#Jamor Lavellan
retrowondergirl · 11 months
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My first ArtFight attack on @elfsidian! Jamor was so fun to draw and helped getting me back into drawing. I apologize if his vallaslin isn’t red, I’m terrible with colors and didn’t want to look him weird. I may draw him again though!
To learn more about Jamor Lavellan: https://www.tumblr.com/elfsidian/647389725364305920/about-jamor-lavellan
@knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @thedastrash | @morganlefaye79 | @charlatron | @kittynomsdeplume | @kemvee | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @jentrevellan | @isk4649 | @charmcity-jess | @amarmeme | @spooky-daggers | @noire-pandora
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elfsidian · 3 years
About - Jamor Lavellan
Thank you for the tag, @noire-pandora ! 
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(art by https://twitter.com/golemofthewoods) 
Info is below the cut because I got a tad carried away ^^;
Name: Jamor Lavellan
Alias: Sparks, Herald, Inquisitor, Amatus  
Gender: male (trans <3)
Age: He is around 20 at the start of Inquisition, and 23ish after the events of Trespasser 
Species: Elf
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: A mage with a particular affinity for fire based and healing magics. He also likes to draw and paint, only unfortunately this ability is hindered after losing his left hand. He is extremely empathetic and intuitive, though this can sometimes be a curse as much as a blessing. He also loves reading, and learned how at a young age, with a particular fascination in history. 
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true 
Religion: While Jamor is open-minded to most possibilities, he did strongly believe in his elven creators for most his life. His beliefs were totally shattered by what he later learned in Trespasser, and he is now uncertain and skeptical towards most things 
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common tongue, Elvhen (he gets by), and is slowly learning bits of Tevene from Dorian
Family: His mother was a member of Clan Lavellan, and was, for a time, with a city elf/elf-blooded (still working thru this part lmao), who turned out to...not be a good person let’s say. She had a few children - Jamor being the oldest - with him before the Clan pulled her away from the situation. But Jamor felt a sense of responsibility to all the children in the Clan, the few of them there were at any given time.
Friends: Jamor never really had friends outside of his Clan until the Inquisition. He mostly liked to be alone, or with animals, which he has a sort of affinity with. He got along well with most members of the Inquisition, though Josephine, Cassandra and Varric are his closest friends. He is close to and protective of Cole, and always had a sort of admiration for Leliana and Solas. While both were good friends, there was always something about them that Jamor didn’t trust, especially Solas. While he did grow closer to Leliana, he turned out to be right about Solas. And of course, he was good friends with Dorian before their relationship became romantic.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bi-/pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating/ IT’S COMPLICATED
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other 
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: 5′3 / 163cm
Weight: (Admittedly, I haven’t really thought about this, but let’s say around) 56kg?
Scars: Some scars on his right cheek, from the battle with Corypheus. Some few scars on his chest, and a few faint ones on his hips. His hands and forearms are often scarred and burned, mostly from childhood mishaps with fire magic.
Facial Features: The easiest way to explain his nose is somewhere between a Greek and Nubian nose, think Greek nose but with a wider base, I guess? His rounded, slightly hooded eyes are a little downturned and framed with thick, long lashes. He has a warm complexion with a few moles scattered about. His lips have a pronounced cupid’s bow and fuller lower lip. Heart shaped face with a strong jawline.
Tattoos: In a deep red ink, Jamor has the Vallaslin of Falon’Din. (I know I want him to have more, but I haven’t thought about it in much detail yet, need time to flesh out ideas more ^^)
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters? (Can I swap that for rats and rabbits? >u<)
Snakes or Spiders?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future? As a history nerd, Jamor loves the past, and believes it’s preservation is extremely important. He is also of the mind that learning from the past is one of the best ways to ensure a stable future. Though, despite his grief and regrets often keeping his mind on the past, his duties as Inquisitor and the anxiety surrounding it, keep him focused on the future far more often.
