#Sirius and Peter's friendship is underrated
Peter was nothing compared to his friends. Sirius was handsome and charming. Just with a little smile of his, girls giggled and sighed. James was confident and funny. Everyone wanted to be his friend, everyone wanted to be around him. He was a winner. And Remus was smart, sarcastic and many girls considered him cute.
Peter didn't have a particular quality. He wasn't handsome, funny or smart. He was just average.
Susan had been the only girl that had fancied him. His first girlfriend. His first everything. And maybe she would be the only one. And now she was no longer with Peter. Peter felt like there was a hole in his heart. His body ached. He felt miserable. As if it was pouring raining inside him. With a black clowd above his head.
Peter refused to get out of bed that morning. All he wanted to do was cry until he could fall asleep again.
"Woormyyy..." Peter could sense James leaning towards him. Peter rolled his eyes "Waky Waky.... Rise and shine, sweetheart"
"Fuck off!!"
Peter covered himself with the sheets.
"Come on, boo..." James carried on "It's Saturday. We can do something fun, yeah?"
"I told you to fuck off, James!!" Peter's yell sounded muffled "I want to be alone"
There was a moment of silence. Peter hoped his friends would simply just leave. But he knew them well. They were stubborn.
And Peter was angry. It was their fault Peter broke up with Susan. She was making him chose between her and them. But now Peter didn't know why he chose them. The boys didn't really care about Peter. All they did was tease him. They messed up with him and only cared about their stuff. Peter wondered why he made that decision.
"Okay..." James sighed "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to play on my computer... You really like those video games.... But I guess you don't want to"
Peter didn't answer. He could feel tears on his eyes.
"Wormy, maybe eating will help" Remus suggested "You know Manolo gives us pancakes on the weekends"
"I'm not hungry" Peter groaned.
"You cannot stay in bed all day..." Remus added carefully.
"Oh yeah?" Peter asked "Watch me!"
Peter could feel a knot on his throat. He was so angry and sad that he was capable of killing anyone that bothered him.
He heard Sirius sighing.
"Come on, Wormy..." Sirius said "She was just a girl... You can have another one"
Peter's blood boiled. That freaking bastard. How could he say that? As if Susan was an ice-cream cone that had fell on the floor and could be replaced with a new one. Of course he didn't know anything.
Peter got out of the sheets furiously. Sirius was by his bed, smiling casually. Peter wanted to kill him.
"Just a girl?"
Remus and James looked between the Sirius and Peter, afraid of what might happen. Sirius shrugged.
"Yeah. Come on... I can help you get any girl you want"
Peter clenched his teeth.
"Tell me, Sirius" he said "Have you ever been in love?"
Sirius got nervous by that question. Peter saw how his eyes flickered towards Remus before answering.
"No" he shrugged "No, I haven't"
"Of course you haven't, you twat!" Peter got out of bed, facing and challenging Sirius "You are not capable of loving anyone but yourself!!"
"Lads..."James tried to intervene.
"Or maybe you don't even have a heart. You don't even have a brain! You are just a pretty face"
Sirius' mouth twisted and he snorted.
"I don't want to be in love or have a girlfriend if I am going to be bitter like you, Peter" he shook his head "You can't just tore yourself apart and give up on everything just for a stupid girl!"
"Don't say anything about Susan, you freaking wanker!!" Peter raised his voice and he scooped closer. Willing to hurt Sirius. But James put himself between them.
"You see?" Sirius smiled "She brainwashed you"
"Sirius..." Remus warned.
Peter made a fist, ready to punch Sirius.
"I care about you, Peter. You deserve better" Sirius continued.
"Sirius...". James sighed.
"I rather just fool around with plenty of girls than fall pathetically for someone that doesn't care about me. Or wants to separate me from my friends!"
"Shut up..." Peter whispered, clenching his teeth.
"The difference is that I have the guts to actually speak to girls..." Sirius smirked.
"Of course..." Peter rolled his eyes.
"It is not my fault they all are at my feet the minute I open my mouth..."
Peter couldn't take it anymore. He punched Sirius across his pretty fucking face. Hoping it would at least ruin his looks.
"Fuck! Peter!" James exclaimed while Remus was in shock.
Sirius touched his chin. It was bleeding. He bloody deserved it.
The first breakup was always the most hurtful, they said. But God, this felt worse. Peter felt like was dying.
Peter's friends were silent, not quite believing what Peter was saying.
"Peter..." James tried "That's not..."
