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There is a window with a view you've never seen Get there, no matter how long it takes
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heartshapedbubble · 7 months
and now, for a request that took me six months to start writing and two months to finish due to personal stuff. jesus christ i should start including financial compensation alongside my fics.
anyways happy spooky szn everyone!! now that my reqs are finally empty i'll be reworking my page soon and opening them again💞
unspoken words, an orpheus x maid reader fanfic📕
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tags/heads up: reader is a maid, gender not specified, one sided enemies to lovers kinda????, suggestive only if you squint really hard and get your eyes reaaaally close to the screen (theres only kissing tbh)
Being a survivor was never easy. Peer pressure from both your team and people outside it, dealing with all sorts of blows directed right at you - either the physical ones, by the hunter, or the verbal ones from the other survivors.
But being a survivor AND a servant? It made things even worse.
Right after a match, it was only a matter of time when you'd hear groans and whines about how there's no tea and biscuits served in the living room, how there's so much dust on library shelves, how stained the floor in the hall is. And there was no time to catch a break, hell, no time to heal either. You roughly wiped your bloodstained knees, plucked out pieces of wood that dug themselves into your palms, and got back to work. As drops of remaining blood rolled down your leg and you felt your hips crack each time you bent down, you got back to your everyday cleaning service. As you were a maid - the only one that was available at all times, at least, and the only one who was actually living and not just a stitched-up corpse - most if not all of the household manor duties ended up a burden on your back. Strolling between the survivor side and the hunter side, you served warm cups of lemon tea, handed clean towels, even polished shoes. And my god, there was no mercy from either side. Everything was always "not good enough", and most of the time you barely even got a "thank you" handed back. One time, one especially daring hunter dared to spit on you as you scrubbed the tiles beneath him - let's just say that the handle of your broom got to his ankles quite quickly.
The maid life was ugly, but it had its benefits, too. For example, you heard all sorts of juicy gossip dealt from mouth to mouth, from ear to ear, dark secrets from every single person inhabiting the manor. And as most people ignored you unless they needed some unimportant favor from you, in the meantime there was plenty of alone time you could use up until the next bell ring. Curled up in a hidden part of the library, a plate stacked with softened butter cookies by your feet, your free time was spent dozing off on the soft, velvet cushions of the hard sofa by the foggy window, your eyes occasionally skimming through a yellowed book.
"Oh, sorry." Helena mumbled as the tip of her cane accidentally scratched your hand as you scrubbed the floor. "I knew you were somewhere in front of me, but I didn't know where exactly."
"It's all good, Hele." Helena was one of the more polite residents, but it was just part of her nature - shy, polite, respectful. Compared to everyone else, she was just a kid after all.
You achingly checked the grandfather clock looming over you, waiting eagerly until it rang for five o'clock and signaled your break for the day. Yesterday you stumbled over a really good book, with a fascinating plot decked into at least five hundred pages. You barely got to skim over the first few when you heard a whine from the living room, demanding a serving of pastries. It kept you up all day long and you could barely contain yourself from running to your little haven straight away.
At last, your deserved break came, and you almost tripped over the carpet folds as you ran towards the rusty trapdoor separating you from your one-hour paradise. Yet, as you lunged right for the piled-up cushions, you noticed a figure.
Sitting on your sofa.
Reading a book.
Not just a random book.
The exact same one you picked up and tucked under the pillows yesterday, so no one can get their grubby little hands on it except you.
And, to top it all off, it was no other than the novelist, Orpheus, who was sifting impatiently through the pages, splayed on your sofa like a frog, his leg bouncing nervously.
Ugh, that Orpheus. He was polite and all, one of the exceptions, good-looking even, but god did something about him rub you the wrong way. He always said hello, said goodbye, said thank you and please, smiled back at you, yet...
"Oh, good afternoon, ___!"
The position he was in right now really wasn't helping.
"Hello, sir Orpheus." The "sir" title you had to use out of respect awfully repulsed you, even more so than "lady". Perhaps it was the undertone of uttermost submission unavoidably coming with it. "May I ask you, what are you doing here?"
"Oh. Well, I was on a.... little expedition, will you", he chuckled, nervously playing with the buttons on the cuff of his shirt, "Y'know, messing with the bookshelves and what not, when I stumbled upon this fine little room. Seems like I'm not the first one to discover it, am I?"
"No, you're not." You forced yourself to smile, and sat right by him, the cushions dipping under your weight and slightly pulling you two closer. "I've claimed it as my own, in fact. I believe you don't mind that, do you?"
"I-I don't mind it at all! No no, how could I? Well, I..." He mumbled nonsense, trying to hide his face as he cleaned his monocle. He seemed especially nervous today, and he wasn't the calmest in general, either. "...may I assume you don't mind me staying a bit longer here, do you?"
You sighed. Well, maybe some company instead isn't a bad thing. Even if it was him. "I'll let it slip this time. Want some cookies?" You pulled out a scratched tin box from under one of the big cushions, and messed with the tightly clasped lid. "They're a bit stale, but they taste just fine."
He pressed his lips into a thin line. Hesitatingly, he picked a crumbling cookie and wrapped it in his handkerchief. "Thank you for welcoming me so nicely despite your... condition, y'know. I can only imagine how hard it can be having the role of a maid and a competitor at the same time." There was pity in his voice, a hint of internalized shame, maybe. Willingly or not, his last sentence created an uncomfortable silence between you two, and it was only a matter of time before one of you broke it.
"...You're welcome", you went in head-first into the conversation, "but I really don't need your pity. I didn't get a lot of it in the first place, and I sure don't need it now. My life is what it is, and neither of us can change it."
He sighed. "I suppose you're right", he said as he got up and stretched, "just saying, though.. accepting empathy or help here and there really isn't that humbling as it seems." He calmly walked through the trapdoor, as if he didn't say anything.
God. You decide to be nice for once and you get back a lesson instead? How fun. Especially when it's from someone who you thought you could confide in. But you're not going to allow his words to get to your skull - there's so much better things to think of compared to that....
"My apologies, dear." Michiko whispered as she quickly tiptoed away, accidentally bumping into you the second before.
"I'd advise you to be more careful where you tread, doll", Joseph suddenly appeared in the hallway, weaving his words with his usual husky yet elegant voice, "I believe you don't want any accidents to occur while working, hm?"
Out of almost all of the (adult) hunters, Joseph was the most talkative. And you were no exception - he regularly spoke to the other survivors, often scaring them by whispering from behind their back or jumping out of the shadows. He wasn't trying to form strong relationships, obviously, but it seemed like he wasn't the type to withold his comments. After some time spent observing you deduced that Joseph might be a little bit too fascinated with you - or at least a little bit too interested in chatting with you.
"No, Joseph, I, in fact, don't.", you groaned as you threw the broom back in your bucket, "Besides, shouldn't you be more worried about your own wellbeing, old man? Should I bring you some balm for your sore limbs?"
He clicked his tongue. "Tch. You know I have good intentions, dear." One blink later and he already merged with the shadows, looking for someone else to talk to.
"Woah. What was all that about?" You heard a voice behind you, a bit shaky and uncertain. It was - you sighed - Orpheus again, in his hands a ceramic tray stacked with porcelain dishes and silverware, a warm scent of mint emitting from the glossy teapot. He wasn't having a good time trying to balance it in his arms.
"Nothing. Just Joseph being Joseph. Mind me taking this for you?" you grabbed the tray in an instant, now much more stable under your grip.
"I...do, actually." He slowly pulled the tray back towards him, a bit hesitantly now as his hands shook beneath it again. "I thought once you finish we could sit down for tea. Y'know, just the two of us. In the little room in the library. I can bug Norton for some of his tres leches if you want. Or maybe Margaretha for pierogi if you're craving something savory instead... Sorry, I wanted it to be a suprise." He looked away, bashfully, as if he regretted doing all of this in the end. You weren't sure what had gotten into you at that moment, but you suddenly felt that if you don't accept his offer now, you might feel really bad later on. Like looking at a sad little puppy's beady eyes.
"Thinking of it now, it doesn't seem like a bad way to pass the afternoon. I'm in."
You puffed at the steam coming from your cup.
"Joseph really gets on your nerves, hm, ____?"
"A bit, yeah. Snooty old man."
"Ah, come on now, he isn't that bad. He's quite pleasant to talk, actually. A little intimidating, very peculiar, but pleasant. Most of the time."
"Wish it was like that when playing against him. I go through hell and back while dressing my wounds because of his damned rapier. How did it even get approved by the owner?
"He's a veteran, so I believe they decided to let it slip back then. Or maybe he just swayed DeRoss off of his feet with his Frenchman charm and the two lasers he has for eyes."
You almost choked on your tea. Orpheus had a suprisingly sharp tongue, unfitting with his unsuspecting face and downturned eyes. He took off his gloves - revealing rough yet nimble fingers - and scooped some pierogi onto his plate.
"Was this a pleasant enough suprise for you?"
"Well, for the first time someone has been nice to me in a while, it's quite delightful, I admit."
"You mean, you wouldn't consider Joseph being polite towards you as "being nice"?"
"Oh, just wondering, since I overheard bits of your conversation today. He didn't really sound rude, did he?"
"I mean, he wasn't rude or anything, it's just...I don't know how to explain it. Yeah, people are nice to me, actually, quite a lot of them, but they rarely go beyond their words. They don't put them into action."
"I see. I believe it gets annoying with time."
"It does."
"Do you put what you say into action, too?"
"...What are you implying?"
"As in, when you like a person or care for them, do you also try to put into action your love for them?"
"Orpheus, I put everything into action. Every day. That's my job as a maid."
"Yes, I...know that very well, but do you put love in action, too?"
"I don't have time for love. Nor is there anyone to fully love here, I fear. Just tolerate and like, maybe. If they're really nice."
He sat up straight, his thumb trailing his bottom lip back and forth.
"See, I'm no expert, but I do feel that you're denying yourself of something you don't know you need most."
Leaving you puzzled, he got up and left the room.
"Orpheus, have you ever kissed somebody before?"
He suddenly jolted, staring back at you from the other edge of the sofa.
"What kind of question is that?" He tilted his head, pouring milk into his tea. One tea break ensued after another, and now it has become an unspoken rule to bring something to sip (or munch) on to the library hideout as the clock struck for afternoon.
"You know how they portray poets and novelists. Romantic, sensual, passionate. I just assumed you already have some experience with dating."
A faint pink flashed his cheeks. "Well, now, what is it that prompted you to ask me? And now, of all times?"
Sip by sip, sentence by sentence, and you got quite close to Orpheus in these few months. You couldn't help but think about his words here and there - to do something with love, not just because you have to. Or out of love. Whatever. The following day after he brought you tea for the first time, you felt the moral obligation to invite him for lunch. And so the cycle continued, an opportunity to chat appeared along with it, and in Orpheus you now saw a friend. Perhaps. There were bits of joy in the moments when you picked out the perfect flavor for the day or played with coffee cream, attempting to make some designs with it.
No, in fact, there was no real reason behind your question. It seemed fitting enough for the moment, and maybe, just maybe, you wanted to catch him off guard again.
"Felt like it."
He cleared his throat. "Well, if you're so curious about it.... not really. Fangirls were common but... I'm simply not very experienced. Some may see me as charismatic but once things get a little bit more serious I don't know what to do. Was that the answer you expected from me?"
It was a bit ironic. A bit cute, even. How his charisma only reached up to actual love, the real thing. The same thing he remarked you needed the most.
"Funny. The Orpheus, the detective novel author, afraid of love? Out of all things?"
It didn't take long for him to pout his lips, looking away in shame. "To be fair, there's quite a bit to be afraid of in love. There's commitment, passion, building trust, insecurity... It takes a lot to love."
"I see."
"May I ask you the same question?"
"Which one - if I've ever kissed someone? Never. Never had the opportunity. Never felt the need, in fact. It wasn't a necessity to have a partner, only a plus. It's not something to be terribly afraid of. I believe it just happens and, well, you go with the flow."
"Well, maybe you never feared it because you never reached its starting point."
"Oh, Orpheus, you're supposed to be a novelist, not a philosopher."
The library sofa is quite practical. If you pull the compartment at the bottom of it a little too hard, it can be stretched out, turning it into a large comfortable bed, although a bit rough on the skin.
You and Orpheus laid on the sofa-bed, directly facing the large window, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the glass.
"It's really calming here. Lulls you right to sleep." He started, his monocle set aside. Now having a better look at his so-to-speak "monocled" eye, you noticed it's more downturned than the other.
"...Mhm." Already half asleep, you turned your head towards his face, soaked up his profile through lidded eyes.
"____ , is everything okay?"
"Everything is just fine. Juuust fine. I'm just a bit sleepy."
You looked at his hand, laying by his hip between you two, fingers twitching here and there nervously. He never took his gloves off in front of you except for when he was eating.
"You can go take a nap if you want. I'll wake you up once it's time to go."
Your hand mindlessly headed towards his and your fingers pinched at the satin gloves, trying to take them off his hands.
"No, I think i'm good."
He sighed sharply. That wasn't a sigh of annoyance, it was a sigh of pain, like trying to breathe deeply while your heart aches.
"God, no. Please, ____ , don't do this to me."
He was scared, and now you were too, but his hand remained still. Torn between pleasure and horror. His fingers cold and nimble, his hand rough and calloused again. For an unknown reason, you wanted to hold it, from the second your gaze switched to it.
"I'm not doing anything bad, am I?"
Your fingers finally fit between his, palm to palm. It was weird. Like holding a pleasantly cold cup and trailing across sandpaper at the same time. But it felt good. It felt safe, secure, like it could last forever.
"You know what you're doing."
You felt his fingers tighten around your hand, gripping it tightly.
"...Please keep on doing it."
Seven o'clock.
An envelope in your hands. Your name written on it in the prettiest cursive you've seen, like a treat, baiting you to open it.
But you held back.
You waited.
The door creaked behind you. Not turning back, you spoke softly:
Your name uttered between breaths.
The clack of his shoes, his weight switching from leg to leg, his breathing becoming louder. You could now feel it on your neck. The chilling warmth.
"Why didn't you open the letter?"
"You know why."
"You're cruel."
"But you came anyways."
He sighed. "... for love." It sounded heavy coming from his mouth.
"For love." You smiled, the word now as light as a butterfly. The knife tore through paper and you skimmed through the lines of words, a careful gaze watching you as you did so.
"...What do you think?"
"It's wonderful."
"I know what's on your mind."
You turned towards him now. Face to face. Mere inches separating your eyes. Eyes, wandering everywhere else except towards what laid in front of them.
You tried to lay your hands around his neck. You tried, really. But the look in his eyes already denied you before you even started.
His hands quickly reached for your lowering wrists.
"Give me a moment, I beg of you." He whispered, shaking.
His lips indecisevly hovered above your lips, then your neck, your nose, your cheek. You closed your eyes firmly, only opening them once you felt comforting warmth on your jaw. He pulled back, leaving a translucent string of saliva as he parted.
"I know it wasn't as magical as you expected it to be. I'm sorry, ____ ."
"We barely even started, Orpheus."
He tried to object, to bury himself again, but before the words could slip from his mouth, your lips shut him up. And so, in a mere moment, the unspoken words did not matter anymore.
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Noodle's Questions
Hey gigglers! I haven't written a tickle fic in foreverrr, but here is a little something I whipped up. I hope you enjoy! (Teases inspired by @just-a-fluffy-knight)
Fandom: Wonka
Characters: Willy, Noodle
Summary: There is a lot that Noodle doesn't know, and a lot that Wonka can teach her.
Note: This is a tickle fic. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling.
"Willy, I have a question", Noodle posed, sitting up straight. She and Wonka had been lying down next to each other on the candy-grass of Wonka's factory, recovering from the effects of tens of different magical chocolates.
"Yeah?" Wonka responded absent-mindedly, still lying down in a half-doze.
"Well you know how chocolate is brown because of the coco. Well where does white chocolate come from?"
Wonka snickered, "That is a very good question young lady. I guess I'll show you". However, Wonka was making no effort to sit up. Noodle, after patiently waiting for the demonstration for about ten seconds and receiving nothing, poked Wonka's stomach in an attempt to get his attention.
"EEP! Yes?"
