maybeevilsdays · 3 months
My Projects (movies&Tv Shows Ver.)
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A movie about Mary Ann Neville (Dafina) and Maximillian “Max” McMillan (Freddie) getting together to make their single parents end up together
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Season 4 Special Episode “Whisper in the Sanctuary”. Played Nepherle, one of the young apprentice priestesses in the sanctuary that helped the Doctor
Summary of episode: the Doctor and his companion end up in a sanctuary on planet Myrato in the Palioxis galaxy. Here the Doctor finds out that the voices that hunt the Sanctuary are not the voices of the Gods its people worship.
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Season1-Season4. Played Aranna Garner the daughter of a noble family in King’s Landing and a good friend to Arya Stark (Maisie Williams). After wishing Arya a goodbye, Aranna discovers that the castle isn’t a safe place anymore.
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A tv show where Rosalee Caprice (Dafina) gets kidnapped at the age of 5 near her home in London and get send to Japan. There she moves from foster home to foster home until she ends up with the Boo. She gets close to her foster family and the one living next door.
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Dafina played a nameless kid for the first five minutes of the movie. But in 2022 it was announced she was going to play Eve in the remake of the movie.
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A movie about a group of five teenage girls trying to live their last moments as teenagers before entering adulthood and the responsibilities that comes with it.
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Played Eriska, a young girl from a futuristic world where humans and robots live pacefully with each other until tension between the two groups arise and they are on the edge of a war. When getting out to stroll around the city, after curfew, she stumbles into an unusual group of robots.
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A two seasons drama serie about a girl, Raelynn Adeline Younge (Dafina) is on the site of an archeologist research with her father, Walter "Walt" Younge(Jake) and finds a ancient artifact with the power to reveal echoes of past event. Adeline keps the discovery a secret changing her life for what she things the best.
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Dr. Eleanor Harper (Katheryn) a renowned psychlogist, begins to experience unexplained phenomena aftwe taking on a mysteriious new patient, Marco Pinelli (Ferdia). The patiend, a traumatized individual with a dark past, claims to be haunted by spectral whispers and shadows, some bads and some, not so evil.
Cayla Vincent, (Dafina) is one of the latter, is trying to keep Marco out of troubles but things don't go as planned when Cayla "friends" attack a new victim
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pyrriax · 3 months
ARGHHHHHH screaming at you and eating scraps of writing enthusiastically. because omg… I’m seeing a lot of angst beyond the violence and I’m looking intently… your au sounds so interesting please talk about it more (when you want to)
SO. SO. welcome to anhedonia! cyberpunk au, started as a clownzy thing, i went a little feral for team awesome, we've ended up at DOG IMAGERY and DYSFUNCTIONAL EVERYTHING!
the oneshot i have been frantically writing takes place AFTER the main fic i'm trying to finish right now (Artificial Stars) BUT it also is very much its own little contained thing. the angst is very embedded in the violence the violence is FUELLED by emotions! i think i summed it up in my frantic ramblings here:
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SO! anhedonia as a whole is basically my cyberpunk setting playground. there's cybernetics, weird tech (an excuse to really get into one of my favorite things! i love tech design and specifically things like. circuit boards. i am a tech enjoyer.), heart mechanics that are FAR too thought out, and at least ONE dead dog!
everything here is so very intertwined, it's a big web of THINGS HAPPENING and i am very enthusiastic about all of it. it spans multiple season's dynamics and has its sweet moments! but it is also an au with violence embedded at its core!
FOR EXAMPLE OF THE WEB: the prologue of artificial stars!
everything happens with cause! everything has purpose and reason. the world is. lived in. to me. this au has become SO MUCH MORE than it was when i first concepted it as a silly little running-from-the-law thing. it is now. whatever the hell this is!
team awesome is its own side story which is woven into artificial stars as it progresses. roshambo becomes relevant (because NO i do not immediately kill off my favorites even though it is. one of my favorite plot points of the au. if you've pawed through the anhedonia au tag you will know what i am talking about.)
there is so much here. frankly. there's chronic illness in the form of quiff (not present in MOST perspectives but he is dear to me and i think it's fun to include The Random Favs for enrichment) and his queerplatonic Thing with clown. there's chronic illness in the form of mapicc and the last effects of. what happened to him. WHICH i will admit i am avoiding talking about because it is such a major plot point that i desire to not spoil it.
HOWEVER on the team awesome derangement train: there is ALSO a pinterest board which was born of my desire to make SEVERAL webweaves for that trio.
(OLTETHROS is team awesome as a whole, EURYNOMOS is specifically zam, HOMADOS is specifically mapicc, and PALIOXIS is specifically roshambo)
i have talked briefly about zam's board, but i am deeply deranged about ALL of them and i think about all of them. so much. i think about this au so much. i am shaking like a sick dog thinking about it. please. you can ask me about literally any lifesteal person from s4 or before and they probably have some lore/importance. i will elaborate. ask me about teams. i. i.
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abookishdreamer · 7 months
Character Intro: Auge (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Age- 32 (immortal)
Location- New Olympus, Olympius (The Royal Palace)
Personality- She's a comfortable loner who values time to herself, but doesn't actively avoid people. She's self-aware, independent, empathetic, & loyal to those she cares about. She's aromantic and single.
Auge comes from a well liked family in the pantheon. Her older sister is Alectrona (goddess of the sun & morning) while her fraternal twin sister is Anatole (goddess of sunrise). Auge & her twin are part of The Horae.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of first daylight her other powers/abilities include limited photokinesis, limited circadian manipulation (as it relates to dawn), and limited aerokinesis. She's at her most strongest in the hours of 4 am through 6 am.
Auge lives in an apartment suite at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus. The interior design is a pastel daydream of blue, pink, light yellow, white, & lavender. There's flowy silk curtains, decorative knit blankets, and cotton furniture. On the walls of her bedroom, it's covered in wallpaper with a design of skylarks, sing thrushes, robins, & blackbirds.
She likes working the early hours at the palace's gift shop before it opens, mainly doing stock and inventory.
Notable features of Auge's physical appearance includes a septum piercing, understated make-up, as well as styling her hair in various crochet hairstyles which she does on her own.
