#Silken strands of white
monkmain · 1 month
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Wallpedes are imobile ambush predators, similar to stowaways. Like stowaways, wallpedes only activate on certain cycles. Unlike stowaways, however, there is no way to tell if they are active or not.
Wallpedes appear as brown blobs on walls, hidden behind foliage so as to not stick out against the background. They can appear in any region aside from The Triplets.
When active, any creature that comes within range of the wallpede it will lunge towards and grab. It functions like a red centipede in terms of both health and stun resistance. If it succeeds in returning to its original position with its prey, it will electrocute the creature and drop its body.
They give 10 points.
Like spearmaster, despondent has access to various broadcast nodes scattered throughout the facilities. 
I only have one so far because I was going to do more then I got distracted by the wallpede
Luck • Orange (TD_A22)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE The Triplets, Silken Strands Of White
SSOW: let.UPER>3x1let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>4x5let.LWER>7x3let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>19x1[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>4x5let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>11x2let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>3x4[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>2x1let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>5x5let.LWER>3x5let.LWER>2x7let.LWER>2x2[sent.INQ]
OL: all but the purple one. She couldn’t ascend, as they predicted. He has sent her out to visit the echos, in hopes that it may help.
SSOW: let.UPER>23x1let.LWER>2x4let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>4x5[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>3x1let.LWER>2x4let.LWER>3x5let.LWER>19x1[sent.INQ]
IL: they did not tell you? The echos around their facilities have become clearer lately. She knew it must mean something.
SSOW: let.UPER>3x3[wrd?BREAK]let.LWER>23x1let.LWER>3x3let.LWER>19x1let.LWER>2x4[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>3x4let.LWER>7x3let.LWER>3x1let.LWER>11x1[sent.END]
OL: as does he.
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alright quick run down
a letter will have the let.UPER> or let.LWER> before the code for the letter itself
for example, lowercase x would be let.LWER>6x4
there are never any spaces between anything and I will not be translating it for you because I don’t feel like it
[wrd.BREAK] indicates a space and [wrd.EXTD] indicates a dash.
Brick lizard
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Female and infant
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Brick lizards are heavy, armored tanks of creatures that live in organized family groups. The males hunt in packs while the females raise the infants.
Female Brick lizards have the ability to body-slam creatures, using a lunge similar to a green lizard. The lunge deals 1 damage if the creature’s mass is the same as or less than the brick lizard, and stuns if the mass is greater. Females use this ability both as a form of self-defense as well as to hunt if all the males in the pack are out of commission.
Male brick lizards can telepathically communicate as well as shoot an item known as spiked drone rubbish. Spiked drone rubbish are small mechanical drones that target the creature it was shot closest to. They deal 0.01 damage to everything, including slugcats, and will not stop chasing their target until they are either destroyed by an outside source or short-circuited by water. When short-circuited, they can be picked up and thrown like regular rubbish, the only difference being they still damage slugcats and float on water instead of sink. Male Brick lizards have a ten second cooldown between shots.
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Brick lizards are highly mechanical, and they have a huge advantage over most creatures because of it. They do not feel pain, meaning they will never stop chasing a creature until they are dead and will not collapse randomly when in bleedout. They also have two hard shells wrapped around their body, protecting all parts of their body apart from their throat. As despondent’s low damage prevents her from performing side spears, the only way to reach this soft spot is to be caught by one and receive good RNG so as to not die. They are, however, extremely vulnerable to explosives, which deal two damage when hitting a protected spot and five damage when hitting their soft spot.
The packs brick lizards live in consist of 2-5 females, 4-6 infants and 3-7 males. The males go hunting and bring their food back to the females and babies. The highest dominance female always gets the first catch, followed by the lower dominance females, and the males are left to fight over the scraps. The males always have the same length antenna despite their dominance levels, and the only way to disconnect them from each other is to either tame or kill the highest dominance female. Taming the highest dominance female also taimes every infant in the pack, regardless of their proximity to the taimed female. The second highest dominant female then takes over the next cycle, and all the pack connections are re-established, along with newly spawned infants.
Infant brick lizards grow up in five cycles. Their IDs change along with their appearance, as the three types of brick lizards are considered three separate species in the code to simplify things. Their ID before they change, however, does affect their gender; if the first digit is an odd number, they will be male, and if the first digit is an even number they will be female. Taimed infants keep their same relationships when aging up, meaning if your infant grows up in a shelter with you they will not be untamed the next cycle.
Infant brick lizards have a Plays With relationship with each other and a Considers As Its Pack relationship with every other variant, while females and males have Considers As Its Pack relationships with all other lizards in the pack. All brick lizards have Fights For Territory With relationships with all brick lizards in other packs. They ignore all other types of lizard. 
Each variant of the brick lizard has unique stats:
Male Stats:
Health: 7-9
Can climb poles? No
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 6.7*
Toughness: 3
BodyMass: 7
VisualRadius: 900
BiteDelay: 20
BiteDamageChance: 1/4
BiteDamage: 4.3
AttemptBiteRadius: 80
SwimSpeed: 0.5
WaterVision: 0.2
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.75
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: 5
Female Stats:
Health: 10-12
Can climb poles? No
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 6.7*
Toughness: 4
BodyMass: 9
VisualRadius: 950
BiteDelay: 50
BiteDamageChance: 1/3
BiteDamage: 4.6
AttemptBiteRadius: 70
SwimSpeed: 0.2
WaterVision: 0.3
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.75
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: 5
Infant Stats:
Health: 1
Can climb poles? Yes
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 3
Toughness: 0.5
BodyMass: 0.5
VisualRadius: 400
BiteDelay: N/A**
BiteDamageChance: N/A**
BiteDamage: N/A**
AttemptBiteRadius: N/A**
SwimSpeed: 0.4
WaterVision: 0.2
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.45
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: N/A***
*Brick lizards use the same walk cycle as green lizards.
**Infant brick lizards cannot bite.
***infant brick lizards are taimed when the nearest female brick lizard is tamed or the highest dominance female is taimed.
Males and females give 15 points and infants give 2
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homoptera · 2 years
you see several swadloon trailing behind a cheerful leavanny. after a double take, you realize that one of them looks like this
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0 notes
pin-k-ink · 2 months
Gojo Satoru X Reader (pt. 1)
pt. 2
CW: teacher-student relationship, male masturbation, lots and lots of sexual tension, third-person perspective
a/n: i just watched miller’s girl last night so this was heavily inspired by it. well…somewhat
Whispers slithered through the hallowed halls of Jujutsu High like ominous serpents - rumors about the scandalous relationship between Gojo Satoru and his sole female student. At first, she dismissed the gossip as absurd. Sure, her mentor could be incorrigibly flirtatious at times, like their first meeting when he mistook her for a new teacher and gallantly swept down to press his lips to her knuckles. Even after she corrected him, the silver-haired sorcerer seemed delighted to have "such a lovely little lady" as his pupil.
He proceeded to give her an unsanctioned personal tour of the dormitories, escorting her to the teachers' quarters, claiming her room was mixed-up just to have her staying close by. Now she has to explain to new students why she’s rooming with that notorious manchild.
The rumors intensified after she officially joined Gojo's class. Though undeniably childish outside the training grounds, he proved an exemplary mentor, deeply familiar with the nuances of her innate techniques. More importantly, he was fiercely protective, exemplified the day he saved her life.
She'd been ambushed during a mission, her ribs crushed by some malevolent spirit. Splayed helpless amid the rubble, she watched in detached horror as the skeletal beast sidled closer, drawn by her agony. Then, a blinding flash of black and white - Gojo had arrived.
The next thing she knew, she was gasping in his arms, pain screaming through her body as he jostled her with calculated roughness. "Glad you didn’t puke on me this time," he teased with a wolfish grin, referencing her violent reaction to her first forced teleportation.
This bizarre, backhanded banter marked the start of a profound intimacy between master and student. What began as a mere academic relationship steadily morphed into something akin to family - perhaps the closest she would ever know. Like now, waiting side-by-side for the train home, his dexterous fingers idly weaving the silken strands of her hair into intricate braids. A futile bribe of mochi had failed to dissuade his pleas to use his teleportation, so she resigned herself to crowded public transit, crumbs inevitably showering her shoulders as he kept himself busy.
