#Fasting salts
lounesdarbois · 3 months
Cette vidéo de 6 minutes donne la pêche pour tenir bon dans une course qui va durer encore 25 longs jours. Le jeûne obligatoire est comme un tamis qui permet de trier qui est qui dans la masse. Les jours maigres, les jours gras, nous donnent de manger 1 jour sur 2 dans la semaine. Qui en est capable? La pratique religieuse est une course de fond spirituelle, et pourtant très physique. Il y a ceux qui courent... Et il y a les "pélerins non-marcheurs" comme on dit. On verra bien si les grosses dames tartuffes de paroisse toujours pressées de parler auront perdu chacune leurs 30 kilos surnuméraires d'ici le 31 Mars pour mesurer en actes la ferveur dont elles se réclament... Et qu'elles prêchent aux autres!
Ces deux moines remettent les idées en place et replacent les actes réels au bout des idées. Que leur dire à part un grand merci pour l'exemple qu'ils donnent?
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gentil-minou · 11 months
Wait I figured it out
This is the Miraculous Movie sponsored by Agreste Fashion and produced by Gabriel Agreste
This is like basically propaganda released that's like the bare minimum of the canon characters it's his ooc characters
Ladybug and chat noir actually don't do anything and are bad heroes amd gabriel agreste is just a misunderstood father
Guys it's just miraculous as told by gabriel agreste
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cthulhubert · 2 months
Alright, so bear with me.
Humans have three cone cells in our eyes that are how we perceive color in the world. I often think red, green, and blue, but apparently people studying them use Long, Medium, and Short to be unambiguous (just for one example, if you activate M really strongly and not L or S, the color people report seeing is yellow-green). Each type activates at different strengths to different wavelengths of light. Here's a lovely graphic from Wikipedia showing response levels of each cone type to different wavelengths:
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So you can see that if some light activates L some, but not M, we'll perceive deep red, activates them both a bit, we see orange or yellow, depending on the specific amount.
It's interesting that some effect (a specific mix of pigments, or some structural coloration) could be producing some mostly 495nm light, or a blend of some slightly higher and slightly lower wavelengths, and either way we see cyan. (And a good thing, too, otherwise our display technology would be extremely unconvincing.)
Of course, then there's what happens when we get activation of L and S at once, but not M, our eye-brain systems don't infer "yellow-green", because green is specifically what's missing from there: we generate magenta, a non-spectral color. (And when all three activate we get white, of course.)
I found myself thinking about birds, with their four cones.
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They're more evenly spaced too, the bastards. (These bastards are specifically finches but I'm under the impression that most birds are similar.)
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(Of course, "violet" actually means ultra-violet here. Look at the graphic, their UV cone stops responding where our S cone starts. I would edit this, but spent like half an hour discovering that tumblr doesn't support table under html or code/"preserve formatting" under markdown anymore; so you get a screencap of what I sent on discord.)
Birds could see "vio-green" (accepting name suggestions) as a color region as distinct from blue/indigo as green is from purple/magenta.
Look at that. Two whole ass independent spectral color divisions we don't have, and six non-spectral inferences. Eight whole categories of visual perception more than us. Decadent.
The heart quails to imagine what the 16 color receptors of a mantis shrimp would create. I mean, okay, it doesn't because we've studied their eyes and brains and they don't blend colors the way we do, smooshing them down to a much simpler set of perceptions.
But imagine if we rebuilt our eyes and brains for it! Color indicates chemistry, with that level of subtle blending of characteristics, would vision become like tasting everything we look at?
Please pet the bear that is with me on your way out.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Yeyeyeye, there is one of howdy and wally! And I think Barnaby too by someone else-
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sidsinning · 11 months
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salted15 · 8 months
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commission for @nautical-nova !!!
