#Ahhhhhh already 10 pm
lgalacticjayl · 1 year
Ok Friday was super busy so heres my weekly Tango Live tweeting,
featuring my friend @fakezircon​ who i live tweeted to
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GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:58 PM do u want live tweets?
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM Yes
[10:59 PM] Who are you starting with
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM tango
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM Wait it’s obvious
[10:59 PM] Ha yeah
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 10:59 PM ..
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM Hehe
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM oh boy
[11:00 PM] only 15 minutes
[11:00 PM] they are pouring one out for skizz
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM I haven’t seen his ep actually
[11:00 PM] Might pull it up and watch as well
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:00 PM watch alonmg
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:01 PM augh "team TIE"
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:04 PM tango wanting to avoid tnt minecarts
[11:04 PM] team TIME?
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:04 PM hehe Martyn
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:05 PM hearing bombs while underground is wild
[11:05 PM] skyspagetti
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:05 PM I think we are near perfectly synced (edited)
[11:05 PM] you sent that as they said it in video
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM i will likely pause and go back periodically
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM fair
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:06 PM it's begun
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FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:07 PM I've seen 3 vids already
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:07 PM oo setting up a dripstone kill
[11:08 PM] immeditatly took down their own trap
[11:08 PM ]hahahah grian far away scream
[11:08 PM] OMG
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM ha
[11:08 PM] god, Grian's squawk there killed me
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM yeah that was really good
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:08 PM killed him too
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:09 PM seeing the tnt fall and then just a hole is wild
[11:09 PM] also they added titles
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:09 PM yeah!
[11:09 PM] bdubs
[11:10 PM] impulse finally got his revenge on bdubs
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:10 PM god
[11:12 PM] scar got spleefed
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM that kill is so fucking funny from martyn's video
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM all the spleefs are
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:12 PM oh yeah
[11:12 PM] the best part of skynet, spleefing
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM game?
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FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM ouch
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GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM WHAT
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM ha
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:13 PM WHO DID THIS
[11:14 PM] blew up out of nowhere by grian
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM he has such bad luck with tnt minecarts
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM why is scar attacking ahhh
[11:14 PM] nooooooooo down to 14 minutes
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:14 PM top tier tango noises tho
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:15 PM "i loved hunting him like a wolf"
[11:16 PM] YOU IDIOT
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM yep
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM AHHHHHH
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM his curse continues
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:16 PM immediate cut to scar cleo and bdubs dead
[11:16 PM] inconsequencial death
[11:17 PM] no angst
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM anti climactic and ultimately pointless death
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM man
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:17 PM 4/4
GalacticJay — 04/21/2023 11:18 PM well i still dont know who wins, the only other povs i was watching were scar and etho
FakeZircon — 04/21/2023 11:18 PM :
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So I just woke up and realized I forgot I had a tumbler acc and I feel like posting it here for all the bits to see cuz no real person is going to see this anyways.
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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sweetvoicepudding · 3 years
gosh I'm so nervous.
not too far in the future, there's a school dance coming up, and people are racing to ask their dates out. Flower, in the meantime, has been notified that she has a hard deadline to grant Fukase's wish- until 10 pm on the night of the school dance. She's panicked- until she overhears the redhead and miku(separately) talking to their friends about how they wish to confess to their crushes at the school dance.
she doesn't spare herself a single moment alone with him. instead, she spends every waking hour pushing him towards miku in the hopes that they won't wait until the night of the dance. her feelings? pushed deep down.
During the dance, Flower(in a suit) searches and searches for Miku, but the twin tailed girl is nowhere to be found.
just as she was about to admit defeat, she hears something in the janitors closet down the hallway. She opens the door, only to find Miku passionately french kissing Kagamine Rin. Miku was planning to confess to someone- she didn't lie. But it wasn't Fukase.
Despite all the panic she's felt till then, it's only now that she truly recognizes the bitter taste of failure. She's botched her mission. She's going be a disgrace to her family and all associated with her on her home planet. Her world is done for. But out of all the harsh words her mind cuts her with, the deadliest has to be that she failed her wisher. Fukase's going to end up with a broken, lonely heart, and it's, all her fault.
Flower decides to tell him right away, because as much as it would hurt to see him heartbroken, she can't delude him about this. She's already tricked him about being human. He deserves her honesty for once.
As soon as Flower gets sight of Fukase(in a dress) in the crowd, he immediately invites her over to dance with their other friends. It's nice, to lose herself in the music and company. Eventually, the legendary slow dance starts up. She starts to leave the dance floor, but before she gets very far, the redhead asks her to dance with him.
His neck smells like deodorant and a little bit like shampoo. Flower's not sure how she recognizes that so quickly. She starts to mentally prepare herself to give him the news, but instead he asks her if he can tell her something important.
Fukase confessed to someone that night.
But it wasn't Miku.
It's sort of an open ending, but I hope you liked it.
so sorry for not responding to this sooner, I went to bed.
I really love this, ahhhhhh it's so cute. If you ever write something liek a fic or comic for it I would love to read it it sounds amazing.
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ateezinmymind · 3 years
ateez best boys 🥺🥺🥺 and hahah i may or may have been thinking about ulting san and well, i did it, sorry hwa i still love you with all my heart!! AND I’M 100% SURE I’M NOT GONNA SURVIVE THIS COMEBACK QJFJKWJFKWKFKS SEONGHWA’S TEASERS WILL BE POSTED AT 11 PM QKDJWJFKKWDK I CAN’T
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ily+ bestie <3
yesss ateez best boys!!!!! DEFINITELY!! *snuggles* SANN!?!? AHHHH HWA IS JEALOUS 😌but I didn’t tell him..... but AHSGSIIEIE sanhwa 👀AND SAME...I’m already going to die waiting 10 more minutes for changkyuns solo album release..I’m literally getting so antsy !!
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SEONGHWAS PICTURES MADE ME SCREAM I SWEAR!!! LIKE IS THAT ALLOWED?!?! AHHHHHH. atinys live only to be killed by ateez and they’re hotness and talent. UgH. 💓💗💞💋😌anyhoo I love YOU cutie thang!! Lemme snuggle you close!! b-bestie?!??🤭💞💋
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arcanefaye · 3 years
i didn’t blog yesterday !!!!
sorry :((
i’m at school currently but on break, Colton is trying to fit, as many as he can, cherry tamatoes in his mouth. currently on tomatoe 23, he’s violently coughing so I don’t think he’ll be able to fit any more haha
i was TIREDDDD so i couldn’t blog yesterday cause i went to sleep immediately!! but...something crazy happened yesterday. which is why Amanda isn’t at school today ;
screenshots are on my second blog ; @fayesmessages (they’re going to have all of my convos over imessage)
so here’s the story,, Amanda was going to give me a hoodie because of the snow the heater wasn’t working properly. so the school was COLDDD !!!! and she offered to give me her extra hoodie... well all of a sudden she passed out on the floor. it was so sudden i didn’t know what to do, but there was already groups of people in that specific area so they started to crowd around her. I was propping her head up cause she must have a concussion because of falling on the hard floor. A teacher saw the group and took Amanda to the nurse. She hasn’t responded to any of our messages, but it was out of nowhere :( i really hope she’s okay, i still have her hoodie,, i should’ve given it back but-
She’s so pretty what.
Wow, definitely going to have all the guys over her.
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well, i’ll get back to you in a bit we have to get her used to the school. Margaret is shocked rn though, it’s so funny !!
(i say that too much haha)
the new girl is so sweet; i’m home now but WOWWWWWW
Her name is Garam, she’s from Seoul, South Korea, and she’s a Straight A student!! she wants to join our group which we’ll have to see with Miss Lindsey but AGAHAHDJWIDS
she’s so sweet, i have her number and everything.
i was thinking abt adding her to the gc but i don’t know her that well yet and i dont want to scare her off. i’ll show my recent text with her though!
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she’s so funny, she honestly was fun to hang around with. she got comfortable with me immediately which was great, she’s in three classes with me so we can hang out for a majority of the day.
Mr. Grindstones class is always super fun, and we get 20 minute breaks (he’s such a cool teacher) so we can definitely get to know eahcother more then!
im actually getting excited for school tomorro, Garam seemed cool :))
Im really hoping Amanda’s okay... she hasn’t messaged us in a bit. She was excited about the foreign exchange student as much as i was, and i was sad she wasn’t at school to see her. idk how long she’ll be out... hopefully not too long.
other than that, tonight i had a beautiful roast with some green tea to wash it down. tasted *chefs kiss* !
