#I had a lovely conversation with a friend I reconnected with last night. made me realize how nice it is to talk to people who actually care
I feel so physically ill with anxiety right now I can hardly think
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navybrat817 · 9 months
Where Did the Time Go?
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You decide not to drink during game night, which leads to an interesting conversation with Bucky. Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: Light angst, tension, friends reconnecting, unrequited feelings (or so you think), slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) Previous Part of AU: We'll Always be Friends A/N: More Dreamboat and Butterfly from my Reconnect AU! ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren’t sure what exactly happened between dinner and now, but you decided that the fun game night wouldn’t include drinking. You hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol since your meal. Even then, you were pretty sure you didn’t have much. Sharon brought out a bottle of wine before everyone finished eating and you took a sip of your glass out of obligation. If she noticed you didn’t finish your glass, she didn’t say anything, which you appreciated.
But you should’ve known that Bucky would catch on.
“Not drinking tonight, huh?” He asked as he took a seat beside you on the couch. Steve and Sam set up a game table and were already a couple of drinks in. So were Sharon and Natasha. You weren’t worried about them though. They could hold their liquor.
But can I hold my tongue if I drink? Or am I using that as an excuse?
“Not tonight,” you replied, holding up your cup of water. “Sticking with water.”
“You’re acting like we need a designated driver when we’re not going anywhere,” he joked, throwing his arm around behind the cushion, the same way he had at the dinner table. “Afraid I’ll kick your ass in Mario Kart if you get a little tipsy?” He asked, grinning when you smiled. “We can have a tournament? Just the two of us?”
“Hey, one of us might need to go on a liquor or snack run. You never know,” you said, setting your water on the table before you sank into the couch. “And it isn’t exactly a tournament if only two people are playing, is it?”
“It can be. We make our own rules,” he smiled as he moved a little closer. “Remember the time we had a tournament? We went to that shady looking liquor store after Sam spilled the last bottle of rum. The guy behind the counter had a bunch of clown masks.”
You laughed a little. How could you forget? “Yes! We had to open the living room window so we could breathe. And the cashier was actually a sweet guy, but you glued yourself to my side before that because you were certain the guy had bad intentions,” you said. Bucky and his protective streak made you feel important.
Until you weren’t.
Bucky must’ve noticed the change in your demeanor since he stopped chuckling. “Seriously though. Are you okay? Are you not feeling well?”
“I feel fine. I just don’t need to drink tonight,” you said, touched that he showed concern for you before a weird expression crossed his face. “What? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“No. You’re, um,” he tapped a finger on his knee as he tried to find the words. “There isn’t a specific reason you aren’t, is there? You're not…” he trailed off, but his eyes drifted long enough to your torso to fill in the blank.
You never understood the expression about eyes widening to the size of saucers until you experienced it just then. “Are you asking if I’m pregnant?” You whispered, careful not to speak any louder than that. The last thing you needed was the group questioning why Bucky asked such a question. “If so, the answer is NO.”
The sigh of relief Bucky let out, you weren’t sure what to make of it. “Sorry. I'm sorry. You don’t owe me an explanation for why you aren’t drinking. I just. I don't know why my mind went there.”
You couldn’t exactly tell him you're worried about getting plastered and revealing how you felt about him. Drunk confessions worked for some, but you didn’t think the odds were in your favor. “I still can’t believe you asked that,” you half teased, pointing at your stomach. “Not to mention, I haven’t been laid in ages. So, unless it happens via immaculate conception, that’s never going to be the case.”
The odd expression was back on Bucky’s face. What was his deal? “When was the last time you went on a date?” He asked with more interest than you expected.
“Months ago. Minimum,” you said, looking up at the ceiling as you tried to recall the exact day. “His name was Nick. We went on a few dates and he was nice enough, but he ended up getting serious with someone else. Haven’t gone on another date since.”
The clench in Bucky’s jaw almost made you smile. He had no reason to look so upset on your behalf. “I’m sorry. It’s his loss.”
“Don’t be. I’m kind of used to it,” you said with a nonchalant shrug.
“What the hell does that mean?” He asked, facing you on the couch and blocking the view of your friends at the table. “What exactly are you used to?”
Why does he sound upset? It's not like I’m not his girl.
“It means I’m used to guys not picking me,” you said honestly. As much as it hurt to think that way, saying it didn’t hurt as badly. “Think about it, Bucky. In all the time you’ve known me, when have guys ever flocked to me? When have you ever seen a guy take a chance on me when Natasha and Sharon were there? They haven’t and that’s just the way it is.”
“That’s bullshit. You’re perfect. And maybe people do see you, but you don’t see them,” he argued, quickly closing his mouth when he saw your expression. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“No, I think that’s exactly what you meant,” you said, sitting up to put some distance between the two of you as hurt filled his eyes. “I see just fine, thanks, but please enlighten me. Who saw me? Who did I overlook? I’d love an example.”
There was no reason to get so defensive, but did he understand how you felt? People gravitated toward Bucky and your friends. They always had. You, on the other hand, were on the outside of the house looking in. It was tiring to be the one knocking on the door.
“What about your old friend, TJ? You’re telling me he didn’t see you?” He asked, a hint of bitterness in his voice. It wasn’t a tone you heard from him before. It didn't suit him.
“TJ?” You asked, confusion written all over your face that you couldn’t fake if you tried. “TJ Hammond? My old family friend? Um, no, he definitely doesn’t see me.”
Not even close.
“He stayed at your place after Steve’s party,” he said, running a hand through his hair as he avoided your gaze. “Bet he couldn’t wait to see you. Probably went over the second you got back from the trip.”
Wait, is he jealous? What the hell?
You laughed a little, unable to help yourself when he raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, he did stay at my place for a bit after Steve’s birthday bash a couple of years ago. He had an issue with his boyfriend.”
Bucky did a double take, which would’ve been humorous if not for the stricken look on his face. “Boyfriend?”
“Yeah. The guy he dated at the time was a HUGE asshole and they had a falling out. His parents refused to let him go back home, so he stayed with me. And I couldn’t kick him out. He needed a friend,” you said, your brows pinching when you recalled how TJ cried on your sofa. It was a heartbreaking sight. “He has a new boyfriend now who treats him well and he couldn’t be happier. And I couldn’t be happier for him.”
Bucky blinked a few times. “So, you two. You never…?”
“TJ and I? No. Never dated, hooked up, anything,” you smiled with a shake of your head. “We adore each other, but in a brother and sister kind of way. I mean, we’ve known each other since we were in diapers. Even if I did find him attractive, nothing ever would’ve happened. You, Steve, Sam, you guys are much more his type.”
Bucky didn’t say anything, his face a bit pale. You worried for a second that he was going to get sick. “I thought you two hooked up,” he said more to himself than to you.
Where the hell did he get that impression?
“No, we didn't and we never will,” you said again before something he said dawned on you. “Wait, how did you know he stayed at my place? He asked me not to tell anyone where he was and I respected his wishes.”
Going through the dates again in your head, it wasn’t long after TJ stayed with you that Bucky brought Dot around as his new girlfriend. You knew you lost your chance to admit your feelings because he had someone by his side. Someone who wasn’t you.
“Come with me,” Bucky said, taking your hand and pulling you up from the couch before you had a chance to argue. It was hard to keep up with his long strides and he didn’t look back when Steve called after the two of you.
“What’s going on?” You asked as he pulled you outside and slammed the door. You watched as he took a few breaths, like he was trying to steady himself. “Talk to me, please.”
“I wasted two years,” he whispered, tilting his head to look at the sky. “Two fucking years.”
What is he talking about?
“I don’t understand,” you said.
“I made a huge mistake and I regret it,” he said, squeezing your hand as he faced you. “And I can't go the rest of this week without telling you. I wasted enough time.”
“Tell me what? Bucky, what did you do?”
And can we come back from it?
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That literary edging. I'm sorry! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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lily-174 · 3 months
Saw you in the Jay Halstead x Reader tag! I was hoping you could do one where Jay is dating a black belt, and he keeps forgetting she can take care of herself bc she's been training for many years. Maybe she gets kidnapped, but escapes on her own? Thank you if you do! No problem if you don't! Have a good day 😊 💛
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you picked the wrong girl- Jay halstead x reader
AN: well, I’m back… sorry I’ve been gone for so long guys. But I hope you enjoy this, and If you’ve read fics from me before. I hope you like the change in writing style.. I’d love to hear what you think (I did write the at 1am tho and didn’t proofread)
trigger warnings: Angst, Assault, kidnapping, mention of endo
“yeah jay i’ll come over when i finish my shift tomorrow” you held your phone up to your ear, bag on the opposite shoulder as you left your apartment building.
“alright babe. be safe okay?” Jay, your boyfriend of 3 years spoke through the phone. A smile on your face as you thought of seeing him after your shift at firehouse 51.
“you too” you smiled before ending the call, shoving your phone into your back pocket as you began walking to your car. You and jay had met while serving in afghanistan yet had reconnected almost 6 years later after you started working back in chicago and got a job at firehouse 51 through your friend clark and everyone at 51 has quickly become your family.
As you approached your car you scrolled through your phone looking to message your best friend Gabriella Dawson to let her know you’re on your way to work. The two of you usually spend the start of your shift gossiping, it’s something you’ve grown to love. Especially when it comes to girl talks in a firehouse full of men. God just the memories of the boys faces—specifically cruz— when they walk in on a conversation about something they don’t want to know makes you laugh. Like the time you had cruz walk in on you talking to gabby about the horrendous side affects of your condition Endometriosis. Which you only got diagnosed with two years ago, and luckily it wasn’t completely debilitating for you as it was for a lot of women.
When you’d been diagnosed you were terrified of telling anyone, even Jay. But after hundreds of conversations with Gabby and Jay—who were both unapologetically supportive—it no longer bothered you and you’d come to the conclusion you’d rather talk about it and educate people on the subject rather than hide from it.
Shooting Gabby a quick text that read: ‘On way now. Got so much to tell you about the CPD party’
You smiled to yourself watching the three dots pop up signifying gabby was messaging you back. You and Gabby had almost no shame when it came to your conversations, so much so that you were sure you knew more about Gabby and Casey’s sex life than Casey did himself, and vice versa for Gabby and Jay. You knew Gabby had something to tell you too as she’d insinuated as such on the phone last night. And boy, did you have something to tell her too. The sex you’d had with Jay after that CPD party had been extraordinary, easily in your top 5 sexual experience—all of which had been with Jay. He was amazing, and with the strain and pain endometriosis puts on a woman’s sex life Jay had been so understanding and patient. He’d made sex something unimaginable.
‘Can’t wait. I have news too. 🫢’ Gabby replied. You smile as you reach your car pocketing your phone and pulling out your car keys. Just as you go to press the button on your keys to unlock your car what feels like a violent slam of bricks hits your head. Pain slices through your body, shaking your bones, starting from your skull and travelling all the way down to your toes. the pain is sharp, cold. So cold that black dots dance across your vision. You can’t process anything, every thought, every instinct you have fails under the pulsing pain in your skull as everything turns black.
Pain shatters the darkness enveloping you, cold air hitting the wetness coating your hair sending a shiver down your spine. Fear claws at you, digging into your flesh, pulling and tugging at your stomach acid just as the hands are. The hands? Pain and panic interlock as everything clicks. Hands. Gripping your waist dragging you across a stony path. Darkness, not the same as before, not the dark pain that had taken you hostage but the sun leaving you, leaving you vulnerable with your captor.
It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Yet, when they do adrenaline takes ahold of you. Forcing the old you, the soldier to take over. Power floods your veins as soon as your eyes meet the evil ones of your kidnapper.
Where’s jay? Does anyone even know you’re gone? How long have you been gone?
Questions you won’t let linger stab you. And your limbs fill with strength, adrenaline. You pull your elbow back before forcing it into your captors ribs with every ounce of strength you can, ignoring the pain, ignoring everything. You refuse to be a photo on Intelligence’s evidence board.
Your captor grunts, weakening his grip on your as he stumbles unprepared. He quickly recovers, lunging forward aiming to take you down with his fists. You don’t let him. Your lungs clench, heart pounding as if a stampede lives beneath your ribs as everything you’ve been taught everything you’ve learnt and everything that’s ever made you feel powerful rushes through your veins. Army training, Boxing, karate, kickboxing.
You dodge his attempted assault and quickly throw a balled fist toward his jaw, and it connects with enough force to break a knuckle. You move quickly, precise like you’ve got forever to calculate his next move. But you don’t. It’s the adrenaline, rushes through your veins giving you enough energy for the final push. With another firm punch he stumbles, and in the next moment you land a hard kick to his most precious area. He falls, losing his balance and stumbling with a pained groan.
Run. You barely process your next movements as your legs carry you, each step shakier than the last as you take your chance, sprinting away. Your lungs burn, your skin igniting against the harsh chicago wind. You don’t even know where you are but you keep running, running, hoping to find something familiar. Some landmark, somewhere you know, someone you know.
Your body weakens, you feel as if you’re your legs will fail at any moment as you push on. The wind brushing against your tear stained cheeks leaving a chill in its wake.