Aboard the train, packed amid throngs of exhausted salarymen, she stiffened as unfamiliar calloused fingers trailed up her stockinged thigh. A harsh reminder of her juvenile "uniform" - another of Gojo's juvenile pranks. She clenched her fists, nostrils flaring, determined to withstand this violation with dignity.
Suddenly, a strangled yelp split the air as the unseen hand retreated. She found herself crushed against her mentor's powerful frame, his broad chest pressed to her back, arms enveloping her in an unmistakable claim. His fingers trembled with barely contained fury where they splayed across her abdomen.
After that sickening highway incident, when she awoke battered and bloody amid the wreckage, new rumors swirled about the disturbing closeness between teacher and pupil. Gojo's gentle touch roused her from the hazy brink of consciousness, his thumb swiping some blood from her ashen lips before he murmured, "You look like shit, kid."
From that point, a new routine emerged - one she anticipated with visceral dread, yet perverse longing. In addition to their intensive training regimens, where he enacted relentless "lessons" that seemed calculated to map every aching plane of her body...at night, he would appear in her dorm. Her sanctuary from prying eyes, where he could tend her wounds and brandished injuries with exacting care, stripped down to her underwear.
Even the most casual gestures between them began to carry subtext, like at the school sports festival. One ill-advised taunt from a rival combatant, and Gojo materialized behind her in an instant, hoisting her over his shoulder with barely-veiled possessiveness. His fingers dipped to swat her rear before facing down the offending student, eyes glinting with menace. Mere inches from flaying the young man with his Hollow Purple technique before the principal intervened.
Such public indecencies fueled fevered gossip about the forbidden relationship between the supremely powerful sorcerer and his nubile disciple. Rumors she could neither confirm nor deny...especially after the way he claimed her that night in the sanctum of his apartment.
The celebratory dinner after her sports festival triumph was a blur of italian cuisine and sultry looks. Gojo escorted her back to his flat for "freshening up" before returning to campus. Or so she assumed, until emerging from his steamy bathroom engulfed in a cloud of vapor, wearing nothing but an oversized dress shirt pilfered from his wardrobe. The damp fabric clung like a sensual rumor, outlining her lithe curves in diaphanous definition.
Whatever semblance of self-restraint typically graced Gojo's demeanor nearly disintegrated as he pulled his student into his lap. For a torturous minute, primal instincts threatened to overrule his better judgment - to simply slam her down onto the mattress and fuck her with reckless abandon.
But a flicker of lucidity pierced the haze of lust just in time. This was his precious protégé, the woman who had utterly bewitched him both in body and spirit. He couldn't simply take her like one of his flings. Not without her explicit consent.
Drawing a steadying breath, he reached over to gently take the towel from her hands, using it to slowly dry her hair. All the while, desperately attempting to ignore the insistent throbbing in his groin, the painfully prominent bulge straining against the fabric of his pants.
That night marked the first time he'd allowed himself to truly surrender to the sinful fantasies that so frequently plagued his thoughts when in her presence. As she retreated to her room, Gojo mentally praised his own restraint. But the image of her, draped in nothing but his oversized shirt, branded itself into his psyche.
Only after bidding her a quick goodnight did he seek the solace of his own room to fist his cock with unrestrained fervor, her tempting image fueling each increasingly frantic stroke. When his orgasm finally washed over, her name spilled sacrilegiously from his lips in a guttural rasp.
Come morning, he maintained an aura of unruffled nonchalance around his student, as though the pervious night's events were merely fever dreams. But she could see the hairline fractures in his implacable veneer, instinctively sensing their dynamic had irreversibly shifted after beholding the undisguised hunger burning in his eyes.
Something primal had awoken between them. And neither was prepared to confront the smoldering aftermath.
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
Oh Those Romance Novels
ship: Azriel x Reader type: drabble warning(s): explicit content, f o r word count: 920 words summary: Azriel decides it would be a fun idea that you read one of your smutty books to him while he…
-all rights reserved -
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"And then his tongue circled her—Gods Azriel!"
Your head lolls back, eyes falling shut. Your thighs squeeze his head, but Azriel has none of it. He hums in disapproval, sending vibrations throughout your whole body. Lifting his head, the skin around his mouth coated in your arousal, he clicks his tongue. 
"None of that, baby, keep reading." He groans a little as he gives your thigh a gentle squeeze, wanting you to look at him.
And you do — lifting your head the tiniest bit, opening your eyes and meeting his eyes through a heavy lidded gaze that is clouded by desire. You could barely make out the words you were reading and now, the heat radiating from every fibre of your body makes your vision blurry anew. 
Still, you try to hold your mate's gaze. He has a vicious, almost cruel laugh on his face as he watches you, a smirk on his lips.
"Be a good girl and keep reading. Instruct me on what I have to do." He grins, and lowers his face, placing a searing kiss to your sex. You feel something in your lower belly squeeze, your toes curling. He has your legs thrown over his shoulder, the tips of your toes nearly brushing his majestic wings. 
"Azriel, I can't…" you whine, so far on the edge you can already feel the release coming. You can't focus on reading anymore, but Azriel does not like that. He does not like it when you don't behave like his good girl. And he loves to tease you. Loves to edge you, until you are a sobbing and pleading mess beneath him, begging him to give you the release you so desperately crave.
"Yes, you can." His voice is like a growl, his nose already brushing your skin. He inhales your scent, your sweet arousal beguiling his sense — he feels delirious from your scent, drunk on the feel of your soft skin against his and he can't wait to devour you, to drive his tongue into your slick cunt and like you dry. But now he waits, although he needs to call upon his restraints to hold back. He loves to hear you beg, hear you trembling, needy voice, it makes him damn hard, but it is worth it.
"Read!" His voice reverberates through your body, making more slickness pool between your thighs. 
And you decide to give it another try, trying to focus on all the words that melt into one another.
"His t-to-tongue circled her c-cl-clit and he licked—Fuck!"
Azriel flicks his tongue against the tight bud at the apex of your thighs, chuckling lowly when he hears you curse and feels you shudder beneath and around him. "Baby," he purrs, dragging his broad tongue over your slit. "Continue."
"His broad hands grab her l-le-egs and he forces them to open w-wi-wi-ider." And Azriel does exactly this. He lifts your legs off his shoulders, placing them on the bed and forcing your hips to fall open wider. And that is when his restraints are loosened and he drives his tongue into you with a force that nearly overwhelms you. The book falls out of your hand the moment the back of your head hits the pillow and you cry out in pleasure. Azriel's scarred hand grabs your thighs tightly, finger tips digging into your skin as he growls against your wetness, his tongue driving deep into you. He savours every drop that lands on his tongue, devours you fully, fully revelling in you and how you ride his face, your butt lifting of the bed. Your hand fists his hair, and he groans, his thumb coming up to toy with your clit, rubbing and pressing down to add just a bit more pleasure. 
Flecks of white and black appear in your vision as you feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your breathing ragged. You ride his face, grinding against his tongue, fisting the pillow beneath your head, your other hand still tangled in Azriel's silken strands. 
You tug and pull and it only fuels his passion more, feasting on you like a starved male until he pushes you over the edge, letting you ride out your high as he continues to lick you softly and places gentle kisses to your sex.
Your limbs spasm as he comes up to you, kissing up your torso, licking over your hard nipples, taking each into his mouth, suckling and tugging. He groans in delight, kissing up your neck until his lips meet yours. 
"More," you breath, body exhausted but the desire still there. "I need you again."
"Then get on your hands and knees, baby." He grins as he meets your gaze. "And this time, you do as I tell you because what you need now is a little bit of punishment." A pout graces your face and Azriel clicks his tongue once again. "You did not finish the chapter, baby and you know that I don't like it when you don't behave like my good girl."
Leaning in, he nips at your lower lip and then pushes himself up. Sitting back on his heels, he lifts you up with his strong hands and flips you over. 
You turn to look at him over your shoulder. There is a vicious glint in his eyes, he grins from on ear to the other, his shadows dancing behind his shoulders, swirling and curling and sliding down his arms. "And my bad girl deserves a little bit of punishment tonight."
~~~~~~~~ tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii@nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @insufferablebookaddict
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faeriichaii · 5 months
Hey so I know this isn’t the most original idea but could you do a mutual pining Legolas x reader where reader braids his hair without knowing the significance?
