#Abel tag
atom-writings · 3 months
hello! how would netherlands, luxembourg and russia like to spend their honeymoon with their s/o? or, what would the wedding look like?
hetalia netherlands, luxembourg, and russia wedding / honeymoon headcanons
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0.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: guys im trying to get back on schedule :sob: i have asks from almost a year im so sorry
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When it comes to Abel, neither his wedding nor honeymoon would be big.
For the wedding, there’s no more than, like, 5 people invited. He would’ve preferred a sudden in-and-out wedding if it weren’t for how public it was, regardless of how un-romantic it is for you.
Instead, you can invite people if you want, and you’ll be having a quick, private ceremony in the woods. Probably only with nothing, except like, 2 chairs for “an emergency” (He won’t elaborate on that.)
He also wouldn’t dress up either way, unless it were vitally important to you. He wants to be as true to who he is when he vows to be with you for as long as you live, and he is not a tuxedo guy.
Weirdly enough, it’s how much he cares about the wedding that makes him so weird about it. It’s very important to him, and that means everything has to be as authentic and intimate as possible. So, that means a weird awkward wedding.
Of course, that’s just if he gets his way. But he’s surprisingly lenient with his S/O with most things (as long as it’s not too expensive.)
For future reference, he is most susceptible to puppy dog eyes and “pretty please.”
As for the honeymoon, there’s no way he’s putting any effort into it. You can plan it, but he’s not paying and he’s not helping you guys get there. His ideal honeymoon is a night in and watching a movie he pirated, but whatever you want is fine too.
What he wants to do though is a lot of cliche boring stuff, like going sightseeing, hiking, and visiting museums. Notice how all of it is free? That’s the main idea here. Although, he does love camping regardless of how cheap it ends up being. Lets him show you how much of a man he is <3
He’s not travelling though. Leaving the country is out of the question. The important part already happened, why are you making such a big deal out of it?!
The exact opposite. Laurent is renting out a significant chunk of his capital city to throw the biggest, most extravagant, most expensive modern wedding in the world! He may be a busy man, but he’s always willing to put away plenty of time for his beloved.
If you like planning events, you two will work together for many months making sure everything is perfect. But if you don’t, he’ll take it all on himself to ensure everything goes perfectly.
But with that, he’ll become really stressed. He wouldn’t snap at you (because after all, it is all for you,) but he’s no fun when he’s that worked up. It’s better if you help.
Especially since he wants your wedding to have great symbolic meaning. Having it represent the shared vision of your future together is his first- well… second priority.
The honeymoon afterwards would be much the same, although he also wouldn’t want to travel too far. Once the spectacle is over, he just appreciates the excuse to do nothing but spend time with you without any pressure.
Preferably trying a bunch of new food, going shopping, and going to stereotypical couple-y activities, like dance classes.
He may seem upbeat, but Laurent is surprisingly melancholic around the time of your wedding. For as excited as he is (which is very,) he can’t help but feel worried about how much time he’ll have with you.
But it shouldn’t get him down too much. He's still riding the high of seeing you in your wedding attire <3
Ivan would want a very, very, very traditional Russian wedding if you’d be fine with that. Unlike a lot of other nations, he’s never been married before, so he’s very stressed about getting to do every single thing he never got to before.
You’d swear he abandoned you for months before the wedding as he’s panickedly running around the country trying desperately to throw everything together. Half the ceremonies he wants to do haven’t been done for centuries, and he really doesn’t understand why he can’t have live cannon fire at his wedding!
Maybe just pat him on the head and tell him you’ll love him even if you can’t sacrifice 20 goats during the ceremony.
But once the stress (and awkwardness as all of his former friends are forced to attend,) is over, he’s whisking you away for a months-long vacation. Preferably somewhere bright and warm but really; he doesn’t care where you want to go, anywhere is alright, as long as it’s far away from everything you two have to worry about regularly.
His favourite things to do with you while on vacation are really stereotypical, like going to the beach, going to scenic locations, and falling into every tourist trap.
