#Corporate sustainability in India
signode-blog · 2 months
Reliance Industries: Pioneering Innovation, Driving Growth, Shaping the Future
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) stands as a beacon of industrial might and innovation, not just within the confines of India but on the global stage. Founded by Dhirubhai Ambani in the 1960s, it has metamorphosed from a modest textile manufacturer into a behemoth straddling various sectors, including petrochemicals, refining, oil and gas exploration, retail, telecommunications, and digital…
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csrconsultants · 5 months
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giftingdelights · 9 months
Sustainable Gifting Practices | Corporate Gifting India | E-Gift Cards | Best Eco Friendly Gifts | Congratulations Gifts India | Best Gifts For A Businessman
Introduction: Celebrating independence with a green consciousness
As Independence Day approaches, businesses have a unique opportunity to celebrate the spirit of freedom while also showcasing their commitment to environmental sustainability. Embracing eco-friendly corporate gifting practices not only reflects a responsible approach towards the planet but also sets a positive example for employees, clients, and partners. At Prestige Gifting Delights, we take pride in our dedication to maximizing the use of biodegradable packaging and promoting eco-conscious products. In this blog, we will explore some of our eco-friendly corporate gifting ideas that are perfect gift for your employees or business partners.
· Pantene Bamboo and Gillette Venus Combo Giftpack 
· Herbal Essence Giftpacks 
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E-Gift Cards: The green way to celebrate 
In the digital age, paper waste is a significant environmental concern. At Prestige Gifting Delights, we offer e-gift cards as a sustainable and convenient option for corporate gifting. E-gift cards allow recipients to choose their preferred eco-friendly products from our collection, ensuring they receive gifts they genuinely appreciate. By opting for e-gift cards, you reduce the need for physical packaging and contribute to a greener and paperless celebration of Independence Day. 
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Biodegradable packaging: Our commitment to sustainability 
At Prestige Gifting Delights, we understand the impact of packaging on the environment. That's why we are committed to maximizing the use of biodegradable packaging materials. Our eco-friendly gift boxes and wrapping are made from biodegradable materials that break down naturally, leaving no harmful residue in the environment. We believe that responsible gifting goes hand in hand with sustainable packaging, and our efforts are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the planet. 
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As we celebrate Independence Day, let us not forget our responsibility towards the environment. At Prestige Gifting Delights, we are proud to offer a range of eco-friendly corporate gifting ideas that align with our vision of sustainability. From herbal essence giftpacks promoting natural products to Pantene Bamboo encouraging sustainable choices, our offerings are designed to make a positive impact on the planet. Furthermore, our e-gift cards and commitment to biodegradable packaging underscore our dedication to reducing waste and promoting a greener future.
Let this Independence Day be a reminder that together, we can celebrate freedom while treading lightly on the Earth, and at Prestige Gifting Delights, we are honoured to be your partners in this sustainable journey.
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corpseedgroup · 1 year
What is ESG sustainability Investing?
ESG sustainability investing, also known as environmental, social, and governance investing, is an investment approach that takes into consideration environmental, social, and governance factors when evaluating the performance and sustainability of companies or assets. ESG factors are considered alongside traditional financial factors to assess a company's overall sustainability and its impact on society and the environment.
Here's a brief overview of the three components of ESG sustainability investing:
Environmental: This considers a company's impact on the environment, including its carbon footprint, resource usage, waste management, pollution, and other environmental risks and opportunities. It assesses how a company manages and mitigates its environmental impacts and its efforts towards sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Social: This focuses on a company's relationships with its employees, customers, communities, and other stakeholders. It considers factors such as labor practices, human rights, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, product safety, and social impacts. It evaluates how a company manages its social responsibilities and contributes positively to society.
Governance: This looks at a company's leadership, management, and governance practices. It assesses factors such as board composition, executive compensation, shareholder rights, transparency, and accountability. Good governance is seen as crucial for long-term sustainability, as it helps ensure ethical decision-making and responsible management practices.
ESG sustainability investing aims to generate positive financial returns while also considering the environmental, social, and governance impact of investments. It is based on the belief that companies with strong ESG performance are more likely to be resilient, sustainable, and better positioned to manage risks and capture opportunities in the long run. ESG sustainability investing has gained popularity in recent years as investors seek to align their investments with their values and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.
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How ESG reporting can help investors and the companies?
