#I projected a lot of my past relationship onto that ship
kai-keda · 1 year
So Um… my theory on why I’ve been struggling on making Spicynoodle content just got confirmed… and it’s stupid.
#don’t reblog this#but basically the thing is#I projected a lot of my past relationship onto that ship#some of my fics had said as much and one of them even had my ex as the person I tagged for receiving the fic as a gift#it was literally dedicated to him#so not only was I projected but I KNEW I was projecting#so obviously there were a lot of things that I felt that ship and my relationship had in common#key word here being PAST relationship#things ended but they really… shouldn’t have but they ended in such a way that they CAN’T get fixed#it’s just broken forever now and it’s starting to hit again#anyways I just saw a fancam where the song that was being used felt like…#way too perfect for encapsulating our relationship#and now I’m just… upset#I want him back so bad but that relationship would not be healthy for me at this point#not with what was the reasoning for it ending#he was so perfect for me - always encouraging and reassuring me through my faults#especially the faults I recognized in myself and promising to work through them together#and then we just… didn’t do that and now I just… it hurts#and seeing that fancam with a song that really focused on the ‘they’re not perfect but they are what love is’#just reminded me of all that#and I… just really needed to make this post cause I had nothing else to turn to cause it’s 3 am and the only person I’d normally be comfy#messaging with all of this has been on their own struggle bus lately so I don’t want to bother them#I just… god my life is such a mess
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pigidin · 2 months
OKAY. Am I the only one fascinated by how much Alastor in s1 has interacted with other demons and built a potential for considerable amount of different, broad and unique relationships? With All of them being non-romantic/sexual?
I really don't wanna dive into the discourse of shipping coz honestly, I do think that erasing Al's aroaceness is not cool at all. Personally, I don't see him wishing any romance/sex at all, and well. Considering how platonic he actually is throughout the season, it kinda seems like people forget that friendship (or basically anything non rom-sex) exists in the first place.
Coz, like, let's see what we got::
Vox -- probably one-sided (psychosexual) crush from Vox with possible past friendship between them, them hating on each other yet having (used to have) some respect as well. The ANGST, the drama (for both of sides). Insert aroace troubles (possible aphobia from Vox? Or not? He may be biggest ally as well!) and Vox's petty feelings that are insanely interesting to explore (and laugh at).
Lucifer -- immediate hate that (with a course of events) can turn into forced bonding. The potential of queerplatonic parenting of Charlie is HUGE here. Insecurities from Al? Forced care? Banters? SHENANIGANS? Luci patching up Al after battle, prolly discovering his deal and them slowly bonding on shared interests? Hey.
Rosie -- literal established queerplatonic partners, married for tax benefits, spending their evenings gossiping, hating on Susan and Al rolling his eyes on another romance-rel drama Rosie was trying to help sb with. Rosie can have insane influence on him whether it is understanding modern things or just being with him when he needs it. It also gives off mom/son to me.
Husk -- fucked up master-pet not-friendship with probable care rooted since they were closer in past. Is it toxic? Yes. Is it giving off some problematic dynamic? Sure. Yet it's fucking complex on its core considering pilot, bits and pieces of their interaction and how easily Husk used to insult Al until he overstepped. Them two are quite similar if you think about it and if Al got over his ego it could benefit him a lot.
Niffty -- daugther/father dynamic with them sharing one sadistic-psycho braincell and genuinely enjoying each other's quirks. Protective Al? I just need more Niff and them two being partners in the most outrageous crimes.
Mimzy -- friendship going since they were humans, with them having an amazing (potential) backstory of sharing evenings on two. Al enjoying her company as well as being protective and helpful to her with nothing in return.
Charlie -- manipulated into trusting you as a dad figure? Don't tell me there is nothing below Al's creepy plans or that he wouldn't grow to care for her. He already is proud of her and finds amusement in her inspiration-skills (also, performance is his thing for a reason)
Angel -- I was honestly kinda upset we didn't see any interactions between them except one sex joke, coz my past era of Hunicasts was a fuel to their duo. Them bonding over how different they are is the best description of their dynamic. Also banters and body-puns.
You can't just erase Alastor from interacting with people, but putting him inside boxes of allonormative relationships while he has such a fucking huge potential for everything beyond just that - is quite.. disappointing. People turning a blind eye to a wide variety of relationships he can have (potential to which is set in canon) for the sake of just romance/sex is low key sad.
It's AWESOME to see ppl actually understanding it and.. damn THANKS to everyone who explores Al's relationship with others without it involving final wish to stick tongues into places. Dynamics can be interesting and exciting without it.
I really don't wanna project my romance-aversion onto Al, but when romance and sex is one thing you see everywhere.. it's hard to just let it slip.
You are allowed to do whatever you want, exploring physical intimacy is fun as well, and having Al, well, there are bunch of ways to show it with respecting his orientation and the fact that IT AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS/ATTRACTIONS but please just don't make it the center of your attention, the one thing relationship revolves around, coz sadly it's just exactly how it looks like from some folks.
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
Gone Too Far ~ Part 20
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 20 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4411
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 10 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: The crew splits up to enjoy time on Water 7. Then everything goes wrong. Can your crew hold together when it's being torn apart?
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, ANGST, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Polyamory, Pet Names,
A/N: !!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7 arc. I'm sorry y'all, I had to write it, so please have my tears. This part is rough, but I swear there will be breaks ahead. Plus, I hope you enjoy the extra smut scenes from the missing month, an extra sweet and smutty one will be posted tomorrow! 💜
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You grumbled as you got ready for the day, wanting to stay in bed with Robin for the next week.
“Come, botanist. Let’s explore together.”
That stopped your grumbling, and you followed her out on deck. 
Usopp was hugging the mast, and you left Robin’s side for the first time to go pat him on the shoulder.
“You took great care of her, Usopp.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I know all the tinplate patches don’t look like much, but they bring back a lot of fond memories.”
“Why don’t you keep some of them? You can make something cool out of them, like a decoration for the Merry.”
Usopp broke out into a grin.
“That’s a great idea! But don’t tell Luffy, he still wants me to make him a statue.”
“Ha, you have my word.”
“Hey, Needy.”
You had started walking back to Robin, but Zoro’s voice carried over from the bow of the ship. Your body already itched to be close to her again, but you walked toward your swordsman as he leaned over the railing. 
“Hey, babe.”
Zoro stared down at you for a moment, before reaching an arm toward you. Stepping toward his warmth, you let him pull you into a hug.
Outside of sparring, you hadn’t had much time with Zoro since you’d been so focused on Robin getting better. A twist of guilt hit your stomach, but you breathed through it. 
It’s only been a few days, and she almost died. 
Still, part of you had started to worry that he was upset. It’s been a couple months now since you first started seeing each other. Zoro hadn’t had any more blowups recently, and it seemed like things were going well. 
The calm didn’t feel safe though. You wanted to believe that if he was harboring any resentments or pain that he’d come to you, talk to you about it. But he hadn’t brought anything up. It made you uneasy sometimes. 
Knowing that a lot of that fear was your own trauma from past relationships, you fought not to project it onto Zoro. 
I just wish he’d talk to me about his feelings. 
You pulled him tight against you at that thought. At the three little words that you were too much of a coward to say out loud, even after all this time. 
Afraid that you’d scare him away. Afraid that he didn’t feel it too. Afraid that he’d never examine his own feelings enough to know if he could feel it or not. 
Those thoughts made you feel sick, and you knew most of it was your own shit. You didn’t want to think about him that way. 
But no matter how clear you got your mind on those thoughts, you still felt too afraid to tell him. 
“I’m glad she’s okay,” he whispered against your temple.
“Me too.”
You took a deep breath in, still trying to convince your body that it was true. That she was okay. 
“Are you gonna… spend the night with her again?”
You pulled back, searching his eyes.
“I, uh…”
He frowned at you, and you tried not to roll your eyes. 
He’s trying to tell me what he needs. He just doesn't have enough practice yet. 
“Would you like some time with me tonight?”
Zoro looked away from you, but nodded.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Now look who’s needy,” you teased, winning you a playful grin from him as he picked you up. Then he stopped, setting you back down as he looked out across the bow. 
“Hey, I think we’re there.”
Most of the crew ran up, shouting as you all squinted to see the island. 
“He’s right, I can see Water 7!”
Luffy’s excited words had you covering your eyes from the sun, until you could see the island coming into view. It was massive, built of gray stone, huge numbered gates surrounding all sides. Everyone was speechless for a moment as a giant fountain came into view, spiraling water into the air, towering in the center of the island. Canals flowed down, spilling back down into the ocean. 
You squeezed Zoro’s arm before making your way to Robin, loving the way her face lit up at the sight. 
Holding her hand, you laughed as you sailed through the town. Everything was floating. Instead of streets, people took small boats led by strange fish creatures across the water. 
The crew found a place outside the city to dock, and you watched your swordsman furl the sails. His strong arms were mesmerizing as he pulled the rope, but your breath caught in your throat as the mast started to crack. 
“Are you trying to break the ship,” Usopp yelled, as everyone panicked.
“No! All I did was pull the ropes like I always do. Holy shit, if the Merry’s falling apart this easy, we’re lucky we made it here at all.”
Ice sank into your stomach at Zoro’s words. You knew it was bad, but the mast seemed like it was barely holding on to the ship now, swaying dangerously overhead. 