A go-to drink for her is the homemade banana almond butter smoothies she makes. She also likes white tea, almond milk, ginger lavender iced tea, ginger ale, sparkling peartinis, & botanical beer. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean include a small iced tea, a large chai latte, and an olympian sized vanilla sweet cream cold brew.
After her quick shift at the gift shop, she'll spend the rest of her morning jogging through the main courtyard of the palace.
Far from the only divine pair of twins in the pantheon, Auge and Anatole are as different as night & day. Aside from when the group as a girl's night out, Auge prefers her me time, soaking in all the hours to herself. She finds it annoying when her sisters try to invite her out to spend time with the family that has two of the most revered light deities- the Titans Hyperion and Helios.
She usually gets around through use of her bike and public transportation.
In The Horae, Auge is closest to Arktos (goddess of the night sky & constellations) and Nymphe (goddess of self-care).
A guilty pleasure for her are the hash browns from The Hearthside Diner. She'll sometimes order six at a time!
She loves the homemade brown sugar scrub masks that Nymphe makes!
Auge is a proud cinephile! Her home entertainment system is always in use through her extensive DVD collection. She also visits the cinema a few times a month where she saves the ticket stubs in a photo album. Auge loves watching dramas & tragedies- opting for films that are spoken in Greek. She's also a frequent visitor of the annual Athens Film Festival as well as some of the smaller indie movie festivals.
She loves when her big sis brings over homecooked meals- her personal favorite being the orange glazed fried chicken and fluffy buttermilk waffles.
Auge also frequents a beauty supply store in the Chant du Cygne neighborhood to buy packs of crochet hair, twists, faux locs, & braids.
She can't go to sleep without her plush stuffed skylark (which is named Toffee). Auge won it at a game at the Lunarworld Theme Park, where she went with Taygete & Arktos.
A go-to thing she loves getting from The Bread Box is the monte cristo sandwich along with a roasted quinoa salad.
In the pantheon Auge's also friends with Hesychia (goddess of quiet, stillness, rest, & silence), Ioke (goddess of pursuit, tumult, & battle rout), Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Palioxis (goddess of backrush & retreat), and Taygete (one of The Pleiades).
She loves the Olmorfia's plushful pastel line of soft hued nail polish. Some of her favorite shades are "hue to the artist" (purple pastel), "powder pose" (a blush pastel pink), "white tea" (a light grayish white pastel), & "coasting skies" (a light baby blue pastel).
Auge loves snacking on her homemade trail mix of dark chocolate chips, chia seeds, sundried dates, roasted walnuts, and cashews.
Her all time favorite film is Μια υπόσχεση θλίψης (A Promise of Sorrow).
Daylight Savings Time is unofficially her favorite holiday!
Auge's aware of the slow growing MGM movement, but she personally doesn't mind her status as a minor goddess. She loves the freedom her status allows to live a mostly anonymous life.
She opted against modeling for Zeus' lingerie line Heavenly Spark. Auge's the only one of The Horae to do so.
She's been thinking about adopting a kid on/off for the past few years.
In her free time Auge enjoys birdwatching, swimming, reading, knitting, yoga, listening to music, scrapbooking, photography, going to museums, bowling, fishing, kayaking, and baseball.
Her & her sisters LOVE eating breakfast for dinner. Auge's signature dish is crab-and-avocado eggs benedict topped with shiitake mushrooms.
"Daylight reveals color; artificial light drains it."
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askuemki · 11 months
Tempestuous Times
Hey hiya!! Im in the (struggling) process of writing some MW2 (Valeria) fanfiction, but I have an angsty story of my characters <3 Word Count: 2.1k Warnings: Angst, fighting (mostly verbal, some physical), swearing, lack of explanation for some lore/characters.
Summary: Akemi and Eclipse were married for political reasons. The brunette was never specifically fond of Eclipse.. The contract was over by then, but the marriage lingers. She hesitates to bring up the question: What happens now?
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(Left: Eclipse Seuin // Right: Akemi Seuin)
The skylands always had a prudent, burning light source. Moya So. Skygrounds such as the Soaring Dynasty never had a proper night, whether closer to the Ebb or not. Instead, they opted for periods of rest and activity, usually rotating within 12 hours.. And it was nearing the imperial palace's bedtime. A silent lullaby lurked within the confines, and it especially lurked within her Majesty's bedchambers.
Palioxis' light was killed by a curtain, the orange glow struggling to seep in. The room was left dimly lit, faintly outlining the Empress herself. Brows furrowed, the tall mistress stood pensive. Her gaze seemingly narrowed upon the draping curtains. Her long tassle swayed with irritation, scales upon marble floors breaking the song of silence. A hand rose towards her features, the backside of her palm gleaming with the light of a ring. In proper setting, details of a spiraling dragon was laced within the jewlery. Arguably astounding craftsmenship -- fit for a ruler's display.
Akemi's world was broken by a creek, her elegant stature becoming a marble statue. Her gaze fixated upon the curtains, they too looked like they didn't want to be seen. If she could, the empress would hide behind them, vanish beyond the cloudy blanket of Moya So. Shoes clacked and clicked, it's own echolocation. A smile beamed from the connoisseur, a light british-accented voice giggling away without a care in the world.
"Why evening, your maaajesty," the voice playfully chippered, soon following the curtsy of ruffled clothing.
"Dark in here innit? Don't you dragons have some kinda fire powers?"
"Not on these lands, Eclipse."
The smaller frowned, her hands snaking into a cross. She puffed a "hmph," strutting towards the bedside lamps. They clicked on, flicking to life. From here, the empress was seen more easily. Her body from shoulder to toe was veiled in a nightgown, the curtsy of her tassel reveling out. Her brunette hair was situated in its usual bun, such long locks were hard to untangle after a night's rest. The latter was much shorter, with curly mauve hair tied into a high ponytail. Moons that hover within her curls were all bunched up, a bit of a bother -- but Eclipse seemed to be used to it.
She curled up within the king-sized bed, bundling herself within the layers of sheets. Despite the existence of magic, the cold was its own menacing being in the Dynasty's atmosphere. A shivering Eclipse tapped the empty space on the lavish mattress, glancing expectingly toward the empress. Akemi remained stagnant, ever so leering towards the velvet veils.