Ian hasn’t been home for a bit, my grandparents were getting angry about it.. was kind of funny ’cause they called my mom and everything and she was just like, “why are you now calling me about this, he’s done this plenty of times just track his phone.”
my poor grandparents don’t know how technology works mom. :(((
im staying up, i normally don’t but i can’t seem to fall asleep tonight :// it’s 3:47am, Ian came home two hours ago. he‘s definitely going to be in trouble tomorrow:(( hopefully it’s not too bad, he stays out till 10 pm, but my grandparents were getting worried when he wasnt home, idk where he was but glad to see he isn’t dead in a ditch.
i was also thinking about if Garam has a Tumblr? or atleast is up for one...? idk maybe...
i want to atleast have a mutual or a following on here of someone i know. As of right now... it’s not that much. only, 2 followers.
no big deal though, i don’t need a following this is like a diary to me anyways haha
im getting tired typing this,, i have school in 4 hours so i might as well sleep... goodnight!
see ya :)
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I saw some other ppl doing this and I’m just going to answer them all because I’m very bored.. going to bed at 10 pm on NYE will do that.. I’m so old
1. Long term, def finish some long project I’ve been working on, like RNR or something else. And I really want to pump out some more original stuff. Honestly just getting onto a good update schedule and getting my shit back together would be great, after everything that happened this year, I would love to be more organized and productive with this stuff.
2. Short term, I’m about to get up the next chap of RNR (I started publishing it 2 years ago tomorrow I mean what the heck) so continuing to map that out will be at the top of my list. I have a couple of other things I’ve been working on but I don’t want to post anything until I update that :|
3/4 I don’t think my process or style has really changed much. I think I’ve gotten better just from the practice, but my writing style has been the same basically my whole life and my process is.. not much of a process lol.. I usually ride the wave of inspiration as long as I can but when I get bogged up with real-life stuff I can just stare at a word doc for HOURS, no matter how much I’ve outlined or already written. I usually outline, fill in any scenes as they come to me, anything I’m not sure of I [ put in brackets ] so I can come back later and fill it in. I never delete anything I write bc I so often repurpose dialogue or scenes. Flipping between perspectives in RNR I keep a basic chapter outline so I know what points I have to hit on to keep it all paced out right. Phew!
5. I WILL FINISH RNR it’s not that close to being done but I really had a goal for where I wanted to be rn and I am not there.. so next year I’ll be better! I have some other things they will be multi chap but I haven’t even shared them with anyone yet so that doesn’t really matter, hopefully I will soon !!
6. I’ll probably do Nanowrimo next year because I did it all the time when I was younger and it was so fun, I missed out on it this year. Maybe I’ll try to pick up some other things, I’ve never really done anything else before.
7. RNR obviously.. I also have some others like a sequel to my Britney Spears fic which I guess would count
8. Ok I’ve been working on this Hankcon James Bond ish secret agent AU for like a year and I’m really proud of it but haven’t done much more than string together a bunch of Cool scenes and whatnot so it needs more polish, but I’ll be really excited to work on that more.
9. I have a Kara/Luther fic I want to get up which has been sooo fun and sweet I love them. Also maybe I’ll post it when I’m done with RNR but I have a Sheriff Pedro backstory one shot I wrote sometime this year and I know I’m the only mf who’s got a Pedro/Gary fixation but I still want to share it.. Ugh this is making me look at all my google docs and I have so much to do!! It’s ok I’ll get there eventually
10. NEW FANDOMS OK OK so I have a Magicians fic or 2 in the works but we just finished watching She-Ra and ahhhhhh it was so good I don’t know if I could nail the characters but I am DYING to write some magical space adventure stuff. Catradora is the friends to enemies to friends to lovers shit of my DREAMS but Entrapta and Hordak really got me!!!! I want to see some fun shit. Also I had an ATLA Pride & Prejudice AU ??? And I wrote an Indian in the Cupboard fic but I’m afraid to post it.. anyway I’m not sharing anything until get back on track w RNR so hopefully that is my motivation !!!
Everyone do this !! Happy new year !!
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It’s 10 pm but I’m already starting to fall asleep ahhhhhh
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hcneymilkks · 4 years
NCT Jeno ‘Next Door’
requested by the lovely @jaeminsoftgf ! thanks for requesting Summer and I hope it lives to your expectations! 
Request your own oneshot here!
prompt numbers:
2. SWEATER PAWS AND CUDDLES. “if you don’t grab me a blanket I’m breaking up with you.” “I’m watching Barbie Nutcracker.”
16. Neighbour au in which one gets drunk on mulled wine and ends up knocking at the other’s door, drunkenly trying to seduce the other and - instead - passing out in their living room
Pairing: Jeno x Reader
Genre: Fluff/slight crack 
Word count: 1.5k 
So,,,,,, you come home earlier than expected for the holidays and notice that the neighbours beside you have moved out
They lived beside you ever since you were a kid and you were sad because they were an elderly couple who were so sweet
So ofc you get sad and all
The new neighbour comes rolling in and WTF
He's handsome.....like hella handsome
Meet Jeno. Second-year University student studying medicine
He comes popping to your door to introduce himself and that's when you knew
Uh oh
Fuck no,,,, heart pls skip the love at first sight ahhhhhh
So naturally, you would do what any ordinary person would do, you introduce yourself back and ask if he wants to come in to hang or something
But yet, you're not ordinary and instead slam the door in his face and run up the stairs
"Y/F/N I swear he's hella hot....and I just did a dumb thing."
Mr. Jeno on the other hand,,,, just couldn't get you off of his mind
Like he thought when you get into University, crushes are non-existent
Moving into this new neighbourhood made him realize something, he wanted to be friends with you.
 ....maybe even more.
 A few days into break and you're helping your parents decorate.
All I want for Christmas is blasting in your room and you couldn't help but belt out to the song and bust out your "best" dance moves
When I put it in quotation marks I mean like just fist-pumping many times into the air and doing the dab or something
You don't even notice but Jeno is just staring at you like "wtf are you doing woman?" but at the same time, he's enjoying it because he's never seen you like this before
Like come on you barely leave the house anyways
And like once the song finishes you look at your window and SEE THAT THE CURTAINS WERE DRAWN AND YOU REALIZE THAT JENO SAW THE WHOLE THING AND HE STARTED TO CLAP AND LAUGH (even though you couldn't hear it)
You scream and try to close the curtains but Jeno puts up a piece of paper
"you were AMAZING."
You tilt your head and then reach to grab some papers and markers and craft a response of your own
More scribbling, more showing paper.
Then you realize that you both are like recreating that one Taylor Swift music video by writing messages and showing each other INSTEAD OF JUST OPENING THE DAMN WINDOW AND TALKING
But its okay because you both get closer for some reason
Even though your hand hurts
And as you scribble down another response, Jeno beats you to it.
That my friends is how you went on a "date" to the night market
^^ I say date like that because you both don't know it's a date....but it kinda is
Food everywhere, some snow falling, a huge Christmas tree in the center
You both manage to do some Christmas shopping and regret not bringing a bigger bag.
"Jeno help I'm dying."
"okay um....wait,,,, what's your name?"
Smooth Jeno smooth.
But like how else was he supposed to get your name?
"it's Y/N. Now help me."
By the end of the night, your stomachs were filled, and your minds were filled with more ideas of what to do together.
You both finally got each other's numbers
Contact names:
Y/N/The LOML/DabDab Y/N
Getting closer to Christmas and you both have late night convos and send each other memes
It's like WOOJIN God had sent you a sign like "bitch hello this is the boy for you now take him."
Conversations would be like:
You: UM......
Jen NOOOOOO: ANYWAYS wanna make snow angles?
Jen NOOOOOO: Angles*
Jen NOOOOOO: Angles*
Now we getting to the good tea oof
So it's December 23rd, two days before Christmas
You decide to stay at home cuddled up in a blanket having a movie marathon
And then the doorbell rings and there's knocking
You pause the movie, keep the blanket on like a cape and then open the door
The cold air hits your face before you could see who was there
·It's none other than Jeno
"Um hi?"
"Y/N! MY LOVE! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! HOW I MISSED YOU!" he funnily walks in and spins around in your living room.
At first,,,, you don't understand...like why is Jeno at your house at 11 pm at night?
Then your phone dings like 10 times
Jen NOOOOO: let's just say he got too drunk and elbowed Haechan in the face while he was restraining him
You couldn't even finish answering when Jeno back hugged you, his breath tingling the back of your neck
You stiffened at the sudden contact and you felt butterflies in your stomach
Oh no
"Y/N....let's cuddleeeeee"
Jeno drags you to the couch and awkwardly tries to cuddle you which resulted in him giving up and just standing back up.
