knee pain that is sudden is Taking remainder. Now, resting helps, do not misunderstand me, however only as long as it isn't over done. A lot of individuals who suffer with abrupt knee pain often trap their knee whilst resting. Even though it might provide you a bit of relief, to start with, it's perhaps not great for that knee to a long-term basis. The best technique for having a quick and also a more lasting relief from knee pain will be always to continue to keep the knee moving naturally. A pair of exercises stretches, and also moves can assist your knee gain the desirable freedom that's critical for receiving immediate treatment.
 Sudden knee pain is more complicated and healing it using just 1 strategy is Perhaps not a wise idea. Inside this guide to Immediate Knee Reliefwe simply take a holistic strategy. Besides simple stretches along with self-massages, we'll also concentrate on proper nutrition along with also other remedies you can test out. If you would like to receive yourself a long-lasting relief from knee pain, then a blend of these approaches is vital.
 Before we proceed, There's one important thing which we have to maintain At heart. There's not any magical cure for knee pain. Do not expect that in the event you employ all of the advice and remedies supplied in this guide, then you'll have the ability to run a marathon tomorrow! This guide introduces a number of the very best approaches to quickly alleviate your knee pain and also allow you to fast track your path to a life span.
 Thus, let us get the ball rolling!
 Which will be the complexities of abrupt knee pain?
 Knees are among the main loadbearing joints in the human own body. As Consequently, they have been under constant worry. It's employed to get virtually every movement that you simply perform throughout the day. Any supernatural shift at the movement of this joint may result in pain. If you never take appropriate care, irregular motions and over use can set another stress on the knees which might come in pain. Below are a few of the most frequent causes of the knee pain that is sudden.
 Even Though Over-using your knee could definitely have any extreme effects, Sitting for lengthy amounts of time is every bit as bad. If your work involves sitting for lengthy amounts of time, then the tendons and muscles of the knee might become quite rigid. The stiffness frequently contributes to chronic pain. The problem will worsen should you sit wrong places. Lots of people today have a tradition of crossing their legs if they sit. This position may put stress on the knee cap and frequently leads to pain.
 Still another element which might be causing you to pain would be your furniture. In case You're Sitting at an uncomfortable seat which isn't ergonomic, but you might wind up getting knee pain that is sudden. The posture, height and also the alignment of this seat are critical to stop undue stress on the knees. Certain sitting places tend to be worse compared to others. When you've got your seat set too small, or when you flex your knees to get quite a while whilst sitting, then it's nearly sure you will have knee pain.
 · Unwanted Weight
 Obesity is among the Common causes of knee injuries Resulting in abrupt Knee pain. The growth in bodyweight places an unnecessary quantity of stress on your knees and could lead to harms. The most exposed parts of the joints because of this extra fat would be the cartilages. Even the excess weight hastens the cartilage breakdown which will be immensely debilitating.
 · Over-use and Surplus stress
 The other Frequent cause of abrupt knee pain is both over Use and Surplus strain, Especially throughout exercise. Lots of don't get that knees require a time period of rest between exercises. If you dash in to the exercises and also do not allow time for those knees to break, you're calling for the trouble. Certain exercises which have continuous motion of the knee could bring about the break down of the cartilage at the knee and also cause pain.
 One among the most Frequent knee injuries which are observed in people who train It's essential to keep track of your knee cap (patella) whenever you bend or stretch your knee. To get a smooth and pliable movement, the patella should slip freely. When for any purpose, the tendon doesn't perform its job, the patella won't glide openly and is going to lead to pain and inflammation. There are lots of factors behind the to take place, however, the 2 most prevalent causes are both feeble hip muscles and also a faulty foundation.
 · When you've got flat feet, then you typically keep track of your shin-bone inward as you are doing exercise like squats. It induces a misalignment of the knee and also leads from the patella rubbing from the inflammation, bones, and pain.
 o The other rationale is feeble buttocks. Lots of don't get that hip muscles play a significant part to keep the knee within the appropriate posture. If your muscles aren't strong, then your knee could track laterally into the groove whenever you make repetitive moves such like while running and running. It places an excess stress on the patella resulting in pain and inflammation.
 Likewise some inconsistent motions while enjoying with a game or exercising Can create the knee to rip. It can result in internal bleeding, swelling, swelling and pain. These harms are very common when playing sports like football and football.
