#Lucky charm cat sketch
bublinko · 11 months
NEW SKETCH IN SHOP: Lucky charm cat sketch
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rockhousejai · 3 months
“Do you think we’re brothers in every universe?”
“I don’t see why not”
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ways TANGERINE stays sentimental, while protecting his love’s identity:
credits to @everythingisspokenfortbh for the idea, and expanding on it with me. post is here <3
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gn!reader, <500 words
tangerine is sometimes too protective, like the near overbearing kind. it's not because he's controlling or tyrannical or domineering —though it may feel like that— instead his obsessive need to keep you safe, came from a far more loving place. vulnerable, even. 
he knew his line of work was not safe. and not only does he put himself in great depths of danger, but he also puts those he loves in that same chasm of the unknown. that includes you.
when it came to picking wedding rings, he wanted to steer far from the traditional bands that each of you would have upon your left hand, instead opting for something more secret. 
so, on your special day at the altar, rather than exchanging rings, you gave necklaces - each complimenting the other, not completing another: charms with the sun and the moon. tangerine had gold to match the rest of his jewellery, and you had silver. the sun worked best with gold like the moon did with silver. but tangerine is not a sun person. so to get around that issue, you brought up a suggestion, saying that you should wear each other's charm. 
since your special day, each of you have been wearing your promises around your necks, the pendant of your lover there as a reminder. not for others, but for you. the meaning of the necklace was for the two of you only. no one else knew.
and during those weeks when he leaves for work, you would swap necklaces - giving the other a piece to remember. tangerine would wear yours like a lucky charm, the pendant offering him safety, while his would offer you comfort. 
tangerine is sentimental, and you'd have a hard time trying to convince someone that he is. he keeps his love hidden and protected, the feeling only to be expressed with those he values most. and to keep with the theme of your protection, he finds ways to show his love without putting you in harm's way.
when it came to honouring special dates between you, he liked to remember them with tattoos. he'd get small and meaningful drawings inked into his body to secretly showcase his love for you. 
over the years, he accumulated an array of tiny momentos declaring his love - ranging from an outline of the country you met to a sketch of your favourite planet all the way to the moon phase on the night of your wedding. to an unknown eye, these tattoos would look like little random doodles. but not to tangerine, and not to you. these inked images are snippets of proof that show the love and sentiment of your heartless, cold assassin of a lover.
everything he does, he does it for you.
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ALSO BTW my cat has a similar moon charm that we were talking about AHH!?
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gatitties · 1 year
May i request please Ryusei, Baji, Chifu and Kazu when a friend draws them/make a clay figure of them please ? As a platonic
Thank you !
─Ryusei, Baji, Chifuyu & Kazutora x reader (platonic)
─Summary: your friend discover that you are making a small figure/draw of them
─Warnings: none
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Ryusei Satou
─ He caught you drawing him in the middle of class, it was a boring class and you had a good angle on him so you took advantage of it.
─ You wish he hadn't seen you because oh boy, he'll make fun of you telling you that you're in love with him as a joke.
─ You will raise his ego even more and probably every time he sees you with a pencil and a notebook he poses ironically for you.
─ Although he seriously won't mind if you draw him, he enjoys seeing how you see him even if it's silly doodles sometimes, he'll appreciate art just the same.
─ He tries to draw you back but let's say that art is not his strong point, you still appreciate the attempt.
─ He won't force you if it bother you that people see your drawings without your permission, but keep in mind that he will want to snoop in your notebook just to see his.
─ Oh and if someone makes fun of your drawings he'll be ready to throw hands no problem, only he can make fun of it and he's not even serious about it.
─ He'll definitely steal one of the doodles, cut it out, and put it in his phone case to take it with him.
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Baji Keisuke
─ You had to make a figure of whatever you wanted for a class project, you decided to make your friend bust in a cartoon version.
─ So you both worked together because you needed some references, he didn't question why you decided to take him as a model since he wanted to do Peke J.
─ He's probably complaining that you've exaggerated his expression and that he's not so 'ugly', but it's the style, so you ask him to shut up and concentrate on his work, you're not accepting criticism of your work when he made a cat as if it were a ball with paws.
─ He will show off when the works are exhibited, proudly telling Chifuyu that this is him and that you have wonderful hands that would make you a famous artist in the future.
