#Cyber Prima
thisisrealy2kok · 7 months
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Canon Prima Super 130U 35mm Point & Shoot Film Camera
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azure-trash · 1 year
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Vocaloid TBH/Autism creature batch 2
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dailyenglishvoca · 9 months
Today's song is Malaise by Meta featuring the Vocaloids Prima and Cyber Songman
Content warning: themes concerning death and disease, consistent with the Dead Cells video game which inspired this song
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hsladies · 1 year
you know how you reach a certain point in your 20's where you're like, "young me was right X slaps HARD"
anyway im building a playlist of ghost rule covers for every vocaloid i can + some UTAUs
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
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And here’s two final attacks, exceeding my record of ten attacks to eleven. Featuring an OC owned by an old and beloved friend @king-satanick and my first Mass Attack of Sneasel and Weavile that I happen to like (while also parodying the Mega Man 1 stage select screen lol).
Please do NOT repost nor remove the caption! Do NOT use or redistribute anywhere without my written permission!
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thatliminal-wanderer · 2 months
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Prototype (Regretevator) ID Pack
Requested by @arcadeofghosts
Aanandaswarup, Ace, Aine, Aliza, Alizah, Allegra, Andrew, Annabeth, Ash, Bea, Beatrice, Beneatha, Bir, Bliss, Blythe, Chiman, Chimana, Chuman, Ciman, Curieux, Curios, Dante, Darcy, Dhriti, Eve, Fajaruddin, Farah, Farrell, Fritzi, Gigyansh, Govindaram, Harper, Harshad, Harshit, Hasmat, Himmat, Hulas, Jewel, Jigna, Jignasa, Jignesh, Jimena, Jimmil, Jinadeth, Jo, Jocelyn, Joi, Joie, Joy, Judas, Kaddy, Kadi, Kady, Kaemon, Kalea, Kande, Kautik, Kenai, Kuvira, Merakli, Nandini, Omaha, Pehlaj, Perfy, Poornanand, Prahlad, Prima, Primo, Pulakesh, Qahir, Radman, Rahas, Ranen, Scout, Shael, Silver, Taro, Tavishi, Thaddaeus, Thalia, To-mo, Ulhas, Urvaksh, Winnie, Winona, Zahal, Zuhayra
01/01s, 1/0/1s/0s, ai/ais, android/androids, artificial/artificials, bit/bits, bot/bots, byte/bytes, cheer/cheers, circuit/circuits, code/codes, curious/curiosity, cyber/cybers, digi/digital/digitals, droid/droids, energy/energys, fun/funs, glee/glees, glow/glows, joy/joys, robo/robos, screen/screens, tech/techs, tech/techs, thon/thons, volt/volts, wire/wires, yon/yons, ze/zim, ☺️/☺️s, ⚙️/⚙️s, ⛓️/⛓️s, 🎊/🎊s, 🎚️/🎚️s, 🎛️/🎛️s, 💭/💭s, 💿/💿s, 📡/📡s, 🔋/🔋s, 🔌/🔌s, 🔗/🔗s, 🔩/🔩s, 🚨/🚨s, 🪫/🪫s
The Curious Robot, The First Made, The Joyful Robot, The One Full of Knowledge, The One Who Doesn’t Know [prns] Purpose, The Robot That Can Understand so Much, [prn] Of Wires and Bolts, [prn] Who Wants to Know More
AIaffadorationic, Androidic, Androidlikic, Bioamorobotic, Bytegender, Curieual/Furenal/Courageal, Joygender, Joyprogram, Percidouandic, Robodiment, Robodollic, Robogender, Robotthing, Techrobai
Other mogai
Alderoboic, Aldertechbody, Assigned Robot At Birth/ARbAB, Codestelic, Regretevatorhearthic, Robovocaldernic, Tech Omninoun
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bestygogirl · 9 months
Submissions: Closed
Tournament begins evening of September 26. Polls will last one week.