"You know what, Sirius?" Peter spat, ignoring James "You might be a pretty face but you are shallow inside. Like a shinny wrapper without any content. You have nothing!! And girls might desire you or whatever but at the end of the day, nobody is going to fucking love you! Not for real! Not like Susan loved me!! Because you are so fucking scared of being yourself. You are just a pathetic little boy that pretends to be a freaking macho man. But you are nothing, Sirius!"
It seemed to be hurting Sirius what Peter was saying but he wasn't able to stop apparently.
"Peter..." James started carefully.
"No! Leave me alone, James!" Peter exclaimed "You don't care! You don't actually care about me!! All you care about is having your little group of followers praising you"
James raised an eyebrow.
"It is easy for you. Everything is easy for you!" Peter continued "It is easy to have any girl you freaking want. Lily doesn't want you, you can have another one. But not for me! I am not as handsome, funny, or interesting as you all! Nobody cares about dumb Peter, do they?"
"Peter, please...." Remus sighed.
"No!" Peter walked to the door "Maybe I shouldn't have chosen you..." then he groaned "JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!"
Peter got out of the room and slammed the door so hard the three boys inside jumped. Then it was pure silence.
Then Sirius hissed and moaned.
"He freaking punched me"
"Well, you bloody deserved it, Sirius" Remus tutted.
"You should probably apologize, Sirius" James crossed his arms, like a scolding father "Maybe we should all apologize...That was not cool"
"He was hurting" Remus added "Susan might've been a bitch to us but Peter really cared for her"
"Yeah..." James shrugged "Sirius, you are talking to him..."
"You're freaking talking to him!"
Sirius sighed. But he agreed.
"OK" he said. Then he moaned about his chin again.
Sirius was a coward. Sometimes he scared himself because he might have been turning into his father. A proud macho alpha that uses girls as objects. Someone who is too cool to have feelings. Someone so filled of himself that doesn't have space for others. Sirius had been trying not to be like his family. But maybe he was more like them that he thought. And he hated that.
Sirius wasn't good with words or anything. He sucked at apologizing. But he had to say sorry now. Sometimes Sirius thought that if it would be up to them, Sirius and Peter would never be friends. They were so different from one another. But now that they were, Sirius cared for him. But the problem was that it was easy to be with James. It was easier to be with Remus. And it was hard to be with Peter. Sirius didn't know what to say or how to start.
"There you are..." Sirius said with a trembling voice.
Peter was by the lake. Under the tree they used to hang out. Reading one of his comics or whatever. And he rolled his eyes when he realized Sirius was approaching.
Sirius took a seat next to him anyway, and he began tearing grass. Just to have something to do. Peter was ignoring him.
Sirius opened his mouth but then he chickened out. He was a bloody coward.
"I am sorry, Wormy" he said quickly "You're not longer angry, right?"
Peter was still ignoring him. He snorted angrily.
Sirius closed his eyes and sighed. What would James do in this situation? What would he say?
"I am sorry... I don't..." Sirius started "You were right... I... I've never been in love. And I don't know how a real relationship looks like... So I don't know"
Sirius had always preferred his friends before any girl. He didn't want a girlfriend because he was a free spirit. And no one could tame him. But lately he had been scared of how Remus made him feel. But that was another issue.
And Peter continued without speaking.
"Maybe you are right... Maybe nobody is going to love me"
Peter groaned as he put his book down.
"Says the king of Hogwarts... Everyone wants you"
"Only because of my face... And the fact I am rich and a Black..." Sirius answered "I am pretty sure that if people knew me, the real me, nobody would want me"
Sirius remembered his mother's words: OH please, who would love you, Sirius. With an impossible temper and your tantrums... Nobody will stand you.
"That's not true..." Peter sighed.
"I rather be more like you..."
Peter raised an eyebrow "Like me?"
"Yeah" Sirius nodded "You're genuine and you are naturally funny and you have a cool sexy mum..."
Peter hit his arm "Watch your mouth, Black. That's my mum you're talking about!"
Sirius giggled "Well, I am not blind. She is hot"
Peter hit him again and Sirius whined in pain.
"Okay!" Sirius smiled "My point is that any girl would want you, Peter... You just have to find the right one. And Susan wasn't..."
Peter's eyes filled with tears again.
"Do you think someone that tries to get you away from your friends is someone good? She just wanted you to herself and that's not fair. You are crucial part of the Marauders and our operations"
Peter shrugged, looking down and playing with the grass as well.
"You are right. That's why I broke up with her"
Sirius gave him a pat in the shoulder.
"Sorry about that. You deserve someone better"
Peter's smile twisted into a smile.
"So do you... I am sorry I said all those things about being you shallow and shit..."
Sirius nodded. But Peter had been right. So right.