─ You will verbally slap him for being a hypocrite and for having complained at the beginning about how he looked and only bragging now that you got the best grade in the class.
─ He saved a photo of the sculpture and asked you to make a slightly smaller one to put in his room.
─ He will show it to his mother, proud of your abilities, although at first he said that he did it to take the credit, luckily it's easier to catch a liar than a lame one.
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Chifuyu Matsuno
─ You casually commented that you were out of ideas to draw and that lately you were not able to capture the poses well one day.
─ He said that he could be your model to take references, although it was only a specific case, you began to trace his figure more times because this boy seemed to be posing without realizing it.
─ He won't mind spending entire afternoons posing for you, although he can't sit still for more than a minute because he gets tired quickly, give him a break, he never thought of being a model and it's exhausting to keep the same posture for so long.
─ Definitely he will ask you to finish the drawings that he likes the most and not to leave them as a simple practice sketch, he wants to hang them on the wall of his room.
─ He will also keep one of those little drawings in the phone case, he takes it as a lucky charm because the day you gave it to him he passed an exam.
─ As a thank you, he also wants to make a silly little drawing of you, although since he wants it to be a surprise, he draws you during classes without you noticing.
─ Chifuyu isn't exactly the best at art but you appreciate his scribbling attempt, you gave him an extra point because he drew your pet next to you.
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Kazutora Hanemiya
─ This boy needed some affection since he entered the correctional and you thought of giving him a gift once he completed his sentence.
─ So you set to work on a small figure of him that he could use as a key ring.
─ He hugged you so tightly when he came out of the correctional that he almost left you breathless, he didn't expect any of his old friends to go see him that day and even less he expected a gift from you.
─ He will ask you to teach him the art of clay because he needs to start looking for other hobbies that do not include punching.
─ If he is good at it, you will have many relaxing outings doing this type of craft, if he doesn't master the practice, he will only ask you to make more figurines to decorate his room.
─ He definitely wants you to make earrings to match with you, he brags that his best friend did it to everyone possible, yes, sometimes he'll embarrass you because he spends exalting your work when it's not a big deal most of the time.
─ He supports you in everything, like if you sign up for a figure and creativity contest, he will be by your side on work nights helping you as much as he can.
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fabseg-reader · 7 months
Miraculous fanfic: Chrysabug (First Time)
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I've drawn new Cerisette/Chrysabug sketches. The first (at the top) illustrates the first meeting (or first confrontation) between Ladybug and Chrysalis and how should be happening. Below, there is a fanfic.
This happens in a rooftop of a building. Ladybug has been attacked by a supervillain (or precisely by a supervillainess): It's in fact the new Butterlfy Miraculous Holder. After an intense duel (with the use of the Lucky Charm and the Miraculous Ladybug for repair the minor damages on the roof), Ladybug had managed to immobilize her Butterfly girl. The latter is trapped in her opponent's yo-yo.
Ladybug (in good mood, teasing): It seems I have cought a special butterfly. Is that you, the Nooroo's new Holder ?
Chrysalis (confident): I just hoped I could catch a interesting specimen as you are, Ladybug.
Ladybug: Who are you ?
Chrysalis: Before you call your Cat*, I want say to you who I am, my Lady.
Ladybug feels confused about her adversary saying 'My Lady'. It's the Cat Noir's line.
Chrysalis: I am Monarch's former apprentice. The future Hawkmoth. But for the moment, I prefer you call me Chrysalis.
Ladybug: Sounds like you are too proud about yourself, Chrysalis.
Chrysalis giggles.
Chrysalis: When you fought against Monarch, I was present. I came to the Agreste manor for steal the Butterfly brooch to Mr Agreste. I just came to take my revenge on him for having backfired me. I've observed you in action, but none of both you had noticed my presence. I know all about you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Ladybug: What ?
Chrysalis (smiling): Even about the wish processus. Gimmi the kwami of the Reality. The Gabriel's self-erasure from the reality. I could reveal that to everyone (even to Adrien) but I haven't did it. That happened two months ago. Do you know why I still keep your secret hidden ?
Ladybug (perplexed): What do you mean ?
Chrysalis: I hide your identity from the public because I respect you, my Lady.
Ladybug is intrigued.