He tries to be as romantic as possible through all of that, but he can’t help being awkward and giddy after you two are finally married.
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reasonablyneurotic · 1 month
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art block is getting bad so have experimental wingbeat Abel
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raouwul · 9 months
DAY 9! Cain
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She is one of the twins! So a little background before the post arc: Me and lemons wanted twins, so we commissioned our cults to collaborate and create Cain and Abel! What we didn’t know is that they were SPECIFICALLY programmed to be “perfect leaders”, since Tapist sucks ass and they need to replace him. Abel was the smarts, to govern things while Cain was made for military and fighting stuff! But like the thing isss that they shared a tub and like??? Abel started to absorb her? THEY STOPPED THE MERGING. OF COURSE. But the damage was already done, Abel is both stronger and more perfect while her body is weaker and frail.And of course it HAS to be 50% worse because now her brains biological programming is messed up so now it’s in a *constant* state of fight or die! That just makes her VERY VERY PARANOID AND VIOLENTLY AGGRESSIVE TO EVERYONE! EVEN THE YOUNGER SIBLINGS. But then she meets Angeli! And of course she’s secretly a descendant of fucking JAY C CHRIST so her holy presence relieves Cain’s pain and they start dating! Obviously neither of them know they aren’t ‘human’ and everything is going great! Cain is improving and a lot nicer!!!
Untillll Abel is manipulated by Diandra intoaccidentally reveals that our whole family is monstrous abominations to god to Angeli and her Family! That causes lots of chaos and gets the fucking church and angels to start a fucking WAR, that OBVIOUSLY ruins Cain’s mental stability and relationship! She goes and attacks Abel to try and kill him but like shit happens and she dies instead! Abel is a CARING and GOOD sibling so he mourns her and like? Diandra takes advantage of the chaos and pulls a whole civil war in the cult to gain power and hunts the whole family into hiding.
I haven’t worked out the rest of the details but maybe Abel and Lemons go to hell to look for her and try to get some demons to fight for them? Not sure ……… (Abel is created by @genderlesslemons !!!)
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clever-and-unique-name · 11 months
So in the pursuit of finding us a Fun Hobby that will Lessen Physical Restlessness, Abel spoke to Rei last night.
For context, Abel is very formal; she's a very Adult-y adult who speaks in a curt but polite way, wears black tie clothes, holds herself very rigid in good posture, and is very particular about conduct and responsibility. Rei is our wild child who spent most of her time outdoors, sees herself as being part animal, is very exuberant when she talks, and would drop a commitment in a heartbeat if it didn't sound fun.
So Abel consulting with Rei was...an interesting contrast. Rei bounced around Abel's office, gesticulating with her whole body as she explained the finer points of Fun and Excitement, while Abel sat stiffly at her desk, stern but attentively taking notes.
Anyway, we settled on buying rollerblades and protective gear that should get here some time next week. Jolly cooperation..?
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absoluteabsolem · 1 year
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this fixed me
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obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Hyperventilating for Archeros
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CWs: Half demon whumpee, Demon caretaker, (post) Possession whump, Familial whump, Whumpee assuming the worst, Whumpee believing he killed his found family (He didn’t, they’re fine), Self blaming whumpee, Hyperventilating leading to panic attack, names and brief descriptions of gore but no detail (none actually happen, result of whumpee assuming the worst), Whumpee and caretaker have a father son relationship
Note: Canon, AYYYY ONE WITH COMFORT! I think this is also the longest one so far :3c Also the ‘father’/’dad’ Archeros is referring to is his bio dad, Azradel (Who is also a demon) and not Lixue!
Archeros’s head was foggy as he was coming to his surroundings. Water was running, he was standing up, he was holding something. 
He brought his free hand up to his face to rub his eyes. His hand was wet but he freezes upon feeling his birthmark. 
It was cold and hard, a sign that his father is or was just possessing him. 
He lowered his hand so he could see where he was at. He was in the kitchen, in front of the sink. He was holding a knife under running water. 
