#Nutrition vegan podcast
fitnessmith · 2 months
Les glucides et la beauté du visage, les céréales et le pain
NOUVEAU PODCAST EN LIGNE 👉 Les glucides et la beauté du visage, les céréales et le pain. Lien en bio @fitnessmith ou sur mon site.
Dans ce podcast, nous allons parler de pain, de céréales au diner, de beauté et des glucides. Nouveau ! Stopper les crises de boulimie ( ou d’hyperphagie ) Rejoignez notre espace VIP et sculptez votre corps et votre esprit grâce à des programmes exclusifs, des sujets avant-gardistes et un soutien constant pour une transformation sans effet yoyo !   Sommaire du podcast : Pain millénaire Dans le…
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iismmumbai · 2 months
Veganism and Vegetarianism diet is the latest trend in sports nutrition!
In the above video, Ms. Ayushi Dhakate, a certified sports nutritionist and a faculty at IISM, explains that even though these diet options are trendy, they do not suit everybody as the nutritional requirements of every individual differs as per the body type and structure.
The complete podcast will give you a detailed knowledge on the importance of nutrition and diet to maximize the athlete's potential.
Watch our full podcast now to dive deeper into the world of sports nutrition and diet.
To watch the full podcast, click the link below:
Spotify:- https://open.spotify.com/episode/16pJuqqRVUxHkVgFWC1n0Y?si=6c1416aba82a4e8b
YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRW6lObLUi4
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thoughtfulfoxllama · 4 months
You wanted me to spill tea, and tea I will spill:
The Word of Wisdom is fundamentally misunderstood by everyone (myself included). Let's look at the Word of Wisdom, shall we?
Let's begin with the Prohibitions, as these are the only things enforced by the Church. They comprise of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illicit Drugs, Coffee, and Tea. From the start, we can't deny Tobacco, Coffee, or Tea. The WoW only said "Hot Drinks," but Hyrum (who was authorized to receive revelation for the Church at the time) said it meant Coffee & Tea.
On the subject of Tea, Herbs of the Field. The Lord has told us to use all the herbs of the field with prudence. This is not me saying to distrust medical professionals, but they can help sometimes. I can't count how many times I've had a horrible stomach ache helped by Peppermint Tea. But it'd be dumb to reject the advancements in medicine we've made in the past 10,000 years. This is also why I support medicinal marijuana (and other things like psychedelic therapy). As long as it is used in wisdom & moderation, it can do good for a number of physical and mental issues (such as my grandmother using it for her seizures, or that veteran who used it for his PTSD)
Finally, Alcohol. The Word of Wisdom only prohibits "strong drinks" (which was defined as distilled alcohol, like Vodka). It encourages Mild Drinks (such as beer), and says we can have wine, if Mormons make it. Joseph drank wine (for pleasure, not just for ritual), Brigham owned a Brewery, and on and on. Obviously, wisdom & prudence. If someone has alcohol issues, they shouldn't drink. This fits into my concept of Zion. Drinking for Pleasure is fine, but Drunkenness is unacceptable. We need to enjoy pleasure without getting consumed by them. But since so few of us can manage that, I see why the Church went the way it did
Next, what have we been encouraged to eat. Grain (which is the Staff of Life), Fruits, and Vegetables. There are people who can't eat them (people with Gluten Intolerances & the like), but I can't argue with this. Fruits and Veggies are good
Although, wisdom is required here too. Not all food is made equal. I'm not going to go completely crazy about GMOs (we've been modifying our food for over 5 millennia), but we need to be more careful about the affects. And the flour we use nowadays is stripped of basically all it's nutritional benefits
Final is the mixed category, namely meats & animal products
The WoW never actually mentions animal products, so this is all me. Animal Products are good, and should be used. Eggs (especially considering the "eat meat sparingly" part) are an amazing source of protein. Milk is good for calcium, if you're not lactose intolerant (like I am). The Lord approves of Honey so much he constantly mentions it in association with the Promised Land(s), and specifically told the Jaredites to take bees with them. But, like all foods we've covered so far, careful. My FiL used to be Egg Intolerant, until he started raising his own Chickens, and he's had no problems with those eggs (and they taste way better, and fill me up way more than Store-Bought ones)