Chrysalis: Since I know you exist as the superheroin of Paris, I hated you so much for having saboted my schemes. I've teamed up with Hawkmoth who will become Monarch for eliminating you. I hated you even in your civilian form, so I had to ruin your life. I hated you until the day of the final battle against Monarch when I has been witness of your detransformation of Bugnoire. I was confused first like you are actually confused. I've found out Marinette and Ladybug are the same person that explains why you're the only one I've never managed to make you fell in my words.
Ladybug: Wait a minute. Your words ? You would say: Your lies ?
Chrysalis: Ding ! ding ! ding ! good answer, my Lady.
Ladybug (shocked and grossed): Lila ?!
Chrysalis: Yeah and not really. Lila Rossi was nothing but a disguise. Things aren't always what they seem to be at first sight. I have used too many identities and disguises on my life even before you and Cat Noir had begun your adventures/tales on Paris. My vision of the world is just... different.
Ladybug: It's a lot of things you're telling me, 'Chrysalis'. How can I be sure you're not lying to me, this time ? A trap ?
Chrysalis: I understand your vigilance but I don't come to you as your enemy. I have a deal for you.
Ladybug: What deal ?
Chrysalis: I challenge you to discover my birth name and/or to find my residence. You can call the place my lair but I call it La Plage too. I keep your real identity secret, my Lady. Don't worry.
Ladybug: You introduce yourself to me with the only missing miraculous. You already engage a duel against me and now you propose me an 'treasure hunting' about you ?
Chrysalis: The duel was just a test but I will try to be fair on this .
Ladybug stays careful of the butterfly girl's words. She stealthly spins for watching around herself (realizing a panorama) and she turns her look on the captive.
Ladybug: I just want to be sure you haven't bring some akumatized people.
Chrysalis: I even haven't akumatized anyone yet at Paris. Have you noticed that ? I offer you this deal. But only to you.
Ladybug: Why me ?
Chrysalis begins to be flirtatous.
Chrysalis (blushing): Because you have made me curious toward you. Since you've hidden the fact Gabi and Monarch were the same person from everybody in the world, I just realised you and I are similar, familiar. Together, we need each other.
Ladybug is like slightly disturbed by Chrysalis' words.
Ladybug: Do you believe I will accept this deal ?
Chrysalis: So. Do you prefer I reveal who is really Gabriel Agreste to everybody (even in prison) ? Bring me to jail and it will be fun. Take me the miraculous but I have covered the brooch with a strong glue for prevent you to remove it to me.
The red black-spotted superheroin still expresses some doubts. Meanwhile, she is now aware of these revelations used to not be lies: her adversary knows her real identity, the same girl has been Hawkmoth's accomplice for akumatization causes, knows how to use the Absolute Power from Tikki and Plagg and the girl is used to be 'Lila Rossi'. She has even confessed Lila was a simple disguise she had weared during her time at Françoise Dupont school with many disguises. Meanwhile, Ladybug rethinks about the actual butterfly holder's case.
Why hadn't she tried to steal the Ladybug and Cat miraculouses for summon Gimmi and make the wish for herself ? Has she some other plans ? If she can use some fake identities and some fake looks, why didn't have used all her ressources ? Is it possible Nooroo can accept a girl like her as his holder ?
Ladybug realizes about this point: During the Summer vacation, 'Lila'/Chrysalis hasn't come back in her life. This peace time has been too good for her. And now, like an intuition, the superheroin begins to think her adversary is honest for real. Despite the confusing situation she's living, Ladybug has the feeling her nemesis isn't telling lies to her at all.
Chrysalis: Have you chosen your choice, my Lady ?
Ladybug: Fine. I let you leave, Chrysalis. For this time.
The superheroin removes her yo-yo, freeing Chrysalis. The latter takes her swordcane, moves away from Ladybug and jumps from the rooftop to a building.
Chrysalis: Thank you for your choice. We will see you again, Ladybug. (making an evil smile) But as a civilian, I look forward to seeing you again, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. When will happen, I will be already disguised. (becoming cheerful again) That's my clue for you. I wish you Good luck for finding out who I am really, my real name and my real backstory.
Chrysalis moves her arms for forming a heart pose at the top of her own head. It's a directed message to Ladybug. The latter is suddenly fascinated by the former. The butterfly girl flees to the other side of Paris and disappears.
Ladybug (intrigued and blushing): What a strange girl.
The End
*Cat Noir
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Chrysabug kiss scene.
Ladybug and Chrysalis take the hide on an alley away from the public.