There will be 64 match ups in round 1 and to make it easier, these will be split up into four groups of 16.
I will not reblog propaganda that is bashing one opponent rather than being primarily focused on supporting one.
Mod IS biased but won't be voting.
Groups and match ups under the cut!
(match orders subject to change)
Group A:
Barbara VS Rovian Kirishima
Aqua VS Yoko Sakaki
Eve VS Sushiko Maki
Gloria Tyler VS Princess G
Dog-Chan VS Ranran Nanahoshi
Melissa Claire VS Miyu Sugisaki
Brooke Walker/Umimi VS Epoch
Himika Akaba VS Queen
Akari Tsukumo VS Aileen Rao
Reira Akaba VS Kyoko Taki
Luna (zexal manga) VS Sorako Noodle
Grace Tyler VS Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
Cathy Katherine VS Manya Atachi
Ray Akaba VS Kiku Kamishirakawa
E’Rah VS Asaka Mutsuba
Houchun Mieru VS Nanaho Nanahoshi
Group B:
Yuzu Hiragi VS Entermate Uni
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Angel VS Entermate Corn
Sayaka Sasayama VS Dian Keto
Mimi Atachi VS Diabellestar
Asana Mutsuba VS Cyber Tutu
Yuamu Ohdo VS Dark Magician Girl
Ranze Nanahoshi VS Darklord Ixchel
Yuna Goha VS Cyber Angel Dakini
Light Tsukiko VS Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon
Rebecca Hawkins VS Condemned Darklord/Maiden/Witch
Ecclesia VS Baronne de Fleur
Yugi’s Mom VS Ash Blossom & Joyus Spring
Echo VS Sky Striker Raye
Princess Rose VS Apollousa
Mizuchi Saiou VS Tour Guide from the Underworld
Emi Ayukawa VS Sunny
Group C:
Masumi Kotsu VS Winda
Tiger (Haruka Kamijo) VS Traptrix Rafflesia
Yuka Goha VS Tearlaments Kitkallos
Anzu Mazaki VS Silent Magician
Mitsuko Hiramori VS Sevens Road Wtich
Isis Ishtar VS Pumprincess of Ghosts
Mana VS Prima Guitarna
Rei Saotome VS Performapal Ladyange
Luna VS Nini the Mirror Mikanko
Tome VS Lyna the Light Charmer
Yubel VS Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Mikage Sagari VS Insect Queen
Anna Kozuki VS Lady Labyrinth
Misty Lola VS Kitt
Rio Kamishiro VS Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko
Ayu Ayukawa VS Ha-Ra the Sword Mikanko
Group D:
Serena/Celina VS Emma
Asuka Tenjoin VS Miss Mystery
Carly Nagisa VS Haru Tsukumo
Miho Nosaka VS Patty
Kotori Mizuki VS Momoe Hamaguchi
Romin Kirishima VS Junko Makurada
Ghost Girl/Emma Bessho VS Sera
Ruri Kurosaki VS Vivian Wong
Mai Kujaku VS Dinois Velgear
Kisara VS Droite
Shizuka Kawai VS Princess Adena
Camula VS Risa Kagayama
Martha VS Tilla Mook
Aki Izayou VS Xiangsheng Magician
Sherry LeBlanc VS Blaze Maiden, Rino
Rin VS Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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witchofthesouls · 23 days
Hiii I know that ur busy with a lot of stuff recently but I just wanted to ask some tips as a fellow fanfic writer. I have a hard time doing some world building n I've noticed in your writings that you always managed to put in enough details. It's okay if u don't have the time or energy for my ask. ^^
Have a good day 👍
Oh, thank you!
I approach world building as world/lore expanding or tweaking. The bones are there. You're just shaping the muscles to direct them, and you can pull from a lot of other experiences or influences to guide the process.