"Aren't you off to Bedfordshire yet..? Common noww.." Eclipse whined, her rasping against the sheets fluttered at a frequent pace.
"You're fine to rest. You're not beneath me."
Eclipse groaned, shuffling out of bed. The dry joke swooped above her head, hobbling over with no slippers. The empress' statue broke from it's bounds, tensing with warm arms wrapping around her waist. The werewolf's feet parted, creating a small bridge above Akemi's tail.
"I've become all peculiar about you.." Eclipse sighed, a tinted hand tracing the curvature of her wife's stomach.
"You're fine to sleep."
"No, I'm not. Not without you.." Eclipse grumbled, pressing herself closer to the brunette's back. An unnerving silence wavers as the fog, the clock slowly ticked. The room slowly fazed into background noise, the empress feeling every caress and touch from her spouse.. Gentle hands circled on either side of the navel, trailing up and down the silk fabrics..
Up, down, left, right, repeat.
Up, down, left, right repeat.
Up, down, left, right..
"You've been like this for days now sweetie."
The statement caused a hitch in Akemi's throat. Her tail twitching uncomfortably upon the cold marble.
"You don't think I notice?"
A warm breath escaped upon the empress' nape, a bit of fluster played upon her features. Her stare upon the drapery faltered, darting as if a busy fly would.
"Tell me what's on your mind. Am I doing something wrong my sweet mistress?"
Eclipse's voice was like a gentle melody, a lullaby to a child. Before the marraige, the girl was ruthless and cocky; though, not as cocky as her familliar: Erisa Calandor. She always had an ounce of playfulness to her words, a bit of tease.. But it wasn't as overbearing as Dusk's. Eclipse.. She was in the middle. She wasn't like a rose, but an ugly flower with no thorns. A weed in the garden, but it hadn't caused any problems.
It was like poison ivy. It slowly seeped into her ears, until now, she didn't realize her hands were fumbling. Her ebony tail was coiled around herself, ears drooping. The empress let out a hefty sigh, one she needed to release. The silent fog was long gone, the nervous nightmare of the inevitable replacing everything.
The brunette choked on her own spit, hurling forward. Only the brazen arms of her partner held her in place. A small sweat dripped from her skin, the mauve-eyed pecking her neck's salty sweat away.
"Is everything alright?"
"There… has been something on my mind."
Eclipse nuzzled into the back of Akemi's neck, only causing more sweat to clump and drizzle down. The werewolf nodded notingly towards the statement. Akemi's tail further clenched, she gulped, multiple times. This wasn't like Eclipse. She'd never been so calm. So sweet.. Like a cupcake. Her lips pursed, starting once more.
"About.. Us.."
"What about it darling?"
The empress opened her mouth to say something once more, her thin lips struggling to ache any words. A deafening silence lingered, but she didn't want to do that to .. Her spouse? Was she even her spouse?
"The contract ended about a year ago."
She felt those gentle lips desipher into a frown, a downward crecent upon her neck sent the poison ivy further into her ears.
"Don't you want to be back with Howlington, Eclipse?"
"I'm fine here.. I don't see a point."
"But you married me just for military aid in the city."
She felt the werewolf's arms drop from her waist, that alluring mouth of her's pulling away. Her neck ached. She ached. But the empress flushed it down the drain.
"Why are you still here?"
The word dragged upon Akemi's head. Why.. Why.. Why? Why did she decide to agree to this in the first place? Why isn't Eclipse so feral with her? …Why is she aching like this?
"Even without a marraige, I'd give you military aid."
"You wouldn't. With our relationship in the past, you wouldn't of bat an eye. I had to make such an offer."
Eclipse mused a small laugh at the memory, but it soon fell mellow. For a brief moment, Akemi could smile.
"You haven't answered yet," the brunette pushed.
"Do I need to answer?"
"Yes.. You do."
Akemi turned, seeing Eclipse's legs ravled in her tail. Momentarily she wagered enough room for Eclipse to slip out, but she remained. Her features were firm, her gaze laid upon Eclipse. Seeing that frown had the poison seeped in further.
"It should be obvious by now."
"You say that all the time."
"Didn't I give you enough signs? Are you a man now?" Eclipse joked. Akemi's brows furrowed, her gaze adverting rightwards. Her tail coiled more tightly now, the werewolf was able to feel the pressure upon her limbs.
"Whatever these signs are, they aren't obvious."
"Then what else am I supposed to do? Make them obvious?"
"Yes! That's what you're SUPPOSED to do."
The empress threw her hands out in a "what?!" gesture, her voice risen to a higher, aggressive, volume.
"I thought' that you'd like these kind of things."
"When have I ever? When have I ever liked you?"
It struck a thorn in Eclipse's heart. Her soft gaze shattered from the quarry. She rose a shaky hand to her chest, clenched as it rested upon her bosom, as if she was reading off a ballad.
"It wasn't obvious? The affection.. The gestures.. The nicknames?!"
"Don't you do that with everyone?"
"Ok sure, yeah. I tease, I call people names. But I'm not this close to them, not like this."
"Oh sure, calling Dusk 'Sweetie' and 'Sweetheart', kissing your friends on the cheek out of the blue when you hang out with them-"
"I don't do that anymore."
"Stop lying Eclipse Lunar."
"Say my name right!" The mauve-eyed leaned in, throwing back her arms. Inches away, her breath was visibly shaky, tears welling up within her eyes.
"Say my name right.." she repeated, a glint of desperateness seethed upon her face. "You never say it right.."
"Stop lying."
"Akemi Seuin. Say my name right, Goddamnit. In fucking Paloxis' sake, I'M NOT LYING!"
The empress winced, leering right into those tear-soaked eyes. The werewolf faltered on her knees, the pressure from Akemi's coiled tail was too much.
"What are we..? Because I know you don't see me as your wife."
A breath stifled brought a moment of silence upon the bedroom. Eclipse started clawing at Akemi's tail. It grew only tighter.
"Bloody hell goddamnit.. Let me go you monster.."
Pointed nails sunk into the scales, blood seeped from the dragon's skin. Akemi's teeth clenched, her appendage aching. She'd only rile tighter, bending down to jerk the werewolf's face towards her.
