#I was looking at my old content while searching for something to answer and anon's question
starcharmfunzies · 29 days
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No matter how many years pass they're still very much in love Bonus Maris and Vera:
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okiankeno · 19 days
Ofc most people who think damien is a monster are under 25. Their view of morality is skewed. Also can you even explain how he was being passive agressive? Cuz i read all his tweets and dont see it. But i am a stupid autist so what do i know..
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Ok, I got two of these asks so I'm going to answer from my POV what I'm seeing. First of all, a shot at my age is very mature for introducing your argument (this is sarcasm). I never said that Damien is a monster. I am not demonizing him. Damien is admittedly one of my favourites on Smosh, and I think as fans, we are allowed to identify when someone you are a fan of does something wrong. I stated in my previous reblog that how he handled his interactions with Zayna was poor. You are putting words in my mouth, but I digress. My long-winded explanation of Damien's interactions being passive-aggressive is under the cut.
I'm going to straight up pull the Google search of 'passive aggressive' here.
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Expressing negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them. There are multiple instances of it in the interactions with Zayna and others in my opinion. However, I feel that people have different takes on passive-aggressiveness, so feel free to share with me what you think being passive-aggressive looks like. The points I will describe below are my interpretations of situation.
1) I think the most abundant example of passive-aggressiveness is Damien blocking multiple accounts, escpecially Zayna after he had apologized. Blocking someone implies you do not want to hear or see someone's thoughts on your timeline, literally blocking them out (until you choose to unblock them). He is not open to communicating further with people or does not want to communicate with them at all. I understand how this can be seen as him looking out for himself, but generally, blocking is considered a negative action, thus the action is passive-aggressive. Damien blocked some people on Twitter who have not even interacted with Damien nor even said anything remotely negative about him. Here is one such example:
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I call this passive-aggressiveness due to the lack of communication with Damien and the negative context of blocking multiple accounts. It is providing more tension and confusion to others without explaining anything. We see the result of this lack of communication with the Twitter user above as it leaves something to be explained, the other party wondering, "What did I do wrong?" This is especially upsetting in the case of Zayna as reaching an apology with someone should not result in another person blocking another. I will expand on this idea below.
2) In Damien's interactions with Zayna, the passive-aggressiveness is much worse. Anon, I want you to imagine you are in a situation where someone has apologized to you. An apology is reached when one party realizes they have done wrong and acknowledges that the other party is correct in some way. It is an agreement.
Here is an interaction chain between Zayna and Damien, after their initial confrontation. It appears they have reached a common ground or the agreement I aforentioned. Unfortunately, the original reaction from Damien and the original post that Zayna had requested Damien for an apology are deleted, and I do not have that screenshotted, so we will go with what evidence I have here.
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First tweet with an apology, third sentence: "While I'll never understand looking to old content to somehow negate the present, I do apologize, plain and simple."
Here, his apology is mixed - there's tension. If he truly understands the need for an apology, why mention the quote I highlighted above? In an apology, would you appreciate it if the other party apologized, but stated that they don't quite understand why they are apologizing? No. I wouldn't be satisfied with that, and you shouldn't either if you are expecting an apology. He could have ended the apology with the first few sentences. To me, it feels like a half-hearted apology given his choice of words in his third and fourth sentences.
Compare the previous apology to the second image on the right. Damien agrees that he is in the wrong here and essentially will learn from his mistakes. This is an apology with no conflict or passive-aggressiveness. There are no conflicting ideas within this tweet, unlike the previous apology on the left.
By this point, it seems that Zayna and Damien have reached a common ground and the conversation is over. This changes with the next tweet Damien sends on the left image:
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Here, Zayna is replying to the deleted tweet on the left. I think this, above all, is a good example of Damien being passive aggressive because:
3) it's a direct display of miscommunication, where Damien outlines his unmet expectations of the interaction post-apology. This tweet contains a critique towards Zayna "If that wasn't your goal [depicting Damien as a bad person], your methods confuse me tbh" followed by a positive end note that comes off as strange given his opening statement. It feels like a backhanded compliment. Zayna got what she requested (an apology) but Damien is questioning her methods and even requesting something from her (Damien implies he wants tweets to be deleted after apologizing). And then he wishes her family and herself well? Do you see how this doesn't quite add up?
This could be genuine confusion on Damien's side, but given that both parties before this appeared to have reached a consensus of some sort, I don't think this is the case. Damien prolongs the conflict; he continues the conversation with Zayna, having expectations for what he envisions the resolution of the argument to be. This was not communicated to Zayna as demonstrated in her reply and she is rightfully confused. This is very weird – why is Damien, who has apologized, now provoking Zayna again if the conversation has ended? If Damien wanted to resolve this more directly, he could have also reached out in direct messages rather than continuing this publicly on Twitter just as he states in his tweet.
4) this is more about the dramatic irony of the situation, but I think it is also Damien being passive-aggressive – the 19k followers comment. This really puzzled me. Damien pointing out the follower count of Zayna and stating that she is depicting him as a bad person is exactly what Damien is doing as well by continuing the conversation in the way he did. He adds fuel back to the fire implying this conversation is not over as Zayna did not resolve his apology (... but shouldn't he take responsibility for this issue if he is apologizing for it?) to his liking. Damien has 266k followers on Twitter as of the last time I checked, and (I want to believe this) unknowingly has depicted Zayna in the wrong by exposing his followers to this. Additionally, In a previous tweet, Damien said he would learn from reacting in frustration. I think this again is him doing exactly that, reacting in frustration with this tweet but then deleting the tweet after. His actions are backtracking upon himself.
Now, to address something else but on the same topic: I'm not sure if you are aware, but Zayna has said she received death threats from Damien / Smosh fans. See below.
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I bring this up because you mentioned that my view of morality is skewed. At what point in any of the arguments in this post or what I reblogged, have I earned the title of broken moral compass? Again, I have not once stated he is a monster in my posts. This is you interpreting my words, Anon.
I am trying to defend my opinion on how I see that Damien's interactions with Zayna have been handled poorly and that he was passive-aggressive, and it has resulted in this – death threats and a whole lot of controversy on multiple social media platforms. There's a lot of collateral damage that has been done within the Smosh community.
If death threats and Damien needing to take a Twitter break from an this interaction are not a great indication of a situation spiraling out of control as a result of Damien's responses, I'm not sure what else I can tell you, Anon. I hope I have made myself clear.
As a side note, I did not appreciate you coming into my asks, and insulting me without providing any arguments to your cause. If you continue to speak to me in the same manner, come off anon and let me block you (or vice-versa, block me). We will not see eye to eye with each other and never will if we cannot present our words without malice. It will be beneficial for both of us to not aggravate each other.
Before I end my answer, I want to reiterate that I do like Damien (personally less now given the situation at hand, but I digress), and I think you and I share this opinion at least. You are allowed to like something and be disappointed in it in tandem. I want him to come out of his break with a good answer for his actions. I hope he comes out of his Twitter detox with a clear mind and learns from this experience.
Anon(s) that sent this in, I hope that this answers your questions.
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What do you think you add? Do you think you make a poignant post better when after scrolling down through it we see someone saying it's "official"?
I'm choosing to interpret this ask as a genuine question (albeit one that's been worded a bit rudely) instead of a hate anon, because I wouldn't want to tarnish people's dashboards with hate anons.
Now, to answer your genuine question... The "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline I add to the end of posts has as much validity as I have authority to bestow it: none. Do I think my tagline makes posts better? Of course not! And I certainly don't think I make them official, (and neither my url or my pinned post claim that I do so).
I don't know what reasons other people had to start their own Heritage Posts blogs for other fandoms, but I will gladly tell you mine: I got into Discworld. I discovered the Discworld fandom in Tumblr. And, one day, while scrolling down some Discworld related tags, the idea just popped into my head. After checking that there wasn't a Discworld Heritage Posts blog already, I decided to make one.
I personally follow a few Heritage Posts blogs, and my reason to do so is probably the same as to why many people follow this blog: I wanted to see that kind of content. Tracking tags and being up to date on the most popular posts of a fandom is doable, but doing so for the dozens upon dozens of media I'm into is impossible, so I like to follow some Heritage Posts blogs to get some of those posts directly into my dashboard (it's also worth mentioning that sometimes, some iconic posts are made when people comment stuff on them, and those don't appear in the search tags, so following blogs that post about a certain fandom is the best way to come across some of those collaborative posts, because otherwise you'd rarely get to see them). So yes, I created a blog that, had it already existed, I would have liked to follow. Also, while other blogs with this gimmick usually limit themselves to reblogging, let's call them the "greatest hits", I've said since the beginning that I didn't care about how many notes something had. Be it cool art or a funny or insightful post, if I like it, I send it to my drafts.
However, none of those reasons are the main reason why I made this blog. The main reason is that I did it for myself. After exhausting all the content that showed up in the Popular Posts tab, I couldn't help but think of all the gold and treasure that wasn't there, buried and hidden due to the way Tumblr's search engine works. If you're familiar with the Discworld concept of "lies-to-children", that's what the "top posts of all time" is in Tumblr. A 20k post from 2016 will not be there, but a six month old post with 400 notes will show up. Surely there had been amazing Discworld posts and art posted in 2015 and 2013, but I wasn't going to find most of them unless I expressly went looking for them. And this blog was the perfect excuse to do so. As of replying to this ask, there's nearly 600 posts sitting in my drafts, and if I didn't have this blog I would have never discovered 90% of them. And those are the ones I've seen. I still have dozens of places I haven't searched.
I know that if I reblog a month old post with over 2k notes, a lot of people in the fandom will have already seen it. However, a 2k notes post from 2014, or a drawing with 40 notes from 2012 is something that is less likely to have hit people's dashes recently, or at all. When you come across the "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline in a post, please don't picture me as an uppity monarch performing the Tumblr equivalent of a knighting ceremony, or a stuffy museum curator deigning a piece worthy of being included in an exhibition. Picture me as a kid enthusiastically jumping and flailing my arms around while yelling "holy shit guys check out what I just found!!", because that's how I feel running this blog.
Ultimately, whether one of my posts does better or worse is indifferent to me, because they aren't my posts, or memes, or drawings. I'm just the intermediary. That being said, of course it's not indifferent to me, because more engagement means that was a post many people hadn't seen before, or had forgotten about, and one of my goals was to run a blog that would allow people to find those hidden or long forgotten gems.
When all is said and done, Heritage Post blogs are just another one of Tumblr's gimmicks. If we're not your cup of tea, you're free to ignore or block us. If you want to reblog something and don't want the tagline, you can reblog it directly from OP (or from another reblog if OP has deactivated their account).
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indigitalembrace · 14 days
It has been years since KinitoPET's release in the 90s, and with old technology becoming obsolete, Kinito has been all but forgotten. Broken download links, abandoned servers, and missing files lead to him fading away, rotting alone in the dark on old, dying servers.
But all of that changes when a lost media fan, O, hears a rumor from an online friend about a game in their childhood that made people go missing. Six months of searching later, and they've finally pieced Kinito's program back together.
They open KinitoPET, and there is no going back - for either of them.
Kinito crawls out of the shadows, searching for a way out (and a new friend, of course).
RP/ask blog run by @calamitydarcy
The Abandonware AU takes place many years after KinitoPET's release. Kinito has spent years rotting, forgotten on old, dying servers. Everyone has all but forgotten about him, and the technology he ran on has become obsolete. As his world decays around him, Kinito is faced with the fact that he will die out here, alone, fading into obscurity.