The Lord taught us to "eat meat sparingly," and I've seen a bunch of interpretations, from Vegans to Carnivores. All hold some merits, but no one gets it all right. I don't even think I get this one. Ryan Hinkley (a Blogger & Podcaster) said part of his interpretation is that we should do the least harm. He advocates restricting meat use to meats like Venison and Beef, because they are large enough to feed a lot of people over a long period of time (and have you ever had Venison Tacos. Try it sometime, if you eat meat). It mentions Cold & Famine, and this could be because of the extra protein, which allows you to build mass, to keep warm in winter, and last longer in famine times. In addition, if you work in agriculture (especially in the time of JS), that's the most available food you have in the dead of winter. I want to add to this the prophecy about the Sons of Levi offering a sacrifice. Sacrifice for the remission of sins is done away with, but I believe animal sacrifice will return. In Biblical Animal Sacrifice, the Meat (for the most part) wasn't burned to dust, but roasted and eaten. If I am correct, and it does return, then the reason we are to eat meat sparingly is so that when we do eat it, it's as a celebration of the mercies of God. That's just my crackpot theory though, with ideas I've had floating around for years
(And this is all just a theory. I want to try restricting my meat intake & whatnot, but I don't feel ready for that. And even if the Church said we could drink, I probably wouldn't, because I have a family history of alcohol & drug abuse)
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ovaruling · 7 months
so i dragged my younger sister to a local vegan event last saturday where two local vegan athletes and bodybuilders (both of many medals) held a podcast and debunked a lot of myths spun by carnivores esp nutrition-wise. a vegan physician chimed in from the audience as well. it was a lot of gr8 info and v cool to hear from vegan athletes up close
so i didn’t think she was paying any attention at all but this week she sends me a tiktok of a woman’s recipe for a vegan bean and spinach soup and asks if i can help her make it since i have an instant pot and vegan broth base. and she NEVER texts me jsyk
kind of feeling hopeful….. maybe some of it got through to her??? she’s never shown interest in vegan recipes before…..i’m gonna let myself hope…..
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spandexinspace · 2 years
Do you have any Brainiac 5 hcs you haven't talked about? If so, I'd love to hear them!
Sorry this took like a week to reply to, I have so many random ass HCs in my head but it's apparently impossible to recall them on purpose. Anyway, have a random selection (most of these are universal, or apply to the weird preboot/reboot mix universe that lives rent free in my head):
This one used to be semi-canon, but I HC that he's vegan. And unlike many people in the 31st century he also doesn't eat lab grown meat, mostly because it never became particularly common on Colu where mushroom based and nutrition dense hard tack-esque foods (kinda similar to lembas) are much more common.
He's kind of a picky eater in general, but eats a lot of mildly strange food most of his teammates don't like. Not because they're strange and exotic but because they're bland and texture-less.
He doesn't like movies. Some can keep him engaged by being strange, fast paced and complicated, but he usually finds them too under-stimulating and either gets distracted or, due to his at best erratic sleep schedule, falls asleep only minutes into the movie. This has been used against him.
He doesn't like instruction videos or lectures for the same reason and prefers to learn things through reading or observation. He's the kind of person who'd listen to podcasts at 2-3x speed if he had to listen to them.
He's ambidextrous.
He speaks more or less like a normal person most of the time, but his language becomes more complex when he's nervous, agitated or being an ass. He's also much more likely to spout random stats and calculations under pretty much the same conditions. Unless he's doing it on purpose he rarely notices that he's doing it (legion work notwithstanding, mostly because it's not really the same type of agitation and because he's fully aware of what he's doing then).
He's mildly claustrophobic, but only really in the sense that he's scared of actively being locked up or trapped. Enclosed or small spaces in themselves don't bother him too much, while something like being handcuffed to something would.
He can be a remarkably messy person. Because if you can just memorise where things are with no effort you don't have to put them back where they belong. He wasn't too bad about it at the Time Institute, partly because he actually really respect Circadia, but everyone else who's ever had to share a space with him has to deal with it in full force. It extends to the small amount of private belongings he has too.