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I hope we get a scene of Alicent with Aegon's body. If her son is damned to die, if she is damned to spiral into insanity, if she is to lose her life too the grief, let me see her with his body.
let her hold her baby in her arms one more time. let her wipe the blood that poured from his mouth and nose as he died. let her run her fingers over the viscous burns that adorn his skin. let her fix his hair. let her bathe him with a cloth as she had when he was a babe. let her kiss his cheek, his forehead, his hair, his hands. let her lay her head against him, hugging him like she had failed to do for years.
he was her firstborn and yet, her heart was still beating and his was not, she was not yet cold in her grave, no, no her son was cold, her flesh was warm, too warm. he was her baby, her son, the boy she tried so hard to protect, who had loved even when it hurt, who she had stood in front of a dragon for. she loved him, the very bones of him, and now he was dead.
let her lose her mind right there, in that room, still clinging to her body, one that's too cold, too still, too quiet. let her scream out to the gods, damning them, cursing them for taking her eldest son, amongst everything else in her life.
I want her to drive away anyone who tries to take him from her, forcing the silent sisters or whoever would be left to deal with his body at that point. let her curse and spit and claw at anyone who comes too close.
she would stay there for hours, reflecting on her memories of him. maybe she talks to him or hums a lullaby until she finally loses her battle with what remains of her consciousness and sanity, falling still against the table.
she dreams of Aegon, she dreams of the life she wish she could have provided, the life she had tried so hard to give him. a life where he was safe, a life where she had been a better mother, a life where she didn't need to live in and impose fear up on her children. maybe if she had tried hard enough he would still be alive, she'll think as she floats in the space between consciousness and unconsciousness.
she'll wake in plain chambers she only partly recognizes, she'll learn of her sons lackluster and sparsly accompanied burning, she'll learn her son was gone and she was alone. there won't be much of her left to care. she just continues dreaming, dreaming of her dead children and spiraling to madness until her broken heart finally gives out.
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[my previous post inspired this, cause all I can think about now is Alicent mourning her son and its gonna put me in an early grave]
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simplydnp · 5 days
i was on a call w my crush yesterday and shared my screen to show them something and forgot I had your tumblr page + several other dnp related tabs open i had to click out sooo fast but they totally saw it felt like i had pictures of catboy dan falling out of my pockets trying to pick them up and more falling in the process
at least my pinned post isn't dan's stockings anymore
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We thought we got one glasses pic. But nope. It's not one. Not two. Not three. Not four.
It's five glasses pics.
And one is better than the other! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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leonide-poet · 3 months
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williammarksommer · 3 months
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300 M.P.H. Chapter
Lines of Salt series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Tmax 400iso
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starflesh-moth · 9 days
hi! here are some little things that go a long way in showing fast food service workers respect! :D
- please make eye contact when you’re ordering, and don’t be looking at your phone
- saying please and thank you may seem small but it’s a significant gesture
- clean up your table after you eat and throw away your trash
- don’t toss your money on the counter, hand it to us
- if we make a mistake, please correct us kindly. mistakes happen! nobody likes being yelled at when they are made
- try to tip, even if it’s just a little. at restaurants you tip your waiter for their serve, but with fast food you’re tipping your worker for service, making your food, preparing everything, setup/cleanup, etc.
all in all, we’d like to be treated like any other human. little polite gestures go a long way. and of course, the golden rule: treat others how you’d like to be treated. cause if you’re dicks to us we can fuck with your food :)
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dylanconrique · 5 months
so we're gonna get a chenford "stay with me" right? :') right?? :')) RIGHT???? :'))))))))
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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I just love when he does creacher shit like this so much
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jennrypan · 1 year
"What if Marinette decides to ignore Lila and go about her day?"
How he literally said, to ignore her ?? If your fic has Marinette go through with HIS idea and then proceed to hate or mock him for it?? You kinda suck lowkey ngl.
It just. Makes no sense?? Him suggesting it is so vile and bad but then..she does it and it works??
Shocker, marinette minding her business and living her life is better for everyone, WHOA
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kyngsnake · 10 months
dilf avery? 😳
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I’ve drawn Avery in his dilf era before but it wouldn’t hurt for me to draw him like this more often
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