ESG reporting, or the practice of disclosing a company's performance and practices related to environmental, social, and governance factors, can benefit both investors and companies in several ways:
Better decision-making for investors: ESG reporting provides investors with relevant data and information to assess a company's sustainability performance and risks. This helps investors make more informed investment decisions, identify companies that align with their ESG preferences or values, and integrate ESG considerations into their investment strategies. ESG reporting can also help investors identify potential risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance factors that may impact a company's financial performance in the long term.
Enhanced risk management for companies: ESG reporting can help companies identify and manage ESG risks and opportunities, including environmental risks such as climate change or resource scarcity, social risks such as labor practices or community relations, and governance risks such as board effectiveness or executive compensation. By disclosing this information, companies can proactively manage ESG risks, develop strategies to mitigate them, and demonstrate their commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices.
Improved stakeholder engagement for companies: ESG reporting facilitates communication and engagement with stakeholders such as investors, customers, employees, regulators, and communities. By disclosing ESG performance, companies can engage in meaningful dialogues with stakeholders, address concerns, and build trust. This can lead to better stakeholder relationships, improved reputation, and increased access to capital and market opportunities.
Enhanced long-term performance for companies: Companies with strong ESG performance are more likely to be sustainable in the long run. ESG reporting can help companies set goals, measure progress, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. Companies that prioritize ESG factors may also attract investors who value sustainability and responsible investing, which can positively impact their access to capital and valuation over the long term.
Regulatory compliance: ESG reporting is increasingly being mandated by regulators in many jurisdictions, which requires companies to disclose their ESG performance. By complying with these regulations, companies can avoid legal and reputational risks and demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability.
In summary, ESG reporting in India can benefit investors by providing them with relevant information for decision-making, and companies by helping them manage risks, engage with stakeholders, improve performance, and comply with regulations. It promotes transparency, accountability, and sustainability, benefiting both investors and companies in the long term.
What is the importance of ESG sustainability Investing?
ESG sustainability investing is important for several reasons:
Addressing pressing global challenges: ESG sustainability investing recognizes the urgent need to address pressing global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance failures. By integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into investment decisions, it can contribute to addressing these challenges and promoting more sustainable and responsible business practices.
Promoting sustainability and positive impact: ESG sustainability investing encourages companies to adopt sustainable practices that consider their impact on the environment, society, and governance. This can drive positive change by promoting responsible resource management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fostering social inclusion and diversity, and enhancing corporate governance and transparency.
Mitigating risks and capturing opportunities: ESG sustainability investing acknowledges that companies face risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance factors that can impact their long-term financial performance. By considering these factors in investment decisions, investors can better understand and mitigate risks, as well as identify opportunities for sustainable growth and value creation.
Aligning investments with values and stakeholder preferences: ESG sustainability investing allows investors to align their investments with their values and stakeholder preferences. It provides an avenue for investors to incorporate ethical, social, and environmental considerations into their investment decisions, reflecting their broader interests beyond financial returns. This can help investors achieve their financial goals while also supporting companies that are aligned with their values.
Enhancing stakeholder engagement and accountability: ESG sustainability investing promotes transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement. By encouraging companies to disclose their ESG performance, it fosters greater transparency and accountability, and enables stakeholders such as investors, customers, employees, and communities to hold companies to higher standards of sustainability performance.
Driving long-term sustainable returns: ESG sustainability report investing recognizes that sustainability and financial performance are not mutually exclusive, but rather can be mutually reinforcing. Companies that prioritize ESG factors may be better positioned to manage risks, innovate, and capture opportunities, leading to potential long-term sustainable returns for investors.
Influencing corporate behavior: ESG sustainability investing can serve as a powerful tool to influence corporate behavior. By allocating capital to companies that demonstrate strong ESG performance, investors can incentivize companies to improve their sustainability practices and drive positive change across industries and sectors.
In summary, ESG sustainability investing is important as it promotes sustainability, mitigates risks, aligns investments with values, enhances stakeholder engagement, and has the potential to drive long-term sustainable returns while influencing corporate behavior towards more responsible and sustainable practices.
What is the need of sustainability reporting?
Sustainability reporting is necessary for several reasons:
Transparency and Accountability: Sustainability reporting provides a platform for companies to transparently disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, practices, and impacts. It enables companies to be accountable for their sustainability commitments, actions, and progress, and allows stakeholders such as investors, customers, employees, regulators, and communities to assess a company's sustainability performance and hold it to account.
