#I don't know what to do /:
florbe-triz · 2 months
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It's all in the name of peace and love!!
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genuinelyshallow · 7 months
Israel cut off all communications, but some text messages can get through the weak cellular data in the air..
The messages from the corresponders that are being shared on Telegram are nothing but horrific
They're saying the bombing is at its heaviest since the beginning of this genocide. Dozens of corpses in the streets. Human parts are on the ground. Ambulances can't even move due to the continuous bombing.
It's a genocide. It's an extermination.
Please, They're dying alone in the darkness. At least, don't let them die silently
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solarcandydrops · 2 months
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URGENT!!!: Our landlord is saying we owe for last month, and we can't find evidence of us doing so though we're sure we did.
We need h.e|p, please. I don't want to be homeless again. I don't want to lose my animals. Please share this where you can and if possible, d0n@te.
And YES there are already huge problems going on that require funding. I'm aware. But just because your neighbors house is on fire doesn't mean yours isn't sinking.
Please don't ignore us.
Pp@|: Here
Cs|-|@pp: $WednesdayFields
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 months
I need some prayers. My health is really bad right now, and i might lose my job.
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cinamun · 8 months
So remember how @nova-siims was like "Aye girl, wassup with the homie Sean?" <- And I was like "glad you asked because some shit done went down....."
Well... it gets even worse. I fell down a damn rabbit hole and I need y'alls help because I'm just over here like
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So basically.... I decided to check in on bro because I don't appreciate all these extra shenanigans without my consent. I find him, chillin where I found him last time
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and I decide to open up CAS and that's when I learned.... some shit
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Bro... like? That's not even your BABY bro?
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ITS A WHOLE NEWBORN SEAN LIKE??? When did you marry Sienna and when did the baby get here? DID SHE CHEAT ON YOU?
So now I need answers because I think she's lyin and we need a DNA test. Anyway, I decide I now gotta pull up
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Y'all tell me why the baby is in the barn..?
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And tell me why Sean is the happiest man in Chestnut Ridge not knowing this ain't his damn baby in the barn?
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So I pull up his relationship panel just to confirm
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Bruh... the newborn is just an acquaintance? Okay, bet. We bout to find this baby's daddy because I, The Watcher, do not condone these shenanigans.
We go ahead and age up baby Huy and
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......... we all looking confused at this point and I got the same question mark on my forehead as baby Huy but I'm determined to find this baby's daddy ESPECIALLY since he has special needs. So we go ahead and up MCCCCCCCCCCC
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AIGHT BOOM!! We're getting somewhere. Now I just have to find who the fuck Ku Kahale is. I go scrolling through the household bin. I don't see that last name, so I scroll again and STILL don't see it.
Y'all something told me to just look at the ancestors and
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YALL!!!! Tell me WHY THIS IS AN ANCESTOR BABY!!?? HOW SWAY??? What am I supposed to do now? I can't delete the baby the ancestors will come for me. If I divorce them then the poor legless child will have to go to therapy and Sean will probably be cursed or some shit. But why is a SPIRITUAL BEING a deadbeat father???
I can't even play no more.
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tapakah0 · 9 months
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charles-pitlane · 9 months
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Fucking hell, I love this boy so much. (📸)
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acidheaddd · 18 days
Had a really bad day today, so thank you guys for the replies, likes, and reblogs. I do appreciate it.
I have a favour to ask as I'm in desperate need of money to fix two of my front teeth before I lose them -- if you are at all interested in tarot, spell bottles, crystals, anything like that, let me know. I do readings, I make bottles on my etsy shop (that I need to restock), and I have loads of crystals to sell.
And if you aren't interested in any of that, but are willing and able to help, you can always send me some donations to my paypal at @Haley999
I'd rather at least send you something in return, but. I'd appreciate any amount. I have a crown I need to get, which I MIGHT be able to get the insurance to cover, but I have two other teeth literally rotting that need to be handled soon or else I'll lose them -- they'll either have to be pulled or they will crumble and fall out as I had happen with another tooth that has since been fixed. Each tooth costs $300, so it'll be $600 total. I'll reblog this with a link to my etsy once I get things restocked.
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nox-posts · 6 months
The character Hannibal Lecter is based on a real person, who was GAY!