"You think I'm a monster? Take a look at yourself Eclipse. That's all you do! Destroy, causing malice."
The muave-eyed hitched her breath, her mouth held agape towards the empress. Her stature was still, and the bruises upon her calves were horrid.. Dashes of purple were like child's play on a canvas, Eclipse's expression was one who was caught drawing on the wall.
"Monster.." she grimmessed, uttering the words as if they were like a curse. The werewolf's eyes shot down toward her hands. The blood. Her choker remained like a parasite. The claws dismantled from the tail, instead grazing over the fresh wounds. She hadn't dug that deep, but her own nightgown was blotted with red. She shuttered, though Akemi's hand remained, an unwavering eye glaring with judgment.
The brunette twitched, seeing Eclipse move out of the blue. Instead of further defence, the girl untied the wide rope that fixed her garment closed. Unraveling it, the vertical hem parted. Soon all limbs swerved from their grasp, leaving Eclipse's pillars upstanding on their own.
Slowly they rose and fell within a circular cycle, stationing themselves right at Akemi's coiled tassel. It was a being on its own, a frail ally cat when touched. The rope was fixated upon a good proximity of wounds, tucked beneath, and looped over.
"I never wanted to be one."
Eclipse tied up the rope snuggly, her hand gently stroaking the bandaged sector of the limb.
"Yet you.. You, all of you. Especially you.. Keep seeing me as one."
Eclipse shakily rose, clapsing blood ridden fists at her sides. Her expression was damp with tears, but she hadn't cowered with the sheep.
"Don't you think I at least tried to do good? Maybe with a tiny chance of redeeming myself?"
"Don't you ever worry that you might be a monster too..?"
The tip of the empress' tail-end rasped the floor, pencive features playing at her face. Her arms tucked in the grasp of another, her breaths was silent with the wind.
"I stopped unworthy rulers of their turmoil. I reverted the Soaring Dynasty into a more ethical kingdom, where all are welcome. There's a proper balance of power within my leige. I did all that I can for my nation, so I don't think so."
"But what have you done for me?"
"For.. you..?"
"Akemi." If she were godly, the mere sobs from the girl could make the room crumble at their feet. She approached her wife beyond the tail as she spoke, the empress forming a firm barrier between the duo. That didn't stop the werewolf, her hands wiping against the stained silk of her open nightgown, soon gliding upon Akemi's face.
"You did so much.. So many things for your empire. Don't you think it's time to focus on your friends? Dusk.. Mau.. Windyl.. Me."
Eclipse momentarily paused, drawing a sulken shaky breath. Her thumb ran across the brunette's cheeks, surveying her expression.
"Don't tell me you're like them Em.."
The empress' brows furrowed by a centimeter, her lips pursing into a hesitant pout. Her head jerked away in instinct, but the chains of her spouse's hands kept her on hold. The mauve-eyed leaned in further, Akemi's gaze unable to waver from the sight. A black hole that drew her inwards. She exactly knew what her spouse was referring to.
She'd expected to meet the hole with unbearable melancholy, a piercing purple that could never forgive.. It was sweet. A black universe envelops Akemi in kindness. Starlight flickered from the dying light seeping through the veils.
"I'm sorry that I ever loved you."
--- Dear reader, I hope you enjoyed!!
Akemi has seen better days.. This was a rewritten version of something from (surprisingly) two months ago, where I brushed over this to get to the smut.. I haven't written that part yet, but I might???
Anyways, have a good day/night!
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diioonysus · 5 years
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greek mythology | gods & goddesses | Παλίωξις
→  Palioxis was the personification of backrush, flight, and retreat in battle.
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effulgentpoet · 6 years
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mythology aesthetics
In Greek mythology, Palioxis is a daughter of Eris, and the personified spirit of flight and retreat in battle. 
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tieflingcxre · 2 years
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my favorite (mostly digital) pieces from this year!
(link to july’s mass attack on artfight, all character attributions there)
(rbs > likes!)
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screeching-0wl · 3 years
Phobos & Deimos
Let's talk about my favourite terror twins!
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Who are they?
Deimos (Δειμος) represents terror and dread, while his brother Phobos (Φοβος) - panic, flight and rout.
They embody two different types of fear. Dread and panic are closely related but distinct forms of the emotion, either of which could be disastrous in a battle or fight.
As twins, the two were very alike and almost inseparable. They were often seen together.
The brothers accompanied their father into battle along with some other spirits/deities (e.g. Eris, Alke, Enyo, Ioke). They were known to harness the fire-breathing stallions of Ares as well as drive his chariot inciting fear and terror among the fighting soldiers.
When Ares fought with Heracles and was wounded it was Phobos and Deimos who drove his chariot and brought him back to Olympos.
They are the gods or personified spirits (daimones) of fear and twin sons of Ares and Aphrodite.
As children of Aphrodite, they were also known to represent the fear of loss, perhaps as in a fear of losing all that one loves.
The Roman equivalent of Phobos would be Pavot and as for Deimos - Metus
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Ares, Aphrodite, Eros and Phobos, Greco-Roman Pompeii Wall Fresco C1st A.D.
History and cult
Unfortunately, the information we have about the twins today is limited. Most often we can see them in ancient texts and myths described as being their father's attendants or charging into battle alongside Ares and other war-related deities but there is more to these deities as they can be just as terrifying in their own right.
In the Iliad, their names are mentioned several times as they are depicted fighting, however, we can also see them being shown on the shield of no one other but Agamemnon himself.
Homer, Iliad 11. 36 ff :
"[Description of the shield of Agamemnon :] And he took up the man-enclosing elaborate stark shield, a thing of splendour. There were ten circles of bronze upon it, and set about it were twenty knobs of tin, pale-shining, and in the very centre another knob of dark cobalt. And circled in the midst of all was the blank-eyed face of the Gorgo (Gorgon) with her stare of horror, and Deimos (Fear) was inscribed upon it, and Phobos (Terror)."
Pausanias also mentions that Phobos was represented on the shield of Agamemnon, on the chest of Cypsellus, with the head of a lion which was a common way of depicting him, as in classical art the brothers were usually depicted as unremarkable youths, either nude or in armour, so despite their associations with overwhelming forms of fear, Deimos and Phobos were typically not represented as particularly terrifying in their appearance, though as I mentioned already, sometimes Phobos was given the head of a lion or leonine features.