"Y/N look at meeeee."
Dammit he's a pouty baby.
He squishes his cheeks and tries to wink and does so many things at once like damn boy calm down.
"Y/N,,, are you a Christmas light? Because you light up my world.
"Y/N,,,, you're the gingerbread to my house."
Jeno stumbles walking closer to you "Hey Y/N,,,, you're sexy, come-" and instead passes out on the couch awkwardly.
You didn't know what to do. But Jeno's snoring made you snap out of your daze and took a photo.
You: WTF
So that's how for the rest of the night you got stuck with a passed out Jeno and cringing at what he kept saying.
There's no way he was into you? Right?
December 24th, the next day.
Jeno groans and somehow has the hugest hangover.....and realizes he's not in his house.
He turns his head way too fast to see you coming to him with water, some pills and breakfast.
It's like five seconds and the food is already gone...like sir slow down
Jeno feels much better and it's an awkward silence
"um...I'm gonna head out-" "Um...why did you come here yesterday so out of the blue?"
Cue Jeno blushing and stuttering and trying to figure out what to say.
"I uh.....well my friends and I were playing truth or dare and if we didn't want to answer the question we had to drink some wine. Let's just say I didn't answer any questions and I guess my um...heart led me here?"
Awkward silence.
"Oh...wow um I'm flattered? I mean I just didn't expect it....but I also didn't mind it you know?"
So that's how you both just indirectly confessed to each other.
You two didn't waste time putting the labels of boyfriend and girlfriend. Him grabbing a few clothes from next door because he said he didn't wanna be alone on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
"And what better way than to spend it with my lovely girlfriend?"
"Lee Jeno if you don't get me a blanket from upstairs I'm breaking up with you."
Also some of his hoodies because of your late-night call confessions.
You: "I want a boyfriend."
Jeno: "excuse me am I not enough for you?"
You: "Jeno." *laughing* "you know what I mean...like I want a real boyfriend. One that I can cuddle all day with and fully call mine...NOT TO MENTION THE FREE CLOTHES LIKE HELL YEAH I WANT THEM FREE HOODIES FROM THE BOY."
When Jeno throws the hoodie and blanket at you, you're confused because you never owned this type of blanket...UNTIL YOU REALIZED THAT THIS IS HIS BLANKET THAT HE SLEEPS WITH.
Yeah you both literally, just call, text and facetime even though you are just one door away from each other.
But who has time to walk LMAo
Okay we getting off track so like back to the present day
So you put on Jeno's hoodie and damn does it smell good.
He notices that you have sweater paws and he just goes all soft and wants cuddles.
"Oh yeah, what are you watching?" he asks as you press the play button.
"I'm watching Barbie Nutcracker."
 For the rest of Christmas Eve you both cuddle under the blanket while watching Christmas themed movies.
And damn you think this might be the best Christmas ever.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
thenightetc 09:43 PM I see you! thenightetc 09:43 PM No video/audio, though highglossfinish 09:43 PM There you are! highglossfinish 09:43 PM Aaand of *course* Kast has ads now. Of course it does. thenightetc 09:44 PM I swear, I must have hit half the red lights between here and work. thenightetc 09:44 PM There are ads? thenightetc 09:44 PM Do I need to.... *dramatic shudder*... unblock something? thenightetc 09:45 PM Oh, there it is!
thenightetc 09:45 PM Video, but no audio. thenightetc has joined the party. highglossfinish 09:48 PM Yes, no? highglossfinish 09:48 PM Audio? thenightetc 09:48 PM Audio's working!  I think. thenightetc 09:48 PM It's just thumping and scraping thenightetc 09:48 PM Like someone messing with a mic highglossfinish 09:48 PM Ugh. thenightetc 09:49 PM There we go! thenightetc 09:49 PM Gasp! highglossfinish 09:49 PM No thumping? thenightetc 09:49 PM Wait, now it's completely muted thenightetc 09:49 PM There was music from the video playing for a little while but that's gone thenightetc 09:50 PM There we go! thenightetc 09:50 PM Ehhh, I wasn't trying to make a smart remark about the mic; I just wasn't sure what the audio for that video was supposed to be. thenightetc 09:51 PM Hooooo boy. thenightetc 09:51 PM Wait, it just went black thenightetc 09:51 PM Audio's still working thenightetc 09:51 PM There we go thenightetc 09:52 PM Wow, normally the problem is that facebook WON'T delete your account! thenightetc 09:52 PM I don't believe that man has a medical license... highglossfinish 09:53 PM Todd Clorox did nothing to deserve this. thenightetc 09:53 PM Wow, it's almost like it's... bleached highglossfinish 09:53 PM That one was on my end. thenightetc 09:54 PM It's still paused :U highglossfinish 09:55 PM The emulator wants to update and I'm hoping it will stop it from having an apoplexy. thenightetc 09:55 PM Ahhhhhh. Thebes has joined the party. Thebes 09:56 PM hello! highglossfinish 09:56 PM Thebes human, hello! thenightetc 09:56 PM Hello! highglossfinish 09:56 PM Just working out a few technical difficulties. highglossfinish 09:56 PM Inevitable, inevitable technical difficulties. Thebes 09:57 PM I hear audio thenightetc 09:57 PM Here we go! Thebes 09:57 PM I see video with the audio! thenightetc 09:57 PM Video and audio working thenightetc 09:58 PM He sounds like his vocal cords are damaged thenightetc 10:02 PM I would have some uncharitable comments to make, but some of these people are feeding it to their kids, too. thenightetc 10:12 PM Balto? highglossfinish 10:12 PM Balto. thenightetc 10:12 PM I've never seen this! Thebes 10:12 PM time for snow doge! highglossfinish 10:12 PM You're in for a treat, it's a good one! thenightetc 10:12 PM That dog had better survive the ENTIRE MOVIE highglossfinish 10:13 PM Let me try something. highglossfinish 10:15 PM Oh, would you look at that! thenightetc 10:16 PM Ooooooo thenightetc 10:16 PM doggos! highglossfinish 10:16 PM As movies meant for human children go, this is among my favorites. Thebes 10:17 PM the world of snow dogs seems quite cutthroat by this movie's depiction. thenightetc 10:17 PM Oof tuki has joined the party. tuki has left the party. thenightetc 10:19 PM Awwwww thenightetc 10:21 PM Oh no! Thebes 10:21 PM NOT THE HAT highglossfinish 10:21 PM Anything but the hat! thenightetc 10:22 PM Yes! thenightetc 10:22 PM The hat is safe highglossfinish 10:22 PM We would have had to shut it off if anything had happened to the hat. highglossfinish 10:22 PM This stream has limits. thenightetc 10:23 PM awwwww :< highglossfinish 10:26 PM Yap at him! thenightetc 10:26 PM Ah, dog racism. thenightetc 10:27 PM awwwww highglossfinish 10:27 PM Go with the wolves, at least they're polite to you. Thebes 10:28 PM too bad his dog side is screaming about how he has to be a Good Boy thenightetc 10:28 PM He's the BEST boy!  He saved the hat! Thebes 10:29 PM and they were clearly blind to ignore it, but the fact remains he lacks the reassurances of being a good boy! highglossfinish 10:32 PM How dare you not provide me perfect streams for free, datanet? thenightetc 10:33 PM Right! Thebes 10:33 PM kimcartoon might be an option highglossfinish 10:34 PM Some of them chop off the bottom of the screen for some reason. highglossfinish 10:35 PM And this one doesn't, but it has a hideous watermark. highglossfinish 10:37 PM Beautiful! thenightetc 10:37 PM Hooray! Thebes 10:38 PM wonderful! Thebes 10:38 PM awww, poor sad doggo highglossfinish 10:39 PM That would be the Phil Collins human. highglossfinish 10:39 PM Playing both of them. highglossfinish 10:39 PM For some reason. thenightetc 10:40 PM pfffff thenightetc 10:41 PM oh nooooo thenightetc 10:42 PM They ust leave the dog outside? highglossfinish 10:42 PM "No time for you, dog." Thebes 10:42 PM huskies. THey're miserable in the warm. Thebes 10:43 PM some breeders have even started recommending special a/c units for the times they're inside highglossfinish 10:44 PM Interesting! thenightetc 10:44 PM Huh. thenightetc 10:44 PM Ooooooo highglossfinish 10:45 PM Didn't you bring her down here to show her