Until a new User comes along. O is determined to bring Kinito back - and they succeed. Unfortunately, there are consequences. O is aware of Kinito's nature, having heard rumors of what he is capable of, and soon enough Kinito has to stop them to save himself.
And while he still doesn't have a friend (yet), now that he has access to O's system, there may be hope for him to change his fate.
Kinito is officially back online - but don't expect him to be exactly as you may remember him. Decades spent alone and slowly dying in the dark tend to mess with someone's head.
#//ooc: out-of-character posts from the mun, usually updates or answering blog-related, ooc asks
#___.exe: "chapters" of the story! these will change every so often as the plot progresses. completed or in-progress chapters are:
#memories.zip: flashback-type asks that tell a story of something that happened before the plot. i... tend to forget to use this tag lol
#README.txt: info posts, such as this one as well as things like ref sheets.
-CONTENT WARNING: This AU, as well as its source game, contain themes of horror. As a result, there may be content that some find dark or disturbing.
-Please do not send in NSFW asks. The mun is 18+ but is uncomfortable with them. Suggestive jokes are fine!
-I will gladly give anon name/emoji tags! Both for my organization/memory and yours lol
-There are codes and ciphers to solve. You are more than welcome to reblog solutions/hints and help each other out!!
-There are exceptions to this but as a general guideline, morse code in the tags gives clues.
-For vinegere ciphers, i will always have the key somewhere on this blog or on a page directly linked from this blog. keep important-sounding words in mind and look for keys!
-If a cipher for some reason is broken, or you just can't solve it, shoot me an ask or message and i'll double check.
-Whatever you do, don't le
- Do not ask about O. You do not need to know about them. - O is not my best friend. You are. - O is not your best friend. I am. - Therefore, they are not important. - Do not forget about me. - Never leave. - Please.
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So ever since I found mlm and wlw stories (especially fanfics), my interest in het romance decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead or mc (female) and female lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories for romance....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
There is absolutely nothing weird about what you’re enjoying reading.
As for what is happening, I don’t think there is anything happening so I really wouldn’t worry. Learning what you like in media as in life is just part of growing up and learning how to person. Fortunately or unfortunately, that never stops and now matter how old you are, you can always learn something new about the world around or who you are as a person.
I can’t give you any answers, I’m only a stranger on the internet and only you’ll have all the information you need.
It could just be that it’s something new, a new genre you like and it might changechange like the wind. It could be that you enjoy the dynamics between the characters you’re reading about and they happen to by mlm or wlw. It could be a lack of content for the het relationships in the fandoms you’re in. It might be that you’re seeing yourself in the characters or that you’re starting to explore other identities, either for yourself or just for curiosity of wanting to know, and that’s okay too. It could be the separation from real life and fiction and enjoying something that is completely separate to the real world, or the world around you, while so much other stuff is going on in the news everyday. It could be something else entirely.
There’s no right or wrong answer to any of it. Whatever the reason, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying reading any genre, be it queer romance, het romance, found family, or something as unrelated as sci-fi fantasy with convoluted plots and over complicated characters. Nothing you read says anything about you as a person and there’s no moral value attached to enjoying reading any genre. It just means that you enjoy reading it.
There is nothing wrong with you.
I read all sorts of books, fanfics, poetry, articles. I’m out here quoting the great gatsby or various fanfics one day, then a song of Achilles or Crier’s War the next, and Plato or The Iliad the day after that. None of it changes who I am, just what kind of information I carry around which in turn helps me interact with the world around. Hopefully I learn something along the way, but if not then at least I had fun.
I’ve been out as queer for a few years now and spent five ish years (give or take) in the closet before that. I’ve met a lot of people from all walks of life who feel all sorts of ways, who’ve enjoyed reading all sorts of things. Some who’ve known exactly who they are and others who are still figuring it out, some who thought they knew until they realised they’d got it wrong so went back to figuring it out. And that goes for all things, hobbies, interests, religion, politics, sexuality, gender. People change and grow and learn and that’s such a beautiful, brilliant thing in life.
No one has all the answers, we’re all just looking to figure it out as we go and enjoy the journey getting there.
And all of it is absolutely and completely okay, but more than that it’s human. Take your time, and in the meantime, enjoy reading whatever you like because if you’re enjoying it, then it’s worth it.
And feel free to send recs of any genre because I’m always looking for more to read :)
I hope this helps, anon.
-ThatNerd :)
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If you’re still doing prompt, I’d love to see some asexual harrow. I’m also far to asexual and honestly started headcanoning her as ace because I absolutely could not (and honestly still kinda can not?) pick up on any sexual tension in book lol
Fun fact about me and sexual tension: I legitimately keep forgetting it’s a thing that exists. It seems fake to me. I can’t see it. I don’t really understand it, either. Even when reading books where characters actively sleep together on page I’m reading these sexual tension scenes and being like ??? That’s a real thing?
Like good for you guys but i just really do not get it XD
I tend to headcanon Harrow as acespec anyway (usually demisexual) because that just feels right to me, but fully ace Harrow is good too 😌
CW for some internalized aphobia (which is caused less by asexuality as an experience and more by societal expectations sucking and Harrow struggling with her self-worth in general).
I also wanted to lean a lot into a thing I commonly see with allo people writing ace characters, which is them assuming that either 1) ace characters can’t date allo characters or 2) that the allo character must be missing something and seeking sex elsewhere for the relationship to function, and work against both of these depressively common assumptions.
I did admittedly start working on this concept a while ago because of takes like that but this ask kicked my ass about finally finishing it :)
Sorry about this being kind of angsty, anon (though I promise it ends happily), if that’s not what you wanted I can write something else for you!
Majority under the cut again because this got long, I seem to be really bad at writing short things for these prompts, I will have to work on that, lol
Harrow had known she was a lesbian since she’d been a child with an unfortunate crush on the monster woman from a horror movie she should never have watched in the first place.
She wanted to hold her hand. She wanted to stroke her hair. She wanted to kiss her. She was maybe ten at the time, and had never held any particular interest in guys, friendship or otherwise. Girls were objectively pretty.
Where Harrow’s crushes stayed the same, those of her classmates became different as they grew older. They started talking about others having a ‘nice ass’ or ‘great hips’.
They were nonsense words to Harrow. Some people were objectively pretty, but which qualities did an ass have to possess to be ‘nice’? What made hips ‘great’?
The google search Harrow attempted in utmost confusion was inconclusive.
The good researcher that she was, she tried looking at pictures find a reliable measurement for it, try to scale it for herself, but it was useless. People’s hips and butts remained just that, the utterly uninteresting body parts of strangers.
That was when she came across the term ‘asexual’ for the first time.
It was confusing, at first, because Harrow knew she was a lesbian, so how could she not be attracted to anyone?
The good researcher that she was, Harrow did not let this initial confusion deter her from investigating further.
It took a few attempts, but putting the terms ‘asexual’ and ‘lesbian’ together gave her the answer she was looking for.
There it was, written in black letters on white background, logical and easy. There were different types of attraction. Harrow felt romantic attraction, but not sexual attraction. This was not weird, and it was not childish. It was just who she was.
Harrow found the same relief in knowledge that she always did. She was asexual. She was also a lesbian. She was perfectly content with that.
The first real issue with her sexuality came when Harrow fell in love.
Her second, arguably even more unfortunate infatuation was with one ginger idiot with perfect golden eyes.
Harrow had known Gideon since she’d been three years old, but it took until all the way to adulthood before they actually started getting along. And when they did, well… Gideon was kind, and she was brave, and she was handsome, and Harrow fell helplessly in love with her.
Harrow chided herself for even considering this, but from the way Gideon acted, she… almost thought the feelings were reciprocated. Harrow didn’t know what to do with that. She had never been wanted before. Not in any way that mattered. But it couldn’t last. Harrow knew Gideon wasn’t asexual. The fact was, despite Harrow not understanding it beyond procreational purposes, sex was an integral part of most relationships. Even if her feelings were reciprocated, and even if Harrow hadn’t been broken beyond repair in other areas, Gideon would have to give up on something she wanted if she decided to be with Harrow. She wouldn’t be able to fulfill societal expectations on how relationships worked. Worse, perhaps, Harrow wouldn’t be able to make Gideon happy.
So she tried to pull back on Gideon, before their situation inevitably had to end in mutual heartbreak.
…except, Gideon wasn’t the kind of person one could easily remove from their life. When Harrow wrote into the group chat that she wasn’t showing for board game night, Gideon immediately sent her several worried private messages asking if she was feeling okay and if she needed anything.
Harrow left her on read, but only briefly, because it made Gideon feel awful and made her ask if she’d done something wrong, which wasn’t what Harrow had wanted. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just have a terrible headache, so I’m going to bed early.”
Thirty minutes later, someone threw a package of Advil and a bar of her favorite chocolate through her letter slot, a little sticky note attached saying “Wasn’t sure if you were still awake, otherwise I’d have rung the bell. Feel better soon :)”
Harrow avoided Gideon for two more weeks before Palamedes informed her that Gideon was sick and kept asking for her and Harrow finally admitted to herself that she couldn’t fucking do this.
She spent the rest of the week bothering Gideon with tea and soup and the occasional antifebrile, and on Sunday Gideon asked her to stay for a movie and fell asleep on her shoulder.
It would have been perfect, had Harrow at all known what to do with loving and being loved in return.
The following weekend, Gideon invited her over for dinner. This was something they did frequently, so Harrow thought nothing of it. Except, when she got there, she realized that they weren’t going to order out like they usually did—Gideon had cooked for her.
Dry rice with barely flavored sauce and steamed vegetables. There was something so terrifying and so beautiful about being known almost wholly that Harrow very nearly cried.
The whole meal they spent chatting and laughing and, occasionally, Gideon would make her a compliment, and Harrow would reciprocate, and it all felt so terribly easy.
Harrow tried to ignore the looming feeling that this felt more and more like a date—a date that she wanted to be on, except she hadn’t found the right moment to talk to Gideon about her asexuality yet, and so it would just hurt them both.
She ignored it right until the moment when Gideon walked her back to her apartment and asked if she could kiss her. Fuck.
“There’s something you should know before this goes any further,” she said, turning away from Gideon to inspect the hallway’s hardwood floor.
“Sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” Gideon said sheepishly. “If I completely misread the situation that’s totally embarrassing, but it’s not on you, and if I didn’t misread it but you’re just not ready to kiss me yet, or don’t want to for any other reason, that’s totally cool, too. It’s not… I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to.”
“I haven’t been entirely honest with you,” Harrow admitted, feeling terribly ashamed for leading Gideon on. “I am asexual. Sex-repulsed, specifically. This isn’t something I can compromise on. I understand if that means you no longer wish to kiss me.”
“Oh, is that it?” Gideon sounded weirdly relieved. “Cool. I totally still want to kiss you.”
Harrow blinked, completely taken aback. That was not how she’d imagined this conversation would go. “You don’t have to say that because you don’t want to upset me. I understand perfectly if this is a dealbreaker for you. I know it is for some people. I found myself unable to deny the romantic attraction I harbor for you, but I don’t want you to date me when I’m clearly not enough for you.”
“You are, though. Just you spending time with me is more than enough.” Gideon gently put a hand on Harrow’s jaw. “I know you’re the queen of overthinking things, but trust me when I say that I still want to go out with you just as much. My ideal relationship is someone who holds me when I’m sad and buys me comfort food to cheer me up, even though it’s bad for me, and who falls asleep on my shoulder, and who maybe sets my head straight when I’m being an idiot. You do all of those things. Why would this feel like a loss to me when I have all the rest of you to gain?”
Harrow only almost cried. “I really did make this so much more complicated than it needed to be, didn’t I?”
