mamawasatesttube · 4 months
🎯 and ✅ for the ask meme!!!
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
OOH HM!! i haven't done too many plotty multichapter fics for dc (yet) (ive got one in the works. one day i might even finish it), but one standout is @necer0s getting REALLY close (but not QUITE) in a guess as to what cassie's thematic fucked up scary room in the psychological horror haunted house fic i was doing for halloween is!! i really need to finish that fic tbh...
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
answered here!!!
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lawtism · 6 months
tag game: 9 people you'd like to get to know better
hehe thank you @dykelawlight for tagging me!!
Last Song: wonderful life - two door cinema club
2. Currently Watching: scott pilgrim takes off (SO FUCKING GOOD I WANNA CHEW ON IT)
3. Three Ships: lawlight / mikalight / nearlymellodramattic (ive been really loving this as a poly ship)
4. Favorite Color: forest green
5. Currently Consuming: pizza rolls with ranch prepared by my darling culinary genius wife
6. First Ship: hmm it’s hard to say whether i remember my very first ship!! i think the earliest ship i remember seeking out fanworks for was tadase/amu from shugo chara. i was team tadamu all the way babey.
7. Relationship Status: i’m married!!
8. Last Movie: i saw the five nights at freddy’s movie and it rekindled my hyperfixation on the whole franchise…
9. Currently working on: nothing atm! i’m taking a 2-week break from all creative work since writing for nanowrimo while editing/publishing the chapters i’ve finished that month had taken a bit of a toll of me (no regrets though). although i guess i am technically working on prepping for an audition for a heathers musical production at a community theatre nearby
tagging @dogboy-touta-matsuda @garfunklefield @muttyagami @brothercrush @dominote @iknowwhereyousleepatnight @natkinslight @diabolicdetective @frootloopsl
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faithdeans · 7 months
just wanted to say that your name rocks!
marry me
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vampiricsheep · 11 months
Heres a little interaction for stintt! Hes approached by my revenant Evelynn! Pale furred charr, not dead but sure as ham aint alive! Evelynn looks down at the asura as hes crunching on some blood stone and offers some to the asura. "...you're small. You need to eat better if you're gunna grow big and strong."
While his ears had been attentive to his surroundings as he worked, the voice still startles him, and he looks up first with mild annoyance, then confusion, then concern.
"That's...please tell me that's some kind of condensed meat replacement or a spice block or-or even very sad rock candy and not bloodstone. Gastronomic experts are emphatic and nearly unanimous - if you rule out fringe proponents of questionable credibility, totally unanimous - in their conclusions that there is no edible use for bloodstone and NO safe dose for - well maybe you have a unique physiology but I certainly - I mean, my digestive system is unmodified and if you are suggesting BLOODSTONE is an appropriate growth promoter--"
He appears to be having a crisis. He refuses to admit budding curiosity.
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r0zeclawz · 2 years
ur soooo cuteee
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buumbaby · 9 months
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hello have a sparkle boy
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cloudybarnes · 9 months
bella donna
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: a sick night in bed calls for your cute boyfriend to come in and take care of you
Word Count: 800+
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Nothing was helping.
The soup burned your tongue, the medication didn’t cure your stuffy nose, and your throat felt like it was on fire.
You felt like total shit right about now. 
“I’m sorry mi amore.” Theodore said as he wrung out a wet rag to place on your forehead. You were laid up in your bed, covers drawn to your chin as a chill wracked through you. 
Theo sat on a small stool next to your bed. He was being the sweetest boyfriend ever. He waited on you hand and foot for everything you needed. 
He was the one to make the soup and fetch the medicine and rags for your head. 
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, Theo,” you mumbled. “You’ve done literally everything right for me.”
He smiled softly, then just as quickly, his smile fell. “I just can’t believe how suddenly this came about. Something must be going around; I heard Draco coughing in class yesterday, he must be the one who got you sick.”
You chuckled but were soon thrown into a fit of coughs. The coughing was so bad, you had to sit yourself up in order to catch your breath. 
“Mio dio,” he softly said. “My poor baby.” Theo rubbed your back as you caught your breath. You smiled at him, grateful for his being here. 
“What would I do without you, Theo?” 
