#101 dragon age questions
71 + 81 for the DA ask list? 👀
Thank you! 💕
71. Did you read the novels?
I’ve read The Stolen Throne and to be perfectly honest it was quite disapointing which is why I put off reading more. I’ve also bought The Calling and The Masked Empire but haven’t forced myself to get through them yet. (Though to be fair, I think I expected way too much from The Stolen Throne. But still...)
81. Favorite fanfic?
“Stuck on a puzzle” by  thespectaclesofthor - I think this is the only fandom in which I have such a quick and definitive answer but I have to say, this is one of my favorite fanfics of all time, all fandoms, etc. It’s not only so very well written but also accidentally so perfectly tailored to everything I ever wanted from a fic about Cullen. Perfection.
(There are others I like *a lot* and several I keep rereading but if I need to pick one, there’s no competition.)
Everyone please feel free to send me more asks for this ask meme. It would mean a lot to me and I’m sick and feeling poorly, so I welcome your pity. ;)
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 3 months
My (Very Long) Take on the Blacks and Greens Debate
A day or so ago, I posted a poll concerning which was team Green or team Black (and who didn't want to choose), and maybe some of you probably want my two cents on it. And even if you don't, I'll give it anyway cause I really want to talk about the discourse.
First off, I kinda find the Blacks vs Greens debate to be...well a little reductionist (and I know people might take offense at that so please hear me out to the end if you can).
I think the bulk of the debate boils down not necessarily who you think would be the more suited ruler, but more like who do you like as a person (or people) or who do you hate so much that you think they deserve everything coming their way. For example, I notice people who are mostly team Black tend to idolize Rhaenyra and put her on such a pedestal that they see her through this rose tinted lens that she is saintly, that she did nothing wrong, and that she would make a perfect ruler. Additionally, I notice Team Black also hates on Alicent major time, seeing her as some catty, manipulative bitch who hates Rhaenyra cause she births bastards and gets away with pretty much everything without accountability. On the other side, people who are Team Green I notice idolize Alicent and her children and shit on Rhaenyra major time cause they see her as spoiled and entitled and would kill her siblings without a second thought should she ascend the throne.
And this tend to be reflective in the fanfic writes who are either vehemently team Black or Green
I kinda understand where people are coming from, but the discourse is really more nuanced than that. And to see the nuances get erased just really creams my corn sometimes:
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So now allow me to present my two cents.
I find the debate reductionist because it doesn't really take into account other factors that led to there being these polarized sides in the first place: When we think about the show (and the book), how the events in the season that lead up to the Dance of Dragons, I actually think about the very first scene with the Great Council of 101 when King Jaehaerys named his new successor, being Viserys
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The moment Viserys was considered above Rhaenys by the Westerosi nobles, that pretty much codified the line of succession, being that the eldest male descendent will supersede any of the women in his family; even though Rhaenys was the oldest descendent, even though she was the daughter of Prince Aemon, Jaehaerys' oldest son and Heir Apparent before his untimely death, she was overlooked in favor of Viserys, who was the eldest son of the king's second son Prince Baelon who also had an untimely death (Baelon was also deemed by the nobles as the next Heir Apparent when he was still alive).
And going on a brief tangent here, this wasn't the first time the line of succession was questioned for the Targaryens due to gender optics. In fact, when Jaehaerys first took the Iron Throne at the age of 14, after the death of his uncle Maegor, his claim was initially challenged by his sister Princess Rhaena, whose late husband was Aegon the Uncrowned i.e. the one was supposed to sit the Iron Throne next as the oldest son of the late King Aenys before Maegor usurped him. Rhaena and Aegon had twin daughters, Aerea and Rhaella. Aera was the oldest, and Rhaena insisted that her daughter be next in line for the throne since she saw her husband as the rightful ruler before the usurping. Long story short, Rhaena and Aerea were overlooked in favor of Jaehaerys.
Later, we see Viserys and Aemma Arryn, even though they had Rhaenyra, struggle to produce a male heir, and until that actually happened, Daemon was seen as Heir Apparent over his niece. Nobody actually considers the possibility that Rhaenyra could sit the throne next, they all assume her uncle would be next should Viserys and Aemma fail to produce a son, and that worries the nobles greatly, especially Otto Hightower who sees Daemon as a potential Maegor should he sit the throne next. In fact, Otto suggested to Viserys to name Rhaenyra as official heir after the death of Queen Aemma and her son, both for the sake of optics, and to save the realm from falling into chaos at the hands of Daemon. The man was so scared at the thought of Daemon being king, he flat out convinces Viserys to name his daughter heir, but only under the assumption that Viserys would eventually remarry and finally produce a son to further the line (something Otto definitely took advantage of when he had Alicent start visiting the king to comfort him in his grief).
This is when we see Viserys finally give into the pressure of his council to remarry. He took Alicent to wife and had a total of three sons and one daughter with her, which is more then enough boys to satisfy the line of succession. Yet, both in book and show, Viserys never renounced his succession, never disinherited Rhaenyra despite her reckless actions (and he points out to Rhaenyra in Episode 4 that this would NOT have been the case if these things happened under Jaehaerys' rule). Despite this, Otto and many others were still expecting Aegon to inherited the throne. Even more so when Rhaenyra "allegedly" birthed bastards with Harwin Strong when she was married to Laenor Velaryon.
This all showcases, more than anything, how incredibly sexist this society is. Not just because Aegon is expected to supersede Rhaenyra in succession because he is a man, but also how this society would be quicker to punish the woman for her misdeeds over the man (i.e when Rhaenyra is held under heavier scrutiny for her three oldest children being potential bastards by someone who is not her husband when her brother Aegon was confirmed to have fathered bastards of his own despite being married with legitimate children).
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The influences and expectations of this society are part of what led to the divide between the Blacks and the Greens, but there are also personal and individual factors as well:
For example, Otto, being a man of great ambition, seized the opportunity to plant seeds in gaining influence over the realm the moment he sent his daughter Alicent to read to Viserys as means to comfort him after the death of his beloved Aemma (which wouldn't have happened if Aemma was never pressured to produce a son, but I digress). Alicent, being a good girl and a product of her society, does as she is told, which ultimately led to Viserys choosing her to be his new wife (worth noting Alicent never got an actual say in whether she wanted this or not).
For more insight, the Hightowers are the Lords of Oldtown, which is the original seat of the Faith of the Seven. House Hightower is arguably the most devoted House to this Faith due in part to that history. Alicent herself is pretty devout to the teachings of the Seven, compared to Rhaenyra who prefers to do her own thing. Many of those teachings include that women are supposed to be devoted wives and mothers, not meant to rule but to guide the men in their lives who do rule, which in Alicent's case are her father the Hand of the King, and her husband the actual king (and when Viserys passes, she was meant to guide her oldest son in his rule).