"And sorry for punching you... Although I really wanted to do that. It felt so good..."
"Thank you, Boo" Sirius said sarcastically.
"You're welcome"
Peter smiled which made Sirius smile because everything was okay between them. They even giggled.
"So what does it feel like?" Sirius asked, feeling his cheeks on fire.
"What? To punch you?"
Sirius laughed.
"Pretty great actually"
"No..." Sirius giggled "To be in love"
It was an embarrassing question. These matters of the heart weren't Sirius' forte. What if his mother was right and nobody could love him or what if he cared about someone and they left him? Why was Remus running through his mind now? He quickly shook that thought away.
"Oh!" Peter shrugged "I actually don't know..."
"Weren't you in love with Susan?"
Peter shook his head "I don't think so... I mean I was but not for real, you know? I don't think she was the love of my life... "
Sirius nodded. "All these trouble for someone you didn't even love?"
"Shut up, wanker!"
Sirius laughed.
"It still hurts though"
Sirius ruffled Peter's hair.
"I know... You will be alright" Sirius smiled "You got us"
Peter nodded "And a possible sexy girl you are going to get me?"
Sirius giggled "We'll see, Wormy boo. We'll see"
"Pinky promise?"
And their pinkies intertwined fixing the friendship again.
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elysianymph · 1 year
sirius and mary being close friends in their early years at hogwarts and mistaking that closeness and comfort as romantic feelings so they start dating and they're both happy bc it just means they have more excuses to spend time together. they tried to kiss but it just doesn't feel right so they conclude that they need more time together bc they're just too young for something like that, but neither of them ever initiates romantic contact like that again. so they just date for like a whole year without realizing that this is not how actual relationships work. when they finally come to the conclusion that they are not made for each other romantically, they continue dating just to feel safe but spend all their time alone talking about their crushes.
meanwhile the people who have actual crushes on them are devastated thinking they've lost all their chances.
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arggghhhsstuff · 1 year
headcanon that peter used to bite his nails, so much he couldn't open fruits like tangerines anymore and was very insecure about it. headcanon that james saw it, but didn't say anything. instead, he would eat tangerines more often than usual and hand it one open to peter.
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siriuslygay1981 · 11 months
Part 8 of Conversations I've had that r so marauders coded
Peter: You're a twink
Sirius: 🧍🏻Now why would you say that
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marvelomadness06 · 1 year
Headcannon that Peter and Remus were as close James and Sirius were
Headcannon that Peter took the blame for the prank because he knew that it would break Remus if he were ever to know the truth
Headcannon that James had no idea, as Peter had found Sirius first after the incident
Headcannon that Peter was completely outlawed by everyone but Sirius, and even he could barely get away with talking to him without raising suspicion
Headcannon that he was eventually forgiven but never quite treated and trusted as one of the group ever again
Headcannon that Peter grew resentful and bitter over the course of time, which led to his eventual betrayal of James and Lily
Headcannon that when Sirius was dragged away to Azkaban by the aurors, he was no longer laughing manically, but sobbing hysterically
‘I’m sorry Pete, it should’ve been me, I’m so sorry’
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james-sunshine-potter · 11 months
mary regrets not talking to james more, which she doesn't get.
they were never that close. they talked, they got along. they always got partnered in charms, always sat next to each other for seven years. she was always in the same friendship group him, mainly due to marlene. but then he started dating lily, and she just had to spend more time with him.
even before the war, mary never sought out james for one on one conversations. she never had the urge too. she never really considered him her friend, in her head he was always 'marlene's best mate' or 'lily's boyfriend'. never her friend.
it's not like she had any explicit problems with james, she did like him. much more in the later years than the earlier ones, but still. she always liked james. he stood up for the underdogs and fought the bigots the teachers never dealt with. she could, and always respected that. despite the childish pranks and larger than life attitudes, she never had a problem with james.
they were nothing but friendly.
she wasn't surprised when he joined the war. she wasn't surprised with how quickly he signed up, it was in his nature to protect the unprotected. she was surprised when he didn't have a problem when she didn't. in his words, 'just because i'm doing it, doesn't mean you have too... i understand the risks, and so do you,'.
he was one of the only people she ended on good terms when she parted with the wizarding world, looking for solace elsewhere away from the war. he sent a couple of letters, keeping her in the loop, some letters having small notes from other member of the order. telling about heists, missions, loss'. she found out through him about marlene... about dorcas. about harry and the wedding.
she grew to appreciate the letters, no matter how bad the news he was telling. despite the way things ended with the girls, she still worried about them. they haunt her nightmares and stalked her days. if the only way she was going to find out news about them was through the messager owl which was james potter, then hell she was going to write back.