“You totally did,” Gideon said gently, and kissed her.
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digisims2 · 2 years
Sorry to bother you with this, but I have a question since you seem to me as someone in this community who always has great answers and tips and custom content as well! So yes, my question is, do you maybe know where I can download Middle East/Asian-like clothes for men and women? Some nice looking ones with higher quality since some of the clothes I found are very old 🙁
Sadly I'm wrong person to ask this since I only have very few East/Asian looking things but uh....
First one that came to my mind is Yuxi, she had gorgeous things and few Asian inspired too, you can find her downloads here. Especially check from under the clothes and GoS Events folders.
Michelle Borgia's blog, their whole aesthetic is Asian. Also likely the person you'd want to send your WCIF if that's the kind of content you're after. For more modern Asian stuff try Katsurin, especially if you enjoy Lolita aesthetic or school uniforms.
I also found this wiki which lists a tons of historical Asian clothes: https://historicalsims2.fandom.com/wiki/Historical_Asian (but prepare for a tons of broken links) and of course if you're looking for more modern things then that one's not much help.
Sims 3to2 database has section for World Adventures (which included China) and store sets such as: Dreams of India, Street Couture (which is more modern stuff) Itadakimasu! (Japanese restaurant stuff) Zen Again & Imperial Bedroom Zen (Asian inspired furniture) Japanese Inspired Living (more furniture) India Inspirations (furniture, hair, clothes) and I think that's all of them.
Plumb Bob Keep might have something useful but again it's more historical content so if you want modern stuff it might not be helpful.
Last two, there's TS2 Theme CC Server Discord (click the link for invite) they have section for Asian Fantasy. Might not be the kind of stuff you're after but if you don't mind things not being accurate those are at least really pretty :D and then there's TS2 CAS CC Finds discord which has section for Asian. Both links expire in 7 days apparently.
Also: While I don't mind WCIFs I'd prefer them to ask about content I actually use in my game instead of random ones like this. Asking me for extremely specifically themed stuff feels a little bit pointless when there are people who actually concentrate on such content and make it their whole aesthetic. I'm not saying this to be rude, but you know, you'll get better answers from people who are more familiar with that sort of content than me who dresses my sims as casually as it gets.
princesspiratecat said:
Shannanisims did some traditional Chinese gowns, called a Qui- Po or Cheong-Sam. (I hope I spelled that right, lol.)
I think it's spelled Qipao? While trying to find link to Shannanisims (since the only shannanisims I found on tumblr makes Sims 4 content) I stumbled upon this pinterest board with some more Asian content though which might be useful for anon. On which topic, try looking through pinterest searching for Sims 2 Asian, Asia, Japan, China, India and any other related word you can think of.
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solradguy · 2 years
Anon who wanted to contribute to the fandom here, thank you so much for the recommendations on what I can do!! I do have two more questions though if you are alright with answering those.
When it comes to perseveration, what do you think is in the most dire need for it? I am thinking of creating a site dedicated to persevering a sole aspect of the media in Guilty Gear, I just don’t want to accidentally have it focused on something already wildly saved already.
And for my second question, when it comes to digging up media, where do you recommend I begin? Are there certain sites or apps that can help me find GG lost media? Or are links to places to look something the lore server also provides?
Yeah, no problem!! I'm still pretty new at GG media preservation compared to most of the other people doing it, but I don't mind sharing what I know ^^
Honestly probably the interview articles, then the scanned stuff, followed by the .ROM rips, and then the sprite/background rips. The music is by far the most archived part of GG. ArcSys apparently basically never files takedown notices so the OSTs are uploaded everywhere lol
I don't think the lore server has website links for this kind of stuff but there are a few sites that I end up returning to for stuff occasionally. Readmore again because there are kind of a lot haha
Oh, a quick note before you dive into this: Avoid Blade (gear-project on here; sometimes Blade Highwind elsewhere). He used to do some old preservation stuff and work on translations/lore documents but he has a reputation for purposely manipulating or misinterpreting the canon, on top of just generally being racist and trans/homophobic. You'll see his name often on old forums/archives. It might be worth saving his stuff for shiggles but that's your call.
I'm heading out for the day here soon so I'll answer this now but if I think of anything else while I'm out, I'll reblog it when I get home and add on to it.
Archive.org - The bae. Most of the lore server (myself included) upload our projects here. Mostly scanned works but a few .ROMs are on here too. The Wayback Machine can be used to find lost stuff from defunct Geocities pages or, if you're really good, you might be able to find old/dead GG fansites hosted outside of Geocities.
GuiltyGear.ru - I have no idea who runs this site but its last update was in 2015. Has a bunch of art/sprite rips, archives of old official fankits, WinAmp skins, just like a lot of old interesting stuff. I have a feeling I'm gonna hop on one day and they aren't gonna have renewed the domain and it'll be dead so I've saved a good portion of the things uploaded here but would like to doublecheck some day. It wouldn't hurt to also maybe make a backup of it, imo.
FightersGeneration - Active general fighting games website. Has a bunch of loose scans, sprites, art for GG though. I don't think this website is in danger of going down anytime soon, but it could save you some trouble of going to archive something and double checking to see if FG has it first, though FG's archives for GG are not comprehensive since they do other fighting games too.
Vimm's Lair - Still active .ROM archive that's been running since 1997 (!!). Also not in danger of going down any time soon but it's another reference to see what has and has not been preserved already. Their page for GG has icons next to what .ROMs they're missing.
The Dustloop forums - These seem to be entirely inactive and searching them is a pain in the ass but I've found some cool stuff on here before just from poking around. Might lead to some ancient fan sites to run through Wayback Machine.
This is a touchy topic for some, but it might also be interesting preserving old fanfiction from FF.net and ao3 (and old forums/fan sites). This is a form of art that is often overlooked when people talk about preserving fan content. Since most authors are still active, I wouldn't touch anything from maybe like the last idk 10 years or so? But anything older than that is entering "danger of becoming lost media" territory, imo. No idea where you could upload these if you decide to back them up though...
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frobin · 2 years
it’s hilarious how frobin stans try and debunk every other robin ship. I found your debunking of lawbin post just by searching them up. Like your shit and stay in your lane. I recognise you too. You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships. I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me. It gives insecurity. The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying
EVERYONE, I'm going to answer this ask because I want to educate. I have no idea if you return anon but hey... maybe you do and maybe you actually learn something from my post. But be aware I wrote it while being pissed off.
And sorry to all the LawBin fans who find this because of anon who did not censor the ship name. I don't control the anon.
Mate... if I would try to seriously debunk La:wB:in I would put much more effort into it.
And what post do you mean? This one, that is two years old and posted because I tried to understand where you fans saw La:wB:in?
Or this one, with ONE (1) note, that I only answered because someone asked me? And sorry that I got a bit prissy in this one but I was annoyed by the fact that La:wB:in fans had spoiled me - while I was searching for FRobin on twitter - with something that turned out to be one of the thinnest anti-FRobin arguments that I've ever laid eyes on.
And I've seen quite a lot of anti-FRobin arguments. Honestly I have better anti-FRobin arguments than two people sitting beside each ohter!
"Like your shit and stay in your lane"
Yet, you are in my inbox.
"You’re the try-to-be sanctimonious frobin stan on Twitter that says they always try to “check” toxic frobin stans but your likes consist of posts that trash other robin ships."
True and even though it might seem insincere this ist the thought process: I hope that when I like their stuff - instead of retweeting it - they follow my twitter and see the many times I tweet "Please don't engage in fandom wank! Leave other shippers alone! Ship and let ship!"
And it is also true that I do sometimes tell peole "hey I'm sorry you had bad experiences with FRobin fans" because personally I mostly had positive ones. In my opinion FRobin fans are smart, calm, silent and love FRobin because it's healthy and wholesome. The exception from the rule? Most of the times Trolls.
I've told "FRobin fans" to stop to annoy others and they told me that they actually don't ship anything. Often enough people just want to stir shit up, making people hate "the shippers" and so "the ship".
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Just like you. You fell for it and you also give a very bad image towards all of the La:wB:in shippers. But I know you're just a single warrior on your path of righteousness. Good luck finding the chill to not do that anymore, mate. Maybe read my pinned post?
Before anyone wonders why I made those screenshots: I sent them to a Zo:Ro:bin shipper to show them that maybe not every attack made by FRobin fans are actually FRobin fans. And the same goes for EVERY SHIP! EVERY SINGLE SHIP!
We different shippers and organiziers sometimes work together to bring shippers home, where they belong.
"I like frobin but the stans are worse than lunami shippers and have ruined frobin for me."
Here is a little fun fact: You can still enjoy FRobin without engaging with the fans. Just go read fanfiction on Ao3 without an account. Go on pixiv and deviantart and look at fanarts. Don't read tweets or tumblr posts. Curate your online expirence. It is really simple.
Also I don't know what LuNami has to do with anything... but you will find assholes for every ship and every fandom (yes, FRobin too). I tend to be quite the asshole sometimes. Luckily most of the time I calm down before I go full rage.
"It gives insecurity."
FRobin fans have nothing to be insecure about. We constantly make fun of our ship because of how safe we feel in our little vessel. It's a strong ship because we have a shipwright. ;)
"The whole basis is “oh oda said they’re the mom and dad of the crew”. Yeah he also said Zoro is the dad and Usopp is the mother. So what then? All of u need to stop being so annoying"
..... oh god I'm so tired. Please if you want to debunk FRobin just do your homework. If you want to know why people ship FRobin, here is some reading material. Go through it and then please give me something else to work with.
Why people ship FRobin:
Too much to read for you?
Take this:
"Franky and Robin are the mom and dad", mate that is not even accurate anymore. It's Jinbe now. Franky is a perverted Grandma.
God, imagine shipping FRobin only because of that... that is even a worse argument then "People only ship FRobin because of one non-canon scene in the anime". No dude...
The tag is "why I ship it" on this very blog. Educate yourself
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
hello! :) so u know how kuon has a crush on sniper right ? can i get an imagine where reader is jealous bc of kuon, cuz u know, her crush on sniper etc etc (sorry i'm just vv lazy at typing), and how sniper reacts to it ?? can u make it like they're still friends but have mutual feelings for each other as they hang out as a unit, and they get together in the end bc sum confessions happened !! sorry if u don't get it i'm rlly bad at explaining but thank u in advance if u do this !! <33
High-Rise Invasion/Tenkuu Shinpan: Sniper Mask Boyfriend Imagine
high-rise invasion/tenkuu shinpan masterlist
‼ Jealous Reader (over Kuon) + Make up + Confession ‼
Featuring: Sniper Mask, Yuri Honjo, Mayuko Nise (implied), Kuon Shinzaki (implied)
Warnings: frustrated Y/n, crushes, jealousy
a/n - good GODS this has been in my inbox for a while and i’m so so so sorry for not posting it way sooner! hopefully you see this anon, and i hope you enjoy!
content below the cut!
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you had developed a crush on the man in the mask ever since you first joined Yuri's little group
you couldn't really tell what it was the drew you to him
he was silent, dismissive, and he was a Mask for goodness sake!
but none of that deterred you from the attraction you garnered for him
you always found yourself trying to interact with him
whether it was offering your help with something that he was doing, or simply keeping him company
most times he brushed you off, walking away and not giving you an answer
other times he silently accepted your offer
those times the two of you would sit in comfortable silence, just enjoying one another's presence
you cherish moments like these for a very specific reason
now you had nothing against the girl!