He smiled and left a tender kiss on your forehead. The action was so soft and sweet, your eyes involuntarily closed, a soft smile adorning your lips. Theo really was something special. While most may find him to be a brute and hard to get on with, you’d only ever seen the kind, caring boy standing in front of you. 
“The real question,” he replied, “is how could I ever live without you?”
You giggled as Theo led you from your seated position to lay down. 
“You need your rest, sweetheart. Don’t waste all of your energy sitting up.”
You nodded and let Theo guide you down. You sniffled, but all that did was send more mucus to your throat, causing it to hurt worse. A whimper came from your lips without meaning to. 
“What hurts now, dolcezza?” He felt your forehead with the back of his hand, and gently picked up the discarded rag to dunk it in the bucket of ice water on the floor. 
“Just everything: my head, my throat, my nose, it all just sucks,” you said. “At least I have you to take care of me.”
Theo smiled, his eyes alive with love for you. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, even when you’re snotty and coughing on me.” He teased as he wrung out the ice rag and placed it back on your forehead. 
“Hey!” You whined with a teasing smile. “I didn’t cough on you, just in your general direction.”
“Oh, so that’s how we’re describing it, now, huh bella donna?” 
You gave a health-hearted smile and shifted a little in bed. “I don't feel very pretty right now. I’m all snotted up and it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.”
“I think you look beautiful, (Y/N). Fully and truly, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart swelled. You had the sweetest boyfriend in the world. Theo never failed to make you smile and make you feel beautiful, even when you felt far from it. 
Slowly, as to not hurt the ache in your head, you pushed yourself up into a seated position. 
Theo started to fix the pillows so they would accommodate your upright position. “This okay, amore?”
You smiled down at him. Never had you felt more in love with this boy than you did just then. “It’s perfect, my love. Everything you do is just perfect, Theo. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
A pink hue tinted your boyfriend's cheeks as a smile crept onto his face. “You’re everything to me, (Y/N). I would do anything for you. Something as simple as taking care of you while you’re not feeling good is my job as your lover.” 
You didn’t think your heart could take anymore sweetest from him. “Come ‘ere,” you mumbled as you patted the empty side of the bed. “‘wanna lay with you for a little while.”
Theo walked around the bed and climbed into the empty space. He fit perfectly in the bed, like it was made to accompany him. 
You pushed him to lay down so you could rest your tired head on his chest. He lightly chuckled at your movement, and pulled you close to him. His arms wrapped around you as your fist held onto the fabric of his shirt. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he mumbled. 
You smiled, closing your eyes. Right before sleep pulled you in, you responded, “I love you most, Theo.”
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tommykinrd · 8 months
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Buck wanting to do more for everyone else vs. Eddie wanting everyone else to do more for Buck
For @eddiediaaz ♡
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adeleba · 5 months
drawing request for kai braiding wildfyre’s hair :D!
Im pretty sure hair care is lacking out in the wyldness, so it would be difficult to untangle Wyldfyre's hair.
Good thing Kai is up to the task. (If all else fails, all he'd need is a bowl, a pair of scissors, and a dream)
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Braided hair would be efficient for combat, ngl.
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
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GIF REQUEST MEME: @nerdalmighty asked: ducktales + favorite familial relationship
Donald and Huey, Dewey, & Louie "Donald's tendency to lash out was wildly unfocused, until you kids came along. He came to me wanting to be the best parent he could, so we channeled that anger into protective instincts. Every outburst is Donald wanting to protect his family. He loves you so much, the thought of anything bad happening to you INFURIATES HIM!"
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arinmoss · 5 months
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♡ H A T S U N E M I K U ♡ prints here~!
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linoyes · 1 month
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lee know in every skz code - ep 25-26
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netegf · 1 year
Hey can i make a blurb request for neteyam? maybe forced proximity trope where they get locked in the lab accident and Neteyam gets anxious bc he hates humans and reader smooches him to calm him down even tho they’re just friends (but they secretly love eachother ofc)
breathing exercise
pairing: neteyam x reader
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“Neteyam, please stop picking your fingernails.”
Under shoddy lab fluorescents that make your eyes burn, Neteyam shifts in his position on the countertop, crossing his arms with a passive, but lazy, glare.