For some reason I haven’t been able to find any of em recently but it is my absolute favourite thing to read 😔😔
Softest Touch ~ Legolas x Reader
A/N: that's also my favorite prompt ngl :) Anything that has to do with brading makes my heart melt haha. Btw thank you so so much for requesting <33 I appreciate it a lot :) I really hope you like the story!!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 933 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: After looking at the etheral elven prince, you have the urge to weave your fingers through his silken hair, leading to more than just simple hair braiding.
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Sitting on a log in front of the fire, you thank Sam for the soup he just handed you. Taking a spoon full of one of the rare warm dinners you get on your journey, you look at all of the other companions gathered around. Boromir playing around with Pippin and Merry while Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas sat on the log opposite of yours. Your eyes stop at the elven prince for a little too long, fascinated by his beauty. The light of the fire giving him a golden glow making him look even further ethereal than he already was. You noticed your growing fondness for Legolas weren’t just friendly feelings towards a companion as he once helped you out with your aim. Since then, it became almost a routine. After dinner, the both of you always decided to go a little further away from the company to practice your aim with the arrows (that you also carve together) and sometimes share a few stories of your past.
Finishing up your soup, you decide to join the other three on the log for a quick chat. Legolas notices you first and gives you a soft smile, before scooting over to make some room for you. Sitting down beside him you notice your close proximity and feel the familiar warmth spread to your cheeks. Looking at his side profile you see his beautiful white hair, which almost seems to glow due to the light source in front of you. The way his hair falls over his back makes it look like the softest of silk and you wish to run your fingers through it. “Legolas, I have been wondering if I could maybe braid your hair?” Gimli spits out his soup while Aragorn lets out a cough. Confused at their reaction about your request you look at them bewildered. Legolas cheeks were dusted in a soft pink as he clears his throat. “That sounds lovely.” Gimli abruptly stands up and staggers away, followed by Aragorn, who politely excuses himself.
Grinning at him, you stand up from your seat at the log and take your place behind him. Weaving your hands once through his hair you realize how soft it really is. You open the braid by his ear carefully, not to hurt him before deciding on a small herringbone braid. Parting his hair into two sections, you softly start to intertwine the strands together, sometimes accidentally brushing your fingers against his pointy ear. At the soft touch he accidentally lets out a gasp. “Are you alright?” You ask him, worried that you might have hurt him. “Yes, don’t worry.” Finishing up the braid, you move back in front of him and take a look at his face. A smile graces his lips before he thanks you.
The days have passed and you notice that Gimli, as well as Aragorn, seem to have started to call you ‘Your Highness’ as well as ‘Your Majesty’. You didn’t think much about it, until one night, during your watch. You looked up at the moon, while being perched onto one of the logs in front of the fire that has been put out since a few hours. The sound of footsteps nearing you made you look up at the source. “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Legolas says, before taking a seat beside you. Smiling at him you nod softly. Looking at his side profile, you notice the braid you had done a few days ago, still in tact and untouched. “Do you want me to rebraid your hair for you?” He hums softly at your question, signalling you to redo it once more. Opening the braid, you start weaving through the strands again. “I have a question I would like to ask you.” You mutter from beside him, completely focusing on his hair. “Do you know why Gimli and Aragorn suddenly call me by royal endearments?”
The elven prince chuckles softly before turning towards you after the braid is finished. “Well let me braid your hair and I can explain their behaviour.” Turning around you let Legolas comb his fingers through your hair, before he decides to start braiding on a small section. “You know, in my culture braiding is a very important and intimate gesture.” He starts, making you blush at his words. “Normally we only braid or let our hair be braided by someone we would like to court.” You gasp softly at the realization that dawns upon you. “I- I’m sorry I didn’t know.” You rasp out, turning around after Legolas is done with his braid. “Does that mean you don’t wish to court me?” He asks, tilting his head slightly. A bright blush creeps up your cheeks before you shake your head. “No I- I mean yes I do.” You look down at your hands, beginning to play with your fingers.
“I do have feelings for you Legolas. If I would have known that braiding indicates my feelings, I would have just done a better job at braiding your hair.” His laugh makes you look up at him, before he puts his hand on your cheek. “You now have enough chances to braid my hair Meleth Nin.” His thumb softly brushes against your cheek before he leans in. Meeting him halfway, your lips brush against each other in a soft kiss. Wrapping your hands around his neck you lean even closer towards him. The warmth of his body encasing you, making you feel like this is just a dream. Breaking apart you both smile softly at each other, basking in the moonlight above.
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reyadawn · 8 days
Take What You Want
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Summary: Noah pulls orgasm after orgasm from the reader in a dark and sensual setting
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC
Warnings: Oh, so many! 🔞 Do NOT read this if you are underage--just don't. I'm not responsible for the shit you read on the internet. Moving on: Language, hair pulling, kissing, choking, oral (f & m receiving), praise!kink, size!kink, degredation, breeding, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids!), creampie.
Ya'll might wanna grab some towels 🤭
Word Count: N/A
The smell of sex was heavy in the air, even through the ensence that was burning on the nightstand. A white lamp stood adjacent, the shade covered partially by a thin red scarf that illuminated the room in a soft red glow. Rumpled sheets were half hazardly pulled from the bed to drape over the foot and collect in a heap on the floor.
My fingers gripped tightly to the fitted sheet beneath me, knuckles white from the pressure. My body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, my skin littered with goosebumps. Nipples hard. Head thrown back against the nearly flattened pillow.
"Noah...please...please, I can't...", I whispered, begging him to let me come as my thighs gripped tighter around his head. My muscles were taught almost to the point of pain. Noah said nothing. Instead he used his large tattooed hands to push my thighs apart as wide as they would allow before going back to his delicious torture.
Noah's nose brushed my clit as his expert tongue fucked into my dripping cunt as his hands kept my thighs open.
"Noah, stop...I'm gonna come...please", I cried, hot tears threatening to spill from under my lashes. Noah chuckled softly, the vibrations hitting my overstimulated clit, causing my hips to jolt.
Noah raised himself from the position he was in and planted slow kisses along my thighs, my stomach and paused to take a raised nipple in his mouth. My back bowed as I brought my hands to his short, dark locks to grip the silken strands.
Raising his head from my body, he allowed his larger frame to loom over me. His sheer height always made me feel small, protected and ridiculously turned on. Always towering over me or reaching above me for things knowing full well the affect it had.
Through blurry eyes I looked up at him. Brown eyes raked over my naked form, pupils blown so wide with lust they looked black. With all the energy I could muster, I lifted my leg to hook around his own and flipped us so I was on top. More like he let me. Noah had such power over me that he could have stopped me.
I maneuvered myself between his legs, stroking his cock from base to tip, swiping my thumb over the reddened tip through the pre-come that collected there. Noah's hips jerked, mouth half open, chest heaving with anticipation.
Leaning down, I slowly ran my tongue up and down the sides of his cock and lingered on the underneath side just below the tip. Noah hissed in response, tossing his head back, mouth open to let out a low moan. I slowly took him in my mouth, gowing down as far as my throat would allow. He was long and thick so there was still a couple inches left of exposed skin. I flattened my tongue to rub it under his cock, the tip rubbing the top of his balls that were drawn tight to his body. Noah cried out, grabbing the pillow, the mucles in his tattoed covered arms buldging from the strain.
I hollowed out my cheeks, sucking as much of him as I could, as I continued rubbing him with my tongue. His hips bucked again and I chuckled.
"Angel, please", Noah whimpered. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he fought for control but he was about to lose the battle as I reached up and gingerly caressed his balls and sucked my way back to the tip of his cock. Noah's hips shot off the bed causing his cock to shove its way back into my mouth as he came in thick spurts on my tongue. His voice of pleasure echoed around the room, no doubt waking Jolly who went to bed hours before Noah and I started playing.
Before I could say or do anything, Noah sat up abruptly almost startling me. A large tattooed hand shot out, long fingers latching themselves around my neck and hauling me to him to capture my lips with his own. It was a hungry kiss, all teeth and tongues and I could taste myself against his tongue. Noah's other hand carded through my hair, fist gripping the strands to hold me in place.
I raised myself up and slowly lowered my dripping cunt onto his cock that had miraculously stayed hard. I broke the kiss, tipping my head back and letting out a whimper of need at the feeling of being so stretched.
"That's it, angel...work yourself on this cock...come on...", Noah encouraged. In truth I was struggling. He was so long, so thick that I was having trouble taking him, even with being as wet as I was.