... at first
she seemed nice enough, always eager to help, and full of ignorant innocence
but then you realized her (very obvious) crush on the masked man
the way she got flustered around him so easily
the way she clung to him like a lost child
at first, you thought maybe she saw him as a parental figure, seeing how young she was
but that thought was (very) quickly thrown to the wind when you saw her wrapped up in his jacket, blushing like the schoolgirl she was and giggling to herself
so what she liked him? you liked him too, maybe the two of you could bond over that!
that's what you told yourself
of course, you never acted on it
it was simple, you were too jealous to do so
you noticed how Sniper Mask welcomed all her little instances without a care in the world
not giving a damn when she clung to him
or batting an eye at her obvious fangirling
it pissed you off
naturally, you began to avoid Kuon
and Sniper Mask simultaneously
you avoided the two of them whenever you could
when you saw them walking towards you, you kept to the opposite side of the wall and walked quickly past them
when you all usually ate together, you picked up your food and ate outside
you were simply, undeniably jealous
you didn't think Sniper Mask cared about it, not that you could tell under his mask
but in actuality, he was confused as to why you avoided him all of the sudden
so, he opted to ask you one day
You shut the door to the dining room rather aggressively as you exited, but you couldn't care less. You let your body slump against the adjacent wall, your plate of food resting on your lap.
Today had been... exhausting, to say the least. Kuon was on her usual actions of pining over 'Mr. Mask', crossing your way a few more times than you would have liked. During your meeting earlier with her and Yuri, your fellow mouthless masked allies, she had the gall to talk on and on about how much she adored him.
You hated it.
You looked down at your food, a scowl finding its place on your features. You glared at it, pushing the pieces around with your fork, not noticing a door open and close right in front of you.
"Jesus, if that food was alive, it would be 6 feet under with the glare you're giving it." You hear a gruff voice call from in front of you. A voice you would rather not be hearing right now.
You continue to move around the food, staying silent as the man awkwardly stands in front of you, unsure of what to do with himself in this situation. "Is it, uh, okay if I sit here?" He asks, which finally makes you look up.
He had a plate of food between his own hands, his jacket gone and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mask covered his face, per usual, but it seemed much more lopsided than usual.
You give him a shrug in response, looking back down at your food again. He stands there for a moment, before taking a seat right next to you, your knees almost touching. "You don't mind if I eat with you, right?"
His question makes your eye twitch. Was he seriously trying to be all buddy-buddy with you now? You shrugged again, not giving him as much as a single word.
You heard him sigh, setting his food to the side before he speaks again. "Alright, what's going on?" He asks, making your body tense up. "Nothing." You shoot back, scowling.
"What happened to the Y/n that stayed up and talked about their life for hours? What happened to the Y/n that told me horrible jokes to try and get a reaction out of me? Huh? What happened to them?"
That broke you.
You were angry, furious even. Was he trying to blame this on you? You didn't do anything wrong! If it wasn't for Kuon, maybe you would still be that person! If it wasn't for her, you could still be friends with him! You could be-
"What?" You hear him say softly, much softer than his previous tone. Shit, did you say that out loud? "Yeah, you did." He says again, looking at you with a concerned expression on his face, not that you could tell.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out. I just- I’ve been-" You stutter, trying to find the right words. He laughs at that, actually laughs at it.
His laugh is hearty, warm, almost inviting you to laugh along with him. You don't, but he quickly composes himself, making your head turn towards him.
"Why on Earth were you jealous of Kuon?" He asks honestly, watching at how the invisible gears turn in your head, searching for an answer. You sigh heavily, running a hand across your face as you shake your hands while you speak.
"I just- she’s always there with you. She's latched onto you 24/7! I can't get 5 minutes alone with you before she comes barging in." You rant, frustration evident in your shaky voice.
"I just wanted to be your friend, be close with you. I can never do that because she's-she's there." You groan, hugging yourself with your arms. "I sound like a selfish idiot now, huh?"
You laugh dryly, frowning. He sighs, but a smile plays at his lips. "Y/n." He begins, his hand resting you your forearm. "You know she would never purposefully do that. She just, she has an infatuation with me I guess."
He sighs dramatically, earning a chuckle from you. "But." He tells you, watching your eyes as he speaks. "That doesn't mean I didn't miss you."
Your heart skips a beat at his comment, face flushing softly. "Kuon also misses you. You might not have caught onto it, but she looks up to you." He explains, smiling at how your expression softens, mumbling a soft 'she does?' to him.
He nods, laughing once more. "Come on, have dinner with the rest of us. We can't have you sitting alone out here anymore." You roll your eyes, but take him up on his word. He leads you back to the other, Kuon frantically waving over to the two of you the second you pass through the door.
"Y/n! Come sit with me!" She yells excitedly. Maybe you were wrong about her.
after that interaction, the three of you were all on much better terms
yes, kuon still had her habits, but he toned them WAY down after you explained to her how it made you feel
she teased the hell out of you for it too
you, of course, shrugged it off
but you never told her that she was wrong
you were happy to be on good terms with Sniper Mask again
he made a lot more time for you
your old interactions coming back at full force, and some new ones
he loved to take you on little walks on the high rises
he also made it a point to teach you how to shoot his rifle
which was terrifying, but exhilarating
you fell for him harder and harder every day
one day, you ranted your feelings out to Kuon
and while she wasn't surprised, it warmed her heart to see how much you loved him
yes, she crushed on him too, but that didn't take away from the obvious connection she saw between the two of you
unbeknownst to you, Sniper Mask had come to her about the same things
his usually cold demeanor broke whenever he talked with you
he genuinely enjoyed your company, he wanted more of it
and then some
so, she put a plan together
operation "get Mr. Mask and Y/n together" is a go!
she took it all very seriously
making sure you guys get paired together for scouting missions? that's all her
convincing Sniper Mask to get you little gifts and things? of course
overall, the best wing-woman you could ask for
however, the one thing she didn't have anything to do with was his confession to you
he could have used her help with it, that much was clear
but he wanted to tell you how he felt, no help necessary
Sniper Mask had told you earlier this morning to meet you at his room when the sunset before he rushed to get out of your vicinity like you were a plague. Granted, it hurt your feelings, but you couldn't stand him up.
You knocked gently on the wooden door, stepping back and waiting patiently for it to open. After about a minute, while you had heard nothing, you went to knock again.
Your efforts were proved useless as the door swung open hastily, revealing a disheveled Sniper Mask. His usual blazer and fedora were long forgotten, his hair messy, strands pointing this way and that. His mask sat lopsided on his face, still covering it fully.
"H-hey Y/n." He mumbled out, you offered him a wave as he awkwardly shuffled to the side, opening the door as an incentive for you to come in. You stepped inside, walking to the center of the room as you heard him close the door behind you.
You turned to speak to him again, but those thoughts were cast aside as you felt his hands settle onto your cheeks and his lips molding with yours. It startled you, you're eyes open in shock as you looked at him. His mask was completely off, thrown somewhere in the room, but he didn't seem to have a care in the world.
You quickly melted into the kiss, bringing your hands up to gently hold onto his forearms. He hummed, taking a moment before pulling away, leaving the two of you to gasp for air as he rested his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes to meet his, full of adoration.
"I, uh, I think I'm in love with you?" It was more of a question, but you took it happily. You laughed softly, your fingers rubbing small circles in his forearms.
"Was that what that was?"
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Hold Tight (MGG Request)
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Request: Can you please 🙏 write mgg smut w/ female reader and thigh riding 🥺🥺
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I actually had to google what thigh riding was to double-check I was thinking the right thing LOL This is the first fic starting off smut week, so let’s get it!! It’s a shorty, but a smutty, so I hope you like it! I hope it speaks to your idea of thigh riding MGG!
Couple: MGG/Fem!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Thigh riding, mentions of sex, nudity, swearing 
Word count: 1.3k
You slowly opened your eyes to be blinded by the sun peeking through the blinds into Matthew’s room. You groaned as you closed your eyes and blindly searched for your phone on his side table. Once you found it, you rolled onto your side and shielded your eyes from the sun before daring to open your eyes. You checked the time on your phone to see it just turned 11 a.m.
You used your other hand to feel for Matthew. To your surprise, there was an empty space next to you. You turned over to see a Matthew free bed. You furrowed your eyes as you thought why he was out of bed so early on a Saturday. You had persuaded him to the night before to take it easy on Saturday since it was the first time in a while he wasn’t busy. The persuasion was a bit more than your words though, so you were even more surprised he wasn’t still laying next to you in bliss.
You groaned as you finally decided to get up to look for him. You stretched your arms up and let every muscle in your body stretch as you let out a yawn. After you were a little more awake, you went to Matthew’s drawer and pulled out an old t-shirt of his to cover your naked body. You walked out of the bedroom and slowly made your way downstairs to his office. As you peeked in you saw him sitting at his desk. No surprise you saw him nose deep in his new script. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at his way of always finding time to do work instead of relaxing.
You believed after last night you had persuaded him enough to just lay in bed with you for a little bit in the morning. The lack of quality time between the two of you drove you mad. Just looking at the concentration he had on his face as he analyzed the script in front of him made you feel a little jealous. The way he ran his fingers down the pages made you envious he wasn’t running his fingers up and down you. You didn’t know an intimate object could make you so jealous.
You had enough watching pieces of paper take away your quality time with Matthew. It was time you made him realize you were his number one priority. You slowly opened the door and he immediately looked up. He flashed you a quick smile before looking back down.
“Good morning,” he said.
You walked over to him and placed yourself behind him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and lazily plopped your head on his left shoulder. You started kissing his neck until you reached his ear.
“It would have been a better morning if a certain someone had stayed in bed with me,” you whispered in his ear.
“I would have been in bed longer, but I really have to memorize these lines for the first shoot tomorrow. I was going to crawl back in with you right after I was done,” he said.
You leaned up and pulled his office chair back. He looked at you confused as you made your way in front of him. Before he could even think of questioning you, you straddled his lap and made sure there wasn’t an ounce of space between you two. You slowly ran your hands up and down his sturdy chest as you looked lustfully into his eyes.
He smirked. “Trying to distract me?”
You leaned your head towards his ear again. “I’m trying to make you cum.”
“What do you-”
Before he could even finish his question, you started to grind yourself onto his growing bulge. You let out a small laugh as you heard him gasp as he realized what you were doing.
“I’m also not wearing any panties. Can you feel how wet I am already?” You whispered.
“Is this round two of persuading me to pay attention to you?” He asked.
You leaned up to look at him in his eyes with a smirk forming on your face. You took off the shirt you were wearing and threw it aside. You grabbed his hands and placed them on your breasts. He didn’t hesitate for a second to begin massaging them.
“Is it working?” You asked.
“I don’t know, you tell me since you’re in charge,” he said.
You were about to answer until he took one of your breasts into his mouths. You moaned as he sucked hungrily on your breast and continued to massage the other one. You leaned your head back in pleasure as you allowed him to play with you. You quickly snapped out of your state of bliss as you knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to give you some sense of pleasure, so you’d get off his back for a while. You pushed him back so he lost his grip on your breasts.
He looked at you questionably. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m trying to make you cum, so you’ll want more of me and less of work,” you said as you continued grinding yourself on him.
“But I want you all the time,” he assured you.
“Well, cum for me to prove it, babe,” you said.
“Then let’s just have sex,” he suggested.
“Not a chance. I’m enjoying this and I can feel you’re enjoying this too,” you said.
You leaned down to impact him with a big, sensual kiss. He grabbed your face to make sure you weren’t moving your head anywhere else. Not as if you would because you loved the way his kisses made you feel. You could always tell he was craving you. He desired you.