Tagging: @inkhandart @nivenor-krosis @inquisitoracorn​ @ohhgren​ @musetta3​ 
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 8: Shirt Words: 288 Character: Jamor Lavellan
A cheesy, dumb, self indulgent Pavellan scribble for y’all ^-^
He was just in his shirt… Normally, such a thing would not be so scandalising, but the Inquisitor was always in so many layers. On the field, his robes rarely revealed more than his face; even when conducting business around Skyhold, Jamor would often be donning a jacket over long pants and blouses. Now, here he was, standing before Dorian with only his underwear on and a light, cream shirt thrown haphazardly over his petite frame. Inquisitor Lavellan yawned, politely covering his mouth with his hand as he did so. His big green eyes blinked sleepily up at the other mage.
“Is everything alright, Dorian?” Dorian took a small step back. Suddenly the scene felt so…intimate. Lavellan’s voice was both deeper and softer than it usually sounded, and Dorian was uncomfortably aware of his cheeks flushing slightly.
“Inquisitor! I was reading and the time must have got away from me, I was looking for this book…” He trailed off as Lavellan’s expression changed to one of mild amusement. “My apologies, I believe I know exactly what you’re looking for,” The Inquisitor began with a light chuckle, “I borrowed it from the library and, well…”
Dorian shifted; his moment of awkwardness replaced once again with his usual confident mask. “I understand. You’re quite the busy man.”
Lavellan smiled, “That’s certainly one word for it.”
There was a beat, in which the air between them seemed to simmer despite the comfortable chill from the surrounding mountains. Jamor cleared his throat.
“I’ll…go fetch it for you.”
He turned to leave, stopping to look back over his shoulder, a playful smirk on his lips.
“Oh, and if anyone asks; no, the Inquisitor does not sleep in just his shirt. You saw nothing.”
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elfsidian · 3 years
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No, you didn’t notice I forgot Lavellan’s face tats and scars....shhhhh
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 13: Kids Character: Jamor Lavellan
A/N: Skipped day 12, also this is very shit and is meant to be a few years or so after Trespasser, idk when tho dkhdjf sorry
The two had been holding hands and walking around the gardens for some time in comfortable silence. Dorian looked over to Lavellan’s face and smiled. He was too afraid to voice it, but for the past few months he had been imagining what Jamor would be like as a father. Things were slowly improving not just in Tevinter, but in all of Thedas. An elven mage and a magister might be able to start a family in the near future, a notion neither of them had ever expected to consider.
He had seen Jamor with children before, and he seemed to have a natural affinity with them, so nurturing and patient. In those moments, it was hard to believe that this was the same man who had sealed a hole in the sky and defeated an ancient, dragon-wielding magister.
Jamor looked up and smiled at his partner, bringing Dorian back from his fanciful thoughts.
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elfsidian · 3 years
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Thank you sooooo much to @musetta3 for this incredible drawing of my boy, Jamor Lavellan :,) I love it so much!!
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas - Day 8: Letters
Character: Jamor Lavellan
Word count: 506
Synopsis: A series of letters between Lavellan and Dorian Pavus, after he left for Tevinter (Trespasser spoilers) 
(Something light hearted and fun, I tried a bit of a different approach for this one, and I am once again, nervous dfdjfh. I hope it’s okay!!)
Dear Lord Dorian Pavus,
I hope my letter finds you in good health and in good spirits. By the time this reaches your estate, I have little doubt you will have already made it to Tevinter. Pardon my writing you so early, I simply cannot wait to learn how your journey went, and what Tevinter is like presently. Please do reply at your earliest convenience. Regards,
Inquisitor Jamor Lavellan
To my dearest amatus,
Whyever in Andraste’s name do you feel the need to be so formal? It’s just little old me! I promise, I won’t send an angry, enchanted letter your way if you forget to dot your ‘I’s once or twice. If I wished to hear from my grandmother, I would have gifted her the messaging stone. Which you should really consider using, by the way. It would be nice to really hear your voice, seeing as we are lucky enough to have the option.