"Noah...help me, please...need more", I cried out, nails raking red streaks across his tattooed shoulders and bisceps. Noah's hands grasped my hips and pulled me down at the same time he thrust upwards, impaling me on what was left of his cock. I screamed. I couldn't help it. I couldn't handle the fullness, the head of his cock piercing my cervix, and my release ran down to his balls only to pool beneath us and soak the sheets.
"That's it...come on this cock like the greedy slut you are...your cunt is so tight...taking me so fucking well...goddamn", Noah said harshly, his hand going back around my throat as he started pistoning his cock inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, anchoring him to me as I threw my arms around his shoulders and brought my lips to his in another sloppy kiss, his hand still around my throat where he gave a slight squeeze.
I was close. Too close. Every stroke of his cock against my walls, every hit to my cervix had me clenching around him and my breathing grew ragged. Noah must have noticed because he suddenly flipped us over and I landed on my back, Noah's weight forcing my thighs to open so wide for him that he sank just a little deeper. I clawed at him as hot tears poured down my cheeks and Noah smiled a Cheshire cat smile.
"That's right, angel...feel me...feel all of me...I'm gonna come soon and when I do I'm going to breed this tight cunt. Is that what you want? Want me to fuck a baby in you? Show everyone who you belong to?", he asked. I nodded rapidly, the pleasure almost too much to bare. My body was on the verge of snapping, muscles taught.
"What's the matter princess? Can't talk? Brain empty and cock drunk?", he teased, snaking a hand between us to rub my swollen clit. I whimpered again, my nails digging into his bisceps. "Come for me...come all over this dick like the brain melting slut you are".
At Noah's words the orgasm I tried holding back unleashed like a dam. I screamed again, tears still rolling down my cheeks. Noah's hips snapped once, twice and then he stilled inside me, cock pulsing as thick ropes of come splashed against my walls and painted my cervix. If I was pregnant before, there was no way I wasn't now. Noah's voice echoed around the room again as his cock continued to pulse inside me, emptying his balls.
My arms suddenly felt too heavy, my body languid and limp as I let them fall to the bed. Noah slowly pulled his cock free of my body, our come soaking into the sheets, and collapsed next to me. We were both out of breath, limbs tangled together.
All of a sudden the wall behind us vibrated with a deafening BOOM!
"ARE YOU ASSHOLES DONE YET?! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP!", Jolly screamed. Noah and I turned to each other and laughed.
Apologies for the length but hope you all enjoyed!!
@livingdeceasedgirl @amourtoken @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @cowpokeomens @darling-millicent-aubrey @doomhands-jr @dsireland86 @thefallennightmare @somebodyllelse @sorrowsofsilence @exitwoundsx
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vinaxxo · 4 months
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17+ | Let that hair down, Grandmaster 🩵!
A/N: It’s been a while since I’ve written something fr, but i need to contribute my love to my MK baes like the rest of yall. My top MK baes being Tomas and Bi han. Love my babies to def.
What happens when Bi han’s hair falls from THE bun?
CONTENT: smut, fem reader, (bihan is a warning itself), degradation, slight fluff near the end because i adore him and the mood wasn’t rough anymore
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Long after Bi han’s lin kuei duties have been fulfilled, he took it upon himself to relax… inside of you.
“Bi han, slow down—!” You cried, barely getting used to the thickness that filled your core. He only scoffed, snapping back at you with his chilly attitude.
“Take it,” he grunted, pausing his thrusts very briefly to hook your shaky legs over his massive thighs. His words made you whimper, and soon enough moans started to spill from your pretty lips as Bi han pounded into your cunt once more, the sheer force making your body jump against his. “Take it like the whore you are.”
His face melted in relief as his aching dick was squeezed by your warm, slick pussy after a hard day’s work. Before you lose any more focus, your eyes warm from fresh tears of pleasure, your hands latch onto Bi han’s back, your nails leaving trails of blood red down it— making him jerk his head forward with a curse (causing his hair tie to loosen). You know he savors the pain, and it’s only fair since your pussy’s getting abused by his huge dick every other day.
Enchantingly, right as Bi han drives a cool hand up your throat, his bun falls, causing his silken black hair to messily pool right over his shoulders.
You’re mesmerized by this sight, reaching a hand up to touch his hair— and Bi han is too late to push you away. He momentarily slows his feverish pace, opting for something more sensual as his intense gaze falls over yours.
“I could get used to this view…” you said softly, subconsciously pulling his handsome face closer to yours.
Bi han broke a small, rare grin, pearly whites making you swoon before his lips crashed into yours. Truly a Bi han fashion. As his dick grinded up your guts, the lewd sounds made your ears burn up and your cunt flutter around him. Bi han’s kisses turn hungrier as his locks brush against your cheeks, chilled tongue melting against your warm one.
“You’re lucky.” He comments, pulling back slightly, his voice charmingly gruff. “… Lucky that I allow you to be this close to me.”
His deep brown eyes look into yours, inches away, and you swear you fall harder for your Grandmaster. Even when he said so little, it meant so much coming from him. You tucked some of Bi han’s fallen hair behind his ear, his left cheekbone and small moles visible once more.
“I’ll always be yours, Grandmaster.” You fawn, unable to keep your hands off of Bi han as they wander to his chest. He (his dick) takes a liking to your words, as he almost tenderly holds your jaw.
“And you will always be mine, (reader).”
After that night, Bi han got used to having his hair down more often— in only the private downtime with you. You never fail to run your fingers through those royal strands, and he quietly permits you to massage his scalp after a long day, his big arms crossed over his torso.
He would never admit to it, but you’re the only thing keeping him grounded in this world. You’re stuck with him for life, whether you know it or not.
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© vinaxxo 2024. Do not use my works for ai, or reposting to different platforms.
Dividers by: @rookthornesartistry
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bucknastysbabe · 6 months
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: King Aegon II x Queen!Reader x Aemond
Tags: Threesome, King!Aegon, issues galore, pillow princess big BABY Aegon, Aemond hanging dong, poorly concealed jealousy of being a second son, face sitting, f/m/m, anal sex, humiliation kink, feminization, Aegon’s like pre-chubby, spanking, switch Aeg, wee bit of Angst at the end
Aegon writhed atop silken sheets, amongst other fineries imported to the Keep from Lys to Qaarth. His pretty face was flushed, crown askew, big violet eyes glassy. Drunken to an extent, not enough to deny a good thorough fucking. You teasingly snatched the crown, placing it upon Aemond’s silky strands. He eyed you quizzically, Aegon slurring underneath, “Realll fuh’kin funny.”
Aemond slapped one of Aegon’s soft thighs, big hand leaving a pretty blooming mark. He sneered, “Even your lady wife thinks I look better in it.” The spare’s cock bobbed as he shifted between feminine thighs, blessed was he by the Father for that monstrosity of a cock. The ‘king’ whined petulantly, casting his orbs towards you, long lashes clumped and wet.
“He does make an imposing figure with the crown my love,” you shrugged.
Aegon’s plump lips pulled back into a snarl, hand coming up to slap Aemond— alas, too drunken and slow was he. You raised a brow, growing more excited, squeezing your thighs together to dull the ache. The younger brother laughed meanly, pinning Aegon’s weaker arms above his head, long fingers wrapping skinny wrists up tight.
Aem bitterly sniffed, “Been easier if you were a girl, although your arse is tight as a cunt and you’ve been,” he smirked toward you, “filling out nicely.” Aegon whimpered at that, shame making the softling struggle as his brother lapped at a puffy nipple. Violet eyes begged for you, frantic uttering slipping through wine-stained lips, “Wha-ah-at is he talking about? Gods!”
Aegon’s back arched when the lanky man between his legs rubbed their cocks together in a hot drag. You crawled closer, carding gentle hands through your husband’s tousled hair. Pecking his panting pout you murmured with a squeeze to his soft hip, “Filling out like a proper lady he means, might need to borrow my corset dear, don’t want to appear slovenly.”
Fresh pretty tears leaked from his orbs, Aemond grabbing a handful of the pudge on his still small waist. He nipped at his brother’s neck, murmuring in a low rasp, “Glutton. Better curb it before you break a belt.” Aegon cried out sharply, spreading his legs, arching his back like the little whore he was.
“There’s my sweet slut,” you cooed, passing Aemond the phial of oil. He thanked you before asking, “You want to open him up or me?” Reclining backward to lay next to your husband you purred, “No, no, go ahead, want to see him cry some more before I have my fun.” Aemond dutifully nodded, slapping the back of Aegon’s thighs to get them higher up.