 Certainly one of the hallmarks of any debilitating injury is chronic swelling. Although inflammation is excellent for your system, chronic inflammation may spell tragedy; specially once you've got a requirement such as a knee pain. Everything you eat could help determine the quantity of inflammation also. Quite a few studies indicate that certain foods may raise inflammation and cause worsening of chronic pain.
 If a daily diet includes those inflammation-causing foods, then you might be Vulnerable to knee pain and injuries. There are a number of foods which you can wreak havoc so far as inflammation is more concerned. Below are a few foods which you should attempt and avoid.
 · Trans-fats
 o Sugar
 o Processed Carbs
 o Alcohol
 o Monosodium Glutamate (it's actually the taste enhancer That's utilized in several fast Foods, commonly called Aji No Moto )
 Like I said previously too, the knee is among the Main Loadbearing joints of their human body. Consequently, just about any activity which you do affects the knee longer than every joint in your system. Therefore, before we enter the particulars of just how exactly to have relief from knee pain, then we will need to comprehend the way a knee joint worksout. Let us get knowledgeable about this extremely essential concerted.
 Therefore, the knee would be really a'hinge' joint. It's like a hinge on the door. I state nearly as like the hinge in the entranceway, the knee also has a little amount of spinning too. This activity makes a intricate joint that's capable of accomplishing a larger selection of flexibility allowing individuals to gain more out from the leg muscles.
 The 2 main groups of muscles which are responsible for your Smooth and proper motion of the knee would be the quadriceps and hamstrings. These two muscles deliver the essential aid for your own movement. If any of those muscles is either feeble or under developed, it may cause undue stress in the knee resulting in harms.
 The knee is a Intricate joint and is composed of up to seven distinct
 · The Bones: Both the bones which form the knee joint would be the Tibia (or so the shank bone), The Femur (or perhaps the thighbone ) and the Patella or perhaps the knee cap. These bones play a essential in the appropriate performance of this joint.
 · The Ligaments: Ligament can be really a sort of connective tissue which joins two bones together. Ligaments help hold the bones of a combined together and thus offer some amount of equilibrium into the joint. There are lots of ligaments contained from the knee, plus so they will have specific purposes. You can find eight inner ligaments and also six lateral ligaments providing the knee that the much-needed equilibrium. These joints are in constant stress so that consequently knee harms caused by damages to those ligaments are extremely common. Trainers and individuals who run or run are more vulnerable to such harms.
 · The Muscles: Joints do not possess some knee and muscles being truly a joint will not need one . But lots of muscles encourage a joint and also help from the suitable smooth movement of this joint. The most important muscles which are responsible for its successful functioning of the knee joint include:
 o Quadriceps: The muscles which make up your leg.
 o The hamstrings: All these are the muscles which comprise the trunk of your thigh.
 o Other muscles that are smaller: aside from the Quadriceps and the Hamstrings, additional bigger muscles allow the knee throughout flexion, extension, and spinning.
 · Tendons are extremely essential because help the muscles to go the bone and thus the joint. The quadriceps hook up into the knee with the quadriceps tendon.
 · The Bursa: All these are sac like structures which can be full of a fluid called synovial fluid which block the friction between your bones whenever they proceed. Whilst the knee requires a whole lot of loads, you can find still eight, lateral fluid filled sacs from the joint.
 · The Cartilage: The ribs provides a smooth coating which will allow the bones to slide into a joint. The ribs contained from the knee functions like a pad involving your bones and also lets them proceed with no difficulty. Additionally, it functions as a shockabsorber to consume the surplus jolt that could stem from your effect. Ergo, a wholesome cartilage must protect against the direct bone impact.
 · The Fat: And there is really a healthy level of fat surrounding your knee. This coating offers additional cushioning and prevents harms caused by penetrating your own knee.
 Problems for one of these structures may result in knee pain that is sudden. Even though All the elements of the knee have been very well shielded, over use and improper movement may put unnecessary stress on several elements leading to a few critical trauma . A number of the most Frequent knee injuries that May Lead to knee pain would be the Following:
 · Fractures and dislocation: probably the most frequent bone at the knee joint which may get fractured could be your Patella. Even though the minds of the tibia and the femur may also produce a fracture, they have been not as common. A high risk injury like a fall from an elevation or perhaps a crash in the field might result in the patella to crack.