Looking down at himself, he was wearing completely different clothes than he remembered. 
The only times he’s been in the situation was after his father possessed him and killed someone. Which means…
“Oh god..” Archeros whispers as he drops the knife, letting it loudly clatter in the metal sink. “No, no, no,no-” He backs up from the sink until his back hits the wall. 
He slid down to the ground as his breathing was quickening, he knew this would happen, he tried to warn them! They wouldn’t listen to him! He knew it, he knew he was going to hurt them, even if he didn’t want to he knew his dad would make him!
He was just starting to let his guard down! He was just starting to finally allow himself to open up! 
He puts his head in his hands, running his fingers into his hair.
Was it quick? Probably not, his dad hates him and so he probably hates them too. He probably made them suffer. Their bodies were probably upstairs, waiting for him to see them.
He can’t breathe, he doesn’t deserve to, not after what he just did.
Lixue’s ear twitches as he hears a loud clatter. “Seth, can I call you back? I need to go make sure everything is okay downstairs.” he asks into his phone. “Thank you, I’ll call you later, I hope you feel better soon. Talk to you later.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket. 
He makes his way to the stairs, slowly walking down them “Archeros?” He calls out. 
No response, but he could hear running water, sobbing, and gasps for air. 
He sped down the stairs into the kitchen where the source of the sound was.
He could see the sink was on and directly across from it was Archeros on the floor in a fetal position. He moves to the sink to turn it off, knowing that the background noise would be a hindrance when trying to calm the half demon down. 
He then turns his full attention to Archeros. “Archie?” He says, trying to get his attention. 
Archeros could feel himself shaking, breath catching in his throat with each sob causing him to need to gasp to try to get more air. 
He didn’t hear his name being called or the water stopping. His mind was too busy racing through what possible brutal scene could be waiting for him upstairs. Were they strung up and bled like pigs? Disemboweled? Decapitated with their heads on the bed posters?
When he feels something touch his right shoulder, he lets out a scream as he scrambles to the left, trying to get away from whatever was touching him. 
That was until he recognized it was a familiar face. A good familiar face that looked concerned. 
“Li- Lixue?” He asks breathlessly.
“Yeah, it’s me, Archie” Lixue confirms “What happened?” His voice was gentle. 
Archeros pushed himself back up so he was sitting up “I, I came to at the sink. I was washing a knife. And-” he swallowed, struggling to get the words out “And his symbol felt like he had just- I saw I had different clothes so I thought- I-” A sob cuts him off. 
“Did you think you hurt us?” 
He nodded.
“Oh Archie… Is it okay if I hug you?” 
“Please..” He replied with a weak voice.
Lixue moved closer to gently pull Archeros into a hug. 
The two sat mostly in silence, with the exception being the half demon’s own sobs and hiccups. 
“I thought he.. He made me kill you guys.” He managed to finally get out. 
Lixue runs one of his hands into Archeros’s hair “I promise you, neither him or you hurt any of us. Myra and Abel are at work right now.” He says, trying to reason with Archeros’s worries. “I can call them if you want. So that way you can hear that they’re okay. How does that sound?” 
Another nod.
The demon shifted, keeping one arm around Archeros while using his other hand to reach into his pocket for his phone. He dials Myra first, putting it on speaker phone.
It rings a few times before she picks up “Lixue, is something wrong?” She asks, he rarely called her when she was out at work unless it was an emergency. 
“Myra, I’m with Archeros right now. We just wanted to check in to make sure you’re alright.” He replied.
That told her everything, she let out a sigh “Yea, I’m fine. Listen, I'm questioning the last guy for today, on the way home how about I pick up those mini tarts that he likes?” 
Lixue felt him nod, he could feel that he was no longer shaking so the phone call must really be calming him down. “That sounds wonderful, thank you sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome dear. I’ll be home in a couple of hours. See you two then.” 
“Got it, see you then.”
Archeros managed to mutter out an ‘okay’ before Lixue hung up to then call Abel. 
“Yellow!” They answered, sounding chipper as always. 