Stakeholder Communication and Engagement: Sustainability reporting facilitates communication and engagement with stakeholders on ESG matters. It provides a structured way for companies to share information on their sustainability initiatives, goals, progress, and challenges. It allows companies to engage in meaningful dialogues with stakeholders, address concerns, and respond to feedback, fostering trust, and building stronger relationships with stakeholders.
Risk Management and Opportunity Identification: Sustainability reporting helps companies identify and manage ESG risks and opportunities. By disclosing information on ESG performance, companies can identify potential risks such as climate change impacts, supply chain disruptions, regulatory changes, or social controversies, and develop strategies to mitigate them. Sustainability reporting also helps companies identify opportunities for innovation, cost savings, market differentiation, and long-term value creation through sustainable practices.
Performance Measurement and Goal Setting: Sustainability reporting enables companies to measure and track their sustainability performance over time. It provides a framework for setting goals, monitoring progress, and reporting on achievements. This allows companies to benchmark their performance, identify areas for improvement, and drive continuous sustainability performance improvement.
Compliance with Regulations and Standards: Sustainability reporting is increasingly mandated by regulations and standards in many jurisdictions. Companies may be required to disclose their ESG performance and practices to comply with legal requirements or industry-specific standards. Sustainability reporting helps companies meet these regulatory obligations, avoid legal and reputational risks, and demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability.
Investor Expectations and Access to Capital: Investors are increasingly incorporating ESG environmental factors into their investment decisions. Sustainability reporting provides companies with an opportunity to disclose their ESG performance, strategies, and goals, which can attract investment from ESG-focused investors. Companies that demonstrate strong ESG performance and transparency may have better access to capital, as investors increasingly prioritize sustainability and responsible investing.
Reputation and Brand Building: Sustainability reporting can enhance a company's reputation and brand image. It demonstrates a company's commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices, which can improve its reputation among stakeholders, customers, and communities. Sustainability reporting can also enhance a company's brand value by showcasing its sustainability initiatives, achievements, and positive impacts.
In summary, sustainability reporting is needed to promote transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, risk management, performance measurement, compliance, access to capital, and reputation building. It helps companies demonstrate their commitment to sustainability reporting, manage risks, identify opportunities, and drive positive change, while meeting stakeholder expectations and regulatory requirements.
Read more This Blog :- What is ESG framework and metrics?
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stemlearning · 1 year
How are CSR Practices linked to Sustainable Development Goals?
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained significant traction in recent years, as more businesses strive to operate in a sustainable and responsible manner. CSR practices can take many forms, but all are aimed at improving the social and environmental impact of a business.
CSR practices are often linked to sustainable development goals (SDGs), as both CSR sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility concepts seek to improve the world we live in. While CSR focuses on the responsibility of businesses, the SDGs are a set of global goals that aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
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There is a strong case to be made for businesses adopting CSR practices, as they can help to achieve the SDGs. By reducing their environmental impact, for example, businesses can help to protect the planet. And by supporting employees and local communities, businesses can help to create a more sustainable and prosperous world.
The link between CSR and the SDGs is evident, and businesses that adopt CSR practices along with CSR sustainability techniques can play a significant role in achieving these goals.
There are many ways businesses can get involved in Corporate Social Responsibility. For example, businesses can adopt sustainable practices such as reducing energy consumption, recycling and composting, using recycled materials, and carpooling. Businesses can also support employee volunteerism and philanthropy by sponsoring charitable events or matching employee donations. Additionally, businesses can work with local communities to address issues such as poverty, education, and environmental degradation.
Syndication URL on How are CSR Practices linked to Sustainable Development Goals?
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kanika456 · 2 years
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Mona B India Supplying Bulk Bag, Manufacturing, wholesaling bags in India. Laptop Backpack in bulk for corporate gifting wholesalers listed at Monabindia.com. Buy Now.
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portesina · 2 years
Understandings from our MMH week in India - Mental health is crucial
Understandings from our MMH week in India – Mental health is crucial
Interacting with small holder farmers to understand different the needs are and how they correlate to issues such as self confidence and – esteem Have you ever questioned whether your solution will really work and how other factors (than just the obvious most) might play a role if the solution fits or not? The landscape in Anaikatti area where our farmers live In our MMH Leadership week our…
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rederiswrites · 2 months
For the last week or so, I have been quietly but terribly angry about something. And on the whole I think that when you're actively angry it's better to just let things ferment a while in quiet, but here I am.