Noodle chuckled at Wonka's response before rolling her eyes. Honestly, Willy could be so weird sometimes. "Willy, the demonstration?"
"Oh, yes", Willy said sheepishly, sitting up, taking off his hat and reaching inside it, pulling out a square of regular milk chocolate and a small jar with what looked like a bee inside. Incredibly confused, Noodle watched as Wonka opened the jar and released the bug.
"Watch this", he said with a grin as the bug flew around the chocolate, sprinkling a kind of dust which, after a few moments, turned it white. Noodle's eyes widened in realization, "Ohhhh! That's so cool Willy!"
Wonka smiled, "your welcome", before lying back down.
A few minutes passed before Noodle's inquisitiveness returned.
"What did you see earlier?"
"You know, earlier when you squeaked. What did you see? Should I be concerned?"
"Ohhh", Wonka said in realization, his cheeks going a little pink. "Nothing Noodle, don't worry about it".
Noodle rolled her eyes, poking him in the stomach again, "Wonkaaaaa".
Willy squeaked just as he had before, causing Noodle to instinctively jump and look up at the sky, trying to find the source of her friend's fright.
Wonka sat up abruptly, "Ok Noodle, you know that curiosity killed the cat"
"What cat?" Noodle asked. Having grown up at Scrubbit's and with no family, there were a lot of things that Noodle didn't know. She could read and write and do mathematics just fine, but had never done anything like play or sing or eat sweets or use silly phrases until she had met Wonka.
Wonka sighed in an exaggerated way - "If you must know, Noodle, I'm just a bit ticklish there"
Noodle raised an eyebrow, "Your what?"
Wonka's cheeks went dark red, "Ya know, ticklish". He perched his knees up before his torso, looking away and pretending to be distracted by something in the distance.
"Ticklish? That doesn't ring a bell". Wonka looked aside at her face for one second, catching that she was dead serious, before turning away again. How could he explain tickling?
"W-well", he stuttered, once again looking away, "It means I'm sensative. Like, if you touch my tummy I might react like that. It's nothing".
Catching on to Wonka's embarrassment, Noodle smirked and thought she might have a little fun.
"Oh, like this?" She poked his stomach again, and he let out and even louder squeak than before, and, in a swift motion, he tackled her over so that she was lying on the grass below him. She screamed from his surprise outburst, but giggled as she saw him sitting above her, looking down at her with the most flushed look she had ever seen.
"Oh, okay, you want to have some fun huh?". Just than, he scribbled all ten of his fingers into Noodle's sides, and, in an instant, she burst into high pitched giggles.
"Willy!", she cried, scrunching up her face and slightly kicking her legs.
"Wo-hoa-hoa", Wonka said, scuttering his fingers across her belly, "I thought you would be ticklish, but this ticklish?"
Noodle giggles got higher pitched as Wonka moved spots, her swatting away lightly at his hands to protect her belly.
"Are you ok with this Noodle?", Wonka asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries. Noodle nodded as she continued giggling, before turning onto her side, trapping Willy's hand.
"Hey!", he said, "Get back here Apple Stroodle!". Noodle chuckled at the nickname, before Willy flipped her over again and started gently squeezing her knees. Noodle immediately collapsed into full on belly laughs, rocking back and fourth.
"Ahaha! Willyhyhyhyhy!"
Wonka looked down at her with an evil smirk, "Well well well, looks like I hit a bad spot huh Noodle?"
Noodle's cheeks went red. This was her first time being tickled, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't fun. She felt completely carefree, as if she was eating one of Wonka's calm musical chocolates, although the accompaniment was her shrieks of laughter. Wonka moved on to reaching under her arms experimentally, and her chest sunk down a bit as her laughter lightened steadily into a trail of giggles. All the while Willy was smiling down at her, the girl's joy infectious, and feeling as happy as can be to see her in such a state.
After a few more seconds, Wonka stopped, afraid she would suffocate otherwise. She continued to giggle with phantom tickles and, once they wore off, she just chuckled, sat up and smiled at Wonka. Than, as if like a lion jumping at her pray, she jumped in to hug him, and this time Wonka's squeak was one of fright. The gesture was unexcepted, but Wonka rubbed her back gently.
When she separated from him, Noodle smiled, "I felt so loved. So connected. So bubbly! Thanks for teaching me about this Wonka, I'll have to tell my mum to do it with me sometime".
Wonka looked away once again, his embarrassment returning to him.
"It was such a silly sensation", she said with a laugh, before lying back down, gesturing Wonka to lie beside her. The older boy leaned back, putting his hands under his head like a pillow.
"Didn't you say you were also ticklish?"
Wonka's eyes widened, and he immediately jumped in the air, running across the candy forest of his factory.
"Hey! Get back here Willy!", Noodle called out, standing up to run after him.
"You can't catch me!", Wonka teased, grabbing a chocolate tree branch and swinging himself up. Noodle ran up to the tree, standing at the bottom as Wonka sat triumphantly on a branch above her.
"Haha, nice try Noodle!"
Noodle rolled her eyes again and smiled, "I'll get you next time Willy!"
"Nu-uh", he responded, "there won't be a next time - I'm staying up in this tree for the rest of my life, I can make chocolate just fine from up here".
Noodle chuckled and rolled her eyes again, "Ok, whatever you say Willy". She knew he would have to come down eventually.
That's it! Thanks for reading (: Hope you liked it.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Just One Sip: Chapter One
Just One Sip: You take a job as a security guard at an old manor to pay off your crippling student debt. You did not expect to be guarding a mysterious man trapped in a glass cage or to fall under his starry eyes. You were going to break him out, but becoming his snack was not part of the plan.
Warnings: Blood, Gore, Vampire Shit (Obv.), Accidental Wounds, Explicit Language, Kidnapping, Territorial Morpheus, Coworker Harassment (Welcome to the Steven hate Club, He’s a Sexist Twat), NOT EDITED (CAUSE I’M LAZY).
To Note: Vampire!Dream x Female!Reader, It’s a little dark but Reader doesn’t complain.
Word Count: ~7.0k
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Why did you ever think that taking this job was a good idea? Oh right, you were broke, the pay was stupidly high, and your desperation was at it’s last straw. Your student debt was looming over your head like a rock threatening to tip over and crush you. When you saw seen the listing for this job in the paper, your eyes had just about bugged out of your skull. They were paying how much to be a security guard!? You hadn’t even bothered to read the details of what the job entailed, you just figured that you would apply and hope that your luck hadn’t run out.
It hadn’t, but upon arriving at Fawny Rig, you knew that something wasn’t quite right about the place.
So you’d been directed through the manner where you had to sign a bunch of non disclosure contracts and a whole bunch of other paperwork, then given a rundown of the place. You were allowed almost everywhere, a cook would be fixing meals for the skeleton service crew three times a day, and your room and board were given to you. There was just one little fact that you had to get used to: you were on the night shift. You weren’t alone of course, no guard was supposed to be on duty without back up… but the change in your sleeping schedule had put you on grounds duty until you were fully adapted to sleeping during the day.
One of your main clauses in your contract was absolutely no sleeping or dozing off while on duty. It was absolutely forbidden. Hence why you had been slowly eased into your new position. You found that making sure you had copious amounts of caffeine on hand helped, and had little difficulty staying awake and alert all night by your second week in. That’s when the bomb shell of your job had been dropped on you, and you found out why you were being paid so much, and why you had signed a million papers.
You were guarding a hauntingly beautiful man trapped within a glass bubble within the bowels of the grand manor.
That wasn’t right. He wasn’t a man, as you had been told, but something else. And very dangerous.  So dangerous that it was forbidden to fall asleep in the same room as he, there were multiple occult drawings on the floor below the cage, and the glass cage itself was welded shut. How did he breathe? Was he even fed? No, despite your disbelief in what you had been told, the man was never given water, was never given food. He was never given anything. His cage was untouched, proof being the thick layer of dust clinging to the heavy chains holding the glass ball in the air.
Apparently, the man with pearlescent skin, starry eyes, and midnight hair had been trapped in the basement of Fawny Rig for over 106 years. You spent your mornings, tired and red eyed, pondering how he had become trapped and how inhumane it was, while trying to fall asleep overhead the trapped man. You wanted to do the right thing, you really did. But you couldn’t exactly go to the local police and tell them about him, and explain that he wasn’t human and had been trapped for over a century. They’d laugh in your face. You had also basically signed your life away in taking this job. If you spoke to anyone about what you saw, you’d never see the light of day again.
When had he last seen light? When had he last stretched his legs? Walked, ran, had basic decencies? He was so pale, so devoid of warmth, how could he just sit there with an emotionless expression and not go crazy?
“Evenin’,” Jarred from your inner thoughts, you looked to your left where you saw Ernie stifling a yawn.
“Good evening,” You echoed as the day shift guard rubbed her eyes and reached for the coffee pot on the table you were standing in front of. How could she drink coffee when she had already been up all day and was clearly tired?
“Just checked in with Mr. Burgess, says he wants to start you on basement full time this night,” Ernie continued, refilling her mug and sniffing the coffee. She began drinking it straight black.
“Full time?” You repeated nervously, uneasy at the idea of spending a full twelve hours down in that basement with someone who wasn’t human, and made you feel like a prey animal. “But I—”
“Ah it’s easy,” Ernie cut off your protest. “Just sittin’ there for twelve, boring as hell but you don’t gotta do nothin’. He doesn’t move save for occasional arm shifts. Sides’,” Ernie yawned again and gestured to you with her coffee cup. “You won’t be alone, you’ve got Steve with you, he’s been on the job for three years now, he has. You’ll do alright.”
You made a sound of regretful agreement in your throat and filled a thermos full of coffee to keep with you in the basement. Breaks were allowed, but only in five minute increments. Not nearly enough time to sit down and have a full meal… so you grabbed a banana and a granola bar, stuffing them into the pocket of your work pants. The long periods in-between meals was sometimes difficult for you, but occasionally one of the staff would bring down more snacks for you and your fellow guard to eat. They never even blinked at the trapped man. Everyone was just so normal about having a man trapped in a basement. You hated it so much and at times thought to leave. But then you remembered that you needed the money to pay off your loans and weren’t financially able to be without a job.
You were stuck being a monster.
Ernie nudged your shoulder as she trundled passed you.
“See you tomorrow, kid,” She said over her shoulder, disappearing from the service workers dining room. Right, your job. You needed to head on down to the cold basement before you were yelled at for loitering around on the clock. So clutching your thermos full of coffee, you walked out of the dining room and headed for the basement door.
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You were back.
Not much had changed in the 106 years Morpheus had been tapped within the glass prison and circle of magic. Guards came and went. Stone faced. Apathetic. Bored. It was just another job, they weren’t paid to care what he was or why he was trapped. Just to make sure he didn’t leave.
But then you had come along.
You weren’t like the previous guards. You were younger. You still had life burning within your eyes. You had empathy, and it was clear that this job bothered you greatly. If it wasn’t the looks you occasionally snuck at him when the other guard wasn’t looking, it was the way you sat in the stiff plastic chair. Tense and on edge. But what was most different from the others, was the haunting scent that the Endless could occasionally smell wafting from your skin.
It was like the richest of ambrosia’s, sweet yet light, beckoning in a haunting way. In all his eons of living no creature had ever smelled like you. Almost sinful. Mouthwatering. Morpheus could feel his incisors threatening to descend every time he caught a precious whiff of you. But that wasn’t the worst of it, no, he could hear each and every beat of your heart. Hear how your ambrosia pulsed through your arteries and veins. Your blood was almost singing to be drunk, to touch his lips in crimson waves, pour down his throat and fill the Endless with absolute pleasure. What Morpheus would do just to try even a drop of your vitality.
The blood thirsty monster within Morpheus wanted to rip every mortal in this manor to pieces for knowingly abetting Burgess in his endeavor to keep him trapped… but you. You, he wanted to bury his face in your neck, fill his senses with your bewitching scent.Yes, if you were still working for Burgess when he got out, Morpheus would leave you be, but not before sating his burning desire to find out if you were indeed as mouthwatering as you smelled. He only needed to press his nose to your flesh to ascertain the answer to that desire.
In the corner of Morpheus’s eye, he saw that Steven was giving you a run down of the full schedule for the guard shift. It appeared you had finally been upgraded to the 12 hour night shift. Rather than being almost tortured by your scent for merely a few hours, Morpheus was going to have your scent filling his mind for hours on end. A blessing or a boon, he did not know.
“But really, Y/N, you can bring a book with you,” Steven spoke to you, his focusing on your face. The mortal was appreciating what he saw. Morpheus didn’t need to hear the way his heart beat increased sitting next to you, or hear the way his tone shifted when speaking to know that he was attracted. You wouldn’t even look him in the eyes though, a peculiar response. It appeared that you weren’t comfortable with his overly friendly actions, or occasionally touches. That pleased the Endless for it only set you apart from the others.
“I’m being paid to watch,” You softly replied, trying not to physically jerk away from Steven. He was nice enough, maybe a little too nice and a touch flirty, but you were there to do your job. “Not to read.” Steven snorted and raised his eyes to give the trapped being an unimpressed look.
“Nothing ever changes and he doesn’t move,” Steven said smugly. “At this point in time you’re just being paid to sit there and look pretty, love.” You tried not to be insulted by his words, because it felt like he had reduced you to a pretty face and not someone competent at their job, but failed to hide the micro expressions flickering across your face.
Morpheus saw them all. Your disgust. Your admonishment. Your desire to be anywhere else.
This time his incisors were descending from anger.
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You really didn’t like Steven. Niceness aside, he was pushy towards you. Always sought out a reason to touch you, or talk to you, or hold your attention. This was the first time you had received this kind of attention from someone and you found that you didn’t like it. You just wanted to do your job and go to bed, not go out with the older man for a morning cup of decaf, or shared breakfast. In complete honesty, you wanted to tell him that you weren’t interested and were simply there to make a paycheck… but you felt like that might jeopardize your job!
Not only were you stuck watching a mysterious man who was tearing your mind apart with moral dilemma but you had no financial way out of your situation. You had to grin and bear this job until you had earned enough to pay a decent amount of your student debt and could pick yourself up again. Even if you had just darted out on him after he had cornered you in a servant hallway to once again ask you out for breakfast.
You had tried refusing, saying that you weren’t hungry, but he hadn’t taken that answer. No, the larger man had grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, insisting that you go and get coffee instead. It was by pure luck that Ernie had popped by to ask you to watch mystery man for a few minutes for her while she and the other guard finished up some work from Mr. Burgess. You couldn’t run fast enough for the basement, your wrist throbbing from Steven’s grip.
Stumbling across the miniature drawbridge, you held your hurting wrist to your chest while looking over your shoulder in paranoia, worried that the insistent man had followed you. He had not. Letting out a shaky breath, you turned back around and stepped further into the open space. Then you stopped short when you realized that he was staring right at you, his head tilted ever so slightly. You’d never seen him move before. You blinked and looked down at your wrist, your fingers delicately massing your aching flesh.
“I’m just covering for Ernie for a few minutes.” You spoke, not knowing why you felt the need to explain your presence to him. “I— you wouldn’t happen to know how to inform someone that you are entirely not interested, do you?” His stare remained unchanged for a few moments, then his eyes dropped lower.
Morpheus could hear the way your blood crackled and popped, surged and swelled around your wrist. Burst. Something had caused trauma to your delicate wrist, breaking blood vessels and causing your bewitching scent to be touched by a note of pain. It added a bitter note to your smell, one he disliked. Something had hurt you. No, not something, someone. The endless could hear the spindles of broken blood vessels wrapped around your wrist, surging in places where it did not belong and spreading that bitter scent of pain up your arm. He could almost picture large fingers wrapped around your wrist, squeezing it until pain bloomed and blood vessels broke.
You let out a drawn sigh.
“I don’t know what I am doing here, or why you are stuck there.” You mindlessly whispered, glancing at the trapped man once more. “It’s not right and I— I don’t know what to do.” You looked lost, Morpheus could see that. You also did not belong, but he had little time left to contemplate what you were thinking, or further examine the spindles of what would soon become bruises… for Ernie finally came walking back in.