“Purple-blue.” Lixue answered, they had a color response depending on the situation going on. 
“Hey Eliene, could you cover the register for a moment? Yea? Awesome, thank you, I’ll only be a moment.” Abel’s voice said a bit more distant from the phone as they talked to their co-worker. 
“What’s up?” They then ask
“Calling to check in if you’re alright.” Lixue answered
“Oh yeah! I’m fine! Working my shift at Claire’s, working register and stock today! No troubles here!” They answer, adding detail knowing that it would help Archeros. “Any plans for dinner tonight?” 
“Not yet.” Lixue started but Archeros moved so he could try to speak into the phone.
“Myra’s bringing home tarts.” Archeros sounded exhausted. 
“Tarts? Nice! I know those are your favorite! They’d be a good treat! How about I make orange chicken and rice for dinner?” They ask
“That’d be nice.” Archeros answered. 
“Consider it done! I’ll get started on that when I get home! See you then!” Abel says
“See you then.” Archeros replied
“See you when you get home!” Lixue replies before the phone call ends. 
He tucks the phone back into his pocket before looking at the half demon. “See? We’re all okay. You didn’t hurt anyone.” He reassured. 
“Thank you, Lixue.” Archeros said, his limbs felt heavy and his lungs hurt. He felt so tired. 
“You’re welcome, Archeros. Do you want to come upstairs with me so you can rest? That way if you have a nightmare you’ll see I’m still there and I’m okay.” Lixue offered
“Yes please.”
Lixue wraps his arms around Archeros and helps him to stand up before helping the half demon upstairs to take him to one of the bedrooms for him to lay down.
General content: @emmettnet​ , @thebluejaysworld​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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If you are dead, I am not alive. If I'm alive, you can't be dead. Oh, I hated you— But you were still my brother.
Cain & Abel. Wei Wuxian & Jiang Cheng. Sirius & Regulus.
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mossdoesartshit · 3 months
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@wabbyhazzy 's designs!
I had seen seth and abels designs (i reblogged them here), and then i visit the blog and !!! learn adam had FIVE whole kids!!!!!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!!! atleast i think thats what happened idk, ive not looked at the bible in years and who knows what all has been cut out throughout the years. REGARDLESS!!!! i saw all of them, and the immense want for making fanart was born
theyre pretty simple drawings (and i notice now ive missed seths necklace (despair)) but!!! i hope theyre enjoyable
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plus a small little bonus one. i like drawing sleep piles, so doing a small doodle of it was pretty fun
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rinsae1010 · 3 months
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good ship, i need to draw them more
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lampyri · 6 months
done :)
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atom-writings · 6 months
Привет! Я здесь впервые. Можно ли запросить какие-нибудь яндере хедканоны для Нидерландов, Швеции и Дании. Заранее спасибо!☆
hetalia netherlands, sweden, and denmark yandere headcanons
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: typical yandere tws, violence, unhealthy relationships
a/n: Привет!!!! Спасибо за быдет здесь ! Я буду писать по-английски, потому что мой русский только разговорный, извини ): hopefully soon i will be better lol
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Abel may not be a fatal Yandere, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.
It's unlikely that you would know him in the first place. Despite his striking appearance, he's never been the kind of person to socialize, much less make friends. You wouldn't remember how you met him, but he would remember how he met you.
You were walking across the street during a busy day, talking to whoever was on your phone. You blended easily into the crowd. The moment was anything but memorable, much less extraordinary. But it was just that for him.
You wouldn't even realize he had been following you until weeks later. You were returning from work when suddenly you felt large hands grabbing you from behind, and then everything went dark.
Your life after that was simple. Wake up in his countryside estate, do the housework, garden, sew, and cook until he returns. The home had to be completely spotless from top to bottom, or you would be punished.
Every single thing that you do from dawn to dusk must be perfect. Even the smallest speck of dusk, the tiniest malfeasance, was justification for him to drag you to the cellar by your hair.
There you would remain, naked and freezing, until he decided you truly understood the mistake you had made. To earn his respect, not only as a partner but as a person, you must be perfect.