95th and Trent. The familiar street sends the final wave of adrenaline through your body. You don’t stop running, you can’t. Not until your safe. You don’t know how long you’ve been running for, how long you’ve been missing. But when you reach the familiar 21st district it almost feels as if your heart stopped. Racing up the front steps you barrel through the door. Panicked, irrational, exhausted.
Trudy Platts panicked eyes meet yours and a wave of comfort makes your eyes well up. She rushes out from behind her desk ordering a officer away, “Get Halstead. And call a damn Ambulance and 51. Tell em we’ve got her.” She bites out before rushing towards you and taking you into her arms.
As soon as the warmth that is trudy Platt touches you, your heart cracks. Almost loud enough your worried it could’ve been heard from miles away. Tears poor from your eyes and you clutch onto her uniform as the adrenaline dissipates.
“Baby” A distraught familiar voice takes you by the hands guiding you home. His arms, his smell. You’re home, you’re safe. Jay takes you in his arms, tightly. Letting all of his worry and anger seep from him in the form of your touch.
“Are you okay? Y/n, I was trying to find you. I was gonna find you baby.” He whispers as your claw at his muscular frame. “You’re safe, I’ve got you” he whispers, his voice only causing the crack in your chest to grow. A crack that only he can fix, now that you’re home.
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sunnyrealist · 5 months
🌶️ Ch. 24: Let Yourself Dream Again 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: In a previous chapter, Kate ran into Henry Finch, her friend and ex-boyfriend. Sebastian did not like this interaction much, which resulted in rather possessive sex and a tough but honest conversation about why he reacted that way. This chapter takes place the following morning.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x female OC (Kate Mayflower)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI! For this specific chapter: handjob and oral sex - both male receiving 🌶️, angst because Sebastian doesn't feel that he has anything to live for other than Kate, and a discussion about an emotionally abusive relationship with an ex.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Any kind of constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. A comment, like, or Kudos would make my day!
Chapter 24: Let Yourself Dream Again
Even though Kate had previously thought they wouldn’t sleep much that night, they actually did (after another round of lovemaking, naturally). When she woke, she felt more well-rested than she had in quite some time. There was something so comforting about his arms around her, their skin to skin contact. And falling asleep to whispers of sweet words - words of love - was the best part of it all.
It seems late enough in the morning that she doesn’t hesitate to kiss Sebastian to wake him. Gently, she presses her lips to his.
“Good morning,” Kate whispers. “Good morning, my love. My Sebastian.”
Slowly, his eyes begin to blink open. He inhales sharply, looking around and slowly realizing where he is - in Kate’s embrace, in her cozy bedroom. 
“I love you,” she continues whispering. “It’s morning, my love.”
“Mmmm,” he hums in appreciation as she kisses his cheek. “Good morning, Kate.”
They lay silently for a long time, snuggling closer together. Their peace is only disturbed by some birds chirping loudly outside. 
“Oh, I forgot… there are some birds building a nest right outside this window,” Kate murmurs. “I meant to deter them earlier this week, and it might be too late now.” She sighs.
Sebastian smiles. “That’s alright. We’re too busy nesting here ourselves, I suppose.” He pulls Kate closer. “Gods, I love you, Kate.” He pauses for a few moments. “Look… I… wanted to apologize again about last night. Thank you for listening to me last night about why I reacted the way I did to your ex-boyfriend," he continues. "It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone so understanding but also willing to tell me I'm being ridiculous." He caresses Kate's hair. “And I was being ridiculous.”
Kate smiles faintly. "I love you, Sebastian. Of course I wanted to hear your side. It was only fair. And your explanation made sense to me. It just makes me sad to hear that you think you have nothing else to live for outside of me." She stares up at the ceiling. "Sebastian, if you can gain your freedom, there will be so much to live for. Think of all of the things you could do in life. Travel, explore… see the world! You would have boundless time to study anything you want. You can make new friends, and maybe you’ll reconnect with your old ones in time. You can start a career of your own choosing. And of course, we’ll grow closer together…” she trails off, not quite daring enough yet to say what she is really thinking about the future.
Sebastian brushes his fingers through her golden hair as he considers his next words.
"Kate, you don't understand," he says softly. "Nothing compares to you. You are the only reason I even bothered trying again after everything." There is a long pause. "I've seen things no one should ever see, done things no person should ever do. There's nothing left for me except starting over with you by my side."
"I want you by my side, Sebastian. But your life should be so much more than just me." She cups his face in her hand. His eyes close as he leans into her touch. "Whether you agree with the sentiment or not, you deserve happiness after all you've been through. So… please, let yourself dream again. Just imagine what our lives together could be like... We can go anywhere, see anything, learn about anything. Just promise me you won't give up on yourself ever again."
"I promise," he whispers, his eyes filling with determination. "And thank you, Kate. For everything." He leans in to press his lips to hers.
Kate returns the kiss eagerly, her fingers weaving into his messy morning hair. She scoots closer to him under the covers, sighing as he embraces her and runs his hands up and down her bare back.
"Mmm, you taste so good," he whispers between kisses, feeling her lips curl into a smile. His own body is heating up quickly, responding to her touch and desire. He breaks the kiss momentarily, trailing warm breaths across her neck before nipping lightly at the sensitive skin there. "There is nothing I want more than to taste you for the rest of my life."
Kate exhales sharply as Sebastian moves towards her collarbone. Her hands move down to his back, sliding over his muscles down to his arse. "The rest of your life?" she whispers breathlessly, in wonder how he is so easily able to say such things… 
"Yes," he affirms genuinely, his hands sliding up her thighs to squeeze her arse cheeks. "I know it's early to say such a thing... but I mean it. I do." He places a soft kiss on her collarbone. "I want you to be happy, Kate. Even happier than you’ve made me. Whatever you dream of doing, I'll support you completely. That's how I would like to spend the rest of my life."
Kate presses herself completely to him, feeling a wave of love wash through her from her head to her chest, settling in her belly. 
"Sebastian..." she whispers, kissing his lips deeply. "Sebastian..."
"Hmm?" he hums, and then his tongue seeks entry into her mouth. They engage in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as they explore each other's mouths hungrily. His hand moves between them, reaching up to squeeze her breast and flick his finger against her nipple.
Kate whimpers in response, wrapping her leg over his and feeling his firm arousal against her lower abdomen. "I... I love you, Seb..." she whimpers.
"I love you too, Kate." He groans against her lips. Breaking the kiss, he trails his tongue down her neck, stopping at her cleavage before suckling on her nipple. His hand reaches further down to cup her other breast, massaging it gently while his thumb rubs circles around her hardened nipple.
With a moan, Kate reaches down to grip his cock. She brushes her finger across his tip, feeling pre-cum bubbling up. She begins to pump her hand up and down. The sensation sends pleasure coursing through Sebastian. He bites down on her shoulder lightly, groaning as she begins to stroke him faster. His hips respond involuntarily, thrusting forward into her touch. 
"That feels so good," he rasps out, his voice hoarse with desire.
"You... you deserve... to feel good," she pants out. "Let me make you feel good..." She works her hand faster, watching his reactions as he groans, trying to learn what he likes.
"Kate..." His breath is hot against her neck. His grasp tightens on her ass, pulling her closer to him. He thrusts into her hand, matching the rhythm of her strokes. "I’m almost... almost there," he growls, his voice cracking with need.
"Seb... not yet..." she whispers, then rips the covers away and completely changes position, her face level with his dick. "I've been wanting to do this... for a long time now..." 
With full eye contact, Kate traces her tongue slowly along his thick length, tracing his bulging veins, as if she is licking a peppermint stick or lollipop. She moistens her lips, then brings him deeply into her mouth, sucking. She isn’t certain she can fully take him, so she wraps her hand around his base to continue stroking him.
A moan escapes Sebastian's lips as Kate's warm, wet mouth engulfs his cock. He reaches down and tangles his fingers into her hair, gripping tightly as she begins to suck him hungrily. Her tongue swirls around the head of his cock, teasing him mercilessly. "Kate..." he pants out, his hips rocking forward instinctively.
She slides off of him with a pop, panting and trying to catch her breath before diving back in. This time, she takes him much deeper. She looks up at him with half-hooded eyes as her head bobs on his cock.
"Oh, Gods above..." he groans, his hands gripping the sheets tightly as she takes him deeper than anyone ever has. "That's... fuck!" He arches his back, unable to resist her skilled ministrations. His cock throbs in her mouth, close to exploding.
"Not yet," she commands, pulling off again. "I want you… to enjoy this… for a while longer." She starts sucking him more slowly, teasingly, hollowing her cheeks and humming.
"Kate, please..." he begs in a gravelly voice. His hips buck and thrust into her mouth in desperation. He reaches down and grabs a handful of her hair again, tugging gently but firmly. "I'm close... so fucking close!"
Kate gags when he hits the back of her throat unexpectedly. Trying to keep her composure, she reminds herself to relax. Even so, tears begin to form in her eyes. As she sucks him off, her tongue swirls around his tip over and over again. He looks physically pained as his face twists, trying to hold back but failing.
"Kate!" he practically shouts, his orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave. He comes hard in her mouth, filling it to the brim with his thick, hot seed. His body shudders violently as wave after wave of pleasure ripples through him. Finally spent, he releases her hair, panting heavily.
Kate attempts to take it all down her throat at once, but there's just so much. Some of it dribbles out of her mouth and runs down her chin as she continues to swallow it down little by little. She breathes heavily through her nose as she gazes upon him, watching his chest rising and falling rapidly. His eyes are half-lidded, a satisfied smile on his lips. He reaches out a shaking hand to brush away the excess cum from her face and chin.
Kate smiles at him, her blue eyes shining. She readjusts and lets herself fall down next to Sebastian on the bed, pulling his arm around her so she can snuggle against his chest. "I love you... I just want to please you, Sebastian. I want to... to help you make up for the happiness and time you lost in Azkaban. If I can." She kisses his chest, lingering.
"You already have, Kate," he whispers into her ear. "You've brought me back from the brink of despair. I thought I'd never feel alive again until you came into my life." He cups her face in his hands, tilting it up so their eyes lock. "Thank you. Forever and always."
They kiss tenderly for several minutes, then resume their cuddling. 
"I feel so safe, so loved with you," Kate whispers, then takes a deep breath. His affection has given her bravery. "I... I don't ever want to be parted from you, my moon." Her cheeks go pink. She takes his hand and intertwines their fingers. "It's... it's like you said, Sebastian. It's early to say that, but... it's the truth. It's how I really feel. I think our lives are intertwined forever now."
"Yes," he tells her, his eyes welling up with tears upon hearing her say it. He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We belong together, Kate. I knew I needed your love from the moment I first laid my eyes on you."
"And I knew the moment we touched that there was something special between us," Kate admits. "The first time we kissed, it was like… I knew deep down that it would be my last first kiss." She pulled his head down to smooch him again.
"My last first kiss," he echoes. "I'm so glad it was you. I’m so glad you feel the same way, my sun." He rolls onto his side, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer still. "So, what do you say? Shall we stay here all day or...?" He winks teasingly.
Kate laughs. "I suppose not all day, but... I wouldn't mind a lazy morning in bed with you. Maybe we can have breakfast in bed?"
"Sounds perfect," he agrees. "I'll whip up something for us." He kisses her again before reluctantly pulling away. Standing up, he stretches his long legs. Before he heads towards the kitchen, Kate ogles his muscular, naked body. As soon as he walks off, she scoots into the warm spot he left behind in bed, pulling the covers closer and closing her eyes contentedly in relaxation.
In the kitchen, Sebastian hums to himself as he starts preparing breakfast. He rummages through cupboards and quickly figures out what he can make with the ingredients at hand. He prepares eggs, toast with jam, and tea. He washes some blueberries in the sink.
Entering the bedroom once more, he sees Kate curled up in bed, her beautiful form illuminated by the light filtering through the curtains. A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he sets the tray down beside her. 
"Breakfast is ready when you are," he says softly, climbing back into bed and pulling her close once more.
Sebastian kisses her forehead and puts his arm around her as she sits up. Kate nuzzles into his warmth, kissing his bare, freckle-dusted shoulder. Her bare breasts pop out of the covers as she lifts her arms to fix her hair. She quickly moves to cover her chest, but Sebastian places his hand on the sheets as if to tell her not to.
"Please, don't hide yourself from me, Kate," he murmurs softly. His eyes travel downwards, taking in the sight. His voice deepening, he continues, "I've seen you naked several times now, but it never gets old. You're beautiful, my love." 
He reaches out and trails a fingertip along her collarbone before cupping her chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting her face upwards. Their gazes lock for a moment, their hearts beating in sync. Both of them lean in, their lips meeting tenderly and slowly. 
"I love you, my moon. I don't want to say goodbye to you later today. I don't want to go to sleep alone tonight. I don’t want to have to get up for work in the morning.” She pouts. “I want to wake up every morning next to you and spend it lazily. Hours in bed," Kate tells him, grinning now. "I'm so happy, my love. So happy to have you here with me. I just never want this feeling to end." 
"Me too," he agrees, his voice breaking slightly. "At least we can still spend the whole day together." He reaches down and picks up a piece of toast smothered in strawberry jam and hands it to her.