But to answer your letter properly, yes, I am…healthy and good-spirited, ‘presently’. The trip was lovely - as lovely as trekking through the countryside and trying to avoid its many beasts can be. Tevinter is…Tevinter, but I will be meeting up with Maevaris this week, so that’s something to look forward to at least.
I hope to hear from you soon…and I mean actually hear.
Ma Vhenan,
I apologise…for the overly formal tone of my last letter. You must understand most my experience with letter writing has been a lot of formal business to a lot of formal people. I get so nervous about slipping up, I suppose it’s a habit. But for you, my love, I will try not to sound so overly stiff.
Though, I should also point out that I have had to use a scribe, for now, seeing as I can’t physically write myself. I know what you’re thinking: “Just use the blighted stone!” Yes yes, I will! Maybe… But I can’t send gifts through the stone! And what if I interrupt you during important business? What if, say, you were to take a nap and I woke you up. I’d feel awful. Besides, I don’t rightly know how to use the thing, and if I were to…tamper with it somehow and destroy possibility of using it at all…well…
You get the idea! Give my best to Lady Tilani, I would love to meet her someday.
To my dearest Lavellan,
You do make me laugh with your enthusiastic consideration, amatus. To be suddenly ‘interrupted’ by you would be a delight, and likely far more interesting than any potential ‘business’.
I have also enclosed with my letter notes on how to use the stone (it even includes a diagram! I know, I know, no need to thank me). So, you needn’t worry about that anymore.
Also, if it’s “sending gifts” that is of concern to you…I could just send you another stone if something were to happen…using the stone does not make it impossible to write me ever again!
Yours, Dorian
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 9: Wolf  Words: 268 Character: Jamor Lavellan 
(Trespasser spoilers!!)
He closed his eyes, letting the icy mountain air flood his senses. Skyhold had become eerily still of activity recently, and as the Inquisitor sat on his balcony, he was finally forced to face his mounting thoughts alone.
Since the events that took place during his time in Halamshiral, Jamor had been unable to quiet his mind. Constantly bombarded with memories of his life, of tales of his people’s history; only to question if any of them had ever been true.
Voices from across his past softly echoed the dreaded name to him. He had been right to fear their warnings, but not for the reasons expected. The Dread Wolf had shattered his world and everything he thought he knew about it. It was only a matter of time before his fellow Dalish learned the truth; but for now, the Inquisitor was alone with this harrowing revelation.
Cold fingers rose to trace the intricate markings on his face. Jamor bit his cheek, letting his hand drop back to his lap. Who had Falon’Din really been, if not what I have been told? The name of a deity that had once brought the elf such comfort now sent shivers of uncertainty through him.  
Sucking in a sharp breath, Jamor slowly stretched to a standing position, gritting his teeth against the stifling, choking feeling in his throat.  His body had not yet allowed him the release of tears, and Lavellan suspected it may be some time before it did. But for now, there was business to attend to, and people to see off before they parted from the Inquisition.
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas - Day 4: Picnics
Character: Jamor Lavellan
Word count: 470
Synopsis: Jamor takes Dorian to a beautiful, secluded spot in The Emerald Graves. (This was an excuse to badly write some fluff lmao)
“Is it much further, Lavellan? You told me to put on something nice yet here we are frolicking through the woods like a pair of foxes.”
It was not the first time the necromancer had complained about their short expedition, and it would not likely be the last.  
Jamor’s eyes twinkled with joy as he spun around to face his partner. “Just trust me!” He teased, grabbing Dorian’s gloved hand delicately.
“You’re the one always describing the south as ‘rustic’ and ‘charming’,” the young elf argued, as he pulled some vines back for the two to step under, “I figured, what’s more charmingly rustic than a picnic in the woods?”
Dorian sighed with mock-exhaustion, unable to hide an amused smile.
“Very well, Inquisitor.”
Jamor turned around to poke his tongue out at the other mage, before continuing ahead.