she remembers his last letter. it was short and chilling. it wasn't a long one, it was quick, short. concise. it struck her so much, she remembers it word for word...
mary, september 2nd 1981
this will be my last letter. a lot has happened since i wrote in july. there's a prophecy, i still don't understand, i don't think lily does either. all i know is that it's about harry.
we have to go into hiding, no letters, no outside communication despite a few, no leaving. no nothing. all dumbledore's idea. if it keeps harry and lily safe, i'll do it.
i don't know if i'll send another letter.
stay safe, james.
he was right. he never did send another letter again.
she wasn't that worried in september, dumbledore was always known to be slightly paranoid. also any sort of 'prophecy' seemed like plain bullshit to her. obviously if both james and lily were taking it seriously, then maybe she should have been more worried sooner. there was no talk in the daily prophet about any drastic changes in the war, and there hadn't been any notable deaths.
by the beginning of october was when things changed for the worst for mary. there was huge talk in the daily prophet that the death eater's 'new focus' was on finding the 'hidden wizards'... which made mary weak in the knees, as she knew who those hidden wizards are. knowing that the split blood of james potter and lily evans had now become the no.1 task of the death eaters made her realise maybe dumbledore wasn't being paranoid. maybe he was right to lock them away, maybe he did a good enough job at hiding them.
maybe she was right in never joining the war. maybe marlene was right, maybe she did take the cowards way out.
it was weeks and weeks of new attacks and new attempts and no contact and sleepless nights and drunk days before halloween rolled around. the fateful halloween which followed with news of celebration that the war was finally over.
the war which ended with the brutal murder of james potter and lily evans.
mary wasn't surprised. she wished she was. she had finally talked to remus, after three years of nothing. she wished she was surprised that james died first, died willing to die if that meant lily and harry had a couple extra seconds to escape. but she wasn't. that's probably the most james potter thing she's ever heard. he would give up the last bit of oxygen he had if it meant someone else could breathe. she wasn't surprised that lily died too stubborn to move out of the way of her only child.
after halloween, it was pure and utter silence. peter was dead, sirius was locked up in azkaban and remus wasn't answering the phone.
and for days she read james' letters. she didn't know why, she just did. even in the darkest letters, in the darkest of times, he still managed to write with some form of optimism, even when it seemed impossible. all expect the last, when he basically wrote 'i don't think i'm going to survive'. the idea that james potter lost hope on his own life made her regret a lot.
who was she to decide she had no place in this war whilst james potter had basically given up by the end?
it made her wonder what james would say, it made her want to know what james thought, how he felt about it. and it was then when it dawned on her. she has no idea. someone she has known and spent seven years of her life with, someone whose always had some form of close connection to her... and she has no idea what he'd say about.
because she never bothered to learn. seven years, and she never bothered to have at least one personal conversation with him. she never thought to do it before, he always seemed a bit air headed to her. someone who couldn't be serious. the only times where she saw him be serious was playing quidditch and during a particularly hard time for him and his little group in fifth year.
it didn't take her long to be riddled with guilt about the time she wasted she now wanted. she wishes now she spent more time getting to know him, who he was really, not just the person he showed on the outside. knowing his fears, his wishes, his dreams, his quirks.
there are so much about james she only know is realising she doesn't know. his middle name, his birthday (she feels like it's april but she honestly couldn't tell you), his parents names, where he was born, his interests besides the obvious. it was almost embarrassing how little she knew about james. espically when she knows how much lily loved him. how much lily raved about him throughout seventh year.
her best friend loved him, and she never even tried to get to know him.
and now she'll never get the chance.
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saintchaser · 2 years
SUNDAY SNIPPET | thank you @cornishpixiez (although it's monday 😭)
"Good morning, gentlemen!" Sirius exclaimed loudly, closing the door behind him, his hair tousled and his lips slightly swollen.
“Where’ve you been?” James asked groggily, getting up slightly and raising his head to look at Sirius. “That Charms study session that Moony has way too early for his own good?”
Sirius nodded, flopping himself in bed next to James and rubbing his scalp in soothing circles. “Since when are you so interested in where I’m going, Prongs, my dearest?
“You’re the best at Charms in our whole year, Pads. There’s no way you’re actually going to learn something. You never even study! And, besides, you smell like those awful cigarettes that you smoke.” James groaned, pinching his nose dramatically.
“Oh, fuck off, I smoked one yesterday!”
“As if you ever smoke just one,” James cackled, and Sirius grabbed his friend’s pillow and hit him square in the face. “Hey! Is this because you know I’m right?”