After they finish eating, they snuggle back together, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Kate rests her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat while Sebastian strokes her hair idly.
“About last night…” Kate breaks the silence. “I want to tell you something about myself so you understand where I am coming from as well.”
“Yes, please, go ahead,” Sebastian encourages, brushing a stray piece of hair that has fallen into her face.
“I might have mentioned this quite some time ago,” she explains. “My last serious relationship ended about two years ago. It was not a healthy one at all.”
Sebastian’s brows furrow, gazing at her in worry about what she was about to tell him.
“When I graduated from Hogwarts, I moved back home with my parents. I got a job in a bookshop in a nearby village, and that’s where I met him. His name was Joel Kingsbury. He was a few years older than me - I was 20. We met at the bookshop. He came in and asked me to help him find some books. I was perhaps too kind, made too many recommendations… and he started to come into the shop all of the time. He seemed sweet and very obviously interested in me. One day, he asked me out for tea, and I agreed. I thought he was charming and romantic, and we began seeing each other. It all started so great. I fell in love very quickly. My life had been pretty boring since graduation, and suddenly, things were exhilarating again.” Kate explained. 
She glanced up at Sebastian to make sure he was listening. “I chose not to listen to my intuition, over and over again. Joel… was not who I thought he was. He was possessive and completely jealous. He would create huge fights about how I chose to spend my time and who I spent it with. If I saw my friends, it was only because I wanted to leave him for one of my male friends. If I wanted to spend time with my family or visit my sister while she was at Hogwarts, he would throw a fit because I was choosing them over him. It was always a competition.” 
She paused. “The final straw for me was when my friends from Hogwarts decided to rent a cabin one winter for New Year’s Eve. There wasn’t enough room in the cabin to bring significant others, so it was just going to be our original old Hufflepuff crew… and my friends did not like Joel. I should have realized that that was an issue, too, but I just kept rationalizing it to myself by thinking that they just didn’t understand him and that only I did. So, anyway, I went to the cabin with my friends. Joel had asked me to contact him via Floo that night, which was a reasonable request, but once I did, he kept me talking to him for hours while my friends visited and celebrated downstairs. He shouted at me about how I was a terrible girlfriend for leaving him behind. He accused me of wanting to cheat on him with not just one but two of my male friends. It could not have been further from the truth.”
She sighed, and Sebastian took her hand. “He told me that if I walked away from the Floo, he would… h-hurt himself. I felt like I had no choice. I sat and talked with him about mundane things for hours, while my friends, some of whom I rarely saw, got to catch up without me. A few of my friends kept checking on me upstairs to make sure everything was alright, and I had to pretend I wasn’t crying. It was humiliating, Sebastian. I sobbed when I could hear them celebrate the clock striking midnight. Joel finally left the Floo a half hour afterwards - of course when all of my friends were completely drunk and falling asleep.”
“That’s horrible,” Sebastian finally said, squeezing her hand.
It’s clear to him that this is hard for Kate to say. “When I returned home on New Year’s Day, I had resolved to break up with him. I met him at his flat. The moment the door closed, he screamed at me for ages about how I was unfaithful to him. I cried and told him we were done. He started to panic and threatened to hurt himself again. I kept my resolve and insisted that no matter what he said, I was breaking up with him. When I said that, Joel picked up a glass and threw it at the wall, just a few feet from my head. I ran out of his flat.
“Afterwards, he tried to contact me via Floo, and at first, I was polite and would chat with him for a few minutes before making an excuse. Then, he began to show up at my parents’ home with gifts. Eventually, I instructed our maid to pretend I was not at home. Finally, he began to stalk me at the bookshop, where I could not escape him. Every time Joel would come in, he’d bring flowers and make a huge scene. My boss started to get upset because I was always hiding in the back room instead of stocking books. I was pretty sure I was going to be let go, so… even though I loved that job, I quit.” Kate sighed, frowning, tears forming in her eyes.
“He started sending owls every day - sometimes twice a day. Some of the letters were Howlers. I would never answer him back. Weeks later, he was still showing up at my parents’ home looking for me. That’s when I realized I had to leave Epping Forest. He would never let up otherwise.” She looked off into the distance. “And… that is when I found the job posting at Hogwarts and when I purchased my cottage. My parents didn’t want me to move - they thought I’d be safer with them, and they didn’t think - well, my mamma didn’t think - a ‘lady of my station’ needed a full-time job. But I had to go.”
“I… I didn’t realize that that was the full reason you live here,” Sebastian replied. He saw a tear fall from her eye and brushed it away. “I’m so sorry you went through something like that. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way. You hadn’t done anything wrong.” He leaned down so look into her eyes. “Kate, you’re… quite strong. Brave. I had no idea.”
“It took me some time to learn that it was not my fault. I had years to reflect.” She paused for a long while. “I never want to feel trapped like that again. I need a partner who will not keep me from family and friends. Someone who will trust me completely.” 
Kate’s eyes flick back up to Sebastian’s. He inhales, finally realizing the point of the story. 
“Sebastian, do you understand?” she asks.
He nods. “Yes, I understand, my love.” He brings her hand to his lips. “Thank you for telling me. I promise that I will try my best to control my jealousy.” He pauses. “If there’s ever something bothering you, please tell me - don’t keep your feelings bottled inside. You’re… you’re my future, Kate. I want to be the best partner I can be for you. I mean it with all my heart. I love you.” 
Sebastian wraps his arms around Kate, holding her tight. “I trust you.”
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lyn-js · 2 months
Home Sweet Home | Chapter 6. The one I Want
Rhett Abbott x OC Reader
Summary: Sunny Pritchett decides to move back home, but without a reason why. Once she's back she runs into her childhood best, friend Rhett Abbott. Rhett seems very surprised to see her. Not only that, but he sees she has a small child on her hip. Will Sunny try to reconnect with Rhett and tell him the real reason you she's moved back. Or will her past come back and find her until everything blows up.
Warnings: Mental and Physical abuse, PTSD flashbacks, swearing, fighting, (eventually smut 18+)
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It’s been weeks since your dreadful conversation with Rhett at the fair. Since then, you’d try your best to avoid him as long as possible for the next couple of days. 
If you would have another one of your daily run-in’s, you would turn around and walk away, acting like you never saw him. He would call a couple of times throughout the day, and see if you were feeling alright. Your mom would make an excuse saying you weren't feeling well, and tell him to call back another time. After those calls were done, she would just give you a sympathetic smile. You felt so guilty, you just got Rhett back into your life. Now, you feel like you're losing him all over again. 
You wish you never had these types of feelings for him. He was your bestfriend for god sakes. But you said to yourself you didn’t care. You now fully regret that dissension. But you did and now you have to face the consequences.
 Also in the last couple of weeks you kind of grew close with your old friends from school. You guys would go out shopping, grab lunch a couple of times. They also found out about Ollie too, saying he was a carbon copy of you. You were so happy that Ollie has your features, from your nose shape, eyes, and that little toothy grin. But he didn’t have your eye color, but it wasn’t Gabe’s eye color either. He almost had the same color as Rhett’s. Sometimes you dreamed you had Ollie with another person who would love him unconditionally, care for him. For you. There's one person you wish could love you unconditionally, but it’s not that simple. He treated and cared for Ollie like he was his own, showing so much affection for him. Just thinking about it made your heart burst into little pieces.
A little while later you were in the living room with Ollie playing with him, and some of his toys when your friends started blowing up your phone. Saying to come out with them to “get out of your sad girl era” your friend Jessica texted you. Then she started calling you, and begging you to get out a little. “I don’t have anyone to watch my son. I’m sorry I can’t-” “We’ll look after him tonight cub?” your dad said, while Ollie was waddling over to him wanting to be picked up. You whip around and look at him. You would never expect your parents, let alone your dad tell you to go out.
“D-Dad… I wouldn’t want to do that? I’m fine to stay home-” “Cub, you’ve been down in the dumps ever since the fair? It would be nice to go out for a little bit. It wouldn't hurt?” he says to you while swaying Ollie in his arms. “Listen to your dad babes, you need a pick-me up. Come on, it's just one night. Please.”
You start to stiffen in the current position you’re in. You find yourself to have a pool of guilt in your stomach again. Eversince the fair, and Rhett’s ride, you’ve been tossing and turning about your conversation you had with him after his ride. You just started to have a relationship with him again, you didn’t want to lose him again.
So you decided you do need a pick-me up. You’ve been down ever since the fair. You deserve to go out just one night, and have a good time. You finally have the courage to tell your friend that you’re going out. Time to get the dysfunctional show on the road.
After changing your makeup, hair, and clothes 3 different times, you're finally on your way to the Handsome Gambler.
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When you get to the bar, it’s crazy and crowded. You and your friends looping your hands together so you won’t get lost in the crowd was really hard to do. When moving through to get to the bar, you see someone out of the corner of your eye. But you see someone watching you from one of the booths. You can only make out his eyes, and of course, it was Rhett. But you weren't worrying about him. You were gonna have a couple of drinks with your friends, have fun, and go home and snuggle with your baby. 
When you get to the bar, and order your drink, when you go and pay, you hear a weird voice next to you “Don’t worry, I got it for ya darlin’”. You turn your head and see your ex, Adam. You turn away and roll your eyes, you wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t roll out of your head. You just hope he doesn’t start any problems with you, because things can take a turn for the worse.
(Rhett’s POV)
Me and Perry are sitting down in a booth drinking some whiskey, enjoying the moment. All of a sudden Perry starts talking nonsense.
“When are you gonna get it through your thick skull that you are head over heels for that girl.” I turn to him and look at him confused. “What are you talking about, and what girl Per?” “You know damn well what I'm talkin’ about.”  You look down and try to avoid his gaze. When you want to say something you hear some bustling walk through the door. You see a group of girls have their arms looped together and you can’t make out all of them, but you can make out one of the girls' eyes. You can spot that girl from a mile away. With her Sky-blue eyes, and that wavy blond hair. She looks so beautiful. like an angel.
But then, she makes direct eye contact with me. I whipped my head around and looked down at the glass of whiskey on the table while Perry continued talking. “All I know; actually everybody knows, yourself included that you're whipped for that girl, and there’s nothing you can do bout’ it.” 
When you want to say something else you hear some commotion up front at the bar. From what you can make out, you can see Sunny, but she’s being hassled by some guy next to her, very close. you can hear her mouth “please leave me alone.” but he was getting closer and closer. The only thing you could remember doing is taking a shot of tequila, and moving your way up to the bar to save your Sunny-girl.
(Back to your POV)
You're waiting for the bartender to finish making your drink, but Adam is still bothering you. You ask him nicely to leave you alone, but somehow he doesn’t get the hint. He’s also moving closer and closer to you, then suddenly he puts his hand on your waist. You stiffen at the action he’s making, and you try to get out of his hold but he tightens his grip on you. “Thought maybe you could leave with me Sun, whaddya say?” Before you could tell him no, you hear a low, husky voice from behind you. “I don’t think the miss would like that.” You turn and see Rhett with his cowboy hat on, trying to hide that anger on his face. “Well sorry to say Bull Rider, but she’s coming home with me whether ya’ like it er’ not.” Then Rhett sees Adam try to lower his hand and touch your ass, but before you can try and get him to move you see Rhett grab him by the collar of his shirt, and drag him out back.
You run over to the table Rhett was sitting at and you see Perry look up at you with a concerned look on his face. “Sun what’s wrong. Is it Rhett?” Knowing his brother can get into any trouble when he’s drinking. “Ya, it’s Rhett, he grabbed Adam and took him out back, and it’s likely that he might kill him.” With that being said you and Perry run outside to try and stop Rhett from committing murder.
When you both are outside, you see Rhett and Adam throwing punches at one another. You can see Adam had the upper hand, knocking Rhett down and the pavement. Until he looked at you with a sick eating grin on his face. “Don’t worry Sun, when I’m finished with him you're gonna be all mine. I wonder if that little boy you have will call me daddy.” You knew when Adam mentioned Ollie to you, he was gonna suffer Rhett’s rath. Adam tries walking over to you, but Perry puts himself in front of you, but you can see Rhett get up from the ground, walk over to Adam, spin him around and suckerpunch him square in the face. Knocking him right on his ass. Before Rhett can get his hands on Adam again Perry comes over and pushes him back, not waiting to cause anymore trouble for tonight.
Rhett is released from Perry hold and looks at you, then goes to squat down near Adam, with blood coming out of his nose and seeping onto his clothes. “I’m gonna tell ya this once, and one time only. If you ever talk, touch, look, or even think about her, or her son. I’ll put ya’ in the fucking ground. Understand.” Adam could only non his head profusely not wanting to get the shit beat out of him again. Rhett gets back up and walks over to you with a worried look.
“Are ya alright darlin’? Did he hurt you?” he asks, holding your cheeks between his hands. “I’m alright cowboy… I’m alright.” while you bring your hands to his wrists, and give them a delicate kiss. “Go in and tell your friend I’m drivin’ ya’ home okay?” You simply nod, and go back in and get your things, and tell your friend you're leaving with Rhett. 