I think Alicent sees herself as someone who is good and righteous because of her devotion to the Seven, and by upholding these ideals both from religion and society, by doing her duty, she believes blessings should be coming her way.
In actuality, Alicent is a prisoner of her surroundings; she was married off to a man she did not love at a very young age, and became a mother a very young age too, she lays in bed with her husband at nights merely for the sake of fulfilling her wifely duties and not out of love or pleasure, and she is expected by her father to raise Aegon to be the king this realm needs.
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All these things make Alicent miserable, but she soldiers on as best she can, because deep down she feels it is her duty.
In contrast, Rhaenyra is not devoted to the Faith as Alicent is, nor is she one to follow society's expectations. She is a bold, rebellious, and does what she wants with little regard for others' feelings; she swears, she speaks out of term in a man's presence (refer to when she was serving wine to the council members when they were discussing the Stepstones back in Episode 2), she disobeys her father when she flies to Dragonstone to deescalate the situation there, and she defies her father's expectations when she was expected to take a husband (even more so when she cut her betrothal tour short at the start of Episode 4). She sneaks out with Daemon into town and into the Street of Silk where she had her sexual awakening, and being left wanting for more pleasure (cause her uncle couldn't follow through) she heads back to the Keep and uh, coerces Criston Cole to sleep with her and take her maidenhead (worth noting Rhaenyra did all this with little regard to Criston's oath to the Kingsguard or the fact he could've been killed for breaking his oath if they got caught).
All this being done before allegations against her and her three oldest sons were held against her.
Rhaenyra is the antithesis of society's expectations, yet she does not feel bad about her choices, even if others would consider such choices to be indecent and an affront in the sight of gods and men. She is the blood of the dragon after all.
I think in Alicent's mind, the way she sees Rhaenyra carrying on like this, it makes her jealous on a subconscious level; here this good devout girl had only done what had been told of her for the sake of realm, gods, and family, doing what good ladies are supposed to do, but she is nothing but bitter for her circumstances, yet Rhaenyra is not a good girl by society's standards. She is a rebel and has more agency in her life compared to Alicent, and she is happier for it.
And I think Alicent, after being told by her father that the realm will never accept Rhaenyra as heir, and that Alicent's children's lives will be forfeit should Rhae ascend the throne because of this, there is a confirmation bias on Alicent's part when she sees Rhaenyra behaving as she is. This was further confirmed that night on Driftmark when Luke took Aemond's eye and Rhaenyra tried to make it look like her sons where the sole victims in all this for being called bastards and not Aemond who LOST HIS FREAKING EYE! THE KID LOST HIS EYE AND RHAENYRA WAS PREPARED TO HAVE HIM INTERROGATED OVER A FEW INSULTS.
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Sorry about the rant. I'm calm now, let us continue.
Yeah, that was a pretty shitty thing for Rhaenyra to do, but at the same time, if Viserys did decide to actually acknowledge Jace, Luke, and Joffery were indeed bastards, Rhaenyra would probably be expected to be punished for this, be it execution for treason or best case sent into exile (kinda similar to how Sera Targaryen was exiled by her father Jaehaerys because she shameless lost her maidenhead to a man/men she fancied instead of waiting to get married). (Again, this also showcases the sexism of this society).
Rhaenyra is not a saint, that much I can agree on with the pro Greens side...
But neither is Aegon.
Yes, I am going there (content warning up ahead).
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First off, Aegon is a lazy drunken slob, there is no question about that. Like Rhaenyra, he is also one to indulge in whatever vices deem his fancy on any given day, be it drowning in excess in cups of wine, cheating on his wife with whomever will have him (or not, as we sadly saw in Episode 8), and fathering bastards with little regard for the kind of image that produces.
This is clearly a major source of grief for Alicent, especially when Aegon takes servants against their will, resulting in Alicent having to pick up the pieces and put out the fires he leaves in his wake. (please note how fast the moon tea was delivered in that scene following what happened to Dyana the serving girl- this was clearly not the first time something like this has happened).
Aegon does what he wants with no regard for others, yet Alicent, even though she will scold her son for this indecent and shameful behavior, chooses to cover up for him, which unironically leads to Aegon continuing to do these things.
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Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I'll continue:
Aegon does not care for optics or the family image. He is much like his older sister in this way. (and if I'm being honest, as someone who's also watched the entirety of Bojack Horseman more than once, I actually would partly compare Aegon's life to that of Bojack...maybe I should write a post for that).
But he is not under the intense scrutiny Rhaenyra is constantly under for her choices, again pointing to the sexism of this society.
From the same vein, however, I'd also argue the reason Aegon is the way he is because of the way he was raised. Pro Blacks will be quick to point the blame to Alicent, and yes I can agree on that, given how her first instinct is to slap sense into Aegon when he steps out of line, but she is not the only player here. Viserys was basically an absentee parent regarding his children with Alicent (granted, I could cut him some slack due to his declining illness, but the man still could've put a little more effort here), not taking any kind of active role in raising his children. Honestly though, Viserys taking passive over active stances is his status quo, both in his parenting and his ruling, so nothing really new there.
And then there is Otto...actually I don't quite know what is Otto's relationship to his grandchildren, particularly to Aegon, but I think it may be safe to assume there isn't much warmth there. Otto after all sees Aegon has something of a pawn, someone to (presumptuously) look highly and favorably on House Hightower should he ascend the throne when Viserys passes.
It's pretty telling how Aegon breaks down in tears when he laments to his mother how no matter what he does it will never be enough for either of his parents. It's even more telling when he asks Alicent on the day of his coronation if she loves him.
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Makes one wonder if Alicent ever told him that once in his life.
Despite his tragic and loveless life, it doesn't excuse the fact that Aegon is a toxic person; If Aegon was to become king, it likely would only intensify his toxic behavior. Being king, after all, he wouldn't have to answer to anyone regarding his actions.
But this is not to say Rhaenyra would be much better at ruling. Now one could argue she'd be better on grounds that she actually wants to be Queen since she was named heir. As burdensome as the title of heir is, she seemed to find the idea of ruling as Queen of the Iron Throne appealing on some level, given how she told Rhaenys in Episode 2 that she planned to establish a new order as Queen (prior to Rhaenys doing her best to give Rhaenyra the hard truth that she may end up being disinherited should Viserys remarry and finally produce a son with his wife).
To put it bluntly, Rhaenyra strikes me as something of a girlboss, to put into modern terms, and if she were to rule as Queen, she would likely rule as...well a girlboss.
Additionally, Rhaenyra was never really given the tools to properly prepare to rule as a monarch, to which I would pin the blame on Viserys for that. Since he was the one to name an heir, the onus to prepare said heir to rule should have been on him, but we didn't really see that.
Rhaenyra also didn't really prepare herself either. She had to have known her status as heir did hang in the balance somewhat because of her gender, surely she should've known on some level she would need to fight to show the people she had the makings of a decent ruler. And yes, it sucks that the reason she would need to do that is because she is a woman, but it's still something she should've thought to prepare for.