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Portrait of Leonine Phobos, Greco-Roman mosaic, Halicarnassus C4th A.D.
What's more, the brothers are also said to be shown on the shield of Heracles where we can also get a glimpse of how the ancient Greeks thought the two could look like:
Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 139 ff :
"[Among the images engraved on the shield of Herakles:] In the centre was Phobos (Fear) worked in adamant, unspeakable, staring backwards with eyes that glowed with fire. His mouth was full of teeth in a white row, fearful and daunting, and upon his grim brow hovered frightful Eris (Strife) who arrays the throng of men . . . Upon the shield Proioxis (Pursuit) and Palioxis (Flight) were wrought, and Homados (Tumult), and Phobos (Panic), and Androktasie (Slaughter). Eris (Strife) also, and Kydoimos (Uproar) were hurrying about, and deadly Ker (Fate)."
Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 191 ff :
"[Among the images engraved on the shield of Herakles :] And on the shield stood the fleet-footed horses of grim Ares made gold, and deadly Ares the spoil-winner himself. He held a spear in his hands and was urging on the footmen: he was red with blood as if he were slaying living men, and he stood in his chariot. Beside him stood Deimos (Fear) and Phobos (Flight), eager to plunge amidst the fighting men."
Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 216 ff :
"[Images engraved on the shield of Herakles :] And upon the awful heads of the Gorgones great Phobos (Fear) was quaking."
Historical cult:
Phobos and Deimos were not commonly venerated deities throughout ancient Greece but because they were 'a key element' of war, individuals would conduct sacrifices to their name on battlefields to earn their favour or in other places where war had taken place (Spartans were said to do this but not only).
The classical texts do speak of a few cases in relation to the worship of the twins.
According to Plutarch, Alexander the Great offered sacrifices to Phobos on the eve of the Battle of Gaugamela, perhaps asking for Darius III to be filled with fear. Darius was said to have fled from the field of Gaugamela, making Alexander's praying to Phobos seem successful as a tactic.
And again, on Plutarch's account, Theseus offered a sacrifice to Phobos before joining the battle with Amazon during their invasion of Athens.
Stesichorus claimed that Kyknos, son of Ares who lived in Thessaly beheaded strangers who came along in order to build a temple to Phobos using their skulls.
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Phobos and Ares in Ares's chariot, C.6th B.C.
Modern cult and correspondences
Disclaimer: there are many of my personal UPGs as there is not much historically accurate information when it comes to these things!
Colours: red, black, silver, grey, gold
Stones: bloodstone, garnet, carnelian, fire agate, tiger's eye, red jasper
Animals: bulls, horses, lions, dogs, carnivorous birds (especially vultures)
Element: Fire
Incense: Frankincense, dragon's blood
Objects: weapons, shields, armour, chariots, bones, skulls
Tarot major arcana: The Tower, Death, The Chariot, The Devil
Historically, soldiers were said to slaughter and sacrifice animals to Phobos and Deimos, such as bulls.
Some modern offerings could include:
Bones (fake, real, whatever tickles your fancy, I guess)
Skulls/depictions of skulls
Weapons, shields, armour/images of said things
Something resembling blood (some juice maybe?)
Depictions of horses, lions and bulls
Facing your fears
Writing down things you're afraid of on a piece of paper and offering it to them
Learning how to deal with strong emotions in a healthy manner
Learning about war and its effects
Martial arts
Physical activity
Reading their mythology
Go-cart racing (a more feral offering, cause who's got a chariot nowadays, right? 🥲)
Black coffee
Energy drinks
Honestly, it doesn't have to be extra fancy. You can get pretty creative.
There aren't many ancient epithets related to Phobos and Deimos, however in Hesiod's Theogony they are both called "terrible" and "shield-piercing", literary epithets, both of which have also been used in ancient texts when speaking of their father, Ares.
Aeschylus also refers to Phobos as "the one who delights in blood", and paints an image of a boastful warrior who's quick to announce his victory before the battle has even truly begun.
Here's a great post with epithets you could also use: LINK and I highly recommend you check out the authors blog, too.
And another great post about devotional acts, offerings, etc. by the same person: LINK
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Ares, Deimos and Nike, Greco-Roman Orbe Floor Mosaic C3rd A.D.
Some more facts
The word "phobia" derives from phobos (Φοβος), meaning fear.
On the modern monument to the battle of Thermopylae, as well as the one at the city of Sparta, Leonidas' shield has a representation of Deimos.
By Semos of Delos, Deimos was attributed to being the father of Skylla by Krataiis (which was also said to be a surname of Hekate)
The two moons of the planet Mars are named Phobos and Deimos
If you have any questions about Phobos and Deimos, worshipping them or working with them, feel free to ask in DMs or wherever you want and I'll be happy to answer them! :)
Edit: Here's a slightly simplified version of this in a form of a cheet sheet
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shysideho · 2 years
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This feels weird posting here but this is my DnD character Palioxis! Shes a wood elf barbarian who's strong as hell, dumb as shit, but a friendly neighborhood flirt (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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pyrriax · 6 months
your pinterest webweaves are so awesome. can you explain your "eurynomos" thoughts? :D
OOO ALRIGHT! so, eurynomos (coward's plight) is the section dedicated to zam in this AU.
there are several quotes/pierces that i actually went out of my way to find to add for him, since usually i just kind of search through a specific kind of vibe and add stuff when it stands out. but for example, these i knew i needed to have for his section.
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throughout this whole AU, zam has a theme of being the one to betray people out of fear, learning that its become expected of him and instead of trying to change it, he keeps doing it. yet, so much of his side is of being the one betrayed, of being the hurt one.
as well, there's themes of a dead friend / long-gone lover, somebody who may as well have been gone for years, who he's certain can't come back. its in direct contrast to the "palioxis" section, which is so full of hopeful desire for somebody who isn't quite gone but should be to return.
the concept of running away and leaving an environment where you aren't thriving or living well is also very. there. which is also just such a major thing in the way i think about him for this au. he is running, running, constantly running away from everybody and everything that scares him while simultaneously wearing his heart on his sleeve.
the "i once begged someone to love me" quote is there because of the. transition period? between the purpose of this board (which is highlighting zam in the team awesome era of the story) and what becomes of him later on when he joins eclipse.