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enelica · 5 months
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✨️ January on Pawtreon ✨️
What's planned on my Patreon this month :
Curious Cat
Illustration/Comic of the month: Submit an idea and vote for the one you prefer!
Small extracts from current comic pages Meet me in Eden
Sketches, WIPs and GO illustrations
Original art
Sketches and mini-comics from my AU after s2 (which still doesn’t have a name)
Storyboard “Stars” in progress
Mini-comic “Bad Customer” in progress
Avdenturous and Audacious Cats
Same as Curious plus..
1 page per week of my comic Meet me in Eden (detailed sketch)
2 pages per month of Meet me in Eden (final version)
PDFs of all my previous fancomics!
For Audacious: access to NSFW content (soft nsfw, suggestive nudity)
Lucky and Charming Cats
Same as Adventurous and Audacious plus..
An artprint sent to your home every month! Plus a unique print for your first month of subscription!
Choice of artprints: every two months vote for the artprint you want to have for the next two months!
For Charming: access to NSFW content
I am sometimes late in publishing the illustration of the month because I prioritize the current comics on my drawing schedule but otherwise I try to be regular in my publications, I usually post a little something every day.
Voilà, here’s what to expect if you join my Pawtreon, note that I’m already very touched that you’re following me! Thank you for your support and see you soon perhaps!
Print of the month: Disaster Puppy
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queen-scribbles · 6 months
Muse questions - I'm gonna direct these at whichever of your LOTRO hobbits seems best suited to answer each!
What is in your pockets/bag/etc. right now? (I mean. How could we not ask this of a hobbit? :-D)
What scares you the most? And if it really happened… how would you deal with it?
Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? What are they like personality-wise? Can we see them?
Do you have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? Do you go out of your way to always wear it when you can? Why is it your favorite?
What is in your pockets/bag/etc. right now?
Rhianlin: In my bag? *after some rummaging* Let's see.... treats for Rilli(raven comp) and Constance(badger pet), string for my braid.... *more rummaging, interrupted by a whoop of pleased surprise* THAT'S WHERE THAT WENT- a sketch I wanted to give Meneldir but couldn't find last night, some hard tack he gave me in case I get hungry, half an apple, sketchbook and charcoal, jerky.... couple changes of clothes, cornhusk d- figure Tegwyn gave me- it has a stick sword! Isn't that neat?
What scares you the most? And if it really happened… how would you deal with it?
Ziinia: Y'know, I hadn't really thought about that? *laughs* I guess either something happening that keeps me apart from my animals, or something bad happening to my family--there's a lot of us and we're all really close. I like to think I'd keep it together and think of a solution if either actually occurred, but I dunno. I love my family and my animals, so I'm not sure I wouldn't completely fall apart if one of those came to pass.
Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? What are they like personality-wise? Can we see them?
Siltera: I've picked up a few in my travels. There's Rushes, she's a hound dog, very good for sniffing out mushrooms and following a scent, also loves to sleep. Looks at me with big sad eyes if I wake her early. Puddle is a black cat, doesn't much care what I do as long as I remember to feed her and will spend enough time sitting still she can use me as a seat part of the day. Squall is a crow I found out near Clegur; an avanc had knocked him into some reeds and his wing got caught. I wasn't expecting him to follow me around after I freed him, but he did. He's very good, if a touch mischievous. Likes to let out one ridiculous caw in the wee hours of the morning, just for the fun of it. Sometimes he brings me trinkets, I think in thanks for not shooing him off.
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(have wiki pictures of the pets bc I don't have screenies of them myself)
Do you have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? Do you go out of your way to always wear it when you can? Why is it your favorite?
Rhianlin: My blouse. My ma made it for me, an' put lots of pretty embroidery on the collar and sleeves, an' around the buttons. It's very soft and reminds me of home, so, yeah, I wear it a lot. [River Hobbit cosmetic blouse]
Ziinia: My gloves. I picked up these very sturdy fingerless gloves... awhile ago, and they've come in handy for so many things. I wear them just about all the time. [I thought they were anniversary cosmetic, but I don't see them listed]
Siltera: *sheepish smile* Mine's actually a somewhat recent addition that was given to me while I was traveling through Tharbad. *tugs out a sturdy cord necklace with a wolf's tooth hanging from it* It was given to me by a... fellow traveler--all the way from Gondor!--after I helped him retrieve some stolen property. *tucks it away, bites her lip* He was very kind, very courteous, and spun a wonderful story. He called this a lucky charm, and it's certainly proven so for me. [Lucky Wolf's Tooth pocket item from Boromir]
Muse Asks
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evermorehqs · 10 months
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng is based on Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. She is a 26 year old human, fashion designer, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Marinette is portrayed by Natasha Liu Bordizzo and she is taken.