Nami took charge, declaring that Luffy and Usopp accompany her to turn in the reference letter to have the ship looked at, and to trade in the gold from their last big score. 
“I guess I missed my chance to go with them,” Chopper pouted as he watched the group head toward the city. 
“You can come with us later if you like.”
Hearing Robin’s voice still gave you shivers. 
“Really? Can we go to a bookstore?”
“Yes, of course.”
“That sounds great,” you agreed, reaching for her hand again. “I wonder if they have a nursery here, I'd love to see what plants they have available in a floating city.”
You rushed to give Zoro a kiss, then ran after Robin and Chopper as they left the ship. 
A small part of you felt bad for not searching the ship to kiss Sanji goodbye, but it was quickly drowned out by Robin’s laughter, and the feel of her arm around your waist while you followed Chopper. 
The city was bustling, street vendors hawking wares, while citizens laughed and bartered. The people were almost strangely friendly here, even to pirates. 
Sometimes a little too friendly.
That thought got stronger the more you and Robin were showered with compliments as you walked past. 
“This town is full of Sanji’s,” Chopper noted, and it left you and Robin in a fit of laughter at the thought of your amorous lover. 
A lot of the townsfolk were wearing painted wooden masks, and you stopped by a vendor to take a look as Robin reassured Chopper that they were just masks, not monsters. 
“It seems the people here take the sea train to San Baldo Island where they hold a costume carnival every day.”
You tilted your head at Robin, while Chopper asked how she could know that. 
“The people walking by are talking about it.”
“And you hear everything they say?”
You tried not to tense your hand in Robin’s, hoping she would answer his question. 
“I can’t help it. Ever since I was young, I’ve made it a habit to keep a critical eye and ear on my environment.”
Her tone toward Chopper was sweet and light, but you felt yourself going still. 
What has she been running from? Why is she so scared?
“Look at that, I think we found your bookstore,” Robin observed.
Chopper ran forward, talking excitedly. You knew public spaces were difficult for him alone, so you found yourself reaching out for him. He shifted into his massive human form, and you raced forward to join him, dropping your hand from Robin’s for a moment. 
“Hold on, Chopper, we’re coming.”
You followed him through the doorway, seeing that he was already perusing the shelves, and that no one seemed to be bothering him. 
I’m glad everyone here is so friendly.
Robin hadn’t joined you yet, so you stepped back outside.
The street looked the same. Vendors, customers, people in masks. 
Ice cold fear shot through you. 
Where’s Robin?
“Chopper! We have to go.”
“But, Y/N,” he said, a pile of books in his large arms. 
“Robin’s missing!”
Panic raced through you, and you saw Chopper’s eyes fill with concern as he left the books on the counter. 
Chopper shifted into his reindeer form, and you yelled her name as he followed her scent.
She’s okay, she probably just got distracted.
What if Aokiji came back? What if he took her?
What if she’s hurt?
Robin didn’t answer your calls, but you kept trying until your voice got hoarse. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, it’s like her scent just vanished.”
“What do you mean vanished?”
“I don’t know, it just stopped,” the note of panic in Chopper’s voice as he explained wasn’t helping your speeding pulse. 
“Hold on…” 
Chopper lifted his nose to the air, and hope gripped your chest.
“There’s something else over here. I know that smell.”
Racing to look around the corner, your hope dropped when she wasn’t there. Instead, you found Sanji.
He was sitting on the edge, looking out to sea with a pile of groceries beside him. 
“Sanji! Have you seen Robin?”
Chopper's hooves clattered on the stone as he caught up to your frantic steps. Sanji frowned at him.
“I just saw her. It seemed like she ignored me, and she was walking with a large person in a masked outfit. I thought that was you in your human form, Chopper.”
“It wasn’t m-”
“She’s missing, Sanji!”
You gripped his arm, watching him take in your features, your panicked eyes. He gestured behind him, looking around the area.
“I followed her over here, and it seemed like she just disappeared.”
“So did her scent.”
Your ears were starting to ring as they spoke, and you pulled away, shouting her name. 
“Angel, hold on!”
He clambered after you, grabbing the groceries as he and Chopper followed. 
Your voice was cracking, and your breaths were ragged. 
Sanji dropped the bags again, wrapping his arms around you. 
“We’ll get her back, Y/N. We’ll always get her back.”
They convinced you to hop into a boat while you continued to call for her around the area, before heading back to meet with the rest of the crew. 
You noticed Sanji and Chopper had started speaking in hushed tones, and you were able to pull yourself together enough to start listening. 
“I hope she’s alright. I feel uneasy.”
“Do you need an examination?”
“No, Chopper, it’s not like that. It’s what the admiral said, all that terrible stuff he said about Robin’s past…”
Your voice was raspy and empty as you interrupted.
“Protecting this troublesome woman leads to nothing but regret.”
They turned to you, brows tensed in concern. You kept going. 
“He said that every group she’s ever been a part of has been destroyed, everyone except for her.”
You glared defiantly at them, anger bubbling in you. 
“But I don’t care about her past. I don’t care what he said.”
Sanji gripped your knee while Chopper nodded.
“None of us care, sweetheart. We’re going to get her back.”
“The Merry can’t sail again.”
You couldn’t understand Zoro’s words as Chopper and Sanji started to argue. Your fists clenched hard, nails digging into your skin as you tried to make sense of everything.
“It just seems so extreme, it's our same old Merry, we’ve traveled with her so long.” 
Sanji’s emotional words brought you into the moment, only for Zoro’s calm, unaffected voice to make your mind go sickly still. 
“You just answered your own question. Human beings get stronger after hardship, but ship’s wounds just pile up. The shipwright said her keel is broken, she won’t even make it to the next island.”
Chopper started to cry, and you almost sobbed as you watched Sanji touch the top of his hat to comfort him. 
“We need to find Ro-”
“Hey, everyone!”
Nami’s frantic voice interrupted your plea, and you watched her climb onto the deck. She was carrying a large briefcase, and was dripping with sweat and tears. You ran to her, fresh panic flooding your veins.
“Are you o-”
“Usopp’s hurt! Some assholes called the Franky Family stole most of our money for the Merry, and they- they…”
Everyone surrounded her, all speaking at once while you moved her hair out of her face, taking the briefcase from her trembling arms.
“Where’s Usopp?”
Chopper’s serious voice broke through Nami’s staggered breaths. You felt like your world was spinning as the boys set out to find him, and to go after the pieces of shit that hurt your friend. 
Zoro’s face was inches from yours, his hands gripping your arms. 
“Stay here with Nami. Protect the Merry. Okay, Needy? You need to stay here. Protect that money so we can get a new ship.”
Nami gripped your hand while Sanji kissed your temple. 
Zoro’s eyes burned into yours. 
“Promise me, Needy.”
“I promise,” you managed to whisper, voice still shot from yelling Robin’s name. 
Nami’s palm was clammy in yours as you watched your crewmates head back into danger. 
Why is this happening?
It felt like years had passed when you finally saw the five Straw Hat boys walking home, Luffy back with his crew, and Chopper’s human form carrying Usopp’s bloody, limp body.
You sat on deck against the unstable mast, and tried not to scream at everyone.
We need to find Robin. 
“Angel, are you okay?”
Sanji was crouching in front of you, soft eyes searching yours.
His lips pursed as he nodded, and he looked like he was about to speak when Chopper yelled.
“He’s awake!”
Relief moved through you for your friend as you followed the crew inside. But you caught Sanji’s eyes, and knew that he was still thinking about your missing archaeologist too. Reaching for his hand as you went through the door, you caught the sound of Usopp crying out. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if I was strong like you guys. It’s all my fault, I’m so ashamed of myself!”
Even covered in bruises and bandages, Usopp lurched forward, catching Zoro off guard as he wrapped his arms around one of his thighs. Zoro seemed to panic, flailing a bit, unsure of what to do as Usopp wept against him. 
Tears streamed down your face. You knew all too well the fears of failing the crew because you weren’t strong enough. 
“It’s not that big a deal, alright. Calm down.”
Zoro squirmed as Usopp still clung to him, and you rushed forward, rubbing Usopp on the shoulder until he let Zoro go. He clung to you now, and you didn’t know what to say. You just held your friend, letting your own tears fall quietly as he kept sobbing in your arms.
“I lost the money, what are we gonna do about the Merry?”
“You need to rest, Usopp, or you won’t get better,” Chopper pleaded, the threat of tears in his voice. 
Luffy was finally able to calm Usopp a bit, declaring that they would find that asshole, Franky. 
“Besides, even if we can’t get our money back, we still have a hundred million berry, so don’t worry about it!”
You thought the vein in Nami’s forehead would pop when she scolded him. The crew had lost two hundred million berry on Usopp’s watch.
Poor Usopp. This is awful.
The thought of what a shitty day it was brought you back to Robin, and you almost screamed to get everyone to focus on her. But Usopp’s hopeful voice made your stomach twist in knots. 
“Is Merry gonna be okay? Can we get her fixed with the money we’ve got? There’s all these awesome shipwrights, you talked to them about it, right?”
Luffy glossed over the pain, smiling as he broke the news. 