Instead, Rhaenyra spent the remainder of Viserys' rule on Dragonstone, hiding away from most of the court and unable to form alliances, and then expecting the Lords to swear fealty to her fully once her father passed and she became Queen, not really expecting said lords to take the Greens side and expect Aegon to be king instead.
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Now I could argue that Rhaenyra probably was prepared to fight when she proposed that she and Daemon marry, when she told Daemon she needed him by his side to prepare to fight the Greens for her birthright.
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And this was something, I think, Daemon took to mean it would be a physical fight, a war, when he started gathering eggs from the Dragonmount for the warming chambers and mentally calculating the number of dragons the Blacks had compared to the Greens in Episode 10, when they really both should've tried to play the game from a political angle.
As much as the Daemyra ship makes me giddy, Daemon may not have been the best match for Rhaenyra from an optics point. He's unhinged, unpredictable, and craves violence above all else. His first instinct is to fight and cause harm.
It really doesn't help that basically the first public thing Daemon did when he and Rhaenyra returned to King's Landing was decapitate a man in Court when he shouted the one thing everyone else was thinking, and basically not being held accountable afterwards (not even a slap on the wrist).
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In conclusion, the Blacks and Greens divide is a nuanced combination of personal choices and societal expectations. The Dance of Dragons is a tragedy that was the result from all these choices made by the characters in the story (or not making decisions on Viserys' part), choices that would eventually impact the Targaryen dynasty down the line and ultimately it's decline and eventual downfall.
The discourse is really not about who you think would make a better ruler, or who even deserves to rule...it's about how the choices made impacts the determined the course of the future, and how people are more often than not the products of their surroundings and society at large.
So, which side am I truly?
Honestly, I would rather not choose at all:
To quote a certain brooding witcher (I know wrong franchise) whom I would protect with my whole life:
Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all -the Last Wish
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This is not to say I think Rhaenyra or Aegon are evil, lesser or otherwise, both are products of their circumstances, and are also products by the choices they made as well as by the choices of others.
On principle, however, Rhaenyra should be the next ruler of the Iron Throne. Not because she is a woman, but solely because she was named heir by her father the king. Say what you will about Viserys, but he never changed the line succession, he was clear that Rhaenyra is his heir, to question that the line should change in favor in Aegon is...well sexist. Let's not forget Dorne's custom in terms of inheritance is that said inheritance is passed to the firstborn of the family, regardless of gender. (though she was not featured in the GoT show for some reason, Arianne Martell was firstborn, which made her heir to Sunspear), so there's no excuse there.
Anyway this what I have to say about the discorse.
This took a little longer then I anticipated, so apologies, but I really felt like I needed to show my thought process, so thanks for sticking with me. Also this is just my opinion on the whole thing, it's not law or anything like that, so feel free to disagree with me or not. I would love to hear other people's take on this.
Have a nice day!
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starlightcleric · 6 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43. Thank you!
Three Ships: For these questions I often answer for canon character ships since I don’t like picking between my fictional children, but here are three video game ships that I’ve never written about but still occupy headspace:
Hawke/Isabela, Dragon Age 2
Protagonist/Glory, Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Godwoken/Lohse, Divinity: Original Sin 2
First Ever Ship: I don’t… know? The first ships I ever wrote about were my original characters for my original fiction as a child. I don’t even know what canon fictional ship I was into as a child (like, my favorite Disney movie was 101 Dalmatians, not even a princess).
Last Song: “Grandmother Song” by Vienna Teng
Last Movie: I believe it was the Barbie Movie.
Currently Reading: Just a few in progress books, whoops.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
The Journey to the West, Volume 1 translated Anthony C. Yu
The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos, translated Hildegarde Serle
Das Nibelungenlied translated Burton Raffel
A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire
Currently Watching: Nothing, I don’t really watch TV.
Currently Consuming: Licorice spice tea.
Currently Craving: Maybe a nap, lol
Tagging @adozentothedawn, @dragonologist-phd, @orime-stories, @queen-scribbles, @rannadylin, @serenbach86, @shimmer-like-agirl, @sullustangin, @traveleorzea, and anyone else who would like to!
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marisferasiop · 3 months
Other Works Masterlist:
Older works or things i have not moved over to Tumblr because either the fandom is dead or i do not have requests to do so. if you see something here that you want to ask about or ask me to port over- feel free to send me an ask!
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Moving On: Raylan/ Boyd (Raylan and Boyd leave Harlan for good, and get followed): ao3
Didn't Mean To: Raylan/ Boyd (Raylan, terrified, comes out to Boyd and is relieved to find that his friend is in the same boat): ao3
Same Time Next Week: Raylan / Boyd (subby Raylan, chastity play, bondage, marathon sex, false imprisonment, sex slave play, BDSM dynamics): ao3
WIP: Working Theory; Justified/ Narcos crossover. Pairing: dincobb adjacent; Raylan/ Javi. Raylan gets sent to Columbia to help chase a sicario he had chased out of the States. Javi is less than impressed. Wish Raylan could say the same (or: Raylan thinks Javi looks damn good in those tight ass jeans, and Javi thinks that stupid hat would look better hooked on the knob of his bedpost).
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Preacher (all OT3/O'Jessidy or Jessidy)
Living the Dream: ao3
Learning New Tricks: ao3
20 Questions: ao3
Do as She Says: ao3
Like a (stolen) Horse to Water: ao3
A Home for the Holidays: ao3
Say it Again: ao3
Untethered: ao3
Whatever I Gotta Do: ao3
Epilogue (to WIGD, can be read standalone): ao3
Blanket Hog: ao3
That Sunday Afternoon: ao3
See Right Through Me: ao3
Leave Them Be: ao3
Can I Call Middle? : ao3
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Good Omens
Rings of Gold (high fantasy/ fae AU feat. slavery): ao3
New Leash on Love (101 dalmatians meet- cute AU): ao3
The Rowan Tree (High Fae/ tree nymph Crowley/ professor Az AU) : ao3
The Tenant (lockdown/COVID human roommate AU): ao3
Temptation, Incarnate (possessive Az after The Globe): ao3
Lover Boy (human AU, hired band/wedding planner): ao3
Big, Spoopy Fan, Me (Halloween signup submissions for racketghost): ao3 / Tumblr
Focus (BDSM- adjacent or smut- only drabbles): ao3
Devil's Dyke (retirement cottage fic): ao3
Wakey, Wakey, My Dear Snakey ("wake the snake" fic, that youtube lockdown video, continued): ao3
Our Banner, Our Colors (the husbands during WW1): ao3
Our Little Talks (how they communicate by never really talking): ao3
Narrowed Focus (Nanny/ Brother Francis): ao3
Jurisdiction (protective BAMF Az when Crowley is injured by angels): ao3
Our side, Our Scent (retirement, fluffy): ao3
Star Stuff and Grace (Enemies to lovers, missing scenes from ep 3/through the ages): ao3
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Sherlock (all Johnlock)
The Principle of Hope (Sherlock/ transOFC au): ao3
This, Again? (groundhog day AU): ao3
The Right Side of the Wall (roman centurion/ celt slave AU): ao3
Drabbles (dump site for random smut scenes- ABO, BDSM, some scenes with Lestrade or MMM, etc): ao3
Why.. Did You Buy That Much? (sherlock anxiously buys like a gallon of lube for their first time): ao3
Pronouns (Sherlock is genderfluid, John likes it): ao3
Living in His Shadow (Vampire!John AU): ao3
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Supernatural (all Destiel)
What's Your Major (college au, surrogacy, pegging, minor (OFC) character death): ao3
Asylum (Dean is locked up in a ward after his family's death, meets resident Cas - warning - contains rape, abuse, intentional medical malpractice): ao3
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Dragon Ball Z (Vegeta- centric)
Notice Anything New? (Vegeta/ Bulma, the mustache): ao3
Babel (Vegeta/ Bulma, the three year gap): ao3
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Hello there!