“What the fuck are you talking about!?” Peter moaned, covering his head with the duvet. “It’s like seven o’clock in the bloody morning, no one should have the right to be this loud at this devil hour.”
“Okay!” Sirius exclaimed, clasping his hands together. “Now that Sir Sleepyhead’s up as well, we shall talk about Halloween costumes. I was thinking maybe singers? Peter, you can be Janis Joplin.”
“Why Janis Joplin?” Peter moaned, getting up from bed and rubbing his eyes. “My mum’s obsessed with her big time, she was her biggest fan in the whole world, went to Woodstock and everything, the last thing I need is you sending her a picture of me with long hair and dressed as a hippie.”
“Oh, come on, she’ll love it!” James wheezed, clutching his stomach as he erupted into fits of laughter. “I bet!”
Peter grumbled something that seemed to be some profanities, but then slipped into James’ bed. “Fine then, Macho Man. What are you going as? Padfoot, if you’re not making him dress up as Jim Morrison, I swear I’m not coming to the party.”
“Either Freddie Mercury or Jimi Hendrix, I know he likes the latter more than the first one, but still, maybe he wants to be Sexy Mercury.”
James’ eyes lit up and he pumped up his fist victoriously; Peter slapped Sirius’ back playfully, then let his head hit the bedpost.
“Oh, so I’m the one you’re taking the piss out of!? Why can’t I be Roger Taylor and we can just go as Queen? Do I have to be the one who’s dressed up like Janis Joplin? Why don’t you go as her, Sirius?” Peter sighed dramatically.
“Because I’m not a blonde,” Sirius grinned, leaning forward. “I think I’ll go as Mick Jagger, and Moony’s said he’ll be David Bowie. So we’re both sexy musicians, and Prongs will be The Jimi Hendrix.”
“Didn’t they say that Bowie and Jagger hooked up?” James asked, his brows furrowed. Sirius looked up to him, fiddling with his black lighter, and just winked; his friend stuck his tongue out.
“Why am I a dead woman!?”
“‘Cause you’ll be dead if you keep asking so many questions,” Sirius blew Peter a raspberry, fishing for a cigarette from his jeans’ pocket.
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underrated marauders friendships
ok, yes James and Sirius. Yes Remus and Lilly, yes Regulus and Barty.
but can we stop for a minute and consider Remus and James, Sirius and Lilly, Sirius and Mary, Peter and Remus, and, my personal contraversial one... Remus and Regulus
I just think we all need me RegRem content.
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twink-remus-lupin · 6 days
my unpopular marauders opinions
- remus is trans coded
- sirius and james were the tallest
- jegulus is a bad ship
- regulus is aroace
- snape was awful
- james was better for lily
- atyd remus is too mean to be canon (i like him he’s just not canon remus)
- peter was a good friend until the betrayal
- remus & james have an underrated friendship
- jily is one of the best maruaders era ships
- the slytherin skittles were terrible people and we’re acting like they’re all gay icons with tons of piercings who like wearing crop tops and blah blah
- ^ like no they were racists??
- i still don’t like jegulus if you’re looking for a good mlm ship WOLFSTAR IS RIGHT THERE
- rosekiller is a good ship i just don’t like how they’re characterized in fanon
- sirius wasn’t feminine
- remus is gay and sirius is queer
- sirius was a ladies man before he and remus got together
- marlene is a lesbian
- dorcas is also a lesbian
- marylily isn’t a good ship
- james is straight
- james was more sirius’s brother than regulus ever was
- sirius wasn’t a monster for leaving regulus he was just a kid
- hope lupin was an amazing mother
- remus wasn’t angry after the prank, just heartbroken. it was james and peter that were angry
- remus, peter and james were super close, especially post-prank
- snily is literally the worst goddamn ship ever
- wolfstar is oversexualized in the fandom
- remus had daddy issues
- james was desi
- the marauders weren’t that popular they were just nerds
- james has adhd
- remus is made way too mean/possessive/overly masc in 90% of fanon
- people make sirius gender-fluid just because he has long hair
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annabtg · 5 months
I have to ask why is the marauders fandom so obsessed with Sirius and his looks? You guys act like he’s this Casanova but there’s no proof of it. Yes, he’s mentioned to be good looking but I’ve met my fair share of pretty boys who turn me off as soon as they open their mouths. Everything around Sirius is always made so sexual… it’s either Wolfstar or Jilypad. It’s like you guys can’t get over this looks and dig deeper into his personality, family history, and his life story. There’s so much material and stories that could be told but everyone focuses on his looks and it’s so condescending. If you guys do tell his story it’s like 20% his story 80% of everyone trying to shag him. I can’t find one story that actually does a great job of telling the brotherhood between the marauders, without turning it into some story of how everyone is obsessed with Sirius’ looks. James and Sirius were brothers in every way but in blood. We don’t know much about Lily and Sirius but with the letter sent she obviously cared enough to reach out to him because James missed his best friend and was having a hard time at the cottage. Remus and Sirius relationship is tragic and isn’t talked about enough. The guy was willing to become an animagus to help him but didn’t trust him enough to think I he was working against the order? Then there’s Peter who is by far the most underrated marauder and fooled them all, and got Sirius sentenced to Azkaban for 12 years. There’s so much more to Sirius then his looks and making up sexual relationships with the marauders. I used to love marauder fandom but the new writers have ruined everything and turned it into stories of everyone wanting to shag Sirius. There’s no plot, no story line, only the whole wizarding world fawning over how gorgeous Sirius is.