“Uh, yeah, we did. But we decided to get a new ship instead. The Going Merry has taken good care of us, but it looks like our journey has to end here. But look, there’s a bunch of great ships we can still afford,” Luffy said lightly as he showed Usopp a catalog from the shipyard.
Feeling the pain from the silent crew with the captain’s choice, the look in Usopp’s eyes made your heart break. 
You watched him build himself up again, trying to convince himself that it was a joke. 
Until he looked at all of your faces, the truth evident. 
“Does it mean we don’t have enough for the repairs? Is it because I lost the money?”
You tried to move back to him, wanting to reassure him, but Zoro’s firm hand on your shoulder stopped you. 
Usopp was yelling at Luffy now, demanding the truth, and you’d never seen Luffy’s face like this. Not when looking at a friend. 
His teeth were clenched as he held his words in, sweat beading on his brow. Until he started yelling back. 
Zoro moved past you then, stepping in to stop the fight. You caught eyes with Nami, your pain echoed in hers.
“I don’t see what I’m doing wrong, he’s the one saying all this dumb shit.”
Nami broke in to stop Usopp, begging him to calm down and rest. 
“Who cares about me? How can you all just sit here when he's making jokes about getting a new ship?”
Luffy was shaking now as he started to yell back.
“I’m not joking about anything, this was a hard decision for me too!”
“Oh yeah, I feel really sorry for you,” Usopp growled, before grabbing the ship catalog out of his hand. “Already window shopping for a new toy!”
You gasped as Usopp slammed the pages to the ground, wishing this nightmare would fucking end so your crew would be safe and happy again. 
“Are you trying to pick a fight with me, Usopp?”
He kept yelling at your captain, demanding to know that it was his fault for losing the money, his fault for failing the Merry. 
Luffy finally said the words, the painful words that none of you wanted to hear. But you hoped it would stop the fight. 
“The Merry can’t be fixed.”
But that awful truth didn’t stop the fight. Usopp denied, and accused, and bartered. Then he demanded.
“Don’t give up on the Merry!”
Hot tears stung your cheeks as you stood frozen. 
More yells and accusations toward Luffy felt like whips snapping in your face, almost making you flinch with each swing. 
Sweet Chopper moved toward Usopp, hoofs quivering as he reached out. 
“I know you’re upset, but you need to calm down.”
“Not until we settle this, I won’t let you take the Merry away from me! You’re ignoring your crew, ignoring your friends. I can’t believe that’s the kinda captain you turned out to be.”
Usopp had stood and grabbed Luffy by the front of his shirt. He wasn’t listening to any of your voices as the crew pleaded with him to stop. 
“I thought you were better than this!”
“You’re not being fair, Usopp-,” Nami tried again, before Luffy flung out his arm for her to stop.
“You stay out of this. It was my call. We’re getting a new ship whether you like it or not.”
Usopp was sweating through his bandages now, dark spots of blood showing through some of them. You didn’t know your friend could make a face like the one he had right now. You felt like you were going to throw up. 
They kept screaming, and you couldn’t follow the words anymore as you watched in horror. Sanji tried to step between them, but Luffy pushed Usopp to the ground, yelling in his face. Nami cried out, and you tried to run forward, but Zoro stopped you again. You almost screamed at him. 
Luffy’s next yell pierced through it all.
“Fine, if you don’t like the way your captain does things then why don’t you get-”
Sanji’s leg was so fast as it spun, launching Luffy straight through the kitchen table, shards of wood and dust flying. You gaped at your cook, rage and sweat dripping from him. 
“This is going way too far. What the hell is wrong with you? If you don’t watch it you’re going to say something you can’t take back, so calm down.”
Sanji was shaking now, breath ragged, and you felt your lips quiver at the anger in his eyes. 
Luffy crawled from the broken pieces of the table, and apologized. You felt a breath of relief, before Usopp tore it away. 
“If you’re gonna throw away the Merry, might as well throw me away too.”
Sanji tried to step in again, but then Usopp laid out his own fears before the crew. You felt raw, aching. You wanted to reassure your friend, but how could you, when you felt the same way he did about being weak?
“It’s not like it was before. You’re all too strong for me now. You can’t even trust me to guard our money. You don’t want weak people on your crew do you?”
Nausea flooded you, your own guilt and shame at your weakness making you hate yourself in this moment. 
“I’m leaving the crew. This is goodbye.”
It’s only a matter of time before something like this happens to me. Maybe I should follow Usopp. Maybe he's right. 
Most of the crew lurched forward, calling for him until he shut the door. Part of you was screaming to join him, to leave the crew before you could fail them, before you could hate yourself for failing them. 
“Luffy, what are you doing, go after him!”
Nami’s frantic voice kept pleading with him, but he stayed down, eyes dark. 
“Fine, have it your way then.”
Nami ran out the door, Sanji and Chopper following. You heard the three of them calling his name, but you couldn’t get your feet to move. Luffy and Zoro stayed, their silence heavy. Finally, Luffy stood, moving outside. You ached for him, finally free to follow.
Usopp’s voice carried over from the shore, and you grabbed Nami’s hand. 
Please, Usopp, please come back.
“I challenge you to a duel, Monkey D. Luffy! At ten tonight. If I win I'm taking the Merry, and I’m leaving.”
The silence on deck was deafening as you watched Usopp’s limping form move toward the city.
Robin’s still missing. 
You hated yourself for it, but thinking about Robin was the only thing keeping you from falling into self pity. The only thing keeping you from leaving the ship in shame along with Usopp. 
So you dug through her quarters. She was so private, and you felt sick as you searched for any kind of clue for where she might have gone. 
You could hear Nami pleading with Luffy through the thin walls to apologize, and talk things through. 
“It’s gone too far already.”
You shivered at Luffy’s tone, and kept on your hunt. 
It wasn't long before you heard your boys screaming at each other, and you sank to the floor, too spent to try to stop them. 
I’m worthless. I can’t protect anyone. I can’t do anything. 
Nami tapped lightly on the door, calling your name softly. 
“Y/N, it’s ten.”
Swallowing your self pity, you followed your friend to the deck again, watching Usopp’s silhouette against the city lights as he moved closer. 
“Listen up, I don’t want any of you leaving the ship,” Luffy called over his shoulder.
You grabbed onto Chopper’s small arm as he started screaming, crying for them not to fight. 
But nothing would stop them now. 
Usopp started pelting Luffy with all different types of ammo, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying over the waves, and Chopper’s cries. 
You thought Luffy was going easy on him at first, letting Usopp hit him, but soon you saw your captain jumping off the ground in pain shaking off what looked like caltrops. 
Then the air around Luffy was filled with flames. Luffy made it through the smoke, and you almost screamed as you saw him pull his fists back. But before he could make contact, Usopp kept shooting star after star, and you watched your friend, the sniper, hold his own against your captain.
For a while, at least.
Luffy was looking wrecked, and you felt a twinge of disgust in yourself that you felt proud of Usopp for hurting him so badly.
This is horrible. 
Then Luffy pulled back again, and this time, his fist hit. You sobbed as you clasped your hand over your mouth. Usopp swayed for a moment, and you could see more blood draining from him even from a distance. 
You fell against the railing, barely holding yourself up as Usopp collapsed. 
“At least it’s over now.”
Zoro’s steady voice made your head whip around, finding him looking as he usually does. Stoic, seemingly unmoved. Your mind was too filled with pain to think clearly, and then Sanji’s voice broke through. 
Chopper was crying, trying to jump off the ship to help Usopp. Sanji was holding him trying to stop him and you wanted to scream. 
“I’m a doctor-”
“He’s not a part of our crew anymore.”
Chopper shifted into his human form, but Sanji tackled him. You sank to the ground as you watched everyone fall apart.
“Chopper, it’s bad enough that he lost the fight. If you pity him now, you’ll end up hurting him even more. He knew this is how it might end when he challenged Luffy. We need to give him dignity in defeat.”
“That’s such bullshit,” you growled, voice cracking. You might have yelled if your voice wasn’t shot.
Sanji glanced back at you with pained eyes. Chopper used that moment to break away, running off the ship toward Usopp’s crumpled body. 
Pulling yourself to your feet, you went to Nami, clasping your cold hands together.
Luffy made his way back, his head lowered under his hat, and you let out a sob at the pain in his cracking voice.
“It’s too much.”
Zoro didn’t even turn to face him as he took a breath.
“This is what it means to be captain. You can’t doubt yourself. If you lose your confidence, then who can we have faith in?”
Emptiness filled you as everyone stood silent. Then Zoro had to say the last words, the truth that twisted like a knife. 
“Usopp can never return to the crew.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Part 21
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals
A/N: I'm sorry 😭😭😭 We won't be sad forever! I hope you enjoy the sweet and smutty extra scene with Sanji tomorrow, I'll make sure we have a good mix to get us through all this angst 💜
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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soupthatistohot · 2 years
Soukoku is a bit fucked up... but that's why they work
Dazai and Chuuya do not have a normal relationship, however you want to define that (platonic or romantic). Without the context of their backgrounds, it reads as like... really fucked up. And that's true, to an extent, but to eliminate their circumstances is to do them a great disservice, in my opinion
First of all, I'd like to acknowledge that I'm fully cognisant of the fact that skk were not written to be a romantic pairing— Asagiri simply does not intend for them to be perceived as such. That being said, this does not mean that audience interpretations of a media are invalid. I ship skk, and as such this analysis may include my romantic interpretations of them as a pair and i acknowledge this bias at the same time that I acknowledge the validity of my interpretation.