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calciumtabletsforbone · 2 months
Unlock the Power of Plant-Based Protein: Elevate Your Health with Nature's Bounty
Welcome to a world where health meets sustainability, and nutrition meets compassion. Plant-based protein sources offer a cornucopia of benefits for both body and planet, providing a delicious and wholesome alternative to traditional animal-derived proteins. Join us as we explore the diverse array of plant-based protein sources, from legumes and grains to nuts and seeds, and discover how they can nourish your body while treading lightly on the Earth.
Introduction: Embracing the Green Revolution
In a world where health-conscious consumers seek sustainable and ethical alternatives, plant-based protein sources stand out as a beacon of hope. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or a curious omnivore, incorporating more plant-based proteins into your diet can lead to a multitude of benefits, including improved heart health, weight management, and reduced environmental impact. Let's embark on a journey to discover the delicious and nutritious world of plant-based protein.
The Benefits of Plant-Based Protein
Heart Health: Plant-based protein sources such as beans, lentils, and tofu are naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making them heart-healthy choices that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure levels.
Sustainability: Compared to animal agriculture, plant-based protein production requires fewer natural resources and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions, making it a more environmentally sustainable option for feeding a growing population.
Weight Management: Plant-based proteins are typically rich in fiber, which helps promote feelings of fullness and satiety, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight and prevent overeating.
Exploring Plant-Based Protein Sources
Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are excellent sources of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Whether enjoyed in soups, salads, or veggie burgers, legumes offer a versatile and budget-friendly way to boost your protein intake.
Whole Grains: Quinoa, brown rice, oats, and barley are nutritious whole grains that provide both protein and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy and satiety. Incorporate them into your meals as a base for grain bowls, stir-fries, or pilafs.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients like iron and magnesium. Sprinkle them over oatmeal, yogurt, or salads for a crunchy and satisfying boost.
Quotes to Inspire Your Plant-Based Journey
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." — Hippocrates
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." — Mahatma Gandhi
Experience the Power of Plant-Based Protein Today
Are you ready to embrace the goodness of plant-based protein and transform your health from the inside out? From legumes and grains to nuts and seeds, the possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating plant-based proteins into your diet. Say goodbye to outdated notions of protein and hello to a brighter, greener future with plant-based nutrition as your guide.
"Learn from the best in the industry – explore our website expert interviews and podcasts."
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transform-health · 6 months
How to Prepare Vegetarian & Vegan Foods for Most Vitamins & Minerals |Transform Health is live!
You may be eating well, but your menu may not add vitamins and minerals to your body. Here are instructions for soaking or fermenting grains, beans, nuts and seeds to give you the maximum amount of absorbable nutrients. Very important for vegetarians and vegans, especially. It’s very important to soak any natural food with a coating on it, to stop the food coating (phytic acid) from binding with vitamins and minerals like calcium, and washing them out of the body. The sourdough process of making bread also neutralizes the food coating, making whole grains more digestible. The coffee roasting process may help that way, as well.
Would you like personalized help with your health journey? Contact me today to make a custom health plan just for you: https://www.transformhealth.biz/contact/
I help clients enhance their lives through individual Nutritional Guidance, Herbalism and Holistic Health Coaching. I specialize in alternative and functional medicine, food allergy discovery, digestive health issues, and more. I also offer online courses, free podcast videos, flower essence consultations, public speaking, cooking demos and classes, and food shopping counseling.
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Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this presentation, on my website, and in my books, courses and social media have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information or other contents of these materials. They are for educational and informational purposes only not intended as medical advice. The information does not create, nor is it intended to replace, a relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your health and prior to starting dietary routines, exercise or supplements.
Check out this episode about cause wheat allergy!