Aegon stared at you, lips trembling, head fuzzy with drink and arousal. Petting his hair again you pressed a saccharine kiss to his sweaty forehead, stroking back errant curls. The slick sounds of Aemond slathering oil on Aegon’s hole had the king gasp and mewl your name.
“Oh hush, you’re such a whiny babe, when has brother dearest not taken care of you? Spoilt thing.”
He moaned softly, lashes fluttering as Aemond’s long fingers circled his hole. You stroked Aegon's sensitive neck and chest, pulling at a rosy nipple to distract from any discomfort. It had been a while since anyone had time for simple pleasures such as these, especially for the younger brother.
Aegon’s back arching again notified you that Aemond had breached him. You raised a brow at the other, eyes glancing at his use of two fingers off the get. He dismissed the concern with a scoff, “Seems fine to me.” He wasn’t wrong, your husband’s pretty cock was leaking over his milky white stomach.
Aemond lazily stretched out his elder until Aegon was begging, “Aem, Aem, come onnnn, pleaseeee!” His curls were matted down with sweat, sweet thighs trembling with need. You kissed his blubbering lips, casting a glare on the crowned blonde. The game’s up, goodbrother.
Aemond huffed in amusement, pulling his fingers out to wipe on the rumpled bed. He hissed in pleasure slathering up that purpling swollen cock. Aegon whined his brother’s name again, clumsily fumbling to shove a pillow under his ass, spreading wider.
“Seven hells sweetheart,” you swore, cunt clenching again. Your own skin was hot and beginning to bead with sweat— the heat of the room and delicious spread before you was stifling.
Aemond grunted a bit as he got into a good position, planting his knees and guiding his cock towards Aeg’s greedy hole. You coddled your husband as his violet eyes bulged and rolled, the blunt tip of his little brother’s cock forcing its way in.
Aemond’s hair flopped forward in a shiny curtain, hunching a bit as he eased himself with little hitches of breath, moaning softly when his trim hips met the fatty flesh of Aegon’s backside and upper thighs. Aemond’s head fell back some, a sharp grin twisting his features. He breathed, “Ah brother, somehow you stay like a glove. Tight cunt for a whore.”
You plastered yourself to your drooling husband, his chest heaving, slurring, “s’full.” You smiled and swiped a thumb across his wet lips, “Mhm, goodbrother does a good job filling your slutty ass up. Fucking all those little thoughts out of your head.”
“If there is any, goodsister.”
“Are you going to fuck him or be an ass?”
Aemond snorted and pulled back to thrust sharply into Aegon, punching a lurid cry out of his puffy lips. The younger didn’t waste any time, roughly fucking Aegon, biting his slim lips, one eye closed in pleasure. Your husband was a wreck per usual, his brother’s cock split the poor thing wide open— no escape from the drag across that sensitive little gland in his ass.
Aemond snarled, “Taking me well, doesn’t it just look splendid, what a real king looks like- ah- taking what’s his. A bratty sister-wife.”
Aegon blubbered a weak reply, seeking the comfort of your body, lips suckling at your lips and neck sloppily. You playfully flattened your hand over his bouncing cock, rubbing it gently.
“Ohh- oh fuck- mmm s’good s’good,” he babbled deliriously, blinking more tears down his ruby splotched cheeks. He was shaking, pitch too high, signs of an early orgasm. You couldn’t have that. You’d gotten enough of an eyeful, getting onto your haunches.
“Aegon, don’t you dare yet,” you chided, smacking his cock roughly. Aemond laughed as your husband howled and squirmed in pain. He had to be held tight by Aem’s hands. Grabbing Aegon’s full cheeks you asked, sweeter now, “Think you can eat my cunt? Got enough brains in your slutty head for that?”
He nodded with a soft noise, hands fisting the covers relocated to your hips. You straddled his gorgeous face, now eye to eye with Aemond’s smug look. Aegon grasped your plump thighs and began to lap eagerly, moaning in delight. You shuddered, placing hands on Aegon’s fleshy hips.
Aegon was good in the sack, regardless of these nights where the now-king got wrecked. He knew your cunt quite well. Currently, he took his time digging a fat tongue into your hole, slurping up essence. You fell forward a bit with a moan, eyes still plastered upon Aemond’s regal look.
Aem rumbled, “Hm, aren’t you a treat, my queen.” The tall blonde leaned forward to capture your waiting lips, lapping upwards and nipping a swollen top lip. Aegon chose the idea to whine into your pussy, delicious vibrations arching your back, pushing budded tits forward.
Aemond swallowed up your noise, passionately sharing himself and kin with you. One of his lengthy calloused hands cupped your tit, rough thumb swiping across nerves. Aegon thrust up to no avail when you squeezed around his face, body assaulted by your clit and sensitive nipples being played with. You mewled, “Gods, Aemond, Aegon, ah!”
Your husband was digging his fingers into your ample thighs, moaning and yelling, barely muffled at this point. You were helplessly shying away, the pleasure reaching a point of near-pain. At the same time, Aegon pulled you down and Aemond pushed you flush to his brother’s face.
Aemond growled, “Wanna see you come undone on the little whore’s face, keep that ass down.”
You nodded with a whine, hands trembling, reaching, pulling the younger further for more kisses as Aegon suckled roughly, sending a gush of slickness on his face. You wailed, Aemond humming, “Ah, there we go, darling queen. Back to our whore now?” The whore in question was fit to blow, his prick veined and throbbing, balls tight. He made a confused sound as you began to lift up.
In a dazed movement, you fell off Aegon’s wet mouth, gathering wits, eyes tiredly watching Aemond bend the true king in half, smacking a pert ass. He nuzzled at Aegon’s sweat lined throat, lapping and biting without shame. You rolled onto your belly blearily, hand snaking to the elder’s cock, thumbing the tip in rough circles.
Aegon shivered from head to toe, fully sobbing now. Aemond pressed the sniffling king, “Say it, say it dear, who wears the crown?” It was about three more punishing smacks before Aegon moaned loud and long, emptying all over your hand and his creased belly. He cried harder now, sniveling for his wife.
Aemond grunted, groaned softly under his breath, murmuring nonsense as he unloaded into his brother’s ass. The younger took off the crown and gently placed it aside, sitting back on his haunches, panting. Aegon had already enveloped your form like a blanket, sniffling into your tits.
You stroked his hair and smiled gently, cooing. Looking up at Aemond you asked, “Sticking around? I can braid your hair up if you’d like?”
He was already tying it halfway up, eye-patch secured quickly. Aemond shook his head and stated, “A kind gesture, I’ll be taking my leave.” You frowned a bit, absently petting Aeg’s curls. Aemond’s remaining eye glanced at the dozing Aegon, mouth twisting ever-so-slightly.
“I’ll be fine my queen, get some rest, see you in the morn.”
You knew him well enough to not say another word as the spare got dressed and exited, door closing quietly. Thumbing at Aegon’s cheeks, you hoped Aemond would stick around some time. Both of you loved him dearly.
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thedevilssinner · 9 months
Okay, I love, LOVE the idea of drawing Astarion when he mentions he doesn't remember how he looks but… I can't draw for shit in real life. At least not a person.
But I can write poems.
So imagine this - Tav buys a notebook and secretly starts writing poems for Astarion. They write about his hair, eyes, and lips. They write about everything they can see, hear and feel around him. 
They realize it's probably not the perfect way of describing someone but even then, they hope Astarion is going to like it.
They want to give it to him when the notebook is full and try to write a new poem whenever they can, but they do it secretly so Astarion won’t notice.
But Astarion did notice. 
He noticed Tav writing in a notebook with a slight blush forming on their cheeks and swiftly hiding it whenever someone came close a few times. He began to think that they were writing something naughty there. Maybe their erotic dreams or fantasies but try not to pry. Minding their privacy as they minded his but curiosity get’s the better of him in the end and he finds himself sneaking into their tent.
He finds the notebook, opening it on a random page and is prepared to read but instead of lewd story he expects there’s… a poem?
In moonlight's gentle, silken grace,
A snowy cascade frames his face.
Like whispered secrets, pale and rare,
His alabaster strands, a ghostly affair.
Each strand a tale of endless night,
Innocence lost to eternal flight.