Marinette used to be a regular human. She helped her parents run the bakery that was below their home, she crushed hard on her childhood friend Adrien Agreste, she hung out with her friends and spent her time sketching designs for her future boutique. It was a pretty easy and simple life that she loved. She got good grades, she was kind and polite, and she never did a dangerous thing in her life. And then Tikki and Master Fu happened. All she did was help Master Fu cross the street because he was elderly and it was the right thing to do since he was struggling to do so and then later in the day she is being approached by an older woman named Tikki who is telling her she is meant to be the next guardian of the ladybug miraculous. Marinette thought this was a joke at first. She didn’t know what a miraculous was and what that meant but once Tikki showed her how to use the mystical earrings she was transformed into the superhero Ladybug.
Life as Ladybug was intense and unlike anything she could have imagined it to be. She had magical-like agility and strength and could summon a lucky charm to help her in her missions. Along with another superhero named Cat Noir they were supposed to keep the world safe from those who possessed the other twenty miraculous with evil intent. Their greatest enemy was a man named Hawk Moth who would corrupt ordinary people with his miraculous as he tried to collect the rest of them for himself for unknown purposes. As Ladybug, she stumbled upon Evermore with Tikki in search of Hawk Moth but the moment she crossed into town she lost all of her memories about the miraculous and her mission to stop the villain. A solid year has passed since then and she has made great strides in her career as a fashion designer. She has friends, she has a nice home, but still… she can’t shake the feeling that she is meant to do more. Her ladybug earrings lay in a box in her bedroom, unused since the day she arrived.
❀ Drizella Tremaine: Marinette cannot stand her! She is so mean and so... so much like a girl she used to know back home. She gets under her skin and no matter how many times she tries to be the bigger person she just... struggles with it. ❀ Clover Ewing: She adores Clover! She has an amazing eye for fashion and the two of them are constantly hanging out. She would easily call her one of her closest friends. ❀ Beau Max: There is just something about him that Marinette finds… safe. His looks rival Adrien’s in her eyes and she can’t help but want to get to know him better. There is something off about him… but Marinette just thinks it’s because he’s shy or something.
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Okay so like, walk with me on my path for a moment, consider this
The goat (and rooster) miraculous were especially lazy, because Genesis or whatever is literally just a copy of the lucky charm and the paintbrush is lame so I'm picking up the concept and slamming it into the floor so I can put it back together
But also like, not for a cat duo perspective but for a canon-er one, the tiger is essentially a copy of the cat, and the goat is a copy of the ladybug and while that doesn't matter for cat duo just know I was thinking about it
So like I was talking with the council about this bc we are a hivemind and we agreed (but especially cap) that the goat and rooster should be night day theme, and I was saying how it was a shame that Caprikid was genuinely a good name and then they had nothing to do with stars or nighttime and their power was named after the Bible of all things like huh???
So I would not let go of the star thing and now for a little mythology lesson with Biscuits, the actual Capricornus constellation (which is a goat mermaid basically) is based on a couple things but the most famous is about the Greek god Pan, who was a satyr and god of the wild and a couple other things but the story behind it is apparently, when like Typhon (father of monsters? I don't know that myth super well) but basically all the Olympians fucking booked it to Egypt I believe, besides Zeus and maybe Athena sometimes, and Pan gave them the idea to hide in the form of turning into animals, and for him that means he turned into a half fish (because he already had a goat head) and swam down the Nile, and Zeus was so proud of him for his idea that he made a constellation for him.