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momojojo17 · 11 months
If you’re passionate about working out and want to  gain over all physical and mental benefits, I have a few recommendations on what worked for me. A first step is finding a mentally stimulating activity that can physically benefit you. For me that’s the gym, lifting weights, and creating new goals, and after some fun you can see progress, which could be either physical, mental, or both. I started by looking up some female trainers, I ended up loving @krissycela ’s workout program, @evolveyou , Krissy is the co-founder and lead trainer for this work out program. Her program includes monthly, weekly, and daily structured programs including nutritional guidance as well, this will help you stay motivated and consistent. Next I researched different nutrition programs, with recipes as well, I personally enjoy eating vegan, so came across @rainbowplantlife s personal blog full of both nutritious and flavor packed vegan recipes. Through the proper nutrition Im able to have my physical and mental body stay nutritious and awake. When I started working out more I realized I was more hungry than if I hadn’t worked out, I researched some reasons which led me to believe I needed more protein in my diet, so I found @misfitshealth vegan protein powders and bars which I also highly recommend. After some more time I listened to some podcasts on mental and physical health and came across @Joerogan and he was very influential, and persuasive when it came to saunas and cold showers, so I started those too, which I feel are very beneficial . The sauna helped my muscles recover faster, and the cold showers made me feel more awake through out the day. After adding my work out program, nutritional diet, and these daily routines, I personally felt my physical and mental health heighten and would recommend anyone else whose passionate about this life change to explore these recommendations provided that have helped me. 
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planttrainers · 1 year
Workouts in 5 Minutes with Lani Muelrath - PTP469
Workouts in 5 Minutes with Lani Muelrath - PTP469
In today’s episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast we talk to Lani Muelrath, an award-winning teacher, author, TV host, and top plant-based vegan lifestyle coach about easy short workouts. Certified Specialist in Behavior Change, Plant-Based Nutrition, and Mindfulness Meditation Instruction, Lani has been featured on many tv shows and featured in magazines. Presenter for Physician’s Committee for…
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compassgreys · 2 years
Forks over knives meal planner login
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Forks over knives meal planner login apk#
Forks over knives meal planner login upgrade#
Receive support, tips and encouragement in our dedicated members-only healthy, plant-based community.Creamy, ripe avocado is blended with the brine of dill pickles, whose garlic and dill seed echo the seasonings in traditional ranch. 🤝 PRIVATE SUPPORT GROUP FOR YOUR PLANT-BASED DIET LIFESTYLE This dressing has the creamy, tangy, herby trifecta of ranch, but gets there with all plant-based ingredients.
Forks over knives meal planner login upgrade#
Upgrade your FREE meal planner to a monthly, quartery, or annual subscription (rates apply).
Takes the stress out of deciding what to eat during the week with an already made vegan meal plan.
All of our recipes can be cooked in 35 minutes or less.
Weekend Prep Planner outlines which ingredients you can prep your meal planner recipes ahead of time.
Grocery lists are automatically generated in the app to help you get in and out of the story quickly.
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✅ EASY AND FAST GROCERY SHOPPING AND COOKING TIMES Forks Plant-Based Meal Planner 1.4.2 APK download for Android.
Swap out any recipe for one of 1000+ recipes in our library.
Nutritous kid-friendly recipes are available to maintain your child's health.
Gluten, soy-, and nut-free meal plan options are available.
Get auto-generated grocery shopping lists.
Gradually whisk in milk and Hidden Valley Original Ranch Seasoning & Salad Dressing Mix Shaker.
Get weekly notifications for new plant-based and vegan recipes and meal plans In a small saucepan, melt butter stir in flour, salt and pepper until smooth.
Choose from vegan breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes that are low-fat, low-sodium, and 100% whole-food, plant-based.
Tell us your goals and how many servings you need every week.
🌱 HOW IT WORKS - HEALTHY MEAL PLANS & PLANT-BASED RECIPES SENT EVERY WEEK There's no easier (or more delicious) way to get started on your whole-food, plant-based diet and lifestyle than with the Forks Meal Planner! After all, plant-based diets are linked to a number of health benefits, like reducing your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and cognitive decline. On top of being whole food-based and vegan, they’re also low in fat and sodium, making this weekly meal planner ideal for improving you and yourr family’s health and wellness through clean eating. The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even. Add household items and more to stay organized all in one place. Smart Grocery Lists Reduce costs and save time with smart grocery lists that ensure you buy only what you need. This plant-based meal planner app is perfect for beginners and long-time plant-based pros alike.Įach plant-based recipe has been developed and taste-tested by our team of vegan chefs and nutritionists. Personalized Meal Plans Over 1,000 chef-created recipes and step-by-step instructions empower you to create plant-based meals for any occasion and family size. Get started by telling us your goals, number of servings you need, what vegan meals you need to cook, and we'll do the rest. Recommend the podcast on your social media.įollow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.įollow Plant Based Briefing on social media:įacebook: Facebook.Get healthy and delicious plant-based and vegan meals planned for every day of the week with the Forks Meal Planner app that's FREE to download now! With the Forks Meal Planner, you'll receive whole-food, plant-based and vegan-friendly recipes that you can cook in 35 minutes or less making your weekly meal planning easy for you and your family. They help us understand we can all play a part in driving fashion to be more sustainable and ethical - by choosing to wear clothes from ethical labels and by re-wearing, recycling, swapping and thrifting. They’re a group of campaigners, fashion professionals, scientists, writers and developers who care for our planet, people and animals and help drive the whole industry to become more sustainable and fair. Good on You is the world’s leading source for fashion brand ratings. Velvet is often considered a luxurious fabric, but what impact does its production have on people, the planet, and animals? By Solene Rauturier at GoodOnYou.eco.