It started with just a slow drip of things. Country artists being ignored by city art shows. A video recapping and adding to what I already know about how huge corporations created a new serfdom for farmers by monopolizing meat packing, distribution, commodities markets, squeezing farmer's profit margins until many of them go bankrupt, give up, sell to developers--commit suicide. Ah yes. Did you know that farmers and agricultural workers commit suicide at a very high rate? This statistic holds in the US, UK, India, Australia... Then add story after story about Israeli troops and settlers destroying olive trees. Did you know that it takes three years to get the first handful of olives from a tree? That olive trees can live for 500 years?
Did you know that Putin is taking a disproportionate number of his troops from the Siberian country to fight in Ukraine? That way he weakens an ethnic minority while at the same time hiding the full cost of his war from his more important constituents in the western cities.
And then about halfway through a video about the Holodomor, the Killing By Starvation, when Stalin deliberately made Ukrainian peasants take the very worst of the famine created by collectivization, while giving their grain to people in the cities, I realized that I was fucking furious.
Not just about the individual atrocities, all of which deserve my rage of course. No, I was just.... So, so fucking tired of rural people being the invisible dumping grounds of "progress" that has forgotten how life is created and sustained.
That's it. No suggestions, nothing productive, no reason or measure. I'm just angry.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 5 hours
In the last 30 days, I have sold almost 100 copies of "You Look Like Something Blooming" with no marketing, a book that is almost 13 years old. My vitality and quality of life speak louder than any advertisements I could have ever done--this is what the new earth looks like, Loved Ones. I wanted readers to see the process and evidence of what it looks like to follow your heart, to go slow, to take your time, to rest while reaching your goals, to gestate with your work, to know that you are safe while doing so, and allow the divine to fill in the pieces that you can't see with your own eyes yet. In the "normal" industrial publishing world, this level of sustainability is unheard of. We have to live more magical and regenerative to transcend these exhaustive systems of power and domination. These results and statistics are what makes me a deeply magical woman undeniably so -but they are also what makes my new work even more magical for readers to meet their own abundance that will set them apart from the "standard" status quo way of being in their bodies and living in this world yet bring them closer towards being a REAL support for collective wellbeing as we learn to master the anti-life systems put in place to keep our bodies more hard and burdened and less soft and unstoppable, like water slipping through the fingers of corporate structures. --India Ame'ye, Author
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ouachitafolkwitch · 19 days
April 8th, 2024 New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Manifestations:
This celestial event is in the sign of Aries, the zodiac’s symbol of release & rebirth, taking action, endings & new beginnings, resistance & revolution. This eclipse is a prime time for humanity to do the work to abolish oppression and manifest universal peace, love, compassion, joy, healing, and liberation for all.
Under the power of this eclipse, We are focusing our thoughts and actions to manifest an end to the oppressive old world during this 21st century to bring in a new world and reality of universal peace, love, compassion, joy, healing, and liberation. We are all awakening to the divinity that lives within each and every one of us, inspiring us to take action to recycle the old oppressive world and transmute its negativity into the new universally liberated world that we all long for.
During this 21st century, We will put an end to the ongoing Palestinian genocide and colonization of Palestine, as well as the Zionist regime, Christian nationalism, Christian supremacy, Christofascism, and more. All individuals, organizations, corporations, and entities that enable Palestinian (and all other) oppression will have their influence, resources, capital, and power banished from them; these enablers will also receive sufficient divine punishment for their numerous crimes.
The Collective will continue to awaken, being enlightened with divine light, wisdom, and spiritual clarity. We are all open to channeling and transmitting the loving, peaceful, and liberating energy of the divine for the highest good of all! We will no longer support any individual, organization, corporation, or entity that enables and supports any form of oppression. The Collective is screaming for Palestine, Hawai’i, Turtle Island, Aotearoa, Congo, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey, India, Iran, Iraq, Australia—DURING THIS 21ST CENTURY, EVERYONE WILL BE FREE TO EXPERIENCE THE UNIVERSAL LIBERATION WE HAVE ALL WORKED FOR!
With the renewing power of this eclipse, We the Collective will abolish all forms of oppression that run rampant throughout our universe, including the colonization of Turtle Island, Aotearoa, Palestine, Australia, and other lands; slavery, violence, land theft, war, crusades, genocide, cultural erasure, ecocide, racism, sexism, queerphobia, xenophobia, capitalism, classism, ableism, poverty, mass hunger, homelessness, and more. All these forms of oppression will cease to exist in the new reality of universal liberation thanks to the perseverant efforts of the Collective.