So anyway onto why this matters even a little
So I'm not sure of the EXACT reason they need to give the goat miraculous out, but Chat takes it and he and tigress are like "do you think, that Chloe deserves a second chance?" So chat runs off while tigress and ladybug fight whatever akuma
And like
Chat hands her the miraculous, and says this is a second chance, please don't reveal your identity this time, even to ladybug
So now onto the like basic stuff
Her name is like, I was just gonna be lazy and call her Satyr but then dragon goes "Satyre, like satire, because she's not supposed to have a miraculous" and I love that so her name is Satyre
The canon weapon is dumb, and like, there's two options for the goat miraculous you either do the battering RAM for the pun or you do Shepard's Crook for the aesthetic and I'm all about aesthetic so crook all the way baby
Like. I'm not great at design but the only thing rattling around in my head is like, black jacket with like the wool lined hood? And the Capricorn constellation on the back in white
And like in general smaller constellations in on the black parts of her outfit bc like black and white for the goat (dubwool lookin binch)
Also horns bc I physically cannot not add horns to stuff whenever possible
For the power, I'm kinda sketch on this but I can't think of anything better so like, kinda like sandboy (not the akuma) dust, but where it's timed and if they can get close enough to pocket sand/blow dist on you after like a few minutes you just pass out and don't wake up for like a minute, but the "pass out" time is incredibly close to the timer for the detransforming, so the goat like has to dip out almost immediately after using the dust
I don't have a name for the power chloroform So I just call it Dust for now
So yeah, Goat Chloe/Satyre is in cat duo now
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lgcsoyoun · 2 months
💌 ⋮ incoming from noh areum ⇢ recieved ! ( @lgcareum )
when she can manage it, areum finally manages to drop off a gift to her friends. with permission, she leaves a small box wrapped in colorful furoshiki at the crystallis dorms, with a tag wrapped around the knot at the top that reads ’ soyoun ’ in areum’s careful handwriting. inside is a small, blue lucky cat keychain atop a plethora of different japanese sweets and candies. atop everything sits an envelope with a postcard inside. some individual stickers fall out of the envelope. the following is written on the back of the postcard:
while in japan, i wanted to bring back some sweets for you to try !! plus, a good luck charm that offers harmony, peace, and happiness for the new year ! i can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me this past year, i hope i can pay back the favor in 2024. please take good care of yourself this year ~
pretty guardian of love and courage in a sailor suit – i am sailor jupiter, signing off ♡ areum
When Soyoun returns from the Love Mini Fes event, the first thing she notices is a beautifully wrapped package with her name on it. It’s been a while since she’s received a package wrapped like this outside Japan. After gently opening the package, Soyoun first picks up the card. She can’t help the small smile that forms on her lips as she reads the message from Areum. She tries not to get teary-eyed as she gets overwhelmed by all the love she has received from her members, the fans, and now a trainee she mentored.
She picks up the items Areum mentioned. She immediately takes the keychain and attaches it to her work bag. She takes a photo to show it off to Areum. She can’t wait for Areum to see it both from her and from fansite photos. She looks at Areum’s choice of snacks and nods in approval. These are so going into her snack stash. How did Areum know what snacks she likes? As for the Sailor Jupiter-inspired stickers? They are definitely going to her sketches and other things. 
She takes photos of everything and sends them all to Areum. 
“Areum! I got your gift. How did you know which snacks I like? And I’m taking the keychain with me to work every day! I like to think that I’m taking you with me through the keychain. Tell me when you’re free so I can give you your present.”  
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some oc facts you may or may not need to know (pt.2)
here we go again.
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agent mirror
she has a favourite knife, and on the handle of that knife hangs a queen chess piece — it has a past that mirror cannot let go of and she will tear the world apart if she ever loses it
she hates the phrase ‘ it runs in the family ‘ — family has never treated her well, and she refuses to have anything in common with them
she learned to handle firearms and self defence at the ripe old age of 7 — her first encounter with firearms and fighting occured when she was 4
agent lustre (leoni)
she originally was not meant to join the organisation — she only joined because the once love of her life said they found home in it
the girls of the speakeasy call her name with the title of ‘miss’ (like how they address vila, who is basically their boss) because they want the two of them to start dating
she is known to be the lucky charm of the team: luck always seems to be on her side — if she wished something hard enough, it would come to fruition, whether it be an escape route or a battle strategy
agent heaven
her work in the organisiation, like it or not, helped a lot with her sketches and art studies — she always aimed to kill, he not torture, and it forces her to study the human anatomy with higher amounts of scrutintiy than she needed to before
she has a ritual of doodling on her arms before she reaches the site of a mission — it helps to calm her nerves and ground her when she made her kills and is running purely on adrenaline
she is a novel finatic — if she isn’t at work, she’s in her suite (housing provided by the organisation) reading novels from all genres and making annotations on her books
agent monarch
she could easily be placed into other organisations as a spy — people tend to underestimate what she is capable of + let their guard down easier around her, combined with her friendliness reserved for all, she can weed out any information from anyone (mainly because shes 4’10 and looks like a child)
she has had a long past with who she held close to her heart — now she just tends to bottle all of it up and hope the bottle doesn’t chose today to pop
she tries to be civil with all her targets, starting with just negotiations — violence is her absolute last resort : no blood needs to be spilled until there is no other possible way to solve it
agent angel
him and apex were highschool sweethearts — this was the only reason why he was okay when gemini said he was working with an ex : he was going to work with his too
he has a masters in psychology and is a psychiatrist — he also took up dance as a hobby when he had spare time (and somehow became a professional at it)
he has a cat called cherry (it’s his first child) — she hisses at people she knows angel doesn’t like
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2raculous · 2 years
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Arsenal: “Lucky Charm!”