All of your friends are cheering for you “Go get some” and “don’t have too much fun.” You just simply ignored them and said your goodbyes, and left out the front door. Waiting for Rhett to come and get you.
When you see Rhett pull up with his truck. He stepped out walking over towards you with a little smirk on his face, but trying to hide it behind his hat. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks again with concern in his voice. You just want to wrap onto him, and never let go. “I promise you, I’m good, I should be asking you the same thing?” Then you look down at his hands, looking all red and swollen with some little cuts on his knuckles. “You should see the other guy” that earned a chuckle from you, then Rhett starts to laugh as well. When the laughing was dying down you both stood in comfortable silence, and just both looking into each other's eyes. Not wanting to ruin this perfect moment. But, of course you had to open your big mouth and say something. “Thank you for defending me.” You say to him while trying to hide your smile. “It’s the least I could do, ya’ know I’ll always keep you safe.” “Yea I know, but I don’t want you beating up people all the time because they look at me, or you the wrong way. Ya hear me cowboy?” you say while trying to keep a stern look on your face, but you eventually break into a fit of giggles. 
Your giggles die down and when you look up Rhett’s already looking at you; you both just stare at each other. “No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you Sun, and for Ollie too. I’m starting to get attached to the little guy.” Out of nowhere, you started crying. Rhett’s looking at you like he hit you or something wanting to make sure you’re okay. Sunny… a-are you okay? Did… did I say something. Please tell me darlin’.” You finally have the chance to calm down, and look back up at Rhett. You really feel like and idiot, because you started crying in front of a guy you're starting to have feelings for again, and he doesn’t know what’s happening right now.
“I-I’m sorry… I don’t know why that happened. I just… I’ve never really had someone care s-so much for us. And… Now I’m back here, and you are just so amazing with Ollie… but also with me. Everytime I look at you my heart bursts with so much love, I don't know what to do with you Rhett.” he tries to speak but you cut him off and continue on your little rant. “Ever since that day in the bed truck… before graduation.you’ve always had my heart Rhett Abbott.”
After you finish your rant, you're still looking at him when you're done talking, your chest is heaving, your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest. You just keep both looking at each other waiting for what’s going to happen next.
“And you’ve always had mine, Sunny Pritchett.” A second later Rhett’s coming closer to your face, and whispers against your lips “Ask me to stop and I will.” you have no control over your words, “don’t you dare stop.” At that moment he tips his cowboy hat up a little bit, and crashes his lips into yours. This feeling is amazing. It feels like little bolts of lighting going off throughout your body, and you never want that amazing feeling to end. You feel one of his hands slightly grip your hip, and the other tangles in your hair bringing you closer than you already are. While you have your finger grabbing the hairs on the back of his neck, then making a grone inside your mouth. You push yourself a little bit closer to his crotch to add a little bit of friction, trying to get rid of the emptiness between your legs. But you two finally pull away from each other.
Both of you are out of breath, chest heaving, and foreheads connected. You try to murmur something to Rhett. “C-can… can we do t-that again?” You both begin to chuckle, not having a care in the world. “How bout we go somewhere more private?” he asks you while looking around, not realizing people were walking by and watching, and walking out of the bar looking at you and Rhett attack each other with your mouths. “I think… that’s a good idea. L-let me just call mom and tell her I’ll be out a little longer. Okay?” “That’s fine with me darlin’.” 
After you finish your call with your mom, you go back to Rhett, and wrap your arms around him and give him a quick peck on the lips “Lets get outta here cowboy.”
Here is some outfit and hair inspo for Sunny!!
Sunny's Dress
Sunny's hair
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I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm so excited to be on this journey with all of you.❤️❤️
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dividers are by @saradika
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its-tickety-boo · 1 year
My personal opinion of TSATS that no one asked for-
I personally loved Nico and Will’s relationship throughout the story, it felt realistic considering their situation and their miscommunication seemed accurate as no relationship is going to be constantly perfect, though I do wish their conversations were a bit longer
I love Will but I feel like this book left a lot of things unanswered about him, like they wanted to follow up on a promise of development for him but weren’t exactly sure how to follow through, especially with a book so focused on Nico. If this story had lasted even 2 books instead of 1, there would have been more development possible
The first half of the book, I loved. The trogs, Menoetes, Gorgyra, all of it felt the closest to books with Nico and Will I’d read in the past. Once they got to Tartarus was around when I started noticing this weird feeling, like something wasn’t right. It wasn’t super in your face or anything, but there was more that caught me off guard
I say this in the most love filled way possible, but parts of the book felt like a tumblr post
I honestly don’t really get the whole ‘Nico’s out of character’ thing I see people saying. His change feels natural, a part of his healing as he learns to accept joy into his life and focus on being a teenager. If anything, the dumb references seemed exactly like him, just a side we haven’t gotten to see in a while
If anything, Will seemed the most out of character, which makes sense. He’s someone whose POV we haven’t seen before, stuck in a place which is bringing out parts of him that don’t usually show on a surface level. The Will that so many people had in their head before this book was seen through other eyes, and now people are acting disappointed that he’s not who they thought he was when we weren’t given enough information to form a fair original impression of him
The one thing that kind of grated on me in this book was, unfortunately, the gay stuff. Nico and Will’s relationship felt so natural in the past, it felt almost more supportive to have it treated so plainly, a simple fact that Nico and Will were dating, and that was that. And don’t get me wrong, I was all for more representation, and things like Piper’s partner being mentioned or just simply Nico and Will being together was incredible. But now it just seemed to be all over the place, and again, often when it was mentioned it felt like a tumblr post
Wtf was up with Hazel and Reyna?? You know?? His two living sister figures?? I appreciate that we finally got some closure on Bianca, but to see Nico barely mention the other two kind of bugged me
The trogs should get a mini book. I said what I said
Idk bout y’all but Bob calling solangelo his sun and his star was some of the cutest shit-
Wtf was Nico’s coming out though like it still felt like it wasn’t fully his decision, after Cupid it seemed a little weird not letting his coming out be a private moment with the people he trusted most
Kinda confused how Nico survived his first fall to Tartarus when he didn’t have shit to protect himself? And yet with Will they had to make a half pipe to survive. How did Nico not just become a pancake on impact?? <- genuine question, anyone got ideas??
I think part of what made this book just slightly off for me was the lack of other characters. Even when it was just Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus, there were more familiar monsters, new friends, and there were other characters chapters in between theirs. I think that was why the Underworld part of the book resonated with me more than the Tartarus part, there were more characters to help the book move more smoothly
Also, they were fighting against Nyx, who is literally night. I know maybe my expectations were too high, but I was kind of hoping for more of a clash between night and the child of the sun
Overall, I liked this book a lot and it helped me reconnect with a part of myself I hadn’t explored in a while, but there’s a lingering ache of disappointment that I didn’t love it. Whether it needed more books to come to its full potential, or I raised my expectations too high, I don’t know. I’m still happy to own the book, to have read the book, and maybe the remaining melancholy is just a feeling of having to let go of characters, but I’d say this book did at least give some closure to all the sadness Nico has been through. The book did market itself as a ‘Nico Di Angelo Adventure’ so it makes sense he got the most insight
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Hey lovely. Would I be able to request a story with the reader being married to Hangman but she use to be in a relationship with Jay White and he starts using that to try and get in Hangman's head before Forbidden Door.
Please and thank you.
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Hangman x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Adam Page Masterlist ♡
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Hope you like it.
Summary: f/Reader is the wife of Adam Page. Before she married him, she was in a relationship with Jay White, who is now using their past against Adam Page.
Stephen - Adam Page ☆ Jamie - Jay White ☆ Melissa - Thunder Rosa
I almost spit out my drink when I saw Jamie walking towards me. I haven't seen him almost four years and that was after I broke up with him.
The two of us just grew apart. Near the end of our relationship, it was like we were just two friends who shared a bed together.
There was no spark left. No magic and absolutely no love left. I looked at him and only saw him as a friend, so one night after a night out, trying to reconnect, I broke up with him.
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He fought for us of course, but I told him that I was leaving. I hoped that we could of stayed friends but it was understandable when he said no.
That night he slept in our room and I slept in the spare room. I packed all of my belongings up when he was gone the next day and I was gone.
I went through the different stages of course and started to question if I made the right move.
I knew I did and I moved on. I stayed single for a while and really connected with my friends and family once more.
Then I met Stephen at one of the first shows for AEW. I got a job as a makeup artist. The two of us hit it off right away.
We started out as friends and quickly worked our way to being in a relationship. Then only a few months into our relationship, when we were in Vegas, the two of us decided to get married.
It was a spur of the moment type of thing and we had a massive party when we got back home for our family and friends who were angry that we didn't invite them.
But they forgave us eventually and now we have been married almost two years. We recently moved and have talked about starting a family, but that is in the near future.
"Hello YN, long time no see eh?" Jamie said when he finally caught up to me.
"Yeah it has been. How are things?" I asked him to make small talk. I kept the conversation as short as possible, not trying to be rude.
I saw my husband walking towards me, talking with Matt and I couldn't help the smile that came over my face.
"So I was thinking about the two of us going out afterwards to catch up." Jamie said.
"No thank you. I already have plans." I said to him.
"Maybe another time then?" He asked hopefully.
"No, I don't think that would be a good idea. I am very busy with work, my friends and my husband."
"Yeah, husband." Jamie turned around when he heard the new voice and Stephen did not look happy.
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Adam Page POV:
I saw YN talking to Jamie. I knew they had a history together and it didn't bother me to see her talking to him.
I know most people have a past and in this profession, I knew I was bound to run into him eventually.
"Yeah husband." He turned around to look me up and down and I him.
"It was nice catching up with you Jamie, but Stephen and I got to go." YN grabbed my hand and practically dragged me away.
"You know you didn't have to do this macho guy routine. I was just talking to him." YN said to me.
"I know, but I just couldn't help myself. You two have a past together and it doesn't bother me and you know that, but I guess just when he questioned you being married, it slightly pissed me off."
YN stopped walking and I did too. I looked at her, waiting for her to talk. "Stephen, you know I love you. I married you and I want to start a family with you soon. I never wanted that with Jamie. Yeah we had a good time while it lasted, but what you and I have is special."
"I know love. I just let it get to me." I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. It is our own special thing that I do.
The Forbidden Door is fast approaching and I am excited for it. These types of events are always so much fun.
But the little shit Jamie won't leave me alone. It is like I see him where ever I look. So much so I feel like I am seeing him when he isn't even there.
When he actually does talk to me though, he likes to make little snide remarks about YN and I being together.
"Never thought she would of ended up with someone like you." Me and him got into a heated argument that actually had to be broken up by Nick and Bobby.
"Does she still like taking a hot bath after work?" I didn't even answer him, I just glared at him.
Just the little comments were getting to me and the stories. He loved to bring up their time together.
Past vacations, holidays, parties and just spending time at the home they shared.
But today, the day of the big Forbidden Door match, he decided to bring out the big guns.
"Hey Stephen, what is your favourite vacation so far with her? Mine was when we were in Japan, we did some sight seeing, but it rained so much that we just stayed in the hotel room and uh, entertained ourselves."
Every single thing he brought up was sexual in nature almost and when he asked me if she still liked to be choked, I fucking lost it.
I gripped him by the collar of his jacket and slammed him against the wall. I brought my face close to his and I started to threaten him through gritted teeth. I was so angry, all I saw was red.
"You talk about my Wife one more time, I am going to fucking end you. I will end your career. I will make sure you never get signed or work anywhere, ever again."
He just smirked at me. "Got it cowboy."
It then hit me. He was saying all this to get to me to throw me off my game. I left him and didn't even acknowledge him when he was calling my name.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @cuzimacomedian @ecarroll1978 @anaeve @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @damnnhausen @brie-mode-activated @nicoleveno14 @wwenhlimagines
I had go find my wife and I knew she exactly where she would be.
She was finishing the final touches on Melissa's makeup. Melissa saw me first and she gave me a small wave.
"Lover boy is here." She teased. YN spun around and she smiled when she saw me. "I'll be right there love. Almost done and I can take a small break."
"Take your time." I said and sat down in the spare chair and waited for her to be done.
The moment Melissa was out of the room, I pulled YN into my lap and captured her lips with mine in such an intense kiss that it had the two of us moaning.
We had to pull away from one another to catch our breath. "Not that I don't love this side of you, but what has gotten into you?" She asked me.
I am usually much more reserved at work. A kiss here, a kiss there, but nothing like this.
"Just wanted to show you how much I love you." I said, but she didn't believe me. Her eyes narrowed at me, and she waited for me to tell her the truth.
"Fine. Jamie has even saying stuff and it had got to me."
"What type of stuff?"
I didn't answer her, so she repeated the question.
"What type of stuff Stephen?"
"Started off with him asking about you. Then just stuff you did together, like vacations and what you two did when it was raining. Then he asked me if you still liked to me choked and well, I threatened him."
"Good. He is just trying to rile you up, which I don't even know why. You all know he is going to win tonight. You are just going to put on a great show. I swear he is so immature sometimes."
"And I wasn't when I threatened him?"