what her child's dying of? highglossfinish 10:45 PM "Oh right, that." highglossfinish 10:45 PM Fascinating illness, really. thenightetc 10:46 PM Yeeeech thenightetc 10:46 PM PFFFFF thenightetc 10:47 PM GASP thenightetc 10:48 PM How about... BY DOG highglossfinish 10:49 PM "We've selected our fattest dogs, what's what you meant, right?" thenightetc 10:51 PM Awwwww thenightetc 10:51 PM 100 Acrobatics thenightetc 10:53 PM Jeez highglossfinish 10:53 PM He has teeth, you know, like your other dogs don't. thenightetc 10:55 PM Wait, how did they find that out? thenightetc 10:56 PM auuuuugh thenightetc 10:57 PM I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying thenightetc 11:01 PM *wince* thenightetc 11:01 PM That can't be good for that fragile package. highglossfinish 11:02 PM Not at all. thenightetc 11:03 PM You can FLY. highglossfinish 11:03 PM I can't shake the feeling he could have moved faster without the bears and goose. highglossfinish 11:04 PM And maybe this wouldn't have happened. thenightetc 11:04 PM Just maybe. thenightetc 11:04 PM !!! thenightetc 11:06 PM nooooooooo thenightetc 11:07 PM *phew* thenightetc 11:07 PM God, he must be freezing, though highglossfinish 11:07 PM There it is. thenightetc 11:08 PM <3 thenightetc 11:09 PM awwwwww highglossfinish 11:09 PM Got to respect a movie that understands when it's time to shoo out the bears and goose. thenightetc 11:10 PM Yes. thenightetc 11:11 PM Ohhhh, getting back up that's going to be bad. Thebes 11:12 PM less dog than ego thenightetc 11:13 PM Very true thenightetc 11:13 PM Oh shit highglossfinish 11:13 PM Especially now that Steele just broke the last of the ribs the bear didn't already crush to powder. monika64 has joined the party. thenightetc 11:14 PM He survived that? thenightetc 11:14 PM Wow monika64 has left the party. thenightetc 11:15 PM How'd he get ahead of them? thenightetc 11:16 PM OH NO highglossfinish 11:16 PM He's not lucky when it comes to ice. thenightetc 11:16 PM He isn't. Thebes 11:18 PM Behold: ACTING thenightetc 11:18 PM Ewwwwwwwwww highglossfinish 11:19 PM Was that necessary, lantern man? highglossfinish 11:19 PM Right in front of the hospital window? thenightetc 11:20 PM Oh!! thenightetc 11:21 PM was that Death Thebes 11:21 PM It's entirely possible highglossfinish 11:22 PM That's what you're focusing on, his foot size? thenightetc 11:23 PM And off they go! highglossfinish 11:24 PM Again with the ice. highglossfinish 11:24 PM I like how he presses it back again. thenightetc 11:24 PM Again with the cliffs! thenightetc 11:25 PM Ohhh man. highglossfinish 11:25 PM Lots of ice, this will go well. thenightetc 11:26 PM I hate those ice levels highglossfinish 11:27 PM And everything is an ice level here. thenightetc 11:27 PM I feel like they could have packed those vials more securely thenightetc 11:27 PM Bubble wrap or osmething highglossfinish 11:27 PM Or some paper. Anything but nothing. highglossfinish 11:28 PM Is diptheria antitoxin really such a glorious golden color? highglossfinish 11:28 PM If it isn't it should be. highglossfinish 11:28 PM He has a way of saying her name like it's the most important thing in the world. It's very cute. thenightetc 11:28 PM It is! highglossfinish 11:29 PM "I broke the surface with my absolutely massive genitalia." thenightetc 11:29 PM Damn. thenightetc 11:29 PM Hahha. Tkay has joined the party. thenightetc 11:30 PM awwwwww thenightetc 11:30 PM He deserves it thenightetc 11:31 PM Nobody's alarmed at the polar bears. highglossfinish 11:31 PM "Get the gun." Tkay has left the party. thenightetc 11:31 PM Shush. thenightetc 11:32 PM So cute. thenightetc 11:33 PM <3 thenightetc 11:34 PM !! Thebes 11:34 PM awwwww~ thenightetc 11:34 PM What a good movie! highglossfinish 11:34 PM Isn't it though? highglossfinish 11:35 PM The direct-to-dvd sequel is almost not bad. Thebes 11:38 PM ALMOST. highglossfinish 11:38 PM I think I'm just biased because Impact. thenightetc 11:39 PM Heh. Thebes 11:40 PM basically imagine if the budget for the movie was divided by 10 and they went around the studio for whatever voice actors weren't busy. It's not awful, it's just.. you get what you pay for highglossfinish 11:40 PM Breakdown may or may not tell you that I get choked up at it but he sits on a throne of lies. thenightetc 11:41 PM Of course, of course. thenightetc 11:41 PM We won't judge. Thebes 11:41 PM we believe you thenightetc 11:41 PM You know, I THOUGHT Steele sounded familiar. thenightetc 11:42 PM He has the voice of.... Darkwing Duck. highglossfinish 11:42 PM He does. He really does. highglossfinish 11:43 PM Suggestions to close out on? thenightetc 11:44 PM Hmmmm... thenightetc 11:44 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV0PAyP0laA ? thenightetc 11:44 PM Oh, the question mark wasn't supposed to be part of the link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV0PAyP0laA highglossfinish 11:45 PM Ooooh, this ought to be good! thenightetc 11:46 PM I bet so! thenightetc 11:46 PM God it's like a clown car thenightetc 11:47 PM I love it highglossfinish 11:47 PM And we haven't even gotten to the planes yet. thenightetc 11:48 PM It's an orgy. thenightetc 11:48 PM How could that have happened! highglossfinish 11:48 PM Dear Unicron. thenightetc 11:49 PM God, they just explode out Thebes 11:50 PM oh wow, TSA compliant?! That is some DETAIL thenightetc 11:52 PM Ha! thenightetc 11:53 PM This can only end well! highglossfinish 11:53 PM This will end with passengers who are alive! thenightetc 11:53 PM All of them, very alive! thenightetc 11:54 PM Ha! Thebes 11:55 PM oh my god it's like curling. but with planes thenightetc 11:56 PM Oh my god thenightetc 11:56 PM He should let them load the baggage on first. highglossfinish 11:56 PM Genius! thenightetc 11:57 PM OR DO I thenightetc 11:58 PM Hey, at least they're not bored! thenightetc 12:00 AM Amazing. highglossfinish 12:01 AM I hope we get a Grace appearance. thenightetc 12:01 AM Grace? thenightetc 12:02 AM High trust, though!  Somehow. highglossfinish 12:02 AM The character that appears across his videos. thenightetc 12:02 AM Ohhhh Thebes 12:03 AM SEAL THEM IN THE TOMB OF AIR TRAVEL thenightetc 12:05 AM Pfff, it's perfectly safe. thenightetc 12:05 AM They'll be fine. highglossfinish 12:05 AM See, they're thriving. thenightetc 12:07 AM Just like in the Sims! highglossfinish 12:07 AM Rusty would have wanted it this way. thenightetc 12:08 AM God. thenightetc 12:10 AM gah! thenightetc 12:11 AM Welp. highglossfinish 12:11 AM And that's all I've got! thenightetc 12:11 AM And what an all it was! thenightetc 12:12 AM Thanks for hosting, as always.  Balto was a real treat. :) highglossfinish 12:12 AM Glad you liked! Thebes 12:12 AM it was lovely seeing it again, thank you~ highglossfinish 12:12 AM Thank you for coming! highglossfinish 12:12 AM Good night! thenightetc 12:12 AM Good night! Thebes has left the party. thenightetc has left the party.
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television-overload · 5 years
This is it, everyone...
WiFi is turned off to avoid spoilers, Tiva playlist is playing, popcorn is made, and I'm sitting with my laptop in my nest/lofted bed. T-minus 5 minutes until this episode.
So without further ado... Here is my live blog of NCIS Season 16 episode 13: "She." I don't feel like bombarding the NCIS tag with separate posts, so it's all gonna be chunked into one.
My internet connection had better be flawless, you hear that dorm wifi?
Minor technical difficulties, but here we go! I'm stress eating my popcorn 🍿
Ooh, Gibbs voiceover. Who is diving? Bishop?
Yes! Roll the intro!
I have waited three weeks for this.
Kasie is so thoughtful! I love her. And Jimmy is such a great friend. I love their friendship.
"Woodwork the crap out of it" bahahaha
Gibbs + children = the cutest thing ever
Ellie is so good with her.
Aww poor Lily! That is horrifying!
Looks like they put every terrible thing that can happen to a kid into one case. So sad.
Gibbs knows that was Ziva's case! The way he remembers it was ten years ago, then abruptly leaves the room to "get some air..." Is he finally showing some emotion over Ziva's (alleged) death?