“Thank’s for coverin’ for me, Y/N,” Ernie spoke, walking over to her seat and sitting down. “You look like you’re gunna fall asleep on yer feet. Head to bed, I’ll see you when it’s time for shift change.” You nodded at her and gave mystery man one last look. He was still staring at you. Still gripping your arching wrist, you strode from the basement, eager to get to bed.
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There had been a problem in the manor. What, you didn’t know… but it required an extra pair of hands and Steven had been called away from the basement. You were almost happy that he was gone and you were alone in the basement, but at the same time, you were alone with him. It wasn’t a big deal to you, nothing ever happened save for the sparse few times your eyes had connected with him. The man simply spent hours on end either sitting cross legged or stretched out on his side. You could only imagine how bored he was… and yet, he never spoke or asked for freedom.
You were both bored, that you knew.
For the last hour you had been reading a book from the library upstairs, but it was getting tedious and you were no longer processing the words on the pages. Closing the book, you dropped it to the tabletop in front of you with a heavy sigh. You massaged your temple and slouched back in your seat. What were you going to do now? Your eyes flickered to the man in the cage. He was still stretched out on his side, staring off at the corner opposite from you.
If this had been any other situation, you would have marveled at the complete and utter beauty he held. All of his muscles were beautifully defined (though you didn’t know if that was because he was dehydrate… did he get dehydrated?), his skin was a beautiful pearlescent white, and his ragged black hair onyx black. He looked like the male version of Snow White. You’d kill to have eyelashes like his.
“Stop it,” You muttered to yourself, turning to the left and reaching for the letter opener. Part of your job was to handle the ‘fan mail’ that Fawny Rig still received since the days that Mr. Burgess’ father, Roderick Burgess, was in his prime. Apparently he had started a secret occult society and there were still followers in the world. You only knew this because you happened upon a strange book in the library that was essentially a guide book to the society. Information you probably weren’t supposed to learn, but no one had said anything when you carried the book out of the library to read.
Getting back to the fan mail, your only job was to open the mail, give it a scan, and throw it away. No one expected anything from it, you were just supposed to make sure there weren’t any threats to the manor or to Mr Burgess or Mr. McGuire. Handling the letter opener, you tucked the tip of it into a thick envelope and pushed the blade across the brown paper. Setting the knife to the side, you dumped the package upside down and let the contents fall onto the table with a thump. You carefully pushed the contents of the envelope around, looking at them. More words that you didn’t understand, several occult ’spell’ questions.
A branch of lavender that actually smelled nice.
Nothing dangerous, just a bunch of occult material that you didn’t want to read… so you gathered the papers up and dropped it into the bin labeled ‘fire’. You were half convinced that Mr. Burgess was paranoid that the town of Wych Cross would find out that the manor still received mail regarding such topics, so all occult related letters and print, were burned. You mindlessly moved onto the next letter, cutting it open, giving it a quick scan, and dumping it into the fire bin. You were half way through wrangling a box open with the letter knife, it was taped rather impressively, when a loud bang from upstairs startled you and the letter opener slipped.
The wicked sharp blade easily sliced through the meaty part of your palm and a resounding yelp slipped from your lips. You jerked from your seat to a standing position, letter opener clattering onto the table while you grabbed your wrist. Bloody hell, you’d cut your hand right open!
“Shit,” You uttered, eyes rapidly scanning the table for something to stop the bleeding with. It was sparely decorated and there wasn’t anything you could use. Ignoring the mess you made with your blood, you grabbed the letter opener again while reaching for your undershirt. You cut a strip from the bottom of your undershirt and hurried to wrap your hand. Then you realized you couldn’t tie the fabric. “Damn it!”
So you scrunched your face while squeezing your hand as tight as you could, and tried not to cry from the sharp pain. How could one cut bleed so much? In your panic, you hadn’t been paying attention to the man you were supposed to be watching. So when you finally noticed that something had changed in the glass cage, your head snapped up. Holy shit. He had moved.
Eyes locked with those that now looked completely black, you quivered in place in realization that he hadn’t just shifted an arm, or from one position to another, but was now standing up and staring at you. You weren’t even affected by his naked state, just blasting you with all his greek glory, no, you were frozen in place by the look in his eyes. In the rare instances that resulted in eye contact, his eyes had always been a captivating bright blue. Not this dark, soul sucking black that felt predatory. He almost looked inhumane. And entirely focused on the blood dripping down your hand.
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Your smell was incredible and desirous. But the fresh scent of your blood dripping from your hand had taken control of the Endless’ body and mind. After 106 six years of having no blood to drink, to parch the dryness in this throat, to indulge on the thick and sweet liquid that was the life of humans, his thirst for you was insatiable and there was nothing more he wished than to sink his teeth into your flesh and taste what surely would be better than ambrosia.
But the way your blood was dripping from your hand, the way that the letter opener has sliced through your flesh. Morpheus greatly disliked it, especially when he could smell the unpleasant tang of your pain permeating the air. And yet the smell turned his focus back to his intimate desire. Rich and crimson, your blood continued to flow through the makeshift rag, staining your skin and running down your wrist. Oh how Morpheus wished he could lap up those trails, guide his tongue along your weeping vitality until his mouth reached your wound. He would seal his mouth there, run his tongue along the broken skin, numb you to your pain while indulging himself on the taste of you.
And oh how you’d moan for him, he was sure of it. Morpheus could only imagine the sounds you’d make as he drank from you, your precious vitality flowing down his throat. Hot. Viscous. Sweet. Everything he needed, everything he wanted. Someone untouched by the scourge of man.But while Morpheus was staring at the dripping blood and focusing on the pulses of your heart pushing more and more blood from your body, Steven had returned… and he let out a loud exclamation at the sight of you trying to stem the bloody mess that was your hand.
“Bloody hell!” Steven shouted, rushing forwards and grabbing your hand. You winced at his manhandling and the way he squeezed your already sharply pulsating hand. From behind glass, Morpheus’s gaze turned from desire and want, to possessiveness and anger. How dare he touch you. How dare he cause you further pain! “What did you do, Y/N?” Steven chided you, pulling you away from the desk and towards the iron gates.
“I— I was just opening post, accidentally cut myself on the letter opener,” You meekly replied, glancing over your shoulder to see the man still staring, but his gaze now darkened with animosity. He clearly didn’t like Steven. Steven further scolded you for being so careless, and unraveled your sloppy and hastily tied knot, before tightening the cloth around the wound to the point where you jerked your hand back with a sharp yelp. Your irate coworker tutted your reaction.
“You need to be more careful,” He continued to berate you while all around treating you like you were a child. You just pressed your lips together and held your tongue. “This will need Medical attention, head upstairs and see Lynn.”
“I’m on duty,” You tried protesting, looking back at your ‘charge’ so to speak. If it were possible, those blackened eyes would have vaporized Steven by now with how hard he was glaring at the man. Steven snorted.
“You can’t work like this, go,” He ordered like you weren’t technically equals. Any fight you had left about performing your job left, you felt belittled, like he had insinuated you did this on purpose, or were just too clumsy to be left alone. God, could the man make you hate him any more? So with your hand clutched to your blood stained shirt, you left the basement with your tail tucked firmly between your legs. The moment you disappeared, Steven rounded on the prisoner.
Fucking hell he was standing up and glaring at him in all his odd, strange glory! Did this creature have no shame? Displaying himself to you with such blatant want. As if you’d want a freak like him.
Steven sneered at the trapped being and stalked up to the outer edge of the binding circle.
“You can want her as much as you’d like, demon,” Steven spat out, his eyes glittering with disgust. “But she will never want you.” The human snickered as black eyes darkened and muscles bulged. “You think she’ll ever want a freak like you? She needs a real man to take care of her, to show her what to do. So you can stare at her all you want, you’ll never have her like I will.”
Morpheus liked to think he wasn’t a savage and cruel being. Not when he held the entire collective consciousness of the universe, not when he felt it all… but this human made him wish for violent things, vicious actions. Steven sneered one last time and finished his words.
“I’ll tell you all about what it’s like to fuck her like a real man. Shit, I’ll even put a ring on her finger and claim her as mine. How’d you like that? You can just sit there, alone and miserable, with the bluest balls knowing that pussy of hers is mine, and it’ll be my cock that fills her up with babies and keeps her home were she belongs.”
Morpheus was going to ensure that when he was free, and he would be soon, that this mortal regretted ever speaking about you in such a crude and disrespectful way.
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Your hand had needed stitches. It was a bad place to have a cut, in an area where the skin moved and shifted. The stitches constantly ached and every time to used your hand, the stitches pulled. Steven chastised you, saying that if it hurt, you needed to stop doing what made it hurt… but how were you to do your job one handed? Your eye was twitching from Steven’s sexist remarks, but by some miracle, Steven was needed for Paul’s ground crew during the day, so he was off the night shift and you were alone on the night shift.
So you were walking down the basement steps to switch out with Ernie and Fred. Walking across the small bridge to the cold room where the the guards station was, you greeted the pair and watched as they packed up their things for the night.
“Moved an arm, shifted positions, that’s about it,” Fred told you as he got up from his seat and adjusted his belt. You gave him a chin nod and rubbed your wrist.
“Steve not on this night?” Ernie questioned while collecting her book and coffee cup.
“He ended up doing something for the grounds team today so no,” You sighed before giving the larger woman smile. “Have a good night Ernie.’
“You as well, lord knows nothing ever aspens round here.” The day guards bid their final farewell and left you alone in the basement. You let out a breath and lightly tapped your hands on your thighs, before glancing at your charge. He was staring at you, or more specifically, staring at your hand.  You looked down at it and flexed your fingers.
“It’s fine you know,” You told him. “Just needed a few stitches.” You didn’t know why you were explaining such a thing to him, it wasn’t like he was going to respond to you… but you felt like he had been concerned about your injury. Or at least disturbed by it. You wandered over the old magic circle drawn in the dirt floor, and held up your palm. “I’ve been banned from opening letters, too clumsy I guess.”
His head tilted to the side while his eyes scoured your stitched wound. It was red, still puffy, and clearly hurt. You looked down at the faded, hand drawn red symbols on the floor. You’d been told to never smear the lines. To never touch them, as they were vital in keeping the man trapped. You slowly lowered yourself into a crouch in front of him, your eyes glossing over the carefully inscribed symbols. The same ones you had seen in the book of occult in the library.
“What would happen if I break these lines?” You softly asked, your finger ever so gently brushing against the top of the old red paint. Pulling your hand away, you looked at your fingertip, red paint had transferred from the first to your skin. You rubbed it between for fingers, then saw a flash of white. Lifting your eyes, you saw that he was now standing up, staring at you with a look you couldn’t quite place. You rose to your feet and observed his eyes, they were back to that stardust blue, sparkling with cosmos hidden within. No hint of black or darkness.
He didn’t reply to your question, and you didn’t expect him to. Your eyes shifted to the glass and the steel structure holding him in. Even if you did break the circle, how was he supposed to get out? It looked like the structure was welded shut with him in it. You’d have to find a way to break the glass or loosen a seam. Running your fingers along one of the weld lines, you noticed that in some of the places, there was signs of wear and tear, rust. Rust indicated weak metal. If you found something sharp enough, like the letter opener, you might be able to pick and scratch at the metal enough to cause a hole. That was a good start.
You mulled over your options, and the repercussions that would ensue win you followed through with them. Surely you’d lose your job, the pay you were using to pay off your student debt… but he’d be free. You pressed your injured palm against the glass and let out a frustrated breath. Why did doing the right thing always have to screw you over? A pale hand pressed against the glass, opposite to yours. You could have sworn you felt a zap of electricity through the glass, or something that made your hand tingle.
“I’m gonna lose my job,” You told him honestly. “But I’ll do my best to get you out.” This time when his eyes started glowing bright silver, you didn’t shiver in place. You knew that he was acknowledging your words. Trusting. That made you feel relieved. You didn’t want him to view you as an enemy.
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You were halfway through your shift, Steven was back with you, regretfully, and the letter opener you had grabbed before your shift started was a heavy weight in your jacket pocket. You had some hope that you’d have a chance to little away at the glass cage when you were alone, but Steven didn’t seem to want to take a break, or leave you alone. It was maddening, but surely Steven would want to go on a break at some point? It wasn’t like he was going to sit next to you for twelve hours… But as the hours slowly ticked by, and Steven didn’t budge from his seat… you decided to get creative.
“Steven?” You asked, forcing yourself to speak sweetly to the obnoxious man. The older man eagerly perked up and turned to you, a smile on his lips. “I’m feeling a bit hungry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to carry a food tray with one hand… do you mind fixing some tea and snacks for me?”  You words filled Steven with confidence. Finally, finally you were understanding that you needed to rely on him.
“Of course,” Steven told you, rising from his seat. He couldn’t help himself and gave the trapped being a smug look. “Someone has to take care of you.” You gave him a sweet smile and and resisted flinching when he brushed his fingers beneath your chin as he passed. Your hands were trembling as you kept them pressed into your lap, and it wasn’t until you heard the resounding echo of the reinforced door that you moved.
Slipping from your seat, you reached into your jacket and pulled out the letter opener. You are in front of the glass cage in seconds, digging the tip of the knife into the rusty part of the metal.
“I thought he’d never leave,” You muttered out, trying to jam the letter cutter into the metal. Bright blue eyes watched as you wiggled and jigged the tip of your blade into metal, chipping away at it. For the first time since Jessamy’s death, Morpheus felt like freedom was within his grasp. You, were within his grasp. His throat ached with your proximity. He could smell the blood rushing through your veins, sweet and calling. Your heart was beating at a heightened pace, you were clearly agitated, he could smell your nervousness. Even the disgust you felt towards the other mortal’s action.
He shifted where he sat, drawing near to the glass separating you and him. His thirst had been manageable these years, but now? Now his throat ached terribly, his incisors digging into his lower lip, and his hunger was overtaking all ration within his mind. You were oblivious to starry blue eyes shifting to pure black, only focused on the task at weakening the structure as fast as you could. The letter opener was just starting to make a descent crack when you heard the sound of the basement door and Steven’s foot steps. You cursed loudly, jerking back from the glass cage. Your hands managed to shove the sharp blade back into your jacket when Steven appeared.
“Y/N?” He asked, his eyes narrowing. You scrambled to come up with a reason for why you were not at the desk. “What are you doing up?”
“Oh, I thought—” You glanced back at the man, before looking at Steven once more. You didn’t want to take your eyes off him. “I thought I saw him move, wanted to get a closer look to check.”
Steven set the tray he had prepared just for you, on the desk and approached you, is gaze narrowed. You were too close to the creature for his comfort, and he didn’t like the way it was staring at you. He knew it wanted you. He knew it watched you with want, with desire, always. Well he would show it that it was Steven who was going to have the pleasure of having you. So he grabbed your wrist and sharply yanked you back towards the desk. You yelped from his tight grasp around your wrist and twisted your hand, trying to break loose. You were swung around and bent backward over the table, Steven looming over you with a wild look in his eyes.
“St-Steven? What are you doing?” You squeaked out, your hands pushing at his chest. The man grunted against your soft flails and held you tighter.
“Making sure that it knows you are mine,” He growled at you, his hands roughly tugging at your uniform. You slapped at his hands, ignoring the stinging stretch in your injured one to no avail. There was a thud to your right, and your eyes shifted to see the trapped man standing and braced against the glass cage, rage in his eyes. The rage you could see, at least he could see how wrong this was. Steven’s fingers brushed against the bare skin at your waist and you finally retaliated. Your left hand cracked across Steven’s cheek so hard that for a moment blinding pain erupted in your hand.
Steven’s head snapped to the side, a splotch of red on his cheek from your hand. Heart pounding within your chest, you dropped your eyes to your pained hand. It was bleeding again, crimson liquid quickly seeping from broken stitches and down your wrist.
“You bitch!” Steven growled at you, lunging at you once more. You yelped and dodged to the right, slipping free of him and throwing yourself towards the cage. Your hands scrambled to pluck the letter opener from your jacket, for what, you didn’t know, but the moment you neared the glass cage and the man standing behind it, helpless to your predicament, hands snagged your waist.
“Let me go!” You shouted, grappling the letter opener. Steven’s fingers scratched at your skin in the struggle, and it became clear that you were not going to break free of his grasp. So in desperation, you slashed the letter opener at Steven, and he howled. Then you charge forwards and body slammed yourself into glass, sinking the letter opener into the thick material. Cracks splintered outwards from the letter opener and your own wild and slightly fear filled eyes briefly met pitch blacks ones. You were dragged back by an enraged Steven.