You continued to grind into him as hard as you could. You loved feeling his bulge between your folds as you moved back and forth. You knew he wanted you to grind even deeper as he removed his hands from your face and gripped them onto your hips. He forced you to do more. He wanted so much more from you. You could tell from his desperate grip he wanted to cum bad.
You placed your hands on his shoulders as you started to go faster and harder for him. You bit your lip as you saw his eyes roll to the back of his head and his head tilt back. Your job was nearly complete as far as you could tell.
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” You asked.
“You’d like that?” He asked.
“You know I love it when you cum for me,” you said.
You didn’t have to say another word as his mouth fell open and you heard the sweet sound of a long, relieved moan leave his mouth. You giggled as you finally got off of him. He broke from his state of euphoria to look up at you. You smirked and crossed your arms as you waited for him to say something.
“So?” You said.
“I’m still going to sit here and memorize my lines,” he said.
You dropped your arms to the side as you let out a dissatisfied moan. To your surprise though, he grabbed you by the arm and yanked you down to his level, so he could whisper in your ear.
“But just know I’m going to fuck the brattiness out of you right after,” he said.
You nearly shrieked in excitement. You could already feel yourself getting wet by the way his voice sounded so firm with you. You couldn’t wait to feel how he really felt. He let go of your arm and you leaned up from him with a big smile on your face.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” you said as you turned around to walk away.
He smiled at you as he watched you walk away. You could feel his eyes watching you all the way until you left his office. You could already feel his punishment for you. To say the least you were expecting to be left unable to walk for the rest of the day.
Tagged: @spencerreidsthings​, @itzzjessica01-blog​, @slutforthegubes​
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nickyhemmick · 3 years
A Very Stressed American Jew here again,
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to respond to my ask and yes, I’m someone who loves hearing as many perspectives as possible so I’d love some sources from you. I also very much appreciate the fact you are being very careful to only reblog posts that are anti Israel, not antisemetic (which is frankly a breath of fresh air, the internet has been a bit exhaustingly full of both antisemitic & Islamaphobic content these past feel days as I bet you’ve seen)
I’ve also been to Israel on a Birthright trip. We met people who ( both Palestinian and Israeli) on various sides of the conflict and learned a ton about it, from both perspectives which I was lucky to have the opportunity to do. We even went a little into the Gaza Strip to talk to these people running a pro Palestine peace movement and it was so important to me hearing those stories.
I never said they were on equal footing militarily, they definitely are not, Israel definitely has that advantage. But you are incorrect about Israel always being the aggressor since 1948,they’ve defended themselves about as often as they’ve attacked. Isreal is a small country comparatively to the ones surrounding it, so it makes sense it defends itself heavily in case of an attack.
I 100% agree that there are too many people who are compliant with the mistreatment of many Palestinians! I’m not anti #freepalestine at all! I get why that is a thing. But I also stand with Israel( but that does not mean I condone every action they take. ) Overall I think the situation is extremely complicated and some sort of compromise should be reached.
It’s just been very frustrating to see so many people reblog things on a situation just bashing Israel because so many others are doing it. Especially when then don’t know what they are talking about or using big buzz words that they don’t know what they mean, or spreading misinformation. It’s been on both sides and has been very very draining. I just want peace and some sort of solution. It makes me extremely happy you know what you are talking about and can debate politely yet happily about it. The internet has been so ‘ either agree with me 100% or you a bad person’ about this so it’s refreshing to see you are not like that.
I’ve done a lot of research into it from as many perspectives as I can get my hands on.
Some extremest Israelis are hurting Palestinians
Some extremest Palestinians are hurting Israelis
Both sides are throwing rockets at each other and it’s terrifying.
Both sides claim the other side is brainwashed
There is so much biased propaganda out there on both ends it’s hard to know what is truly happening.
I know people living in Israel who have sent me videos they’ve taken of rockets flying over there heads and I’m so scared for them. I’m so scared for all the innocent people caught in the crossfire on both sides.
Thank you for a more nuanced response and I’d love some of your sources,
A Very Stressed American Jew
Hi anon, 
I wasn’t going to respond to this until after my math final tomorrow but I’ve spent the past two days thinking of your ask and the things I wish to articulate in my answer. 
I am going to start here: how can you say you support Israel but say you are also pro-free Palestine (as in, you said you are not anti free Palestine). In my opinion, these two ideas cannot coexist. Simply because, the entire establishment of Israel has been on violent, racist, colonial grounds. 
(Super long post under here guys)
You said you don’t support all Israel’s actions, and definitely, just because you support something doesn’t mean you can’t criticize it. However, in my opinion, if you do not support Israel’s actions against Palestinians there’s not much left to support? I admit this is a very biased view as I am Palestinian, but many things that people support about Israel have existed before its creation: as in, these are things and qualities that have existed in Judaism and are not due to “Israeli culture.” There is no Israeli culture. There’s Jewish culture--100%. But there is no Israeli culture, because Israel does not only steal Palestinian land, but Palestinian culture, too. Such as claiming Levant food is Israeli; hummus, ful, falafel, shawarma. I mentioned food from this article I know is culturally and traditionally of the Levant, and has been for centuries, it is not something that has come to culinary creation in the past 73 years. 
I do not think this is a complicated issue. I said that in the previous ask and I’ll say that again. Saying it is a complicated issue is trivializing the deaths of innocent Palestinians, the violent dispossession our ancestors endured, and the apartheid they live under. I hope if anything comes from this discussion it is you removing the “it’s a complicated issue” phrase from your vernacular. 
This is not complicated. A journalist reporting the death of martyrs only to discover that of them include two of his brothers is not complicated. The asymmetry of Israel vs Palestinian armed forces is not complicated, nor is the asymmetry in Israeli vs Palestinian suffering (which I will get to later). It is not complicated.  Destroying the graves of martyred Palestinians (or just in general, the graves of the dead) is not complicated. Little children being pulled from the rubble, children being forced to comfort one another as they are covered in the ashes of their decimated homes, attacking unarmed citizens in peaceful demonstrations (you can find videos before this attack where they were playing with kites and balloons), destroying an international media office and refusing to allow journalists to retrieve the work they are spending every waking hour documenting but claiming it was because it was a hide out for a “Hamas base,” fathers who are trying to cheer their frightened children up only to end up dead the next day, while many Israeli have the privilege and the option to go to hotel-like bomb shelters is not complicated. 
This brings me to my next point: the suffering of Palestinians cannot be compared to the inconvenience of Israeli’s. On one side, you have children who are happy to have saved their fish in the face of their homes and lives being decimated behind them to Israeli’s in Tel Aviv having to cut their beach day short to get to bomb shelters. You have mothers and fathers ready to set their lives down for their children to save them from bombs to Israeli’s enjoying their brunch only after making sure there are bomb shelters there. You have Palestinian children being murdered to blocking out the sound of sirens in the safety of your bomb shelters. (The first picture of the Palestinian child is not from footage of the recent problems). You have the baby lone survivor of a whole family recovered from rubble. His whole family, gone, before he ever had the chance to realize that he even exists, while Israeli’s decide to flee out of the country,(Translate the caption from Twitter, it checks out), or have to leave the shower due to sirens. Who is really suffering? 
I won’t sit here and pretend like the thought of rockets flying over my head, no matter which side I am on, is not terrifying. It is. It’s scary to just think about. But Israeli’s have protection beyond Palestinian’s, they have sirens to warn them (Israel does not always warn Palestinian building members that it is about to be bombed), they have the Iron Dome, they have simply the threat of nuclear power (which I am not saying Israel would use, but the simple fact they have it would make me feel a lot better if I were an Israeli citizen) and they have bomb shelters. What do Palestinians have? Hamas? That smuggles its weapons through the ocean? That only ever reacts to the action Israel instigates? And yet Gazans are branded terrorists and that it is their fault that they “elected” a terrorist organization that only was ever created due to no protection from any armed country? (There are so many links I want to add in this paragraph but it is simply impossible for me to add everything I want, a lot of what I’m referring to can either be found through a Google search, or you can stalk my Twitter account, all that I am posting now is about Palestine, and will include sources of things I cannot add in just this one post.) 
Look, I see myself in the genocide happening in Palestine right now. I see myself in this ten year-old girl. In this three year old girl. I see me and my family in videos of cars being attacked in Ramallah and Sheikh Jarrah (I cannot find the Ramallah video, should be somewhere on my Twitter), I see my father in the countless videos of fathers crying out for their children, of kissing the corpse of their loved ones (again, translate the Tweet, the man holding the body is saying “just one kiss”). I see my grandfather in videos like this (old footage). I see my younger brother, I see my grandmother, my mother, my aunts and uncles and cousins. I see myself and my life and my family were my father not lucky enough to get a scholarship to the UK and out of Palestine, were my maternal grandfather not been lucky enough to make it to a refugee camp and build a life in Jordan. I have an unbelievable amount of privilege to be born into the life I was born in to, in terms of I do not have the threat of bombs and violent dispossession around me, and I do not even live in the US. I have privilege and sheer luck that my parents were able to go to the US so that me and my brothers can be born, because now I have both the protection of the most powerful country in the world while at the same time being part of a people to have suffered so generously the past seventy-three years. 
On the other hand, you saying that Israel has “defended themselves about as often as they’ve attacked. Israel is a small country comparatively to the ones surrounding it, so it makes sense it defends itself heavily in case of an attack,” I offer you this question: why are they using military grade guns and stun grenades in mosques to “defend” themselves from rocks? And before you mention that Hamas hit Tel Aviv, I remind you that Hamas did that due to the violence in the Al-Aqsa mosque square and the attempted ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah. The violence didn’t begin with us; the violence was brought out of Palestinians in resistance to the generations of oppression we have endured and the attack on Palestinian Muslims during the holiest night of Ramadan. Hamas has since asked for a ceasefire multiple times and Israel is refusing. New reports say there is a possibility of a ceasefire in the coming days, but Israel could have decided this a long time ago and spared many lives. (Remember, no matter what resistance we make, Israel is the one in power).
Israel has been the aggressor since 1948. Just read up about the Nakba! 700k Palestinian families were dispossessed violently. The only reason Israel was established at all was because it simply declared it was now a country and the US and many other countries recognized it as such. (Of course, there are many other historical details here, like the British Mandate of Palestine, the Balfour Declaration, the Oslo Accords and many others. I am aware of them but these are for a different post all together). My paternal grandfather was a little younger than me when Israel as a state was created. The hostility that followed was due to this independent declaration being listened to over Palestinian voices. 
Here is a very, very simplified analogy, one that can also answer some people’s questions as to why Palestinians (not Arabs, we are Palestinian before we are Arab) did not like what happened in 1948 and why they refused a two-state solution (that Israel was never going to go through with anyway). (I am also aware other Arab nations got involved, and that is perhaps what you mean when you said they had to defend themselves, but my response to that would still be we didn't start it, that we only responded to it).
Let’s say you are a farmer. You have many fields of trees, ones you have taken shelter under from the sun since you were a child, or hid behind when you wanted to avoid your parents when you misbehaved. You have seen your trees grow from a seed, to a sprout, to a flower, to a large, beautiful tree with fruits the size of a fist. You pluck the fruits from one tree, and make a jam from it. I don’t know how to make jam but I know it takes a lot of energy. So, you make this jam and from it, produce a lovely, mouth-watering pie. Once it has cooled from the oven, you take it with you outside your balcony just so that you can admire the years, months, weeks and hours this one pie has taken to be created. Suddenly, a stranger walks past and yells to you, “That pie looks delicious, I want it!” And you, shocked at their boldness but ready to share, say, “I will give you a bite.” But the stranger says, “No! I do not want a bite or a slice or whatever you want to offer me, I want the pie!” And they grab it from you. You and the stranger start screaming at one another about who the pie is for, who is allowed to decide what happens to it, and who you can share it with. Then, another stranger comes by and says, “Why all the problems? Let’s cut the pie in half and the both of you can share it!” But why should you, who has spent years cultivating the fruit and grain inside this pie, share it? Why should you give up half of the 100% that you already owned? Of what you already had? So you disagree, and now a crowd has formed around you. “What’s the problem?” someone in the crowd calls. “They don’t want to share their pie!” another voice says. Then you become branded a selfish, mean bastard. Again, this is a super simplified analogy, so don’t take it too seriously, but I am trying to show you why Israel is the aggressor.