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runveganwankerrun · 2 years
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This morning was bright and mild, with a slight breeze. Filled with the enthusiasm of the newly minted blogger with A PLAN, I got up at 6.30 am and was out the door for a run before seven. I find I have to get up a good half hour early these days to have enough time to have a shit. TMI? Well that's runners for you. We never do shy away from talking about our bodily functions. In the last year or so, I've needed to allow that time before a run. I wonder if it coincides with going vegan, which I did two years and nine months ago. I can't believe it's been that long.
As I said, shit then run, that's the rule. These days it's also necessary to take two ibuprofen and a bite of banana beforehand too. I have a couple of niggles which I'm nursing. I really need to start KT taping on a regular basis. My left knee has been sore for about twenty-five years and now my right ankle has been twinging a lot. As much as I've been in a funk recently, the last thing I want is to have to stop running. It's one thing to not want to run, it's quite another to have the choice taken away from you, and not be able to. Contrary bitch that I am. That's another thing I can say, "That's runners for you," about 😁
I genuinely enjoyed the run. I did 6k because I really want to get my distance up a bit soon. I know that I have plenty of time before deciding on a training program, but there's a 10k I'm doing in a couple of weeks, so I need that distance at least very soon. My only aim is to run and finish that race, so there's not really any pressure.
I listened to a podcast and thought about getting my love of running back. That would be the best thing that could come out of this impromptue decision to run my sixth marathon. I'm from outside Belfast and I've run that city marathon four times, and Dublin once. It would be weird to run in a city in England. It would be a much bigger experience.
Today I was on the roster to be a timekeeper at my local parkrun. I love that. It's a great way to be involved in the running community even if your running isn't on form. The 6k beforehand and the parkrun on a beautiful sunny Saturday made me feel great and really good about my chances of sticking this Manchester thing out. Now I need to start thinking about healthy meals and portion control.
I might as well be honest, I've no intention of eating properly till the start of the week. I'm happy to run, plan food and start the blog, but eating won't happen till Monday morning. I've been happy in the past to use tablets that deter the body's ability to absorb a percentage of the calories from food, in order to lose weight. It's not something that would particularly bother me now either, but if I'm to eat the best food in the right proprtions, that will not be necessary. I will weigh myself on Monday morning and take it from there. Proper nutrition and good fuel for the running and maintenance of the machine that is my body, that'show I want to view food. Sustenance. I really want to stop seeing food as recreation. That change in attitude alone would help.