Name: Fable ~ Age: 20 ~ Pronouns: she/they ~ Gender: demigirl
Main fandoms: Linked Universe, Bonus Links, Legend of Zelda, The Dragon Prince, Splatoon 3, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
My favorite LU Link is Legend! You have been warned.
I am a proud member of the Hurricane Family! I am one of the older siblings.
LU x reader requests are now open! Check out the hyperlinked post for details!
My AO3 (Due to the threat of ai theft, all of my works are currently visible to registered users only. Sorry for the inconvenience!)
My stim blog
My writing blog
My Pronouns Page
I will tell you why I chose this specific flag for my profile pic if you ask nicely.
I have a whole collection of reblogged ask games that never expire. ;)
PSA for the blank blogs
Tumblr 101 (new and blank blogs read this!)
Important message for minors
About Linkshipping ~ About Linkshipping 2.0
Personal tags: fable writes, fable’s asks, fable gets personal, fable’s family, fable plays [game acronym], fable draws
I don’t tag for triggers but I will not reblog anything with my own triggers or extreme reblog bait. Minor reblog bait will be tagged accordingly. I will try to tag for unreality, please let me know if I missed something. There will also be no donation boosts other than commissions/etsy/ko-fi links.
This is a safe and sympathetic space for trypanophobes. There will be no visual triggers but text posts discussing trypanophobia are tagged accordingly if you need to avoid those as well. My ask box is also open if you want to have a civil and productive discussion.
Friend tag: chatting with [name]!
Tags you may want to block/avoid: nsfw, long post, reblog bait
Chronic lol'er, if lol makes you uncomfortable then please let me know and I will be sure to use a key smash or other appropriate replacement when I talk to you.
Tone tags are very helpful for me! If you don't know what they stand for, just ask! Here's a helpful list of the most common ones!
If you have any questions about Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, or Wind Waker, I would be happy to answer them! Please feel free to request screenshots, recordings, or descriptions of places/people from BotW.
I also have a list of my favorite ZeldaTubers if you're looking for quality playthroughs or theory/analysis videos!
I am very tolerant of all ships except those that are unacceptable in canon. For example: LU Fable is not confirmed to be Legend's sister so even though I like the sibling headcanon, I am also fine with the ship. And for Ravio, he is not confirmed to be a literal copy of Link so I am respectful whether you ship them or not (I think Raviolink is cute but you're encouraged to block the respective tags according to personal preference). But if you ship Urbosa/Zelda or Bozai/Link, kindly keep that out of my circle. Everything on my blog that is clearly ship-related is appropriately tagged for your viewing/blocking pleasure.
My ask box is open and anon is on! Just don't be a butt. You won't get the privilege of interaction.
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leschanceux · 1 year
☕✨ memes from the tea room: nsfw version ✨☕ feel free to change pronouns where necessary!
that sounds like the porn parody version of magneto, sir
happy holidays here’s messaging you should get some bitches
our dms are raw, but they're wet enough with my tears
[ name ]’s fisting class 101; if you think you have enough lube, you need more
what i've learned tonight, if a dick is as fat as a zucchini you're good
Idk if y’all keep talking about barrel sized dicks, I might fall of the grid & join a convent
I mean, if you're comfortable with having someone's thigh in your asshole, by all means
No fucks given, all the fucks given
Basically you want a friend you want to fuck who wants to fuck you back.
listen, I am ALWAYS here to hear about some Dick
does being slightly demonic make one more or less hot? asking for a friend
I sneezed once and nearly broke a man's dick
Tentacles aren't always for porn.
“Okay but here’s the real question - as a middle aged white guy, does he wear salmon colored shorts, slap you on the ass, & call you sport?”
this is the first time i feel like i genuinely need to censor an actual eggplant
someone said dude dicks and i've been summoned
I was going to say "you mean you didn't before?", but then I remembered you're a lesbian.
for some reason i just wanna say BOOBIES
hey everyday can be sinday if you checks notes sin
like I'm going to argue with anything with ass in the name
Aren't the dicks cold there?
Yes it is the universal law of dicks.
dick research is important
don't stick your dick in crazy and don't allow the crazy to stick their dick in you
wait gotta get back to nsfw...... dick
listen, no fandom can escape the monsterfuckers
a single fuck can tip the balance ... that sounds really wrong out of context
what's better than sex? cracking your back and feeling it pop back into alignment and be blissfully pain free for the first time in eight hours
No day is safe from buttholes
yes but you have to clean up butt puckers off your countertops
I mean, it's no "the dog stole my dick, again" story, but it was funny.
Porn au naturel if you will
SHEIN edition bad dragon
my curiosity is piqued, please share the viagra fact
Just submit to your god intended right to limp dick, damn
Cis men would probably rather do the stabby stabby than put a strap on lmao
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empresslesbiace · 2 years
Ok! So I thought this would be better as a separate post! This is a continuation of my AU for Descendants which is here:
(I’ve never linked posts before despite being on this website for literal years lmao so if this doesn’t work don’t judge me and I’m sorry!)
Anyways this is a reply to the question from @kelloggs4cereal about the other VKs! I have too much to say so,,, separate post!
Ok I know I said none of the VKs really know eachother or that they might belong to a group of other VKs who are treated like the heroes of their parents stories once were and while I think that’s still true I’d like to think that the main four are still a little group maybe? Maybe they have alliances apart from others because all 4 of them are actually really powerful people among the VKs of the isle.