So, is her mother alive? How did Lily get out?
"EVERYONE" else involved *wink*
Wonder what Kasie had in mind for Torres' jar
I have literally no idea where this will go next...
Finally Bishop is saying what we've been saying for years. But I now have a bad feeling but they're going to hint that Ziva is still dead...
Awww, she wishes she could have learned from Ziva. Maybe that is a good sign. Hmm.
Ooh, Ellick fight
Looks like their suspect is actually Tony 2.0. And if Morgan turns out to be alive maybe it will be the same for Ziva
Lily is gone? Oh, nevermind.
Oooh, Sloane is opening up!!!
Oh, something is hidden in the doll!
Lily is a good little actress
Boom, Vance showing who's boss
My popcorn is gone. Now I can type with two hands.
Go get 'em, Gibbs
Torres over there lying to Gibbs for Ellie ❤️
This lady knows Ziva!
Please let there be some clue about Ziva in this shed... Or if nothing else a picture of Tony and all the things she loves.
I am LOVING all the Ziva music. I missed this.
Go away commercials, I need Bishop to tell Gibbs about Ziva!
Well, I haven't cried yet this episode. I was really expecting to. I guess we'll see.
Can McGee read Hebrew? Oh, nevermind.
Here come the tears! Is this entry about Tony??? MY HEART CANT LIVE WITHOUT HIM ONJGKROJCBFU HELP ME! 💔
Torres would have liked Ziva :(
Gibbs I awfully calm...
Oof, Bishop is in the hot seat.
Does Gibbs know something? Do I dare hope?
My heart is literally pounding... I can't take this.
Jimmy was Ziva's confidante, awwweee. Tell us your secrets, Jimmy.
Showing Bishop that Ziva made mistakes too... Good.
I have a bad feeling about what we'll get in regards to Ziva's life/death at the end of this episode... I hope I'm wrong.
Also, Gibbs, you just gonna casually name drop the episode title of the episode that broke my heart?
ExcaUUUUUSE ME, Gibbs, how dare you? Do you want the fandom to resent you more that's they already did for your reaction during Family First? You take that back right now.
I hope Lily's dad is actually a good dad! I like him.
Kasie is dealing with the dirty working conditions much better this time.
McGee is kinda out of it. Good. Feelings.
What will Torres use his empty jar for?
...I think they might keep going with the Ziva is dead bit, and I am not happy. I want Ziva to honor that promise, but I guess it's sweet that Bishop wants to do it for her.
It's about time someone challenges Gibbs' rules. Good luck, Bishop.
Bishop ain't giving up
I love Gibbs and Kasie
Woah, does the lab have a second entrance? How did Bishop disappear?
Is Bishop gonna get shot?
There's that Gibbs voiceover again. What is he talking about? OH IS HE READING ZIVA'S JOURNAL???
That is a deep pond.
Torres go get yo girl!
Can we get a Tiva family reunion like that, PLEASE
Let it in, Gibbs.
Some quality Gibbs and Ellie time. I like it.
Has Bishop officially been adopted by Gibbs?
Whatcha got there, Gibbs?
Oh lol. Its rule 10. Time to scrap that rule. Dump rule 12 while you're at it.
I. I can't even type right now... They really did it. I can't breathe. I'm so in shock I can't even cry! This is all I hoped for and more! I'm going to lose my freaking marbles. I feel sick. And faint. I need to lay down. Oh. My. Goodness.
That's it folks. We have our answer. And they'd better freaking come back to this plot later, cause I'm going crazy.
I have so much to say, but I don't want to type anymore. I just want to sit here and think, and cry, and scream. And watch this ending about a billion more times.
So I guess, signing off. Happy Ziva day, everyone. Thank you and God bless you, writers.
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suncheoreom-blog · 5 years
My Hi-Touch Experience with Stray Kids
Stray Kids went here in Manila for the Unveil Tour last Saturday, April 27. Tickets went on sale last March 17. When it was announced, I already decided that I would go for VIP standing + Hi-Touch. I’ve tried both VIP Seated and VIP Standing in my previous concerts and my best memories are always in Standing! It’s incredibly tiring, but so satisfying! Come ticketing day, I was on guard on my laptop. I bought my ticket online within 2 minutes of the release! THIS WAS IT! It was happening! I’d be meeting Stray Kids up close!
I’ll share my experience during the concert in a separate post. For now, let’s talk about the hi-touch :)
I was quite nervous before the hi-touch. This was my first hi-touch ever! I’ve been a Kpop fan for nearly a decade now (started with Super Junior!). Seeing Stray Kids (or any other group) up close seemed like a dream and it was finally happening. Stray Kids’ hi-touch was scheduled after the concert. At this point, I had been standing for hours. We queued to go inside the venue at 3:30 PM, went inside at 5 PM, then waited again until 7 PM. The concert was from 7 PM to around 10 PM. I was so parched I was afraid I’d collapsed, but I knew I had to keep myself together because there was no way I was missing this. 
We were asked to line-up in the standing area. We waited a little more to finally go to the hi-touch area. When we were finally called to get ready, I was so excited. It was finally happening! My aching legs nor my dry throat no longer mattered. It was time to meet the boys! We were asked to put our things in our bags and hold up our hands. The JYP security was very strict (and he was handsome too HAHAHA). He was very careful about checking that our hands were empty.
As I got closer, I could see the boys. They were behind a white table. While waiting, I was trying to figure out the line-up. I already planned what I wanted to say beforehand. I thought that knowing the order would help me with my script. I could already see the first three: Minho, Jisung, then Jeongin. I was trying to see where Seungmin was because he’s my bias and it was so important for me that I get to tell him what I wanted to say. I didn’t have the chance to figure out the whole order because the line was moving quite fast. I was up next!
Before I knew it, I was already in front of Minho! I couldn’t think anymore. I barely followed my script. I just said what came to my mind. I told him that he did so well! He responded with thank you. I also told Jisung that he did well. I knew he was handsome, but he looks even more amazing up close. He responded with have a good day. When I was in front of Jeongin, I told him that he was so cute! He said thank you! I always thought the members were exaggerating whenever they talked about Jeongin’s child-like charm (don’t hate me haha), but he really is such a pure, precious child. His smile is the cutest, sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I also confirmed this throughout the concert. He is too precious to be real! He must be protected at all times! I understand why Seungmin is all over him! 
It was seriously hard to follow the script that I had prepared because each moment passed by so quickly and you only get to comprehend who’s in front of you once you’re actually there. Felix was up next and I told him that he did so well! I was supposed to tell him YONGBOK HAENGBOK but I totally forgot! It was important for me to let him know that he’s doing really well too so it’s alright! Felix is a beauty. His looks are nothing like I’ve ever seen. He replied with have a good day, thanks for tonight! Chan was next and I could not miss the chance to tell him that I admire him so much! I knew I had to let Chan know that he’s such a great leader and person. He said thank you! As I passed the members, I remember thinking that their hands were kind of rough! Manly, hard working hands!
I was barely done with Chan when there was suddenly a loud AHHHHHH! IT WAS SEUNGMIN! Like I said, you don’t really know who’s in front of you until you’re there. I wasn’t expecting him to be next! Nor did I expect that HE WOULD ACKNOWLEDGE ME FIRST! It was loud. It was such a nice surprise. I was so shocked. He was pointing at me and he looked so happy! It was as if he recognized me! There could be 2 reasons he did this:
1) He remembered our 2 interactions during the concert (I was calling him and waving around a cardboard cutout of his face from the standing area and he waved at me both times! - More on my concert experience later!)
2) I was wearing a Kim Seungmin shirt
It’s more likely the latter but a girl can dream that her bias remembers her! Our highfive was kind of delayed because he was pointing at me. There was an awkward second there because I think I highfived him a little too excitedly. I was just so happy! I honestly cannot remember exactly what I blurted out but I’m sure I told him that I loved him so much! That was a priority in my script after all! I remember thinking at that moment if I should add that I was also a myday but I was already lingering in front of him so I decided not to. I did not want to risk being called out by the staff. I also wanted the moment to be all about him. I was all smiles at Seungmin and he was all smiles at me! To be honest, he was the only member that I felt REALLY SAW ME. I couldn’t blame the other members because there were so many of us in the hi-touch and we were also passing by quickly. Even I would have a hard time acknowledging everyone uniquely in that situation. I’m just so glad that I got to share that moment with Seungmin. I’m just so glad I got to have that kind of moment at all.