My poor dear anon,
What shallow, misguided corners of the fandom have you found yourself into?
I don't know if you found me through my writing or my latest shitpost. Probably the latter, because if you'd spent any time around here, you'd know that Sirius, for me, is so much more than someone to fawn over and shag - he's one of the most intelligent, most loyal, most characters and I'm fascinated by so many more of his facets than his indubitable handsomeness. (I do love to thirst over good artwork of him, but that's not exclusive to him.) I don't really have much tolerance for people who view Sirius as the person you describe and I don't engage with them.
But let's take a look at some definitions before we proceed.
1. The Marauders fandom. These days this is a term that hardly means anything, as it's been liberally adopted by anyone who focuses on any HP character who was alive sometime before Halloween 1981. Wolfstar shippers and Jilypad shippers, for instance, are two different groups with very little overlap, in my experience.
2. Sexualization. Sexualization means to reduce someone to their physical attractiveness and sexual potential and ignore their other qualities and characteristics. It does not mean being in a romantic relationship and/or having sex.
So, anon, I believe one of two things is what's at play here:
Possibility #1: You found yourself in some corner of the fandom that does sexualize Sirius. I don't know where that might be - I think even Wolfstar doesn't do that (it seems to me that they have the opposite problem these days, sexualizing Remus instead!). My main ship is Jily, though, and I find that overall people here have great appreciation for Sirius.
Come to the dark side. We have cookies biscuits, we appreciate Sirius as a friend to James and Lily (oh look, a whole fic fest dedicated to Sirius's friendship with Lily!), and while himbo Casanova Sirius used to be a popular trope in the mid-00s, I haven't seen it in fic since I got back into fandom two years ago.
(Disclaimer: There are always going to be thirsty fics. Prongsfoot, Lilypad and Jilypad, which I delve into, are not devoid of that either. And sometimes you just acknowledge that Sirius is one of the hottest characters in HP and just want to see him in action. Those fics are E-rated and usually pretty easy to avoid, and do not, in my experience, constitute the norm of how Sirius is treated within these fandoms.)
Possibility #2: You just don't like shippy fic at all; you want to read gen instead. That's completely valid, and I understand that completely non-shippy fic is hard to find. Especially with Jily being canon, so if you have to explore Sirius in a canon context there's probably going to at least be a side of Jily - that people always tag, because ships make or break fics for lots of readers, and it's recommended to tag for even minor presence or mention of a ship.
It does seem to me that the Marauders fandom now is more ship-focused than it used to be, I agree with you. I feel like gen fic back then was easier to find. I'd attribute that to a lot of us being older now and more interested in more "adult" situations, where some sort of romance is usually present, compared to the mostly teenaged fandom of 20 years ago that was more concerned with friendship and teenage shenanigans. But there are still people interested in Sirius and his non-romantic relationships with others - like those of us who wrote for Blackevans BFF fest (linked previously) and the people writing for @goodgodfathersiriusblack.
Bottomline: Do you want good quality Sirius content, or do you want Sirius content exactly how you want it? I can help with the first - stick around for posts, fics and recs. For the second, you'll have to be the change you want to see in the world.
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broomsticks · 1 year
HP fic rec list: underrated gems of 2022
AO3 collection here. mostly ultra rare pairs, gen fic, character studies, and G/T rated fic. all are short <10k-ish reads (plenty of <1k ficlets) - do give them a read if any look interesting!
transports of delight by @swoontodeath (1.7k, G). The Knight Bus meets the Catbus. Sometimes destiny looks a lot like driving in the same direction.
pairing: Knight Bus (Harry Potter)/Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro). come for the crack ship, stay for the autistic stan shunpike. i’m a sucker for outsider POV and this is why — such great opportunity for some unique characterization, which this author took full advantage of here!