Ok so Mal. First off,, I feel like we should definitely keep the whole “her name is maleficent but she isn’t allowed to use that name so she goes by Mal” because of the angst factor and the fact that that is def egotistic and abusive so it’s furthers the point that Auradon is shitty for leaving these kids here. But also, I think that isn’t her name maybe? Fae are particular about names. I don’t think Maleficent was even Maleficents real name in the first place. Maybe Mals name is something entirely different. Like Mallory or maybe even something completely apart from the “m” naming like Reyna or something idk.
I also feel like we need to elaborate on Mal being fae of some sort. Like I need the rules to apply here, she can’t lie, doesn’t like rudeness, names have power, etc etc. I also feel like she needs to have more inhuman features. I mean she can turn into a dragon cmon, she needs to have pointed ears, sharper teeth. I want her to look uncannily human. Yknow the whole that’s-not-a-deer? That. I want that for Mal. Idk if I want her to be a demigod with the whole Hades situation. I feel like we’re going into overpowered territory. But if she was, then the tragedy of Greek demigods looms over her. Most of them had a terrible fate? That’s always gonna loom over her. She’d be second oldest in the VK group.
There’s some fanfics that elaborate at least a little on the aspect of her being inhuman! A good one is this:
To elaborate on her appearance, I’d say her hair changes color sometimes but like,, extremely subtly. Her hair is blue one minute but looks sorta purple the next? It’s strange,, and no one can ever get a grasp of the color. Her teeth are sharper and her eyes are,, uncanny? It looks like her eyes are false. Like there’s something there she doesn’t want you to see. I feel like something similar would happen with Jane and the Fairy Godmother. (I can elaborate on those two if y’all want) Generally, I think Mal would be scary to be around because she’s Other. She dresses in clothes that no one knows the origin of. Almost like it’s from the fae realm? But no one knows how she got it. Words to describe Mal? Unsettling. Uncanny. Other.
Next would be Carlos. I know y’all think Carlos is the youngest! I say he’s not. 101 Dalmatians came out in 1961 so he’s second youngest cause I’m going with ages by when movies came out. Ok so I feel like there has to be a reason that Cruella is hanging around the others. Because doesn’t it confuse you? You’ve got The Evil Queen, OG Disney villain? Maleficent, terrifying dragon fae. Jafar tried to take over a kingdom with a political scheme. Cmon! Why is Cruella here? Yes, she skinned and killed Dalmatians. But compared to trying to take over a kingdom, cursing a baby and subsequently the future of a kingdom, and trying to poison and kill your stepchild and your only heir,,, that doesn’t really track??
Now I was going to say she did something fucked up and skinned a human,,, and that’s why she hangs with the big dogs. But on the other hand,, what if she didn’t? What if she killed dogs and that wasn’t enough to get her in the group so now she’s one of the lesser villains. What if Cruella doesn’t hang out with any of the big villains? So now we have Carlos who somehow ended up with the VKs, children of terrifying villains who are terrifying themselves and made a alliance group thing. Why is he with them?
I say Carlos is a genius inventor type. He’s known for his inventions and metal making. He can make traps like no other. Years of studying traps after his mother locks him in the closets with all her traps and shit. He’s made traps that have caught some of the strongest on the isle. He’s damn good at it. Got a whole ass business that he runs with Jay (we’ll get to that soon) but anyways, he’s smart. Smart af. This gets him on the radar of Mal, Evie, and Jay. That’s how he gets to be part of the group.
Now for his looks, I say he’s pretty similar to how he is in the movies. Except I think he’d wear more black and dirtied white and less red. I think the red would be from bloodstains. I think maybe there’s some animals on the isle, or there were, and Cruella killed them all and made a market on the skins with someone else working with the meat (or that she has a market and her place has loads of animals she breeds for their leather and stuff) so a lot of Carlos outfit is real leather and dyed black because Cruella is worried about the looks of their business (black is known for sleekness and professionalism and also we can’t forget that the isle gets scraps so some scraps are worked in as well)
His hands would be calloused and scarred from working with hot metals and skinning animals for his mothers business all day. He’s good with knives because that’s what he uses to skin animals and good with tools because he uses that for his own trap making business. He’s smart, he’s an inventor, and he’s damn powerful on the isle.
The youngest is Jay. Now I say his real name isn’t Jay. Take in mind, the Aladdin story is Arabic as far as I’m aware. I don’t know much about the culture. I also don’t fully know all of the cultures that the story of Aladdin is based on. There’s a lot of influences from China and Middle Eastern countries in the original story I’m pretty sure? Idk. I’m not the person to go to about culture perspectives on the story, so I’m not gonna say much. I just think there should be more in the story about culture, especially with Jay. Maybe his real name is something like Jabr? Idk. Like I said, no clue on culture but I feel like it should definitely be a influence on his design, especially his outfit.
Red and black would be major two colors. I read that traditional Syrian and Jordanian clothing was red and black and I also know that Jafars original Disney design is definitely red and black so that’s what we’re going with. Idk about culture, so if any of this is wrong I sincerely apologize. This is all what I’m getting from Google and we all know Google can be wrong a lot. I cant say much on Jays outfit tbh. It would definitely be better suited to someone who knows more on the culture and can design something light and airy that can be suited for parkour (I definitely think Jay is good at that so his clothing would be light) while also being true to his culture.
Now I like the concept of Jay actually being Aladdin and Jasmines son and not Jafars. That Jafar stole him from them as some sort of last huzzah against Aladdin and Jasmine when he got sent to the isle. This fic goes over the concept perfectly and is honestly my favorite fic in the fandom:
Anyways, I like the thought that Jay is still a bit of a street rat and he steals things but I don’t think Jafar has a shop or that Jay learned to steal from Jafar. Jafar wasn’t a thief, Aladdin was. Jafar was a political mastermind in the 1992 movie. He was plotting to take control of a kingdom within and he used magic to do it! He had that staff and all that. I’m fairly sure he was some sort of sorcerer. At the end of the first movie, he was turned into a genie and then trapped within the bottle and the rules of being a genie. I feel like if Jay is Jafars biological son, that would affect him. He’d be slightly Other as well. But if he wasn’t, then he wouldn’t be. But he would still learn politics from Jafar. Jay would 100% be a business savy dude.
This goes into the business he has with Carlos. Carlos sells the traps and Jay helps him run the whole business and is a mastermind on the isle. He runs deals with everyone, including the pirate crew and some of the top villains and VKs of the isle. He gives me Cassim (from Aladdin 3) vibes. Cassim obviously knew how to run a group (he was the king of thieves for a reason yall that title was earned) I say he runs a thieving group on the side.
He’s got long hair, definitely. He keeps it out of his eyes with a ribbon or something maybe, we’ll see. Scars on his face from scuffles he gets in (any scuffles he can’t win with his silver tongue at least) You can’t trust him, ever. He’ll either steal from you outright (and you won’t notice) or he’ll manipulate you into giving him your items for a deal that later proves to mean nothing. He’s dangerous and sly and a business man to his core.