Fighting against the bigger guard, you clawed at his face and writhed around, trying to get out of his grasp. You were getting blood everywhere, in a world of panic, your hands were sliding around in a bloody mess. Steven was pissed, as you had cut his chin and were not acting as you should. He manhandled you away from the glass cage while you shouted at him and cursed him out. He threw you at the desk and you crashed into it with a grunt, your forehead hitting the edge of the desk and momentarily stunning you.
You slipped to the dirt floor in a daze, only vaguely hearing the sounds of breaking glass, grunts, and Steven crying out and screaming. You didn’t care what was going on with the man, you were in too much pain, bleeding, and entirely done with this hellish job. No trapped life was worth the money. Grappling the desk, you clawed yourself into a slumped position against the desk with a whimper. Your hand hurt unbearably and your head ached sharply, but you couldn’t let your guard down, not around Steven. So you mustered up the strength to lurch in a half circle and stagger a few steps towards the cage, hoping to retrieve the letter opener to defend yourself with.
Jaw gaped open when you saw the massive whole in the glass, and no trapped man. That was good, right? From behind you came a snap. You wobbled in a circle in time to see Steven crumpling to the ground, his head at an odd angle and blood pouring from several wounds in his chest. Eyes wide, they flickered to the trapped man who was standing next to Steven, in all his naked glory, a thunderously dark and hungry look in his eyes. Oh god. You began backpedaling quickly, stumbling over your feet. One moment you were backing away and the next he had you pinned to the nearest stone wall. One of his hands held the wrist of your bleeding hand up and his starry black eyes were entirely focused on the warm blood slowly slipping down your warm.
“What do you want from me?” You asked, a tremble in your voice. He didn’t respond, instead, he pulled your bloody wrist to his mouth and licked at the slowly drying blood. A quiver went through him as the sweet scent of your blood finally made it to hit tongue and he could taste just how delicious you were. Paralyzed yet fascinated, you watched the inhumanely beautiful being drag his tongue everywhere blood had dripped down your flesh. You hand twitched in his hold and your breath hitched when he licked at the base of your palm. God, please don’t make it hurt anymore. Squeezing your eyes closed, you waited for a burst of fresh pain…
It never came.
Rather than another piercing lace of pain that would rattle all the way up to your elbow, your pain began to dissipate when his mouth pressed over your broken stitches. You gasped, feeling his lips and tongue hungrily laving at your bleeding wound. You didn’t want to believe what you were seeing, what you were feeling. Someone who’d been trapped for over a century, someone who didn’t age. He had to be— a moan slipped its way past your lips when his tongue dragged itself the length of your wound. Your noise surprised you and made a rather pleased sounding rumble come from the mans chest.
Your bleeding wound was licked until your skin was clean and there was no more crimson staining your skin, and there was no more of your delicious vitality slipping from your hand. He was still so hungry. He pulled back and looked in your eyes, and you gulped at seeing the blood smeared on his chin and lips. Your wrist was abandoned and he slipped his fingers along your neck, gripping the back of it while his pitch black eyes dropped to the spot on your neck where your pulse raced. So hungry. So hungry. So hungry. The moment your neck was pulled and subsequently bared, your hand snapped up to grab his wrist while you pressed your other against his chest. A shuddering whimper departed you as lips pressed against tender skin. Your fear skyrocketed, but you didn’t push him away, or try to rip free. He had to be hungry, so hungry, that it didn’t surprise when he did bite. You bit down on your lip, sniffling a whimper of pain.
It was a strange feeling, feeling him greedily drink from you. But not unpleasant. No, you were surprised that the pain disappeared quickly and was replaced with a feeling of euphoria. Your nails scraped at his skin, unconsciously trying to drag him closer to you. More noises came from the being pinning you in place, noises of relief, noises of pleasure, noises of desire. All those weeks of smelling you, scenting your bewitching fragrant blood, had culminated to this point and he was getting drunk on your taste.
Then you started feeling lightened and your grasp wilted. Your legs began to collapse beneath you, but his hold you easily supported your weight. Eyelashes fluttering, you tried to fight against the sleepy feeling quickly overtaking you, but your arms felt like dead weight. Limp as a rag doll, you could barely feel your heart struggling to beat. One more sigh slipped past your lips before you slipped under that blanket of darkness.
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Date Published: 5/6/23
Last Edit: 5/6/23
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307 notes · View notes
bas-writes · 7 months
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nonsexual acts of intimacy ↬ holding hands
❧ geto suguru x gn!reader | cw: crush (implied mutual), insomnia, smoking, teacher!geto au ❧
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At seven in the morning, when autumn sunrise light can barely squeeze past gray clouds, the school looks like a forgotten temple that's been lost mids half-awake dreams. 
It's a view worthy of giving up on the fight against insomnia. The damp cool, sticky with the remains of fog, is so soothing for your exhausted brain, far better than the blankets you ineffectively tried to cocoon around you. It dissolves all the sounds into a distant, muffled hum. The clatter of servants and maintenance workers, voices of students and teachers preparing for the incoming day—all the sand irritating your ears in your room is like a soft melody when you're outside. 
If not for the cold, forcing you to ball up in the corner of the terrace, maybe you could finally fall asleep.
"Oh, you're up early."
Soft, male voice soaks through the curtain, breaking the eerily vivid daydream. Yet, his appearance is weirdly matching the atmosphere: disheveled hair, lazily tied in a knot at the back of his head, old and stretched sweater, not lit cigarette between slender fingers, hunched shoulders and that sweet, endearing smile only Geto Suguru could bring to such perfection. 
You missed the moment he came. Well, maybe you've dozed off a little in the end. 
"I'm still up," you clarify. "I haven't had a wink of sleep."
"You returned late." Geto joins you in your corner, leans against the wall so close you can feel warmth radiating from his big body. "Thought babysitting the first years and Satoru will finally wear you out."
"I wish," you sighed and rubbed your hands against your shoulders. "But hell, look at you. You look like death. What did your third years do to you?"
His laughter is so pleasant, soft and harmonic, rumbling gently in his wide chest, "They are some problem kids, indeed."
He fishes a lighter out of his pocket, slips the cigarette between his lips, "Mind if I—"
The lighter clicks, once, twice, but you can't hear the characteristic sharp first drag of smoke. Instead, you feel his warm finger brushing at your cheek, wiping an invisible dust, then tracing a dark circle under your eye.
"You're ice cold," Geto's angelic smile fades as he studies your curled figure. "How long are you here?"
You just shrug, yourself having no idea. It'd been bright when you left your room, but with the dim, autumn light it could be as well five minutes and an hour ago.
"Maybe let's—" He's already been pulling on your elbow when you gently shake his hand off. "Alright. I'll allow three minutes."
With your senses still dull, it takes you a moment to catch up—it feels as if he pressed you to the wall all of sudden. But he's just shielded you from cold air, now cups your hands between his, his hot and moist breath dancing between your fingers when he blows air on them.
You feel so small and fragile and starved when so close to him. Geto's simple gesture crumbled the walls of insomniac apathy, grazed the side of your soul you've had no idea is bleeding and yearning. There's only as much you can resist and ignore, after all.
If only you haven't been caught in such a vulnerable moment—
Has Geto read your mind? You love and hate that mysterious smile of his, those eyes closing and hiding his true intentions—demeanor so suiting the gray autumn morning.
"You run warmer now." He whispers so casually, as if he hasn't just turned your heart running and cheeks burning.
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a/n: not going to lie, i have such a weakness for nothing went to shit timeline, where geto never slips to the dark side and becomes a teacher instead... hey, a girl (gender neutral) can dream, right?
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leezlelatch · 1 year
You Are My Sunshine
Dad!Copia drabble. Copia spends a little time with his baby girl in his office.
Copia scribbles his signature on the document before him, the paper moving slightly, causing the V in IV to skew crookedly across the signature line. He chuckles softly to himself and then looks down at the little bundle wrapped in his left arm.
"A little harder to write, but entirely worth it, eh, bambina?"
He sets down his pen to adjust the blanket, pulling it down slightly so his baby girl's face is clear. Copia grins, joy in his eyes as he watches her little mouth pucker, searching for a pacifier or a bottle even in her slumber. Her eyelashes are such a light brown, delicately dusting her cheeks. He gently smooths a hand over the fuzzy hair on her head, and Copia idly wonders if she'll have curls when she's older.
“My little sunshine baby," he coos at her, leaning back in his chair to hold her closer. Paperwork can wait when his very life rests in his arms.
For a man above 50, alone most of his life, this baby is his miracle. He can never thank his Prime Mover enough for showing him he deserves to be loved and to give love. For accepting him as their husband, and now the father of their child. Copia loves his little family with every fiber of his being and could burst into tears from just the very thought of what the Dark Lord has blessed him with.
The baby squirms and makes a disgruntled noise, her little hand coming up, fingers moving in reflex against her face. Copia gently cups her hand, letting the small digits wrap around his finger to pull it softly away from her cheek. Newborn nails, to his surprise, are awfully sharp, and he nearly had a panic attack the first time he saw a small cut on her sweet face.
"We'll have to clip these again, piccolina," he tsks.
She stretches, slowly coming out of her doze, those precious little newborn grunts escaping her lips as she opens her eyes, blinking heavily against the light. Copia sighs softly, entirely in love with his baby. He strokes her warm cheek with a finger, gently tapping the tip of her nose.
"Buongiorno, my love. Did you sleep well?" The baby's tiny mouth opens wide as she yawns, and he laughs in delight. "Oh, si, mio dolce bambina, hai dormito così bene mentre Papa lavorava."
She looks toward his voice with sleepy eyes, her pink lips stretching into a smile, and although Copia has been told it is a reflex at this stage, he chooses to believe that she is smiling at her Papa. It never fails to make tears spring to his eyes, and he wipes them away, his shoulders shaking with quiet laughter.
"Look at your Papa, bambina. Such a mess. You have me wrapped around your little finger, you know this, huh?" He uses a single finger to tickle at her belly. "Are you laughing at your sciocco vechio Papa?"
Another smile stretches across her small face, and she moves in his arms, fingers opening and closing, legs kicking under the little embroidered rat blanket she is wrapped in. Copia leans his head against the back of his chair, staring up at the ceiling for a moment while a rush of emotion flows through his chest. He swallows and looks back down at her, a watery smile on his lips.
“I love you so much,” he whispers. “My precious little miracle. This is my paradise. This is my home.”
Oh, si, mio dolce bambina, hai dormito così bene mentre Papa lavorava - Oh, yes, my sweet baby, you slept so well while Papa worked. Sciocco vechio Papa - Silly old Papa.
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hentagirl · 11 months
Open wounds
Warnings: biting, open wounds, yandere demon Giyu , dark theme, non con,
Context: Y/n has been feeling like someone is watching his every move..
⌈ᴳᴵʸᵁᵁ ˣ ᴹᴬᴸᴱ ᴷᴵᴺᴰ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ⌋
Y/n was in his cozy home cleaning making sure there wasn’t any dust he froze and felt a pair of eyes he looked out the windows and saw nobody he put the curtains but he still felt eyes looking at him maybe he should invite his friends to come over now that he thinks about it he hasn’t gotten any letters from them lately..Y/n looked around his house making sure nobody was home other then himself. Y/n was in his futon that had huge blankets and pillows Y/n was about to doze off when he heard someone’s footsteps Y/n freaked out he was scared that he wasn’t alone in the house he hid himself in the covers hoping it was all a bad dream tears ran down his face he suddenly felt a strong grip take the covers off him “oh there you are.” a demon looked at the boy who was crying and shaking in fear “don’t worry i would kill you darling~” said the demon “but you try running away..well you know what’s gonna happen.” explained the demon while he was talking Y/n could see his sharp fangs that have probably torn human flesh..”w-who are you..” asked Y/n he saw the demon get close and sit down with him “Giyu Tomioka now listen very well darling i’ve been watching you for a long time it seems you would make a amazing wife.” said the demon called ‘Giyu’ Y/n blushed and looked away “i’ve come here to protect you from anyone and help you with chores around in return you become my wife.” offered Giyu “and what if i say no…” asked Y/n “oh don’t worry you’ll eventually get use to me around.” said Giyu “now sleep well.” Giyu was about to walk out of the room and Y/n smiled “just so you know i’m not leaving.” Y/n smile faded away he was still scared of the demon who said he would make sure to protect Y/n such nonsense..
It’s been a few months later and the demon was true to his promise Y/n slowly felt more comfortable around Giyu for some reason…Giyu would become more affectionate to Y/n like for example it was night time Giyu was out hunting for humans and when he returned he had a boquete of flowers for Y/n
Giyu was acting very weird he was clinging onto Y/n who was braiding his long hair “are you ok Giyu?” asked Y/n a bit concerned for his..his friend “i’m fine..” said Giyu “you don’t seem hmm—“ Y/n felt Giyu push him to the futon and heard Giyu panting “Y-Y/n i promised i would wait for this but i can’t anymore i’m sorry…” Y/n was confused then he felt Giyu bite his neck and felt him sucking causing a dark purple mark to appear “hng..G-Giyu” Y/n tried pulling Giyu’s black hair away but he would pry “I-im sorry but i need you…” Giyu tasted Y/n’s sweet blood he looked at Y/n who had tears running down his cute face Giyu felt so aroused by this Y/n felt something hard poke him “w-what is that…” cried Y/n “i’m sorry Y/n it’s just your so cute and pure i just wanna ruin you..” Y/n blushed and the room got darker the only thing he could see was Giyu’s eyes that were full of lust and his face flustered
part 2????
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sunboki · 2 years
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including; bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin
genre; fluff, angst?..
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BANGCHAN hardly sleeps as well all know, he’s practically a vampire. except the most cuddly and adorable vampire ever. so after an extremely long day, snuggling into your already asleep figure even if he doesn’t end up sleeping with you sounds delightful. apart from when he pulls the sheets over himself he’s alarmed with your quiet sniffles. “honey, oh honey..” he whispers, voice despite being exhausted gentle. “scary dream?” your frantic nodding told him yes. his thumbs lightly rubbed your cheeks, forcing you to look up at those eyes you loved oh so much. “it’s okay honey, i’m here.” chan reminded, chiding you close to him. your grip never faltered on his shirt, his scent and warmth engulfing you like a warm cave. rest assured, it didn’t take you long to doze off again. your cozy wolf chan.
MINHO’s eyes shot open at your cry of his name. hardly awake to process what was even going on. “minho minho! oh my god oh my god minho..” your hands shook violently as you sobbed into his chest. “what happened are you hurt?” those concerned brown orbs studying you as he lifted your hands—looking for the problem. “i….i had a dream i lost you..” you heaved to catch your breath, fragile eyes gazing up at him helplessly. it broke his heart to see you so scared. “i’m not going anywhere. you know that.” he peppered tiny kisses along your neck and jawline. eyes glancing up to you with a mini smile stretching at his cheeks. “and i know the kitties would experience hell without me.” this spurred a giggle from you, and as cheesy as it sounds—minho swore the pitch dark room lit up because of that laugh. “you don’t think they’d manage with me?” you faked a pout, arching a curious brow at his reply. “no they’d manage with their cat-mom, but they’d miss me most.” you rolled your eyes at this. cat parents. yep.
CHANGBIN shouted angrily at han, laying his controller down with frustration. the quokka quickly covered the dwaekki’s loud mouth as changbin eyes him in confusion. “y/n ah’s sleeping! be quiet!” he teased his hyung endlessly, but before your boyfriend could whine he caught his tongue. to keep from waking you up, he’d restrain himself from strangling the quokka till later. however, you just happened to have stirred awake—caught in a storm of terror. at the realization that your beloved was gaming outside sent you straight into his arms. because right now, your heart was beating to fast to be alone. “oh y/n ah did we wake you up?” han began only for you to wrap yourself around changbin, clinging to him like a koala. your boyfriend threaded his fingers through yours, noting how you shook. “scared? you can stay in here with us.” he soothed, spare hand rubbing your back. he knew you were still shaken up, deciding to instead take your mind off it with his sweet words and careful hands. adorable.