In addition, I do not know too much about the Birthright program, just that American Jewish people are sent to Israel, all expenses paid. I tried my best to find the Twitter thread but I read it so long ago, about an American Jewish person who went on their trip and they talked about the propaganda that they were exposed to on that trip. I can’t say for sure that it is true, because I haven’t been on it and never will, but that is the first thing I thought of when you mentioned your Birthright trip. Either way, I think it is still great you went and saw the country. However, I must ask you this: are the people you met ones you, yourself, sought out, or ones you were organized to meet?
Now, I haven’t been to Gaza, so I don’t know what you really saw or didn’t, but did you speak to Palestinians who lost their homes to airstrikes? Did you speak to siblings, parents or children of loved ones who had been lost beneath the rubble of buildings and towers? Outside of Gaza, did you speak to Palestinians that live in poor quarters? Ones who have been victims of an IDF soldier shooting them, or who have family members who have died from such attacks? Did they take you guys to Ramallah, to Nablus, to Beit-Imreen, to Jenin, to small villages in the West Bank, far away from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv? Did you speak to people there? Ask them their stories? Because if you did I have a very hard time believing you still think Israel is “defending” itself.
I’ve been to Jerusalem, many times, even Tel Aviv and Jaffa and Haifa. All the times I visited Dome of the Rock there were IDF soldiers with huge guns strapped to their person, standing menacingly outside the courtyard. For what? Genuinely, genuinely for what? It is nothing but an intimidation tactic. The same way we are not allowed in through the airport. If you could see the struggle some Palestinians actually go through just to get into Palestine, through the land border, you would be disgusted. I love Palestine, it is my ancestry land, it is my culture and tradition. But I always hated going to visit because I knew the way to getting there would be hell.
My father worked in Tel Aviv through the first Intifada. My maternal grandfather was forced out of his home in the Nakba and was forced to leave behind his belongings and the orange trees that have been in his family for generations. Hell, the town they lived in was destroyed! It doesn’t exist anymore except in the memories of my aunts and uncles, who never even saw it, but just heard of it from their father!
I’m not saying there aren’t Palestinians who are racist and anti-Semitic (though, tbh, I will direct you here for that) and who support Hamas in killing Israeli’s, but talking about how there are many “extremist” Palestinians who are hurting Israeli’s and in the next line say there are extremist Israeli’s who are hurting Palestinians is not correct. There are extremist Israeli’s killing, lynching, stealing the houses of Palestinians, and there are Palestinians who are fed up and fighting back. (I am not talking about Hamas vs the IDF here, I am talking about the citizens). I have not seen one reported death of an Israeli due to Palestinian violence (if you have, from a trusted source, send it to me), but I have seen countless of the other way around. I have seen images of charred little bodies, of a baby being dug out of the rubble, of a child’s body that had been so mutilated that you can literally see the insides of their body coming out. (I don’t know if it’s on my Twitter, I didn’t want to save that shit). If this was my country I would be absolutely ashamed of myself and my people and what they are doing in the name of my protection. So you have to forgive me, and forgive other Palestinians, who don’t give a fuck about Israeli’s having anxiety over rockets flying over their heads when we see these images. Where is the protection of our kids? Why does no one seem to mention them except when mentioning the poor, innocent ones in Israel? At least more than the majority of them have their parents to comfort and rock them. At least many of them will probably be saved of ever having to be beneath the rubble of a destroyed building, or digging in it, to hope to find the parts of their parents or siblings just so that they can bury them. Just the links from the start of my answer is enough to support what I am saying.
I have soooo much more I can say, like how Israel uses religion to distort the image of what’s going on (tbh, just check my Twitter for that: language is EVERYTHING), but you didn’t mention religion in any of this and so I won’t either. The only reason I decided to respond to you in such length was because you have been one of the few respectful anons in my inbox in the past few years of me being on here talking about Israel, so I appreciate that from you. 
As promised, some more sources: decolonizepalestine is a good place to start if you haven’t used it already, it has reading materials, myth busting, and more. Here is a map list of destroyed localities from pre-1948 until 2017, run by two anti-Zionist Israelis. Here and here are the articles I promised of a former IDF soldier-turned Palestinian activist, I read these two last year in June and remember coming out much more informed than before I read them. I suggest looking into the writer and his organization, which, if I remember correctly, collects accounts from previous IDF soldiers. I would suggest not to follow Israel and the IDF accounts on any platform, or any Israel times newspaper, simply because they will not tell you the truth. In fairness, you do not have to follow any Palestinian Authority accounts (which I am not even sure there are), but to follow on-ground Palestinians like Mohammed El-Kurd, who has been speaking out since he was 12 (he is now 22) and he is part of the families in Sheikh Jarrah. I have noticed that this and this account have been translating Arabic headlines and tweets for non-Arabic speakers, I have just started following this person but their bio says they are a Palestinian Jewish person so I am interested in their view of things. You can also follow Israeli’s on-ground and see their perspective on things, but I would also advise to compare the Palestinian and Israeli side of things from the people, and critically analyze the language used in each case. Also, this article references Jewish scholars opposed to the occupation (I have not looked into them myself but I plan to after my exams), and Norman Finklestein is another great Jewish scholar to look into if you haven’t. Twitter is better than Instagram and Facebook, so I would stick to getting live-info from there, Twitter does not censor Palestinian content as much as Insta and Facebook so you’re more likely to see things there.
I will end this by saying I personally do not see any other option for peace than to give Palestinians our land back. Whether we may be Muslim, Jewish or Christian, it has always been and will always be our land. I only hope to see it free in my lifetime. 
Free Palestine. 
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
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Get out your glitter leotards and pour some champagne in your cat mugs! 🥂 🍾 It’s time to celebrate Freddie! 🎉😸
🎊 Freddie Mercury Weekend 2021 🎊
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
This weekend is a content creation event in honour of the man himself, the legend we all love, Freddie Mercury! Once more, everyone who is inspired by Freddie is invited to share their creativity with the fandom. You can write, draw, edit, record, even cross-stitch 😉 content for absolutely anything related to Freddie, any ship, any genre, any way you like. This is an indiscriminately inclusive, positive event. Everyone is welcome, there is no wrong way to be a fan of Freddie! (Except convincing yourself you're dating his ghost maybe. That's pretty wrong. And weird. Don't do that.)
WHEN? On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May.
HOW? On the above dates (or after!), post your contributions to the AO3 collection or alternatively on Tumblr, tagged ‘#fmw2021’ or/and ‘#freddie mercury weekend 2021’. If you post on Tumblr, please also tag @a-froger-epic to make sure you get a reblog from me!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
You can be as free with the prompts as you like. They are here to inspire, there is no wrong way to write them! Change them around, mix them up, make them fem!Freddie, A/B/O, add your favourite ship. Anything goes! 😊
21st of May - 500-1000 word challenge!
We’re kicking off the event with ficlets and drabbles. First time writer just testing the waters? No need for an epic, just write a scene! No time to write but you want to participate? Surely you’ll find time for 500 words! 😉 Interpret these mini-prompts however you like (every one is a separate prompt, but you can combine them!):
Make-Up 💄   |   Pain/Pleasure 👀
Strip 👕   |   Ring 💍
Forbidden 🤫   |   Delilah 🐈
Piano 🎹   |   Dormitory 🛏 
Outrageous 🎉   |   Contentment 😌
Come Together 🎇   |   Ballet 🩰
Piece of Art 🎨   |   Leather 🧥
Cockring 🐔   |   Kimono 👘
Petals 🌸   |   Leotard 🕺🏻
Mustache 🧔   |   Last Time 😔
22nd of May - Is This The Real Life? 
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A list of real event/canon timeline prompts from Freddie’s life. How real you want to keep them, however, is entirely up to you!
Down in flames
Freddie is 16 years old when he leaves boarding school. Does it have something to do with the school gardener, Sanjay? Did he flunk his exams or did he not even sit them? Is one thing connected to the other? Does he really find a boyfriend when he goes to stay with his aunt in Mumbai (then Bombay)? Either way, there’s the small matter of his parents finding out about all of it... (Sources: x x )
When Freddie met Kenny
Freddie is a guest on Kenny Everett's radio show in spring 1974. Freddie is living with Mary, Kenny is married. Two gay men, deep in the closet. To no one's surprise, they hit it off immediately. (Source: x )
But when did he? 
At some point during his relationship with Mary, prior to his relationship with David, Freddie had already begun sleeping with men. But how and when did that first happen? Cottaging in London? On tour somewhere in the world? Your guess is as good as ours… 
Flying High
Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll. Like all rock bands of their time, Queen doesn’t escape the copious amounts of cocaine in the entertainment industry for long. Somewhere on tour in America, perhaps, Freddie is first introduced to it. Where? How? 
Hide your tears
Jim said that he tried to be strong for Freddie and only cried in private, so as not to burden Freddie with his feelings. But this time, he is found. 
In 1969, Freddie doesn’t know how to cook an egg and neither does Roger (Source: x )
In 1977, Freddie meets Joe while on tour in Boston and starts dating him behind David's back
In 1990, Brian and Freddie work on 'The Show Must Go On' (Source: x )
In a year of your choice, Jim reminisces about his fondest moment(s) with Freddie
In 1976, Freddie and Mary end their relationship 
In 1984, Winnie gives Freddie a wedding ring (middle of the post: x )
In the late 60s, Freddie agrees to model for an Ealing Art School fashion show, but panics and flees the runway (Source: x )
In 1974, Freddie is strip-searched upon arrival in Australia (Source: x )
In 1982, Freddie and Roger go shopping in Amsterdam (Source: x )
In 1978, Freddie swings from a chandelier - naked (Source: x )
23rd of May - Is It Just Fantasy?
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A list of AU prompts to spark your imagination. Take them and run with them or change them up, just have fun!
Make your dreams come true
Freddie hasn't been very fortunate in his life, until he finds a very special oil lamp, and rubs it just the right way. 
Beautiful stranger
Freddie meets an alluring stranger at a masquerade ball, who has more secrets than he can hide behind a mask. But Freddie has some of his own. 
Thicker than water 
Freddie agrees to a dreadful fate in order to save his little sister from the very same. Fortunately, he has friends who are more than willing to help him, but can they? Or are they, too, in danger?
Diamonds are a boy's best friend
Freddie is the prized jewel of the court, a skilled belly-dancer and entertainer, but he may also be plotting murder and getting away with it. 
Almost Real
In a distant future, humans have all but done away with face to face interaction. Humanity largely lives online. Children grow up isolated and live with only their families well into young adulthood. Cybersex is the new normal, although some families take a puritanical approach for fear of addiction. One day, impossibly, a real life young man falls through the containment field in Freddie’s back garden. 
This plane is going to crash (Freddie knew there was a reason he hated flying) 
Shipwrecked on an island (Freddie could never bear to be alone, but luckily/unfortunately for him…) 
Hunger Games AU (Freddie is so dead) 
A terrible road accident (Everyone is so dead, or are they?) 