I feel like all the VKs are not heroes nor are they villains. The world isn’t black and white but Auradon makes is out to be and the villains fall into that same trap. All the VKs are sorts morally grey? I feel like Evie is the nicest but she’s also the most ruthless when she feels her justice is deserved. Mal is Other and Strange and her rules are different than a humans rules would be. She hates rudeness and can’t lie but knows loopholes and tricks like no one else. Carlos knows how to invent terrifying traps and can use a knife really well. Jay is a sly business man who can and will trick you out of hearth and home if given the chance. They’re all dangerous, and that’s what makes them the most powerful VKs on the isle (followed closely by the pirate ship gang, albeit idk much about them in canon but I can elaborate on some ideas for them if y’all want.)
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
60 & 64 from the 101 dragon age questions ✨
(From this ask game!)
60. Who do you wish had been given more story? Serault my beloved. The marquis(e) de Serault is one of the most fascinating characters in the whole franchise to me, and the way they get shoved into one browser game that got shut down is a real shame. The great-grandchild of a famed abomination who once helped the Grey Wardens seal Corypheus, the ruler of a tiny marquisate in the ass-end of Orlais on the very edge of the Tirashan that's basically Thedas's version of Fallen London (or Night Vale, if you prefer)? Yes please, I'd like a full game about that.
64. Favorite achievement? Hm... "I'm Kind of a Big Deal" from DAO, just because I love the name. It's the achievement for getting through the whole game without the Warden ever falling in battle, so naturally I don't have it, but the name is fun.
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abelas · 1 year
for the da ask me: 15, 33, 34 and 64 👀
thank youuuuu love!!!
15. Favorite DA:O companion overall?
Shale!!!! Shale made me laugh soooo much on my first playthough. They're my favourite 🥺
33. Favorite DA character overall?
Oh god. There's soooo many characters I loooove!!! If i had to choose it's gotta be either Dorian or Alistair. Ugh god. That was so hard.
34. Least favorite character?
64. Favorite achievement?
Surviving the fade more than one time in origins sdnjkfnsdkjfns not even just by way of gameplay I just mean mentally bc y'know. That part sucked
101 Dragon Age Questions
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
Didn't Viserys do that anyway in naming Rhaenyra over Daemon, and later retaining her as his heir over Aegon?
Not to the same extent. There's precedent for daughters before uncles in Andal-First Man succession in a way. One of the things that muddies the Dance of the Dragons is that both Rhaenyra and Aegon II have a logical succession path that favors them, and both have precedent, more or less. Whereas the Great Council of 101 was seen by observers and participants as banning the Iron Throne to a female claimant or a male claimant to the female line, that was only a suggestion, and there was still the competing claim of naming the heir which was used in later eras in Targaryen as a potential threat.
Claims were not ironclad in the medieval ages, though respect for precedent and the desire not to have a bloody civil war every time the king died did attempt to codify and enforce a succession tradition.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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asofiaf · 2 years
we're back! by which I mean i've always been here but i am now going to be talking once again about a tv show set in the ASoIaF universe. For obvious reasons episode discussions contain spoilers, both for the episode itself and for future events to the extent that they follow the plot of (the relevant chapters of Fire & Blood/The Princess and the Queen/The Rogue Prince) and I remember what those events are. I did not review the source material ahead of time and it has been a bit since i read any of those.
House of the Dragon, episode 1
This is worth saying, at least once: they know how to make things pretty. They don't always choose to, but they certainly know how to. The aerial shot of King's Landing from dragonback, the dragon skulls, the soundtrack, they are all gorgeous and I have no complaints.
So, we start with a brief scene on the Great Council of 101 AC, which is important context for what follows. We learn why Rhaenys is The Queen Who Never Was, we have the important background fact that Viserys becoming king set a precedent against women inheriting, we're told very clearly that a succession crisis Is Bad.
(there is more that can be said about the Great Council scene; in particular, the show does not address the question of Laenor, Rhaenys' young son, and simply reduces the conflict to Rhaenys vs Viserys. Laenor will be important later! I think. Would be very weird if he wasn't)
Succession Crisis Bad is reinforced throughout the episode with the presence and discussion of dragons; it's not an external threat that the Targaryens are afraid of, because of the overwhelming military advantage that having multiple dragonriders is. It's internal conflict that concerns them; an unclear succession, an unfit king.
(that being said, they do also set up the Triarchy and the pirates in the Stepstones. This Will Be Important Later On.)
The episode does in general a good job of telling you what the conflict is:
Westeros is a patriarchal, misogynistic society that primarily values noble women for their value in producing children, and mostly male heirs at that. You probably knew that already, but here's a bunch of reminders just in case.
King Viserys wants a son, because see above, and does not have one. And after the death of his wife (in childbirth, obviously), it does not look like he is going to get one.
Viserys' brother Daemon is his heir presumptive, and also terribly unfit for the job (HotD said ACAB).
Viserys' daughter Rhaenyra is a woman, and so the legitimacy of her rule would be profoundly questioned, especially given the precedent that put Viserys himself on the throne.
The succession must be clear.
Looking at these considerations, Viserys says fuck my brother, he sucks, Rhaenyra is the heir. Is this the right choice? Given the facts at hand, I would say yes. But the facts at hand will change eventually, we have not finished setting up the conflict. We'll talk about that when it happens, though the seeds are already here.
other things:
-I think the friendship between Alicent and Rhaenyra is show-only? Certainly the details have changed; they are shown as about the same age when canon!Alicent is ten years older than canon!Rhaenyra. The exact timeline has changed a bunch, I am not criticising that just observing it, but it looks like they're setting up the upcoming conflict as a extra tragic because of the intimate friendship they share now.
i am not calling this lovers-to-enemies i expect they want to reserve that for the Criston Cole/Rhanyera plot but how else do you want me to intrepret that scene with Rhaenyra's head in Alicent's lap
-The dilemma Viserys faces, given the option to kill his wife to save his son, is an interesting character moment. By which I mean: if Viserys has a tragic flaw (and he has many), it will be his refusal to address the problems brewing at his court after his first son is born. Is that something like a reflection of this? He tried to save his son and he ends up with nothing, so later on he refuses to choose his son over his daughter, a woman and his late wife's daughter? I don't know. I'd have to see how the show frames Viserys' choices once Aegon is in the picture.
-The prophecy thing. I don't know. They don't tell us a lot about it; if it is only transmitted by a ruling monarch to his heir this raises questions about how exactly this information got to Jaehaerys; Aenys? Maegor? But probably this is poetic license and there are actual records written down somewhere; this is in fact how we are told Rhaegar learned it, in canon.
We know of a bunch of phrases associated with the prophecy: "the prince that was promised", "the dragon has three heads", "the song of ice and fire"; only the last of these comes up. The other two don't, but then, this is set in the same universe as Game of Thrones, and the dragon did not have three heads there. Because fuck Benioff and Weiss. Sorry, had to say that at least once, it's in my contract.