 Dislocation of the knee can be also a Frequent supply of an knee injury along with subsequent pain. Wrong movement or a extortionate stress might induce the bones at the knee, particularly the tibia and the femur to collapse from their alignment, leading to the dislocation of the joint.
 · A tear within this crucial ligament is fairly typical in athletes playing sports like basketball, soccer, football or soccer. A surprising shift in management can set an enormous amount of stress on ACL which could result in a rip.
 · The tear from PCL usually results in an immediate influence on the leading part of the knee like throughout injuries or playing sports. Unlike the ACL tears, the PCL tears are normally partial and much more frequently than not, heal by themselves.
 · Injuries to those ligaments may happen whether the knee is bent sideways, that isn't just a natural movement to your joint. These harms are common occurring just in some specific instances of mishaps.
 · Such harms are generally seen in people participated in sport like basketball and football. The probability of meniscal equilibrium increases with age since the ribs dissipates because you get older.
 · Tendon Tears: The joints holding the muscles into the bones may additionally get ripped. These rips are rather typical in middleaged men and women who play sports which involve jumping or running.
 Exercise to get abrupt knee pain?
 One among the most Frequent misconceptions that people have seeing Treatment of knee injuries would be that the sole solution is really to simply take rest. Even though sleeping helps reduce the strain and help the knee cure quicker, studies have demonstrated that particular exercises may be of fantastic assistance.
 The situation much worse, that is not really correct. In spite of the fact that it's extremely crucial to pick the suitable exercise to assist you eradicate the knee pain. If you're in pain, then it's maybe not just a fantastic idea to take part in exercises that'll cause a significant effect on the knee. Many low impact exercises could possibly do away with the worst type of knee pain.
But in regards to workout for relieving abdominal pain, balancing Is the secret. Over 200 scientific tests explain that in case you do certain exercises frequently, then you can find yourself a long-term relief in knee pain. Consequently, in case you decide on the proper practice of course should you stay to it to a normal basisI assure you you will find yourself a long-term rest in the own knee pain.
 Exercising to the treatment of pain may be brand new thing for you personally. I Know it may even seem somewhat stricter to a number of you personally. But believe in me, also that I speak out of experience, exercises perform workout. There are a lot of ways might assist you to alleviate the pain and assist one to rehabilitate.
 · Strengthening the muscles: Among the very frequent reasons for knee injury is feeble muscles. The muscles surrounding the knee are all critical in the appropriate performance of the knee joint. In case at least one of those muscles are underperforming, the entire joint could misalign. It might put undue strain on several the different parts of this knee joint which people saw at the prior section. The worries might cause harms and also a longlasting, nagging headache. Thus, certainly one of those techniques to do away with the annoyance is always to strengthen the muscles which support your knee joint that it will work correctly and also the strain on the joint components will probably be alleviated. The muscles That You Ought to be working on include;
 o The Quadriceps
 o The Hamstrings
 o The adductors, and also
 o The Glutes
 Since We'll see from the next segments, exercising muscles will Help fortify them that they are able to encourage the knee-joint better.
 · Drop weight: As I mentioned early in the day as well, being over weight can put stress on your knees. Exercise might assist you to lower weight as well that then is able to assist you to discharge the extra stress on your knees.
 Certainly one of the most important items to Keep in Mind Is That any joint yells On motion. While many experts agree, a few actions is better than no actions. Low impact exercises like brisk walking, cycling, etc. might enable you to get rid of the knee pain. But an excessive amount of movement, notably the incorrect kind could have a negative influence on the joints. Thus it's crucial to pick the right exercises to alleviate the pain.
 The other Frequent cause of your pain in a Lot of People is Too Little Muscle strength. To Acquire an Extended relief from the pain, then you need to fortify The Significant muscles surrounding the knee strengthening.