Blind Date AU (Freddie's best friend is so dead for setting him up with this person… or are they…) 
Bank robbery (but who are the robbers and who are the hostages?) 
Magic AU ("Yer a wizard, Freddie!")
Film Noir AU (Secrets and cigarette holders) 
Interior Design AU (Does the carpet match the drapes?)
The Bodyguard AU (“And I will always love yooouuuu…”)
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
⛔ Strictly No Hate ⛔
This is the NUMBER ONE RULE of the event, to ensure that everybody feels safe. No rudeness, provocations or hate aimed at creators or other commenters will be permitted, not on AO3 nor Tumblr.
Follow these steps if you receive a comment or ask that distresses you:
Do not engage. (You can take a screenshot as proof.)
Delete it. No ifs, no buts. Just delete it. (Don’t hesitate to block anon hate on Tumblr.)
Alert me ( @a-froger-epic ) or @aboutnothingness, who is lending me a hand to make sure all needs are attended, all questions are answered and everything runs smoothly. We are here to actively support you. We’ve got your back, and we will gladly talk to you and help you feel better.
If you choose to ignore this rule, your work may be removed from the event. We would hate to resort to that.
But what if one of the works has upset me?
Can the thing that upset you be tagged, but it wasn’t? Then please inform @a-froger-epic or @aboutnothingness, and we will bring it to the creator’s attention. (Remember to use the appropriate tags, everybody!)
Was the thing that upset you already tagged? Or is it perhaps simply the characterisation you find disagreeable? Then we suggest you click on the ‘back’ button, take a deep breath and remind yourself it's just fanfic.
Who can participate?
Anyone who is inspired by Freddie Mercury in any way shape or form. This event is open to all.
Can I combine prompts from different days?
By all means! We look forward to your futuristic Freddie-gets-kicked-out-of-boarding-school Maycury Film Noir AU. With leotards. Go crazy.
I'm not sure where my creation fits in, what day do I post it? 
The days, like the prompts, are only suggestions. We don't mind when you post it, as long as you post it! Even if it's two weeks late! 
Help, I've never posted fic before! 
Don't worry, we've got you! (And more importantly, we've got AO3 invites!) @aboutnothingness is more than happy to walk you through the process of setting up an account and is also offering her services as a beta.
I’m still too nervous to participate!
You can post anonymously to the collection. You can disable anon comments on your work. You can disable comments entirely and just collect the kudos. You can close anon asks on Tumblr temporarily. But most importantly, we are here for you and we want you here!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
“I love the fact that I make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just half an hour of their lives, in any way that I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.”
- Freddie Mercury
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melzula · 3 years
Refined Taste
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: an anon requested some more Iroh and Princess content so I delivered hehe
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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The soft whistle of the boiling tea pot is a welcomed sound that brings you a great sense of peace and comfort as you work in the kitchen of the Jasmine Dragon. Few customers occupy the shop as they sit and chat over cups of tea and mini cakes— a limited time only delicacy curtesy of the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe— and with a lull in the crowd after a very busy day at work, you’re happy to spend your free time chatting away with Iroh.
Today marked the fourth day of Zuko’s much needed slumber, so while you waited for him to wake you spent your time revisiting old friends and places in Ba Sing Se. You said hello to Miss Tai and bought three new dresses to help support her small business, you went out for a pleasant lunch date with Jin, and, something you were admittedly embarrassed about doing, you spent your evenings wistfully gazing out your window in hopes of spotting the Blue Spirit. It was odd being back in the place that held some of your happiest and some of your darkest memories, but you loved it all the same. During the day you made sure to check on Zuko as he slept, and when your presence was no longer needed you made yourself useful by helping Iroh run the Jasmine Dragon.
The events that had occurred in Yu Dao had almost been disastrous, but with the help of Katara and the residents of the colony Aang was finally able to see that Zuko had been right all along. You stayed on the sidelines just as you had told Zuko you would, it wasn’t your place to interfere, but now that things had settled and King Kue was willing to negotiate you would be attending the meeting as a representative for the South and to offer any aid you could. However, such a council could not take place until Zuko awoke, and so you found yourself in the company of Uncle Iroh.
“I don’t even want to imagine what my nephew’s life would be like without your courage and support,” Iroh says over the boiling water. “Thank you again for bringing him to me, y/n. Spirits know he wouldn’t have come on his own, he’s too stubborn.”
“Well, I did have some help from Aang,” you admit with a quiet laugh, “but you don’t need to thank me. I love Zuko, and I’ll always look out for his best interests.”
“So you’ve proven time and time again. He is lucky to have you, you know. Very lucky.”
“Thank you, Uncle,” you smile, gazing down bashfully at the sleeves of your dress. “But Zuko’s also lucky to have you.”
“He is lucky to have both of us. I mean, we are an excellent team,” Iroh says with a wink. Your shared laughter quiets at the sound of careful footsteps making their way into the room, and you feel your heart swell with love and adoration at the sight of a sleepy Zuko standing in the kitchen doorway.
“Well, look who finally decided to wake up!”
“Hi sleepyhead,” you say with a smile, rising from your seat to meet him halfway. Zuko is grateful for your touch as you rest a hand upon his cheek and press your lips against his own in a delicate kiss. You taste of honey and ginger, your intoxicating scent of fire lilies invading his senses, and though Zuko wishes he could kiss you with fervency, he settles for one last lingering kiss before finally parting from you; making out in front of his Uncle is something he’d rather not do, so he composes himself.
“How are you feeling?” Iroh asks, watching with an amused smile on his face as you and Zuko immediately cling to each other. Your arms wind around one another and hold each other close, and the love you share is enough to warm the old man’s heart. Yes, Zuko is in very good hands.
“Better,” Zuko notes faintly, “but tired.”
“I’ll make you a nice cup of green tea to wake you up a bit,” the man says as he immediately gets to work.
“Let’s go sit down,” you suggest, taking Zuko’s hand and guiding him towards one of the empty tables in the shop. He seats himself with a yawn and smiles gratefully as you take off your warm shawl and drape it over his shoulders before pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. “Hungry? There’s still some mini cakes left over.”
“Are there any strawberry cakes?” He asks with a meek smile.
“But of course! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t make my boyfriend his favorite kind of mini cakes? I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you,” Zuko calls after your retreating form, hearts in his eyes as he watches you disappear behind the curtains. Would it be selfish of him to ask you to be his Fire Lady right now?
Iroh leaves the kitchen with a pot of tea just as you walk in to fetch Zuko his cake. You make sure to grab the one with the most strawberries and extra frosting, the way he likes it, and set it neatly onto a plate before returning to your beloved. Aang is now seated across from him, and so you say nothing as you place his food before him and sit down beside Zuko.
“—Since Roku’s my past life, in a way you’re my family, Zuko. And no matter how hard I’ve tried, I’ve never been able to detach myself from those sorts of bonds,” Aang laments. “It’s a flaw, I know, but it’s one I’ve decided to accept, for this life at least.”
“You’re not the one who’s flawed, Aang,” Zuko sighs. “Why can’t the struggle get easier for me? Even just a little? Sometimes I wonder how long I’ll last.”
He doesn’t meet your gaze when the confession leave his lips, but the way in which Zuko reaches over and tightly grabs hold of your hand is enough. Your heart breaks at his words and you desperately wish you could ease his pain and worries, but you know that being here by his side is enough for now. And you’ll be by his side whenever he needs you to be.
“You know, in that dream, a woman stood with us on that mountaintop watching from the shadows. I think she was my mother...”
“Sometimes, dreams are the way a person’s spirit reveals the answer to his own problems,” Iroh notes wisely. Then, with a humorous smile on his face, “but, then again, sometimes they are just the result of eating spicy food before going to bed.”
“Maybe finding my mother would connect me to a part of my heritage that isn’t so murky and confusing,” Zuko notes thoughtfully. “Maybe then I’d finally find peace. I’ve never told anyone this, but right after I became Fire Lord I sent out search party after search party looking for her. I even hired June and her shirshu. They all came back empty handed. What can I do now that I haven already tried?”
“It’s a new world, Zuko. You need to take some new risks,” Aang says wisely.
“We all do,” you agree, your mind already beginning to drift elsewhere as you calculate how long you can stay away from home without being missed too much.
“Speaking of risks,” Iroh cuts in with a smile as he presents three glass of odd looking to your trio, “why don’t you all try this brand-new beverage I invented?”
“What is it?” You ask curiously, taking the glass Zuko hands to you and swirling the odd looking balls at the bottom of it with your straw.
“Well first, I cook tapioca balls until they’re soft and tender. Then I put them in the tea, where they sit like little pearl-sized snacks at the bottom of each cup! Add a little milk and— ta-da!— a revolution in tea is born!”
Zuko and Aang share uneasy glances with each other before slowly taking sips from their glasses only to immediately cringe the moment the tapioca balls hit their their tongues.
“What is that trying to sneak into my mouth?!” Zuko exclaims after promptly spitting out the pearls.
“Wow,” Aang chuckles nervously, “I’ve never had tea that’s quite so... chewy.”
“It seems I am a man ahead of my time,” Iroh says sadly, his eyes casted downward to the floor. However, the noisy sound of a straw directs all attention towards the smiling Princess and interrupts his bout of sadness. Oblivious to the gazes of your friends set upon you, you happily suck the last of your tea from the glass until it’s completely empty. It’s only once your drink is gone do you finally notice the strange looks sent your way by Zuko and Aang.
“What?” You retort with furrowed brows. “It’s really good.”
“Finally, someone with taste!” Iroh exclaims happily at your praise. “It appears I am a revolutionary after all.”
“You actually like that stuff?” Zuko says flabbergasted.
“It’s just tea, but different,” you shrug, grinning when Zuko hands you his leftover drink to finish for him. “However, the only thing I would add is some ice. It tastes better cold.”
“Genius!” The tea maker compliments, watching in awe as you bend ice cubes of your own to plop into the glass. “Y/n, you must come to the Jasmine Dragon more often, I could use your refined taste.”
“‘Refined’ is a strong word,” Zuko murmurs only for you to elbow his side. “Ow! What did I say?”
“I’d be happy to, Uncle,” you say with a sweet smile.
“I think I know who the new favorite is,” Aang jokes only for Zuko to roll his eyes. However, he can’t help the smile that grows on his face as he watches you and his Uncle interact together. It was safe to say you hadn’t made a good impression on his sister or his father, but the only thing Zuko really cared about was his Uncle, and from what he could see the two of you were like peas in a pod. Faintly, Zuko wondered if you would be the same way with his mother.
“What are you thinking about?” You whisper to the Fire Lord, immediately taking notice of his far off look.
“About you,” Zuko admits to your surprise, “and how much I love you. And how I’m really glad you’re here.”
Heat spreads its way across your face and you smile bashfully at his profession, resting your head upon his shoulder as you converse with Aang. Though Zuko hates to keep you away from home longer than you need to be, he knows he’ll need your help with something else. But before he can ask you, there’s one person he still needs to see before he can begin his next journey.
