#Cs get degrees
imakatperson22 · 16 days
I hold everyone involved in making bi buck canon and then going on a 3 week hiatus at the end of the semester personally responsible for my grade in my stats course going from a B to a C.
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thatsrightice · 6 months
@avianii I saw your post about your Physics test and wanted to reply to say that I, an Aerospace Engineer, have gotten an F on a Statics exam so I sympathize.
You are doing great and no matter what happens you got this 👏👏👏
Also have this video of vintage aircraft carrier crew shenanigans™️ to make you feel better :)
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raddyscoops · 1 year
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Did this doodle in an hour to satiate an intensifying craving. It didn't work. I want more.
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walkawaytall · 3 months
Things I should be working on:
The giant pile of clean laundry that's been sitting in my living room for well over a week
The next bits of Purpose of Heritage
The fic I said I was going to write for the @swbigbang event
Literal homework for the literal classes I'm taking to finish my literal degree
Eating the food that I heated up that's just sitting in the air fryer
Thing that's just so tempting to work on:
An AU fic where I get to explore all of my "what if the Solos were actually very involved in Poe's life after Shara died and that contributed to Ben feeling kind of out of place in his own family?" scenarios that literally no one asked for aside for my own brain late last night
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queen-helmaroc · 2 years
dear struggling college kids,
its okay to not get an A every time.
its okay to not get a B.
its okay to fail.
its okay to need a day off every once in a while.
its okay to need a semester break.
its okay to need a gap year.
get your degree for yourself, not for others.
no matter how long it takes.
you can do this. i believe in you.
and if you dont want to do it? thats okay too.
college isnt for everyone.
your life is always more important than a degree.
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mygeekcorner · 2 years
Going through my piles of "totally important" papers and found a mountain of old tests and my diploma.
Apparently they listed the courses I took and the grades I got in them. But some courses are missing?? I found tests for virology, toxicology, and physiology but they are nowhere to be found on my diploma.
The physiology was the one test I actually got a grade higher than C on. Come on people in charge, why won't you let me have this?? 😭😭
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shewantsitall · 2 years
I am not going to make myself cry over the exam again. I'm going to take it and let the cards fall where they will.
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soloh · 11 months
While I'm here doing life updates:
I bloody hated my information systems paper this semester, the course coordinator/lecturer was horribly unhelpful and boring to listen to and the assessments were unnecessarily complex with really strict grading. Just got my results back from my final assessment, and I got a D, which is absolute bs. But I'm not gonna fight it because I still got a C+ on the paper overall and that's a pass, baby!
But yeah, definitely will not be doing any more papers under that course coordinator if I can avoid it. Like, I'm generally good at computer stuff, I'm not good at maths, but I've performed way better in my finance paper because the teaching team are 100000% better.
Still waiting on exam results for finance though, which has me on edge, because I need at least 40% on the exam specifically to pass the paper, regardless of all other test grades (which have been consistently B- or higher when converted from a percentage) and it was a closed book exam and my memory recall isn't... great.
I'm also waiting for my final communication assessment to be marked but I did the maths on that already, and even if I literally somehow get 0 on that final assessment, I'll still pass that paper as well, so it's fine (but I'm quietly hoping for at least 80% on the final assessment because then my overall grade for the paper will be at least an A-)
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evelili · 8 days
What's your college major (if you feel comfortable answering obviously)?
on paper? computer science. tho recently ive been feeling like this image:
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countingdots-tc · 10 months
nothing will ever feel as good as academic validation does
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weeaboobot · 1 year
Hi! Weeaboobot is dead for good this time, because Twitter sucks!
She ran off cheapbotsdonequick which can no longer function :))))
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Remember kids: Kill Elon Musk!
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unpretty · 1 year
hi i’m in college and considering becoming an accountant which if i recall right is what you are. would you recommend that career path to others? i am hesitant to commit bc i feel like it’s a ton of work and hours for just-okay compensation but on the other hand i have no idea what ELSE i would do. i crave stability. basically I’m just second guessing my major and i was hoping to get the perspective of someone who’s already been through it to know if it’s worth it or if i should just major in marketing or something
if you want stability then accounting is where it's at
i'm in governmental accounting and i work 40 hours a week, no overtime. also i'm union. if you work in public accounting doing taxes then you get a hell month leading up to taxes being due, but other than that it's not so bad (or so i've heard) (i haven't done it). i assume managerial accountants in corporate environments make more money but i'm not checking.
anyway you're unlikely to make as much money as, like. a software engineer. but you might make as much as a baby programmer. as far as office jobs you can do on autopilot once you get going, it's hard to beat accounting. the classes are all way harder than the job, so if you can handle the classes, you'll do fine at the job.
honestly at worst you can use it as a jumping off point into different jobs. the number of jobs where you both actually require a degree, and where the school you went to doesn't matter, is kind of limited once you look into it. with an accounting degree you can still theoretically become a programmer, or a data analyst, or whatever—it's just that you can also become a cpa, which isn't an option if you get a compsci degree. you know?
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walkawaytall · 4 months
So, I'm in this online IT Communications course and the main topic the past two weeks has been tailoring your message to your audience. Last week, for an assignment, we had to come up with an audience persona where we pick a particular type of person we think might buy a fake product (we were given a choice between two fake tech products) and basically create a profile about that person. Mine was Gregor, the pyramid scheme scam artist.
Anyway, this week, the discussion board topic centers on the personas we created, and we're supposed to add some more details to what we've done, etc. And one of my classmates has used the discussion board space to straight-up accuse either the professor or the entire school of "intellectual piracy" because they're wanting this student's ideas about...speaking to a particular audience about an imaginary product.
Like...I don't know if this person had an idea similar to the fake products that were presented (which are both barely feasible and kind of terrible ideas tbh), or if they think that their methods of presenting information are somehow proprietary, but they went off about being forced to given up information for a grade.
The professor (who is so nice) responded as kindly as he possibly could. I don't know what will come of this, but this is the most exciting school has been for me in years.
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kineticallyanywhere · 11 months
I have a headcanon that Normal was really good at school when he was little, and even skipped a grade so he's a year younger than his grade. but as he got older school just interested him less and less so now he's just Average.
also headcanon that Normal is a freshman but occasionally talks about the previous year like he was already in high school because he was shadowing the previous mascot so often, even getting a yearbook, that 90% of the people at Teen High think that Normal's a sophomore.
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intimate-mirror · 3 months
i do think the theory of that blog that english instruction in china is bad as an intentional method to prevent chinese citizens from reading english sources a bit dubious given the baseline comparison i have that chinese instruction of programming is bad in pretty much the exact same ways
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j0ly0n · 8 months
I'll be like ooo aa I'm so tyler durden then I'll sit like this on the 3 AM bus
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