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abookishdreamer · 4 months
Character Intro: Proioxis (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Unburnt by the people of Olympius
Babe by her husband
Ma by her children
Age- 41 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's a headstrong no-nonsense woman with a fiery streak! With an more fiery temper, she can also be ruthless & unforgiving. She's married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of attack, onrush, & battlefield pursuit her other powers/abilities include limited telumkinesis, being an expert in hand-to-hand combat, limited pyrokinesis, enhanced speed (though not on the level of the messenger god Hermes), and fire immunity.
Her immediate family includes her mom Hysminai (goddess of fighting & comabt) and her younger sister Palioxis (goddess of backrush & retreat). She's married to Homadus (god of the battle-din) & they have two kids- Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness) and Olethrus (Olly) (god of havoc). Her sister-in-law is Ioke (goddess of pursuit, tumult, & battle rout).
She lives with her husband and kids in a RV at the Havencrest RV/Motorhome Park.
Proioxis fondly remembers their old place- a large apartment in the Little Sparta neighborhood. Before Olly came along, her, her husband, & daughter would sit outside their window on the fire escape drinking hot chocolate while watching the sunset. She remembers the frequent vacations in the state of Sparta and the dinner parties she used to host. Things came crashing down when her husband came to her with news of their dire financial straits. Credit cards were taken out to help, but debts and more bills soon overflowed & like a domino effect, one miserable thing happened after the other. The cars were repossesed, the incessant calls from loan sharks, and finally, they were evicted from the apartment. Things were so bad that Proioxis even considered pawning off her wedding ring- a round cut garnet gem with a yellow gold band.
Her and her family are minor deities so they were more than shocked when the initial news of their financial situation became tabloid fodder. It even became a skit on an episode of The Agnostic Network.
Now Proioxis handles the family's finances. She's quick with figuring out how to divide the money for credit card bills, maintenance fees for the RV, groceries, day care, transportation, and other responsibilities.
A go-to drink for her is a red sangria. She also likes mojitos, red wine, gin & tonics, and crantinis (cranberry martinis). Usuals from The Roasted Bean includes a large cranberry pomegranate splash, a medium iced tea, & an olympian sized cinnamon latte (with extra cinnamon and whipped cream).
Proioxis is the first to wake up in the mornings. She moves very efficiently to get things going. More likely than not, she won't eat breakfast (instead settling on a yogurt granola bar), but she'll make something for Olly before dropping him off at the Parthenia Day Care Center.
A guilty pleasure for her are spicy crab sushi rolls!
Her sister-in-law is a common workout partner. Proioxis can spend up to two hours just on the treadmill.
Thoughts of the Titanomachy (where she fought on the side of the Olympians) still fills her veins with adrenaline.
In storage there's also her platinum & Stygian Iron sword along with her full body armor.
Proioxis has a few jobs- as a front desk receptionist at the Power Zone gym (owned by the goddess Nike), working food prep at The Bread Box, and being a waitress at The Crown (the high end restaurant owned by Zeus). With jobs before, she would be let go because of her hairline temper. She once cursed out a kid at his poolside 8th birthday party (where she was doing balloon animals). Before that Proioxis cursed out an eldery woman while she was working at a supermarket when she complained about how her groceries were bagged.
A favorite frozen treat is cherry sorbet. She gets a medium sized cup at The Frozen Spoon.
Her favorite thing to get at The Bread Box is a spinach & shrimp salad with extra green curry dressing.
Proioxis' relationship with her husband is complicated. On one hand he's the love of her life and a great father, but on the other hand, she can't help resenting him for their current predicament. She hates that he won't accept help & that he won't allow her to accept financial help from her family. Proioxis also hates the fact that she feels like she has to turn down certain financial opportunities for the sake of keeping peace with Homadus. There have been times when she threatened to file for divorce, but has never followed through. There have been a few good moments recently like when her husband suprised her late at night after work. One hand held a bottle of wine, the other held a red hibiscus (her favorite flower). They went to the movie theather where they saw the latest action movie. They ended the night making love in the theater's bathroom.
She still has a good relationship with her mom and sister. They all support one another despite their varying opinions on certain matters. Whenever her mom stops by the RV park, Proioxis & the kids look forward to Hysminai's hot pot broth. She's even been to a few performances of her sister's band.
In the pantheon she's friends with Ichnaea (goddess of tracking), Enyo (goddess of war, destruction, bloodlust, & devastation), Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impiety), Adikia (goddess of injustice & wrongdoing), Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes), Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions), and Palaestra (goddess of wrestling).
Her favorite make-up product to wear is the Olmorfia creme lipstick in "Dragonblood," a bright vibrant red.
When Ichnaea came down from Phyrgia for a visit, she treated Proioxis to a much needed spa day.
She once turned down Zeus' offer for a nude spread in his men's magazine. Proioxis would've been paid the standard rate of 25,000 drachmas.
Her favorite dessert is a red velvet cupcake from Hollyhock's Bakery.
For her most recent birthday Enyo gifted her a new merlot red silver hardware Megaleio handbag. It cost nearly 15,000 drachmas. Proioxis felt so guilty at first for keeping the bag that she considered selling it, so the money could go towards bills. Enyo reassured her by saying "You deserve a treat every once in a while too."
Proioxis is like a chimera when it comes to her kids. she loves them equally and wholeheartedly. She's been more than worried with certain aspects of Anaideia's behavior, but she tries not to come down on her too harshly, considering she thinks that her daughter's acting out because of what's going on.
She also thought of Palaestra's offer of becoming a professional wrestler, but decided against it since she didn't want to be away from her kids.
Proioxis often stops by her mom's martial arts studio or her sister-in-law's cabin house when she wants a break from things at home.
She's excited about an upcoming night on the town to go to a new nightclub with Dyssebeia & Enyo.
In her free time Proioxis enjoys the batting cages, martial arts, working out, boxing, hanging out with her friends, bowling, and spending time with her kids.