It was refreshing, albeit a little uncanny, to see Lavellan like this. While he was by no means as serious as Cassandra, or as collected as Solas, Dorian still was not used to seeing him this playful and relaxed.
Perhaps, he saves this just for me…
The mage shook his head, steeling himself. Though it filled him with butterflies and made him swoon like a teenager; he did not feel quite ready to fixate on such a possibility. “Here.” Jamor declared, laying out the pale red piece of cloth he had been holding. The young man then began to rummage about in his little basket, setting out all manner of treats onto the cloth.
Dorian gasped, finally taking in the sight before them.
The Emerald Graves was a glittering jewel of Orlais, that much was obvious, but nothing had prepared him for the spot his companion had led him to.
The trees around them seemed to be of all shapes and sizes known to the Dales, but none grew from the little clearing of which Jamor had just sat down. It was littered with flowers of all colours, with mushrooms and other small plant life encircling them. Only a few lengths away, a cliff face gave way to a steep drop, where the tree coverage ended, and the honey dipped sunset was in full view. The soft gurgling of a nearby river, whose waterfall cascaded down the cliff, could be heard nearby.
Eventually, Dorian’s gaze finally came to rest back on Jamor. The Inquisitor was smiling softly, he had untied his dark curls– revealing just how much his hair had grown since the two mages had first met.
“Amatus…” he breathed.
Jamor grinned, holding his hands out to either side “Well, I hope it was worth the walk!”
Dorian wanted to throw his arms around Jamor and kiss that cheesy grin off his face, but instead he said, plainly: “Indeed, but you’re the one cleaning my clothes when we return to camp!”
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elfsidian · 3 years
Thanks to a lovely little January prompt list by twitter user Talviiiii , I’ve done a spot of creative writing for the first time in years!  (This ended up way more depressing than intended lmao. Feedback and constructive critiscm is welcomed! But don’t be too mean I haven’t really written any form of fanfic in a good ten years or so lol)
Stories of Thedas - Day 1: New Beginnings 
Character: Jamor Lavellan
CW: Vague discussion of death and loneliness 
Word count: 308
Synopsis: Jamor laments on how things won’t be the same for him anymore during one of his first nights at Skyhold 
Lavellan shifted under the sheets for what felt like the thousandth time that evening. His advisors had urged him to get some rest, but rest was an impossible feat after the recent weeks’ events.
He was still grappling with the fact his left hand glowed like pure lyrium. But so much more had occurred that Jamor did not even know how to begin to process.
Haven, The Elder One, the dragon, the red lyrium templars,
The loss of his Clan....
He cursed quietly and rolled over yet again.
The sting of fresh tears brimmed behind his eyes as he stared out at the never-ending night sky.
The wind hummed softly against the delicate, wispy-thin curtains, accompanying the otherwise silent scene. It wasn’t that Jamor wasn’t used to quiet – he had often been one of the last of his clan to fall asleep each night – but he wasn’t used to such isolation. Despite his many Inquisition comrades scattered beneath him, throughout the rest of Skyhold, he was alone. High up in this expansive room, with only the winds’ soft lullaby to accompany him.
He would join them in the morning, greet them all with a confident smile, and no one would utter a word about his loss. What would they even say? They were all just as scared as him, and they did not need to be reminded that he – their bastion of hope - was capable of that same fear. The young elf inhaled slowly, shakily, and closed his eyes.
Images of carefully crafted aravels parked among emerald green trees slowly seeped into his consciousness, soon followed by the memory of a Dalish lullaby. Before long, it had reached his lips and he was gently humming the melody to himself; it brought a bittersweet kind of comfort. He could only trust that it would get easier to cope.
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 14: Healing
Character: Jamor Lavellan
“So, sparks,” Varric ventured, gritting his teeth against the pain, “Why did you become a healer?”
Lavellan smiled, his small, soft hands hovering gently over Varric’s wounds.
“I’m a mage, aren’t I? It’s one of the things mages can do.”