When I moved on to Changbin, he was already waiting for me. The person I was following in the line was no longer there. It seemed I took longer than usual in front of Seungmin. Changbin looked a little impatient as he was holding out his hand HAHAHA. His features are so strong, I was a little intimidated! I was supposed to tell him that I love his cheeks but it was lost to me! I felt a little sorry that I could no longer form any words in front of the remaining 3 members. My mind was still recovering from Seungmin! Woojin was next and he is really handsome. Pictures and videos do not do him justice. The last thing I remember is Hyunjin and his beautiful face. Unlike the other members, he wasn’t behind the table. All I could do was smile. He was smiling back. This boy always looks so cheeky! His smile was almost like a smirk! What a noona killer. I was Hyunjin-blessed throughout the concert because he was always on our side of the stage, but his visuals still manage to catch me off guard. He looked a little tired already, but in the most handsome way possible. 
The whole hitouch probably lasted less than 20 seconds but WOW. IT WAS ONE HECK OF AN EXPERIENCE. It was such a nice way to cap off the whole night! I left the venue feeling so elated and satisfied. I usually have post-concert depression after a show but I felt very very happy with this one. I could not at all fathom being sad. How can I when I was blessed with so many good experiences and new friends? This is something I will always look back on with joy! I’m definitely looking forward to the next one! 
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alababwa · 6 years
it’s been a year but i still feel guilty about telling a girl “no” when she asked if she could switch seats with me so she could sit next to her friend on the plane
but like we were already deep within seating and it would’ve been a pain in the ass to haul my carryon luggage out of the overhead bin and try to find a space for it in the area where she was going to sit like 20 rows ahead
and it was also a 10 pm flight, arriving at 5am local time i was Very Tired i’m sorry but ahhhhhh 
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enaasteria · 7 years
Answered Asks // 2
Under the cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 15th 2017, 9:14:00 pm · 6 months ago Ok, don't answer to this because I will not see it anyway. I was @jamlesspyo and I say was because when you'll see this my blog will already be deleted, personnal reasons. So I want to tell that you are one of the most amazing writer I had the chance to read a story of. You are also the sweetest person so thank you so much. I hope that one you will have enough confidence in yourself because you deserve it so much. Love you and stay healthy
I will answer this bc you might come back and I’ll def miss you. Thank you for all your warm encouragement and help throughout my struggles and I couldn’t have asked for a better reader/friend. Miss you and wishing you all the best!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 20th 2017, 10:59:00 pm · 6 months ago you might not read this for awhile and when you do you don't have to reply, but i just wanted to tell you that all of your writing here is beautiful and amazing! finishing your story is so worth waiting for and i can't wait to read the ending! thank you for sharing your writing!
You might not think this after you read chapter 16. It’s a kind of flargh chapter but needed to be in there so T_____T I’m kinda nervous about it but hopes everyone enjoys and feel it was worth the wait.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 23rd 2017, 1:14:00 am · 5 months ago Freaking heck, you are an amazing and professional writer!!! I'm reading through Apartment 5108 now and I can't think of words even close to satisfactory enough to compliment your writing!! All the best for your writing and future endeavours! :)
Ahhhhhh you are too kind to me. Thank you so much for reading and no worries. please don’t stress over what to write or compliments because I enjoy any kind of feedback tbh. Spazz messages are the best!
@sassyunicorns2​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 8:31:00 am · 5 months ago I won't lose hope! I know you can do it, because you are an amazing writter and you always have great ideas!!! I am here in the other part of the world cheering for you! 🙌 FIGHTING!! 💪👊 P.S.: I'm sorry for the errors.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your continued support. It means so much to me and I’m so glad you love this story!
@whosexo​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:57:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 Miss you hope you're doing amazing!!
No words can amount to how much i love you too! I apologize for my year long disappearance. I’m a terrible person. UGH. But I shall blame it on work and daily stress. T___T Hope you are well too, love!
@dream-exo-fantasy said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:58:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 (A side message: I hope you're not stressing too much about writing. Take your time and stay healthy 💕)
You are the sweetest and thank you so much. 2017 was unfortunately the most stress filled year i’ve ever experienced but hopefully the latter end will treat us all better, yeah? T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 12th 2017, 1:46:00 am · 5 months ago wah yay! okay take your time! i (and many others) can't wait to see your masterpiece! 💕
Love you!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 20th 2017, 12:32:00 am · 5 months ago So I was wondering did ahri told sehun about what happened to her while sehun went after jiyul like she drank the juice and was taken to hospital or did sehun already knew or anyone told him bc I think you didn't mention that?..
Soi definitely told him---actually her wrath probably yelled at him and was infuriated with his poor actions. he probably got scolded by everyone tbh.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 29th 2017, 6:07:00 pm · 4 months ago Youre probably busy with apartment 5108 but i really hope you do come back to keepers! Chapter 1 left me on edge and im still eagerly waiting for the next part!! Much love sent your way❤️❤️❤️
I CANT WAIT FOR KEEPERS. I want to write it two ways but I might just do two endings bc I’m a sap and a total angst fest lol
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 8:41:00 pm · 4 months ago enaaaaaaa i miss yoooooouuuuuuuuu ):<
@unsungthoughts said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 9:19:00 pm · 4 months ago Apartment 5108. I'm beyond in love w this story! I was so into the story to the point where I could literally feel everything, the emotion esp. It is truly an amazing piece of writing. I'm new here (since yesterday and just finished 5min ago) --cont.cont.-- and yet to explore ur other stories, which I will definitely do cz I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH 💕
You make me blush! I’m so happy you enjoyed this story and I’m glad it made you feel things. I hope 16 treats you well and that you’re having a great time on tumblr! welcome, welcome. AND I LOVE YOU TOO
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 15th 2017, 11:47:00 pm · 4 months ago power through love! you got this! 👏🏽👏🏽
I was jamming to POWER as I wrote this chapter. Lord knows I needed the help. orz
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 23rd 2017, 2:25:00 pm · 3 months ago this is kinda random but Charlie puth's Attention reminds me of Red 😅
Imma go listen to this and add it to the playlist! TY ANON!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 24th 2017, 11:31:00 pm · 3 months ago ena, i just wish you can fathom 1/16 of the greatness you've omitted onto the exo fandom. you're writing is absolute perfection. fandom writers are just not appreciated enough! you're art is just as important than the art exo creates. you are able to create a story and a character. just think about that. a person and their life. real or not, you've created a character all of us can relate to in one way or another. i hope you keep finding joy in what you do and never lose this passion. 🌺
I remember reading this message 3 months ago and it made me want to cry. Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for appreciating fanfiction as an art form. I think this writing is such a lost art and people don’t appreciate the time and effort going into a story. But reading this made it so worth it and thank you so much for your kindness!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 7:22:00 am · 3 months ago Omg i just followed you now bcs of apartment 5108 and others too. Geez why i havent discovered you then?! Seriously for me its really hard to find fanfic that matches with my reading style gosh its pretty damn well written and you succesfully made me feel like im the character. You mess my feeling hun'. You did it. Seriously youre one of the best writer i ever known in tumblr. Im looking forward to ch 16 and others too. I hope u doing well!!!! Lots of love from your lovely reader💛
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s such a huge compliment to see you hold my writing to such a high regard and I hope this next chapter doesn’t disappoint. I’m so glad you like it and please let me know what you think of the rest of the chaps!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 12:45:00 pm · 3 months ago I've been following you for about a year now and DAMN HOW I LOVE YOU. Its been a year since you last updated Apartment 5108 but you still log in to check on your fans. Writers block is an ass but all you need is some inspiration and then you'll be firing away with the Seahri feels. or Ahrun feels. However you decide to ship them. Also Chanyeol is my fav and the fic you wrote called Two killsss meee. THANK YOU! Also, I'm Egyptian. Pretty cool knowing you have international readers eh?
I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so long for a chapter!!! It’s so amazing how there are international people reading this and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and also for sending me this comment but ALSO SEAHRI. LIKE THIS KILLS ME AND ITS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 1:56:00 pm · 3 months ago Hey Ena! Just wanted to tell you that I literally open your page every single day (its been 3 months LOL) , just to check if there's any update for apt5108, no rush but that just show how much i adore your work, i just freakin' love your story! I never felt so desperate waiting for the next chapter.. but I believe good things take a long time, and I believe your work could be one of the good things, even better the best thing!! Love, Your biggest fan💕
IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. I don’t know what to say other than this year has been a mess and a true struggle but I dearly wanted to write this chapter and forced myself to do it and post today. I’m so sorry if it wasn’t worth the wait but hopefully it’s a good continuation to their story T____T
@sehun---addict said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:07:00 pm · 3 months ago Personally i would rather wait until you finish the story and post it in one go bcs waiting game for each chap is pure torture . Much love♡
I wish I could’ve posted it all but 16 nearly killed me to just finish so I hope this is a good chapter to hold you off until 17 T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:14:00 pm · 3 months ago In reference to your tag in the previous ask- I think posting the chapters as you finish them would be preferable for me. That way I wouldn't have to wait as long for another update? But I'm wondering if writing it all and posting it generally at one point would be easier on you, so that it could kind of be one and done. Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to write this story! You are so incredibly talented and I find it so kind that you take time out of your day to write.