Let's look at Chuuya's background first. He has little to no memory of his life prior to 7 years old, when he was separated from his family and treated as a government experiment. After his escape, he was an orphan on the streets taken in by a group of fellow orphans. He quickly rose to be the leader and protector of this group, who would eventually literally stab him in the back when he was manipulated into working with and eventually joining the Port Mafia. He spent his teen years with a suicidal maniac as a partner, watched countless friends and a clone of himself die, and found out a literal god was living in him, forcing him to question his humanity.
Dazai's past is much less clear. We don't know what his family was like, but we know that Mori recruited him after discovering him after a suicide attempt and began grooming him as the Demon Prodigy. He was forced to be an accomplice to a murder, and was constantly manipulated by and possibly physically abused by Mori. He was known for his coldness and was feared by many as a monster for the majority of his teenage years, and was expected to eventually become the boss of the Port Mafia through assassinating Mori, which the latter was paranoid about. Finally, one of his best friends betrayed him and the other died in his arms when he was eighteen years old, something plotted out by Mori, which resulted in his defection from the organization.
As teens, skk had a weird relationship (and that's putting it lightly). There was a certain level of contempt they held for one another. Chuuya resented Dazai's pessimism and lack of regard for others, and Dazai resented Chuuya's emotional and aggressive nature. Yet, they both had a deep understanding of one another that no one else really seemed to have at the time. They recognized one another as human when the individual himself did not. They had full faith and trust in each other, not allowing each other to die despite their disdain. It was complicated, and it wasn't quite healthy... but it was pretty damn good considering they were traumatized children in the Port Mafia.
There's a certain level of abusive behavior between them as teens, and I won't ignore that. Dazai played a large part in manipulating Chuuya into entering the mafia, and Chuuya insulted Dazai's suicidal and depressive nature a lot. Dazai found pleasure in causing Chuuya pain, both physically and emotionally. Chuuya literally has a list of torture techniques to use against Dazai. This is why I often stray from portraying an established romantic relationship at this point in their lives. I don't think they understood who they were fully yet, and sometimes projected their issues onto each other. Even if they were in love at that time, neither of them would have been ready for that type of commitment. I also just think they were too emotionally constipated to get to that point, anyway.
Something that I do love about their relationship as teens, though, is how they let each other be kids. Their bickering and arguments were childish and dumb, but that's the closest thing they had at the time to being normal teenagers. Amongst all the doom and gloom that surrounded them in the mafia, they knew that they could always go to each other and have a mindless argument or competition. In a way, this is how they reclaimed their stolen childhoods.
We see this when they're adults, too. In their first encounter in four years they tease each other about the same things as before, slipping right back into their childish banter. It's silly and immature, but that's how they operate. They allow each other to have that, and I really love this aspect of their relationship.
I think there's something to be said for how their time apart was good for them. Dazai is most clearly in a better place than before. Sure, he's masking a lot of the time, and he's still clearly suicidal, but I think the work he does with the agency is more fulfilling than at the mafia. He has more of a purpose, even if it's just to stay true to his promise to Oda (though I do believe it's more than that now). At his core, he's still a suicidal pessimist who finds humanity utterly disgusting and doesn't quite consider himself to be human, but I think there's a level of contentment of what he's doing with his life.
It's less obvious how Chuuya has changed, but I think that he has. He exhibits more self-confidence and maturity than in his teen years. He's more capable and well-rounded as an executive, and it's a personal headcanon of mine that in Dazai's absence, he was forced to pick up some of his skills of perceptibility and deduction. I think he is in a better place than before, as well, especially because he was able to establish himself independent of Double Black. He has also settled within Port Mafia, recognizing them as his family, which means he, too, is likely more content.
So as adults, they display less of the abusive behaviors than they did previously. Of course, there's still a certain level to which they're abnormal. Their jokes and quips about one another are sometimes quite dark, and there's a certain level to which Dazai still exhibits power over him when it comes to deciding to use Corruption. But that trust is still there, despite their time apart, and so too is that understanding of each other. They're not perfect by any means, but given their traumatic upbringings... they're kind of perfect for each other.
There is the fact that they want to kill each other. I'll admit that I struggle to explain this aspect, but I'll try my best, because I think it's not as bad as it sounds. I just think it makes sense for them. They're both sorta unkillable, so this aspect of their rivalry denotes a certain respect for each other. It's also a matter of likely knowing that they actually won't ever kill each other (and no, this isn't me being in denial about ch. 101, I fully believe that Chuuya is not dead, there is no way he's going out like that). This is one of the more complex aspects of their relationship, but when you add it to everything else we know about them, it just sorta works. I mean... thinking of ways to kill your partner for 7 years? That's kinda gay.
At the end of the day, skk keep each other in check and allow each other to have fun. They trust, know and respect each other, and though they claim to hate each other, I really don't think this is true. It's much more than that. They're rivals, they're partners, they're soulmates! And honestly, that's what makes them so goddamn interesting.
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saintsenara · 15 days
As much as I love Dramione and that community. I stopped reading Dramione because of Ron’s characterization. Ron bashing is so normalized that it has become a Dramione convention and I’m not in for it. A lot of the faults that they give Ron are a lot of things that I can relate to (mediocre at school, procrastination, feeling like the lesser sibling) these are pretty standard Ron characteristics in Dramione. Usually the relationship with Draco start as a secret so Hermione is always alone in Dramione fanfics, her friendship with Harry and Ron is only a thing from the past that is occasionally mentioned. So a lot of Ron’s strong points are never there, I.e his loyalty, bravery, his defense of his friends, vast knowledge of the wizarding world. It is bothersome to see the way they portray students that do not excel in school, or have strong points that do not include academia.
Then also Astoria, she’s usually death or the crazy wife. Rose granger Weasley is non-existent while Scorpius Malfoy is a pretty common character, and Hugo… who is that ? The community doesn’t even mention him. I’m a bit disturbed by the way all of Hermione’s children in canon are just erased. Draco can be the dad, the widower, or the divorce but Hermione is the one that is single for a while, never married, haven’t had a proper shag, and ready to be the stepmother.
I always feel that they’re projecting their ex-boyfriends onto Ron, and Draco is the rich, intelligent, hot guy that they’d wished they upgraded for. In many stories Ron and Hermione break up because they always fight, but then they have Draco and Hermione quarrel just as much.
I would not be so bothered by it if I didn’t see all of this so much.
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
dramione certainly isn't my circus, but i find the same phenomenon occurring in my fandom spaces, since i'm someone with a preference for pairings which put harry with someone other than ginny - i've waded through so many fics in which ginny ends up getting turned into a complete bitch with no redeeming qualities and her relationship [both romantic and platonic] with harry is handwaved away in order to make her someone he never actually liked, who he only dated for a bit because he was forced to.
part of this is just standard slash subfandom misogyny when it comes to female characters, which we all need to get a grip on. but - as you say - it's also so prevalent in the fandom treatment of ron. and i find it really uninteresting!
i bang on a lot on here about how any ship is possible if an author has enough nerve - and how the reason for this is that love is fundamentally strange and unpredictable, and nobody can ever predict how it will strike.
but this comes with a flip side - that the strangeness of love means that its ability to last isn't always guaranteed. or - any ship can be disentangled interestingly and sincerely and [if that's an author's aim] canon-coherently with a bit of effort.
i think there are lots of really compelling things which could be done with the premise that ron and hermione don't get together or don't stay together - whether dramione ends up as the endgame or not - which don't need to reduce ron to the lazy, whinging boor he so often becomes.
and this includes thinking about divorce and co-parenting and blended-families in circumstances which aren't acrimonious. i think it's really striking that - as you say - there's an unease in fandom spaces with characters [above all female ones] having been married or had children in prior relationships. and there's also an unease about marriages which end for comparatively benign reasons - such as a couple simply not wanting to be in a romantic relationship with each other, but wishing to maintain a platonic one. divorces are always bitter - and the only time relationships break down without one partner becoming the bad guy, it's because someone [usually a woman] is dead.
this obviously isn't something fandom created, but it's still a wider cultural bleed-through into fandom which i find fundamentally boring.
and this is even though i very much understand the appeal of fairytale endings - draco malfoy as every disney prince rolled into one - as tropes. we all love a bit of self-insert fantasy, a bit of rom-com schmaltz, a bit of a knight in shining armour rescuing princess hermione from horrible ron.
but i think there's something valuable - and something no less fun, or moving, or compelling - about love stories which feel a bit less epic. second love, or friends-to-lovers-to-friends-again, or "there's no such thing as soulmates", or "this was fun while it lasted".
i genuinely think ron would be great as a divorced dad - not least because you know the single mams would be flocking to chat to him when it's his turn to bring the cake for playgroup - who remained best friends with hermione after they split.
and i think the dramione-specific comedy-of-errors of him and draco negotiating their new dynamic [mutual seething giving way to begrudging cordiality giving way to tentative respect] would properly bang as a premise.