Varric looked up at the elf and chuckled. “I just figured...well every mage is different. Maybe there was a story there. But I understand if you don’t want to share.”
Jamor said nothing, just looked down and kept assisting with the dwarf’s wounds. The silence carried on for a moment more before he suddenly spoke up: “Growing up, people often felt they could trust me,” Varric blinked in surprise as the mage began, “I’m not sure why…apparently I’m a good listener.” Jamor chuckled, his face had a light dusting of blush, whether from concentration or discomfort at talking about himself so personally, Varric could not tell. Regardless, it made him happy to see the Inquisitor making such an effort. He listened quietly as Jamor continued.
“Because of this, Clan healers often had me help calm people down when they were being treated and I guess it just…went from there.”
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 7: Crafting
Character: Jamor Lavellan He liked to be alone. Ideally, he liked to be alone with nature. But being the Inquisitor and Herald of Andraste made that a hard feat to accomplish. So, in those evenings when sleep refused to come – which was often – Jamor would tiptoe down to the Undercroft. Sometimes, he would just sit, breathing in the earthy smell of the water and listening as it cascaded down the side of the hold. Other times, when it was particularly hard to relax, the elf would tinker. He was not nearly as qualified as Harritt or Dagna, but he could patch up armour damage, and had learnt enough about simple weapon and staff making from his life with Clan Lavellan. It gave his mind something to focus on that was productive without being quite so overwhelming. Something that was just his, and had no bearing on others or the state of the world.
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas - Day 10: Serrah Hardass
Character: Jamor Lavellan
Word Count: 311
Synopsis:  Jamor and Sera laugh at the aftermath of a food fight, Cassandra is much less amused. (Set before Dorian and Jamor were super close, and Cassandra had a crush on Lavellan)
Sera giggled, though it was punctuated with the occasional snort. “There is flour on your ears!” She proclaimed, trying to point at her friend’s ears but unable to keep herself still.
Lavellan, also in hysterics, pointed to her nose; “Well you’ve got jam on your face!”
The two elves cackled, tears streamed down their faces and blended with the assortment of foodstuffs they had been hurling at each other only moments ago. Sera loved when the inquisitor was like this. He was always making sarcastic remarks and teasing his friends, so the archer had been confused when the first time she had tried to play pranks with him, Jamor had seemed so…hesitant and boring. But now, in this moment, she had proven her initial assumption correct: Inquisitor Lavellan could be fun.
“What is the meaning of this!?”
Cassandra, however, did not entirely love when the Inquisitor was like this.
The two jesters’ laughter slowed to a subdued chuckle as they turned their heads to face the newcomer.
“Cassandra!” Jamor waved at her from across the table where the two had been supposedly sharing a meal…or what was once a meal. “Why don’t you join us?”
“Yes!” Sera piped in, “Join us for face-jam toast!” with that, she erupted into laughter once more. Jamor, however, was not so easily set off. He smiled up at the warrior, one eyebrow raised. Flustered, Cassandra glared at him, brows furrowed, and cheeks covered in a light red.  
“Inquisitor, could your time not be spent more…” Her eyes surveyed the scene before continuing; “Productively?”
Jamor stood up from his chair, delicately wiping some of the food from his face.
“Is keeping spirits high not productive?” He remarked, meeting her eyes. Cassandra looked away quickly, letting out a ‘tch’ sound.
“Just…be at the war room in an hour…” She huffed, walking out the door.
Sera giggled: “Pffft…Hardass…”
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas - Day 5: The Artist
Character: Jamor Lavellan
Word count: 624
Synopsis: After the events of The Exalted Council, Inquisitor Lavellan sits for a portrait by an esteemed Orlesian artist (Post-Trespasser spoilers ahead :)!)
 Jamor’s stormy grey-green eyes fixed on the wall across the room, hardly blinking. Josephine had promised to accompany him to his portrait sitting she had organised in Val Royeaux and was standing just behind the artist as they worked.