16 is going up soon. I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry for the wait. Thank you for your patience and I hope you read with low expectations because I’m a bit nervous about this chapter. It’s excruciatingly long T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 11:46:00 pm · 3 months ago please post 16 when it's finished! that way we can have a new chapter at a time to enjoy!
It’s going up!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 23rd 2017, 4:47:00 am · 2 months ago I know I'm late but about the end of appartment 5018 I'm really curious about Polaris. Will it be build ? Will it be insignifiant ? I really like it so yeah that's what I'm most curious about :)
This will be addressed in 17! :D
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 2nd 2017, 9:53:00 pm · 2 months ago same anon who recommended moondust~~ i have another one for you ena ^^ it's the house we never built by gabrielle alpine <3 best of luck on the story!
Imma check this out after I answer these messages and add it to my playlist! Thank you so much!
@yoruu-gen said to enaasteria: August 21st 2017, 1:01:00 pm · a month ago Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day to my most favorite fanfic author in existence ❤ Apt 5108 is by far the best thing I've read on this website and I look forward to continue stalking your Google Docs 👀 I'm so thankful that you pulled me out of the writer's block abyss and I hope I won't disappoint in the future lol. Thanks for always being such a great friend and for always dying with me about our biases 😅 Love u lots~~
YOUUUUUU. I LOVE YOU. I also thank you so much for helping me with this chapter. You are such an inspiration and I know you feel like you’re not that great of a writer but honestly---you are one of the two I really, truly, look up to on this platform. I always enjoy your words, your stories, YOUR STRUGGLES with your biases but also so thankful for your friendship. 
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 26th 2017, 9:36:00 am · a month ago Red is my favorite fic and it impacted me so much in a way i can only be thankful. Getting away of a one-side love relationship was really a big choice i should have made before but it's really scary to do so. Reading Red helped me aknowledge what i was doing to myself after denying it for too long and i finally decided to take care of myself for once. So i'm thankful because your amazing way of using words helped me realize i should do what's better for me and no one else. Take care of yourself
Red is honestly one of my favorites too. It was so easy to write (compared to apt) hahaha and although Sehun wasn’t a good character in it, I enjoyed the progression of how real the characters were? Like---this happens in real life and not all things end happily with rainbows and butterflies. It is a struggle to see a person go through something like this but it’s also a testament to their character and their willpower to walk away from it and say when they’ve had enough. I hope you’re doing well, anon.
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt. 15
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
wow has it been A Week
i have two tests in a few hours and i have so many notes left and calc problems and i'm dying so have this!
there are two links in the chapter and i know you're probably like. why would i click those? i mean i wouldn’t trust me either, but i swear they're fine. ignore the first if you'd like, but if you don't click the second you're probably going to be fairly confused? you'll see what i mean
this is extra long because i'm feeling extra procrastinate-y
(sorting hat = nino, cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub = alya, dipshit = adrien, ahHHH = mari)
i'm off to fail. enjoy~
sorting hat: what the fuck was i thinking were french wed go to beauxbatons oh also @alya akuma attack
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: but thats bORING wait what fuCK WHEN I FINALLY DECID E 2 SLEPE
sorting hat: please dont leave the house im too tired
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: …. nino what the fuck is thsi akuma
sorting hat: why would i know???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: bc i dont
sorting hat: love that 3 in the morning logic
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: all thats on the forums is pics of it stacking cars??????????? @hawkmoth wyd
sorting hat: being a dick probably
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ok tru oooo something new in the inbox of the ladyblog make ur bets now
sorting hat: i say random theory
dipshit: Fanart duh
sorting hat: bro!!! youre up!! <3
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: gm marshmallow my love
sorting hat: howd you wake up? did the akuma get close to your house and finally make noise or osmething?
dipshit: Oh I never went to bed
sorting hat: …
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: what the SHI T SLEEP BOI
dipshit: Trust me, I would’ve if I wanted to
sorting hat: mari is the only one of us with any sense
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: shes a smart one
dipshit: Yeah Anyway what’s in the inbox
sorting hat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRr9NG7RE0
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: thank u bab much appreciated but also ur a nerd anyway its wait waht ths hit hlyk fucik
sorting hat: uhhhh alya you ok??
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i S HTIS  AK JOKE IMS TCARED TO CPIICK IT
dipshit: Well what is it??
sorting hat: wait like like he shot it himself??
dipshit: That’s some dedication is it like mid-akuma fight or something
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ahhhHHH I DON TKNOW I HAVNE TWATCHED IT YET its itS THE M TEHY METION ME MOM HOL Y FCUK i can t;breakt h im oginna die nsow WAITN I NEDD TO POST
sorting hat: please dont die on us yo send me the link fam
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DINOSUAR SCREEEECH  
dipshit: Did you mean pterodactyl screech
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DO U THISNK I CAN SPELL THAT NR
dipshit: Honestly I didn’t even spell it right I had to use spellcheck
sorting hat: smh fake fan i bet you cant even name ten dinosaurs
dipshit: Do you want me to try???
sorting hat: no no i do not not right now maybe after school
dipshit: Does spelling count
sorting hat: yup scientific names only too bro no long neck bullshit
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ladyblog.tumblr.com/post/324367743289/update-from-the-favs ICAHT STOP YELLING IM SO GETITN G INTORUBLE FOR BEIGS O LOUD BUT HOLY SHI T
sorting hat: dang they look exhaust ed and that akuma really is just stacking cars
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i need a flashing gif thatj us tsays LADYNOIR IS CANON
sorting hat: bro thi s is so accurate to staying up until 3 am tho
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: HE CALLED HER PERFEC T
dipshit: Missed pun opportunity Could’ve said purrfect
sorting hat: im kicking you out
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: MARHSMALLOW I LIVOE U also i think theyr right about it being a kid
sorting hat: but like lb said its really late
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i mean tru
sorting hat: it looks like theyre building a castel or somethng
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: a fortress!!!
sorting hat: yeah!!!
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: to protect them from d r a g o n s or scary things
sorting hat: yo it couldve just been a kid with a nightmare if you by that
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: god whne the girls have a nightmare its ROUGH sometiems nothing will get them back to bed cant blame them i mean one of  the things that helps them is drwing nightmares fuk i woudlnt want to go back to sleep either
dipshit: The akumas building a fortress huh?
sorting hat: idk man we arent talking to the akuma ask chat
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh yeah no that failed
sorting hat: ????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: he tried to talk to them and they just like picked him up and threw him away some1 submitted a video rip chat noir
dipshit: Sounds painful
sorting hat: rip in pepperoni anyway if you look at the akuma theyre sorta dressed up ya know
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i wanna say ur projecting the castle thing but ur right that thing in their hair looks like a crown
dipshit: Huh you’re right
sorting hat: man i need to sleep akumas are bullshit
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i just watche dthe video for the sixth itm e im gnna memorize it
sorting hat: babe please if youre gonna memorize something you should wait for a better vidoe
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: DO U THINK THEYLLY SEND A NOTHER
sorting hat: idk why not they sent thsi one
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT FAM oh snap here come the amgic ladybugs there the y go ayyyy
sorting hat: sleep
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ok godo plan see u in a few hours 2 cry
PM between dipshit and ahHHH
ahHHH: I cannot bleieve you used our friends to stop an akuma
dipshit: Can you please let me live
ahHHH: I cant believe you sent taht video to alya
dipshit: Did you see how happy she was?????
ahHHH: Oh my god Im going to bed Please actually sleep???
dipshit: Uhh No promises but I’ll try my best
ahHHH: You better Night kittne
dipshit: See you in a few hours Night bugaboo
7:58 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i want to die
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub has changed their name to ladynoir keeps me living
ladynoir keeps me living renamed this conversation to “life is meaningless”.
dipshit: Optimistic
ahHHH: Fuck m y life and efverythign in it
ladynoir keeps me living has renamed this conversation to “what the fUCK”.
ladynoir keeps me living: what the fuc k what thif cuk what teh kcuk WHAT THE ICUK NINO
sorting hat: babe im standing right next to you im processing gimme a fucking second
ladynoir keeps me living: ... 