Humanity and all other organisms that We share the earth with (with the help of our ancestors, spirit guides, deities, what have you-) will collectively do the work to manifest us all a reality of universal love, peace, compassion, joy, healing, & liberation; this reality includes ecological restoration, land back, and decolonization; liberation of all indigenous peoples, cultures, lands, and languages; abolishing all forms of religious and spiritual oppression including sexism, queerphobia, xenophobia, racism, colonization, “mission work,” compulsory spiritual conversion, genocide, and more; abolishing capitalism and all other oppressive economic systems; promoting food sovereignty, climate change mitigation, and poverty reduction through local sustainable farming and foraging, native agroecology, agroforestry, and regenerative/indigenous farming; making sure everyone has a healthy home; taking care of ourselves *and* others; ensuring the survival of rural communities; ensuring the survival of all life on our planet.
In the 21st century of this Age of Aquarius, the Collective will ultimately manifest the abolishment of all oppression and the creation of universal peace, love, compassion, joy, healing, and liberation.
And it is so.
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queerbrownvegan · 2 years
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With Pride coming up, remember to ask, Who Made My Pride Merch? From last year's pride, #WhoMadeMyPrideMerch highlights that pride collections are being made in countries where being LGBTQ2SAI+ is illegal. Pride has been heavily commercialized in the last few years and is an opportunity for brands to showcase their "love" for the LGBTQ2SAI + community. Last June, I teamed up with @muccycloud (the founder #WhoMadeMyPrideMerch) to raise awareness of the #WhoMadeMyPrideMerch digital campaign and the messages are as relevant this year as any other. Izzy McLeod created the campaign to demand brands be transparent on their supply chain and protect their garment workers, especially those who are LGBTQ2SAI+. The garment industry is highly exploitative and has created a global environmental injustice. Many LGBTQ+ workers are making pride merchandise in countries where being themselves could result in the loss of their jobs, a risk of being arrested, and possibly even death. Multi-billion dollar brands are profiting from the work of Black / Brown Trans Women, who fought for their community's rights. Brands like Levis produced their collections of themed pride clothing in India, where it illegal to be gay" (BBC). It's not only them but H&M was found to source their collections from Bangladesh, where Queer activists have been targeted for their sexuality. Regardless of their stance of donating to organizations that do LGBTQ2SAI+ work, what about the workers who may not have access/resources to those organizations? Paying livable wages and ensuring safe working conditions, especially with marginalized communities, is just one step forward in our march toward collective justice and liberation. As we celebrate and rejoice around our identities, I encourage people to express themselves but let's remember that Pride Month will never be about what we buy, it's about who we are. Corporations seeking to profit should also seek to advance our cause.
(You can read more in my post on Queer Sustainability)
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csrconsultants · 5 months
Fiinovation India
As an organization deeply rooted in India, Fiinovation’s impact extends far beyond its address.
The company’s influence in India’s CSR landscape is characterized by innovative strategies, ethical practices, and a commitment to sustainable development.
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corpseedgroup · 1 year
Have you ever heard the term ESG Sustainability Performance Metrics? Or wondered about its significance in today's world? If yes, then this article can be an enlightening read for you. The best way to start is with the definition. ESG Sustainability Performance metrics, or we can say, ESG metrics are nothing but a set of criteria used worldwide to assess how a company is performing in terms of sustainability and social responsibility.
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gowns · 2 years
...This is the problem with any climate policy, big or small: It requires an imaginative leap. While the math of decarbonization and electric mobilization is clear, the future lifestyle it implies isn’t always. Right-wing commenters sometimes seize upon this fact to caricature any climate policy as a forced retreat from modernity — Americans forced to live in ecopods — while on the left any accounting seems to cloud the urgency of the moment. A majority of emissions come from just 100 or so corporations, activists argue, a concentration of industrial production that, once decarbonized, could slash the footprint beneath every wall sconce and sandwich. Even if it were true, these arguments conveniently ignore one uncomfortable fact: Walmart, Exxon Mobil and Berkshire Hathaway didn’t burn that fuel on their own — we paid them to, or burned it ourselves, because the way we live depends on it. By any standard, American lives have become excessive and indulgent, full of large homes, long trips, aisles of choices and app-delivered convenience. If the possibilities of the future are already narrowing to the one being painted by science with increasing lucidity, it strains even the most vivid imagination to picture it widening again without a change in behavior.