"No, because you were protecting me. You stood up for me like a husband is supposed to do and I want you to remember one important detail."
"And that is?" I asked her as I pulled her closer against me.
"I love you, not him."
"I love you too baby girl."
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
Past Lovers, Chapter One
Read on AO3!
Read Silent Film Sweethearts
Read Vintage Husbands
A/N: This idea came from my friend @brokentimewatch. Vintage Husbands Meets Silent Film Sweethearts.
Warnings: death mention, sexual references.
Noir smiled warmly at JJ as he handed him a cup, setting his paperwork down and shifting slightly so JJ could sit beside him on the couch. He rested his arm against the back of the couch, then wrapped it around JJ’s shoulders when the silent man sat down, smiling as JJ cuddled into his side.
“You finished work early,” Noir commented, brushing his thumb over JJ’s shoulder as he lifted his cup to his lips. “Did something happen?”
I finished the show, JJ signed, putting his cup down so he could move his hands. I came home early because I thought I saw… someone. Noir caught the pause in JJ’s sign, tilting his head and holding him tighter before putting his own cup down.
“I thought you enjoyed reconnecting with people?” Noir had a feeling something was different about this person JJ had seen, but he didn’t want to make JJ uncomfortable. “Was there something odd about this person?”
He looked like… someone I knew from before. My own time. JJ curled more into Noir’s side, moving his head to rest on Noir’s shoulder, hand on his leg signalling the end of the conversation. Noir looked at the man curled into a tight ball on his side with a frown, then squeezed JJ’s shoulder and went back to his work, letting JJ rest until he was ready to talk.
Shawn shook his head as he stepped into the house, dropping his bag on the floor by the door and hanging his hat and coat up, tapping the rolled-up newspaper against his hand as he walked into the kitchen.
Jameson smiled at Shawn when we entered the kitchen, offering his cheek for a kiss before continuing to prepare dinner. He raised an eyebrow at Shawn in a silent question, watching the toymaker sit at the kitchen counter and open out the newspaper.
“Good, but a little confusing,” Shawn replied to the question, running a hand through his hair before reading the paper. “Did you go outside at any time today?” He glanced up to see Jameson shaking his head, plating the food and giving Shawn a quizzical look.
“Odd. Thought I saw you at the hospital where I dropped off some toys,” Shawn explained, following Jameson into the dining room to have their dinner. “Then again, most of what’s out there seems slightly… off today.”
Jameson began to eat, watching Shawn with a furrowed brow, then lifted his left hand and pointed to his wedding band in a question, waiting for Shawn to figure it out.
“Was the man I saw at the hospital wearing the band? I don’t think so. I wasn’t close enough to see, honestly. Probably wasn’t you; you’d come up to me if you went to the place I was going to.” Shawn shook his head again and started eating, watching his wedding band glint in the light. “This is good, Jameson.” He smiled when Jameson flashed him a proud smile with flushed cheeks, reaching across the table to hold his hand.
It had to be a trick of the light that he saw Jameson at that hospital, he thought, beginning to tell Jameson what the sick children thought of the toys. And maybe I had a little too much to drink last night, and it’s just a bad hangover that’s made the entire world look different.
Noir opened his eyes slowly, frowning at the tense feeling in the room, rolling to his side to see JJ sitting up in the bed, sheets pooled around his waist as he stared at the wall. Noir reached a hand out to touch JJ’s knee, pulling back when he flinched, then raised himself onto an elbow to look at his lover.
“Love,” he said quietly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and touching JJ’s knee again. “What’s wrong?” When JJ didn’t pull his knee back, Noir squeezed slightly, rubbing his thumb in circles over JJ’s knee to comfort him.
Nightmare. I’ll be alright.
“Not a nightmare,” Noir stated, grip tightening on JJ’s knee so he’d look at him, and the detective’s gaze softened when he saw the tear trails running down JJ’s cheeks. “You’re thinking about something, and it’s making you sad. Tell me.”
The man I saw today. JJ shifted to face Noir, reaching over him to turn on the bedside lamp. He looked like my friend Shawn Flynn. My roommate, my regiment partner, my… closest ally. He dropped his hands into his lap in defeat, struggling to find the words to explain what he saw.
“It’s the 21st century,” Noir pointed out, tilting his head in confusion. “It is possible he’s still alive—”
Shawn died in battle. He died protecting me. I was “displaced” after I came home with his Victoria Cross. Noir always wondered how JJ was able to apply quotation marks into his signs, but he refocused his attention on what JJ had just told him.
“Maybe,” He began slowly, lifting a hand to stop JJ from interrupting, “Maybe it’s another displacement problem. Shawn could be moved through time from a moment before he died.”
I’d remember if he disappeared.
“Not exactly. I was looking at some theories, and if someone had managed to return Shawn to the exact time he was displaced, your memory wouldn’t be affected at all. He could be displaced but still exist in your original timeline.”
I don’t know. This is all so strange. Noir nodded, stifling a yawn as he followed JJ to lie back down, pulling him to his chest and gently running his fingers through his hair.
“Things have been strange since we got displaced,” he said softly, adjusting his position when JJ moved closer. “I honestly believe the best we can do is just to let things happen and wait until we’re returned to our places.”
While that sounds ideal, JJ signed, looking into Noir’s eyes, I don’t want to lose you, too.
“You know that when we get returned, I will move heaven and earth to find you,” Noir replied, tightening his hold on JJ as his drowsiness returned, “I love you far too much to let you go.” He smiled at JJ when he tilted his head up, giving him a deep kiss before pulling away, holding one hand up to sign his response, then settling down and closing his eyes to sleep.
Shawn was roused from his sleep by Jameson shaking his shoulders, eyes wide in fear as he signed frantically while pointing outside.
“Slow down, love,” Shawn said, immediately concerned from Jameson’s actions. “What’s wrong?” He pressed his lips into a thin line as his husband signed slower, nodding his head to show he was following. When Jameson stopped to catch his breath, Shawn climbed out of bed and walked through the house to the front door, Jameson following him.
He wrapped his dressing gown around him, then opened the door and stepped outside, mouth falling open at the things he saw. The street he knew like the back of his hand had changed drastically; what he had seen the night before wasn’t just a bad hangover, it was real.
The cars outside the houses across the street were different, some bigger than he knew and others smaller. The street lamps were taller, the lights in them seeming to shine brighter, and there was some sort of strange music playing down the street.
Shawn stepped back inside and looked at Jameson, at a loss for words to explain what had happened to them. Instead, he walked into the kitchen, opened the cupboard above the fridge, and took out a bottle of whiskey, opening it and drinking straight for the bottle before looking at Jameson again.
“Where are the papers?” He asked, waiting for Jameson to fetch the newest copy of the newspaper to hand to him. “Jameson, love, this isn’t the papers,” he said with a disbelieving scoff, “They’ve got the date wrong. There is no way that the year is a hundred years in the future.” Even as he said it, he knew he didn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.
He handed the bottle to Jameson as he signed his agreed disbelief, tossing the paper onto the counter and heading down the hall to get dressed, listening to Jameson’s footsteps following him to the room.
“I have no idea what’s going on, my heart,” he said to Jameson as he undid his dressing gown, turning to move into the bathroom and smirking when Jameson followed him. “But we’re going to find out. Best place to start figuring things out is either the police station or the hospital. But first—” he grabbed his husband’s arm and pulled him into a kiss, stepping into the shower and unbuttoning Jameson’s shirt with one hand while turning on the water with the other.
Noir held JJ’s hand tightly as they walked down the street to the hospital, hat tilted to shade his eyes from the morning sun. After a few morning kisses and cuddles, Noir had agreed to go with JJ to the hospital so they could keep a look out for the person JJ had seen the day before.
He flashed his identification to the woman at the reception desk, following behind JJ as he headed for the paediatric wing of the hospital and waving to the children when JJ introduced him. He took up a post by the door, crossing his arms and watching JJ perform while occasionally glancing out the window to watch for Shawn.
He had a clear view to the reception desk from his post, and it didn’t take long before he stiffened, seeing a man in a brown flat cap walk in beside the spitting image of JJ. He made a signal to JJ before silently leaving the room, slowly moving toward the reception so he could hear what the men were saying.
“Listen, I know this is going to sound strange,” the man in the flat cap was saying, leaning across the desk to talk to the nurse. “My husband and I seem to have missed something. I swear the town was different a few days ago. The papers say it’s a hundred years into my future, and the things on your desk there seem are so advanced. I’m just trying to figure out what’s happened.”
“Sir, I don’t know what to tell you, but—”
“Excuse me, nurse, maybe I can explain,” Noir interjected, stepping forward and extending a hand to the men. “I couldn’t help but hear what you were saying, and I might have an idea of what’s going on,” he said to the man in the cap, forcing himself not to look at the JJ clone for now.
“Who are you?” the man asked, one arm protectively wrapped around JJ’s waist to hold him close as he looked at Noir with suspicion.
“My name is Noir,” he replied gently, hands raised to show he meant no harm, “I’m a detective, and I’ve been investigating displacement cases around here for a year or two. I have reason to assume you’ve been displaced.” As he spoke, Noir led the couple aside to sit away from the crowds of people, swallowing the lump in his throat when he caught the matching wedding bands on the couple’s fingers.
“Shawn Flynn,” Shawn stated, shaking Noir’s hand with a slight frown. “This is my husband Jameson. I’m a toymaker, he performs puppet shows and sometimes helps with janitorial tasks around… our local hospital. What do you mean by ‘displaced’?”
“This may be a strange thing for you to grasp,” Noir began, tapping his fingers on his knees as he searched for the words to describe the situation. “It’s a sort of quantum displacement, movement through time that takes you and tosses you somewhere else. My… partner and I were displaced from our own times, and I’ve been trying to find cases that were similar so I can find out if there’s a way to get back.” He averted his gaze at the mention of JJ, hoping Shawn hadn’t caught it.
“You’re saying we time travelled without being aware of it?” Shawn sounded doubtful, taking Jameson’s hand and rubbing his thumb over his wedding band. “I’ll agree in saying it does sound strange, but I do find some truth in your words. I don’t know how…” He trailed off, gaze sliding to something past Noir’s shoulder, making him turn around.
JJ stood near the reception desk, eyes wide as he looked at Shawn, hands held up mid-sign and face white as a sheet. His hands started to shake, and Noir immediately stood and ran to catch him as his knees buckled. JJ twisted his hands in Noir’s coat, eyes still fixed on Shawn, then with a sharp inhale he fainted.
“What the fuck is going on?” Shawn asked, holding Jameson’s hand tightly as he stared at Noir and JJ in confusion.
“That’s Jameson Jackson.” Shawn glared at Noir, sitting by JJ’s bed and holding one hand lightly as he listened to Shawn’s attempts to process what was happening.
“This is JJ,” he said quietly, “He’s my partner. Before you were displaced, I was planning to marry him. Now that you’re here, things are going to be complicated.”
Shawn looked at Jameson, interpreting his signs with a frown before sighing and pulling him into a hug, holding him tight and resting his chin on his shoulder.
“Tell us one thing,” Shawn said softly after letting Jameson go. “Are we safe here?”
“I will make sure you’re as safe as possible until I can find out how to send you back,” Noir promised, looking at the unconscious face of his lover. “I promised JJ the same thing. The best way to start processing these things is to visit the local library and just… read about the gaps in time you’ve missed.”
He listened while Shawn and Jameson left the room, then leaned forward to give JJ a kiss on the cheek, sitting back down and waiting for him to wake up.
@iamvegorott @glass-trash-bab
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choocpi · 2 months
In the span of 6 months, I've tried my hardest to chase and prove to you that I have fallen inlove with you— I couldn't get my eyes off of you, you've never left my mind and had me spending my free time wondering on your whereabouts, when we'll be seeing each other again and when I'll be able to interact with you once again. (I've never skipped a day thinking about you—my apologies, babi.) I have reached out to a few of our friends about you, I wasn't able to hear anything from you due to my messages constantly being left on read and was given the cold shoulder throughout September until January. I was stubborn enough to actually save up and reach you to where you're commonly seen, I couldn't keep myself staring at you, it makes me feel uneasy knowing I looked desperate to your eyes, through those messages I sent and even tried to ransack our conversations with random shit. But still, I gave you that shark plushie. (I thought it was cute and it sort of reminded me of you haha) Those desperate little actions felt like a big step to me knowing I would've never done this to anyone I liked, what made it so special? Why did I do everything just to see you? To talk to you? To hear your comforting voice? To be able to hug you again?
Even if the time was running late at night, I'd still find myself playing on a table across yours. I can't forget those warm embraces you gave when we were just friends— those made me felt safe and protected by you even though it probably was just something normal to you. Since those non-interactive months passed by, I began sensing things weren't as it is as before. I wasn't incorrect. Yeah something happened, it broke me but I still had hope— I still had hope. I didn't want to let go of something I fucking wanted. You are something that I want to love, so let me love your blind fucking ass, I am this desperate to get you to reciprocate my feelings. I cried and pleaded to Christ for something to happen for myself, to us and apparently the term "moving on" never made it to my vocabulary. I was that desperate babi, Really.