Yet in their pallor, a mystic art,
Those silken locks, a bewitching heart.
Astarion is surprised by this. He didn't even know Tav could compose poems, and all of these seem to be written about one particular person, but who is it? They wrote about white hair, enchanting smiles, velvet voice and red eyes, but he can't figure out who the person behind the poems is.
Is it a lover they had before the Nautiloid? Is Astarion only a distraction for Tav, before she could return to this unknown person?
He flips through the pages, trying to find some more clues, maybe a name or anything, until he gets to the beginning and on the first page of the notebook is written: 
To Astarion - because I wanted to let you know how I see you in my own way
- Tav
HERE is an amazing story with the drawing setting 😊 by @leighsartworks216 - the slightly oblivious Astarion is inspired by their story
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diejager · 4 months
Soooo, i have been thinking~~~ recall the stepdad!konig and dbf!horangi where they got reader pregnant and horangi took the responsibility for it? While i do know that they are tight knit buddy buddies and probably lives sharing reader with each other, what if horangi manages to trap reader into moving in with him and having a shotgun wedding? And because i’m a bit of a slut for angst - What if he becomes more possessive and decides that only he should have reader?. After all, konig already has his wife yet is still so greedy and going mad with jealousy
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, STEPCEST, forced marriage, panic, possessive behaviour, implied kidnapping, marriage tradition, tell me if I missed any.
König drowned in anger, letting his vitriol consume him whole at the sheer audacity his best friend showed. How dare Horangi take and keep you for himself? Had he grown so comfortable that he could discard König like an old and rusted toy? He was a bumbling and raging mess throwing a tantrum in his office, ripping into the paperwork on his desk and throwing things around the room, screaming and physically pained. His heart throbbed at the betrayal, the agony Horangicaused him for taking your hand in marriage when he was left with a whore, unlovable and discardable —though you wouldn’t know, you didn’t know how little he felt for your mother. She was nothing but a stepping stone for him and Horangi to approach you without any suspicion. 
He attended the wedding, a traditional one, it would’ve been so beautiful if he wasn’t burning with envy. You were draped in silken cloths and fabrics, the bright and passionate red of your hanbok, sewn with flowery details and white and golden accents and Horangi’s navy blue, accentuated with golden strands and a impressive imagery at his front. Every part of it screamed traditional with it’s matching bride’s maids in white and lilac dresses, the tea table, the Jeonanyrye (a duck your mother received from Horangi), and the acts of Gyobaerye and Hapgeunrye that had bile rising in König’s throat. 
Truly, it was amazing to see you being wedded, dressed in beautiful garments, face powdered and cheeks flushed, you were angelic to look at, dripping allure and innocence that he wanted to corrupt and devour. He cornered Horangi after the first night, confronting him about his sudden act and decision to marry you. König wanted to know if this was Horangi’sfirst act of separation, to take things within his own hands to keep you to himself, but Horangi had reassured him that it was simply the first step to trap you for themselves. König wouldn’t believe it, his mind running miles and miles, without a single though in his mind that would help his or Horangi’s case. 
He knew he was increasingly more possessive than he used to, like the hold he had on Horangi when he tried making other friends, or the grip on you that he couldn’t let go. It was a monster that grew and grew in his body the longer he left it unattended, a vile creature with an insatiable thirst for things that he made his —his friend, his items, his mask and his little pet. Both he and Horangi were victims to it, their bloods running green and their eyes seeing red whenever another approached you, but König suffered much, much more than Horangi did. He felt like ripping into Horangi for binding you to him, but he’d regret it, killing off the sole being that understood him on a fundamental way.
“She’s ours, König,” Horangi promised, his course pads holding König’s face, the cool ring searing his cheek while he made König look into his dark eyes, “This is just to bind her to us, when her mother is gone, we can take her elsewhere, hmm?”
König blinked owlishly, his mind moving at a snail’s pace in this moment of frenzied fear, his breath caught the back of his throat when the vision of you in a white dress at his wedding with Horangi bringing you to the podium to marry him. It would seal your fate with them; albeit slowly.
“Ja,” König nodded, gazing into Horangi’s mesmerising browns, “Ja, you are right, Mein freund.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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bloodcasket · 1 year
Hiii!! I hope you're doing well!!
If you're feeling up to it, I was just wondering if you'd consider writing something short and sweet about Vergil and reader where the reader sees him with his hair down for the first time and absolutely adores his hair? I saw a mod recently where Vergil's got his hair down, almost like Dante's and it just looks so soft and fluffy!!
PAIRINGS: Vergil Sparda x GN!Reader
WARNINGS: Not exactly proof-read (lightly scanned). Overall fluff. :) Simple talk about Vergil's personal troubles, and his emotions.
DESCRIPTION: Wherein the reader finally sees Vergil with his hair down.
A/N: Thank you for your request love. Hope you're doing well too.🖤🖤
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There's something cool and restrained about Vergil whenever you're around him.
A sway of your body near his, and suddenly, he is distancing himself. The flesh of your finger tickles against his, he brushes you off. A flickering of your lashes in his presence, he casts his eyes away, avoiding the tenderness in your gaze.
He never shows you disdain, just uncertainty, maybe, fear. Insecurity. Hesitance.
It's not until he finds you that you're certain. His once pale, porcelain skin, silky and smooth, now battered and pores brandishing purple and blue. Cuts and welts that have now tainted his complexion.
He stands at the center of the doorway, tall and broad, clothes matted with mud and slick with blood. The smell of copper and grime desecrates his body. He takes thoughtful breaths of air, smooth and calculated.
This feels like the first time he's ever looked upon you, asked for guidance with just a flickering plea in his blue eyes. The first time he does not shy away.
Maybe, he's not disgusted. He's just afraid, unsure of what he wants.
"Vergil?" you call out for him, voice wavering, your palm shaking as you still grasp the doorknob. "Come inside". You speak softly, worried.
Thoughts flood your head as he doesn't utter even a single word. Just a gentle hum-you took it as thanks-and a gentle push inside through the door. The buckles on his boots rattling as he takes cautious steps inside.
He's been here before. Inside the comfort of your home, yet he acts cautious, awkward.
He is your lover. But even he, a powerful demon, has yet to learn everything that love can offer. What a home can feel like.
You don't attempt to ask what happened, nor place your hands all over him in hopes it will reassure him. You know it won't, and if anything, it would only irritate him, inflict pain on his pride.
"Vergil..." he doesn't look at you as you speak, head still tilted to the floor, his plush lips parted as he breathes, strands of white hair crusted and slick against his temple, crimson dying his scalp.
Only a shutter in his lengthy fingers as he grips his Yamato by his side, he's listening intently to your words, taking them in. Appraising your sweet tone within himself. Grateful to finally have someone.
"Let's get you cleaned up, hm?".
Just like any other moment with the tall, brooding half-demon, the walk to the bathroom is quiet. You lead him toward the tub, your gaze quickly switching to focus on him. Only soft care is present in the way you look at him, your face asking for permission just with a notion of your silken smile.
"I'm going to get your wounds taken care of, and your clothes clean, is that alright with you?" you ask, catching a glimpse of the way his pupils dilate just at the sight of you standing before him.
"Yes..." the tone he speaks is low and grave, his voice hoarse and almost wounded, as if he had been too choked up to speak anything else.
You're content with his compliance, he wants to be comfortable around you, to let you take care of him.
You bend to fix a tub of warm water for him, filling it with crystalline liquid, your fingers pruning at the tips as you swash aromas around in the tub, filling it with rosemary soap and watching lavender salts melt away beyond the suds. The pooling water is now becoming opaque, mountains of bubbles building.
As you turn, you catch the timorous expression he wears as he peers at himself through the mirrors reflection, white eyebrows furrowed, a line building in-between them. Insecure. Unsure. Doubting. Mouth twitching with condemnation.
"Come", you say with sodden palms open, and he obeys, allowing you to strip him of the pungent clothes he wears, your smile of tenderness never dissipating as you toss the dirty assortment into the hamper and guide his tall form into the steaming water.
He sinks into the floral water, a groan hitched in the back of his throat as his back eases with the scorching heat beating into his muscles.
"Feels better already, doesn't it?" your voice is airy, reassuring. He doesn't respond, you didn't expect him to.
You topple amounts of shampoo between your delicate fingertips, bringing it to the roots of his hair and lathering the product along his snowy scalp.