Sometimes it's easy to believe that he doesn't love you.  Which is true, to an extent, as he's very forceful in his shaping of you. But... he does love you. Yes, he chose you because of your potential, but he still loves the things that make you...  you. Even if he never acts on that love.
Your relationship will be rather dry. He is not particularly violent, nor is he particularly attracted or affectionate towards you. Abel wants you to be his partner in life before he wants you to be a romantic partner.
Despite his unreasonably high standards for you, he'd be a pretty placid Yandere. He doesn't have a violent temper, and he does care for you genuinely. His ways of showing that are just... horrible.
Berwald is a... surprising Yandere, to say the least. He's very hard to predict, and understanding him is a task fit for nobody
You two were friends, neither close nor distant, when he fell in love. There would've been no way for you to know this, of course, considering how he barely acted like he liked you in the first place.
The way you found out was no more comforting. You were awoken in the middle of the night to find a handcuff around your wrist, tying you to your bed frame. And when you looked over, you were met with the daunting and unreadable face of Berwald.
Then, he explained what was going to happen. You were going to marry him, and you two would begin living together. No questions, no consideration of your own feelings, only... a statement. Then, he released you.
You tried to go to the police, only to receive absolutely no help. Seems like he had known you'd do that, and had prepared beforehand accordingly. By the time you returned to your home, your things were already gone and shipped to his home.
But once you accept your fate, Berwald is not very controlling. Yes, he expects you to love him and live with him, but whatever you want to do outside of that is totally fine with him. He's not overly paranoid, and can't seem to get upset with you over anything.
You're a free person, as long as you don't try to break up with him. Then, he may begin locking you in the house more often.
He's not very affectionate, but he loves spending time with you. Your voice is like music to his ears, and he can't get enough of hearing you talk. He loves every single part of you. He loves you so much that sometimes you worry you're the one manipulating him!
But when you bring up that concern, he won't dissuade you. It's better for him to be the victim in your eyes anyway. Maybe then you won't even think of another man, wracked with guilt over your actions... yes, that'd be perfect.
Mathias is a deceptive Yandere.
When you two are originally friends, you wonder if he could ever hurt anyone on purpose. But when he drags you kicking and screaming home after your latest escape attempt, you wonder if he could ever truly love anyone.
He's methodical about his Yandere tendencies. He isn't impatient or harsh, he makes you love him before he finally takes you home. By the time you're chained up in one of his spare rooms, he's made sure absolutely nobody would ever wonder where you went.
Your relationship is nothing more than a game to him. Yes, he loves you, but not as a boyfriend should. He loves your desperation, your weakness... there's nothing more fun to him than forcing you into more and more pathetic states.
He loves building you up just to tear you down. Somedays, he wakes you up with a kiss on your forehead and breakfast in bed. Other days, you're woken up by him picking you up out of bed and throwing you to the floor.
Mathias has quite a temper too. It doesn't come out quite often, but when it does, you're the target of all of his pent-up anger.
It's hard to tell if he's aware of his horrible thoughts. Sometimes, he acts like he doesn't realize he's hurting you. But other times, he's clearly torturing you on purpose.
Either way, you'll quickly learn it's better to just not cross him. Even when he's smiling, you never know when that facade could drop. Especially in front of his family, you've learned how to pretend everything's alright.
And if you truly escaped... you have no idea what he would do. That's almost a scarier thought than the reality of staying with Mathias.
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reasonablyneurotic · 4 months
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You guys can have this small thing I drew while I go insane over other guys
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daybr3akshell · 1 month
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been reading through @sm-baby 's carnival au and i love their desgins so much couldn't resist doodling the funky guys
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cherisheachother · 1 year
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hell bent plot summary
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fandom-trash-goblin · 3 months
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—your heart beats in my ribs and mine in yours
Wei Wuxian & Jiang Cheng: the golden core reveal
(part 1)
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meinoart · 2 months
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Just thought about posting my AbyssAbel art here too(?)
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