HYUNJIN sat with his knees pulled to his chest, simply admiring your sleeping face. his hands steadily sketched in the notebook he carried around religiously, taking in the slight crinkle in your brow, the way your eyelashes dusted along as you dreamt. a good word to describe how he felt would easily be enamored, enchanted. you were stunning in his eyes no matter what you did, even sleeping didn’t change that factor. so your quiet mumbles of his name didn’t cease to peek his curiosity. “baby?” he called hesitantly, jumping in his chair when you sprung to life. running a hand along your face. “holy crap..” but upon noticing him sitting there caused you both to shriek in surprise. hyunjin laughed at this, shoulders shaking nonstop. “did i scare you that bad?” he mused, observing your frazzled state. “yeah, and my dream did too. it was straight up weird.” this made the jiniret chuckle as well. “now i know you pout when you have nightmares.” — “what?” — “nothing.”
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all rights for this work are owned by @sunboki
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fullsunrise · 27 days
Delicate - Chapter 8
Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you Oh damn, never seen that color blue
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Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Descriptions of insomnia, description of a panic attack, smoking. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with these themes!
Previous Chapters: Posted on Masterlist
Ever since she kissed Haechan, Ji Woo found it impossible to fall asleep. It had only been a few months, but she was sure the lack of sleep was starting to slowly eat at her. The deep shade of lavender under her eyes was proof enough, along with the fact that she had been practically dozing off in her lecture class. It was dark by the time the class ended, the moon hanging low in the sky.
Her dark, empty, and quiet apartment greeted her. Not even bothering to turn on the lights, Ji Woo dragged her tired body to the one place that used to offer relief. The comfort might have allured her body, but her mind knew she wouldn't get any sleep. She had tried everything to ease her mind but nothing worked. Normally the melodic hum of the heater helped. Now it mocked her.
It was the same endless loop of thoughts that replayed every night. The moment she closed her eyes she pretended that everything was okay between her and Haechan. In some scenarios they would be friends. Other times they were lovers who would face the world together. But no matter how much Ji Woo wanted to mend the damage, it was already done. The wound had been festering for months, still unhealed.
She thought her problems would've ended the minute she blocked Yuta’s number in December. It was a battle that she almost lost. Despite the hurt, her body still craved his. If he tried to worm his way back into her life right now she wouldn't even put up a fight. She was too tired to resist his touch and sly words.
Yet the idea of never seeing him again made her heart ache. Whether Ji Woo wanted to admit it or not, Yuta knew every inch of her body and knew exactly the right things to say to get her to come crawling back in his bed. Somewhere along their first night together and the endless times that followed, Ji Woo began to believe he was all she deserved. But Haechan had to tilt her world on its axis. Never in her life had she held something so delicate in the palm of her hand. Only to crush it the moment it became too real.
Ji Woo didn't even want to know what the time was, but the bright hue dusting the edge of the window told her to give up on any hopes of sleeping now. The sunlight was only a false hope until the cycle repeated again. And again until the day she swallowed her pride. Ji Woo cursed at the unwelcome sunlight.
Still in a daze, the dull pounding in her right temple hit her not a moment later. Whether she wanted to or not, she had no choice but to get up and start her day. Starting a new semester was hard. Yet Ji Woo was determined to take Jaemin’s advice and try for once. She would take it one day at a time, and maybe the campus library wasn't a bad place to start.
The smell of dusty books and stuffy study rooms was never the ideal location. As she walked through seemingly endless filled rows of tables, there was finally an empty spot.
“Oh, hey. Ji Woo, right?” The boy perked up from the textbooks sprawled out on the table in front of him.
“Oh, hey…,” she replied, his name just on the tip of her tongue. But the longer Ji Woo looked at him the more she realized she never once caught his name. It didn't help that he changed his hair color practically every month. Today it was a deep shade of blue. It was a striking color, to say the least.
“Jisung,” he kindly smiled.
“You’re in Professor Haden’s late class, right?”
“Yeah, that's the class you're always falling asleep in,” he said, then quickly covered a snicker.
Heat raced to her cheeks. Damn, this was the first conversation she had with the kid and he was already acting like he knew her. She couldn't pretend like his confidence was annoying. No, it was almost refreshing. Just who was this guy?
“Damn, no need to call me out,” she rolled her eyes then flashed him a grin. It was perhaps the first time she'd smiled in, well, a while.
It was his turn to blush as his eyes widened and he quickly waved his hands out in front of him. “Oh! No, I didn't mean it like that,” he defended himself, scratching the back of his neck bashfully.
“I'm just messing with you,” she said teasingly. Ji Woo didn't know why he had her acting like this, rose pink dusting her cheeks with a permanent smirk plastered on her face.
“Ah,” he sighed with relief. “I guess I deserve it, don't I?”
“Kind of, but you're not wrong,” she shrugged, pulling out her laptop from her bag. “Mind if I sit here?”
“No, I’d actually like the company,” he smiled awkwardly.
After a few hours seemingly flew by, Ji Woo learned quite a lot about Jisung. He was an avid dancer, he despised oysters, and he loved the color green. But most importantly, he happened to be the top student in their lecture class together. So when he asked her if she wanted to grab coffee, Ji Woo couldn't say no.
“What do you want? It’s on me,” Jisung said with a warm smile. There was something magnetic about him that kept pulling at Ji Woo.
“I’ll have a drip coffee,” Ji Woo told the barista. She turned her head to look at Jisung. “Thanks for the coffee, I owe you one.”
The cafe was lively this time of day, with the acoustic guitar floating through the air from the speakers. The small band was playing covers of pop songs and each familiar tune rang in her ears. It should've been relaxing. But the music was getting louder and Ji Woo could barely hear what Jisung was saying.
What was she doing here? Sure, Jisung was kind and warm. But he was too nice. Ji Woo was a fool to think she deserved someone like him. It was fun flirting back and forth, harmless. But something in her gut told her that he felt more. Ji Woo wanted to lie to herself that this wasn't a date. It was just coffee, but he looked at her like a lovesick puppy. She could feel her heart tightening with each beat, the flow of blood pulsating in her ear.
“Ji Woo?”
“I’m gonna step out for a second,” she said loud enough for him to hear her across the table.
“Do you want me to join?” he said with slight concern on his face.
“No it's okay, I’ll be back,” Ji Woo replied with a strained smile.
The late February air burned and Ji Woo wanted it to just end already. She’d rather deal with the rainy spring than have to deal with the cold any longer.
But there had been hints of spring throughout campus, a few sprouts here and there. It would be a while until the cold dissipated, but the first signs of spring still promised warmer days.
As she took a long drag, the smoke cloud temporarily blocked her vision. But when it faded away, Haechan was standing right in front of her.
“I thought it was you,” he said softly.
It had been December when she saw him last. It wasn't his one-sided smile she noticed, or how his eyes gleamed with hope. No, the first thing Ji Woo noticed was that his hair was longer. Just at his nape, bangs covering his eyebrows.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn't have-”
“I left him,” she confessed at the same time he spoke.
“Oh, Ji Woo,” he started. “That's great.”
“I thought I’d feel better,” Ji Woo scoffed. “But I just feel like shit.”
“That makes two of us,” he said. Before she could reply he sat down next to her on the bench. “Listen, I hate the way we left things between us.”
The disappointment in his voice, the warmth of his lips moving against her own. The smell of warm cinnamon on his sheets, the emptiness she felt beside her.
“Me too.”
“Can we start over?”
Starting over, back to square one. Maybe she could finally erase the memory of his heartbroken face that was etched in her brain. They could replace all the hurt and confusion with laughter and understanding. They could be friends. But friends didn't feel like the right word.
“I’d like that,” she smiled lightly.
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snootlestheangel · 1 year
Screaming into the Void
SoapGhost Short Story: Apocalypse AU? I think? May turn into an actual story if y'all want, but fuck if I knew. If y'all want it as an actual story, lemme know and I'll do it over on ao3. Find me as FeelzMaster
It had been exactly three hours, forty two minutes, and twelve seconds since Ghost had last heard from Soap. Task Force 141 was assigned clean-up detail; get the vile monsters off the streets, out of the subways, eradicated from buildings, and separated from the population of survivors. They had been split up by a particularly grossly mutated mass of solid shadows, the slimy creature barely able to stand at its full height in the subway terminal.
Ghost remembers someone unfamiliar interjecting over the comms that a drop was about to be made on their location. He remembers Price screaming something about him and his men still being down there. Ghost doesn't remember how he lost Soap. He knows that Soap was behind him one second, the next the ceiling. Or technically road, as the subway is now buried in rubble. He remembers Price calling out. He remembers Gaz's weak response. He remembers not responding directly but instead calling for Soap.
"Soap, how copy?" Silence.
"Johnny, can you hear me?" Nothing except the coughs coming from his teammates.
"Johnny, please." Shrieks surround them now. Price is pulling on him, trying to get him out. Gunfire mixes in. He's screaming and fighting against Price, the same name stuck on his lips.
It has been three hours, forty four minutes, and two seconds since Simon last saw Johnny. Price and Gaz had dragged him back to the secure location them and several dozen others hid during the night. Simon is trapped inside, unable to leave. It's nighttime, and there's no way he's going out there. He wants to, he needs to go out there and look for his Johnny, but he can't. Those... things... thrive in the darkness. Nighttime is their fuel, the gasoline that turns a campfire into a bonfire.
"I'm sorry, Simon, but you saw what happened. I can't risk losing another one of you." Price's words stung Ghost, but he'd rather be damned than let the old man know that. His Johnny, his beloved, his sweet bolt of lightning... he couldn't be gone.
It has been four hours, thirty seven minutes, and fifty six seconds since Simon last held Johnny, since he last breathed in that intoxicating warmth. He made a promise. Johnny promised they would make it back to base safely. Johnny promised that when all the dust settles, they'll disappear, just the two of them. They'll slip into the shadows and melt into each other, a never ending bliss.
But he broke it. Johnny isn't there. Johnny isn't safe. Johnny is gone.
Ghost growls in frustration as he kicks the wall in anger, briefly thankful for his heavy combat boots. Johnny isn't gone. He refuses to admit defeat until he sees the silver tags spotted with the Scot's blood. Tears burn in his eyes as he falls against the wall, heavy breaths reminding him how tight his chest has gotten. A small whimper breaks the silence, crashing through the dimly lit room with reckless abandon. He inhales sharply as more whimpers threaten to follow suit. He's in the furthest, darkest corner of the large warehouse, yet he still feels utterly surrounded by prying eyes. True, just a few feet away are his teammates, fitfully dozing, and beyond them the dozens of survivors they herded inside during the day.
Ghost mentally curses as two small whimpers slip past his guard, painfully loud in the silence. Price turns towards him, yet his eyes are still closed. Ghost knows it's bullshit, that his captain is perfectly aware of what's going on, but he can't find it in himself to care. He's cold, he's tired, he's sore, he wants his Johnny. Oh god, Johnny.
What were once whimpers escape in all out sobs as Ghost sinks further in on himself. His vision is blurred not by tears but by the morbid image of the destruction covering the last place he knew his lover to be. His Johnny. He no longer is in control, the pain and the anger and the grief are waving flags of anarchy in his mind, setting all his fears and his sorrows running, tearing his already bleeding heart. He's vaguely aware of someone removing his mask and muttering something, probably about not wanting to soil the thing. Hands are placed around his and a presence leans against him. It's warm and comforting, but it's not enough. It's strong, but it's not what he wants. It's not what he needs. It's not Johnny.
"Oh Johnny."
It has now been over twelve hours since Ghost last saw Soap. The sun has risen, and he has been ready to leave for nearly two hours. Price managed to get in contact with some rescue crews, and a team has been sent to their location. Among their ranks are several medics, and Ghost can only use the last of his faith to pray they can save his Johnny.
They rush to the ruins of the street that used to be above the subway, but now lies within its tunnels. They quickly descend into the rubble, picking their way carefully, weapons at the ready and flashlights burning. An eternity passes without any sign of the sergeant, and Ghost is growing impatient. He's snapping at the couple of men from the rescue crew, he's arguing with Price, and he even sent a threatening glare in Gaz's direction.
The darkness of the monsters seeking shelter in the ruined subway, the darkness of a world torn to shreds, the darkness of losing his lightning, it's all so suffocating. The rubble wall in front of him seems like it's going to topple over and consume him whole, bury him into nothingness like his Johnny.
"Simon." Price's voice is uncharacteristically soft, and Ghost stiffens at the sound.
"He's gone." No. That isn't possible, Johnny can't be gone.
"Simon." That was the last straw for him.
Ghost whipped around, red flashing in his eyes, flashing around him as his flashlight clattered to the cement. But the words were caught, trapped behind something. Something loud, angry, desperate. And so he let that out first. He let out all the pain, the anger, the grief, the injustice of it all, let it all out into the darkness around them. His screams challenged those of the flesh-hungry monsters that lurked.
Johnny was never supposed to go before him. He was done losing people, he was done gaining someone's trust, he was done giving his heart out just for it to be spat upon and rubbed into the dirt. Broken, feral cries echoed around him, and for a brief moment Ghost believed he had suddenly turned into one of those creatures without knowing it. The screams died as his throat dried, yet the pain remained. His throat burned, his eyes burned, his heart ached. He couldn't go on, not without his driving force, the power behind that wild sergeant of his. He crashed to his knees, ignoring the shock of pain that runs through his broken body.
And with all that's left in him, all the love, hurt, brokenness, passion, everything, he lets out one last scream.
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ask-sibverse · 7 months
So. @dreamseersystem wrote this, but wanted me to post (idk WHY but whatever). Kinda FGOD in a way, some Afterdeath.
Geno could feel a change in the Multiverse. It was like an explosion of magic being released, but it felt wrong at the same time. Even here in the Start screen, he felt an odd chill in his bones. He wondered what happened, but it didn't seem to be anything close by. He held himself close. Something telling him that something was going to change. He sat down, not noticing the slight error glitch that appeared above his head.
Reaper found him like that some time later, dozing, curled up on the ground. He shook his friend, a worried look on his face. "I didn't expect you to be here still," he said.
Geno blinked his eye as he shook his head of sleep. He looked up at Reaper. "What is that supposed to mean? I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Unless you are here to take me already," he replied.
"No. Can't take you since you're only half dead..." Reaper said. "Same as last time you asked. But... That's not the reason..." He sighed. "Error died."
Geno blinked again. "Wha... How...?"
"I was there. He was destroying a very glitched world and somehow instead of breaking to pieces it collapsed in on itself, Error was destroyed along with it. He didn't feel pain," Reaper said. He looked away.
Geno was in shock. Error was dead. That would mean no Guardian of Destruction. But the Multiverse needed one... Oh... He looked down at his hands. Error was a Geno that got trapped in the Antivoid. But he was still here. He didn't feel any different either. "What's going to happen to me then? I'm the only Geno left in the Multiverse. We both know that," he asked.
"I don't know... This hasn't happened to any of the neighboring Multiverses to their knowledge. I asked there first," Reaper said. "But another Error said usually the Geno left has a code to activate inside of him still, even if he wasn't destined for it."
"I don't want to be Error. I want to stay Geno. I want to remember everything and you," he said.
"I'll do whatever i can to help you," Reaper said. "Just keep my locket close." He touched the heart shaped locket that Geno wore, gold with a black Delta Rune. Geno opened it and it showed a picture of the pair that Reaper took.
"Always will. Its special to me," Geno said. Reaper kissed his cheek.
"I'll visit when I can to check on you," Reaper replied as he got up and left the au. Geno looked out into the nothing and looked at his clothes. Suddenly, he was afraid of the color white.
Geno didn't know how much time was passing as usual. His body felt itchy though, and he scratched at himself a lot. He still didn't notice the error codes that would pop in and out sometimes when he moved around. Or that his eye was changing colors.
Reaper did during the visits. It seem like the Multiverse didn't need to send the replacement to the Antivoid for the change, or maybe it was broken on how to change Geno. Black was appearing under the white bones as dust flaked off Geno where he scratched. It hurt Reaper to see the changes, and he lied about them to Geno who didn't seem to notice them yet. He didn't have the SOUL to tell Geno about him becoming the new Error. He left as quickly as he came.