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lucabyte · 2 months
I am literally obsessed with everything you do that involves sifloop you are THE sifloop artist to me
thank you!!! it means a lot to hear that haha
I've been like... near exclusively an OC artist for like 8 years at this point so every time i post fanart and ESPECIALLY ship art i feel like i have to fight every screaming cell in my body to post it because i feel like... RUDE? for projecting my own thoughts onto another creator's characters LMAO... so it's reassuring to know people actually like what i'm contributing!!
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as for sifloop as a ship. i really should draw more isiloops because . rotates all three of them in my mind. but yeah. I think the thing I like most about the dynamic really is the like... way Siffrin and Loop canonically aggress each other despite an extremely persistent undercurrent of caring about the other not suffering.
Like. the back and forth between Loop constantly talking past/through Siffrin to really painfully insult the pair of them, and things like the [Forgetting Mirabelle's Name] event being so astoundingly gentle. just as a general example. (RNG event that only triggers after certain actions so you may need to look it up)
THEN adding the element of throwing them in postcanon with neither of them wanting to upset the party and thus having to keep a lid on it... I like the potential dynamics of such a painful and conflicted relationship having to be almost hidden and downplayed so as to try and not worry anyone, and thus becoming softer and introspective while still keeping a bunch of the more insidiously toxic behaviour.
Both of them acting with genuine best intentions in mind but still understanding each other to have way *way* more sadness and anger and guilt than they let on, and thus being able to clock it. Both for good and ill. Neither of them enjoy confrontation, but it's almost unavoidable when they KNOW the other knows what they're probably thinking.
. but yeah i just think they're neat! also a bunch of stuff related to asexuality but . shh
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joannerowling · 4 months
i'm just disappointed that the fandom latched onto the marauders and teens and do the most boring gay male ships imaginable out of them while basically no one but me thinks that the dynamic between lily and petunia is interesting to explore. disappointed but not surprised, because i know the fandom thinks writing (bad, homophobic) out of character yaoi is more fun than exploring literally any female characters (especially if they can't write sex into it). disappointed nonetheless.
You and me both. I'm doubly interested in Lily and Petunia's relationship because i can't stop myself from comparing it to Jo and her sister Dianne's relationship. (Truly, in general, siblings relationships fly under the radar a lot in this fandom, it's all about shipping, but when you look at canon the deepest and messiest dynamics are all familial. And it makes sense for a child lit series, i think! Fairy tales follow that very pattern, romantic issues rarely feature in them, even when the pursuit of a love interest is central to the plot; whereas parents and siblings are more complex, they can be the hero's strongest ally or enemy.)
Anyways, i'm endlessly fascinated by the fact that Jo mimicked her own familial structure with the Evans specifically, and the character she put in her own position - the older sister - is Petunia, who is jealous of her younger, prettier and kinder sister and of her literal magical powers.
I mean, it could have been the opposite, right? The older sister could have been Harry's talented and beloved deceased mother, but that's not the choice Jo made. We'll never know if she did it consciously or not but imo it kinda gives out a self-deprecating nature. I'm only speculating but it's possible she at some point shared some of the feelings of resentment Petunia has for Lily. We know from interviews that the Rowlings had a bizarre way of referring to their daughters as "the Smart One" (Jo) and "the Pretty One" (Dianne) which without overblowing it doesn't feel like something that would have been good for either of their self-esteem.
However, unlike Lily and Petunia, JKR and her sister are very close, in fact Dianne Rowling was the one who helped her after her first marriage ended and she came back to the UK. She dedicated Philosopher's Stone to her (alongside her mother and daughter). So perhaps she built Petunia as a version of herself that could have existed had she been unable to move on from old hurt or rivalry (again, all of that is speculative and my own musings).
Regardless of biographical connections, i find Petunia a very compelling character. Vernon Dursley is a great caricature (whose echoes continue to entertain in Jo's later adult books), but Petunia feels real past the satire. The way i see her, she's a deeply self-hating person who clings to "normalcy" because she feels abnormal inside. People don't naturally like her, she doesn't have Lily's charisma and easy personality, she's difficult. When she calls Lily a "freak", it's obviously a projection, she uses the insult she secretly would apply to herself. It doesn't make her too dissimilar from the likes of Hermione (especially since Hermione was supposed to have a little sister too!), and so i can't help but find her a bit sympathetic, despite her terrible life choices, cowardice and refusal to self-reflect. Much like Snape, she was terrible to Harry but she also saved his life.
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blythebewitched · 3 months
Dogday Headcanons:
These headcanons are parts of my AUs in my Discord Server.There are ships. No human kids or Canon Game Lore are associated.
Tales From The Playcare AU:
Dogday is the original leader of the smiling critters. He was replaced as leader by Catnap when The Prototype took control. He's been reduced to Catnap's assistant and toy.
When he was made, he was intended to be an "angel" that runs security and oversees The Playcare. He was given the Sun Pendant and a wing suit to have access certain parts of the building. Only the leader has these privileges.
This good boy has the sunniest disposition and first impression, however, his job was never easy. He secretly suffers from VERY LOW self esteem. He has depression, ptsd and struggles to see himself as a good leader. Ever since Catnap took over, he's seen himself as nothing more than a failure. Leadership is a curse to him.
Catnap was his best friend before the Prototype influenced him. Dogday knows its still his buddy, but he changed so much, he thinks his best friend is dead and gone.
Despite this, the closest person to him is Kickin. Every smiling critter has been manipulated to follow the prototype, but Kickin seems to hold onto the past just as much as Dogday.
He misses the relationships he had with the other critters. They all changed so much . . .
During the "bigger bodies" project, Dogdays wings were accidentally added to his skeletal structure. He can hide his wings in his back.
Don't tell anyone . . . But Cat wasn't the only critter to have special abilities. When DD was created, the humans gave him a wing suit for two reasons. To "glide" over the Playcare for security runs and to regulate his minor levitation/gravity abilities.
DD is actually too big now to "glide" or "fly" so he keeps his wings away. If he does pull them out, he can't flap his wings. The gravity ability got amplified accidentally . . . He can give you a heart attack by flapping his wings now.
Dogday has a personal hideaway in the Playcare. (The "sun" is a room above the Playcare). There's a LOT Cat and TSC don't know about DD.
DD has a Playcare staff. It doubles as both a weapon and walking stick.
Basic Headcanons:
Dogdays scent is Vanilla. (He loves the smell, but hates that it makes him seem so BASIC and unoriginal).
DD loves Cat very much . . . Even after everything.
Kickin has Lil Bro status with him.
DD plays acoustic guitar and taught Kickin electric guitar.
HE CAN SING. Like . . . Crazy good singing.
His entire outward personality is ADORABLE. He has the best smile, laugh, energy. Its a shame it covers up his worser parts so well.
He and Cat went from bffs to master/slave to doomed lovers.
He has a spacesuit from one of TSC Show episodes. He likes the helmet.
DD can light up. So can his pendant. This good boy is literally the sun. Bright mf.
DD destroyed every picture of himself from the past. EVERY PICTURE. He really doesn't like looking at himself anymore.
Dogday dances like a pro too! He's very talented.
Did I mention that he learns REALLY FAST. (Bubba once learned the HARD way to be careful what he does/says/acts/shows DD).
Dogday has ALOT of moments where he acts like an actual dog. Face licks, headpats, playing fetch, you name it. He'll get pouty if you call it out tho. He likes acting like a real dog and gets embarrassed when people laugh about it.
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denydefeatarchived · 7 months
I never really post wishlist stuff so here, under the cut, is a long list of my muses with vague ideas for wishlists with them. DM me if you're interested in any of them. ALL of these (and all my muses tbh) are open to shipping like let's go.