Ladybug: “w-what is that…?”
Arsenal: “The answer to our problems.” *jumps off roof towards villain .*
Ladybug: “Hey you can’t use that!” *runs to edge of building and turns back to look at Reaper*.
Reaper: *Shrugs and jumps off the roof after Arsenal.*
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naiahidari · 6 years
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🎇 Happy Hari Raya to all Muslims around the world!🎇 I actually planned to draw Adrien as well in a Baju Melayu and put him and Marinette together in one pic, but Raya Prep took most of my time 😜 Also, excuse my handwriting btw :')
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moonlightkitkat · 2 years
I was scrolling through my notes app and found these! I have no idea if I posted them or not, but I didn’t see them when I looked through my page! So here’s some random miraculous headcanons I made like two years ago!
-when she can’t sleep at night she transforms and sneaks out of her house, carrying a backpack on her back that has a blanket and her sketchbook in it
-she has a small lamp she uses so she can see it since it’s nighttime
-it was a lucky charm she used and never used miraculous ladybug for so she just kind of keeps it for when she has her late night outings
-she’ll run across the rooftops for a while until she finds a spot that catches her eye, then sets up camp and sketches the area she’s at or makes some designs
-sometimes she doesn’t draw, but just sits and listens to the sounds of Paris at night
-more than once she’s woken up on a rooftop at dawn because the sun woke her up and had to quickly head home and get ready for school
Chat Noir:
-he likes to climb things, a lot
-the higher he is, the better
-at first he thought it was because he had his rockwall in his room, but then he learned somewhere that cats like to be up high so they can see everything
-he has an Instagram where he takes pictures from high parts of Paris
-Ladybug always yells at him to be careful in the comments
-when he gets overwhelmed from daily life he doesn’t run, but instead walks around from rooftop to rooftop, lost in thought
-he doesn’t sit and think, and he doesn’t run and think, he just walks
-when he calms down, he always heads to Marinette’s, and she gives him a smile and asks what kind of treat he wants today
-even though she says he doesn’t have to pay for it, he pays her back in other ways, such as new fabrics or cool things he found
-other time he just leaves money for her on the tray, held down by a cool looking pebble he found on his way there
These are if the temp. Heroes got to keep their miraculous
Rena Rouge:
-She talks to Trixx, a lot
-he’s a sort of buffer for her, steering her away from her theories and trying to solve ladybug’s identity
-now that she’s a hero though, she has more respect for her identity being a secret, and deletes anything that could be a hint from her blog
-she makes her own blog, called “Miraculous Day’s” where she posts videos of the heroes when they’re together, as well as videos and posts about things she’s learned along the way
-it’s pretty popular, and the other heroes go on time to time to answer questions from fans
-it’s a lot easier to do interviews on here when you can pick and choose the questions you answer
-the ladyblog died down a while after she became Rena rouge, but she doesn’t mind
-after all, she’s living her dream, and gets to write about life as a superhero, and is a lot less obsessive now that the ladyblog isn’t her main focus
-he loves having a chance to go out as a superhero and run around town
-when he can, he’ll go with Rena and they’ll race together, helping each other with new tricks they learned
-he doesn’t know who the pretty fox is under her mask, but he’s happy that he has a friend
-he has an Instagram account for carapace, but it’s only ever selfies with the others, and he rarely uses it, except of course to message Rena all day
-he doesn’t see her as a love interest or a crush, but he admires her and is proud to be her friend
-with Wayzz around, he finds ways to calm down when he gets angry that isn’t just blaring music and ruining his hearing
-he isn’t the biggest fan of tea, but he did find that he likes aromatherapy, so he gets tea scented ones so Wayzz can enjoy them too
-he becomes more mellow after becoming a superhero, having someone he can talk to helps with that
Queen Bee:
-in this She didn’t reveal herself, or maybe a miraculous ladybug made everyone forget
-at first she didn’t really change too much, staying selfish and bossy
-over time though, Pollen made small little suggestions that made her think a little more
-her Kwami wasn’t the type to say “you did this wrong!” Or “that wasn’t right!” But instead offers advice on what to do next time, or asks why she acted that way, making Chloé think harder and stop before she does something because she knows there are better ways to react
-she isn’t the nicest person by a long shot, but she’s gotten kinder
-when she gets overwhelmed by her feelings and feels neglected by her parents, she transforms and runs as far as she can, as fast as she can.