Will this matter at all? Probably not, is my guess. I think this was just mentioned once for the tie-in to the events of GoT. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see what they can do with it that's interesting.
Anyway. House of the Dragon: it's not terrible yet! Who knows what they'll do with it.
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for the dragon age questions: 28, 81 and 101 (if asking more than one is okay 😅)
It is always okay! 💕 Thank you! 😊
28. Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste?
Oooh. That’s a tricky one, because I recently started the Inquisition playthrough which I plan to be my canon one but decided last minute to change the planned Inquisitor. This one is painfully well adjusted and I have a hard time figuring her out sometimes.
Regardless, she does not believe in Andraste and does not like being used as a symbol, especially by the Chantry. She is also not a fan of everyone going “Oh, yeah, ‘cause you’re Dalish and have your own gods.” because quite frankly she doesn’t believe in those either, think they’re more of a cultural/symbolic thing etc. but has no patience to argue with literally everyone. 
81. Favorite fanfic?
Already answered it here. But I’m gonna use this opportunity to share my second favorite fic:  Paper and Cotton by calligraphypenn (Fenris/Anders)
101. If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?
“I’m a fan of your work, please don’t kill me.” 😁
I’m always happy to get more asks, the full list of questions for this ask game is here.
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morganlefaye79 · 3 years
I raise you 8, 32, 37, 67, 73 and 77 too for the DA asks!
That was fun! 😊
8. Preferred class overall?
Origins: Warrior
DA2 +DAI: Mage
32. Favorite DLC mission overall?
Witch hunt when your OC romances Morrigan.
The descent from DAI
37. Bloodmagic: yes or no?
Yes, as long as it doesn't harm others.
67. Best non-OC quote?
Sten: "The cake is a lie"
73. Favorite OST song(s)?
DAO: Grey warden song (Because Corvus Corax)
DA2: Destiny of love
DAI: A world torn asunder
77. What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels?
When I remember my first playthrough (Dwarf Noble, romanced Alistair because of course she did) he just broke up, then I couldn't agree that Morrigan sleeps with him and I died. I was angry and sad at the same time! That is a very weird feeling.
Now you know why I am fixated on a human noble origin 😇
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kinlochhold · 4 years
1, 14, 97! :)
Awww... TY for askin’! :)
1. How did you get into Dragon Age?
I was a bit of a latecomer to the series, not picking up DA:O until the Fall of 2010. I’d been playing Morrowind (my first cRPG!) for about a year as an escape after my Dad passed away, and was raving to an acquaintance about how amazing the open world was and in particular how much I adored a companion mod I was using (Kateri’s Julan, Ashlander companion). She said if I like companions-with-stories, I should check out something called Dragon Age: Origins.
I did a little bit of research and thought it sounded interesting, so I took a chance on the Ultimate Editon, which had just been released... I made a Tabris Warden, and by the time she’d been conscripted into the Grey Wardens, I was hopelessly in love with the game.
14. Favorite DA:O party combo?
I am so very boring, and almost always default to Team Andraste when I use a full party: Alistair, Leliana, Wynne. Lots of the time I just run around with Alistair and Dog, though.
97. What’s your favorite DA mod?
Favorite mod I didn’t make was Cmessaz’s Improved Romance Scenes - Alistair. My first playthrough was a unholy mess of broken plot flag disappointment, and IRS-A fixed the mess in subsequent runs. (Now that the mod isn’t available, I can’t see myself ever playing DAO again, so essential is it to my install.) (Runners-up would probably be Risi’s lovely Inquisition hair ports, tmp7704′s female proportions fix, Entopie’s epic Loincloth Fashion package, that Vaddi-esque additem script for DAO, and the No Dust Buildup mod for DAI. My needs are simple. :))
Favorite mod I did make is either my Alistair morph, Moira Cousland’s revenge albatross, or the ridiculous Shartanigans. .
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animatedpileofbones · 5 years
DA q's!! 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 25, 33, 34, 37, 40, 42, 47, 51, 52, 60, 63, 66, 77, 78, 79, 98, and 99~! (◠‿◠✿)
eli i love you man here we go, this is long sorry but i have a Lot To Say! i literally wrote like 1500 words for these so it’s under a readmore.
1 how did you get into dragon age
i was on tumblr when inquisition came out and a lot of my friends and mutuals at the time suddenly became dragon age blogs for a while (some still are, howdy!) yEARS later i found origins on discount at gamestop and decided to check it out and whoops now i’m a fucking mess forever :)
4 about my warden(s)
My first, and most recently rehashed* warden was Gwinek, she was a casteless dwarf rogue, dual wielder. I didn’t know there were specific temperaments in this game like in 2 but I play her as gruff but fiercely loyal. She would do almost anything for her friends and sister, but is very naive in matters of magic. She romanced Leliana.
*rehashed because I came to the series completely blind, and as such made some not so great choices the first time around.
I also have an elven mage, named Lemmen, she was also a big helpy helperton but slow to trust. She romanced Alistair and I don’t like to think about that sacrifice. :’)
5 about my hawke(s)
My first Hawke was Marcel, a dual wielding rogue and I played him purple. He is big into his friends, obviously, but mostly just wants to be liked despite the fact that he is accidentally an asshole sometimes. He romanced Fenris. All my Hawkes romance Fenris. I love Fenris just so much and I keep telling myself one of these times I’m going to romance Isabela but then Fenris walks in all drama and vengeance and I’m just too gay to handle it. My latest Hawke was Lucien, a… purple dual-wielding rogue. He erred on the side of blue, though, whereas Marcel was vaguely red, so. Not Entirely the same but view my problem, especially going into...
6 about my inquisitor(s)
My first inquisitor was Vodahl Cadash, a… dwarven dual-wielding rogue. :) He was pretty anti-chantry but was also more invested in taking care of his crew than making enemies, preferring to let Josephine handle PR and just say what she told him to say while he supported his team as he saw fit. He lived for life on the road, mostly, an adventurer type, but whatever his inner circle needed, they got. He romanced The Iron Bull, because I’m a thirsty thirsty bitch. I rehashed the dwarven rogue in Heraht, this time romancing Dorian; Heraht was much more enamored with surface life, not necessarily Ferelden-style though. He was well manicured and a bit on the sarcastic side of charming. Right now i’m playing a human sword-and-shield warrior, Errol Travellyan, and he is accidentally just Dorian But From The Free Marches in personality. He can be easily frustrated, I play him fairly no nonsense at times but he’s trying to maintain his Approachable Facade. He’s…. also romancing Dorian OH NO
7 favorite origins backstory
Oooh this is tough because I love Leliana so much, and Alistair just makes me cry all the time I Love That Man, ooh this is tough but I think I have to say Morrigan. She is a story gift that keeps on giving, and I think this is because of what we learned in Inquisition. Without that info, I think… OH NO WAIT IT’S SHALE, HANDS DOWN IT’S SHALE
11 best hawke quote
it’s not specifically a quote but when you bring the viscount’s son back in act 1 and you can either keep your mouth shut about their disagreement or Well Actually yourself into that conversation, that’s my favorite.