Nesta - accepting eris' offer :)! Robb - making it to king's landing and winning the war, liberating the North, and getting Sansa back to safety, then having to head out and find Arya. Violet - anything in her marvel or ouat verses tbh I spent a lot of time on those Shelley - taking over the Victory Project after killing Frank. Max - coming back after that summer for the start of college, much to everyone's surprise and keeping his escapades close to the chest (idk the timeline of that show it was a fucking mess lmao) Heather - surviving pls dear goD Denny - surviving pls DEAR GOD Mark, Amanda, Lawrence, Logan - I want to write more about their dynamics with each other (these are just the four I write) as apprentices to John. We only briefly get Mark and Amanda interacting - gimme more. Bruce - let's throw out the entire mcu because it's fucking trash for him thanks. Brunnhilde - More of her relationship with Carol :( Kamala - Building of the young avengers lets GOOO Loki - anything :( Satoshi / Krad - I was always, always interested in the idea of the seal not working/lasting on the portrait and years later, Satoshi and Daisuke being re-possessed by Krad and Dark and having to deal with that as young adults, likely college aged. Too young for it to have passed onto their child, but too old to be able to use the same excuses of the past. Sid - I am fuLLY CONVINCED SID IS THE FATHER AND JESSE IS A RED HERRING (I already have this going I just wish more people cared about HIMYF) Brian - Going to NY and seeing Justin again. :)! Snow White - anything :( Charming - I have about 90420934902 aus for him honestly. I have so many ideas for this stupid idiot. Neal - surviVING AND COPARENTING WITH EMMA AND REGINA SHIPS DON'T FUCKING MEAN YOU HAVE TO KILL A GOOD CHARACTER WHO LITERALLY WAS THE REASON RUMPLESTILTSKIN MANIPULATED REGINA INTO CASTING THE FUCKING CURSE MY GOD THIS SHOW PISSES ME OFF anyways Davy Jones - returning after the 'curse' is lifted from Will Turner, because someone must always be there to ferry the souls to the other side Ben Solo - ANYTHING :( Jyn - her and Cassian getting evacuated just before the explosion and surviving, assisting the Rebellion. Finn - training as a jedi (either trilogy re-write or post trilogy) Jar Jar - i s2g if someone doesn't write with Sith Jar Jar... Anakin and Padme - either an au where she convinces him to run away with her and leave everything behind and raise their children on Naboo before Obi Wan shows up and he believes her when she says she didn't know he was there and they enlist his help in staging their deaths OR an au where he convinces her to join him on his path to the dark side. (i write both so I'll write either) Carolyn - escaping the dark planet after surviving the stabbing, living off of the creatures that would be her demise, fixing a ship in the darkness, built by lights she manages to fix throughout the rubble, and fires made along the way. finding other riddick characters / riddick himself Coriolanus Snow - Exploring more of his additions to the games and how he helped to curate them to be the spectacle they became. Annie - Not having anyone to volunteer for her so having to go through the Quarter Quell with Finnick (Hi I love PAIN). Not escaping the Arena and being taken back to the Capitol. Madge - Watching the Games with Katniss' family and thus being there when the blackouts happen and escaping District 12 with Gale and everyone else to District 13. Kili - surviving PLS Renesmee Carlie - more of her dynamic growing up in a town that's definitely got an attraction for the supernatural. Bella - not taking Edward back immediately, actually being pissed that he lied like what a dick Sam - imprinting on LEAH jfC WHAT A WASTE (or better yet, Leah being the first wolf to change and imprinting on HIM thanks) Garrett - torn between natural instincts, love for Kate, and never letting himself be tested by a challenge, learning how to survive and satiate on animal blood vs. human blood
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lnkedmyheart · 8 months
sigma is one of my dearest characters but calling him a y/n fic mc is so fucking funny. sigma messy bun when
Bro is so Y/N watpad protagonist coded though! Excessively pretty, unnaturally multicoloured hair (like those half and half oc ship kids from 2000s), name that doesn't fit into the naming lore (for mystery reasons but still), random appearance out of nowhere and from another world (i got dropped into the world of this show self insert au, used to love those lmao), ends up working for the big bad and seems to be a real acknowledged threat to said big bad despite doing nothing, magically connected to the magical macguffin (we already had Atsushi but sure lets add him too and make it super direct), immediately catches the main character's eye (yes as an innocent and a pawn but its still hilarious), gets compared directly to 2 characters the main character is close with (Atsushi, Kunikida), is the key to beating the big bad, the mc must protect him, is considered more compatible with the mc in 10 minutes than his established emphasised relationship of 7 years with the "romantic rival" by the fandom. Has no past, no history, not much in the way of established personality due to lack of low stress situations so more than half the fan content is just fans projecting onto him and head canons. And he just conveniently got handed all the info from Fyodor instead of doing it himself.
No hate to the character cause he has so much potential but honestly he isn't really all that interesting to me. He mostly seems to combine a lot of random tropes for now. I need Asagiri to drop that Sigma centered light novel already so we get more on him.
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least-carpet · 9 months
Zhanchengxian or sangcheng for the ship meme?
Why not both, anon! (Also, very sorry this took so long, I'm just real slow!)
Zhanchengxian: Ship it!
What made you ship it?
I love chengxian and I'm not opposed to wangxian, so it started off as, like, sure, why not! Wei Wuxian has two hands! We can bring all the unresolved business and tension of chengxian into wangxian and see if something interesting happens!
Then I got the zhancheng brainrot real bad, so. That was that.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
I like it for a lot of the same reasons I like chengxian, namely that it pushes on Wei Wuxian's and Lan Wangji's weaknesses in an interesting way. Wei Wuxian because Jiang Cheng is a reminder of all of the suffering of his past life that he wants to escape; and Lan Wangji because he's projected a lot of his own guilt at not intervening in Wei Wuxian's first life onto Jiang Cheng. I think, for a long time, Lan Wangji has had very simple, black-and-white opinions about Jiang Cheng, which are reinforced by how partial he is to Wei Wuxian, and additionally driven by jealousy at their prior intimacy. But it's much harder to maintain these ideas about someone up close, rather than afar with minimal contact. Basically, I love it when people are forced to actually perceive Jiang Cheng as, like, a real person who was seriously damaged by his terrible life, and who has triumphed over odds that someone like Lan Wangji, beloved second son of his alive family, has never had to confront.
Also love the ways in which this triad has the potential to illuminate the people and relationships within it! Lan Wangji can see Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng more clearly in the context of their relationship to each other; I think it's a relationship where Wei Wuxian's worse qualities are often evident. (This is not a backhanded compliment! Intimacy is sometimes seeing someone you love be kind of a dink! Perceive him!) Lan Wangji, meanwhile, might be a stabilizing force for chengxian; if he can help Wei Wuxian regulate himself, Wei Wuxian might actually be able to show up and be vulnerable. I don't know if Wei Wuxian would get anything out of zhancheng except horniness, but I bet he'd have fun.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Wei Wuxian has a lot of work to do within the chengxian branch of the relationship, and Lan Wangji shielding him from that work sucks and is bad for everybody. Also, the evolution into zhanchengxian should transform and develop wangxian (for example, through insight into Wei Wuxian's childhood dynamic with Jiang Cheng, the revelation that Wei Wuxian left the Jiang rather than being expelled, etc.) not just be wangxian with Jiang Cheng grafted on.
Sangcheng: Ship it!
What made you ship it?
Sangcheng was actually my gateway MDZS ship, and Nie Huaisang was my gateway blorbo. Although the Jiang Cheng brainrot has firmly set it, I'm still very fond of Nie Huaisang.
Also, their shenanigans in the Cloud Recesses were very charming. Let them get a little silly and explore each others' bodies!!
What are your favourite things about the ship?
There are a lot of potential sangcheng flavours! Cloud Recesses-era sangcheng is markedly different from post-canon sangcheng. They both got a lot worse, for starters.
Sometimes it's nice to give Jiang Cheng a partner who has some separation from Wei Wuxian. I love him in the Wei Wuxian Suffering Vortex, but really the healthiest choice is for Jiang Cheng to have at least one relationship with someone who is just into him on his own merits. He has them!! It's not impossible!!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I'll accept a range of Nie Huaisangs, since he is such a puzzlebox of a character, but you gotta give the guy some depth. Like, he did a multi-year revenge scheme and stabbed himself in the leg to accomplish it. He's not a simple or shallow guy.
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
The whole Daniel thing has made me think about how drivers that say dumb misogynistic things get treated by the fandom. If you're talking about Hulkenberg or Perez, then they're ruthlessly mocked for it (and rightly so imo), but if its a driver people like, like Danny Ric or Kimi, people seem to bend over backwards to defend them and find reasons to justify what they said. Idk, is it that both are part of very popular ships, where Hulkenberg and Perez aren't? I have a lot of thoughts, but I also have the flu so they're not the most organised (I hope ur having a good evening I love ur blog)
Hello! I think it comes down to the strength of their fanbase and their popularity in general.
Now, i can only speak about the ecosystem.of tumblr because i refuse to go near shitter in general and instagram in any fandomish way, and i do have these debated with my irls sometimes, so keep that in mind.
Firstly, Daniel, Kimi, even Seb (i refuse to leave out my misogynistic king of spewing dumb shit about grid girls who did, eventually, learn better, or at least finally learned not to say that shit in public) are very well liked, popular drivers. Namely, only two of them are wdcs and the third one never will be, but Daniel does have a devout fanbase and his former talent and potential as a driver must be acknowledged. With all those things come the fanbases, which are all prone to idolising their blorbo in any and every motherfucking way possible. Nobody is immune to this and obviously you'll be more ready to make excuses for your pathetic meow meow than for someone you dislike; thats a normal human sports fan fact. However if you look at Checo and Hulkenberg (there is only One True Nico in the sport and his surname is Girlbossberg), their fanbases aren't big, if they even exist on tumblr, or so I believe, unless I have missed a whole part of fandom existing somewhere in my bubble?
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Moving on.
Now however, i do think there's difference in fanbases too ngl. We obviously dont all like the same drivers, some are more appealing to whatever attracts us than the others, and let's just say that birds of feather flock together and leave it at that. (A.N. so many people are sooooo wromg about their characterisations of most drivers but that's also my personal biases at work.)
So what I see here is that more popular drivera will have more fans quantiatively first and foremost (qualitative analysis: cancelled because of the imminent death of the author), ans those fans will be ready to take up arms and fight for their (white) boy millionaire. This brings the fans into some lovely personally-induced logical fallacies, like we've seen in the past couple od days. Now, im not gonna preach moral.high ground here like some because i am well aware of what kind of men thse people are (context is everything beloveds), but i will say this. People are prone to so many conscious amd unconscious biases which take a long while to dismantle. That's not an easy job, and when you project onto someone (valid) and develop a personal (to you, and not to generalise but oftentimes also a parasocial) relationship with a celebrity, you start taking things personally. Now this, id say from personal experience, would be the time to go take a walk. Snort some grass. Ride a bull and all that.