Eventually Geno couldn't ignore the changes anymore. He saw the black bones showing, feeling of something being dug under his eye sockets, the flickering of an error message here and there. He held the locket tight. "I don't want this. Please stop this," he pleaded into the nothingness. "I don't want to become someone who destroys everything. I don't want to forget my life abd Reaper. Please. I beg of you, don't let me forget Reaper!"
But no one replied.
More time passed and there was a white crack forming in the darkness of the Start Screen. Geno knew what it was. It was the Antivoid. He saw the white between the cracks. It was coming for him. He was already halfway changed, no matter how much he fought it. And now the Antivoid was coming to finish the job and claim him.
So he ran, away from the Start Screen, away from the cracks showing white. He didn't know where he could even run to in the darkness. The cracks seem to follow him, never getting farther away or closer. "NO! STOP! I DON'T WANT THIS!" Geno screamed. And then the cracks were in front of him and he couldn't stop in time. He fell through.
Error appeared in the Antivoid, looking around as he felt confused at first. Memories fading of another life, a golden locket landed on the white floor below him without notice. All he felt was anger, all he heard were the voices that suddenly rushed upon him, and the white was annoying. Acting on instinct, he opened a portal and went out to destroy.
Reaper tried staying close to Error. Talking to him when the other didn't mind the conversation he brought at times. He never mentioned the past. Just enough to explain why there was stuff in the Antivoid already and about the other Error before him. Error seem to accept it, claimed the stuff as his own, and forgot about the other. It broke Reaper's heart that this happened. Error didn't like touch so he couldn't even touch him, even through he knew it would be safe.
Years past. Error took on his role as he should. Ink never noticed a difference between old or new. The other Guardians did though, Nightmare and Dream, but they never said anything either. Both knowing of the hurt Reaper felt as well.
One day Error was walking in the Antivoid, not even remembering why he decided to. He was about to go back to his hammock when he stepped on something. He looked down and saw the gold locket with black Delta Rune. He picked it up, wondering how the damn thing got here in the first place. Maybe the damn squid dropped it or some shit. The locket was partially opened when he picked it up and it revealed it insides to him as he examined it. The picture of Reaper and Geno.
Error felt something wet on his face. He moved his other hand to see what it was and it was... Tears?
Why would he have tears on his face? Error doesn't cry unless it was for Undernovella. He looked at the locket again. He was going to throw it to be lost to the Antivoid again, but his hand put it into his pocket instead. He walked back to his hammock to sleep the stupid tears off.
Reaper visited again as Error was knitting something. Looked like clothes for a new doll, but he didn't know what doll wore white clothes. Not anymore at least. Error didn't talk to him, but he didn't chase him away either, so he stayed while he had a lull in SOULs to collect.
"So... Why do you keep coming to visit me anyway?" Error asked Reaper. Reaper looked up at that.
"Thought you needed the company," was his reply.
"Fucking liar..." Error cursed. He threw something at him. Reaper caught it and saw the locket in his hands.
"Found it while walking one day. Then my stupid fucking body started crying for some stars damned reason," Error said. "I'm not stupid, i know where i come from. I was the replacement after all."
"How? I didn't think..."
"Of course i remember. Just didn't bother to think about it. Can't remember everything, either," Error continued on. "Seem pointless to think about being a 2.0 of the original... So... What was our relationship like?"
Reaper tried to think of a way to explain it. "Comfort mostly. I was the only one who could visit him and he was the only one I could touch."
"Yet, you gave him that," Error pointed out.
"Yes I did."
"Can you touch me?" Error asked.
"Never tried. You don't like to be touch," Reaper pointed out.
"Touch me."
Error growled at Reaper. "I said touch me dammit. Before I change my mind."
Reaper was surprised at the request and came over to him. He was hesitant. The fear that it wouldn't work was still there. Error wasn't Geno anymore. That could have...
Error grabbed Reaper's hand. Both flinched at the same time for different reasons, but nothing happened. He pulled Reaper to his lap, making Reaper squeak in surprised.
"Shut up."
"I didn't..."
"Shut up I said. And give me the locket back," Error ordered. Reaper handed it back and Error pulled a string from his eye and rethreaded the locket on it to replace the broken chain. He put it on.
"So what now?" Reaper asked.
"I don't remember everything from before. But my body seems to like your touch," Error said. "Its... Pleasant..."
Reaper didn't think he minded the touches either. He kinda missed this. He decided to snuggle in to Error. "Then let's restart. My name is Reaper," he said.
"Oh shut up and kiss me you bitch," Error growled. He pulled Reaper closer and kissed him. Reaper smiled into the kiss. This was the start of a new relationship.
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husbandhannie · 2 years
pink spice
pairing: dino x reader
word count: 925
genre: fluff
contains: food mentions, food crimes, kissing
a/n: written for @starlightjoong. hi sol! congrats on completing the semester :). i did not proofread this, i'll do it later.
taglist: @itsveronicaxxx @zurikyo @husbandhoshi @starlightjoong @junhui-recs.
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"are you cooking?"
chan looks up at your astonished question, his eyes averting from the pan of rice he was carefully stirring. he knows how much you dislike waking up to an empty bed on his days off, but you suppose it's okay if he's making you breakfast.
or brunch. it's almost noon. you had a late night.
"yeah", he smiles, fond eyes scanning the doubtful expression on your freshly washed face, "oh, don't be worried. it's just fried rice, it's going great!"
you smile at his enthusiasm, not entirely confident that it is, infact, going great. you walk over to stand behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, humming contently against his cotton-clad skin. the fried rice does look good, you concur. ofcourse whether it tastes good is a different matter entirely.
"wanna try it?", a hand rests on yours, callous thumb rubbing circles on your skin. it's really not bad, it spells out.
"sure", you mumble, letting him maneuver you to stand beside him, obediently taking the spoonful of rice he offers.
oh. it is good.
"how is it?", he asks nervously.
"good", you say after swallowing, "really good, chan. perfect".
"really?", he grins, soft pink dusting his cheeks, "you're not just saying that?"
"not at all, this is actually really good"
"thanks, babe", he murmurs shyly and turns to stir the contents of the pan again. clearing his throat, he adds, "is it spicy enough?"
it probably is, you think. but you've always preferred your food spicier than the standard palette.
"it's good enough", you answer, "i could do with a bit more spice, you know how i am".
"yeah", sweet eyes flutter to meet yours, "i know".
"i'll clear the table", you pipe, remembering the mess you left it in last night, "you get this ready".
you exit the kitchen before he can respond, your feet halting at the sight of the table. your things are still on it, but they're stacked up neatly - pens tucked away in their pouch and your laptop in its sage green sleeve. the last time you saw the table, your stuff was laying on it haphazardly - a result of the long hours you spent completing the last assignment of a long semester. too tired to even get up, you had dozed off with your head on the table, the hard wood feeling comfortable in your exhausted state. if it wasn't for your boyfriend and his ability to coax you into moving to the bedroom, you're sure you would've woken up with a severely cramped neck.
"you cleaned up", you murmur wondrously before padding over to him and pressing a firm kiss on his cheek, "thank you".
"you're welcome", he responds softly in a low voice, one arm moving to squeeze your hip affectionately, "go put everything away, i'll plate this up".
you nod and step away, turning back to steal one last kiss before speed-walking out of the kitchen, the grin on your face matching his.
"channie", you start, willing yourself to sound less shocked, "what happened?"
when you returned to the kitchen after putting your things away in record time of under four minutes, you didn't expect to find, well, this.
"i, uh", he mumbles, "i was going to add that chili oil we bought last week", he swallows, "you know the organic one from the farmer's market?"
"uh huh", you eye the contents of the pan, "and the oil made the rice pink?"
"no, it was - ", he stirs idly, "you know that food coloring we bought for cupcakes?"
you do remember that. the two of you had decided to give cooking a shot, and for some reason decided on baking as your first task. the results of the misadventure are still very vivid in your mind.
"keep going", you prod.
"well, both the coloring and oil bottles have similar size and have dark glass, and - ", he trails off, "well".
well, that explains why the rice is so extremely pink. chan knows how much you like chili oil, he probably added a fair bit of - atleast what he thought was - the spicy substance. if there was something you learned from your baking experiment (apart from, you know, knowing that you're not fit for baking), it's that the pink food coloring is very potent.
"oh god", you can't help but chuckle incredulously, a resigned smile ghosting on chan's face at the sound, "oh my god".
"yeah", he runs a hand through his hair, looking at you with apologetic eyes, "yeah".
"okay so", you start after managing to get your laughter somewhat under control, "it should still taste fine, right? it just looks like", you pause, "that".
chan nods, his eyes fixed on the pink affront.
"what's that?", you point to a grayish-brown cylinder-like ingredient on the pan.
"green onion", he answers, "now we know what we get when green and pink are mixed".
"oh god", you lean forward, taking in more details, "why is there so much of it?"
"because you like it", he pouts.
"oh, channie", you wrap your arms around him from the side, giggling against his skin, "i do like it. it's true".
"don't make fun of me", he mutters sulkily, wrapping an arm around you, "i added the chili oil too, after. it tastes good".
"see? it tastes good. that's what matters", you murmur soothingly, "i love you".
"even though i'm feeding you pink rice?"
"well, that does change things a little", you tease, laughing at his answering whine and leaning to peck his lips, "but even then. love you".
a/n: if you liked this, you might enjoy @neonun-au's doyoung fic, it gave me the colored catastrophe idea.
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keylovesstuff · 10 months
Omg Shocker I've made another Peach fic!!
Thoughts Over Tea
Peach showed off the golden band with the small diamond that adorned the finger on her left hand reminiscing about the events from the other day that led up to him sliding it on. After sitting through meetings and signing paperwork, she was ready to retreat to her room for the remainder of the evening. Two years into this role and everything she had learned still couldn't prepare her for these exhausting days but she was proud of herself nonetheless. When she left the meeting room, their eyes caught each other as he stood against the wall holding a bouquet of assorted flowers.  Even though the distance was short, he pushed himself off the wall to meet her halfway and presented her with the gift. Smiling, both their cheeks blushed a bright red as a few Toads passed by letting out 'oohs' and 'awws' , some even lingering in the corridor longer than necessary. Leaning in closer to her face, he talked just loud enough where she could hear, asking her to come with him. 
Turning to the side, he offered his arm and she slipped her hands through it while adjusting the bouquet as he led her to the front of the castle. Toadsworth met them at the door where he offered to take the flowers promising to put them in her room. Passing off the flowers, she could've sworn she saw both her advisor and partner a knowing look out of her peripheral vision. Peach wanted to ask about it, but decided against it as she let him lead her across the town, Toads repeating the same actions from before as they passed along. They stopped at a stand where he paid the toad merchant handsomely, receiving a basket he must have pre-ordered. The sun was starting to set by the time they reached the outskirts of the town and to the open field near the lake. Placing the blanket on the grass, he took a couple more things out of the basket that included a candle and shared favorite snacks.
They scooted closer together, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. Peach placed a gloved hand against his chest and laid her head on his shoulder. While watching the sun set fully they just enjoyed the time that passed by with each other.  The orange-yellow sky turned into a Dark blue-purple as many stars started to fill it. At some point she had dozed off finally giving into her tiredness now laying in his arms. She awoke to the now lit up candle and apologized for falling asleep, he just smiled and brushed a strand of blonde hair away from her face and offered to walk her home. Wiping the sleep from her eye, she stood up and brushed little specks of dust and dirt from her pink dress, turning back to face him, eyes widening in surprise.
On one knee he held up a red velvet with the jewel in the middle. The well rehearsed speech he gave her brought tears to eyes, a smile growing wider with each passing moment. At the question she let it all out crashing into his arms repeating the word 'yes' over and over. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while the other stroked her hair. They stayed hugging together like that for what felt like forever before pulling apart looking at each other, he offered his and she gave him her own. He pulled her glove off before slipping the ring on. Kissing her hand first then a much slower, longer one to her lips.
Blushing an extreme red now as recounted the rest of evening in her thoughts. Being pulled out of it by the sound of a finger snapping and her name being called.
"Peaches, hello? You have that gross look on your face." Bowser, her long time friend called from across the table with a groan.
"Oh sorry where was I?" Peach questions allowed "oh yes, well um you could probably fill in the rest of the blanks" she giggled sheepishly rubbing at her cheeks.
"I'd rather not...you've done enough by just putting the image in my mind" he told her in a monotone voice.
"What you're able to tell me about your mating practices, but as soon as I even mention something about it you're all like 'grr gross shut your mouth' and all that" she exclaimed poorly imitating his voice with a laugh, Bowser just rolled his eyes.
"It is different. I actually have to do this for the benefit of my own kingdom...You're just doing it cause you can" he argued with his head in one hand, pushing the teacup towards her silently asking for a refill to which she obliged.
"Any eggs yet?" She asked, grabbing the teapot filling the cup up.
Bowser had told her about this years ago when she asked if there were any female dragon koopa's. They keep them separate from all the male species until they are needed to avoid conflict. Once the male Koopa reaches king status and breeding maturity they start mating every few months in hopes of producing multiple heirs for the throne. 
"Nah. I'm about to say fuck it and put some orders into the stork." He scoffed, taking a sip of the tea, shooting a fireball in the cup to heat it up a bit more. Knowing full well he wouldn't resort to that...he wanted strong heirs and having the stork deliver Koopa kids was a risk he wasn't willing to take. "You still wanna be their God mama Right?" He asked.
"Of course! I want to see baby Koopa's." She exclaimed happily with both hands now on the edge of the table leaning over with that same spark in her eyes whenever he asked that question.
"Nice" he cleared his throat, setting the teacup down looking at her "So what do your people think about that? Or have you not told them" motioning his head to the ring on her finger.
"Oh yeah well I showed Toadsworth the next morning and he was over the moon for the rest of the day." She recalled all the compliments and hugs he showered her with throughout the day. "Everyone's also ecstatic they love Haru. I started wearing it over my glove. They're already planning it. We want to marry in a month's time so there's so much work on top of the usual stuff. Please make sure you keep an eye out for your invite" Peach finished admiring her hand.
"You mean his highness actually wants me there? That's surprising." Bowser questioned
"No" Peach quickly replied but shook her head when her brain finally caught up with her mouth. "I mean who cares about that. It's just as much as my wedding as it is his. You've been there for everything since we met. My birthdays, my coronation...of course I'd want you there" She listed off the major things that she enjoyed having him attend throughout the years.
"True but surely he'd have something to say about that" he urged.
Peach couldn't understand what Bowser's problem was with Haru and even vice versa as sometimes the calm and collected Prince would lose his temper when the three were all together. To her that had to be the reason he was reluctant to introduce her to the flower kingdom because of some unresolved tension but, after persistent pestering on her end he relented and introduced her and council to them. They got along quite well throughout the meeting but he ended up not forming an alliance with them. Peach on the other hand was smitten with the young man from across the table. Beautiful blue eyes stared right back at her, nervous her heart rate increased and she was sure her entire face was red at that point but she couldn't look away. Everyone was up and taking a tour around the castle and the kingdom and she had only processed that the room was empty when he spoke to her. Not even acknowledging his question, the first thing she blurted out was how pretty she thought his cyan hair was.
Quickly she clasped both hands over her mouth before stammering over a few more compliments and apologies before she was cut off by his soft chuckle. Reaching his hand out to her, Haru showered her with compliments of his own as she took it he pulled her out of the chair. 
Maybe it was because this was the first time she had encountered another human in years? 
Maybe it was because he reciprocated her comments with sweeter ones? 
Maybe it was because of how their hands seemed to fit so well together? 
Whatever it was in that moment, something inside her heart and mind told her that this guy was the one. They wrote to each other consistently for a few months before he showed up one day to spend time with her which ended in them starting a relationship. Dividing her time between her duties and spending time with both Haru and Bowser was challenging but she somehow managed it well. Everytime when they encountered each other however, Bowser and Haru just did not click and she started to think it was because of her. Assumptions were proven correct when she asked Haru about his problems with Bowser, he would tell her that it had to do with how he'd give his opinions on how she should run things even without being prompted. Peach would tell Haru that it was just one of his many quirks he'd have to get used to and to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Voicing his concerns that with the long history they shared that she'd somehow be taking his advice in the way she approaches things, she would always assure that it was the complete opposite.