 About doctor
 Dr Mahesh Kulkarni is an alumnus of B.J.Medical College, Pune. He completed his MBBS and subsequently MS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) from B.J.Medical college and Sassoon General Hospitals in Jan 1997.He migrated to United Kingdom in 1997 for higher studies after completing his PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board) test conducted by the General Medical Council (GMC). He started working at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. He was then appointed as a registrar in the South-West rotation at Bristol. He completed his FRCS from the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons at Edinburgh in 2000. He completed his MCh course from the University of Liverpool in 2004.He was appointed as a Specialist Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics at the South-West rotation in Bristol in 2003. He completed his FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), intercollegiate speciality board exam in 2005. He was awarded CCST (Certificate of Completion of Specialist training) in Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2006 and is on the GMC’s Specialist Register as a qualified Orthopaedic Surgeon.He received training at various hospitals on the Bristol rotation. He underwent speciality training in Lower Limb arthroplasty (Joint Replacement surgery of Hips and knees) at the prestigious Avon Orthopaedic Center (Southmead Hospital). He worked and trained with Professor Ian Learmonth, John Newman and Evert Smith. He worked at Bristol Pelvic Trauma Unit, specialising in Pelvic and acetabular fracture treatment at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol for one year.He completed his ATLS (Advance Trauma Life Support) training in 1999 and attended various conferences and CME’s while in England. He completed his AO fellowship in Trauma at Flinders Medical Center in Adelaide, Australia in 2006.He migrated to Pune, India in Jan 2007. Since then he has performed several Hip and Knee replacement surgeries including primary and revision replacement surgery. He has performed significant number of surgeries for fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum.
He has been invited as faculty for various conferences on advances in Joint Replacement surgery and treatment of Pelvic and Acetabular fractures. He is a faculty with AO and has been on various courses in India and Asia-Pacific region. He is also a faculty with ATLS india.
He is currently working as a Senior Joint Replacement surgeon and specialist in Pelvic and Acetabular fractures at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, and Jehangir Hospital in Pune.
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New Post has been published on Conservative Free Press
New Post has been published on http://www.conservativefreepress.com/politics/vice-news-transgender-surgery-should-remain-essential-during-outbreak/
Vice News: Transgender Surgery Should Remain “Essential” During Outbreak
Responsible hospitals around the country are putting an end to elective surgeries during the coronavirus outbreak, not wanting to waste medical supplies, painkillers, drugs, and personal protective equipment on cataract operations, nose jobs, and breast augmentations at this perilous time.
Granted, there are still plenty of hospitals blissfully ignoring the inevitable flood of COVID-19 patients coming in a week or so; they’re still glad to take your money and schedule your non-essential, elective surgery. But even that won’t last much longer – not in a situation where the federal government is looking at a shortfall of ventilators, masks, and other PPE.
This is a time where public pressure should come down hard on hospitals, clinics, and patients who are still choosing to go through with trivial surgeries being done in the name of vanity.
Instead, Vice News and LGBT groups are trying to convince the public that transgender sex change operations (of all things) are the very definition of an “essential” surgery at this time.
“For transgender and gender non-conforming people, gender-affirming surgeries are life-altering procedures, which, for many, can greatly reduce gender dysphoria and improve their quality of life. But in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, trans communities on Reddit and Twitter are being flooded with reports of postponed and canceled surgeries in the U.S., U.K., Spain, Thailand, and elsewhere, leading to enormous stress and disappointment on top of a global health crisis,” the site reported on Thursday.
“This underscores a common experience amongst trans people seeking medical care or surgery: Research has suggested that gender-affirming surgery, in particular, has a notable and long-term impact on mental health, but far too often, trans people already wait far longer than is safe or healthy for this care. Further delays can be dangerous and even life-threatening,” the report continued.
Okay. Enough.
Sorry, but if you are a fully-grown adult and you want to mangle your body so that it comes in line with your delusions and you can find a doctor willing to help you, hey, it’s America. Go for it. But your right to play Gender Identity Bingo ends with the public’s right to focus on a crisis. The idea that getting a sex change is somehow more important than a facelift or a boob job is absurd. And the thought that hospital beds, masks, medical personnel, and anesthesia will be used for these inane surgeries at a time when we need all hands (and equipment) on deck is downright infuriating.
There’s nothing quite like a national emergency to shine a light on the truth of what’s important…and what isn’t. You can cry to the heavens that gender-affirmation surgery is medically “necessary,” and that might work under normal circumstances. The bleeding hearts will buy in, certainly.
But at a time like this? Your “I’m stuck in the wrong body” nonsense just isn’t a priority.
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