Amyways my point was, round the elbow to the wrist (or was it shoulder? i cant rmbr), that people will always rather defend their fave, no matter how shitty he is, than whichever driver they dislike. This is not uncommon; this is human nature.
I will add that a lot of fans (i dont know anything about their demographic) don't know the line between "following/thirsting over a hot dude" and the dangers of a parasocial relationship. My issue with it all is that what they do when thay feel threatened is deflect blame feom their special boy to literally anyone else, and that results in everyone who disagrees with this apparent popular consensus becomes a target of a witch hunt. Some people would rather go around attacking other's well-crticulated and above all well acessible target. Posts and people than call -- OKAY up to this point is what I wrote last night before I passed out like a log. I havent changed anything, which shows in lacking any sentence structure and missing words, so let me continue because I vaguely remember what I wanted to say.
My problem is that it's not personal, and people act as it is because they personally identify their own morals with who they like. And when they feel as if their personality is threatened or judged, they lash out, usually while taking some sort of artificially imagined "moral high ground". That results in hate anons in inboxes of anyone who disagrees with them and calls of "well you never liked him anyway so now you have an excuse". Like baby, no. Don't project your feelings on me. I know how shitty my special boys are, and i am capable of criticising them and stanning them while acknowledging the ways in which they suck. I dont equate my morals and ethics with stanning some boys who drive around in circles.
I think i lost the plot there by the end. Bottom line - when youre already disliked, not many people will rally to defend you, regardless of the fact you say exactly the same shit as someone who is beloved to people. :)
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kainagant · 9 days
I've reblogged stuff about like "send more asks!" before and I've decided to be the change I wish to see in the world SO
personally I like sniperhaul as a platonic pairing, not least because i see them both as Gay In The Wrong Direction. like in my mind they're constantly bickering but also refuse to leave each others' sides for more than a day because they both went through the same shit. they don't even dislike each other they're just constantly lowkey fighting for no reason other than habit
Also like. opinions on Bakugo Mitsuki/Tsutsumi Kaina? both in the sense of 'how would these two very different adult women interact' and in the sense of bakugo "i'm gonna be the number 1 hero at all costs" katsuki having tsutsumi "the hero system is fundamentally corrupt and being a hero is shit actually" kaina
(have i sent you an ask before? i think i might have)
hey there! i've never received an ask on this blog before, from you or anyone else, as its only like two weeks old. congrats on being the first 🎉🎉 (if you did send me an ask before, then tunglr ate it)
honestly chisaki kai is one of those characters that i perceive as aroace, which is like fifty percent me projecting and the other fifty is vibes. so whatever pairing i put him in is closer to a queerplatonic relationship than anything else. this is honestly the case for all shipping i do because i'm very aromantic but it's not always on purpose. but i'm also a shameless multishipper and i think that there's no single most correct pairing or even a single correct interpretation of said pairing.
this is all to say i love your take on sniperhaul. i definitely imagine them as the kind of duo who are always being catty with each other. borderline just pure rude if it weren't for the fact that the reason why they can banter freely is because of how well they understand each others' boundaries.
i feel like i have seen kaina/bakugo's mom fics and went. h u h. if you have any recs then i'll definitely read them. i think i was looking for something specific at the time so i scrolled past but now that you bring it up again i'm definitely intrigued. in regards to my first impressions of the pairing though. to be honest there's not a lot of canon information on mitsuki. her personality is assumed to be basically just katsuki but more chill. however i also think that the mothers of feral anime boys deserve to be even more feral because after ren gyokuen from magi something in my brain chemistry was permanently changed. so i'm just going to take liberties here and write mitsuki a personality that's not just "bakugo katsuki's mom".
so its obvious that katsuki takes after her, and she seems to understand that a lot of his mannerisms come from her. so i think she was one hell of a teenager. her quirk basically makes her have flawless skin. mitsuki was the definition of it girl. sorry she can't answer the phone she's at a party. maybe she even hooked up with kaina in college. if you really want to drive the katsuki connection in hard, maybe she was even a bit of a mean girl. though i think she wasn't as problematic as katsuki because she didn't have people feeding her ego constantly in the same way. anyway this is all to say that i think mitsuki mellowed out a lot with age. but she definitely still has something of a youthful spirit leftover from her heyday. her skin can be a metaphor for that.
if mitsuki is a woman who has held onto her youth, kaina is a woman who lost her youth early on. the phrase 'old beyond her years' applies here. she doesn't know how to be a teenager anymore. she forgot. what is it like to not spend every night haunted by the lives she took with her own hands? she doesn't remember.
when they meet then mitsuki takes one look at kaina and tries to ask her out for a drink. it's a small thing, but slowly, kaina is relearning how to be a person and not a weapon. mitsuki is showing her how. and mitsuki can't really understand what makes kaina miserable, what makes kaina wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. but mitsuki can stay awake with her. she can hold her close and say. hey. you're more than whatever you see when you look at your own hands. anyway this got really long. i'm just making stuff up on the fly but yeah they could have that kind of dynamic.
ok ok. cracks knuckles. kaina and katsuki. the thing is that they have surface similarities i think. "so how should i solve this problem i have…" kaina and katsuki both stare at me like im fucking stupid "blow its brains out??" there's a duh here. they're both the kind of person who is smarter than other people assume based off of first impressions. but that's only because they're the straight arrow type. there's no fucking around the point with these two, they're blunt and very goal focused. they tend to hyperfocus on whatever they're currently trying to do, and they don't stop to wonder if it's wrong or just a liiiitle fucked up. cue the rude awakening.
you mentioned bakugo's hero thing vs kaina's hero thing, but i think that they're not as at odds as one might think. bakugo's hero thing was never a "save everyone" shirou emiya style (thats midoriya's patent). he admired all might because all might was always victorious. kaina probably wouldn't have a strong opinion one way or another. he's obviously missing something to make him a "true hero" or whatever. but she's not stain, for goodness sake. the whole idea of there being a perfect hero feels incredibly fake to her. if anything, katsuki's honest "i'm going to win to save people" approach might be more genuine than some fragile idealism that he can't actually back up. actually. to be honest, katsuki would be exactly the kind of hero that kaina wants to see more of. he doesn't mince words or pretend to be more righteous than anyone else. full transparency: he can be kinda a dick. but if society is going to employ heroes than people need to understand that heroes are people too, and yeah. people can be dicks. pardon my french. i'm channeling katsuki.
i don't think kaina would care one way or another that katsuki is striving for number one. the hero rankings were never really a thing to her. kaina's problem with hero society wasn't the same problem as what stain had. i think people assume that it is, because stain kinda had half of a point, except for the culling the fakes thing. but i think kaina would very much disagree with stain. because stain wanted more pure heroes. he wanted to exalt the ideal hero, put them above everyone else. and kaina just wanted heroes to get off their high horse and admit that they aren't perfect. nobody is.
deep breath. so yeah. thanks for the ask. thanks for reading my incoherent rambles too, assuming you got this far. hopefully i actually answered your questions, but if i didn't then sorry, this definitely got away from me. i also followed you back from my mainblog, so cheers to being mutuals. i'll try to send you a bunch of asks too, since 🤝 be the change you want to see in the world.
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eemcintyre · 3 months
I am getting real tired of the modern, technology-driven notion that everyone has to be constantly available to everyone in their life.
Like, if it's an emergency I will be there for you 100%, but I have now had multiple friendships/relation-ish-ships end (all with men btw- coincidence...?) because I didn't text them back right away, every day, multiple times a day.
Am I the only one who thinks that this is, at best, ridiculously needy, and at worst, ridiculously entitled behavior?? This level of clinginess and insecurity (that somehow is my responsibility to reassure???) is a huge turn-off.
Not only do I think it's important and healthy for everyone to be comfortable spending some amount of time alone with their own thoughts, but I *especially* have always needed a lot of solitude and independence (idk maybe it comes from how controlled I was as a child and how few friends I had, but that's a whole other tangent right there). I require room to do my own thing, and while I love my friends and they are important to me, I'm not totally dependent on them and every ounce of my happiness and self-worth doesn't hinge on them. Honestly, the more someone tries to cling to me and rein me in, the more I feel compelled to distance myself. I need to know that I am free.
Anyway, this seems to intimidate a lot of people who are immature and not secure in themselves and are still suffering from unresolved past trauma that they are projecting onto me. They find it intimidating that even though I can want someone in my life and like or love them, I don't need them in it to survive because I am ultimately comfortable with myself and know my value enough now to not compromise who I am just to keep them in my life. They find it scary and foreign that I don't need constant reassurance and don't have the energy or will to provide it; that I can be content doing my own thing. Aka me having my own separate life in addition to our relationship and enjoying alone time = I don't care about them at all.
I need someone with the maturity, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem to realize that not everything is about them- I have more than one person in my life, I have a job, I have hobbies, etc., and even just because I am not busy at a point in time doesn't mean that time is *free* time. That is recharge and contemplation time.
I have even, against my better judgment, tried compromising my own boundaries to accommodate these people's insecurities and needs, and it didn't work. It's never enough. Also why does it always have to be me who compromises and makes the changes, and not them? Why don't they have to try and work on themselves to become less dependent on others and more secure? Why is it me who always has to drain all of my energy with forced, ingenuine conversation and interaction and trying to heal the past issues of other grown adults that they are projecting onto me?