Bowser would tell her that he couldn't stand how weak his kingdom was despite it having decades to be something better by now. The Koopa king for the life of him just didn't understand why she would ally herself with them even if that was always her goal. What could he really offer to the mushroom kingdom aside from a little resources that other places do much better. Peach would tell him that she thinks everything no matter how small went a big way and plus she liked how similar their communities felt. Not really satisfied with her answer, He still brought it up everytime in conversation. Bowser kept pushing this point and even more so when the two started dating a couple months ago.  Maybe with the union things would become better between the two's personal opinions on each other and their kingdoms. Again, her thoughts were broken by him calling out to her giving him her attention once more. 
“Peaches, I was asking what made you accept his proposal? when I asked you to marry me a couple years back, you straight up told me no. Now you expect me to just believe that you change your mind just like that only after dating? For a short period of time no less” he interrogated looking her square in the eyes “Its cause he’s a human isn’t it” Bowser added.
“No that’s not true” she defended, looking down at her now empty cup. On a subconscious level she thought that maybe there was some truth to his claim. Then as she thought more about it more, could it have been some of his customs that turned her off? Inwardly she shook her head, she had come to terms with that ages ago, while she didn’t agree with everything, It seemed to work well enough to keep his kingdom running strong for years. So she thought about it more and came to a conclusion. “When you asked, It was six months after I was crowned so I wanted to try and do it all alone. You had helped so much up until that point while still taking care of your own responsibilities so I wanted to give you a break why I put my training into work” She told him,
Bowser refilled her cup in silence waiting for her to continue. She nodded and thanked him, sighing deeply before she continued.
“We talk about this all the time, but I wish you were a little nicer when it comes to how you treat my people sometimes. I want to be with someone that my people also love and adore and Haru is that.” she explained, thinking about all the little interactions that occurred between the two royals and her people. 
“With everything I’ve done for your people over the years, I’ll say that I’ve been more than kind Peaches.” He told her as a matter of factly elbows on the table and face on the palms. She groaned laying face down on the table in her arms not wanting to have this discussion with him again.
“Bowser you asked me and I answered. It doesn’t have anything to do with you not being a human. I really do appreciate all you’ve done for me through the years.” She hoped that would shut him down. “Plus he wouldn’t leave my people without resources for a month cause I said no” she thought she said that last part to herself but jumped up and yelped in shock when he slammed his palm on the table.
“You’re really on that again. Grow up Peaches that was so long ago” He yelled at her causing his half-empty cup to spill over knocking his seat over and giving her his most intimidating look and smirking in satisfaction as he saw her shrink down in her seat. 
“Ok I’m sorry, I thought we could joke about it by now.” She tried to sound as sincere as possible, arms out waving her hands in front of her. “Calm down ok, I swear I won’t bring it up again.” she sat back up when he let steam out of his nostrils reaching a hand down to grab the chair.
“You reckon your fiance would say the same thing when it comes to you?” Bowse asked her with a sinister tone. She gave him a puzzled look.
“What do you mean would he say the same thing about me?” Peach directed the question to both him and for some reason aloud to herself. Clutching the sapphire brooch on her dress. There was some sort of sinking feeling in her gut that this conversation would take a turn for the worse.
“I mean all I’m saying is up until about half a year ago, He didn’t know a thing about the mushroom much less that their Princess was human.” Bowser started to explain sitting back down. “ Like I told you before, it's quite hard to gain an audience with the Kingdom of Sarasaland, but I have heard their Princess is human much like yourself. How do you know he just didn’t get tired of waiting and is just settling for the first person he met?” 
“Where is this coming from all of a sudden Bowser? If you were thinking this before why share it now” Peach asked him trying to get to the point.
“Well now that you're deciding to marry the guy have you actually really thought about what all that really entails? Especially when it comes to two Kingdoms.” She gave him a clueless look but was waiting for him to continue. “If you think you had problems growing up with your people pressuring you to be a princess…It's about to be tenfold as not only them but a whole other kingdom along with yours pushing you to be a Queen.” Bowser started casually grabbing a napkin to wipe up the liquid from earlier. “Unlike back then though, It would be seen as quite inappropriate if you’re coming back and forth to me every time you have problems and do you really think he’d understand?” he added.
Peach, unsure what to say, sat there in silence and just took all that he said. The citizens of the flower kingdom thought a great deal of her, seeing as she made their Prince. The King and Queen welcomed her into their family with open arms and would compliment and commend her on how great of a job she was doing bringing her kingdom up from nothing. Now that he had brought it up, she started picturing different scenarios in her head, them being similar to growing up. Would she really be able to live up to the expectations of other people? Even today she still felt like she could be doing so much better by her people. Would people really have something negative to say if she’s still going to her friend for advice even though she has a husband? Toadsworth and the council have come to her a few times over the years about Bowser’s behavior. Aside from that conversation she had about Bowser with Haru, They haven’t had many problems in their relationship but would he really understand and work with her if those things came up.
“Oh and soon they’re going to be expecting you to produce an heir. Much more for you being that this is a new kingdom after all. I’m sure your people would want to welcome in someone as soon as possible to start showing them the ropes.” Bowser added a little while afterward when Peach was still silent.
Her arm twitched at the mention of a future heir and what that would mean for its childhood. Where she had a good amount of years to make friends with her people, This kid would be royalty from the very start. Their actions would be viewed under a critical eye by not only her people but Haru’s people. Would she be able to buckle down like Toadsworth was able to and raise a prince or princess in the best way by being one for so little time herself? The fact that she wouldn’t be able to give this kid the choice in the first place bothered her the more she thought about the future.
“Anyway Peaches, it’s about time I get going.” Bowser called, getting her attention he finished the rest of his tea in one sip and stood up. “I’ll be busy for a little while but will tell Kamek to keep an eye out for a letter from you.” He told her as she got up and followed.
“Yeah please do, like I said I really do want you there.” Peach told him in a somber tone.
“Hey, don’t give me that face” He turned to her, noticing her sad smile “I really am happy for you and don’t take what I say so seriously. It’ll all work out” He assured her, offering his arms out for a hug. Peach stood there for a few seconds before accepting it. After that, they had a silent walk to the pipe that led to the darklands. “I’m not leaving till I get my genuine Peaches smile” he said
Peach mustered up a smile that was satisfactory in his eyes despite how she was feeling. That evening in her room, looking at the ring didn’t bring her excitement about the future, but worries instead.
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Night Watching
Insomniac motel guest eavesdrops on Winchester bickering
Suptober prompt: Sleepless Nights Flufftober prompt: POV Outsider Fictober prompt: "Not on my watch!" Inktober prompt: Booger
(Read on AO3)
“Auuggggh,” she growls, throwing the blankets back and twisting to turn the bedside light on.
She knows she can't expect to get a fantastic night of sleep in a strange bed in a cheap motel, but this is ridiculous. She's been lying here, staring at the clock, waiting to drift off, for almost two hours.
The room is too hot, except every few minutes it starts to get too cold. But then the heater will kick in, making a gear-grinding racket as it spits out great gouts of lukewarm air that carries with it the smell of dust and someone's feet. The single blanket provided with the room is scratchy and thin. When the heater's off it's inadequate, and when the heater comes on it's stifling.
“Screw this,” she announces to nobody, and stands up. She pulls on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants and takes her scratchy thin blanket outside with her. There's a cheap white plastic lawn chair in front of each unit of the motel. She plants herself in hers.
It's a clear night and the sky is full of stars. Resplendent is the word that pops into her mind as she traces the path of the Milky Way with her eyes. The air has a bite to it, an autumn chill, but with the blanket wrapped around her legs she's pretty cozy. Ridiculously, she starts to feel like she actually might fall asleep out here.
Her almost-doze is interrupted by the deep rumble of an engine as a dark behemoth of a muscle car pulls into the parking lot. Three men get out, slamming doors behind them. One of them walks briskly into the room across the way from hers and disappears from view. The other two are in the thick of an argument, and they clearly have no qualms about continuing it in the middle of the lot. She feels no qualms in her turn about watching the show.
“Because I could have been fucking dead for all you knew, Dean. That's why!” one of them yells. Here in the dark she can't make out their faces or much of anything else about their appearance, but this guy's the taller of the two, by several inches. His long limbs flail as he vents his frustration.
“You were never in any danger, Sammy! Not on my watch!” Dean replies forcefully. He got his hands busy in the trunk of the car, and Sammy stalks around the car to get back in his face.
“You weren't watching me, man! That's my point! You were only watching Cas!” He points towards the  room. Cas must be the guy who had the good sense to skedaddle at his first opportunity and leave the other two out here to air their grievances to the night sky.
Dean seems to take great umbrage to this. “Don't you dare imply that I'd let a case get boogered up because I can't keep it in my pants!” he hollers, voice edging towards shrill with offense.
“You said it, not me,” Sammy growls.
They stand glaring at each other in tense silence for a handful of heartbeats. She find herself leaning forward in suspense. The chair creaks under her, and the sound reverberates across the lot. Belatedly realizing they're in public, the men break their standoff. Their posture changes from confrontational to something softer, more familial.
“Look, Dean,” Sammy says, his voice conciliatory. “I'm not accusing you of anything. I just... There was a minute there, tonight, when it felt like you didn't have my back, and that was... It was really fuckin' scary, man.”
“I get that, but Sammy, you gotta know by now I'm always gonna be there when you need me. Since I was four, man. Trust.”
“Yeah. I know. Ditto.”
“I know. Bitch.”
Those last two words come out sounding like terms of endearment. They hug – a rough, full-bodied thing with back slapping and brotherly jostling (at this point she's pretty damn sure these two are brothers). Then Sammy shoves him towards the room.
“You better head to bed. Your husband's gonna be asleep by the time you get in there.”
“Oh, I know how to wake him up if I want him,” Dean says lasciviously.
Sam chuckles and holds up a hand. “No details. I took a room across the lot for a reason. 'Night.”
“'Night, Sammy.”
Dean slams the trunk shut and they part ways – Dean to the room where Cas waits, Sammy to the room next to hers. He nods at her as he unlocks his door and disappears inside.
She settles into her lawn chair and looks up at the stars.
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There was something about summer on the savanna that Jimmy found nostalgic.
Some might find that odd, since it wasn't all that different from the summers he was used to in the mesa valley. Tumble Town had the same dry air, the same hot sun, the same settling dust as the windswept biome he still thought of as home. Sure, the savanna had less sand and more soil, and crooked trees dotted the landscape instead of tumbleweed and dried-out bushes, but as far as the seasons went, the two neighboring areas were practically the same.
But it was nostalgia that settled in his chest all the same, thought Jimmy, as he placed one boot on the bottom of a ruined fence and leaned on the top. It wasn't a yearning for the savanna itself, but for the expanse of dry grass before him that had once been carefully-tended fields. It was for the crumbling farmhouse in the distance, now full of cobwebs and the occasional mob where it had once been full of love and laughter. And sometimes, if he let his thoughts wander far enough in the right direction, it was for one particular summer, and one particular visitor.
There was a summer, so many years before that Jimmy couldn't even put a number to it anymore, when a much younger version of himself had been lounging against a tree with a fishing pole dangling in the small struggling river, half dozing in the long stretches of time between bites. He dreamed while he fished, sometimes daydreams and sometimes actual dreams, of all the far-off places he'd never seen. He dreamed of well-traveled roads, of snow-capped mountains and towering cities, of dark, damp swamps and vast endless oceans, and as many people scattered across the world as there were stars in the sky.
His dream of a valley filled with flowers was interrupted by a tug at the end of his line, and Jimmy held perfectly still while he waited to see if the curious fish would latch onto the bait, but there was no more movement and after a few minutes he sighed in resignation. He yawned widely and opened his eyes, lazily scanning the empty horizon that never seemed to change.
Except for today. A flash of color against the brown grass caught his attention, and he jumped to his feet in excitement. "Granddad!" he yelled, sprinting toward the figure that knelt by the flowerbeds lining the house. "Oh crap, my fish - " He doubled back and pulled the stringer out of the water, making sure the two tiny fish he had secured earlier were still attached, then took off toward the house again. "Granddad! There's a person!"
His grandfather turned and lifted the brim of his hat to see a little better, squinting against the sun. "So there is," he said after a moment, "coming this way too from the looks of it." He looked at the line Jimmy held clutched in one hand. "Might as well get those cleaned up for lunch, then. A whole one for our guest, and you and I can split the other."
Jimmy darted inside the house to prepare lunch while the old man moved over toward the pump and made sure it was primed. Jimmy listened while he worked, waiting for the splash of water that meant he wouldn't need to go back to the river to haul buckets instead, and was pleased to hear the slow trickle begin after a few minutes.
He finished preparing the fish and was chopping mushrooms and carrots by the time the traveler made it to the house. "Howdy," he heard his grandfather call, and was disappointed to hear him step forward to meet their visitor away from the porch, out of earshot. He dropped the vegetables in the hot oiled pan, giving them an anxious stir and thinking about peering out the door. He was about to give in to his curiosity when he heard a lighter step on the porch behind his grandfather's heavy tread, and the door opened.
"Hello," said the stranger politely, taking off his hat.
Jimmy's own readied introduction caught in his throat. "Pretty," he breathed out instead, staring into eyes that were the most beautiful blue-green color he'd ever seen in his life. "I mean!" His face colored immediately. "Jimmy! I'm…my name is Jimmy. Hi."
The stranger laughed. "Hello, Jimmy," he said, in a voice with a lilting accent that Jimmy couldn't place, and his chest ached with the thought of how many stories of far-away places the man must have. "I'm Scott."
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 42 - Message Memory.
-----Andy's point of view----
Andy: I was sitting alone in the darkness, it was a cold crisp night, a few days after the news about the mate bond I now will share with Evan. Things had been weird the whole day. Evan had been very relieved after the news of the bond, well all of us had. But at the same time he had also grown more nervous. Nervous of what news Akin and the clan will find when they start digging around to try to figure more on the matter. The past two hours he had gotten really drunk, and started crying a lot, it had just gotten too much for me, seeing him like that, so Congo and Daniel had offered me to keep an eye on him, and try to sober him up a bit, if I were to go take a small walk. Getting some air. Clearing my head. So here I was, about 100 meters above our house, looking down at it. I loved this little look out post above us, and often went up here for a smoke when I needed a little time for myself. It was a nice opportunity to be alone, without really being alone. If that makes sense. Without the commitment so to speak. From here I could look through the windows, and easily see people move around inside the living room and parts of the kitchen was also visible. I could see people move around, but they couldn't see me here in the darkness. Kinda a little spy-like, I chuckled cheekily at the thought, then returned to scrolling my old messages in my phone. I had been doing this the past 10-15 minutes. Reading old messages between me and Evan from back when we started having something together. It was nice and warming, looking back at how it all started. Like this one message:
January 7, 2015. Andy: Are you still awake?
Evan: Yes?
Andy: I want you but like just laying in bed… cuddling… naked skin against naked skin being close till we doze off
Evan: I'll be over in a minute.
Andy: See you.
I remember how I used to want to be with him as much as possible, afraid he might just disappear any second. Like he would somehow wake up and see what he was doing and then… poof…. turn into dust particles and blow away in the breeze. Well, I still wanna be with him all the time. But for different reasons now. I smiled softly as my eyes returned to the screen
January 9, 2015. Andy: Evan…. I want you… I want you so bad… fuck
Evan: I don't know what to say…
Andy: You don't have to say anything… if it happens, it happens…
Evan: well, for starters we need to shove some food down our throats, and then we need Daniel off our hands… and maybe tonight cuddling would be better?
Andy: Yeah… you might be right. I will take care of Daniel, I have a plan, just roll with it when you get down.. okay?
Evan: Okay. Still plan to kiss you though.
Andy: Yes, please… I miss your lips!
Evan: I miss yours too.
Andy: Damn! Foods here!
Evan: Ill be down in a minute or two…
Andy: Okay will be hard not to kiss you…
I easily remember how hard it was to keep hiding. Especially after we moved into the new house! Evan lived next door with Daniel at that point, but he came over almost every night anyway. Well, when he had the guts at least. He was still somewhat trying to deny things, not fully having the courage to commit to them. So there were always a lot of sneaking around. Which in some ways could be hot and exiting too. But most of all, I just wanted to be near him. I just wanted him to let his guards down.