Her favorite foods include scallion pancakes, mapo tofu, & her husband's tostones. She also likes her daughter's moussaka inspired creamy mac n' cheese.
"Without victory, there's no survival."
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thatringboy · 3 years
Okay, Ruby and Yang are legacies of Mars (and Yang Trivia), Blake is Mercury and Weiss is Aquilio
what about jnpr and other main character's godly parents/ancestry
Jaune is the son of Sol Apollo
Pyrrha is the daughter of Vulcan, but she also is a legacy of Victoria
Nora is a legacy of Jupiter
Ren is a legacy of Pellonia
Sun is the son of Apollo and a legacy of Pan
Neptune is a legacy of Thor
Nolan is the son of Palioxis
Arslan is a legacy of Tyr
Qrow and Raven are children of Trivia
Velvet is a legacy of Faunus and Saturn
Mercury is the son of Nemesis
Emerald is the daughter of Fraus
Adam follows the path of Set and is a legacy of Faunus
Winter follows the path of Shu
Ilia is a legacy of Pan
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sinister-bob · 4 years
In Greek mythology, the Machae /ˈmækiː/ or Machai (Greek: Μάχαι Mákhai, "battles"; singular: Μάχη Mákhē) were the daemons (spirits) of battle and combat, and were sons or daughters of Eris, siblings to other vicious personifications like the Hysminai, the Androktasiai, and the Phonoi.
The daemons Homados (Battle-Noise), Alala (War-Cry), Proioxis (Onrush), Palioxis (Backrush) and Kydoimos (Confusion) were closely associated with the Makhai.
The Makhai were accompanied in battlefields by other deities and spirits associated with war and death, such as Ares, Phobos, Deimos, the Keres, Polemos, Enyo, and their mother Eris the goddess of discord.
Been an offspring of Eris and been absent of a father, the Makhai are siblings of the Ponos (Toil), the Lethe (Forgetfulness), the Limos (Starvation), the Algea (Pains), the Hysminai (Fightings), the Phonoi (Murders) and the Androktasiai (Manslaughters), the Neikea (Quarrels), the Pseudo-Logoi (Lies), the Amphilogiai (Disputes), and Dysnomia (Lawlessness) and Ate (Ruin), who share one another's natures, and Horkos (Oath).
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Credit: Wrath of the Titans
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thatmythologynerd · 4 years
Greek Mythology Aesthetics
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"Much as they hate to admit it, sometimes human lose. And it's down to Palioxis to get them out safely."
Greek Mythology Aesthetics #249:
Palioxis, Goddess of Retreat
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diioonysus · 7 years
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greek mythology ► PERSONIFIED CONCEPTS (3/?)
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arkadialatreia · 5 years
The Greek Pantheon
Aceso- Healing, Curing Achelois- a Moon goddess Achelous- Shark spirit Acheron- Woe Achilles- a Deified mortal Achlys- Posion, Misery Achos- Trouble Acratopotes- Unmixed wine Adathodaemon- Luck Adephagia- Gluttony Adikia- Wrongdoing Adonis- the Circle of life Adrastea- a goddess Aegaeon- Violent sea storms Aegle- Radiant health Aeolus- Ruler of the winds Aergia- Sloth Aether- Light, Atmosphere Aetna- Mt. Etna Agon- Contest Aiakos- a Judge in the underworld(europe) Aidos- Modesty
Aike- Prowess Aion- Eternity, Time Aisa- Fate Alabandus- a Deified mortal Alala- the Warcry Alastor- Blood feuds Alecto- a Fury Alectrona- the Morning Aletheia- Truth Alexiares- Fortifies towns Amechania- Helplessness Amphiaraus- Chthonic oracle Amphictyonis- Wine Amphilogiai- Debates Amphitrite- the Sea Anaideia- Ruthelessness Ananke- Inevitability Androktasiai- Slaughter Anetheusa- Fountains Angelia- Messages Angelos- Chthonic Ania- Ache Anicetus- Fortified towns Anteros- Requited love Aparctias- the North Wind Aphaea- Agriculture Apheleia- Simplicity Aphrodite- Love, Beauty, Desire Aphroditus- a deity Apollon- Music, Art, Healing Aporia- Difficulty Arae- Curses Ares- War, Violence Arete- Virtue Argestes- the West/Northwest Wind Ariadne- Mazes Aristaeus- Bee-keeping Arke- a Messenger Artemis- Hunting, Archery Ascelpius- Medicine Askalaphos- Tends orchards in the underworld Asteria- Stars Astraea- Justice Astraeus- Celstial bodies, Astrology Athena- Wisdom, Strategy Atlas- Endurance, Astronomy Atropos- Fate Attis- Vegetation Atë- Delusion Aura- Breeze, Fresh air Auxesia- Fertility Auxo- Spring growth Benthesikyme- the Sea Bia- Violence Bolina- a Deified mortal Boreas- the North Wind, Winter Britomartis- Nets Brizo- Sailors Caerus- Oppurtunity Caicias- the Northeast Wind Carme- Harvestt Castor- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ceraon- the meal, specifically, the making of the wine Cerberus- Guard dog of the underworld Ceto- Dangers of the ocean Chaos- Nothingness Charites(p)- Charm, Creativity Charon- Ferryman of the underworld Charybdis- Whirlpools Chione- Snow Chiron- a Centaur Chloris- Flowers Chronos- Empirical time Chrysothemis- Harvest Circe- a goddess, a Witch Clotho- Fate Clymene- Renown, Fame Coeus- Intellect Comus- Revelry Corus- Surfeit Corymbus- Fruit of the ivy Cricios- the North/Northwest Wind Crius- Constellations Cronus- Destructive time (king of the Titans) Cyamites- Beans