Life of Pye by @houseofhebrideanblacks (9k, E). Augustus Pye sees patients at St. Mungo's.
SUCH a creative unique fic - love it when authors take their deep IRL expertise and weave it into the canon HP verse. as the author put it, for anyone curious about what a nonmagical doctor sounds like writing about what they imagine magical medicine is like, day in and day out.
“It’s Puddlemere versus the Cannons tonight. The cup final.” Pye stopped mid-stride and mid-thought, shoulders seeming to weep under the weight of realisation. “Oh no,” he almost whispered. “Oh yes,” Marge glowered, “and you’re alone tonight, Rupert is off sick.” “Good heavens,” Pye whimpered, his coffee seeming to shrink in his hand, both in potency and relevance. In the waiting room behind him, three blokes hurricaned in chanting “CANNONS, CANNONS, CANNONS,” their unconscious friend slumped and dragged between them. “You know how it is, Pye,” Marge turned and shuffled back to validate the young witch’s national insurance card. Speaking over her shoulder, she finished, “never a dull moment at Mungo’s.”
Strangers In A Strange Land by @sleepstxtic (7.5k words, T). Helga, Salazar, and Godric dock in a strange land looking for the elusive fourth member of their team.
helga/rowena, founders friendship with POC Rowena Ravenclaw and Viking Helga Hufflepuff. CANON NODS and POC REP and FEMSLASH and a wonderful fascinating setting — ticks every single one of my AU boxes. another incredibly inventive and criminally underrated story.
A Different Truth by @paulamcg (2.8k, G). A week before Halloween 1993, when a colleague appreciates his company, Cuthbert may feel alive, even though he's dead and it's Saturday.
ok this is the last time i will say criminally underrated. canon-compliant POA first person cuthbert binns & remus lupin. this could’ve been slash and i would’ve been sold on it. i love their friendship, bonding over literature (of course) and a walk in the woods (so unexpected, but works so well.)
Meagre Pieces by @vdoshu (1k words, T). The Muggle-born Registration Commission is announced, and Andromeda feels sick.
The fact that the first Muggle-born Minister for Magic was a great victory for equality . . . one which was never again repeated.
@thistlecatfics’s trans teddy tonks x andromeda is taking over the world and i’m here for it. the political commentary in this. doshu you absolute wizard — you’ve got such range and you nail it every. single. time.
O let the world come at you, love (currently anonymous) (5k, T). Twelve-year-old Harry tries to figure out his parents' polyamorous relationship with Peter Pettigrew.
the first fic for the peter/lily/james tag on AO3, gifted to me for this year’s rare pairs exchange, and it’s all the wholesome fluff i i could’ve wanted from this ship and more!!! so much poly rep!! background wolfstar+tonks (ish), dorlene+implied others, and just the perfect epilogue 🥰
"Does it bother you that your parents are with Pete?" Sirius asked. "No! I know they're polymers."
Nirmal by @crazybutgood (2.8k, G).
postwar cho/padma. i ADORE this fic. there are literally LINKS to all the places and foods and songs mentioned, it’s an ENTIRE immersive multimedia experience in 3k words - a beautiful and horrendously underappreciated fic, imo.
hawa paani ka badlaav hona chahiye—A change in atmosphere is often needed to improve one's health or state of mind. Literally, a change in the winds, and the water. Parvati quoted that saying to us one evening last month, suggesting that it would be good for Cho and me. My parents knew that I had been with Cho for just over a year then, and welcomed her to stay with us after the Battle … Cho actually looked interested at the idea and suggested our home countries for a month each. And so, we’re currently visiting Mumbai first, staying in a Muggle area at my Muggle maushi’s place, in July—during the monsoon season.
a heart the size of jupiter (a smile like the sun) by gghostish (300 words, G, no archive warnings).
linny, epileptic luna lovegood. such a lovely achy hurty little thing ❤️
métamorphoses by @venom0usbarbie (5k, M). The blood curse took her grandmother. And now, she has to pay the piper if she doesn't want it to take her too.
astoria greengrass-centric, astoria & hermione (gen/possible pre-relationship). this fic wow. where do i begin!! the descriptive writing. the angsty family feels. the way barbie writes the blurring of thoughts and feelings and emotions into physical sensations is harrowingly good. check out everything else by her if you liked this, her style is inimitable.
wood-rush and wildflowers by @nanneramma (500 words, G). Lily has a secret, and it's time to tell Petunia.
wonderful little canon compliant alternate character POV vignette, gorgeous writing. also reccing this horrorific pansy/tom (ad te omnis caro veniet, 1.3k, M), this gorgeously sad canon-compliant alice & neville (gaps, 300, G), and every single one of nan’s summer femslash double drabbles!
covered in your ivy by @girl-with-goats (1.5k, M).
smutty BDSM remus/lily with planty metaphors that just work so well for this pairing!