-she’s in control, she doesn’t need to stay there and wallow in her feelings
-who cares if her mom didn’t show up, she’s a superhero! That’s better.. right?
-she always ends up going someplace high up, where no one can reach her, and detransforms, letting Pollen console her while she cries
-like Adrien, being a superhero helps to cope, and like Marinette, her Kwami helps her and guides her, giving her support, which she desperately needs
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enelica · 3 months
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March 2024 Planning
What's planned on my Patreon this month :
Curious Cat :
· Illustration/Comic of the month: Sport AU (Submit an idea and vote for the one you prefer!)
· Small extracts from current comic Meet me in Eden
· Sketches, WIPs and GO illustrations or original art
· PDF "Bonfire"
Avdenturous and Audacious Cats :
· Same as Curious
· 1 page per week of my comic Meet me in Eden (detailed sketch)
· 2 pages per month of Meet me in Eden (final version)
· PDFs of all my previous fancomics!
· For Audacious: access to NSFW content (soft nsfw, suggestive nudity)
From Lucky and Charming Cats :
· Same as Adventurous and Audacious
· Two artprint sent to your home every two month*! Plus a unique print for your first month of subscription!
(*In March you will receive the print of February and March)
· Choice of artprints for the month of April and May
· For Charming: access to NSFW content (soft nsfw, suggestive nudity)
Voilà, here's what to expect if you join my Patreon, note that I'm already very touched that you're a subscriber! Thank you for your support and see you soon perhaps!
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natsuloverme · 2 years
DDLC Headcanons
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- Monika was in ballet for awhile when she was younger
- Monika likes claymation movies
- Monikas hair is very smooth and soft (And usually smells good)
- Monika likes fantasy books
- Monika likes Dnd
- Monikas Favorite animal is foxes
- Monika takes naps in the clubroom because of exhaustion from overworking
- Monika likes the color green
- Monika is understanding of the multiverse
- Monika had a really hard time finding out that she didn’t exist, that her friends didn’t exist and that her whole life she had memory of didn’t exist
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- Yuri is the most ticklish person in the world and gets embarrassed by it quite a lot
- Yuri gets overwhelmed in very loud spaces and prefers peace and quiet or conversations in small groups
- Babies calm/fall asleep in Yuris arms 😌
- Yuri has a huge Emo phase
- Yuri can be be pretty oblivious to when people are trying to be mean/rude to her
- Yuri sketches/draws quite often (Usually during class)
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- Sayori wants to be a counselor/therapist when she grows up
- Sayori sleeps with the cow stuffed animal ✨
- Sayori is very good with babies, she’s good at making them smile and laugh
- Sayoris parents travel and only come back on special days like Christmas or Sayori birthday
- There’ve been times that Sayoris parents won’t be able to make it for these events and Sayori Would have to be alone
- Sayori is chubby
- Sayori loves to wear bracelets
- Sayori wears ankle bracelets
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- Natsuki want to own a cafe when she grows up
- Natsuki sleeps with a kitty plush
- Natsuki is very childish around children and would probably get in a fight with a kid
- Natsuki loves animal crossing, Minecraft and Stardew valley
- Natsuki is also in the baking club
- Natsuki likes cats and bunnies
- Natsuki loves Lucky charms 💕
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