Cybele- Mountains Cymopoleia- the Sea Damia- Fertility Deimos- Fear Deino- Graeae Deipnus- the meal, specifically, the making of the bread Delphin- Dolphins Demeter- Grain, Harvest Despoina- Mysteries Dikaiosyne- Justice Dike- Justice Dione- Oracle of Dodona Dionysus- Wine, Madness Dolos- Trickery Dynamene- Ocean swells Dysnomia- Lawlessness Dyssebeia- Impiety Eidothea- sea nymph Eileithyia- Childbirth Eirene- Peace Eiresione- the Olive branch Ekecheiria- Truce Eleos- Mercy, Pity Elpi- Hope Endymion- a Deified mortal Enyalius- War Enyo- Destructive war Enyo- Graeae Eos- Dawn Eosphorus- the morning star, Venus Epidotes- a deity Epimetheus- afterthought Epione- Soothing pain Epiphron- Prudence Erebus- Darkness Eris- Strife Eros- Love, Attraction, Intercourse Ersa- Morning dew Eucleia- Good repute Eulabeia- Discretion Eunomia- Good order Eunostus- the Flour mill Eupheme- Good omens Euporie- Horae Eupraxia- Well being Euronotus- the Southeast Wind Eurus- the East/Southeast Wind Euryale- Goron Eurybia- Mastery of the sea Eurynome- Wateer, Meadows (ex-queen of the Titans) Eusebia- Piety Euthenia- Prosperity Gaia- Earth Galene- Calm seas Ganymede- a Deified mortal Geeras- Old age Gelos- Laughter Glaucus- Fishermen Glycon- a snake god Hades- Wealth (lord of the underworld) Harmonia- Harmony Harpocrates- Silencee Hebe- Youth Hecate- Magic Hecaterus- Hekateris Hedone- Pleasure Hedylogos- Sweet talk Heemphroditus- Andrgony Heimarmene- Sharing Helios- the Sun, Oaths Hemera- Day Hemithea- a Deified mortal Hepheastus- Fire, Crafts Hera- Marriage, Women (queen of the gods) Heracles- Strength Hermes- Travel, Messages Hesperus- the evening star, Venus Hestia- Hearth, Home Hilaera- a Deified mortal Himeros- Sexual Desire Homados- Battle Homonia- Concord Horkos- Oaths Horme- Impulse Hybris- Outrageous behavior Hygeia- Hygeine Hymenaios- Marriage Hyperion- Light Hypnos- Sleep Hysminai- Fighting Iapetus- Mortality Iaso- Cures Ichnaea- Tracking Ino- a Deified mortal Ioke- Pursuit Iris- Rainbows Iynx- the Love charm Kakia- Vice Kalokagathia- Nobility Karpo- Fruits Keres- Violent Deaths Keuthonymos- Chthonic Koalemos- Stupidity Kokytos- Wailing Kratos- Strength Lachesis- Fate Lampsao- a Deified mortal Lelantos- Air, the Unseen Lethe- Forgetfulness Leto- Motherhood Leucothea- the Sea Limos- Hunger Lips- the Southwest Wind Litae- Prayer Lupe- Pain Lyssa- Rage Ma- a goddess Macaria- Blessed deaths Machai- Fighting Mania- Madness Matton- the meal, specifically, the kneading of the dough Medusa- Gorgon Megaera- a Fury Melinoe- Offerings to the dead Men- Lunar god Mene- the Months Menoetes- Herded cattle in the underworld Menoetius- Anger Methe- the state of being Drunk Metis- Good council Minos- Judge (final votee) Mnemosyne- Memory Momus- Mockery Mormo- Chthonic Moros- Doom Neikea- Quarrels Nemesis- Retribution, Revenge Nereus- Old man of the sea Nesoi(p)- Islands, Seas Nike- Victory Nomos- Law Notus- the South Wind Nyx- Night Oceanus- the All-encircling river Oizys- Woe, Misery Oneiroi(p)- Dreams Ophion- Ruler of the Titans (overthrown by Cronus) Orithyia- Mountain winds Orthosie- one of the Horae Ourae(p)- Mountains Paean- Physician Palaemon- the Sea Palaestra- Wrestling Palioxis- Flight, Retreat Pallas- Warcraft Pan- Shepherds Panacea- Healing Pandia- sky deity Parthenos- a Deified mortal Peitharchia- Discipline Peitho- Persuasion Pemphredo- Graeae Penia- Poverty Penthus- Grief Pepromene- Share Phaenon- Saturn Phaethon- Jupiter Phanes- Procreation Pheme- Rumour Pherousa- one of the Horae Philomelus- the Wagon, the Plow Philophrosyne- Kindness Philotes- Friendship Phlegethon- Fire Phobos- Fear Phoebe(1)- Prophecy Phoebe(2)- a Deified mortal Phonoi- Murder Phorcys- Hidden dangers of the sea Phrike- Horror Phthonus- Envy Phylonoe- a Deified mortal Pistis- Trust Plutus- Wealth Poine- Retribution Polemos- War Pollux- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ponos- Hard labour Pontus- the Sea, Sea creatures Poros- Expediency Poseidon- Earthquakes, the Ocean (lord of the sea) Pothos- Yearning Praxidike- Exacting justice Priapus- Fertility Proioxis- Onrush Promtheus- Forethought Prophasis- Excuses Proteus- Herdsman of Poseidon Psamathe- Sand beaches Psyche- the Soul Ptocheia- Beggary Pyroeis- Mars Rhadamanthys- Judge (asia) Rhapso- Sewing Rhea- Fertility (queen of the Titans) Roma- Rome Saloazios- sky deity Sangarius- a River Scylla- the Sea Selene- the Moon Semele- a Deified mortal Silenus- Wine press Skeiron- the Northwest Wind Sophrosynee- Moderation Soteria- Safety Soter- Safety Stheno- a Gorgon Stilbon- Mercury Styx- Hatred, Oaths Taraxippus- a Ghost Tartarus- Tartarean Pit Techne- Art, Skill Telesphoruus- Convalescence Telete- Initiaion into the Bacchic cult Tenes- a Deified mortal Tethys- Fresh water Thalassa- the Sea Thallo- Buds Thanatos- Death Thaumus- the Wonders of the sea Theia- Sight Themis- Devine law Thetis- Marine life Thoosa- Sea currents Tisiphone- a Fury Triptolemus- Farming Triteia- the Sea Triton- the Sea Tthrasos- Boldness Tyche- Fortune Uranus- the Sky Zagreus- first incarnation of Dionysus Zelos- Rivalry Zephyrus- the West Wind Zeus- Weather, Lightning (lord of the sky, king of the gods)
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