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infinitenature · 2 years
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I am honored to be spotlighted in @rawfoodmealplanner Samantha Salmon’s podcast and blog! If you are curious about raw vegan pregnancy and school nutrition, check it out! I was also one of the guest speakers at Raw Vegan Food Health Empowerment Summit which she created. Click the link in @rawfoodmealplanner bio to check out the blog and follow her for great resources on your wellness journey! Repost from @rawfoodmealplanner • On the blog we are highlighting LaToya Davis @infinitenature1, raw vegan mom who had a raw vegan pregnancy. Definitely follow her for advice on that if you’re interested in going through that journey. We also talked about getting involved in school nutrition. Even though she is planning on homeschooling her children, she thinks it is important to advocate for proper school nutrition since, as she says “What our children eat impacts their mood and ability to truly focus while at school. Also, dairy produces mucus which impacts the immune system and is the cause of many illnesses related to the respiratory system along with allergies.” Some folks really believe that Black people don’t care about nutrition. This is crazy to me. Some people have found a way to justify the fact that many Black people live in food swamps made possible by government policies and subsidies. Despite all of that, I have showed you that Black people more than care about their health. They want optimal nutrition for themselves and their children. On this episode of the Raw Food Health Empowerment Podcast, we discuss how mothers are leaning in to advocate for healthier nutrition for children in schools. Link in bio. .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #childnutrition #fun4kids #healthykids #lunchforkids #meals #nohungrykids #schoolfood #schoolfoodservice #schoollunch #schoollunchheroes #schoolmeals #schoolnutrition #sustainability #vegan #vegans #rawvegans #rawvegan #blackrawvegansofig #blackrawvegan #blackvegan #blackvegans #blackvegansofig #blackvegetarian #rawvegansofig #veganofig #vegansofig #veganfood #blackvegansofig https://www.instagram.com/p/CdGsNoVFH4P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ingenierovegano · 3 years
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Estamos de regreso la Nutriologa @lia_kimu y el Ingeniero Vegano con toda la actitud, pues estamos estrenando la segunda temporada del Podcast Corazón Vegano, y les traemos el primer episodio, poniéndonos al día y platicando sobre como hemos afrontado la situación actual, esperamos sea de su grado. Pueden seguirnos en Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Ivoox y YouTube. #veganpodcast #podcast #vegan #corazonvegano #life #nutrition https://www.instagram.com/p/CLy9jg7pD-y/?igshid=13mpnp91kawq3
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vegannerdgirl · 6 years
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If you missed Sundays Secret BBQ RECIPE Sauce.. get all the ingredients by viewing the #linkinbio .. Also go over to @makingloveinvskitchen To see my Original dessert called “BLACK BEAN COCONUT CHOCOLATE MOUSSE!” It taste so #delicious! And it’s sexy and #dairyfree . _ This is #JustATouchof_J 👉🏾 I’m just tryna put it all out there in pieces for you. #linktree in bio. _ All full recipes are on The JustATouchofJ App and Blackvibes.com Now don’t forget to Listen to my New podcast. Link in bio @mynameisroni76 I’m talking about Fake Relationships.. and why people are in them. Hear it on the JustATouchofJ Mobile App for free by Tapping the (ListentoV) icon! Podcast also streams on all listening platforms, and plays in over 100 countries. _ To hear additional podcast, Catch “The JustATouchof_J Podcast Show” on Hot Atlanta ‘s 87FM Beatbreakradiofm.com & Reach One Network 👉🏾 Monday - Friday 12/12:30pm EST! 20 new episodes are now airing! I talk about anything and everything. You can even listen to my remakes of the hottest New #Music @beatbreakradio 🙏🏾 _ 👉🏾 Remember all you need is #JustATouchof_TheJ .. My #cannabis papers will be here shortly. Smoke on my passion. 👉🏾 First Line is the Finest Premium French European rolling papers! _ Make sure you check out J’sFit when it drops. You’re going to love My Fitness Pieces 😉 .. coming to @justatouchof_jsfitness and https://www.thisisjustatouchofj.com _ You can Listen to my #podcast , #radioshow #music View my #newblog #recipes, food, and #fitness .. plus Tips inspirational post daily.. Just Google JustATouchof_J 👉🏾 👉🏾 and Follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram. _ #sauce #bbqsauce #vegan #FOODIE #foodies #vspodcasttopics #nutrition #foodblog #godisgood #trustgod #fnceats #foodphotography #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #goodmorning #foodstagram (at Gwinnett County, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLrdRMnr87/?igshid=523mb9wd2q73
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planttrainers · 2 years
Vegan Strength with Sexy Fit Vegan Ella Magers - PTP444
In this episode of The Plant Trainers Podcast, we talk with Sexy Fit Vegan, Ella Magers about vegan strength. She shares her story of finding a vegan – Plant-Based lifestyle and how it helped her stay young, fit and strong. We talk about everything Muay Thai, vegan workouts, nutrition tips and we even get into mindset and the words we use and how it affects us.  An animal lover since birth and a…
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