Example with Transformers Prime. Canon-wise, the position of Prime is deeply tied to religious and cultural aspects of Cybertron, and the Matrix itself came from Prima's (the first Prime) own weapon: the Star Saber. I like thinking of the implications since it was never stated to what happened to Prima. Perhaps he's a ghost trapped inside the Matrix to guide all the other bearers because he's the only one with the big picture or focus vast enough to keep the goal in mind.
Then there's the "Uncrion-is-Earth" subplot. Since Unicron is the Unmaker and Lord of Chaos, then it raises a lot of questions about Earth's role. Since I like fantasy and magic, it's an easy delve into "Hey, what if magic and legends were actually real at one point?" and it gives me more work into thinking about humanity's role with other magical peoples, especially with all the lore in regards to animal brides, divine intervention, and worship. I know there's a general consensus that humans are boring, but how do the others perceive us? What do seafolk, like Selkies and Mers, warn their children about the two-legged land dwellers? Why are fey and humans so fascinated by each other?
Or, there's the deeper delve into popular tropes and doing your own twist. I like the fandom agreement that "Seekers are like birds of prey," so I just expanded it by incorporating more of the sexual dimorphism (i.e., larger, drab females and smaller, colorful males) and other behavioral traits (i.e., mating dances, courtship and threat displays, aproaches to raising chicks), which then leads to more thoughts on how all that can influence Vos' culture and how the rest of Cybertron perceives them because they're not driven by those instincts. Because there's a common fandom trope that Vos and Praxus are deeply entwined with each other, or Praxus came from Vos, there's additional layers on their relationship as well as thoughts how Praxus functions and their own relations with other city-states.
Because it's a lot of detail and it's easy to dump too much on people, I like writing from a character's perspective because it's simpler to tie in things from their own observations as well as their own biases. Either as an outsider or an insider.
Like in my story with "this earth i rise from," each segment is told from the perspective of others towards the cyber!June and cyber!kids. I explored a bit of Cybertronian language with Optimus, grief and biological quirks and tells with Ratchet, and Fowler's own tidbits between the Cybertronians and the ex-humans as everyone is trying to get used to the new reality where June and kids cannot go back to their old lives and need to make it work.
When it comes down to it, a lot of my own world building came from what I wanted to read. To go really deep, you can take real-life references to build upon it. My thoughts about the Thirteen Primes came stemmed from the mythologies of the ancient world and Medieval Europe. Prima is the equivalent of the "king of the gods," how each sibling has a specific role or domain associated with them, and the possibility of sentient Primal Artifacts that decide the worthiness of wielders.
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gcorvetti · 5 months
Cyber attacco?
Un mio contatto condivide un video di Omega click che parla di un cyber attacco a livello mondiale, vi lascio il video in fondo anche perché non mi va di riprenderlo e dirvi di cosa parla nel dettaglio ma faccio una riflessione personale, se vi va guardatelo.
Omega dice che sti qua del WEF (world economic forum) hanno prima fatto una simulazione su una pandemia globale e poi è scoppiato il covid, e che sono 6 anni che parlano di questo cyber attacco e secondo lui con molta probabilità ci sono dietro loro, in entrabi i casi. Direi che già questo basta, partendo dal fatto che la cosa è molto da complottari, anche se Omega c'ha sempre azzeccato anche se non al 100%, ma anche se fosse che un giorno apri il pc e ti si inchioda o stai spippolando il telefono e ti si chiude, che problema c'è? Certo nel video si parla di problemi legati al funzionamento di trasporti, ospedali e tutto quello che implica l'uso del pc o della rete, cioè tutto oramai, e dice che l'unica via per evitarlo sarebbe di scollegare tutti i device dalla rete. Ma facciamo un analisi veloce dall'inizio di internet ad oggi, col web 1.0 molti colossi hanno iniziato a guadagnare e molti di noi a scaricare di tutto di più, poi col web 2.0 è iniziata una nuova era dove non solo i colossi dell'economia hanno decuplicato, anche di più, i loro introiti ma anche persone con idee geniali e un minimo di competenza hanno fatto i soldini, vi devo fare degli esempi, non credo. E noi? Quelli che stiamo ai piani bassi? A noi è toccato il compito più aspro quello di stare a guardare e spendere i nostri soldi e il nostro tempo per farsì che questi tizi si arricchissero sempre più, ad oggi la stramaggiorparte delle persone che ha internet soffre di problemi psicologici, alimentari, di identità personale, di paranoia e tante cose belle che ci ha regalato la rete negli anni, soprattutto via social network. Allora questo attacco a chi andrà secondo voi? Ma naturalmente a noi, nonostante i soldi siano nelle banche che anche loro sono connesse o a chi ne ha così tanti che non gli basterebbero 20 vite per spenderli, ma le disgrazie sono sempre destinate a noi, per poi propinarci il solito pippone della sicurezza e farci pagare ancora e ancora.