Valencia. I was invited by your coach, correct? I didn't have enough money to play— but I allowed myself to come along, I saved enough to use while travelling, I secured my father's permission to go. Just to see you. (HOLY SHET INANA JUD DIAY KO KA DESPERADAAA YAWAAA) It was the final straw though. If I hadn't listened to my gut, none of this would've happened. No friendship, no relationship, just two strangers who once carried memories together in a space filled with nothing but awkwardness.
And just like that, we started talking again— maybe it's just temporary. Until those nights came. I know it only lasted for 2 nights but, how did those silent nights rekindle our friendship? The cuddles? I know for a fact, nobody does those unless they have or had deep connection with each other. BUT US???? I CAN'T EVEN WRAP MY HEAD AROUND IT. WHAT. HUHHHHHH?????? WEREN'T WE COLD FOR LIKE ALMOST 4 MONTHS, WHAT'S WITH THE SUDDEN— UAGEHWJJDJEJWHEHWJD
And I never expected my first kiss to be you as well— I HOPED IT'LL BE YOU THOUGH, the angels have heard my prayers— it was in fact, you.
How did everything fall into place? I haven't done any effort too. Everything happened so fast that it left me feeling empty the moment you left me by the bus stop back home— I never expected you to feel the same, to find that similar feeling we had. If only you knew how much hope has been lost, only to be rewritten by the stars for us to reconnect. One day, I heard what I've always wanted you to say. Those words left me unspoken, processing if this was a fairy tale I am living or not. The very first "I love you" and "I love you too" felt surreal. Are we really dating now? Is it safe to say that I am yours now? What have I done to deserve this? Or maybe it's temporary?..
To my greatest what if, "What if I never sat next to you on that bus? Won't we ever reconnect? Won't we be friends like normal before? Won't we ever reach this part of our bond at all? Will we lose everything if none of the events in Valencia happened?" Does it matter?? Anyway, whatever occurred in Valencia remains in Valencia. It is just the two of us who knew.
well, at least that's what I knew.
—I love you babi.<3
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elizabethplaid · 4 months
daily notes - Jan 22, 2024
Talked to my friend again last night. I was just gushing beautiful poetry, making so many metaphors with regards to cravings and relationships and such. I nearly made myself cry, just so wrapped up in the imagery that gnawed at me. (Basically boiled down to eating = love. Said "starved" like 3 times in a row.)
In the same vein, they said one of the greatest things they'd heard was, "Breath is a form of prayer," though I'm not sure if that's the exact wording. They also described seeing an enormous abstract piece by Cy Twombly in person, how much it moved them, how breath was a connection to the imagery. (Abstract stuff is whatever you want it to be, and I love how it becomes so individual as you "participate" as the audience.)
So, not giggly and giddy like Friday's call. Little humbled, quite at-peace, satiated as I digest our conversation. This is the sort of conversation I'd longed for in my youth. I had some over the years, but getting sick and the more recent dips of depression had left me isolated.
In early 2023, I think I was making peace with knowing it'd take a long time before I could find the social connections that felt like "home" - the ones I'd been longing for all my life. Library lady-K joining in the early summer gave me such life. And now, reconnecting with my old friend, it's even more-so. (K only comes by the library once a week, so I don't get to talk to her at-length all the time.)
The timing, the mind-reading (saying things that I hadn't yet mentioned), the ADHD-flow of topics. Yep, just my speed.
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alifahzndn · 9 months
Ooh To Be A Gooner
In many of the decisions I've made in life that I felt were important, it mostly came down to a gut feeling of whether something felt right or wrong.
It's incredible when I look back at how I became an Arsenal fan two decades ago, it was also down to just that — a feeling.
My earliest memory of being an Arsenal fan was when I was 10 years old. I loved hanging out with the boys at school and that very often meant talking about football.
Our school had two sessions, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. We were in the afternoon session at that time. Every day, students in the afternoon session would have to gather at this assembly area in school before we could enter our classes.
It was during this time that the boys would often sit closely in groups and talk about football and have little banters between them about their teams. For me to participate in that conversation, I needed a team.
I didn't know much about football at that time. I didn't know a lot of teams or players, what more the fixtures, rules, or competitions.
I guess playing PES on PlayStation helped a bit but I didn't truly appreciate the game. I just needed a team to join the boys.
I have no memory of how Arsenal was first introduced to me, but I remember thinking that Manchester United and Liverpool felt "overrated" because everyone who spoke about football were supporting either of these two teams at the time. I had one friend who supported Chelsea but I didn't feel the connection.
Arsenal, however, felt right, and so Arsenal became my team.
I didn't know the players, but I heard Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp were legends. My first impression of Arsène Wenger was that he looked a lot like my grandfather.
All that mattered then was that I could be part of the boys' little banter club. It was the boys who would tell me that Arsenal had won or lost a game and what that meant in terms of the club's standing in the league table or cup competition.
Over the years, I became more aware of the team and the game.
Cesc Fàbregas was the first player I became a fan of. I started watching Arsenal games late at night, going through the joys and pains of each game, buying club kits, learning about the league, the cups, the club's history, and cultivating that deep desire to win.
Then there was the unmissable chance of watching Arsenal live on their 2011 Asian tour, and not long after that, the anguish of Cesc leaving for Barcelona.
A few years after that were the 'Wenger Out' years. Those were the hardest. I distanced myself from the club, only checking the scores every now and then.
It wasn't until recently that I started to reconnect with the club again, and with football, in general. Last season was special for Arsenal and the fans, and Super Mik Arteta has done wonders to bring back the love and belief in the club.
For me, this marks another chapter of learning and appreciating football at a more refined and tactical level, and to love and understand Arsenal more meaningfully and deeply.
I've also taken a keen interest in the Arsenal Women's team as they continue to raise the bar in women's football. If I ever have the opportunity to visit Emirates Stadium, I hope to catch the women's team in action.
Like any football fan, I want every success for my club of over 20 years. Looking back, I never expected the game to shape me as a person. Hopefully, all for the better.
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devotedlyyoungpost · 5 months
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During my last holiday at home, I had the opportunity to truly immerse myself in the simplicity and beauty of everyday life. Though I didn't venture far from the comfort of my own surroundings, I found that there was much to be discovered within the confines of my own home.
To begin with, I took the time to reconnect with my loved ones. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to lose touch with those who matter most to us. However, during my holiday at home, I made a conscious effort to spend quality time with my family and friends. From lazy breakfasts and long conversations over coffee to impromptu movie nights and shared meals, these moments reminded me of the importance of cherishing the relationships that bring joy and meaning to our lives.
Additionally, I realized the significance of creating a peaceful and nurturing environment within my home. I spent time decluttering, rearranging furniture, and adding personal touches to my living space. It amazed me how such seemingly small changes can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. The serene atmosphere allowed me to unwind and find solace within the walls of my own home. It taught me the importance of self-care and creating a space that reflects our unique personalities.
Moreover, my holiday at home provided an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. With nowhere to rush off to or deadlines to meet, I had the luxury of delving deep into introspection. I spent hours journaling, exploring my passions, and setting goals for the future. This period of self-discovery was incredibly empowering as it allowed me to gain clarity on my values, dreams, and aspirations. It served as a reminder that personal growth can happen anywhere, even within the confines of our own homes.
Furthermore, my holiday at home granted me the opportunity to explore new hobbies and interests. I dedicated time to learning new skills, such as painting, cooking, and playing a musical instrument. These activities sparked a sense of curiosity and creativity within me that I had long forgotten amidst the busyness of everyday life. It was refreshing to indulge in these new pursuits, as they added a sense of excitement and fulfillment to my days.
Lastly, my holiday at home served as a reminder to appreciate the small joys in life. Often, we get caught up in the pursuit of grand achievements and milestones, disregarding the beauty that lies in the simple moments. Whether it was watching the sunrise from my bedroom window, strolling through my neighborhood park, or savoring a homemade meal, I learned to find happiness in the little things. This shift in perspective allowed me to cultivate a renewed sense of gratitude for the present moment.
In conclusion, my holiday at home may not have involved extravagant travels or exotic destinations, but it provided me with a wealth of life experiences. It taught me the value of connections, the importance of creating a nurturing environment, the power of self-reflection, the joy of exploring new hobbies, and the significance of appreciating the beauty in simplicity. These insights have left an indelible mark on my soul, and I now carry a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude as I navigate through life's journey.
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vdellac · 1 year
The Vine of Death
The fourth day of ceremony is when I understood everything. The purging, accompanied by the revelations of the nights prior, prepared me for this very moment, but nothing can quite prepare you for your own rebirth. During ceremony, I first had visions of the rapes that cursed my lineage and then my very own, I connected to a friend’s molestation with visceral and piercing tangibility and felt the pain of the female condition in extreme waves until all of these woes were transcended. I reconnected with an old flame, the most significant one to me within this incarnation and also less candescent ones, until I was shown the multi-perspectival dimension of our bond. I was brought into ex’s experiences of me, their interpretation of our romantic reality. I was imbued with empathy which was experienced as the implosion of my heart cavity. I quite literally felt my heart space, or heart chakra, grow and expand its margins. I sobbed at the missed opportunities to be loved -and receive love- at times when illusory perceptions made it that men were still coded as the enemy in my psyche. I screeched and then wept at the violence I endured, first at the hands of my father, later on at the hands of my own sibling. I accessed the exact moment of my soul’s dissociation, the moment where I learnt to leave my body and ossify, become rock-like in order to be less permeable. I time-travelled to the tender age of 8 where I was pinned to a wall, and my terror-stricken being knew it could not escape this moment, it instead tried to survive. I was certainly dragged into the shadowy undercurrents of my past and those of my matriarchal elders and sisters, but I also reached empyreal heights. I synced to the field -the locus of unified consciousness- where I was being imprinted with wisdom so ancient I was conversant in light language. I was also capable of hopping timelines, and was granted foresight and hindsight as well as telepathic abilities. But all of that had nothing on the last ceremony.
The gusty winds blew differently the night of that fourth ceremony. We had been advised to wait in line outside the maloca, just like the previous nights, but this time people had shown up hours beforehand. While I still didn’t understand why, I was soon told that the great Taita from Colombia was here. People had flown all the way to Costa Rica just to meet him. I wasn’t acquainted with him, but he suddenly felt like a big deal. The wait would be hours, since his apprentice would meet each of us individually, and have us present our intention to him with any ailments we wanted healed. 
The first cup is served and I am whirled into the magical vortex of the medicine all the way back to the genesis of this incarnation into the distressing and torturous labour of my very own birth. I am squealing going through what feels like, the portal of death. Already very thin due to the fasting this week had put my body through, I believe I am quite literally dying, undergoing a slow hellacious ending. I hang on to the bathroom walls, holding on for dear life, for life felt as though it was escaping me. My body is contorting in agonizing, harrowing pain, when I realize I am merely experiencing my birth the way that It had felt to me as a new born, 5 pounds and a few ounces, in January of 1992. In the dead of winter, a Capricorn’s inception is the myth of the child’s life-giving presence within the realm of death, the seed of light emerging from the darkness. The most puzzling questions around my trajectory, around my destiny, were being articulated in that very moment. 
I purge that experience out of me, taking in a deep breath, when they call for a second cup. I hear the words, but my lifeless flesh, now nailed to the mattress, contemplates how my cadavre could ever rise to drink another cup. I lay there for some time, comatose, until a hefty voice comes through and orders me to get up and ask for a second cup, but this time, with the masterly command of requesting less medicine. I snail my way to the alter, where a facilitator asks me how I’m doing. I tell him, dejectedly, that I was ordered to take another cup, but I do not know how I will be able to endure anything past what has just happened to me, ‘ I almost died’ I cry. He brings me to the alter and utters in Spanish: “ give her the other brew”. As these words are expressed, the great Taita turns around, in sudden intrigue for who was ordered to drink this other brew. We lock eyes, and in a swift instant -I remember him. He then smiles jocosely, as though in equal recognition, and proceeds to bow to me. I drink the medicine and walk back to my mattress with the confounding realization that he is the aboriginal chief that had once visited me on my first ever psilocybin journey. The aboriginal chief with the band of feathers that had come through in a fractal-like emanation was now in the flesh. He had called upon me then, asking me to relinquish my pain to him and here I was surrendering my sorrows to him now.
As the brew is making its way through my body, a few of us are asked to sit at the center of the maloca. I am seated  in the centre when the medicine suddenly hits. I am blasted off into an energetic phantasmagorical storm which directs my extremities towards graceful and spontaneous movement. My fingers submit to the sensual demands of the icaros and my body is alive to the pulses of the sound. I let my body be lustfully carried by the vibrations when the shaman’s great apprentice is suddenly before me about to orchestrate my very own revival. His chants summon the aliveness within my cells, awakening me from my slumber. My body twirls and undulates until the breath of vitality moves so vigorously through me that my head tilts back and I experience a full body orgasm.  