This isn’t an American crisis alone. All around the world, nations have locked themselves into unsustainable, energy-intensive lifestyles... [...]
The problem of reducing our footprints further isn’t that we don’t have models of sustainable living; it’s that few exist without poverty. Imagine another typical household, this time somewhere in the rural tropics, like the Mara region in northwestern Tanzania. You live with five or six others, your husband, parents, grandmother and perhaps two kids, in a 700-square-foot house without electricity, maybe one you built by hand from sun-dried bricks. You cook with firewood and pay for 3G with the few dollars a day you make. All around you, people are clearing forests for corn and rice, damaging ecosystems that otherwise pull carbon from the air. To give your kids a better life, you move to the city, and as you make more money, you rent a bigger house, take more buses, buy an air-conditioner. All these improvements add to your quality of life, ticking you upward on the Human Development Index, but also expand your carbon footprint — the two being so closely tied they could be proxies. No matter your vocation or luck, the only real way for you to make your life better is to burn more fossil fuels. So you do — collectively elevating your country out of those with a footprint close to zero (Afghanistan, the Central African Republic) and into those around two tons: India, the Philippines.
This is the paradox at the heart of climate change: We’ve burned far too many fossil fuels to go on living as we have, but we’ve also never learned to live well without them. As the Yale economist Robert Mendelsohn puts it, the problem of the future is how to create a 19th-century carbon footprint without backsliding into a 19th-century standard of living. No model exists for creating such a world, which is partly why paralysis has set in at so many levels. The greatest crisis in human history may require imagining ways of living — not just of energy production but of daily habit — that we have never seen before. How do we begin to imagine such a household?
Late last year, I traveled to Uruguay in hope of glimpsing one possibility....
read more! [gifty link so you can read it without paywall]
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masllp · 1 month
Streamline Your Business Journey: Company Registration in India with Mas LLP
In the bustling landscape of Indian commerce, laying the foundation for your business begins with a crucial step: Company registration in India. Whether you're an ambitious entrepreneur venturing into the world of startups or an established enterprise seeking to expand your operations, the process of registering your company is essential for legitimacy, compliance, and growth. At Mas LLP, we understand the significance of this milestone and offer comprehensive solutions tailored to simplify Company registration in India. Here's why Mas LLP stands out as your premier choice for company registration in India:
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Expert Guidance: With years of experience and a team of seasoned professionals, Mas LLP brings unparalleled expertise to the table. Our experts possess in-depth knowledge of Indian corporate laws, regulations, and compliance requirements, enabling us to provide expert guidance and support at every stage of the company registration process.
Tailored Solutions: At Mas LLP, we recognize that every business is unique, with its own set of goals, objectives, and challenges. That's why we take a personalized approach to company registration, offering tailored solutions that align with your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you're a startup, a small business, or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise and resources to support you on your journey.
Comprehensive Services: Mas LLP offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify the company registration process from start to finish. From initial consultation to post-incorporation compliance, we handle every aspect of company formation, including name reservation, drafting of memorandum and articles of association, obtaining necessary approvals, and obtaining the certificate of incorporation.
Transparency and Efficiency: Transparency and efficiency are at the core of everything we do at Mas LLP. We believe in keeping our clients informed and empowered throughout the company registration process, providing regular updates, clear communication, and transparent pricing. Our streamlined approach minimizes bureaucratic hurdles and accelerates the process, allowing you to focus on building and growing your business.
Compliance Assurance: Staying compliant with regulatory requirements is essential for maintaining the legal and financial integrity of your company. Mas LLP helps clients navigate the complexities of corporate compliance in India, ensuring adherence to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. With our proactive approach to compliance, you can minimize potential liabilities and focus on achieving your business goals.
Dedicated Support: At Mas LLP, we're committed to providing exceptional service and support to our clients. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide expert guidance every step of the way. With personalized attention and responsive support, you can trust Mas LLP to be your reliable partner in company registration in India. In the competitive business landscape of India, company registration is the first step towards realizing your entrepreneurial dreams. With Mas LLP as your trusted partner, you can navigate the complexities of company formation with confidence and clarity. Contact us today to learn more about our Company registration in India and take the first step towards building a successful and sustainable business in India.
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