Personalmente me ne frego, distruggeranno la rete per come la conosciamo adesso? Cazzi loro, se accadrà e sembra che ci siano buone possibilità, io me ne vado a zappare la terra, anzi spero proprio che accada così magari le cose tornano come negli anni precedenti dove se vuoi conoscere qualcuno sei obbligato ad uscire di casa e a socializzare fisicamente. Questo sempre se non scoppia una guerra nucleare prima e addio umanità.
A voi il video
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voca-song-a-day · 5 months
Hey everyone! So recently I've been going back through my posts in order to make a better ordered list for myself of what songs I've already featured, and because of that, I also started putting together some information about what Vocaloids and Producers have been featured on this blog the most so far! It was fun putting this together, so I figured I'd post the information as a little end-of-the year style thing!
Some of the exact numbers may be sliiiightly off, but they should be pretty close. And the numbers here are up to date through the song posted today (December 31st).
I'm hoping to start doing this as an annual thing, with updates to the rankings at the end of the year.
Also: as a quick secondary update- I have decided that this blog will start to feature songs using vocal synths of any kind, not just Vocaloid-specific songs. I still intend for Vocaloid characters to make up the majority of songs featured here (and I currently have a long queue lined up that still has only Vocaloids in it), but I will start to add other synths into the mix, and song suggestions are now open for solos featuring non-Vocaloid synths!
Anyway, without further ado: the rankings!
By Vocaloid Name: # of songs they're featured in
(note that this isn't just counting number of solos- it also includes duets, trios, and group songs that that Vocaloid shares with others)
The 15 most featured are in bold!
Hatsune Miku: 388
Kagamine Rin: 145
GUMI: 136
Kagamine Len: 120
Megurine Luka: 67
Flower: 64
IA: 61
Meiko: 34
Kamui Gakupo: 22
Yuzuki Yukari: 21
MAYU: 19
Luo Tianyi: 18
Fukase: 16
Otomachi Una: 14
Lily: 13
VY2: 12
Meika Hime, MAIKA: 11
Nekomura Iroha, SeeU: 10
Kaai Yuki, Xin Hua, Oliver: 9 
Meika Mikoto, UNI, VY1, Xingchen/Stardust: 8 
DEX, YANHE, Yuezheng Ling: 7
Aoki Lapis, Rana, Sonika, Yohioloid: 6
Utatane Piko, Merli, Avanna, Kizuna Akari, Miriam, SF-A2 Miki: 5
Tone Rion, CUL, Cyber Diva, DAINA, Galaco, Kokone, Lumi, Kyo, Yuezheng Longya: 4
Haruno Sora, Anon, Kanon, Clara, Macne Nana, Mew, Mo Qingxian, Prima, Ruby, Sweet Ann, Wil, Yuu, Yumemi Nemu, Zhiyu Moke: 3
Hiyama Kiyoteru, ARSLOID, Leon, Lola, Chika, Mirai Komachi, Sachiko, Tohoku Zunko: 2
Azuki, Bruno, Cyber Songman, Gachapoid, Tonio: 1
Also by name: # of songs by them featured
(there's a LOT of producers with only one or two songs featured, so I've shorted this list to just the top 15, including ties)
PinocchioP: 27
CircusP: 25
DECO*27: 21
40meterP: 20
GigaP: 18
Neru: 17
Hitoshizuku & Yama: 16
Rerulili: 15
MikitoP: 14
Niki: 13
Nayutalien, Re:nG: 12
JesusP, GHOST, *Luna, KIRA, MARETU, KurageP, HoneyWorks: 10
Kairiki Bear, Jin, HachiojiP, MachigeritaP, OSTER Project: 9
Sasakureuk, UtsuP, PeperonP, EmpathP, EZFG, Reol, Mitchie M, Hachi, Mothy: 8
Hiiragi Kirai, Tohma, q*left, UtataP & Tory Hitsuji, Kikuo, WhiteFlame, Kanaria, Kemu: 7
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tailing-sun · 5 months
The Transfer Seven (Rainbow High OCs) Bio 5: Renzo Cárdenas