The laws were in perfect order: a rebirth invariably follows a death, a surge of feelings in contrast to being impervious to feeling anything at all. The delectable overwhelm of sensations push me to bow to the apprentice, in praise to him for freeing me from my insensate state. He proceeds to chant thunderously and gently smacking me back up with the dry foliage in his hands. I straighten up with the sizeable understanding that he is asking that I do not give my power away to him. He offered me healing, but I am the one who generated it, I simply answered his call from that first ever psilocybin journey and showed up. Just as this insight perforates my being, I am jolted backwards this time, not forward in bow, instead accessing the expansiveness of my light, the breadth of my power. The force is so potent I lean back, nearly collapsing onto the floor, when another shaman benevolently smacks my spine back up. I raise myself, settle in a lotus position, and there, I learn humility. 
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wid0wing4dummies · 1 year
hello old friend.
Boy has it been a wild ride since my last time I've written. A lot has happened in the last year. Some good, some bad and some confusing.
I mentioned Tanner in my last post that I wrote so I guess I'll start there. Looking back on that particular moment - I can say that I was self destructive. I went out for Halloween by myself to drink my sorrows away. I was sad, lonely, alone, and with the lingering feeling of not wanting to get my sad on anyone. I should have used that energy and put it into something else, but you live and learn right? I walked right into him after he ghosted me a few months before. I can say now that I was looking for affection and love in the wrong place because he definitely didn't deserve me. But I can honestly say that we reconnected and it felt like no time had passed as we walked arm in arm down the street. I met him again in the bar and he said he's be back. The spoiler alert is that he didn't come back and I proceeded to get drunker by the bar. I then texted him around 3am and said I had had enough whiskey and I was going home. He then offered to walk me to my car which resulted in my one and only one night stand in my life. It felt good to feel something besides pain and sadness and He definitely stroked my ego that night but it was probably a blessing in disguise. As we walked I talked about my upcoming job interview and that I needed my hair cut. I wanted a week after our rendezvous and scheduled a appointment for him to cut my hair. When I showed up to my appointment he looked like he had seen a ghost and told me that my appointment never got scheduled. He then proceeded to ignore me via text the rest of the night. I made my peace with the moment and took it as a learned lesson and never contacted him again. I have random run ins with him through the magic of social media, my phone tends to send me push notifications for info that I don't particular care for. But there definitely is a nail in that coffin.
I finally went back to work and I've gotten two promotions in the same year. It's so flattering and the money is definitely worth all of the bs I put up with on the daily. But I can't help but feel like I'm falling into the corporate America trap. I was poorly trained for the 3rd time. But I do enjoy what I do on the daily, especially when I understand how the system works. I am struggling with school. I have such a deep wish to be finished with my degree but it seems the closer I get, the further it is pulled from me. I'm trying not to get discouraged but I can't help but feel like I'm not moving forward fast enough.
My toxic trait is swiping on dating apps. I can openly admit that to myself. It isn't the communication that is a green light for me but the dopamine I feel knowing that someone finds me attractive. (Becoming widowed definitely puts a strain on your self esteem.) On a lonely night, I found myself swiping on Tinder and ran across a gorgeous man with the most beautiful striking eyes. Brad, 38 (1) - Married, Geeky, Poly, Soft Dom. Our conversation was and is as easy as breathing. We talked throughout the night and into the mornings, most - if not every day. He introduced me to a Polyamorous lifestyle. I poured over books trying to get an understanding of this type of relationship. The more I read, the more I liked the concept. I am able to explore my sexuality, work through my fears of being someone's one and only, and have the feelings of companionship. He is smart, funny, doting, loving, and an amazing friend and lover. I never feel like I can't have any type of conversation with him and I feel respected, cared for and listened to. He honestly has taught me that I am so worthy of being loved and taken care of - Whether it be emotionally, mentally, or sexually. It's mind blowing to think that It's almost been a year and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Somewhere along the lines - I felt incomplete. Brad makes me immensely happy. But in the back of my mind, I know that he can only partly be mine. He has a wife and a son to share his time with. And as expected, I am lower down on the totem pole. He makes a huge effort to never make me feel that way, but it is the reality. Through my self reflection I realized that I think the dynamic that would make me the happiest is to have a nesting parter alongside my partner. Someone who understands the lifestyle but would have more time for me (For lack of a better way of explaining this.) Being a wife was a very large part of my self identity and for the right person, I would consider marriage again.
So Back to the dating scene I went with the approval of my beloved and a came across Steven, 37. (2) I joked over dinner with Brad at one of our favorite restaurants that if I could clone him, I would marry his clone. Well I think the universe heard me because I feel the exact way about Steven with a twist. He is also nerdy, a avid traveler, outspoken, sweet, and respectful. They both give me the warmest feeling inside but Steven is a little more scary for me. (For lack of a better way of describing it.) He is a very recent divorcee who is in the same predicament as I am: We both have a married partner. And the more time we spend together, the more smitten I feel. And it is happening fast considering that we have only known each other since August. We spend evenings together cuddling talking about everything and anything and it feels like he is filling a void that I haven't felt in a while. Hopefully things continue this way because my heart could not feel more full. I do struggle with guilt some days, but for the most part everything still feels great. And as long as I continue to feel great, I'll keep moving forward.
I'm exhausted but I needed a mental mind dump. I'll try to write again soon.
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mike-wachowski · 3 years
so what was the deal with that offscreen supercorp phone call, huh?
AKA: how i think the Lena/Kara call with Lena breaking the news to kara that she's going to Ireland went 
Kara knows it’s Lena calling before she even picks up her phone. 
She has a different ringer set for Lena, you know. It’s nothing special, really, just a softer, slower Apple-provided tune than the chirpy, high-pitched ones she uses for the rest of her family. She had changed it right after she and Lena had made up, the real time, right before she had been... taken, before everything that happened after. 
She never wanted to miss another call or text from Lena. 
She had hoped she’d get to hear it more before the Phantom Zone. 
She had almost forgotten she’d changed it, and when the plucky ukulele chords fill the dreary silence in Kara’s apartment, she jumps if only for the fact that it’s been so long without noise in her studio and in her head that it startles her more than excites her. 
But then Kara recognizes the tune, and that silly, familiar feeling of warmth floods her chest when she realizes it's Lena calling her, and she only lets the ringtone play out for three and half more seconds before she scrambles for her phone and slides the little green arrow over to take the call. 
“Lena!” She greets her friend (her friend, her friend, her friend again, her brain echoes joyfully). “What’s up? Everything okay?”
“Hi Kara,” Lena responds, voice soft and level, and it makes Kara’s heart thump just once out of time at the knowledge that Lena is smiling when she talks, because Kara can hear the upturn in her lips as she speaks. “I’m doing alright, evidently. How are you?” 
Kara looks around at her empty apartment, the dim lights, the noise-cancelling headphones tossed haphazardly on her couch. “I’m okay.” 
There's a quiet, nasally sigh from the other end of the line, and Kara can practically hear Lena evaluating a response to Kara’s blatant lie. 
Secretly, Kara wishes Lena would call her out on it. Say I know you aren’t okay, to force honesty from Kara in a way they had never breached before Lena knew everything, because the truth is, if anyone else were to ask, to call her out on the bullshit she knows she's giving everyone, she’d probably tense up, hide it, run away. She would lie again, because lying was what was comfortable for Kara these days. 
But if Lena were to ask… maybe Kara could stand having her know. Maybe if anyone were to see Kara right now, for the wreck she saw herself as, Lena would understand. 
Kara waits for the end of the pause. She waits for Lena to say what she’s secretly begging to hear.
But it doesn’t come. 
Lena does speak again, but what she actually says is: 
“That’s good to hear, Kara. Listen, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“Um,” Kara sucks in a breath, a little ragged, and hopes Lena doesn’t hear it through her receiver.. “What did you want to talk about?” 
“Kara, seeing you with your father… seeing you reconnect with him... It's made me consider some things.” 
“Okay…” Kara nods along, not really following. Is Lena going to try and get in touch with Lillian again?
“I think I’m going to-” Lena halts for one, two, three seconds, and in the clear silence Kara wonders what she’s thinking. When she continues, Kara doesn’t have to wonder much longer. 
“I think I’m going to go back to Ireland. I want to try and reconnect with my mother, with my old home, in any way I can.” 
Kara’s whole body tenses. She squeezes her phone with a trembling hand so clenched she hears the quiet crack of her screen, and sucks in tight, panicked breath. 
“I’m so sorry, Kara. I know you just returned, and I don’t want you to think I'm avoiding you- in fact, if you need me to stay, please tell me and I’ll turn around right now-” 
At that, Kara refocuses. She would never let Lena abandon her dream for her. Hasn’t Kara held her back, hurt her enough already? Doesn’t Lena deserve to find her happiness, even if it means flying all the way across the world from her? 
“No, Lena, no.” Kara steadies her voice, surprised herself at the clarity and force behind her hollow words. “If you need to go to Ireland, if you need to reconnect with your mom, I completely understand. I’ll always support you… you know that.” 
Lena pauses again, like she’s weighing the truthfulness of Kara’s words against the heart she knows so well. 
“But what about what you need, Kara?” 
Kara sighs. I need you, Lena, I need you, she wants to scream. But that would be selfish. And Kara has been selfish enough in their time. 
“I just need some potstickers and a good nap, I think.” She says in her cheeriest, most playful Kara Danvers tone she can muster, and pointedly ignores the tears beginning to slowly flow down her cheeks. 
“Okay,” Lena mutters, and then louder, more reassuring: “Okay. Okay. I’ll keep in touch, Kara, I promise.” 
“Right,” Kara nods, because it’s all she can do, really. “Um- how long- how long do you think you’ll be gone for?” 
Lena sighs, and Kara already knows the answer to her question, and she hates it. “I’m not sure, Kara. I don’t really know what I’m looking for.” 
“Okay- that’s okay! Take as much time as you need!” She presses one palm to her left eye, hoping to maybe stifle the tears or ground herself in the pressure of her touch. “Just, um. Don’t be a stranger.” 
“I won’t,” Lena quickly assures her, rushing her next words. “I’ll call, and I'll text you as much as I can, and the rest of the friends too, and if you ever need my help I can remotely operate parts of the tower from my laptop...” Lena trails off. Their paused silence hangs over the phone call, the awkward trepidation from both sides apparent when they both realize the end of the conversation is coming. 
“I’ll miss you.” Lena finally breaches through, sounding slightly choked up herself, but Kara ignores it for the sake of her own heart and mind. 
“I-” I love you. I love you. I love you. “I’ll miss you too.” 
Another period of silence lapses, and Kara wipes the last of the tears she’s now managed to quell on her sweater sleeve. 
“Well, I suppose I should let you go.” Lena whispers. Kara doesn’t want to let her go, because the panicked, irrational side of her is screaming that this could be the last time she hears from Lena, and she can’t even see her. But she remembers what selfishly holding onto Lena had done to their relationship before, and maybe this is why Lena’s leaving. Maybe Lena needs to know Kara can let her go. 
So Kara does the worst thing. She makes the hard decision. 
Kara says goodbye. 
“Yeah,” She says, shaking out all the voices in her head screaming for Lena to stay. She wants to backtrack, to say what she really needs right now is for Lena to come over right now and hold her tight so she can dissolve and know she’s still safe. She remembers a similar position, once, but the roles had been reversed, then; Kara used to be the one holding Lena through her those moments she felt like she was slipping through. But even those moments are marred now, disfigured by the lens of all the lying Kara had been putting Lena through.. Lena must feel it too. 
So Kara says goodbye, if not to ask anything more from Lena than her forgiveness. 
“Bye, Lena,” Kara's eyes are clenched closed. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
“I’ll see you soon, Kara,” Lena says, sounding sincere enough for Kara to almost believe it. “Goodbye.” 
And then the line goes silent. 
Kara puts her phone screen down on her coffee table. She doesn’t have the energy right now to look for the cracks in her screen she heard earlier-doesn’t think her heart can stand seeing the physical manifestation of her loss. 
So she coughs out a weak sob- lets herself break for just a minute- and then grabs her phone, eyes still closed, and calls up the one person who’s number she can always navigate to even with her eyes closed. 
“Hey Alex?” Her sister picks up after one ring. “Can we have a sister night? I don't think I- I can be alone right now.” 
And when Alex comes over half an hour later, wine and Chinese in tow, Kara tries not to think about how badly she wishes it were Lena holding her at the edge of the couch as she falls apart.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
rekindle - rbr sebastian vettel
in which after a long time apart, you and Sebastian rekindle your love for one another in the least romantic place you could think of - a sweaty, packed nightclub
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warnings: public sex (ofc), fingering, teasing, lowkey angst at the start, nicknames, uncomfy ex, sebastain Vettel deserves a warning himself, happy sinning
taglist: @theringers​ @forestviper201 @icemanhoneybadger​ @formulamei @findthelightinyourlife
3.1k words
You smirked as your eyes met from across the club for what felt like the hundredth time that night. You hadn't seen him in over a year, the last time you were even in the same country as him had ended up with you climbing into a taxi, speeding away to the airport and him standing half naked in his driveway, wishing for the car to turn around and end his worst nightmare.
The relationship between you and Sebastsian was a complicated one to say the least. You had grown up with each other, your families vacationed together every second summer and you spent many christmases together. It was only when you got older that you started to really appreciate Sebastian.