I'm sick of my boundaries being disrespected. You are valid if it mentally drains you to be in constant contact with other people, and you are no less of a kind, caring person and good friend or partner for being that way. Like, it has nothing to do with you; I just recharge from spending time alone where I can think and exist without being observed or obligated to entertain others; being able to do exactly what I feel like, analyze my thoughts, or enjoy the quiet. Honestly, most people who require more contact (to a reasonable and non-codependent degree) are valid too; I just think both groups need to either compromise equally in relationships or seek out people who are more like-minded rather than existing in constant strife trying to change and/or make each other understood.
I know that I am a good, kind, friendly, and generous lady who brings a lot to the table, and I am sick of trying to convince people of it. If they want to leave because they can't handle physical and mental personal space, then no hard feelings at the end of the day but they are absolutely welcome to. I'm tired of letting people guilt and disparage and try to change me when I'm not doing anything wrong.
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liauditore · 9 months
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for some reason ur ask is cursed by an evil spirit and webbed site spilled spaghetti sauce all over itself when i tried to answer it so ig we're doing this now @sharksome-nen
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half the board being coloured in but no bingo sums up me and this ship perfectly i think.
me being REALLY unhinged below the cut about toxic!fh (a teeny tiny bit neg/discoursey on empires if u squint). gets rlly abuse-y.
ohohohohohoh ur trying to get me killleedddddd.. :D
they're so special to me i hate them so much.
ok so uh i wrote a Whole Thing but it was getting way too ramble-y but basically uh. not a fan of romantic!fh. empires writing is very understandably not perfect and i saw some disturbing implications between the lines and couldn't help but fixate on them and it kind of soured any fluffy!fh fan content for me. sorry im a grinch and i was born with hate in my heart🙏🙏
but uh... if u take those disturbing implications out of the lines, x500 their size and severity, apply a dash of self-projection and start associating songs sung from the pov of abusers with it?? oho. ohohoho. oh that's. that's the good stuff.
i have this rlly cursed notepad doc where i basically vomit Ship Thoughts tm onto so here's the entire fh section copy+pasted. 👍
probably the most explicitly romantic and the most explicitly toxic. They DO love each other a lot. Jimmy looks up to Scott (he's so cool!) and would do anything just to live a happy life with him. I imagine that he's had a crush on him for the longest time from a distance, but didn't approach him until 3L because he didn't think Scott would look in his direction. Scott loves Jimmy deeply too but in the way someone might love a pet or a toy. "How's this poor thing going to survive on his own?" is probably what he uses to justify alot of what he puts Jimmy through. I imagine that Scott is someone who's lived a very monitored and controlled life (he gives me royalty vibes) and probably doesn't understand the extent of the abuse he's been put through or the way it's warped his perception of love. Love is a conditional commodity for him at this point in 3L and right now he's using it to buy some protection (never a good idea to go solo in a death game arena). So everytime he scolds or hits Jimmy it's always out of love, always for his own good, if he doesn't learn how to act now then someone will kill him for running his mouth eventually. Especially in the 3L Death Game. And Jimmy puts up with it and believes him because he hasn't learnt to respect himself yet. But as the games go on I do believe Scott begins to fall for Jimmy in a more genuine, kind way. Still not wholesome but he's very much not just extra numbers for safety anymore. He feels scorching regret for what he did after Jimmy dies but won't admit it to himself or anyone else. It's a selfish kind of regret, he hates himself more than he loves Jimmy, but it's still there. Post-3L Jimmy has some time away from Scott during LL before meeting Tango in DL, a partner who respects and even admires him, who gives him the space to grow and the trust to take risks that would better the both of them. Jimmy gains newfound confidence and a new perspective on his previous relationships, culminating in him actually standing up to Scott in LimL and refusing his offer to get back together. He's grown up. Scott, on the other hand, fares much more poorly. He is offered genuine love, unconditional love and it frightens him because he can't understand it (he doesn't think he's love-able). What does she want from him? He can't control Pearl the way he could with Jimmy and she Scares him. It doesn't matter, he can manage by himself (he always has) and he has an eye for finding kindred spirits. But it's not the same (he misses him). (he needs his Pet back) (he needs his Control back) He doesn't get it. final diagnosis: what should have been a beautiful love story twisted into something awful, divorced and should not re-marry even if Scott wants to.
ngl there is that.. little part of me that really wants jimmy to relapse and go crawling back cus old habits die hard, right? but on the other hand i. i want my son to be happy. sometimes.
I like writing characters with super messed up warped perceptions of love and hurt themselves and others in the process with it. its evil and sexy.
if we're gonna get into the whole song lyrics thing i really really love using mahiru's milgram songs for fh (even tho i associate scott more with muu). they just make sense to me. lyrics from haruko because i adore their covers.
(also uh these songs are about an abusive relationship and the second one has not so subtle suicide imagery in the mv so know that if ur gonna seek them out)
I'll love you till you fall And won't feel bad at all, Because I still get worried Could you please forgive me? Every little thing I only say to get to you Every little thing I do when "you and me are through" That's me loving you
Do my feelings drive you crazy? Sorry I don't care you baby. Tell me please, Tell me please, Why don't you ever love like me?
I just... i think scott genuinely caring for jimmy and wanting to keep him safe but like.. scott's brand of 'safe' is guard up at all times and manipulating those around you. and jimmy's useless at it/doesn't even catch on at all and it just ends up frustrating scott more.
Told you I loved you and then did what I did The right is gone and we're done, I'm crossed and covered in sin My love, it got it's lick back, Destroyed me, I deserved that, Tell the truth, Tell the truth, Why can't I ever love like you?
i LOVE the idea of scott regretting how he treated jimmy too late and still being in denial about it oufhlsdfhfls
so uh yeah it's an okay ship 👍
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dearweirdme · 10 months
"From our side things look very different than they do from members' side. We only see what it's shown. And since the company has favoured Jkk moments over Tkk moments, that is what we see a lot. It feels unbalanced. But for the members, this is probably completely different. They have seen each other every day for hours at a time. They know what the real balance is like. So they don't judge situations the same as we do." Thank you! This is such an important point that a lot of people miss and I think fuels a lot of negative feelings people have. We as outsiders hyper focus on the ships and certain interactions, but that's such a small part of their lives. That anon making everything Jungkook does about how the fans see their relationships and by extension him being a bad boyfriend/friend because of it...I don't know if you have seen all maknae line solo stan communities but they all hate each other and project that hatred onto their faves as well, as in saying their fave actually hates the other members. Tae stans are dragging Jungkook constantly and using him as a punching bag during Tae's debut, there are definitely Jungkook and Jimin stans who think Tae feeds antis as well. It's all just bs fandom infighting and very little of it has to do with who they actually are and what their lives and relationships are like. And the fans take some of this stuff so seriously, spewing the most vile hatred and making threats against them for perceived injustices to the others through what are completely innocent and largely meaningless actions, and some turn their anger at the fans' behavior into anger at the members. It's a pretty messed up situation, and I don't know how I would navigate friend/relationships under that kind of scrutiny.
Also, thank you for actually mentioning one of my favorite Taekook moments and my number one moment if we're talking the kind that defy platonic explanation. The nape kiss at Citi Field gets largely overlooked and I'm not sure why, but one of the reasons it's so special to me is I was at that concert. It gives me some added context I think, because I can tell you that was not for the audience. I was in the stands and watching on the big screen monitors and all we saw was Tae and Jimin (and I have a theory that Jimin knew what Tae was planning) approaching Jungkook from behind, and then Jungkook looking kind of flustered and I was like "...what just happened?" 😂 It wasn't until I was back at my airbnb and talking to another friend who had been there when the first clips from the side of the stage started showing up on Twitter and we were going insane. They released a DVD/Bluray of that show, and you can confirm on there that the official cams did not catch that kiss and in fact you can see Tae watching the monitor and cameras as he approaches to make sure what he did cannot be seen. There's a very specific reason I think Tae did that, but I won't discuss it openly yet. Maybe someday. For me, that's the moment after two years of being a Taekooker where it went from 99% to a 100% for me that the relationship between those two is more than just friendship. The Bon Voyage season 1 cuddles/kisses still blows my mind as well. That really kicked off the Taekook drought in official content. That was the last year we saw just the two of them in a V Live together, and there not another one for four whole years and we all know they had chaperones in the room the next time. I've been thinking recently that if I was to make a Taekook top ten right now, those two moments and probably the "I love you" signs during the Chile concert where Jungkook was sick would be there...but the rest would probably be solo era/2023 because this past year has been full of hugely significant moments and I did not expect it. But looking back, it makes sense that in solo era, it is Taekook's bond that became more apparent than ever. Because they are involved in each other's lives in a very significant way that goes beyond members of the same band, or even friends.
Hi anon!
Thanks for the addition 😊.
I think they have a very complicated relationship with their fans in general, and with shippers especially. I don’t think they appreciate any shipping mentions in their lives for instance, not even the correct ones. It must be weird having people comment on your relationship and asking questions trying to bait you into giving a hint while you’re just there to talk about your music.
I really dislike what this has done amongst maknae line solo’s. It is also so weird to me to actually see fans talk about members hating each other. Hate is such a strong word, and is in general not actually a feeling people very often have about each other. So for fans to think any member actually hates another while there have been no signs of that is so out there.
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