He is 100% fucking gay and I'm gonna be forever upset we did not get our Hannigram kiss
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sploogeduck · 1 month
i wish you would hate me, because then i wouldn’t feel so guilty about killing myself
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veroinfaciem · 1 year
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that's it. that's the post.
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coffee-master · 8 months
[Trans Problems]
Ok guys so I'm genderqueer.
I rarely feel dysphoria in my chest, seriously if I could I would probably go just in my pants and nothing more and I would feel comfortable.
But often when I clothes on my chest I feel dysphoria, because it always makes my body look too feminie.
So I thought of buying a binder.
And my mom is really against it.
Before you say anything she's not transphobic or anything.
She actually knew from the begining that I'm genderqueer and basicly was just wating for me to come out.
She's really worderfull mother that supports me and help me with it. No matter what I am she loves me and tries to understand me by doing some research online and ect.
So why she doesn't allow me to wear it?
In my family a LOT of people both form my mothers and my fathers side had cancers and tumors.
And few women had breast cancer.
So.. In addition I have "bad genes" And probably very susceptible body to all kinds of diseases.
And she's very worried about this and just is afraid that I'll hurt myself by getting a binder.
And honestly I don't know what to think about this.
On the one hand I know that I can life without it and and chest dysphoria comes to me from time to time. Moreover I don't want to hurt myself.
On the other hand I feel very uncomfortable and disgusted when dysphoria comes and again I thinking of buying binder.
What should I do? Are there other methods that partially alleviate dysphoria I'm not familiar with?
I literally have noone to ask..
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my-jewish-life · 3 months
Idk what to do, it's been months since the last time I talked to my rabbi. I was on pride shabbat in august last year and she told me she would get in touch the week after, still haven't heard anything. I figured she was probably busy as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were approaching. I have sent her e-mails and tried contacting the synagogue, nothing. Then October 7th happen and now they have closed everything from non members to stay safe which i totally understand, so I figured maybe i could become a member, get a membership. But for converts you need to have finished your convertion to get one, I haven't even started yet....
Idk what I wanted with this post, I just needed to get this off of my chest. Idk what to do, I feel so tiny and lost🥺😭
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jamiebluewind · 9 months
My aide isn't doing most of the stuff in his job description and might have violated HIPPA. I want to tell his agency which will probably get him fired.
I'm disabled with a weak left side, dizzy spells, and migraines. I got an aide through an agency who has been working with me for about a month. He's far from the worst aide I've had, but he can't do a lot of the things I need like change my sheets (he has a bad back) or help me after a shower (religious reasons) and (despite having a list on the fridge) will do nothing unless I or my roommate say something to him. I have to ask him several times to come with me when I need to leave the house (agency requirement) and he can't stabilize me when I'm tippy or need a shoulder for balance going up/down steps. My roommate has been doing all the stuff he doesn't, but she doesn't really have the time (full time student). I was honestly confused on why he even has this job, but every day he tells me how his wife tells him he can't lose this job, how he works two jobs, how he has to support his sick wife and kids...
This week, I had a friend stay over (her bed is in the livingroom) and I just found out through her that my aide is on the phone in my livingroom most of the time, taking no less than two to three separate calls a day (she had no idea it wasn't okay because he wasn't even hiding it from her). I've been sticking to my bedroom more than usual, so I never knew. I just assumed I was walking in on him watching videos (I asked a few times that he kept one ear open in case I fell because it was hard to get his attention with two earbuds), but he was on his phone and going silent when I walked in.
The reason this is a big deal is because of privacy. Texting is fine, but being on the phone in my home, around me, or in my doctor's office greatly increases the risk of personal medical information being overheard/leaked (I learned my lesson from the aide that didn't tell me her husband was on speaker and started asking me very personal questions while I was doing physical therapy). I told him that he could just give me a heads up, step outside, finish his phonecall, and come back in and I wouldn't mind.
I'm so upset that I want to just call the aide company, tell them EVERYTHING, and request a new aide. I know his situation sucks and I should just tell them it didn't work out so he can find a different job, but he's SO POORLY QUALIFIED between his back and his issues with nudity, I feel like he broke my trust, I have no idea if I said sensitive information while around him,...
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tapakah0 · 11 months
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willowshimmer · 2 months
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