You scrub until the red and black become foamy, you scrub until Vergil purrs in delight.
It's with this, that you realize, he is nothing short of ethereal. Your first time he is so vulnerable enough to present himself to you.
With the water rinsing away the foam, his hair is like a glistening pearl, his natural glossy white untainted, cleansed from your devotion.
Unlike his brother, Vergil preferred to keep himself refined and tidy. It was rare when you saw Vergil showing skin, or speaking too hysterically. Or letting his hair fall loose the way it did now. Cascading over his white eyelashes, his lips relaxed and his expression tranquil. Pleased with you. Jubilant with your very existence.
"You are beautiful..." you speak with a grin, your nails curving into his hair, curious fingertips feeling the soft and silky thickness. You didn't lie. It was no hoax. This, was true. He was an art piece.
Long, once slicked back strands now stick against his face, straight and shiny along the structure of his cheekbones.
"This is my first time seeing your hair like this" a gentle whisper of admiration is heard from your lips. "Would it be selfish of me to wish to see it more often?".
Your demon lover grunts in response, blue eyes opening to stare you down. "Don't get your hopes up", his voice is lax, smooth and nonchalant, his large palm reaches up to press lightly into your wrist, dragging your palm until it rests on his cheek. "It is not guaranteed to happen". Your thumb rubs caresses of worship there, soft eyes filled to the brim with adoration, soaking in this image.
"Thank you", he speaks afterwards, nuzzling into your touch. This time, he will allow it.
"Thank you", he repeats, over and over, until every wound and laceration is treated. "Thank you", until every bruise is kissed.
It's not later on into the night that he joins you for rest, he had insisted on a moment of peace, a moment of privacy. You had no problem obliging.
When you wake the next morning with a tickling sensation crossing your temples, you open your once sealed eyes, corners crusted with sleep. Eyes now adjusting to the light, you take in your sleeping lover before you. His arms are wrapped comfortably around you, ensuring that you are pressed against the broadness of his chest.
Hair is still free, soft and puffy, cascading wonderfully down the structure of his glowing face. Strands caught between the plushness of his pink lips. He hadn't slicked it back yet.
Nights pass, and it remains. Long hair is kept as a special gift for you, neverending.
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monkmain · 8 months
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After the news of Millie’s collapse, lake sent her messengers to check on the others as well, which is how they came across the despondent in the first place.
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holybibly · 4 months
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(Preview) Pretty Flushed | MATZ x Reader | Part II
The full work is already available
Pretty Flushed | Part II
As all the bunnies have been exceptionally kind and gentle to me lately. I want to give you a little treat, I can do that, can't I?
Let this little spicy preview whet your appetite, who knows, maybe part two will be out by the end of the week 🤔
For all the bunnies who have been on their best behaviour 💖
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Your eyes are wide open as you watch Seonghwa languidly lick the remnants of your sugary mucus from her sensual, plump lips. It's almost hypnotic—the long silken appendage gliding over the seductively moist flesh in the most vicious way—and you unconsciously repeat it, licking your own lips, bitten and parched from endless moans.
"You taste so divine, my little pet; I don't think I could ever get enough of you." Songhwa purrs sultrily as he looks down at your vulnerable, tender body with his dark, half-closed eyes. He has a siren's gaze—seductive and sexy—a gaze that promises the darkest of pleasures, the kind that says, "I'll tear you apart, and you'll beg for it." And it quickened your pulse to the point where your head began to spin and your hips unconsciously lifted upwards in search of attention, which only made you press your pussy harder into Hongjoong's face, and he purred velvety in response to your actions. The vibrations caused by his deep voice go right to the core of your being.
"P-please alpha..." The moan you make is so loud and so long, a little painful, followed by another one, even longer and even more needy. You don't know what you're asking for or which one of them; your tiny brain is incapable of forming any coherent thought. 
"Oh, sweet bunny, you want to have a taste too, don't you? Let your mommy give you a taste of it." With two fingers, Seonghwa picks up the leaking slime from your pussy, to which Hongjoong gives an irritated growl as the action of the black-haired Alpha causes him to take his mouth off of you for a few seconds. 
You are so juicy and fertile, like a gourmet treat that has been made just for him, and he is so damn drunk on it. All in all, the Alpha doesn't mind spending the rest of the night, possibly the rest of his life, burying his handsome face in your luscious wet folds. His fluffy, snow-white tail swings from side to side, and the tips of his pointed ears twitch at the tempting prospect.
When Seonghwa pulls back his hand, long strands of viscous slime stretch out from behind his fingers, and he moans fervently as he rolls his eyes. Alpha brings his wet, smooth fingers to your mouth, pressing them firmly against your trembling lower lip. 
"Open your mouth, my princess. Give yourself a taste. Feel how sweet that pretty cunt tastes."
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suguwu · 5 months
Bee I am unwell after you said Suguru lays with you first on your wedding night and then after seeing them being a little bit together more I had the terrible thought of
Reader being nervous on the wedding night between it being their first time, their first time with someone who isnt their husband, and of course you husband is watching as his lover and his wife lay together. Thinking about Suguru taking the lobe kf your ear in his teeth after laving your neck with his tongue and teeth and saying "if you want I can take him after I take you. That way you'll both have a proper wedding night - you could watch him as well." Blood rushes to places its never been before and a sound escapes you before you slap your hand over mouth while your husband chuckles breathlessly from his spot in tbe corner
Bee please mercy I cannot I'm unwell when it comes to period dramas
listen suguru fucking you on your and satoru's wedding night is SO important to me. the sheer manipulation that went into it on their part. the sheer scandal of it. it's delicious.
and THIS is delicious. i hope you're okay with me doing my interpretation of it!
f!reader, yandere kinda implied, manipulation.
it is a whirlwind, your wedding night, and you are dizzy with pleasure. you have never been touched before, never known the heat of another body between your legs. it's heady; it leaves you drunk on it.
you are so dizzy with it that it takes a moment to realize that the man you are kissing is not your husband.
suguru kisses like a surgeon: careful, precise, and cutting. he takes you apart with his lips, opens you on his tongue, splits you like ripe, wet fruit beneath the knife. you whine into his mouth.
he pulls back with an exhaled breath; you follow him without thought, the tide to his moon. he laughs.
"eager," he says. you blink slowly, your mind honeyed, a sweet, languid drip.
"right here," comes your husband's voice. you glance over and find him seated on a chair beside the bed. his eyes gleam, a comet-kissed gaze, sparking blue.
"i don't—" you pause, gasping as suguru mouths at your jawline, licking a line down the column of your neck. you tremble. "is this—"
satoru laughs and dips down to kiss your question away. you close your eyes and push into it, craving the familiar taste of him.
"be good for suguru, like you'd be good for me."
"but it's—"
"our wedding night."
"yes," you say, voice breaking as suguru sinks his teeth into the join of your neck and shoulder. your fingers fly into his hair, as dark as a raven's wing, knotting the silken strands in your fist.
satoru groans low in his throat, leaning down to kiss you again. "pull," he whispers against your lips. "he likes it."
your head spins.
"but he's not—"
suguru hums, glancing up at you. "have you not thought about me?" he croons.
you have. both of them, really, in the deepest reaches of the night, when the moon is a lonely mirror hung high in the sky. imagined their mouth on yours, their hands tight around your waist.
but never together.
something buds in you, heated and wet like a summer's eve. it blooms, floral and sweet, settles between your ribs before spiraling lower. you take in a gasping breath.
satoru laughs. "i think that's a yes."
suguru presses a kiss to your nipple, his mouth hot and wet even through the cloth of your nightclothes. "let me show you what you've thought about," he says, his hand slipping up your thigh. "satoru doesn't mind."
you glance to your husband. he grins, wide and white, a lighthouse in the candle's dim.
"i don't," he says.
suguru cups you; you bite back the gasp. he leans up and kisses you again, that slow, careful surgery of a kiss. his tongue weaves with yours. you arch into him, head spinning again, drunk off the taste of him.
when he pulls your undergarments aside, you look again to satoru.
suguru pulls back from the kiss, nuzzles against your ear. he licks the shell of it, a slow, sticky lave of his pink tongue.
"if you'd like," he murmurs. "i can take him first. so you can see what it is like."
"take him?"