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COLOUR: Electric blue
YEAR: Third
GENDER: Male (cis)
FOCUS: Digital Media & Graphic Design
STYLE: Daring. Flashy. Cyber.
QUOTE: “Be the hero of your own adventure.”
BIO: You wouldn’t know it at first glance, what with his slick, ultra-modern sense of fashion and his charisma and confidence, but Renzo is proud to be a geek. He’s been a tech fiend since he was a little kid, and as technology evolves Renzo makes sure to change with it so he’s never out-of-touch. Before his junior year, he was noticed by Rainbow High after one of his indie games won Best In Design in a major online contest. Now learning the skills he needs to start his dream graphics company, his geek pride has only increased. His coolest outfits are inspired by those of video game characters and he even cosplays at school events. He also loves to experiment in designing controllers and consoles, so whenever a fellow gamer wants a new custom fit for their setup, Renzo’s the guy to call.
-He was born in Spain and is 16.
-He’s made up nicknames for the other transfers (“Prima Donna” or “Prima Vera” for Vera, “the Mermaid” for Coral, “SiSi” for Sienna, “Peps” for Pepper, “Mad Hatter” for Aubrey, and “Mags” for Magnolia).
-His fashion sense is inspired by the cyberpunk subculture and old sci-fi movies. Tight spandex in bright colours all the way down, radical shades, and accents so neon blue they glow in the dark.
-The social butterfly of the Transfer Seven, Renzo regularly hosts video game-related hangouts and tournaments at the end of each midterm for students to face each other in fighting games, racing games, party games, etc.
-He loves all kinds of games, from beat ‘em up to RPG, console to PC, triple A to indie, but his favourite type of games are VR.
-The game he designed that landed him a spot at Rainbow High was a racing game called FormulaOne VR.
-He has ADHD, with heavy emphasis on the “hyperactive” part.
-Likes to paint his nails, but can only ever do one at a time before he gets distracted by something else.
-He has a crush on Brianna Dulce.
-He’s part of a healthy gaming rivalry with Zooey Electra and Pinkie James from Shadow High.
-In terms of music, he loves speed rave.
-When texting, expect him to bombard you with memes. (Thanks @sunshine7eyes )
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dailyenglishvoca · 11 months
Today's song is I've Gotta Get Out Of Here by Charlieisntthere featuring the Vocaloids Avanna, Prima, Sonika, Cyber Diva, Daina, Kaori, Amy, Ken, Dex, and Chris
Content warning: themes of isolation and quarantine
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solobrividiecoraggio · 3 months
La lezione di oggi è stata molto più interessante del solito, forse per una questione di novità, forse per i dettagli di effettivo sviluppo che non conoscevo. Oggi era la prima lezione dell'altro professore del corso, quello che ancora dovevo incontrare, con lui dovremmo vedere come arrivare a ricreare una nostra versione di PacMan. Tra l'altro nelle slide c'era scritto パックマン, "pakkuman", in katakana. 🇯🇵 In generale all'UniFi lui c'è da poco, tant'è che la sua email principale è quella dell'IMT di Lucca. È specializzato in cyber security, credo infatti che dopo la lezione che ho seguito io avesse anche quella di Penetration Testing. Nonostante parlasse in inglese era molto spedito, abbastanza sicuro, ha detto molte cose in poco tempo. Mi ha fatto una buona impressione.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Happy Holidays, Vector Prime!