After the final decision was made to keep the Inquisition around to serve as peacekeepers, the Inquisitor’s advisors had elected to have their figurehead immortalised in a painting, that perhaps could hang in Skyhold indefinitely. It was in part to celebrate the achievements of the Inquisition, led by Lavellan, and in hopes to refresh their Inquisitor’s image. As opinions towards the Inquisition were growing more and more divided every moment.
The mage had protested at first, clearly flustered by the idea. He had argued that such a move would only further detach him from the common people.
But now, Josephine realised, he just looked weary. When she had first met the Herald all those years ago, he was anxious, wide-eyed, and uncertain. It was obvious he was not used to the amount of attention he was receiving and did not believe it was deserved. While his shy nature and humility never fully left, his eyes were dimmer than she remembered. His long, curly hair, usually held back in a bun, was now tumbled over his shoulders for the portrait. Though it could not completely hide the deep scars that cut against the right side of his once clear, youthful skin.
“Do you wish for me to paint the Inquisitor’s…markings?” The artist had asked Josephine on the day of their meeting. Josephine held back a deep sigh at the ignorance, telling herself they were merely doing their job, and did not wish to make any mistakes for such an important client. “Yes, if you please, monsieur. The Inquisition wishes for this to be an accurate depiction of his worship.” The Ambassador had politely replied.
“That will be all I require from you today, Inquisitor. Merci.”
The painter’s announcement brought Josephine back to the present, she cleared her throat and brushed down her clothes, preparing to leave. The Orlesian finished with a delicate bow, eyes closed, before heading to open the door for their clients. Jamor nodded and flashed a polite smile.
Josephine had insisted they stop at the local café before heading off, to give Jamor a moment to finally breathe and eat something. In truth, she had just wanted a relaxed environment in which to talk to her friend.
“If you don’t mind me being so forward, Lavellan, I don’t believe you have ever been this quiet with me.”
Jamor sighed slowly and deliberately, as if releasing a heavy burden. “You know me too well, Josephine.” He said softly, smiling.
He looked down at his drink, stirring it aimlessly with a dainty spoon. It was a moment before he continued:
“I used to paint and draw, myself, you know. Sometimes I would draw in my room in Skyhold, or paint with Solas, though I wasn’t nearly as good as him.” He chuckled lightly, “I didn’t share it much with the rest of you, but I can’t really draw with my…. well…” The elf awkwardly raised his remaining arm, looking towards the ground. The tips of his long ears and his cheeks were splashed with a flush of red.
Josephine leaned back in her chair, having been listening intently this whole time. She let out a quiet “Jamor, I am…so sorry.”
Jamor laughed uncomfortably.
“Ah, it was merely my way to cope, some respite from the day. Nothing important.”
He turned back to his tea and sipped at it casually. Josephine did not say anymore on the matter. She knew when a conversation was over, but she also knew when a good friend was lying.
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elfsidian · 3 years
Stories of Thedas 2
Day 1: Campfire
Character: Jamor Lavellan
A/N: most of the prompt responses for this one will be very short little drabbles because I just started the semester but I still really want to take part ! I hope they’re still enjoyable <3
The tent flap was suddenly pulled back, revealing the Inquisitor. Wordlessly, he wandered in to settle beside Dorian, who smiled sleepily up at him. Without a word, the two snuggled close, Dorian burying his head in Jamor’s soft, fluffy curls. He breathed in gently, inhaling the smoky smell that lingered on his partner’s hairs from the now extinguished campfire.
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elfsidian · 3 years
Describe your OTP in one GIF
Thank you for the tag @musetta3 c: !! I actually don’t have many ships outside of DA lmao sorryyyy Zevran Arainai x Nym Surana (Dragon Age):
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They’re that power couple. 
Dorian Pavus x Jamor Lavellan (Dragon Age):
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When I think Pavellan, i think cheesy dancing I’ll leave it there or I’ll start overthinking things lmao.
I’m gonna tag: @noire-pandora​ @jaedencex @lollysnake @inkhandart @coffeebirby​ and @medlilove​
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