“You put us in this mess.” He replies pointedly. “You don’t get to tell me how to deal with it.”
That stings. But you wedge your bottom lip between your teeth, deciding maybe, just maybe, it was deserved.
In fairness, you should have left when Neteyam wanted to. But there was something about the way he looked under the blue lights – so pretty. And surrounding. Like his skin had no ending. It was something you wanted to commit to memory, and the extra couple minutes you’d coaxed out of him felt worth it in the moment.
But that quickly changed when the grimace set on Neteyam’s lips.
When Norm said that everything needed to be sterile. That no one could come in or out because of maintenance on the link units. That Neteyam would be trapped here, in a place that made his skin crawl, all evening.
“Teyam…” you trail off, peering up to meet his eyes which now soften at your dejected tone. “It was an accident. I’m sorry.”
At that, the rigidness of his spine seems to crumble.
His hard expression morphs into a pout and he outstretches a shaky hand to squeeze your own in a silent gesture of reconciliation. Still, the tension between his eyebrows remains.
“I told my dad I’d meet him ten minutes ago. He’s going to be pissed.” Sighing, he runs his slender fingers through his braids and attempts to keep his attention away from the bustling laboratory behind him.
The problem is... it’s not working very well. His breathing is uneven. His knee keeps bouncing up and down. His eyes are glued down at his thigh where your hands are joined.
“He will understand.” You reassure, but he doesn’t seem quite convinced, eyes still screwed tightly shut. “Stay calm, Neteyam. We’re gonna get out of here soon."
“I am calm!”
Now, you stare at him pointedly, and Neteyam slumps his shoulders sheepishly, flashing an apologetic smile. “Okay… maybe I’m not.”
Taking in the appearance of the scared and comically large warrior in front of you, a small smirk sparks like a conductor on your lips. You unwind your hand from his and grip the sides of his chin, drawing your warm faces closer together.
“We just need to find you a way to relax.”
“Mhm.” Yellow eyes travel down your face, stopping abruptly at the curve of your lips. “And how’s that?”
When your mouth collides onto his own, moving with fervor and electricity, he assumes the question must have been rhetorical. The burning kisses breathe new life into him – hands shoot up from his lap and find their rightful places, cradling your cheek and stroking your hair.
“How are we feeling?” You ask cheekily after pulling apart, mouth still hovering over his. So close, but not nearly enough.  
“Distressed. Very.” He has a stupid smile, laboured breaths catching hard in his chest. “Probably need more... of that.”
Then his lips are learning the shape of yours – kissing again, and again, and again. Chasing the air that calms him like it comes from within you.
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a/n: ty for the request!! still getting my sea legs with them lolol 🥰💞
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heikeee · 4 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
I got tagged by the lovely @pipistrellee (who i just realised i only followed a sideblog so hopefully now that's corrected lol) and i'm so excited to answer and get to know more people! ♥
Last song I listened to: Irene - Beach House ─ i prefer listening to albums instead of loose songs so that's the last one on the tracklist for BH's Bloom ₊˚⊹♡
Currently Reading: Crime and Prejudice by Dostoevsky, but I'm also always keeping up with manga/manwha that I follow on Bato lol i love everything josei/shoujo and GL as well - currently reading a completed GL manwha called Mage & Demon Queen and they are sooooo cute and dumb i love them sm
Currently Watching: Mad Men (with meals) and Cold Case (as bg noise when I'm cooking/cleaning)
Currently obsessed with: Always Inuyasha (me too pip!), Mad Men, Soul Eater, LOTR, D.Gray-man .𖥔 ݁ ˖
@hahaalaine @bcbdrums @draculasbigcastle @fandom-ships @inkydeeeeeeew @lance-mtn-eyebrows @inussunflower @feathertayl @superpixie42
And anyone else who wants to do this! Consider yourself tagged. 💖
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sojutrait · 10 months
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up and coming idol trainee venessa jeong. big on tik tok, not on the charts
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bitterly-almond · 4 months
Is your Kuina looking for a girlfriend? A boyfriend? A partner? A servant? A—
She isn't looking for anyone but they're all looking for her.
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Well, there's plenty of room for all of us
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