We have a lot of holidays over the winter but what are your favorite Cybertronian Holidays, where do they originate and how are they celebrated? The more the merrier.
Dear Festive Fan,
It probably won't surprise you to learn that, like humans, Cybertronians have a wealth of holidays—often known by different names across realities. One held around this time of Kilo-Cycle would be Deliverance Day—the story, too, varies; I spoke earlier of Thunder Cross and the Cyber-Solstice, but for many protoforms across the multiverse, it is the Arisen who delivers gifts on this occasion. I do remember my sibling delivering presents to the fledgling societies of the Firstforged—little did any of us know that this good deed would pass into myth! I know Alchemist has kept up the tradition, when our sibling has been indisposed. Your kind has similar legends, I believe—during dark times, a good bot must always arise to bring good cheer to their fellows.
Later in the year, we celebrate All Spark Day, marking the day when the first Cybertronian arose from the surface of Cybertron. We hold the Parade of Metals, a celebration of the substance that gives us all life, and sustains us. It's a time for togetherness, for sharing stories, and merriment.
During the Festival of Primes—also called the Primal Procession, or the Ceremony of the Unending Circuit—we commemorate the Lineage of Primes, begun when Prima first passed on the Matrix of Leadership. Many Primes, honoring tradition, have also passed on the Matrix to their successors during this festival.
You know, listing them out like this, I realize that my siblings and I all feature heavily in these festivities. Perhaps it makes sense that my favorite holiday is one which I had nothing to do with: Chosen One Day. I could never have imagined that an occasion created out of greed and egotism would transform into such a time of sharing and kindness!
So, in the spirit of Chosen One Day, I shall retire for the night, and spend some time with my loved ones. May whatever festivals you celebrate fill you with love and good cheer, and may your wires never cross, and your luster never dull!
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Essentially the loser bracket from the Best YGO Girl tournament, these are all the girls who got eliminated in the first round.
They've been seeded based on how many votes they got in the main tournament and I'll post them in small batches to avoid too much spamming.
If I am suspicious of any poll results, I'll pick a winner at my own discretion. I also really don't like anti-propaganda.
Match-ups and links to polls under the cut!
Kisara (Duel Monsters) VS Emma (Duel Links)
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu (TCG) VS Cyber Angel Dakini (TCG)
Tearlaments Kitkallos (TCG) VS Entermate Uni (TCG)
Risa Kageyama (Season 0) VS Junko Makurada/Jasmine (GX)
Kyoko Taki/Clarissa Turner (VRAINS) VS Nini the Mirror Mikanko (TCG)
Queen (VRAINS) VS Melissa Claire (Arc-V)
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring (TCG) VS Haru Tsukumo (Zexal)
Noodle Sorako/Celestia Noodlina (SEVENS) VS Cyber Tutu (TCG)
Grace Tyler (Arc-V) VS Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko (TCG)
Dog-Chan/Pip (Zexal) VS Diabellestarr (TCG)
Gloria Tyler (Arc-V) VS Dinois Velgear (Go Rush!)