January 11, 2015. Evan: Hey… I apologize for earlier… don't wanna call and ruin more of your day… I just wanted to apologize for interfering with your couples weekend. Sorry. Hope you both are having a good time.
Andy: Hey, please don't apologize. We are both okay with it. Really don't worry about it, it happens for the best ;) How are you feeling?
Evan: Thank you. Uh, I don't feel so good. Very sick in my stomach, it seems.
Andy: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :/ still hungover or is it something else?
Evan: Gas I guess, mainly. Gives me a lot of trouble since it doesn't seem to want to get out…
Andy: :/ sucks for sure! Is there anything I can do for you?
Evan: Nah. It will pass eventually. Just sucks to be alone when feeling "sick". You didn't post any pictures today? You know, in those folders you always post in?
Andy: Yes, I can imagine all too well. Wanna come over? And no, I didn't… spent my whole day with Congo :)
Evan: I don't wanna intrude. I hope you two had fun?
Andy: I can barely walk! :P I'll throw some pics together for you, but then I'll go to bed. Congo is already sleeping. He has work early in the morning… at freaking 7!!!! He has to get up at 6!!!! >:(
Evan: You don't have to. You are too sweet. Go to bed. Get some rest :)
Andy: Nah… gotta eat a bit anyway, I'm hungry…
Evan: Okay, thanks :)
I remember how he loved the pictures I used to post in my random folders, well I still do that. But back then I used to post a lot more Yaoi than I do now. He rarely admitted that that was one of the main reasons he was looking forwards to new pics almost every night. Well that, and the fact that maybe he could get to know more about my likes, and that way feel closer to me. It was very transparent, but I shut up about it and enjoyed it in silence. After all I didn't want to scare him off.
January 18, 2015.
Evan: I miss you.
Andy: Then come over silly :P
Evan: No. I just wanted to tell you. I think you and Congo deserve some alone time.
Andy: Congo is on and off the phone for the past 4 hours, trying to salvage what he left at work yesterday, when he hurried home to me. He assures me things are going to be fine, there's just a lot of mess to clean up. Sigh. I was thinking to watch a movie and cuddle…. wanna join?
Evan: No, I'm tired, I think I'll just go to bed for the night. But thank you for the offer. I don't wanna intrude. you need time alone…
Andy: Please? Its the perfect weather for cuddling. I'll even throw in some hot chocolate and marshmallows? Or how about an Irish coffee or 2? Think about it… Daniel will come back tomorrow evening, and then its back to stalking us… and we wont be able to spend as much time together. You will have to stay more around him again, take care of him and so on… and Congo and I will go on vacation soon…. for a week or two….
Evan: Thank you. But I think its better I stay here. Tell Congo I said hi, and that he should be in bed with you instead of hanging on the phone. I'll stop by tomorrow around noon… maybe we can have late breakfast together, or do something, go somewhere… we will see. Good night Andy, sweet dreams :*
I both loved and hated how insecure he was back then. Let's face it, it was damn cute. But also painful that I couldn't be with the man I loved. I missed him so much all the time, and was so afraid he would change his mind any minute. So I just wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, before it would all be over again. It was hard. Very hard. But it was also hard for him.
January 25, 2015. Evan: Andy, can we talk?
Andy: Yes? You want me to come downstairs?
Evan: No, please stay up there… I might lose my nerves…
Andy: Okay? Getting a bit worried now…
Evan: No, please don't… its nothing to worry about
Andy: Okay, but I still fear the worst… You aren't breaking up with me? Are you? Fuck! I'm totally tearing up right now! I mean I didn't think it would last, but I had hoped it would last longer than this I mean… I really like you fuck! I mean, I love you, you know that right? And this time with you have just been so amazing I really didn't want it to end yet and god, I'm so stupid., asking if you are breaking up with me when we aren't even a couple Fuck! I'm sorry Go on Ill shut up I'm sorry I'm freaking out a bit I just really enjoy our time together I hope you know that you have become more than just my best friend
Evan: Andy
Andy: Yes? Please don't!
Evan: Will you please try to breathe, and try to relax?
Andy: Okay… Fuck!
Evan: Relax… take a deep breath… you put all of these unnecessary thoughts in your mind Just try to relax and breathe please
Andy: I'm sorry
Evan: Its okay. But please listen to me when I say there's nothing to worry about, okay?
Andy: Okay
Evan: Now please listen to this as well…. I like you too and you have also become more than my best friend I can't say I'm okay with things…. you know… I'm still pretty lost in all of this…. But as long as you are with me in this, I feel I don't know… I feel not so lost I feel we have become a lot closer since Christmas, and it means a lot to me… you mean a lot to more… more than I would like to admit I'm sorry I want us to hide this thing between us…. I just need time to figure it out… I'm scared…. And I'm sorry that kinda gets taken out on you when you have to hide with me… but I think/hope you understand why I do it I'm not ashamed of you, not at all… I don't think there's any shameful in being gay or doing gay things… I can't explain better… I just hope you understand at least half of what I try to say At this point I don't really know what to do when I'm not around you… I kinda end up just sitting and starring at whatever my eyes falls upon… mostly thinking of you… I see whole new sides of you… or maybe new angles of things I already knew? Sometimes I even catch myself smiling just thinking about you… I have never felt like this towards a man before… and only few times towards women… I had a really great time with you tonight, and I apologize I acted the way I did when we ran into Gaby and George at the cemetery. It was just unexpected and very sudden, and I didn't know where to put myself in it all… I apologize I left you like that. I hope you understand it wasn't about you, but about my own insecurities. I will try to do better next time, although I beg to whatever force is at play that next time wont happen any day soon, cause I just simply don't have the nerves for it. But at least I will try to do better around Gaby and George, now that they know the secret anyway. Just for tonight I need to hide a bit extra and try to restore my pride… ego… whatever it is… Just know that it's not you… it's me… and I know that's such a kliche thing to say, but it's the honest truth… I didn't mean to hurt you, and I'm sorry I did…. I never meant to hurt you with any of this… I just sometimes get really scared… and then I just don't know what to do or how to act or even what to think about it all… I guess it was like that for you as well… although I still don't think I'm gay…and so far Gaby agrees but I do admit there are some feelings there… and you mean more to me than ever before just know, that no matter what happens, I don't ever mean to hurt you… I only wanna bring you happiness and love cause that's what you deserve honestly and you make me happy too Are you there?
Andy: Yes
Evan: Okay. I was starting to worry you had left after I freaked you out… sorry about that
Andy: No, I was listening.
Evan: Okay, thank you.
Andy: Are you done?
Evan: Uh… yeah… I guess I am? Did I talk too much or say something wrong?
Andy: No, and no…
Evan: Okay, you just seem a bit distant? Is there something wrong with what I said, or something wrong in general? Andy? Now you are kinda freaking ME out Are you okay?
Andy: Yes
Evan: will you then please talk to me?
Andy: Yes :)
Evan: What are you thinking?
Andy: I was thinking why you haven't asked me to come kiss you yet?
Evan: Andy, will you please come down and kiss me?
Andy: I thought you would never ask :P
It was the very first time he really opened up towards me and the possibility of having something with me. Of course I was ecstatic! But I had to keep my cool not to overwhelm him in any way. Some days I was good at keeping my cool. Other days…. not so much.
January 26, 2015. Andy: I'm sorry if I caused you trouble. I'm once again terrified this will all end. I love you man. More than you know. I don't want it to end, please. I know I probably shouldn't say this…. but… I'm in love with you… Like, really in love with you. And I know I have Congo and all, and you know I love him more than anything. He is my soul… my mate…. my husband… and I don't wanna replace him with anyone in the whole universe, not even A… But… maybe if you can find it in your heart… maybe you could give this a chance? I mean…. not like a relationship or… you know… I know that's too much to even dream off…. but, maybe you could just find it in your heart to stick around a little longer? Just be me and you, a little longer? If you can? I don't mind hiding…. if that's what you need. Its okay. We can be a secret, And we don't have to be around people that can walk in on us. We can just meet at a motel or something. I don't know. Whatever you need to feel safe in this all. I'm just so sad and terrified of losing what we have had. I love you. I'm in love with you. A lot. I'm sorry.
It was past midnight, and he never answered. I guess he was sleeping. But he never answered when he woke up either. So later in the evening when I woke up, my nerves got the best of me, and I decided to write again. Hoping I wouldn't have scared him off already. After all it was the first time I had admitted being in love with him.
January 26, early evening. Andy: What are you doing?
Evan: Finishing up a phone call with my manager….
Andy: Oh… am I interrupting?
Evan: No. Go on?
Andy: I miss you
Evan: I miss you too
Andy: I want you
Evan: Yeah?
Andy: Yeah.
Evan: I want you too
Andy: :3 fuck!
Evan: What do you want then?
Andy: Fuck!!! I wanna get on my knees in front of you, unzip your pants, while you are sitting on your couch, buried in that phone conversation, and slowly start licking your dick…
Evan: You make me hard!
Andy: I really need you inside me right now! I'm so fucking horny! That new profile picture of yours!!!!!
Evan: Andy, you were the one who posted the picture… It's your own fault
Andy: Yeah, but you didn't have to put it as your profile picture!
Evan: I know but I like to tease you
Andy: :3 DAMN!
Evan: Tell me what else you want…
Andy: Fuck!!! I wanna take you deep into my throat… feel you big and hard as my saliva runs down your shaft
Evan: Keep going
Andy: Are we seriously doing this?
Evan: Yes Keep going…
Andy: God!!!! I wanna suck you like you have never been sucked before. Grab you by your hips and pull you closer to me so you can reach further down, making me gag…
Evan: yes…
Andy: I wanna hear you moan and say my name as I pull back out and twirl my tongue around your head
Evan: go on……
Andy: FUCK!!!! I need to cum!!!! I wanna look you in your beautiful eyes, as I pull you even closer and gently let a finger caress your hole
Evan: …….
Andy: Gliding you inside my mouth again, swallowing you whole… feeling you pulsate in me as you are ready to cum….
Evan: ………….
Andy: So I slowly let just the tip of my finger glide inside you as I pull off your pants and bite your inner thighs
Evan: Go get a shower in the small bathroom downstairs! I'll be there in a minute!!
Andy: FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!
It was the first time we had phone sex… or sexting as it seems to be called these days. And I was majorly relieved to find out my little declaration of love hadn't scared him off. Quite the opposite as he fucked my brains out in that shower when he arrived less than a minute later. It was long time before I entered him the first time, but at least the messages gave me the idea he was not hostile towards maybe trying it out one day. And it drove me mad! February 7, 2015. Evan: I want you.
Andy: I just really wanna kiss you right now. Can I kiss you?
Evan: Not here.
Andy: Can we go outside a bit?
Evan: People will notice. I'm sorrry I can't that doesn't mean I don't want to
Andy: I know…. this is just hard…. I would really love to lean over and kiss you right now… or touch you at least…. just grab your hand and caress it
Evan: I would really love that…. I miss touching you… it's so hard being so close to you, but not able to touch you… that's why I drank so much
Andy: fuck! please go outside with me! I can't stand this any longer!!!!
Evan: Please Andy…. I'm not ready I'm scared
Andy: I'm sorry. I forget sometimes. I understand, and I wont pressure you. I'm sorry.
Evan: Its okay. Thank you. I know it's hard for you too. Jut please don't doubt that I want to. I love you.
Andy: I love you too. Please don't drink more.
Evan: Okay.
I worried about him. The family dinner had taken hard on him. I think he was nervous about my parents maybe figuring out about us, and Daniel of course. He had been on to us since before we left the ranch, and always tried his very best to spy on us. Of course it was bound to put a pressure on poor Evan, so he had been a little too eager with the red wine.
February 12, 2015. Evan: I'm sorry I haven't stopped by yet… I'm freaking out big time right now
Andy: Why???
Evan: Daniel found out about us… I mean we had a joint and some beers I got really high Uh I went to bed, thought I would sleep so tomorrow could come faster and I could get to see you and then he came in to my bed, you know, like always wanting to just talk and talk and talk and I just looked at him and felt so guilty lying to him has just alienated us He asked why I wasnt at your place an I told him about the couples date day he asked if I was jealous I told him no he said I looked jealous apparently I blushed so he asked if I had feelings for you… I almost said no… but it just made me feel even more guilty, so I just nodded He flew up from the bed, 'holy shit!!!' and so on He asked if we had kissed more than that one time, and I said yes… he asked if we had had sex… and I just couldn't handle sticking him another lie so I told him yes he asked if you had fucked me or only the other way around I answered that as well We had a long talk about it, and he seems understanding as to why I wanna keep it a secret I have told him if he wants to talk with someone about it, he can talk to Congo, Gaby or George, but beside that no one else, not even me or you I told him I don't wanna hear about it until I'm ready, and that I don't want him putting pressure on it by talking to you So far he seems fully understanding and actually very gentle with the information. But you know him so naturally now when the weed is wearing off, my brain starts freaking fuck so I don't know if it would be wiser to wait over here till the morning and have another talk with him? I mean, he is sleeping… who can he tell when he is sleeping? But what if he wakes up? I'm just really scared now Are you there?
Andy: Yes
Evan: I'm sorry, I know you don't need this, you have enough to battle already…
Andy: But I need you…
Evan: I need you too :) Still there?
Andy: Yes…
Evan: are you mad at me? you don't speak?
Andy: No, of course I'm not…. I'm proud of you. I think you did the right thing and it's a huge step I think that's the main reason you are freaking out Daniel has changed a lot, and he hasn't said more since Congo had that convo with him… let's try to have a little faith in him besides, he knows if he causes me trouble on purpose, the Andy amusement park closes ;) that should be enough to keep him at bay
Evan: I wouldn't mind if it were to close anyway…
Andy: What? Are you jealous of Daniel?
Evan: A bit?
Andy: Fuck! :3 that's hot! And totally unnecessary! Fuck :3 Anyway, sorry I was quiet, I was just thinking about what you told
Evan: okay
Andy: Evan for fuck sake… just come over please
Evan: Okay. I'll brush my teeth and be over in a few
Andy: And you are really gonna show up this time? Not change your mind like last?
Evan: Yes, I promise.
Andy: Thank you :* See you soon :*
Evan: See you soon :* Andy?
Andy: Yeah?
Evan: I love you <3
Andy: I love you too <3
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I was so madly in love, and it seemed Evan was definitely falling for me too. I ached for him. To be closer. And when he wasn't around, I ended up missing him so much, it was almost torture.
February 20, 2015. yet another awkward family dinner
Andy: Are you okay? You're blushing… well you look flushed….
Evan: I have a massive boner!
Andy: WHAT?! :3 fuck yeah!!!! I want it so bad! Please let's go down stairs and fuck our brains out!!1 I'm so horny I'm gonna explode!!!!
Evan: Andy… you aren't helping me! We aren't supposed to… and even if we could I can't stand up!
Andy: fuck! :3 I wanna get on my knees and disappear under the table :3
Evan: Don't!!
Andy: how did you end up this horny anyway?
Evan: *inserts a picture I posted on Facebook* And this…. *inserts another picture from Facebook*
Andy: Fuck!!! :3 :3 :3
Evan: yeah and this… I don't know why but it's kinda like I keep seeing the brown haired dude as me *another Yaoi picture*
Andy: :3 mmmm yeah you have some similarities :3 wait… does that mean you right now are getting horny, watching yourself getting fucked? :3 O.o o.O
Evan: I guess so?
Andy: Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!
Evan: Andy…. I gotta have you!
Andy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I moaned softly as I read the last part. Fuck!! I was hard as stone!! Since the memories of the graveyard fun we had back in the early winter of this year, my boner had been growing, and this last part!!! Nnngh!! As I looked up from my phone, and down on the living room windows, I saw him, sitting in his boxers in front of the fire place with a book in his left hand, and a cup of something steaming hot in his right hand. I HAD to have him! So I got up fast, ran all the way down to our home, burst through the door, man he was surprised, spilling some of his hot drink on the couch as my quick burst through the door startled him. And as I reached him, already unbuckling my pants, he moaned softly, and invited me with a cheeky smile. Quickly placing his drink on the coffee table, and allowing me to pull of his boxers. After 5 minutes of licking, stroking and biting, I entered him with a satisfied moan. We had come long since then. We were creating a bond. A mate bond.
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