Daydreams of what it would be like to spend a night in bed with him began to fill your free moments. Images of the two of you tangled in bed was once something that you could only dream about, but that dream certainly became a reality one unforgettable night in Italy.
It was during a celebratory dinner after yet another win that he had leaned over to talk to you. His lips brushed against the side of your neck and goosebumps had risen all over your skin, you cursed yourself for your reaction but soon began praising your childish antics once Sebastian finally caught onto how you felt about him.
The few words of “do i make you nervous, liebe?” led to the two of you making out in the corridor. That celebratory dinner escalated to a friends with benefits situation which set off a more than complicated relationship between the two of you where feelings were of course present, but stubbornness from both sides refused to let them be out in the open.
Your feelings for one another eventually escaped when he got into a nasty crash in the middle of a race. You ran up to him the minute he stormed into the garage, tears welling in your eyes as you crushed into a hug. He held you with just as much force and whispered into your ear what you had been waiting for months to hear.
He told you that you had been the only thing on his mind when he crashed into the wall and he didn't want to go a minute longer without telling you how he really felt about you
As much as you wanted things to be great with Sebastain, your relationship was unfortunately not plain sailing from there and the media had a bring role to play in your downfall. They wouldn't leave him or you alone, constantly following the two of you wherever you went and even going as far as sending mail to your shared home. It was the media that drove you to leave the man you adored and move to another country in search for a new career and a new life away from the public eye.
You stared at him now, unable to tear your eyes away from his beautiful frame. He looked as good as ever and you knew deep down that you would probably never see him again. So against your brain telling you not to, you engraved every detail of his face into your memory, not wanting to let him go just yet.
You felt horrible for leaving him and strongly believed that he hated you for abandoning him. You wouldn't have blamed him if he did, you sometimes hated yourself for that decision. So you kept your distance from him all night, repeatedly telling yourself that if he did not harbor any bad emotions towards you, then he would approach you himself.
To tell the truth, you were too embarrassed to go up to him yourself, too full of guilt to face him after what you had done. But when he made eye contact with you as he pulled a girl into his body, something inside you snapped and you found yourself being dragged into an all too familiar game of cat and mouse with him.
Your night of teasing had officially begun the minute he kissed the brunette's neck, refusing to break your stare as his hands ran up and down her hips. You decided it was your turn to reciprocate the teasing and pulled a random, but still handsome, man towards you to dance. Holding your gaze with him, you allowed the man to grip onto your hips and sway from side to side. Your ass pressing against him with every beat of the music.
You maintained eye contact with him as he chatted with multiple women, his hands resting dangerously low on their backs as he smirked in your direction, you hated how much you loved his little games.
You decided to take a dance break and stepped away from the claustrophobic dance floor. Moving towards the less packed bar, you leaned against the contour top as you ordered yet another drink. The feeling of hands wrapping around your hips didn’t surprise you, nor did the hot breath fanning across the back of your neck. You were used to the warmth of Seb’s body by now and after so much time apart, you still recognized his touch.
“Quite a show you put on back there,” he muttered, gesturing to the bartender for another drink before turning his attention back towards you. You kept your face forward, staring at the variety of liquor stacked on the shelves as Sebastian flirted with you in your ear. He was still positioned behind you, which you saw as the perfect opportunity to press your ass against his crotch.
The tightening of his grip only fueled you to press yourself further into him in hopes that you would emit an even stronger reaction from him, and boy did you get what you wanted. One of his hands rested underneath your breast and as he emitting a small amount of pressure against you, he forced you into him.
No longer leaning against the counter, you could now feel the entirety of his body pressed against you. Every vein and muscle. Every curve and dent of his body, Still, that didn't stop you from wiggling your bum against him.
“Are you trying to turn me on right now, love, or are you really that fucking oblivous?”
You twisted your head to finally look at him, momentarily taken aback by his pure beauty before regaining your confidence again. “That depends,” you hummed, purposely brushing your lips against his neck as you spoke, “Is it working?”
His hold on you tightened and somehow he pulled you even closer to him, allowing you to feel every inch and vein of his hardened cock. “Someones excited,” you smiled, immediately freezing up when you caught sight of your ex boyfriend standing next to you.
He was the man you had been with before Seb and it was safe to say he had completely broken your heart.
Confusion immediately filled Sebs body at your reaction, fearful he had done something wrong he moved to stand beside you, holding onto your bicep as he looked you in your eyes. “Are you alright, darling?” he questioned, his eyes bouncing back and forth as he searched your face for any indication of pain.
“Yeah its - “
“Y/N! Great to see you.” Dread immediately filled your body at the infamous voice, you felt yourself go rigid in Sebastian's grip and desperately wished for your ex to leave the two of you alone.
“Who's this douche?” Seb whispered in your ear, trying to relive some of your tension and comfort you in what seemed to be a terribly uncomfortable situation.
“Brad, hey,” you muttered, you grabbed hold of Sebastian's hand that was previously sprawled on the bar countertop, using the warmth of his touch as a confidence booster to finally turn around and face the brutal ex.
“How have you been?” he asked, refusing to even glance at the Redbull driver next to you, focusing his hungry gaze on you and you only.
You sighed deeply at his attempt of small talk. Could he not just say hello and move on? Did he really need to interrupt your night.
Sebastian kept a close eye on you throughout your short conversation. A sense of protectiveness filled him at your rigid stance, he knew you could handle the situation yourself but he couldn't help but want to aid you. He felt the need to get involved. So he did.
He didn’t let you answer the man's next question of what you had recently been up to, instead he grabbed hold of the side of your face, his fingers dipping into the nape of your neck as he pulled you into him. He grinned smugly at the worried glance you threw his way before connecting your lips together.
The kiss was hesitant at first.
Taking into account this was your first shared kiss together since the breakup, it felt both natural and unusual to be kissing him again, but as the seconds passed you found yourself relaxing in his hold and began kissing him back with much more force.
You lost yourself in the moment, the idea of your ex boyfriend watching you make out with your other ex boyfriend didn't even cross your mind. You solely focused on the way Sebastian’s lips felt against yours after such a long time apart. He was addicting.
Your eyes fluttered open when he pulled away, blushing slightly at the sheepish look he threw your exes way. “What were you saying, mate?” he confidently asked.
The feeling of his palm burned against your cheek and you couldn't even bring yourself to look at Brad, but you didn't need to as he just stumbled away, clearly intimidated by Sebastian.
There was no need for you to say anything to Seb - if the way you were teasing him earlier on in the evening was of no indication to how you felt about him - then the lustful look you were giving him now certainly was.
He immediately pulled you back into him, your lips reconnecting in a lustful kiss. With no more awkwardness surrounding the two of you, you found yourself enjoying it even more.
Moving one of his hands down your body, Sebastian forcefully squeezed your bum which emitted a gasp from you, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth, further deepening the kiss. He pressed his body against yours and your hands raked across it, feeling his muscles flex against your hands.
You moaned into his mouth the minute he dug his hips into you, the feeling of his body so close to you bringing you back to when the two of you dated. Confusion filled you when he pulled away, ending your lovely make out session and disappointing you tremendously. “Don't start what you can't finish, love” he warned, leaning down to scatter kisses across your chest, nipping and licking at every exposed area.
“Who says I can't finish this?” you remarked, grinning at the way his eyebrows rose at your statement.
“Look around us, darling” he stood up straighter, craning his neck to glance from side to side, taking into account the multiple people surrounding the two of you. Hundreds of people filled the room, hundreds of eyes that could possibly witness something. Hundreds of reasons why the two of you shouldn't get ahead of yourselves. But then again, when he looked back at you and the playful pout that crossed your features - he found himself making up a hundred different reasons as to why it was such a brilliant idea.
“But then again,” he continued, leaning closer to you in order to whisper in your ear, “that's never stopped us before.”
A shiver ran up your spine at his words, images flashing through your mind of previous encounters the two of you had in the most inappropriate areas. Cutting your daydream short, Sebastian grabbed hold of your hand and guided you up the stairs to the more secluded vip area.
The bouncer merily glanced at Sebastian before lifting the red velvet rope and letting the two of you in. Nodding a small thanks to the man, he continued his journey into the dimly lit area, a content hum leaving his lips at the sight of a small booth in the corner.
He sat down on the plush seats and you fell down to sit on top of him, the lower half of your body covered by the wooden table in front of you. Sebastian wasted no time in kissing your neck, unable to detach himself from your skin for more than a few moments.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder, watching the small group of people ahead of you dancing and laughing at each other caused a blush to quickly creep up your cheeks. The thought if anyone witnessing your antics both embarrassing and exciting you.
“Are you sure you want to do this, liebe?” Seb questioned, he placed his finger on your cheek and forced you to look at him as he spoke. “Because once we start, I won't be able to stop.”
“And why would I ever want you to stop?” you shot back, pressing your bum further into him to prove your point. Sebs eyes scanned the area, having seemingly decided the risk of getting caught was worth it, he ran his fingers up your thigh, under your skirt and into your underwear.
His other hand trailed the opposite direction, moving up your body to gently squeeze your breast. You arched your back at the sensation, your ass moving further into him and a harsh squeeze being delivered as a result.
Slipping a finger into you, his hand flew away from your breast to clamp over your mouth, muffling the sudden moan that escaped you. “You have to be quiet, sweetheart. There's people around us,” he reminded.
He littered gentle kisses up your neck and you could feel his smirk against your skin at the shaky breath you let out the minute he slipped a second finger into you. “I don't think anyone else deserves to hear your moans, darling.”
You hummed against his hand, wetness pooling at his words and your eyes fluttering closed as his thumb began to circle your clit. “Move up for a second, liebe,” he demanded once he removed his fingers from you. Having no other option but to comply, you braced your hands against the table and stood up on shaky legs. You patiently waited as Sebastain undid his belt, the sound of the metal coming undone bringing a newfound wetness to your core.
“Ready?” he questioned, moving his hand up and down your thigh to comfort you. You nodded your head, biting harshly on your lip, you quickly glanced behind you and yet another shaky breath tumbled from your lips at the sight you beheld.
Sebastain was sprawled across the couch with his dick barely covered by your body. The sight of him shamelessly sitting there did something to you and before you lost your confidence, you slowly lowered yourself down onto him.
“Keep quiet now,” he reminded once you took all of him in. Your hands gripped onto the table in front of you, your knuckles quickie turning white as you used it as leverage to start moving.
The sound of your skin hitting against sebastians was muffled by the laughter of the crowd and the loudness of the msic booming across the grand club. “I'm trying,” you grunted.
You slowly bounced on him, trying to keep your movements small and inconspicuous to the people around you. But Sebastian could only last so long without needing to take over. A moan accidentally escaped you once he began thrusting his own hips upwards to meet yours. In response to your foolishness, he grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking not so gently on it as a warning and forcing you to look at the dim lights hanging above you instead of the people ahead of you.
Holding onto your body he quickly steadied you, forcing you to halt your movements as a random man walked up to the two of you. You shifted in his hold and attempted to reposition yourself to look more natural towards the stranger. You just wanted it to seem like you were cuddling the driver, not bouncing on his dick.
One of your arms wrapped around his neck while the other laid on his chest. You spared a quick glance downwards, making sure your skirt covered everything before looking back up at the man. Sebastian greeted him, admittedly not poilelty, but he greeted him nevertheless. It only took a few seconds for the two of you to realise he was a fan and by the looks of it, would do anything to hold a conversation with the Sebastian Vettel.
You couldn't help but move on his lap, the need for friction overwhelming you after staying put for several minutes. You slowly began rolling your hips, your heart racing at the sudden release of pressure and also at the fact you were grinding on him with a fan of his only a few feet away.
Sebastian cleared his throat, trying desperately to pay attention to the man in front of him and not on how good you felt clenching around him. His hips unintentionally runted up into you, muttering a quick curse under his breath he grimaced at the man, cutting his sentence short as he gestured towards you. “If you wouldn't mind,” he sympathetically commented.
“Right, right sorry,” he mumbled, “Enjoy your night.”
He soon scrambled away from view and Sebastian began carelessly thrusting into you again. You returned to your original position, now resting your head against the table, thankful for the pleasure filling your whole body. You could feel a bead of sweat forming on the nape of your neck and were almost certain you looked a mess but you couldn't have cared as you got nearer and nearer to your peak.
This new angle allowed Sebastian to take control of your activities. He guided your hips back and forth, not paying attention to the movement of the table nor the attention that the two of you could possibly bring your way. All he wanted was to bring you to your release. “Are you going to cum for me, darling?” he whispered. You nodded against the table, the coolness of the wood reliving your flushed cheeks as you felt the knot begin to release in your stomach.
You moved your hand to grip onto his thigh, “I'm gonna-” you mumbled, unable to finish your sentence as he gripped onto the back of your neck and forced you to sit up straight. His fingers immediately fell down your throat in a poor attempt to muffle your moans. You whimpered loudly at his show of dominance, your attempts to keep quiet failing profusely as he hurried his movements.
His fingers moved further down your throat as your walls clenched around him. Before you knew it you were spilling yourself against Sebastain. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head and heat filling your body as he followed in your actions.
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