"fuck him."
you draw in a breath, stunned by his mouth. satoru laughs again and leans forward.
this time, he kisses suguru.
you watch, stunned, as they melt into each other. it's a dance of their own, something so known that it almost aches to bear witness to it. they kiss each other until they're panting.
satoru pulls back and noses against suguru's cheek.
"fuck her first," he says, glancing to where you're spread out on your marriage bed. "i want to see."
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vampireimiko · 10 months
HI HOW ARE YOU??! I saw that you were allowing requests so how about a fluffy scenario with Neuvillette and fem!reader if possible. I FINISHED BOTH QUEST AND HE SUCH A SWEETHEART💖💖💖💖 that’s all have a nice day/night
Ribbons and Bows
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warnings, none !! just spending time with neuvillette and doing his hair 🙈
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"Though I am not sure why you would want to do this, go ahead," Neuvillette says, his mesmerizing purple eyes with slit pupils fixed on you. With a hairbrush in your hand, your heart races in anticipation, excited and giggly at the prospect of styling his unique hair.
"Yes! Okay okay, come sit down right here for me," you say, leading him to a luxurious chair placed by the window. Sunlight filters through the delicate curtains, casting a gentle glow upon Neuvillette's long white hair, which shimmers like a cascade of moonlight. As he settles into the chair, his elegant demeanor exudes an air of mystery and allure.
You take a moment to appreciate his beauty before focusing on the task at hand. Running your fingers through his silken strands, you feel a slight shiver run down your spine as his hair tickles your skin. Neuvillette's presence is captivating, and you can't help but become completely engrossed in the moment.
"Have you ever done something like this before?" he asks, his voice soft and soothing, like a velvet whisper.
You shake your head, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "No, but I've always wanted to try. Your hair is so unique, and I think I have just the idea to make it even more stunning."
He chuckles, a sound that sends a delightful tingle through the air. "I trust your judgment. Surprise me."
With newfound determination, you begin your task. The hairbrush glides effortlessly through Neuvillette's hair, untangling any knots with a gentle touch. As you work, you can't help but notice how his features soften, his guard lowering with each stroke. It's as if this simple act has created an unspoken bond between you, a connection that transcends words.
During this process of you doing his hair, you and Neuvillette talk about many things. The latest gossip within your friend group, Neuvillette's patience with Furina running thin, and just about anything else really. You two even managed to sneak a few kisses and touches throughout the process.
Hours slip by unnoticed as you carefully weave in delicate blue and purple ribbons, accentuating the natural beauty of his hair. Neuvillette watches you with a mix of curiosity and amusement, his lips curving into a genuine smile that warms your heart.
"Done," you announce, stepping back to admire your handiwork. Neuvillette rises from the chair and gazes at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes widening in astonishment. The ribbons blend seamlessly with his hair, adding a touch of ethereal elegance that enhances his otherworldly charm.
"You look so pretty! Do you like it?" You questioned watching Neuvillette admire your work.
"You've turned me into a work of art," he remarks, his voice tinged with genuine gratitude.
"You were already a masterpiece," you reply softly, meeting his gaze in the mirror. In that moment, the world fades away, leaving only the two of you in a realm of shared intimacy.
As the sun sets outside the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Neuvillette turns to face you. Without a word, he reaches out and takes your hand, his touch sending a spark of electricity through your veins.
"Thank you," he whispers, his eyes locked onto yours, an unspoken promise of more shared moments to come.
"No, thank you baby! I never would've expected you to let me do this." You smiled and stood on your tippy toes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐭 😞 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐘 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫��𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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hisui-dreamer · 6 months
tell me you love me
Pairing: Jade Leech x f!reader
Synopsis: how could you even know if the person he fell in love with was real or not?
Tags: villainess au, angsty, hurt with comfort, still fluffy, semi identity crisis, jade leech is a supportive partner
Word count: 1k+
Notes: this is a side story for the Jade's Villainess fic! takes place around a month(?) after that ending hehe
i guess november depression got to me a bit hehe
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The moon delicately draped its silver glow over the balcony, a celestial shawl woven with threads of ethereal light. You stood within its radiant caress, the cool night air wrapping around you like a silken cloak, the chill permeating your senses a gentle, haunting melody.
It was another evening of familial gatherings, wearing plastered smiles and establishing business connections. It's surprising to think the person you were merely a year ago, was one who would have recoiled at the very notion of delving into the world of business. But now, you stood as one of the most accomplished businesswomen in the country, engaged to a rising merchant family with seemingly seemed boundless.
As you gazed into the night, a lingering question echoed in the recesses of your mind, praying to be answered. When had you changed so much? It was more than just seeing the villainess in your reflection, it was the way you spoke like her, thought like her. When did you become someone unrecognizable to even yourself? Was the current version still authentically you, or had the charade of playing the villainess gone on for so long that your true identity had become a distant memory?
The engagement had brought a semblance of stability to your tumultuous life. Yet, amidst the success, a newfound apprehension clung to the edges of your heart. Undoubtedly, your love for Jade was true, embracing his flaws and strengths alike, but could the same be said for him? Did Jade love the real you, whoever that may be now, or had he been captivated by the persona you meticulously crafted to survive?
The stillness of the night shattered with the familiar cadence of footsteps, announcing the arrival of your fiancé by your side.
"You've been outside for quite a while, my love. I'm concerned you might catch a cold in the chill of the night," he says, genuine worry etched across his face.
A rueful smile plays on your lips at his concern, trying to ignore the inkling that this concern wasn't meant for you.
"It's alright, Jade. I'm accustomed to the cold," you reply, weaving a white lie in hopes of alleviating his concerns enough to avoid a confrontation.
"Even so," he starts, removing his jacket to drape it over your shoulders. The lingering warmth sends a slight shiver down your spine. "I can't help but worry about your well-being, my dear." He studies your complexion, his brows are furrowed, and concern is etched in every line of his face.
"Is something troubling you, my love?"
You blink.
Of course, he noticed, of course, you couldn't hide your feelings from him. The man before you could read people like they were books, a master of perception and intelligence. Of course, he was the man who had your entire heart.
"It's nothi-"
"It's not nothing if it affects you so,"
Damn him for having such a way with his words.
You hesitate, averting your gaze to the side, unsure of how to voice the turmoil within.
"Jade... why do you love me?"
"I-I'm sorry?"
"What made you fall in love with me?"
The confusion in his gaze melts into a silent determination as he considers your question, his eyes searching yours for a moment before a tender smile graced his lips. Taking a step closer, his hand delicately cups your cheek, the warmth of his touch a comforting contrast to the cool night.
"I admit, was intrigued by your boldness in our first meeting, but it's more to it that captured my heart."
He brushes a strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering on your skin. "I fell in love with you, who always gives her best in every endeavour, no matter how challenging."
His lips brush against your forehead, a soft affirmation of his affection. "I fell for you, who worked tirelessly to become the person you are, always eager to learn more about the world."
A tender kiss graces your cheek as he continues, "I fell for you—who, despite appearing confident, is secretly nervous and jittery before every business deal, yet strives relentlessly to achieve the best possible outcome."
His words hang in the night air, and with each declaration, a gentle touch accompanied the sentiment, as if sealing the truth with an intimate promise. "And, above all, I fell for the person who chose me. You, my love, who could endure my twisted personality and embrace all that I am."
His lips meet yours in a lingering kiss. Each brush is soft and tentative, conveying an unspoken promise of support and understanding.
As he withdraws, gently resting his forehead against yours, you find yourself succumbing to tears within the comfort of his embrace. Overwhelmed, yet profoundly grateful, you cherish the presence of this steadfast companion by your side.
"Oh dear," he grins, a crooked smile adorning his face as he wipes your tears away. "Perhaps you don't appreciate my feelings?"
You punch him lightly in the chest for his teasing, a chuckle escaping your lips, "You're awful."
"Hmm," he hums, enfolding you in a tight embrace, his hands gently tracing soothing circles on your back. "Indeed, what an awful fiancé I am, to make my beloved so distressed. I do hope she finds it in her heart to forgive me, she holds my whole heart, no, my entire being, you see,"
With your tears still lingering, you murmur softly, "Of course I forgive you,"
The future remains uncertain, and you are still grappling with questions about who you've become. But in the moment, nestled in the warmth of his arms, one thing shines with clarity amidst the ambiguity.
You love Jade, and he reciprocates that love wholeheartedly. In tall your uncertainty, this unwavering emotion is an anchor that gives you strength, a truth that nothing could ever alter.
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