14 favorite origins party combo
Before you get Shale, it’s Alistair, Leliana, and the dog. After Shale, it’s Shale, Leliana, and either Zevran or Alistair.
17 mabari name
In Origins, I named the mabari after a person from the backstory. For Gwinek it was Leske to keep her friend with her even now. For Lemmen it was Jowan, because at least the mabari would never let her down. In DA2, it was a family pet, so for Marcel it was named Champion, and for Lucien it was Handsome Cal, and you can envision all sorts of titles in there but I didn’t have enough characters. Lord Handsome Cal Esquire III (he was the first)
25 favorite inquisition place
It’s the Hissing Wastes for sure. It’s always dusk, it’s so vast and beautiful. I love just hanging out there.
33 favorite dragon age character overall
Hey Eli? I hate this question! I am doing my current playthrough solely for the benefit of Leliana this is true. But I have a horrible weakness for two (2) men, Fenris and The Iron Bull, I can’t choose between them, and also Varric, and, asdlfjasdf how could you do this to me? I also identify very heavily with Dorian, and, I’m going to just cry instead of answer this, how about that?
34 least favorite character
Oh it’s Anders no doubt, no question, I hate him. I hate him so much. Like don’t get me wrong, I am in full support of mages taking back their space in Thedas, I just. Have known guys like Anders and the way he hits on f!Hawke like immediately after his intro quest, y’know where we had to kill his boyfriend? felt so bad and just turned my mild irritation into full-on hate.
37 blood magic yes/no
40 moment/action i regret in game
Just like everything with the ending of Origins. I don’t prefer to do the ritual with Morrigan because I tend to play women which means I need to coerce Alistair into doing it and I did that for exactly two savestates (one being my Cousland because I wanted to see how that went and then the first time around with Gwinek) thinking “this is the best long term post-game choice! Neither of us have to die! And I’m not even making him be king!” despite it sitting bitterly in the back of my mind the rest of the series. then comes Inquisition and the full consequences of my actions hit me like a brick in the face and I eventually scrapped that playthrough and went back and didn’t be a shithead shitbag, replaying Gwinek entirely so that choice wouldn’t have even begun to make sense to her. I regret that so much.
42 who do i wish i could romance
47 best antagonist
Arl Rendon Howe from Origins, cos he was voiced by Tim Curry and that was just so sexy of a choice. In all seriousness though, Meredith from da2.
51 favorite warden/hawke/inq headcanon any/all
Lucien Hawke routinely had sleepovers at his estate in Hightown. He tried to a couple times while living with Gamlen, but everyone was too sad to indulge him.
Heraht nearly breaks up with Dorian on a near weekly basis whenever Dorian accidentally lumps him in with the Fereldens re: hygiene. Also, not a headcanon but just the way I played but the two of them absolutely had coordinating outfits at all times.
Gwinek shared tents with Wynne most nights, finding in Wynne the mother she wished she and Rica would have had.
Also with Gwinek, she may have helped her sister’s paramour become king but she doesn’t trust him half as far as she can throw him and comes down to Orzammar on the regs to make sure he’s treating Rica right, and he knows damn well that Gwinek put him into that throne and she Will take him back out of it, and he can’t do shit without risking absolute chaos. 
This is also a good time to mention my ot3s: Hawke/Fenris/Isabela, Heraht/Dorian/Bull
52 favorite npc headcanons
Fenris took to reading rather easier than Hawke would have guessed, only Hawke didn’t know just how well Fenris had taken to it until years into their relationship because Fenris thought the “lessons” were cute.
The Iron Bull introduced hot cocoa to Skyhold and literally changed so many lives in that moment; quartermaster Morris pulled so many strings to get marshmallows in, and when they arrived the first time the celebration was almost a riot.
60 who do i wish had been given more story
Weird to say for the woman who had her own Origins DLC and also was pivotal in Inquisition, but Morrigan. She’s just really interesting to me. Also, Warden Stroud. I think he was just there to be the Easy Low Stakes Choice to leave in the Fade honestly but I hated not having a reason to care about him. I didn't play any da2 dlc tho.
63 best story moment
This is tough? I enjoyed the landsmeet in origins. I think most of da2 was great story. Except Orsino obviously. I think I’m just going to point to all of da2. Yeah.
66 something i hate about any of the games
it can’t seem to decide how it feels about the qunari. also that there are characters that absolutely are not straight that the writers decided Actually, Despite Everything, They Are Straight Actually :’)
77 what moment/memory still gives me chills/feels
Definitely definitely Dorian’s confrontation with his dad. That was so well acted, I felt that pain and betrayal so viscerally. It hurts every time. As for a different brand of chills, y’know when if you seduce The Iron Bull and stuff finally starts happening there, and he lifts the inquisitory by the wrists in One Hand and remember I was playing a dwarf, oo golly that shit is All I Need In Life
78 what am i hoping for in da4
More magic and Old Gods and stuff! More Morrigan? Familiar faces!
79 what am i worried about for da4
Familiar faces! :’) Also just so heavyhanded “morally gray” issues that is actually just bad edgy writing. Worried we will be racelocked like in 2 :(
98 if i could be any non human da species which/why
Dwarf, because halflings don’t exist in thedas and dwarves are fairly industrious as a culture
99 where would i live
Despite what I just said, I would probably live somewhere in the Free Marches! Kirkwall ended up pretty fucked and I am absolutely biased because da2 was my favorite.
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years
8. Preferred class overall? and 79. What are you worried about for DA4?
101 Dragon Age Questions
8. Preferred class overall? I always end up playing a rogue first. It’s just the way I am. I just really love rogues as a class for the most part, and in most RP games I start there then branch out. 
As far as playstyle in game, I prefer mages and ranged rogues.
But part of my preference has to do with the way mobs in DA behave. They dance around a lot more than they do in some other games, I think specifically because there are four people competing for threat. It can make melee mechanics a little wonky. So, in DA I tend to stick to ranged characters.
79. What are you worried about for DA4?Gosh, I’ll be honest, I’m not even sure. I think one thing I’m really worried for is that there will be a jarring character change with characters brought forward from the other games like what happened with Anders from Awakenings to DA2. It was jarring and shocking to see that shift in the way he behaved--I mean it was eventually explained away, but it was really startling for me.
I’m just hoping that the story is strong and the gameplay remains interesting and fun. 
I actually try not to worry about games. It gets me anxious, so I don’t end up paying much mind to what’s happening. 
All I really know right now is that there is another one, and it’s supposed to line up with the conclusion of DA:I.
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