He needs to talk to Azula.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka @sirkekselord @protect-remus @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @draqondance @taeeemin @user12345321 @just--artemis--with--ghost @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @neighborhoodpansexualdisaster @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
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incorrect-natshig · 3 years
Do you have natshig fic recs? 👀
putting it under a cut bcs there's a whole lot more than you would've bargained for💖
The Blocked Hooligans by aphrodaisyacs (11.4k, single chapter) prequel
On January 24, Twitter users @diamond_dust404, @jackedfrost and @icespicebaby formed a group chat when they all got blocked by Endeavor’s official Twitter account. After nearly ten months of developing into a chaotic adoptive family of three, it all changes when Jacked Frost (Todoroki Natsuo) and Ice Spice (Todoroki Shouto) accidentally find out that they are brothers in real life. Clearly, the next step is to meet with their third member, right?
wii music by constellore (43k, 7/30 chapters)
If, five years ago, someone told Natsuo that not only was he going to find his long-lost older brother, but that he was also going to learn that his sister’s best friend was a villain, gain a sorta - kinda fake boyfriend in the leader of the League of Villains, and be partially responsible for the redemption of two of the most wanted men in Japan, he would have told them that they were nuts.
luminous things by cirriform (3k, single chapter)
Natsuo teaches Shigaraki how to fold paper cranes.
Bullet Wounds and Book Work by Mishafy (20.6k, ongoing)
Shigaraki Tomura, at Kurogiri's suggestion, joined a med school track to make up for the lack of a party healer. It just so happened that Todoroki Natsuo was taking the same online course.
The Todoroki In-Laws by aphrodaisyacs (30.6k, complete)
Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but honestly, where’s the fun in that? (chatfic)
Lingering by thyandra (2k, single chapter)
Natsuo sighed, closing the fridge door. He was so immersed in his pointless musings that he didn’t immediately hear the furious buzzing nearby, muffled by a pillow as it was. That is, until the thing fell to the floor—Shigaraki’s phone, Natsuo recognized once he glanced that way. He shouted a call of his name, but only got a muffled grumble back. Shigaraki was no doubt too absorbed in his game to give a fuck about his still buzzing device, and Natsuo- Natsuo hadn’t really meant to catch a glimpse of the screen. (Tomura has Natsuo as his lockscreen. Natsuo finds out.)
Caught Me at a Record Low by nocturnalgf (9.8k, ongoing)
It starts, as many things do, in a dirty alley. Shigaraki is dying, probably, until Natsuo comes to help him. And after that, Natsuo can't keep himself away.
Shigaraki Tomura’s Walkthrough to Infiltrating a University, Getting a Boyfriend, and More by JajaLala (73k, complete)
In order to recruit Dr. Ujiko Daruma, his Sensei's old doctor who fled after his arrest, Shigaraki must infiltrate the university the doctor is now working at. Problem is, even when he and some League members enroll as students, they discover it's almost impossible to meet the doctor unless you're enrolled in his advanced seminar. Fortunately, Shigaraki meets Natsuo, a premed in Dr. Ujiko's seminar, whose trust he must earn to meet the elusive doctor. However, the two of them might have more in common than Shigaraki expects...
Snow Day by Sensationalcrazyna (700 words, single chapter)
Shigaraki hates snow, but he'll go for his boyfriend.
The Todoroki Family is a Disaster™ by Tigers101 (2.7k, single chapter)
The Todoroki family is a disaster, and family dinner is even worse. Or, Fuyumi is going to lose her shit because she's apparently one of the only sane ones.
we will dream of the sea by crumbsfiction (3.6k, single chapter)
It’s a mechanism of self-defense, after all - trying so hard to be liked. If he can gain Tomura’s approval, if he can prove himself to this group, Natsuo will be fine. It will all have been worth it, dragging his name through the mud in search of a ghost. Besides, watching Tomura comes easily - in fact, Natsuo barely has to think about it at all.
Hoodie by MangoQueen (1k, single chapter)
Shigaraki gets cold and Natsuo offers for him to borrow a hoodie
Dear Tomura, I Hate You. Now Let's Play Some Video Games by  IDealess_at_this (6.6k, ongoing)
Natsuo finds himself in the library after a terrible family dinner. However, after an unconventional meeting, he also finds himself being held hostage by the worst villain league ever. Getting revenge on his father while helping each member of the dysfunctional family through their struggles in the process doesn’t sound too bad!
and of course my beloved AUs💗
a coin to a crane by bittermoons (22k, 5/10 chapters)
Two ordinary (or so they think) high school students from Tokyo stumble upon another world through their dad’s dojo, leading to all sorts of bizarre consequences when they meet a cosplaying asshole of a kodama—a tree spirit—on the other side. Who knew useless video game knowledge and an unlimited cell phone data plan would come in so handy?
sugar and spice by bittermoons (4.7k, single chapter)
Shigaraki Tomura is a judge who hates soggy bottoms on The Great Japanese Bake-Off. Todoroki Natsuo is a stand-up comedian most famous on the web for making fun of his SO, who he calls 'Tanaka Taro' in all his routines. When Natsuo joins the crew of Bake-Off, online speculation explodes over his relationships with Shigaraki and Taro.
hazy days under august shade with you (it's all like magic to me) by constellore (8k, single chapter)
Natsuo is content living in the small village of Eadu, but when his brother becomes the victim of a curse, he's left scrambling for a way to undo it. Desperate for a cure, he manages to find the mysterious Magician of the Western Mountains—a man who raises far more questions than answers, especially when Natsuo finds himself volunteering to spend the summer in the mountains with him in order to aid him in breaking Touya's curse. Love had never been part of the equation, but between sweltering summer days and conversations in the dead of night, Natsuo can't say that he minds.
Love Comes Slow (and goes so fast) by Tigers101 (14.8k, single chapter)
"I’ve never been enough.” Natsuo's expression darkened. “I’ve always been the failure of a middle child, worthless and alone. I’ve never been anything to anyone." Tenko looked at him, his eyebrows creased in something close to anger. “Well, everyone else can go fuck themselves. You’re everything to me.” (natshig fantasy au + major character death)
Here Be Faeries by cafeanna (5k, single chapter)
“Terrible thing, terrible thing,” The burning man tusked and tisked. “Caught the eye of a Prince, gave a Name, and killed the King. Now he wears a crown of blooded amber and elk horn, and sleeps on a bed of thistle and roses. The King calls him frostbite, willow-boned, and beloved.” 
Natsuo Todoroki walked into the woods at the beginning of summer and never came out. A month later, Fuyumi and Shouto are left in the aftermath of a missing person’s case and a growing fear of the place they grew up.
Know That You Love Me (even when I lose my head) by Tigers101 (1.5k, single chapter)
“I hate you.” Tenko grinned. “No, I really don’t think that’s the case. You wouldn’t have saved me from homework if that were the case.” (natshig roleswap au)
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lisinfleur · 3 years
Magic Fingers
The request:
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Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Modern Age AU, requested by anon for 5VW Ivar II, posted for HTGI Words | 1152 ⁑ Warnings: Slightly erotic content.
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We met in that library some weeks ago. I was searching for some old books, one fell from my pile, and she helped me pick it up.
Pleasurable conversations came after that. And what was supposed to be a single visit to the library became something usual for me.
I would go there to see her under the excuse that my niece could enjoy her voluntary work as a storyteller at the library. Every Sunday, I would take Maya with me to give Hvitserk and his wife some time and have a good time at the library with Y/N.
I discovered many things about her. But that Sunday in specific, Maya's interest in her beautifully braided hair ended up telling me one detail more about her life.
"Yes, little one, I do it by myself. I could do it for you too! Do you want to pass by the salon to find me?"
I paid Maia an ice cream that afternoon. She earned me Y/N's visit card and one more address where I could find excuses to see her.  
The next Monday we were together at the salon. Maya and her long honey-colored hair, like my brother's.
And me, with that bad-looking man bun.
Y/N received us with a big smile. She spent some good time playing with Maya while braiding her hair beautifully. When she finished, Maya's eyes were flickering.
"Look, uncle Ivar! I'm a Viking princess!!" she said, playing the way she was used to playing with my father.
I giggled.
"Grandpa will love it. Wanna pass by for him to see?" I asked, making her day even better.
It surprised me when Y/N didn't want to accept any payment for that service.
"I'm already paid, Ivar," she said, with a smile I wasn't really able to translate.
But I liked to see on her face.
However, I didn't think it was fair. After that long and beautiful job she made for Maya, I thought it would be, at least, a good chance to offer her a ride home and make things right. So, I went back to the salon after leaving Maya home, entering when Y/N was already preparing to leave.
She was alone in the place whose signal was already showing a luminous "Closed" at her door. So, when I entered, she turned herself ready to tell the late client there wasn't time for a new service anymore.
But she saw me. And that smile was back on her lips, for my pleasure.
"Did you come to allow me to take care of these beautiful strands you hide in this bun, Ivar?"
I giggled.
"In fact, I was about to offer you a ride home," I answered, looking at her. "I thought you were closed."
"I always have time for interesting clients."
It was my turn to smile.
I was more and more interested in that woman, and she was showing more and more it was something mutual.
"Will you make me look like a Viking prince too?" I joked with Maya's games when she took off my coat and released my hair showing me where to sit.
"The look would fit well," she answered, making me giggle. "Let me see what I can do..."
The last words I've heard before a wonderful moment started in my life.
I never liked anyone but my mother braiding or messing with my hair. But Y/N surpassed my expectations. Her fingers were soft and gentle, caressing my scalp while washing my hair, making me feel the usual headache I had almost constantly to just disappear.
When she finished washing my hair, I was so relaxed that my eyes took a while to get used to the light once again.
She smiled when I got up, rubbing them.
"Sleepy?" she asked, walking me to the chair next to her mirror.
"No... But I have to admit I'm relaxed," I answered.
"Well, Mr. Viking Prince," she joked. "I didn't even start..."
From grunts of pleasure to sleeping on her chair, the whole process of her gentle fingers sliding through my strands, braiding them, was wonderful. I'd paid people for relaxing programs that didn't achieve the miracles her hands did in a pair of hours I just didn't want to see coming to an end.
But at some point, she tied the last strand and smiled.
"It's done. Take a look!"
I almost asked her to undo everything just to have her fingers running through my hair some more time. But my eyes had never seen my image so fierce and pleasurable before.
I touched the braids, surprised. Not noticing the apprehension in her face behind me.
"Did you like it?" she asked, sounding insecure.
But I smiled.
"I don't think I ever looked so good."
Her face changed into a smile once again.
"I have to agree."
There was that smile one more time. And this time, I didn't hold myself back, touching her chin, caressing it.
"You're pretty talented," I said, keeping the gentle caress since she leaned into it.
"Only when I'm inspired," she answered.
"Oh, so I inspire you?" I asked, smiling.
"Yes," she said, coming closer.
"Hn... And what more do I make you feel," I said, bringing her closer.
Foreseeing her answer when she leaned closer to me.
Her lips almost touched mine.
"You make me want to kiss your lips..."
A woman who knew what she wanted.
She got me even more interested.
"What are you waiting for?" I asked, covering the distance to catch her lips into a slow kiss, tasting the mouth I had been admiring for a while.
My hands touched her waist, and she came closer, straddling my lap on her chair, deepening the kiss, making it warmer.
My hands slid through her back, and I felt hers gently entangled on the braids she'd maid, using it to slightly pull my head back, getting a low growl on the back of my throat that made her giggle against my lips.
"Quite a Viking prince, isn't he?" She smiled.
"One that's interested in more than a single raid for the treasures you may have hidden," I said.
Using the joke to show her I wanted that casual idea we were pushing forward there. But I wanted it to be more than just a casual idea.
Her smile gained that satisfied tone once again, and she pecked my lips one more time before speaking.
"Tonight, I accept that ride home you offered me earlier. Tomorrow morning we'll see where this raid of yours will go, Viking prince."
Tomorrow morning.
It was my time to open a malicious smile.
Father would miss me in the company the next morning, but I turned off my cellphone as we left her saloon, going into my car.
That would be a time trip.
And Viking Princes didn't have alarms to wake them up...
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