Insect Queen (TCG) VS Traptrix Rafflesia (TCG)
Asaka Mutsuba (Go Rush!) VS Entermate Corn (TCG)
Echo (GX) VS Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle (TCG)
Kitt (Albaz Lore) VS Princess Mary/Adena (Duel Monsters)
Lyna the Light Charmer (TCG) VS Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko (TCG)
Silent Magician (TCG) VS Xiangsheng Magician (TCG)
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World (TCG) VS Emi Ayukawa/Fonda Fontaine (GX)
Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon (TCG) VS Vivian Wong (Duel Monsters)
Kiku Kamishirakawa (VRAINS) VS Barbara (5Ds)
Princess Rose (GX) VS Winda (TCG)
Nanaho Nanahoshi (SEVENS) VS Patty (5Ds)
Rebecca Hopkins/Hawkins (Duel Monsters) VS Pumprincess of Ghosts (TCG)
Baronne de Fleur (TCG) VS Prima Guitarna (TCG)
Yuamu Ohdo (Go Rush!) VS Momoe Hamaguchi/Mindy (GX)
Ranze/Rayne Nanahoshi (SEVENS) VS Sarina/Mizuchi Saiou (GX)
Sevens Road Witch (TCG) VS Blaze Maiden, Rino (Cardfight!)
Umimi Habara/Brooke Walker (Zexal) VS Manya Atachi (Go Rush!)
Aileen Rao (Season 0) VS Tilla Mook (Yu-Gi-Oh! R)
Sushiko Maki (SEVENS) VS Performapal Ladyange (TCG)
Aqua (VRAINS) VS Miss Mystery (Go Rush!)
Dian Keto (TCG) VS Sera/Prana (DSoD)
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I got way too many ideas, and now they're performing crossovers:
Like Do as the Romans had Done getting zapped into G1.
June: There is no such thing as the perfect man.
G1 Optimus making puns and being sweet with the kids when their Optimus and Smokescreen are handling new active hotspots that may be their ticket home.
June: Dammit.
June's internal struggle with G1 OP because she's has to deal the intimate knowledge she banged his alternative self and knows the sight, taste, and feeling of his dick as well as how sensitive his audials are.
Cyber!Earth inhabitants - newly transformed, acquired, and/or conquered - appearing in the Bayverse!AU where Mikaela is a Dragon.
Bayverse (Autobots, United States military, and the Foundation) is flipping out because of the active Titan. But said Titan refuses to budge away from the shores of Diego Garcia base, much less let anyone else into its space of its city-mode.
It's gonna be awkward for Bayverse!Optimus since he's a Prime of Prima's spark-lineage, and Titan doesn't like that particular Prime.
Diego Garcia will become quite a hotspot because not only does it host space alien refugees and the first Dragon in several ages, but a living city and quite a few active practitioners and alchemists.
The confusion by Cyber!Earth inhabitants have with Bayverse since their Earth is terrifyingly different: these oceans have limits? There are no catastrophic storms or immense whirlpools? Where are the towering forests of semi-sentient trees and the deserts filled with ghostly spirits? The cities here are bustling alive with millions and not empty hellscapes of metal and winter? Plus, them trying to hash out the existing agreements by the other Primes with the Bayverse!Autobots.
More Other!TFP!Humanformers and G1 because I totally imagine Miko, the tiny War-Forged Seeker sparkling she is, would try her damn best to take a huge bite out of a Quintesson if it ever showed its tentacles and five-faces in that verse.
The June-is-Megatronus!AU meets Bayverse: a moment where she accidentally transports herself, injured Optimus, and Smokescreen to Diego Garcia.
The Hammer is still functional because June picked up some things Ratchet... and then through caution to wind by hooking up her own systems and cabling into Optimus and basically jumpstarted him like a living battery, spark to spark. (TFP!Ratchet would be yelling at her. Bayverse! definitely done so)
TFP!Optimus is having some weird visions by the Matrix, June goes into a trance and walks into the sea with no notice, and Smokescreen is Smokescreen.
Optimus vomits salt water and cockles and aquatic life as June hauls out a revived Jazz... who then stabs her out of reflex and she freezes the mech out of defense.
Now, there are multiple people having a meltdown or a crisis, but June has an idea (a dangerous and ridiculous one) on how to get back to their universe.
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