sorting hat: ok i had a second what
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ladynoir keeps me living: MARINETTE DUPAIN CHENG WHAT THE FUC K MARI!!!!!!!!!!! ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and dipshit
ladynoir keeps me living: answer uR GODDAMN PHON E I M GODING HUNT U DOWN I F U DONT RESPJNOD  
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: did i just see what i htink i saw correction did alya and i see what we think i saw bro adrien agreste are you here hellllooooooo shit dude
PM between sorting hat and ahHHH
sorting hat: dude dude what was that how long has that been a thing broski marinette goddammit guys
PM between ahHHH and dipshit
dipshit: Uh I’m really sorry about that It just Happened
ahHHH: Its fine Youre fine Its fine Were all fine
dipshit: Are they…?
ahHHH: Yup I have So many messages Oh my go d
dipshit: I’m so sorry
ahHHH: Its both our faults or something
dipshit: You want Alya or Nino
ahHHH: Uh lets do this the simplest way you go nino i go alya Good luck
dipshit: Same to you
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: What
ladynoir keeps me living: ok deep breaths do not what me i saw that nino saw that you lived it
ahHHH: lived what
ladynoir keeps me living: U JUST KISSED ADRIEN AGREST E
ahHHH: um
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
dipshit: Hey Nino What’s up
sorting hat: ha ha very funny alyas having a cow but seriously did you and marinette kiss
dipshit: Uhh I mean yes Yes we did There was lip touching going on there It was an accident
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: It was an accident!!!!
ladynoir keeps me living: an aCCIDENT
ahHHH: Were both really tired and we were standing next to each otehr and idont know what happened
ladynoir keeps me living: what did u fall asleep on each others lips or something?!??!??!?!?!? accident?!??????
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: an accident
dipshit: I kind of Wasn’t thinking
sorting hat: really fucknig smooth bro
dipshit: Sue me
sorting hat: no thank s are you two dating now or?
dipshit: No we’re not
sorting hat: but you like marinette before you say no please know i just saw you lock lips and i also am your best friend and also have eyes
dipshit: Ok yes I like her
sorting hat: so are you gonna ask her out
dipshit: Uhh ... ...no I don’t think so
sorting hat: bruh why not??
dipshit: It’s complicated
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ladynoir keeps me living: i hate both of u ur actuallt he worst
ahHHH: Im sorry???
ladynoir keeps me living: MAKE OUT ALREADY
ahHHH: Alya stop!!!!! We arent dating or anyhting
ladynoir keeps me going: what hte fUCK why not!!!!! u kissed!!! u 2 talk all the time u make each other laugh u spend a ton of time together u like each other ur dating
ahHHH: Al Im not dating adrien!!!
ladynoir keeps me going: ok fine but u could
ahHHH: By that logic I could also be dating you and nino
ladynoir keeps me going: yes yes u could be
PM between sorting hat and dipshit
sorting hat: complicated??? what about it is complicated?????? you like her she likes you if you havent figured that out by now i dont know what to tell you dude other than maybe all that homeschooling made you worse at social interaction than we thought cause its freaking obvious man like really really obvious
dipshit: It really is complicated, I swear
sorting hat: what?? do you like someone else too or something?
dipshit: Yeah Actually I do
sorting hat: who? ladybug still?? i mean same ladybug is fucking awesome and ive been in a room with teh two of you chemistry and awkwardness but like dont take this the wrong way dude but what are your chances? im not gonna pull an alya and say lb and cn are a thing but how well would dating a superhero really work out? you like mari mari likes you youve already kissed once you guys are so close already might as well just change the relationship status on facebook you know? adrien? ok well think on it dude ill be here if you wanna talk
PM between ladynoir keeps me living and ahHHH
ahHHH: Its not that simple
ladynoir keeps me living: yes it is? do u like him? yes does he like u? yes did u like kissing him? im gonna guess yes is it the asking out part ur scared of cause i can totally bug him into asking u out first
ahHHH: No its not that its just I Its kinda complicated
ladynoir keeps me living: ??????
ahHHH: I cant really
ladynoir keeps me living: mari u ok?? do u need me to come over cause i can
ahHHH: No its ok Im fine
ladynoir keeps me living: did adrien do smth do i need to beat him up
ahHHH: No! No its not him Adrien is perfect
ladynoir keeps me living: sap
ahHHH: Just Give me a minute Ok?
ladynoir keeps me living: ill wait for u to text first
ahHHH: Thanks
PM between dipshit and ahHHH
dipshit: So
ahHHH: So
dipshit: That happened
ahHHH: Yup
dipshit: Nino asked if we were dating
ahHHH: Alya did too
dipshit: Mari I like you a lot
ahHHH: And I really like you too But theres a but right?
dipshit: Yeah You too?
ahHHH: Yeah
dipshit: I think we should just Wait? A little bit?
ahHHH: I was thinking the same thing Not necessarily a long time just Some Time
dipshit: Exactly I mean I’ve been in love with you for months honestly But there’s…
ahHHH: Same here I’ve had a huge embarrassing crush on you since the beginning of the year
dipshit: Glad we’re the same level of awkward and embarrassing
ahHHH: That wasnt our first kiss By the way Just Thought you should Probably know at this point
dipshit: Wait what?
ahHHH: Dark Cupid? You um I needed to break his hold on you and I remembered class and there had been something about a kis sbreaking a spell so Yeah You didnt remember so I didnt say anything Maybe I shouldve I jsut felt Really awkward about it??? Sorry
dipshit: Oh Um
dipshit: It’s fine!!! Really it’s fine It sounds like it’d be awkward to bring up But thanks for telling me I appreciate it
ahHHH: Of course Um Im gonna do some homeowrk so I can go to bed early tonight Hopefully Hawkmoth will leave us alone
dipshit: Oh god I hope so I can’t do another late night That was terrible
ahHHH: That video was awful But it was fun You might sway me on this social media thing yet kitty
dipshit: :3c
ahHHH: Youre the w o r s t
dipshit: I know Let me know if you have any problems with chem or physics I did the homework while she was going over the stuff from yesterday
ahHHH: Its unfair how smart you are
dipshit: Promise you’ll ask for help??
ahHHH: Yeah I promise Dont you have piano today?
dipshit: Yup and I should probably go get ready for that Good luck my lady
ahHHH: You too kitten
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iminthecloudnine9 · 6 years
I’m actually in the brink of giving up
It’s exactly 7:10 pm right now. My parents are both watching the news in the tv. Music was playing while I was typing this. Ahhhhhh another day is going to pass. Have I done anything productive today?
It’s been a while since I last wrote an entry here. During those times, a lot has happened. The reason I’m writing tonight is because I can’t contain the feeling that I have for the last months. I continuously find job at a daily basis actually. I’ve been to several job interviews but somehow I still can’t find one.
Last Saturday, I had a job interview at a big hospital. A day before my interview, I was briefed that the chief dietitian will be the one to interview me. I was thinking a lot of things the moment I received the message I got an interview but one thing is certain for me, I have to make this happen. I have to get the job.
One of my friend had been interviewed and already took an exam at the same company that holds the dietary department of that hospital. We’re both currently unemployed at the moment but luckily I also got the chance to be screened. She gave me tips on how the interview will go. She also gave me the outline of the exam and some of the questions that she can recall. I was so determined to pass this that’s why I reviewed my past notes and read also my board exam reviewer. I do practice and all. 
The interview day was a complete mess. I was asked the basic questions about my profession but I couldn’t even give a proper answer. I did try my best to calm my nerves during the interview. I was so disappointed with myself that day. Students could’ve give a better answer and nailed it. The next part of that day got even worse. Ten minutes before my interview my shoes fell off, I was panicking and I had to think quickly to fix my shoes. Then convenient store inside the hospital doesn’t have a stock of their super glue. I thought of buying a tape even though it would look ridiculous but I WAS SO DESPERATE. I was about to pay for the tape when I saw the chewing gum at the counter. BAM. CHECKMATE.
It wasn’t a good idea though. I was ashamed that I thought it would work. Imagine what I had to go through with broken shoes while being interviewed by a CHIEF DIETITIAN. 
I was on my way home when the second misfortune happened. I rode the wrong jeep. I had to walk for almost 20 minutes to ride another jeep, get off and walk again because there are no fucking jeep available. I was on the verge of crying while walking in the middle of sticking hot weather. I feel empty and useless.
It’s already 8:59 pm, we already had our dinner and the dishes are done. My mum is getting ready to sleep. My eyes are all blurry and wet. I still feel empty and useless. When will this end?
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