I Always Underestimate You by @patriceavril (10k, M).
sirius & lily friendship! multi-era, canon compliant, sirius/mary and jily. i love the way patrice characterizes this friendship -- it’s not always easy, and that’s why it feels so earned!
Madam Smith by @lumosatnight (200 words, G). HOKEY/WINKY! SO charming and sweet and lovely and fluffy.
A Bleak Midwinter by @bluesundaycake (500, T). A Fenrir Greyback character study. feel sorry for baby fenrir thank you bye <3
Pray by @krethes (300, T). A Hope Lupin character study. yes hello hi read and CRY WITH ME
The Prince's Poems by @inmyownlittlecorner5. seven poems, misc formats. this author writes the most enthralling snape, and making it poetry is just !!! unfair. such powerful writing in so few words.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
Remus and James's friendship as well as Remus and Peter's friendship are underrated. I feel that fics mostly surround Remus's interactions with Sirius to build on Wolfstar. Or there are few scenes of the four of them where usually Peter doesn't even interact.
But I would like to read scenes of Remus and James or Remus and Peter interacting alone and bonding.
Like Remus fell in love with Sirius. But he loved his other friends too and they were very important to him.
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r3dhdo3 · 2 years
sirius and peters friendship literally means the world to me i feel they’re so underrated
like everyone says that james and sirius are brothers which is true but i feel like peter and sirius are like proper siblings. they would tease each other to no end. pull small annoying pranks on one another. hide their stuff etc.
but as soon as someone else even looks at them the wrong way the other is ready to throw a fight like “i’m the only one who’s allowed to do/say that to him!”
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itsjaywalkers · 6 months
Remus and James friendship! Their friendship is underrated
i agree nonnie!! i think a lot of the friendships and dynamics within the marauders group are heavily underrated and should be explored a lot more!!! remus and james is definitely one of them, but also remus and peter, james and peter, sirius and peter. i think ppl tend to focus a lot on james and sirius (which . fair bc their dynamic is incredibly compelling and all of us love their codependent friendship) when there are a lot more of very interesting combinations going on there!!
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enbysiriusblack · 3 years
Sirius: you've found my flabbergasted button, and guess what? You've pressed it.
James: ...
Remus: ...
Peter: ...
Lily: I'm flabbergasted as hell, too.
Sirius and Lily: *highfive*
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saintchaser · 3 years
If you would like
Remus and James Brotp?
i’ve waited for this for so long
hyping each other up all the time
although remus is not a quiddich freak (take example james!) he goes to the pitch and cheers on him all the time
james sometimes does remus’ essays if he doesn’t feel good (mentally or because of the moon). he gets caught almost every time but it’s worth it
do their homework together
weirdos 💖
hold hands sometimes
when james is too caught in stuff (cough cough quiddich cough) he forgets to study and exams come and “oh shit i forgot to study”. remus takes advantage in this and that means? study dates!
since james is one of the kindest persons towards him he has the feeling he has to protect him
and blamed himself for james’ death because he couldn’t protect him
so talk shit about james and say good bye to your life
vice versa too
james does everything with so much enthusiasm and it always brings poor re a smile to his face
you know for sure remus has that type of period in which he still wonders why sirius is with him and “look at him james, and then look at me”
james is not taking this crap
“moony you bastard, you are amazing, smart and even despite everything you went through you’re so kind and that means a hell of a lot“
both are huge simps
remus wanted to get a tattoo for sirius and james came up with the idea (don’t ask me what is it because i didn’t settle on anything)
despite not being a romantic in his own relationship, like sirius, remus gives james advice for his own relationship
and so does james, because sirius is james’ brother and shipping prongsfoot is basically incest but let’s not get into depth and he knows what sirius likes
both are clothes thieves and steal from each other because their clothes pretty much suit each other mostly remus’ suit james
james was so excited to become an animagus
they made the research of the spells for the marauders’ map (sirius did the graphic and peter brought snacks, which is very important mind you)
sometimes they just leave for like,,, two hours,,, and don’t let anyone come with them and no one knows where they’re going (p.s- you’re not gonna know either 👀)
james brings tiny bits of confidence from remus and remus brings back james down on heart when he soars too high
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